Is it worth buying an induction hob: the secrets of how an induction cooker works. Features of an induction hob

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Scientific and technological progress constantly offers us new solutions relating to our Everyday life. They most often appear in the form household appliances, this also applies to kitchen appliances. One of these prominent representatives is an induction hob. The name itself can confuse the average person. But remembering school curriculum physics, if you haven’t missed it, then you can recall some positions related to induction current, discovered by the famous physicist Faraday. The operating principle of an induction cooker is based on Faraday's laws.

Let's not get into the weeds physical research and the inventions of this scientist, let’s simply designate how these laws operate. Induction current, or in other words, a changing electric current, is formed by the action of a magnetic field on ferromagnetic alloys. The magnetic field itself is formed from an electrical source. In essence, this is an ordinary coil made of copper wire, along which electricity moves.

Therefore, no one began to open anything more. It’s just that in an induction cooker they began to use these phenomena associated with the conversion of electricity into a magnetic field, and the latter is converted into an induction current. In the hob itself, all this works as follows.

  • Under the hob (it can be ceramic or glass) the same coil of copper wire is installed.
  • The reel is fed alternating current, which is converted into a magnetic field, or more precisely, into an electromagnetic field (alternating). This field creates an induced current.
  • It is worth mentioning about cookware for induction cookers. Its bottom is made of magnetic alloy. It turns out that the pan itself in this physical circuit becomes an element that closes the system of magnetic connections.
  • Educated magnetic field the eddy induction current produced by the coil installed in the stove sets in motion the electrons at the bottom of the pan, which is made of a ferromagnetic alloy (as mentioned above).
  • When electrons move, heat is released. The bottom of the pan begins to heat up, causing the water or oil to boil.

In principle, everything is simple. But the main thing is that it is the dishes that heat up, and not the surface of the stove. Of course, glass or ceramics will still heat up from a pot or pan, but the surface temperature will not exceed +60C. That is, you can’t get burned on it, and this is one of the advantages induction surface.

Induction hob device

So, how an induction cooker works is now clear. Let's move on to its device. In principle, the design component of the device is not very complicated. It consists of several elements:

  • The hob is usually glass ceramic.
  • Insulating layer.
  • A coil that is used to produce vortex induction ceilings.
  • A frequency converter.
  • Control block.

Note that all induction surfaces offered today can have standard and non-standard sizes. This is advantageous in that you can choose the desired option that will fit into any kitchen set. In this case, the plate itself can be built-in in the form of a panel or be a free-standing element.

TO technical features refers to the number of burners, which are indicated on the glass-ceramic surface by sections of drawn lines in the form of a circle or square. When choosing cookware for an induction cooker, pay attention to its diameter. It should not be less than half the diameter of the circle drawn on the panel. Experts believe that optimal diameter pots or pans - 12 cm.

As for the induction hob itself, its dimensions do not affect specifications. Typically, larger overall dimensions of the stove mean a larger number of burners, which varies from 1 to 7. The standard position is 5 burners. Let us add that the glass-ceramic surface comes in different shades: black, white, gray, golden, and so on. You can choose a color option that exactly fits into the design kitchen set and cuisine in general.

Attention! Some models of built-in induction panels are framed with metal frames to achieve increased strength of their edges. The frame protects the edges of the slab from chipping.

As mentioned above, all functional elements induction panel are located under the hob. The control panel is located at the front. But today, manufacturers offer models in which each burner is equipped with separate touch control buttons.

Functional features of an induction cooker

What do induction cooker manufacturers offer today, what options do their products have, what should you pay attention to when choosing one model or another? Let's understand functional features induction surfaces.

  • There is a so-called “Pause” function. With its help, the heating of the dishes is interrupted without changing the heating mode itself.
  • You can completely block the control of the stove by pressing one button.
  • EcoTimer is a smart timer. This device helps you turn off the burner a few minutes before the dish is completely ready. Thus, energy consumption is saved, plus it protects against overheating of the food itself. The food is served using the residual heat of the cookware itself. In some models, the timer works for each burner separately.
  • The ability to adjust the power of each burner in steps, increasing or decreasing its performance.
  • Power Boost. This function of an induction cooker is that the power of the burner increases up to 50%, taking it away from the neighboring ones.
  • Sound alarm for timer and control buttons.

The ability to regulate the cooking process depends on many functions. Therefore the functionality different models very different. For example, for budget ones it varies between 10-15 modes, for expensive ones it reaches 20.

Let us add that currently manufacturers offer dependent and independent induction cookers. The first are a symbiosis of a hob and oven, the second are panels in a single copy.

Types of induction cookers

Free-standing induction cookers are dependent models that include an oven. These are powerful kitchen appliances with four burners. They have full functionality and meet all requirements safe operation. Their big drawback is high power, which varies in the range of 1.2-1.5 kW. Therefore, it is very important to correctly select the supply wire for them relative to its cross-section.

The built-in hob offers great variety in terms of overall dimensions and surface shapes. Standard sizes 50x60 cm, but manufacturers today offer different sizes and shapes - from standard square and rectangular, to round, oval and polygonal.

Let’s also say separately about portable models of induction surfaces. From the name itself it becomes clear that these are compact appliances with one or two burners. With all this, these are functional stoves with 10 cooking modes. They also comply with all the traditional options characteristic of large induction surfaces. Who decides to buy compact version, it must be said that this model is in no way inferior to others. Just in it fewer zones cooking.

There are also combined samples on the market, in which two burners operate on the induction principle, the other two are heated by heating elements installed under the hob. That is, it is a combination of induction and electric stove. How convenient this type of slab is, everyone decides for himself. But since these models are present on the market, it means that they also have their own consumers.

Pros and cons of induction cookers

Let's start with the advantages.

  • Coefficient useful action(efficiency) of an induction cooker - 90%. This is the highest figure among all other stoves: gas and electric.
  • High efficiency compared to electric models. It is 40% better, and at the same time this reduced energy consumption does not affect the quality of heating of cookware.
  • High degree of safe operation. Since the hob itself does not heat up, but only the cookware does, it is impossible to get burned on it. Spilled liquids and food do not burn, even a plate placed at the heating site will not burst or melt. In addition, we note that one of the functions of induction cookers is that the device itself will never turn on if the heating area is not covered by the cookware over 70% of the area.
  • Cookware heats up faster on induction panels, which reduces cooking time.
  • When turned off, on the contrary, the dishes quickly cool down because the panel itself does not heat up. For example, there is no need to rearrange the cauldron or frying pan so that the food in them does not accidentally overcook.
  • If we talk about practicality, the hob is glass ceramic, which is very easy to care for. A soap solution is enough for this. At the same time, the panel has increased strength.
  • The induction surface itself does not generate heat, as happens with gas or electric counterparts. So there is no need to talk about a high increase in temperature during cooking. This is especially true in the summer.
  • And, of course, to positive aspects An induction cooker must include its wide functionality.

The disadvantages of induction cookers are purely subjective, but they are the ones that can influence the choice. Here are the main disadvantages.

  • You can cook on an induction hob only in special dishes that have a spiral symbol on them. As mentioned above, its bottom must be made of a ferromagnetic alloy. It is important that the bottom of the cookware is clean and smooth; only in this way can we talk about high cooking efficiency. True, today they offer special stands made of magnetic metal, on which the dishes are installed. They are called adapters. Therefore, today on induction surfaces you can cook in glass or ceramic dishes. Adapters are available different sizes, where the standard is 22-24 cm.
  • Some models of induction cookers do not allow you to use all burners at once due to the low power of the device itself.
  • Built-in models cannot be installed above metal surfaces, therefore installation, for example, above an oven or refrigerator is prohibited.
  • The electromagnetic field can damage electronic devices or electronic components in household appliances. People who have an electronic pacemaker are prohibited from using induction cookers.
  • This type of stove uses a ventilation system with a built-in fan, so many models make noise when turned on. Today, manufacturers are trying to reduce noise, which they achieve by installing new designs of ventilation units.

Conclusion on the topic

Summarizing information on induction hob, we can say that this is new approach to solve many problems associated with the operation of gas and electric stoves. And first of all, we note the high efficiency of the device, which allows you to save a lot on consumption electric current. And this is probably the main position that can be put at the forefront of the choice.

If we all studied physics well at school, then the principle of operation of an induction cooker would not raise questions or concerns in anyone. But most of us have safely forgotten our school lessons, and therefore new technologies and the principle of their operation often raise doubts and give rise to many speculations and myths. In fact, everything is not scary and quite simple.

What is induction

The operation of an induction cooker is based on the phenomenon electromagnetic induction, discovered in 1831 by M. Faraday. Without getting into the weeds, the basic principle can be formulated as follows: an alternating magnetic field becomes a source of induction current, or a changing electric field.

In a kitchen stove, the phenomenon discovered by Faraday works like this:

  • Under the surface of the glass or glass-ceramic panel there is a coil of copper wire.
  • When electric current passes through the turns of the coil, it is converted into an alternating electromagnetic field, which, in turn, creates an induction current.
  • A saucepan with a magnetic bottom, placed on top, becomes not just a saucepan, but a conductor with a closed loop.
  • The eddy induction current produced by the cooker sets electrons in the ferromagnetic material at the bottom of the cookware in motion.
  • When electrons move, heat is released, which heats the pan - and its contents begin to cook. Or fry if it's not a saucepan, but a frying pan.

Compared to a conventional stove - profitable

In conventional stoves, electric and gas, the heat source is much less efficient. When cooking on gas burner or an electric stove, from 30 to 60% of the heat is spent on heating the dishes, and the rest is spent on heating environment, not dishes.

The operating principle of the induction panel reduces unproductive losses to a minimum: the bottom of the cookware heats up immediately.

The surface of the glass panel itself, unlike traditional electric stoves, heats up only from contact with the heated bottom of the pan, and therefore never heats up to high temperatures.

Isn't it harmful?

No, there is no harm at all from an induction cooker. The magnetic field that appears in a working induction cooker is small. The principle of its operation is such that even into the bottom of the dish it penetrates only into the very surface layer. No changes, other than those caused by temperature, occur in the prepared food at any level. Products come into contact only with the heated bottom, and nothing else.

In addition, the design is such that the coil simply does not turn on if no dishes are placed on the surface of the stove above it correct diameter and from suitable material. On good models special sensors also recognize the degree of filling of the dishes and will not allow the stove to turn on under an empty pan.

The diameter of the cookware when using a stove of this type must also be of a certain diameter. As a rule, it should be at least 12 cm or at least half the diameter of the burner. That is, if you drop a coin, a fork, or place a silver salt shaker on the surface of the burner, nothing will happen, the hob simply will not turn on.

This selectivity makes using an induction cooker safer and more economical. The hob will not work for a minute in vain - the sensors will turn off the current, even if you simply lift the pan from the surface. Its surface does not heat up to more than 50-60°C - no one will get burned, and food falling on a working stove will not become a source of fire and burning smell.

From this point of view, use both electric and gas devices much more dangerous.

But induction cookers still have disadvantages. What can you do, there is still no perfection in the world.

Disadvantages of induction cooktops

  • The induction hob belongs to the segment of expensive equipment. Although some luxury electric stoves are quite comparable in cost to induction ones.
  • Induction hobs designed for connection to a 220 V network have increased requirements for the cross-section of the input cable, since their power can reach 6 kW or more. Installation of such an electric stove may require alteration of the wiring, and this will entail additional costs.
  • You need special utensils. Theoretically, any one whose bottom is made of ferromagnetic material will do. In practice, ordinary enameled steel pans are not very convenient to use, since they often have a thin bottom. The best dishes for an induction panel it must have a thick magnetic bottom. Favorite pans made of non-magnetic stainless steel, heat-resistant glass or anodized aluminum will have to be donated to someone who still continues to use conventional stoves.
  • Most induction hobs cannot be installed directly above other appliances that have metal elements. Some of the more advanced models have solved this problem, but they are priced accordingly.

Depending on the design of the induction hob, it can be connected to either a 380 V or 220 V network. Most stoves supplied to our country are designed for 220 V, which cannot be said about panels imported from abroad. The fact is that the 380 V standard is common for European apartments, so the manufacturer wires individual stove heaters into different phases. This makes it possible to reduce the load on the wiring and eliminate phase imbalance on step-down network transformers. In our case, all burners are powered from two wires. At the same time, the load on the network also increases, as a result of which the use of wiring, as well as metering and automation devices designed for a current strength of more than 25 amperes is required. It must be said that if you get your hands on a stove designed for three-phase connection, there is no reason to despair - as a rule, such equipment can easily be converted to work in a regular single-phase network.

Video: choosing a hob

Everything in this world moves, grows and develops. Progress does not bypass household appliances either. Moreover, this is one of those industries where development is especially noticeable. Washing machines, Food processors, microwaves and other wonders of modern household appliances cannot but surprise and delight a person.

Pros and cons of induction cookers

And one of these devices is an induction cooker. Once upon a time it was impossible to even imagine how smart, safe and convenient a simple kitchen attribute for cooking. It's not so much about the attractive appearance, which will give the interior additional sophistication, but about convenience and safety. After all, a modern induction panel is capable of independently controlling its operation and even managing the cooking process, regulating the temperature, which allows it to maintain a given cooking mode.

Externally, an inverter (or induction) stove is not much different from the familiar electric stove with a panel and touch controls. In reality, they are united only by external similarity. Then what is an induction cooker?? This kitchen appliances, which allows you to prepare food, the operating principle of which is based on the action of an electromagnetic field, which makes it unique. But, like any technical innovation, such a stove also has a number of disadvantages:

Despite the above disadvantages, if they can be called such, this unit has much more advantages:

Any modern technology that works on certain principles and is intended for certain tasks, has its own variations to cover a wide range of human needs. Inverter cookers are no exception and are also divided into several types, each of which is more preferable in a particular case:

Operating principle and capabilities of the device

The hob of the stove is made of a non-magnetic dielectric material, like glass ceramics. Just below the surface is located inductor(hence the induction cooker), which has good electrical conductivity and a cylindrical shape.

When turned on, a high-frequency electric current passes through the coil, which, in turn, excites an alternating magnetic field. Going beyond the panel, the magnetic field also captures dishes located on the surface, made of material with magnetic properties(cast iron, iron). An electric current is excited in it, which experiences resistance to its movement. As a result, the material of the cookware heats up. Simply put, it is the pot or pan itself that heats up, not the surface of the hob.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that if you touch the work surface near the dishes with your hand while the stove is operating, it will be approximately room temperature. But under a frying pan or pan, the temperatures are slightly higher. This is because the surface does not heat up on its own, but because of the cookware in which we cook. If, for example, you remove the frying pan, the panel will quickly return to normal room temperature.

All inverter cookers are equipped with a built-in timer, which is quite multifunctional. Let's say it allows not only to limit the amount of energy expended when preparing a dish, but also set it extremely precisely various modes cooking. Many models are equipped with a “boiling mode”, which makes it possible, after boiling a dish, to let it boil for a specified time, after which the stove will automatically turn off.

Undoubtedly, such “smart” devices are equipped with an electronic display on which you can see:

  • Watch;
  • Power consumption;
  • Temperature;
  • Cooking time;
  • In the event of a sudden shutdown, an error code is displayed to make it easier to determine the cause of the failure.

Of course, depending on the brand and model, these parameters can be much wider. There are models that have both induction burners and conventional electric ones.

Features of induction cookers

I would like to note some features, which may be interesting and useful for a more accurate understanding of inverter cookers:

It is clear that such things require knowledge of certain points in terms of installation:

This technique requires specialized utensils. Of course, you can cook it in a regular one, but it’s worth knowing that the stove won't work, if your dishes:

  • Does not conduct electric current;
  • Conducts current too well;
  • Less than 5 inches (≈ 12 cm) in diameter;
  • Already warmed up above permissible value(usually ≈ 100 °C).

Otherwise, any material that contains metal is suitable, so both cast iron and stainless steel are quite suitable for cooking on such stoves.

If you choose cookware intended for use on induction cookers, then pay attention to the presence of a special icon indicating that such cookware is suitable for these purposes. It looks like a spiral with the inscription “Induction” at the bottom.

Induction cooker- one of the types of kitchen ovens, the principle of which is to heat the dishes by induced eddy currents. The latter are created due to the action of an electromagnetic field with a frequency of 20 to 100 kHz.

An induction cooker consists of a casing, a control board, a temperature sensor, a power unit, its control circuit, and a pulse regulator.

Induction furnaces vary in design features, dimensions, type of installation in furniture, as well as a set of heating elements.

What are the advantages?

The induction cooker has a number of advantages that distinguish it from its competitors.

Of the main ones:

  • Maximum efficiency due to the start of heating the dishes immediately after switching on, and this is;
  • Reliable protection from “wrong” dishes. The burner will not turn on if there is a frying pan or pan with a non-magnetic bottom on the stove;
  • Automatic shutdown when removing dishes;
  • Maintaining the set temperature at a certain level. This is due to the fact that the monitoring sensor is not affected heat metal products;
  • Stable power that does not depend on the voltage of the household network;
  • A wide selection of programs, which allows you to prepare dishes of varying complexity;
  • The induction surface is heated only by the cookware, so the likelihood of getting burns is extremely low;
  • Absence unpleasant odors;
  • Ease of maintenance. Majority modern models It has glass surface, the processing of which is not difficult. The outside of the dishes does not burn due to the lack of action open fire and hot surfaces.

Among the shortcomings it is worth highlighting more power, which creates an additional load on the wiring, the presence of electromagnetic radiation and the possibility of using only special utensils.

In addition, if you turn on all the burners at the same time, they will not produce full power.

What types of induction cookers are there?

Available for sale the following types induction cookers:

  • Portable (desktop). Have small sizes and one burner;
  • Built-in - combined with furniture in the kitchen;
  • Combined. There are stoves on which one half of the burners operates on electric power, and the other on inductive principle.

What are the differences from other plates?

Induction cookers compare favorably with other types of stoves (gas and electric).

A number of points are worth highlighting:

Working principle of an induction cooker

Before using an induction stove, it is advisable to understand the principle of its operation. It is built on electromagnetic induction - the mechanism of electric current flow when the magnetic flux changes.

The principle of operation of an induction cooker is similar to that of a transformer. Under the glass-ceramic surface of the device there is an induction coil, under which a current flows with a frequency of 20 to 100 kHz.

The role of the primary winding is played by the induction coil, and the secondary winding is played by the cookware installed on the burner.

As soon as the product becomes work surface, induction currents appear, heating frying pans, pots and other cooking utensils.

As for the glass-ceramic surface of the stove, it also warms up, but from the dishes, and not from working area.

In relation to the principle of operation, it is worth highlighting a number of points:

1. Power regulation.

As noted above, the cookware is heated by the eddy currents acting on it high frequency. In this case, the power of the burner can be adjusted in two ways - pulsed or continuous.

In the first case, the stove will periodically turn on and off. Depending on the installed power, the operating frequency also changes.

At the maximum power setting, the frequency reaches 50-100 kHz, and if it is reduced, it reaches 20 kHz.

2. Heating area.

The operating principle of an induction cooker is designed in such a way that the surface near the heating zone remains cold, and this reduces the risk of burns.

As for the heating elements used, they come in several types:

  • Tape. They look like a tape twisted like a spring. Heating time is 8 seconds;
  • Spiral. By the name you can judge the design of the part. The surface heats up within 15 seconds;
  • Halogen. This heater looks like a tube filled with halogen gas. There is a special heater inside (it is through it that the current passes). Thanks to this operating principle, the cookware heats up almost instantly after switching on. The maximum temperature is reached 3 seconds after switching on;
  • Induction. Such devices create a high-frequency field that heats the bottom of the cookware.

3.Features of cooking on an induction oven.

As noted earlier, for such a stove it is worth acquiring special dishes with a magnetic bottom.

The oven automatically recognizes a suitable design and is immediately activated after turning the burner handle.

It is allowed to use utensils:

  • Made of cast iron;
  • Made of stainless steel;
  • Enameled, with a flat bottom.

If the bottom of the cookware is made of steel, but there is a layer of enamel on it, the use of such a product is allowed. This is due to the fact that the magnetic field does not “pierce” the enamel layer.

Harm to health

Today there is a lot of discussion regarding the harm of induction cookers, because the principle of their operation is based on electromagnetic fields, the negative effects of which are well known. Many experiments have been carried out on this matter.

Scientists have proven that at a distance of one centimeter from the source, electromagnetic radiation is always higher permissible norm ICNIRP.

If the pan is displaced relative to the center of the work surface or in a situation where its diameter is smaller than the diameter of the burner, the indicated norm will be greater than the norm at a distance of up to 12 cm.

This parameter is typical for cases when special utensils are used for cooking. If there is an enameled object on the work surface, the danger zone is larger - up to 20 cm.

Why is this dangerous for health?

The electromagnetic field that occurs near the human body can lead to the appearance of induced currents in the body and negative impact on the central nervous system. To protect health, ICNIRP has established requirements for upper current limits.

To verify whether induction cookers meet these standards, a study was conducted with a group of volunteers of different ages and genders.

People were located in close proximity to the hob (at a distance of five centimeters). Scientists at this moment studied the currents that flowed in the body and the central nervous system of the body.

It has been proven that the current indicators in the case of using built-in models are minimal.

As for portable models, their current ratings are higher, but they also did not exceed established norm.

It is worth noting that the limit established by ICNIRP is 50 times less than the minimum threshold at which stimulation of the human central nervous system occurs.

What is the outcome of the study?

Experts published the results of the experiments, but admitted that there is not yet enough information about the dangers of electromagnetic fields. It is important to understand that the nature of such radiation may vary depending on the nature of its occurrence.

There is another study, the results of which can be found on the WHO website.

People and animals took part in the experiment, but to prove Negative influence electromagnetic radiation on the central nervous system or cardiovascular system failed.

Users who prefer an induction cooker should take into account the following points:

  • Do not use dishes with obvious signs of damage or those with a convex bottom;
  • It is advisable that the pots and pans used cover the work surface of the burner. In this case, the dishes should be located exactly in the center of the heating area;
  • While the induction cooker is operating, stay away from it and do not touch the surface;
  • When purchasing cookware, pay attention to the special notes in which the manufacturer notes the possibility of using the products on an induction hob;
  • When stirring food, use non-metallic utensils.

Induction cooker malfunctions

Electromagnetic principle operation of an induction cooker implies high reliability and durability of the device.

Despite this, some breakdowns are possible during operation:

What the market offers, main manufacturers

Below we give short review the most popular manufacturers and some products today.


This developer markets professional induction cookers that can be used in cafes and restaurants.

Their advantages include greater efficiency, the fastest heating of dishes, the presence of a timer and temperature controller, as well as ease of maintenance.

Here are some manufacturer models:

  • 2-burner induction cooker Skvara Sif 2.4 4 kW.
  • Stove FROSTY BT-E35.
  • Professional oven Skvara Sif 4.8.


To the most popular models induction furnaces from Electrolux it is worth mentioning:


This manufacturer is worth highlighting following models:


This manufacturer offers wide choose kitchen stoves, among which there are induction-type products. One option is the Hansa FCIW58277 stove with a heat indicator.

The surface is made of glass ceramics. Number of hobs - 4. Provided electric oven for 65 liters. The width of the product is 0.5 m. Additional functions include convection.


The brand's products have an affordable price and relatively high quality. Among the manufacturer's induction cookers, it is worth highlighting the Saturn ST-EC0187.

There is only one induction hob. The surface is made of glass ceramics. Additional features not provided.


The German company is well known in the market for the high quality of its products. Steel and induction hobs are no exception.

Main models:


Another brand deserves no less attention - Hotpoint-Ariston. Let's look at some of the manufacturer's models:


Experienced housewives prefer Whirlpool products. Main models of induction furnaces:


The Italian brand has become famous throughout the world for the high quality of its products.

Induction cookers from this manufacturer are also in great demand. Consider the following models:


German manufacturer is no less known for the high quality of induction cookers provided to the market. One of the models is EH645BA68E.

This is a stove equipped with a glass-ceramic surface. It has four burners and touch controls. The body is made in black. Dimensions (W*D) - 60.2*52.2 cm.


Samsung products are rightfully in high demand, thanks to affordable price products and high quality.

The brand’s induction cookers are further proof of this. Consider the following models:


If we consider the manufacturer Indesit, it is worth noting the VIX 644 CE model.

Features: black color, four heating elements. The operating principle of the stove is induction. Dimensions - 59*51 cm.

Results - pros and cons of induction cookers

Induction cooker - reliable assistant in the kitchen, which compares favorably with classic gas or electric ovens.

The main advantages of the product are obvious - maximum efficiency, savings electrical energy and minimal risk of burns.

It should also be noted that the modern appearance products. This stove will decorate any kitchen, and caring for it is not difficult.

In addition, after removing the frying pan or saucepan from heating element The furnace automatically turns off, which eliminates wasted energy.

Food cooked on such a stove is safe and maximum benefit for good health.

Additional conveniences include the ability to regulate the temperature and the presence of several cooking programs.

Among the disadvantages, it is worth highlighting the need to use special utensils (made of glass or aluminum based on ferromagnetic materials), as well as high price, when compared with its main competitors.

This is why the average buyer cannot afford these costs.

One of the new products on the household appliances market is the induction cooker. Undoubtedly, this is an achievement that requires the attention of consumers. But the attitude of users towards this new product is not clear. Some are confident in the flawlessness of the device. Others find a lot of disadvantages in induction cookers. To understand the benefits of innovative stoves, it is necessary to study the essence of induction and evaluate the pros and cons of the device.

About induction

The principle of electromagnetic induction was discovered back in the 19th century. Then the famous physicist Michael Faraday described the benefits of exposure magnetic currents into a confined space and the resulting electric field. All electric generators operate on this principle to this day. In the mid-20th century, scientists had already made attempts to create innovative types of stoves based on the teachings of M. Faraday. But then the final cost turned out to be too high.

Over the years, completely new technologies have emerged that can reduce the cost of the final product significantly. Thanks to the combination innovative techniques and traditional knowledge of physics, scientists managed to create inexpensive induction cookers for household consumers.

What's included in the slab?

The design of an induction cooker and the principle of its operation are based on five elements included in the design.

The innovative hob consists of the following parts:

Induction coil.
Current frequency converter.
Electronic unit management.
Reliable insulation system.
Glass ceramic surface.

For accuracy, special dishes with ferrimagnetic properties should also be included in the list. After all, for proper operation of the oven, special utensils are required.

About the working principle

It seems to ordinary consumers that the operating principle and design of an induction cooker is not entirely ordinary. But for people who know and understand physics, this principle does not seem special.

So how does an induction device work?

The electric current is converted into an electromagnetic field, which is variable.
During the conversion process, an induction current is formed.
After installing special dishes with ferrimagnetic properties, the induction current is captured by the container, resulting in the release of thermal energy.
Thanks to thermal energy, food is heated.
To switch cooking modes, the user uses an electronic control unit.

On practice this scheme and the principle of operation looks like the following advantages:

Rapid heating of solid and liquid food.
Reduced heat losses.
High efficiency reaching 90%.
Transfers heat directly to the cookware and not to the environment.

About frequently asked questions

The working principle of an induction cooker - its advantages and disadvantages spark debate among users. In this regard, there are erroneous opinions about the operation and usefulness of induction panels. One of the frequently asked questions relates to cookware that can be used on innovative plates. Manufacturers claim that the induction scheme involves the use of special cookware with ferrimagnetic properties. Practice has shown that ordinary cookware with a thick bottom is also suitable for cooking on induction hobs.

Many people combine the operating principle of an induction cooker with the health hazards from using these devices. In fact, induction does not pose any harm. Thanks to the accelerated heating of the ingredients, the dishes are healthy and incredibly tasty. Therefore, talking about harm to health in in this case inappropriate.

Thrifty housewives are concerned about the issue of energy consumption. Many are sure that one of the disadvantages of the functioning of an induction cooker is high consumption electricity. However, it is not. Considering the high efficiency index, one of the advantages of the induction panel is low energy consumption. Plus, breakdowns of this equipment are extremely rare, and therefore the induction furnace does not require frequent repairs.

Another advantage of the equipment is its ubiquity of installation. To place an induction cooker in the kitchen, you do not need to choose a special place for it. The principle of operation involves installation in any place convenient for the user, where there is a possibility of connecting to the electrical network.

An experienced physicist will tell you in more detail about the operating principle, advantages and disadvantages of induction cookers in the video.


As practice shows, kitchen hobs, operating on the principle of induction, have many advantages. They use energy sparingly and allow you to quickly prepare any dish, while preserving vitamins and beneficial elements in the food. These devices rarely break down and require virtually no repairs. The only noticeable drawback for consumers is high price. But this moment is more than compensated by the high functionality of the devices.


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