How much does it cost to open a children's development center? How to open a children's development center from scratch

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The policy of our state in last years aimed at supporting young families and stimulating the birth rate. Thanks to this, the number of children increases every year. Thus, the opening of a nursery game room is a promising direction.

Young mothers often think about this business line, as they especially feel the lack of play areas and better understand the needs of children and their parents.

This niche is very attractive from a business point of view. This is a fairly stable direction, since demand drops only in the summer months, when the main flow of customers laze on the warm city beach or leave the city altogether.

This business plan takes into account important aspects, which are worth paying attention to in order to carry out effective activities in the future.

The main advantages of this idea:

  • High demand. Childcare services are very relevant and in demand in modern world. Parents often have no one to leave their child with, so a children's playroom is an excellent and inexpensive alternative to a private nanny.
  • Fast payback. This type of business requires relatively small financial investments and is quickly repaid. This significant plus makes this field of activity quite in demand and competitive.
  • Small financial expenses. Naturally, you won’t be able to open a game room from scratch; you need start-up capital, but still these costs are not so high in comparison with other areas.
  • It is easier to implement the idea of ​​opening a children's playroom than a child development center or a private kindergarten. For example, such activities do not require a license to conduct educational work or highly qualified specialists.

The initial investment amount is 542 000 rubles

Break-even point is reached on the fifth month of work.

The payback period is from 13 months.

2. Description of the business, product or service

A playroom for children is a specially equipped room where parents can leave their child to play. certain time under adult supervision.

It is advisable to open a children's room in a shopping center. This is due to the large flow of people. Parents can leave their children and go shopping in peace. The owners of shopping centers also understand this, so sometimes, having empty space, they can lower rental rates.

Organizational aspects:

  • The operating hours of children's playrooms, as a rule, depend on the opening hours shopping center(10:00-22:00). On weekdays, for one hour of using the services of a children's room (in the case of 1 child), parents pay 150 rubles, and on weekends and holidays- 200 rubles.
  • The maximum duration of stay for 1 child is 4 hours. It is necessary to post rules regarding the schedule for visiting the institution and requirements for picking up children.
  • An employee of a children's playroom should accept a child only if the parent has a passport, which he must present. Information about what time the child was admitted is recorded in the visit log or in a regular notebook.
  • Children's playroom workers should not accept sick children, as they can make other children sick. In this regard, everything must be strict.
  • On weekdays, children's playroom services are in greatest demand from 16:00 to 21:00, as this is when parents go shopping. To increase traffic in the first half of the day, you can resort to such tricks as offering discounts. It is also rational to offer discounts to regular visitors.
  • Remember seasonality. The greatest demand for children's playroom services is typical for the period October-April. This is due to the fact that weather children are not allowed to be in open playgrounds. Expect a decrease in demand in the summer.
  • In order to further develop and increase income, it will be necessary to organize festive events. For this purpose, various competitions and creative clubs will also be useful. You can set up a children's cafeteria, provide photo services, organize the sale of balloons and other holiday paraphernalia.

3. Description of the sales market

The main target audience of children's playrooms are families with children aged 2 to 6 years. As a rule, the parents of such children live at a high pace and it is important for them to make purchases as quickly as possible. The presence of children's rooms greatly simplifies this task.

The relevance of this business idea today is higher than ever: the birth rate is growing every year. This is due to both political support and the economic situation. This is also facilitated by strengthening family values ​​and increasing the level of general awareness in society.

The table shows the birth rate for 2013-2016. Over the past 4 years, this figure has been growing steadily.

Whole population

Urban population

Rural population

According to Rosstat, during this period (2013-2016), the country’s population increased by 3.2 million people, which is significant progress. And according to forecasts, this trend will only increase. The graph below shows the projected total fertility rate for the next 13 years.


(number of children per woman)

These data indicate a favorable demographic situation in the country and the prospects for population growth, which will have a positive impact on business niches related to children.

4. Sales and marketing

5. Production plan

Let us outline the main stages of launching a children's playroom.

Registration in government agencies and obtaining a license

  • For this business, we recommend registering as individual entrepreneur to get some tax benefits.
  • A license is not required to provide general educational services, which greatly simplifies the task.
  • Determination of OKVED codes - activities for organizing recreation and entertainment - 92.7.
  • Registration in pension fund.
  • Obtaining permits for activities from the sanitary and epidemiological service.
  • It is planned to use UTII as a taxation system. We believe that this is the most favorable tax regime for a gaming room, when the amount of tax does not depend on business income. With UTII, the tax is paid in the form of a fixed amount once a quarter.

Search for premises and repairs

  • Room area - 25 - 30 m2;
  • The room must be ventilated;
  • The room should be located near the entrance, and not at the very end of the corridor, where not every parent with a small child can reach;
  • The room itself should be spacious, bright, well decorated;
  • Restrooms must be located in close proximity to the rented premises.

Interior decoration of a game room

  • The interior of the children's playroom is designed in accordance with the preferences of little clients. We recommend using bright colors. We strongly advise against adding black or rich, dirty tones to the design of the playroom.
  • The game room must have at least two zones: for active games and a relaxation area. If you plan to host birthdays, parties and themed tea parties in the room, the room should have the appropriate equipment, or at least a place for it.
  • The room should be soft in the truest sense of the word. Literally everything here is made of printed material.

Game room and its equipment

Equipment for children must first and foremost be safe. You should purchase only certified toys that do not cause allergic reactions in children.

Equipment for children's playroom,rub.



Price for 1 piece.

total amount


Inflatable trampolines

Board games, drawing sets



6. Organizational structure

For efficient work The room is enough for two employees who will work in shifts.

Employee responsibilities include:

  • look after the children;
  • ensure the safety of children;
  • keep the room clean;
  • monitor the operation of equipment;
  • communicate with children, teach them games and entertainment.

Employees who will look after children must be educated and decent. It is advisable that the nanny have medical or Teacher Education. In addition, it is very important to find mutual language with little visitors. Just listen to children and love to play with them, and they will return the favor. Children's playroom workers must have a medical certificate and undergo regular medical examinations. Remember that the safety of children depends on the attentiveness of the employee, so it is important to carefully select employees.

Opening a children's playroom is a great business idea that, if implemented correctly, will pay for itself in less than a year. But first, there will be difficult preparations for the opening - selection of premises and personnel, collection of necessary documents and much more. Let's take a closer look at how to open a children's playroom.

Game room space costs

Your business plan should begin with calculating the cost of renting or purchasing premises. Space is the second largest expense after room equipment. You will need to equip it with everything necessary not only for children, but also for workers, and also organize everything in accordance with the requirements of GOSTs. So, some recommendations for choosing a room:

  • Minimum size rooms are 30 sq. m . This area can accommodate up to 20 children at the same time. Opening a smaller room will simply not be profitable. On average, this premises will cost approximately 300,000 rubles. Considering that an hour of time in a room will cost an average of 150 rubles, it will take you about six months to recoup this space.
  • The average playroom should be at least 75 square meters. m. So, it can accommodate up to 70 children at the same time. To open such a room you will need about 1 million rubles, and the monthly profit will be up to 80,000 rubles, with the expectation that 50 children will be served every day. So, a business can pay for itself within a year.

The profitability of the business will depend on the successful choice of location. On average, you will cover all your expenses in 12 months, and then you will receive a stable monthly income.

Required documents for opening

To open a children's playroom you will need many different documents. Some of them will be needed even before you find the premises and hire staff, some will be needed later.

Let's consider the main package of documents:

  • Registration of the owner as an entrepreneur . The most important document that needs to be done first. At the tax office, you will have the opportunity to register as an individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company (LLC). Since the children's playroom is small business, That ideal option will be the registration of individual entrepreneurs. This is much cheaper and in the future provides you with a number of benefits when collecting taxes: patent form of taxation.
  • Registration with a pension fund as an entrepreneur . Sometimes registration is required in other funds, in particular non-budgetary ones.
  • Selection of an all-Russian species classifier economic activity () . For a children's playroom, this is a code corresponding to leisure or entertainment activities. In numerical equivalent - 92.7.
  • Certificates from Rospotrebnadzor and authorities fire safety, as well as a sanitary-epidemiological station . They are issued after special checks. You need to collect these documents only after you have selected suitable premises where the children's playroom will be located.
  • Medical records of your employees . They must be provided by employees upon hiring.
  • . It will be needed when maintaining the room and reporting forms.

Please note that most of the documents presented above require additional costs. So be sure to include them in your overall budget.

Room equipment

Opening a children's playroom also requires the purchase of a number of attractions and additional accessories for organizing comfortable leisure time for children, adults and staff.

So, before you open a game room, purchase the following equipment:

  1. Children's labyrinth . Kids simply love this attraction, so it will definitely be popular. Since your premises will have its own individual design, it makes sense to order a labyrinth according to an individual sketch. It can be single-story or multi-story. The costs of your order will pay off within the first month.
  2. Small trampoline . If the area of ​​your room allows, then do not miss the opportunity to install a medium-sized trampoline.
  3. Role-playing games . Kids simply adore them: you can give preference to a small house, a children's kitchen, a small stage, etc.
  4. Little fun for the kids different ages . These can be a variety of soft toys, dolls and cars, board games. At the time of buying board games do not forget to equip the room with everything necessary: ​​for example, a twister will need a certain space on the floor, a monopoly will need a table with chairs, etc.
  5. Lockers for things . Parents may need them to leave their belongings. It makes sense to install the same lockers for staff, equipping them with individual locks and keys.
  6. Sofas or bean bags and tables . With the help of these decorative items you will achieve a comfortable workplace for your staff.

To open a game room, be sure to think about its design and the correct arrangement of attractions and furniture. Specialized companies that will offer professional, interesting solutions will help you do this competently.

All the kids are very energetic: some love to draw, others to dance or even perform on stage. For this reason, a complex of children's clubs and studios, united under one roof, can become a very profitable business.

You should not only have a desire to earn money, but also to spend a lot of time with the kids. Experience working with children will also help. But even if they wanted to, not everyone knows how to open kids club, since there are still many nuances that need to be studied in detail.

We create training programs

A school for early childhood development must necessarily be based on educational programs. Of course, you can take the easy route and choose ready-made and proven training programs from famous teachers. But in order for your child Center had its own characteristics and differences, it is better to use your new pedagogical methods. And with qualified teachers, classes at your center will have their own flavor. Of course, if you are new to this field, you can start with the following list of typical activities:

  • preschool preparation classes;
  • drawing;
  • foreign language;
  • development circles;
  • dance studio;
  • music class;
  • consultation with a psychologist;
  • speech therapist lessons.


How to open a children's club? First, you need to officially register it. To register, it is better to choose the option of a non-profit organization, as this will allow you to receive significant tax benefits. Everyone knows that getting a place in municipal institution It’s very difficult for your baby today, so the question of discovery becomes relevant. kindergarten at home. In this case, you must obtain a license by collecting a certain package of documents.

But if you do not plan to create a business preschool education, then licensing is not prerequisite. Then your home-based organization can provide developmental and educational services. This could be a sports club or a regular gaming club. This system is chosen by most beginning entrepreneurs. They open a children's club without a license, sometimes disguising child care businesses as a development center. This is a completely acceptable option, and in the future you will gradually be able to expand the range of services and register another legal entity.

Setting up a children's center

When decorating a room, of course, it will not do without the manifestation creativity. But if you turn on rational thinking, you will understand that a development center requires not only toys, books and paper with paints, but also furniture, office equipment, carpet covering and much more. Simply put, you need to completely think through the interior of the premises.

Keep in mind that children's furniture is not a cheap pleasure. Yes, tables and chairs High Quality for preschoolers are offered in very few stores, and their prices are too high. A good way out of the situation is to order children's furniture, which will allow you to save a lot and get an individual product.

This option is not very suitable for purchasing materials for classes, since it is cheap Chinese goods harmful to children's health. It is better to pay attention to toys made of wood from foreign and domestic producers. Wooden crafts, as a rule, are always of high quality, which will allow the toys to please the little ones for much longer.

When calculating the materials you will need for lessons, take into account the lessons already planned so as not to buy a lot and not do extra costs. Buy only what you need for the first time. Helpful advice: Laminate all materials made from cardboard. This way their service life will be increased, and the little ones’ pranks will not harm them.

We purchase office equipment

In your children's center, office equipment will be a good assistant in your work:

  • for printing developmental material - a photocopier, or better yet, a color printer;
  • personal computer or laptop;
  • TV for watching cartoons and educational lessons.

When decorating the interior, make sure that the rooms with children have sufficient lighting and ventilation, but there are no objects that can cause injury to the child. From sewerage to electrical wiring, everything must be checked. A plus for the premises will be the presence of an air conditioner that controls temperature regime, since children are very sensitive to temperature changes and can easily catch a cold.

To create coziness, it is not necessary to decorate the walls of the center perfect renovation, children's drawings are well suited for this: the possible failed repair is not visible, and the children are glad that their works are presented for public viewing. And this is also a good advertisement for new parents who will definitely want to donate to your professional hands their little ones.

We are hiring teachers

At first, you can fill the post of caretaker yourself, but with the cleaner and administrator, everything is already clear - they are, of course, needed. But finding qualified teachers and educators is a more serious task. The professional suitability of some of the candidates is often poor, which makes the search especially difficult. And remember, not all teachers strive to teach children; some come only for a salary. During the first few classes, it is better for you to personally attend them, because the entire image of the children's center depends on how everything starts.

Opening a development club or, more simply, a private kindergarten is quite a profitable business in our time. Very often you can hear from young parents about the problem of lack of places in public kindergartens. Therefore, the option of opening a private development center for children can be an excellent business idea. Do you want to know how to open a children's development center from scratch? What will you need for this?

Before opening a development center for children, you must decide what is most important to you, profit from this business or the successful raising of children. If you want to build a kindergarten solely for the sake of profit, then you should abandon this idea and choose something else. After all, this option for earning money, unfortunately, cannot be classified as. Therefore, not every experienced entrepreneur, let alone beginners, will be able to implement this idea. To succeed in this business you need, first of all, desire, love for children and educational skills.

Where to start your own children's development center business?

Before you start, you need to make detailed business plan for a children's development center, this is necessary in order to calculate the amount of costs, the level of competition and payback periods.

Competition. In every field of activity, there is a certain level of competition for services and goods. It is very important to determine how large the demand is; this factor should be used as a starting point.

Costs of setting up a business

Most aspiring entrepreneurs wonder how to open a children's playroom from scratch. I will tell you that starting such a business without material investments is unrealistic. If you don’t have money to develop your business, look for sponsors.

Video on the topic Video on the topic

First steps to open a children's development center:


In order to legally engage in this type of activity, you must meet the required state standards. This applies to both documentation and safety precautions.

First of all, you need to decide on the material and legal form: individual entrepreneur or LLC. Next, it's worth getting everything Required documents and permits from the sanitary-epidemiological service and fire inspection.

Room entertainment center must comply with all safety standards.

It is best to entrust the preparation and execution of documents to an experienced lawyer. He will do it much faster, and you will save time and effort and be able to deal with more important organizational issues.


It is very important to choose both a good location for an entertainment facility and an advantageous interior design. Parents, as a rule, pay close attention to the interior and comfort of the kindergarten. Children should have plenty of space to play and a comfortable area to relax.

Staff of a children's development institution

Children's center management scheme

Particular attention should be paid to the competent selection of teachers. The teacher must be wise, love children, have appropriate pedagogical education and work experience.

You should not trust the upbringing of children to an inexperienced person; this will have a bad effect on the reputation of your center. It is best to select your own staff, because you will personally bear full responsibility for teaching and caring for the children.

Training program

Teaching children

How is a kindergarten different from a training center? First of all, because at the center your child will receive necessary preparation to school, and will not just play with peers. Teachers, in the form of games, teach children to read and count, and help each child develop his creative talents.

Game development club is profitable business, although not a quick payback. If you like teaching kids, you find a common language with them that prevents you from turning a hobby into a job and a full-fledged way of earning money.

In fact, plenty. You can read about other, no less promising options for earning money in our following articles.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 8 minutes


Opening a children's playroom is a profitable business option. The cost of services is quite acceptable for parents who want to leave their child under the supervision of a teacher for a short time.

In turn, the kids enjoy the entertainment. Subject to certain conditions, the flow of customers will always be constant. How to organize a children's playroom from scratch, taking into account all the nuances? What room, location, equipment should I choose? How to calculate profit? Let's deal with each question in order.

Where is the best place to organize a playroom for children: location

The profitability of this business directly depends on the level of attendance.

When choosing a location, you must be guided by two criteria:

  1. A large flow of people.
  2. The purpose of visiting a specific destination. As a rule, this is relaxation, shopping and entertainment. That is, people with children come somewhere to relax, have fun or buy something.

Thus, a profitable children's playroom can be opened in the following places:

  • In large shopping and entertainment centers.
  • In hypermarkets and cinemas.
  • At resorts and boarding houses.
  • In sports clubs and beauty salons.
  • Close to cafes and restaurants offering fast food.
  • For small towns, a location in the central part is ideal settlement or close to a park area.

While parents are busy with their own affairs, children will enjoy frolicking under the watchful gaze of the teacher. In this situation, everyone will be happy, including.

Basic requirements for the premises and equipment of a children's playroom

Any parent strives to create the most comfortable conditions for your baby. At a minimum, he should be light, warm and dry.

Therefore, a number of special requirements are imposed on the room used for children's games:

  1. Good lighting and high ceilings.
  2. Excellent ventilation, but no drafts.
  3. It is mandatory to have a bathroom and lockers for shoes, outerwear and bags.
  4. An important nuance is the non-slip floor covering, which prevents injury.
  5. Transparency of walls and partitions separating the playroom from other rooms is desirable. In this case, parents will be able to monitor their children.

Recommended minimum room size – 30 m² . The capacity of the room (including equipment) is calculated based on how much space the child needs for games. Based on data obtained experimentally, this parameter does not exceed two “squares” per child.

It turns out that for a room with a capacity of 15 people, you need a room of 30 m². Much depends on the level of cross-country ability. For example, in a shopping center in a city with a population of over a million average value the traffic capacity for weekends is 110 people, for weekdays – 35 people. Undoubtedly, a real businessman will want to independently determine the expected flow of clients. He will certainly go to the shopping center and conduct a survey of clients or sellers. This will help you understand what size room is needed in each specific location.

If everything is more or less clear with the room itself, then we move on to equipping the children's room. How to choose it? The main requirement is the safety of everything the child plays with. This is ensured by high-quality and environmentally friendly materials.

The rules for purchasing equipment come down to a very simple list:

  1. Give preference to well-known companies producing children's toys and various equipment.
  2. Purchase only certified products.
  3. Personally check the availability of appropriate certificates for each type of product purchased.

Compliance with the rules described above, of course, does not reduce the financial costs of equipping the room to a minimum. However, it provides complete security for small clients and protects the business owner from all kinds of claims from parents in the future.

A few words about the variety of toys and equipment. Some children prefer active games, others like to sit still. Both should be interested in spending time on the site.

The sector for fidgets is equipped with:

  • Trampoline and maze.
  • A pool filled with balls.
  • Slide and swings.

For relaxation and a change of activity, another sector is provided. There are tables at which children will draw, sculpt, make appliqué—create.

The question arises: what should parents do if they have fulfilled their plans, but the child is still busy playing? For them you need to provide several benches or sofas.

Another nuance is the installation of video surveillance in the game room.

How to best decorate a children's playroom: interior design ideas

IN children's interior important right choice color range. It is better to give up monotony, but not to overload the space with abundance bright colors. This often irritates children.

The best option is a neutral background with bright color accents:

  • Cartoon (book) characters.
  • Eye-catching pictures.
  • Children's artwork and so on.

Saturated bright color, as a rule, has the equipment itself. This is quite enough. The main thing is to decorate the premises in such a way that the little client wants to stay there. So, something must attract him. What will it be: a painting of your favorite cartoon character, a bright swing, a table with paints and an album, or something else? A question for experts on the child's soul. It wouldn’t hurt for a future entrepreneur to study the tastes of modern children.

What kind of staff is needed for a children's playroom?

To understand what kind of personnel will be needed, you need to understand what an employee of a children's play room is required to do. :

  1. Maintain order.
  2. Check the serviceability of the equipment.
  3. Organize the children's leisure time - introduce them to the equipment located in the room, sculpt, draw, play and read books with them.
  4. Ensure the safety of children.
  5. Provide continuous supervision of young visitors to the site.

In other words, he entertains them and is fully responsible for the preservation of children's health. It is better if the employee has the appropriate education. Still, a teacher with work experience will quickly navigate different situations - he will separate brawlers, calm the offended one, find suitable entertainment and so on. Although such work is quite suitable for pensioners and students.

Main conditions for personnel selection:

  • Responsible approach to performing duties.
  • Having the ability to communicate with children.
  • Medical permission to work with children, confirmed by an issued medical record.

In fact, an employee of a children's playroom does the work of a kindergarten teacher, and, if necessary, becomes an animator.

In fact, the staff of children's playrooms consists of 3-4 people: a teacher (one per shift), an animator (in most cases invited from outside) and a cleaner.

What documents and permits are needed to organize a children's playroom?

The process is standard:

  1. An individual entrepreneur is issued.
  2. The tax scheme is selected: simplified, patent or unified.
  3. The cash register is registered.

There is no need to obtain a license or permits from Rospotrebnadzor or the fire service. Although, when preparing the premises, it is important to follow sanitary and fire safety standards for children's institutions.

What services does the children's playroom provide: approximate price list

The main service of the children's playroom is childcare. average cost one hour for weekdays 100 rubles, for weekends – 170 rubles. Price may vary. For example, in the morning or afternoon hours of working days, when there are few visitors, it is wiser to offer discounts.

The game room is a great place for a birthday or other celebration. The clients are happy, the entrepreneur – additional profit. An hour of work for an animator costs an average of 1,800 rubles. In this case, it is important to take care of free space and additional equipment for competitions.

Another view additional income– conducting classes (drawing, modeling, etc.). You will also need it here separate place. The price for this service is mostly negotiable.

We are drawing up a business plan for a playroom for children: calculating costs and payback periods

Business plan for a game room with an area of ​​35 m², equipped with a labyrinth and other developmental equipment:

1. Start-up costs 846,000 rubles, of which:


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