DIY wooden rack. How to properly and easily make a wooden rack with your own hands? DIY shelving options

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IN household Over time, so many necessary things accumulate that the existing lockers are sorely lacking. This problem is especially acute for owners small houses and apartments. A rack will help out - a universal shelf structure of any size and for every taste. Wood-polymer composite, which you will need, we recommend ordering it on the website

Since you can put it absolutely anywhere: in the nursery, in the office, in the garage, etc., there are an endless number of manufacturing options. The design of any rack includes vertical frames, crossbars and shelves. You can build a simple rack yourself in the basement for storing jars with blanks or in the garage so that all the available tools are neatly stored on the shelves. In addition to convenience and aesthetic appearance, the rack also significantly saves space.

Of course, you can install it in the basement simple frame with shelves, and this will be enough, but to decorate home interior, you'll have to try. In rooms with high humidity(in the basement, garage) the use of metal will be more rational and practical, and wood is better used in dry rooms. Even when treated with an antiseptic, wood will not survive long in conditions of constant dampness. Preference is given to natural wood (pine, mahogany, oak), laminated chipboard is suitable, OSB board and plywood.

Chipboard rack with dimensions
Photo of a rack made of OSB boards

The dimensions of the rack depend on its purpose, the design depends on desires home handyman. It is convenient when the structure is built up to the ceiling: the storage area increases and it will be possible to attach the rack to the ceiling for greater stability and reliability.

For “weighty” items: books, dishes, jars of pickles, the optimal shelf depth is 25 cm, for light items – up to 50 cm. You should not make the shelves wider, as it will be difficult to reach items placed against the wall. The length of the shelves also depends on the load: for light items they can be made up to 1.5 m, but for storing heavy items you will have to limit yourself to 90 cm, otherwise the shelves may bend or even break.

Rack drawing with approximate dimensions

You will definitely need a drawing in order to beautifully and correctly plan the position of the shelves, taking into account the weight of the items that will be laid out on the shelves. The distance between them is from 30 to 60 cm; You can make the lower shelf higher if large items will be stored there. The top shelves are for boxes with light items.

Scheme for making an indoor rack for aquariums

Types of racks

The simplest standard rack consists only of shelves and side racks; it has no side or back walls.

Much more interesting are lattice racks of various configurations: they combine sizes that form original horizontal, vertical and diagonal weaves.

In the photo there is a rack from water pipes

Such racks can not only be installed on the floor, but also hung on the wall on hooks. The asymmetrical arrangement of shelves or partitions, their rounded and zigzag shapes turn the rack into a bright element of the interior. But this is already a job for experienced craftsmen. Under the rack you can take and free place under the stairs going up to the second floor.

With the help of a rack you can use it in any room, and if you attach wheels, you can easily move it around the room. The rack can be built into a niche, then the task of its construction is simplified to a minimum, or rotating. It can also be supplemented with doors and hooks. If the lower shelves are made in the form of retractable drawers, they will become steps and will help you easily reach the upper shelves.

Basic elements of the rack and its installation

First of all, it is constructed solid foundation, for which a thick board is taken along the length of the future rack. Wooden racks do not move wide, their usual step is up to 60 cm, when using metal corners 50x50 mm it can be increased to 1 m. For a simple shelving optimal material there will be planed boards, the cross-section of which is 5x5 cm, for making shelves - wooden boards, chipboard or OSB board. The back wall is most often not made; if necessary, it is cut out of a sheet of plywood.

A small wooden shelving rack with a reinforced shelf frame with a cross bar

First, a solid base is installed. The frame is fastened with self-tapping screws, the corners are reinforced with additional strips. When assembling, you need to use a level to avoid distortions. The finished base is attached to the wall. The side walls are cut from chipboard, furniture board or plywood, cut grooves into them with a router, install shelves in them and secure them with self-tapping screws. The thickness of the shelves should be at least 2.5 cm.

The rack assembled in this way is placed on the base and securely fixed. If you drill plywood trims onto the side walls and sew them up laminated chipboard, the rack will become much more attractive. You can also finish the front part, and decorate the top and bottom of the rack with wooden figured plinth.

The structure is also easy to assemble: first, install the frames, then use a level to level them vertically and attach them to the wall. If the load is expected to be significant, then the rack is connected with a longitudinal profile, which will create the necessary stiffening belt. The size of the equal angle angle is 40x40 mm, if we take a square tubular profile, then it will have a cross-section of 254x25, with a wall of 2 mm.

You can learn more about the process of creating different racks by reading various video instructions, which clearly demonstrate all stages of the work.

Video: DIY shelving

Racks have always been of great interest. This is enough convenient thing, which can be used to store various things, books. You can also place it on high shelves and pots with low-growing plants, which will look quite beautiful.

Figure 1. Drawing of a wooden shelving unit.

Making a wooden rack with your own hands is not so difficult and almost every person can do it. You just need to prepare in advance everything you need for work. Today there are many options for shelving, different in design. But below we will consider one of the simplest and most practical options.

Materials and tools for work

Before you begin the process of making a wooden rack with your own hands, you need to choose the right materials and tools.

It is advisable to choose boards from natural wood. Oak, pine or mahogany are best suited for this purpose. It is not recommended to use boards based on wood shavings, since they will not be particularly durable and practical. At the same time, make sure that the wood moisture content does not exceed 12%. Also, before work, the wood is treated with antiseptics and special impregnations, after which it is allowed to lie in a warm room for a couple of days. In addition to the boards, for the rack you will need:

  • tape measure and pencil for marking;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • Grinder;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • wood varnish;
  • hammer;
  • wood glue;
  • metal corners;
  • drill;
  • plywood;
  • furniture legs on wheels;
  • varnish and brush;
  • wooden blocks for transverse fixation of shelves;
  • holders for shelves.

Preparing the base, walls and shelves

We begin work by selecting the lower base. As such, take a thick board (the thickness should be such that a self-tapping screw 3 cm long can fit into it freely). In this case, its length is equal to maximum length rack, and the width is its maximum width, which you choose yourself. In this case, at the bottom of the base, it is advisable to nail transverse bars, the length of which is equal to the width of the base, every meter of the length of the rack. They will provide additional strength.

Now let's move on to working on the side boards. If you have limited material resources, you can use thick plywood for the sides instead of natural wood. Immediately mark it so that the width is equal to the width of the base, and the height of the boards is chosen independently. Next, carefully cut out the sides required sizes. We immediately make markings for the shelves on the inside of them. At the same time, we should not forget that the optimal figures for the height of the shelves are 21 and 42 cm. These two heights can be combined. This way you will get shelves that are both spacious and quite neat.

Now move on to cutting out the wooden shelves. Their length is measured from the inside of the rack so that they fit both loosely and tightly into the rack at the same time. The width is equal to the depth of the cabinet itself. Shelf thickness in ideal should not be less than 2.5 cm. BUT it is still better to fix them with transverse bars from below. The bars can be nailed with ordinary small nails.

Next, it's time to tackle the back wall. As a rule, if you are satisfied with the color and texture of the wall to which the cabinet adjoins, then you don’t have to mount the back wall. But if this is necessary, then a wall is cut out of ordinary plywood, based on the dimensions of the length and height of the rack.

Assembling a rack with your own hands

So, everything you need structural elements prepared. Now the most important part is assembling the wooden rack into a single structure. It is best to use several different types fastenings: self-tapping screws, wood glue, nails, and metal corners if necessary.

Shelf mounting options

First, take the lowest shelf for the base, to which the rear wall of the rack is attached using self-tapping screws. If you do not have such a wall, then immediately start working with the side walls. WITH inside You have already made markings for the shelves earlier.

So now on each of the markings, parallel to each other, it is necessary to attach special metal or plastic (depending on the intended load for the shelves) holders on which you can put wooden shelves. Next, these sidewalls are mounted to the lower base using self-tapping screws. At the same time, do not forget to keep all corners even. For reliability, it is even better to use metal corners as fixing elements.

But this was the first version of the shelves. There is another one - solid fastening. Here you no longer need to make holders. In this case, the shelves will be directly connected to the sides. To do everything correctly, first attach the side walls to the base with self-tapping screws, after which one person should hold the shelf inside the rack according to the markings, and the other should fasten it with self-tapping screws from the outer part of the sidewalls. From under the bottom of the shelf, it is advisable to additionally fix everything with the same metal corners. But keep in mind that this method is a little more complicated, as it requires perfect measurements of the length of the internal shelves, as well as more time and attention to work. Any distortions can ruin the rack. Therefore, immediately use the building level.

So, the main part is ready. Now all that remains is to secure the rack cover on top, which will give the rack a finished look and protect the topmost shelf from dust getting on it. Fastening is carried out using the same self-tapping screws.

Making a rack (in particular during the assembly process) will be more reliable if, after drilling holes for the screws, you coat them inside with wood glue. This will provide additional reliability. It is best to use furniture legs on wheels as legs for shelving. This way, moving the structure if necessary will be much more convenient, and it will be able to withstand any loads without causing distortions.

Your DIY wooden rack is ready! Its main part will look approximately like in Fig. 1. This simple and practical design is suitable for any room: kitchen, bedroom, living room. Now all you have to do is coat the rack with wood varnish and let it dry properly.

For those who cannot come up with the most convenient and practical method for storing their own belongings, we offer universal shelving. Such products are made very quickly and easily, and are suitable for any room, be it a garage, bedroom or living room.

Having at least some experience in repair or construction work, you can easily answer the question “how to make a rack with your own hands.”

The materials used can be found at the nearest hardware store, or even at hand. The main thing is to approach the issue of manufacturing with all your heart.

Material base

Three types of materials are perfect for today’s product: wood, metal or plastic. In addition, you can combine several bases.

It is immediately worth noting that of the proposed materials, plastic is the most difficult to process - insufficiently strong connections, spoiled appearance by cutting or drilling. Therefore, most optimal solution– use it with a wooden or metal structure.

In addition to the previous option, you can combine several other ideas. For example, use forged metal and plywood.

Artistic casting will look very good - the main thing is that it fits into the design idea of ​​the room and organically combines with others decorative elements. So, sweeping forging will not fit into a minimalist style.

First of all

Before directly making a rack from boards or other base, you need to carry out preparatory work. To do this, select the location of the future product, measure the dimensions and draw a drawing of the future piece of furniture.

Immediately think about what shape the product will turn out to be - for example, simple shelves are suitable for a garage or balcony. In your living space, you can use your own imagination to create unique and practical decor.

Also, based on your needs, calculate the size of the shelves. For example, a basement rack on which jars will be stored may have a shelf of 30 centimeters. In other cases, the items being stored must be taken into account.

After this, the preparation of the material begins. For wooden products, choose a dry and planed base. It is important that the bars are intact and have the correct shape.

A pipe rack also needs to be carefully prepared - the steel can be painted in advance if standard color doesn't fit.

One of the most important nuances is the conditions further uses racks. Wet rooms will require additional processing wooden frame or metal parts.


When the do-it-yourself shelving diagram is ready, you can proceed directly to production process. First of all, the frame is assembled, depending on the selected material. The remaining elements are attached to the finished lower base.

Keep in mind that when creating large structures, you need to take care of additional rigidity. Add two or three spacers to the frame at the ends and wall. This way you will get a more reliable and stronger element.

Just like the shelves themselves, choose the material for them yourself, based on your taste preferences.

For everyone who wants to get acquainted, we offer photos of do-it-yourself racks made from various materials. It will be easier for you to evaluate and understand what will best complement the design of your room or apartment as a whole.

Original ideas

It is not at all necessary to buy certain materials - just use old things, like a chair, cabinet and others.

Unused drawers can easily be converted into shelving units, which will be quite versatile and will not take up much space.

Those who have recently laid linoleum know that there is a cardboard tube inside the roll. Several of these products will make excellent shelves.

In my own way appearance, this piece of furniture will resemble honeycomb. In this case, you won’t even need drawings of the shelving; you’ll get unusually convenient furniture fittings with your own hands.

Photos of DIY shelving

Making a rack with your own hands from wood is not difficult. It is important to have a set of simple woodworking tools and have a small amount of knowledge and skills in working with wood. The choice of size, design of the rack and its finishing depends on the requests and capabilities of the master.

Do-it-yourself wooden shelving allows you not only to save money, but also to take into account the features of the room. Before starting any work, it is important to have answers to several basic questions.

Criteria for choosing the design, dimensions and materials for making a homemade rack

It is important to determine here:

  • goals and opportunities;
  • the place where it will be installed;
  • sizing;
  • purchase necessary materials and fasteners for the manufacture of the structure.

Let's look at each point in more detail.

Design options depending on the purpose and location of furniture installation

There are several options here:

  1. If the rack is needed for installation in the basement for storing pickles or in the garage, you can make simple design from thick bars and boards. In this case, the strength of the structure is important.
  2. A shelving unit is needed to place books. Here you will need to use durable frame parts made of timber and shelves made of plywood or chipboard.
  3. You need to make furniture for the kitchen or hallway. In this case, a large margin of safety of the structure is not important; it is necessary to make a beautiful, airy structure.

Determining the dimensions of the structure

Based on all of the above points, the size of the room where it will be installed and individual requests, you can determine the dimensions of the structure, make a drawing of it and complete the detailing of the entire structure.

In any case, you need to prepare 4 stand parts, several longitudinal lintels and material for the shelves, finishing the entire rack. To this will be added paints and varnishes, possibly varnish and impregnation.

Having completed all of the above operations, you can answer the question: how to make a shelving unit for your home.

Step-by-step instructions for making a rack

For example, let's consider making a rack with shelves for a room. This is not the most difficult, but not an easy option to work with. Let's take arbitrary dimensions:

  • width – 1220 mm;
  • height – 2130 mm;
  • depth – 440 mm.

Preparatory stage of work

For work we will prepare:

  • sidewalls 2 pcs 2130/440 mm;
  • for the upper and lower fixed shelves we will prepare 400/1180 mm plywood;
  • if you need to close the back, you can prepare fiberboard or thin plywood, 1220/2130 mm in size;
  • we will have 3 shelves, for them we will prepare plywood 19 mm thick, 400/368 mm in size;
  • we divide it into 3 compartments, so we will prepare 2 partitions from plywood 400/1660 mm;
  • decorative stops 38/1143 mm;
  • parts for closing the bottom and top of the rack 90/1220 mm;
  • To fasten the shelves, you can use a wooden strip or a furniture mounting corner.

We will need a sufficient number of self-tapping screws, decorative furniture nails, and decorative clips that mask the heads of the screws.

Assembling the rack

Let's start doing the main part of the work. In order to make a wooden rack with your own hands, you will need to perform a series of operations:

  • clean all the details sandpaper, Special attention We pay attention to the front sides;
  • on the sidewalls, we fix the furniture corners in the places where the upper and lower fixed shelves are attached and fasten them with self-tapping screws and PVA glue;
  • To give the structure greater rigidity and a decorative finish, we attach a sheet of fiberboard or thin plywood cut to size to the back of the rack. Having placed the part at the same distance from the edge, we measure the diagonal of the rack. We fix the backdrop to furniture nails with washers;
  • we install the cabinet in a vertical position and fasten the brackets for fixing the partitions and fix them with screws and glue;
  • Now we fix the upper and lower decorative strips measuring 90/1220 mm, fix them with self-tapping screws and close the caps with clips;
  • Having marked the places where the shelves are attached, we fasten the corners with self-tapping screws and install small removable shelves with stops in the front part;
  • We make a large gap in the middle to accommodate outerwear. We fix the hanger tube to special fasteners.

The wooden rack, made by yourself, is ready. All that remains is to sand the surfaces again, wipe off the dust and paint the furniture in desired color. Can be used various options stain and varnish the structure. In this case, you will have to clean the parts several times with fine sandpaper.

It's better to just paint it any way suitable color using various enamels or paints. We close all visible screw heads with clips matched to the main color.

This is not the most easy option furniture made of wood. If you need a simple option for the garage, you will need 4 racks of timber connected by jumpers and fixed shelves. To make it you will need a simple wood hacksaw and a hammer.

Having made a few simple ones for a cellar or garage, and having gained experience, you can try to make structures with decorative finishing, wood carving. It all depends on your abilities and capabilities. Good luck.

In a new review, the author has collected examples of racks and shelves that you can make with your own hands. They must, of course, be used for their intended purpose. Having looked at the photographs collected here, you can easily make sure that there is nothing fundamentally complicated in the proposed option.

1. Circle shaped

An original round shelf, the edging of which is made of thin fiberboard, and the shelves themselves are made of ordinary boards painted in White color. Of course, such a design is not suitable for storing an entire home library, but it can accommodate several educational books, small indoor plant and a couple of framed photographs.

2. Wall shelf

A charming hanging shelf that can be made from a few unwanted books or notepads same size. Such a shelf is not only suitable for storing cosmetic accessories and small decorative items, but in itself will become a wonderful decoration for any wall.

3. Arrow

Stylish bookshelf in the form of an illuminated arrow, made from the remains of metal water pipes, it will fit perfectly into the interior of a teenage boy’s room or a bachelor’s apartment.

4. Practical and unusual

Original and practical shelf, which can be made from a small tray from an old cart and several wooden blocks. This shelf is reliable and spacious and is suitable for storing a wide variety of things.

5. Charming shelving

Stylish and original rack, made from a slightly modified door painted white. Such a rack filled with your favorite books, candles, family photos And small elements decor, will become a real highlight of any space.

6. Narrow slats

Old skis that have been collecting dust in the closet for many years can be used to create unusual shelves. Such shelves will fit perfectly into the interior of a nursery and are suitable for storing toys and books.

7. Stylish copper

Massive shelves made of wood covered with a stylish copper-colored film are perfect for placing house plants.

8. Old pallet

Old wooden pallet it's enough to just turn it into original shelf for storing magazines and family photos.

9. Industrial style

A stylish storage system in the current industrial style, which can be made from wood or MDF boards, painted in grey colour and interconnected by a structure of metal water pipes.

10. Bright honeycomb

Original shelves made from bright hexagonal gift boxes attached to mirrors of the same shape. Of course, this design is not suitable for storing large, heavy objects, but it is suitable for storing little things that are dear to the heart and decorative items, and will also become a unique wall decoration.

11. Stylish transformation

Drawers old table, prepared for discarding, can be used to create original shelves. Carefully painted and modified at your discretion, the drawers can be attached to the wall, both vertically and horizontally, and used to store a wide variety of things.

12. Rough design

Rough shelves made of untreated wood, exposed with varnish or paint, will fit perfectly into the interior of a room decorated in a rustic or country style.

13. Abundance of cells

A huge wall-length shelving unit made from many wooden boxes, painted in bright colors, can become a stylish and budget-friendly alternative to a massive store-bought wardrobe.

14. Wicker basket

MDF shelves.

Compact MDF shelves with fruit slices painted underneath will become a bright and functional decoration kitchen wall.

17. Rustic style

A sturdy piece of bark or raw wood can be turned into a fantastic hanging shelf that provides a creative alternative to a standard bedside table.


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