Slavic runes and runic alphabet. Slavic runes meaning description and their interpretation

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Ancestor Rod, Heavenly Rod! Strengthen my heart in the Holy Faith,
grant me the Wisdom and Strength of my Ancestors, Your sons and grandsons.
Grant happiness and peace to Your people, now and ever, and from century to century!
So be it, so be it, so be it!

change 01/14/2019 (added)

These runes are the priestly language of the Aryan people, which has remained unchanged to this day. Full description Complete images are currently unavailable, so let’s look at the crumbs that we managed to collect. For no one can ever deny the right to cognize the Ancient Wisdom left by the Ancestors.
A simplified version of Karuna is the Old Russian Initial Letter, from which it is recommended to begin studying runes. Sanskrit (coming from Karuna), which describes up to 50 facets of one image, will also help to understand Karuna more deeply.
Speaking figuratively, the Initial Letter represents the form, and the Karuna represents the content. This is manifested in the fact that runes can be found in the Initial Letter in the form of syllables. Therefore, reading images based on Karuna occurs syllable by syllable. Each rune is one symbol, or rather an image, but in the Initial Letter it is 2, 3, 4 or more initial letters.
The phonetic sound of the runes is shown in brackets, although often the words also include the full sound reflection of the image. Color gradation can be referred to the spectrum/level of a particular ray of the primordial white light of our octave of being. This reflection of the primary colors can also be seen on the spiritual-energetic cross of the vortices of the bodies and shells of our life.
« This color"should be understood as the silver or white color of our octave. " Black" - the color of outer space or causal matter, depending on the level of reading.
The above identifications of runes and chemical elements should be understood as a first approximation, since even hydrogen in the second approximation is already described by nine runes in order to obtain the chemical properties that it possesses; and to describe intranuclear interactions, all 144 runes are needed.
And further. Studying runes can very dramatically change your worldview and perception of the world, so first think - do you need it? Rune reading always occurs at 3 levels - consciousness, subconscious and superconscious, which naturally causes accelerated processing of karma. Have you heard of such a deity as Znych? But this is also the image of his trident. That's why there is a warning in fairy tales - are you torturing things, or are you getting away with it? And can provide good assistance in studying runes.

- KAKO (k, ka). Volume, union, unification. At the beginning of the word is placed as an explanation of what the subsequent runes carry. At the end of words it indicates similarity to someone (something).
A multidimensional unit of space that has a channel for exchanging information with the unmanifested worlds of the universe.
Numerical reflection - 1 .
On the material plane it is identified with hydrogen.
- Cossack- containing the power of the earthly principle, DZelo - very strong, from Arsh - the Earthly principle, is similar to this Zelo strong Agni, i.e. possessing fortitude.
Ka-R-U-Na- Kako Roda OUK Nash. The deep meaning of the Heavenly Family. Runic system, including 144 senior and 112 junior (256 in total) Runes.
IN modern world There is a huge number of so-called dichotomies, i.e. pairs of opposing concepts. Good is evil, bad is good, beautiful is ugly, earth is sky. But in runic writing, the original language, these dichotomies do not exist! We did not say, this one is good and this one is bad, we always said different, different-seeing, dissident, i.e. perceiving the universe differently. There is truth and lies, not lies. A lie is superficial knowledge lying on a bed, on the surface. But the deeper meaning was not a lie. In our DNA, with the help of language codes (images), amazing knowledge is recorded, respect for everything that is created and manifested in the Universe, all possible forms of life. Plus and minus are just mathematical concepts, not ethical ones.
Ka-Shchey- Shchurov, who contains the energy, possesses the power of the Spirit, but everything depends on the purpose of using this power.
Ka-Ga-n- the absorption of our movement, the title of the supreme ruler, like a prince. How do you say beloved in Ukrainian? Kokhan. And what about the ruler chosen by the whole world? Kagan.
Mer-Ka-Ba- a measure of similarity to Gods or Creators.

- BE (b). Eat. Being in the present in which this or that Person lives, or another form of essence. Form of existence in time. The principle of duality: division into two, and it does not matter how it is manifested (+ and -, magnetism, man and woman, etc.). The process of transition from one state to another generates transition time. The dimension of such processes can be of any size.
Was- an epic, a tale, a story about something that was once already manifested in this World. B-Ra-K– The Being of Ra (Light) Absorption (Ka) of the Creator, something out of order, broken, spoiled, unfit for use. In English to be- verb “to be, to appear, to be.”
Numerical reflection - 2 . In x"Aryan arithmetic, this is an infinite number of one-dimensional objects in a multidimensional universe.
On the material plane it is identified with helium.

- VEDAS (c). Know wisdom. Know something. Learn the origins of the 3 Worlds - Rule, Nav, Reality. Reflects the desire to know something hitherto unknown and previously unknown.
The principle of accumulating knowledge (consciousness), the principle of comprehending information and finding mutual connections.
Numerical reflection - 3 . In x"Aryan arithmetic, this is an infinite number of two-dimensional objects in a multidimensional universe.
On the material plane it is identified with lithium.
- news, the Vedas are a solid word. - Avesta, shining wisdom.
- news, a message coming from the origins of existence. Witch- a knowledgeable mother.

The first three runes make up the first manifested plane of the Universe (Rule), where Kako is single space, on which the Tree of Worlds grows; Being is a dual principle (object of knowledge); Vedas - the principle of accumulation of experience (consciousness). Vyshen-Svarog-Rod ≡ Vishnu-Brahma-Shiva.
≡ is one of the many hypostases of Rod.
≡ - a single hypostasis of the Rod.
In the world of Pravi, any manifested form passes through a certain circle during its life: from Ramha through the Kako channel, a body of a Being particle is created with the given parameters of the Veda. In the process of life and interaction with other particles of the Veda (consciousness) evolves (transforms). This change returns through the Kako channel to Ramha. Then the cycle repeats, but with the updated Vedas.

- GLAS (g). Verb. Saying of P-Ra-Ve-Dy. Instruction on the Path of Ra - the bright One is taught with the help of the Word P-Ra-Ved-Na-Go. Ours and Go - the heavenly cow Zemun and Roda. Foreshadowing and prediction are the voice of God. They speak the truth, they lie, they bullshit, they chatter.
The principle of cognition and transmission of information and energy.
Numerical reflection - 4 .
On the material plane it is identified with beryllium.
≡ - accumulation of knowledge is the basis for its transmission.
≡ - awareness of oneself as a separate unit forces one to begin to understand the world around us through the radiation of energy, that is, to direct one’s attention to something specific (external).
≡ - consciousness, manipulating the body, produces various actions (deeds).
≡ - the consciousness’s comprehension of the experience gained establishes a connection with the cognizable and the exchange of information (energy) with it.

- GOOD (d). Bright deeds. Material God-T-St-Vo acquired by honest labor. And also spiritual values, in the form of knowledge and the acquisition of wisdom, which evokes respect from others. As well as the inheritance from the Ancestors of the Family, acquired by them through honest labor and life experience in any Business and craft, in the form of the wisdom of the Family. Therefore, the father, seeing the child’s success, says to him: “Welcome!”
The principle of information transfer.
Numerical reflection - 5 .
On the material plane it is identified with boron.

- LIFE (f). Radiation. Energy passing through Reality, Nav and Rule. A form of creative creativity of living entities. Radiance is a piece of the life of the birthing light of England - the energy of the suns and stars, creating (materializing, manifesting) life. From the heavenly Vyriy, manifesting, as well as from Navi (Slav and Nav), the essences of certain forms of life from mother-at-Rod (matter). As well as the manifestation of the energy of these life forms through their senses: creativity, belligerence, aggression, love, etc.
Numerical reflection - 6 .
On the material plane it is identified with carbon.
≡ - a man and a woman (family union), going through life together, learning the world.

- HEAT (h). Exceeding the norm various shapes energies. Burning and sizzling. For example, radiation from the sun can turn the Earth into a desert, and a storm can worsen people's well-being. The power of magicians and sorcerers, withering glances in moments of anger. Dryness. Clear mind.
The principle of the origin of reality, the interaction of dual energy with the surrounding world. Making a decision to continue the Family.
Numerical reflection - 7 .
On the material plane it is identified with nitrogen.

- LES (l). Many forms of existence of life under Rod. Forest of hands. Forms of entities manifested in the world of reality: flora and fauna, intelligent (humans) and humanoids (non-humans), as well as microorganisms. Ve-Les– a knowledgeable Forest, that is, one who knows many forms of manifestation of life. Goblin- Forest spirit.
The principle of conception and formation of a child in the womb.
Numerical reflection - 8 .
On the material plane it is identified with oxygen.
H2OHOH≡ - water, the basis of many forms of life, and at the same time one of the forms of life.

- WORLD (m). State without war. Community, community of people, association (flock) of non-intelligent creatures, animals, plants, microorganisms and minerals. .
The principle of the birth of a new life. Harmonious coexistence.
Numerical reflection - 9 .
On the material plane it is identified with fluorine.
≡ - impulse, influencing the form, generates an image (the natural world). A time-sustained (harmonious) trajectory of movement (World) in an environment that resists the influence of energy (Kako). Essentially corresponds F=m a.
≡ - birth of a new life (community).

- HOPE (n). Waiting for news, striving for something better. A mental state of anticipation of happiness or misfortune, with hope for the best.
Numerical reflection - 10 .

- PATH(n). Road. The desire to move towards a certain specified or unspecified goal, which is different for each entity, but there is one path for the Clan, community or nation as a whole. Indicated by the spirit of the ancestors of the Family, the Gods. The goal is dictated certain conditions existence, genetics of the essence and impulses of the soul at the subconscious level. In English put- put (target - on the Bed), put, put.
Numerical reflection - 11 .
- lunch; the beginning of a new day. - taxes; rest after a meal.
- Poudani; end of the day.

- RAT (p). Mighty and bright army. It can gather at any moment from many communities, on the basis of spiritual unity and spiritual impulse. In the face of imminent danger. The army gathers on the basis of mutual understanding and a sense of mutual assistance. Ratuite - means: pay attention, there is danger.
Perun- The Path Is Our Martial Joy, one of the Highest Gods of the Triglav of the Revealed World, who controls the element of Agni (electromagnetic interaction), therefore God is a thunderer, Knowing the Great Power of thunder and lightning, including the internal electricity of the planet, the patron of warriors, as well as the opener To the Priests of the Secret of the Runes, as the materialized (manifested) energy of Ra Light. Therefore, Our Ancestors said: “Perun’s Runes on Veles Strings.”
Numerical reflection - 12 .
In English rat- rat. This animal is highly social, therefore it lives in packs and attacks a whole army on crops and cities, as was noted in its name. Rat- to the lynx, it will be caught by the lynx, for cats hunt them.

- WORD (s). Method of transmission and exchange of information. A means of communication and materialization of ideas. This happens with the help of lips, gestures, signs (mental images) and initial letters. The Word of Truth inscribed on something preserves wisdom, but something without wisdom clogs the consciousness.
Numerical reflection - 13 .
- this, spoken truth. Sla-Vit- say the word, give glory. Servant- the word for Ga (path-road) - fulfilling on his way a certain assignment, mission or promise (vow). The modern meaning of this word has become primitive to “slave, slave.” Maybe that's why in English. - Slav- Slav, and Slave- slave, subordinate.

- HARD (t). Firmament, creator, affirmation. Spiritual strength, tenacity of character and peace of mind. Density, volume. The ability to assert something, create and create. The word is firm - said - done!
Numerical reflection - 14 .
- T-Ra-Ga, the Approved Path of Light, one of the types of writing - yes "Aryan Taragas.

- FAN (ph, n). Release, expiration. Outcast. Isolation. Expelled from the Family, community, emigrant, hermit. Release in environment any unnecessary energy. Fan-Tan– splashes water. Fan-Tik- something empty after the energy has flowed out.
Numerical reflection - 15 .
- Aristophanes, descendant of an exiled, outcast.
On the material plane it is identified with phosphorus.

- HINA (x). Trinity. Something 3-dimensional, a circle, sphere or figure. Three moons, three Earths (Midgard, Oreius, Daya) Yarila-Sun, once inhabited by the RACE, the white descendants of our Clan.
Numerical reflection - 16 .

- GOAL (ts). Dream aspiration point. Spiritual upliftment. To some conscious form of perfection, guiding along the path of Life - to the object of aspiration. It is a stimulant of spiritual uplift and gives strength to the soul in the form of willpower.
Numerical reflection - 17 .

- DASH (h). Border, Edge or Hall. Transition between worlds. A line that cannot be crossed without permission. Halls - division by an invisible line of the starry sky. Devils– entities that cross the line of what is permitted. Traits and Cuts- one of the types of Slavic-Aryan writing. Drawing- image of the spatial structure, o trait tion of the shape of the object.
Numerical reflection - 18 .

- WIDTH (w). Earth's expanse - horizon. The infinity of space on all four sides, as far as the eye can see around, is the horizon of earthly beings. The breadth and depth of the flight of thoughts and dreams. And also the breadth and depth of perception of the human soul.
Numerical reflection - 19 .

- SHCHUR (sch). Rod's ancestor. The chief of the clan, who left in memory of himself the name of the clan - the surname. The image of this ancestor influences the spirit, and as a symbol it has a secret (sacred) effect on the behavior of a person, a human, a non-human, etc. It may be very ancient or not very ancient.
Numerical reflection - 20 .
Squint- remember your Shchurovs and Great-Shchurovs. Pike- one of the Shchurovs, that’s why there’s a pike in the lake, so that Ka-Ras didn't doze.

- PRA (p, pr). Ancestor of Rod, older than Shchura. Before - more ancient. original Grand-Schur, in the aggregate, is revered as God. Also an image of an event in the time of the pre-epoch, which happened a very long time ago and has sunk into oblivion, but is the forerunner of modern events.
Numerical reflection - 21 .
Pra-Shchur- Great-Grandfather, Chief of Rodos.

- FASH (f, o). Flame. Union, unity, unification, defeat of enemies. The earthly path through Agni has been revealed to the world. The fire that destroys everything around itself is plasma (the energy of creation, through purification), this fire is emitted by thermonuclear sources. Besides, Fache- a fiery idea that lights a fire in the hearts of the masses of people.
Numerical reflection - 22 .
Fashi- a bunch of arrows. Fascism– an ideological group of passionate like-minded people. Fa-Lan-Ga– area of ​​the fiery path.

- MARA (m, k). Madder. Purification, well-being, Kolovrat, transition from one state to another. The world of Anti Ra is opposed to the light - the other world. Madder - the palace of Darkness - the Fox (Navi), the patroness, as well as winter, night and death, knows the transition from life to death (from Yavi to Nav) and vice versa, the revival of souls from Navi (new incarnation). Ice Flame, protecting the peace of the Universe.
Numerical reflection - 23 .
MaraT- let in the darkness, get dirty in soot. - White Mara, "White death", spaceship ancient race.
- M-Or-Al, death of everything, petrification that occurs after exceeding the principle of stability, due to the lack of changes, changes, strong stagnation, thickening, drying out.

- BHA (b, bh). Heavenly Harmony. Divine radiation, revelation. The state of the spirit at the moment of reincarnation of the soul into the world of Navi. The moment of connection with the cosmos - divine revelation. Visions of the future and past in a dream or in a state of meditation.
Numerical reflection - 24 .
Bha-Ga-Wan– The Great Path of Harmony. The level of consciousness, upon reaching which the JivAtma acquires so much high level harmony, which is capable of coming into direct contact with the Highest Gods.

- MIRЪ (m). Universe. Metagalaxy in the entire trinity of the universe. Parallel structures. Reality, Nav, Rule, with all its manifested and unmanifested structures, the combination of the light of Ra-M-Khi with the Darkness of the Great Something.
Numerical reflection - 25 .
- RA-M-HA, the one light, life-giving, generating universes with spiritual light.

- VITA (v, vi, f "it). A separate form of life. Earthly life enclosed in a temporary structure. Enclosed in a certain shell or structure, insulated from external influences - phyto. A hermit living on his own, or soaring in the clouds, individual. For example Vitamin- a special food product that also contains a time bomb (sometimes chemistry, a joke). Vitaly- a dreamer with his head in the clouds.
Numerical reflection - 26 .
Scroll- the words coil, a book twisting into a spiral. Ts-Vit-Ok– Tse Turn, energy turn, as well as “Colors Turn”, because multi-colored. Po-Wit-U-Ha- helps the Creation (Ha) of Life.

- WAIT (w, wait). Freezing in anticipation. Temporary peace. A state when no actions are taken, temporary freezing in anticipation of something, changes in time.
Numerical reflection - 27 .
Beget- Rod Wait.

- GHARA (gh). Wisdom teacher. Spiritual movement, mentoring, carrying knowledge of higher wisdom - spirituality. With the aim of passing them on to the next generation, new initiates. A person capable of teaching them meditation and levitation, immersing themselves in the past and future, seeing events that have already happened and those yet to come. The one who carries, carries away, brings higher spiritual knowledge, movement from one world to another, from one space to another, from one dimension to another.
Numerical reflection - 28 .

- JIVA (d, j). Virgo. Giving the beginning of life, from the image of the spirit and blood of the first man in her womb. The pure and undefiled Mother of God Jiva bestows a living soul on the 1st stage, before transformation from birth in the womb, in the bodily shell, to birth into the world as a child of Rod.
Numerical reflection - 29 .

- NAV (n). 3-dimensional structure. It is located between the world of the Highest Gods - Vyri and Earthly Reality. Glory - the peace of the souls of our departed ancestors - the Guardian Legs, the disembodied souls - the bright spirits. Brownies, banniks, goblin, mermaids, etc. Naf (dark Nav), where the nafik is sent, is given anathema - twilight (Essence of the Joy of the World of Ra-light What-likeness) - the souls of immortals - burdened with earthly vices, but having a chance in a subsequent incarnation in the Reality of Earth, through trials - the Rock of Fate, to correct sins past life(many lives). Inferno is the kingdom of Viy (Pluto), where little souls perish into the undead, in the fiery hyena they burn in timelessness.
Numerical reflection - 30 .
Os-Nav-noy– the basis (essence) of navi (information). Ditch- Sink into Nav, a hole in the ground into which you can fall.

- KHA (gh, kh). Spiritual love. Pure love is a manifestation of a feeling of spiritual attraction and spiritual intimacy. Love for the Motherland, Fatherland, mother, etc. Gha-Rno- any, fine, okay.
Numerical reflection - 31 .

- SUMMER (l). Time period, year. Sign * - added if a numerical value is indicated after some runes. Summer is the unit of chronology for a certain cycle. Summer of the Svarog Circle – 16. Summer of the Circle of Elements – 9. Life – 144. 1/16 part of the Svarog Circle – 1,620 years.
Numerical reflection - 32 .

- THINK (m). Thought. The ability to perceive and comprehend information, both explicit and cosmic. Thought is the heavenly world that controls the mental, spiritual and physical potential of thinking beings. It leads to their spiritual perfection.
Numerical reflection - 33 .
Meaning– a word of thought, a manifested thought.
- poppy- one who thinks like God; son. O-U-M-b– he is the creator of thought.

- OUR (n). Nation. A part of a clan or tribe, without any admixture of genetically foreign inbreeding. Son or Daughter. Maybe ours in terms of a profession or a group of people or other entities.
Numerical reflection - 34 .
Na-Rod- Our Family. A freak is protected by Rod, that is, the first-born child in the family. In English again - Nation- he is ours, the Nation.
- nothing; time of communication with Rod. - present.

- RIGHT (p, pr). Path of Ra Know. The Milky Way, along which the human soul goes to immortality in Slava (in Slav) and in the heavenly Vyriy - in Prav. From there the essences of our Family and the heavenly cow Zemun appear. Pokon, operating in all worlds.
Numerical reflection - 35 .
Ruler- approver (T) of the Will of the Highest Gods (Yel) Rule - Highly wise mentor. Rule-Lo– Rule the Womb, an elementary unit of measure inherent in a given World in a given dimension.

- SPEECH (r, re). Talk. Alien speech, and distorted (adverb), with the help of which a foreigner communicates in his own circle or with others. Previously, they asked strangers: - Whose language is it? Pagan - one who speaks in another (no) language or another faith.
Numerical reflection - 36 .
Na-Reche- name, give another name. Adverb- part of a single Gender, a language that differs in accent from the main one.

- SWORD (m, s). Power and Strength. The unity of the energies of soul, spirit and body, manifested in the united will of the people. Protection and patronage of the Gods - the ancestors of the Family in defending the Fatherland from thieves. Lightning - the heavenly swords of the warrior Gods Perun, Odin, Stribog.
Numerical reflection - 37 .
Me-t-Al- densely concentrated force, hardened into stone (Al). Place- strong stability.

- TARKH (t). Dazhd-God Tarkh Perunovich. Grants protection to the children of Svarog and the entire Heavenly Family. Son of Perun and grandson of Svarog. Who also gives rain so that there will be a harvest. A fair patron.
Numerical reflection - 38 .

- TRIGLAV (t, tr). Union of 3 Gods. Triglavs of the three worlds, patron gods. There is also the concept of the triple alliance.
Numerical reflection - 39 .
Tr-On- He is Triune. Cable– Triune Axis, a rope woven into a triune “pigtail”.
Build– Connect the Trinity into One Whole.

- ROD (r). Unknown Entity. The beginning is in some kind of thinking entities: human, humanoid, inhabitants, undead and other non-humans of dark Navi. Different genera have different, genetically, body structures and images of spirit and blood, which almost does not allow inbreeding. There are other concepts of genus: plants, animals, social and professional structures. Spiritual hierarchy - class.
Numerical reflection - 40 .
Rod-I-Na– Rod Connecting Ours. - Spring, the place connecting with the Rod is the chakra; key with clean water, beating from Mother Earth. - Breed, according to Rod, i.e. carrying within itself the characteristics of a certain Genus.

- GOD (b, b). Ancient Patron. Indicates something original (b) at the end of words. Patronizes in the form of the name Roda (surname), like the spirit of an ancestor. And also through the patronage of the Triglavs.
Numerical reflection - 41 .
- Swa-Bo-Da- Heavenly Gift from God.

- READER (thu, h). Reading. Speaking out loud wisdom written on something. In Santias, tablets, manuscripts, stones, books, etc. The image of a Priest, interpreter, teacher, giving a lesson or lecture in schools, churches, universities, synagogues, mosques, etc.
Numerical reflection - 42 .

- SHIELD (sch, o). Amulet or protection. A force that repels attack - aggression, misfortune of the forces of darkness in the form of damage or the evil eye. The circle represents security in harmony with the surrounding world.
Numerical reflection - 43 .
- Community, embracing Our Shield.

- PRIEST (f, zhr).. Life Flowing, Changing (Re) Energy (C) of Life (F). Servant of the cult - Ra, Lunar, Satanic, knowledgeable about the canons eternal life, light, or the frailty of existence or cultivating fear of the Lord.
Numerical reflection - 44 .
Zh-Er-Tva- Creation by Priests. Sacrifice - bringing gifts to the Gods. Both material, for example natural sacrifices (mushrooms, berries, plants, incense) or human sacrifices, i.e. things made by human hands, food (pancakes, pancakes for Maslenitsa).
Zh-Ra-Tva- Creation of Ra by the Priests. The creation of a certain ritual, later - the reception by the Priests of ritual food, consecrated, offered to the Gods, and capable of enriching the body with the energy of Ra-Light. The modern concept has been negativeized to the image of “eating like a pig.”

- EARTH (h). Heavenly body. Revolving around luminaries (sun or star) in orbit, according to the canon of universal gravitation - gravity. The luminaries, giving light to these Earths, give rise to life, depending on the range of the radiation spectrum and geology (composition earth's crust) lands. The earth is the mother (the matrix of the universe).
Numerical reflection - 45 .

- REALITY (i, s). World of 3 dimensions. In which time reigns, which flows like a river - a river of time. The world of the physical embodiment of souls in the bodily shells of microorganisms, minerals, plants, animals, people, non-humans, humans and aces. This world exists throughout space, on the Earths where the suns and stars shine. What are the conditions of existence - such is life in this Reality.
Numerical reflection - 46 .

- SONY (c). bliss. Lack of movement on the physical plane. Changed state of soul and manifestations of spirit - bodily peace (rest). A state of restoration of strength and transfer of the soul’s attention at this time to the other world of Navi (Nav and Slav).
Numerical reflection - 47 .

- CASE (d). Work. Creative or destroying harmony with actions that are not good. Depending on the entity that performs the actions. During actions, the entity is guided (controlled) by inspiration, which visits this or that entity and evokes the image of what needs to be created. What matters is which Navi the image is inspired from. Light or dark.
Numerical reflection - 48 .

- TROUBLE (b). Bad. Violation of the integrity of being, damage, or damage to something. Physical death, due to injury or illness, causing a stop during the time of life in Yavi. As well as a change in the form of thinking - dementia.
Numerical reflection - 49 .
- slave, light of trouble. And the slave under the observation of eyes - worker.

- ASЪ (a). Superman. The manifestation of a physically talented essence - a master of his craft, with increased abilities and capabilities. The mission of the messenger of God for a specific purpose, from the highest worlds of Glory and Rule.
Numerical reflection - 50 .
- as I am. - Asia, country of the Ases. Latin - Asia.

- IS(f). Be. Various forms of existence. The manifestation at the present time of being, in due time, of a specific entity. Points to the inviolability and manifestation, to what this essence carries within itself - the genetic principle, through the image of spirit and blood.
Numerical reflection - 51 .

- INTA(s). Union. A set of spiritual energies aimed at comprehending the canons of the universe Ra-M-Khi with the energy of the creator of our Universe - the Metagalaxy.
Numerical reflection - 52 .

- YOGA(s). Youjism. Unity of opposites. A container of wisdom at the level of the ability to unite relatives of the clan around oneself with the energy of the spirit, with the goal of repelling the enemy or sending orphans to an orphanage in order to save them from hunger and equip them. Like Baba Yoga, this essence is superhuman, with the ability of energy penetration between worlds in meditation, in order to achieve harmony and peace between worlds. The yogi is also able to quickly restore his health.
Numerical reflection - 53 .

- ON (o). Leader. The Elder of the Family is the one who has the wisdom to lead. Floating ahead on the river of time, able to foresee and in terms of the level of knowledge (perfection) ahead of his relatives. Respected and recognized authority.
Numerical reflection - 54 .

- JOY (y). Control action. The energy of directed influence on processes of a positive nature. The movement of change towards a better state by some action.
Numerical reflection - 55 .
- morning. - utdayni; time of completion of actions.

- AGNI (ag, o). Fire. The sacred fire of the hearth of the Race and the fire of vital energy located in the forehead and body of a person. Immune systems are essentially a talisman - fighting illnesses and illnesses. Its strength depends on the purity of the image of spirit and blood - the purity of the Race or Clan to which this entity belongs.
Numerical reflection - 56 .
- Nagar- a trace from Fire in Revealing.

- ENGLIA (and, oh). Life giving birth light. Part of the creator of the Universe, which is manifested by the light of the Suns and Stars, as the primary fire of the universe. Setting sun.
Numerical reflection - 57 .

- THIS (uh, this). Similarity. Something similar in essence, but different in form and image, with a difference, temporary or structural (moral, physical, genetic). Eth-Russians- similar to the Rus, but with altered genetics and morality, due to changes in the conditions of existence on Earth, genetic inbreeding with foreigners.
Numerical reflection - 58 .

- YUR (yu, yur). Yurod. Something twisted for the worse. What has undergone modification, that is, is fundamentally incorrect and inferior in strength and possibilities of manifestation in life. A-Yur-Veda, anti legal veda. Vedic medicine. Contains the principles of proper nutrition, healing and healing of the human physical body in order to prevent changes leading to foolishness.
Numerical reflection - 59 .

- ASH (I, Yas). Sacred tree of the universe. The source of existence is from Ra-light on Earth, the original residence of the souls and spirit of the Ancestors of the Family, depending on the purity of the Family, on which the health of the Family depends. Castes indicate professional affiliation and class.
Numerical reflection - 60 .

- DOE (l, la). bosom. The surface of something: land or territory in the area in which one or another Clan, tribe, people originally lived or lives, that is, the land of the Ancestors, where a Clan lived or lives, where family estates, pastures, forests are located, fields and villages.
Numerical reflection - 61 .
D-doe– surface of the hand. Lies also have an initial image - Doe, because this is a superficial reflection of the truth. “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it...” K-Lani-Tsya- reach out to the doe, pay homage to the Mother - the Raw Earth. K-La-St-y. Ant-Lan- land of the Ants.

- ARSH (a, ar). Measure. The form of displaying something: length, width, height, area, in volumetric and schematic terms - in the 3-dimensional dimension of the world of reality. And also the life-bearing feminine principle - the Earth as a mother during the Family. A wife is a woman who will bear children to her husband’s family. A husband is a source of comfort and stability. He is like the sun giving birth to life on Earth, life giving birth to the light of England, in the womb of his wife.
Numerical reflection - 62 .

- FIR (oh, e). Highly wise, exalted. The one who carries (embodies) a pure image. The energy structure of the universal mind of the worlds of Rule and Glory - the Ancestor Gods. On the earthly plane - the highly wise old man of Rod. The shape of a fir cone resembles the pineal gland (pineal gland) - a physiological reflection in the body of the Revealed Chelo chakra (third eye), which is responsible for Conscience. Therefore, previously, fir trees were decorated in the forest and not cut down for the new God.
Numerical reflection - 63 .

- IRIY (and, ir). Clean. Immaculate, source of pure light. The name of the sacred river in Belovodye. Star cluster.
Numerical reflection - 64 .
Ir-Tysh- Iriy is the quietest. Irination– pure love, in a high sense, that is, a fusion of physical, mental and spiritual, for life. Name Irina– means physically healthy, purebred and loving.

- TRUTH (is, and). Source. A dogma, an axiom, someone else's truth that does not require proof. Something unchangeable among other entities from the Gods and their ancestors. Truth is given to other generations from its own source, but for us it is not pure truth (from the mud), because we have our own Source. Each Genus is given its own at the level of genetic memory.
Numerical reflection - 65 .

- FATHER (from, about). Patron of the descendants of the clan. A spiritual mentor in the temple of the gods, a confessor is the patron of the soul, accepting confession. The one who is responsible for his children in the family. In general, the one who is responsible before the ancestor Gods for those whom he patronizes.
Numerical reflection - 66 .

- STAY (y, k). Con. The canon of existence is an unshakable rule, that the Path of Ra is known by the Source of Lan - the image of the ancestral lands. The charter is what is known with the mouth, as accepted as a basis in the traditions of the ancestors, and provides for the norm of behavior in the process of communication with relatives and foreigners. Charters different nations their own and come from the foundations of existence, the canons and traditions of their Family. It’s not for nothing that the wisdom says: “They don’t go to someone else’s monastery with their own rules.” Even individual communities have their own charters - established norms of life, based on the canons of Rita and copal law - the covenants of their ancestors.
Numerical reflection - 67 .

- YNRA(s). Energy of creativity. One of the manifestations of the life of the birthing light of England - the creative principle. The source of radiation of vital energy, that which radiates and creates.
Numerical reflection - 68 .

- VYRY (c). Garden of Eden. The abode of the Gods in the world of Rule, where the souls of the dead rush. The ancestral home from where they came to Nav and Yav.
Numerical reflection - 69 .
- West, rise to the abode of the Gods in the world of Rule.

- RITA (r). Canon of purity of the image of spirit and blood. A set of canons and rules established by our ancestors. Rules to keep the blood of the Family pure, which means the offspring are healthy. This law does not allow entering into a marriage union with genetically alien entities similar to a white man, especially with subhumans, as well as with close relatives. – The Origin of the family, approved by the Asami, is preserved by them.
Numerical reflection - 70 .
- am-rita, guardian of the sunset (drink of the Gods, giving immortality).

- URЪ (u, ur). Outback. Where the forest and the valley of visions are full, where there is virgin nature, where the harmony of nature is not disturbed. Fertile soil, forests and pastures, no hermitages or settlements. Ur-man- a strange forest, an area where the harmony of nature is disturbed. Marmot- an animal that lives in a dense forest.
Numerical reflection - 71 .

- YUGA (yu). Cycle of time. A period in chronology within any limits of a cosmic scale, consisting of many periods of human years. Kalli-Yuga, Svarogy Circle, etc.
Numerical reflection - 72 .

- SVA (sva, sv). Heaven. A place where there is no demon. Beyond the earth's atmosphere is the world of Glory. The worlds of the ancestors, where immortal souls go - Sva-rga most pure.
Numerical reflection - 73 .
matchmaker; Sunrise.

- ANTA (an, a). Anti. Opposite. Against something, opposition, opposition. Forces of light - forces of darkness, enemies, location opposite to something. Ant-doe- the lands of the Antes, located opposite Aenea (Europe). Politically, there are anti-national sentiments. Vedanta– Knowledge of the Essence, a philosophy that includes methods of dual logic of the opposites of the masculine and feminine principles.
Anthracite– affirming anti-Ra energy; coal black color, opposite white color. Ananda– synthesis of double negation (Sanskrit “pleasure”) – opposition to opposition, through which a state of supreme goodness is achieved, which is based on the principle of non-violence - do no harm.
Numerical reflection - 74 .

- AINA (ouch). Shout of joy. Reflects the emotions of a light plan. Wonderful, wonderful, when there is no need for anything better.
Numerical reflection - 75 .

- ARIS (ar). Direct descendant. The one who traces his genealogy directly from the Source of the family, from some well-known family. And also a receiver for something or someone.
Numerical reflection - 76 .

- AUS (ay). Hearing calling. The cry of someone lost in the forest, or of those who are looking for him. And also the appeal: “Listen to what I tell you.”
Numerical reflection - 77 .

- EORЪ ​​(eo, op). Something that makes a difference. Dividing, sowing discord between something or someone. Sets boundaries in relationships. Or-den helps maintain discipline and maintain order. Or or ovichore- a particle of causal matter, carrying within itself base inclinations, with which it is covered as a shell of Alive, being born in the Universe.
Numerical reflection - 78 .

- OUKЪ (oh). Deep meaning. The secret inner meaning of something. Indicates what you need to pay attention to. You can't understand Russia with your mind. Previously it was written Rous, something that can only be understood by reason.
Numerical reflection - 79 .

- AURA (ay, ra). Shine. Light, dawn, glow of the atmosphere, or glow of physical bodies, plants, animals.
Numerical reflection - 80 .

- WEND (v). Explorers. Travelers, sea and land, who, during times of cold weather, went west, populating Venea (Aenea. Europe), as well as the islands around it, the Mediterranean and Northern seas. The land explorers were called Vendas and Wends, and the sea explorers were called Varangians (to Ar I am moving).
Numerical reflection - 81 .

- GARD (g). hail. An ancient settlement with a fortress wall, a fenced area. O-town is a walled garden. Delhi - Indragard.
Numerical reflection - 82 .

- WHITEMAN (wai, wai). " White moon"(womb). An artificial earth satellite or other aircraft moving within the atmosphere, in near-Earth orbit, or between Earths, within the solar or stellar system. The shape is spherical or egg-shaped. Designed to move also between suns and stars, within the galaxy.
Numerical reflection - 83 .

- VAITMARA (wai, wai). "White death". An intergalactic large aircraft designed for long life-long journeys between the worlds of galaxies in the Universe, as well as between Dimensions, from the world of Reveal to Slav or Nav. The size of such a ship reached 200 kilometers or more. And in the belly of the Whitemara there were 144 Whitemans - space boats. Funny, in English. White(white) - white, Mara - death, change of measure, transition from one state to another.
Numerical reflection - 84 .

- KNIGHTS (r). growl. Speech through the mouth, as a means of communication, to convey information. In the native language, speech is to talk, tell, negotiate (without reaching the agreement in a foreign language). In Rus' they spoke a voice and did not say (to steal someone else's voice) or interpreted - they interpreted someone else's speech.
Numerical reflection - 85 .

- EZER (s, co). Water. Formed with something. The lake comes from underground sources. A swamp is a stagnant lake. Natural and artificially created reservoirs, from spills and diversions of rivers, springs that have made their way out. This rune also has the property of direction: from something.
Numerical reflection - 86 .
- conscience, shared, true knowledge from the Ancestors on how to live.

- WHOLE (in). Part of the territory. Administrative-territorial unit of Ancient Rus', analogous to a district. Such territory usually belonged to a single clan as a whole. The whole is part of a doe (region) or edge.
Numerical reflection - 87 .
- West, the area is at the top, where the sun goes (to the west, the west).
- know, good admiration for creation.

- FOOT (s. st.). stage. A stage on the path to some goal, of a person or community and the country as a whole. Stopped movement of time, the size of this movement. The degree of achievement of something, merit to the family. In x"Aryan arithmetic there is a measure of length - 1 foot. There is a measure of quantity - a foot - 1000 pcs.
Numerical reflection - 88 .
Old age- growth cessation, cessation of cellular renewal processes in the body (physical body), which comes with age. IN different eras(Yugi) the time at which old age comes changes, because... it depends on a person’s ability to harmoniously use the resources of his body. It happens that people en masse fall into passion and ignorance, and grow old and die earlier than the time allotted for a person as a species.

- BOX (k). Basket, box, body. Peddlers carried a box over their shoulders. Chest, domina. As well as the body of a house, ship, car, airplane, etc.
Numerical reflection - 89 .

- STAR (h). Faint star. Having in its gravitational field no more than 9 Earths with satellites - Moons. Planets are also Stars, but wandering in the Universe, because they have lost their system of lands and are doomed to go out sooner or later. On the earthly plane - the one who has gained popularity and fame.
Numerical reflection - 90 .
- zaurnitsa; completion of star shine. - saura; star shine

- SKY (n). System limit. The space limited by the limit of any system, from the luminary to the boundary of the system of this luminary. Covers the world of Yavi and Navi. The worlds of dark Navi and the immeasurable Inferno - the Kingdom of Viy (Pluto), where darkness and darkness reign. There the souls of sinners remain, in the process of purification, and in the Hell the souls of villains and scoundrels perish in timelessness. Viy, the owner of Pekla, escorts them, burning with his gaze.
Numerical reflection - 91 .

- SKUF (s, sk). Small village. Skuf forest, a settlement where there is no temple, but there is a sanctuary with idols and altars - an open-air settlement where services are offered to the idols of the Gods, standing like idols in the valley (idols).
Numerical reflection - 92 .

- YARILO (I, yar). Our sun. The central luminary illuminating our (other) system of Earths and Moons. It brings the life-generating light of England to its Lands, including Midgard. The rune means the supply of life, warmth, light, and the image of bright, pure relationships.
Numerical reflection - 93 .
Bo-Yary a husband is like the sun, radiating the energy of health, beauty and spirit. Knight- knows the source of hardness, which will be revealed by the origin from the Gods.
Label- ardent bast, a written decree of a khan, prince, written on birch bark (bast). Bright– Yar Kako Iriy, giving a strong light, shining, sharp.

- VECHE (in). Cathedral. A meeting of the people, or representatives from tribal communities from lands and villages at an ecumenical council - Veche. The goal is to discuss vital things.
Numerical reflection - 94 .
- evening, time of the veche meeting.
- evening; time of appearance of stars in the sky.

- MONTH (m). The power of reflected light magic. Introducing distortions into reflected light and the movement of something. Calculation period. Change of movement, change of shape.
Numerical reflection - 95 .
9 + 5 = 14 - control of uncontrollable (from our point of view) processes through energy (5).

- FATTA (ph). Fatality. The tragic fate of fate fatal, personifies the one that died more than 13,000 years ago, leading to the almost complete death of the inhabitants of the earth.
Numerical reflection - 96 .

- LELYA (l). Liko. Smile, joy, happiness. The image of the moon Lelya, which died more than 111,000 years ago, is associated with the number 7. And also with the successful, but not without consequences, military operation of destroying the strongholds of the Kashchei of darkness.
Numerical reflection - 97 .

- FINGER (p). United as a finger. The first finger on the hand. A pioneer in some business or action. A bachelor, a bachelor or a widower. An integral part, located in the distance, but without losing touch with the whole.
Numerical reflection - 98 .

- VEZhDY (in, ve). Eyes. To see, to see, and not just to see, but also to know. Observe, look, stare. A pair of something or someone. Double.
Numerical reflection - 99 .

- ROS (r). Silver-eyed, white-skinned Aryan. One of the clans of the white race who arrived from the system of the sun Tara (Polar Star), from the land of Paradise, in the palace of the Elk. The essence is the descendants of the Heavenly Family and Zemun, the children of the gods Veles, the sons of Kryshen and Lada.
Numerical reflection - 100 .

- RAS (p, ra). Fire-eyed Slavs - Rasen. They arrived from Ingard-land from the system of the sun Dazhd-God, in the palace of the White Leopard (Alpha, constellation Leo).
Numerical reflection - 101 .

- DZELO (z, dz). Zelo. Otherworldly power is something strongly manifested: the protection of the Gods or the forces of darkness. In nature this manifests itself as defensive reaction to a violation of harmony - balance, in the form of influence. Solar radiation, flood, earthquake, epidemics, etc. This manifestation is for the good, necessary to restore harmony in nature and is perceived by people and humanoids who disturb the balance of nature as a great evil (tragedy). This reaction of the mother, the Raw Earth, manifests itself unexpectedly and immediately for these entities, because they do not know what they are doing. There is no absolute good and evil in nature, because dzelo is energy manifested in space and time.
Numerical reflection - 102 .
- see, to find the truth given from above.

- THU (h). Sound. A quarter of something. Four of us. A musical instrument is a rosary, an accountant's instrument is an abacus. Tap dance.
Numerical reflection - 103 .

- SPAND (p). Pastern. Hand, five fingers, their unity. The basis of the piad counting system.
Numerical reflection - 104 .

- YAT (I). Take. Find something, or take someone else's. For example: Gain Glory, fortitude, adopt someone else's religion. The flow of the spirit of several into one.
Numerical reflection - 105 .
Do- do something conscientiously, with inspiration. Hug- to grasp something with your gaze, thought or hands. From-N-Yat- From Nash Yat, to take something from someone.

- SHADY(w). Simple majority. 6 out of 10. Veche system of vote counting. To spare and respect is the generosity of the soul.
Numerical reflection - 106 .

- SHEMYA (c). Seed. 7 out of 10. Smallest living form. Veche system of vote counting. The seed is the basis of the wisdom of the universe.
Numerical reflection - 107 .

- VIET (vie, in). winnow. The basis radiates some kind of unified energy: thoughts, ideas. If you put the “Father” rune in front of this rune, it will turn out unbreakable taboo on something. In combination with direction runes, indicates the direction: Answer, Testament, etc.
Numerical reflection - 108 .

- DAUGHTER(d). Daughter. A marriageable maiden is one who will continue her husband’s lineage in the future. The personification of purity, purity and harmony under Rod. Matrix of the universe.
Numerical reflection - 109 .

- DARKNESS (t). Dark space. Naf – totemic layers of the Navi world. 10,000 lands where there are either no suns, or they emit the light of the other world - ultraviolet and infrared rays that heat but do not shine. Perhaps this is the world of dwarf stars.
Numerical reflection - 110 .

- AL (a, al). Stone. Something tightly compressed or concentrated in a certain volume, all-encompassing, without emptiness - Solid. Something difficult to perceive - densely concentrated, like information that is beyond the boundaries of the usual worldview.
Numerical reflection - 111 .
Algorithm- a structured sequence of actions to modulate information.

- AY (ouch). Surprise, fear. A surprised exclamation or fear, from surprise - an emotional outburst from something implicit. From temperature changes, energy effects, radiation. A new gift.
Numerical reflection - 112 .
I-Let- a month of new gifts, first frosts. Runes ( HURRAY) - “bright land of new gifts”; the abode of life is the land of Urai in the Hall of the Eagle on the Svarog Circle, located in the dimensions of Rule, not Reveal.

- TAY (tai). Limit. The completion of some task or deed, the limit of something. Corresponds to the b-sign in ugly writing.
Numerical reflection - 113 .
Taiga- the end of the road, Thailand- edge of the earth. Taiwan- extreme isolation.
Tai-myr- edge of the world.

- BEAT (b, hit). White. Divine level of purity. The radiance of the world Slavi. A feeling of complete peace in the soul. A paradise where there is no place for darkness. Bayleth is a month of peace and white radiance.
Numerical reflection - 114 .

- GAY (g, gay). Durability. Militancy and rigidity of character (justified cruelty) in military actions. Stiffness and slowness in nature - in winter. The frozen ringing state of something. Geilet is the month of blizzards and cold.
Numerical reflection - 115 .

- GIVE (d, give). God's beginning. Awakening, acquisition, rebirth, beginning of life, revival, resuscitation, beginning of movement, aspiration, flow. That which personifies the Heavenly Family – the creator of the Race. The essence is light. Daylet is the month of awakening in nature.
Numerical reflection - 116 .

- E(uh). Sowing, waiting. Grain to the ground, knowledge of wisdom, seed that gives birth to life. Elet is the month of sowing and naming, the month of waiting.
Numerical reflection - 117 .

- WEI (wey, wey). Winnowing. Earthly elements: winds, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc., which bring rain, cyclones, dry winds. Movement, stirring of layers of the atmosphere, leading to turbulence and raising dust. Veileth is the month of the winds.
Numerical reflection - 118 .

- HEY (hey). Summarizing. The beginning of harvesting from the fields, obtaining the results of any activity. Time to sum up, reflect on quality and move on to the next one. Hayleth is the month of new gifts.
Numerical reflection - 119 .

- OB (about). Both. Unity of at least two principles. That which is adjacent to the sacred, pure, connecting with it. The Ob flows into the Irtysh. Hand in hand. Something that gives a dual meaning to the image.
Numerical reflection - 120 .
Image– the unity of the first and second, masculine and feminine in its original form. Deception- the second Mind, an indication of a secret plan that exists in the mind, but is not made public.
- obestina; mass (together with someone). - eat; lunch, meal.

- GO (go). Zemun. The sacred cow is the foremother of all Slavic-Aryan clans. Pasture is a pasture where cows graze.
Numerical reflection - 121 .
Goy- superman, descendant of the clan. Go-Sud-Ar- the highest from the heavenly mother (Go) judging measure (Arsh). It also has a literal meaning - a lot of. MOUNTAIN, CITY.

- JUDGE (with, o). Essence. The power of an image is a manifestation of both positive and negative. In a specific situation, in a clear form of content, in order to perform actions, or administer justice. Actions, depending on the essence, can be right and right - left.
Numerical reflection - 122 .

- NI (n. nor). No. Denial, rejection of everything unnecessary, non-recognition of anything or anyone. Not a manifestation of anything foreign and alien.
Numerical reflection - 123 .

- SHTA (pieces). Stitch. Honor the spirits of the ancestors of the Family, invoking the power of their energy of patronage. This ensures the preservation of both the species as a whole and the life of one person.
Numerical reflection - 124 .
Calm- peace at sea.

- CHI (chi). Chelo. The energy of displaying images with the third eye. One of the types of energy is the life of the birthing light of England - Ra-M-Khi. The energy of clairvoyance - seeing in various images - strategic thinking - seeing what needs to be done.
Numerical reflection - 125 .

- SHI (shi). Destroy. Energy of destruction. Under the influence of this energy, processes of degradation and evolution of something occur, through destruction and creation. Replacing one energy with another. Niy is the God of the Seas, a hypostasis of this energy.
Numerical reflection - 126 .

- TEREM (ter, tm). Castle. A solid house, built with skill and soul, of a certain shape and several floors. The head part of the whitemara. The crown of something.
Numerical reflection - 127 .
Terma- a house in which it is possible to maintain a certain temperature - an analogue of the Russian bathhouse in ancient Rome. Terem- the essence of the crown of something, the embodiment of some high goal. Created with noble thoughts.

- GUMS (de). Right hand. The right hand, carrying the positive energy of creation or repaying in truth - the canons of Our Ancestor Gods.
Numerical reflection - 128 .

- ODES (od). Shuya. Left hand, a roundabout path - falsehoods, untruths. Shuya carries negative energy aimed at destroying the harmony under Rod in the world.
Numerical reflection - 129 .

- TRUIDA (t, tr). Triplicity. A basis consisting of three spheres, a set of fields +, -, 0. Triple penetration (touch) of the three worlds into each other.
Numerical reflection - 130 .
Work- a truida of goodness. Funny, in English. True- The truth.

- SOKA (s, litter). Krivda. Something that is inherently distorted or incorrect. That which is fundamentally unfounded and exists only in reality. Incorrect information – not supported by facts. What does not bring benefit, on the contrary, causes harm, clogging the brain - garbage. brought from outside.
Numerical reflection - 131 .

- MAN (ch, che). A figurative container for mental images. Education. The chakra, which materializes images, by the power of thought, through dreams and daydreams, in the form of ideas with the help of which they are embodied in actions. This seat of the mind is mistakenly called the forehead, which is the seat of the intellect - the analytical center of the brain and control of the body.
Numerical reflection - 132 .

- SKIT (sk). Settlement with a temple. A city where many Clans can live, from young to old. Gard is a large city. Asgard is the capital city. There are also lands adjacent to the monastery.
Numerical reflection - 133 .

- SOMA (catfish). Vitality Drink. Medicine from medicinal herbs, bestowing vitality. It is also sacrificed to the Gods, part of it is poured into the sacrificial fire, and part of it is placed in front of the idols of the Gods. Also combination, connection.
Numerical reflection - 134 .

- DON (don). Power of influence. A strong personality that moves processes in time. Don, also a powerful elemental force that moves stones - the Don River. Something or someone that can penetrate barriers and overcome an obstacle. The one who grants protection to the weak, needy and infirm helps to survive. Don Quixote for example.
Numerical reflection - 135 .

- VEK (c). Lifetime period. This period is calculated for the lifespan of all entities of the world of Revealing from birth to death - the transition to another being. Stones and minerals transform into dust, animals, plants and people into dust, the human soul passes into Nav. And the aces and goyim in Prav. Eternity defines the boundaries of the temporary space for which the life path of earthly beings is designed.
Numerical reflection - 136 .

- CHAKRA (ch, chak, k). Circle or dot. Colo is a source that emits the energy of light of the mind and heat, or absorbs the energies of the suns, stars, moons, and earths. The word is preserved in Ukrainian CHACLUN, which is translated as a sorcerer, although he performs several other functions.
Numerical reflection - 137 .

- WATER (in, about). Oki-Yan. She Knows the Acts of Agni. An ocean of information, an information flow that carries vitality when you take a dip in the river. Or you will find death if you enter the raging sea. In the event of a violation of harmony during Rod, the sea elements cleanse the Earth with a flood.
Numerical reflection - 138 .
Vodka- a healing drink made from clean water from seven pure springs, which were infused medicinal plants and plants of power, which does not contain ethyl alcohol. Water- spirit of water (inorganic being).

- HUL (ul). Mound. Our movement is towards oblivion. Collected together is another form of life, over which time has no power. After death, the body is subjected to a bonfire. The ashes are buried in the ground; a mound was erected in this place, marking the end of the earthly journey.
Numerical reflection - 139 .
Uhl- the road leading to the temple. Bullet- Ulya's path.

- KRODA (k, kr). Bonfire. To the Fathers for Judgment Firmly Eor is the brink of transition, therefore this fire is funeral.
Numerical reflection - 140 .

- ITA (ita). Perpetual motion. To the knowledge of wisdom, everything new, hitherto unknown, secret wisdom. The canon of universal movement as the basis of the universe. Constant pursuit of excellence.
Numerical reflection - 141 .

- VYYA (vie, vie, viy). Rotation. Something spinning in a spiral and drawing into itself. Black hole, tornado, whirlpool. Compressive - tourniquet, fetters, loop. Rotating in a circle - neck (neck), propeller, propeller, Earth, moons, etc.
Numerical reflection - 142 .

- DRU (dr, dru). Trees. Tree, forest and other vegetation. The tree of ancestors, depending on the form of the essence of matter - the mother that gave birth to this essence.
Numerical reflection - 143 .
- Druid, priest of the forest. - Druides, dealing with clairvoyance, healing, prophecy, prediction. - Olegsanr, grandson of the leg, bearing the spiritual foundation of the wisdom of the universe and our ancestors, son of a druid. - Olegsanra.
Placed at the end: - for men, - for women.

- CHILD (h). Child. A piece of life. A descendant of the Family, born from the life-giving light of England, the masculine principle, in the womb of a wife. The child is the source of creation.
Numerical reflection - 144 .

It was given above 144 runes. But 144 – these are just the main ones. And to them come the runes of time, runes of space, runes of unified images, runes of changing images, penetrating images, etc. Moreover, all objects in the Milky Way galaxy have their own runic designation. When you open the “Book of Light”, you see that it is written in 256 rune

Karuna is written 16 runes per line. When translating from other writing systems, for example tarag or, say, from Glagolitic to runic, explanations are inserted into the text, and it is no longer written in 16, but in 32 runes. Therefore, the “Book of Light”, originally written in Aryan, has already been rewritten into 32 runes. That is, when you look at the runic text, you immediately pay attention to the number of runes in a line: if 16 runes are written in a line, then this is the original Karuna , costs 32 - that means it’s a translation from taraga. If it costs 48, it means it’s a translation from another system altogether. Sometimes it’s 64 - that means it’s already been translated several times, that is, an accompanying commentary is included. What’s interesting, as the Vedas say, in solar system 108 large and 144 small moons.


For all the following runes, the color gradation is not indicated, but it can be found in other sources. It’s just that this issue still needs to be sorted out, otherwise it will turn out like in the movie Kin-Dza-Dza: “A society in which there is no color differentiation of pants is devoid of purpose. Well, here on Earth, how do you determine who is in front of whom how many times should I sit down?" - “Well, it’s just by eye” - “Savages!” Now compare the trousers and sheaths of the jiva and everything will become much more interesting.

Let's continue.

- GA. Movement, moving.

- GOA. Displacement in space and time from one point to another.

- RA. Radiation, radiance, thermoplasm, luminary. Moving and shining.

- RAS. Family of Asov.

- ROSTOK. future priest.

- MAN. The combination of three into one, the fourth. Mantra- the triune affirmation of the light of Ra.
Shaman- a person who controls space.

- MANN. Man-Ni is the non-doing of the Mind. A person who knows the World of Navi - performs spiritual practices (Yoga) of not doing the Mind - meditation, turning off the internal dialogue, achieves internal silence. At the same time, the energy is directed to other Chakras and significant opportunities open up for him, for example, the opening of the Chelo Chakra (third eye) for seeing the essence of things.

- WEI. A continuous flow of wind, constantly changing direction. - ant, a living form that has its own habitat, its own measure.

- KOP. Constant movement, according to the canons, in a certain sequence, affecting all existing forms of life, organizing (changing) their form of existence and actions. - cop, cop right.

- DU. Duality of something, bifurcation, refraction, decomposition.
Soul- the unity of two spatial (Shi) planes, personified in the aspects: Ha - masculine and T-Ha - feminine.

- DAU. Constant movement from top to bottom. Down is a degrading entity. Setdown - sit down in English.

- TSA. Life force, lifting upward, moving from bottom to top, spiraling, in all its beauty and diversity. Aspid- a person who can levitate. - feuds, the truth of the Race rises up together, but each in its own way.

- WHITEFISH. Instant movement in space - jumping. Rune of victory over enemies.

- AM. A powerful constant force that preserves, preserves, protects. - Amur, the force that protects the territory. - amba, God living on earth, descendant heavenly gods- God's guardian.

- YEW. Time is constant, invariably manifesting various forms of worldview. In speech forms it has an interrogative form to obtain an answer. Belongs to the movement of time, which manifests itself in any space and time. - nutis, what do you tell me, I'm waiting.

The runes of the ancient Slavs are the first written symbols, a kind of alphabet. Runes among the Slavs, according to legend, appeared thanks to the god Odin. He was the first to know the runes and gave them to people.

But the runes of the Slavs were also used in fortune telling and rituals performed by the Magi. In this area of ​​life they were given special magical meaning. During archaeological excavations, Slavic runes are a fairly common find. They can be inscribed on clay dishes, household items, jewelry, and fabric. And it is quite possible that on these things they performed a protective function. The protective runes of the Slavs were also used to create amulets. The latter were made of silver and wood.

We use the term "Slavic runes". But this concept is not entirely correct. If we remember that there were four clans of the Great Race: Ha'Aryans, Da'Aryans, Rasen and Svyatorus. Only the last two are classified as Slavs, and the first two clans are Aryans. Therefore, it is more correct to say “runes of the Slavs and Aryans.” However, only the Ha'Aryans used runes as writing. Their alphabetic system was called Karuna and was considered one of the most advanced types of writing that existed in ancient times.

Karuna consisted of 144 runes. The ancient runes of the Slavs have survived to this day. Today we know eighteen ancient Slavic signs. But it is quite possible that there were much more. Some historians believe that these famous eighteen symbols are part, and a very small one, of the great Karuna.

Slavic-Aryan Vedas

The famous Vedas of the Slavs (Slavic-Aryan) were written down using a script containing runes. The runes in them are great and secret images that store and transmit a huge amount of information from the ancestors. In the Vedas, these signs are written down in slokas. Shloka is a collection of nine rows, each of which contains sixteen runes. And, in turn, sixteen slokas form Santhiya. There are nine Santias in total in the Slavic-Aryan Vedas.

Slavic runes and their meaning

The ancient runes of the Slavs and their meaning are undoubtedly of interest to us as to our descendants. Some runes are named after gods (Perun, Dazhdbog). Symbols have both positive and negative meanings. And some of them are similar to modern letters Russian alphabet.

Runes of the ancient Slavs and their meaning:

Perhaps someday other symbols will be revealed to us. Most likely there were more of them. But let's not look ahead. Everything has its time.

  • For those who are interested in this issue, we advise you to read the book “Runes of the Slavs and the Glagolitic alphabet”, the authors of which are Platov and Taranov. As you know, these are the alphabets that existed before the advent of the Cyrillic alphabet, before the adoption of Christianity in Rus'.
  • We also recommend the book “Runes”

Such an incomprehensible and completely unknown magical world of runes, uniting a separate sphere of the universe in several dozen symbols, interests many modern people. And not only scientists are interested in deciphering signs and runic magic. Ordinary people also want to know what is behind certain symbols, because, according to the ancient legends of our ancestors, they can radically change their lives. Many people study Slavic runes and their meanings with constant interest, learning knowledge that constitutes only part of the great heritage of our ancestors. And in this article you can find answers to the most pressing questions about ancient symbols that have come to us since pagan times.

Runic records and the magic of symbols, which are a kind of historical reminder of primitive humanity, have become the main topic of discussion for many writers and famous cultural figures. Based on historical information and all kinds of tips, some of them were able to publish quite interesting publications, which later became the basis for a course on the sacred traditions of the ancient Slavs.

Such publications include one of Iggvolod’s books (A.V. Platov, a well-known writer in certain circles and an activist of the pagan movement “Renaissance”) - “Runic Magic”, published in 1994, it contains reliable data about many runic signs and their meaning. Starting from the basics of the sacred teachings of the ancient Slavic nation and ending with documented information (drawings rock art, photos, videos), it allows you to understand the deeper meaning of heritage. In the future, this helps a person interested in mastering runic magic to more accurately use rune symbols in achieving their goals.

First of all, it is worth noting that runes are a kind of writing, hieroglyphs, denoting magical amulet paraphernalia. As the representatives of the ancient Slavic nation themselves claimed, the runes were presented to them as a gift supreme god Veles. The use of these unique “patterns” allowed a person to protect himself from troubles, misfortunes, the evil eye and other evils. Ancient runes could be both individual amulets and magical universal tools for protecting a home, family, or an entire clan. Therefore, they were applied in ancient times to almost any surface. The most common were Slavic runic inscriptions on clothes, warriors' ammunition, clothes and medallions, pendants. Often, to protect the house, women applied runes and symbols of Slavic ancestors to household objects and the walls of the house.

But ancient signs in the form of runes carry not only protective meaning. Some time ago, various fortune telling using runes was very popular. They were distributed throughout almost the entire territory of Central Europe, which towards the end of the 8th century. settled by the Slavs. This could be explained by the reliability of the results obtained during prediction using rune combinations.

Few people know, but runes are also considered to be the writings of our ancestors. A.V. also mentions this. Platov in his publication, as about the pre-Christian alphabet of the ancient Slavs. Used to preserve messages, runes became the basis for alphabets that appeared much later.

Surprisingly, entire sentences could fit in just a few characters. Evidence of this is the inscriptions on stones carved by representatives of ancient nations.

The elder runes, the meaning of which lies more in the preservation of acquired knowledge, are a classic example of this. The use of symbols even then made it possible to use runes to document historical events, as well as for magical purposes.

In the modern world, runic inscriptions are called a specific sign system. Those who have not previously encountered this topic at all feel the mystery and a kind of sacred mysticism of ancient hieroglyphs. And it is not surprising, because the meaning of Slavic runic inscriptions is deeper than other signs of ancient humanity known today. For example, the basis for the interpretation of runes was the reflection of the trinity of divine power, which appeared in the worldview of representatives Slavic people in the form of opposites:

  • Life and death;
  • Order and Chaos;
  • Man and Warrior.

What do the designations mean?

Depending on which rune is used by a person, one can understand how much he believes in the deities, or what goal he is pursuing. In addition, the translation of some runic writings could indicate his belonging to a relatively specific family.

Protective symbols, as previously mentioned, could be transferred by the Slavs to a wide variety of things:

  • Houseware;
  • decorations (decor or accessories);
  • towels;
  • belts;
  • iconic elements and much more.

In mantika (ancient fortune-telling technique), runes were used as the main tool that gave an interpretation of possible events in the future based on the combinations that fell out during the course. In this case, the symbols are applied to special dies. The ancient Slavs usually made them from wood or carved them on stones. For such fortune-telling, a certain system of interaction of signs is provided.

The author's layout during fortune telling on the runes made it possible to judge possible events in the near future. When starting divination rituals, the Slavs usually established an invisible energetic connection with the gods. Such an introduction helped to receive a more reliable hint from unearthly forces and increase the meaning of some runic signs:

  • Strength of the Family;
  • happy Share;

What exactly each of them means, as well as other runic symbols, you can find out by reading the article further.

Runic images with their decoding

As a memory of the Slavic family, the runes of Maly Furtak are still closer to many of us “in spirit.” The system, consisting of ancient signs, contains 18 runes, each of which carries an individual meaning. Exactly what meaning they are endowed with, and how exactly they are read and depicted, is demonstrated in the photo.

    • The first rune, shown in the photo above, reads Peace. She personifies the Universe as the Slavs saw it. This symbol also conveys the essence of the World Tree. In some other interpretations, this sign is an image of the inner “I” of every person, eager to overcome Chaos and directing a person to Order in the World. In general, this meaning of the World rune can be considered correct. They are both considered a reliable translation of the ancient hieroglyph, which A.V. Platov mentioned in his book. In the world of magic, where such symbolic designs are increasingly used to predict the future, the Peace rune represents protection. The one who gets a die with her image will be under the protection of the Gods.

  • The second picture shows the Chernobog rune. She, as the opposite of the first symbol, personifies the forces that strive for disorder, Chaos. In prophecies, this sign indicates rupture, destruction, completion, etc. Depending on the combination in which a die with such an outline appears, a person can expect either the destruction of unnecessary connections, or a long-awaited exit from the “vicious circle.”
  • The next rune in the photo is Alatyr, meaning the center of the entire Universe. Its essence is all that exists from the beginning to the end of the Universe. This is the center around which there is always movement. It is he who is mentioned as a stone that lies at the base of the World and around which the forces of Chaos and Order constantly revolve, being in constant struggle. The sacred meaning of this sign is an altar that serves as a place for sacrifice. In other sources, Alatyr is the personification of the law of balance.
  • Rainbow, the fourth rune in the image above, signifies the road. However, this is not the road that can arise in human understanding. Rainbow is a special path, which is determined by the struggle and simultaneous unity of opposites (Chaos and Order, Fire and Water, etc.). The runic road-rainbow on a block is not even a person’s movement, but his purpose, a state unlike any other. Representing balance, which gives a person a beginning and has a specific outcome, in magic this rune means stabilization, a favorable completion of affairs, and assistance to travelers.
  • In the photo the next rune is read as Need. This symbol is related to the god Navi, whom the Slavs attributed to the Lower World. Need (or rune Viya) means fate, a set of events intended for a person. In a literal sense, this mark is the final result that no one can avoid (death). In magic and fortune telling, it is considered a warning. Seeing a sign with such a sign, a person needs to think about making a specific decision that will radically change his life.

  • The next symbol is the Krada rune, symbolizing sacrificial Fire. She is also a prototype of the desire, embodiment and implementation of plans. At the same time, this sign carries the meaning of discovery, exposure. This is due to the fact that what is planned, in the process of its implementation, becomes clear and visible to the World. In the world of magic, the Steal die is a purification.
  • The seventh rune in the photo is Treba, this is the sign of the Warrior of the Spirit. It carries the meaning of sacrifice for the fulfillment of intentions. If we consider that everything in the World is interconnected, then we can assume that in order to fulfill his intention, a person on the Road needs to sacrifice something in order to get what he wants. And this is not a sacrifice that needs to be made to the gods to appease. It is rather a symbol of self-sacrifice, the ability to deny oneself something in order to achieve one’s goals. The same meaning of the rune is transferred to the world of magic and fortune telling.
  • The Strength rune is the Warrior's Attribute. It means change, and not only in the World, but also in oneself in relation to the World. This is a symbol as confirmation of the results intended for a person walking along the Road, and the strength that he will receive if he sacrifices himself for the sake of liberation from the shackles of consciousness. For prophecy, a die with the outline of the Force will mean clarification of an unresolved situation.
  • The Rune of the Spirit is Wind, the next sign in the photo. It symbolizes the Road of ascent to the top. Associated with the element of Air, this die is a prototype of spiritualized Will, Strength. Decoding it in prophecies is inspiration, a breakthrough in creativity.

  • Bereginya is the rune of the Feminine principle, the image of the Mother and the symbol of motherhood, which is also associated with protection. The Slavs attribute her to the Goddess Mother Bereginya, who is in charge of the fate of all living creatures in the World, fertility, and well-being. Since it concerns the life of beings on earth, this rune is considered to be a symbol of Life, Death and Fate.
  • Another runic symbol is Oud, which is a traditional designation of masculinity. Overall, it is a sign of fertility, love and passion. The Slavs perceived such a symbol as a Force capable of fertilizing the Emptiness of the Universe and giving birth to life.
  • Lelya is a representative of the Water element, a rune associated with Living Water. The ancient Slavs believed that it was this water that flowed in all natural sources. By magic, such a symbol is perceived as intuition, higher knowledge, joy, and also a kind of awakening.
  • The following hieroglyph can be called the rune of the unmanifested Spirit - Rock. This is the exact definition of the beginning of all things and its end. A mysterious symbol in the magical world is perceived as a dedication to the Unknowable.
  • The following rune is also related to the foundations of the Universe - Support. Carrying a clear connection with the Gods, it represents the Tree (support), which connects heaven and earth and opens the way for the sorcerer to receive answers to questions of interest.

  • The Dazhdbog rune, which is a direct symbol of the Good, the gifts of the Gods. A die with this pattern carries the meaning of well-being in any area (prosperity, love, happiness, luck). A prophecy for a person with the Dazhdbog rune will mean a successful acquisition, an increase in something or an addition, new connections, etc.
  • Perun, sign of the Thunder God. This rune protects people from Chaos, the world of the Gods - from Dark Forces. At the same time, it symbolizes Life Force and power. Endowed with protective properties, in prophecies it will mean the protection of the Gods.
  • The Rune Is is a symbol of Life, Being with its changeable variables. This is a sign of constant movement, renewal, change, growth. It is the factor that makes all living things grow, improve, and live.
  • The Ice Rune is the last symbol in the photo - Source. Considering that Ice is a special state of Force and motion at rest, the Source will mean stagnation in those matters that are rapidly developing. The potential power inherent in this sign and symbolized by the Source rune will result in movement.

The deep meaning of sacred existence, contained in the ancient Slavic runic inscriptions, allows us to lift the veil of the mysterious heritage of the great nation, about which many documentary videos have been made. Awareness in possible values each rune and the ability to correctly interpret it in making predictions will allow you to see the picture of the near future more clearly. This once again confirms the explanation why the use of runes is so popular and very versatile.

The ancient Slavs used amulets and amulets in all areas of their lives. They were used to increase wealth, attract the forces of nature to their side, and make a successful trade deal. Runes were often used in creating amulets, in rituals, fortune telling and for other magical purposes. But unlike the well-known Western runes, these were originally Slavic, Russian runes. The meaning, description and their interpretation differed from the runic writing of the Scandinavians and other peoples.

History of appearance

Historians don't consensus about the time of the appearance of Slavic runic writing. However, they all agree on one thing: it is as ancient as Etruscan and Celtic symbols.

The famous German chronicler Thietmar of Merseburg, when describing a Slavic temple in the land of the Lutich (early 11th century), mentions pagan idols with incomprehensible signs on them. If these were Scandinavian or Germanic runes, he most likely recognized them.

Similar images were described by Ibn el-Nedim, an Arab writer of the same years. He mentions pre-Christian writing found on Slavic gravestones.

Based on this, it can be argued that ancient Slavic symbols were the most ancient alphabet of distant ancestors. Archaeological finds indicate that the most ancient craftsmen painted rune symbols on household utensils. For example, a clay pot discovered near the village of Voiskovoe on the Dnieper is decorated with an inscription of 12 words consisting of six characters. Three of them are similar to Scandinavian runic signs. It was believed that this was the alphabet of deities, with the help of which one could communicate with them.

Russian (Slavic) runes depicted on amulets and tattoos resembled Germanic ones. Therefore, some researchers believe that the Slavic runes are the original source, and the Germanic ones are already borrowed. There are no reliable sources or evidence, but it is likely that both came from the Proto-Aryan language, a simplified form of which today is represented in the form of runes.

Today, along with the runes of Odin, they are used as amulets, amulets, and also for fortune telling.

Each rune carries a certain energy and has its own meaning. These Vedic knowledge may be useful in various cases.

To achieve the desired result, you can apply a temporary tattoo with a rune to your body or make a talisman (taking into account its designation) and additionally charge yourself.

When choosing a rune, you need to be very careful and careful. Having studied its decoding, you should not rely only on the description. First you need to try wearing the amulet and listen to how it feels.

All ancient peoples believed that the world was ruled by evil and good forces. Old Russian runes also have good and evil ones. These runes are symbols of protection.

Symbols of evil

People, regardless of their beliefs and level of civilization, have always been afraid of death. The unknown hiding behind it terrifies a person. The ancient Slavs had their own myths associated with the afterlife.

Runes associated with death or with fate from which one cannot escape include the following.

Amulets with runes

Today, rune experts do not fully possess knowledge of the meanings of runic symbols, as was typical for the magi and shamans. At that time, faith in their power was extremely high. Particularly popular were amulets in the form of runes, which were made from silver, stone, gold and wood. Signs were also embroidered on shirts and ribbons that women wove into their braids. The strongest of them were these.

  • Dazhdbog- a symbol of good, in the form of a cornucopia in the hands of Dazhdbog. The rune generously endows people with health, wealth, happiness, luck and success.
  • Lelya associated with the element of water. The symbol means life awakening again and again. In the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, the goddess Lelya was a symbol of spring, the daughter of Beregini. The rune was used when they wanted to reveal their intuition and gain knowledge.
  • Support means the axis of the universe, the help of the Gods. Its symbols are a circle encircling the tree of Life and a stake. This rune is one of the most powerful, as it is believed that it has a connection with all the Gods at once.
  • Rock has many meanings. On the one hand, it has a clearly negative interpretation. However, it is important to consider its position (inverted or upright) and position in the layout.

Protecting family, home and property

The ancient Slavs attached great importance to honoring the memory of their ancestors and knowledge of their family. People used natural energies to protect newborns and repose the dead.

Correctly charged Old Slavic runes had magical properties. They harmonized the internal and external space. Some were used to protect family well-being, others - to protect the hearth, the possibility of procreation, and the birth of healthy and beautiful children. Here is their description:

  1. The Oud rune is interpreted as: strength, fire, masculinity. She is associated with the god Yarovit and harmonizes male energy. To a woman who wore such a symbol, he attracted suitors and helped get rid of infertility.
  2. Bereginya is a symbol that helps pregnant women. It was used to protect oneself and the fetus from the evil eye.
  3. The Dazhdbog rune has a beneficial effect on a woman’s health. She is a sign of all that is most precious and bright.
  4. Alatyr symbolizes the existence of a beginning and an end in every matter.

From damage and the evil eye

Ancient Slavic magicians used runes not only to create amulets, but also to protect against damage and the evil eye. A correctly made amulet can neutralize the negativity sent to a person. The following runes were used for protection:

Slavic runes have dense energy. Vital energy humanity is built on a constant balance of good and evil. A reflection of this can be found in runes. It is very important before using them to study the meaning and influence of each, so as not to harm yourself.

Attention, TODAY only!

Ancient magic of the Slavs, based on pagan beliefs and deities, has not lost its power in the modern world. One of the most powerful magic items that our ancestors used are Slavic runes amulets. Runes were endowed with special esoteric properties and called upon for help in all areas of life. Runic signs were used to decorate household items, clothing, and jewelry; they were drawn on magical talismans and amulets.

What are runes and how to use magic signs in modern life- We suggest you figure it out.

Origin of Slavic runes

Runes represent a certain number of special symbols. Their outline is unique, as you can see in the photo. Each sign has a separate name and denotes a specific syllable. Initially, runic symbols were used as an alphabet by the ancient peoples who inhabited the North of Europe.

Over time, runic writing was replaced by the Latin alphabet, but the runes were not completely forgotten. They received a radically different category, becoming a magical instrument. Although ancient symbols were endowed with mystical properties long before that. Even the name of the runes in translation meant “secret, mystery.” With the help of magical signs they told fortunes, sorcerers created powerful amulets and amulets that not only protected from dark forces, but even controlled natural elements. According to legends, shamans could call on rain or raise the wind with the help of these signs.

Runic symbols were common among Slavic magicians, who very actively used their meanings in Everyday life. With their help, the Slavs called on higher powers for help in order to successfully conclude a deal, sell or buy profitably, heal from an illness, attract good luck or wealth. Magic signs attracted military victories and glory, love and family well-being. Amulets with fancy symbols protected housing and household property. But they could also provoke destruction (for example, the Old Slavic amulet Black Sun).

Quite often, when excavating ancient Slavic settlements, scientists find household items with runes inscribed on them. Decorations with magical writings are also often found. They are mainly made of silver, since the Slavs endowed this metal with special esoteric properties. However, golden runic amulets were also popular.

You can still use ancient Slavic magic today. Everyone wants to attract finance or love into their lives, improve relationships or get what they want. You can buy ready-made jewelry with a drawn magic symbol in the store. But making a talisman or talisman with your own hands is also quite simple. The main thing is to choose the right runic symbol. To do this, you need to carefully understand their meanings.

Meanings of ancient runes

The runic alphabet of the ancient Slavs consists of eighteen characters. Each of them is designed to solve problems of a specific order. However, the specificity of the entire Slavic culture is based on the eternal confrontation between the forces of good and evil, light and darkness, good and chaos. People were active participants in this struggle, and often its instruments. Perun, Dazhdbog, and Mir are called upon to protect people from destructive dark forces.

Some magical symbols, on the contrary, served the forces of darkness: for example, Chernobog, Need. They were actively used in their rituals by adherents of black magic, sorcerers and shamans. However, they are not the only ones. Consider these sacred symbols as the embodiment evil forces wrong. Just as shadow and light are inseparable and are the basis of everything in the world, so good and bad runes interact together. Chaos runes serve to destroy in order to then build something new. Their purpose and meaning is to get rid of the unnecessary, unhealthy, exhausted.

Knowing what kind of energy each rune has, you can skillfully select assistants for yourself in a given situation. It is enough to choose a suitable Slavic symbol so that it shares its energy with the owner.

Slavic runes have the following properties

  • Alatyr - symbolizes all the thrones and altars that have ever existed, standing at the basis of the universe. A certain pillar around which there is an ongoing opposition between dark and light forces. Helps to find harmony.
  • Bereginya - radiates feminine energy, conducive to creation and protection. This symbol gives a woman sexuality, femininity, and increases the ability to bear children. However, this same rune is also capable of taking life, so it must be used wisely.
  • Wind - contains energy for the spiritual search for oneself, the internal development of a person. Using this symbol you can get closer to inner strength, spirituality, sedateness and wisdom. It is also a symbol of creative inspiration; it gives energy for new achievements and helps to realize plans.
  • Dazhdbog is a symbol of fertility, wealth, good luck. Increases benefits, both material and spiritual
  • There is - the embodiment of the physical half of existence, eternal movement forward, development, growth. Its power helps in healing from various diseases, as well as in restoring strength and vitality.
  • Source - the meaning of this symbol is contradictory. It simultaneously denotes both stagnation and active development. By analogy, you can imagine ice and water. Water is the source of all living things and active activity. And ice is its frozen particle, which is also capable of starting a new life, but later. The source helps you become calmer, more peaceful, and bring order to your thoughts and life.
  • Stealing - helps to achieve what you want in a short time, but in return it will require a sacrifice, retribution. Krada is a symbol of sacrificial fire.
  • Lelya is a symbol of the vitality of water; with its help, a person becomes more confident in himself, gets rid of complexes, and seems more attractive and interesting. Sharpenes intuition and inner sense.
  • Peace – symbolizes peace, balance. Its second name is Belobog. It works well in situations where a person’s internal balance is disturbed. Helps to find harmony and tranquility, brings a person under the protection of higher powers.
  • Need belongs to the symbols of destruction. Their main meaning is to remind us that we are not eternal. The rune limits spiritual and financial development, increases caution, and entangles a person’s will with strong bonds.
  • Support - calls for the help of higher powers, which at the right moment will become support and protection for a person. One of the most powerful Slavic amulets.
  • Perun is a sign with the masculine energy of a protector. It makes a person more resilient, more decisive, helps to develop physically, and attracts change.
  • Rainbow - marks the movement towards the source of universal prosperity, protects on the road and travel, helps on the way to the goal.
  • Rock - symbolizes the cyclical nature of everything, its end and beginning, and provides support for spirits.
  • Strength – helps you move towards your goal, overcoming all obstacles. With its help, a person becomes more persistent, militant and purposeful, gains power and strength
  • Treba - symbolizes sacrifice for a higher goal. With its help you can get whatever you want, but in return the rune will require a sacrifice.
  • Oud – carries the masculine energy of creation, creativity, sexuality. It can help a man with dysfunctions of the reproductive system, aggravating his passion.
  • Chernobog - the destructive energy of this rune is compensated by the Peace rune. Together they represent the balance of higher powers on which our world is based. In everyday life, Chernobog should be used very sparingly. She will perform well in situations where it is necessary to destroy outdated connections, relationships, and rid herself of unnecessary habits.

How to use the power of runes

Having understood the runes and their meanings, you can use the energy of ancient signs for your own purposes. Our ancestors embroidered magic signs on clothes. We don't have to do this. The most simple option is the purchase of jewelry with inscribed runes. These could be, for example, gold or silver earrings, bracelet pendant, pendant. This decoration looks stylish and modern, and meanwhile its energy will work for you with the same force as in ancient times.

You can draw a suitable rune in the bedroom or study on the wall. But this must be done in such a way that the rune is not noticeable to a prying eye. For example, Oud will help make nights in the bedroom more intense and passionate. Strength and Wind located in the work corner will help you become more focused and purposeful. You can protect your child with the help of the Bereginya rune, placing it in the children's bedroom. The rune will protect the baby from restless dreams and childhood fears. You can put a pendant with Bereginya on a child’s neck so that she will constantly protect him.

Rune energy can be used to charge food. To do this, hold them for some time over the prepared dish, mentally turning to higher powers for support and favor. After the food is eaten, thank the spirits.

The rune can be drawn on the right wrist. It is believed that the wrist is the most vulnerable place in the human aura, through which negative energy entities strive to penetrate. The Slavic symbol will close this portal and help a person maintain vitality. You can draw a rune with henna or an ordinary felt-tip pen. Just choose the signs more carefully; their meanings are not always positive for a person.

Slavic Amulets: What is it, why and how to do it correctly

Slavic amulets - symbols and their meaning

Draw a rune on the back of the sheet. This can be one sign or a combination of several, if their meanings interact well and together help achieve the desired goal.

When you are done with drawing, take the finished amulet in your hands and mentally turn to the higher spirits for help and support. Hold the talisman in your palms, charging it with your warmth and imagining how the talisman absorbs energy from your hands. Put the finished magical attribute in your purse or wallet and carry it with you. But make sure that no stranger can see, much less touch, your magical protector.

The second option to enlist the support of runes is to make a Slavic amulet from wood or stone. To do this, take a small wooden plank or pebble of a suitable size. Make a hole for a cord or chain. Polish sharp edges and corners. In a calm atmosphere, completely alone, draw signs on the future talisman. Choose their meaning very carefully. Runes can be burned or carved on a wooden talisman, or drawn on a stone with ocher or henna, or scratched.

When the future magical assistant is almost ready, you need to say out loud the name of each rune that is drawn on the talisman. This way you will call on them for help and awaken their energy. Always carry the finished Slavic amulet with you.


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