Stylish things that can be made from bottles. Crafts from glass bottles for home and garden (36 photos)

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Whatever they come up with skillful hands and a head full creative ideas: furniture made of plastic, decorative elements made of wire and even wallpaper made from newspaper clippings! But this is not all the possibilities. Today we invite you to get acquainted with crafts from glass bottles. And this is not just painting and decorating, but real art.

Our hands are not for boredom

Having accumulated a sufficient number of bottles at home, a practical person will take them to a collection point for glass containers and get back some of the money they spent on purchasing the drink. And here creative personalities they will definitely figure out where to fit the bottles into household, and maybe they will even decorate the interior of their apartment with them.

Of course, most often whole bottles are used for crafts. They are painted different colors, sealed with paper, cloth or tape. But sometimes you come across jobs where you only need to use the neck or bottom of a container.

A completely logical question arises - how to cut a glass bottle at home? There are few options:

  1. First, you can make a cut in a circle using a special glass cutter. Then, moving the bottle from boiling water to cold water, wait until it bursts in the intended place.
  2. Secondly, again with the help of a glass cutter and fire. First, a cut is made on the bottle using a glass cutter, and then this place is thoroughly heated over an open fire.
  3. And the third method is with thread impregnated with flammable materials. To do this, the thread is wrapped around the bottle, generously smeared with medical alcohol on top and set on fire. As soon as the thread burns out, the bottle is quickly lowered into ice water.

That's all the ways. But keep in mind that when working with any of them, you should follow all existing safety measures: work with gloves, safety glasses and closed clothing.

Now let's try to make something from the materials we received. We offer your choice of two wonderful master classes: one on making ceiling lamp, and the other - according to the decor of the vase. Which one is better, you decide for yourself.

creative chandelier

The process of making this craft from glass bottles with your own hands will require considerable skill and good knowledge of electrics. You will need to make your own wiring for the chandelier from wires, connect the sockets and process the bare ends. If your knowledge is not enough, then it is better to leave all the work to the master.

Necessary materials:

  • 5 clear high-neck bottles;
  • heat-resistant acrylic paints;
  • paper;
  • wiring;
  • light bulbs;
  • 5 cartridges;
  • gloves.

Process description:

Bright vases

The easiest option is to create a bottle craft using acrylic paints. Here you will not need to make cuts or call your husband for help, and all the steps are quite simple and do not require much effort. But the result is no less impressive, especially when autumn is slowly setting in and outside the window the first leaves have already begun to fall. These colorful vases will bring a special autumn mood to your home.

Necessary materials:

  • orange, white and yellow spray paint;
  • empty wine bottles;
  • cardboard;
  • twigs from trees, fresh flowers or anything for decoration.

Process description:

Fair of new ideas

What else can you make with your own hands from glass bottles? In fact, the possibilities are almost endless. You can select several extra wide bottles and take them to a special workshop, where a worker will give them the desired shape. So, for a reasonable price, you will get a creative set of towel hooks.

Or cut the necks diagonally yourself. Then you will get such a wonderful hanger for the hallway.

You can make an original candlestick from a small and convex wine bottle if you cut the container on one side in the form of a drop.

And if you cut a glass bottle lengthwise, you get a creative pot for decorative flowers in the country.

The cut-off neck can be glued to stable plastic, and the result will be spectacular drink glasses.

Empty plastic bottles create a lot of inconvenience. You can’t throw them in the trash can, as just two thrown bottles instantly fill it up. Many people wonder what can be made from plastic bottles and how they can be usefully used in the household. If you think about it and show a little imagination, it turns out that from plastic bottle You can make almost anything, from a feeder to an original garden gazebo.

Home products

Let's consider what useful things can be made for household use from a simple plastic bottle. One such useful product is a cosmetic bag. To make the bag you will need two 5 liter containers.

And from the bottoms of ordinary 1.5 and 2 liter bottles you can easily make cup holders, photo.

Original boxes

Various little things, for example, spools of thread, pencils, small toys will be perfectly stored in neat boxes made in special style. Defined Design they will be given an upper fabric part, which is sewn to the cut bottle and tied in the form of a bag. Such a container is decorated to your liking: with children’s stripes, bows, ribbons, beads, buttons, etc., photo. Stickers or cut-out figures are glued onto the plastic part. Children will love these boxes; they will enjoy collecting their treasures in them, which will have a beneficial effect on the cleanliness of the house.

Mobile holder

From a 0.5 liter plastic bottle you can make a very useful holder for mobile phone. You will need it if there is no place to put this device near the outlet from which you can charge your phone. To build such a holder, the plastic container is cut so that a mobile phone can be placed in it in a vertical position, and a round hole is cut out for the junction of the plug and socket.

Dispenser for plastic bags

If you're tired of plastic bags lying around the kitchen, a plastic bottle bag dispenser will help you place them in one place. A 3-liter container is suitable for this. The bottom and neck of it are cut off in a narrow place and attached upside down to the door. Bags can be folded into the upper wide opening, and it is convenient to take out one packet at a time from the lower narrow opening.

Children's bracelets

Kids will love these fun bracelets made from plastic bottles, especially if you let them get involved in the creation process. A one and a half liter plastic container is wrapped in several places with double-sided tape and even rings in the form of bracelets are cut out. Then they are removed protective film and multi-colored, suitable-sized pieces of felt or other dense fabric are glued to the sticky surface. Beads, bows, buttons and other small accessories are sewn to this surface.

Original curtain

If you want to surprise your guests, you can assemble and hang in the room a stylish curtain made from the bottoms of plastic bottles. It will especially fit into an interior in high-tech or modern style. Of course, the longer and larger you want the curtain, the more bottles you will need to make it. For plastic containers with a volume of 1-1.5 liters, the bottom is cut out so that it resembles a flower. Closer to the edges, make holes with a hot needle and stretch the fishing line into them. Then all the flowers are collected on a fishing line in the form of a curtain. This type of decoration is usually hung in doorway or by the window. You can change the color of the curtain by choosing colored bottles, or use spray paint to decorate the product to your liking.

To create a stunning effect, a hole is punched in the middle of each flower and a diode is inserted. Then the curtain will be able to shine like a beautiful garland.

Flower pots

You can make it from a bottle original pots for flowers. Some cut a hole in the side of the container, some cut it in half. IN in this case imagination is limitless. And if you cut and decorate the bottles in a certain way, you will get masterpieces like these.

Products made from plastic bottles for the garden

Of course, the most uses for empty plastic bottles can be found in your summer cottage. They are used to construct irrigation devices, fences, decorations, interior details for country house and other useful things.


One of the most simple designs from a plastic bottle is a sprinkler. It is done very easily: many holes are pierced in a plastic bottle using an awl or cuts are made with scissors. Then the finished sprinkler is buried near the plants so that only the neck peeks out from the ground. After this, water is poured into it, which gradually seeps in and irrigates the land.

Also, for convenient watering, they actively use the watering can, known from childhood, which is made by piercing the lid in several places.

Plastic lamps for the garden

If in your country house there is not enough lamp or chandelier, you can make an original one without any problems interesting option from plastic bottles. Suitable for this empty containers volume of 0.5 liters in quantities of 35-50 pieces. The top parts of the bottles are cut so as to form petals, which are then straightened and shaped the required form, photo.

Then the transparent flowers are painted in any color of your choice using spray paint. You can also paint them in two or three colors. All products are attached to a wire ring using wire and suspended from the ceiling with a rope.

There are options for other lamps that frame and disguise a simple light bulb. The main thing is not to let the plastic elements touch the light bulb, otherwise they will melt and cause very serious damage. bad smell. You can also use an energy-saving lamp that does not heat up as much.

Fencing for garden beds

Many summer residents are wondering what can be made from bottles for a flower bed that would perform a specific function and at the same time look beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. This option includes a barrier made of empty bottles. It's very easy to make, just stick it in plastic products into the ground along the entire border of the bed. Only first they should be filled with sand and closed with a lid. The advantages of such a fence are obvious: the earth is not washed away by rainstorms, and they always look neat.

To build this fence you will need quite a lot of empty bottles, so it will take a long time to collect them. They must be the same size.

Decorative decorations for a summer cottage

You can make it from bottle plastic decorative flowers and butterflies, they decorate the metal fence at the dacha, flower pots, hung on a tree, etc. The petals or wings of butterflies are cut out of plastic with scissors, and then the edges are melted so that they take the desired shape. When heated, the plastic takes on the desired shape quite well. Thick wire is used to form the stem. The stamens are made from beads, and the product is decorated with different colors. It turns out very beautiful and original, photo.

If you want to decorate your area with large statement pieces, make a palm tree using green and brown plastic bottles. But first, the bottom needs to be cut off. The trunk is made of wood or metal rod, on which brown bottles are strung upside down. The branches are made by stringing green bottles onto curved rods. Don't forget to decorate the edges of the green bottles in the form of leaves.

Various funny little animals look very cute in their summer cottage. IN Lately they often decorate not only dachas, but also local areas in front of multi-storey buildings. With their cute appearance, they cheer up not only children, but also adults. What can be made from empty plastic bottles? The simplest thing is pigs. You just need to cut out and bend the ears, attach the tail and paint. But there are many crafts that are more complex. Very often they make swans, hedgehogs, kittens and other characters. Here are some more examples of what can be made from plastic bottles, video.

Path of bottles

The bottoms of plastic bottles make a very beautiful and useful path. Please note that they should be laid on loose sand so that the parts can be well packed with it. This will eliminate the possibility of their deformation while walking. This track has useful advantage- She does a great foot massage.

Household products for the garden from plastic containers

If you want to make something useful out of an empty plastic bottle, we have several options.

Wash basin

Just from one empty bottle can be made convenient outdoor washbasin. Plastic container with the lid closed and the bottom cut off, turn it upside down and hang it from the base. Then fill the bottle with water. When you unscrew the lid slightly, water will pour out. By the way, such a washbasin would be very useful for a picnic. It takes up little space and can be hung from any tree.

It is still better not to cut off the bottom of the washbasin completely, but to leave it as a lid that can be easily closed and opened. It is needed to protect the water from leaves, insects and other debris.

Mosquito trap

To sit quietly in nature in the evening, you cannot do without a mosquito trap. It's very easy to do. You need to cut off the top part of the bottle and insert it into the other part, neck down. To make insects more willing to fly into the trap, you should darken it with cloth or paper.

The bait is made from sugar-yeast syrup. A trap with such contents will attract not only mosquitoes, but also flies, wasps and bees. Just remember to clean it periodically.

Tool boxes

To make drawers, use a larger bottle rectangular shape. One side of the bottles is marked with a marker and cut with scissors. Now all the boxes are ready. It is convenient to store various small things in them: nails, bolts, screws, dowels, attachments, etc.

Greenhouses, gazebos and other structures made from plastic bottles

Enterprising people try to save money and come up with expensive greenhouses together great alternative from plastic bottles.

Glass bottles have long been perceived by people as ordinary garbage that should be thrown away, but this is far from the case. Few people know that glass bottles can be used to make many interesting and, most importantly, useful things for decorating the interior of your home or original design summer cottage. You just need to show your imagination and spend a little time.

Second life of glass bottles

Giving a second life to a seemingly unnecessary bottle is within the power of every person. You don't have to be a professional artist or designer to do this. If you use a little imagination, you can turn it into an unusual art object without spending a penny.

Most people always have beautiful but unnecessary beads, trimmings of braid, ribbons and many other little things at home that can be used for decoration. Anything that can be used as improvised material to turn a bottle into designer item. Conventionally, all crafts made from glass containers can be divided into three groups:

  1. Interior decorations.
  2. Exterior design for a personal plot.
  3. Useful gadgets.

Glass is considered environmentally friendly pure material, incapable of harming human health. It is stored for a long time, tolerates heat and cold well, so use it as a basis for various crafts very comfortably.

Crafts for interior decoration

This group includes all crafts that are intended to decorate the interior of a room. If you want to make your home cozy and beautiful, you don’t have to buy expensive things. You can make them yourself, the main thing is that they look original and beautiful.

Vase from a bottle

What else can you use an empty glass container for, if not for a vase? Such a remodel will not only decorate the interior, but also useful thing in the house, while the cost of its production is practically not required. There are quite a variety of ways to turn a bottle into a vase yourself.. For example:

Original candlestick

Making glass candlesticks has been practiced all over the world for quite some time. But why shouldn't candles burn in glass bottles? Crafts of this type will not only decorate any interior, but will also protect your home from fire.

In order to make a candlestick, you will need to cut off the bottom of the bottle. This can be done using a glass cutter or a burning rope. Many people know how to use a glass cutter, but one problem often arises: it is very difficult to make an even cut, even if the tool is sharp.

It is much more convenient to tie the bottle around the bottom with a rope soaked in gasoline or alcohol. It needs to be set on fire. When the thread burns out, place the bottle in cold water. The bottom will fall off on its own, and the cut will be smooth and neat. All that remains is to clean up the edge sandpaper so that you can’t cut yourself on it, and the exclusive candlestick is ready. You just need to put a candle inside it. The bottle can be decorated with stars cut out of foil, then instead of the usually dim candle light, stars will twinkle in the room.

Furniture supports and legs

Oddly enough, but bottles can be used as load-bearing supports or legs for production original furniture. Despite the apparent fragility, empty container made of glass can withstand quite a large load. It can be used in the manufacture of such interior items as:

  • coffee table;
  • shelves and racks of various types;
  • tabletop rotating dishes-trays.

In order to design a coffee table, you should cut out a pre-prepared tabletop round holes for legs. There can be three or more, depending on the size and shape of the table. You need to insert the bottles with their necks up into the holes, and the mini-table is ready. Shelves and racks are made in a similar way. If desired, they can be made multi-tiered, using bottles as supports.

A round dish-tray, which is sure to please all guests, can also be made using regular bottle. To do this, a soft limiter should be attached to its neck (where it begins to expand). It can be an elastic band or simply wound in several layers beautiful thread. The bottom should be glued to a stable round surface.

A hole is made in the middle of a round dish (you can make it yourself or buy a ready-made one). The dish is placed over the neck and secured with an elastic band or decorative rope above. You can place fruits or sweets on it and place it in the center of the table. Since the tray will rotate, it will be convenient for any guest to take everything they need from it. To achieve greater effect, the entire structure can be painted in the same style.

Registration of a personal plot

Many gardeners know that glass bottles can be successfully used for original garden design. Some people even deliberately collect empty containers all winter in order to realize their ideas in the summer.

Fencing for flower beds and beds

It’s very easy to make low fences for dividing beds or decorating a border for a flower bed from bottles. Usually two methods are used - neck up or down.

In the first case, you need to dig a shallow groove (about 10-15 cm) around the perimeter of the future fence and place the bottles in a row with their necks up. Then fill the ditch with earth and compact it. The glass mini-picket fence is ready.

The second option is quite simple. Simply stick the bottles into the soil with their necks down about halfway. The fence can be made multi-colored or monochromatic; in any case, glass always plays well with Sun rays, which gives the flowerbed design an unusual look.

Such fences personal plot not only look beautiful, but also protect the plants in the flowerbed from external weeds. They do not require maintenance, do not rot and do not lose their original appearance. If the owner wishes, such a fence can last for more than one summer season without replacement.

Glass mosaic

Decorating facades with glass mosaics is an original and not very expensive way to decorate the appearance country house. To work you will need:

  • broken bottle glass medium size (quantity depends on the area of ​​decoration);
  • mortar (cement or alabaster);
  • grout material.

The solution is applied to the selected surface. Glass is pressed inwards into it with sharp edges. How to arrange the fragments depends on the imagination of the master. There are known cases when entire paintings were laid out from glass mosaics or the facade of a house was completely finished. When the solution begins to harden, it should be rubbed finished surface. This will smooth out any rough edges and secure any broken pieces. Such a mosaic can be designed in the process repair work, which will make this activity more enjoyable and creative. The finished finish looks very original.

Useful devices

Homemade items made from glass bottles can be not only beautiful, but also useful. There are several options useful devices where this cookware is used. For example:

  • unbreakable thermos;
  • mug;
  • bird feeders.

Homemade thermos

To make a thermos, you will need a rectangular block of polystyrene foam and some foil (you can use food foil). The bottle must have a screw cap. The foam is cut into two parts. A hole is cut out in the lower part to the size of the bottle without taking into account the neck. The upper half will be the lid; you should also cut a hole in it for the neck with a stopper.

The bottle is covered with several layers of foil, then fixed inside the foam using the same glue. The properties of foil have been known for a long time: it retains heat well, and the foam lid enhances the effect. The outside of the foam can be painted with paints to give the craft an original look.

Certainly, homemade thermos In many ways it is inferior to a purchased product, but it is simply irreplaceable in situations where there is a risk of breaking it. Even if this happens, it will always be without extra costs you can make a new copy.

Transparent mug

A homemade mug can always come in handy. If you decorate it beautifully, it will not only serve its intended purpose, but will also help create a unique style in the kitchen. In order to make it, you need to cut off the neck (the upper round part) and the bottom about ten centimeters high from the bottle.

The cuts should be cleaned well. The round part of the neck should be glued to the resulting glass instead of a handle. To decorate a mug, you can only use special paints that will not harm human health, but even without decoration, the product looks very original.

Dining room for feathered friends

To make a convenient feeder for your feathered neighbors, you should attach a bottle of food to wooden base neck down. You need to place a saucer almost right under it. Thanks to this design, the grains will always remain dry and be added to the saucer as needed.

Such feeders can be hung in your garden. It’s good if children take an active part in making and placing them. Such crafts will not only help birds survive the harsh winter, but will also become a good visual aid to instill in children a sense of responsibility for a living being.

If you show a little diligence and use your imagination, then any glass bottles can be turned into designer items. And if you do this professionally, it will provide you with good additional income.

- a very exciting and interesting process, thanks to which old items become eligible for new life and, often, become not just an interior decoration, but its main highlight.

All you need is an extraordinary look at things and an ordinary glass bottle can turn into original vase or exclusive lamps.

DIY crafts from bottles will fit perfectly into modern interior in the style of loft, Provence, minimalism or will complement a cozy mood country house or .

Due to the variety of shapes, sizes, colors, glass containers have become a good choice waste material for creatingdecorations from bottles . They are used to make dishes, vases and flower pots, candlesticks and lamps, various fences for flower beds and even for creating small pieces of furniture.

Ideas from bottles they know no boundaries, and the products that come out of them are not only beautiful, but also practical.

What can be made from glass bottles: video

Bottle products: original tableware

One of the most unusual homemade is dishes. By cutting the vessel in half and sanding the edges well, you will get original flat plates for serving snacks. They are very practical to use, and their interesting shape allows you to set the table beautifully.

Also, a bottle cut crosswise can be used as containers for spices.

How to cut a glass bottle, watch the video instructions:

How to make a vase from a glass bottle

Popular DIY bottle crafts and have always been and remain flower vases.

Also, airtight vessels are ideal for creating beautiful flower pots and pots.

Thanks to various methods of decoration, bottles acquire an elegant look and look good even in the most pretentious interior. To decorate containers, they use equipment, glass painting, ribbons, twine, rhinestones, etc.

Candlesticks and lamps made from bottles

Receive special attention decor from glass bottles , designed in the form of elegant candlesticks and luxurious chandeliers. Filigree play of light on glass surface and beautiful highlights, give such bottle products unique charm.

To make them, they use wine or beer containers, which are pre-cut to the desired configuration or decorated with improvised materials, depending on the idea.

Traditional incandescent lamps, LED elements, garlands are used as lighting elements, and candles and special wicks are used in candlesticks. Such glass bottle crafts look impressive and will become a real decoration of the interior.

How to make a lamp from a glass bottle: master class

Fences made from glass bottles

In addition to crafts for the interior, glass vessels actively used for decoration local area And . Due to good performance qualities, they are not exposed to precipitation and retain their attractive appearance for a long time. Despite their apparent fragility, the containers are quite durable and are even used to create fences, borders for flower beds, construction gazebos and even for construction houses from glass bottles.

The tradition of bygone days - handing over glass containers to special collection points - has already been forgotten by most.

But sometimes it happens that you don’t want to throw away an empty glass bottle. For example, if it has a non-standard shape or color. However, even ordinary bottle glass - interesting material, from which you can make a lot of useful things.

Let's share practical ideas use wine bottles.

1. Decorative composition in glass

Bottle as a container for decoration.

Small interesting objects can be used to create a decorative composition in glass. To place them in the bottle, it is more convenient to use thin tweezers. To ensure that the elements of the composition are securely fixed inside the bottle, it is recommended to lubricate them with glue.

2. Sparkling partitions

Walls made of bottles.

Partitions made from glass bottles are an idea that, despite the seeming extravagance, is practical. After all, inside the bottle there is air, which has excellent noise and thermal insulation properties. To enhance useful properties It is recommended to use closed bottles with such a partition.

3. For lovely ladies

Storage system for jewelry.

A storage system for women's jewelry will help you organize your collection of sparkling trinkets. Simply glue the bottles to the inside of a small wooden box or cardboard box using construction adhesive, with a rope attached to the top for hanging.

4. A short message on the glass

Bottles with inscriptions.

Names of loved ones or inspiring words - the topic for the inscription is determined based on personal preferences. To paint a wine bottle, acrylic or special paints for glass are used. To make the decorative composition even more picturesque, decorate it with flowers.

5. Instead of a photo frame

Photos in bottles.

If regular photo frames seem too boring, try replacing them with glass bottles. An easier way is to carefully put a photo rolled into a tube into a bottle. It will straighten itself out pretty quickly. If you have skills in needlework, you can make reverse decoupage on a bottle. The photo is glued in a special way to its back, after which various cute little things can be placed inside the bottle for additional decor.

6. Non-standard table setting

Bottle glass holder.

If you need to save space on a small table, then make a glass holder from a wine bottle. In addition, this method of serving looks unusual and will add variety to the feast. Simply make holes or cuts on wooden board suitable size.

7. For those with a sweet tooth

Vase for sweets.

A few empty bottles, plates or trays made of thin metal or plastic are all that is needed to create unusual serving bases. Simply make a hole in the dish or tray the size of the bottleneck. The vase for snacks or sweets is ready.

8. Green flower bed in green glass

Fencing for a flower bed made of bottles.

Dig the necks of the bottles into the ground, compacting the soil tightly around them. Then fill the empty space between the protruding parts of the bottles with soil. Now you can start planting plants in a new flowerbed. its advantage is that, if necessary, the structure can be easily disassembled.

9. Simple but effective candlesticks

Candlesticks made from bottles.

Empty bottles can become simple but cute candle holders. You don’t need to clean them thoroughly, because wax deposits give this decor a vintage look. If the candle is too large for the bottle neck, sharpen it slightly with a knife.

10. Fence letting in sunbeams

Bottles in a concrete wall.

An ordinary fence around a garden plot, made of cement, looks boring and dull. You can effectively diversify its appearance with the help of multi-colored glass bottles, mounted at the stage of pouring cement. In good weather, the area will be decorated with many sunbeams from colored glass.

11. Taking care of birds

Bird feeders.

The chirping of birds flying to the garden area makes its atmosphere pleasant and optimistic. But how to attract birds? The easiest way is to make a beautiful bottle feeder with your own hands. As its lower part, you can use a part from an old candlestick, in which several holes are made. The grain reserves on the flat part of the feeder will be replenished without any participation from the owners of the site.

12. Spectacular shelving

Shelf made of wine bottles and boards.

A rack with glass bottles as vertical partitions will enliven any interior. They can be glued to wood using liquid nails glue. In order for the structure to be stable, it is better to choose thin boards.

13. Coffee table for friendly gatherings

Unusual coffee table.

In the board that serves as a tabletop, you need to drill several holes for bottle necks. If necessary, such a table can be easily disassembled by using its wooden part as a tray.

14. Laconic candlestick

Candlestick from a bottle.

You can use a piece of thin plastic or aluminum as a stand for candles fixed on the bottle neck. It is easy to make a hole for a bottle in such materials. Just insert the neck into the hole in the stand and place the candles on it.

15. Mini garden in a bottle

Plants in a bottle.

Pour soil into the bottle and tamp it down a little. Then pour the seeds into the bottle and lightly cover them with another layer of soil. All that remains is to wait for the sprouts to appear and water them regularly. Choose unpretentious plants that do not require careful maintenance.

16. Exquisite liquid soap dispenser

Dispenser for the kitchen or bathroom.

Plastic or ceramic dispensers for liquid soap may not look aesthetically pleasing. And the transparent one, made from an empty bottle, looks noble and elegant. Simply attach the appropriate size dispenser from another dispenser to the glass bottle.

17. Sparkling decor for a summerhouse

Country decor from bottles.

Wood and glass are a win-win combination. In order to make such a fence, thin pegs corresponding to the length of the bottles must be driven into one of its parts. Then the bottles are placed on pegs and both parts of the fence are assembled into a single structure.

18. Second life of glass in the kitchen

Bottles will come in handy in the kitchen.

Glass bottles can be used to store bulk food products, such as cereals. They are quite roomy and do not take up much space on the shelves. It is better to store in such bottles food products small in size - they easily pass through the narrow bottle neck.

19. Automatic watering system

Simple watering system.

If you don’t want to ask your neighbors to water their flowers while you’re away, then make one from an empty bottle automatic system glaze. Fill the glass container with water and close it with a stopper, the entire length of which is screwed in with a screw. As the soil dries, water will automatically flow into the flower pot.

20. Glass plants for the garden plot

Garden decor made from bottles.

Large decorative compositions for a summer cottage can be made from multi-colored bottles and thick wire. This decor will sparkle picturesquely in the sun.

21. To avoid getting lost in the garden

Useful little things for the garden from bottles.

If on garden plot there are many similar plants, then there is a high chance of confusing one with the other. To avoid such an unpleasant detail, make signs for your garden beds from glass bottles. The names of nearby plants are written on the glass using acrylic or stained glass paint.

22. Holiday on weekdays

Lamp from a bottle.

From a festive garland and an empty bottle you can make unusual lamp. Place the garland in the bottle, leaving the cord and plug outside. Then carefully secure the cord using transparent tape to the back of the bottle. All that remains is to plug the garland into the outlet.


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