Human resource management system in large companies. Unification of functional blocks in the Group Companies

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Personnel management and social program of OJSC NK Rosneft

The Rosneft company was and still remains one of the largest employers in the Russian Federation, providing employment to about 170 thousand people in all Federal Districts.

Rosneft's personnel are a key resource for its development. The value of human life is the main priority in the Company’s interaction with employees, therefore the Company pays utmost attention to labor protection, industrial safety, and the preservation of personnel health. The Company faces large-scale and complex strategic tasks, the solution of which directly depends on the motivation of employees to work effectively, as well as on their professional and personal development. Motivation implies modern comfortable working conditions, a remuneration system that can provide a decent level of income, which in turn depends on the employee’s labor efficiency, and a sufficient level of social benefits. Professional and personal development is carried out through the Company’s existing employee training and career advancement systems. As part of the Company's general course towards implementing international projects and expanding its activities in difficult geographical conditions, the Company has set itself priority tasks in the field of personnel management:

· Ensure the availability of highly qualified personnel capable of supporting the sustainable development of the Company using advanced approaches in the field of technology and management.

· Ensure high motivation of employees to increase personal effectiveness and achieve team results.

· Ensure the attraction of young talented specialists to the Company.

· Ensure that the best experience and knowledge sharing are maintained and used within the Company.

· Create a corporate culture that ensures long-term employee loyalty to the Company and its attractiveness to the best managers and specialists in the labor market.

· Ensure social protection of the Company's employees and their family members.

As part of the ongoing integration with TNK-BP assets, approaches to personnel support and development are analyzed to ensure effective system personnel management in new conditions. The basis of the Company's personnel management system is decent remuneration for employees. OJSC NK Rosneft is one of the few large Russian companies that systematically carries out annual wage indexation.

In 2012, staff salaries continued to rise and, as data shows, Federal service state statistics, in the vast majority of production subsidiaries remained above the regional average.

Social payments and benefits are an integral part of the personnel remuneration system. Social package applies to all employees of subsidiaries and structural divisions and includes:

· benefits aimed at protecting health and getting good rest:

· voluntary medical insurance, free and discounted vacation vouchers and sanatorium-and-resort treatment for employees and their children, payment for travel to and from the vacation spot.

· one-time financial assistance in difficult situations life situations;

lump sum benefit upon retirement.

In addition, in a number of subsidiaries, employees are provided with free meals, additional payments to women on parental leave, compensation for living expenses in dormitories and other benefits. The composition and scale of these benefits depend on the economic capabilities of the society and the terms of the collective agreement.

Among the Company’s social benefits, a special place is occupied by an educational interest-free loan - social help to receive basic higher education workers and their children in Russian universities with state accreditation.

One of the most widespread corporate events aimed at increasing the motivation of the Company’s personnel is the “Best in Profession” professional skills competition.

The annual “Best in Profession” review competition, which has become a good corporate tradition, performs several functions in the Company’s personnel policy. This is both a tool for moral encouragement of the most effective employees and a mechanism for sharing best practices accumulated in various subsidiaries.

The annual holding of such a large-scale event helps strengthen corporate culture OJSC NK Rosneft.

Rosneft also provides its employees with equal opportunities to continuously improve their abilities and skills. A key aspect of its personnel training and development policy is the strategy of internal growth and professional development. The company is confident that the overall increase professional level employees can be achieved primarily by training their own specialists.

An important element of the internal growth and professional development strategy are corporate training programs designed to increase the educational level of employees and enhance their personal motivation. Corporate training programs, developed jointly with leading Russian and foreign institutes and business schools, are intended for all categories of employees. To more effectively implement educational programs, the Company is constantly improving the rating scale that determines the potential of its specialists. Rosneft provides the most promising employees with the opportunity to move to those divisions where their potential will be most fully revealed.

One of the priority areas personnel policy The company's goal is to work with young specialists. The Company has a “Three Steps” training and development program for young specialists, which plans in detail the professional growth and development of young specialists during the first three years of their work.

In the first year of work (first stage), a young specialist adapts to new production conditions: he studies the traditions of the Company, his enterprise, and gets acquainted with management. During the first month of work, a young specialist must be assigned a mentor, with whom the young specialist draws up an individual development plan.

In the second year of work (second stage), the young specialist participates in a vocational and technical corporate training program, undergoes an assessment of personal and professional qualities and determines the prospects for professional growth. A prerequisite is the participation of a young specialist in scientific and technical conferences, which allows him to demonstrate his abilities for innovative solutions.

Scientific and technical conferences (STC) are held annually in all major subsidiaries of the Company. At conferences, young specialists defend projects aimed at improving production processes: increasing efficiency, reducing production costs, introducing new forms and methods of work, using advanced technologies, etc. In addition, young specialists of the Company participate in the “Fuel and Energy Complex of Russia” competition, organized with the participation of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, as well as the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation. During the third year of work (third stage), the Company assesses the labor contribution and potential of young specialists. The assessment takes into account the results of the young specialist’s compulsory training, the opinions of his mentor and supervisors about him, his success in scientific and technological progress and competitions. As a result, young specialists with creative and leadership potential are identified and included in the Company’s personnel reserve.

The Company's personnel reserve program includes systematic work to identify the best, most promising employees, train them and promote them to key management positions. For the Company, the personnel reserve program is a guarantee of personnel security and growth in business efficiency; for employees, it is, first of all, opportunities for development and career growth.

The Company's personnel reserve program involves the formation of a reserve for positions of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd echelons of management.

Reserve for positions of the 1st echelon of management - middle managers for target positions of senior managers (vice presidents, heads of structural divisions of the Company’s management apparatus, general directors, deputy general directors of subsidiaries and other positions of a similar level).

Reserve for positions of the 2nd echelon of management - lower-level managers for target positions of middle managers (heads of oil and gas production departments, workshops, departments, departments and their deputies).

Reserve for positions of the 3rd echelon of management - specialists (including young ones) for target positions of lower-level managers.

One of the key aspects of Rosneft’s social policy is charitable and sponsorship activities. The company supports many projects carried out in different regions Russian Federation. Charitable funds go to public and municipal organizations, educational and medical institutions, sports clubs and many other recipients. In total, in 2012, the Company’s expenses for charity amounted to 3.4 billion rubles. (in 2011 - 2.9 billion rubles).

An important area of ​​Rosneft’s charitable programs is the provision of financial assistance to tribal communities of indigenous peoples of the North, on whose territory production and economic activities are carried out. Schools and hospitals are being built for them, landscaping is being done settlements. The company also purchases equipment for fishing and fuel, implements a children's summer health program, and finances participation in exhibitions, competitions and other events.

Rosneft attaches great importance to the revival of Russia's spiritual heritage and the strengthening of moral principles in the life of society. Behind last years with the active participation of the Company, churches were restored or rebuilt in many regions of the country, including Moscow, Southern Russia, Siberia and the Far East.

In total, in 2012, in the regions where the Company operates, within the framework of agreements and charity, funds were allocated for the construction, repair, equipment and support of 114 kindergartens and preschool institutions, 211 schools, 84 cultural and 82 sports facilities, 43 medical institutions and 49 churches.


The personnel selection process includes the following stages:

1. Job analysis

2. Development of competence

3. Definition of the labor market

4. Attracting candidates

5. Application screening

6. Assessment (interview, testing, assessment center, etc.)

9. Proposal

10. Introduction to position

Assessing a candidate when hiring is necessary at every stage of selection. As you can see, this procedure includes several selection methods. These can be standard basic methods: testing, conversation, interview, preliminary analysis of personal data (short questionnaire, resume), etc. Or additional ones, such as ability testing (IQ, attention span, etc.), psychological testing, situational interviews, projective techniques, etc.

In the selection process, all available methods can be used, or only a few, it depends on the number of applicants for the position, the type of work performed, the prestige of the company, etc.

When assessing a candidate, a case or situational interview based on the construction of certain situations and asking the interviewee to describe his model of behavior or solution to a given situation. Projective techniques consist in the way questions are constructed in such a way that the candidate is asked to evaluate not himself, but people in general or a specific character. By combining all methods, you can successfully assess a candidate when hiring.

Research has identified a number of problems that reduce efficiency interpersonal interaction as a personnel selection tool. The basis of these problems is emotional and psychological in nature. Possible errors when assessing candidates: error of central tendency; error of leniency; high demand error; halo effect; contrast error; stereotyping.

Search, selection and assessment of personnel are key elements personnel policy. The task of the personnel service, which evaluates candidates for employment, is to select an employee who is able to achieve the result expected by the organization.

Efficiency of personnel management using the example of OJSC NK Rosneft

fuel and energy complex for a long time was and continues to be one of the leading sectors of the Russian economy. Today in our country there are several leading oil and gas companies. One of them is NK Rosneft.

It's no secret that the basis of any organization is not its corporate symbol, not its divisions, or even its area of ​​work! The basis of all organizations are the people working in it. And the effectiveness of an organization directly depends on how competently personnel management occurs. NK Rosneft not only occupies a leading position among the oil and gas companies of the Russian Federation, but is also able to compete with the leading companies in the world. The author of this article sees a direct connection between the company's leading position and an effective and thoughtful personnel management policy. The purpose of this report, I see, is to analyze the main methods of personnel management in the company OJSC NK Rosneft.

The high level of competition for labor resources in the oil and gas market leads to the need to pursue a competent and effective policy to attract and retain personnel.

Work with personnel at Rosneft is carried out in the Rosneft Human Resources Department. Its tasks are: fast and high-quality integration of new employees, assistance in improving the qualifications and development of employees, formal work related to documentation, ensuring effective motivation personnel, work on personnel selection and training (work with young specialists, interns), etc. The activities of this department are connected with the work of other divisions.

The fundamental basis for the effective work of personnel at Rosneft should be the training of young specialists. This work involves the company’s active cooperation with universities and attracting promising students to work and internships. It should also be noted that there are special classes Rosneft in some schools, where work is carried out with schoolchildren.

Another aspect of the HR Department’s activities is conducting tests and other certifications of employees. The peculiarity of such events is that they are held among employees of all levels: from ordinary workers to senior managers. This allows us to identify their real level and qualifications. Depending on the results of such tests, a bonus may be awarded, an increase may be offered, or vice versa.

In order to ensure the continuous professional growth of employees, special seminars and seminars are held. Leading experts from Russia and the world are invited to attend them as teachers. This allows employees to join global experience in the oil and gas industry.

To increase job satisfaction and increase results, the Rosneft Human Resources Department conducts motivational trainings and uses other team building techniques. Company managers are also taught similar techniques. This is necessary so that they are able to effectively manage and motivate employees on the spot.

Having analyzed the activities of the HR Department of Rosneft, the mechanisms for ensuring human resource management in the company became clearly visible and understandable. In general, all the same techniques are used in other companies around the world. But a significant positive effect can only be achieved if they are applied correctly and skillfully in practice. Considering the work of the company's HR services, the author came to the conclusion that at this stage one of the most effective methods of working with personnel is used - an individual approach to each employee. This approach allows you to carefully monitor the moods and wishes of each employee, demonstrate that he is important to the organization, and find an individual approach to each. This allows you to retain the necessary employees.

The result of the analysis of the effectiveness of personnel management in OJSC NK Rosneft is reflected better than any words in the current positions occupied by the company, in graphs reflecting growth rates. All these indicators point to one thing: Rosneft is actively growing, developing, increasing its value and weight in the world market. These indicators would not be possible without qualified personnel and competent management.


Today, the development of information technology dictates the need for rapid and flexible implementation and development of new management systems. The World Wide Web, having made almost the entire population of the globe its audience, has led to an easier process of information transfer, simplification and improvement of the quality of document flow, the possibility of interactive communication and monitoring the activities of employees. Distance learning is becoming more and more popular.

Being an integral part of globalization and reform of business processes, such a system should also find application in the organization of labor in developing companies.

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The Company's main asset is its employees. Their high professionalism is the key to the successful activities of PJSC NK Rosneft. Therefore the Company creates the necessary conditions for comfortable work and realization of the potential of each of us.

In 2017, PJSC NK Rosneft again confirmed its status as one of the largest employers in the Russian Federation.

For 2017 average number personnel of the Rosneft Group Companies amounted to 302,1 thousand people Compared to 2016, the average number of employees increased by 48.9 thousand people. The main reason for the increase in the number of the Company is the acquisition of new assets (Targin group (17.0 thousand people)), accounting for the personnel of the Bashneft Group Companies for the full year in 2017 and the introduction of personnel from third-party contract service organizations into the staff of the Group Companies .

The average age of the Company’s personnel remained virtually unchanged and amounted to 40.1 years (39.9 in 2016). Management positions were occupied by 37.3 thousand employees (in 2016 - 32.0 thousand people).

At the same time, the share of employees classified as “Managers” in 2017 practically did not change compared to 2016 (12.6%) and amounted to 12.3% of the total average payroll.

Personnel Efficiency and KPI System

Improving labor efficiency is one of the Company’s key priorities. To achieve this goal in 2017. Work continued on the development and approval of integrated labor productivity indicators for enterprises of the main business blocks and for the Company as a whole.

Since 2016, the target value of the labor productivity indicator for the Company as a whole has been approved as a technical and economic indicator of the Company by the Board of Directors of the Company.

PJSC NK Rosneft has a system of key performance indicators (KPIs), which is an integral part of the motivation and remuneration of the Company’s management. In accordance with the directive of the Government of the Russian Federation, starting from 2016, the list of performance indicators of the Company’s management has included labor productivity KPIs in relevant areas of activity. The designated KPI System also includes a number of indicators in the field of sustainable development, for example, such as saving fuel and energy resources, the frequency rate of employee injuries, an indicator of the efficiency of procurement from small and medium-sized businesses, the implementation of which is linked to bonuses for the Company’s management.

The most important innovation in 2017 was the inclusion in the lists of performance indicators of managers of the Company and Group Companies of an indicator aimed at implementing state professional standards into the activities of the Company and Group Companies.

Also, the principles for calculating the indicator reflecting the reduction in the level of industrial injuries include a standard aimed at increasing the transparency and openness of information on all accidents, including minor injuries, and the scope of the indicator has been expanded by including in the calculation the Company’s employees injured due to the fault of contractors . This approach allows us to assess the level of safety of working conditions more fully and respond in a timely manner to the dynamics of changes.

Formation and development of the Company’s personnel reserve

PJSC NK Rosneft pays close attention to the development of corporate and managerial competencies of employees included in the Company’s personnel reserve.

Activities to form a personnel reserve allow us to identify and develop talented employees to maximize their potential in achieving the Company’s business goals and contributes to the retention of the best employees by providing them with opportunities for career growth and development. Every year, work is carried out to update the composition of the personnel reserve for target positions of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd echelons of management in PJSC NK Rosneft and the Group Companies.

As part of systematic work with the Company’s personnel reserve, the following initiatives were implemented in 2016:

  • a multi-stage system for assessing competencies has been organized to select, determine development priorities for reservists, and formulate individual development plans for reservists;
  • training of reservists was organized in three corporate MBA programs, training on the development of management competencies;
  • In corporate information systems, the process of maintaining data on participants in the Company's Personnel Reserve System is automated.

Development and Training

A unified corporate training system covers all areas of business and categories of personnel. Through training, government requirements, corporate policies and procedures, and the best Russian and foreign practices are transmitted, and effective work skills are developed. To conduct training, teachers from Russian and foreign universities, leading domestic and foreign training and consulting companies are attracted. Training programs are adapted to the needs of the Company's business.

In the structures of the Group Companies and on the basis of educational institutions in the regions of the Company’s operation, 60 Training centers with training grounds/practical training sites that provide advanced training, professional and mandatory training for workers and specialists.

An internal training system is being developed to ensure the preservation and transfer of knowledge within the Company with the involvement of internal trainers, experts and mentors.

The company participates in the global movement to popularize blue-collar professions WorldSkills.

Training is provided within the framework of the Company's approved program for improving occupational safety culture and conscious leadership in the field of HSE.

Uniform requirements for the knowledge and skills (competencies) of employees in all segments of the Company’s business are set by the Company’s comprehensive personnel assessment system. Personnel assessment is carried out in 3 directions: for the purpose of planning training (to develop competencies); when forming the Personnel Reserve and Expert Communities; when hiring and transferring to positions. The evaluation criteria are: managerial, corporate and professional-technical competencies. The assessment covers all categories of personnel: managers, specialists and workers.

Competency assessment allows you to identify gaps in knowledge and determine priorities for employee development, optimize training costs, improve their qualifications and, accordingly, staff efficiency.

PJSC NK Rosneft is a participant in the state project for the development of a system of national qualifications. Representatives of the Company are members of the Council for Professional Qualifications in the Oil and Gas Complex. The Council was created with the support of the National Council for Professional Qualifications under the President of the Russian Federation. As part of this project, the Company has organized work to develop and update industry professional standards, to create a directory of oil and gas industry professions and a list professional qualifications for the further creation of a system of independent assessment of qualifications, for the preparation of draft normative documentation of the Council. Company experts take part in public accreditation of educational programs of higher and secondary educational institutions, and also perform other tasks within the powers of the Council.

Implementing international projects, PJSC NK Rosneft invites foreign partners to consider issues of personnel training for further work V joint projects along with business projects in the fuel and energy sector. As part of this cooperation, foreign students - employees of foreign business partners of Rosneft PJSC - are trained in Russian universities with the financial and organizational support of the Company.

Rosneft’s youth policy is aimed at ensuring a constant influx of professionally trained young specialists into the Company from among best graduates educational organizations and their adaptation in enterprises as quickly and efficiently as possible.

To this end, Rosneft is actively working to form an external personnel reserve in the regions of its production activities.

The youth work system covers three target audiences: students of Rosneft classes (grades 10-11 with in-depth study of engineering subjects); students of specialized universities, young specialists of the Company.

An effective implementation tool youth policy is the corporate system of continuous education “School-university-enterprise”.

The main asset of the Company is its highly professional personnel, motivated to effective work in the difficult realities of today.

Headcount and personnel structure of the group companies

As of December 31, 2014, the payroll number of the Rosneft Group Companies was 249 thousand people. The main reasons for the increase in the number of the Company are the acquisition of new assets, as well as the development of production.

The average age of the Company's employees remained virtually unchanged and amounted to 39.4 (39.2 at the end of 2013).

Management positions were occupied by 31.7 thousand employees (at the end of 2013 - 29.1). At the same time, the share of employees classified as “Managers” as of December 31, 2014 remained virtually unchanged compared to December 31, 2013 (12.8%) and amounted to 12.7% of the total payroll as of December 31, 2014.

Improving staff efficiency

One of the Company's key priorities is increasing labor efficiency and productivity in all areas of activity. To achieve this goal, work began in 2014 to develop and approve labor productivity metrics for all main business areas of the Company, which will continue in 2015.

In order to increase business efficiency through the development and implementation of numerous bottom-up initiatives in the companies of the Oil Refining and Petrochemicals block, a program was developed and implemented to motivate employees for developing measures for a system of continuous improvements.

To increase the motivation and responsibility of employees for labor results, a single unified target concept for a system of current (monthly) bonuses for employees of companies in the Oil Refining and Petrochemicals block was developed and implemented.

In order to increase the Company's personnel potential, in 2014 a personnel reserve was formed for target positions in the 1st echelon of management of Rosneft, which includes more than 400 reservists. In 2014, the selection of candidates for the personnel reserve was carried out by personnel committees formed in the main areas of business and supporting functions. Personnel committees, headed by the Company's top management, are collegial bodies and are designed to strengthen the involvement of managers in the formation, development and promotion of the personnel reserve.

In order to improve management efficiency and transparency of activities, a standard organizational structure petroleum products supply companies ( regional sales), the consolidation of retail assets in the Moscow, Rostov and St. Petersburg regions was carried out. Operational activities in these regions are carried out by unified management teams.

In 2014, the Company launched a project to create a unified template solution for personnel accounting and payroll calculations based on a unified information platform.

After completion of the pilot operation of the system, it is planned to gradually replicate it to all major Group Companies. The benefits of such a large-scale project will be:

    reducing the risk of personal data leakage by implementing a set of system measures to protect them in replicated solutions;

    building a unified management system for the methodology of business processes of personnel management and payroll calculations throughout the Company, the possibility of end-to-end control of compliance with the requirements of labor legislation and the Company’s labor regulations;

    standardization of the Company’s end-to-end business processes in the field of personnel management and payroll;

    optimization of routine personnel processes (including reporting), reduction of labor costs for servicing personnel management processes and payroll calculations.

At the production site

Personnel training and development system

The corporate system of training and development of personnel of OJSC NK Rosneft is aimed at solving the following strategic tasks:

    ensure the level of professional and technical competence of employees corresponding to the current and future needs of the Company’s business;

    strengthen the Company’s management competencies, including through the development of an internal personnel reserve;

    provide the Company's strategic projects with trained personnel;

    fulfill mandatory state requirements for the level of training of personnel in the fuel and energy complex, aimed at ensuring quality and safety in production;

    ensure the required level of competence of all Company employees involved in the corporate industrial safety and labor protection management system.

261,2 thousand people training courses in all areas of business and types of training were conducted in 2014.

In 2014, 261.2 thousand training courses were conducted for all areas of business and types of training, including 22.3 thousand corporate training courses.

Among the corporate training programs conducted in 2014, personnel training programs for the Company’s strategic projects occupy a special place.

Offshore production

12 drilling supervisors completed their training under the program of additional professional education “Offshore Driller I.M. Gubkin”, including a pre-graduate internship at Stena Drilling in Aberdeen (UK), receiving international certificates and permits necessary to conduct professional activities on the shelf. Graduates of the program are rotated within the Company from companies engaged in onshore oil production to offshore projects.

The training of 36 specialists has begun under the professional retraining program “Development of offshore oil and gas fields” at the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after. I. M. Gubkina.

Since September 2014, within the framework of the Agreement on strategic cooperation with M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, two innovative professional retraining programs “Oil and gas geology of the Russian Federation shelves” and “Protection environment during the development of offshore oil and gas fields." 36 Company specialists began training.

Conducted training under the programs “Fundamentals of safety on the shelf, training to act in emergency situations” with obtaining an international BOSIET certificate; “Well control when drilling with onshore or underwater air defense”, etc. (in total, more than 20 courses for 160 Company employees).

Work has begun to create on the basis of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after. I.M. Gubkin Center for Offshore Drilling, equipped with specialized technological equipment. The center will become the basic training platform for specialists in the Company’s offshore projects.

Hard to recover oils

Training was organized in 30 programs, including international conferences and forums, on methods for increasing oil recovery, developing reserves with horizontal wells and sidetracks, technologies for intensifying production, methods for increasing the efficiency of prospecting and evaluation of deposits, geology and development of deposits with hard-to-recover reserves, etc.

Oil refining technologies

26 corporate training programs were conducted for more than 350 managers and specialists of the Oil Refining and Petrochemicals block.

7 internships (38 people) were conducted at the plants of the ROG joint venture in Germany, as well as refineries in Finland and Spain.

Localization of techniques and technologies

As part of the Strategic Cooperation Agreement between OJSC NK Rosneft and General Electric (GE), training for employees of NK Rosneft was organized with the involvement of teachers from the GE corporate university Crotonville on leadership and development intrinsic motivation, technical solutions from GE in the areas of: gas turbines, piston and centrifugal compressors and equipment for liquefying natural gas.

Monitoring of universities and vocational education institutions engaged in training personnel for shipbuilding, ship repair and ship operation projects was carried out.

Traditionally, the Company makes serious efforts to develop its internal training resource, setting the goal of accumulating and disseminating knowledge within the Company and developing its own educational and training base at the level of international standards.

In 2014, coordination and methodological support was provided for projects to develop the educational and training base in the regions: design, construction, repair and equipment (59 training sites); 13 Group companies purchased 28 technological simulator complexes (mining - 7, refineries - 21), 130 trainers and instructors were trained for training on simulators.

In order to ensure the development of practical skills for operating personnel of hazardous production facilities, a Program for equipping the educational and training base of the Companies of the Oil Refining and Petrochemicals Block with technological simulators for the period 2014–2020 was developed and approved by the Company’s management. (as part of the Refinery Modernization Program). The program provides for the purchase of 167 training systems for 15 factories.

Educational films were shot and edited to train workers in the following professions: “Oil and Gas Production” - 20 films; “Oil refining and petrochemistry” - 35 films.

215 internal trainers were trained, including 84 trainers to conduct training within the framework of the target program “School of Masters”.

328 worker mentors were trained under the “Mentor Mastery” program. The book “Mentor Experience” for self-study has been prepared and distributed to mentors of the Group Societies.

The Order of Rosneft OJSC “On the system of internal corporate training for the Company’s employees” was developed and published, aimed at introducing and supporting internal training in the central office of the Company and Group Companies, systematizing, preserving and transferring professional knowledge, motivating corporate teachers and trainers.

Goes to the Company continuous process improving the system of competency assessment of all categories of personnel. This system helps solve significant business problems of the Company:

    planning training and development of the Company's personnel;

    selection of employees for the Personnel Reserve and expert communities;

    selection of talented youth;

    providing management with up-to-date information on the level of development of competencies for making personnel decisions when hiring and promoting.

To evaluate employees, advanced methods are used that are used in the largest international companies - testing, personality questionnaires, competency interviews, assessment centers, business assessment games, 360°, etc. The results of assessment procedures are taken into account when forming individual development plans and form the basis for planning activities for the training and development of Company employees.

So, in 2014:

    assessment activities were carried out within the Company’s perimeter for 12,465 people,

    work was carried out to select tools for predicting the behavior of workers in abnormal production and emergency situations. The implementation of the tools is planned for 2015.

In addition, work is underway to update the Corporate and Management Competency Model, taking into account the experience and best practices of foreign and Russian oil and gas companies in this area.

Within the target innovative project“Introduction of a competency-based method of personnel assessment and development in all segments of the Company’s business” (the project is designed until 2016) together with the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after. I. M. Gubkina, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University" and leading consulting companies in Russia are working to form a corporate system for assessing and developing personnel by competencies. In 2014, a pilot assessment was conducted for personnel in the Oil Refining, Production, and Offshore Projects business blocks. As part of the pilot implementation of the system in 2014, 900 employees of the Company were assessed. The development of competencies for the blocks “Oil Products Supply”, “Logistics and Transport”, “Logistics and Technical Support”, “ Capital construction", "Economics and Finance", "Procurement Organization".

OJSC NK Rosneft is a participant in the state project to develop industry professional standards.

    Together with the NP National Institute of Oil and Gas, 9 industry professional standards were developed for the Oil and Gas Production block and submitted to the Russian Ministry of Labor for their approval in the prescribed manner. On November 27, 2014, the Minister of Labor and Social Protection signed an order approving one of the nine developed standards - “Drilling supervisor in the oil and gas industry.”

    The company reviewed 30 draft professional standards posted for public discussion on the website of the Russian Ministry of Labor, including “ Guidelines on the application of professional standards."

Company Youth Policy

The youth policy of OJSC NK Rosneft is focused on solving the following key tasks:

    ensure the formation of a young external personnel reserve of the Company from among the best school graduates motivated to receive high-quality professional education and employment in the Company;

    ensure the influx into the Company of the required number of promising young specialists from among the best university graduates with a level of training that meets the requirements of the Company’s business;

    ensure the effective work of young specialists by accelerating their adaptation, developing professional and managerial skills, and involving them in innovation, research and project activities;

    provide support public policy in the field of vocational education and training of engineering personnel.

"Rosneft-class", Achinsk

Corporate system of continuous education of OJSC NK Rosneft “School - University - Enterprise”

The formation of an external personnel reserve begins in high school secondary schools. The 10th and 11th Rosneft classes, opened with the support of the Group Companies, operate in the best schools in strategically important regions of the Company’s presence.

In 2014, there were 87 Rosneft classes operating in 43 cities of Russia in the Southern, North Caucasus, Volga, Northwestern, Ural, Siberian and Far Eastern federal districts. For the first time, Rosneft classes were opened in the cities of Buzuluk, Buguruslan, Nyagan, Nizhnevartovsk, and Novy Urengoy. The total number of students is 2050 people.

The high quality of education in Rosneft Classes is ensured through in-depth programs at school and the organization of additional education in specialized subjects with the involvement of teachers from partner universities, and the annual holding of advanced training seminars for teachers working in Rosneft Classes. In 2014, on the basis of Moscow State University. 35 physics teachers, 52 mathematics teachers and 41 school principals improved their qualifications at M.V. Lomonosov.

Career guidance work is actively carried out in Rosneft Classes. In 2014, 9 career guidance seminars “Ladder to Success” were held for 10th grade students (1030 participants from 46 schools). A directory about professions and specialties in the oil and gas industry, “I want to be an oil worker,” has been developed and published.

Work on the formation of an external personnel reserve continues in higher educational institutions.

OJSC NK Rosneft and the Group's subsidiaries cooperate on the basis of long-term comprehensive agreements with 34 universities in the country, 13 universities have the status of strategic partners. In 2014, 5 cooperation agreements were concluded with universities. Signing of 3 agreements: with MGIMO Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after. I.M. Gubkin and St. Petersburg Academic University - took place within the framework of the XVIII St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. The new partners of Rosneft are the Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov and Maritime State University named after. adm. G.I. Nevelskoy.

In order to support gifted students, Rosneft and the Group Companies pay corporate scholarships to the best of them. In 2014, 508 scholarships were established and awarded. The Company's scholarship holders receive a preferential right to admission to internships in the Rosneft Group Companies and subsequent employment at the Company's enterprises.

As part of the international cooperation program, in 2014, new formats for training foreign specialists were introduced at partner universities to work in joint projects with Cuba, Venezuela, Mongolia, with internships at the Company’s enterprises - 45 people.

Working with young specialists is one of the priorities of the Company’s personnel policy. The main areas of work with young specialists are:

    adaptation of young specialists at the enterprise;


    involvement of young professionals in innovative activity, involving them in solving production problems;

    identification and development of young specialists with high scientific, technical and leadership potential;

    training and development of young specialists.

In 2014, the Company employed 3,324 young specialists in 88 Group Companies. As part of the training program for young specialists and MS mentors, 5,071 person courses were implemented in programs for the development of vocational, technical and managerial competencies. 1,862 young specialists took part in scientific and technical conferences of Rosneft, 92 people became winners of the final interregional conference. 80 best projects conference participants were recommended for implementation.

To identify and develop promising young specialists and form a young talent pool, the Company conducted assessment games and two-module training for the most promising specialists. Based on the results of assessment procedures and training, 69 people from 42 Group Companies were recommended for inclusion in the Personnel Reserve of the Companies.

In order to ensure the Company's personnel security and train highly qualified engineering personnel for the Exploration and Production block, a comprehensive Career Planning and Development Program for young engineering personnel in the Exploration and Production block for 2015–2025 was developed and approved in 2014.

Social partnership and social benefits for employees

In 2014, the majority of the Rosneft Group Companies held negotiations with trade union organizations and adopted collective agreements for a new term, formed on the basis of a new, qualitatively improved version of the “Standard Collective Agreement” template.

The format of the Model Collective Agreement allows companies to independently set priorities in the development of social security for employees and determine the optimal list of benefits, guarantees and compensation that can be provided financial condition enterprises.

At the same time, the Company is constantly working to improve the Standard Collective Agreement. The established partnerships with the Interregional Trade Union Organization of OJSC NK Rosneft make this work as constructive as possible - proposals from both parties are discussed at working meetings, as a result of which changes and improvements are made to the Standard Collective Agreement that are most in demand by the work collectives.

Also in 2014, OJSC NK Rosneft took an active part in the work of the Industry Commission to develop an agreement on the organizations of the oil and gas industry and the construction of oil and gas complex facilities in the Russian Federation for 2014–2016. Considering the importance of the Industry Agreement, the Company continues to work on the possible accession of the Rosneft Group Companies to it under special conditions.

Social programs

29,8 billion rubles -
total expenses for the implementation of the Company’s social programs in 2014

Structure of expenditures in the main areas of social policy in 2014 (billion rubles)

The Company's main social programs are aimed at ensuring safe and comfortable conditions labor, support and promotion healthy image life, improving living conditions and quality of life of employees and their families, material support for veterans and pensioners.

Corporate pension provision and social support for veterans

In order to increase the level of social security of employees upon retirement, since 2000, Rosneft has operated a corporate pension program. In addition to the labor pension paid by the state, each Company employee upon retirement can receive two non-state pensions:

    corporate pension formed at the expense of the employer;

    an individual pension formed from one’s own funds through the conclusion of individual pension agreements.

As part of the development of the Project for Social Support of Veterans of the Company, work was carried out to include 3.3 thousand veterans of the Company’s new assets with the payment of corporate pensions to them through the NPF NEFTEGARANT.

In 2014, as part of the approved business plan, the Company transferred more than RUB 315 million to veterans of the Group Companies. to provide financial assistance for the holidays, to pay for sanatorium treatment, and to resolve other vital issues.

Corporate housing programs

One of the important areas of Rosneft’s social policy is the provision of housing for employees of the Company Group Companies.

A comprehensive housing program, including mortgage lending, housing construction, and the provision of service apartments, has been implemented by the Company since 2005. Only in 2014, as part of the corporate mortgage program 880 families of Company employees improved their living conditions (783 people in 2013).

In a number of regions where the housing market has just begun to develop (Grozny, Achinsk, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, etc.), in order to maintain it and create favorable working conditions, the Company is building housing for its employees. In these regions, housing is provided to employees on the basis of a corporate mortgage or as company housing.

Working and rest conditions at work

Rosneft has developed standard standards aimed at improving the production and social working conditions of employees, and established uniform requirements for the organization of meals for employees.

In 2014, 78 rotation camps operated in all regions of the Company’s operations, providing accommodation for more than 20 thousand employees of Group Companies and contractors. The costs of developing and equipping existing rotational camps and support bases amounted to 2.4 billion rubles.

The swimming pool in Nefteyugansk (KhMAD) was commissioned in 2014.

Health protection and personal insurance

NK Rosneft pays constant attention to the implementation of measures for health protection and personal insurance of personnel, including:

    provision of medical care at production facilities and in rotational camps of the Company;

    voluntary medical insurance, ensuring the provision of qualified medical care to employees in addition to the volumes guaranteed by compulsory medical insurance programs for citizens;

    providing employees with sanatorium-resort, rehabilitation and recovery treatment and health improvement;

    carrying out preventive measures (vaccination, medical examination) to prevent and reduce staff illness;

    organizing and conducting sports and recreational events, developing a healthy lifestyle culture, etc.

2,64 billion rubles - the Company’s expenses for charity in 2014. Financing of Rosneft’s charitable programs was carried out on the basis of decisions of the COMPANY’S MANAGEMENT BODIES

In 2014, the priority direction was the development of an industrial medicine system at the Company’s enterprises. Draft modern standards for organizing emergency medical care at production facilities have been developed, which are planned for implementation in 2015. Systematic work is being carried out to equip health centers with modern equipment.

The deployment of health centers and the provision of medical assistance to personnel during work on the Arctic shelf of the Kara Sea was organized.

To implement uniform standards in the field of sanatorium-resort treatment and recovery, a new Company Regulation “Procedure for providing employees of Group Companies with sanatorium-resort, rehabilitation and recovery treatment and recovery” was introduced. In 2014, about 50 thousand employees, pensioners and family members were healed in health resorts in Sochi, Anapa, Belokurikha, Crimea and other regions of Russia.

In order to prevent cardiovascular diseases, thematic health days were held with the involvement of leading cardiologists and the use of modern diagnostic equipment.

Socio-economic development of regions and charitable activities

OJSC NK Rosneft, being one of the largest companies in Russia, invariably pays increased attention to the development of mutually beneficial relations with the regions of its presence, and actively participates in the implementation of socio-economic programs in the territory of its production activities.

The main directions of the Company's charity are assistance in the development of social infrastructure, financing of socially significant regional programs in the field of supporting healthcare and sports, reviving cultural and spiritual-historical heritage.

Financing is carried out within the framework of concluded agreements with the authorities of the constituent entities of the federation and under individual programs of the Company’s subsidiaries. In a number of regions, the Company receives tax benefits in accordance with federal and regional legislation.

1,74 billion rubles aimed at financing social programs in the regions of presence within the framework of concluded cooperation agreements

In total, in 2014, in the regions where the Company operates, within the framework of agreements and charity, funds were allocated for the construction, repair, equipment and support of 125 kindergartens and preschool institutions. OJSC NK Rosneft has implemented 454 projects in the field of education and science, 49 projects in the field of healthcare, 190 in sports and 160 in culture. In addition, 57 facilities were built, renovated and equipped at the Company’s expense or with its direct financial participation to support the revival of spiritual heritage.

The Company allocates significant funds to assist the indigenous peoples of the North. Thus, in 2014, OJSC NK Rosneft allocated more than 50 million rubles to carry out measures to preserve cultural heritage, customs and traditions, purchase fuels and lubricants, support traditional lifestyles and improve the living conditions of indigenous peoples of the North.

With the active participation of the Company, spiritual facilities are being built and restored in many regions of the country. With funds from OJSC NK Rosneft, the Cathedral Nativity of Christ in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, financial support was provided to the Orthodox parish of the Church of Sophia the Wisdom (Moscow), and the cathedral Airborne troops Russia in Sokolniki (Moscow), the Amur and Birobidzhan Dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Church-Monument on the Blood in Yekaterinburg.


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