Essay on the topic “Do we need empathy and compassion in life? Why is it important to have compassion for another person?

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Speech development lesson. Literature.

“Do you need empathy and compassion in life?”

    Preparing for a home essay-reasoning.

    Activate students' knowledge about the type of speech-reasoning.

    Development of oral and written speech.

    Cultivating a sense of sympathy for the suffering of others, a sense of responsiveness.

Equipment : multimedia presentationPowerPoint

During the classes

    Call stage.

    Technique – Brainstorming (goal: colliding different judgments to make independent decisions)

Today we will work in groups. Each group will need to create small project, which will help you in writing your essay.

Please sign your names on the first page.

Teach me to pray
Good angel, teach
Your lips are filled with fragrance
Soften callous feelings!
Yes, they will penetrate into the depths of the soul
The eternal rays of the sun,
Yes, they will beat in my chest
Holy keys. (P. Vyazemsky)

I believe the time will come
The power of meanness and malice
The spirit of goodness will overcome. (B. Pasternak)

I am happy with happiness that is alien to me,
And sad with the grief of a stranger;
To others' misfortunes and needs
I am ready to help with all my heart. (Ivan Surikov)

“The love of one person can bring to life talent in another person, or at least awaken him to action.” (A. Platonov)

“When one honest person is hit, all honest persons must experience both the pain and the agony of trampled human dignity.” (L. Andreev)

Before you are the words of poets and writers, select words for the epigraph to our lesson and write them down in your projects. And explain how you understand it.

- 2. Setting goals and objectives.

Guys, let's remember the material of the Russian language lessons.

Reasoning type of speech. What do you know about him?

How is a speech-type text structured?

We work in groups.

Please find lexical meaning words sympathy and compassion. Write them down in the project.

Compassion - sympathy for the suffering of others, participation excited by the hero, the misfortune of another person.


1. Responsive attitude towards someone else’s feelings, mainly sorrowful ones, compassion.

2. An approving attitude towards someone's undertaking, feeling, personality and mood

Teacher. What is common and what is the difference in the meaning of the words sympathy and compassion??

Compassion - this is sympathy for someone else's suffering, grief, misfortune. And Sympathy has a broader meaning. This is not just a responsive attitude towards someone else’s grief, but also an approving attitude towards someone else’s undertaking.

From the work done, please tell me what we will do in the lesson, why we remembered the types of speech and reasoning

Correctly, the result of our work will be writing a home essay

What do you think is the topic of this essay? From the vocabulary work done.

“Do you need empathy and compassion in life?” Please note the topic has a question mark, which means we must answer these questions. Do you think they are needed? For what?

What works have you and I recently read that touch on the issue of humanity and compassion?

Let's remember the stories of L. Anderev “Bite” and A. Platonov “Yushka”.

You have a table in front of your eyes, fill it out using the textbook.



What feelings does this give you?

Who it main character?

Yushka worked in the forge as an assistant to the chief blacksmith, because he could see poorly and had little strength in his hands. He was short and thin; His eyes were white, like a blind man’s, and there was always moisture in them, like never-cooling tears. He didn’t drink tea or buy sugar, he drank water, and wore the same clothes without changing: in the summer he wore trousers and a blouse, burned right through by sparks; In winter, he put on a short fur coat over his blouse, and shod his feet in felt boots, which he hemmed in the fall and wore every winter all his life.


How did adults treat Yushka?

Elderly adults offended Yushka. They also didn’t like the fact that Yushka was not like them, that he was always silent and did not quarrel with them. They believed that Yushka was to blame for everything, and immediately beat him. Because of Yushka’s meekness, the adult became embittered and beat him more, and in this evil he forgot his grief for a while.



How did the children react?

The children, seeing old Yushka walking quietly, stopped playing, picked up dry branches, pebbles, and litter from the ground and threw them at Yushka. The old man did not answer the children and was not offended by them. The children were surprised that Yushka was alive and was not angry with them. Then the children again threw objects from the ground at him, ran up to him, touched him and pushed him. Yushka walked and was silent. They were bored and it was not good to play if Yushka was always silent, did not scare them and did not chase them. And they pushed the old man even harder and shouted at him so that he would respond to them with evil and cheer them up. But Yushka did not touch them and did not answer them. When the children hurt Yushka too much, he told them:

What are you doing, my dears! You must love me. Why do you all need me? Wait, don’t touch me, you got dirt in my eyes, I can’t see.

The children were still pushing Yushka and laughing at him. They were happy that they could do whatever they wanted with him, but he did nothing. Yushka was also happy. He believed that children loved him, that they needed him, only they did not know how to love a person and did not know what to do for love, and therefore they offended him.





Where did Yushka go every summer?

Yushka left his owner for a month every summer. Nobody knew where he went. Even Yushka himself forgot, and one summer he said that his sister lived in the village, and the next that his niece was there. Sometimes he said that he was going to the village, and sometimes that he was going to Moscow itself. And people thought that Yushka’s beloved daughter lived in a distant village, just as kind and unnecessary for people, as Father. A month later, Yushka returned back to the city and again worked from morning to evening in the forge.

Caring for others

Death of Yushka.

But year after year, Yushka grew weaker, chest illness tormented his body and exhausted him. One summer he did not go to his distant village. He walked, as usual in the evening, from the forge to the owner for the night. A passerby laughed at him:

Why are you trampling the ground, God's scarecrow! Even if you died, maybe it would be more fun without you.

Yushka became angry for the first time in his life:

Why am I bothering you? My mother gave birth to me too, just like you. The whole world needs me too, just like you, so it’s impossible without me.

The passerby was angry that Yushka spoke and compared himself to him. Swinging his hand, the passer-by pushed Yushka in the chest with the force of anger, and he fell backward. After lying down, Yushka turned his face down and did not move or get up again.



Guest of Efim Dmitrievich.

They remembered about Yushka again only in late autumn. One bad day a girl came to the forge and asked Efim Dmitrievich. She told her fate. She is an orphan. Efim Dmitrievich placed her with a family in Moscow, then sent her to a boarding school. Every year he came to visit her and brought money for the whole year so that she could live and study. Now she has graduated from university and has become a doctor treating patients with consumption.



How did Yushka manage to maintain goodwill and good relations to people?

First of all, Yushka understood and loved nature. It was the love for nature that grew into the love for people. On the way to Moscow, Yushka did not hide his love for living beings. He bent down to the ground, kissed the flowers, trying not to breathe on them, he stroked the bark of the trees and picked up butterflies and beetles from the path that had fallen dead. I peered at their faces for a long time, feeling orphaned without them.

Love for nature and people

Why did Yushka die?

Yushka died not only from physical pain. His soul ached. He didn't understand why the world was full of soulless people. Why do people lack feelings of empathy and compassion?

Lack of empathy and compassion

How did those around you accept Yushka’s death?

Without Yushka, people's lives became worse. Now all the anger remained among the people and was wasted among them, because there was no Yushka, who unrequitedly endured all the evil and ridicule of others.

It's hard to live without good people

L. Andreev “Bite”

Who is Kusaka?

She belonged to no one; she didn't have own name, and no one could say where she was throughout the long frosty winter and what she fed on.

A pity

How did adults and children treat Kusaka?

The boys threw stones and sticks at her, the adults hooted joyfully and whistled terribly shrilly.


Why didn't the dog trust people?

Once they took pity on her and caressed her. It was a drunkard man returning from a tavern. Today he loved everyone and pitied everyone, he also pitied the dog, dirty and ugly. When the dog came up to him and lay down on his back in front of him, his mood changed. He poked her in the side with the toe of a heavy boot. Since then, the dog did not trust people who wanted to pet it, and ran away, and sometimes attacked with anger, trying to bite.

Cruelty, malice

How the dog started new life?

Spring came, and the quiet dacha where the dog settled was filled with loud voices, stomping, laughing and singing of people. The summer residents who arrived were kind people, they breathed the air, they saw everything around them as good-natured, this made them even kinder.

Hope for happiness

Who gave the dog a name?

A pretty girl in a brown dress is Lelya. Lelya said: I love you, Kusachka, I love you very much. Don't you believe me, Nipper?


How has the dog changed?

Kusaka blossomed with all her dog soul. She had a name, she belonged to people and could serve them. She changed beyond recognition: her long fur became clear, turned black and began to shine like satin.



What happened in the fall?

Autumn lit up with yellow lights, the sky began to cry with frequent rains, and the dachas began to empty. Strangers came and began to take things away. Kusaka, vaguely sensing trouble, ran to the edge of the garden and from there looked at the terrace. Lelya went to the station. Kusaka ran after her. And only at the station Lelya remembered that she had not said goodbye to Kusaka.


Why did Kusaka howl?

Kusaka rushed for a long time in the footsteps of the people who had left. The rooms were empty. The darkness of the long autumn night began to approach from everywhere. Quickly and silently he filled the empty dacha. Night has come. The dog howled pitifully and loudly. With a ringing note, sharp as despair, this howl burst into the monotonous sound of the rain, cut through the darkness and rushed over the naked field. The dog howled - evenly, persistently and hopelessly calm. And to those who heard this howl, it seemed that the dark night itself was groaning and striving for light. The dog howled.


    Creating a cluster in projects. what feelings do the characters have?

Yushka Kusaka

    Reception - thick questions (goal: obtaining new information through emotional search)

What do the main characters, Yushka and Kusaka, suffer from?

How are Yushka and Kusaka similar?

What do the people around them lack?

Who hurt Kusaka more: the drunkard man or Lelya?

- Why are kindness, sympathy, mercy needed?

Look at the epigraphs. which you have chosen. And to this quote. "... for all living things have one and the same soul, all living things suffer the same sufferings and in great impersonality and equality merge into one before the formidable forces of life.”K.I. Chukovsky.


write in your work . Let's listen.

Every living creature - whether human or animal - has a soul. It can rejoice or suffer. If there is more joy in life, his soul is kind, and it does good to those around him. And if it is offended by the world, then the soul is full of malice.

This will be the thesis of your essay.

The second part is the proof. We have given you arguments from the stories, use them in your work.

Conclusion.- What would the world be like if people did not have empathy and compassion? (The world would be cruel, many bad deeds would be committed on earth. People would bring each other a lot of troubles and suffering. I would like to rename the phrase “Beauty will save the world” to “Kindness, mercy, sympathy and compassion will save the world.”

Write this down as a conclusion in your essay.

So let's make a plan in notebooks

    Thesis (Empathy and compassion are necessary in our lives).


What happens in life and in people when these feelings are present?

A) Episodes from “Yushka” (1-2).

B) An example of Kusaka from the story of L. Andreev.

What does reluctance or inability to express these feelings lead to?

A) Death of Yushka.

B) Kusaka’s new disappointment.

3. Conclusion. What would happen if there were no compassion and empathy in our world.

3. Reflection stage

Guys, what did you understand in today's lesson?

Have all lesson objectives been achieved?

Situations ( goal: the birth of new knowledge, correlation of content with life tasks)

    You found a kitten, but your parents won't let you take it home. If you are kind, what will you do without breaking the rules set by your parents?

    Is it necessary to show mercy to people on the street: people without a fixed place of residence, drunkards?

    Do you think it is necessary to sacrifice something to help other people?

Here is a self-assessment sheet.

So, give yourself a grade for your work in class, then have the group discuss and grade you.

Continue the sentence

Today in class I realized that _____________________________________________

After this lesson I will try _____________________________________

I like it __________________________________________________

Smileys I liked the lesson,

I didn't like the lesson

Dear, nice, good friend!
There are many sciences in the world.
We need to know them all,
To become a man!
The choice ahead is difficult,
What is more important will determine
A sensitive heart in the chest,
Go with him through the thorns.
Love the person!
Give good to your neighbor!
Honor, dignity and faith -
This is the measure of earthly desires.

The emotional system of each of us gives birth to the most different variants its manifestation. One of these manifestations is compassion. Exactly why compassion and empathy are needed in Everyday life we'll talk today.

Why is compassion for others necessary?

The very concept of compassion is described in many sources, but, nevertheless, we all understand and show it differently. The most common, judging by numerous surveys, is the idea of ​​compassion as feelings shown to another living being, in the form of pity, condolences, joint suffering and other similar emotions.

We can talk a lot about what compassion includes, but it’s better to dwell on the question of why compassion is needed and highlight a number of the following benefits from such emotions.

The very feeling of compassion is not manifested in us towards every living organism, but very selectively. Such selectivity is, first of all, associated with our attitude towards a specific person, animal, plant. The emotional outburst itself at the moment of compassion is sent to help the subject who is far from indifferent to you. From which it follows that with the help of compassion you can clearly determine how close to you the person, animal or other subject to whom this emotion is directed.

The second benefit of compassion is the development of the instinct of self-preservation. When experiencing such emotions, the brain finds a specific way out for itself when similar situations arise in your life. Thus, he protects himself in advance.

The third benefit, of course, is our spiritual development when experiencing such emotions. The consequence of such development will be an increase in the level of self-esteem and an increase in respect from the surrounding society.

All the described advantages are considered in relation to a compassionate person, but what advantages does a compassionate person have from the manifestation of such emotions?

Here the answer is clear, and it coincides with both specialists and ordinary people– relief of emotional burden. This means that the subject’s energy background is restored to the comfortable state of the sufferer when he is supported in a difficult life situation. Accordingly, the mood improves life force to deal with the difficulties that arise.

In conclusion, it must be said that there are many opinions about the benefits or harm that compassion brings, but the choice to show this kind of emotion is up to you.

Why do we need sympathy for people?

Having once again shared our troubles with friends, having received our share of sympathy from them, we happily forget about it. And for some reason, rarely do any of us think about why sympathy is needed and what it represents?

We will not go into the monotonous details of the origin of the word “sympathy” itself, but will immediately move on to its understanding by ordinary people in everyday life.

Everyone, of course, has their own associations with this word and their own individual understanding of it, in this regard, having looked at many different arguments, conclusions and judgments posted by both Internet users and specialists, we will offer our own definition of empathy. “Sympathy is mutual, joint emotions that arise due to the occurrence of any events in the life of one of the persons.”

The very essence of empathy includes both feelings about negative events and the joy of positive news. But in the bustle of days, the understanding of sympathy as empathy for unpleasant life circumstances has become established.

True empathy requires considerable emotional investment for its implementation and appropriate adjustment to state of mind a certain person. But despite this, we take advantage of the sympathy of others every day and show it to our loved ones ourselves. That is, it is important aspect our lives, but still, why do we need sympathy?

There are as many answers to this question as there are for you and me, among them support at a difficult moment in life, a certain development of our personality in society, and even ordinary curiosity about the lives of people around us. We can go through many, many more reasons that determine the significance of sympathy, but I would like to dwell on recommendations for the rational use of such an emotion as sympathy.

No matter how much you would like to sympathize with everyone in the world, still be careful. Yours nervous system will not withstand such a large load negative energy, which you systematically receive.

If most often you sympathize with all the hardships that fall on the shoulders of others, then sympathize with the joys that are bestowed upon them. The positive emotions you received from the wonderful news at least somehow compensate for the negative ones.

Remember that the form in which you express sympathy can either inflame a person's desire to fight difficulties, or, on the contrary, weaken the desire and ability to resist life's incidents. Therefore, it is better to choose encouraging words, such as: “Everything will work out for you,” You are strong, you can handle it,” and the like.

The best empathy is shown not only in words, but also in concrete actions. So get ready to provide real help the person towards whom you show sympathy, if, of course, you want it to have an effect.

We hope that this article was not only educational for you, but will bring you considerable benefit, because now you know why compassion and empathy are needed.

Compassion is a quality that only real man. It allows you to come to the aid of your neighbor without hesitation when required; An empathetic person has the ability to feel the pain of his neighbor as well as his own. Sympathy is a very good topic for an essay in the Russian language.

Why write an essay about mercy?

That is why schoolchildren receive tasks of this kind. In the process of work, they can work in more detail on the topic of empathy for their neighbors, understand what mercy really is and how it is expressed. Essay “What is compassion?” - good way and the writer himself must realize this quality in himself, and become more merciful towards his neighbors. What points can you mention in your work?

What is empathy?

Compassion is a person’s ability to feel what another person feels as if he himself were experiencing the same experiences. It differs from empathy - after all, you can empathize with another person not only in pain, but also in joy, fun, melancholy or boredom.

A compassionate and empathetic person is able to understand what is going on in the soul of another. It is believed that if a person is capable of compassion, it means that he really has a heart and soul and is capable of love. A spiritually rich person is capable of compassion. She is able to remember something from her experience when faced with the misfortune of her neighbor, to provide him with help and support, since she herself knows how difficult it is to be in such a situation.

Substitution of concepts

However, compassion does not always actually manifest itself as positive quality. There are many variations of compassion, and one of them is pity. This type of attitude towards people is very common in the post-Soviet space. Often people don’t take care of their health, don’t play sports, don’t value themselves and their own lives. However, at the same time, public morality prohibits abandoning those who, through their actions, have deprived themselves of this health.

A classic example is the spouses of alcohol addicts who remain close to their weak-willed husbands, even when their passion for drinking has made them disabled. It may seem that such a woman really experiences real compassion: “How can he live without me now? He will completely die." And she puts her entire life on the altar of “salvation” for her weakling husband.

Pity or mercy?

However, this type of relationship can hardly be called compassion. Thoughtful schoolboy essay writer“What is compassion?” will understand: in such behavior only one feeling shines through - pity. And moreover, if such a woman, of which there are many in Russia, did not think only about herself and her feelings, she would choose a completely different model of behavior. Truly compassionate to her weak-willed and lazy husband and wishing him well, she would have ended the relationship with him as soon as possible - and perhaps then he would have realized that his lifestyle was destructive both for his own body and mind, and for his family.

About empathy in wild tribes

In the essay “What is Compassion?” some can be mentioned Interesting Facts. For example, not all cultures perceive mercy or empathy in the same way as in Russia, or, for example, in America.

In the wild forests of the Amazon lives an unusual tribe, the Yekuana. It is quite numerous, consisting of about 10 thousand members. The display of compassion among the Yekuana representatives is significantly different from what we are used to. For example, if a child gets hurt, parents do not show any signs of empathy, they do not even try to feel sorry for him. If the baby does not need help, then they wait for the child to get up and catch up with them. If someone from this tribe gets sick, the other members of the tribe will do everything in their power to cure him. The Yekuana will give their fellow tribesman medicine or call upon spirits to restore him to health. But they will not feel sorry for the patient, and he will not bother other members of the tribe with his behavior. This is enough unusual look manifestations of compassion. However, it must be remembered that the Yekuana tribe is at the stage of a primitive communal system. Such an attitude is unlikely to be acceptable to a Westerner.

An unusual type of help

In the essay “What is Compassion?” can be cited various examples manifestations of mercy, as well as describe and different types this feeling. In psychology there is also a type of empathy called anticipatory empathy. Its meaning is that a person (most often a psychologist) helps a person who is feeling bad in an unusual way: he himself goes to ask him for advice.

Usually people are surprised that someone does not try to help or console them, but instead asks them for advice. However, according to psychologist R. Zagainov, who works in the field of sports achievements, this method always “works” - a person becomes better after he himself has helped another. In an essay on the topic “Compassion” you can mention the following unusual way helping your neighbor.

Antipode of mercy

In the essay-reasoning “What is compassion?” We can also mention the opposite of this feeling, namely indifference. It is believed that it is the most terrible vice that can only be characteristic of a person. This opinion was held by Mother Teresa, and it is also written in the Bible.

The writer Bernard Shaw said that the worst crime a person can commit against other people is not to hate them, but to treat them with indifference. Indifference means the complete absence of any emotions. A person who doesn’t care what happens around him experiences neither positive nor negative experiences. And if the latter can still benefit his health (after all, as you know, negative emotions destroy the cells of the human body from the inside), then the absence of positive experiences is absolutely useless.

The famous Russian writer A.P. Chekhov also spoke about this. He called indifference “paralysis of the soul” and even “premature death.” If you think about it, the great writer is right in many ways - after all, an indifferent person is indifferent to the whole world around him. He looks like a zombie who has outer shell, but inside he is absolutely devoid of feelings. In the essay “Empathy and Compassion,” a student can describe this type of mental callousness in more detail, telling, for example, about a real-life incident. After all, everyone has probably seen how indifference manifests itself towards the elderly, pregnant women, and sick people.

How to write a good essay?

An assignment on this topic requires compliance with all writing rules. school work: it must be literate, contain an introduction, a main part in which the main points will be outlined point by point, as well as a conclusion. Without this, you can hardly count on a good grade on your essay. Whether empathy and compassion are needed or not - the student decides for himself in his work. He can adhere to any point of view, and it will not affect the result. But the lack of arguments, spelling or punctuation errors, insufficient volume of the essay - all this can affect the assessment of the essay. Of course, most likely, most students will agree that without these qualities it is difficult to live not only for those people who surround a callous person; and it’s hard for him to live with such a cruel heart.

Is mercy necessary - everyone's decision

However, to be merciful or cruel, everyone also decides for himself. You need to answer the question for yourself: do I myself need empathy and compassion? The essay only helps to suggest such reasoning. A person who lacks compassion for people and for all living things can gradually develop these qualities in himself. How to do it? The easiest way is good deeds. You can start helping first relatives and friends who need it, then strangers. Now many different social institutions need help. And in the West, experience of charity or volunteering is a significant plus when applying for a job.

Feelings such as compassion and empathy are very important in the life of every individual and society as a whole. It's hard to imagine without them modern world He would probably be very cruel and unfair. Concepts such as compassion and empathy imply the ability to empathize with someone else’s grief, the desire to help a complete stranger who is in need of help. These bright feelings must be cultivated in every person with early childhood using examples from life. The theme of empathy and compassion never ceases to excite writers and poets; they personify these qualities and devote entire works to them.

In his story “Bite,” Leonid Andreev touches on the theme of love for our smaller brothers, for animals, or more precisely, for a dog. In this story, we see how Kusaka's character changes when she is shown compassion, even if it is only for a short time. The dog, embittered at the whole world and biting, eventually became a kind, devoted friend. The author writes about this transformation like this: “Kusaka blossomed with all her canine soul.” But her happiness did not last long. The girl, having received the love and devotion of the dog, abandoned her and did not even say goodbye. So Kusaka was left alone again. It seems to me that after this meeting she will have no trust in people at all. But you can't blame the little girl for everything. I think it was not easy for her to part with her four-legged friend. This was the first instructive lesson of compassion in the girl's life. I would like to believe that he will leave a mark on her soul and when the girl grows up, she will not be able to pass by an animal or person in need of help. It is very scary that among us there are people for whom empathy and compassion are empty words.

The main character from Andrei Platonov’s story “Yushka” was not influenced by the fact that all the people around him, both children and adults, humiliated and insulted him in every possible way. Yushka, no matter what, remained a man; he retained within himself those feelings that had never been shown towards him. He endured all the beatings and insults and did not become embittered towards people; this hero believed in miracles. This “miracle” was supposed to be performed by a girl who wanted to become a doctor. Yushka tried to help her and maintained the belief that it was in her power to cure him in the future. In this story, I am struck by the indifference of adults towards children; adults do not even try to instill in children such qualities as mercy, kindness, empathy and compassion.

I believe that it is very important for a person, as a being living in society, to be able and want to help in difficult times both to his loved ones and to complete strangers. After all, each of us hopes that if he finds himself in difficult situation, then they will definitely help him.

Along with the article “Essay on the topic “Do we need empathy and compassion in life?”, 7th grade” read:



Empathy and compassion are feelings that make us better. Indeed, if you think about the meaning of these words, then sympathy is the joint experience of certain feelings, and compassion is joint suffering because of something. Both of them mean that a person, together with someone, experiences his sorrows and joys, suffering and troubles. This is exactly what today's round table conversation took place about.

During the meeting, the guys tried to understand how much is included in the concept a kind person. What qualities should he have? The students took part in a discussion of an article that talked about how people often do not notice the suffering of others, and their indifference leads to tragedy.

Discussing life situations, which they themselves witnessed, the guys honestly admitted that they never really thought about what they were experiencing, when simple sympathy could help others cope with trouble or trouble. And today’s conversation helped to understand how serious empathy and compassion are in the life of every person, that showing sympathy means listening to a person and understanding what he is talking about and what he is doing? “To sympathize, you need to let your interlocutor’s emotions pass through you, put yourself in that person’s place,” the guys came to this conclusion at the end of the conversation. Today the guys have taken another step towards the ability to feel the pain of another person and manage their emotions and feelings.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

"Mercy and Compassion"

Love can be different. It can be joyful. When meeting a loved one, the face lights up with a smile and happiness. But there is love with a tear-stained face. This is how it happens when meeting someone else's misfortune. More precisely, any...


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