Homemade vacuum cleaner for sawdust. How to make a cyclone filter for a vacuum cleaner with your own hands

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Owners of small workshops and just home craftsmen often have to deal with the problem of air purification after intensive work on wood processing and sanding. metal surfaces etc. Conventional room ventilation will not help here; you will need to install specialized equipment. With known skills, you can do it yourself.

Purpose and characteristics of cyclones

A cyclone is a specialized air purification unit (although similar units are also used as chip ejectors, sawdust and other means for removing waste).

As air purifiers, industrial cyclone designs must provide suction and dust removal with an efficiency of at least 85...90%, when removing dust fragments with sizes of at least 10...12 microns. They are equipped various designs filters. The most effective are electrostatic precipitators, which simultaneously remove static electricity charges from dust particles.

The principle of operation of the cyclone is as follows. Into the snail-shaped entrance space of the cyclone with high speed(up to 20 m/s) air enters, for which fans are usually used. The air containing dust particles is swirled and then enters the conical cavity of the device. Features of the geometric structure of the cyclone cause a gradual increase in the speed of the air flow containing dust and other waste. During this process, heavier dust particles self-separation from lighter ones. The former settle to the bottom, and the latter, moving in a cone-shaped space, end up in the dust collector, from where they can be easily removed using a bucket or sealed container. The purified air is released into the atmosphere through the pipe.

The number of cyclones, depending on the requirements for the quality of dust removal, can be made different: there are groups of three, four and even eight single cyclones.

Operational requirements for cyclones include the following parameters:

  1. permissible dispersion of particles that enter the cyclone, microns.
  2. efficiency of the process, which is expressed in the maximum weight concentration particles after dust removal, in g/mm 3 ;
  3. cyclone productivity, m 3 /h;
  4. limit temperature of air or gas entering the cyclone socket (more typical for gas cleaning systems than dust removal systems) - usually up to 400...600 °C;
  5. internal diameter of the cyclone, mm.

Except purely design requirements, there are also conditions quality installation air purification devices. For example, if the gaps in the air duct connections are exceeded, air leaks often occur, during which the performance of dust separation from air sharply decreases. The permissible suction value should not be more than 6...8%.

Cyclones not only remove dust from the ambient air, but can also supply clean air into the room.

Construction of a household cyclone

There are no universal cyclones for performing various cleaning operations. For example, the chip ejector must have increased strength of the pipe walls, which will prevent premature wear. Regarding a cyclone designed to collect and remove sawdust, it is important to ensure minimal losses in the suction air ducts. Providing a cyclone for the purpose of cleaning the air from cement dust arising in construction work Oh, Special attention pay attention to filter design.

IN living conditions The most universal are cyclones that clean the air from coarse dust. By changing the design of the filters, such devices can be made for dust removal purposes, as a chip suction unit, or for cleaning the air from sawdust in a woodworking workshop (for example, at an operating sawmill).

The components of such a unit are:

  • body - includes conical and cylindrical parts, and the shape of the conical part has a predominant influence on the quality of the process;
  • pipe - one or more, where the original polluted air enters;
  • an exhaust pipe designed to remove dust-free air;
  • inlet filter (or their system) as a chip suction device;
  • receiving bucket;
  • drive motor;
  • fan.

All of the listed parts/assemblies can be purchased or made by yourself.

Motor selection

Since a homemade cyclone is installed in a workshop, the main parameter of the engine is its power and the number of rotor revolutions. If there is a fan, motor power special significance does not, since dust particles still end up in a working machine, sawmill, etc. will not hit. However, the power and diameter of the cyclone scroll must be interconnected. With a snail wheel diameter of up to 300...350 mm, a high-speed (required!) engine of up to 1.5 kW is quite suitable. With smaller diameters, the power may be lower, but the cleaning performance will also decrease. Therefore, if there is a metalworking machine in the workshop, they accept a motor from 1 kW.

The power of the electric motor increases significantly if you plan to build it yourself homemade device outside the premises. Free space will increase, but the cleaning efficiency will decrease, mainly due to losses in the air ducts. It is also worth noting that during the cold season, such a homemade cyclone will effectively “pull” heat from the workshop.

A good option is to purchase an electric motor complete with a receiving volute, the number of which determines the consumer capabilities of a homemade air purification system. The most common for household use The parameters of the snails and the electric motors recommended for them are given in the table:

The systems are supplied with rubber vibration isolators. They are capable of creating operating pressures of 0.8 kPa and above.

When choosing (or making with your own hands) a snail, preference should be given to a radial air intake pattern rather than a tangential one.

In the latter case for homemade snail unproductive losses increase, and the inertia of the particle selection method for the option with a chip suction device will be very low.

When choosing an engine, it is necessary to take into account that the speed of air movement in the device cannot be less than 2.5...3 m/s. If cleaning is unsatisfactory, the elements homemade cyclone like the chip ejector (filter, bucket) they quickly become clogged with shavings, sawdust and other small waste.

Manufacturing of cyclone elements

On specialized Internet forums you can find drawings of all components of the unit, which are available for making them yourself. Using improvised means, a household (or better yet, an industrial) vacuum cleaner is often remade. Additionally required:

  • a set of hoses made of translucent corrugated material (this will facilitate visual control of dust particles settled inside). For chip extraction, rubber hoses are more practical;
  • a soundproofing box that will perform two functions - it will reduce the noise level in the workshop, and additional protection protect all machines and power tools located there from static electricity periodically accumulated by dust. For this purpose, you can make the box yourself from plywood, and decorate the inside with any type of sound insulator;
  • air ducts for purified air: assembled with your own hands from thin aluminum sheet, and are connected to each other by folds;
  • waste collection container - can be made from an ordinary construction bucket with a capacity of 20 liters or more, which is sealed with the body of a homemade cyclone using a corrugated sleeve;
  • filter (you can use a filter from trucks), which is installed on the outlet pipe.

A vacuum cleaner converted with your own hands for dust removal needs is checked: first for Idling, passing normal air through the system, and then connecting the vacuum cleaner to the operating machine.

Recently I became interested in working with wood and the issue of removing shavings and sawdust arose very urgently. So far, the issue of cleaning the workplace has been solved with a home vacuum cleaner, but it quickly becomes clogged and stops suction. You have to shake out the bag often. In search of a solution to the problem, I looked through many pages on the Internet and found something. As it turns out, it is possible to make fully functional dust collectors from scrap materials.

Mini vacuum cleaner made from a plastic bottle

Here is another idea for a mini vacuum cleaner based on the Venturi effect
This vacuum cleaner operates using forced air.

Venturi effect

The Venturi effect is a pressure drop when a liquid or gas flows through a constricted portion of a pipe. This effect is named after the Italian physicist Giovanni Venturi (1746–1822).


The Venturi effect is a consequence of Bernoulli's law, which corresponds to the Bernoulli equation, which determines the relationship between speed v liquid, pressure p in it and height h, on which the fluid element in question is located, above the reference level:

where is the density of the liquid, and is the acceleration of gravity.

If the Bernoulli equation is written for two sections of the flow, then we will have:

For horizontal flow, the middle terms in the left and right parts the equations are equal to each other, and therefore cancel, and the equality takes the form:

that is, with a steady horizontal flow of an ideal incompressible fluid in each of its sections, the sum of the piezometric and dynamic pressures will be constant. To fulfill this condition in those places of the flow where average speed fluid is higher (that is, in narrow sections), its dynamic head increases, and the hydrostatic head decreases (and therefore the pressure decreases).

The Venturi effect is observed or used in the following objects:
  • in hydraulic jet pumps, in particular in tankers for oil and chemical products;
  • in burners that mix air and combustible gases in the grill, gas stove, Bunsen burner and airbrushes;
  • in Venturi tubes - constricting elements of Venturi flow meters;
  • in Venturi flow meters;
  • in ejector-type water aspirators, which create small vacuums using kinetic energy tap water;
  • sprayers (sprayers) for spraying paint, water or aromatizing the air.
  • carburetors, where the Venturi effect is used to draw gasoline into the inlet air stream of an internal combustion engine;
  • in automated swimming pool cleaners, which use water pressure to collect sediment and debris;
  • in oxygen masks for oxygen therapy, etc.

Now let's look at the samples that can take their rightful place in the workshop.

Ideally, I would like to get something similar to cyclone filter, but from scrap materials:

Homemade chip separator.

The principle is the same, but made much simpler:

But I liked this option the most, since it is a smaller analogue of an industrial cyclone:


Because the traffic cone I don’t have one, so I finally decided to settle on this design, assembled from plastic pipes for sewerage. An undoubted advantage is the availability and low cost of material for assembling the structure:

Homemade cyclone from plastic sewer pipes

Please pay attention to the mistake that the master made. The garbage collection pipe should be located like this:

In this case, the desired vortex will be created.
The following video shows similar design at work:

And finally, a slightly modified version:

Very often, after repair and construction work, a lot of debris and dust remain, which can only be removed with the help of powerful vacuum cleaner. Since usual home appliance is not suitable for these purposes; a filter for which can be homemade is used. How to make a cyclone for a vacuum cleaner with your own hands so that the unit effectively copes with the removal of construction dust?

Those whose work is constantly associated with repairs, construction and carpentry are familiar firsthand with the problem of cleaning the premises after completion. direct work. Construction wood dust, crumbling plaster, tiny grains of polystyrene foam and drywall usually settle in a dense layer on all horizontal surfaces of the room. It is not always possible to wipe such a mess by hand or sweep it with a broom, because when large area such cleaning of the premises will take for a long time. Wet cleaning It is also often impractical: the mixture of water and thick dust is even more difficult to wipe off.

IN in this case optimal solutionusing a vacuum cleaner. The standard vacuum cleaner that we are used to using in everyday life will not work. Firstly, because large quantity garbage, the dust collector will instantly become clogged, and you will need to clean it at least once every 15-20 minutes. Secondly, the entry of large particles, such as splinters, sawdust or wood chips, can cause blockage or complete malfunction of the device.

A construction vacuum cleaner has a much higher efficiency than a household one. The features of its engine provide long work, and the presence of a long hose (3-4 m or more) allows you to clean a wide area.

However, industrial and construction vacuum cleaners are large in size, not very convenient to use, clean and move, and are not affordable for everyone. Therefore, many craftsmen increase their capabilities household vacuum cleaner, equipping it with a special cyclone filter. Similar dust collectors can be purchased in finished form, and assemble your own version yourself.

We make a cyclone ourselves

On the World Wide Web you can find many detailed diagrams and drawings of cyclones. Let's give an example of making a simple filter that can be assembled at home, having necessary materials, patience and a little skill. To work you will need:

  • Any oil filter for small debris (these can be purchased at auto supply stores).
  • 20-25 liter container with a tightly screwed lid.
  • Polypropylene elbow with 45° and 90° angles.
  • The pipe is about a meter long.
  • Corrugated hose 2 meters long.
  1. Make a hole in the lid of the main container. The width of the hole is adjusted to the polypropylene elbow with an angle of 90°.
  2. Seal existing cracks with sealant.
  3. Make another hole on the side wall of the container and attach a 45° angle.
  4. Connect the corrugated hose and the elbow using a pipe. Tilt the outlet hose towards the bottom so that the air with debris is directed along the required path.
  5. The filter can be covered with material made of nylon or other permeable fabric with a fine mesh. This will prevent large particles from entering the filter.
  6. Next, connect the elbow on the lid and the filter outlet.

Of course, this is only a brief and approximate scheme for creating a cyclone. We present to your attention a video where in detail and on clear example shows how to make a filter from scrap materials.

We check the made filter for tightness, as well as for the quality of suction. Garbage should be collected at the bottom of the container or settle on the walls.

If everything is assembled correctly, suction will occur efficiently and at high speed.

A home vacuum cleaner is so commonplace in the household that no one thinks about the principle of its operation. Since the invention of this cleaning assistant, it has been used only possible way separating dust from clean air - filter.

Over the years, the filter element has been improved, from a banal bag made of thick tarpaulin, it has turned into high-tech membranes that retain the smallest particles of debris. However, it was not possible to get rid of the main drawback.

Filter creators are constantly looking for a compromise between cell density and throughput for air. In addition, the dirtier the membrane, the worse the air flow through it.
30 years ago, physicist James Dyson made a breakthrough in dust collection technology.

He invented a compact dust separator that works on the principle of centrifugal force. I must say that this idea was not new. Industrial sawmills have been using centrifugal cyclone-type scorch and chip storage for quite a long time.

But no one thought to use it physical phenomenon at home. In 1986 he registered a patent for the first vacuum cleaner cyclone type, with the name G-Force.

In general, there are three ways to separate dust from clean air:

  1. Filter membrane. The most widespread and cheap way remove dust. Used in most modern vacuum cleaners;
  2. Water filter. Air with debris passes through a container of water (like in a hookah), all particles remain in a liquid medium, and a perfectly clean air flow comes out. Such devices have gained popularity, but their use has not become widespread due to their high cost.
  3. Centrifugal dry cleaning filter of the “cyclone” type. It is a compromise in cost and quality of cleaning compared to a membrane and water filter. Let's look at this model in more detail.

Operating principle of a cyclone

The illustration shows the processes occurring in the chamber of a cyclone-type filter.

Contaminated air enters the filter housing (2) through the pipe (1) cylindrical. The pipe is located tangentially to the walls of the housing, due to which the air flow (3) twists into a spiral along the walls of the cylinder.

Under the influence of centrifugal force, dust particles (4) are pressed against the inner walls of the housing, and under the influence of gravity they settle into the dust collector (5). Air with the smallest particles of debris (which are not affected by centrifugal force) enters the chamber (6) with a conventional membrane filter. After final cleaning they exit into the receiving fan (7).

Wood has always been considered environmentally friendly and safe material. Fine wood dust generated during processing wooden blank, is not as harmless as it might seem. Inhaling it does not at all contribute to saturating the body with useful microelements. Accumulating in the lungs and upper respiratory tract (and wood dust is not processed by the body), it slowly but effectively destroys respiratory system. Large chips constantly accumulate near machines and working tools. It is better to remove it immediately, without waiting for insurmountable blockages to appear in the carpentry space.

In order to maintain the required level of cleanliness in your home carpentry, you can buy an expensive exhaust system consisting of a powerful fan, a cyclone, chip catchers, a chip container and auxiliary elements. But the users of our portal are not those who are used to buying something that they can do with their own hands. Using their experience, anyone can build an exhaust system with the power to meet the needs of a small home workshop.

Vacuum cleaner for collecting sawdust

Chip extraction using a conventional household vacuum cleaner is the most a budget option of all existing solutions. And if you manage to use your old cleaning assistant, who, out of pity, has not yet been thrown into the trash, it means that your inherent frugality has once again served you well.


My vacuum cleaner is more than fifty years old (brand: “Uralets”). It copes well with the role of a chip sucker. He is only as heavy as my sins, but he can not only suck, but also blow. Sometimes I take advantage of this opportunity.

By itself, a household vacuum cleaner, installed in a place of honor in the workshop as a chip extractor, will be useless. And the main reason for this is that the volume of the bag (container) for collecting dust is too small. That is why there must be an additional unit between the vacuum cleaner and the machine exhaust system, consisting of a cyclone and a volumetric tank for collecting sawdust.


The most easy installation vacuum cleaner and cyclone. Moreover, the vacuum cleaner can be used at home. Instead of a cyclone (cylindrical cone), a separating cap can be used.

DIY sawdust vacuum cleaner

The design of the chip suction device we are considering is extremely simple.

The device consists of two main modules: a cyclone (item 1) and a container for chips (item 2). The principle of its operation is as follows: using a vacuum cleaner, a vacuum is created in the cyclone chamber. Due to the difference in pressure inside and outside the device, sawdust, along with air and dust, enters the internal cavity of the cyclone. Here, under the influence of inertia and gravity forces, mechanical suspensions are separated from the air flow and fall into the lower container.

Let's look at the design of the device in more detail.


The cyclone can be made in the form of a lid that is installed on top of the storage tank, or you can simply combine these two modules. First, let's consider the second option - a cyclone made in the body of a container for chips.

First of all, we should purchase a tank with a suitable volume.

ForceUser FORUMHOUSE user,

Capacity – 65 l. I took it on the principle that I needed volume and convenience when carrying a filled container. This barrel has handles, which is very convenient for cleaning it.

Here is the list additional elements and materials that we will need to assemble the device:

  • Screws, washers and nuts - for fastening the inlet pipe;
  • A section of sewer pipe with cuffs;
  • Transition coupling (from the sewer pipe to the suction pipe of the vacuum cleaner);
  • Gun with assembly glue.

Do-it-yourself vacuum cleaner from a barrel: assembly sequence

First of all, a hole is made in the side of the tank for the inlet pipe, which will be located tangentially to the body. The picture shows a view from outside reservoir.

It is advisable to install the pipe in the upper part of the plastic barrel. This will allow you to achieve the maximum degree of cleaning.

From the inside, the inlet pipe looks like this.

The gaps between the pipe and the walls of the tank should be filled with mounting sealant.

On next stage we make a hole in the lid, insert the adapter coupling there and carefully seal all the cracks around the pipe. Ultimately, the design of the chip ejector will look like this.

The vacuum cleaner is connected to the upper outlet of the device, and the pipe that removes chips from the machine is threaded into the side pipe.

As you can see, the presented design is not equipped with additional filters, which does not greatly affect the quality of air purification.

den_61 User FORUMHOUSE

I made a chip pump based on the theme. The basis is a 400 W "Rocket" vacuum cleaner and a 100 liter barrel. After assembly of the unit, tests were successfully carried out. Everything works as it should: sawdust is in the barrel, the vacuum cleaner bag is empty. So far, the dust collector is connected only to the router.

Be that as it may, the cyclone still cannot retain a certain percentage of wood dust. And in order to maximize the degree of cleaning, some users of our portal are thinking about the need to install an additional fine filter. Yes, a filter is needed, but not every filter element will be appropriate.


I think that installing a fine filter after the cyclone is not entirely correct. Or rather, you need to install it, but you will be tired of cleaning it (you will have to very often). There the filter fabric will just roll around (like a bag in a vacuum cleaner). In my Corvette, the top bag catches the bulk of the fine dust. I see this when I remove the bottom bag to remove sawdust.

A fabric filter can be created by attaching a frame to the top cover of the cyclone and covering it with dense material (can be tarpaulin).

The main task of the cyclone is to remove sawdust and dust from working area(from a machine, etc.). Therefore, the quality of cleaning the air flow from fine suspended matter plays a secondary role in our case. And, taking into account that a standard dust collector installed in a vacuum cleaner will certainly retain the remaining debris (not filtered by the cyclone), we will achieve the required degree of cleaning.

Cyclone cover

As we have already said, the cyclone can be made in the form of a lid that will be placed on the storage tank. Working example similar device shown in the photo.


The design should be clear from the photographs. The plastic was soldered with a regular soldering iron using fine steel mesh. The cyclone is quite effective: when filling a 40-liter barrel, no more than a glass of garbage has accumulated in the vacuum cleaner bag.

Despite the fact that this cyclone is part of a homemade construction vacuum cleaner, it can be successfully integrated into the design of a carpentry chip ejector.

Sawdust pipeline

It is better to purchase hoses connected to the chip ejector from a vacuum cleaner. A plastic pipeline with smooth inner walls can be laid along the wall. It will connect the machine to the suction pipe of the cyclone.

A certain danger is posed by static electricity, which is formed during the movement of sawdust through a plastic pipe: sawdust sticking to the walls of the pipeline, ignition of wood dust, etc. If you want to neutralize this phenomenon, it is better to do this during the construction of the sawdust pipeline.

Not all owners of home workshops pay attention to the phenomenon of static electricity inside the sawdust pipe. But if you design the chip suction in accordance with fire safety rules, then a corrugated material with a built-in metal conductor should be used as a sawdust duct. Connecting such a system to a grounding loop will help avoid problems during operation.

alex_k11 User FORUMHOUSE

Plastic pipes must be grounded. Hoses should be taken with a wire, otherwise static will accumulate very strongly.

But what solution to combat static electricity in plastic pipes is offered by one of FORUMHOUSE users: entwine plastic pipe foil and connect it to the ground loop.

Exhaust devices

The design of devices that remove chips directly from the working parts carpentry equipment, depends on the characteristics of the machines themselves. Therefore, products made of plastic, plywood and other suitable materials can be used as exhaust elements.

To solve this problem, the tank body can be equipped with metal frame, or insert several inside metal hoops suitable diameter (as suggested by the user alex_k11). The design will be more bulky, but absolutely reliable.

Chip ejector for several machines

A system based on a household vacuum cleaner has low productivity. Therefore, it can only serve one machine at a time. In other words, if there are several machines, the suction pipe will have to be connected to them alternately. It is also possible to install the chip ejector centrally. But to ensure that the suction power does not drop, idle machines should be disconnected from common system using gates (dampers).


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