We build a porch to the house with our own hands. Do-it-yourself porch to the house: design options, beautiful designs, installation features (photo)

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A porch is a necessary architectural element that provides convenient access to the door of a private house. In addition to its practical function, it also acts as an important decorative component, which can give a home ownership beautiful view. In our article we have collected 10 inspiring ideas on how to decorate the porch of a private house, and the photos will tell you a lot interesting ways!

1. Porch of a private house made of wood

Wood – noble natural material which will highlight the beauty and architectural style private house. Its appearance must match the style and color palette of the entire building. Nowadays, many houses and, accordingly, the porch is constructed from laminated wood, timber or rounded logs.

The wooden porch has excellent decorative qualities. The material is easy to process, which means that you can implement a wide variety of artistic elements, up to hand carving. It is also noteworthy that you can completely do without finishing materials, since the natural texture of wood itself is beautiful and unique.

Most often, harder wood species are used in construction, for example, solid oak. You can also use larch or pine as a basis. A stone that is relevant for many styles will perfectly complement the porch. It will adequately emphasize the massiveness and durability of the house.

2. Concrete porch

The advantage of a concrete porch is its resistance to any atmospheric and mechanical influences. Its strength far exceeds all existing materials, and therefore you can be sure that the building will last for a very long time.

It’s hard to argue with the fact that making the porch of a private house from concrete is the most economical option, since materials used here are quite affordable in terms of price - water, sand, cement and crushed stone. For strength, reinforcement is added to the structure.

Using a concrete composition, you can build the simplest or, conversely, an unusually original porch, making it trapezoidal or round. Wave-like structures, arched protrusions and other bells and whistles look beautiful.

You can leave the concrete coating “bare” - then it will adequately highlight the color and texture of the walls. This technique is often used by designers for buildings in a modern style. To improve the attractiveness and emphasize a particular direction, complement the porch with wooden elements, decorative tiles, natural or artificial stone.

3. Porch of a brick house

Many homeowners prefer building brick housing, as this material has many advantages. Accordingly, you can find a lot of brick porches, often surprising with their aesthetics. Construction will not require large financial investments, but you will get a building that can serve faithfully for up to a hundred years.

Standard brickwork is quite easy to construct, and you can purchase the material at any hardware store. If you want something unusual, contact a specialist who can carry out decorative masonry.

Recognized as the most reliable ceramic brick, which also looks very beautiful. The steps can be complemented with massive railings, also made of brick or elegant forged elements with fancy curls that will make the porch lighter and airier.

4. Stone porch

A stone porch can provide impeccable appeal to a home. True aesthetes will not be able to ignore the natural beauty of the natural pattern of the material, its respectability, which is reflected in the entire structure as a whole.

All types of stone are suitable for making a porch, although some have a higher priority. For example, granite, which has a unique resistance to any external influences and impeccable attractiveness. Such a building will be harmoniously complemented by columns and other monumental structures.

The stone porch will become a stylish calling card of the house. To make sure of this, pay attention to old houses and entire palaces built using this material. And what is especially surprising is that some of them have survived centuries of history and have survived to this day. So take this fact into account!

5. Metal porch

A metal porch will become a durable decorative element of the entrance group of a private house. It has ideal strength characteristics if treated with a special anti-corrosion compound. Moreover, the frame can have a wide variety of configurations, being adapted to a specific exterior.

You can decorate a metal porch using wooden or forged elements. Moreover, forging gives the structure the greatest aesthetic properties - “curls” make it more openwork and sophisticated.

A metal porch can also be painted. Black and white palettes are most often used, but if you are not afraid of bold contrasts, use more expressive colors, for example, green, blue or yellow.

6. Open porch of a private house with a canopy

A canopy can be present in a light form as a canopy over the entrance or cover a larger area, including steps. You can choose the most suitable canopy shape, giving preference to a single-, gable-, dome- or arched design.

Polycarbonate is most often used for coating - lightweight inexpensive material that allows you to create decorative designs with any bend in the lines. You can also consider the option of covering with metal tiles and wooden canopies.

A striking example of an open porch with a spacious canopy is the patio - an extension for comfortable spending time with all the necessary furniture. IN Lately These sites have gained considerable popularity.

7. Porch-terrace with fencing

The open porch can be additionally equipped with a perimeter fence, leaving an entrance gap - this technique will give the house additional decor and create a protective barrier. This is especially true for houses built on a hill.

Fences can be made of concrete, wood, metal, as well as various combinations using additional materials. For example, metal structure can be supplemented with polycarbonate inserts - such a “fence” of the porch will be quite light and will not cause a large load.

8. Enclosed porch-veranda

The porch can be completely closed - then it will not only turn into a decoration of the building and a place where you can relax, but will also perfectly protect the house from street noise and the penetration of cold air.

A closed porch can change the overall appearance of a building beyond recognition, turning it into a simple, nondescript building. a real masterpiece. Although this option can be called the most expensive, it fully justifies itself with its functionality, beauty, and sometimes unusual forms.

A more compact version of such a building is a porch-vestibule, which has a modest size. Its main function is to maintain the proper microclimate in the house. In the summer, less street heat enters the house, which means the air conditioner operates more efficiently. IN winter period, on the contrary, the vestibule ensures the preservation of heat in the house.

Any owner of a private cottage or estate has at least once wondered what kind of porch design country house choose so that it matches the general architectural style of the building, is comfortable, safe, convenient, cozy, and demonstrates the hospitality of the owners.

Countless options for the porch of a country house, photographs of which are generously replete with the Internet, show us how extraordinary, creative, but at the same time practical and rational the owners are in solving this problem. But such diversity does not add clarity; it is very easy to get confused in the abundance.

Semi round porch with closed vestibule

In the article we systematize information about what types of porches for a home come in shape, style, and size. Let's discuss the pros and cons of open extensions, and look at the question of what is best and correct. And we will try to fully answer the question of what it should be, photos will help us illustrate the most good ideas for extensions.


A porch, in essence, is a platform with an adjacent staircase. It can be built-in, designed together with the main building, after the completion of the construction of a private house, with its own foundation, or attached-cantilever; it is not fundamental and solid.

An original idea for a private house, a built-in vestibule and open steps from natural stone

Regardless of what stage the porch for a private house was built, relative to the horizon 23-45 o, everything above is ladder, below is a ramp.

Types of the porch of a private house, photos of the proper combination of a side staircase, an open terrace and a glazed veranda

Of course, the porch must resonate with the main architectural concept of a private house, be comfortable, and meet all the needs of the owners.

Original views of the porch of a wooden house, photo of the fortress extension, where logs and rubble stone are successfully combined

But among other conditions, first of all, the porch must be ergonomic, which means comfortable and practical. All basic parameters for a private house are regulated by SNiP. So, according to the standards, 270-300 mm, and the height is 120-180 mm, the sum of the corresponding dimensions of the tread and riser should be equal to 450 mm.

Porch in a semicircle, photo of a small open extension for a private house

For a comfortable passage of one person 600-900 mm, at a distance of 1200-1450 mm 2 people can easily separate. If the porch consists of three or more steps, then it is recommended to have a height of 900-1200 mm; in private construction, the height of the fence is not strictly regulated.

Photo of the front porch of a private house, semicircular lines of steps visually smooth out the massiveness of the extension

Particular attention is paid to the organization of the upper platform; it is made below the level of the entrance door threshold by 50 mm, as required by fire safety regulations. The recommended depth of the platform is one and a half times the width of the door, but in practice this criterion is often neglected.

Eclecticism, in the photo there is a project for the porch of a wooden house with a high base, the extension includes a terrace and a covered hallway

The width of the upper podium is limited only by the space in front of a private house and personal preferences, so it can be a tiny patch, or a full-fledged terrace encircling the perimeter of the building.

The patio extension allows you to organize a comfortable place to relax in the open air, and at the same time not clutter up the architectural ensemble; semicircular curvilinear shapes “dilute” the clear geometry of the main private house

Shape, size and design features

It should be noted that modern private construction technologies make it possible to build a porch of almost any shape: rectangular, semicircular, curvilinear with smooth or, on the contrary, sharp lines, trapezoidal, multifaceted, etc.

A semicircular porch to a brick house; in addition to smooth rounded lines, the steps have a vague trapezoidal shape, coupled with massive railings, this design balances the dimensions of the building

The semicircular porch smooths out corners and straight lines; such steps provide comfortable entrance to the home from all sides. The soft outlines of the entrance ensemble further emphasize the hospitality of the hosts. Private rectangular ones look very impressive, or the highlight here is the lowest step, laid out in a semicircle.

A semicircular step made of rough material looks impressive and original

They balance the dimensions of the building; they can decrease in size, but sometimes, on the contrary, they expand and smoothly move into the upper platform. A square or rectangular porch gives the building rigor and graphics.

Corner porch of a private house, photo idea of ​​how to simply and compactly divide the stairs into two entrances

Depending on the size of the upper platform, the porch can be:

  • the terrace is a large open one;
  • patio - most often without fencing;
  • veranda - this is the same terrace, but;
  • or just a small extension that protects the entrance to the house from dirt, dust and precipitation.

Large carved private terrace with a porch, eclecticism in the photo, a mixture of Russian and romantic styles, high steps and semicircular arched design of the columns in the compartment formed an authentic gazebo for a pleasant stay

It should be noted that private houses are often built with a high base; this may be due to several criteria. Firstly, the project, which provides technical floor, secondly, by the climatic zone, in snowy regions, a high porch is simply a vital necessity, and thirdly, by the difficult terrain. An extension on stilts allows you to make full use of even uneven areas, eliminating labor-intensive and sometimes impractical earthworks.

Closed porch of a wooden house, photo of a veranda on an area with uneven terrain

As for the main site, they can adjoin strictly perpendicular to the facade of a private house, approach from one or two sides, or encircle the site in a circle.

Double-flight porch of a house with a high base

If there is not enough space in front of a private house, a porch is usually placed along the facade, or a turning staircase with several flights is made, with terraces-platforms at different levels.

High turning three-flight Russian porch

Stairs located on the sides, on both sides of the site, are the optimal way out for narrow extensions. Such designs are appropriate and justified if there is practically no space in front of a private house, it is necessary to make a narrow extension, and at the same time provide a comfortable entrance for several people.

Small, narrow two-sided porch for a private house

It is very convenient when the steps are located in a circle from the main platform. Typically this technique is used in the construction of small, low porches, when it is necessary to provide an entrance on three sides.

Porch of a private house with steps arranged in a circle

Sometimes simple, but unusual and significantly enliven and decorate the architecture of a private home. As a rule, such an extraordinary approach is required to solve several problems at once; the photo below is a clear example of this.

The corner round porch provides entrance to the house from different sides, and at the same time levels the sloping area in front of the house

One of the most impressive solutions for the porch of a private house, but it is almost impossible to implement it as a separate extension, is when the porch is placed under the same roof as the house, or the second floor or balcony is a canopy for the terrace. This configuration is most typical for, where the entrance is most often located on the side.

Corner wooden porch for a Finnish frame house lined with siding

As a rule, such a porch is combined with a veranda or terrace. This design of the entrance group looks solid; it is a very practical solution for private houses with a small garden plot.

Open porch-terrace in Finnish style

Style and materials for a private porch

When developing a style for the porch of a private house, you can use almost any materials suitable for outdoor use, the main thing is that they resonate with the design of the main building.

Concrete porch for a private log cabin

For private construction, as a rule, , and , and carving are used - this is not only a decorative decoration, but often also significant technical elements of the extension, for example, a porch with openwork and consoles for a canopy, or carved wooden posts and balusters.

Extension made of wood in Russian style

Sometimes it is the combination of several styles and different materials that results in a stunningly beautiful, original and very practical architectural composition of the entrance group.

Semicircular closed porch made of polycarbonate

For example, the combination of natural stone and rough boards gives the structure the solidity, color and originality that are inherent in mountainous areas. Usually this design technique used to create a chalet style, and it should be noted that it is very popular in Russian latitudes.

Porch-veranda in a chalet style, the rounded edges of the stone contrast in an original way with the clear geometry of the roof

The Mediterranean style of the entrance architectural ensemble is also very popular in modern design private properties. It should be noted that it can be divided into two types. One incorporates notes of Greek and Roman culture; this style is characterized by a large stone courtyard with gentle multi-tiered steps, beautiful finish made of sandstone, heavy metal elements.

The combination of natural flat rubble stone with sandstone elements is always stylish and sophisticated

Another direction Mediterranean style synthesized the flavor of Italian, Spanish and French culture. As a rule, this is typical for coastal areas with uneven areas. The extension consists of open terraces on several levels, paved with paving stones or clinker, interconnected by small stones. The area near the house is usually lined with a deck board, which is protected from the sun by columns. The perimeter of the terraces is surrounded by massive concrete balusters and this splendor is decorated with sculptures, fountains and flower pots.

Mediterranean style porch suitable for private properties rectangular shape located in areas with uneven terrain

Separately, I would like to say about the porch-fortress. As a rule, these are relatively small ones, which are held by dimensional support pillars: stone, brick, or thick logs. Such designs give the impression of the reliability of a private home; the abundant vegetation gives a special charm to the porch.

Enclosed porch brick house, the photo conveys well how simple and laconic forms can enliven the appearance of a building

For rural and country houses Small porches with a glass veranda are ideal. This design allows you to be closer to nature, and at the same time protects the recreation area from precipitation. In addition, for small private houses this additional opportunity expand living space.

Photo of a closed porch to the house, glass partitions allow you to protect the area from precipitation, and at the same time not block the beautiful view from the veranda

When choosing a type and, do not be afraid of extraordinary ideas. A well-planned architectural ensemble of the entrance group can radically change the exterior of the house, adding sophistication, sophistication, individuality, and at the same time comfort and coziness.

There are a great variety of design solutions, and each private porch has its own characteristics, determined by the architecture, landscape, materials and needs of the owners. And what the entrance to your house will be like is up to you to decide.

The entrance group and the facade of the house are those structures that experience the maximum impact of aggressive natural factors in the form of wind, rain, snow, sun rays. And the porch also carries a considerable mechanical load.

Canopies and canopies help reduce the negative atmospheric influences on it, but only partly. But the closed porch to the house is protected much better, and therefore lasts longer without repairs and reconstruction.

Any porch that is protected from all sides and from above from weather conditions can be considered closed. That is, the porch closed type as if located in a separate room, specially attached to the house for it or designed even before the construction of the entire building began.

In this case, it can be located in the vestibule, in a separate extension or on the veranda. These rooms may or may not have an entrance door to the street, and be cold or heated.

Advice. If the entrance is on the leeward side, the opening leading to the porch does not need to be closed with a door.

Design solutions for an enclosed porch

The exterior of this structure should be combined with the overall appearance of the house. But this does not mean at all that the porch of a house should be built from the same material as the main building.

However, if the aesthetics of the building is important to you, it is advisable to combine the house and its extension with some common element.

It could be:

  • Roofing made of one material;
  • Windows of the same shape, located on the same level;
  • Color of facades, etc.

Somewhat pretty good options are given below:

More daring designs for a closed porch attached to a house are also possible. For example, it can be wooden with brick or stone facades, if the exterior decoration of the house also contains wooden elements– shutters, balcony railing, pediment, etc.

Nowadays you can often find a closed porch for a private house with metal-plastic structures with glazing or polycarbonate on a wooden or metal frame.

In a word, the design of a closed porch can be anything, as long as the owner likes it and is satisfied with the price of the structure.

Technical features

The requirements for the design of an enclosed porch are the same as for any other extension to the house, since in essence it is the same thing, just with a staircase inside.

Specifically, projects closed porches must be developed in compliance with the following conditions:

  • The structure must be strong and reliable enough to withstand possible loads.

Note. First of all, this concerns the roof of the extension, which experiences increased loads in the form of snow, rain and wind. Therefore, when deciding how to cover the porch from rain, you need to choose materials and shapes that correspond to the climatic zone and the peculiarities of weather conditions in the region.

  • The enclosed extension must be well connected to load-bearing wall main building. And the joints between them should not let sediment in.

  • The interior space must be well illuminated, for which it is necessary to install light into the vestibule and equip it with windows or other translucent structures.

How to close a porch with your own hands

You can make a closed porch for a private house in different ways.

The choice depends on various factors:

  • Location of the entrance group;
  • Forms of the main building;
  • Materials selected for construction;
  • Porch heights;
  • The presence of a porch at all.

Pay special attention to the last point. If you already have a staircase, you may be able to make a covered porch yourself using existing structures.

For example:

  • Install a glazed metal-plastic fence with an entrance door on the platform or steps, placing it under an existing canopy or canopy. This is exactly what the owners of the houses in the following pictures did: two simple rectangular structures - and the entrance is reliably protected from the weather.

And the next thing.

  • Use fencing and porch railings as a base for installation arched roof made of polycarbonate. This is perhaps the simplest and most cost-effective way to close the porch from rain and snow.

If you decide to completely renovate the entrance or add a porch to a new house, then you will first have to think about creating a reliable foundation.

The video in this article tells more about the construction of the porch.

Foundation for a closed porch

A solid foundation is necessary so that both the staircase itself and the enclosing structures do not “walk” relative to the house. Most often it is made monolithic, slab type.

Brief instructions for its design are as follows:

  • First of all, complete the project, at least by hand. It is needed in order to understand what dimensions the closed porch will have;
  • According to the parameters of the future construction, dig a pit, the depth of which depends on the weight of the porch and the load on the base. Usually 50-80 cm is enough;
  • Strengthen the walls of the pit with formwork;
  • Place and compact a layer of crushed stone about 20 cm thick at the bottom of the pit;
  • Lay a sand cushion on top of the crushed stone in a layer of up to 15 cm. It needs to be spilled with water and also compacted;
  • Install on the pillow metal carcass from reinforcement with a cross section of 10-12 mm;

  • Pour concrete into the pit, compacting it layer by layer with bayonet.

Advice. If it is planned for the porch concrete staircase, it is better to fill it at the same time as the foundation. This will make the structure monolithic and reduce construction time, since the concrete must dry within a month.

Walls and roof

After the concrete has gained strength, you can begin building walls, having previously closed the base waterproofing materials. As mentioned above, enclosing structures can be made of any material:

As you can see, a closed porch in a private house, depending on the materials chosen, can be quite lightweight design, and a whole additional room attached to the house. But in any case, it must be securely connected to the main walls.

In case of brick extension, during the construction of the walls, you will have to drive reinforcement pins into the facade so that they end up in the seams between the rows of masonry. This bunch is done every 5-6 rows.

The roof also needs the same reliable fastening. If the extension is single-pitched, then the support beam under the upper ends of the rafters is mounted on the facade of the house.

Interior finishing includes lining the steps and landing of the stairs, ceiling lining, heating and electrical outlets. Although if the vestibule is not heated, most of the work can be excluded from this list.


You can also see how to make an extension to your house with your own hands. For example, a terrace, vestibule or veranda. Then combine these structures and get a closed porch, protected on all sides from the vagaries of nature.

The entrance to the house is the business card of the owners, so you need to make sure that it looks presentable. It is difficult to form a favorable impression of the home as a whole if the porch is built poorly; its design should highlight the beauty of your home, its style and add a unique “zest”. The times of inharmonious buildings or houses of the same type are a thing of the past - today families want to see their home not only cozy, but also having its own bright individual face.

The first thing that demonstrates this view of things is the neat steps at the entrance. Let's take a closer look at what to choose if you decide to make a porch for your house with your own hands.

Wooden porch

The most popular and affordable option is the construction of a wooden porch. Most often these simple designs made from pine, it is inexpensive, aesthetically pleasing, and therefore popular.

Pine has beautiful texture, if you install such a porch properly, carefully open it with varnish or paint it, then it will look great for many years.

Pine steps can be supplemented with railings; you can arrange a special recreation area, on which you can place chairs, green spaces, and decor. In the latter version, the porch will already resemble a small terrace.

Wood can be combined with natural stone; it is relevant in different styles, looks harmonious, suitable for building a platform, as a small decoration.

Very often houses built from wooden materials, actually repeat the simple and modern urban architecture, although it is not always combined with surrounding nature. If this has already happened, and for one reason or another the house was built according to a simple design, the whole thing can be saved by the porch.

It can be stylized as antique, carved, decorated with a large number of decorative elements. It would be good if the gates were made in the same style. This option, combined with a well-groomed landscape, will correct the situation and make your home unlike any other, giving it a unique look.

Stone porch

Stone steps are classic version porch of the house. In addition to durability and strength, the stone is always beautiful, the home will look presentable.

There are many varieties of natural and artificial stone, some are suitable for laying out the base, and others for arranging a decorative element, it all depends on the style of the house.

You can take granite or marble, sandstone or quartz, dolomite - all these materials and many others are suitable for the implementation of the project. Take into account not only beauty, but also practicality. For example, steps made of polished granite are impeccable, but they are very slippery; rubble stone does not look so presentable, but it lasts a long time and is easy to lay with your own hands.

Advice! If you wish, you can build a large porch with monumental columns, the main thing is that it fits into the overall style of your home.

Metal and wrought iron porch

As a rule, when they plan to build a wrought iron or metal porch, they have in mind exclusively decorative structural elements, such as awnings and railings; steps are less often made of metal. However, a completely metal porch looks elegant and expensive.

In addition to aesthetics, the undoubted advantage is the high degree of strength and long service life. It is difficult to build such a porch with your own hands, if you do not have experience working with metal. However, you will still have to put your hands to it, since it will have to be painted and processed often, otherwise the metal porch will become unusable due to corrosion.

Important! It should be taken into account that metal steps are cold and slippery; it may be worth installing wooden flooring.

Brick porch

An attractive, solid and presentable version of a brick porch is also considered a reliable and practical solution for external design dwellings.

Installing such a structure will take a lot of time, you will have to make an effort, but the work will subsequently pay off in operation, because it will not require additional serious maintenance and constant repairs.

Very often, a brick porch has a concrete base, sometimes the steps are covered with other materials. For example, they can be tiled, it looks cozy and homey. Again, as with the options outlined above, you need to ensure that the porch is not excessively slippery, otherwise in the winter, ice and snow will make your entrance to the house potentially dangerous, especially for children and the elderly.

Concrete porch

Concrete is not only universal material, it is reliable, and besides, any project made of concrete becomes budget-friendly by default. A concrete porch is a completely monolithic single structure; it will not wobble over time, like a wooden one.

In addition, the scope for creativity in terms of decorating the porch is almost endless. Concrete can be given any shape, any color or shade, and this will not in any way affect the overall cost of your project.

Concrete porches are often decorated with tiles. There are often interesting options that are finished with stone, painted, or treated with other materials.

In a wide variety of buildings, wooden, brick, covered with siding, the concrete porch can be left without any decor or special coating. The main thing is that it is done carefully, and this will imperceptibly emphasize the decorative features of the house, the texture of the walls, etc.

Porch decoration, a little about style

IN ideal any decoration of the house must be properly combined with other elements, not only with the facade, but also with the fence, gates, even with the path and green spaces. The porch can be decorated in different ways, including tiles or polycarbonate, but it must be appropriate.

The tiles are installed both on concrete and brick; this not only increases its attractiveness, but also helps to create an additional seating area. The tiles should be carefully selected in style and color, in accordance with the chosen style of the entire site. Let's look at some styles in more detail.

Timeless classics in design

Recognizable features of any design in the classical style are severity, exquisite consistency, and harmonious moderation in decor. Usually, the porch in a house built in a classical style is equipped not only with a canopy, but also complemented by beautiful decorative columns, classic railings with soft-shaped balusters.

Traditional Decoration Materials– this is a stone (marble, granite), various ceramic tile, as well as painted and carefully treated wood.

In the classical style, decor is quite acceptable, and home owners often like to work on it themselves, which, as a rule, gives the home a unique look and feel. home comfort. It should be remembered that the classic style gravitates towards symmetry and correctness, the clarity of all lines.

It is better to make the canopy over the porch high, and the staircase itself wide and not very steep. Always appropriate beautiful railings with forged metal elements, the style of which should be repeated in the decorative finish of the gate.

Country style porch

The style of coziness and rustic, simple charm is timeless, and it doesn't matter which country inspires you. A beautiful wooden staircase will ideally suit almost any country style, American, English or French.

Finishing in this style is accepted only with natural materials; concrete or polycarbonate will have to be abandoned; natural wood and rough stone will do.

Important! When building a porch with your own hands, you need to ensure that the texture of the living natural material. Street lights with diffused yellow light and “grandmother’s” rugs on the steps are appropriate in any country setting.

Porch decorated in Russian style

In Rus', for a long time, the front entrance to a hut was not just beautiful, but downright elegant. The best craftsmen worked on the design of the porch; it was decorated with complex carved ornaments and patterns, balusters and pillars the most complex forms. Today, the “Russian style” in porch decoration is very popular.

In this case, handmade work is not only appropriate, but also desirable, and if you know how to work with wood and can make an openwork porch with your own hands, then using your talents here is simply necessary.

The peculiarity of the “Russian” porch in the classic design is that it is not covered with colored paint, which is usually used clear nail polish, since the texture of a living tree should be noticeable. The use of stain and light tinting of wood is allowed. There are no other strict canons in finishing styles; everything depends on the imagination and skill of the author.

Finnish porch

Like almost any trend born in the Nordic countries, this Scandinavian style should demonstrate simplicity, but at the same time reliability and absolute strength.

  • When decorating a porch in the Finnish style, you need to adhere to strict moderation and exquisite conciseness. If your small house is finished with siding, then a Finnish porch is the ideal choice.
  • The porch (preferably wooden) should be carefully painted in any shade of white, railings and wide steps are required. For decor, simple marine-themed motifs are quite appropriate.

French charm in the design of the porch

The French style involves a large number of different decorations, for example, in the form of forged ornate gratings on the railings; Entrance door, which should have a small glass “window” in the middle.

The French porch is decorated with a variety of shaped details; on the wide steps you need to find a place for several wicker baskets with fresh flowers.

Porch in high-tech style

Taking into account the general style of the high-tech direction, you can see that direct and beautiful stairs, made with careful finishing of details. If concrete is not appropriate in country, then here it is more than desirable, especially in combination with shiny metal and glass. The steps should be wide, as this style loves a lot of free empty space.

Black and white color palette complemented by a metallic shine. It's great to decorate the railings with shiny elements made of perforated metal, similar to factory blanks. A metal-plastic door will fit this porch perfectly. As a decoration, it is good to use “industrial” type lamps with white or cold neon light, which are usually installed in each step of the porch.

How to decorate a porch attached to a house (photo)

The porch-patio option has already been discussed above; the main decor of such a porch is greenery and flowers. On such a porch there is a special platform intended for small decorative pots with flowers, or arrangement cozy place for a short rest.

Flowers can be placed on specially made forged stands, hung in beautiful flowerpots, put barriers around the entire perimeter, hang them from the wall near the entrance to the house.

Nothing decorates the entrance to a home like flowers. They are appropriate for any style; if your porch is very low, you can use it on the fence climbing roses or clematis, hop branches. All this will not only add comfort to your home, but will also create additional shade on a hot summer day.

Advice! To better protect the entrance to the house from the sun, you can use light fabrics when decorating the porch; this is especially appropriate in French and country style.

When planning additional porch decorations, especially if you have a small patio, purchase small size garden furniture. In combination with green spaces, you can get a beautiful and very cozy relaxation area, where you can drink a cup of tea in the evening, enjoying your holiday. fresh air.

Conclusion! If the theater begins with a coat rack, then the house begins with the porch. Remember this, and do not leave the design of the porch “for later”. Let your home be cozy and harmonious.

The porch is considered an important detail in the design of the house, as thanks to it the building acquires a stylish and cozy look. Today, modern design allows you to design both modest platforms that provide an entrance to the house, and luxurious options with stairs and access to the terrace. The construction of a porch is not particularly difficult, so you can do it yourself by first creating a project and choosing the appropriate material.


The main touch in the construction of a residential building is the installation of a porch; it is a small extension located in front of the entrance to the building. The installation of this structure must be taken responsibly, since its design will determine general form architectural building from the street. Therefore, the porch is built simultaneously with the main building, so as not to disturb its uniform style.

You cannot do without a porch even when the layout of a private house includes a veranda or canopy. In order for this structure to serve not only as a home decoration, but also to be durable in use, it must be built from high-quality materials and adhere to all rules and technologies.

The porch design is made taking into account design features buildings and type of foundation. To make it attractive and neat, it is recommended to install small areas that can be additionally covered and decorated with railings.

The design of the porch may be different, but regardless of its design and size, the main functions of the extension are considered to be:

  • aligning the entrance level with the base of the house;
  • protecting the premises from water, dirt and dust;
  • decorative design of the facade;
  • arrangement of space for storing things and for relaxation;
  • thermal insulation of the home.

Types of structures

Every owner of a country home tries to make his home comfortable and beautiful, so when arranging it, great attention should be paid to the design of the porch. Before installing it, you need to decide on the dimensions and choose the one for the job. construction material. For residential buildings located on a small plot of land, it is advisable to give preference to products that have minimal dimensions. That is, it is enough to provide access to the entrance by laying out steps that will correspond to the height of the foundation, and a small platform will be located directly in front of the door. If this option seems too modest, then you can expand the structure by several meters and place the exit along the wall of the building.

For the owners big houses It is best to build a spacious porch and additionally equip it with a platform for a recreation area. This will create a chic terrace where you can spend time outdoors and welcome guests. In order for the extension to serve as a place to relax in any weather, you will need to cover the roof and install a heating system.

Today, many project options are used to build a porch, in which the structures differ from each other not only in size, design, but also in shape.

The following types of porch are distinguished by shape:

  • rectangular or square;
  • semicircular;
  • round;
  • non-standard;
  • L-shaped.

In addition, sites can be made closed or open. In the first case, the extension is complemented by windows and a roof, while in the other it has only handrails. If desired, the open porch can be equipped with a small canopy that will serve as protection from rain and sun. The most common type of porch is considered to be a medium-sized structure with a small canopy and steps, while the latter can be helical or straight. For houses in classic and modern styles, extensions with columns that support the canopy are well suited. popular view is a glazed porch, it gives the house an interesting and original design.


The construction of a porch begins with the installation of its base. The foundation can be made in several ways, which depend on the size and type of design of the structure. Usually the porch is made in the form of a platform with steps or with vertical posts on which the canopy is placed. For each version of such extensions, a different foundation is used, taking into account the type of support and soil characteristics.

As a rule, all developers provide for the construction of a foundation for the porch during the construction of the house. Therefore, a monolithic foundation is often laid. There are shallow and recessed monolithic slabs, they are selected depending on the characteristics of the soil on the land plot. If groundwater lies close to the surface of the earth, then the foundation is laid at the same depth as the foundation of a residential building. For stable and dense mail that is not oversaturated with moisture, you can get by with a small depth.

The monolithic base is installed on a reinforcing mesh or formwork made of edged boards. The walls of the formwork are hermetically sealed with a water-repellent coating, and the slabs are poured with concrete in layers. While the solution is drying, its surface must be protected from overdrying, otherwise it will crack. As a rule, complete “ripening” of concrete takes 4 weeks, after which it is ready for finishing.

Installation also has enormous advantages. strip foundation, which is erected quickly and easily. It is chosen under the porch, regardless of the terrain conditions. First, markings are made of the external and internal contours, between which a concrete strip will be installed. Then waterproofing is laid, a layer of sand and crushed stone is poured in, the resulting “cushion” is watered for several days and compacted well. After this, a reinforcing mesh is installed and concrete is poured layer by layer.

As for the columnar foundation, it is the most budget option for construction, as it requires minimal labor and does not require special materials. It is attached to screw piles or pipes. First of all, prepare the area for the base, level it, clear it of debris, and make markings. Then a depression is formed in the ground where the pillars will be installed. After the supports are fixed, fill the hole with crushed stone and sand, and upon completion of the work, concrete is poured.

Material selection

The porch can be built from various materials, but most often wood and brick are used for this. Much less often, metal or a combination of brick and wood is used for construction.

Since not only the aesthetic appearance of the extension, but also its service life will depend on the choice of material, its features should be taken into account.

  • Brick. A porch built of brick is considered the simplest and most acceptable option for complementing a house, as it is strong, reliable, durable and fits in an original way with any architectural structure. Externally, the structure looks solid; during construction, it can be given any size and shape. When designing a brick porch, it is important to include a staircase and original railings, which can be made of brick or other material. This porch with a terrace extension looks beautiful.

  • Tree. It is the right choice for a country house built from logs or boards. Wood gives the decoration warmth and homeliness; it is considered an environmentally friendly raw material that reliably serves for decades. To extend the life of a wooden porch, it should be additionally treated with special protective equipment. Besides, this material opens huge opportunities for design creativity. For example, you can make carved railings from it and decorate the extension with wooden steps and balusters.

  • Metal. A metal porch is not in great demand. Such a structure can withstand temperature changes and does not rot, but it is difficult to install and there are restrictions in the choice of shapes and sizes. Therefore, most often the porch is made from profile pipe, which is combined with wood trim or install partitions from blocks. In addition to the above materials, structures are also made of foam blocks or sheathed with siding. A practical option It is considered a poured porch, which has a monolithic appearance and is suitable for any project.

How to do it yourself: step-by-step instructions

Once the material for the porch has been selected, construction of the structure can begin. To do this, first a detailed diagram of the extension is drawn and a work plan is created. The diagram must show a staircase with steps. In addition, before building a porch, it is important to think about the arrangement of its platform, which, depending on its purpose, can have a rounded or rectangular shape. We make the door strictly according to its location in the center of the staircase, while the landing can be attached in such a way that it has a second entrance to the backyard.

The manufacturing of the porch is carried out strictly according to the dimensions and parameters specified in the project. A residential building should be beautifully combined with this design, so its dimensions are selected in accordance with the size of the house and land plot. To properly strengthen the porch, a metal post is placed under the stairs, which acts as a support.

Made of wood

A wooden porch is constructed as a separate extension to the house, which is secured with beams and posts. To do this, first they dig a hole in the soil, place supports and fill them level with screenings, after which the hole is filled with concrete, and the bottom of the wooden structure is treated with water-repellent impregnation. If the house is built of wood, it is best to decorate the upper part of the platform frame with boards, and the lower part with siding or other material.

In addition to the wooden porch, steps are installed; there must be at least 3 of them; if the number of steps exceeds 5, then handrails will need to be installed. It is also important to correctly calculate the slope of the street stairs; as a rule, it is 25-30°. To make the staircase easy to use, it is advisable to make its steps large and wide. The staircase can be made of either wood or metal, it all depends on the features of the exterior decoration of the house. Installation of the stairs is simple: first of all, determine the location for the stringers, then fasten them on the sides and at the bottom.

Made of metal

Before installing a metal porch, you need to make design calculations, for which the height and length of the steps, as well as the angle of inclination of the stairs, are important. In addition, when drawing up a drawing, you should select the optimal width of the march, the height of the railings and the size of the platform. Typically, the angle of inclination of a staircase for a metal porch is chosen in the range from 23 to 45°, the height of its steps should not exceed 18 cm, and the length - 36 cm. In this case, the width of the staircase can be different - from 80 to 110 cm.

After the design diagram is ready, you should purchase a profile of a suitable size. For the side sections of the stairs, a channel with a shelf height of 4 cm and a wall height of 8 cm is suitable. It is quite durable and it is easy to weld railing posts and steps to it. The frame for the platform can be made from steel angle, and for the steps, use steel 4 mm thick. In addition to the profiles, you will also need a profiled pipe 40x60 mm or 60x60 mm.

To accurately assemble the structure, it is recommended to use a special template, which is easy to make from OSB boards. This way you can correctly position and secure the parts using electric welding. In the event that there is no electric welding at hand, the elements are fixed using threaded connections. Before starting welding work, the support is prepared, the length of the racks is calculated so that it is sufficient for embedding into the foundation. Most often, a metal porch is installed in a rectangular shape, so the base of its platform should rest on four posts.

Made from concrete

A concrete porch is different from previous types design in that the height of its platform coincides with the level of the floor covering in the room. It is not recommended to make the porch too high or low, as this will create inconvenience when entering a residential building. Installation begins with preparing the site for construction. As a rule, the site is built simultaneously with the installation of the foundation and walls of the house. This simplifies the work process, and the extension is carried out to the finished wall reinforcement.

At the first stage of construction, the soil is leveled; for this, the top layer of soil is removed, and the resulting base is well compacted, after which the formwork for the foundation is filled and made. In order for such a porch to reliably serve for many years, the concrete platform must be made perfectly level and the mortar must be poured in several layers. In this case, work should be carried out over the entire site at once, otherwise separate filling of sections can lead to the formation of seams and cracking of the surface. After the concrete has completely dried, it is additionally filled with a self-leveling screed. Thanks to this, the joints will be hidden and the coating will be smooth.

Made of brick

A brick porch is considered the most durable, but in order for the structure to really last for decades, you need to design it correctly and adhere to certain technologies when installing it. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that such a porch should be 1.5 times wider than the front door, and the height of the platform should not exceed 0.2 m. Installation of the structure begins with pouring the foundation, with concrete base be sure to fill it with crushed stone.

When the foundation is ready, you can begin laying out the finishing material. The brick should be laid on previously prepared cement mortar. To protect the extension from moisture, additional waterproofing is done, which is applied in two layers to the foundation. After brickwork completed, they move on to installing the steps and finishing the base.

Finishing and design

In order for the porch to originally complement the style of the house, it can be decorated with various decorative elements, using a variety of color scheme and materials.

  • Today, European-style designs are extremely popular. Distinctive feature Such a porch is considered to have regular shapes, clear lines and rigor of design. For decoration in in this case they use facing tiles, make forged awnings and install lanterns.
  • Many owners of country houses also prefer French style, which is characterized by a large glass entrance door and a huge number of flowerpots on the porch.

  • As for the classic style, the porch must have posts and railings, which are often painted in White color. An unusual solution will be the construction of a structure in the form of an arch; it will combine at the same time a gazebo and a porch. This romantic design is ideal for a brick house.
  • To surprise guests interesting option design, it is recommended to install a porch-patio, which is an open-view terrace attached to the house. This design will serve convenient place for outdoor recreation and family dinners.
  • Russian-style designs are also in great demand in modern design; they harmoniously combine with the wooden trim of the house, have large steps and are decorated with many carved patterns.

Beautiful examples

There are many design ideas with which even a primitive brick porch will become original look. To do this, the upper part of the structure is made of reinforced concrete, and the sides are lined with decorative bricks. The finishing touch to such a composition will be beautiful railings and lighting, thanks to which the entrance to the house will look very solemn.

In addition, the porch can be made in a semicircular shape, this will help smooth out straight lines and corners. The finishing in this case is best made of brick or natural stone, and the main highlight of the design will be the first step, laid out in a semicircle.

Country houses can be complemented with a porch of any shape and size, and it is recommended to choose trapezoidal type options; they will not only originally emphasize the beauty of the architectural building, but will also harmoniously fit into landscape design. The finishing of the structure can be done from any material, but decorative bricks and marbled tiles will look especially attractive.

For spacious cottages the right decision there will be a large porch attached to the terrace, on which you can equip summer playground, and arrange a place for winter Garden. Similar design will act not only as a decorative element, but will also reliably protect the main building from negative impact climatic conditions. It is best to construct the structure from wood; it will fit into any style and give the building a homely feel. In addition, a porch with a terrace, decorated with both wood and stone, will look no less original. In this case, it is advisable to make the cladding from gray stone.

If the house is located on an uneven plot, then iron piles are used to build the porch, they take up little space and allow the structure to be placed along the facade. Thanks to this porch model, you can simultaneously create several levels in the form of platforms and terraces, and install a reversible staircase. Thanks to this, the entrance to the house will be comfortable, and the narrow extension will save money. free place and arrange flowers or original lanterns.

A brick porch with wrought iron railings will be a real decoration for a country house. It is best to place the steps in a circle from the main platform, thus creating a small structure that provides entry from three sides. To protect the entrance from the sun and rain, you can additionally manufacture and install a metal canopy. In this case, the decor of the canopy should be completely repeated in the patterns of the railing.


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