We are building a house in the countryside ourselves. Step-by-step construction of a house from sip panels with your own hands from the foundation to the facade We build a house from sip panels with your own hands

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Residents of Europe and North America For more than fifty years, they have been using structural heat-insulating sip panels to build strong, warm, durable and environmentally friendly buildings. IN Lately houses built according to Canadian technology, have become popular in our country. Today a large number of construction companies offers its services for the construction of such buildings. Of course, you can hire representatives of one of these many companies for construction, however, you can make a house from vulture panels with your own hands. Self-assembly will significantly reduce the cost of 1 m 2 of a building, without damaging its quality.

Houses made from sip panels have many advantages, however, we will highlight the most significant of them:

  • Buildings are characterized by a high degree of thermal insulation, so the cost of heating buildings made from structural insulating sip panels is significantly lower than the cost of heating wooden, concrete or stone houses.
  • Good sound insulation guarantees reliable protection from external noise.
  • Structures of this type have an increased margin of safety and long term operation, which can exceed 100 years.
  • Thanks to the simple joining principle, houses can be assembled very quickly, with perfect smooth walls and the corners lend themselves very well to finishing.
  • The probability that this design will shrink, very little.
  • The material from which the sip panels are made is not subject to rotting and is not affected by insects. In addition, the material contains no harmful substances that can harm the health of residents or cause damage to the environment.

Canadian technology is equally successfully used for the construction of real estate of any type. Today, the following are built from sip panels:

  • Country houses, country cottages.
  • Office buildings.
  • Hotel complexes, tourist centers.
  • Restaurants, bars, cafes.
  • Warehouses, workshops and much more.

Preliminary work

The first thing you need to do before starting construction is to draw up a project for your future home. If you can’t create a project yourself, you can resort to the help of specialists. In addition, it is permissible to use standard projects, which are presented on various Internet resources, or adapt these projects to your requirements, making the necessary adjustments.

  • Equally important is the acquisition the necessary tool. At the same time, it is strongly recommended to refuse to purchase a low-quality instrument, because this can lead to various unpredictable negative consequences.
  • Strict adherence to safety rules will keep your health intact and will help you efficiently and effectively. fixed time execute construction works in full.

Construction stages

  1. The construction of a foundation is a mandatory initial stage in the construction process of any building or structure. A house made of vulture panels has a relatively light weight, so in most cases it is advisable to build a foundation on screw piles for such a building. Foundation advantage of this type is that its construction takes no more than two days, while installation work possible even with negative temperature air. Another positive aspect of using a foundation on screw piles is that its cost is quite low compared to the cost of building other types of foundations.
  2. After completing the work related to the construction of the foundation, you should proceed to its waterproofing. To do this, use roofing felt, which must be laid in two layers.
  3. Next you need to lay strapping beam, which will serve as the base for the floor. Laying is carried out on the heads of screw piles in accordance with previously created drawing documentation.
  4. On next stage panels are installed to act as a floor covering. Waterproofing is provided by applied to them outside layer of bitumen mastic. They must be laid out along the entire perimeter of the future structure and joined in width and length by connecting to the strapping beam using a strong and invisible tongue-and-groove connection. Before the splicing process, each groove is treated with a one-component polyurethane foam sealant. Additionally, screws that need to be screwed into each side of the connection help secure the structure. When the floors are finally assembled, a one-component polyurethane foam sealant should also be applied to their ends, after which the outer parts are sheathed with wooden boards.
  5. After completing the above steps, you can begin to assemble the walls of the first floor of the house. First of all, it is necessary to install the horizontal frame of the walls along the foundation, i.e. lower wall trim. In this case, the work must be carried out with special care, strictly adhering to the installation diagram, from which one cannot deviate. Any inaccuracies at this stage of construction can lead to serious problems in the future. Sip panels, which will serve as the walls of the building, can be installed when the bottom frame is ready. First, the corner elements are installed, after which the remaining racks and slabs are fastened (installation is carried out from the first corner panel and is carried out in two directions, to the second corner element). During the assembly process, each newly installed slab must be monitored with a special measuring tool - a building level, which allows determining the amount of deviation from the vertical or horizontal line and, if necessary, adjust its position.
  6. After this, the upper samples are treated with a one-component polyurethane foam sealant, then the upper trim is laid.
  7. Next comes the installation of the interfloor slab. To do this, slabs with a layer of one-component polyurethane foam sealant pre-applied on them are installed along the entire perimeter of the building on the panels of the first floor, acting as an interfloor ceiling (the same as on the first floor).
  8. The wall panels of the second floor are mounted and fastened together in the same way as the wall slabs of the first floor of the building. Sometimes the spans of rooms can be large. In this case interfloor ceilings It is best to reinforce it with laminated veneer lumber ( LVL timber), which can later be hidden using decorative ceiling decoration, under plasterboard sheets or under a suspended ceiling.
  9. Roof installation work is the final stage of building a house. It should be noted that the construction of the roof is carried out without rafter system, because sip panels have a significant margin of safety, thanks to which they are able to withstand high external loads. The principle of connecting roof slabs remains the same as the principle of connecting floor panels. In this case, there is no need to use vapor barriers and waterproofing materials, because the material has good vapor barrier and heat insulating properties.
  10. After the roof is erected, you can begin to install the roof covering, which can consist of any roofing materials, restrictions in in this case none.
  11. Window openings can also have any shape and size.
  12. Showing into the house engineering communications can be carried out in parallel with interior finishing work.

- not only a material with very high heat retention rates, durable, strong, but also a high-quality, convenient building structure, which allows you to literally complete the construction of a structure within a few days on a prepared foundation. At the same time, the assembly of houses can be carried out without the use of special equipment, manually, with the help of just a few people.

To build houses from SIP panels, a foundation must be equipped. Since the design is quite lightweight, the following are most often used:

  • columnar foundation;
  • strip structure made of reinforced concrete;
  • pile screw foundation.

The latter option is the most profitable, since it is ideal for building houses on any soil and guarantees the absence of problems with soil heaving when freezing. Pile foundation It is created very quickly using special equipment, but can also be assembled manually.

House construction techniques

We will assume that the assembly of houses from SIP panels is carried out according to a pre-developed construction project, supplied with instructions. The structures are supplied in finished form, required sizes, with door and window openings. This is the most common option chosen by thrifty owners. In this case, there are no time delays, the pairing of SIP wall elements with each other is guaranteed.

If the owner of a future home made from SIP panels prefers to act completely independently, according to project documentation preparations are being made necessary elements. “Live” assembly, when after installing one element the preparation of the next one just begins, practically does not occur.

Start of construction

The beginning of the construction of houses from SIP constructs is the assembly of the base located on the foundation. Usually it is a structure made of timber. Assembly is carried out in several stages:

  • the perimeter of the future house is formed;
  • intermediate crossbars are installed and secured (in the longitudinal direction), which rest on the racks or pillars of the foundation.

We will assume that the construction technology involves assembling the floor of the first floor from SIP panels. This not only speeds up the work, but also avoids waste of timber. This approach has its drawbacks, but is used quite often.

First floor flooring

Instructions for assembling the first floor floor from SIP panels are as follows:

  • The first SIP panel is laid in the transverse direction, along the short dimension of the foundation. The size of the element is selected in such a way that when placed at the end of the strapping board, the overall dimensions correspond to the foundation;
  • You can connect the panels to each other using the tongue and groove system. Today it is possible to assemble a floor up to 6 meters along the length of the panel, however, there are also solutions with increased strength that allow a size of 15 meters;
  • if the assembly must guarantee maximum strength, it is worth laying an intermediate connecting beam or board between the SIP panels;
  • After laying the surface, a binding board is installed around the perimeter of the finished floor, which increases strength.

All connections are foamed during assembly. The panels are connected to each other with self-tapping screws, the lower surface of the floor of houses made of SIP structures is waterproofed using bitumen mastic. If intermediate boards or timber were used, they are also attached with self-tapping screws to the strapping board. It’s very simple; in practice, all the work is done in a few hours.

Assembling the walls of the first floor

The main thing where the instructions for installing SIP panels on the first floor of houses begins is the installation of a guide, a 100 mm beam. It is screwed to the foundation, anchor bolts, right through the floor structures where the walls will be placed.

This work must be carried out with the utmost care to ensure that even if there are errors in cutting wall elements, general direction SIP of panels will be respected. The correct installation of the timber is checked according to the instructions for the project and using templates.

Assembly is carried out in the following order:

  • The corner of the first floor is being assembled. First, one SIP panel is installed. Securely fixed to the guide bar. The installation accuracy is constantly checked;
  • a second SIP panel is mounted at a right angle. The connection with the first one is thoroughly foamed. The accuracy of the angle must be ideal - it will set the direction and be responsible for the accuracy of placement of the remaining SIP structures;
  • assembly of house walls - installation of subsequent SIP panels - is carried out using a tongue-and-groove system. The elements are attached to the guide beam and connected to each other with self-tapping screws.

The technology for assembling the first floor from SIP panels is also simple. More control and care will be required, but the work is not difficult. When connecting SIP elements of a house wall at indirect angles, either the instructions for the project or the laid guide beam will help determine the direction and actual dimensions of each structure.

The assembly of the first floor is completed by foaming the perimeter along the top and installing the trim board panels into the technological groove. It gives additional strength to the entire structure of SIP elements and will work as a place for attaching the upper structures.

Second and subsequent floors

The technology for assembling the second floor is no different from the first. The floor is laid, and the SIP structures are attached with long self-tapping screws to the strapping board located at the end of the walls of the first floor. If you follow these instructions, the ceiling will work as a means of ensuring the strength of the entire structure, connecting all the walls together.


If the roof is assembled from SIP panels, it will not need rafters and other structural elements that are designed to provide strength. In practice, a support beam is laid - a mauerlat, located along the perimeter of the future roof. It is screwed to the top floor trim board.

The installation technology also does not involve any special difficulties:

  • The gables are being assembled. The process is similar to installing the first SIP panel on the first floor - everything needs to be done carefully, the element is attached to the power plate;
  • between the two gables a support is installed at the top ridge beam;
  • SIP panels are laid on the mauerlat and ridge beam and bolted to them.

The technology for assembling the roof surface is similar to creating the floor of the first floor. Although SIP panels have sufficient strength, it is recommended to use a connecting board when creating a roof to ensure good rigidity and high resistance to wind gusts.


It was not possible to find anything complicated in the technology of assembling a house from SIP constructs. The technique is simple and requires only accuracy and attentiveness. All connections must be foamed; after assembly, all gaps between SIP panels larger than 3 mm are coated with waterproof polymer glue, which guarantees high performance of the structure.

Assembly internal partitions from SIP panels of smaller thickness is also not difficult and is made according to the instructions for walls - using a guide beam, controlling the installation at a precise angle, and also carefully foaming all connections. The instructions do not provide for the use of a connecting board between individual SIP elements. The strength of the tongue-and-groove system is more than enough for interior partitions.

The construction industry is gaining momentum and improving every day. Thanks to these processes it is possible to minimal costs build a massive house of any number of floors. Moreover, such a building will have high quality. Besides high level You can evaluate the strength of SIP panels by watching the video in this article. In our article we will get acquainted with the advantages and disadvantages of such material, and how to build a house from vulture panels.

Main advantages of SIP panels

Do-it-yourself construction of houses from vulture panels is gaining momentum in popularity. Why is this happening? Sip panels have the following advantages compared to other materials:

Attention! Such unique features make it possible to make almost any type of building from Sip, from warehouses to country cottages.

The main disadvantages of buildings from Sip

In this section, we need to consider all the disadvantages of the material for building a house from vulture products without unforeseen problems:

  • Sip buildings usually do not allow oxygen to pass through, so they trap air indoors. The problem can be solved by regularly airing the rooms.
  • Construction work takes less than 7 days, during which the weather may change, so think about the drainage system in advance.
  • The low level of fire resistance requires high-quality electrical wiring and fire alarms.
  • In addition, the blind area should be made wider so that winter period Easily clear the path.

If you have already decided on the material, and this is Sip panels, then below we will look at how to build a house using Canadian technology with your own hands.

Building a house with your own hands

The construction of buildings from such material includes some construction stages:

  • Preparatory stage;
  • Arrangement of floor covering;
  • Installation of walls;
  • Roof installation;
  • Finishing work.

Let's look at each stage of work in more detail.

Preparatory work

Before you begin building a facility using SIP panels, you must perform the following series of actions:

  • The first thing we do is draw up a project. For this you can use finished project or do it yourself: you can watch a video on how to do it below;
  • To perform the work, you need to purchase a hacksaw and a screwdriver.
  • To build this type regular one will do type of foundation, such as a screw foundation.
  • Next we carry out waterproofing. To do this, you can use a two-layer roofing felt.
  • We lay down a layer of strapping timber that will serve as the base for the floor.

Setting up the floor

Now we can start laying floor base. To do this you need to use panels. We lay them over the entire area of ​​the building, but before that we need to waterproof it. Either will help us with this bitumen mastic, or roofing felt. Each groove should be treated with sealant - this is necessary for merging the panels.

Attention! In order to secure the parts more firmly, you can use self-tapping screws, and then lubricate all the ends with a special agent.

We mount the walls

After the previous stages are completed, construction of the frame house can begin. To do this you should do the following:

  • We install the frame horizontally along the entire perimeter of the building. Bottom harness must be performed in accordance with all existing standards.
  • Next, we install corner panels from which the following SIP products are attached in different directions.
  • In order to avoid distortions, it is necessary to use a building level.
  • The upper samples of panel elements must be treated with sealant.
  • Then we proceed to the upper harness.

Roof installation

With such a construction there is no need to create truss structure, since the structure can withstand heavy loads. Also, for this stage there is no need to additionally perform steam and waterproofing. You can watch the video of building a house from sip panels in more detail. In general, the process of installing a roof is carried out according to the same scheme as installing walls.

Finishing work

If the walls are made of Sip panels, then the building receives a large number of advantages over other types. Thus, they are characterized by a smooth and even surface. That is why Finishing work much easier to perform than for other materials. To do this, you can use drywall, without installing the frame. You can also use clapboard, siding, tiles or stones. You can attach finishing products using construction adhesive.

Attention! Flooring can be created using parquet, tiles, linoleum and other options.

By constructing a building from sip panels, you can achieve a very stable and reliable result. Plus, the price will pleasantly surprise you.

The construction of houses from sip panels is a novelty in the domestic construction market. If Europeans have not been surprised by such houses for 50-60 years, then for Russian developers this technology is a reason for heated discussions.

Sip panels are a structure made of an expanded polystyrene layer, enclosed on both sides in an OSB board. The internal heat and sound insulating layer can be different thicknesses, it all depends on the future purpose of the panels. Thickened sip panels are purchased for installation external walls winter buildings, and thinner panels are used for interior walls or for furnishing summer houses.

Advantages of the technology for building houses from sip panels

The main factor of high popularity of this material for construction is the proper level of its factory readiness. That is, buying sip panels– the developer buys a product assembled using technology and ready for use. At the construction site, all that remains is to correctly assemble the box of the house itself, which eliminates defects that arise as a result of excessive “independent activity” of the developer.

Advantages of sip panels

In addition, build using panels frame house the customer can do it with his own hands, saving quite an impressive amount.

Under frame houses no need for a complex, expensive foundation. Installation does not require a lot of manpower - everything can be done with your own hands, besides, you do not need to spend money on ordering special equipment, the panels are easy to carry yourself.

Although frame houses have a significant number of advantages, panels for them are still produced by more than one manufacturer, there are a huge number of them, and each makes panels according to own technology. So the assessment of the quality of the purchased material lies entirely with the buyer.

It is worth paying attention to the level of formaldehyde emission in the slabs - it should be no more than E1 (this level is safe for humans). Besides, the slabs must be made of high-quality self-extinguishing foam, polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam

Despite the fact that the thermal protection of such houses is an advantage, it also has one significant drawback: the house functions like a thermos, because OSB boards, saving energy, do not allow water vapor to pass through. Therefore, frame houses require mechanical ventilation technology. A recuperation unit that removes air from living rooms, and warming up cold air masses coming from the street.

Pad ventilation system in such houses it is thought out at the design stage, otherwise the elements of the slabs tightly fitted to each other will tightly clog the box of the house, creating unsuitable living conditions inside.

Technology for laying a ventilation system in a house made of sip panels

In addition, houses made of sip panels have poor sound insulation. Polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam inside the boards are not soundproofing materials On the contrary, they conduct well and sometimes increase impact noise.

Of course, if your frame house stands in the wilderness, there is no need to worry about unnecessary noise, but if the house is located in a fairly busy place, you will have to strengthen its interior decoration with noise-absorbing material with your own hands.

How to choose a foundation for a frame house?

Despite the fact that laying the foundation for a house made of sip panels does not require high costs(about 20% of the total construction budget), you still have to put in some effort and ingenuity. The thing is that the frame of the house has an unusually low weight, plus, it is necessary to take into account the specific characteristics of the soil, climate conditions, and the depth of groundwater of the building site.

The main nuance associated with these houses is seasonal heaving of the soil, after which the entire frame of the house can shift, crack or tilt. The best foundation options for them are:

  1. Screw piles– a simple, quickly installed, cheap foundation. A screw pile is a steel tube to which a blade is attached, designed to be screwed into the soil. This foundation has a good load bearing capacity, because in the process of screwing the blade into the ground, it does not loosen it, but, on the contrary, compacts it.
  2. – a rarely used technology. It is unprofitable for developers, because it is suitable only for non-heaving soils, while the rest will provoke its deformation after a season or two. To make such a foundation, you need to remove 40 cm of soil, install formwork with reinforcement and fill it with cement. Main disadvantage such a foundation takes a long time to dry out concrete pouring(up to a month). In addition, the underground floor of such a house will be much less ventilated than in pile house.
  3. a good option for slightly heaving soils. Its arrangement consists of a thick reinforced concrete slab lying on a bulk cushion. Such a foundation allows you to evenly distribute the load on the ground and protect the house from seasonal shifts.
  4. – a good option for slightly heaving soil, much cheaper monolithic type. Such a foundation is a structure made of individual slabs located at the corners of the future frame of the house, at the junction of rooms and massive load-bearing beams.

How to install panels yourself?

Despite the fact that the procedure for building a frame house is simple and quick, to build it you will need a lot auxiliary tools, finishing materials and fasteners.

A careful calculation is made specifically to find out how much material will be spent on construction. This calculation must take into account all door and door locations. window openings, their width and height, as well as the thickness of all external and internal walls of the house and the location of communication networks.

Panel country houses - installation technology

Installation panel houses do it yourself as follows:

  • waterproofing (for example, roofing felt) and a strapping beam impregnated with an antiseptic substance are placed on the existing foundation base;
  • starting boards are attached to the strapping beam using screws;
  • standard width of sip panels: 125, 250 and 280 cm. They are attached to each other using special grooves into which wooden dowels are inserted. The fastening must take place seamlessly, hermetically, with further blowing polyurethane foam so that the future building does not let in the cold;
  • if the house is on a shallow foundation, the starting boards are attached to composite panels rather than frames.

Roof laying

Roof panel fastening diagram

Roof construction in panel house very easy to do with your own hands. Besides the fact that in this case there is no need to do the sheathing, you can roofing pie there is also no need to assemble it, because the sandwich panel is a ready-made element.

You just need to lay the sip panels on the rafters, secure them with self-tapping screws, and, leaving a small ventilation gap, cover them with a roof. Best suited bitumen shingles and metal tiles.

In addition, if you have the means and can afford the services of a light crane, assemble the roof on the ground with your own hands, and then install it in place using a crane.

External and internal decoration of the house with vulture panels

Finishing, both internal and external, is done very quickly. Since the panels are smooth and even, finishing cladding does not require preliminary screeding or plastering.

However, before installing drywall and finishing, you need to sand and seal the joints between the panels with paint mesh. In addition, before carrying out any finishing work, it is necessary to make holes for communications.

In rooms with high humidity(bathroom, toilet), joints are closed silicone sealant, and sip panels are overlapped in order to protect the wall materials from getting wet. The floors in these rooms need to be additionally waterproofed or even self-leveling acrylic floors should be laid.

Among the exterior finishing methods, the most attractive are:

  • thin plastic vinyl siding panels do not rot and perfectly protect from moisture;
  • facade plaster– the most common finishing variation;
  • corrugated sheet- easy finishing material made of metal, characterized by its strength and resistance to rust;
  • fiber cement It is a strong, compressed slab of cement (more than 90%) and cellulose.
  • facade tiles- a cheap and popular material that imitates natural finishing elements.

Thus, having considered all the nuances and features of building houses from sip panels, we can conclude that the positive characteristics of the material prevail over the negative ones.

In addition, the constant rise in price of housing, especially apartments in cities, will soon make country frame houses the only option for those wishing to own personal property.

The construction of houses from sip panels has become widespread in Canada and Europe. Today this method enjoys well-deserved popularity in our country. Many companies provide these services, but due to the ease of use, it is possible to build a house from sip panels yourself, without the involvement of qualified performers. If you follow simple technology, you can a short time get a decent result.

SIP (Structural insulated panel): characteristics, advantages and disadvantages

Sip panels are three-layer sandwich panels. Between two layers of hard sheet material, there is a heat-insulating and sound-proof layer. Most often used as outer layers OSB boards, the filler is polystyrene foam. Mineral wool is used less frequently for filling, since this significantly increases the weight and cost of the elements. The outside is treated with fireproof and antiseptic impregnations. Sip sandwiches are produced in various thicknesses - 124; 174 and 224 mm, depending on the purpose. Main linear dimensions are 2500*1250 mm and 2800*1250 mm, although products of other sizes can be ordered.

The popularity of this product is due to a large number of advantages:

  • Factory readiness. When ordering prefabricated elements at the factory, the assembly is carried out in such a way as to take into account all the features of the project and reduce assembly errors to a minimum. Also, many manufacturers complete their products with a studded board, which ensures reliable connection tongue and groove In other cases, timber is supplied at the assembly site.
  • Ease of use. The technology is so simple that the building can be assembled with your own hands. At the same time, the set of tools for work is minimal.
  • Wide application. From SIP you can build country cottages, office and warehouses, garages and carry out installation of other buildings and structures.
  • High heat and noise insulation. Availability of foam or mineral wool provides excellent thermophysical properties.
  • Strength. Manufacturers provide a minimum 50-year warranty.
  • Lightweight design. Low weight allows the use of lightweight types of foundations.
  • Construction speed.
  • All-season. The absence of “wet” processes allows you to carry out the installation yourself, regardless of weather conditions.
  • Saving. The use of this technology at all stages of construction from floor to roof allows reducing material costs.
  • Reducing monetary costs for heating.

The disadvantages include:

  • Synthetic materials.
  • Complete sealing of buildings. For normal operation of such an object it is necessary good system forced ventilation.
  • Flammability. There are heated debates about this, although manufacturers promise a high class of fire safety.

You need to take a responsible approach to choosing SIPs so that they meet all the specified requirements. Availability of impregnation for biological protection, fire-resistant and moisture-resistant coatings, the thickness of the frame coating and the density of the insulating layer.

Preparatory stages of work

  • Selecting a project. If appearance structure, its size, number of floors and design depends only on the wishes of the customer, then the preparation of project documentation and calculation of the number of sandwiches should be entrusted to professionals. This will avoid mistakes and save money.
  • Manufacturer's choice. You should first study the supply market and choose a company that is trusted and respects technological process manufacturing and packaging.
  • Purchase and delivery of the order.

Basic work on the construction of the building


The most important step is to select and correct device foundation. The light weight of the structure allows the use of any type of base: shallow-depth tape, monolithic or columnar type. Most often used screw piles, which allows you to reduce the arrangement time to 2-3 days. This process is carried out as carefully as possible, avoiding errors and inaccuracies. The installation of a pile foundation can be done with your own hands. The site is marked according to the project, starting from the corners. Axial threads are pulled between the corner pegs and marked seats for piles. The distance for adjacent supports is 2-2.5 m. After which the piles are twisted to the required depth, below the freezing point of the soil for this climate zone.

Using a level they find single level for the entire frame. Horizontal leveling can be done by additional twisting or cutting off excess. The twisting fitting method is not recommended, as this loosens the soil. After this, we connect the “heels” of the piles using metal channel, we lay a waterproofing layer, for which we use roofing material, and mount the strapping beam on top using bolted connections.

Floor arrangement

You can assemble a complete floor from sip panels with your own hands. For this frame slabs laid over the area, having pre-treated them waterproofing mastic. A connecting beam is used as a lag. Polyurethane foam sealant is applied to all joints for better sealing. After this, to improve strength, all connections are fastened with self-tapping screws in increments of 10-15 cm. Often, an additional boardwalk is mounted on top of the “pie” using self-tapping screws. Finally, a strapping is installed, along which the walls of the future home will be directly assembled.

Raising the walls

Despite the apparent complexity, building walls is also quite doable with your own hands. We begin assembling the structure from the corner, for which we align the corner panels horizontally and vertically, using building level for quality control. Next, from the exposed corner multilayer slabs, we install the subsequent ones ourselves, heading in two directions towards next corners. We glue each connecting groove using mounting sealant. Upon completion of the construction of the walls of the first floor, we lay a strapping board on top, which will act as a base for the interfloor ceiling.

We install the floors by analogy with the floor, performing step-by-step technology for laying slabs. If necessary, we strengthen the structure additional beam. In ceilings it is necessary not to forget technological holes For ventilation ducts and other communications. With the help of connecting board releases, you can form a base for balconies, loggias, and various decorative structures.

Fastening structural elements the second floor is similar in design to the SIP-sandwich device on the first level.

When arranging a roof, for small volumes you can do without installing a rafter system, since the panels have the necessary safety margin. This method saves significant amount funds. For large roof areas it is necessary to install rafters. But even in this case, the savings are noticeable, because the use of additional waterproofing films and other coatings is eliminated. On top, for ventilation, a slatted sheathing is installed and the final finishing of the roof is carried out with any chosen material: metal tiles, ondulin, etc.


At correct execution work we obtain smooth and even surfaces that can easily be finished with any material. For internal space plasterboard is most often used in bathrooms and kitchens - ceramic tiles. Siding and decorative plasters are suitable for the street.

Thus, the widespread use of sip sandwiches for the construction of buildings is due to the undoubted advantages of the material, the ability to perform the entire complex of work with your own hands, as well as significant savings during the construction process and subsequent operation.


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