Serving methods. Table setting ideas at home: options for different occasions

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The word "serving" comes from the French servir, which means to serve and has two meanings:

  1. Preparing the table for breakfast, lunch, dinner, tea (arranging dishes in a certain order),
  2. A set of items intended for this purpose (dishes, table linen, etc.).

Table setting is one of the main elements of the interior of the hall and has great importance to create a good mood among guests.

The main requirements for table setting at present are the following: simplicity, practicality, coordination with the interior of the room, and compliance with the food served. Along with this, much attention is paid to the aesthetic orientation of table setting: shape, color, design of dishes; the color of the tablecloth and napkins; compliance with its service topic, use national characteristics and etc.

Table setting, as well as the whole process of serving guests, is ceremonial in nature and is distinguished by its many options, but it is based on general rules that are determined by the national organization of work of service personnel, as well as the need to provide maximum convenience to consumers.

Basic rules for table setting

Table setting is carried out in a certain sequence: the table is covered with a tablecloth, then plates are placed, cutlery is laid out, glasses, napkins, and spice utensils (menage) are placed. Each serving element should have a specific place on the table.

Covering the table with a tablecloth. This operation is performed so that the ironed central seam of the tablecloth is located on the axis of the table and both sides of it are at the same level from the floor.

The edges of the tablecloth should fall equally on all sides by at least 25 cm, but not lower than the seat of the chair. A smaller descent gives the table an unaesthetic appearance, a larger one is inconvenient for those sitting. The corners of the tablecloth should go down along the table legs, covering them, and be at a distance of 35–40 cm from the floor.

When covering a table with two tablecloths, the first is laid on the far side of the table (in relation to the main entrance to the hall), the second is placed on top of the first with the side on which the edge was previously turned inward so that a straight line is formed.

Table setting with plates

Depending on the type of service, a small dining room, snack or dessert plate is placed opposite the guest’s chair. The distance from the plate to the edge of the table top should be approximately 2 cm. The emblem or design, if any, on the plate should be facing the guest.

At banquet serving The snack plate is placed on top of the shallow dining table. In this case, it is advisable to place a napkin between them, but so as not to cover the emblem.

The pie plate is placed on the left side of the main one (small dining room or snack bar) at a distance of 10–15 cm from it, depending on the number of cutlery (forks) to be placed later.

There are various options for placing a pie plate in relation to a small dining room or snack bar.

When placing the plate on the table, take it large and index fingers, which pull in one direction along the side, the remaining fingers only support it.

Table setting with cutlery. Cutlery is placed to the right and left of the central (small dining room, snack or dessert) plate: knives are placed on the right, with the blade facing the plate, forks on the left, teeth up.

Table setting begins with knives

They must be placed on the right side of the plate, placed in the direction from left to right: tablevyy, fish, snack bar. It is customary to place forks on the left side of the plate, placing them in the direction from right to left: table, fish, diner. The guest uses the cutlery in the reverse order while eating.

The butter knife is placed on the right side of the pie plate. The tablespoon is always placed on the right side, with the indentation facing up.

Dessert cutlery is placed behind the plate (small table or snack bar) in the following order (from the plate to the center of the table): knife, fork, spoon. When setting the table with a dessert plate, dessert utensils are placed to the left (fork) and to the right (knife) of it. Often, when serving, only one of the dessert utensils is placed or in pairs - a spoon and fork, a knife and a fork. The cutlery is placed at a short distance from the plate, and next to each other, but so that they do not touch.

The following guest places are served at a distance of 70–80 cm (from the center of the main plate).

Table setting with glasses

The glasses are placed in last resort, holding them by the leg or bottom edge. The glass that is placed first is called the main one. This is usually a water glass and can be placed centrally behind the plate or moved to the right until the top edge of the plate intersects the end of the first knife.

Then the remaining glasses are installed. In this case, there are three ways to arrange them: in length, in a semicircle and in a block, but with any of them you must adhere to next rule: lower glasses are placed in front of higher ones (the “organ pipes” principle). This makes pouring drinks easier.

Today there is a tendency to reduce the number of glasses. Even at the most formal dinners, one glass (universal) or two are placed - a glass for water and a glass for wine (universal). All subsequent glasses are served additionally, if necessary, with the corresponding dishes. Beer glasses are usually placed next to the appliances in homes, but in restaurants they are served only upon order.

Setting the table with napkins

Linen napkins are placed on a snack or dessert plate, paper napkins are placed in special stands and vases. It is possible to place the napkin on the pie plate or directly on the tablecloth between the cutlery (knife and fork). Various options folding napkins are shown in Figure 1.

1 – envelope, 2 – book, 3 – “into space”, 4 – cap, 5 – crown, 6 – umbrella, 7 – double crown, 8 – cap
Figure 1 - Options for folding napkins


Finally, salt, spices and seasonings are placed on the table. At mass service During the daytime, salt and pepper can be placed on the table. In other cases, it is recommended to add only salt when serving; other spices and seasonings are served with the appropriate dishes or at the request of consumers.

Characteristics of different types of table settings

Preliminary table setting. This is done before guests arrive. Daytime service (breakfast, lunch) includes snack bar and pie plates, cutlery (knife and fork; knife, fork, spoon), cutlery, wine glass, linen napkin, a device with spices.

In the evening (dinner), it is necessary to supplement the serving with snack utensils and remove the tablespoon. You can put dessert cutlery.

When setting the table for serving tea or coffee, the tea (coffee) saucer is placed to the right of the main plate at the level of its upper edge. The cup is placed on the saucer with the handle to the right. The tea (coffee) spoon is placed on the saucer to the right of the cup parallel to its handle.

Additional table setting. It is carried out at the time of serving guests after receiving an order for a particular dish. May include all utensils, utensils and drink glasses needed to serve custom-made meals.

Service methods

Depending on the number of serving guests, the class and equipment of catering establishments (restaurants, bars), various methods service. The most common are the French, English, American and Russian service methods. All methods of service use the labor of waiters.

French service.This type of service is common in haute cuisine restaurants, where it emphasizes the elegance of the service. French service is considered the most impressive and expensive in the world. A large dish with food laid out on it is shown to the guests. This takes into account visual perception a person of beautifully served food, which undoubtedly stimulates the appetite.

Approaching from the left side, the waiter places food from the dish onto the guests' plates. French view The service can be used both when serving individual guests and a large company.

English service(service from side table). In this method, the waiter places food on the guest's plate on a side table, then serves it from the right side. This type of service is labor intensive and is therefore only recommended for serving a limited number of guests (4-6).

American service.Food is prepared and plated directly in the kitchen. The waiters serve and place plates to the guests. This type is popular due to its simplicity and efficiency.

German service.The food is laid out on a large dish and placed on the table at an accessible distance from the guest so that he can serve himself.

Russian service. Food is served on a service platter. The waiter divides it into portions in front of the guests, then the guests themselves put these portions on plates.

Proper serving cutlery and appropriate decoration can create at the table special atmosphere, in which even the simplest homemade dish will be perceived as a culinary masterpiece.

For a real housewife the ability to set a table is no less important than the presence of culinary talents. Proper serving is a sign of attention and respect for those sitting at the table, as well as an indicator of the taste of the hostess herself.

Where to begin?

Before you start serving, you need to carefully plan and think through everything. You should definitely take into account the number of guests and the menu - the type and number of dishes determines what cutlery will be used.

First of all, a carefully ironed tablecloth is laid on the table. They cover it in such a way that the corners cover the legs of the table, and the edges hang down from the table by 25-30 cm. The edge of the tablecloth should not fall below the seat of the chair, so as not to cause inconvenience to those sitting.

To prevent dishes from knocking on the table, you can place them under the tablecloth. soft cloth(for example, fleece).

Even the most expensive and beautiful tablecloth should not be covered with oilcloth on top as a precaution - etiquette does not allow this. But purchasing and laying a Teflon tablecloth on the table is not forbidden.

The Teflon coating of this tablecloth does not allow spilled drinks and grease to be absorbed into the material, so they can be easily removed with a sponge. After removing the liquid, there will be no unsightly marks or wet spots left on it.

In some cases, plates or runners may be used instead of a tablecloth. The first are stands of various configurations placed under plates and cutlery. Dish plates can be plastic, bamboo, rattan, or simply paper. The second are narrow strips of fabric, spread only in the center of the table.

As for cutlery and utensils, Before installation, you need to check them for integrity(there should be no chips, cracks, rust, bent parts) and cleanliness.

To remove dust and water marks, wipe all dishes with a damp, warm towel and polish with a dry cloth.

Important! Proper table setting requires that all sets of cutlery be placed in the same order. In an informal setting, it is allowed to use different utensils for different guests. But at the same time, each individual participant in the meal must have all the cutlery from the same set.

What is it for?

There is a wide variety of serving items. Most of them are not used at home every day, but they may well be needed for organizing a banquet or festive dinner.


About 35 of their species are known. However, the most commonly used are:

  • Soup. A deep plate in which not only soups are served, but also muesli, milk with cereal or oatmeal. But broths, according to the rules, are not served in such dishes - special bowls are provided for them.
  • Table plates. They are shallow and deep. The shallow ones are used for serving main courses, and the deep ones are used to put pasta and other pasta dishes.

  • Pirozhkovaya. Bread, croutons or butter are served on it. Place it on top and slightly to the left of the main set. They put it on top small knife for oil.
  • Chill. Externally it resembles a mollusk shell. Designed for salad appetizers or oysters.
  • Fish. Slightly extended for easier handling of fish dishes.

In addition, there are caviar plates, egg plates, dessert plates, salad bowls and many others. In addition, there is also such a type of plate as a serving plate. It is placed under a plate for appetizers, soups or main courses.

According to the rules of etiquette, it may differ from the rest of the dishes (be from a different set or a different color).


The most commonly used glassware for drinks is glasses and wine glasses. They can be different in shape, volume and have various purposes, which should also be taken into account when preparing to welcome guests:

  • Classic elongated glasses with a volume of 120-200 ml are intended for champagne sparkling wines. served for refined champagnes. It must be cooled before filling.
  • The glass, slightly different from the classic one with an increased volume and a slightly narrowed neck, is served for sophisticated champagne wines. It must be cooled before filling. And fill it no more than 2/3.
  • For white wine, use glasses with an elongated bowl on a narrow stem, with a volume of 180-260 ml.
  • Red wine is poured into wider and more open glasses.
  • Cognac glasses can have a classic shape (snifters) or a tulip shape.


Over the years of evolution of the art of cooking and serving, no less than plates, cutlery has also appeared. All of them are usually divided into main and auxiliary (they are also called serving utensils).

The first ones are intended for individual use. The second is used by all participants in the meal. They are used to separate and cut dishes into portions and place them on individual plates.

The main devices, in turn, are divided into:

  • Dining rooms. They are used to eat soups and main courses. The set includes a knife 20–24 cm long, a fork and a spoon, which are 5-6 cm shorter than the knife.
  • Snack bars. Designed for appetizers and cold dishes. Consists of a knife and fork.
  • Fish. Set of slightly modified fork and knife. The fish knife is dull, in the form of a spatula. The fish fork has shortened tines.
  • Dessert. A trident fork 18-19 cm long, a small spoon and a knife with a narrow blade. Served with pies, mousses, puddings and other desserts. The dessert spoon can also be served with fried eggs and creamed berries.
  • Fruit. These include a two-pronged fork and a knife. They are used for fruit salads, melons, watermelons and unpeeled fruit desserts.

In addition, special utensils designed for specific dishes can be served (for example, a fork for oysters, sprat or lobster).

What and how to use?

The greatest difficulty is most often caused by laying out and using cutlery. A rule can help here: devices are always used in the direction from edge to center and from right to left. This means that when there is an expected change of dishes, the cutlery that lies farthest from the main plate will be used first. When in doubt, first take the device located on the right.

Arrangement rules

Serving is a whole science with centuries-old history, which has its own rules and exceptions. However, if you remember the basics, then setting the table correctly will not be difficult at all:

  • The dishes are placed on the table in a strictly defined sequence. First - earthenware and porcelain items, then - cutlery. Finally, they place objects made of glass and crystal.
  • It is necessary to lay out everything so that the closest thing is what you need first. When planning several courses, dishes and cutlery are arranged in the order in which the food will be served. At the same time, it is not necessary to pile everything on the table at once. It is enough to put the utensils intended for serving dishes for the first and second courses. Dessert sets can be arranged later - after the main ones have been removed.
  • The knife should be placed so that its blade is turned towards the dish.
  • According to etiquette, the glass (glass) should be located above the knife. If several types of glasses are used, then they are all placed side by side.
  • Forks must be placed on the left side of the plate.
  • Spoons are always located to the right of knives.
  • If you plan to serve Italian dishes, there should be a bread plate on the table.
  • If there is soup on the menu, a soup spoon is placed between the knives for appetizers and fish.

In addition, there are several more generally accepted rules governing the arrangement of individual serving items.


According to the rules, the layout of dishes should begin with the plates. In this case, they must be placed so that they are 1.5-2 cm from the edge of the table. The distance between them should be approximately the same. It is believed that dishes should be placed at intervals of 50 cm - so that those sitting at the table feel comfortable.

Plates with cutlery should be placed opposite each chair. Their number depends on the variety of the menu and the type of meal. For example, one plate will be enough for a regular snack, but two plates will be served for lunch and dinner.

Plates of smaller diameter are always placed on top of larger ones, which allows you to quickly replace them while saving space on the table.

Spoons and forks

Cutlery is laid out after the plates. They must be placed on the sides of the main plate, with the concave side facing the table.

Forks are placed on the left side, spoons and knives are on the right. A teaspoon can be placed on top.

It is important to place on the table only those devices that are really needed. Most often, for a regular meal, one knife, one fork and two spoons (for a hot dish and dessert) are enough. If necessary, this set can be supplemented with special devices.


You can place glasses behind the plates, a little to the right. When deciding on the variety of glasses, goblets and wine glasses, it is necessary to take into account the number of guests and the options for drinks offered to guests.

According to the rules, containers for drinks should be arranged from largest to smallest. At the same time, you should not place too many glasses or stacks - this will only clutter the table and may cause inconvenience to guests.

Does color matter?

Color in serving has the same importance as when decorating the interior or choosing an outfit.

Most often, the table is covered with a white tablecloth, but any other color can be used to create an unusual atmosphere. Here everything will depend on the nature of the event and the preferences of the hosts.

White tablecloth, for example, perfect option for formal dinners. It goes well with porcelain, crystal and looks elegant in any situation. Wherein White color can be easily combined with any other. A table decorated in a black and white palette will look original.

A combination of white and delicate pastel shades will help give a romantic mood to dinner or lunch. A green color will bring warm spring notes to the meal. A table setting made entirely in green will look original.

A combination of white and blue will also be beautiful, but red must be used with caution, since different conditions it can have different effects on others and influence the environment at the table.


Decor will help complete the serving and give it completeness. The main decorative element is napkins, which can be placed in a glass of water, placed next to the plates or placed on top.

For the quiet family lunch You can use large napkins; for breakfast, smaller ones.

For large celebrations and holidays, napkins can be folded in the shape of flowers or tied in an original way. The color and pattern of napkins can be absolutely any, the main thing is that it is in harmony with the overall design picture.

Sooner or later a situation may arise that best friend or a new potential partner will invite you to a posh restaurant to celebrate their next anniversary or sign an incredibly lucrative contract. For some people, such an invitation will not seem unusual, while others may simply panic before going out. What is the reason for such incomprehensible excitement? Many of us have been abroad, visited numerous restaurants, tasted a huge variety national dishes. It seems impossible to surprise us with anything. But, nevertheless, when it comes to going to a top-class restaurant, panic and incredible worries begin: how to behave, what to order, how to combine dishes with drinks, etc. But the worst thing is table setting in a restaurant - a powerful arsenal of plates, cutlery, glasses on the table. Which side should you approach from? Which fork should I grab? What a shame it would be if guests noticed your lack of education in restaurant etiquette! It's okay, everything can be fixed!


The first question that arises when you are already at the table is: “What to do with this napkin beautifully folded into an original figure?” Yes, often when setting a table in a restaurant, napkins, the patterns of which can be very complex, are very frustrating to unwrap; they look like works of art. But still, take the napkin by the free corner, pull the edge, and it will unwind. Fold it in half and place it on your lap (do not push it into the collar or neckline of a lady's dress). This wipe is designed to keep crumbs and splashes from staining your clothes. You can get your mouth wet inside napkins, then the outer part will remain clean and will not spoil your weekend suit. Never use it to wipe off lipstick.

The principle of classic serving

The second stage is the desire to figure out what to do with all the cutlery and glasses? Don’t worry ahead of time: before serving the first course, the waiter will remove everything unnecessary. All that will remain is what you need for the meal. Table setting in a restaurant, the diagram of which is presented below, is not so difficult to remember. So:

  • There is a serving plate right in front of you, which serves as a stand for a hot dish;
  • most often at the beginning of the banquet there is a plate for appetizers on it;
  • to the left of the plates (in the direction from the guest) there is a table fork, a fish fork, a snack fork;
  • to the right of the plates there is a table knife, a fish knife, a snack knife, a table spoon;
  • above the plates there is a dessert fork (with the handle pointing to the left) and a dessert spoon (with the handle pointing to the right);
  • on the left above the plates there is a container for bread (pie plate) and a butter knife on it;
  • the right space above the plates is served with a glass for water, a glass for white wine, and a glass for red wine.

If you are further at a loss, remember: first take those utensils that lie on the edges, that is, farthest from the plate. Dessert utensils will be removed and removed later during dessert service.

Studying devices

In addition to instruments classic serving, there are those that are used much less frequently. A video of table setting in a restaurant will clearly show how to use original cutlery.

Knives and forks


There are also several types of spoons:

  • lettuce, having three small teeth at the end. Used to transfer salad from a common plate to a serving plate;
  • the pouring room (ladle) is used for pouring compotes, milk, jelly and, of course, soups;
  • The spoon for salt is very small, located in the salt shaker.

shoulder blades

  • caviar spatula – similar to a scoop, used for transferring chum or granular caviar from the caviar bowl to a plate;
  • meat and vegetable dishes require a rectangular spatula when transferring;
  • hot and cold dishes are transferred from a common plate to a portioned one using a shaped spatula;
  • for pate, use a small figured spatula;
  • For cakes and pastries, use a square figured spatula.


Don't be alarmed, these are not the same forceps used in dental offices. These tongs are culinary tongs. Have you seen table settings like this in a restaurant? Pictures are included! There are:

  • snail tongs for holding the shell;
  • For baking use large pastry tongs;
  • For sugar, sweets, chocolate, small pastry tongs are used;
  • In order to crack the nuts, you need V-shaped tongs with nut indentations;
  • for ice you will need U-shaped tongs with serrated blades;
  • Asparagus tongs, offered for asparagus on the grill.


Hooks are not used to catch fish, but to remove the snail from its shell.

Glasses on the table and their purpose

The number of glasses on the table depends on what drinks will be served during the feast. Classic version– glasses for white wine, red wine, a wine glass or a glass for water.

If you plan to serve a table in a restaurant for a banquet, there can be much more glasses. How to deal with them?

Glasses are served to the right of the plates from small to large, straight or in an arc. If there are a lot of glasses, then they are served in two rows so that large glasses do not cover small ones.

Here you don’t have to worry - the waiter will fill a certain glass with the desired drink. But, nevertheless, take note:

  • a small glass is intended for vodka or strong liqueur;
  • Madeira glass - slightly larger in size than vodka - used for Madeira, port and sherry;
  • champagne glass - “flute” (“flute”, “flute”) - tall, delicate, on a thin stem;
  • glass for white wine - the edges are narrowed, the stem is high and thin (so as not to heat the cool white wine with the heat of your hand). Add white wine frequently;
  • A glass for red wine is barrel-shaped, the stem is thicker and shorter. The glass is two-thirds full;
  • glass for cognac - “brandy snifter”, spherical, narrowed at the top. Fills to the bottom;
  • glass for whiskey - “whisky”, “old fashion” - served, if desired, with ice, water, soda;
  • martini glass - “martinka” - an inverted cone on a thin stem, vermouth and martini-type cocktails are served in it.

Do's and Don'ts in a Restaurant

Setting a table in a restaurant (example photo attached) is not all you need to learn regarding restaurant etiquette. There are other rules:

  1. You cannot powder, put on makeup, or comb your hair at the table. To do this, they go to the ladies' room. You are only allowed to look in the mirror at the end of the meal.
  2. You cannot persuade your table neighbor to drink or eat more.
  3. Equipment that has fallen to the floor cannot be picked up. Pretend that nothing happened and don't hesitate to ask the waiter to bring others.
  4. The knife is held exclusively in right hand, even if you are left-handed.
  5. The spoon and fork are held parallel to the table on their way to the mouth.
  6. The soup spoon does not fill to the brim.
  7. It is not customary to tilt a plate of soup.
  8. They do not eat bread with a fork, do not bite off a whole piece, and do not spread butter on a whole piece of bread. It is correct to break off a small piece with your hand above your plate.
  9. The pate, caviar and butter are taken with a knife, placed on a plate, and only then spread on bread.
  10. Fish bones should not be spat out onto the plate; they are discreetly taken out with your hand or a fork and placed on the edge of the plate.
  11. The poultry meat is separated from the bone with a knife and eaten with a fork. It is indecent to gnaw on bones picked up by hand.
  12. You can eat some dishes with your hands: asparagus, chicken tobacco.
  13. The knife does not cut everything at once, but one by one.
  14. It is not necessary to finish a dish or finish a glass of wine.
  15. If you want to take a break to drink water, place your cutlery on the plate as you held it: fork with the handle to the left, knife with the handle to the right.
  16. If you decide to take a break from eating, stack the cutlery on the plate crosswise.
  17. Parallel stacked cutlery marks the end of the meal. In this case, the waiter will remove your plate.
  18. A coffee or teaspoon is used to stir the sugar, then it should be placed on a saucer.
  19. The drink you drink through a straw should not be sucked completely.
  20. The napkin should be left unfolded on the right side of the plate at the end of the banquet.

That's all: the basic basics of restaurant etiquette have been covered. One thing remains: calmly, without a single worry, with good mood enter a prestigious restaurant and amaze those present at the table with your intelligence and education.

Today we will talk about how to set the table beautifully and correctly, giving as an example a photo of table setting for various holidays or everyday lunches. Proper table setting says a lot about the hostess, her education and taste, because one of the basic norms of ethics is the ability to set the table, know the purpose of all cutlery and use them correctly.

Choosing a tablecloth

First of all, a tablecloth is laid on the table, it would seem that this is already clear, however, this matter has its own subtleties. The tablecloth must be absolutely clean, smoothly ironed, otherwise it will only become an indicator of your untidiness. After you set the table for her, make sure she has food everywhere. equal length, and at the same time did not hang too low, since long edges can cause inconvenience for guests, and they can also be accidentally pulled, which will be an unpleasant end to the holiday. Too long ends can be secured using fabric snaps, which often have an interesting design.

Also, the tablecloth should not be too short, otherwise it will look as if the girl was wearing a dress several sizes too large. If you don’t have a tablecloth or want to set the table in an unusual way, you can use special large napkins for each person. Please note that these are not the ones that are placed on your knees or used to wipe your mouth; they are much denser in material and have big size, since plates, cutlery, and glasses should fit on them.

Serving rules

The next step is to arrange the plates; they are placed on top of each other depending on their size and purpose. Three types are most often used: soup, snack bar, and canteen. They are placed on the tabletop in the reverse order, since the guest will start with soup, then move on to appetizers, simply removing the already used plate from above.

Knives are placed to the right of the plate, followed by spoons in order of use. Today, the number of devices and their location are not determined as strictly as before. Since the design itself plays a huge role, based on which, according to the idea, the teaspoon can be placed not at all on the plate, but, for example, next to a saucer for cakes or served only with tea. The forks are placed on the left side with the teeth up, and the earlier it should be used, the closer it is to the plates. This arrangement of cutlery not only contributes to ease of use, but also helps guests avoid confusion.

Dessert cutlery is placed behind the plate, perpendicular to how all the others are laid out. There, on the right side, there are several glasses. There must be a glass for non-alcoholic drinks: juice or mineral water. Also about 2-3 glasses, each intended for certain type alcohol.

Types of glasses

Let's start with something simple, everyone knows what a flute glass is, since traditionally, especially in New Year, champagne is poured into it. Although glasses of this shape are also suitable for sparkling wines. The main feature is the elongated upward shape, which allows the foam to rise and air bubbles to play inside the liquid.

Red wine glasses are also easily imaginable for most; they have a thin stem, a rounded bottom, are quite voluminous and taper towards the top. However, the type of glasses varies greatly depending on the type of wine, for example, wine glasses for “Burgundy” and “Montrachet” have a much larger volume, more reminiscent of a ball or pear, tapering less towards the top. However, it is quite rare that people at home and not even always in restaurants follow such subtleties.

A white wine glass has a more elongated shape, more like an oval. Typically, two types of wine glasses are placed side by side, a glass or glass for the chosen strong drink is added to them, and other glasses are brought as needed. Otherwise, the entire table will be filled exclusively with glasses of different types.

A glass for whiskey or cognac is low, with a thick bottom, widens towards the top, and has a simple, fairly spacious shape. The martini glass is shaped like an inverted triangle, so it's not at all difficult to recognize. For cocktails, use straight glasses, shot glasses or two-tier ones complex shape. If you are not decorating a bar separately, then it is better to place small saucers with lemon, lime, and olives next to the bottles.

Napkin placement options

When serving, three types of napkins are used:

  • decorative;
  • napkins spread across your lap;
  • napkins designed for wiping hands or mouth.

Napkins that are placed on your lap can be placed on top of the soup plate, folded beautifully. Thus, when a person sits down at the table, he will immediately understand what it is intended for. On top of it you can put a small card with the guest's name or a sweet short wish. You can add a miniature flower or a piece of a spruce branch to the card.

Decorative napkins are usually placed under plates, sometimes additionally and between them. They can be folded into triangles, diamonds, or overlapping so that the colors intertwine with each other. In addition, you can also put small lace napkins under candles or glasses.

The most ordinary napkins are usually located under the cutlery, or behind the plates, but only one at a time. There should be a few more napkin holders in the center so guests can easily use whatever quantity they may need.

VIDEO: How to fold napkins beautifully



Boho style decor

The “boho” style is distinguished by its brightness and abundance of various interior items and decor; it can combine dishes absolutely different styles, colors and shapes. The serving looks incredibly beautiful when all the glasses are made of different materials, some have Blue colour, some pink or green. In addition, this style is characterized by an abundance of textiles, that is, under each plate there can be several napkins also made of various materials, fringe and tassels are welcome, with which you can complement a monotonous tablecloth.

An important element is lighting; several lamps, lampshades, garlands can be placed around the table or above it, and candles can be placed on the tabletop itself different forms with unusual candlesticks or small lamps. Small frames and voluminous vases with flowers will fit interestingly into the decor. It is better to make bouquets from a mixture of wild and garden flowers, so that large heads of roses, lilies, and peonies can be seen among the abundance of greenery.

Easter table

Easter decor is truly one of the cutest, because decorating eggs, baking Easter cakes and creating little bunnies with your own hands is a favorite pastime for both children and adults. Easter table often looks stunning with baskets of colored eggs, candles and sprinkles on top of the cakes. However, this is not all that can be thought of to create a beautiful festive interior.

You can make a small basket from a bunch of branches, an egg carton or any other shape. Place napkins and lace inside (which goes very beautifully with canvas fabric and coarse craft thread). You can also complement the decor with grass and flowers, both natural and artificial. And eggs, or parts of their shells, are placed on top, from which toy chicks, hares, or again flowers can emerge.

The table can be decorated with candles of different diameters and colors; low, thick candles can be placed in shells or on varnished sections of wood. Napkins, tablecloth, color of plates and dishes are best chosen to match general decor. Below are photos of Easter table settings for inspiration.

New Year decoration

When decorating New Year's table The most commonly used colors are:

  • red;
  • green;
  • white;
  • gold.

However, it is better not to mix them together; only three colors should always be the main ones. It is better to combine gold only with white, for example, white tablecloths, beige napkins, white dishes, several of which may have a gold or black border, the pattern can also be in the form of specks. Transparent wine glasses can also be complemented with gold ribbons, white candles can be placed in golden candlesticks. You can add greenery to the bouquets; branches of lingonberries or spruce will suit the atmosphere perfectly.

Decorations made from fir branches are especially popular when serving on winter days; the photo below shows an example of how best to do this. They can be placed on the table between dishes, you can use them to decorate candles, or create a wreath in which long white candles will be inserted, which can be lit closer to midnight.

New Year or Christmas, celebrated in a red and green theme, is a classic. Checkered napkins, red tablecloth, fir cones, striped candy canes, Santa socks and white candles. This design is considered one of the most stylish and is quite traditional in America, where the New Year can be called the main holiday. You can also create a more relaxed design by placing decorations bright colors on a snow-white tablecloth.

Another amazing one color combination, just more suitable for Russia: white, blue, silver. This is where you can again use glasses and napkins of different colors. You can place small ones on the table Christmas decorations with silver glitter, for example, deer or Christmas tree.

Holiday in nature

Perhaps one of the most beautiful views The table settings are a combination of boho, rustic and natural styles. The “rustic” style implies maximum closeness to nature, which is why it mostly uses natural materials, and dishes and decor are chosen in calm natural shades. Wedding tables are often decorated in a similar decor, on which there are always many bouquets made in delicate color variations, the main elements of which are again wildflowers.

Napkins are chosen from canvas fabric and white lace, cutlery can be tied with beige lace ribbons, and glasses can also be decorated with them. An abundance of lighting is also characteristic of all three styles, however, the color variations are no longer as bright and bold as in “boho”. Often, garlands with white or yellow light bulbs are chosen, which can be hung above the table or laid out on it; they can also be hung around trees or braided around trunks.

Candles or others lighting It is not necessary to use exclusively white, but it is better to turn to pastel colors. It can be beige, light green, lilac, or soft pink - similar colors can be used throughout the interior. But again, make sure they match.

Table setting outdoors

Table setting for everyone existing rules- this is always a sign of attention from the owner of the house to his guests. Unfortunately, you don’t see a properly set table very often today, especially at home. However, table setting is a real art, mastering which, you bring beauty into your life. That is why it is so important to know the rules of table setting - in order to be able to create a festive atmosphere in your home every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and in holidays surprise your guests with fancy decor, intricately folded napkins and luxurious tableware.

Sequence of table setting

The table should be set according to next plan: tablecloth; dishes; cutlery; glasses, wine glasses, glasses; napkins; table decoration. To begin with, table setting may seem like a really complicated science to some, but after some time, when setting the table according to the rules becomes a habit, it will seem to you that this task is easier than ever!

Table setting begins with laying out a tablecloth on the table. It would seem, what could be simpler? Throw the tablecloth over the table - and it's done. Actually exist certain rules on this score.

Firstly, the tablecloth must be perfectly ironed and have a presentable appearance. There is nothing good about setting the table with a crumpled tablecloth or oilcloth. The smoothed tablecloth, or rather its corners, should fall opposite the table legs, covering them evenly. There are also requirements for the descent of the tablecloth on all sides - at least 25 cm and, in no case, lower than the seat of the chair.

Such requirements were not introduced by chance, since a tablecloth on the table that is too small looks unsightly, and if it is too large, it causes inconvenience to guests. Once you've covered the table with a tablecloth, it's time to start arranging the plates.

Types of plates

The purpose of most of the plates from the table above can be easily guessed by their name; however, there are also dishes that are not entirely obvious. A pie plate is used to serve croutons, pies or bread. The chill plate is used to serve various snack dishes, such as oysters, salads or stews. The menu plate, as you can easily guess from its shape, is used to serve several types of salads or side dishes at once. It is also used for serving fondue. Scrambled eggs are served in an egg plate, jam, preserves or honey are placed in a rosette, and a bowl is intended for serving fresh berries, jellies and fruit salads.

What kind of plates you place on the table on a holiday or weekday evening depends on the number of dishes served. Serving a two-course dinner requires one plate, and a four-course dinner requires different plates.

Naturally, the plates on your table should be perfectly clean and dry. It is advisable to polish them to a shine before serving.

According to the rules, a snack plate (see table above) is located opposite each chair. You shouldn’t put it on the very edge of the table, it doesn’t look very presentable! The pie plate is placed to the left of the diner, as you can see in the photo above.

If you are setting a table with several dishes, in this case you place small dinner plates, etc., under the appetizer plates.

Types of cutlery

  • 1,2,3,4,6,31 - spoons: coffee, tea, dessert, table, for making coffee, for ice cream;
  • 5, 7, 8, 9 — tongs: large pastry tongs, for asparagus, for ice, small pastry tongs;
  • 10 - device for trimming cigars;
  • 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 26 - forks: lemon, lemon, cocotte, fish, dessert, dessert, snack, snack, table fork for main courses;
  • 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 25 - knives: for second fish courses, dessert, dessert, snack, snack, table knife for main courses;
  • 24 - ladle;
  • 27, 28, 29, 30 — blades: pastry, for pate, for fish, caviar;

After arranging the plates, you should immediately lay out all the necessary cutlery. Knives are placed to the right of the plates, forks to the left. A tablespoon is placed near the knife. For a multi-course holiday dinner, the utensils should be laid out as follows, starting to the right of the plate: table knife, fish knife and appetizer knife. On pie plate you put down the butter knife. If first courses are intended to be served, a soup spoon is placed between the diner and the fish knives. If fish is not included on the holiday table, a tablespoon is placed instead of a fish spoon. To the left of the plates are forks corresponding to knives in the same order in which the knives are laid out: table, fish, diner.

Also, cutlery should not be piled on top of each other; the distance between forks and spoons should be about 1 cm.

Table setting: glasses, wine glasses, glasses

To the right, behind the plates, we place the glasses from largest to smallest. Depending on what drinks will be served on the table, glasses for water, white/red wine, champagne, a glass for juice, a glass for spirits and glasses are sequentially displayed. When displaying glasses, you should hold them by the stem to avoid leaving fingerprints on the glasses themselves.

Table setting: napkins

Which one festive table no napkins? Napkins are not only a wonderful table decoration, but also a very practical thing. Napkins come in linen and paper. Cloth napkins are not intended for wiping your hands or face; there are disposable paper napkins for this purpose. Fabric napkins good housewives usually beautifully decorated for guests to place on their laps.

Table decor

Regardless of whether you are having a holiday dinner or a daily breakfast, a properly set table involves decorating it with flower arrangements, vases with fruit, the same fabric napkins, dishes with bright vegetables, etc.


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