The most powerful talisman stones for Capricorns. Talisman stones suitable for Capricorns according to the horoscope

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Let us briefly characterize a person born under the sign of Capricorn in order to understand which gemstones are best suited for Capricorn? Firstly, according to the Zodiac, this sign belongs to the earth element. This means that representatives of this sign are distinguished by their determination and steadfastly overcome life difficulties. They are not afraid of loneliness and know how to take responsibility. They do not know how to forgive others' mistakes and have difficulty communicating due to their secrecy.
Secondly, he is a very purposeful person who sets goals and persistently achieves them. Finds a suitable career ladder and immediately climbs it until he reaches the top. Selfishness manifests itself in relation to work, but Capricorns are generous and responsive to their friends and loved ones.
There are two types of Capricorns: workaholics and “commanders”. With the first, everything is clear - they work and only work, achieving their goal. The latter prefer to lead and it does not matter to them who will be subordinate to them: enterprise employees, relatives or family members, or perhaps members of a public organization, parents in the class in which the child is studying, or gardeners.
Weaknesses are a kind of boringness that goes away with age, they take cruel or aggressive revenge if they are betrayed, they like to take risks, they are more than compensated by positive ones - perseverance to achieve their goals, patience and willpower, trained from year to year, caring attitude to the traditional way of life, family values ​​and stability in everything.

First, about the stones that are suitable for all Capricorns according to the horoscope (December 22 – January 21).

Talismans and amulets of Capricorns

Tourmaline is the stone of everyone business people born under this sign. Tourmaline helps with concentration and clarity of thinking.

Jet - this mineral will help persistent, but at times impulsive Capricorns, comprehend the wisdom of their ancestors.
– a mineral for overcoming boredom for those who have it and depression for everyone else.
- for those who strive for power and material well-being. Ruby will protect its owner from envy and anger, promotes confidence, respect in the team and well-being in the family.
Malachite – especially suitable for those who practice scientific research. This mineral increases spiritual strength.
Hyacinth - helps strengthen all positive character traits, such as determination, perseverance, patience. Hyacinth gives strength and vigor in difficult times.
– indispensable as a talisman for representatives of this sign. For them, jade is a mineral of change; it will suggest the right decision and the right path in life. If the mineral has become darker, it means that its owner has lost his way.
Onyx is a powerful amulet for attracting good luck and success. Onyx will help you strengthen your nerves, get rid of insomnia or anxiety.

Jet Ruby
Malachite Red hyacinth Nephritis

Zircon - will help develop intuition, and also gives self-confidence and optimism.

Which stone suits Capricorn by exact date of birth?

In the first decade (December 22 – January 1), Jupiter influences, so people of the Capricorn sign born at this time are self-confident and have their own opinion on everything. Their gems are agate, amethyst, rock crystal, serpentine, malachite, tiger's eye and bloody jasper. According to birthdays, astrologers recommend the following minerals:
22.12. – almandine
23.12. –
24.12. –
25.12. –
26.12. –
27.12. – coil
28.12. –
29.12. —
30.12. – amazonite
31.12. – chrysoberyl
01.01. - Hawkeye

Those born in the second decade of the sign (02.01. – 12.01.) are distinguished by their desire for leadership and the ability to captivate people; their co-ruling planet is Venus. Their character is characterized by inconsistency; if a person fails to find his goal, then he becomes a boring melancholic. In order to overcome skepticism and pessimism, onyx, sardonyx, opal, and chrysoprase will help them. By birthday these are the following gems:
02.01. –
03.01. – onyx
04.01. – rhodonite
05.01. – pearls
06.01. –
07.01. –
08.01. –
09.01. –
10.01. – zircon
11.01. – heliotrope
12.01. –

In the third decade (13.01.-21.01) the patron is the Sun, and people born during this period lack energy. And although they love and know how to work, due to a lack of energy, they may experience sadness and even despondency. Gems for them should play the role of recharging energy and will cope with it perfectly: alexandrite, hyacinth, opal, ruby, tourmaline, zircon. And an individual stone for Capricorn according to his birthday:
13.01. – onyx
14.01. – rhodonite
15.01. – jet
16.01. – onyx
17.01. –
18.01. –
19.01. - A
20.01. – spinel
21.01. - hyacinth

Capricorn birthstone - women

The main gems for beautiful representatives of the sign are: agate, garnet, rock crystal, sardonyx.


– the most suitable agates are bright, saturated colors: yellow or red. Agate bestows health and beauty on its owner and energizes her. In the family, agate promotes peace and understanding, protects against unkind eyes, troubles, quarrels and poverty.
– helps in showing love, gives good mood helps its owner achieve her goals, as it makes her wiser.
– makes its owner more feminine and attractive, as well as sensual and soft. Will tell you who you can trust.
- a symbol of beauty and love. Especially recommended unmarried girls. This gem will help them fulfill their desires and bring good luck in love. In addition, carnelian calms nervous system.

Agate Garnet Carnelian

Capricorn Stones - Men

For conservative men, chrysoprase is recommended for success in business. Chrysoprase – gives confidence in one’s abilities and decisiveness when making decisions. Physically, amulets with chrysoprase enhance energy. The magical properties of the mineral - protection from evil eye and damage, assistance in obtaining well-deserved recognition.
Obsidian is necessary for the development of reaction when making decisions. Obsidian as an amulet gives its owner positive attitude to the changes taking place, both in the external and internal world.
Almandine – magical properties This mineral allows one to overcome anger and at the same time excite passion, give joy, and drive away sadness.
Rauchtopaz is necessary for creative people, it gives insight, develops superconsciousness and intuition. For all others, rauchtopaz is also suitable. The gem promotes logical thinking and perception of knowledge. It reduces selfishness and fanaticism.
Onyx - it is recommended to use magical properties for those who strive to become a leader or manager. Onyx will reduce arrogance and arrogance, make its owner more open, and protect from troubles and dangers.
– suitable as a talisman against dangers and envy. It is best to wear green or black tourmalines, they provide better protection representatives of this zodiac sign.

Astrologers almost unanimously do not recommend that Capricorns wear Cancer gemstones according to the horoscope sign as the opposite sign, that is, white and opaque gems. Any of these minerals will not suit Capricorn: aventurine, beryl, turquoise, pearl, emerald, moonstone, sapphire, peridot, citrine.
– suppresses emotions and energy, which people of this sign don’t have much of anyway.
Pearls - there is a high risk of remaining lonely and not finding happiness in love.
Makes a person even more withdrawn, constantly delving into himself.
- will take away energy, make Capricorn a cynic or a conservative, and will give nothing in return.
– increases stubbornness, makes Capricorns deceitful, which leads to loss of purpose. For representatives of this zodiac sign, citrine is a symbol of passion and vice.


People born under the sign of Capricorn are united by great resilience and a patient desire for good result in everything. They are proud of their intelligence, although sometimes unfoundedly, and, if not lazy, make a lot of effort to develop intellectual abilities. Capricorns are generally the kind of people who can learn throughout their lives.
Some Capricorns are rock opposing difficult situations, others like Virgo are “worker bees”, never tired of searching for instant solutions or solving a problem with the tenacity of Taurus until they find the right and final answer, until they turn lead into gold. Capricorns can be cold-blooded businessmen or politicians who know how to make deals. These are patient, fair, loving, although strict parents who do not demonstrate their love.

Capricorn- a powerful Earthly self-sufficient sign. The sign of Capricorn gives activity, offensiveness and a certain inconsistency, difficulties in bringing things to an end. Therefore, Capricorns also need fire stones. Host planet Saturn. Many dark “dangerous” stones (such as serpentine, agate and others) will only help Capricorns successfully complete the work they have begun.
Only Capricorn can afford to have the most limited set of stones and wear them whole year, not paying attention to the seasons, months, and which signs of the Zodiac are currently dominant.

MOON ROCK orBELOMORIT. The stone got its name due to its beautiful bluish-silver reflection, reminiscent of the shine of the moon. To preserve this shine in the product, the stone is processed into cabochons, which are then used in jewelry. The stone is very sensitive to shock and compression and may lose its polish if handled carelessly
In many countries around the world, it is believed that moonstone can protect a person from the harmful influence of the Moon. This is a talisman of love that helps to pacify a strong mental and emotional state. It gives the owner the ability to beautifully and accurately express his thoughts, the gift of poetry, romantic artistic creativity, the gift of insight into the secrets of nature and the hearts of people. For lovers, it brings agreement, fidelity, understanding of each other immediately and even without words, and quite clearly reacts to cooling of feelings: it changes color and saturation, and can become dull. The stone increases luminosity during the full moon. Moon rock strong amulet people of explosive temperament, does not allow them to throw away energy, pacifies unconstructive outbursts. It perfectly protects against the harmful influences of people and unpleasant entities, and clears space for its owner, especially if the owner often talks to the stone. For rude natures, moonstone is almost useless, because he does not want to fight such manifestations, but strives to develop only those who go to this themselves, of their own will. This moonstone makes a person attractive, charming and sophisticated, giving the owner an inimitable charm and the ability to behave even in very unpleasant situations.
On the new moon, it is filled with a special chilling radiance, at this moment all its powerful magical power is concentrated in it.
The main deposit is in India.

RHINESTONE. The term "crystal" is a Russified form Greek word"crystallos" - ice; It is in this meaning that it is used in the Iliad and the Odyssey. Later, but back in ancient times, transparent quartz, which was then considered strongly hardened ice, began to be called a crystal due to its external similarity. In Russian terminology until the second quarter of the 19th century. “crystal” and “crystal” were synonymous and were even used together. Only later did natural polyhedrons of minerals begin to be called crystals, and “crystal” with the definition “mountain” was assigned to quartz. Heavy, highly refractive glass is simply called “crystal”. IN ancient greek myths gods, heroes and kings drink only from crystal goblets. At that time it was believed that this mineral expels diseases from water, that is, speaking modern language, disinfects it. Modern scientists have discovered the secret of this miraculous healing. It turns out that when passing through the crystal ultra-violet rays kill bacteria, which promotes a speedy cure.
Since ancient times, it has been believed that crystal gives its owner the gift of clairvoyance.
As a talisman, crystal brings love and good luck to its owner, fills it with the joy of life and spiritual harmony. Well-being is attracted to a house where there are products made from rock crystal, and crystal relieves the owner from awkward situations and incidents and helps clarify any information. The sympathies of others also turn out to be on the side of the owner of the crystal. Even if you don't like jewelry, a piece of rock crystal (worn by women in the left pocket, by men in the right) will bring you a lot of benefits. Magical meaning rock crystal makes it a valuable amulet that protects the owner and his family from external evil influences. To do this, the stone (the larger the better) needs to be stored in the place in the house where people, including strangers, most often visit. The energy of the stone adapts to the owner, so it is capable of healing, and its medicinal properties are quite diverse. It is credited with the ability to relieve headaches, reduce fever, and restore after stress and serious illnesses.
In Russia, there are large deposits in the Urals. Also Aldan Shield, Transbaikalia, Primorye.

A gemstone will be a beautiful trinket if purchased for an occasion or as a fashion statement. But “your” pebble can protect, bring good luck, happiness and even wealth. Those born at the end of December - January are interested in which stone is suitable for a Capricorn woman.

Earth element

What cannot be taken away from Capricorns is their stubborn nature and desire to stand firmly on their own two feet. Their patron is the earth, and the colors of the elements are brown (soil) and green (grass is the favorite food of goats). Minerals of earthen origin can become a talisman for representatives of this zodiac sign. Think about what function your lucky stone should primarily perform. After all, it is impossible to find universal talismans suitable for all occasions. If you are looking for a talisman stone for a Capricorn woman and want it to help you make the right decisions in life and protect you from reckless actions and mistakes, turn your attention to obsidian. The most earthly of all existing minerals will protect against negative impacts and will force fate to work for its owner.

Tourmaline - a talisman for health

No wonder people say that you can buy everything except health. And if you ask yourself which stone is suitable for a Capricorn woman and which one will keep her healthy, then this is undoubtedly tourmaline. Carrying this mineral with her, the owner of the amulet will forget about fatigue, muscle pain during exercise, as well as problems with the heart and back. Tourmaline has a positive effect on the entire body; it can energize and cure the blues. Green and black stones will work most diligently for the benefit of their mistress. It should be remembered that black tourmaline protects well from dangers, and the green mineral is considered healthy, it gives a woman strength and energizes her.

Black onyx: for the successful completion of started tasks

Each talisman has its own strong point, and what stone of Capricorn (women according to the horoscope) will help give confidence in the started and very important work? Among the precious minerals, there is a mysterious and mysterious black stone. We are talking about onyx. Wearing a ring with such an amulet, a woman will never lose faith in herself, even if the work she has started is extremely difficult. In addition, black onyx will ward off troubles associated with an evil and envious eye from its owner, and it can also help speed up the postoperative rehabilitation period. As you can see, the Capricorn woman’s gemstone is by no means a diamond. And by the way, there is no need to be sad about this. Diamonds may be on the list of jewelry, but sparkling miracle crystals will not bring any benefit. However, as well as harm.

For different characters

In fact, there are no identical women, just as there are no identical characters among them. One may be incredibly unsure of her abilities and afraid to take on new challenges, while the other is not at all used to trusting people, which she sometimes regrets later. On the one hand, the habit of cautiously trusting strangers in itself can protect a woman from disappointment. However, not all so simple. There are such suspicious natures who can find a colossal catch in the most seemingly harmless act. What is recommended in this case? The birthstone for the Capricorn zodiac sign (a woman will be delighted with its beauty) is rock crystal. This mineral will help create sincere and relaxed communication, and the owner’s character will become softer and more flexible. It is very good to carry rock crystal with you if you notice a lack of emotionality.

Garnet stone for Capricorn woman

A girl who has ever read Alexander Kuprin’s book “The Garnet Bracelet” must have thought about the crazy power and magic of the blood-red stone. Young ladies and married Capricorn women are incredibly lucky, because pomegranate is their lucky love amulet. A married lady wearing jewelry made from such a stone will protect her husband’s thoughts and actions from betrayal and destruction of family ties. In addition to attracting the attention of her beloved, a pomegranate will bring a good mood and popularity to an unmarried young lady.

What do all these minerals have in common?

We talked about how each Capricorn (woman) stone, according to the horoscope, fulfills only its main mission. However, having studied all the characteristics, it is easy to discover that almost all amulets have one similar feature: they give a woman confidence in own strength. And let somewhere this confidence is connected with love relationships, and somewhere with business. The main thing is that the stone is able to work for the benefit of its owner.

Bright agate will bring longevity

Agate is a mineral that has many interesting shades. Which of the existing shades will Capricorn choose? A talisman stone for a woman will definitely be bright, rich and original. The brighter it is, the better it will work. In fact, agate is a very powerful amulet. Take a closer look at it if you are experiencing health problems, and it will bring you longevity; be with him if you are afraid of dangers, and he will charge you with energy.

Favorite mascot

Buy agate, and you will forget about what poverty is, because your career will soar high. Place a pebble on the chest of drawers as a cute souvenir, and your family will get rid of empty and unnecessary quarrels. This is why bright agate is so loved by Capricorn. A talisman stone for a woman will make her more sexy in the eyes of the stronger sex, because everyone knows that what attracts men is not the packaging, but internal filling. However, if there is a little secret, why not use it?

Stones for unmarried women

Among the amulets and amulets that can attract the love and attention of the chosen one, in addition to the pomegranate, there are also purely girlish stones. Which stone is suitable for a Capricorn woman if she is not yet married? There are several such minerals, but the main amulet for unmarried people is carnelian. If you wear jewelry with such a stone, then the young lady is guaranteed long youth and beauty. For those who want to get married, and certainly for great love, carnelian will be a real find.

Carnelian protects the nerves

This stone, like all other amulets of the sign, is capable of giving strength in seemingly the most hopeless situations. He will also perform cherished desires, will eliminate depression and help you gather your courage at the end of a tiring working day. It is useful to wear such a stone for a girl who is unsure of her own psychological stability, and then she will forget about sudden attacks of hysteria.

Which stone is suitable for Capricorn (woman): colors of the zodiac constellation

Who is Capricorn? Mythical goat-footed hunting god, gifted with a fish tail while helping the warriors of Olympia. We have already talked about the native colors of the element (earth). let's consider lucky stones zodiac sign, based on the shades inherent in the star patron. If we take into account the pearlescent iridescent color of the tail donated by Zeus, it will be milky white with a tint of pearl. This version is new and quite controversial among astrologers, so if you are asked which stone is suitable for Capricorn (a woman) as a talisman, do not rush to answer.

Black Diamond

Well, even though diamonds in the usual sense are not talismans for those born in January, an unusually rare black diamond belongs to the group of “their” jewelry. Most likely, it cannot be bought in regular store, and at the Turkish bazaar you risk getting a painted fake. But if you manage to get a real black diamond, then be sure of your exceptional choice. Such a mineral itself opens up additional astral powers, moreover, it can act as the main character in real magical rituals in reality. top level. The woman herself will not be able to set up the amulet; she will need to seek help from a professional in the field of magic. You won’t have to do anything bad, because the pebble will be configured according to the principle of a boomerang: to drive away the bad thoughts and actions of other people, turning all evil against the offender.

Zodiac opponent

Which Capricorn (female) gemstone symbolizes grass? Of course, emerald. So it might seem to an uninformed observer. However, astrologers back in the distant Middle Ages unanimously proclaimed that emerald is categorically not suitable for this zodiac sign and is its opponent.

A correctly selected talisman stone will attract the desired events into your life, improve your health, and protect you from troubles. However, natural stones affect women and men differently. Find out which stone is suitable for a Capricorn woman to achieve the result you need.

About Capricorn women

Representatives of this sign are active ladies, careerists who strive for financial success. A Capricorn woman can marry for convenience, but even in this case, family members will never complain about the lack of attention and care.

If a girl is a Capricorn according to her horoscope, she experiences failures painfully and is prone to depression and melancholy. That is why best talismans for Capricorn - those stones that help achieve the desired goal, talismans for good luck in business.

The main mascot stones for the Capricorn woman

Which ones are suitable:

From precious stones suits you best

This is the main stone for Capricorn; it plays the role of a powerful amulet, protecting the owner from the negative thoughts of others.


Capable of enhancing negative qualities its owner, therefore it is not recommended for hot-tempered women. Balanced ladies wearing ruby ​​jewelry will become even calmer and gain protection from hidden enemies. Remember not to wear together with other stones.

From semi-precious stones you need first of all black .

It will help you complete the work you started, protect you from envy and...

Malachite jewelry

They will give you patience, wisdom, and spiritual strength. To prevent malachite from attracting excessive or unwanted attention from men, choose silver items. Malachite has a positive effect on joint health, restores damaged tissue, and improves vision.

To stabilize emotional condition, wear rhinestone

The stone will soften a violent character, and will help inert ladies to open up.

Black agate

It will protect against poverty, family quarrels, gossip, establish connections between generations, and make a woman attractive and desirable in the eyes of men.

By date of birth


It all depends on the decade within which the woman was born:

  1. If you were born during December 22 to January 2 inclusive, suitable stones for you are agate, malachite, rock crystal, serpentine, moonstone. These stones will help you not to lose your own point of view and achieve material success.
  2. A woman born between January 3 to 13, recommended onyx, . Talismans with these stones will strengthen your leadership skills and help you achieve your goal.
  3. A woman born with January 14 to 20, it is worth wearing ruby, opal, tourmaline, as a talisman. These are talismans that charge vital energy its owner, making her active.

Stones for success in love

It is considered the love talisman of Capricorn women. He will make a free girl popular, and he will protect a married girl from adultery. Pomegranate will relieve depression in case of unrequited love, and will help timid girls express their feelings.

Jewelry with garnet will help you get rid of fear of public opinion, as well as make a wise decision in a difficult situation.

Don't ignore cornelian. It will become an effective talisman for marriage for a girl who wants to meet the whole life.

Carnelian gives its owner youth and attractiveness, calms the nervous system and gives strength to fulfill cherished desires.

Which stone promises prosperity?

Suitable for a career woman as a talisman green chrysoprase. It will protect you from unscrupulous business partners and help you manage large sums correctly.

Green chrysoprase

It will help to achieve support from colleagues and recognition from superiors. Will become a talisman on the way up career ladder. The stone will not allow you to succumb to emotions and commit a rash act, and will give its owner leadership abilities.

It will also help a Capricorn woman to achieve prosperity green pomegranate –. Protects from envious people and enemies.


You can make a Capricorn sociable and successful rhinestone, but this stone is more suitable for men. For a Capricorn woman it is better to choose hair jewelry- This is a type of rock crystal. The stone enhances women's intuition, promotes professional growth and, as a result, financial independence.


Talisman stones for health


To improve health and ensure good health, a Capricorn woman should choose tourmaline. It will help in case of fatigue, relieve muscle pain and back pain, and strengthen overall immunity. Jewelry with tourmaline gives vigor and energy, helps improve heart function.

Green tourmaline gives strength and heals, being a talisman. Black tourmaline is suitable as an amulet - a talisman against disease and danger.

During the period of rehabilitation after serious illnesses or injuries, Capricorns are recommended to wear black onyx as a talisman. Additionally, it strengthens self-confidence and helps to complete the work started.

Not every stone is a talisman

For the gem to become a real talisman and amulet, wear it as often as possible. The most effective talismans are stones that were given to the owner or passed on to her by inheritance.

Be careful - the donor presents the product, putting his energy and thoughts into the gift, even subconsciously. Choose jewelry as a talisman only if you are confident in the sincerity of the donor.

Which ones should you not wear?


Negatively affects the life of a Capricorn lady. Products made from this stone lead astray and make a woman stubborn and principled. For the same reason, sapphire jewelry is not recommended for Capricorns.

If you are going to wear a talisman stone as jewelry, give preference to jewelry made of gold and silver, excluding costume jewelry.

Capricorn is a sign that is resistant to outside influences, hardworking, judicious, responsible and persistent. His love for leadership is not because of a desire for power, but because he considers himself better than many. Such inflated self-esteem does not at all make the representatives of this sign look good, and moreover, it often depresses those around them. However, it is she who will help Capricorns achieve their goal.

Capricorn is a purposeful sign, he has enough strength and faith to go towards his goal quite for a long time. Caution and foresight are one of the main qualities of this sign. People born under the sign of Capricorn have a tendency to analyze and reflect; they carefully think through their plans.

When it comes to Capricorn's work or his plans, he shows enviable selfishness, but for close people Capricorn is extremely generous and is always ready to run to the rescue without hesitation. Representatives of this sign do not hide their love and devotion to family well.

Choosing a stone by date of birth

The patron of Capricorns in the first decade - from December 22 to January 2 - is Jupiter. Representatives of this decade go through life confidently and calmly, accumulating material and useful knowledge along the way. Capricorns always have their own opinion on everything; they are helped by quite powerful gems:, and.

The second ten-day period lasts from January 3 to January 13. Capricorns belonging to the second decade know how to captivate others. However, having lost incentives to be active, they can turn into boring couch potatoes. , and will be able to light a fire inside Capricorn and give an impetus to action.

People born from January 14 to January 20 belong to Capricorns of the third decade. They are protected by the Sun. Capricorns of the third decade need stones that can feed them with energy. Opal, and will help in fruitful work, which representatives of this sign love so much, and will not let you lose ardor in the process of activity.

Capricorn mascot stones

Opal will eliminate and weaken some unpleasant character traits of this zodiac sign: tediousness, selfishness, tendency to depression. The gem will instill confidence in Capricorn and calm him down. Opal will teach you to draw strength from communicating with people and will make the representative of this sign more interesting.

Capricorn, as a sign that strives for heights financial well-being and power, will do ruby. It will give you determination and courage, and will help you win the respect and trust of your team. The gem will protect you from envy and protect you from violence. The mineral will help create and maintain a family, bring love, and bestow happiness. If Capricorn gives a ruby ​​to someone he deeply likes, the stone will kindle a reciprocal feeling.

Malachite has the ability to increase spiritual power. Those Capricorns who want to conquer heights scientific knowledge, should wear malachite.

Hyacinth will retain in its owner its best traits: determination, perseverance and patience. This gem will help during the next streak of failures: the stone will invigorate Capricorn and awaken cheerfulness in him.

Can protect against attacks from enemies and attract good luck onyx. This mineral will have a strengthening effect on the nervous system. Onyx in the ring will give Capricorn the strength to defend his interests. The gem will relieve insomnia, anxiety and fear.

Zircon will be able to instill self-confidence and optimism. This stone will develop Capricorn's intuition.

Capricorn woman stones

Pomegranate will help the Capricorn Woman open up, teach her to express her feelings and free her from captivity public opinion. This gem will give you a good mood, give you strength to achieve your desired goal and suggest a wise solution to a problem.

Most suitable talisman for young unmarried Capricorn Girls - . The stone will help you relax and calm down (it has a positive effect on the nervous system). The gem will help preserve youth, contribute to the preservation of youth and beauty, and bestow good luck in love. The owner of this stone will receive the abilities and strength to fulfill her wildest desires.

Rhinestone is able to destroy the wall that the Capricorn Woman unconsciously builds between herself and the world. This gem will teach the owner not to look for pitfalls in every word spoken, and will tell her which people should be trusted. Rock crystal will make the Capricorn Woman softer, more emotional and sociable.

Agate gives the Capricorn Woman longevity and health, protects her from dangers and gossip, and nourishes her with energy. The gem can make the owner more sexy, interesting and attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex. Agate protects the family from poverty and quarrels, and establishes connections between generations. The talisman will help you achieve career heights.

Capricorn stones for men

will work well with a Capricorn Man. The gem will enhance logical thinking and intellectual abilities. Rauchtopaz will make Capricorn less jealous, fanatical, and reduce the amount of selfishness. The stone is able to relieve stress and tune the owner to perceive new information.

External arrogance and isolation prevent a Capricorn man from becoming a real leader, a team leader. Onyx will make these character traits less obvious and will help its owner become more friendly and responsive. The talisman will protect Capricorn from dangers, accidents and disasters.

Chrysoprase will help Capricorn Men associated with business: the stone will give determination and courage to introduce reforms in their organization, and will help them adapt to the world of commerce, in which changes regularly occur. The talisman has the ability to enhance physical energy and strengthen both health and spirit. Jewelry with this stone will protect you from conspiracies, the evil eye, and damage. Chrysoprase will bring much-needed recognition to the Capricorn Man.

Stones that are contraindicated for Capricorn

Capricorn is the opposite, so he should not wear stones suitable for Cancer. These are all opaque and gemstones. In addition, Capricorn is not recommended to wear beryl, aventurine, pearls, emerald, moonstone, peridot and turquoise. A Capricorn woman who wears pearls risks becoming unhappy in love.

Citrine is a stone of passion and vice. He will show Capricorn the wrong direction, from which the representative of this sign is unlikely to be able to leave. Citrine will turn Capricorn's determination and prudence into unjustified stubbornness, deceit and cunning.

Emerald transforms the mysterious and secretive Capricorn into a real hermit who will lose interest in everything and go deeper into his experiences. Representatives of this sign lack sensual energy and intuition to use emerald as a talisman and amulet. The stone will draw out of Capricorn those emotions and feelings that he already has in short supply.


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