Ventilation diagram in a multi-storey building. Natural ventilation in an apartment building

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Air quality in residential premises has a direct impact on the health and well-being of its inhabitants. Therefore, the development of supply ventilation in nine-story panel building and any other complex is given great attention. Calculation and design of the scheme is carried out at the stage of drawing up the project.

Procedure for working on the project

The design engineer must think over the location of the air ducts, calculate their dimensions and main technical specifications. The work is carried out taking into account external pollution and noise, the category and number of floors of the building. In addition, it is determined:

  • ventilation line power;
  • system power consumption;
  • overall dimensions of the main functional units, etc.

When drawing up drawings, they are guided by GOST requirements and rules fire safety. For example, the use of non-combustible materials and the installation of special valves can prevent the spread of fire through air ducts during a fire. Residential ventilation system panel house should also help maintain a comfortable indoor microclimate. Penetration of cold air currents into apartments is not allowed.

System design features

Most houses built in Soviet period, a ventilation system is provided, the operation of which depends on the strength of the wind, the frequency of opening windows and doors. Fresh air penetrates inside the apartment and displaces old masses into the ventilation ducts.

Openings were provided in the kitchen, bathroom, toilet and were connected into a common shaft. In order for the air to change, the windows had to be opened regularly. Such ventilation in panel house called mixing. Here are some features of this system:

  1. The layout of the air ducts can be changed. Engineers have developed a more efficient distribution, in which ventilation ducts from apartments do not go directly into the common collector, but form booster shafts. The air ducts are connected to the main pipeline through the floor, and the exits from the last and penultimate floors lead directly to the street.
  2. Air exchange with mixing is essentially a draft that provides an influx of fresh air. The system is effective for rooms with good vapor barrier, concrete or brick walls. In other cases, constant drafts will cause discomfort to residents.

With the advent of new energy-saving technologies and the widespread installation of sealed doors and windows, the air exchange system with mixing has lost its relevance. She simply stopped coping with her main task. The number of stagnant zones in apartments has increased, the quality of life has decreased.

Supply and exhaust circuits appeared. They allow you to organize sufficient air exchange, while maintaining heat and without forcing residents to constantly ventilate the premises. System Features:

  1. Special supply valves in air ducts allow you to adjust the speed of movement air masses. Thus, it is possible to control the temperature and humidity conditions in the room.
  2. Installing fans allows you to slightly increase the cross-section of the air ducts and reduce the noise of the system.
  3. Keeping heat indoors has reduced heating costs in winter period. For residents of the northern regions, this is a significant saving.

Improving ventilation schemes in a panel house had a positive impact not only on the quality of life of people, but also extended the life of finishing materials, building structures. Reducing air humidity prevents the appearance of fungi and mold on the walls. Corrosion of metal elements is also slowed down.

Ventilation system selection

The ventilation device in a panel house is made according to one of three types:

  1. Natural. The change in flows occurs due to the difference in temperature, pressure of external and internal air. Draft occurs in ventilation ducts, “sucking” stagnant masses out of the room. The flow of fresh air comes from windows and doors. This system is recommended for multi-storey buildings located inside the block. At the same time, the level of external noise generated by street transport should not exceed 50 dBA.
  2. Forced. Air masses move under the influence of a special technical equipment. Both inflow and exhaust are carried out mechanically.
  3. Combined. In such systems, either inflow or exhaust are mechanized, depending on the requirements. Combined drive ventilation is optimal for houses where the external noise level exceeds 50 dBA.

None of the systems is universal. The choice is made by the designer for each specific building.

Installation of supply and exhaust air ducts

Rules for installing supply systems for residential premises:

  1. If there is no heat exchanger in the duct, and the air is supplied cold to the apartment, then the air duct exit is located at the top of the wall. This makes it possible to mix the flows and optimize their temperature.
  2. If heating devices installed indoors, the supply ventilation outlet is located behind them or immediately above the heaters.
  3. If heat exchangers or other heating mechanisms are installed in the air ducts, then the inflow can be located in any convenient location, both below and above.

Diversion shafts are always installed under the ceiling, at a height of at least 2 meters above the floor. This arrangement facilitates efficient removal of exhaust air.

If the ventilation of a 9-story panel building or any other building is malfunctioning apartment building Residents do not have the right to perform any manipulations independently. It is only allowed to clean the channel at arm's length from the wall. In other words, you can remove the grate and vacuum the shaft, but in case of serious damage, you should immediately call a specialist.

determined by how the ventilation system is designed.

This means that people’s health also depends on this characteristic.

Many residents disrupt air exchange without even realizing it.

Therefore, it is worth dealing with such an issue as the installation of ventilation in multi-storey buildings.

Usually a connection is created between the shaft and channels coming from different ones.

The satellites are named after additional channels attached to the main system.

They are also connected to the shaft, but not every floor, but after several.

Only exhaust satellites coming from the floors above cannot be connected to the shaft.

All residents of the apartments below will immediately know if at least one of the channels in the gap is clogged.

If the satellite from their apartment is connected to the same mine.

Depending on the scheme for the formation of ventilation, two types of basic solutions are distinguished.

  • , displacing air
  • The one who mixes it up

The latter option is most widely used in brick and concrete houses, into which air masses do not pass. With such systems, complete air purification is not available.

Because everywhere there are zones in which the air practically does not move. He almost always stands still. Without competent organization ventilation shafts stable work impossible.

Therefore, the question of ventilation in multi-storey buildings and the method of its repair is of interest.

Previously, many people preferred systems with a supply and exhaust mechanism. This facilitated air penetration through any open cracks. Designs of vents with window frames– all structural parts could become a source of air.

The devices were cheap and did not differ complex installation. This ventilation did not require additional maintenance. But now they prefer completely sealed windows. And in winter no one opens the windows for a long time, even to let more air inside.

To solve this problem, supply valves are used. They strictly control air circulation and help reduce additional noise.

If the hood is used passively, the filter must be completely changed once a year.

Paths of ventilation ducts

Ventilation ducts become one of the elements in natural ventilation. This component has become the main one. Channels of this type mounted in apartment walls. Installation is carried out during the construction of the house itself.

Fungus and mold can develop on the walls if the humidity in the room is constantly too high. This situation has a negative impact on health.

To prevent such an outcome, ducts are never installed on the external walls of a building.

Inside, the channels have not only longitudinal parts. There are also areas located horizontally. The main requirement for them is a length that does not reach three meters.

Channels for ventilation. Which material is better?

For the last few year s hardware have become widespread. But classic version are considered to be made of bricks. Despite high competition, they continue to be in demand.

IN cross section the dimensions are half a brick, both in width and in length. The move is performed in a square shape. Its width is equal to two bricks.

When brick channels are laid, they go through two stages.

  • Make preliminary markings using special templates.
  • Move to the first rows. They start with the first two or three rows. Then comes the installation of buoys based on plumb lines. This is the name given to the bricks laid across the main channel. Then the shape of the channel will be square, and it itself will be protected from contamination. Buoys increase the strength of the channel. But such details become a hindrance when cleaning is carried out.
  • The buoys are rearranged every 6-7th row.

About other features of ventilation devices in high-rise buildings

  • Coming out of the room, air flows should go to the bathrooms. This means that air saturated with waste products must be removed from the premises, different amounts odors, carbon dioxide particles.
  • The extraction force of air masses in houses with 5 and 9 floors is different. For each specific building it is necessary to carry out individual calculations. Air movement must be established in all apartments; the number of storeys of the building does not play a role in this process.
  • When using fans with an exhaust device, a lot of noise is transmitted to the apartment. Therefore, it is impossible to do without organizing additional sound insulation.
  • Availability of controlled ventilation – important requirement in apartment buildings. To reduce costs, pipes are equipped with valve and shut-off mechanisms, and a system responsible for stopping.

About the factors influencing the choice of a suitable system

One scheme or another is preferred depending on what features the apartment building itself has. But there are other specific parameters that influence the design of a building and its other technical features. These include:

  • Number of floors
  • How much pollution is in the air
  • What noise does transport make?
  • What category does the building belong to?

When choosing ventilation for a building, many take into account the traffic noise indicator. For example, natural ventilation is quite enough if the noise is approximately 50 dB. Forced ventilation is needed if the indicator is higher.

Ventilation of a multi-storey building. Possible problems

Plastic ones with complete sealing have already been mentioned above.

They must be taken into account when studying the design of ventilation in multi-storey buildings on the roof.

There is a second problem that has become widespread.

This refers to reverse thrust.

The problem is almost unknown to those living below.

But residents on the upper floors are familiar with the problem, and have been for a long time.

Among the main reasons is insufficient cravings. Air is removed from the apartments below, but it does not have the ability to push out air masses trapped inside the ventilation shaft.

Air masses follow paths where they encounter the least resistance and end up in so-called satellite channels. Then it will be unpleasant for those into whom such air masses fall. Hoods begin to cause drafts, and the air from them is not always fresh.

High-rise buildings and mechanical ventilation

For apartment buildings it is often chosen forced ventilation, belonging to one of two types.

  • Apartment or individual type. It assumes that exhaust-type fan units located at the inlets of the air ducts are operating. The system must be equipped with ventilation and valve units of the supply type, which are placed on the side of the facade. A popular solution is the use of so-called recuperators. They allow you to reduce the costs associated with cooling and heating air masses.
  • Centralized type. Assumes that there are one or more chambers with fans. They are located on the roof of the building.

This type of ventilation differs from other types in that it uses special mechanisms to facilitate the passage of air from one place to another.

Atmospheric phenomena and natural factors this process has no influence. The layout of the apartments influences the system along with the design features of the buildings.

Ventilation systems and their diagrams

It's good if apartment building There are individual exhaust ducts. This means that a separate shaft leads from literally every available room.

Then the thrust will be more stable and less prone to tipping over. No foreign odors will get inside from the neighbors.

There is another solution - when the channels of each apartment are collected horizontally into one collector, even if they are located vertically. A place for the collector is chosen in the attic. This is where the air comes out into the street.

The worst solution is the output of satellite channels from each apartment. And above these channels enter one large shaft. This is a method with cheap implementation.

It allows you to save space indoors. But during operation, a lot of problems are created for the people living inside.

The remaining two are more often found in houses with a small number of storeys, where there is an attic. The integrity of such decisions also suffers.

  • In collectors, traction resistance may be created above normal.
  • With one of the solutions, all odors from apartments are collected only in the attic.

Simultaneously turning on the feed with mechanical type and air removal - the most convenient option scheme. Most often, this option is used in the construction of new houses.

In the latter case, the structure is equipped with an air supply unit. It is located in the basement and supplies purified air at the required temperature to each of the three rooms.

The exhaust fan is located on. Its performance is the same as that of the main system. It is he who is responsible for removing bad mixtures from apartments.

But this scheme is the simplest of possible solutions. Ventilation requires equipment that stores additional energy. Such equipment is called recuperators.

Ventilation of a residential building. We carry out calculations

Only serious design organizations you should trust the calculations of ventilation systems. It doesn't matter whether it is natural or forced. Residents receive the scheme in finished form.

Changes will become impossible without interventions in the design features. Only a slight improvement in air exchange is available with the use of additional equipment. In this case, it is easier to calculate the structures.

For example, there is a house with poor ventilation. But the owner wants to have an environment that is absolutely safe for health.

It is important to remember one main rule. The supply air should be no less than what is removed in the hoods.

To increase traction, axial group fans are initially installed at the outputs. It is necessary to install devices with the same performance on the inflow, then it will be easier to ensure uninterrupted operation.

High-power fans are not suitable for bathrooms with kitchens. 50 m3/h for each fan is a sufficient indicator in one-room apartment. If there are two or three rooms, the capacity increases to 100 m3/h.

Installations with small dimensions in the wall will help with the organization of forced flow that supports heating and cleaning. In residential buildings, ventilation schemes are used that include several such devices.

They are located in different rooms. Ensuring not only the cleanliness of the surrounding atmosphere, but also the balance between different air flows. The inflow can prevail over the exhaust, but not more than 15 percent.

About air supply devices

Supply devices installed in external fences are an alternative to the design of this system. Their installation is promising if you manage the details correctly and take into account:

  • Flow regulation supply air.
  • Rational placement of the equipment itself.

About stabilizing work in the system

There are several ways to resolve this issue. However, they will not lead to increased costs for capital construction, only require minimum costs during operation.

  • Natural ventilation with wind impulse. Involves the use of deflectors.
  • Simultaneous use of mechanical stimulation with natural.
  • Use of ventilation “depending on needs.” This means that individual units are installed in rooms individually.
  • Thermal stimulation in the warm season.

Combined type of systems

If the conditions in environment will be favorable, such a system works due to natural gravitational pressure. But if conditions worsen, the fans automatically turn on.

Hybrid systems can be one of the following types. The principle is approximately the same for everyone. But design features different.

  • With static-dynamic deflectors.
  • Injection type systems.
  • A combination of the first two types.

The main thing when designing such systems is to choose the correct cross-section of pipelines.

This is just as important as with natural ventilation.

It is necessary to ensure that the system is completely sealed.

If there are leaks, there will be excess air exchange in the apartments located below.

And only polluted air will be emitted into the apartments above.

Thanks to hybrid air exchange systems, it complies with current regulations throughout the year.

It doesn't matter what weather conditions exist in the environment.

This is a less energy-intensive option compared to other analogues.

A little about the devices in the system

Statodynamic deflectors are a type of static deflector, only equipped with a two-speed internal fan. If the motor is switched off, the device operates in the same way as a conventional static deflector.

The nominal diameter also remains the same. This creates a vacuum equal to the sum of two indicators:

  • Wind pressure.
  • Gravitational pressure.

These consume very little electricity. The electric motor turns on only at those moments when it is really necessary. Of the total time of the year, he works no more than 20 percent of the time.

Ejection systems are designed differently. They consist of a larger number of elements:

  • Special nozzles mounted in pipe trunks. They should stand where the deflectors connect to the base.
  • Air duct system.
  • One high-pressure fan.
  • Static deflector.
  • Natural ventilation is a traditional option.

The air mass is directed upward along the main ventilation axis. This helps to increase the total air flow several times.

The natural exhaust ventilation system is maintained while builders continue to build panel buildings. Of course, if there are appropriate supply devices.

The main requirement is the density of channels located in the vertical plane. And the tightness of interfloor spaces must be constantly improved. The same applies to entrances to apartments.

ABOUT possible problems with ventilation can be seen in the video:

The management company is responsible for the condition of ventilation in an apartment building. In the article we will talk about how the MKD air exchange system is designed and works, and will also pay special attention to the responsibilities of the management company in terms of its inspection, cleaning and repair. You will learn what exactly and how often you need to do to ensure normal operation communications and absence of claims from controllers.

Ventilation in MKD: design, operation and maintenance

According to sanitary requirements, air exchange must occur constantly in the premises of apartment buildings. “Exhaust” air is removed from kitchens, bathrooms and toilets, and fresh air is supplied instead. In MKD old building ventilation was carried out by natural exhaust. IN modern houses forced ventilation systems are installed with equipment located in the roofs.

The normal functioning of ventilation in an apartment building is the concern of the organization serving it. Its specialists need to know how this system works, as well as how it is maintained.

Why is there ventilation in an apartment building?

The concept of “ventilation” is disclosed in SNiP 41-01-2003. It refers to the exchange of air flows, in which excess heat and humidity are removed from the premises, as well as unpleasant odors, dust and harmful substances. Well-functioning ventilation ducts in an apartment building help clean the air and create a favorable microclimate in the premises.

The lack of properly functioning air exchange in rooms where people are constantly present not only causes inconvenience, but also causes potential harm health. Stagnant air in housing provokes the development of allergic reactions, as well as various respiratory diseases. If the room is not ventilated, then it is maintained high humidity, which has a detrimental effect on furniture and decorative finishes.

The simplest criterion for assessing how ventilation works in an apartment building is to track the spread of odors from the kitchen. If, when the window is open, they spread throughout the apartment, then there are serious problems with air exchange. Residents often experience inconvenience due to poor ventilation upper floors, because their apartments lack traction due to the close location of the end of the channel.

Two ventilation options

The ventilation system in an apartment building can be arranged in different ways - much depends on the layout of the apartments and the building materials used. Air removal can be carried out according to two schemes. Let's describe each of them.

Scheme 1. Leading the ventilation shaft to the attic, where it turns into a horizontal box.

Here, sealed air ducts are combined into a common channel rising above the roof. All air is supplied to a horizontal box, through which it enters a common channel and is discharged outside. The moving air mass collides with the walls of the box, which creates an area high pressure and there is a discharge to the street through the nearest opening.

Scheme 2. Exiting all ventilation ducts to the attic.

Ventilation in an apartment building is arranged in such a way that the attic acts as an intermediate chamber. The ventilation shaft is vented through the roof.

Backdraft usually does not occur in the MKD ventilation system. This is due to the short length of the channels (40 centimeters).

Typical ventilation system apartment building works like this:

  • air is removed from the home through ventilation grille and is directed to the adjacent channel;
  • satellite channels are connected into a common box;
  • air masses enter the collection line through a single air duct;
  • protective boxes cover all ventilation shafts in the attic of the apartment building;
  • The exhaust air enters the atmosphere through a vertical exhaust duct.

Natural and artificial ventilation

Air exchange systems in apartment buildings are divided into:

  • natural, when air enters through holes in the walls and windows;
  • artificial (mechanical), when the movement of air masses is forced.

Natural ventilation is good because it is cheap and easy to maintain. The disadvantages include the significant diameter of the ventilation shaft and dependence on weather conditions.

When settling into an apartment building mechanical ventilation special equipment is used - fans, air conditioners, dust collectors and other devices. Forced ventilation of apartments is much more expensive than natural ventilation. The increase in price is due to higher maintenance costs and the need to pay for electricity. The main advantage of such systems is fast and high-quality ventilation, regardless of external conditions.

Modern artificial ventilation systems can not only remove exhaust air and supply fresh air. They are also capable, for example, of heating and purifying air masses. For natural ventilation additional functions not available.

Features of natural ventilation

Each entrance to the apartment building has its own ventilation duct, which runs through all floors and goes out to the attic or roof. Satellite channels are connected to it, through which air comes from the kitchen, bathroom and toilet. Exhaust air is discharged to the street through a common ventilation duct. The operation scheme seems simple and clear, but in reality there are many factors that can disrupt air exchange.

Ventilation shafts for natural circulation air quality in residential buildings must be mandatory. The requirements for ventilation in an apartment building are as follows:

  • sealed design;
  • correspondence bandwidth project-specified values;
  • compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • fire safety system.

According to SNiP, apartments in apartment buildings are ventilated, among other things, due to slightly open vents or slotted openings in window structures. If the windows constantly remain hermetically sealed, then there will be no normal air exchange in the room. The standards set the speed at which air exchange must occur. We present this information in the form of a table.

Those who service ventilation in an apartment building need to understand why natural air exchange may be disrupted. There are four main points here:

  • re-equipment of ventilation ducts. During repairs and redevelopment, residents may violate the integrity of ventilation ducts;
  • debris in the path of air movement;
  • incorrect connection of fume hoods. Household hoods with high power, connected to satellite channels, can lead to traffic jams and disrupt the operation of the system;
  • seasonal factors. The difference in air temperature in the home and outside affects how the ventilation system will work. In winter, circulation is much better; in the summer heat, on the contrary, it is minimal.

Ventilation operation in the basement of an apartment building

The basement contains an important part of the ventilation system. The shaft, which removes air and supplies it to the apartments, begins precisely at ground floor. Stagnant air and humidity must also be removed from the basement, and this is done using a general ventilation shaft. It is connected to each apartment through satellite channels.

Normal basement ventilation in an apartment building prevents the appearance of fungus and mold. Additionally, special vents are provided in the walls, located above ground level. The number of these holes depends on the size of the basement.

Checking the ventilation of an apartment building

A properly functioning ventilation system not only provides comfortable living, but also affects the safety of people. Dry and greasy dust filling the channels is highly flammable and produces choking smoke. In this regard, communications through which Fresh air, need to be checked and cleaned regularly.

By sanitary rules checking ventilation in an apartment building with preventative work carried out at intervals of three months. At least 4 times a year, the management company must inspect communications and, if necessary, bring them to standard condition.

How and when ventilation ducts are checked in residential buildings is determined in Rules 410 (RF RF No. 410 dated May 14, 2013). According to paragraph 12 of this normative document It is necessary to analyze the condition of ventilation ducts and chimneys in the following situations:

  • when the house is put into operation for the normal operation of gas or heating equipment;
  • if the ventilation ducts were repaired or the apartments underwent redevelopment;
  • for prevention. As mentioned above, this is done every three months, a week before the start heating season and within a week after its completion;
  • when poor traction or its complete absence is detected;
  • if there is one in the house gas equipment, and it was installed, maintained, repaired or diagnosed, as well as if emergency dispatch service was carried out.

Ventilation repair and cleaning

The cleaning of ventilation ducts in an apartment building is carried out by specialized organizations that are equipped with necessary equipment. If the necessary equipment is available, the management company can do this. By sanitary standards cleaning must be performed at least twice a year - during the winter and summer seasons.

A preliminary diagnosis is carried out, for which special devices, for example, endoscopes with video cameras. The state of the system is documented. After this, a plan is developed necessary measures for cleaning and repair.

Most operations to restore the functionality of ventilation systems can be carried out directly on site without dismantling individual elements. If any components require serious repairs, they are removed and transported to the workshop. Specialists organize and supervise these works. management company. They are paid, naturally, from funds collected from residents.

The cost of work is determined by several factors:

  • Are there any hatches in the ventilation system for inspection and inspection;
  • how dirty the canals are;
  • are there any difficulties with access to communications;
  • what kind of contaminants are present in the channels.

As a general guide, we provide an approximate price list for services for maintenance and cleaning of ventilation ducts in an apartment building.

To ensure normal living of residents in an apartment building, it is important to correctly calculate and arrange its air exchange. This is why the ventilation system in an apartment building is important engineering solutions, adopted at the stage of compilation project documentation. People’s health, comfort and coziness, and the durability of building structures depend on the quality of its work.

The importance of ventilation for a multi-storey residential building

Ventilation in a high-rise building is vertical design, originating in the basement

Ventilation in high-rise buildings means engineering system. It begins in the basement of a residential building and ends above the surface of the roof. Any attempts to change the design of the shafts, carry out redevelopment, or dismantle ventilation elements on the part of residents are fraught with a violation of its functionality.

The main task of any type of air exchange is to create normal conditions for life and work. With properly organized circulation, air flows move from the rooms towards the exhaust devices in the kitchen and toilet. In this way, exhaust air is removed from apartments, steamy water, gases, odors.

It should be understood that at 9 storey building air movement speed ventilation duct will differ from the same, but five-story building. That is why an individual calculation of ventilation parameters is carried out for each residential building: the air speed in all apartments must be sufficient, regardless of the number of floors.

Attention! If ventilation in a multi-storey building is forced, then for silent operation exhaust units Sound insulation is provided. Adjusting the incoming air using dampers and valves will save energy costs on heating it.

Ventilation system design options

Three unified variants of schemes have been developed, used depending on the characteristics of air exchange.

  • The natural ventilation scheme in a multi-storey building involves replacing exhaust flows with fresh air using natural draft. It is created by a pressure difference in the exhaust air ducts.
  • The combined method is based on forced submission air and removing waste air naturally. Or the influx is carried out through vents, cracks, holes, and mechanical exhaust ventilation removes it from the room using fans.
  • Only a forced system. Supply ventilation and removal of air flow is performed mechanical devices. It comes in two types: autonomous and centralized. In the first case, air exchange is ensured by work exhaust fan at the entrance to the air duct mounted on the facade of the house. Air can also enter through the supply valves. Modern “know-how” is heating (or cooling) the air directly entering the apartment through a recuperator installed here.

The centralized operating principle allows air to be pumped in and out by a common ventilation chamber located on the roof of the house with supply and exhaust ventilation units. Moreover, air circulation occurs constantly, regardless of weather conditions and time of year.

Natural air exchange: operating principle

For example panel houses buildings of the last century, you can see how natural ventilation works in an apartment building. It refers to budget option in contrast to luxury buildings, where modern standards apply, new technologies are used, and energy-saving materials are used.

Device ventilation duct in an old Stalinist house

Natural type of ventilation can also be found in brick house old housing stock, where air enters through the cracks of the narthexes of wooden windows and doors, and the exhaust is carried out by draft inside a vertical channel, with an exit above the roof or in attic space. Overlap supply channel is fraught with cessation of air exchange throughout the apartment. Insertion of special valves into window designs, cross-flow grilles in the doors solve the problem of uninterrupted operation of natural ventilation.

Ventilation installation in an apartment building with separate exhaust ducts for the kitchen, bath and toilet is one of the ventilation schemes. Here, from the listed premises of each floor, a separate shaft opens to the roof. When it is sealed, odors do not flow from neighboring apartments.

Another air exchange scheme includes vertical channels of all apartments, united by the outlet ends in one longitudinal collector. It is located in the attic, and through the collector the air flows into the street in an organized manner. To eliminate pressure losses in the air ducts and increase draft, the joints are sealed, and pipes are put on the outlet ends of the ducts: it is enough to add only a 1 m piece of pipe and orient it at an angle to the common exhaust shaft.

The least effective method, but also valid, is to collect exhaust air from each apartment into an air outlet vertically installed ventilation shaft. The efficiency of the system is low, as odors flow from the premises of one apartment to another.

The most optimal and efficient ventilation systems (forced) are used today in modern houses, where air is pumped in and removed mechanically. The peculiarity of air exchange here is the use of energy-saving units - recuperators. As a rule, the fresh air injection device is located in basement or technical floor. Additionally, the air is purified through a filter system, heated or, conversely, cooled and only then distributed to all apartments. A ventilation unit with identical performance is installed on the upper level (roof), which completely removes all airborne contaminants.

Attention! The presence of recuperators allows you to heat (cool) the air using the energy taken from the air leaving the apartments.

Evaluating different types ventilation, it should be noted that natural air exchange is not highly efficient, but it also clogs the ventilation shaft the least. If there is no construction debris in the channel, then it is enough to clean it once every few years.

Basement and basement ventilation

Basements are considered important element all ventilation system. The central shafts originate in the basement space. Usually the type of air exchange here is natural. Raw air is removed through common channels. On each floor and in each apartment it enters through special openings.

For constant supply fresh flow in the base machines just above the ground surface (at a height of 0.2 m), vents are arranged evenly along the entire perimeter of the base of the house (0.05-0.85 sq. m.) Under standard operating conditions of buildings, their number is calculated based on the size Houses. total area such openings should be 1/400 of the area of ​​the residential building. These are vent holes. It is impossible to force them or plant greenery near the foundation.

The ventilation scheme in a residential building will be effective if all its autonomous parts operate normally. Any unprofessional or deliberate interference in the ventilation of apartments is administratively punishable.

Ventilation of residential buildings is one of the key points in providing a comfortable air environment for people. Poor air circulation in the house can not only negatively affect the health of residents, but also require additional expenses. exhaust systems. Existing air ducts are also one of the main points of ensuring fire safety. In this material we will explain how ventilation works in an apartment building and what measures can increase its efficiency.

Purpose of general house ventilation

The air in a residential apartment is always susceptible to pollution. Smoke from cooking, fumes from the bathroom, unpleasant odors and dust - all this ends up in the air and creates unfavourable conditions for people's lives. Stagnant air can even lead to the development of diseases such as asthma and allergies. That is why every apartment building must be equipped common system ventilation.

Functions of ventilation in a residential area:

  • ensure penetration clean air to apartments;
  • remove dust and other impurities harmful to health along with the exhaust air;
  • regulate humidity in residential and utility rooms.

Most of the urban population of our country lives in panel houses built back in Soviet time, others are moving to new buildings. Ensuring ventilation of residential buildings is a mandatory requirement during the construction of houses. However, the level of ventilation in multi-apartment residential buildings remains quite low. It is customary to save on air duct systems during construction.

At the moment you can find the following types ventilation in residential buildings:

  • with natural inflow and exhaust;
  • with forced air movement through ventilation units.

In modern luxury homes, heating and ventilation systems comply with the latest standards and are created using special equipment and materials. For ventilation of multi-storey panel-type residential buildings, natural air exchange is used. The same applies to Soviet-era brick residential buildings, as well as modern budget-class buildings. Air must flow through the openings between the doors and the floor, as well as special valves on plastic windows.

Ventilation in a panel house works as follows. Air is discharged upward through vertical ventilation shafts, thanks to natural draft. It is pulled outside the house through a pipe located in the roof or attic. When air enters the apartment through open windows or doors, it rushes to those located in the kitchen and bathroom - where purification from smoke and moisture is most needed. Thus, stagnant air is discharged into the pipe, and clean air enters the room through the windows.

If you stop the flow of fresh air, ventilation will not work effectively. Residents of apartments in apartment buildings often forget about natural ventilation of the room when installing additional exhaust systems. Here is the list typical mistakes during repairs that stop air circulation:

  • installation of blind double-glazed windows made of metal-plastic;
  • eliminating the gap between door leaf and floors when replacing interior doors;
  • installation of axial fans in the toilet (affects the ventilation of neighboring apartments).

When finishing living rooms It is worth remembering to create natural paths for ventilation. Can be installed plastic windows with special valves that will automatically supply air from the street.

Interior doors should be selected in size so that they do not stand close to the floor. When installing additional fans, you can configure them for supply.

Ventilation schemes for residential buildings

Depending on the construction plans, ventilation can be completely different designs. In this section we will try to figure out how ventilation works in a panel house using diagrams and talk about the degree of effectiveness of one or another type of ventilation.

The most good scheme ventilation in a panel house is individual, when each apartment has a separate duct with access to the roof.

In this case, the ventilation shafts are not connected to each other, the air quality improves, and polluted air from neighboring apartments does not enter the house. Another variation of this ventilation scheme in a Khrushchev building is that from each apartment separate channels lead to the roof, where they are connected into a single pipe that carries air masses to the street.

Unfortunately, quite often the simplest, but ineffective method of ventilation is used, in which air from all apartments enters a single large shaft - the same way ventilation is arranged in a Khrushchev-era building. This allows you to save space and costs during the construction of a building, but has a lot of unpleasant consequences:

  • influx of dust and unpleasant odors from other apartments - residents of the upper floors, where the air rises naturally, are especially susceptible to this;
  • rapid contamination of the common ventilation pipe;
  • lack of sound insulation.

There are several other ways to exhaust air through ventilation shafts - with horizontal ducts in the attic and pipe outlets into the attic without a chimney. In the first case, horizontal air ducts reduce air draft, and in the second, the attic becomes dirty due to the lack of outlet to the street. The ventilation scheme in Khrushchev and other Soviet-type buildings, although budget-friendly, is inconvenient for residents.

Schematic diagrams of some natural ventilation systems in residential buildings: (a) - without prefabricated ducts; (b) - with vertical collecting channels; (c) - with horizontal prefabricated channels in the attic; (d) - with a warm attic

Fortunately, there is a modern ventilation system that automatically extracts and supplies air. Its design includes a fan that forces air into the shaft. It is usually located in the basement of a building. An exhaust ventilation system of the same power is placed on the roof of the house, which forcefully removes polluted air masses from the air duct. This is the most simple circuit ventilation in an apartment building. It can also be arranged using energy-saving equipment - recuperators. The task of the recuperator is to remove heat (or cold) from the exhaust air and transfer it to the supply air.

Ventilation shafts usually come from the basement multi-storey building, additionally providing its protection from dampness and fumes. Ventilation of the basement is provided using natural draft, and in modern houses air supply units are also installed here. To remove damp air from the basement, common ventilation shafts are used, with openings on each floor and in each apartment.

Ventilation of the basement, the place where the natural ventilation system begins, is one of the main conditions for its proper operation. To do this, vent holes are made in the basement walls, through which fresh air enters the basement. It not only reduces humidity at the base of the house, but also creates draft in the common house shaft.

The shape of the holes can be simple - round or square. They must be placed at a sufficient distance above the ground so that water and dirt from the street do not get inside. Optimal distance from the ground - at least 20 cm. The holes should be placed evenly around the perimeter of the basement; if there are several rooms in it, it is necessary to organize several vents in each. The vents must not be closed, otherwise the entire principle of operation of the ventilation of an apartment building will be disrupted. To prevent animals from entering the basement, the openings are covered with a metal mesh.

Calculation of apartment ventilation

Natural or artificial ventilation of a residential building is calculated by specialists during the construction of the building, and the residents of the building receive apartments with a “default” ventilation system. It will not be possible to change the design of the ventilation system in a Khrushchev-era building; this will require serious intervention in the structure of the building. However, with the help various devices You can improve air circulation in your apartment. For this it is necessary.

If you are not satisfied with the ventilation in your apartment, you can install additional hoods in the kitchen and fans on grilles in the bathroom. In this case, you should remember the basic rule - the amount of air exhausted should not exceed the amount entering the apartment. In this case, the ventilation systems will work as efficiently as possible. Some models of hoods and fans can operate on air flow - they are worth installing if the room is not ventilated enough through windows and doors.

Special attention worth paying attention to power exhaust devices, For small apartments A capacity of 50 to 100 m³ of air per hour will be sufficient. To accurately determine what load will be optimal for the device, you can measure the amount of air mass in the room. To do this, the area of ​​the apartment is summed up and multiplied three times. The resulting volumes of air must completely pass through the fans within an hour.

You can organize additional air flow using air conditioners, hoods and fans. Together, these devices will perform the main tasks of room ventilation:

  • a kitchen hood will cleanse the room of unpleasant odors, grease and smoke, filling it with clean air;
  • fan in the bathroom - remove moist air;
  • air conditioner - cools and dehumidifies the air in the room.

These devices will ensure good circulation of air masses in different rooms and regulate their cleanliness - they are simply irreplaceable in the bathroom and kitchen.

The amount of supply air can exceed the volume of exhaust air by 15–20%, but not vice versa.

Home ventilation care

Often, ventilation does not work due to a clogged air duct or outlet grille. You can do it yourself within your apartment by removing the grate and cleaning the pipe walls with a brush, broom or vacuum cleaner. Particular attention must be paid to the mesh covering the entrance to the mine - it acts as a filter on which all contaminants remain.

Full carried out special service at the request of residents.

First, the performance of the exhaust ducts is diagnosed and a work plan is drawn up. To check the cleanliness of mines, a video camera on a cable is often used - it allows you to determine where dirt accumulates and where the pipe is deformed.

After this, cleaning of the air duct begins. Professionals use weights, pneumatic brushes, weighted brushes and other tools. Ordinary residents should not engage in such work - this can damage the integrity of the pipe.

Natural ventilation in a multi-storey building is not very effective compared to mechanical ventilation, but it requires cleaning less often. A team of specialists should be called once every few years if there are clear signs of air duct contamination. Automatic systems ventilation systems are subject to greater loads and require more thorough cleaning. The maintenance of such systems is often carried out by the companies that install them.

Monitoring the performance and increasing the efficiency of home ventilation is one of the key points in creating a healthy microclimate in your home. By taking a number of measures to improve the ventilation of your home, you will rid yourself of dust, unpleasant odors, and kitchen or bathroom products in the air.


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