Construction of one-story houses from timber with your own hands. Step-by-step construction of a house made of timber

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Construction own home- a very responsible step. And if you decide to do this work yourself, then there will be even more questions and doubts. Today we will discuss whether it is possible to build a house from timber with your own hands, we will cover each of the stages of construction, and we will try to reveal all possible options. Whether you have enough strength and skills for this difficult task is up to you to decide. Where to begin? What to look for Special attention? You will find brief answers to all these questions in this article.

The very first questions that arise long before construction:

Where to build?

Perhaps this issue will not be pressing for you. Often used for construction country cottage area, where individual housing construction is permitted; inherited from parents or relatives an empty plot or with dilapidated housing; state assistance for a third child. There can be many reasons for the ownership of land. Often it is with the appearance land plot There is a desire to acquire your own spacious house for living or a cozy country house for a summer holiday.

What to do if there is no site? How to choose the right place for construction? Here you should decide on the purpose of your home. For country house Any site is suitable for temporary stay. The main criteria here are the environment and ecology. When it comes to building a house for permanent residence, there are many more factors to consider. You should pay close attention to the terrain and soil. This can significantly complicate construction in terms of arranging the foundation. It is important to pay attention to the location of communications. It's hard to imagine comfortable life without electricity. Gas makes home heating easier and cheaper. The problem with the water supply can be solved with the help of a well. But here we return again to the geological study of soils. Sometimes drilling can be a big problem with a lot of expense.

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

Construction of houses, extensions, terraces and verandas.

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The environmental issue is also important. Often the most contaminated areas are the cheapest. In such a place it makes no sense to build environmentally friendly houses from timber.

What to build?

What purpose do you plan to build the house for? We have already mentioned how important it is to determine how your building will be used: a temporary place to spend time with family and friends or a cozy nest for permanent residence. It is also necessary to select the size of the object commensurate with the building site. It may be worth planning the location of other buildings on your site in order to harmoniously arrange the bathhouse, garage, gazebo, garden and other elements of comfortable living.

What to build from?

Nowadays there are a lot of materials and technologies for construction. We will not consider the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. We decided to build a house from timber for ourselves.

After solving these issues, you can immediately begin construction, although here, too, you will first have to work with your head. There is still quite a long way to go before working directly with your hands.

Preparatory work before construction begins

Before starting work on the site, you must have a clear design of your facility. Without it, it is difficult to imagine the construction of even small buildings. How to draw up a project for your home?

  • Long before construction, we made a choice in favor of a residential cottage or country house. Now you need to choose the size of your future home. This may depend on the size of your family and financial capabilities.
  • Having decided on the size of the house, it is necessary to decide on the choice of technology for constructing a house from timber. Some of the materials may not solve your project.
  • Houses made of sawn timber. The material used is edged timber with 4 or 2 sawn flat edges. The material has natural moisture. The main advantage of this material is its availability and low cost. You can easily find a supplier of such material. Disadvantages: the need to use additional seals between the crowns, low aesthetics (requires external and internal finishing), significant shrinkage of the house, the appearance of cracks.
  • Houses made of profiled timber. Planed timber with a special section. The workpiece is equipped with a tongue and groove for tight installation without additional seals. Can be made of wood natural humidity or chamber drying.
  • Houses made of laminated veneer lumber. The same profiled timber, but made by gluing individual boards using a special technology. Made only from kiln-dried wood.
  • . The wall is a “pie” of two parallel walls made of boards with a section of 45 (47) x 135 (140) mm with the space between them filled with insulation.

The choice of construction technology is inextricably linked with the search for a reliable supplier required material. The Internet and telephone allow you to solve this issue even without visiting the manufacturer’s office. You can clarify the price and delivery time; all you have to do is read the reviews about the supplier.

We chose the size and material

Now you can begin the final design of the house. The Internet can also be useful to you here. You just have to write a request “project of a house made of 6 by 6 timber” or “house made of 8 by 8 timber”, and you will receive a huge list of projects, often even with a calculated cost. You should not redesign the project for yourself without good knowledge in wooden architecture. You can also use a standard project from a materials supplier (especially for profiled or laminated timber). Often design services can be offered free of charge when ordering a house kit from the manufacturer.

With the finished project, it is necessary to draw up an estimate of materials. Even if you are confident in the availability of the chosen project, you should not refuse estimate work. It is necessary to at least calculate the supply of construction materials so that there are no delays in work or difficulties in storing them. At this stage, you can afford to call suppliers and choose the most best option in terms of price and quality. Often, careless developers have to hastily look for some material at a significant overpayment. Almost all suppliers of building materials are familiar with the question: “We need it yesterday...” They use this to earn additional income.

The estimate will also have to include the cost of the house's foundation. You have a project, you know approximately the entire object, the soil was studied even before design - choosing the type of foundation will be a simple matter.

Now we are ready to go to the construction site. You can start field work, but before that one more important issue must be resolved.

Tools for building a house from timber

Building a house from timber does not require a wide range of materials special tools. But not every man has even this insignificant list, especially if he is not involved in construction. So what you need:

  • Chainsaw or electric saw. Definitely required chain Saw, For precision work You will also need a circular saw or a miter-bevel machine (for finishing work).
  • Tape measure, string for measuring and marking.
  • Level, hydraulic level, plumb lines, level. The construction of all house structures requires constant monitoring of horizontality and verticality. The most expensive of these tools, a level, will only be needed for foundation work.
  • Hammer, axe, sledgehammer - it’s hard to imagine any carpentry work without these tools.
  • Hammer, drill, screwdriver. It’s hard to imagine modern work without working with fasteners.
  • A range of personal protective equipment. These include goggles, respirators, safety devices (a lot of work will be done at height).
  • Grinder for cutting metal elements (especially for working with roofing materials).

Foundation arrangement

So, it's time to start construction. Where does any object begin? Of course, from the construction of the foundation, the reliability of the entire structure depends on it. This is not the most difficult, but one of the most important stages construction of a house from timber. We will not consider the features of the choice different types foundation. We have already made a choice based on soil and weight assessment finished house. We will only talk about the features of the work of installing the foundation with your own hands.

Foundation on screw piles

It has become widespread due to its versatility and speed of installation. How to install? First you need to calculate the number of piles and their diameter. Then you need to calculate the location of the piles on the site. Even at the design stage, you should have a drawing of a pile field for your house. According to this plan, the site is marked using strings and pegs.

Now you can start screwing the piles. To make it easier to start screwing, you can dig holes no more than 20 cm deep. The pile is installed in the hole, and with the help of a special rod and assistants, the pile is screwed strictly vertically. The pile sites must be at the same level, this is controlled using a level. You can begin installing the grillage. In the case of using a wooden grillage made from timber or a metal grillage made from a channel, they are simply fixed to the pile sites. For a reinforced concrete grillage, you will need to install formwork from boards or plywood and lay reinforcement.

Foundation on concrete piles

Factory-produced concrete piles can be driven (heavy special equipment will be required) or bored piles. In the case of bored piles, the pile field is also marked. After this, holes are drilled to the freezing depth or holes are dug to the required depth. Formwork made of roofing felt or boards is installed in the hole. Concrete is poured and pre-connected reinforcement is immersed in it. Now you can begin installing the grillage. This is done by analogy with a foundation on screw piles.

Strip foundation

For houses made of timber, a shallow strip foundation is often used, which perfectly distributes the load of the house. To install a strip foundation, a trench is dug according to the house design. The bottom of the trench is filled with sand, which is compacted or spilled with water. Next, formwork from boards or plywood is installed, and specially connected reinforcement is laid. The foundation is poured with level control.

Slab foundation

Installation is carried out similarly to a strip foundation. The only difference is that a pit is being dug under the entire area of ​​the house. Sand is poured onto the same area, reinforcement is laid and concrete is poured.

After the concrete has hardened, waterproofing is laid and the mauerlat or first crown of the frame is installed.


It should be noted that after laying the first crown, floor beams can be installed. They can crash into walls (a groove is sawed into the wall beams) or be fastened with metal supports.

The construction of walls is inextricably linked with the chosen technology. We will analyze the work process for each construction option.

  • Edged timber. Before laying each subsequent crown, sealing material is laid: jute, flax fiber, tow, moss. After laying the row, it is necessary to drill through the two beams using a drill and a serpentine drill. A wooden dowel will be driven into this hole to give the wall height rigidity. Instead of wooden dowels, special ones can be used metal elements, but in this case, markings of their location are left on the timber for subsequent sawing of openings for windows and doors (houses made from edged timber are not made according to the design with ready-made openings).
  • Profiled or laminated timber. These two technologies have the same workpiece profile, so the assembly has identical operations. First of all, it is necessary to lay out the set of timber according to technological map(each beam is marked, and its position is specified in the project). The exception is profiled timber purchased in the form of moldings. This material is supplied 6 meters long without bowls. In this case, the assembly is carried out by analogy with edged timber except for the installation of sealing material. The dowels are driven in according to the technology described above.
  • Double beam. Absolutely different technology. The boards are driven into each other using a sledgehammer and special pads. The verticality of the wall is ensured by driving in the cuts. Using the same cuts, the constant gap between the outer and internal wall. Before you start building a house from double timber with your own hands, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with all the intricacies of working with this material. A slight violation of technology can lead to disastrous results.

Difficulties in constructing walls are associated only with raising the timber to a greater height. 2-3 people are quite capable of assembling a house from timber of any size.

Roof installation

One of the most difficult stages of building a house is installing the rafter system. Even experienced builders treat this stage of work with the greatest responsibility. Let's not go deeper into complex shapes roofs. If you decide to install a cuckoo roof, a hip roof or a complex multi-slope roof, it means that you have a lot of your own knowledge. Let's consider the installation of a gable roof.

After laying the timber top harness marking future farms. The pitch of the trusses usually does not exceed 1.5 meters. The first truss is assembled on site, the rest can be cut on the ground according to a template. First, two outer trusses are installed, on which the ridge beam. A cord is pulled to control the level of intermediate trusses. The sheathing is sewn from edged boards or OSB. The waterproofing contour is laid, the counter-batten is sewn on. Now you can lay the roofing material. The range of roofing materials is very wide, and you can find preparations for each of them on the Internet. The simplest for an inexperienced builder are corrugated sheets, metal tiles, ondulin and onduvilla.


Putting a roof on a house is a big victory when building on your own. Now you don't have to worry about the durability of your log house.

Finishing work should begin from the facade. If planed timber was used, then only it needs to be painted with protective decorative compositions. When working with edged timber, they are treated with an antiseptic and the façade is sheathed with finishing materials. For cladding, imitation timber, blockhouse, siding (vinyl or metal), façade panels, fiber cement siding or panels. Working with sheathing materials is always the same: installing sheathing from timber or profiles and fastening the sheathing material using self-tapping screws or special fasteners - a clamp.

A special place in the finishing is occupied by the installation of windows and doors. Shrinkage of the log house in height requires the installation of additional shrinkage boxes. The simplest is the installation of rough T-shaped casing boxes. At the ends of the timber in the sawn openings, a groove measuring 50x50 mm or 50x40 mm is selected using a router. A beam is placed in it, along which the settling timber of the walls will slide. A dry board with a thickness of at least 40 mm and a width equal to the thickness of the wall is attached to this beam. A board of a similar cross-section is placed at the top and bottom. A gap of 2 to 10 cm is left above the top board of the box, depending on the material used (dry or natural moisture). You can safely install windows and doors in these boxes in accordance with their standard technology for brick houses.

We can talk a lot and for a long time about the interior decoration of a house and communications. Diversity finishing materials, engineering systems can lead even an experienced builder into the wilds. Try to study the issue specifically for your finishing option. The Internet and expert advice on forums will provide you with real help with this.


We only briefly told you about the stages of building a house from timber with your own hands. Now all that remains is to decide whether you are ready to go this route, or is it better to trust the professionals. Of course, you cannot do all the work yourself. But what part of the work should you take into your own hands? You decide. Remember that ill-conducted work can only bring you additional costs, not savings.

One of the most suitable materials for individual construction is wood. Wood is available, easy to work with, and in terms of cost, lumber has a more justifiable price compared to other building materials. Another advantage of wood is its relative lightness, which reduces the cost of building a strong foundation for a house.

These and other advantages of wood have led to the fact that wooden private construction is relevant and in demand. And if there is demand, supply also appears. Moreover natural deficiencies wood, as a building material, is leveled out by complex manufacturing technologies of modern lumber, one of which is.

Advantages of a house made of profiled timber

  • can be quickly built. A company (team) of three people, having minimal skills in using carpentry and plumbing tools, is able to assemble a box at home within a season;
  • The log house is environmentally friendly and has a unique microclimate. In addition, good air flow through the wood will ensure a sufficient level of air exchange;
  • timber is an excellent heat insulator and allows you to conserve heat and save on heating;
  • no need to immediately invest a lot of money in construction and finishing. These processes can be separated in time;
  • a house made of timber has natural beauty, presentability and style.

Stages of building a house made of profiled timber

We will briefly list all the stages of construction, and dwell in detail on the key ones that directly relate to working with timber.

Step-by-step instructions for building a house from profiled timber with your own hands:

Stage number Name Content
1. Design - standard project houses made of profiled timber;
- individual project(unique).
2. Foundation - determination of type (tape, pile, slab);
- calculation of characteristics;
- excavation;
- formwork installation;
- installation reinforcement cage;
- pouring concrete;
- strength gain.
3. Construction of a box house - waterproofing;
- the first crown.
4. Subfloor - fits during the construction of walls.
5. Box assembly - subsequent crowns;
- interior partitions;
- interfloor ceilings.
6. Installation of the rafter system - roof truss system;
- insulation of the under-roof space;
- laying roofing material.
7. Installation of individual elements - installation of columns, supports and other vertical elements;
- installation of window and door blocks;
- arrangement of stairs to the second floor (attic, attic).
8. Interior finishing - connection of communications;
- decoration (cladding) of the premises.
9. External treatment walls - grinding;
- treatment with antiseptic, primer, fire retardant, painting.

Material prepared for the website

Stage 1. Design

It is impossible to build a house from profiled timber without a project. Having a project is a direct guide to action. But first things first.

First of all, you need to decide, or focus on a ready-made one (standard, free).

  • standard project tied to the area and reflects the wishes of the person who ordered it. But such a project will cost much less. Considering that the standard length of the timber leaves its mark on the dimensions of the premises, we can say that various variations not so much. Therefore, most users purchase, or download from the network, a ready-made project and make the necessary adjustments to it;
  • individual project is being developed from scratch, the estimated cost is given in the table

When developing a new one or making adjustments to a finished project, you need to take into account the factors indicated in the table:

Factor Description
1. Type of residence: permanent or seasonal Affects the choice of beam cross-section and the need for insulation
2. Material


Naturally dried timber (humidity 15-18%);
- (humidity 12-15%)


- curved.

100x100 - for gazebos, outbuildings, houses for seasonal residence;
- 150x150 - for a permanent residence with insulation, baths;
- 200x200 - for a permanent home, luxury houses.

Profile configuration:

German (“comb”) does not require the use of insulation;
- Finnish (Scandinavian) makes it possible to use roll heat insulating material..

3. House area - convenience of room location;
- number of storeys;
- installation location and staircase parameters;
- assignment of rooms;
- the number of simultaneous residents and their specific needs (for example, pensioners, disabled people);
- possible number of guests.
4. Location of the house - distance from communications;
- distance from other objects on the site (reservoir, sewerage);
- landscape design of the site;
- soil type, freezing depth;
- location of access roads;
- orientation to the cardinal direction (important if there is a significant glazing area). Affects the energy efficiency of the home;
- distance from the boundaries of the site.

The result of the design stage will be the availability of design documentation approved by the relevant authorities, namely:

List of main documents:

  1. Foundation drawing (with detailed description composition, depth of placement, layout of materials, etc. As well as detailed data on the soil, groundwater, etc.).
  2. Building plan (prepared based on the foundation drawing, but also with a detailed description).
  3. Floor plan, detailed plan (partitions, windows, doors, stoves, fireplaces, etc. are indicated in detail).
  4. Screeding (this is detailed drawing cross-section of the walls of the house. After planking, you can place an order for the production of timber (house kit for the house)).
  5. Specification of every detail of the house.
  6. Roof drawing, with a detailed description of the rafter system and all layers.
  7. Final view of the house.

Calculation of timber for a house

At the design stage, the required amount of lumber is calculated. The calculation is based on the scattering specified in the project.

As already noted, the construction of timber houses can be carried out by using moldings or marked parts from a house kit.

The table compares approaches to construction, which is better, a prefabricated house or on-site installation (moldings)

Factor Moldings Domokomplekt
Design complexity Possibility to implement any foreign project by selecting parts from timber locally A kit for a complex project is more expensive, plus, not every factory will undertake to produce
Possibility to make adjustments to the project Easier, cheaper, faster Impossible, a house kit made from profiled timber is made for a specific project
Construction time Significant (2-6 months) Shortened (up to 1-2 months)
Price From 8 thousand rubles. per sq.m. From 11 thousand rubles. per sq.m. (depending on the complexity of the project)
Risks - exposure to external factors during storage;
- the risk of damage to the timber when cutting or arranging a bowl;
- risk of deformation;
- the risk of additional costs (due to errors in calculations and manufacturing).
- the risk of missing markings (checked when paying for the house kit);
- the risk of receiving poorly made bowls due to poorly configured equipment in production.
Abuse Workers may inflate prices, citing the complexity of the project and the difficulty of cutting out the bowls. There is a risk of generating a significant amount of waste. None.

When building a house with your own hands, it is important to correctly calculate the amount of timber needed for work, because... shortages and excesses entail additional cash costs.

  • The easiest option is to contact the seller (manufacturer). When purchasing lumber, the seller usually does not take money for settlement. But, it should be remembered that the seller tends to round up the amount of timber, which, given its cost per cubic meter. quite expensive.
  • The second most difficult and risky option is to use a calculator for calculating timber for a house and set the parameters for calculation. This method is quite accurate, although it is not without its drawbacks. These include: defective timber, failure to take into account the shrinkage of the house, and trimming errors.
  • The most difficult, but also reliable, is independent calculation of planking. To do this, a sketch of the house is made, dimensions are applied to it, and the amount of material is calculated manually. This way you can calculate the number of units of timber of the required length. To the number obtained as a result of the calculation, you need to add 5-7% for trimming, low-quality timber.

Note. A good profiled beam has clearly defined parameters and is cut to within 1 mm, which allows you to be confident in the accuracy of the calculations.

The choice of section of profiled timber for building a house is determined according to SNiP II-3-79. The calculation for Moscow according to the standards of the specified document is given in the table:

Note. When buying timber for building a house, you need to pay attention to the presence of a cut, which is designed to reduce the likelihood of cracking of the timber.

Stage 2. Foundation for a house made of profiled timber

Compensation for shrinkage of timber houses

Shrinkage of a house made of profiled timber is a natural process caused by the properties of wood. Drying the timber naturally or in a chamber allows you to reduce the moisture content of the wood and reduce the percentage of shrinkage. But it cannot be completely eliminated. Shrinkage is 3-5% for chamber-drying profiled timber and 8% for natural drying timber.

Taking into account this feature of profiled timber, construction companies offer two types of construction of houses from profiled timber:

  • shrinking. It involves performing the work in two stages. First, the box is built, and after a year and a half of inactivity, installation begins warm circuit(windows, doors), stairs, interior decoration, etc.;
  • Full construction. IN in this case, the work is completed in one go, and the installation of elements is carried out in compliance with the requirements for shrinkage compensation.

Stage 7. Installation of individual elements

Do-it-yourself construction of a house from profiled timber is usually carried out under shrinkage. But if there is a need to quickly move into a house, then you need to adhere to the following recommendations when installing structural and decorative elements, which, unlike walls, shrink on different heights and at different speeds:

Window and door openings.

They are formed by installing a frame into a casing box (casing, casing). Thanks to the sliding frame design and compensation gap, windows and doors do not deform when the house shrinks.

Note. When installing doors and windows, polyurethane foam is not used, because... it hardens and is not flexible enough. Natural insulation materials wrapped in vapor-permeable film are used.

Columns, pillars, racks, supports and other vertical elements.

Installed on adjusting systems - jacks (shrinkage compensators), which will allow you to level different sizes shrinkage.

Roof elements.

The rafter legs are attached to the upper crown using sliding elements.

As for the installation of sliding fastening elements at the installation site of the ridge, opinions are divided here. Some masters advise doing it. Others focus on the sufficiency of one sliding connection along the upper crown.


It is recommended to install this element after the timber house has shrunk. At least a year after construction, when the main shrinkage has occurred. Installation is carried out as follows: the base of the staircase (string or stringer) is attached to the ceiling also using sliding elements.

Stage 8. Interior decoration of a house made of profiled timber

Finishing work, for example, installation of a frame for drywall, is also recommended after shrinking a house made of profiled timber. However, using sliding fasteners will allow you to start working sooner.

Fulfill plastering work or laying tiles on timber walls does not make sense. These materials are difficult to deform during shrinkage, which leads to cracks or shedding of the material.

Stage 9. External wall treatment

Do not forget that a house made of profiled timber needs protection from external factors, for this purpose, after construction, antiseptics are applied to the walls and fire retardant compounds. The frequency of their application is determined by the manufacturer of the product, and is usually 3-5 years.

Good reviews of these materials:

Fire-retardant compounds:

  • Phenylax. Cost 650 rubles/6 kg.
  • Cost 440 rubles/1.1 l.;
  • NEOMID 450-1. Cost 1,339 rubles/10 l.;
  • OZONE-007. Cost 4,990 rubles/48 kg;
  • Senezh OgneBio Prof. Cost 1,790 rubles/23 kg.


  • Aquatex Primer. Cost 2,090 rubles/10 l.
  • Nortex-Transit (concentrate). Cost 8,123 rubles/19 kg. This composition is transportable, i.e. intended only for processing wood during transportation or storage. Cover finished walls not recommended, because it does not penetrate the wood structure, providing only superficial protection.
  • Senezh. Cost 750 rub/10 kg.

Impregnations for protecting and tinting wood:

  • Krasula varnish. Cost 2,700 rub./11 kg;
  • Senezh Aquadecor. Cost 2,680 rubles/9 kg.

Construction of a house from profiled timber - video

Cost of building a house from profiled timber

The construction of a house from timber on a turnkey basis or with your own hands consists of such factors as:

  • material;
  • fare;
  • consumables;
  • complexity of the project;
  • house dimensions;
  • project cost;
  • payment for the services of a construction team, if they are hired to perform any work or consultations;
  • costs of obtaining permits for connecting communications, etc.


We hope that this instruction explains in sufficient detail how to build a house from profiled timber on your own, and the result obtained will delight more than one generation of users.

Wood is one of the most environmentally friendly building materials, so the desire to have a wooden house is understandable. Timber buildings are becoming popular today, so construction companies are already offering ready-made options, but they are usually not cheap. Making a house from timber with your own hands is not particularly difficult, so we will now look at the principles of this matter.

With proper processing and installation of wood, the structure is durable, and in practicality it cannot be compared even with a frame house. Not long ago, wood for buildings was taken whole log due to difficulties in processing it. Now a popular option is timber. We will tell you how to build a house from timber.


During construction, timber has a significant advantage over logs - less of it is needed, but there are also disadvantages. The seams between adjacent products are poorly protected from all kinds of precipitation, so they require special processing. You can sheathe a structure made of timber with a certain material, but if this is not planned, then a chamfer of 20 by 20 mm must be removed from each timber.

The timber can also be subject to helical deformation, but modern technologies have helped get rid of this by creating a profiled timber with complex “protection”. Manufacturers of the material dry it thoroughly, which helps avoid shrinkage.

There is also glued laminated timber with increased strength indicators. Its important advantage is geometric stability, which does not allow the material to change shape under the influence of moisture.

Assembly technology

You can buy a ready-made kit for construction at the manufacturing plant and, upon arrival at the site, simply assemble it according to the plan. During installation, ties are used - metal pins with a special anti-corrosion coating. They are necessary for reliable fixation of the bars in a certain place.

Assembly order:

  1. Foundation.
  2. Geometry check.
  3. Laying waterproofing followed by installation of the first level of timber.
  4. The material is stitched longitudinally with a cross for attractiveness.
  5. Assembly of beams on wooden dowels with laying insulation between them.
  6. After the walls are erected, interfloor ceilings are installed, including floor beams.
  7. Rafter system. When developing it, 2% shrinkage of laminated veneer lumber is taken into account. The design uses sliding fastenings rafters
  8. Laying roofing.
  9. Interior arrangement. Insulation of floors and walls, production of partitions and other work. This stage also includes the laying of utility lines.
  10. Terrace. If it is provided, then it is necessary to start laying the floor from a special impregnated board, made with the expectation of long service life when exposed to external factors.
  11. Installation of windows and doors.

Now let's look at the main points of how to build a house from timber in a little more detail.


The foundation can be columnar, strip and slab. The columnar foundation is one of the simplest. To make it, you need asbestos-cement pipes, which will need to be inserted into the prepared holes. This type of foundation also has the disadvantage of a lack of connection between the resulting pillars. It is more practical to choose a pile analogue, in which the piles are connected by a reinforced concrete slab.

The slab foundation is a reinforced concrete slab on which construction will continue. It will require concrete and reinforcement in large quantities.

Strip foundations are the most common due to the many options with different functionality. For heavy loads, a foundation type with the same cross section, while for light houses - a shallowly recessed variety, which costs less, but is not inferior in reliability.


The walls must be assembled directly on the site. At the corners, the timber can be connected in one of two ways - with or without a protrusion. First, the strapping crown is laid on the prepared foundation and connected into half a tree. This type of fastening is used regardless of the selected connection of subsequent rows. The first floor should be about three meters high. When the walls are laid to the required level, they make the ceiling and begin the second floor, if one is planned.

You cannot build turnkey houses from timber! You need to first install the timber frame for shrinkage, and only do everything in the second stage, 4–6 months after the shrinkage Finishing work, otherwise there may be big trouble.


The sealant is used very often for wooden houses. Moss, felt or hemp are sold in convenient rolls, so cut into strips required sizes they are quite simple.


Insulation plays an important role in laying the floor, so the structure is made double. Insulation is placed between the two layers, which also soundproofs the room well. Using an edged board, a subfloor is created.

It is customary to hem this material from the bottom, but such fastening is not reliable. To improve the characteristics of the building, a cranial beam is used, which must be attached to the joists.

By following simple rules, you can easily build any shaped house from timber. Such buildings are distinguished by practicality, speed of construction and aesthetics.

The art of construction wooden house you can learn on your own. The material chosen is, as a rule, timber: glued or profiled. It differs in the manufacturing method, but the construction technology is almost the same for each of them. Wood allows you to save on hiring workers, since 3 people can build a house from timber with their own hands. You don’t need heavy equipment for this; you just need to prepare a concrete mixer, a concrete pump, a winch, a chainsaw and small tools.

What will the house be like?

Timber is used in low-rise private construction for the construction of houses no higher than 3 floors. Performance properties of the material, favorable internal microclimate, Beautiful design contribute to the choice of this particular material for building a house. The beam differs from the log in its rectangular shape, and this is its advantage, since it allows you to immediately obtain a flat surface. Its benefits are obvious: it is easy to do internal and external cladding, you can hang any interior details on the walls. Also, the use of timber eliminates cold bridges due to the precise fit of the wooden elements.

Wood allows you to create an exclusive design project for any structure: a small dacha, one-story house, luxury cottage. It may include balconies with beautiful railings, cozy terraces, verandas. A multi-pitched roof decorates a building more than other types of roofing, especially if it has a large total area. The house project must be ordered from a professional organization. This will guarantee that the soil properties are taken into account, correct calculation materials, compliance with construction technology.

It all starts with the foundation

A house made of timber has sufficient weight, so it requires a strong, reliable foundation. If you plan to make a basement or cellar under the house, choose strip foundation. If the soil is wet, muddy, loose - the right decision will be the use of screw piles. A small house can be built on a solid slab foundation. In this case, the concrete base simultaneously serves as the subfloor of the first floor.

A pile-grillage foundation is constructed in the same way as a strip foundation, but with concrete piles installed in trenches. Used on loose soils with high level freezing. The strip foundation is the most popular: it can withstand heavy loads, can be erected without the use of machinery, and the work technology is easy to implement. This type of foundation is suitable for all private houses, so its design is discussed further.

First, markings are made exactly along the perimeter of the future house. Indicate the location of load-bearing internal walls. According to the markings, trenches are dug, the width of which is 10 cm greater than the width of the walls. For the basement, you need to dig a pit of the appropriate size, for the cellar, a hole. The depth of the trenches should be greater than the freezing level of the soil, but not less than 60 cm. A sand cushion of sand (10 cm) and gravel (10 cm) is poured into the bottom of the trenches, and the layers are leveled. The sand should be moistened and compacted to ensure sufficient density. The pillow is flooded thin layer concrete (5 cm).

Formwork, reinforcement, concreting

For removable formwork take a 25 mm board and knock it down in the form of shields. They must rise above the level of the trench by at least 40 cm (the external height of the foundation of the house, which is indicated in the project). Shifting of the formwork is prevented by installing spacers between the inner walls and support boards from the outside.

Reinforcement is carried out with 10 mm rods in 2 layers. The frame is laid first along, then across; the intersection points are secured with tying wire. It is important that the rods do not touch the formwork. The gap should be 5 cm. Concrete mortar can be made in two ways:

  • ratio of M400 cement and sand 1:3;
  • the ratio of M400 cement, sand and special additives is 1:4:4.

Concrete at a construction site can be mixed in a concrete mixer and poured into trenches using a special concrete pump. It is important to prevent the formation of air bubbles in the foundation before it hardens, so you need to use a cement vibrator. The uncured surface is moistened with water to prevent the foundation from hardening too quickly. At this stage, the construction of a house made of timber with your own hands is suspended for 20-30 days. This time is required for the foundation to completely harden and be able to bear the main load.

The consumption of materials and the cost of the building depend on the method of assembling a house from timber. They can be reduced if you choose a frame construction method, but this article discusses the classic masonry of a house made of timber. Wood species most suitable for self-construction, easy to process and at the same time inexpensive: larch, pine, spruce.

The first crown is laid on a double layer roll insulation, laid on the foundation. It is placed alternately with bitumen, heated to a liquid state. Thus, the following layers are obtained:

  • bitumen,
  • roofing felt,
  • bitumen,
  • roofing felt

The width of the insulation exceeds the width of the foundation by 30 cm. Next, work with the timber begins. It is important that each part is pre-treated with an antiseptic. It will protect the tree from rotting and damage by insect pests. Fire retardant compounds are also used to protect wood from burning. Impregnating each log separately is more effective than impregnating the entire building, since in the second case there will be untreated areas at the junction of the beams.

The very first board, the backing board, is rigidly attached to the foundation through a layer of waterproofing. A low tide is fixed to it, which will protect the frame from precipitation by draining water. There are 2 ways to lay the first crown:

  • on the backing board,
  • on the cross rails.

The second option provides additional clearance, and therefore ventilation. Slats 10 mm thick are attached across the foundation to the backing board in increments of 30 cm. The length of the slats is equal to the width of the board. It is important here to constantly check the horizontal placement of elements. Use better laser level, you can use oil-drip. The quality of the entire structure depends on the competent, unhurried assembly of the first crown. A 150x150 mm beam is used for it.

Features of connecting beams

Profiled and laminated timber have a 4-corner profile, and for the construction of houses they use section sizes of 140x140 mm and 90x140 mm. The front side can be convex or flat (for profiled timber; for laminated timber it is always flat). On the top and bottom side timber, a tongue-and-groove connection is made in the factory. It allows you to connect the elements together as tightly and rigidly as possible. Each new row is laid on a layer of jute inter-crown insulation. The crowns are connected to each other by vertically hammering the dowel in increments of 1 m, to a depth of 30 cm.

More information about insulation

Jute insulation eliminates the formation of cold bridges in winter. This prevents facade condensation, mold growth in the wood structure, and significantly increases the service life of the building. Intercrown insulation It is better to buy it in the form of a tape of suitable width. Secure it with a construction stapler.

It should be noted that the use of tow or flax does not prevent the appearance of microscopic gaps in the log house, since it is impossible to ensure uniformity of the layer. Tape insulation does not have these disadvantages; it has the same thickness and high-quality non-woven fabric, connected by a needle-punched method.

How to lengthen a beam?

The length of the walls of the house often exceeds the length of the timber, and in this case it is necessary to properly connect the joints. The assembly is carried out in a dressing, that is, the vertical seam of each next row is shifted relative to the previous one. To securely connect the joints, cut half a tree along the beam. After connection, rigidity is ensured by driving in the dowels. The reliability of the connection can be increased if the joint is located on the partition.

Window and door openings are arranged by laying shorter timber. In these places, only solid material is used. 2 dowels are hammered into the crowns near the openings. The second method involves cutting out openings in the finished log house. In this case, the dowels should be located outside the opening, but close to its edge. Sawing begins with markings using a plumb line and level. The work is done with a chainsaw.

Roofing a house made of timber

The beautiful roof consists of several slopes, and the presence of an attic with several windows makes it original. If you don’t have the skills, you can arrange it yourself gable roof is a practical, efficient, aesthetic type of roofing. For the Mauerlat, choose a 150x150 mm beam and attach it to the crown of the wall using staples, dowels, and anchor bolts.

The rafters rest on the mauerlat. It should be noted that in this place it is customary to make a triangular cut for a stronger engagement of both elements. In wooden houses that experience significant shrinkage, a notch is not made, since displacement can deform the structure. The best way attach the rafters and provide the ability to move - use a steel sled fastening. It consists of 2 elements that allow the rafters to change their angle due to shrinkage of the house.

The rafter system consists of durable timber and is a frame. It defines the shape of the roof and consists of duplicate elements. The angle of inclination, pitch, length, thickness of the rafters are indicated in the project. As a rule, they take timber with a width of 150-180 mm and a thickness of 50 mm. The system elements are connected to each other by tongue-and-groove fastenings and steel plates. Raising the rafters to a given angle is carried out using special elements - rafter legs, which are higher, the more the beams rise up.

Installed rafter system covered with a vapor barrier layer, a counter-lattice and sheathing are mounted on top. The first is assembled from 2 cm thick slats, stuffing them onto insulating material along the rafters. The sheathing is nailed across the rafters; the pitch of the beams depends on the choice of roofing material. If tiles are laid, a continuous sheathing is required; for corrugated sheets and slates, it is nailed in increments of 30 cm.

If an attic is planned, the roof is insulated from the inside with slabs mineral wool, laid between the rafters. The cladding material used is lining or plasterboard. Wooden house shrinks within 1-2 years. During this period, you can live in it, but the walls cannot be finished with facing materials.

Having decided on the location and size of the tape, we carry out the markings.

To do this, we drive pieces into the ground in the inner corners. steel reinforcement 1 meter long by 70 cm deep.

Instead, you can use wooden pegs of similar length. We install the same racks in places where the jumpers for the partitions branch off from the main strip.

We tie the driven supports around the perimeter with a strong, brightly colored nylon cord so that they are clearly visible. After this, we retreat outward onto the designed tape and perform the second marking contour. Thus, we obtain the boundaries of the future foundation.

The markings should be treated with due care. Mistakes at this stage will lead to problems at all subsequent ones.

Ground work and installation of formwork

The soil between the marking lines must be removed to the required depth. For a permanent structure, it can be 1.5 - 2 meters, depending on the level of soil freezing.

The correct foundation trench contributes to the quality of the strip foundation.

Tape reinforcement

A prerequisite for obtaining a high-quality monolithic foundation is the presence of a recessed steel frame - an armored belt. It is made from special corrugated steel rods with a diameter of 10-12 mm, called reinforcement. To connect parts, two main ones are used:

  • Gas or electric welding.
  • Twisting with soft steel tying wire.

The second option is more widespread, as it can be performed by unskilled workers quite quickly. To carry it out, use a specialized tool or simple pliers (pliers).

To make an armored belt, long rods are cut to fit the sides of the tape and many shorter pieces are installed vertically and across the foundation. The length of the short parts should ensure that the reinforcing frame is indented from the formwork and the top of the foundation by at least 10 cm.

A simple technique will help ensure high foundation strength in corners and at the junction of walls and partitions - lay reinforcement there, previously bent at 90 degrees.

Before installing the armored belt, the bottom of the trenches is covered with clean, seeded sand in a layer of 10-15 cm and carefully compacted, after slightly moistening it. The second layer is filled with crushed stone of the middle fraction and compacted as well. After this, you can install the reinforcement and begin concreting the tape.

The correct armored belt is the key to the quality of the base of the house, its foundation.

Concreting the foundation

A mixture of sand, cement and crushed stone with water can be poured into a prepared trench, limited by formwork. It is not difficult to prepare it directly on the site on your own or buy it ready-made at the nearest concrete plant. Both options have advantages and disadvantages.

Self-production of concrete significantly increases the time needed to manufacture the foundation, since it can be obtained in small batches after each loading of components.

It will not be possible to completely fill the tape with concrete in a day, so the work will need to be repeated. The layered structure of concrete is less durable.

Purchase ready mixture will allow you to fill the foundation with one layer in a few hours. It will be enough to ensure that the mixer can drive directly to the construction site. A significant disadvantage of this is the cost of ready-made concrete, which slightly exceeds the total cost of purchasing its components.

Once poured, the concrete must reach maximum strength before construction can continue. This may take from several weeks to several months, depending on the thickness of the layer.

During the first days, the tape must be kept covered with burlap, which prevents drying out. upper layers concrete. It is recommended to periodically moisten the fabric by sprinkling from a watering can.

Compliance with concrete technology is the key to the quality of the foundation.

We erect walls and partitions - we cut a log house

A log frame made of timber can be installed on a pre-conditioned foundation.

It can be purchased ready-made or made on site.

The second option is longer, since you can build a house from 150x150 timber yourself without using construction equipment very hard.

The weight of such lumber in a wet state can exceed 130 kg.

A layer must be laid on the foundation.

Roofing felt or glassine tapes are often used for this purpose. The first wall parallel beams with the quarters removed at the ends are laid on them.

Perpendicular to them, a couple more parts are placed with grooves pre-selected at the ends, made according to markings using a chain or circular saw. This is how the first crown of the log house is obtained.

At the required distance from the soil, floor beams are cut into the crown, placing them parallel in increments of about a meter. They must be held securely, since in the future they will be covered with boards. Additionally, they can be fixed with construction staples bent from steel rods with a diameter of 8-10 mm.

To ensure the strength of the wall structure, individual crowns are connected to each other using dowels - wooden cylinders made of hardwood.

To install them in several crowns, as a rule, holes are drilled in three, the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the rods. Next, the dowels are driven into them using a sledgehammer and partially deepened.

Thermal insulation of a house under construction can be ensured by laying a special tape between each crown. In the case of using profiled timber that has a different rectangular shape section, the width of the tapes is taken a little smaller, for a non-profiled one it is equal to its width.

As a rule, the insulation is fixed to the lower rims using a construction stapler with staples 10-12 mm long.

Log house – essential element the entire building. The peace and health of residents depends on its quality.

Don't forget to make openings

During the construction of walls, it is necessary to leave window and door openings in external walls and partitions free. Their location is determined according to the project, the height from the floor is 80-100 cm.

To preserve the strength characteristics of the log house before it shrinks in the openings, they try to preserve one middle beam entirely, thus dividing the hole in the wall approximately in half. Subsequently, before installing windows and doors, the data is cut out.

The technology for making openings is simple, but this stage must be approached with full responsibility.

Installation of interfloor slabs and ceiling beams

If, according to the project, your house has more than one floor, you cannot avoid installing interfloor covering, which will simultaneously serve as the basis of the ceiling and floor. In this regard, its details are subject to high requirements by quality. They must be well dried and have the correct geometric shape.

To install the floors proceed as follows. IN lower crown At a height of 2.2-2.5 meters from the floor level of the first floor, grooves are made, the width of which is equal to the width of the beams, and the depth is not more than half the thickness of the crown beams.

In the parts of the next layer, similar sockets are made with the same pitch. Place the upper crown with the grooves down and secure it with dowels. You can drive rods through the ends of the cross beams.

Do the same when installing the top attic floor. When the under-roof is not in use, the installation step of the beams may be larger, and when it is in use, it can be smaller.

The safety of residents depends on the quality of the floors.

Roof and roof installation

A complex and responsible structure is the roof of a house.

Errors made during its manufacture can damage the entire structure of the building.

Schematically, the roof can be represented by a set of inclined rafter beams, one end resting on the ridge beam, the other on the upper crown of the frame.

Based on the number of slopes (sloping flat sides), the upper structures of the house are:

  • Single-pitch
  • Gable
  • Four-slope (hip)
  • Multi-slope
  • Hip roofs (multi-slope with a large rafter angle)

Traditional for our country is gable roof with hemmed gables, as well as an attic with large usable spaces under the roof. It is made from roof trusses made from rafters connected to each other in the upper third by cross members.

They are installed vertically and sheathed on the outside with 25 mm thick unedged coniferous boards - lathing.

To cover the gables in the outer trusses, they attach additional frame from bars. Sometimes they are installed at one or both ends of the house. In this case, you can reduce the under-roof spaces, leaving a few square meters open.

To protect the house from moisture, the roof must be covered with some kind of roofing material. The most common ones today include:

  • Profiled sheet – profiled sheets made of galvanized steel
  • Ondulin - corrugated sheets of high strength and low weight
  • Bituminous shingles
  • Ceramic tiles

The specific choice of one type or another depends on a number of factors, not the least of which is the overall construction budget. Some roofing materials more expensive, others are quite affordable to every buyer.

Preparing the roof for installation of each specific type of coating is also different. For ondulin and profiled sheets, a standard board sheathing is sufficient. For asphalt shingles, it is necessary to lay sheets of plywood or OSB.

For a wooden log house it is better to use natural finishing materials. Making a roof with your own hands is not difficult if you follow the rules mandatory rules and process technology. Quality construction can only be achieved by using quality materials.

The final stage of work is exterior and interior finishing.

After installing the roof, laying the roof and sheathing the gables, you need to let the house sit for several months. During this time, a slight shrinkage of the log house will occur due to the drying of the timber.

Only after this can you finish the house - install windows and doors, install interfloor stairs, sheathe the walls outside and inside, lay the floor and hem the ceiling.

The walls can be sheathed with high-quality eurolining, the floor can be laid with tongue-and-groove boards made of larch or cedar. They will look beautiful and wooden stairs with turned or flat ones, leading to the porch or upper floors.

Thus, we looked at how to build a house from timber yourself, photos of which can be found on every site on the network. The technology of work is complex and will require large quantity time, effort and financial costs, but it's worth it. As a result, you will get a unique structure in which every corner will be familiar to you.

Exterior decoration of a house made of timber - on video:


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