Construction of a frame partition in a log bathhouse: installation of a frame with insulation. Partition in the bath between the steam room and the sink Connecting the wall in the bath

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At all times, the partition in the bathhouse between the steam room and the sink was the element without which the entire ritual of bathing would turn into something more ordinary. Its installation is carried out at different stages. You can make a partition during the construction of the bathhouse itself, integrating it into general project, and during the period of reconstruction.

Brick wall and its insulation

In a brick bathhouse, the partition can be laid out from the base material. But it is necessary to take into account that brick has a fairly high heat capacity and a high heat transfer coefficient. This means that the partition itself inside the bathhouse will be constantly hot (it’s easy to get burned) and the heat loss in the steam room will also be impressive. Therefore, the structure should be insulated as much as possible.

On the steam room side, the partition will need to be sheathed with a vapor barrier, and a material with low thermal conductivity will be laid on top of it. This could be wood cladding. hardwood. To secure it, it is recommended to install wooden blocks in the upper and lower parts of the partition.

First, using a hammer drill, make holes in the walls along the line of the intended fastening, then mount the bars, securing them with anchors. The space between them is filled with a heat insulator, on top of which a reflective screen for infrared rays can be placed. It could be foil or special material. After this, we cover the wall with clapboard. Resinous wood ( coniferous species) should not be used in a steam room: when heated and under the influence of humid air, phytoncides begin to be released from it. For an absolutely healthy person, this will only be beneficial, but with the slightest allergy, such a substance can cause an exacerbation of the disease.

It is recommended to finish the part of the wall that borders the sink with any moisture-resistant material. It can be plaster, ceramic tiles, textured or structural plaster or the same wood, impregnated with an antiseptic and coated with several layers of varnish.

Wall in a wooden bath

Modern baths are rarely made of brick: they are increasingly used in construction. natural wood. It's practical and not expensive. In such a bathhouse, make a partition with your own hands frame type can be done with minimal costs and to install it you will need:

  • wooden blocks;
  • insulation and vapor barrier;
  • edged board;
  • hacksaw;
  • hammer and nails (finishing);
  • skirting boards (preferably wooden);
  • hammer drill and pieces of reinforcement;
  • roulette;
  • building level.

First, make markings in the upper and lower parts of the bathhouse, along which the partition will be installed in the future. Make sure that both lines are in the same plane, perpendicular to the floor. You can ideally make markup using laser level, but even the usual plumb line in in capable hands will allow you to do everything accurately. Try to take measurements at several points and different heights. Once you are sure of the accuracy of the markings, you can place wooden blocks along the perimeter along the existing lines, securing them to the walls, ceiling and floor. They are secured on top either with nails or anchors. In the lower part, it is recommended to place it on reinforcement studs, which are pressed into the concrete floor or load-bearing beam.

Part of the partition in the bathhouse on the side of the washing compartment can be immediately sewn up edged board. And then you need to fill the space between the wooden walls (the width of the block) with hydro and vapor barrier, insulation. The named materials must be placed in the sequence described above towards the sink. This will ensure their protection from moisture and vapors. Most craftsmen suggest laying hydro and vapor insulators on both sides of the insulation. It will cost more money, but you will have much greater confidence in the durability of the partition in the bathhouse.

The construction of the main structural elements of the bathhouse (external walls and partitions) is often carried out simultaneously.

But sometimes finished premises require division into functional areas after installation of the roof, windows and doors. In this case, an additional partition can be installed in the bathhouse, which will allow more rational and efficient use of the interior.

The need and features of constructing a partition

The partition is functional and decorative element any bath. This design has the following advantages:

  • aesthetic appearance;
  • strength, wear resistance and durability;
  • high sound absorption rates;
  • ease of installation;
  • availability of materials for construction.

Choice suitable method the pier structure is determined design features baths In brick buildings, it is logical to build partitions from brick, in wooden baths - frame or timber.

The partition between the steam room and the dressing room has two main openings: a door and one for heating equipment.

Internal bath partitions are constructed from cinder blocks, brick, plaster, concrete and wood. They have a double or single design. For increase thermal insulation characteristics When installing the structure, a technological gap is provided for installing insulating and waterproofing material.

Important! Installation of the structure should be carried out before finishing flooring, observing fire safety rules.

Construction of a frame partition

Frame partition – the best option For ready-made baths, built from logs. Installation includes pre-assembly wooden frame from beams or boards with a section of 5 × 5 cm.

For thermal insulation of the structure, a foam board, basalt or mineral wool is used.

Construction technology frame partition with your own hands:

  1. Markings are made on the surfaces of walls and ceilings using a plumb line, cord or building level. Vertical straight lines are marked to indicate the middle of the structure.
  2. A wooden frame is assembled. Individual elements are fixed to the walls using tenons; holes for the tenons are drilled electric drill. To simplify the process, you can use self-tapping screws wooden base or nails without heads. The bars are fixed at a distance of 80 cm from each other.
  3. TO finished frame Boards or lining are mounted on nails without heads. Cladding is performed on both sides of the frame to increase heat and soundproofing characteristics designs. The distance between the sides of the sheathing is filled with the selected insulation.

Important! The wood material for constructing the frame is pre-treated with antiseptics to prevent possible rotting and destruction. For decorative cladding It is worth using lining made of hardwood.

Construction of a brick partition

A brick partition is relevant for brick and stone baths. To obtain a lightweight structure, hollow bricks can be used for masonry.

The process of bricklaying the wall is carried out step by step:

  1. Marking is carried out to determine the boundary for the future partition.
  2. Preparation of materials and working tools. Kneaded masonry mortar cement-based (M 400 or 500), construction sand with the addition of water. First they mix bulk materials with gradual introduction of water. The proportions of the components are 1: 3 (for 1 part cement 3 parts sand).
  3. A string is pulled along the drawn line to maintain an even plane of order. The laying starts from the wall, a small part of the cement mortar is applied to the base of the floor and the first row of bricks is laid. To increase the strength of the structure, metal strips and reinforcement are used in the process.
  4. The first row is treated with a connecting solution, on which the next row is laid.
  5. All rows of the structure are laid in a similar manner. A wide metal strip or reinforcing rod along the entire length is installed above the doorway, after which the brickwork continues to the ceiling.

Decorative finishing of a brick wall is done with plaster after the masonry mortar has completely dried.

Construction of partitions from foam blocks

IN brick bath the partition between the steam room and the relaxation room can be made of foam blocks - a material that is more accessible to install and use.

The significant advantages of the blocks are:

  • low weight compared to brick;
  • large dimensions, thanks to which the construction of the structure is completed faster;
  • convenience and ease of installation;
  • low cost.

The technology for installing the material is similar to brickwork, it provides next steps works:

  1. The preparatory stage is carried out in the same way as in the previous version. Carrying out the necessary markings, fixing the cord to determine the contours of the future structure.
  2. Dry laying of the initial block row. If necessary, the blocks can be cut with a grinder or a hacksaw to obtain the required width.
  3. For connection individual elements a special one is used glue solution for foam blocks, prepared according to instructions.
  4. The adhesive mixture is applied evenly thin layer, after which the foam blocks are installed in a row. For additional structural strength and reliable connection to the walls, reinforcing rods or nails up to 6 cm long are used. They are installed in holes previously prepared in the wall.
  5. After the construction of the partition to top level of the doorway above it along the entire length, several reinforcing rods are installed as a base, after which the blocks are laid up to the ceiling.

The same adhesive mixture is suitable for plastering foam blocks. After drying, the wall is primed and puttied. Painting composition or ceramic tiles are used as decorative materials.

Features of a wooden partition

The partition in the bath between the steam room and the sink is the simplest and affordable option designs that require minimal time and money investments.

To ensure sufficient thermal insulation between the washing room and the steam room, it is better to build partitions from wide board or timber. This design does not provide for the presence of technological gaps in the inner part of the wall, which helps prevent the accumulation of excess moisture in the room.

In this case, the rejection of the heat-insulating layer in the walls is explained by the fact that during operation the bath structure requires maximum heat accumulation in all functional rooms. Since the wash compartment maintains more low temperature heating the air, the lack of heat is compensated by the heated steam room.

Features of glass partition

IN wooden bath glass partitions can be installed that are durable, aesthetic and functional. Similar designs provide heat maintenance, are durable, easy to install and operate.

The walls are erected near the stove due to the fact that they are made of high-strength tempered glass. This material is resistant to deformation, overheating and mechanical damage.

The following types of glass partitions are used in the steam room:

  • stationary;
  • compartment;
  • radius;
  • hanging;
  • folding;
  • transforming.

Compared to traditional partitions, glass structures are heavier and require a supporting frame. When constructing partitions, various surface design techniques are used: laser engraving, photo printing, stenciling, sandblasting and stained glass applique.

Glass structures have the following advantages:

  • aesthetics and attractiveness;
  • resistance to temperature changes and high humidity;
  • long service life;
  • fire safety and environmental friendliness of the material;
  • the possibility of visual zoning of premises;
  • variety of styles and colors;
  • ease of installation.

Serious disadvantage glass products is the formation of condensation under conditions high humidity. It is especially destructive for the retractable mechanisms with which the frame is equipped.

To protect against high humidity, it is recommended to use silicone-based impregnating compounds. High price The manufacture of the partition is also considered a significant drawback, which is compensated by the quality and durability of the structure.

The construction of various partitions in a bathhouse made of logs, bricks or foam blocks is a serious and labor-intensive process, requiring technical knowledge and skills. But subject to careful study of the information on how to make a partition, even a novice master will be able to correctly perform installation work.

Even the smallest bathhouse usually has two rooms: a dressing room and a steam room combined with a washing room. But here the question arises: what kind of partition should be between them? Wooden or brick? And how to build it correctly from the point of view of heating the premises?

In this regard, we have home handyman may arise a large number of questions that we will try to answer in this article.

What you need to know about partitions in the bathhouse

Before building a partition in a bathhouse with your own hands, you should take into account a number of features. In addition, there are different requirements for wooden and brick buildings.

About partitions in wooden baths

Wooden baths include those built from timber, logs, or assembled using frame-panel technology.

Experts do not recommend installation, especially if irregular operation of the building is planned.
The fact is that with internal brick wall you will need more time to warm up the room, especially when it comes to the cold season.

The construction of internal walls from the same material from which the external ones were erected is possible, but there is simply no need, which is explained by several reasons:

  1. There is no exposure to atmospheric phenomena inside the room, so equally thick and durable partitions are of no use here.
  2. If you use a material of a smaller cross-section here, this can lead to problems at the joints.

Experts most often advise equipping interior walls according to frame technology, since making a partition in a bathhouse based on the frame principle is quite simple, and also economically profitable.

Frame walls have the following advantages over a traditional log house:

  1. Price.
  2. Less weight, and therefore less load on the foundation, which extends the durability of the structure.
  3. Ease of operation.

At the same time, you get warm and durable interior partitions.

We build a bath wall using frame technology

Let's look at how to make a partition in a wooden bathhouse.

There are simple instructions for this:

  1. For interior walls, we select boards about 5 cm thick and no more than 15 cm wide. Thinner boards may fail.
  2. We form a sheathing from the boards with a step equal to the width of the heat-insulating mat.
  3. We lay a heat insulator between the boards. Best to use for this mineral wool, since polystyrene foam is flammable and capable of releasing harmful substances at elevated temperatures.
  4. We stuff a waterproofing material on top of the plank frame.
    The following materials can be used as waterproofing:
    • Regular polyethylene film. A material with a thickness of 150 to 20 microns is taken.
    • Special waterproofing material, which has a foil side.
    • Penofol, which is a type of foam on which foil is applied on one side. This way you create an additional layer of waterproofing.

Mineral wool is afraid of water, so it is necessary to reliably protect it with a waterproofing layer.
The strips are laid overlapping, taped with construction tape.

  1. The last layer is mounted finishing material. Most often this is lining, which most closely matches the interior and microclimate of bathhouses.
  2. The stove should be installed no closer than a meter from the partitions.

If a metal stove is used in the bathhouse, you will need a brick partition, preferably even one made of fireclay blocks.
If the metal stove will be heated directly in the steam room, then the wall can be wooden, but it should be sheathed with non-flammable materials.

Partition in a block bath

How to make partitions in a brick bath? Here experts also recommend using the same frame technology.

There are several reasons for this:

  1. Brick walls heat up more slowly, and accordingly, you will need additional expenses for heating, especially in winter.
  2. Condensation will settle on the brick or blockwork and will need to be drained somewhere.

Some professionals advise using magnesite sheets instead of boards.

They are made on the basis of perlite and cellulose fibers. They are fixed on vertical profiles, after which the installation described above is repeated.

Such partitions can be constructed without insulation.
Here the insulating function will be performed by the air space between the boards.

It is best to use lining as a finishing for such walls.

Naturally, in a brick bathhouse you can create a brick partition. In this case, it is best to use half-brick masonry, additionally strengthening the structure with steel wire every few rows.

Erect a brick partition in wooden house it is possible only when the final shrinkage of the log house occurs.


Construction of a bathhouse is a very responsible process that requires a plan and must take into account a number of nuances. And since there are at least two rooms in the bathhouse, the question proper arrangement partitions is very relevant. The information presented above will help you build interior wall, without making mistakes, and the video in this article will offer you to see the obvious points of this problem.

Separation internal space Bath construction is done using partitions. We will tell you about their types, features and structure in this article.

Designing partitions in a bathhouse

Before making partitions in the bathhouse, you need to determine the area of ​​​​the planned premises. Their sizes depend on the dimensions of the building and the number of regular visitors. Based on this data, the plan links the bulkheads to existing walls baths indicating axial dimensions. The location is then determined doorways and quantity required material.

The following can be used as partitions in a bath:

  • Transformable structures - sliding, soft folding, rigid doors, sliding and screens.
  • Stationary structures - brick, wood and glass partitions.
The type of planned partition depends on the requirements for it. If the bath space is divided for a long time while ensuring reliable thermal and sound insulation of the premises, durable stationary design partitions. In other cases, you can get by with mobile or collapsible options, for example, to separate the locker room from the bathhouse rest room combined with it.

Each type of stationary bath partition has a number of advantages and disadvantages that must be taken into account when choosing the type and material of manufacture of a particular structure. Since the main part of the bath bulkheads is stationary, there is a need to talk about them in more detail.

Features of a brick partition in a bathhouse

Brick partitions are made not only in stone baths, but also in wooden log houses. This is especially true in cases where the furnace door of the furnace is removed from the steam room into the dressing room or rest room, and the dividing partition is combined with the heating device.

Advantages and disadvantages of brick partitions for baths

Their advantages are due to excellent physical characteristics:
  • Brick partitions have good soundproofing properties. Half-brick bulkhead structures have a “noise” insulation index of 47 dB.
  • Brick is a moisture-resistant material. With high-quality bath ventilation, the appearance of fungus and mold on such a partition is unlikely.
  • Brick bulkheads are fire resistant and inedible by insects and rodents.
The disadvantages include:
  • Significant weight of the partition: with its thickness of half a brick, the mass of 1 m 2 of masonry is approximately 280 kg.
  • Long production time for partitions made from piece material.
  • The need to plaster the structure before finishing it.

The cost of 1 m 2 of brickwork is from $10 and above, the cost of work is from $7 per 1 m 2.

Installing a brick partition in a bathhouse

To construct such a partition, half-brick or brick masonry is used. Before starting work, you should stock up on: a sand sieve, a container for preparing the solution, a shovel, a hammer, a plumb line, a level and a trowel.

The installation process is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The work site is cleared of unnecessary items and provided with lighting and necessary materials.
  2. The contours of the planned partition are outlined on the walls, floor and ceiling of the bathhouse.
  3. From sand and cement sifted using a sieve, a dry mixture is prepared in a ratio of 3:1, for example, 2 buckets of cement are taken for 6 buckets of sand. In the container, the resulting mixture is mixed with water until it becomes uniform and has a plastic consistency.
  4. Before starting work, the floor must be removed wood covering, and from the walls - cladding at the junctions of structures. Surfaces are cleaned with a wet broom.
  5. To lay the first row of masonry evenly, a cord is stretched along its edges, serving as a guide for the location of the bricks. The mortar of the first row is applied to the base of the partition, and the second and subsequent rows - to the surface of the previous row and the end part of the brick. The verticality of the masonry is controlled using a plumb line and a building level.
  6. The door frame in the partition opening is placed in advance and secured in it with the help of spacers, the brick is laid close to it.
  7. The partition is laid with ligation of the seams in the vertical direction. To achieve this effect, the second row of bricks must be started by laying half of the product.
  8. To ensure the strength of the masonry, every five rows of the mortar bed are reinforced with steel strips or rods.
  9. Above the door frame, as a lintel, you can install a piece of channel 30-40 cm longer than the width of the opening.
  10. The ceiling gap on the last row of masonry is eliminated by laying waste bricks soaked in mortar, small cracks are sealed with tow.
  11. To lay communications in a brick partition, it is necessary to provide for the installation of embedded sleeves. The material for them can be pieces of plastic pipes with a length corresponding to the thickness of the partition. The voids between the sleeves and the masonry are filled polyurethane foam.
If the brick partition located in the bathhouse needs to be plastered, you don’t have to pay attention to the masonry seams. But if it will serve as a natural element of the design of the room, it is required to special tool jointing of masonry with special care.

On the washing compartment side, the partitions are usually covered with tiles, protecting the brick from moisture. In the steam room, such a partition is insulated, sheathed with foil heat-reflecting and waterproof material, and then lined with natural wood.

Features of a wooden partition in a bathhouse

Wooden bulkheads can be single, double or framed. For baths, due to their “extreme” operating conditions, frame-sheathing structures are more suitable.

Pros and cons of wooden partitions for a bath

The advantages of such partitions are very significant:
  • The material used to make them is environmentally friendly.
  • The possibility of making a frame partition in the bathhouse with increased strength that can withstand more than 150 kg of load.
  • Lightweight wooden partition. With a thickness of 150 mm, the weight of 1 m 2 of the structure is 90-92 kg.
  • Good sound insulation, its index reaches 41 dB.
There are also disadvantages:
  • Wooden structures are afraid of water, so they need waterproofing.
  • The material of the partitions is edible for rodents and insects; impregnation of wood with antiseptics can eliminate this problem.
  • Wooden partitions are flammable, their fire resistance is 0.2 hours. Partial protection impregnation of the partition elements with a fire retardant serves to protect against fire.

The cost of 1 m 2 of wooden partition ranges from $20 and above, it depends on the cladding material.

Construction of a wooden partition in a bathhouse

Let's consider the construction of a wooden partition between the steam room and the sink in the bathhouse. The step-by-step process looks like this:

  1. Assembly and fastening of the frame. This is the most labor-intensive stage of the work. For the frame, timber 50x50 mm or 50x100 mm is used, its assembly is carried out on site. Two bars for the ceiling and floor, with a length of each of them corresponding to the width of the partition, are fixed to the corresponding structures using dowels. The same should be done with the bars for the walls. They are cut to the height of the room and fixed between the floor and ceiling bars in increments of 600-120 mm. The doorway is formed using transverse bars. For rigidity, it is additionally equipped with intermediate posts on both sides.
  2. Insulation of the partition. Insulation is placed between the frame posts. The material for it can be basalt wool with a thickness of its slabs of 50 mm and a width of 600 mm.
  3. On the insulation side of the steam room, the frame is sheathed with foil, the heat-reflecting side of which should face the inside of the room. The material is stapled to the frame posts. The seams between the panels are taped with metal tape.
  4. The insulation is covered from the washing compartment of the bathhouse waterproofing membrane type Izospan. Its fastening and sealing of seams is carried out similarly to the previous option.
  5. Partition lining. To obtain a ventilation gap between the back side of the future sheathing and the waterproofing layer, thin slats 15 mm wide are placed across the racks. The lining is attached to them. The same operation is performed from the side of the steam room using foil material. All wooden elements the frame must be treated with an antiseptic.
like this wooden partition can be installed in a bathhouse in one day.

Features of a glass partition in a bath

Unlike Soviet times, today's glass partitions are fashion element design with a variety of decorative solutions.

Advantages and disadvantages of glass partitions

Modern glass partitions in a bathhouse can be made from glass blocks - a kind of transparent “bricks” made of glass 6-10 mm thick. Their surface can be corrugated, smooth, matte, transparent and colored.

Manufacturing glass partitions has certain advantages:

  • The partitions look impressive, are durable, strong enough, and fire resistant.
  • They have good heat and sound insulation characteristics.
  • They transmit light, for transparent blocks this value is up to 80%, for matte and colored products - up to 50%. The patterns of corrugated blocks give a bizarre play of light and shadow.
  • The material of glass partitions can withstand temperature changes from -40 to +50 degrees. In the event of a fire, a structure made of transparent blocks can contain the spread of smoke and flame for two hours.
  • Glass partitions are easy to clean and do not absorb odors; they are not afraid of rodents and insects.
Despite the outstanding advantages, there are also disadvantages of glass partitions:
  • The internal surface of the partitions excludes the laying of any communications - electrical wiring, plumbing, etc.
  • You cannot hang shelves or pictures on a glass wall.
  • A separate block is not cut when installing the partition.

The cost of glass blocks depends on their type. Industrial products are the cheapest, their price is 40-60 rubles/piece. Colored blocks are more expensive - 160 rubles/piece. The most expensive are blocks with a pattern obtained by sintering glass different colors. Their price is more than 1500 rubles/piece. The cost of installing a partition is more than $20 per 1 m2.

Installation of a glass partition in a bathhouse

Installation glass partition for a beginner - not an easy task. Used for laying glass blocks cement-sand mortars with a fine fraction of filler or “liquid” nails. There are two installation methods: on adhesive cement mortar and in modular cells.

The first method is similar to bricklaying, it is quite labor-intensive and time-consuming:

  1. The base is cleaned of dust, debris and dirt, and then leveled.
  2. The first row of blocks is set by level. Plastic crosses are placed between them to create seams of the same thickness.
  3. The masonry is reinforced horizontally and vertically with iron rods with a diameter of 6 mm through two blocks. It is recommended to lay no more than 3 rows per day due to the weight of the products - raw bottom seams masonry may shift due to gravity.
Working the second way goes faster. Cellular grids made of plastic, MDF or wood are attached to walls, ceilings and floors. They are then filled with blocks using sealant or rubber gaskets.

How to make a partition in a bathhouse - watch the video:

The question of bath partitions is quite extensive. We hope that the information provided in the article will help you choose a material and even make a partition in the bathhouse with your own hands.

The bathhouse includes several separate rooms, which are separated by partitions. Thus, the partition in the bath between the steam room and the sink can be made of different materials. The installation method directly depends on the selected building material. This article will discuss some options for arranging partitions, as well as technologies for their installation.

There are several types of baths that are considered wooden:

  • Made from rounded logs.

The partition in a log bath can be made using five-wall log technology. However, this will require large sum money and assistance from qualified specialists. If this is not possible, you can make a partition from brick, gas blocks, etc.

Although we will consider different technologies making a partition between the steam room and the washing room, the priority option in a wooden bath is a partition made of wood, but on the other hand, made of brick, it will be more durable and less susceptible to negative influence moisture.

A frame partition means a structure made of a wooden frame, which is insulated with mineral wool and covered with clapboard. The partition is mounted on a concrete curb. The process of installing a frame partition consists of several stages. Next, each stage will be considered in detail.

The first step is to make a border. Its height should be 100 mm and width 125 mm. This border is needed to strengthen the structure, as well as to lay it along ceramic tiles. It will completely isolate the tree from water. The threshold is made when pouring the screed (if the floor is concrete). You can also do this work during the installation of the partition. To do this, install formwork from boards. It is important not to forget about the presence of a doorway, according to the standard 940 mm. The base is treated with a primer deep penetration for better grip. To ensure that the poured border is not damaged, before pouring, drill holes inside the formwork and hammer in small pieces of wire or screw in dowels 1/2. When the poured concrete has dried, it is necessary to lay two layers of roofing material on top.

At the beginning preparatory work take a chainsaw and cut a groove measuring 4x21.5 cm in the walls. The height will depend on the room, but usually it is 250 cm.

At this stage, blanks for the base of the frame are first made. The dimensions should be as follows:

  • 6x10x210 cm;
  • 6×10×176 cm.

Drill holes in the blanks for anchors and lay the bars on the curb. So, the base of the partition is fixed to the floor with anchors. On average, each workpiece will require 3 anchors. Side racks are mounted in longitudinal grooves, made into the walls, and screwed on with screws. After this, you need to make a supporting frame for the structure. Place the outer stands, the size of which is 6x10x235 cm, on the base and secure with screws. Be sure to place a washer under each screw!

It is better to make the grooves in the racks longitudinal and oval. Due to this, the frame will not interfere with the shrinkage of the log house. The screws will slide along with the walls. As a result, there will be no interference during shrinkage of the log house. And the frame will also not be under load.

It's time to design the doorway. For the frame, place two vertical posts measuring 6x10x206 cm. Secure the frame frame with jumpers using self-tapping screws. Concerning top beam frame, then at the top you need to leave a gap of 30 mm between the ceiling. Due to this, the expansion or settlement of the log house will be compensated. For this reason, the side grooves in the walls are made at full height.

The frame dimensions must be accurate. After all, the quality of the entire partition will depend on this. Therefore, before fixing this or that element, check the horizontal, vertical and dimensional conformity.

As for thermal insulation, you can use mineral wool 10 cm thick for this. Cells of 120x60 cm should be made in the frame. This size corresponds to the standard size of mineral wool slabs. The cotton wool is covered with polyethylene on both sides. It is secured with a stapler. These actions achieve several goals at once:

  • Protection against moisture penetration.
  • Thermal insulation.
  • Noise insulation.

At the final stage of manufacturing the frame partition, the lining is attached to the sheathing (the sheathing is made from 2.5x5 cm beams). The lathing can be secured on top of the film and secured with self-tapping screws to the frame.

If the resulting opening has a size of 82x206 cm, then the frame should be 80x205 cm. So, there will be a gap of 1 cm on each side. When the frame is installed, fill all the cracks with foam. Surplus frozen foam cut with a construction knife.

Considering the fact that the standard frame has a width of 11.5 cm, the open part of the opening should be covered with a planed board measuring 60x30 mm. It is very important that the plane of the outer edge of the lining matches the outer edges of the boards.

When the partition frame is ready, the washing room should be tiled. Although this process can be performed after laying the lining. Installation of the lining is very simple using the tongue-and-groove technology. The lower beam of the sheathing from the sink side is attached to the curb, and from the steam room to the floor. It only needs to be attached to vertical posts. The lining is attached to the sheathing using clamps.

The gap between the ceiling and the frame partition can be filled with any thermal insulation material. At the end of the work, it is also recommended to close each screw with wooden pins of a suitable size.

Skirting boards, trim and final finishing

This is the technology used to install a frame partition between the steam room and the washing room. If you follow it step by step, you will succeed.

Another method of separating the steam room and the washing room is to build a brick partition. There are two ways to lay bricks:

  1. Spoon masonry in 1/2 brick.
  2. A whole brick.

Considering the weight of the brick, the partition will be very massive. Therefore, to reduce the weight of the structure, use hollow bricks.

Below will be given detailed instructions how to make a brick partition.


The first step is to do all the preparatory work. You should start with work surface. It is necessary to remove all plank elements from the floor, right down to the foundation. Sweep the base with a broom and wet it. It is also necessary to equip workroom good lighting. Extra items should be taken out. At the end of the preparatory work, you outline the contours of the future structure.

To work with cement mortar, you will need:

  • Sander;
  • sieve;
  • shovel;
  • mixing container.

So, first you sift the sand from foreign objects. The mesh should have small cells. Next, install the container for mixing the solution so that it has stable base. Mixing ratio 3:1. To prevent the solution from drying out, make a small batch, for example, two buckets of cement and six buckets of sand. It must be mixed with water. This volume of solution will be enough for you to work for an hour. The consistency of the mixture should resemble thick sour cream.

During work, the solution tends to shrink and harden. Don't rush to add water. It is enough to stir every 10–15 minutes.

For construction you will need the following set of tools:

  • level;
  • plumb line;
  • rule;
  • trowel;
  • pick.

The entire work process follows this scenario:

  1. Stretch the rope as a guide. Lay out the solution and use a trowel to level it. It takes some time for it to set.
  2. Place a second layer on top of it and begin laying the first row of bricks.
  3. Place the first brick against the wall. Apply the solution to its end part and press it against the wall. Align the brick along the stretched rope, lightly tapping it. Immediately remove excess solution.
  4. When laying brick, you immediately need to decide where the doorway will be. It must be installed immediately. It should be leveled and only then covered with bricks.
  5. The brick should be laid close to the box. For ligation with the frame, you can use metal plates or reinforcement. One end is screwed to the frame, and the other between the brick row.

When the first row is ready, the subsequent ones are laid according to this principle. Be sure to check each row for level.

The use of dressing is an important condition. In this case, the existing load will be evenly distributed, and the partition itself will be quite strong. To further strengthen the masonry, place reinforcement or metal strips in the seam every five rows.

A similar connection must be made to the wall. Above door frame a channel for reinforcement is installed. Fill the gap between the ceiling and the last row of masonry with scrap bricks and mortar. As you can see, there are no special secrets when building a brick partition. All the work can be done with your own hands. The only thing you need to consider is a few important nuances:

  • If you do not plan to plaster the wall, then the quality of the masonry should be appropriate. If plaster is applied, then it is important to monitor only the vertical level of the wall.
  • If the wall is to be plastered, craftsmen often use used bricks. This reduces several times financial expenses for the purchase of material.
  • If you plan to carry out certain communications through the partition, then you can install a small section of plastic pipe. Its diameter must correspond to the actual need. In this case, there is no need to cover the pipe with solution; you just need to blow it out with foam. This is important, because after a while something may change and thanks to this the structure of the wall will not be disturbed.

This one is very popular construction material like foam block or aerated concrete. A partition made of foam block is made much faster, unlike brick. Standard size one block is 300×600 mm. As for the thickness, here big choice. As a rule, blocks with a thickness of 75, 100 and 150 mm are chosen for the construction of partitions.

Depending on the thickness of the foam block, the price will vary. Therefore, to calculate your budget, think about this nuance in advance.

The process of manufacturing a partition from aerated concrete has several successive stages, compliance with which will help you complete all the work yourself.


Also, as in the case with brickwork, the floor and walls should be prepared. Next, mark the doorway and pull the cord. In accordance with the markings without mortar, lay out the first row and, if necessary, cut the block to size. Afterwards, you remove the blocks and waterproof the masonry site.

You can cut foam blocks with a grinder or a hacksaw. If these tools are not available, regular one will do hacksaw.

Special glue is used for laying gas blocks. The glue is mixed using an electric drill with a mixer attachment. Glue mixture Apply a layer of 3 mm to the blocks. Next, install the block and lightly tap it. Be sure to check the vertical/horizontal level. For better strength, move the block 1/2 and start the second row of masonry. When connecting the partition to the wall, perform the dressing, just as in the case of brickwork. To do this, make holes in the wall up to 5 cm, and place the blocks directly on them. This dressing can be done every 4-5 rows.

Before laying the last row, lay reinforcement Ø1.6 cm along the entire length of the partition. On top of it is a layer of glue and the last row blocks to the ceiling. This will serve as a kind of armored belt.

Before plastering, carry out all necessary communications. Next, install the beacons and perform plastering. As a solution, you can use the same mixture as for masonry. When the plaster has dried, the surface is puttied and painted or covered with decorative tiles.

By observing this simple diagram, you won't have any special problems. Please note the following useful tips:

  • When buying blocks, pay attention to the quality of the product. The smoother they are, the easier it will be to process them.
  • The density of the blocks does not matter. The size of the blocks depends on the specific room.
  • It is better to buy those blocks whose production is based on cutting.
  • To increase the density of the masonry, wet the blocks before laying.
  • To avoid a vertical seam, offset each row by 1/2 block.
  • Leave a small gap between the partition and the wall and fill it with foam.

Glass partition

For beginners, installing a glass partition is not an easy task. If you decide to use glass blocks, then their installation is carried out using mortar or liquid nails. Glass partitions are also installed in modular cells.

If you decide to lay a glass partition according to the principle of bricklaying, then the work looks like this:

  1. Clean the base of the floor from dirt, dust and debris. Level the floor and, if necessary, perform a small screed.
  2. Lay out the first row of glass blocks strictly according to the level. To ensure that the seams are the same, place a plastic cross in each seam.
  3. Reinforce the masonry vertically and horizontally, every 2 rows, with iron rods Ø6 mm.

As for the method of installing a glass partition in cellular grilles, everything is much simpler here. Cells can be made of wood, MDF and plastic. They are attached to the ceiling, wall and floor. The blocks themselves are installed on a sealant, the base of which should be rubber.

So we've looked at possible options making a partition between the steam room and the washing room. If you have carried out such work, then share your experience with our readers by leaving comments at the end of this article.


From the video provided, you can learn about some details of the finishing of the steam room:


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