Urgent help for a plant: how to revive a money tree at home? Money tree - what to do if leaves fall.

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Flower growers who prefer not to suffer from the complex care of ornamental and exquisite plants opt for the Crassula. Among people it is indoor plant called the money tree. It is loved for its ease of care and evergreen leaf color. But, despite its unpretentiousness, it can also get sick.

The main problems that the owner of such a plant may encounter are red or limp leaves. Each of them is worth considering in more detail.

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    A little about the Crassula

    • Money Tree;
    • Crassula;
    • monkey tree;
    • fat woman

    The tree comes from South Africa.

    Crassula is a perennial evergreen. This is a tree with a woody trunk and thick fleshy leaves. Under natural conditions in its homeland, the money tree can reach a height of 3 meters. IN room conditions the plant does not grow for more than one and a half years.

    Since ancient times, it has been believed that the Crassula brings good luck to financially. But it is worth remembering that when purchasing a plant that has already been grown by someone, you should not count on it. You should grow Crassula yourself from a small sprout, caring for and caring for the plant. Every piece of paper should not be neglected.

    During the growth period, the emerging lateral shoots are removed, which helps in the future to form an even, strong trunk. After the plant reaches the desired height, you can begin to form a crown, leaving only the main shoots.

    According to many gardeners, the fat woman does not like unnecessary care, and they advise leaving him alone. But still, every owner needs to know the basic rules of tree care and preferences.

    After all, a lot of troubles can happen to a money talisman, the most common of which are:

    • withered leaves;
    • reddening of foliage;
    • leaf fall;
    • rotting of the root system.

    It is important to know what to do and how to quickly deal with problems so that your favorite tree will delight you with its green beauty and bring good luck in financial matters.

    Why does the Crassula's foliage turn red?

    The main reason that causes red leaves to appear is bright sunlight. This is the most likely reason why the leaves of the money tree gradually turn red. Surprisingly, the plant’s homeland is arid and hot Africa and Madagascar. But still, the fat woman does not tolerate direct bright sun rays. Initially, redness may form on the edges of the leaves, and then all the leaves will become a similar shade.

    In some cases, the leaves may not only turn red, but also begin to shrivel and wither. Often the foliage becomes soft before falling. Already at this stage, you should sound the alarm and begin to revive the plant.

    Most often, this condition is caused by careless movement of the pot. This is exactly how the money tree will react if it first gets used to being located in pleasant partial shade, and then suddenly moves to the windowsill, where it will constantly receive direct sunlight.

    The appearance of redness indicates sunburn.

    There are times when the leaves turn red with inside. This condition will be caused by a slightly different reason. It's worth checking the ground. Typically, redness below appears due to insufficient watering. Despite the fact that the fat plant tolerates drought easily, it still prefers moderate, regular watering. There is no need to explain what to do in this case, everything is clear.

    Plant restoration

    To restore the original appearance of the leaves, you can do two things:

    1. 1 Move the plant to another place where there is no direct sunlight.
    2. 2 When there is bright light, cover the window with a curtain or gauze.

    And after some time, the owner will notice that the tree has turned green again and restored its original healthy color. But if the leaves not only turn red, but also wither, then you should take treatment more seriously. Here, one rearrangement will not be enough. It will also be necessary to fertilize with fertilizer or biostimulant, which will speed up recovery. It is also important to water in a timely manner. In normal weather, the plant should be watered once a week; if it is too hot in the house and outside, then twice.

    Why do leaves wither and fall off?

    There are too many reasons for this condition. If the leaves wither and dry out, then most likely the problem is high temperature and exposure of leaves to sunlight.

    It is worth noting that the plant copes best with heat on fresh air. Therefore, after the end of frost and normalization temperature regime you can safely send it out into the fresh air until autumn. It is very important that the plant is not exposed to heavy rain outside. From large quantity moisture root system may begin to rot, which over time will cause the leaves to wither, turn pale and fall off.

    In such cases, you cannot do without replanting the plant. All soil is removed from the roots and replaced with fresh soil. The roots themselves should be carefully checked for rot and all damaged areas should be removed.

    Causes of the problem

    The fat woman herself signals her owners about her problems and illnesses. It's important to be careful. This is primarily manifested by the condition of the foliage. If leaves begin to fall, then it is worth taking action. The money tree may be the first sign of trouble. soft leaves, and then their fall.

    Most often, leaves fall off due to extreme heat or excessive watering. The tree does not really like wet soil. The soil should be slightly moistened, so in summer, despite the heat, you should not get carried away with watering. It will be enough to carry it out after 2-3 days. But it is best to focus on the condition of the soil.

    During heating season Falling leaves can be caused by a lack of air humidity. Always in winter period the plant slows down its growth, fewer fresh leaves appear on it. They don't grow much and remain small and thin. It is very important to preserve mature leaves, this can be done by regular misting to replenish moisture from the outside of the plant, preventing the tree from wilting. The water should first be left standing for some time so that it becomes room temperature. Too cold or hot water may have a negative effect on foliage.

    It is very important to monitor the moderate temperature regime; if possible, you should avoid high temperatures.

    At night, the money tree, like a person, prefers to be in a well-ventilated, cool room.

    The leaves of the tree are thick, strong and large

    This state of the plant is the dream of every owner, but it is he who should try to ensure that the fat plant always looks like this. There is a belief among people that the condition of the leaves of a money tree can be used to judge the amount of money the owner has. Therefore, for your financial well-being, it is important to create everything the necessary conditions for a plant.

    If you follow simple rules, the money tree will not turn red and crumble.

    Here are a few simple rules, which will help organize proper care of the tree:

    • First of all, ensure moderate watering. Before watering again, you should let the soil dry out. The tree will not grow if there is a tray filled with water under the pot.
    • When replanting, the root system should be completely freed from the ground. Check their condition and trim off any rotten areas.
    • When feeding, you should use preparations designed for fertilizing cacti and other succulents.
    • The pot should have good drainage.
    • The ground where the fat plant is to grow must contain brick chips, sand, and crushed coal. This composition will protect the roots from rotting.
    • Spraying is carried out with settled warm water.
    • The lighting of the tree should be sufficient, but without direct sunlight hitting the foliage. Best place in winter time can become a window sill in the southeast of the house.
    • The money talisman should be sent out into the fresh air for the summer.
    • In winter, you should not place the flower near heating devices. He needs coolness with temperatures ranging from +18 to +24.

    On good care the plant will respond with the beauty of its foliage.

    Crassula, or Crassula - tree plant Crassulaceae family, which has about 300 species. Most of the wild species are found in South Africa. Cultivated succulents are grown in apartments and greenhouses. Indoor view Crassula - Crassula portulata, popularly called the “money tree”, is a short tree with a thick stem and round, fleshy, glossy leaves that look like coins.

    Crassula is one of the unpretentious indoor crops, resistant to diseases and pests. He rarely gets sick, and diseases most often arise due to improper care behind the crassula. The main symptoms that something is wrong with the plant are softening, yellowing and falling of the leaves, and the appearance of spots on them.

    Did you know? It is popularly believed that the more beautiful and healthy the money tree, the more massive its stem and leaves, the more more money it can attract people to the home where it lives.

    The main reasons why the money tree may be sick are: overwatering, lack of light and unacceptable temperature conditions. So, if you notice that the leaves of your plant have become soft, most likely you have flooded it. In this case, the fat woman should immediately provide first aid, eliminate the cause of the disease and begin treatment immediately.

    To do this, you need to remove it from the pot and perform a thorough inspection of the root system. If a small number of rotten roots are found, they are removed. All leaves affected by rot are also trimmed. If most of the roots have rotted, they are removed surgical method. The rhizome is washed under water. Then the roots and leaves with signs of rotting are cut off with a knife. The sections are sprinkled with charcoal.

    The plant is transplanted into new pot with a new substrate. Water with carbendazim solution. Then they place it in a bright place, avoiding direct sunlight on the plant. Careful watering begins only after the tree comes to its senses. In the future, try to ensure that the soil under the fat plant is not waterlogged.

    Important! If all the roots are affected by rot, they are soft and dark, then it is too late to save the plant. It will also not be possible to revive a tree with signs of rotting at the base of the trunk.

    There are several reasons why Crassula sheds its leaves. This may be a natural process. It is normal for the money tree to shed its leaves once every two years. If leaf fall occurs more often, then pay attention to the soil moisture; most likely, you are over-moistening it.

    Watering cold water- another reason for leaf falling.

    Important! Crassula needs to be watered with warm, settled water..

    Another reason for dropping leaves is a lack of moisture. This can be especially true during hot and dry summers. Pay attention to the soil: if it is dry, if there is a hard crust on the surface, especially for a long time, this can lead to the leaves on the Crassula beginning to dry out and soon fall off.

    If the fat plant receives the wrong lighting, it is often burned by direct sunlight, it will give you a hint by turning the leaves red and quickly falling off.

    Black circles on leaves

    More serious damage to leaves from the sun's rays are burns, which appear as black circles. In this case, the plant must be placed in a new, illuminated place where the sun will not burn it. Affected leaves will need to be removed.

    Crassula withers, turns yellow and dries out

    Such manifestations most likely indicate that the money tree is hot. Most often this can happen in summer period. At such times, Crassula will feel best in the fresh air, so it will be better if you move it to a balcony, loggia, terrace, or courtyard for the summer. This can be done in the spring. With one condition - the place should be bright, but not in direct sunlight.

    Why doesn't the fat plant grow?

    If you notice that your money tree has stopped growing, there may be three reasons:

    Did you know? The money tree is an unsafe plant due to the arsenic content in its leaves.

    Sometimes the fat woman can roll over on one side and fall. This happens because the root system of the plant does not grow very deep. When planting Crassula, you need to choose wide, but not deep containers. For stability, you can sprinkle the soil with a layer of pebbles.

    Crassula leaves have red-brown or yellowish spots

    Brown, brown and white spots on Crassula leaves indicate that the plant is infected with a fungal disease. Treatment of a fungal infection at the initial stage must be carried out with fungicides, strictly following the instructions for use of the drug.

    The shield represents small insect(up to 5 mm), covered on top with a shield similar to a turtle shell. They settle on the leaves, trunks and petioles of the plant. When affected by this pest, the fat plant quickly weakens. The leaves first become spotted, then turn yellow and fall off. If treatment is not started in time, the plant may be lost.

    There are yellowish spots on the leaves of the Crassula, a cobweb is visible between the leaves

    Given the nature of the stains and the presence of cobwebs, suspicion should fall on spider mite, another enemy of the fat woman. These are microscopic insects (0.3-0.6 mm) red in color with eight legs (although color can be variable). They lay their offspring in the web. They feed on the contents of plant cells.

    The result of mite pests is a deterioration in the condition of the money tree and a decrease in its immunity. In addition, spider mites are dangerous because they are carriers of diseases, such as gray rot.

    A good way to prevent the appearance of this pest on the Crassula is to regularly spray the tree and maintain high humidity indoor air. To combat this pest, treatment with a soap solution and the preparations “Akktelik”, “Fitoverm”, “Aktofit”, etc. is used.

    A white coating on the fat plant may indicate that the plant is infected with a mealybug, or the appearance of a fungus. In the second case, one of the symptoms is the appearance of a mold smell.

    Reference. The plaque can be localized in the axils of the leaves, resembling small pieces of cotton wool, on the trunk, between the leaves or on them themselves.

    Improper watering

    Upon careful examination the grower may notice a white coating in the area of ​​the root collar. This, as a rule, is preceded by the appearance of lethargy of the leaves, their flattening, and the trunk begins to lean toward the ground.

    This happens due to excessive watering, which is unacceptable for the money tree, combined with dense, heavy soil and lack of drainage.

    Mealybug or mildew

    Mealybug is small insect, only a few millimeters in size, sucking plant juice. When a pest attacks a plant, first small white lumps appear along the edges of the leaves, then sticky spots form, and white fluff appears on the trunk and in the axils of the leaves.

    Symptoms of the appearance of mealybugs, in addition to white deposits, are slow growth of Crassula, falling leaves and curvature of shoots.

    Powdery mildew is a microscopic fungus that quickly covers the leaves of a plant. The lesion visually looks like a white coating. The disease is dangerous due to the speed of its development. If action is not taken quickly, the plant will die.

    A favorable environment for the development of the disease is an increased level of humidity in the room. and sudden changes in temperature. Towards the emergence powdery mildew Excessive fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers and calcium deficiency can also result.

    How to get rid of the problem and what treatment to choose?

    What to do if the plant is covered with plaque white?

    If watering was incorrect

    When a plant has suffered from an incorrectly chosen watering regime, it must be urgently transplanted into a new container.

    The procedure is carried out according to the following scheme:

    1. The plant is carefully removed from the old pot.
    2. The old soil is carefully removed so as not to disturb the roots.
    3. The roots are carefully examined.
    4. If the root system is partially rotten, the damaged areas are removed with a sharp sterile knife.
    5. The soil is completely replaced with a new substrate for succulents.

    Important! To make it easier for Crassula to recover after partial removal roots, you can irrigate with the introduction of the drug Epin.

    If there are mealybugs

    You can defeat the pest on Crassula using soapy water. To prepare a safe solution, it is recommended to use either laundry soap or baby soap; it contains the least amount of additives and practically no perfume composition.

    This must be done carefully, because infected leaves are weakened and can easily fall off. The substrate must be covered with cellophane during spraying. To achieve results, the procedure must be carried out within ten days. The fat woman will accept this method with gratitude, as it is absolutely harmless and effective.

    To prevent the appearance of mealybugs, you can use infusions of garlic or tobacco, or a decoction of cyclamen tubers. It is recommended to carry out such treatments 3-4 times a month. If the infestation is strong enough and the plant has been under the control of the pest for a long time, rescue will require the use of chemicals, such as:

    • Fitoverm;
    • Aktara;
    • Spark "Double Effect".

    Important! Both the plant and the soil need to be treated with chemicals.

    If you constantly carry out preventive inspection for timely detection of plant infection, then the use of chemicals for treatment can be avoided. It is better to prevent diseases using environmentally friendly methods - treating the money tree with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, tinctures of calendula or yarrow.

    Only competent care is the key to the healthy development of the plant.

    The tree, which is called the money tree, in science has an intricate name - Crassula oval, it is also called Crassula. This plant can safely be considered one of the hardiest indoor flowers. It has fleshy leaves and a thick stem that stores water, which helps the plant survive when it is forgotten to water. Crassula symbolizes wealth and joy of life, and what other proof is needed to have such a miracle flower at home? But there come periods when the tree sheds its leaves. Why is this happening?

    How to help the plant? Let's figure this out together. So, money tree: leaves wither and fall off - what to do?

    The plant is native to arid Africa.

    Crassula has several names: “Monkey Tree”, “Zhiryanka”, “Crassula”, but the most common name is the one we will discuss - “Money Tree”. Latin name"Crassus" means "fleshy", "thick". The plant's homeland is Africa and Australia.

    This is a perennial and evergreen plant in the form of a tree with a thick trunk that becomes woody over time, with many fleshy leaves resembling coins. At home it reaches 1.5 m, and in nature it is found up to 3 m in height.

    You should not buy a money tree that has already been grown by someone. This will not bring the desired effect and benefit. You need to grow a tree yourself from a cutting, take care of it, love it. Work on the crown of the flower should begin with a small sprout. The tree grows, pleasing the eye and touching the soul, and we carefully remove the side shoots. Once the trunk reaches the desired height, we leave several branches and continue the formation of the crown.

    Our money tree is unpretentious plant, it does not like a lot of care. As they say experienced flower growers: “Leave the plant alone.” But it’s still worth knowing and following the basic rules of caring for it.

    The most common trouble that can happen to our tree is the falling of leaves. Let's try to understand the reasons why the money tree sheds its leaves and find out what to do in such a situation.

    Why do the leaves fall off the money tree?

    Let's look at the reasons that lead to the money tree shedding its leaves:

    • Excessive watering - the leaves then fall green. This is the most common cause of money tree defoliation. Crassula is a succulent plant, and it is capable of accumulating moisture in the leaves, so its excess will only be harmful.
    • Infrequent watering - the leaves turn yellow, wither, and curl. This means that you should not expose the plant to drought: it is important to maintain the correct watering regime.
    • Scorching sun. When exposed to direct sunlight, the leaves heat up and become covered brown spots, fall. The money tree is a light-loving plant, but it is simply contraindicated for it to be exposed to direct sun for a long time.
    • Irrigation water is at the wrong temperature. It is important to remember that the water must be settled. Cold water from the tap poses a great danger to your pet.
    • Oversaturation of the soil with mineral fertilizers.
    • Abrupt climate changes. You should not expose the flower to various stresses, for example, moving it from a warm sunny place in a cool corner or draft.
    • The propagation period of the money tree is carried out through the leaves. The fat woman tries to throw off absolutely healthy leaves in order to send out young shoots. In this case, there is no need to worry.
    • Aging of the Crassula. This is a natural process when an older money tree sheds its leaves.

    What should you do if your money tree's leaves fall?

    In order for the plant to delight you with its lush and luxurious crown, when caring for it you need to take into account the following nuances:

    • Moderate watering. Before thoroughly watering the soil in the summer, the soil should dry out a little. A money tree and a pan of water are incompatible concepts. In winter, the soil should be slightly damp to prevent the leaves from drying out.
    • You need to feed the fat plant in moist soil. This affects absorption useful substances. Use fertilizers intended for cacti and succulents.
    • Transplanting a money tree into new soil must be carried out strictly according to the rules: we free the roots from the old soil, cut off the already rotten ones.
    • Soil must be purchased with the obligatory addition of brick chips, crushed coal, sand to increase resistance to root rot. Need to do good drainage- Expanded clay is best suited, which should be laid out in a layer of approximately 2-3 cm.
    • The money tree should be sprayed with settled warm water.
    • It is important to provide the money tree with good lighting, especially in winter. The best place for installing the fat plant - these are south-eastern window sills. The sun will warm the tree in the morning, but will not “fry” it all day. In summer you can take it out money talisman to fresh air.
    • To prevent the leaves from falling and the tree from withering, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime: from +18 to +24 C. In winter, it is better for the fat plant to be in a cool place; you should not arrange the flower near heating devices.

    So, we already know what kind of miracle talisman this is. We got acquainted with the rules for caring for him, determined the factors influencing his growth and development. Now let's look at the main function of the money tree - increasing capital and caring for the well-being of the family.

    Florists give the following tips on attracting wealth and good luck to your home with the help of a money tree:

    • when planting a flower, place a coin in the soil;
    • place three coins of different denominations in the tray under the pot;
    • hang coins on ribbons on a tree;
    • talk to your favorite flower: say kind, affectionate words, compliments, ask for help for your financial well-being.

    We hope that our tips for caring for a money tree will help you grow and preserve such a miraculous flower that will delight the eye and warm the soul. And then the well-being of your home is guaranteed!

    Growing and caring for it is easy even for novice gardeners. But sometimes it requires increased attention. Flower growers often complain about white coating, which appeared on the trunk or leaves. What could cause this and how to get rid of the problem?

    Crassula tree - herbaceous plant, which grows in the form of a tree. This plant is a succulent. Its succulent trunk and leaves accumulate a supply of moisture necessary for the life of the plant. The leaves are round and coin-shaped. This is the reason for one of the names of the plant. The color of the leaves is dark green, sometimes with a reddish tint. Under natural conditions it blooms with inconspicuous cream flowers. At home it practically does not bloom.

    The money tree is an unpretentious indoor plant.

    It reproduces easily and does not require special care. But some growing conditions must be observed. This:

    • Wide and shallow pot
    • Availability of drainage.
    • Loose soil.
    • Abundant, but not frequent watering.

    Drainage height for young plant should be at least 2 cm. Buy soil for growing succulents or prepare it yourself, combining turf soil, humus and leaf soil, a little clay to retain moisture, charcoal. Such soil is not compressed in the pot, squeezing the roots and preventing moisture from passing into the pan.

    The money tree needs to be watered abundantly, but rarely. Succulents store moisture long time. Watering too frequently can cause root rot. If you follow these simple conditions, then there should not be any special problems with the money tree. But still, you shouldn’t ignore it. Owners often complain about a white coating covering parts of the plant.

    White plaque on the money tree - what does it mean?

    Some gardeners, upon careful examination, notice a white-pink coating in the area of ​​the root collar. This is often preceded by a change in the turgor of the leaves and stem. They become sluggish and flat, the trunk may bend. Over time, the plaque spreads to other parts of the plant. Silvery dots appear on the leaves.

    This usually occurs when heavy watering is combined with dense, heavy soil or lack of drainage. The plant is affected by fusarium rot. At the same time, the roots rot, which can lead to the death of the plant.

    A white coating can form on the trunk, between the leaves or stems of the money tree.

    It may be a consequence of the activity of spider mites. In addition to white-yellow spots on the leaves, you can notice a white cobweb. A white coating, similar in consistency to cotton wool, may form in the axils of the leaves. This is a sign that a mealybug has settled on the plant.

    Determining the cause of the appearance of white plaque can sometimes be difficult. Especially if the trunk and leaves have not yet lost their strength. You can determine the cause by smell. If a plant is affected by Fusarium rot, the plaque has a moldy smell.

    To make it easier to identify the cause, knead the plaque with your fingers.

    If during this operation the smell of mold is heard, treat the plant with fungicides. These can be Fundazol, Fungicide. In this case, the money tree needs to be urgently transplanted into a new container.

    Carefully remove the plant from the old pot. They remove everything old land. Inspect the roots. If some of them are rotten, cut off the damaged parts to a living area with a sterile sharp knife. Completely change the soil, replacing it with a substrate for succulents. In order for the plant to take root faster and easily tolerate replanting and removal of part of the roots, soak the roots in the root formation stimulator Kornevin. To help the money tree recover as quickly as possible, water it with Epin’s solution.

    If the smell of mold is not detected, look for traces of the presence of pests:

    • When affected by spider mites, treat the plant with insecticides. These may be Fitoverm, Fufanon, Aktara, Intavir. You need to process it outside or non-residential premises. After a week, the treatment is repeated.
    • In an apartment, you can treat mealybugs or spider mites with an infusion of tobacco or garlic, or a solution of laundry soap. Use a soft paint brush, which will not damage the fabric, but will help remove pests and accumulations of cotton-like substance. Before this, parts of plants damaged by scale insects are removed. They examine other plants on which it can also live. If this is not done, the pest may re-settle on money tree.

    Sometimes there can be several reasons for plaque. If pests, one or more species, have settled on a plant affected by fusarium rot, in addition to the above measures, it is necessary to treat the roots of the plant with a very weak solution of potassium permanganate during replanting.

    More information on how to properly care for a money tree can be found in the video:


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