Vanga's predictions come true. Vanga's prophecies: list

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Perhaps the most famous person in the world with superpowers is the Bulgarian seer Vanga. People who knew her assured that the woman could accurately determine a person’s illness, predict his future fate, communicate with spirits, and foresee the occurrence of this or that event. Many people believed in her. And on the threshold of the turn of the millennium, her prophecies were published in all printed publications on the planet. This is very interesting topic, so now it’s worth talking about Vanga’s predictions that came true.

Death of Stalin

Perhaps we should start with this prediction. At the end of 1952, Vanga said the following words about Stalin: “The gates to another world, where Joseph Vissarionovich will go, will open for other Russian rulers.” She did not provide any time or dates. No clarifications. But for this prediction she had to pay with her own freedom. Because she allowed herself to speak out in this way about the Leader himself, she was imprisoned in a Bulgarian prison and given a long sentence.

But six months later, a year later, Stalin died. And the seer was released. By the way, people associated her words that the death of the Leader would lead to other deaths with the death of Yuri Andropov in 1984. He, like Stalin, died in Kuntsevo. And from that moment on, none of the Russian political figures used the complex located there as their residence.

USA Events

Listing Vanga's predictions that came true, one cannot fail to mention the fact that she foresaw the death of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. The woman said this in the middle of the summer of 1963, four months before the tragedy. She made a reservation - an assassination attempt would be made on the US President. And on November 22 of the same year, the head of America was killed with two shots in his own car.

The woman also foresaw the terrorist attack that occurred on September 11, 2001 in New York, which is still terrifying to this day. And back in 1989. Vanga said: “Fear, fear! American brothers will fall, pecked to death by iron birds. Wolves will howl from the bushes, and innocent blood will flow like a river.”

This is what happened. On the morning of September 11, four Boeing airliners were hijacked by al-Qaeda terrorists, who flew the planes into the World War II towers. Shopping Center, called by people “brothers” and “twins”. The blood of almost three thousand people was shed. What does this bush have to do with it? This is a reference to the then current US President, George W. Bush. This surname translates as “bush”. The seer's analogy boils down to the fact that the tragedy happened during his reign.

Perestroika and collapse of the USSR

When listing Vanga’s predictions that came true, it is worth mentioning this event. The Bulgarian seer foreshadowed perestroika back in 1979. That is, 6 years before the start of economic and political reforms in the USSR. Naturally, they tried their best to hide Vanga’s words, but some of the predictions were still made known to the public through the media.

The main “source” was the magazine “Friendship”, famous at that time. Vanga said the following words to his correspondent: “I see a garden - this is Russia. There is a lot of snow around. And from the depths of the earth there seemed to be voices - female and male. No... it's the sap that feeds the trees. An unusual spring is coming to the country. Three mighty trees are drying up, and two rings have been trampled in the snow-covered garden - a small one and a large one. A woman and a man walk in a small circle, and then... some people stick sticks into the snow.”

Vague words. But their meaning can be understood by paying attention to the memoirs of R. M. Gorbacheva. In them, she told how in 1985 she and her husband, Mikhail Sergeevich, went out into the snow-covered garden to walk along the walking ring. He said that perhaps he would be offered to lead the party. This brought up unpleasant thoughts, since three general secretaries have died in the last three years. At one point, to distract herself, Raisa Maksimovna asked the guards how many laps they had completed. This is a test of attentiveness. The guards knew about this, and in order not to get confused, they stuck sticks into the snow. Here is the explanation for Vanga’s prophecy. By the way, in 1989, a woman predicted Gorbachev’s appointment to the presidency. 9 months later it came true.

Crimea and Ukraine

The events that take place in our lifetime also relate to Vanga’s predictions that have come true. A Bulgarian clairvoyant once said: “Crimea will break away from one shore and grow to the other.” Few people took these words seriously. But this is exactly what happened in the spring of 2014. Crimea “detached” from the shores of Ukraine and returned to Russia.

The woman also foresaw the conflict in the neighboring state. She warned about the fall of Donetsk, unrest in Ukraine, that mothers would begin to abandon their children, and brothers would fight among themselves. There was even the following wording in her words: “What has stood for 23 years will be ground into powder.” This is what happened. Exactly 23 years have passed since the separation of Ukraine from Russia until the beginning of civil war.

Russian reality

One cannot help but pay attention to Vanga’s predictions about Russia. The clairvoyant stated that in 2015 the Federation will begin to help refugees from other countries. In fact, this is what is happening. After the outbreak of the civil war in Ukraine, its residents began to actively move to the territory of the neighboring Russian state, in the hope of finding peace there.

Even in Vanga’s predictions about Russia there was a foresight of a global economic crisis 2015/16. The woman said that the country would have a hard time, but it would survive, and even force other states to starve. This also came true. Apparently, the seer had in mind the sanctions that rained down on Russia in the hundreds. But in the end, many of them backfired on the majority European countries who regretted their decision.

About the Immortal Regiment

Vanga once said this phrase: “When the dead stand next to the living, rising from their graves, then Russia will become a Great Power.” These words of hers, like many others, stunned people with their eccentricity.

But now they have become clear. This phrase found an explanation on the day of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the victory, when the “Immortal Regiment” action was organized throughout the country. People, holding portraits of war heroes in their hands, walked with them in a solemn demonstration parade. This action seemed to revive the spirit of unity.

At that moment it became clear that Vanga was right after all. When the dead “stood” next to the living, reborn in portraits, and as if walking through a parade along with everyone else, it was clear that this was another vague analogy of a clairvoyant.

What was not destined to come true?

Some of Vanga's prophecies were not reflected in reality. For 2010, for example, a woman predicted the beginning of a new World War. She even clarified the time - according to her, it was supposed to be November. The war would go on for four years and end in October 2014. The clairvoyant even clarified the details. According to them, the war would begin as usual, but then nuclear and chemical weapons would be used.

Another unfulfilled prophecy of Vanga dates back to 2011. She foresaw the fallout of radioactive fallout in the Northern Hemisphere, as a result of which there would be no plants or animals left.

In 2014, according to the woman, many people were expected to be exposed to skin diseases. She called this a consequence of a new World War. As a result, according to her, Europe would be almost deserted in 2016. Terrible predictions, and it’s good that they didn’t come true.

Near future

Finally, it is worth listing a short list of Vanga’s predictions, which were dated by her in the recent years. So here's what you can expect soon:

  • In 2018, China will become the new world power.
  • In 2023, the Earth's orbit will change slightly.
  • In 2028, a new energy source will be produced and launched spaceship to Venus.
  • In 2033, polar ice will begin to melt, which will lead to rising sea levels.
  • In 2046, any organs are grown.
  • Communism will come in 2076.
  • In 2088, a new disease will be discovered - aging in a few seconds. In 2097, the phenomenon will be eradicated.
  • In 2100, the dark side of our planet will be illuminated by an artificial sun.

Well, these are predictions until the next century. In fact, Vanga saw further. For the year 5078, for example, she predicted humanity's decision to leave the boundaries of the Universe, despite people's ignorance of what lies beyond it. However, Vanga’s further prophecies are another topic.

What the great fortuneteller said and how her words should be interpreted can be explained by the material in this article.

On this site there are other predictions, conspiracies, love spells and much more that can be interesting and useful and that can be found by searching the site.

Vanga’s predictions are a hoax, true, nonsense, a pre-planned scenario or a myth

Of course, there are skeptics who believe that Vanga either did not really exist. Or all the predictions are pure fiction. But there is quite a lot of evidence in favor of the great clairvoyant. As time shows, many of her predictions came true. And when she was alive, many high ranks, “big” and famous people came to her for advice, to find out the moments of their lives. Of course, it is now difficult to get to the bottom of the truth, but the facts confirming her strength and power say that Vanga is not a myth.

Vanga's predictions Armenia and Azerbaijan

At the beginning of the 90s, Vanga told Azerbaijani journalists, “You came from a country where there is a lot of blood. I hear children crying, I see girls burning Wedding Dresses. Back off, you are fighting for something that does not belong to you. You will lose. But this is just the beginning. I see gold that will not bring happiness. After 30 years, you will return your lands.” With these words she predicted the collapse of Azerbaijan. The battles in Nagorno-Karabakh made me remember the words of a great woman.

Vanga's predictions of America and Russia and what came true

“Fear, fear! Our American brothers will fall, pecked to death by iron birds. Wolves will howl from the bush, and innocent blood will flow like a river” (1989).

Experts compare these words with the events of September 9, 2001, when innocent people died as a result of a terrorist attack on skyscrapers.

“Russia will again become a great empire, first of all an empire of the spirit”

Recent events will not allow one to doubt these words. Today, Russia has proven that it must be taken into account, it has become respected.

Vanga's predictions and the dead will rise with the living when the Russian Federation becomes a great power

At first glance, these words seem completely stupid. How can the “dead” become close to the living? But on the 70th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War, On May 9, the prediction came true. A large number of people across the country came out to support the “endless regiment”. The excitement around the action surprised even the organizers; no one expected so many people to take to the streets.

Vanga's predictions that came true and did not come true

“The world will go through many disasters, strong shocks. The very consciousness of people will change. Hard times will come. People will be divided on the basis of faith..."

This prediction came true, unfortunately, terrible things are happening all over the world, a huge number of disasters, every day you can hear on the news that new tsunamis, fires, floods or earthquakes have occurred in some part of the world. Horrible terrorist attacks around the world frighten even seasoned skeptics. Conflicts on religious grounds, unfortunately, are also not uncommon.

Vanga's predictions Syria will fall and the third world war will begin

Vanga once said that Syria would fall and changes would begin; scientists interpreted, based on recent events, that the great clairvoyant predicted the third world war after the fall of Syria. But now in the east they are fighting with enormous damage to the country, both materially and spiritually. The government is changing, order cannot be restored on its own, peaceful people are fleeing from there. Until the prediction came true, the time had not come to say for sure whether it was plausible or not.

Vanga's predictions about Europe

Vanga predicted that with the outbreak of war in the East, trouble would come to Europe. If you look at the situation today, we can say with confidence that the prediction has come true. Millions of refugees fleeing the East flooded Europe, so much so that local residents were forced to complain. EU policy could not refuse refugees shelter, but it was also impossible to accept everyone.

Vanga's predictions when the war in Donbass and Ukraine will end

She didn’t say anything good about Ukraine. That the crisis will drag on for a long time, greedy people who want to fill their pockets to capacity will come to power. Not thinking about the interests of the people. Poverty, hunger, robbery, violence - this is what awaits the country. Nothing in detail was said about the end of the war, or simply not yet interpreted.

Vanga's predictions for Crimea

The predictions about the peninsula are very vague. The only thing that was found was the words that Crimea and Russia will always go together, perhaps she meant the annexation of Crimea to Russia, the return. She also said that for a short time Crimea would belong to the Crimean Tatars.

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One of the most famous clairvoyants is Vanga, who spent her entire life helping people in need. She went blind as a child, but received the gift of seeing inaccessible things to an ordinary person. Many of Vanga’s predictions are striking in their accuracy, which is why prophecies for the future are so popular among people.

What did Vanga predict?

The famous Bulgarian clairvoyant spoke about the events of the future not only during sessions; a large number of her notes, which she dictated to her assistant, have been preserved. Vanga’s prophecies concerned people who, in her words, “left the righteous path.” Anger settled in souls will ultimately lead to madness. Deception, lack of faith in God, violence, all this will certainly come back to haunt humanity and then people will think that they are living wrong. There are Vanga’s predictions about the future, the implementation of which still has to wait:

  1. IN beginning of XXI centuries, doctors will be able to invent a medicine that will defeat cancer. She talked about how the disease would be shackled in “iron chains.” Some people suggest that the clairvoyant meant that the drug would contain a lot of iron.
  2. A new energy source will be created and this will happen in 2028. The seer also said that they would begin to actively use the energy of the sun, but oil production would completely stop.
  3. In 2033, sea levels will rise as a result of melting ice. Vanga did not say anything about whether this would happen suddenly or whether the level of the World Ocean would simply increase compared to what it was during the life of the clairvoyant.
  4. Muslims will come to power in European countries, and this will happen in 2043. As a result, there will be positive changes in the economy.
  5. A breakthrough in medicine is expected, so in 2046 doctors will learn to grow organs that can be transplanted into sick people.
  6. In 2088, humanity will face a new tragedy - a disease that causes rapid aging. In 11 years, doctors will find a cure for it.

Vanga's predictions about Russia

The clairvoyant said that the reserves of black gold would begin to dry up and after a while it would completely run out, but no matter how strange it may sound, the Russian economy would not be seriously affected by this, but they would find areas for the country’s development. Vanga’s predictions about Russia also concern the fact that beneficial agreements will be signed with China and India, which will be the impetus for concluding a peace treaty with America. Relations with Ukraine will normalize and people will understand that they are a friendly people. Vanga's prophecies about Russia also concerned the fact that this country would contribute to the unification of other states.

Vanga's predictions about Ukraine

In the seer's notes you can find a lot of information about different countries. Vanga’s predictions about Ukraine concerned the political situation, and she said that sooner or later the people would get tired of the government’s lies and a coup would happen. As a result, a representative of the middle class will come to power, thanks to whom the country will receive a new round of growth. By introducing the experience of Western countries, Ukraine will begin to develop at a rapid pace. Vanga also noted the rise in the cultural development of the country.

Vanga's predictions about the USA

There are not many records that concern America, but they still exist. For example, Vanga predicted that a black man would win the election, which is what happened. The seer said that the coastal states would be seriously affected by numerous tornadoes, tsunamis and floods. Vanga argued that America could “freeze,” but what this means and what environment it concerns is not clear, so it can relate to both nature and the economy. She also said that after some time the United States and Russia will improve relations and then everything will be stable in the world.

Vanga's predictions about Syria

Communicating with people, the seer more than once mentioned that Syria is a magical territory and great world events in the future will be connected with it. Vanga's predictions about the war emphasized that the fate of the whole world would be decided in this country. She said that super-powerful states would collide on this territory. If just a few decades ago these prophecies seemed strange, then judging by today’s news, everything is not as vague as it seemed. Vanga described that the world would emerge from the bloodbath completely different and a new teaching would unfold in Syria.

Vanga's predictions about China

The Bulgarian seer indicated in her notes that China will rise among other world powers and if you look at the pace of development of this state, the prediction may be quite real. Every year the Republic of China occupies more and more niches in the global market for the production of various goods and services. Vanga’s latest predictions indicated that the “mighty dragon” would conquer the world, people would use red money, and she also remembered the numbers 100, 5 and zeros. As you know, 100 yuan are red.

Vanga's predictions about the third world war

The notes of the Bulgarian seer contain information that the third world war will begin and this will happen in the East. It is worth noting that many clairvoyants confirm this information. Vanga predicted everything vaguely and did not specifically mention the war, but spoke of serious trials for the entire planet. Problems will manifest themselves after Syria “falls.” The first thing that will happen after this is the emergence of a new faith, the so-called “White Brotherhood”, which will come from Rus'. To summarize, we can conclude that cataclysms will begin due to religious contradictions.

Vanga's predictions about the end of the world

Like many other seers, Vanga agreed that the end of humanity would happen. A terrible apocalypse will have to do with water and, most likely, a global flood will happen again. Many are interested in when Vanga predicted the end of the world, for example, the Bulgarian seer pointed to the year 2378. She also talked about how the Sun would go out for three years, and without it all living things would die. The most dire predictions Vanga is associated with an asteroid that will cause it to go out celestial body and there will be a flood.

Which of Vanga's predictions came true?

Many prophecies made with the clairvoyant eventually became real, and among the most significant are the following:

  1. Death of Stalin. The soothsayer spoke about the death of the leader six months before the incident, and she called the exact date. It is worth noting that for what she said she was imprisoned in a Bulgarian prison.
  2. Kennedy's death. When describing Vanga’s predictions, which came true, one cannot lose sight of the fact that she knew about the assassination attempt on the American president four months before the tragedy.
  3. Collapse of the USSR. In 1979, a Bulgarian clairvoyant spoke about the changes that were coming and the collapse of a great state.
  4. Disaster with the Kursk eyeliner. Many of Vanga’s predictions seemed strange to people until they became reality; these included the tragedy that she spoke about back in 1980. She said that the Kursk would be under water in August 1999 or 2000, and then everyone thought that this concerned the city, not the submarine.
  5. Peace between America and Russia. Vanga said that she sees the two leaders of the world shaking hands, but will sign the final peace “Eighth”. It is believed that the seer was talking about Gorbachev and Reagan, who shook hands, and the “Eighth” is Russia, which entered the “Big Seven”.
  6. Terrorist attack in America. In 1989, a seer warned what would happen terrible tragedy, and the American brothers will fall, pecked to death by iron birds. As a result, in September 2001, terrorists flew airplanes into the twin towers, which collapsed, leading to the death of a huge number of people.
  7. Own death. Vanga talked about her death 6 years before it became a reality.

Vanga's unfulfilled predictions

Not everything said by the clairvoyant became reality and the following prophecies can be attributed to them:

  1. Vanga's predictions for the future concerned the fact that in 1990 a tragedy was to occur - the explosion of an airplane carrying American President Bush Sr.
  2. The soothsayer also said that one of the Arab states would completely disappear.
  3. Vanga’s good prediction, according to which after 2000 there will be peace on earth and there will be no cataclysms or disasters, also did not become reality.
  4. Vanga prophesied the beginning of the third world war in 2010, which would last four years.

Fortune Teller Vanga(full name - Vangeliya Gushterova, born Surcheva) died exactly 22 years ago, on August 11, 1996.

Vanga’s gift began to manifest itself during the Second World War, when the woman began to quite accurately answer fellow villagers whether their husbands would return from the front. Rumors about the seer spread quite quickly, and within a few years real fame came to Vanga.

In the last two decades of her life, she received visitors almost continuously in the Bulgarian village of Rupite. She was subsequently buried in the same village. Vanga's grave is located near the chapel of St. Paraskeva, erected with the money of the seer.

Vanga's prophetic gift is still disputed by skeptics. Someone believes that the entire village was in cahoots with the blind old woman - supposedly hotel workers and taxi drivers collected information about visitors in advance for the fortuneteller, and she then based her prophecies on this. However, several important predictions are attributed to her name, which ultimately came true.

Death of Stalin

Joseph Stalin. Image:

Prediction: " Big man with a pipe he will go into another world. The world will become kinder."

It is believed that in 1952 the death prediction Stalin cost the woman her freedom. The seer boldly spoke about the fact that she saw the death of the leader, for which she was sent to a Bulgarian prison. However, after a few months they were released - in March 1953, Stalin still died.

Assassination of Indira Gandhi

Indira Gandhi. Image:

Prediction: “The dress will destroy her! I see an orange-yellow dress in the smoke and fire!”

According to eyewitness accounts, in 1969 Vanga made a rather strange prediction. She suddenly started screaming about fire and an orange and yellow dress that would cause the death of the Prime Minister of India.
The meaning of Vanga’s words became clear only in 1984. On October 31, she wore an orange and yellow sari while getting ready to record a television interview with the British playwright and artist. Peter Ustinov. At the same time, she decided to take off her bulletproof vest. On the street, one of the guards shot at her. After receiving several dozen bullets, Gandhi died.

Glory to Philip Kirkorov

Philip Kirkorov. Image: Boris Kudryavov / KP Archive

Prediction: “I see him climbing up the mountain, and he has a stick in his hands.”

Family Philip Kirkorov I always knew that their son would become famous. According to family legend, at the age of 4 the future singer fell ill. Then his parents paid a visit to the fortune teller.

Vanga said that the boy would be fine. She also stated that she sees him on a high mountain, and he is holding a stick, and there are admiring people around him. It was not difficult to guess that the boy was predicted to achieve musical fame, and the stick was a microphone in his hands. Vanga also claimed that Kirkorov, at the age of 27, would connect his fate with a lady whose name begins with “A.” This prediction also came true - in 1994 his wife became Alla Pugacheva.

Perestroika and collapse of the USSR

Secretary General CPSU Central Committee Mikhail Gorbachev, US President Ronald Reagan (center) and US Vice President George W. Bush (left) on a walk along Governors Island in the USA in 1988. Image:

Prediction: “The world will change in 6 years. The old leaders will leave. A new person will come."

This prophecy was expressed by Vanga in 1979, when it was difficult to think about changes in the political system of the USSR. However, here too her words turned out to be true - in 1985 he came to power Mikhail Gorbachev, whose name is associated with the years of Perestroika.

In 1988, the prophetess said that Gorbachev would soon rise even more powerfully. At first no one could understand what the fortuneteller meant. But in 1990, her words made sense - Gorbachev was elected president of the USSR.

Accident on the Kursk submarine

Murmansk region. The base of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Federation is Vidyaevo. August 24, 2000 A naval officer carries wreaths during a farewell ceremony for the deceased crew of the nuclear submarine Kursk K-141, which sank on August 12, 2000. Image: Vladimir Velengurin / KP Archive

Prediction: “Kursk will disappear under water, and people all over the world will mourn this.”

A prophecy about the fate of the Kursk was made in 1980. Then it seemed strange to many that the seer spoke about the flooding of the entire city. Moreover, Vanga gave the exact time frame of the event. She indicated that this would happen at the turn of the century - in 1999 or 2000.

On August 12, 2000, an emergency occurred with the Kursk submarine in the Barents Sea. All 118 crew members were killed in the incident.

Tragedy of September 11 in the USA

The tragedy of September 11 in the USA.

The famous prophetess Vanga predicted many cataclysms and changes in the future of the world. All of them were tirelessly recorded by her loved ones, but were not immediately revealed to the public. At the direction of the seer herself, something was and is kept secret, and is revealed to people only in certain time. Vanga’s loved ones and the people to whom she told about the future do not dare to violate the clairvoyant’s orders, so they convey her predictions only when necessary, unchanged.

The words spoken by the seer rarely sounded in the literal sense, so people understand many warnings only after the event has already happened. For example, Vanga reported about the death of Kursk long before the tragedy occurred, but the message was deciphered only after the boat was sunk. Before this, everyone was sure that we were talking about the city of the same name.

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    Predictions that came true

    Of the latest prophecies that have come true, the prediction about Crimea is considered a good example. For Ukraine, as well as for other states, what Vanga said - literally: “Crimea will break away from one shore and grow to the other” - was incomprehensible until the peninsula actually “teared away.”

    Some predictions sounded quite clear, but they could be interpreted in different ways. Only after they came true did it become clear that the seer was giving an almost accurate description. The clairvoyant rarely named a specific date. From famous prophecies that have come true are the following:

    • Vanga predicted the upcoming death of the great leader of the USSR six months before Stalin’s death. For this she was subjected to repression, but when the prophecy came true, she was immediately released.
    • Vanga predicted Putin's power in Russia. Long before the reign of the current president, the seer spoke about the bright future and prosperity of the country under Vladimir.
    • The clairvoyant reported floridly about the death of the Kursk submarine, describing how the people would mourn the dead, and after that the Russians would become more united, kinder and more merciful.
    • Vangelia foresaw the collapse of the USSR in advance; it made her very sad, but she knew that it was impossible to prevent the collapse.
    • The seer voiced the Fuhrer's plans to take over the world long before the start of World War II. Victory Soviet Union over the German invaders was also predicted by her. This prophecy helped many people survive the difficult years of the war.
    • The clairvoyant reported about the events of September 11, 2001 in America back in 1989. But then it never occurred to anyone that the prophecy about the attack of steel birds was terrorist attack with planes when two were destroyed tallest towers USA.

    What didn't come true?

    The Gospel predicted many cataclysms and wars, but not all of them come true. Fans of the clairvoyant conducted analyzes of her prophecies, as a result of which they discovered that only about 80% of what she said came true. Such conclusions leave hope for a bright future, because the predictions that have not come true are quite terrible:

    • For 2008, Vanga prophesied events that were supposed to become a prerequisite for the Third World War. The seer reported that during this period there would be attempts on the lives of four rulers, which would result in armed conflicts.
    • Vanga determined the beginning of the Third World War in 2010. She said that for four years there would be fighting using prohibited weapons, which would affect the environment and economic development all over the planet.
    • The clairvoyant predicted world famine by 2011. She said that the use of nuclear and chemical weapons would lead to the extinction of plants and animals throughout the northern hemisphere, and the survivors would begin to die en masse from cancer and skin diseases. The prophecy that by 2014 there will be no animals and plants left in the Northern Hemisphere due to the use of dangerous weapons has also not come true. Europe will be practically empty, famine will begin.

    If you pay attention to the sequence of predictions, you can understand that one terrible prophecy is a consequence of the previous one. But since the Third World War did not start by 2010, the rest did not come true.

    Russia in 2018

    It is interesting that despite the terrible conditions that Vanga observed in her visions from 2008 to 2014, she made positive predictions for 2018. She reported that by this period China would dominate the entire world. She did not forget to mention Russia, predicting its participation in an alliance with India and China. The union of these world powers, according to the prophecies of Vangelia, should free reasonable and fair people from oppression, and direct the real exploiters to the right path, where they can bring benefit to humanity.

    The seer said that in 2018 Russia will gain unprecedented power thanks to its spiritual development. The economic takeoff of the state will give citizens a real chance to develop businesses and earn excellent income. This year, according to Vanga, should be an impetus for smooth transition to communism, which for the seer is a symbol of peace and justice on the planet.

    Prophecies about the 21st century

    The seer spoke not only about the coming years. Many of her predictions about the future are several centuries and even millennia ahead. For the 21st century, she predicted many events that may well come true. Indeed, for some of them there are clear prerequisites in the present. List of predictions by year:

    • Vanga predicted a crash for 2019 political systems. During this period the old regimes large countries will be noticeably changed, and subsequently they will be replaced by the faithful, directed towards God. 2016-2020 is a time of change for the better.
    • In 2020, the world is waking up to many mistakes. The central place on the Earth's stage will be taken by the smartest person who will be able to give people hope for a bright future and will change the course of the current development of society. Vanga had a special view of 2020; she sincerely believed in the power of this period. Her particular prediction concerned Bulgaria, about which the seer was sincerely worried. The clairvoyant believed that this country should unite with Russia this year. In such an alliance, Vanga saw the only true path for her Motherland.
    • By 2023, the earth's orbit will shift. Scientists will notice this, but such a change will remain information for certain circles. People will not do anything, but will consider the consequences for nature and the world as a whole.
    • Europe should be empty until 2025, and then it will begin to be actively populated. But this prophecy is a consequence of the Third World War, which did not occur in 2010, so interpreters of Vanga’s predictions do not believe in it.
    • By 2028, scientists will be able to create innovation source energy. At present, one can only guess about the essence of such an invention. But modern developments leave hope for this discovery, because every year world science searches for ways to prevent the energy crisis. Also for this year, Vanga predicted the departure of a spaceship to Venus.
    • For 2033, the clairvoyant predicted the active melting of ice, which will result in an increase in the level of the world's seas. This will cause the most terrible cataclysms on the planet, many cities will go under water.
    • By 2043, Muslims will seize power in Europe, but the rule will be carried out correctly, so the economies of European countries will begin to prosper, and people will live in happiness and prosperity.
    • Vanga marked the year 2046 as a turning point in the field of medicine. Doctors will master innovative methods by growing organs, thanks to this millions of people will have a chance at a long life. Cloning diseased and damaged body parts will become the mainstay of treatment. In addition to this innovation, the most terrible types will be invented military equipment and weapons.
    • In 2066, a nuclear war is coming between America and Muslims. There will be no winners, but the climate of Europe will suffer due to the use of terrible weapons. A noticeable cooling is expected, which will lead to freezing of Rome.
    • By 2076, Vangelia saw the establishment of communism throughout the world. She argued that classes, castes and other inequalities between people would remain a thing of the past. Humanity will unite and actively restore nature, which will return to its former glory by 2085.
    • The year 2088 will be marked by a terrible disease. The terrible virus will cause instant aging of the body and will claim numerous human lives. The fight against the disease will last 11 years, but by 2097 a cure will be found and the world will return to its previous course of events.

    Distant future

    The clairvoyant told very interesting and sometimes absolutely fantastic things about the following centuries. List of her prophecies:

    • By the beginning of the 22nd century, Vanga predicted the creation of an artificial sun, with which people would illuminate the dark side of the Earth, so that eternal day would come on the planet.
    • By the end of 2110, technological and medical developments will allow humanity to rid the body of injuries and diseases using mechanisms. People will turn into healthy cyborgs who will no longer be afraid of diseases and organ loss. The technical improvement of the body will reach its apogee, everyone will be able to easily fashion themselves into whatever they want.
    • 2123 will be marred by wars, but world powers will not enter into conflicts between small countries, so the planet will not suffer.
    • In 2125, a significant event will occur: Hungary will be able to receive an alien message. People will establish contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. The mood of the aliens will be friendly, so communication with them will allow earthlings to reach new level development.
    • By the beginning of 2130, aliens will help people master life under water, so the ocean floor will be completely explored. Also, representatives of other planets will help humanity solve many environmental problems.
    • The seer described the year 2164 very strangely. She said that it was at this time that animals would turn into half-humans. Interpreters of her predictions suggest that the prophecy indicates a sudden increase in intelligence in animals, but some believe this is a change in their appearance.
    • By 2167, a new religion will be formed, which will arise from ancient teachings. According to Vanga’s prediction, the source of religion will be located in Russia, but will quickly spread throughout the world.
    • By 2170, large bodies of water will dry up. Due to drought, the world's oceans will become shallow, but thanks to alien intervention, this will not affect the usual life of earthlings. In the same year, people form a colony on Mars, the exploration of which will be almost completed by that time.
    • The year 2183 will be marked by a revolt of the “Martians”. People who moved to live on Mars will invent the most powerful weapons with which they will threaten earthlings, demanding independence, but the conflict will be resolved peacefully.
    • In 2187, volcanic eruptions are coming in many places on the Earth. But thanks to the innovative developments and technologies of scientists, it will be possible to prevent a global catastrophe.
    • In 2195, human underwater life will achieve complete autonomy. Humanity will learn to produce food under water. Growing plants and energy independence on the ocean floor will develop to unprecedented heights.
    • The end of 2195 will be marked by the recognition of a new race of people. By this time, the mixing of races will lead to the complete disappearance of Europeans and Asians.
    • The beginning of the 23rd century will bring cold weather to the planet. The sun will begin to shine less brightly, but thanks to artificial luminaries, people will be saved and begin to prepare for life without natural light.
    • The year 2221 will be busy with active space exploration. A person will discover creepy aliens and come into contact with them, but will not identify a threat to earthlings. However, this meeting will greatly change the way of life on the planet.
    • By the end of 2255, the most terrible virus that will reach Earth will penetrate the spaceship. There is no cure for it. The disease will begin to rapidly spread across the planet, and many people will go to live on Mars. Also, by this time, Venus will be explored and will begin to look for ways to populate it.
    • In 2262, the orbits of the nearest planets will shift, and a cosmic body will fall onto Mars, causing irreparable damage to the Martian colony. This catastrophe will push people to settle Venus as soon as possible.
    • By 2270, many laws of physics will no longer work; scientists will have to make many new calculations due to changes in nature.
    • A new era in the field of energy will begin in 2279. Humanity will find new ways to extract energy out of nowhere. Interpreters of Vanga's prophecies are confident that this points to the study of black holes and vacuum.
    • The year 2288 will be a breakthrough year for earthlings. People will travel back in time for the first time. Flights to other planets and neighboring galaxies will already be ordinary tourism, communication with aliens will be so developed that economic ties will already be established with them.
    • The 23rd century will be marked by a noticeable cooling of the Sun. Humanity will make many attempts to solve the problem, but these efforts will end in failure. Powerful flares on the Sun will provoke a change in gravity, which will entail the fall of various bodies from space onto our planet. At the beginning of this century, Vanga foreshadowed the formation of an underground movement in France, which would be aimed at destroying Muslim rule, which would lead to terrible wars and political conflicts on Earth.
    • In the 24th century, the most important secret of the Universe will be revealed to humanity, the study of which will occupy the minds of all people. This century will be an era of new calculations, many obscure things will be unraveled and deciphered.
    • By 2304, scientists will discover the mystery surrounding the Moon. This will allow us to control many processes on Earth.
    • The year 2341 will be terrible, something unknown from space will bring enormous damage to the Earth and all humanity.
    • By the middle of the 24th century, there will be an irreparable failure in the operation of the artificial Sun. Many countries are facing drought, and with it famine. Until the end of the century, humanity will be on the verge of extinction, but it will be able to survive and cope with the global catastrophe. As a result of countless deaths, the ranks of earthlings will noticeably thin out, but the creation of a new race will allow people to speed up reproduction.
    • The prophetess gave a disappointing forecast for the 25th century. This period will be marked by the fading of artificial stars. Accidents in the sun will leave people without light and heat. Restoration of performance will continue throughout the century. During the same period, there will be a military conflict between earthlings and the inhabitants of Mars, which will lead to death large quantity people and disruption of planetary trajectories. The consequences of this war will be terrifying.
    • In 3010 the Moon will be destroyed. A huge cosmic body will crash into it and leave only dust and stones from the night star.
    • The end of the fourth millennium will be disastrous for the Earth. During this period, the people who remain alive will leave the planet forever and move to another star system. The beginning of a new life will be very difficult, but earthlings will overcome all difficulties.
    • The 39th century will be marked by a ten-year war for resources on the new planet. A climate different from Earth's will cause human mutations. The planet being developed will be sparsely populated and deserted, and as a result of the war, half of the people will die. The development of human civilization will stop due to the small number of inhabitants. But by the end of the 39th century, one prophet will appear who will make everyone believe in the importance of religion. Churches and temples will begin to appear on the new planet, with the help of faith and the intervention of aliens, people will again take the right path.
    • Vanga described the beginning of the 44th century as the dawn of humanity. Church and religion will contribute to scientific development. A person will restore lost knowledge, defeat all diseases and rise to a new level. Mutations in the body will allow people to use their brains to their full potential. Violence, evil and hatred will retreat and go into oblivion. The new society will follow the best way development.
    • The 46th century is especially important. During this period, people will come to God and learn to communicate with him. Humanity will reach the highest level of consciousness, so in 4509 the first direct contact with the Almighty will occur.
    • The end of the 46th century will bring immortality to man. People will reveal the main secrets of the Universe and understand what the secret is eternal life.
    • The 47th century will be the peak in the development of human civilization. By this time, many planets will already be inhabited by people. Total number the population of former earthlings will be more than three hundred billion. Experiments will begin to connect with aliens, which will lead to the creation of new creatures.
    • The fortuneteller called the fifth millennium the period of the end of the world. The seer reported that she did not see the destruction of humanity. Her prophecies end in the year 5079, by which time people will reach the edge of the Universe. Humanity will decide to cross this line without knowing what lies beyond. People will leave the boundaries of our Universe and find themselves in an unknown place, but Vanga did not see what awaits them there.

    Most of the prophecies seemed fantastic even to those close to the clairvoyant, but what the seer said can only be verified over time.

    What the clairvoyant said about the future fate of the world was rather vague, but she could clearly identify and help solve any problems of the people who turned to her. Based on a person’s date of birth, Vanga immediately understood who she was dealing with. From her words, they even compiled a table from which you can independently find out your destiny and correct something in life.

    Fate by date of birth

    The following table shows the years, months and their corresponding numbers. To find out your fate either individual characteristics, you just need to find the number corresponding to the intersection of your year and month of birth, and then familiarize yourself with its meaning.

    Unfortunately, Vangelia only took into account births before 1995, so this table will not be suitable for those born later.

    Year/Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
    1940 1968 31 13 17 13 39 18 38 36 20 36 29 14
    1941 1969 7 20 6 23 21 40 7 19 30 23 35 34
    1942 1970 5 32 32 18 28 10 15 35 16 34 27 13
    1943 1971 13 33 28 27 30 5 29 24 31 31 2 12
    1944 1972 31 23 39 31 7 6 6 37 26 36 23 35
    1945 1973 21 30 39 35 5 12 4 7 32 22 32 4
    1946 1974 40 15 15 3 2 7 32 34 28 36 4 8
    1947 1975 5 33 25 16 6 21 4 4 39 32 5 6
    1948 1976 6 19 38 19 14 39 39 32 9 5 20 27
    1949 1977 34 38 15 22 23 34 14 4 8 34 25 30
    1950 1978 1 28 38 10 18 40 36 27 16 40 29 30
    1951 1979 11 32 33 23 1 26 33 39 20 15 24 7
    1952 1980 6 8 22 5 39 2 5 34 39 12 12 33
    1953 1981 9 27 31 28 8 12 1 12 20 4 9 4
    1954 1982 10 5 15 11 11 18 18 16 6 12 15 4
    1955 1983 39 14 14 28 36 24 9 11 35 1 16 23
    1956 1984 35 24 25 12 37 7 35 35 26 31 19 29
    1957 1985 37 19 23 32 29 28 15 26 8 6 31 12
    1958 1986 20 30 2 8 37 34 2 37 23 30 14 20
    1959 1987 4 40 30 7 39 27 18 19 2 6 36 25
    1960 1988 4 10 20 19 15 16 1 20 26 7 37 3
    1961 1989 31 36 40 27 3 9 27 1 25 5 7 17
    1962 1990 34 10 33 9 40 23 12 37 30 17 37 24
    1963 1991 19 18 23 23 23 37 28 36 12 4 8 11
    1964 1992 21 21 15 25 31 2 20 5 16 4 12 37
    1965 1993 20 37 37 16 11 28 5 27 7 33 34 5
    1966 1994 21 24 23 39 9 37 38 26 26 2 28 2
    1967 1995 24 31 4 1 33 23 3 7 36 13 16 1

    Explanation of values:

    • One means happy and long life. A person follows the path of life smoothly and carefree, he will be able to achieve everything he strives for.
    • Two - getting what you want is possible only if there are people nearby who can lend a helping hand. Only with the influence of outsiders will a person’s fate be successful. To find happiness, you need to learn to ask for help and solve problems together.
    • Three - throughout life a person is destined to face various kinds of obstacles. Failures await him at every step. Results can only be achieved through hard work.
    • Four - this person is capable of achieving a lot, but he can pave the way to the goal only on his own. It is useless to rely on strangers. Only your own efforts will bring the desired result.
    • Five – happiness requires knowledge and experience. Comprehension of the world around us is the main task of such a person. To achieve harmony, you need to study long and hard and develop the necessary skills.
    • Six - this number marks slow people who are prone to long and rational thinking. Although this approach to solving life’s problems delays the fulfillment of desires, the result of the activity brings complete satisfaction.
    • Seven - it is not easy for people of this sign to find happiness; there are many trials and life difficulties await them on the path to harmony. But this strengthens character, so such a person reaches the desired goal in any case.
    • Eight – this number requires patience and resourcefulness. Such a person will be able to achieve success in any business only thanks to his ingenuity. But in order not to go astray, you need to unconditionally believe in yourself.
    • Nine - this sign marks extremely impatient people who need to cultivate self-control. If such a person learns to wait, his life will change dramatically. Happiness itself will fall into his hands, if he just has to be patient a little.
    • Ten is the sign of the lone wolf. These people should not count on anyone's help. Their happiness depends only on their own efforts. Moreover, by allowing them into their lives, they can only harm themselves.
    • Eleven - for a person of this number there are no barriers to life path. All his affairs turn out successfully by chance. Happiness, success and love accompany him even where others are initially doomed to failure.
    • Twelve - such a person should be more judicious and exercise increased caution. The fearlessness of such people can create for them unnecessary problems. You shouldn’t overestimate yourself, you need to learn to blend in with the crowd, otherwise leadership will result in big troubles.
    • Thirteen - this number shows the nature of an overly persistent person who does not admit losses. Such people should learn to find joy in little things. Otherwise they will be threatened nervous shock which will develop into serious diseases.
    • Fourteen - anger and intolerance prevent this person from establishing relationships with others. It is necessary to eradicate these qualities in yourself, otherwise nothing good will happen in life. Only patience and pacification of his violent temper will lead such a person to success and prosperity.
    • Fifteen - people of this number are in trouble everywhere. Misunderstanding of loved ones and constant disappointments in the world around them lead such a person to a lonely existence. It is hardly possible to change something, but it is worth trying, because fate may one day smile.
    • Sixteen - long-term projects and plans for the distant future should be abandoned. Only unexpected decisions and the twists of fate will lead this person to happiness and harmony.
    • Seventeen - this person very often makes rash actions that lead him to big problems. There is no need to rush, because an extra minute of reflection can save you from many years of regret about what you have done.
    • Eighteen - this number reveals the lucky ones who get everything without special effort. So that life does not deal blows, these people just need to live and enjoy existence. And happiness will cover them by itself.
    • Nineteen - people of this number need to be very careful. They do not notice the chances that fate gives them. But you just have to look around, and it immediately becomes clear that happiness comes into your hands, you just need to take it.
    • Twenty - these people should not show negative emotions. All bad messages boomerang back to them. Only kindness and helping others will help them find harmony in this life.
    • Twenty-one - these people rarely have luck; they achieve everything through hard work. It cannot be said that their life is going badly, but a person of this number can hardly be called lucky. To achieve what they want, they need to put in a lot of effort.
    • Twenty-two is the number of selfish and selfish people. To achieve happiness, you need to pay attention to those around you and pacify your selfishness, otherwise such a person risks being left alone.
    • Twenty-three - very friendly and sociable people are marked with this sign. Everything goes well for them, since there are always those next to them who are ready to support them in any endeavor.
    • Twenty-four - faith in yourself and your strengths is important here. It is necessary to eradicate the habit of constantly analyzing your actions. To achieve the highest results, these people only need to trust their own intuition.
    • Twenty-five is the number of crossroads. On the path of life, a person constantly comes across situations in which he needs to choose the right path. For this they need to rely on loved one, they themselves always choose the wrong thing.
    • Twenty-six - the purpose of these people is the family and everything connected with it. Only after building strong marriage, such a person will find his happiness in this world.
    • Twenty-seven - this number hides the destiny of self-improvement. To achieve something, a person needs to tirelessly learn and develop.
    • Twenty-eight is the sign of pessimists. Only by looking at life from an optimistic side can this person find happiness. Otherwise, he is doomed to constant disappointment.
    • Twenty-nine is a number that does not tolerate loneliness. A person must always maintain close relationships with friends and loved ones. Only joint efforts will fill life with harmony.
    • Thirty - only interaction with friends will lead such a person to happiness. These people need to learn diplomacy so that others do not turn away from them.
    • Thirty-one - those marked with this sign are very slow. They need to force themselves to act quickly, otherwise they will achieve nothing.
    • Thirty-two - the whole life of these people consists of changes, thanks to which they successfully develop and find their happiness.
    • Thirty-three is a symbol of stagnation. It is extremely important for these people to seek balance in everything, but sometimes it is necessary to make sharp leaps forward. This is the only way to achieve something.
    • Thirty-four - such a person always achieves what he wants, but spends too much effort on it. You need to learn to let situations go. The result will not change.
    • Thirty-five is a sign of contradictions and duality. You need to find your “I” and live in harmony with yourself, without being distracted by hesitations.
    • Thirty-six - these people are characterized by excessive self-confidence. They need to take a careful look at themselves from the outside and get rid of the put-on gloss, otherwise those around them will turn away from them.
    • Thirty-seven - constant problems with money accompany such a person. To avoid ruin, you should monitor your expenses very carefully, learn to save and save money.
    • Thirty-eight is a symbol of lazy people. To achieve your plans, you just need to force yourself to act.
    • Thirty-nine - these people constantly have to deal with deceivers and scammers. In order not to become a victim of other people's machinations, you should get rid of excessive gullibility.
    • Forty - the success of such a person is a direct reflection of the efforts he makes. The more he works, the more high results reaches.


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