Scenario for March 8 in a women's group.

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International Women's Day March 8 is a holiday that has been very popular in our country since Soviet times. Perhaps this is due to the fact that this day, despite the initial political overtones, remained outside of politics, or maybe because it is the first spring holiday. One way or another, everyone loves March 8th.

And they start early: in the office, on workplace, it is there that the first congratulations or toasts to women are heard, and sometimes groups organize real corporate events dedicated to this event. We would like to offer ideas for scenarios for March 8th, this wonderful spring holiday, with a small remark, in a women's team.

Idea No. 1. Scenario March 8 in the women's group "Eight girls, one me.."

Perhaps some of you are familiar with this situation: the spring holiday is gaining momentum, men are running through the streets with armfuls of flowers to congratulate their employees, and you, a cheerful chirping flock, are organizing a holiday for yourself, pleasing the only man who adds a little masculine gallantry on your bachelorette party. Of course, our lovely women do not suffer particularly about this, and yet...

The scenario brought to your attention on March 8 in the women's group “Eight Girls, One Me” was created exclusively for such a situation. Actually, such a clear distribution of women and men is not at all necessary. According to this scenario, you can hold a party in a more colorful company, but in in this case There is only one male representative.

Hints for the presenter are in italics, or, as in this case, The presenter.

It is assumed that there is one male individual, for example Pyotr Petrovich.

Presenter: My dear colleagues, comrades-in-arms and friends! It just so happened that on weekdays and on all our holidays, you and I bear a heavy burden both for ourselves and for that guy. If it were not for the respected and beloved Pyotr Petrovich by all of us, one would feel like absolute Amazons. Of course, female society is pleasant and even useful: our communication enriches us not only with professional knowledge, but also practical advice on household tasks, or issues of raising children... and men, who, in essence, are also our children.

But, to be honest, female company sometimes gradually spoils our family relationships, and even leads to a dead end. And we start crying into each other’s vests and complaining about how “all men are s...!” I didn't say that's what the series is called.

And today, strange as it may seem, I would like to talk not about us women, but about those who sometimes, oh, get it inside these walls. Today is our holiday, and we have the right to choose any topic for conversation, and Petr Petrovich will forgive us in honor of such a day?!

So, the first competition with which we will open our festive evening:

The first contest "The Man of My Dreams"

Presenter: Dear ladies, in our first competition you are invited to draw a portrait of the man of your dreams. You will not need paints, the portrait will be verbal, but there will be additional conditions.

The story should describe:

external features,

inner world

and... stomach. Sorry, taste preferences.

The competition is held: The participants take turns talking about their ideal men. The wittiest one wins.

Presenter: You see, my dears, we ourselves don’t know what we want. Either our demands are too high, or our logic is truly feminine. And how can a man deal with all this, let alone live up to it?

But since we are so smart, let's prove that our claims to the ideal are fully justified, and that there will be ideal man not difficult at all. Moreover, it is very useful not only for us personally, but also for him. After all, you and I know what is good and what is bad, men, with their straightforward thinking, cannot always see the bright goal behind the next turn of the winding path. So, given... No, before announcing the conditions of the task, a small intermediate competition.

Competition "Beautiful Galatea" or "Body Swap"

Presenter: Now we will be holding a Pygmalion competition - you, my dear beauties, receive the honorary but temporary title of man, knight, gentleman, macho, etc.

The presenter can distribute men's toilet details to the participants. The easiest way is to provide everyone with ties.

Our, or rather your hero, is a creative person. And like anyone else creative personality she, that is, he, and to be absolutely precise, each of you has your own dream, ideal. And now you are creating one. The competition for the title of best Pygmalion is open. Unfortunately, we only have one model. Therefore, everyone will have the right to one single blow on this piece of marble. Remember what Michelangelo said: “I take a piece of marble and cut off all that is unnecessary.” With us, everything will be exactly the opposite. Because women, unlike sculptors, need a lot of extra things.

Well, our Beautiful Lady is ready, now you, my dear knights, will have to win her heart. At the end of our evening, Galatea will definitely name the best.

A competition is being held

After Galatea is ready, competitions begin, which are judged by the newly-minted “woman” - Galatea (more precisely, our respected, transformed Pyotr Petrovich, in case anyone has forgotten). And women playing the role of men become the main subjects.

Quiz Woman from “A” to “Z”

Presenter: And we will start with “trifles”, important and not so important for any woman. Whoever gives the most correct answers in the quiz will receive a prize.

(The presenter asks a question, each time giving a token to the participant who was the first to give the correct answer; the winner is the one who gets greatest number tokens)

A - an ethereal creature with wings or a very kind woman (Angel).

B - best friends girls, this... (Diamonds).

B - an elegant piece of fabric that can turn a woman into a beautiful stranger (Veil).

G - fur worthy of decorating the shoulders of a luxurious woman (Ermine).

D - the head decoration of any princess (Diadem).

E - the name of the first woman (Eve).

Yo is a ballet in which no decent woman would dare to appear. (Yoperny).

F is a weakness that the most cannot resist strong men (Femininity).

Z - an animal with which a woman who has annoyed her with something is compared (Snake).

And - the style chosen by the woman (Image).

Y is a medicine that is in every woman’s home medicine cabinet (Iodine).

K - this makes a woman’s gait attractive and irresistible (Heel).

L - how can a woman heal without medication? (Caress).

M is the main purpose of a woman (Motherhood, mom).

N - this protects delicate female fingers while sewing (Thimble).

O - it is his woman who creates, stores and protects (Family hearth).

P - the best ballerina of the theater (Prima).

R - relationships into which a woman deeply in love enters (Novel).

S - one of the brightest and most desirable events in the life of every girl (Wedding).

U - what does a woman provide for her man? (Cosiness).

F - food perfect for lovemaking (Fruits).

X - what is the name of a dish made from frozen meat broth? (Aspic).

C - women are ready to receive both on holidays and on weekdays (Flowers).

Ch - a spice that prevents infections and kisses (Garlic).

Sh - it warms, and, having received it as a gift, a woman’s soul is thrilled (Fur coat).

SCH - a traditional dish Russian cuisine (Shchi cabbage soup).

E - impressionable women do not know how to restrain... (Emotions).

Yu is a very attractive purely feminine piece of clothing (Skirt).

I - as the 45-year-old birthday girl is jokingly called (Berry).

(The winner is awarded a prize)

After this competition, the participants seem to speak on behalf of men. And you can sequentially hold competitions with them:

Poetry competition "Madrigal"

Competition "Romeo"

Then, based on the results of the competition, the “newly-minted “woman” - Galatea” (Petr Petrovich) will solemnly announce the winner and encourage all participants. And it will be especially good if at this moment he says a beautiful toast in honor of all the ladies present on behalf of the man.

Idea No. 2. Scenario March 8 in the women's group "Well, girls, little by little!?"

The second option for holding a holiday in a women’s company may be a “purely female” one, in which the heroes of the occasion, on the contrary, will be happy to talk about their favorite topics: fashion, beauty, men and, most importantly, about their beautiful and unique selves. And if, at the same time, there is a small number of men present, then let them participate with pleasure or... do not interfere.

- If there are men at the holiday, then the host can start the holiday like this:

Presenter: Good evening, dear men (if they are at the holiday), Despite the fact that each of you is of special value, each exclusive is worth its weight in gold, today’s holiday is dedicated not to you, but to the beautiful and dangerous, weak and persistent, beautiful and sweet, mysterious and unpredictable... women! Therefore, the topic of our conversations and competitions will be fashion, beauty, and our relationships with men.

- If there are no men, then this:

Presenter: Good evening, dear ladies! It so happens that we are celebrating this wonderful holiday with you in wonderful company, and therefore I propose to spend it the way we want, chat about our favorite topics and have fun from the heart!

( First toast: Congratulations on the coming of spring and the first spring holiday! Love to you, joy, bright impressions and unfading youth!)

Game "Appeal to Men"

Presenters: Dear friends, let’s admit, no matter how hard we try not to talk about it, it’s still a little annoying to celebrate a holiday without men?! I propose to write a message to the male half of humanity right here and right now, so that the Universe will hear us and send its representatives to our collective. So, let's start with adjectives, what adjectives do you think of first when you think of the word “man”?

(The ladies name the adjectives, the presenter writes them one by one into the missing places of a pre-prepared template, then solemnly reads out what happened. It sounds quite funny, because the names, as a rule, are either very flattering, or, on the contrary)

Approximate request template

"……….our men, ……….friends, ……..colleagues and……..defenders. Today, on this…….day and ……….holiday, we want to declare that we really need you! And we want you to be there and every......night, surrounding us with,......attention, giving,......compliments and... Know that only your......looks and......hugs make us truly, we love you!


(Second toast)

Comic music game"Between Us Girls"

Quiz “Fairytale fashionistas”

Role-playing fairy tale "Let's do it a little bit"

Musical game “My light, tell me the mirror”

Idea No. 3. Theme party scenario

The third option for holding a spring holiday in a women's group could be the idea of ​​a themed party. In order not to feel discomfort about the fact that there are no male colleagues with you on such a holiday, it is best to organize a holiday that has nothing to do with a purely female theme and enjoy immersing yourself in another era or reality. Choose a topic: fairy tale, cinema, 19th century, hats, coffee, etc. and spend the entire evening in the style of the chosen plot - it will be exciting, educational, and original.

March 8th is a holiday for the whole family, and all those who respect a woman, housewife and mother. Who else but the women themselves know how best to spend this day, how to celebrate it with a sparkle in a circle of pleasant company. Over the winter, we have already missed the warm and gentle rays of the sun.

Draw a cheerful sun, maybe several, funny clouds and decorate the room with them. I advise you to draw a funny sun face and make rays different lengths from yellow knitting threads (attach them with tape). Let, despite the weather outside, our holiday be illuminated by the sparkling rays of the sun. Almost every woman has a sweet tooth. Diets away! Make garlands and bouquets from sweets - let sweets surround the girls on this day. And, of course, flowers, lots of flowers. You can put branches of trees and bushes in the water in advance; they will produce young green leaves for the holiday. An important attribute of the celebration is the festive table. Prepare your favorite dishes without counting calories and use more greens. After all, “summer” dishes improve your mood, even if the table is replete with various salads and fresh fruits.

The proposed scenario is more designed for a bachelorette party, but if your team still includes representatives of the stronger half of the population, let them have fun with you.

I immediately congratulate you, dear ladies, and myself
And on our Women's Day I wish us
More smiles, sunshine and success!
Prosperity, vigor, boisterous laughter!

Bye (name of a colleague who will participate in the scenario, but is not yet in the room) ran to us for gifts, because only woman's heart can tell right choice present, I will share my wish with you.
How you want, girls, in the sea of ​​flowers
Lose your bed
And with a good man
Until the morning, crush the flowers!

An absent colleague runs into the hall and literally shouts in an excited voice: Girls! Amazing! I got hold of such a thing! I ordered for everyone (hereinafter referred to as the Breadwinner).

What did you find there? What purchase can surprise you? Is it just that winter 2013 fashion went towards Chinese down jackets, and mink coats They sell it for the price of a box of matches?

Better! Men's home slippers in the “High-Tak” style!

Presenter indignantly:

Before you get outraged, listen. Here, take the instructions. You will also read and follow me so that everyone is convinced that everything is the purest truth, and not my fantasy. And in your turn to read, I’ll follow you. And so, the Slippers are intended for Homo Muzhikius from the genus People of the primate breed, in popular parlance for the Khakhali.

Slippers can serve both for one man and for several of different ages and intimate size, predominantly of the Money-bearing subspecies.

So that you can immediately use the slippers for their intended purpose without errors, they come with a specially trained Muzhik of the military-hefty subspecies.

The special addition, as a rule, is provided in NAKED form, its main components being the tummy, the account and the ears.

The bare appearance of the training element of the kit is explained by the fact that it is difficult to guess color scheme wrappers for Hahal that would fit the interior of the house.

However, if you provide correctly completed certificates - evidence that nothing will spoil your interior. Muzhik's equipment is complemented by a “fig leaf-condomchik” design and headphones.

Since Men's Muscles are of different intimate sizes, they are selected for each slipper individually.

The slippers come with a Hahal Metric and a health book with a health card, and access to Muzhikius’s current account is required.

And also the address of the nursery with complete instructions on the use of slippers and Muzhikius.

As well as educational and stimulating discs with photos and videos, a selection of scientific documentation and the ancient Kama Sutra library.

Khakhal is easy to use and unpretentious in nutrition.

Compact in size, easy to store, it will decorate any apartment interior like a statue.

For VIP clients or for collective purchasing individual order Collective slippers from the Harem series from Muzhikius can be made.

However, collective stocking of 2, 3, 4, 5 or more Khakhals may be difficult due to the overwhelming demand and insufficient quantity of this subspecies in the warehouse of the Russomujiko nursery.

In this case, customers will have to be satisfied with the complete set of Muzhikis from friendly nurseries: “Kitayskomuzhiko” and “Egyptskomuzhiko”.

If you yourself decide to make slippers of the patented design of the Russomuzhiko nursery, then at your tearful request we will send the drawings, detailed description components and instructions.

Khakhaley details for self-assembly are not sent. This part of the slipper set entirely falls under the “Find it yourself” section.

Oops! And dreams come true...and not only, it turns out to be New Year.

Did I miss something? What dream?

Yes, you know, I shared it with you the day before. Well, there’s a sea of ​​flowers and stuff like that...

Oh, that’s why I fell for slippers, you’re not the only one who can dream.

In our time, everything must be kept in women’s hands; we ourselves are the organizers of our own happiness.

I placed a collective order. They promised that everything would be fine.

And now, ladies, let's start creating a sea of ​​flowers.

For the competition, call several, if there are men in the team, then call only them. Necessary details: scissors, pencils (simple and colored), felt-tip pens, colored paper, ready-made paper flowers, wire, double-sided tape, sticks (you can use used Chinese ones), green thick threads. Task: build as many flowers as possible from the proposed props. Flowers can be on a stick, buds or just petals. For example, you can draw an open bud, the most primitive one, in the middle of an openwork circle; you don’t have to be Levitan for this; glue it to a stick using double-sided tape. Just below the bud, make leaves from a piece of thread (just tie it with a bow on a stick). Blanks (cut out circles of different diameters, cut into petals, leaving the core), then by gluing them together you can get a lush multi-level flower. Pre-prepared blanks will help the contestants quickly collect flowers, but they must also leave an unplowed field for creativity.

There will be no winners in this competition; women simply receive a sea of ​​flowers made with caring hands.

Everyone knows that every woman contains a mystery.

How can we solve riddles ourselves?

If you have, then there is no need to call anyone, let everyone take their places behind festive table and guess. If there are men, then you need to call teams of equal numbers (about 3-4 people each). The number of riddles and themes are at your discretion, here are some examples.

Every woman has it. In the summer it is filled with the sun, dried in the fall, and eaten in the winter. What is this? (Highlight).

Poor Nina is sitting on orange peels. (Cellulite).

Above the knee, but below the navel. The kind of thing where your hand reaches. (Pocket).

Can there be eggs on a tree? (Yes, in the hollow).

One carrot is cooked for 15 minutes. How long will it take to cook 2 carrots? (15 minutes).

Who doesn't want rain to ruin their hair? (To Baldy).

What does half a stick of sausage taste like? (To the other half).

If there are men, and if they win, then encourage them with the phrase: “In our team there are only worthy men who take all the hardest things on their shoulders.” It's a women's holiday, enough compliments from men, they'll do without gifts. If the team is female or the ladies win, then: “Our women themselves are mysterious and will solve any riddle on the fly!”

We girls are like Daisies.

R- romantic,

ABOUT– awesome (charming),

M- dear,

A- angels in the flesh.

Sh– chic.

TO- the most beautiful.

AND– playful.

Maybe not all the advantages were listed? Let's help.

The presenters repeat their options letter by letter, and the audience adds.

So, let's raise a glass to the chamomile field!

We ate, we drank, we played, and now I want to sing.

So what's the problem? Come on, girls! Tighten. Ours, the people's.

We're girls, we're stunned,
Beautiful - dressed (o-yes),
Hairstyle, manicure,
Naliplanto this and that (oh-yes)
Muzhicanto Presidento
Blindlyanto un momento (oh-yes)
And for this poetento
We should write poems! (oh-yes)

We're girls, it's good
And shootanto we glasento (oh-yes)
We ask for fiato husband
Every day there's a convertible (oh-yes)
Constantly wanting fur coats,
And on a diet (oh-yes)
We would like a million in banko
And spit on the price (oh-yes).

We are girly, we are modest,
we are lampusi de pampusi (oh-yes),
Muzhicanto prostrate padento
And stacked in stacked (oh-yes),
And everyone admires us
And rozhanto we are children (oh-yes),
Happy and loving
In congratulations martento (oh-yes).

When the word “Beauty” is uttered, a woman is always introduced.

And, as you know, nothing can spoil beauty.

So let's drink some wine.

And carefully poke the snack with a fork. For the beautiful half of humanity!

For us, girls!

" url="">

08.02.2019 | Looked at the script 8366 Human

In some kingdom
Rosinsky state,
Tsar Artyom thought about the Duma -
I am saddened by the difficult news.

Treasurer bad news
Preserving the maiden honor
Julia presented the king with
Like, I’m telling the whole truth:
“I don’t have a shred of money,
At least strip naked!”

Corporate party for women on March 8

06.02.2019 | Looked at the script 5460 Human

1. Presenter _ in a formal suit
2. Yashka the artilleryman - boots, stick
3. Girl No. 1 – scarves, aprons (aprons)
4. Girl No. 2
5. Girl No. 3
6. Grandfather-elder - cap
7. Garpina - scarf, bottle
8. Gritsko – military cap
9. Popandopulo...

for adults

04.02.2019 | Looked at the script 10250 Human

We dress up in advance (Robes, dresses, scarves and make “pretty large” busts out of balloons)

- Today is a solemn day!
Happy day!
Day of unearthly beauty!
We give you our love and of course flowers!

Our dear fighting friends!

Sketch for March 8 “Masha and the Bear”

04.02.2019 | Looked at the script 4695 Human

Hello Mashunya, would you like some honey?
- Hello Mishunya, mmm I won’t refuse!
- Then take the pot, it’s standing at the entrance.
- Yes, yes Mishunya, let's dispel the sadness!

I can destroy a pot in 3 approaches.
- Yeah, putting microbes in there with your furry paw?!
- What...

The scene “The eighth of March is around the corner!”

27.01.2019 | Looked at the script 10418 Human

The eighth of March is around the corner,
In the shops - men -
Everyone's pushing, guys.
They should find a gift!
They carry glorious bouquets -
From mimosa from carnations,
And in the other hand - sweets -
To prove that he's a man!
Leaning on the lady's cheek,
Ay love yu and all that,
With compliments...

An interesting congratulations script for March 8

26.01.2019 | Looked at the script 13339 Human

Host: Dear friends!
And again spring, of course, March-
The spring holiday is yours.
Winter is gone, love is in overdrive!
And our feelings start!
Spring and women are a single whole, inseparable. Let's ask ourselves the question - why? The answer to this can only be given...

Theater script for congratulations on March 8

25.01.2019 | Looked at the script 8886 Human

"Voice behind the scene":
Hello, ladies, gentlemen!
How did you get here?
I tell you without deceit,
You have entered our kingdom.
And our head, as of old,
Almighty, formidable king.
Don’t you dare offend him -
He is called Eremey!

“King Eremey” enters majestically...

Script of congratulations for March 8

25.01.2019 | Looked at the script 7871 Human

The bright spring holiday of March 8th is knocking on our door with huge boots, and of course, every man wants to show off his talent by doing at least something pleasant for his woman(s). It's no secret that my page is often visited not only by my...

Script of congratulations for March 8

24.01.2019 | Looked at the script 7300 Human

From March 8th. (variations on the theme “About Fedot the Sagittarius, a daring fellow”)
Believe me or don't believe me - it was in the spring.
Once upon a time there lived a sultan, he had an oil fountain, one gas tap,
He adored all the ladies, had his own clan and his name was Ivan.
Flew by...

Scenario for a theatrical corporate party on March 8!

24.01.2019 | Looked at the script 5556 Human

Congratulations from the pioneers.
A detachment of pioneers enters the stage to the beat of drums. The equipment corresponds to the performance (T-shirt, shorts, white socks and red ties and caps). Some have a butterfly net in their hands, others have drums, and the one walking...

Flowers, gifts and kind words are definitely nice, but expected. IN holidays I want bright, fresh emotions and complete distraction from everyday life. Successfully planning a corporate party for March 8 in a mixed team is not easy. But there are so many opportunities to implement the organizer’s ideas, and how nice it is to watch the company having fun!


Decide where your corporate event will take place - at work or in a restaurant. Celebrate March 8th at work in a close team, if you have one suitable premises, very funny! You can stay up late, include noisy competitions, ditties, chants in the script, because you won’t bother anyone.

If you decide to gather in a restaurant on March 8, the corporate party scenario should be worked out taking into account the time allotted for the event, available space, and the rules of the establishment. Before you rent tables, find out if you can bring your own decor. To ensure that your guests are immersed in the holiday atmosphere in advance, hand out an invitation to a corporate party in honor of March 8 to all your colleagues.

You can make an original invitation with your own hands by decorating a blank postcard lush buds made of corrugated paper, the company logo, a fluffy number 8 made of paper petals.

To immerse yourself in a joyful spring atmosphere, decorate the room:

  • balloons under the ceiling with buds tied to the tails of ribbons;
  • garlands of paper flowers, serpentine in delicate spring shades;
  • huge paper pompoms, circular fans with funny pictures or photos of employees in the center;

  • daffodils, tulips, mimosas on the tables;
  • congratulatory banner at the entrance/above the stage;
  • photo zone against the background of a thematic poster/press wall with the company logo.

Implement complex design ideas It’s hardly worth it on March 8th - the main thing is that the corporate party takes place in a “smart” atmosphere, and not in a boring, faceless room. The music will highlight the theme of the holiday (songs about spring, women, congratulatory songs), but regular dance music for March 8 should also be on the track list, otherwise the atmosphere will be too “vanilla.”

Entertainment, script

We offer a universal scenario for a corporate party on March 8 in a mixed team - competitions, games, congratulations, a humorous quiz. Entertainment for both women and men, including pair competitions (they can be replaced with any others at the discretion of the organizer).

There are supposed to be two presenters - a woman (WJ) and a man (VM), but this is not critical, the texts are easy to correct. The presenter in the image of a capricious, demanding young lady: “Hey, why are we sitting? Come on, quickly invite the ladies to dance, otherwise I’m not responsible for myself today!” - and stomp with your foot.

Introductory scene

The holiday opens with a funny skit and a short song adaptation, girls perform. At this point, the guests are seated by the hosts at the tables. The first to appear on stage are two typical “blondes” - brightly made up, in very short dresses, dazzling the audience with rhinestones and jewelry.

Since these are not home gatherings, but a corporate party, choose funny scenes for March 8, taking into account the morals and personal qualities of the guests. It is important that the humor be kind and not offensively sarcastic.

First and second blondes (1b and 2b):

1b: Darling, what did you give to your 23rd birthday?

2b: Warm socks and comfortable underpants for home use. Cool ones, with hearts. And you?

1b: And I’m using the machine and the foam, he’s just run out... Girlfriend, let’s go to next year give me a razor, and I'll give you panties?

2b: Come on, we did the same thing the year before – it turned out fine, quite original. What did you ask yours for on March 8th? I want an iPhone. Well, or at least Chanel number five.

1b: And I say, buy me a fur coat, it’s almost three years old - I’ll embarrass myself in tatters. And guess what, he answers me: why do you need a fur coat for spring? Eh, what a guy!
2b: Yes, you won’t get normal gifts from these goats...

Completely different girls take the stage - modestly dressed, with dull makeup, with scarves thrown over their shoulders, with their hair braided. The dream of a future family man! There can be as many of them as you like, but at least two.

Girl: Hello, girls! We accidentally overheard your conversation, and this is what I want to tell you...

One of the blondes: Accidentally? Yeah! And what kind of girls are we to you? You are unfinished choruses, and we are real women! Yes, Mash? (the second one crows).

Dev1: Yes Yes. Real... Almost like that fur coat whose dad is a mink and whose mom is a beaver.

Blonde: You understand a lot! This is ex-clusive! But how do you hillbillies know such words (both leave the stage with their heads held high, walking from the hip, comically staggering on high heels).

Dev1: It is because of such persons that they later say that all women are fools. And how can we explain to them that women’s happiness does not lie in minks and iPhones?

Dev2: Come on, their forest and field! The mood is wonderful today, it smells like spring. Let's sing better?

Today is a girls' holiday -
They give gifts in the morning
And the girls' cheeks are burning
Bright blush all day.
The girls are sitting, matters aside
Bouquets in hands are fiddled with
After all, today is the whole evening for the girls
Compliments come from the guys.
Men are full of pride
Caring, kind.
After all, our girls are slim,
Beautiful and wonderful.
Girls are dancing, husbands are on the sidelines
Glasses and shot glasses are clinking,
On the main evening of spring March
We expect only the best from the guys!

VJ: Dear men, the floor is yours. Open the champagne, we have already prepared your ears for a toast to the fair half of our team!

Instead of this touching remake song for March 8, you can choose a different theme if the corporate event involves a more cheeky atmosphere.

Using or a similar program, it’s easy to change the tempo of the music so that the melody fits perfectly with your words.

Table chant

VM., after the skit and a series of toasts/congratulations in free form: Friends, a swallow on its tail brought me amazing news. It turns out that not everyone within a 5 km radius knows how great we are at celebrating International Women’s Day. This needs to be fixed urgently!

Write down the roles and lines for them on pieces of paper, and let the guests choose who gets what. In a large team there will be several identical roles, but this way the game will be even more fun.

When guests hear a word from their card in the host’s speech, they need to shout out their response.

Cards (=number of guests):

Woman– we deserve it!

Man– I’m good, I bought a gift (these cards need to be swapped if the gender does not match the role).

Holiday- let's go for a walk, hurray!

March- crazy spring has come!

Job- I'll wait!

Vodka- pour it already!

The text is read by the presenter, making short pauses after key phrases. Guests listen carefully so as not to miss their role:

MARCH in our country is traditionally WOMEN'S month, because everyone celebrates a wonderful HOLIDAY in warm company, often after WORK. Compliments and congratulations from MEN, dancing to a good snack and VODKA lift the mood of WOMEN to the highest degree!

Let's forget about WORK today and show everyone how to celebrate MARCH 8! After all, our corporate party is a HOLIDAY for the soul! Dear MEN, don’t forget to pour wine for WOMEN, and don’t deprive yourself - if suddenly, we have someone to run for VODKA (pour it already, period =).

Such games in a group help to relax before competitions and stop being shy about each other. Of course, if the corporate party on March 8 is held in a restaurant, where in addition to the invitees there will be strangers, it is better not to include such noisy games in the scenario.

Quiz for men

VJ: Brave, brave, strong, reliable our men! Oh, why am I doing this? I still haven’t come to my senses since the 23rd, I apologize. In short, guys! Give us some fun, will you? I have prepared a quiz here, and since it’s March 8th, the topic is women. I wonder how much you know our women’s family? Go!

The presenter reads out a list of questions: “Who is the most... woman in the world?”, the men answer. In place of the ellipsis is the following (below immediately with the answers, but, of course, there is no need to read them out):

Sensitive (Princess and the Pea)
Green (Frog Princess, Princess Fiona)
Windy weather)
Miniature (Thumbelina)
Capricious/Changable (fashion)
Wise (Vasilisa the Wise)
Cold (Snow Queen, Snow Maiden)
The best (mother, wife)
Sad (Princess Nesmeyana).
Who is the most harmful and old woman in the world (not the mother-in-law, but Baba Yaga).

Quiz for women

VM: Girls, do you have fun laughing at men’s fantasies? Well, never mind, we have prepared such an answer for you! So, the quiz...

VJ: Ha, also a quiz. You are my original, smart one! Give me a kiss (reaches out to VM’s cheek).

VM: “Katya”, control yourself! How will I then explain to your husband that we didn’t have an orgy in the team, but a decent corporate party on March 8? Any ideas? I don't have one.

VJ: Last year on March 8, I screamed ditties until the morning so that my neighbor sang along with me. So don’t worry - my husband will have something to do without finding out who I kissed in a emotional outburst. Okay, let's burn us with the napalm of originality.

VM: And here are the pipes. It’s up to the lovely ladies to show off their originality! There is no single correct answer to my questions, but there is no need for one. Show us the famous female logic by answering with humor why some men:

  • Spit on the worm before hooking it(because fish bite better on the smell of vodka).
  • Place the bag on the plate before eating(so as not to wash dishes).

  • Cooking sausages in a casing(because without it, the sausage will “get fat” after cooking, and he’s already on a diet).
  • Often they lose one sock(to laugh at the funny poses in which the wife searches every corner of the apartment).
  • Sniff food before eating(because my mother-in-law was visiting yesterday, and you never know what’s in the appetizer...).

The presenter reads out his answer (in brackets) after the ladies. The guests applaud to see who came up with the funnier explanation. VJ is indignant and stomps her feet if those invited are on the VM’s side, convincing the team that the ladies did a better job.

Game-congratulations with humor

This funny congratulation will fit into any corporate party scenario on March 8th. Props - cards with toasts or poems. You can break a long verse into several parts and mark the reading order with numbers. Choose lyrical, humorous, piquant - mixed together it will turn out funnier.

VM: I think both halves of our wonderful team did a great job with the quizzes!

VJ: Yes, I admit it - the guys are on fire today, well done! But why haven’t we heard any compliments addressed to us for 5 whole minutes?! For this you will receive a terrible punishment - now everyone is obliged to congratulate the ladies on March 8 in a funny way and in verse! And whoever fails to cope, it’s not my fault - he’ll have to wipe the dust at work for a week. After the corporate party, of course, today is okay, relax.

Don’t be alarmed, we will give you the texts (VM brings out a tray with cards). But you need to read it with a condition. Which one? And who will be given something by the fortune-teller! They choose and read the congratulations in a funny voice:

Toothless grandfather
An enthusiastic young man
and so on.

We offer ideas for a corporate party at work/in a restaurant where there is not too much space:

  • put the egg in a small bag, make a tight knot(so as not to stain your clothes). Divide into pairs of men and women, stand with their backs to each other. The goal is to lower the egg sandwiched between your backs to the floor before your opponents, without crushing or breaking it;
  • stand opposite each other for 20 seconds, turn your backs. The VM asks the woman questions about her playing partner (color of eyes, watch strap, shoes, how many buttons are undone on the collar, etc.). Then VJ asks the man similar questions. The one who gives the most correct answers will win;

When choosing games and competitions for a corporate party in honor of March 8, consider the nature of the company. For example, alcoholic and spicy entertainment is not always appropriate, although at adult parties they usually go off with a bang.

  • for men– draw a portrait of a lady blindfolded, women evaluate. Or paint with mayonnaise, sauces and cotton swabs instead of brushes. Or quickly gnaw the perfect heart out of a chocolate bar and put on as many as possible rubber gloves on one hand;

  • for women– gather more “fans” onto a long ribbon by threading it through the sleeves of shirts (m. stand in two lines, w. compete for speed). Or figure out how many pills are in the bag on the chair, tie a tie with boxing gloves.

Collective congratulations

At the end of the script it is emphasized main topic corporate party on March 8 - congratulations lovely ladies, this time from the entire male team. VM reads, the stronger sex supports in a friendly chorus (preparation, you need to agree in advance):

We congratulate our dear ladies,
We wish you love and joy,
Happiness, health, constant luck
(men in chorus) Happy March 8th!
To be appreciated in the team,
We carried houses in our arms,
And you always have an unlimited card in your hands
(in chorus) Happy March 8th!
Foreign car in the garage, positive spirit,
Bright everyday life, freshness, excitement
(in chorus) dears, happy March 8th!

After such sincere congratulations, it’s time to present gifts and bouquets. It is better to give gifts to girls at the end of the holiday, so that they do not have to think about where to put the gifts.. For awards in competitions, prepare souvenirs with the company logo and/or funny themed inscriptions, sets of sweets, bottles of wine/champagne.

It sounds like “Oh, what a woman.”
These are exactly the thoughts that come to the bright minds of men when they look at the ladies who have gathered in this hall today!
We admire women because they bring beauty and new life, they are with us from childhood in the form of a mother and until old age in the form of companions, their eyes are full of tenderness and their souls are kind, poets sing about them, songs are written about them, their thoughtful gaze in paintings is mesmerizing. Queen woman!!! The whole world has been conquered by a WOMAN!!!
And the whole evening today from beginning to end will be dedicated to WOMEN!!!

Dear friends, we are pleased to welcome you to this hall, which today looks like a blooming meadow overflowing with wonderful flowers. It is you, our dear ladies, who filled this hall with the light of your beauty today!
Let me introduce myself……..

Here comes this amazing holiday again, when the sun shines brighter, and there are more smiles, and the drops are louder. On this day, men feel like knights and ardent poets.
Today there is a rush among flower shops, all the flora is being feverishly bought. Straining your memory, they remember what flowers you love, what perfume you prefer to use. After all, exactly a year has passed since last holiday, when they, the so-called strong half, rushed to congratulate you and express their admiration for you! But! It’s no secret that the female team is quite complex, and managing all these chatterboxes, flirts, and charmers is not at all easy. However, there is a man in this room who copes with this role perfectly!
Your boss is simply super!
There is a masculine quality to him.
Okay, I found a reason
Tell him about this.
It's not easy being your boss,
He pulls a cart, of which there are not many.
Milk would be harmful to him,
But it's not harmful, thank God

Director __________________________.

I introduced myself to you, and I want to hear your names.
Let's all shout our names out loud now... Thank you! I didn’t hear a single name, but I saw your smiles and heard your laughter. Our mood is fine and that means we can safely continue.
Although men spend a lot of time at work next to women, they do not know all the secrets. I will take the liberty of telling you about women's secrets.
Women love fashionably dressed
Clean-shaven, skilled in housekeeping,
Affectionate, modest, talented, brave.
They love, especially tenderly, non-drinkers.
They love folk artists and just...
Basketball players of enormous height.
They love cheerful, resourceful, noisy people.
And sometimes... you won't believe it... smart!
I am sure that I am fully endowed with all these qualities.

Chief Engineer _______________________.

Eastern wisdom says:
“If you want to know the strength of steel, rub it against a touchstone;
if you want to know the horse's strength, load it;
if you want to know a man’s mind, listen to his speeches;
want to understand the heart of a woman -
you will never comprehend!

And we will be happy to listen to the speeches of the labor protection engineer ___________________________.

Dear men, even if you are not so numerous, your voices are clearly heard. So let's show our lovely ladies how much you want to congratulate them on their holiday.

Congratulations to dear women!
We wish you happiness and joy!
In life you - good luck, luck! -
Happy March 8th!

We wish you a holiday in your heart!
Jaguar in the garage!
And in bed - a leopard!
From right holiday on March 8th!

At work - to be appreciated!
At home, in your arms wore
Only trump cards!
Happy March 8th!

Good health!
So that through life comme il faut
So that you are always full of excitement!
Happy March 8th!

And summing up these wonderful wishes, another man will say congratulations to you __________________.

Men, of course, will not dare to doubt the presence of bright thoughts in the heads of women, but sometimes in these very heads there are lost thoughts.
Such as:
● If you want breakfast in bed, sleep in the kitchen.
● So what if the wind is in your head?! But the thoughts are always fresh...
● I’ll live and I’ll see, I’ll live and I’ll find out, I’ll survive and I’ll kill
● I'm not blaming you, I'm just saying...that it's all your fault.
● What you don’t understand, you can understand in any way you like.
● I have unpretentious taste - the best is enough for me!
● If you want me to be an angel, organize heaven for me!
● If you don't like me, then you have no taste.
● I'm constantly haunted by smart thoughts... but I'm faster!
But we hope that today the thoughts in the heads of our lovely ladies will be confused by the compliments that ___________________________ will now say.

And on this March day
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
And reach any heights
In all matters I wish you!
Let your eyes glow
Let your face shine with a smile!
And may fate give you
One day I'll meet a goldfish!
And since I wished you a meeting with a goldfish, I will hasten to fulfill this wish.
Fairy tale Goldfish
Sea- Don't worry!
Seine-I work here alone.
Fisherman- The first guy in the village.
Fish– I will fulfill any three wishes!
Young woman- All women are like women, but I am a Goddess!
Trough- The Indian is resting.
Grass- And I dream about grass, grass near the house!
Apartment- Come in, don’t be afraid, come out, don’t cry.

(The presenter reads the text of the fairy tale, the “actors” act out the action and each answer their own phrase)

There lived a fisherman near the very blue sea. The fisherman was full of energy, young and dreamed of catching a goldfish. So he threw the net into the sea. He sees that the sea is a little rough. A net came with one sea grass. Another time, a fisherman cast a net.
He sees the blue sea is restless.
Again a net came with only sea grass.
For the third time, the Fisherman cast the net. The blue sea was raging. A net came with one fish.
With a difficult fish, but a magical one.
The fish inhaled oxygen and turned into a girl.
A fisherman saw such beauty, fell in love and offered his hand and heart to the girl.
The girl agreed to marry the fisherman.
First of all, the young people made a trough for themselves.
The trough washed the fisherman and his wife. Then we bought an apartment. The couple's apartment warmed and pleased them with its comfort.
And the couple lived and lived well and made good money.
This is where the fairy tale ends, and whoever listened can take a smoke break.


Since we haven’t been able to get to know each other better yet, and I really want to know more interesting things about you, I offer you a dating template. As soon as you hear your number, you should energetically raise your hand up, agreeing with what was said.

Today everyone will sing number_ 1___ the most.
Everyone will dance number _2_
Today, number 3 will shine and star the most.
Everyone will shout louder: From March 8, number 4
But everyone will shout more often and louder, “Pour more! " number 5
Today 6 and 7 will hold hands and dance and sing “we are penguins, but we are not cold, and we live in the north”
8…. All evening he will pester you at 9 with the words “why do you girls, you love beautiful ones.”
And 10 will exclaim all evening, “Where am I?”
Today is 11... I will be inviting my colleagues to relax in Haiti all evening.
And 12... will chase men with the words: Look into my eyes!
...After the party, 13 will leave on their own...
Singing: I'm drunk and drunk, I won't get home, 14 will leave in a car...
And 15... and 16... will hardly take away 17..., who will shout: All the women...
In an hour 18 he will say that she (he) is the coolest,
In 1.5 hours 19... will say that he is Mega Star,
And after 2 hours 20... won’t say anything.
Tomorrow, 21 invites you to improve your health...
And with the words “Does a cow give much milk?” -tomorrow he will wake up in someone else’s bed 22
For the prosperity of all guests all evening with the words: “And I wish you happiness,” drinks 23...
24 will allow 25 not to come to work tomorrow,
And 26 will come to work with a jar of pickle and treat everyone.
27 will dance on the table, and 28 will sit quietly... under the table and sing “a million, million, million scarlet roses”
29 will spend the whole evening looking at a bottle of vodka in fascination and saying “why am I so in love with you?”
Well, in conclusion of our acquaintance, I cannot help but say about the 30 and the following who will now stand up and say loudly:
Enough of this talk, people, we need to pour it, people!
And we’ll pour it, but we can’t drink without toast, word ___________________________.

Before we continue our evening, I want to make sure that all the reflexes of your body are still in order, therefore:
I ask everyone to raise right hand
Higher, higher! Fingers wider, like a fan!
Now, without lowering your right, raise your left! And do the same.
Well done! This is exactly how much you have the right to drink tonight for the health of our hero of the day

And now the hero of the day greets the guests with a simple hand gesture (waves)
Then - only with the little finger - the guests repeat, and now only with the thumb, and now with both the thumb and little finger...
Here it is, a SYMBOL OF REAL FUN, in Ukraine this gesture is called POUR-KA and it calls for filling glasses with the best drinks and giving the right to say a toast to ___________________________.

Drink, go for a walk, if only I have enough! (health)
I allow you to get drunk today, I still can’t get drunk. (talent)
We wither in comparison with female charm. (flowers)
We wish everyone that our dreams come true. (dreams)
I'll kill myself for luck. (dishes)
You're still drinking, but are you thinking about me? (liver)
If you get drunk, there’s no point in blaming me later. (mirror)
I congratulate you. I'll be on my way tomorrow morning. (hangover)
Don't drink without me! (toast)

In front of the children, please APPLAUSE
-only the beautiful half of humanity
- only the stronger sex
-those who love lard more than chocolate
-those who respect beer
– those who want to live beautifully
-those who have never been late for work
– those who are pleased to be in this room today. (flurry of applause)

During the break, while the children are changing clothes, there is applause.

Presenter– And so advice number 1
If your colleagues
They gave me a big bonus
And they completely forgot about you,
And they didn’t give any
Instead of paint
Pour into the printer
Strawberry jam
And about you in the institution
They will never forget.

Presenter– Tip #2
If in the evening the director
I erased all your games from your computer,
And in the morning you are out of grief,
Tearing hair from your head -
Then go and erase
All contracts, reports,
What would he do for another six months?
I didn't remember you at all

Presenter– Tip #3
If your friend is cute,
Invited you on a date
And the boss a little earlier,
Doesn't want to let you go -
You put your jacket on it,
Your most beautiful bra,
Let him prove it to his wife later
These things are not his!

Presenter– Tip #4
If everyone is in the office at once,
Sick of a terrible flu
And work immediately stopped,
And customers are calling!
You, with any piece of paper,
Come to them when they are sick,
Let them get sick too
There will be no one to call!

Presenter– Tip #5
If at work,
Everything is littered with paper
And find you what they ask for,
There is no hope whatsoever
Quickly dump everything on the floor,
Stomp your feet on top
And get out of this job
Where there is no one to clean the table.

Presenter– Tip #6
If your leadership
Clearly hints to you,
That the customer will be there soon,
And the order is still standing -
You with a serious expression,
Play solitaire all day long
And then tell him
That you worked for everyone.

Presenter– Tip #7
If your best employee is
He asks you to raise your salary,
And he threatens to quit,
If you don't agree!
Then give him some for lunch,
More pepper in tea and soup,
Because pepper is very
Reduces appetite.

Presenter– Tip #8
If New Year's celebration,
You were forbidden to carry out
And to the festive banquet,
The director said there is no money!
On the weekend we got together,
You will come to visit him,
Promise as a team
Check out the new year.
And then you very quickly,
They will get the required amount,
So as not to see
You at the festive table

Immediately after the children, the Sultan arrived and brought his most beautiful wife with the oriental dance “Sultan”.

Dear girls! Just look how excited your men are today! And believe me, I understand their excitement! Let's talk a little about the “strong half” of humanity. Today they want to impress you so much that even talking about work has faded into the background! Look, not a single man called mobile phone, and whoever had such an embarrassment, he, embarrassed and unnoticed by everyone, pressed the end button. All attention to you, dear ladies. But let's think about your recent investment in today's holiday. What did we recently celebrate? Right! Defender of the Fatherland Day! Or as they used to say in the good old days - Day Soviet army. It just so happened that when more than three men gather, the conversation always turns to the army, service, and memories of military affairs. Dear men, raise your hand, for whom the word defender, the army, the military man, are not empty words!
So, my friends, I see who will share their memories with us. For which of you the sounds of a marching trumpet are not empty words! And let our lovely ladies not be jealous, but! A toast to men

Our dear women! Today we spent a truly magical evening with you. We men tried with all our might to show you how much we love you, how we care about you, how dear you are to us, our dear, charming, unique ones. We promise you that we will be just as gallant and attentive not only on the 8th day of the month, but always, every day, at home, in the office, especially on the roads! We swear that we will stop making jokes about blondes driving, we will always give way to you at unregulated intersections, give you compliments every day, and of course we will shift some of your daily worries onto our own, male shoulders!
Happy holiday to you, dear women!
We wish you happiness!

Our women are breadwinners
Bring it to me
tie (belt)

We spend a lot of time at work and need to know everything about each other. However, not everything is so simple, because everyone can hide their essence. It is precisely about the real essence that we are now learning. Those of you who received pieces of paper with assignments, I ask you to go to the middle of the hall so that everyone can hear everything clearly.
(leaflets 2 animals and characteristics)

Who is the most eloquent in the team? We invite you
Toast, says the participant, I hold up a piece of paper with the word, he must use it (refrigerator, RAM, carburetor, referee, felt boots, battery)

Hold a box of matches between your knees and throw them into a vase. (flying gait...),
rubber bands (wear from bottom to top)
from the start he throws the sheet forward. No. 2 - runs up to the place of the fall, picks up the sheet and throws the uncrumpled sheet forward with his hand.

Everyone knows that the most courageous women are Slavic women. I invite the most courageous to come out.
Now we will once again prove to men that courage is not an empty phrase. The administration of the cafe forbade setting the hut on fire, but I couldn’t find any horses. (they died from work). Therefore, we will show men the feat that every woman has definitely accomplished at least once. BIG WASH
For the big wash: erotically rotate the butt (Don't forget that men are looking at you) stamp our feet (what would be fun), we wink with an eye (as long as you can flirt)

Striptease with elastic bands. invite girls: What are the most erotic places for girls? We put elastic bands on them, a massive striptease.

I invite girls over and see who goes to work in the morning.
– What time does the working day start?
– what time does it end?
– what time does lunch start?
– what time does lunch end?
– who comes first
– who arrives on time
– who is late
I invite those who responded and watch them go to work in the morning

For pair dances: You work together, so you must understand each other perfectly, or better yet, without words at all. Men receive tasks and show their partner what she must do: The girl MUST ..... (and the pantomime begins)
go to the supermarket and buy:
– buy champagne
– buy beef tongue
– chicken breast
– beef liver
– and 10 pieces of eggs!!!

Let's prepare the most festive salad "Olivie"
Engine girl, boy, girl, boy... looking for the neighbor's waist (comment - I asked for my waist, not my neighbor’s pocket, I see some people patting my pockets) and holding the waist we move the neighbor to the level of an outstretched arm... When I speak
“SAUSAGE” we all lean forward,
“PEAS” - back,
“CUCUMBER” – in a circle (bends to the side)
"POTATOES" from a circle,
and when “MAIONNAISE” we all do a beautiful sexy rotation of our hips and let’s go...

Are there real men in the room? They go out. These are the men who should represent our country at Eurovision. The casting will take place now. Dear participants, we ask you to come up with a pseudonym for yourself. Everyone knows that in addition to voice data, emotion and facial expressions are very important. We’ll decide on the voice, technology will help, but we’ll work on facial expressions. We put the elastic band under the nose, you need to remove it around the neck without hands. We choose the winner with applause. The Eurovision Organizing Committee will contact you, look for sponsors.

(Russian beauty Mashenka, Freken Bok, the most beloved and most modest sex bomb, Little Red Riding Hood)
Perform a dance with energetic grand batmans while simultaneously jumping onto half-toes (as it says in the encyclopedia.)
Well, people know this dance as a simple can-can
Photo shoot, dance in costumes

Guys, please tell me, what is the power? Here is one character in the film who said (recording “What is the power, brother”), what do you think? But I unequivocally affirm that strength lies in kindness, only it is more important and dearer than anything else, and I’m not the only one who thinks so (Funtik and Belladonna come out). Photo shoot, dance in costumes.


Who came with what?

The game “The Man of My Dreams” - it has been scientifically proven that a woman at any age dreams of a handsome prince. I have a magic crown, with the help of which we find out who our queen dreams of.
1 real colonel - Pugacheva
America fight-Combination
Agent 007, - Brilliant
And I love the military - Combination
Such as Putin - Singing together, etc.

Let the winter glow not yet fade away,
But the air becomes unsteady.
Happy Women's Spring Day to you,
Happy first spring smile!

While they are seated, toast ___________________________.


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