Concrete putty for interior. Is it possible to putty concrete walls without plaster?

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After completion of the work, most often the concrete base requires strengthening and leveling. Concrete is an example of reliability and durability, but unfavorable factors often have a detrimental effect on the service life of this material. To prevent cracks and other types of wear, concrete must be coated with a protective finishing solution. The only substance with these functions is concrete putty. This tool is quite easy to use, and the presence of various options helps you choose optimal solution for finishing concrete.

Purpose and composition

Putty for concrete floors and walls is a reliable paste mixture that is used to thoroughly level surfaces. It is distinguished by its versatility. A high-quality finish serves as a good basis for further construction work, such as painting or.

The composition of the putty includes a filler and a binder. Fillers include chalk, talc and barite. Most often, manufacturers add various pigments to the mixture, such as zinc white and ocher. However, both of these components are only an addition to the main substance - the film former.

Requirements for putty

Concrete structures are constantly exposed to mechanical stress, the destructive effects of moisture, as well as various chemicals for cleaning surfaces. This is especially true for floors. Therefore, when choosing putty Special attention you should pay attention to its pros and cons.

Use a spatula and scoop up the finished putty.

If you want the walls and floors of your home to be reliably protected and carefully leveled, the product you choose should have the following advantages:

  • strength;
  • good adhesion properties;
  • not exposed to water and moisture;
  • safety;
  • resistance to external influences;
  • durability.

One of the common disadvantages for all types of putty is its inability to glue covering layers concrete covering with backing. Most often, putties are applied to the primer. In addition, the disadvantages of this material are the following qualities:

  • elimination of defects and irregularities of only a minimal size;
  • finishing requires special skills;
  • If flooded, the putty surface will still suffer.

To decrease Negative consequences you need to figure out which remedy is the best?

Types of putty

There are several classifications.

Depending on the nature of use, mixtures are divided into:

  • basic – used in contact with concrete or cement;
  • finishing – used for final surface finishing work;
  • universal - used in both cases.

Basic putty mixture

Basic or, as they are also called, starting putties are used to level out even the most significant unevenness. They are applied in a thick layer. This material is usually presented in dry form, so it is also important proper preparation mixtures. The consistency should be elastic and moderately liquid.

To achieve the desired result, one layer will not be enough. After the first layer has dried, it must be sanded and another one or more layers applied. An example of a high-quality base putty is a solution from the Prospectors company.

Finishing putty mixture

The finishing putty is applied over the base putty. Their task: a smooth and even surface. The peculiarity of its application is a thin layer that lies on a perfectly sanded wall. Most often, the manufacturing companies of this building material indicate on the packaging the recommended layer thickness. Putty mixtures are not intended and should not be applied in a wide layer. Excellent finishing putty is Ceresit brand putty.

Universal putty mixture

The name of this type of finishing materials speaks for itself. This mixture is a product that can be used both as a base putty and as a finishing putty. The working surface can be anything. This category is not without its shortcomings. What deters buyers the most is the high price. In addition, putty of a separate direction is much better in quality, in contrast to universal putty. The main representative of this category is the Novol brand solution.

As for the component composition, it also serves as the subject of classification. There are mixtures based on:

  • cement;
  • gypsum;
  • limestone;
  • oils;
  • glue;
  • polymer or acrylic.

Cement putty

This mixture is the most popular on the building materials market. This conclusion is based on the fact that one of the main components of putty is most often cement. The binder can be represented by two brands - M500 and M400.

Among the advantages of this category are:

  • water resistance;
  • high moisture tolerance.
  • during the drying process, the mixture shrinks, which leads to the need to apply additional layers;
  • lack of elasticity of the material;
  • the appearance of small cracks after some time;
  • inconvenience of application on a smooth surface;
  • not very high productivity;
  • swells upon contact with wooden surfaces.

Among the representatives of cement putty, the brands Knauf, Ilmax, Ceresit and others are distinguished.

Gypsum putty

Based on the name itself, we can come to the conclusion that this mixture is based on gypsum. The peculiarity of this material is that it can be used in rooms of any humidity. In addition, its properties lead to natural circulation of moisture.

When choosing such putty, the following advantages are especially appreciated:

  • Possibility of application to plastered surfaces;
  • high thermal insulation;
  • dries quickly;
  • fire resistant;
  • reasonable price considering the quality;
  • does not have a negative impact on humans.

Disadvantages are also present:

  • not used for work on the facade of the structure;
  • use in rooms with unstable temperatures is undesirable;
  • not used for decoration and bathrooms;
  • easily damaged;
  • has a negative corrosive effect on metals.

The main example of this type of putty is the Knauf Fugen brand, which is represented by various additional properties. For example, universal gypsum putty or finishing gypsum putty.

Polymer putty

The popularity of this solution is insignificant, which is explained quite high cost. However, this is compensated by the low material consumption compared to previous putties. This material contains a polymer-based binder. This is what makes the mixture plastic.

The only advantage of using it is a very high-quality result. However, this also depends on the fraction of the putty - the finer it is, the smoother the finished surface will be. The disadvantages of this material are the inflated cost and the likelihood of purchasing a low-quality product. This putty is most often represented by the brands Axton, UNIS and others.

Puttying concrete walls has now established itself as the most common method of leveling surfaces, in particular: walls, floors and ceilings made of concrete. Concrete is a very specific material.

Its main feature is its low degree of hygroscopicity. Concrete almost does not absorb moisture, which interferes with its adhesion to other building mortars.

Plaster or putty penetrates the pores and crevices on the surface to be finished, thereby providing adhesion, but in concrete there are very few such irregularities, so adhesion is quite difficult to achieve.

Properties of putty

The more elastic the putty, the better it penetrates into the pores of the base.

To putty concrete surfaces, it is necessary to use specially designed building mixtures. Putty for concrete must have the following properties:

  1. Elasticity. The material must penetrate into all pores concrete surface. The better the elastic properties, the easier it is to work with such a solution.
  2. Thixotropy is the ability of a putty to liquefy during application and increase viscosity when drying. Please note that when kneading the mixture will seem slightly liquid.
  3. Frost resistance. Since putty is often used on outdoors, it must be frost-resistant.

Putties for concrete should set quickly, form a very durable layer, not shrink, so that the surface does not crack due to the load, and cracks and other defects do not form in the future.

The waterproofing properties of the mixture play a big role when working with concrete and make it possible not to separate layer waterproofing.

Types of putties

Cement mixtures are less elastic than gypsum

As a rule, when working with concrete they use the following types putties:

  1. Cement. This is the most popular look the mixture in question. Its basis is cement, most often grade M-400 or M-500. The positive side is good water resistance. The negative aspects include the lack of elasticity and, as a result, the appearance of cracks after some time due to shrinkage. This concrete putty is used for finishing walls outside the building, rooms with high humidity and working with concrete floors.
  2. Plaster. The basis of this material is gypsum. Due to gypsum mixture is happening natural circulation moisture. Positive features include good thermal insulation, fire resistance, and environmental friendliness. The disadvantage is fragility. This mixture is used for interior finishing. It is not recommended to use this type of putty in rooms with high humidity (bathroom, shower, swimming pool).
  3. Acrylic. The basis here is acrylic. This is a universal putty, it is suitable for both external and interior works. Due to good appearance finished surface acrylic mixture is often used to finish ceilings without subsequent painting.

To increase adhesive properties work surface, before applying the putty, it is recommended to treat the surface with primer. In our case, when working with concrete, it is better to use concrete contact. However, when choosing a primer, you should pay attention to what kind of work: internal or external, it is intended.

Technical characteristics of putties

Before purchasing a building material, you must study all its technical characteristics.

Water consumption, layer thickness, color, viability, drying time of concrete putty depend on the brand of the mixture itself.

The most popular for working with concrete floors are brands of the following manufacturers:

Putty application technology

Move the grater with the mixture from bottom to top

It is necessary to putty concrete walls, ceilings and floors in several stages. First of all, you need to prepare the work surface, remove the old coating (flaking paint, plaster, putty), thoroughly clean and degrease oil stains. Cracks on the plane should be widened if necessary.

If it is necessary to repair any defects, we use cement mortar and wait for it to dry completely. After this, using construction vacuum cleaner remove dust and dirt.

After treating the concrete surface, apply priming. It is recommended to apply two layers of primer, allowing each layer to dry. It is convenient to apply the primer with a long-haired roller or a wide brush. To simplify the application of the liquid, you can use a spray bottle.

Now you can proceed to the process of mixing the solution. How to make putty? Take a mixing container (bucket, deep basin) and pour water. Usually the proportion is 5 liters of water per 25 kg of putty (1:5).

The finished solution is applied by throwing

For stirring without lumps we use electric drill with nozzle. We lower the mixer into the water and begin to stir, gradually adding the mixture. The resulting solution must be used within 3 hours after mixing.

Apply the prepared solution by throwing it onto a plane and further distributing it using a spatula. To make the surface more durable, you can use reinforcing mesh or fiberglass. After the first layer has dried, the second should be applied. In this case, the direction of each subsequent layer changes to perpendicular to the previous one.

The concrete putty finally dries in about a day. At the final stage, the dried but not completely dry surface is rubbed using sandpaper using a grinder or a special grater. For more information about puttying walls, watch this video:

It is recommended to perform all work in bright light. This makes it possible to see any unevenness and marks left by the spatula and remove defects in time. Only by following the technologies for working with putties can an ideal surface be achieved. Also, the most important thing is to approach the choice of the material itself with great responsibility, not to miss a single stage when preparing the surface and distributing the putty itself.

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Starting and finishing putty on concrete walls

Puttying concrete walls is not an easy task, but if you put in some effort, you can do everything yourself. In this case, the concrete wall will look perfect. Before starting this process, it is necessary to properly prepare the base of the walls. They must be completely cleaned of dirt and dust, mold and mildew. You need to get rid of the old wallpaper, and if there is old putty under it, then you need to get rid of it too.

After cleaning the walls is completed, you can begin treating the walls with a primer. This must be done in order for adhesion to concrete wall was strong.

The choice of material to be used for plastering concrete walls depends on the quality of the concrete walls and how the work will be carried out in the future after the plastering of the walls is completed.

What will be needed to ensure that such work is carried out as efficiently and quickly as possible?

  1. Container (it must be perfectly clean).
  2. Spatula 450 mm.
  3. Spatula 40 mm.
  4. A mixer designed for construction work (if you don’t have one, you can just use a drill with a beater attachment).
  5. Nylon mesh, the size of the cells is 2 x 2.

All these tools can be purchased at any hardware store.

If the walls are not even, then it is necessary to carry out the procedure of leveling the concrete walls. This is done using starting putty, and a nylon mesh is used. As for the preparation of this material, everything must be done strictly according to the instructions that come with the putty. Take a clean container, pour water into it, then add the dry mass of putty (this must be done in this order, and not vice versa), after which it is all thoroughly whisked until you get a consistency that resembles thick butter. Doing this yourself is not at all difficult.

Starting wall putty

Now you can start puttingtying the concrete walls. With your left hand, take a 100 mm spatula and collect material from the container. Then it is applied to a 450 mm spatula; it should be wide and should be held with the right hand. The material is applied to the concrete wall with a light movement right hand thin layer. The strip should be equal to the width of the nylon mesh. All this must be done from floor to ceiling, after which the mesh must be glued to the treated area. The putty layer is applied so that the mesh of the initial putty is completely covered. As for the next mesh sheet, it needs to be laid exactly overlapping the previous sheet. This is how you should putty the concrete wall of the entire room.

You should wait until it all dries completely, this can take up to 2 days. Then you need to get rid of all the irregularities with sandpaper, and for this purpose you can use an abrasive mesh on a special platform grater. After the sanding process is completed, you should carefully remove the dust using a vacuum cleaner or a damp cloth. If you skip this stage of work, the consequences can be very negative. We must take into account the fact that there are no trifles in this process.

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Final wall putty

Now it’s time to start the main work. The material for this is made in the same way as the starting material; you must strictly follow the instructions indicated on the packaging. The consistency of the putty should be similar to thick sour cream, only a little thinner.

Applied to the walls thin layer lightly move your hands from right to left (or vice versa), the thickness of the layer should not exceed 2 mm.

Then, using a 40 mm spatula, the material is leveled behind the pipes and in other hard to reach places.

It often happens that a person who does not have experience in such work does not perform putty in the best possible way. There is nothing wrong with this, as you should simply repeat this procedure. Only at the second stage the material is applied with a thickness of 1 mm, from top to bottom.

After everything is completely dry, a new sanding is necessary, and then you need to get rid of the dust. At the final stage of work, the wall should be coated with a primer; a velor roller is very suitable for this. All this must be thoroughly rubbed; the presence of drips is completely unacceptable.

At this point we can consider that all work has come to an end and begin gluing the wallpaper. It becomes clear that there is nothing overly complicated in carrying out such a process; everything can be done independently. And you need to take into account that if you entrust such work to specialists, it can be very expensive and the quality of the work is also not guaranteed. But it should be borne in mind that all materials that are needed for such work must be of the highest quality. The use of inexpensive and low-quality materials can lead to the need for repairs very soon. Therefore, it is better to do everything right away in a high-quality manner and be calm.

Puttying walls - what you need to know about applying putty + Video

Wondering why you need decorative putty walls and ceilings, you should delve into the process itself in detail. It doesn’t matter whether you do the work yourself or invite specialists - knowledge about the technology and our advice will help you get the highest quality finish.

Types of putty - from simple to complex

Depending on the condition of the surface, it is possible to apply one layer of putty or combine several. For example, for flat wall with defects within 1–2 mm, a layer of finishing putty will be sufficient, but a problematic surface with more serious defects will first have to be treated with a starting composition. But more about everything.

Puttying concrete walls - technology for applying mortar to the base

Before starting puttying, the surface of the wall should be thoroughly treated with a primer. Types of primers may differ depending on the base material and its purpose. One of the most important properties is the depth of penetration into the structure of the material, and the deeper, the better the quality of the coating.

The process of applying putty to the base is the same regardless of its type. In fact, it is not difficult to putty walls; the most important thing in this case is practice, which can be obtained after processing several square meters. To do this you will need several spatulas. different widths and a flat container from which it will be convenient to collect putty. Don't forget to purchase an angled spatula, which is easy to handle external and internal corners.

First you need to prepare the material if you purchased the putty in dry form. Instructions for preparing the solution are usually found on the packaging itself. It is very important to act in full accordance with it and remember that the dry mixture is poured into the water, and not vice versa. You need to stir with construction mixer or a regular drill with a special attachment. Part of the prepared putty is poured into a container, and the rest of the solution is covered with a lid so that it does not dry out.

A small spatula is needed to apply putty onto a large one; it is also useful for treating hard-to-reach areas of walls. When a large spatula is prepared, the putty is applied to the wall. When leveling, you can lightly press the tool blade with your left hand.

The spatula is held at a certain angle to the surface, which can be adjusted to achieve required thickness layer - the larger the angle, the smaller the thickness.

Puttying the walls is done with movements in different directions: vertically (from top to bottom) and horizontally (from left to right). After the composition has set, it can be slightly washed out with a primer to eliminate unevenness and sagging. When the first layer is completely dry, it is sanded with fine sanding tape and leveled.

The second putty layer can be applied after preliminary priming and drying of the first, or without preparation. It is still preferable to apply a primer, since the solution applies more evenly, and it also becomes possible to make a very thin layer. If you putty without preparation, the first layer will take moisture from a fresh portion of the solution, and this will make it thicker and more stubborn.

After about a day, when the surface has dried, sanding begins again. For it to be of high quality, this process must be performed in good lighting (a spotlight on a rod or a powerful hanging lamp), which is directed at the wall at an angle. For convenience, the sanding belt is placed on a special block. After treatment, there should be no defects on the surface (scratches, roughness, sagging, etc.). Ideally, the wall will resemble White list paper.

When is puttying with reinforcing mesh used?

As a rule, putty with a reinforcing mesh is required in cases where there are too large differences in the surface of the walls. The use of serpyanka makes the surface more durable and reliable, and it is also an excellent barrier to the formation of new cracks on painted surfaces (they may simply not be visible under the wallpaper). Cracks can even form on concrete foundations, for example, at the joints of slabs panel houses, which will certainly reveal themselves over time.

The serpyanka is attached to the base with glue, which is applied to its surface with a brush or roller, after which the mesh is pressed tightly to the base and coated with glue again, but on the other side. When the serpyanka has dried, they begin to putty.

There is also another way to attach the reinforcing mesh. In this case, it is immersed in a layer of putty previously applied to the wall, leveled and another layer is applied on top, which will completely cover the mesh. Experts consider this method more preferable, although for an inexperienced person it may seem more difficult.

How to properly putty concrete walls?

Puttying of concrete walls can be done in different ways, much depends on the evenness of the concrete wall (that is, on the layer) on the room where it is located (there are wet rooms, it is better not to use gypsum putties there).

Concrete walls can be almost flat; in this case, you can only use finishing putty,

may not be even, you will have to set up beacons, and use putty and starting and finishing (the beacons are not only plastered, but also puttied with starting putties).

You need to decide on all this at the beginning.

If immediately finishing putty:

We clean the walls from dust and dirt.

Drying primer.

The putty is applied to the walls with two spatulas, or rather, with a short spatula, we apply the mixture onto a large spatula and stretch the putty through it.

The chatel, relative to the wall, is held at an angle.

Drying, polishing.

If by beacons:

Perhaps a mesh will be needed, perhaps not, it all depends on the layer.

We work from the bottom up.

After drying starting putty(this may take a week or more) sanding, removing dust.

Primer for finishing putty with drying.

Drying and polishing.

It is also important to consider that at the finish line, if there is wallpaper (this is for example), then primer before the wallpaper and dry again).

Ceiling putty for concrete

Indoor renovation requires a lot of effort and patience, so most amateur craftsmen choose simpler and cheaper options. A possible way to finish the ceiling space is to paint the surface. Carrying out this type of work does not require special knowledge or construction experience, and the process itself does not take much time. Considering that most apartments have concrete ceilings, the question of how to prepare it for painting becomes relevant.

Is it possible to paint a concrete ceiling without putty?

So that the ceiling space after painting has an ideal appearance, it is recommended to paint a completely flat surface. Even minor cracks and holes will become even more visible after painting. Putty is designed to eliminate unevenness, cracks, chips and other defects. Therefore, if on concrete slabs no visible flaws and large differences, then you can paint the ceiling without putty.

How to choose putty for a concrete base

Floor slabs, in fact, cannot be without flaws, finished products traces remain from the formwork structure, holes from air bubbles and much more. Therefore, an experienced puttyer uses two types of material: starting and finishing putty.

The starting composition is more rough; its main use is primary finishing. The material is plastic, so it is easy to apply and level. In case of significant defects, it is allowed to apply the starting mixture in a layer of up to 1.5 cm. This material is not capable of making the base perfectly smooth, but it can act as a base for the finishing coat.

The finishing mixture eliminates any ceiling defect and makes the surface absolutely smooth. This is achieved by finely grinding the powder. The composition can be applied in a layer of up to 3 mm. After drying, the composition should be sanded. There are universal putty mixtures suitable for both starting and finishing finishing.

To perform high-quality preparation of the ceiling space for painting, it is better to choose both the starting and finishing mixture of the same trademark. This greatly improves the adhesion of materials to the surface and to each other.

It is necessary to consider the conditions under which painting will be carried out. For example, in rooms with high humidity it is necessary to use compounds that have water-repellent properties.

Learning the basics of putty concrete ceiling, we must not forget about the safety of the material. It is worth carefully studying the composition of the mixture for the presence of substances harmful to humans and the environment.

Read also: How to choose putty for the ceiling

Preparing the concrete base for painting

Concrete slabs can have a flat surface; in this case, the concrete ceiling is painted with acrylic or water-based paint without putty. However, this is very rare, and you can perform high-quality preparation of the base for painting as follows.


Before alignment you need to remove old whitewash, plaster or paint.

To remove whitewash, simply moisten the surface with plain water and leave for 20 minutes. After this time, the whitewash is easily removed. Rewetting can be done if necessary. It is best to clean off whitewash with a spatula, but sometimes it is simply erased or washed off with a sponge.

Take off old paint a little more difficult, but you can’t leave it, since in this case the adhesion of the putty to the surface will be much worse. You can remove the paint using a spatula. Heating allows you to clean a painted ceiling from more durable compounds. construction hairdryer, and then clean it with sandpaper.

Old concrete ceiling plaster also needs to be removed, paying attention to places where the material is peeling off. To work, you will again need a spatula, only in this case the tool should be made of a thicker material that will not allow the working surface to sag.

Read also:

Knocking down sagging and sealing cracks

Concrete floor slabs in most cases have protrusions or overhangs. Preparing a concrete ceiling for painting with water-based or any other paint involves eliminating these defects with a hammer and chisel. To make the work easier, you can use a hammer drill.

There may be cracks in the ceiling, these also need to be puttied. In order for the material to hold well, the crack should be widened to 3-5 mm. Then the recess is cleaned of dust and covered with a layer of primer. After it dries, it is covered with putty or sealant.

Surface priming

Before you putty the concrete ceiling for painting, the entire surface must be primed.

It is best to use a primer at this stage. deep penetration. This composition will ensure good adhesion of the main surface and finishing material. The primer composition is applied in several layers, each of which is thoroughly dried. Optimal time for the next layer to dry - 30-40 minutes. The primer is applied to the ceiling with a terry roller; in hard-to-reach places it can be painted with a brush.

Concrete base putty

After all layers of primer have completely dried, you can begin leveling the ceiling with putty.

First of all, at this stage, the joints between the floor slabs should be sealed. For this purpose, a material containing gypsum and sickle tape is used. The seam is puttyed and covered along the entire length with serpyanka, the width of which does not exceed 5 cm. The tape is pressed well to the surface and puttying is repeated.

Next, they begin to apply the starting mixture, the main purpose of which is to level the base. It should be borne in mind that ceiling putty for concrete is used only to eliminate minor differences. The mixture applied in a layer of more than 2 cm will not adhere well.

Puttying the concrete ceiling begins from the corner, the composition is distributed over the ceiling using a spatula. You need to press the tool tightly enough to fill all the existing recesses. The mass should be well leveled and left to dry.

The dried putty composition is rubbed with an abrasive mesh and another layer of the starting mixture is applied, which also needs to be dried.

The dried layer must be coated with a primer. It will increase the adhesion of the starting and finishing coating.

The finishing composition is characterized by greater plasticity, which makes it possible to give the base ideal smoothness. The mixture is also applied using a spatula, but strong pressure on the tool should be avoided.

To ensure even coloring, the topcoat must be sanded using sandpaper or a fine mesh.

Read also: Sanding the ceiling after puttying

You can paint a concrete ceiling without putty or prepare it for painting yourself, without the help of professional finishers. The main condition is to comply certain rules and technology for applying solutions, and also do not forget about safety precautions.

Do-it-yourself concrete ceiling putty - video:

External putty for concrete: technology and manufacturers

The construction of any building structures is not without aesthetic defects. Their elimination is desirable not only when treating interior surfaces of premises. The facades of buildings, especially those made of concrete, also need to be decorated. They help solve a similar problem with putty for exterior work. They create the basis for subsequent cladding and improve the quality of facades.


Multi-component putty is designed to eliminate defects, form smooth, even, durable surfaces of concrete building facades and prepare them for decoration. It is also used for internal finishing operations. Additional options purchased by the facade include increasing heat and sound insulation, ensuring acceptable vapor permeability and waterproofing of walls, as well as frost resistance.

Very often there is a need to level and strengthen concrete foundations. As you know, this material is characterized by high strength and durability, but sometimes its structure is damaged due to wear, cracks and other unfavorable factors, in which case a durable and reliable finishing material is needed. There are several options on the market: for floors, for walls and for cellular concrete, and when doing the work yourself, it is important to choose the best option.

Types of compositions for concrete foundations

Don't try to save money and use inexpensive options in the hope that the result will be normal. It is important to use exactly the mixture that guarantees reliability and durability, so depending on the type of work you need to choose a solution.

If reinforced concrete was cut with diamond wheels and the resulting seams need to be sealed, it is best to use an epoxy compound, regardless of the type of surface. This option will be discussed in more detail below.

Floor putties

As you know, any floor coverings are subject to increased loads, so concrete is often used as their basis - it copes with the task perfectly. But sometimes additional leveling of the surface is required before installing self-leveling floors or sealing the joints near the pipes (when diamond drilling of holes in the concrete for laying communications was carried out).

For these purposes, a two-component epoxy concrete putty is used, which has the highest strength properties and a number of other advantages:

  • Excellent crack filling, potholes and other damage to the concrete surface.
  • Strengthening all adjacent areas, as well as joints and other critical areas on the surface.
  • Continuous finishing allows you to achieve an almost perfectly smooth surface, which can be used as flooring. This is often done in warehouses and production facilities, because, among other advantages, the frozen composition is characterized by high strength and wear resistance.
  • The solution is highly resistant to most negative impacts : moisture, detergents and various chemical components.
  • High adhesion ensures the reliability of the surface and ensures that the hardened mortar does not peel off from the concrete.
  • Putty for concrete floors very quickly gains high strength values, which allows repair work to be carried out in the shortest possible time.

Whatever brand of composition you choose, for the best effect, do not forget to first clean the surface and treat it with a primer solution.
This will improve adhesion, which has a positive effect on the durability of the coating.
The best solution is the Betonkontakt composition, which is excellent for preparatory activities.

It is worth noting that it is important to mix the components in correct proportion– the manufacturer’s instructions are required to be followed and should not be violated under any circumstances.

Compositions for walls

If you need complete or partial finishing of concrete walls, you can purchase special composition, its price is much lower than that of epoxy options. In addition, working with such solutions with your own hands is much easier, because you do not need to carefully calculate the components for mixing.

Whatever option you choose, it is important that it meets the following requirements:

  • The composition must be suitable for both internal and external use, this guarantees its high strength.
  • The mixture should set quickly, this greatly facilitates the work and improves the result.
  • The composition must contain fiber fibers, this can significantly increase the strength of the finishing layer.
  • The hardened layer must have high waterproofing properties, this ensures additional protection concrete. (See also article.)
  • The high elasticity of the finished solution guarantees excellent adhesion and penetration into all surface irregularities.
  • The composition should not shrink during the drying process, this ensures high quality finishing.

Solutions for aerated concrete bases

Again, there are a huge number of products from different manufacturers on the market.

When choosing one or another option, it is worth checking that its properties meet the following criteria:

  • High adhesive properties, since the surface is quite smooth, and not every option will stick to it.
  • Moisture resistance – putty for aerated concrete should reliably protect the surface from high humidity and temperature changes. (See also article.)
  • Vapor permeability – very important property, allowing excess moisture to freely leave the material.

For the best adhesion of the solution to the base, it is best to use a primer with a quartz filler; it creates a rough surface, which allows the solution to adhere much better.

It is worth noting that products for concrete should never be used for aerated concrete, and vice versa. Materials have different structures and properties, which is why each of them has its own group of solutions.


It is worth noting that the choice optimal option The quality of the final result depends on the composition, so it is worth paying close attention to this issue. The video in this article will help you understand some of the features of this topic even better.

If you want to feel what the real construction market is like, then try using concrete putty. But this, compared to, say, putty on trifling drywall, as they say in Odessa, is two big differences. The work is noticeably more difficult, but the market, understanding the situation, offers such a wide selection of materials that your head can spin.

When our desires coincide with our capabilities

Here is just the title of one of the proposals - Akron-R concrete putty, specially designed to solve the question of how to putty concrete walls:

  • quick-setting,
  • extra strong,
  • reinforced with fibres,
  • waterproofing,
  • elastic,
  • frost-resistant,
  • thixotropic,
  • non-shrinkable -

and all this is not only for putty, but for the restoration of concrete structures, including swimming pools.

Analysis of the presentation

Now let’s try to analyze the proposed characteristics on the ground, as they say, although we note that many other competitors of Akron can boast of such. So:

  • The putty has a quick setting - after all, it is always at the leading edge of the finish, it will be followed by , we also take into account that the putty is applied 3-5 cm thick, and in this situation, rapid hardening becomes one of the decisive factors success of all work.
  • Putty allows you to create a particularly durable surface - it also fits well with the conditions of use, because concrete is being finished.
  • Reinforced with fibers - this has another name - “fiber putty”, the fibers give the surface incredible strength.
  • The material provides waterproofing, which is very important on concrete and, given its frequent use outdoors; In addition, this property allows you to simplify the entire process of finishing the walls and not use a separate layer of waterproofing.

  • Elastic- and what else should be the material that should penetrate into all the cracks on the untreated concrete surface, in the places of door jambs and window slopes. As a result of elasticity, the material is convenient and easy to work with.
  • Frost-resistant– a mandatory characteristic of such putty, since very often the place where it is used is on concrete in the open air.
  • Thixotropic- a very useful feature, which says that the putty is capable of increasing viscosity at rest. This point must be kept in mind when preparing the mixture - before use it will always seem a little thinner than necessary. It will, however, be more convenient to work with. It turns out to be a kind of concrete service - “I provide increased convenience during work, and I will bring myself to the desired state of viscosity myself.”
  • The putty does not shrink, and in combination with the previous property - we must recognize this characteristic as extremely important from the point of view of the safety of the surface being created - it will not sag in the future and will not “move to the side” under load.


Since concrete and reinforced concrete structures are “scattered” over hundreds of places in even a small town, there are a lot of places where such putty can be used.

Where do we use it?

Among the places of application we note the following:

  • all kinds of restoration work on reinforced concrete structures that collapse over time;
  • routine leveling of durable concrete structures before final waterproofing and application of the finishing coating;
  • elimination of defects formed in concrete in crushed stone nests, in new seams, as a result of abrasion;
  • surface finishing in trenches and tunnels;
  • work on viaducts and railway tracks.

In other words, instructions for using putties on concrete will be needed everywhere where concrete itself is used, and this is practically all construction.


The specific composition of any putty depends on the manufacturer, but reliable options usually contain:

  • high strength cement;
  • synthetic fibers for increased strength;
  • special fillers and polymer additives to enhance the properties of strength, thixotropy, adhesion to concrete, elasticity and water resistance.

Place in the overall structure

Of course, finishing does not end with this material alone; it is only one of the components that make up the perfect formation of a concrete base coating.

A complete finishing scheme should consist of 5 components:

  • A – the concrete base itself;
  • B – primer, without which further work is impossible;

  • C– ;
  • D – second layer of putty, already ordinary;
  • E– decorative plaster, if necessary.


Such outstanding qualities of this finishing material, however, do not exempt you from the need to follow some rules for handling it:

  • Do not use this putty on smooth surfaces, it is strongly recommended to make notches, provide roughness by any means, or even introduce reinforcement;
  • Whatever putty for concrete is, you shouldn’t just pour it into the formwork, it’s not intended for that at all;
  • the material already contains everything necessary supplements, therefore, it is strongly not recommended to artificially change its composition by adding all kinds of fillers, especially cement;

  • when the putty has been laid and the process of setting has begun, you should under no circumstances try to stop it by adding water; in this situation, it is better, before it is too late, to remove the batch and prepare the batch again;
  • some types of concrete putties set a lower temperature limit when work is allowed - +3 degrees, but, in general, +5 is already recognized by everyone as the lower limit; Of course, any work on concrete (except for cases of using special low-temperature putties, which allow work at a temperature of -40), even at zero temperature, is unacceptable.


The entire process of use will be as follows:

  • Let's cook first solid foundation, removing all remnants of damage and weaknesses of any kind;
  • We clean the entire surface from dust and foreign deposits in the form of paint and oil stains;
  • Wet the surface thoroughly.

Helpful advice! To control the progress of the batch, we advise you to focus on the manufacturer’s recommended consumption for square meter working surface at a given layer thickness. For the presented Italian putty it is 18-19 kg with a thickness of 10 mm.

  • Let the moisture disperse slightly; in any case, there should be no puddles.
  • Next, we proceed to mixing - pour water into the mixing container, the usually recommended proportion is 4.5 liters of water for 25 kg of putty;

  • Attention! First, turn on the mixer, and then gradually, slowly and stirring constantly, begin to pour out the putty;
  • The stirring process must be continued for 3-5 minutes;

Helpful advice! Which stirring method to use depends on the volume of the batch. If it is small, then a regular mixer will do just fine. But for 25 kg we recommend using a concrete mixer. Do not allow excess air to enter the mixture during stirring.

  • Putty is usually applied without formwork if the layer thickness does not exceed 2 cm, otherwise it is recommended to consider creating auxiliary support devices on the sides of the working surface.
  • If you have Akron-R or a similar putty, no primer is used, but in most cases the entire surface is primed first.
  • Then they begin the main stage of applying the putty itself.


Considering huge selection putty material for work on concrete, we advise you to pay attention first of all to two parameters - its price and instructions for use. The price may differ several times and not only due to various volumes packs().

The instructions may provide various nuances use (like the one presented, which does not require primer and only allows +3 in air).

Be sure to watch the video in this article and collect a database of your possible choices.


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