Apple tree variety Melba: its strengths and weaknesses. Melba apple tree: variety description and growing tips

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Among the numerous varieties of apple trees, Melba ranks first in its popularity. The secret of such popular love is in beautiful fruits of excellent taste. This apple tree is worth planting in your garden to please your children and loved ones.

Apple tree variety Melba - description with photo

A synonym for the variety name is Lazurnoe. This seedling was obtained in Canada, Ottawa, where the Central Experimental Station existed in 1898. It was bred by open pollination of the Mekintosh apple tree. The experience was so successful that Melba gained immense popularity. In our country, it is grown in nine regions - from East Siberian to North Caucasus.

Video: Melba apple tree

Description of tree and apples

A tall tree - 4–4.5 meters - with a wide oval, not too dense crown. This is a late summer or early autumn variety. The fruits ripen in the second half or end of August. Picked in August, they do not last long - 3–4 weeks. In cool summers, especially in more northern regions, apples are harvested in early September. When harvested in September, they increase their shelf life to 1.5–2 months. Sometimes they can stay in the refrigerator even until December. Signs of ripening are: change in color, sufficient juiciness and pleasant taste.

Ripe fruits have a very elegant appearance. They are of average size - 100–120 g, but there are also very large ones - up to 300 g. The skin of the fruit is shiny, with a bright orange-red blush, and it has a characteristic “azure” waxy coating. The apples taste tender, crispy, aromatic, sweet with a slight sourness.

A white-gray coating is clearly visible on Melba fruits

Chemical composition

  • Dry matter - 13.2%.
  • Sugar - 8%.
  • Acid - 0.9%
  • Vitamin C - 15.3 mg%.

The first fruiting occurs quite quickly - already in the second or third year you can taste sweet apples, and from the fourth to fifth year a full-fledged commercial harvest of delicious apples is harvested. A young tree bears fruit regularly, but an adult tree changes fruiting to strictly periodic - abundant harvests alternate with weak ones.

Melba is self-fertile or partially self-fertile, so it needs pollinators. For these purposes, varieties such as Papirovka are best suited. For many gardener breeders, this variety is interesting because Melba is an excellent starting form for creating early ripening summer varieties with excellent taste.

One of distinctive features variety is the type of fruiting - peripheral. Most fruits are formed on annual shoots. They do not ripen at the same time and fall off if harvested at the wrong time. Flower buds are highly winter hardy.

Melba fruits are mainly set on annual growths


  • Growth strength is average.
  • Productivity is high, periodic.
  • The crown is broadly oval, raised and spreading, of medium density.
  • Shoot-forming ability is low.
  • The leaves are large, oval, light green, convex, with a serrated edge.
  • The fruits are round-conical, regular in shape, smooth or ribbed.
  • The pulp is juicy, white, fine-grained, dense.
  • The type of fruiting is mixed, mainly on ringlets.
  • The main color of the fruit is greenish-yellow.
  • The outer color of the fruit is orange-red, striped.
  • The waxy coating is white-gray.
  • Subcutaneous dots are white, numerous, and clearly visible.
  • Winter hardiness is above average.

Melba is moderately resistant to scab - in rainy years, fruits and leaves are noticeably affected by this fungus.

Features of cultivation and care

When planting Melba seedlings, you need to take into account that the wide crown requires a lot of space. It should not be planted closer than five meters to other garden trees.

When choosing planting material it should be taken into account that the trunk of the tree must be smooth, without frost holes, sunburn and damage. The site where the tenon was cut should have a good annular scar that is completely healed. The thickness of the stem of a two-year-old seedling is 5 cm higher than the grafting - at least 2 cm. The crown must certainly have five branches, correctly located and reaching a length of 50–60 cm, and a conductor - a vertical central branch. Naturally, the root system should also be in order - well developed and healthy. All of the above are signs of a benign seedling that can easily grow into a beautiful lush tree with a good harvest.

You can plant in autumn and spring, but autumn planting is preferable - before the tree begins to grow, it will have time to take root well. In autumn, the apple tree is planted in October-November, before the onset of permanent frosts. In spring - in April-May, until the buds bloom.

If you decide to plant Melba in the fall, then a couple of weeks before planting you need to dig a hole 60–70 cm deep and about a meter wide. The edges of the hole should be vertical, the bottom should be dug using the bayonet of a shovel. In the fall we prepare a hole for spring planting.

Just before planting, we straighten the hole and pour out 3-4 buckets of fertile soil. This may be humus or decomposed compost. We spread the roots of the seedling evenly and carefully over the poured soil and carefully fill it up so that the root collar, the grafting site, is 4–5 cm above the edges of the hole. The soil is compacted and watered; 2-3 buckets of water are enough for this. The trunk circle is mulched with humus or peat manure crumbs so that the neck is level with the ground. After a couple of days, check - if gullies have formed, then you need to fill them with earth and compact them. In dry spring, the seedling is watered every 10–15 days.

The root collar of the seedling after planting should be flush with the edges of the hole.

A tree planted in the fall must be protected from frost and rodents. To do this, we tie the stem and main branches with Christmas tree paws - the tops of the needles down, or with very thick paper, roofing felt and other materials. We pull the branches towards the conductor carefully so as not to break them. A little later, when frost sets in, we hill up the Melba to a height of 30–40 cm, and in the spring we rake the soil away from the trunk. We carry out such hilling only once - in the first year after planting. On next year there is no need to do this anymore - the bark will fully ripen and become coarser.

Melba has little ability to form shoots, so we will shorten annual growth by a third. This stimulates the subsequent growth of shoots and fruit formation, since the bulk of the fruits are formed on them.

A heavy harvest may break some branches, so it is logical to provide supports. This is done when the apples have reached a diameter of 3–4 cm.

Melba is a variety with periodic fruiting. To ensure that the tree bears fruit every year, some gardeners use one of the methods of crop regulation. In year abundant flowering all flowers and ovaries on one half of the tree are removed. The next year the yield does not decrease.

Another feature of Melba is that the tree suffers most when it receives burns. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to whiten the trunk and main branches. This is especially important in the first years after planting, while the bark is very tender.

Ripe fruits fall off regularly, which is not very pleasant. I almost didn’t follow and that’s it ripe apples on the ground. The growth preparation KANU - potassium salt and alphanaphthylacetic acid - will help reduce this process. To prepare a solution, 300–600 mg of the drug is diluted in 10 liters of water. Spray the apple tree about 20 days before harvesting. This should be done in the evening, using dry leaves. If you carry out selective harvesting of fruits before their mass ripening, the abscission will also decrease.

Blooming Melba is very beautiful

The advantages of the variety include:

  • great taste,
  • bountiful harvests,
  • prospects for creating new varieties,
  • frost resistance of flower buds,
  • early entry into fruiting.


  • frequency of fruiting,
  • falling of ripe fruits,
  • instability to scab in rainy years,
  • need for pollinators.


Melba begins to bear fruit quite early, so it needs feeding. In the first two years mineral fertilizers There is no need to add, the organic matter that you use when mulching is enough. For 3–4 years we feed phosphorus fertilizers- ash, potassium sulfate and nitrophoska. They can be applied both in autumn and spring by embedding them in the soil. Nitrogen - ammonium nitrate - is applied in early spring, when the earth warms up during the day and freezes again at night. The dosage depends on the age of the tree.

Preventive measures against diseases and pests

To prevent frost damage and burns, the trunk and branches are whitened with slaked lime in spring and autumn. To protect against rodents, the trunk is tied for the winter or metal mesh shields are installed. The tying is carried out no earlier than the air temperature reaches minus 2–3 degrees. In early spring, in damp weather, special scrapers are used to remove damaged bark where pests could overwinter.

By the way, cracks in the bark also form during trunk growth. This is a natural phenomenon. If upon careful inspection nothing suspicious is noticed, then it is better to seal such a crack with slaked lime. You should not get carried away with stripping the bark; it affects the health of the tree.

Early spring spraying of apple trees with nitrophen is carried out regularly - 300 g per 10 liters of water. This type of spraying is called eradicating. It will destroy the eggs of aphids, mites, copperheads, scale insect larvae and other equally harmful “tenants”. And at the same time it will get rid of pathogens of scab and leaf spots. You need to spray until the buds swell.

Dill, anise, caraway and coriander, planted next to an apple tree, will attract predatory insects - helpers in pest control.

Fragrant jam from the Melba variety is liked by both children and adults.

The Melba apple tree variety has been popular among gardeners for centuries. If you take a closer look at description of the Melba apple tree, look at the photos and read the reviews, you can decide whether it’s worth planting it on your site. This variety was developed in America at the end of the 18th century, thanks to the pollination of the Mekintosh apple tree. Over time, the Melba variety spread throughout the world and received good reviews.

Melba apple tree: description of variety and planting

Among all apple varieties, Melba red is in demand. This is due not only to the color and taste of the fruit, but also to the tree’s resistance to various diseases and frosts. If you decide to plant Melba on your plot, then after 3-4 years the apple tree will begin to delight you with its first fruits. This variety has good taste, is transportable, suitable for canning and consumption. pure form. According to reviews, Melba apples are most often used for preparing industrial juices.

Landing advantage apple orchard Melba seedlings are that the trees themselves grow short, which greatly facilitates the harvesting process. Flowering is different pleasant aroma and a soft pink tint. The crown of the tree stands out with light orange, while it has a slightly elongated shape.

The fruits of the Melba apple tree are quite large, weighing up to 150 grams. Their shape is slightly elongated and flattened at the bottom. During ripening, the fruits have a greenish tint, and then acquire red stripes that color most of the fruit.

The photo shows an apple tree blossoming

The taste of Melba apples is sweet and sour, while the fruits are quite juicy, and the skin has a waxy sheen. Although apple fruits ripen quite quickly, they are stored well for 4-6 months in the cellar. You will get a good harvest every year from a young tree, and the old one begins to bear fruit once every two or three years.

The photo shows the crown of the Melba apple tree

To plant Melba trees, you need to prepare holes measuring 1 m wide and 0.7 m deep. It is important to make drainage in the hole; for this you can use pebbles or shells walnut. You should not plant this variety of apple tree in places where groundwater is close. Excess moisture will lead to the death of the planted tree. If groundwater is close, try making drainage channels.

Pictured is an apple orchard

Watering the Melba apple tree after planting is carried out within 2-3 days, while no more than one liter of water should be used per tree. You can increase the yield yourself if you plant seedlings of this variety at a distance of at least 5 meters from each other. Between the trees in the garden you can plant vegetables that have poorly developed root system. In this case, they will not harm the trees, and you will be able to rationally use the garden area.

Proper care of the Melba apple tree variety is the key to increasing productivity. According to reviews from summer residents, this tree needs spring spraying, fertilization with humus or chicken droppings. Spraying is carried out most often purchased funds“Strobby” and “Fury”, which protect the tree from pests.

Gardening is difficult and responsible work, A Apple tree, being the most famous fruit crop, Also requires attention.

Initially, you should carefully consider so that it matches the region where the apple tree will grow, the growing conditions and the taste of the fruit.

If you make the wrong choice, you can either lose the grown tree or not be satisfied with the result of the work, namely the taste properties of apples, the possibility of their processing and storage.

Melba apple tree (description, photo you will find below) is a world-famous variety of apple trees. Brought out by breeders from Canada at the end of the 19th century, it was named after the name of a famous opera singer who was successfully touring in those years.

After the first harvests, apple trees of the Melba variety were brought to European countries and Russia. In the 20th century, this variety was introduced into State Register by name "Melba", but many gardeners still call apple trees of this variety in the old fashioned way - “Melba”.

Summer ripening variety fruits that do not have high winter hardiness. For this reason, the apple tree is not widespread in the North of our country and Far East, in other regions this variety has been released and is successfully grown.

The most famous regionalized species is Red Melba (Red Melba), which more resistant to frost(see photo and description of the variety in the “Variety Varieties” section).

Important! The apple tree of this variety begins to bear fruit in the 3rd-4th year of development; the apples ripen at the end of summer, have good taste, are transportable and can be stored fresh for a long time.


Also in this video you can see what an adult Melba tree looks like:


Melba is medium-growing variety, the height of the tree does not exceed 4 meters, the most typical height is 3.0 meters.

Crown width

Up to 3 years of age – columnar shape, then formed crown.

Crown medium spreading, round in shape, slightly elongated upward. The diameter can reach 7 meters. The trunk is thick, the bark is dark brown. The leaves are oblong in shape, crenate along the edges, and light green in color. The branches are of medium thickness, slightly drooping.

Crown of an adult Melba.

Tasting assessment

Fruit large, round, slightly elongated downwards and slightly flattened, yellow-green with red stripes. The skin is dense, but not rough, but tender and smooth.

Fruit weight is 120 – 150 grams, but can be larger. The pulp is juicy, white with a sweet and sour taste and candy aroma. On a five-point scale, ratings are rated at an average of 4.5.

Ripe Melba fruits.


Variety Melba - self-fertile variety, But copes with this task ineffectively, therefore It is recommended to plant next to pollinating apple trees.

Winter hardiness

Winter hardiness of this variety average, however, variety varieties such as Melba Red and Melba's daughter are more winter-hardy.

Pollinator varieties

The following varieties are used most effectively and successfully for additional pollination of this variety of apple trees:

  • Antonovka;
  • Suislepskoe;
  • Borovinka;
  • Stark Earlist;
  • Bellefleur is Chinese.

Boletus is one of the best pollinators for Melba.

Beginning of fruiting

Melba apple trees bear fruit 4 years after planting. At first they bear fruit regularly, then after 12 years development there may be some cyclicality, when the year of fruiting alternates with a year of rest.

The productivity of this variety is high.

Seedling cost

Depending on the region of residence, the cost of seedlings may vary slightly, but to understand the order of prices, you can consider several regions, these are:

  • Moscow and St. Petersburg, aged:
    • 3 years – 1000.00 rubles;
    • 4 years – 2500.00 rubles;
    • 5 years – 6000.00 rubles.
  • North-West region (Vologda), aged:
    • 3 years – 320.00 rubles;
    • 4 years – 650.00 rubles.
  • Krasnodar region(Temryuk), aged:
    • 3 years – 220.00 rubles;
    • 4 years – 450.00 rubles.
  • Ural federal district(Yekaterinburg city), aged:
    • 3 years – 300.00 rubles;
    • 4 years – 600.00 rubles.

In this video you can see an overview of the Melba apple tree:

Reviews from gardeners

Since this variety has been known for a long time and has become widespread in different regions of our country, there are a lot of opinions about it.

Oleg (Rostov on Don):“ my youth, my grandmother had Melba apple trees. I loved these apples. They are small, juicy, sweet. Apples are good for processing and storage. They made juice from these apples.”

Nikolay (Krasnodar region):“I discovered Melba - a magnificent variety. When it begins to bloom, the aroma floats through the garden, which even words cannot describe. I have 4 apple trees of this variety.”

Olga ( Nizhny Novgorod Region): “Melba is a wonderful holiday, and it doesn’t matter whether it blooms or the fruits ripen! My Melba is already 25 years old, it’s sad, but the tree is getting old and we will soon be saying goodbye to her. I will definitely buy it and plant it again.”

Ripening period

Melba apple trees bloom in early spring . Large flowers range in color from white to pink with purple veins.

The fruits ripen regularly, starting from the 4th year and abundantly from the 8th year. Later, in the second ten, an alternation of years of rest begins.

Apples ripen in late summer(second half of August), quite large, usually 120 - 130 grams, but there are also up to 200 grams. The peduncle is thin and short in length.

Important! Apples do not ripen all at once, but spread out over time, which allows 1.5 months to harvest fresh fruits.

Ripening, apples fall, but when harvesting by hand the fruits can be stored for several weeks or even months.

Apples are delicious, sweet and sour, have a candy aftertaste, with a lot of vitamins and acids. Apples contain a lot of active beneficial elements.

Advantages and disadvantages

TO positive characteristics This variety includes the following:

  • Early fruiting;
  • Fast tree growth;
  • High yields;
  • A beautiful view, a blooming image, pleasing to the eye and a wonderful aroma;
  • High indicators of fruit strength and durability, and, accordingly, their transportability;
  • A large set of useful elements;
  • Wide range of recycling uses.

Melba apple tree blossoming.

On to the cons This variety includes:

  • Average frost resistance;
  • Susceptibility to scab;
  • Low self-fertility;
  • Unregulated cyclicity of fruiting in adult apple trees over 10 years old.

Variety varieties

This apple tree has hybrid varieties with similar names:

  • "Melba's Daughter"- the hybrid is frost-resistant and is almost not affected by scab. The fruits have pink spots or stripes. The weight of an apple is up to 130 g; an adult tree produces up to 35 kg of apples.
  • « Melba Red" (Melba red)– the hybrid is famous for the greenish-white surface of the fruit with a red blush and dots under the skin. Apples are less sweet. The weight of one apple is up to 150-200 grams, the yield of an adult apple tree is up to 80 kg.

Fruits of the apple tree Melba's daughter.

Apple tree fruits Melba Red.

For this they take sand, peat, manure or compost in equal parts, mixed and placed in a hole prepared in advance young tree, everything is covered with prepared soil and watered abundantly.

There must be a hole at least 1.0 meters in diameter and 0.8 meters deep. The apple tree is also prepared for planting; for this, the crown is stripped of its leaves, and if the seedling is small and thin, then before planting it should be kept in water for several days to fill the stem with moisture.

Also in this case, when landing it is necessary to install a stick (stake) in order to support the planted tree.

Advice! When planting, the root collar of the seedling should remain above the surface of the earth and be at its level. The earth in the tree trunk circle is crushed, but not compacted.

If available, necessary provide drainage, because Excessive amounts of moisture can damage the root system and lead to the death of the seedling.

carried out in early spring before the start of the sap flow period. This operation is carried out to rejuvenate the apple tree, sanitize it and remove root shoots.

The main trunk is shortened by 1/3 of the length, after which the side shoots begin to grow rapidly and branches are formed. During sanitary cleaning Dried and broken branches are removed.

Melbs are recommended to be performed:

  • In spring, before flowering: To do this, the tree trunk circles are dug up with humus and the addition of ash, superphosphate and potassium chloride;
  • : trees are fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, both natural in composition (manure, chicken droppings), and industrially produced (urea);
  • , after harvest: potassium chloride and compost.

Melba does not like waterlogging, so it should be watered carefully and only in dry weather at the rate of 10 liters per apple tree per week.

Basic, damaging the apple tree:

  • Scale insects, bark beetles - damaging the bark;
  • and beetles - damage foliage;
  • – sucks out juice;
  • – affects the fruits.

Preventive measures are used to control pests. To do this, in the period before flowering, trees are treated with special preparations, of which there are a large number on the market.

Also a preventive measure is whitewashing apple tree trunks. To protect against rodents in winter period Apple tree trunks are covered with insulating materials.

Whitewashing - preventative measure from pests.

The diseases to which Melba is susceptible include scab, because the apple tree is quite resistant to others.

Attention! To prevent scab, regular sanitary pruning, fertilize and remove fallen leaves.

In addition to preventive measures, they carry out , consisting of 3 stages:

  1. At the moment the buds open, the area around the trunk of the apple tree is treated ammonium nitrate, and a solution of Bordeaux liquid - wood;
  2. At the moment of active color, the composition of the solutions and the treatment areas are the same;
  3. At the moment of apple formation, after 14 days the same procedure is carried out again.

If found The following steps should be taken on the apple tree:

  • 10 tablets of the Gamair bactericide are dissolved in 10 liters of water and sprayed 3 times per season;
  • 20 ml of the drug Fitolavin is dissolved in 10 liters of water and 4 treatments are carried out per season.

In addition to those listed, there are a number of drugs that can be used to effectively combat the disease:

  • Ammonium nitrate solution;
  • Ammonium sulfate;
  • Potassium salt;
  • Potassium nitrate.

Nuances of cultivation and questions from readers

In the process of growing apple trees, gardeners in different regions of the country have questions:

When to plant: spring or autumn?

The most favorable time is autumn, but many gardeners plant in the spring, fearing the death of the apple tree when autumn planting caused by the fact that the apple tree does not have time to take root before the onset of frost.

in autumn landing is carried out after leaf fall ends, in the springdepending on weather conditions.

How to form a crown?

Krona, performing sanitary planned trimmings, carried out spring and autumn in accordance with the given anti-aging pruning scheme, as well as for crown formation: remove damaged branches, which can break off due to the weight of the fruit, dry and diseased branches.

What are the features of growing Melba?

Loamy, fertilized soils and retraction groundwater. The landing site must be protected from the wind, be sunny and open.

What is the distance between apple trees?

there must be 5-6 meters And 6-8 meters between rows.

However, in each specific case it is necessary to take into account:

  • Features of the site;
  • Region of residence;
  • Nature of use (industrial, individual).

How to grow in the regions?

The only rule is that in places where prolonged frosts are possible, it is necessary to cover the tree and take preventive measures against diseases such as scab.

Which variety is better: Candy, Mantet or Melba?

Which variety is better, every gardener chooses for himself individually depending on your region of residence and personal preferences. Below is a table for comparing these varieties when grown in the Samara region:

Name Taste, points Sugar to acid ratio, % Beginning of mature carrion Picking the last apple Fruit diameter, mm
Melba 4,3 16 10th of August August 31 69
Mantet 4,5 16 July 25 August 31 59
4,4 30 5th of August September 2 65


Melba apple tree (you saw its description above) is widely known and incredibly tasty.

Numerous positive reviews characterize him only from the best side.

Therefore, gardeners and true apple connoisseurs will always grow Melba apple trees in their gardens and plots.

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A variety of apple trees such as Melba, its description, and photos are very popular among gardeners. This is due to the fact that this variety has a good taste and also bears fruit well. Owners of gardens in the middle zone have been cultivating this variety since 1898.

History of origin of the variety

Melba apple trees were bred in Canada and, thanks to the excellent taste of their apples, have become very popular throughout the world. The basis for the creation of a new variety was the popular McIntosh apple tree variety. The new product received its name from the super-popular opera singer from Australia at that time, Nellie Melba.

Important! This variety is cultivated in Europe and Russia, but due to low frost resistance it is not recommended to grow it in the north of our country, for example, in the Far East or Siberia.

IN middle lane he feels good, but due to severe frosts he may freeze out.

In order to overcome this disadvantage, attempts have been made repeatedly to zone this variety. In addition, domestic breeders have developed a clone variety called Melba red. It is more resistant to frost and is also not afraid of scab. It is worth noting that the fruits of this variety are somewhat larger than their ancestor and can reach a weight of 200 g. To buy seedlings of the Melba variety, you will need the apple tree in the photo. Having a photograph of such a tree with you, you can easily distinguish it from a clone or similar varieties. In addition, you need to know the description of this variety well so as not to make a mistake with the choice of planting material.

Description of Melba apple trees

If you decide to have a plant such as Melba apple tree, you can easily find a description of it in specialized literature or on thematic websites. According to the generally accepted classification, a tree of this variety has a round or slightly conical shape. At the same time, the seedlings of this apple tree are completely straight, have smooth bark of a reddish tint and large leaves Green colour.

As for mature trees, their bark is brown, dark, with an orange or reddish tint. In order to be able to immediately distinguish Melba shoots from other apple trees, you will need to remember the following signs:

  • shoots are of medium length;
  • there is a weak edge;
  • the seedling has large, slightly curved, oval-shaped leaves;
  • there is a tendency to decline when large volume fruits

These apple trees bloom early and have large buds with a unique pink and purple color. In addition, the Melba apple tree is distinguished by its early entry into fruiting age and increased productivity. For example, the first fruits may appear on it already in the fourth year of life, mature apple tree can produce up to 150 kg of fruit. At the same time, you should always remember that these trees can produce an annual harvest for up to 12 years. Further bountiful harvest will alternate with a period of rest.

According to many years of observations, apples of the described variety finally ripen around the end of August. The fruits themselves are round-conical, and approximately 180 kg can be harvested from one tree. Not all varieties cultivated in Russia can boast of such yields.

The Melba apple tree also differs from other apple trees in that its apples are attached to long flexible stalks. They have thin outer skin, smooth, covered with a waxy coating, which is clearly visible against the background of the blush. It alternates in stripes and is covered with a waxy coating. These apples are light green or white. Their taste is sweet and sour.

These apples make excellent marmalades, jams or purees, while fresh fruits can be stored for up to 100 days, which makes this variety simply ideal for transportation. It is also worth noting that special conditions These apples do not require storage. It will be enough for you to simply create a lower temperature in order to store the crop all winter.

Varieties of Melba

A plant such as the Melba apple tree has several varieties. This indicates that the variety is very popular, since it was decided to create several other varieties and varieties on its basis. In addition, breeding work on them was carried out in order to overcome some of the disadvantages of this type of apple tree. For example, these include:

  • poor resistance to scab;
  • tendency to freeze.

Currently, several varieties and hybrids are known, created on the basis of Melba, which to one degree or another overcome these disadvantages.

So, from them we can highlight:

  1. The Zavetnoye variety was bred on the basis of the Melba variety through multi-stage selection using the Saffron Pepin, Purpurovaya Ranetka, and Befler-Chinese varieties.
  2. Early aloe. This variety was bred by Russian breeders by crossing the Melba and Vesna varieties.
  3. The Red Early variety is a product of crossing Melba and Vesna.
  4. The variety of the described variety, Caravella, was created on the basis of selective crossing of Melba and Crimson Beauty. She is the brainchild of breeders from Canada.
  5. Prima variety, characterized by a high degree of resistance to scab.

There is also such a variety of apple trees as Melba's Daughter. This summer variety is very similar to its ancestor, so it is often confused with the real Melba. In contrast, it is less susceptible to freezing and is more resistant to scab. At the same time, he belongs to the so-called summer varieties, that is, the period of ripening of its fruits occurs in late summer.

This variety is mainly grown in the North-West of the Non-Chernozem Zone, and it is early-ripening, since the fruits can be collected already on the tenth day from the moment of collection. But they are poorly stored, since after a month from the moment of collection they lose all their beneficial properties and qualities.

Important! Since Melba's Daughter has a low ability to self-pollinate, it is recommended to plant it next to the “mother”.

At the same time, they will complement each other nutritionally. So, the daughter variety is perfect for immediate use, and you can store the mother variety.

In any case, both the Melba variety itself and its varieties should be selected for planting only after you have received appropriate recommendations from experienced gardeners operating in your region. The fact is that a given variety may have cultivation characteristics in different geographical areas. Therefore, you should not be surprised that in one area it gives a magnificent harvest, while in another only a couple of dozen apples grow. A good harvest can only be achieved by proper and regular tree care, which begins from the moment the seedling is planted in the ground.

How to plant seedlings correctly?

In order for Melba apple tree seedlings to take root well, it is necessary to carefully select for them land plot. The fact is that this variety loves a lot of light: if it is planted in the shade, good harvest you can't count on it. In addition, he does not like excess moisture, which occurs during the spring melting of snow or when soil water is close to each other or when there is prolonged precipitation.

If there is a risk of the above situations occurring, care will need to be taken to create a good drainage or artificial hills. Seedlings will need not only soil rich in microelements, but also one that has a high level of air permeability. It is also worth paying attention to the type of soil in which you will plant Melba. For example, peat, sand will need to be added to the same clay, and also, if excessive acidity is detected, lime or dolomite flour.

In addition, in order for the future tree to develop well, it is necessary to adhere to corresponding scheme her landings. So, for example:

  • in the case where the garden has a row arrangement, it will be necessary to maintain a distance of 8 m between rows and 3 m between seedlings;
  • when square-nest technology is used, the distance between seedlings should be approximately 7 m.

It will be necessary to add minerals and minerals to the pit in advance. organic fertilizers, which will contribute to the fastest acclimatization of the plant and its active growth.

Advice! IN mandatory By the time the seedling is planted, the soil will have to settle and organic fertilizers will have to rot. If this does not happen, the roots of the tree may suffer.

Before planting, the roots of the apple tree will need to be spread out as carefully as possible, and after the hole is filled with soil, it is necessary to ensure that the root collar is not covered with soil. Since Melba does not resist frost well, the young apple tree needs to be protected in the fall so that it can withstand frosts before falling snow covers it from them. The same spruce branches can perfectly cope with this role.

During the first time after planting, the apple tree will need to be subjected to a standardization procedure. It consists of removing all established buds in the spring. Later, some of them are left for fruiting. This is done in order to prevent the tree from wasting its strength on fruiting ahead of time. When the tree grows, the load on it can be regulated by tearing off the green ovaries.

This variety of apples, which we will consider today, is classified as a summer Canadian variety.

Most gardeners fell in love with the Melba apple tree variety, and not without reason, since compared to other trees, this tree, while still young, is already beginning to bear fruit.

Already by the fourth summer season From the moment the seedling is transplanted into the ground, you can safely expect the first harvest of sweet and sour fruits with a delicate, pronounced aroma.

The Melba variety has a clone, one of the common names of which is Melba Red. However, even from the photo you can see exactly what the differences are.


The first harvest can be harvested at the end of summer and the harvest time will last until mid-autumn. The taste of the fruit is pleasant, there are both sour and sweet notes.

Many are amazed by the pleasant candy aroma of apples.

If you pick the apples a little unripe and then put them in the refrigerator, they will retain their taste and freshness until the New Year!

Beneficial properties of Melba apples

Apples are wonderful chemical composition: 11% sugar, and almost one percent titratable acids. Also pectic acids – up to 10% and 13 mg/100 g of apple – the amount of vitamin C.

Apples (in particular on our territory) are the most healthy fruits. They are useful in preventing flu and colds.

Did you know that if you eat 3 apples a day, the risk of catching a cold is reduced by exactly three times?

Apples are also useful for strengthening the walls of blood vessels and normalizing the functioning of the intestinal tract. Beneficial features lies in the fact that apples are excellent absorbents against toxic substances.

In addition, do not forget that apples are a dietary product. They help get rid of extra pounds and do not harm your health. A large number of fiber regulates digestion well. A huge advantage of apples is the lack of fat.

Pros and cons of the Melba apple tree variety


  • Always a great harvest;
  • They begin to bear fruit in the fourth year after planting;
  • Excellent qualities and aesthetically pleasing appearance;
  • The fruits are stored for up to two months.



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