Soft roof repair technology. Repair of soft roof Removal of soft roof layer

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Roof of a residential building

The main cause of damage and deformation of soft roofs is operational wear. In some cases, defects may be caused by installation or maintenance errors. Regardless of the reason that caused the violation of the integrity of the coating, repair soft roof needs to be done as soon as possible. This will help avoid complete dismantling of the old covering and refurbishment of the roofing material.


In order to delay the need for repair work, you should follow preventive measures to protect the roofing:

  • During operation, roof slopes may sag. The reason for this is the excessive load to which the soft roof is subjected. Loading may result from errors during installation roofing or the result of rotting and deformation of the beams on which the roof rests. The load is caused by natural phenomena. In Moscow and other regions of Central Russia, it is often caused by snow. Therefore, the soft roof should be regularly cleaned of it, as well as dirt and debris.
  • Roofs need to be washed periodically clean water, supplied under pressure. After washing the surface is treated special compounds, protecting the outer layer roofing pie from moss and mold. It is enough to wash it once a year.
  • Additional preventive measures are required in regions with high humidity. The roofs of houses in such areas are further protected. For example, you can install a zinc strip near the ridge.
  • IN winter period in Moscow and Central Russia, it is necessary not only to regularly remove snow and icicles, but also to treat the surface with chemical compounds that prevent the accumulation of snow and the formation of an ice crust.
  • If there are trees near the house, it is necessary to trim off the branches hanging over the roof. The distance between the nearest tree branches and the roofing must be at least one meter.

These measures avoid frequent repairs soft roof.


It is necessary to begin repairing a soft roof if at least one coating defect was discovered during the inspection. These include:

  • Mechanical damage to the roofing pie.
  • Presence of plants, moss or mold.
  • Swollen areas.
  • Peeling of roofing material.
  • Cracks.
  • Damage to previously completed patches.

Any of these defects requires immediate intervention and repair of the surface of the soft roof. Otherwise, they will cause roof leaks.

Roof installation

Depending on the frequency of occurrence, leaks can be of different types:

  • Appearing immediately after precipitation. Most often, leaks of this type are caused by mechanical damage to the roofing pie or natural wear and tear. If a leak appears immediately after installation or repair of the coating, we can say that the work was carried out in violation of the technology, or low-quality materials were used.
  • Appearing some time after the snow begins to melt. Such leaks may indicate that there are mechanical damage or cracks at the joints or in the areas where the roofing pie is adjacent to the ventilation ducts.
  • “Flickering” leaks that appear periodically. They are caused by microcracks in the coating. When flickering leaks appear, a major repair of the soft roof is most often required.

Even if there are no leaks, the roof covering should be inspected regularly. The objectives of such a survey are spring period are:

  • Detection of swellings, determination of their size and nature.
  • Assessment of the condition of roofing waterproofing.
  • Determining the integrity of aprons and the correctness of their installation.

Preparing for work

IN summer period The following defects can be found:

  • Bubbles in the coating.
  • Cracking of roofing material to varying degrees.

In autumn the following are revealed:

  • Blockages in funnels and drains.
  • Wet walls.
  • Water stagnation.

Repair technology

Repair of a soft roof can be routine or major. Major renovation requires the complete dismantling of old materials with the installation of new hydro- and vapor barriers, screeds, etc.

Selection of materials for repairs

The construction market in Russia and Moscow offers a variety of materials for repairing soft roof coverings. The roofing pie is arranged in several layers. Materials must meet a number of requirements:

  • For the outer layer, you need to choose products with a mineral coating and a thickness of 4.5–5 mm.
  • For the lower layers, materials with a thickness of 3–3.5 mm are suitable.
  • All textures used must be compatible with each other.

Installation by non-specialists

In Moscow and Central Russia, bitumen roll materials have become most popular. They are easy to install, especially on flat roofs, and can be used for roofs of residential and industrial buildings. In terms of reliability of coating, bitumen-based roll materials are superior to most other methods of arranging a roofing pie. Such materials are well suited not only for Moscow with its relatively stable climate, but also for areas where sudden temperature changes are observed.


Current repairs are carried out for minor damage, cracks or loose joints. Cracks and mechanical damage can be eliminated by filling them with bitumen mastic, over which a patch is glued. Rolled ones are selected for it roofing materials. It is advisable to pour another layer of bitumen on top of it.

Broken joints are also treated with bitumen. Before pouring mastic, you need to thoroughly dry the lower layers of the roofing cake with a gas burner. After drying, bitumen is poured onto which it is laid old material, and another layer of mastic is performed.

Major renovation

Work completed

Major roof repairs - difficult task, the implementation of which is best left to specialists. Moreover, in Moscow and other major cities It’s quite easy to find a specialized company providing such services.

The repair is carried out in several stages:

  • Dismantling the old roofing pie.
  • Performing a cement roof screed.
  • Arrangement of steam and waterproofing layers.
  • Laying rolled roofing materials.

Violation of any of the stages technological process will cause the soft roof to quickly become damaged, and all problems associated with leaks will return, requiring new repairs.

Repair work must begin with surface preparation. The roof must be cleared of debris, and the old roof covering must be completely dismantled. The base of the roof must be level. Next, the functionality of the ventilation and drainage systems is checked.

On flat roofs, a cement screed is required to ensure a flat surface. For additional protection, the base is primed with bitumen primer or mastic. First, the composition is applied completely to the entire base, including parapets, abutments and podiums. In this case, the surface must be thoroughly impregnated with primer. After the material has dried, the following layers can be laid.

Installation process

The vapor barrier is mounted on cement screed, and then a layer of insulation is laid. To protect the resulting cake, reinforcement with road mesh is used. Steam and heat insulation materials are selected depending on the roof structure.

Materials are stacked different ways depending on the angle of the roof slope. On roofs with a slope angle of less than 15º, materials must be installed perpendicular to the direction of movement of water as it flows into drainage system. At an angle of more than 15º, laying is carried out from top to bottom in the direction of water movement. After laying the roofing material, all joints, parapet elements, gutters, etc. are sealed.

Repair work in winter

Carrying out roof repairs in Moscow and Central Russia in winter is impossible. In fact, all work when leaks occur comes down to patching the damaged area. The area to be treated is dried with a gas burner, after which a patch of the required size is fused onto the surface. With the onset of the warm period of the year, the roof is carefully inspected, and current or major repairs are carried out, which depends on the degree of damage to the coating.


Repair of a soft roof is required when the slightest defects in the coating appear. Despite the relative simplicity of laying rolled bitumen surfaced materials, the work must be carried out by specialists. One single violation of the technological process, which may seem insignificant to a non-professional, can lead to rapid wear of the new coating, and in the worst case, reduce the result of the work to zero.

Soft type roofing is widely in demand due to its convenience, practicality, ease of installation and low cost. This coating is quite resistant to aggressive environmental influences, but does not have outstanding durability. Therefore, repairs of soft roofs, the technology of which may be different, have to be carried out every few seasons.

How to determine the need for repair work

The waterproofing properties of a soft roof are ensured by the layer of bitumen with which it is covered. If, over time, under the influence external factors If there is a violation of its integrity, then this is a clear sign of the need for repair, the technology of which may differ depending on the criticality of the damage.

Advice! The soft roof should not be brought to a state where it is no longer able to contain moisture from entering the room. It is best to carry out a preventive examination at least once every two years.

You need to pay attention to the following signs indicating that it is time for repairs:

  • Delamination of soft roofing in places where the panels overlap and connect;
  • Visible pits and depressions in which water can be retained;
  • Moss or fungus in places where water stagnates after precipitation;
  • Blisters on the surface, indicating moisture penetration under the roofing;
  • Noticeable mechanical damage, cracks, tears.

Types of repair work

Depending on the condition of the coating, how worn it is, and what damage it has, restoration measures are divided into two types:

  • Preventive (current) repair of soft roofing. It is used, according to technology, for minor damage to the canvas that does not provoke a global violation of the roof’s tightness. Characteristic signs the need for such repairs - local peeling, microcracks and small tears, which can be easily eliminated without dismantling everything soft covering. Moreover, such defects should occupy less than 40 percent of the total roof area;
  • Major repairs of soft roofing. The need for large-scale repairs and the use of more complex technologies is evidenced by the presence of multiple damage in the form of swelling, deep cracks, severe peeling, leaks, and ruptures. Moreover, they should affect over 40 percent of the entire soft roof area.

Current repairs of soft roofs

If during the inspection no critical damage was identified indicating the impossibility of further use of the old roofing covering, then work is usually carried out to eliminate existing defects and restore the integrity of the sheet. This is the so-called Maintenance soft roof, the technology of which allows you to quickly restore all affected areas of the roof. In this case, as a rule, the swollen areas are cut off, water inlets and eaves overhangs are replaced, a layer of primer is applied and, where necessary, new rolled material is fused.

The repair technology provides for the following work algorithm:

  1. The roof surface is thoroughly cleaned of accumulated debris, moss and any foreign objects;
  2. The roof covering is checked for rotten areas. If the latter are detected, they are removed. In this case, several centimeters of undamaged coating are also captured;
  3. The swollen areas are cut off, capturing a small amount of intact material;
  4. The areas where the roofing was removed are cleaned of dust and dirt, primed and filled with cement-based mortar;
  5. After drying, patches are applied to these areas, which are generously watered with bitumen mastic on top. In this case, the territory of the entire coverage is certainly captured;
  6. Finally, new roofing material is fused.

Attention! Old technology less labor-intensive, however, it has one significant drawback - an increase in the weight of the roof. Therefore, it should be used only after calculating all the risks and a comprehensive assessment of the strength of the floor structures. This technology is used primarily to reduce repair costs. By ignoring the operation to remove the old coating, it is possible to reduce the budget by about 30 percent.

Major repairs of soft roofing

If the old coating is not suitable for further use due to critical damage, it is replaced with a new one. Major repairs of a soft roof, the technology of which is more labor-intensive than the current one, provides for the following procedure:

  1. The damaged covering is dismantled. This is a rather labor-intensive procedure that is very difficult to perform manually. It is convenient to use a special machine for this, which cuts the canvas and immediately rolls it into a roll. If this is not available, the technology makes work easier by using an ax with a long metal ax;
  2. After cleaning the surface from worn-out roofing material, the condition of the base is assessed. If there are cracks, dents, potholes and other defects, partial repairs or complete replacement of the roof screed are performed. If thermal and waterproofing layers are present, then at this stage the technology also involves their thorough inspection and, if necessary, repair. To increase the service life of the insulation, it is recommended to cover it afterwards plastic film or a membrane with a vapor barrier function;
  3. The surface is primed with bitumen mastic, which protects the steam and heat insulation layers, as well as concrete screed from getting wet, and promoting higher adhesion of the base to the soft roofing material;
  4. A new sheet is laid starting from the lower edge of the roof. The material sections are installed one at a time, overlapping each other by no more than 15 centimeters. In this case, the angle of inclination of the roof should be taken into account: the smaller it is, the greater the overlap should be, since with a more sloping slope the water drains quickly, and with a flat slope it is retained, which increases the risk of moisture seeping inside;
  5. When the laying of all parts of the roofing material is completed, all seams between them, according to technology, are well coated with bitumen mastic;
  6. If necessary, after the bitumen has dried, the technology allows the installation of a second layer of coating. It is important to lay the sheets in such a way that the joints are located as far as possible from the joints on the bottom sheet;
  7. If the repair involves materials such as roofing felt or roofing felt, then it is advisable to additionally apply protective layer, using the same bitumen mastic. Finally, it should be sprinkled with crushed granite crumbs and compacted with a roller. New generation materials already contain shale powder, so additional protection they don't need it. The advantage of using the latter is also that there is no need to use mastic to coat the seams: small overlaps of cuts are efficiently and reliably fused to each other;
  8. The final stage, carried out after the completion of repair work, is the identification of places where water accumulates, which will be the most vulnerable in the future. The technology involves carrying out such a check after the first rain, although you can water the roof yourself. If such places are identified, they should be thoroughly dried, and then an additional layer of material should be applied to them. If necessary, you can also pour them generously with bitumen mastic, which will serve reliable protection leak-proof coatings.

There is another technology for repairing soft roofs, which is not so popular today, however, in the old days it was used very actively. Its essence is that a new layer is simply fused on top of the old coating. To do this, all contaminants are carefully removed from the surface being used, after which it is well warmed up with a heating pad and coated with bitumen mastic. At the final stage of repair, a new layer of roofing material is fused.

Our article describes soft roof repair technology + video. We touched on the most frequently asked questions on this topic. Describe the types of repairs and how they are performed.

There are several answers to the question of how to repair a soft roof. Everything will depend on the extent of the damage and its complexity.

Repairs are usually divided into two types:

  1. Current – ​​damage to the roof covering is less than 40% of the total roof area.
  2. Major – damage amounts to more than 40% of the roof area.

No matter how strange it may sound, the main reason for leakage of roofs made of soft rolled materials is the destruction of the bitumen layer, which provides the waterproofing properties of this material.

Repairing a soft garage roof with your own hands is not difficult, since this building has small dimensions. But on other buildings, this work will not take much time and effort, especially when it comes to routine repairs.

Actually roll coverings for roofs are considered the easiest to install. Installing them does not require any special equipment or skill.

As mentioned above, before starting work, you should determine the extent of damage. How it's done? We need to go up to the roof and examine the covering. What to look for?

  • In places where panels overlap and join, there may be visible peeling;
  • There may be visible depressions and pits on the roof surface that can retain water;
  • In places where water stagnates, it should be examined for decay of the material, the appearance of moss or fungus;
  • Blisters on the surface of the roofing indicate that moisture has penetrated in this place;
  • Availability of visible mechanical damage, abrasions, cracks, tears.

After inspecting the roof, you can draw conclusions about what type of repairs will be needed. Based on this, an estimate for a soft roof is drawn up. What does it include?

Advice! To draw up an estimate, it is not necessary to call a specialist; you can do it yourself. But if you are not confident in your abilities, then of course you should contact the appropriate companies.

If the repair work will be carried out by a team of specialists, then first of all they will indicate a list of works, namely:

  • Full or partial withdrawal old roof.
  • Preparing the surface for subsequent installation of roofing.
  • Installation of the top layer of the roof and sealing the seams.
  • Waterproofing top layer.
  • Combustible materials for the burner.
  • Consumables and their delivery.

If you decide to carry out the repair yourself, then the estimate will only include the cost of the material used and its delivery.

Those who have not yet decided whether to do it themselves or hire workers can contact a company that repairs roofs. By providing them with the following information, you can find out approximately how much the repair will cost.

  1. Roof plan with all dimensions to calculate the amount of material.
  2. Lengths of eaves overhangs, junctions with walls and parapets, thickness and height of the latter.
  3. The presence of shafts on the roof, their number and size.
  4. The presence of pipes and other elements on the roof, their sizes and quantities.
  5. The condition of the roof, it is advisable to take photographs.
  6. Approximate list of repair work.
  7. What roofing material will be used.

SNiP rules

Work should be carried out in accordance with:

  • SNiP soft roofing 03/12/2001.
  • SNiP 12-01-2004 “Construction Organization”;
  • SNiP 3.03.01-87 “Load-bearing and enclosing structures”;
  • SNiP 3.04.01-87 “Insulating and finishing coatings”;
  • SNiP 12-03-2001 “Labor safety in construction” part 1. General requirements;
  • SNiP 12-04-2002 “Labor safety in construction” part 2. Construction production;
  • POT R M-012-2000 “Inter-industry rules for labor protection when working at height”;
  • SNiP repair of soft roofing 11-26-76 (1979).

Although many of those who perform roofing repairs do not always comply with them. This is due to the fact that most of the rules listed above were developed back in Soviet time. Much has changed since then, including materials and technology.

Please note: ignorance of these rules does not in any way affect the quality of work. If the workers know their job well, roof repairs will be completed quickly and reliably.

Repair and installation of a soft roof should begin with preparing the base on which the material will be laid.

If we talk about current repairs, there are several options. Partial replacement (patches) and repairs can be carried out as before (1-2 layers of new material are laid on the old cover).

If patches are installed, all defects in the places where they are laid are removed (cut out or pierced). Then the surface is cleaned of debris and dust and filled with bitumen mastic or sealant.

A piece of roofing felt or other material is placed on top roll material. It must be larger in size than the surface being repaired.

The edges are carefully coated with bitumen mastic. But this method usually does not give results. Therefore, many people use the following method of routine repairs - “the old way.”

Soft roofing for garages and more can be installed during routine repairs without removing the old cover. With this method, it is worth considering that fusing two more layers will increase the load on the roof.

So it’s worth starting by finding out how much weight the walls and floor supports can withstand.

For example, the following calculation can be given: on average modern materials have a mass of 4-5 kg/m2, if the roof area is 1000 m2, the load on the roof will increase by another 5 tons. And so, instead of the base, they use the old roofing cover.

It is pre-cleaned of debris and dirt. Installation of a new layer is carried out in the usual way. This method cannot be used if the previous covering is severely damaged or there are already more than 8 layers of old material on the roof.

Typically, the process of major repairs involves a complete replacement of the roofing material, partial repair of the base (screed) and parapets, replacement of eaves overhangs, aprons, fencing, inspection and repair of water inlets and drains.

But sometimes roofs are in such disrepair that they have to not only be repaired, but practically built from scratch. Naturally, this affects the cost of work.

Major repairs of soft roofing are carried out in the following order:

  1. Removing the old cover.
  2. Foundation repair.
  3. Laying a waterproofing layer.
  4. Installation of insulation (if necessary).
  5. A screed is being made.
  6. Roofing material is spreading.
  7. A protective layer is laid.

To carry out the work you will need a gas burner, roofing material, a knife for cutting roofing felt, sealant or bitumen mastic, a broom for cleaning the surface, cement for screed, insulation, and special clothing.

Major repairs of a soft roof begin with the removal of the old covering.

For this process, such as, you can use special equipment (the machine removes the coating and immediately rolls it into a roll) or an ax (for convenience, the wooden handle is replaced with metal pipe, its length is selected individually, according to the person’s height).

If there are no large dents or cracks, but only minor damage, then the screed does not need to be filled. Sometimes the screed is preceded by a layer of insulation. This could be polystyrene foam, a layer of gravel or other thermal insulation.

In the first hours after laying the cement layer, the surface is primed with bitumen, which covers the screed with a thin film and prevents the evaporation of moisture from it.

After the cement has hardened, you can begin laying the roofing material. The composition of soft roofing varies, but it is better to use fiberglass-based materials.

They have a longer service life and higher specifications, in contrast to coatings based on cardboard.

Laying begins from the bottom edge of the roof, gradually rising upward. Each subsequent row is overlapped (from 10 cm). The greater the angle of the roof slope, the greater the amount of overlap.

For roofing felt, glassine and roofing felt, a protective cover made of bitumen is installed. It is then sprinkled with stone chips and rolled with a roller.

Advice! When using the latest generation materials, the seams between the rows are not coated and they are already covered with a protective coating on top. Consequently, less material is wasted.

As you can see, the technology for repairing a soft roof is not very complicated. Two people are enough to complete the work. The choice of materials is entirely up to you.

But I would like to remind you, do not forget to inspect the roofing at least once every three years. After all, correcting minor flaws is much easier and cheaper than covering the roof completely.

Soft roofing is one of the most popular types roofing covering. Under this name various piece and rolled products, for the production of which fiberglass and bitumen are used.

Thanks to its flexibility, the material can be installed on roofs of complex configurations. This same property makes both major and current repairs of soft roofs quite simple. It is better to carry out repair work in dry and warm weather. The soft roof reconstruction technology does not require much high costs labor, finances or time.

Roof inspection to detect defects

Even if at first glance it seems that the roof is in good condition, it is necessary to carry out a preventive inspection from time to time to detect possible defects or damage. These include:

  • mechanical damage (caused by guy wires, antennas, branches);
  • swelling of the roof covering;
  • the presence of moss, plants, mushrooms;
  • cracks;
  • violation of the tightness of applied patches.

Any of these defects can lead to leaks. Leaks may appear:

  • immediately after rain;
  • a few days after the snow begins to melt;
  • from time to time, but not after every rain (“flickering” leaks).

If the roof begins to leak immediately after rain, then most likely the reason lies in the presence of mechanical damage and deformation, the use of low-quality materials, or unskilled installation.

If the roof leaks after the snow begins to melt, you need to check the junctions with the ventilation shafts and the joints of the slabs. Cracks most often form in these parts of the roof, which becomes the cause of the malfunction. Leaks can also be caused by defects in the design of funnels and fencing.

The “flickering” nature of leaks indicates the presence of microcracks, poor-quality parapets or insufficient length of aprons.

The roof can leak for other reasons - for example, if installation rules are not followed, wrong choice roofing material or all roofing structure, violation building codes or the use of low quality materials.

In order to maximize the life of the roof, it is imperative to carry out external seasonal studies. And if defects are detected, take measures to eliminate them.

In spring, when the snow begins to melt, check:

  • possible presence of stains on the ceilings of rooms located on the top floor;
  • the nature of the swellings and their sizes;
  • the integrity of the aprons and the correctness of their fastening;
  • condition of waterproofing junctions.

IN summer time Attention should be paid mainly to the following circumstances:

  • the presence of cracks in the coating and the degree of cracking;
  • presence of bubbles.

In autumn you can determine:

  • the degree of wetting of the walls, if the drain is external;
  • areas of stagnant water if the drainage system is internal;
  • clogging of funnels.

In the cold season, attention is paid to factors such as:

  • thickness of snow cover on the roof;
  • the presence of roof icing and its degree;
  • formation of icicles and their sizes;
  • presence of water plugs in drains.

What materials to choose

Today the market offers a variety of materials for repairing soft roofs. The most popular are:

  • Isoelast, Linocrom, Uniflex, Isoplast - for the top layer;
  • Isoplast, Bireplast, Uniflex, Technoelast - for the bottom layer.

Materials intended for the top layer must be coated with mineral coating to protect against ultraviolet radiation. Together with the protective layer, they have a thickness of 4.5-5 mm.

The thickness of the materials for the bottom layer is 3-3.5 mm.

When choosing, you must be guided by a specially developed compatibility table for roofing materials.

Repair estimate

An estimate, as a rule, is drawn up when planning a major overhaul of a soft roof, when it is necessary to lay a new covering.

It is compiled only after old layer dismantled.

Only after removing the damaged coating can you find out whether there is a need for additional hydro-, heat- and vapor barrier and modification of the screed.

To draw up an estimate, you need to do the following operations.

  1. Determine the total roof area. When making calculations, protruding structures should also be taken into account - dormer windows And ventilation pipes. The resulting figure must be multiplied by 1.2.
  2. If screed is necessary, calculate the amount of cement and sand.
  3. Determine the type of coverage and find the best offer in nearby stores.
  4. Determine the quantity of consumables.


To carry out the work, you need to prepare some tools. During repairs you may need:

  • gas stove;
  • 50 liter gas cylinder;
  • gearbox;
  • a stick designed for rolling out the welded material;
  • putty knife;
  • broom or broom;
  • an industrial vacuum cleaner (to remove dust from the base of the roof);
  • assembly cutter;
  • spool (pipe) for rolling rolled material;
  • an ax used to cut down unnecessary roofing material;
  • during major repairs - roof cutter.
  • If work is carried out in winter time, then you also need to stock up on a wooden shovel to remove snow from the roof.
  • You also need to take care of protective clothing made of thick material, gloves and boots.

When working with a gas burner, you should definitely wear safety glasses.


The need for minor repairs arises when minor damage appears on the surface: loose joints, cracks, holes.

Holes, cracks

To eliminate small cracks and holes, they must be filled with hot resin or bitumen, and a piece of roofing felt pasted on top of the mastic. Using a roller, the roofing material is coated with heated resin or bitumen on top.

Broken joints

To eliminate discrepancies in the joints, the roofing material must be lifted and the surface dried with a burner. After this, the joint must be coated with bitumen and put in place. The top of the joint is again coated with hot bitumen or resin.

To eliminate swelling, the roofing material must be cut crosswise. The edges of the roofing material are wrapped and dried very carefully using a burner. Then the place of swelling is filled with mastic, after which the cut edges are returned to their places. They need to be pressed down firmly, the cut areas should be thoroughly coated with bitumen or mastic, and a previously prepared piece of roofing material should be placed on top, and then pressed down very tightly again.

For optimal sealing of the patch, roofing material should be lubricated around the perimeter hot mastic or resin. It is necessary to ensure that the patch overlaps the seams by at least 10 cm.

Major renovation

When overhauling a soft roof, the following actions must be taken:

  • dismantle the old coating;
  • restore cement screeds;
  • arrange heat, steam and waterproofing;
  • lay new roofing material.

To carry out dismantling, it is better to use special equipment with which you can remove the old coating and immediately roll it into a roll.

The work can be done with a regular axe, but it is better to replace the wooden handle with a metal one. The length of the handle depends on the height of the person who will use the tool.

After cleaning the surface, you need to carefully check the base for cracks, dents, etc. If they are absent, there is no need to fill the screed.

In some cases, a layer is placed above the screed thermal insulation material- foam or gravel.

This is followed by priming with bitumen. It covers the screed with a film, as a result of which moisture does not evaporate.

After the cement has hardened, you can begin laying the roofing material. It is better to give preference to fiberglass-based materials. Compared to cardboard coverings, fiberglass ones are more stable and have long term operation and have the best technical characteristics.

Laying begins from the bottom edge of the roof. All subsequent rows are laid with an overlap (minimum 10 cm). The amount of overlap depends on the angle of inclination of the roof slope.

The seams are treated with bitumen mastic. After some time, proceed to the next layer. It must be laid so that the seams of two adjacent layers of coating do not coincide.

When using roofing felt, roofing felt or glassine, installation of a protective layer is also necessary. It is produced using bitumen mastic. Having completed the work, the protective layer is sprinkled with stone chips and rolled with a roller. When using new generation materials, this is not necessary, since they have a protective coating. There will also be no need to coat the seams between the rows.

Repair of soft roofs in the winter season

Sometimes the need for repairs arises in winter. If the roof starts to leak in winter, the only thing possible solution is to install a patch in place of the leak.

Since it is impossible to lay rolled weld-on waterproofing on a wet base, it is necessary to dry the damaged area using gas burner.

After this, the roll is cut off required quantity material and begin to heat it with smooth movements of the gas burner. It is necessary to ensure that heating occurs evenly. WITH bottom side The materials being deposited are covered with a special film, a change in the pattern of which is evidence that the material is heated correctly. A thoroughly heated piece must be applied to the leak site and glued, leveling and tapping with your hands.

To protect the roof in winter, you should leave a small layer of snow (about 5 cm) on it. It will protect the roof from negative influence external factors.


The cost of repairing a soft roof depends on the type of work and the degree of damage.

Yes, repairs square meter soft roof (excluding the cost of replacing the covering of overhangs and parapets) is as follows.

Repair of a roof in one layer - taking into account partial (up to 20%) opening of the old roofing carpet, including the cost of materials - will cost 260 rubles per sq. m. meter; without materials – 170 rubles per sq. meter

Repair of the roof in two layers, also taking into account partial (up to 20%) opening of the roofing carpet: with the cost of materials - from 430 rubles per sq. meter; without materials – 255 rubles per sq. meter.

Roof repair in two layers with complete removal of the old roofing covering and partial renovation screeds (up to 20%), taking into account the price of materials, costs from 540 rubles per sq. m. meter; without materials - 320 rubles per square meter.


  • Repairing a soft roof, as well as its installation, is not difficult.
  • First, you need to conduct a thorough inspection of the roof to identify defects and damage.
  • By the time of occurrence of leaks, you can determine their nature.
  • Before starting repair work, you need to select materials, prepare tools, make calculations and draw up an estimate.
  • For minor damage, you can limit yourself to routine repairs.
  • If there are significant damages and defects, it is necessary to carry out major repairs.
  • During a major renovation, the old roofing is completely dismantled and replaced with new roofing material.
  • The cost of repairs depends on the type of work performed, the extent of damage and some other factors.
  • How to repair a soft roof, watch the detailed video instructions.

Due to its practicality and ease of installation and renovation, soft roofing is a popular type of covering. Resistance to aggressive influences complements the list of advantages, but the short service life is a disadvantage, which is why owners have to repair their soft roofs every 2-5 years. We will understand the types of renovation, and also consider the nuances of repairing soft roofs of various designs.

The soft roof covering has a bitumen waterproofing layer, which becomes thinner and deteriorates over time. Loss of integrity is the main reason for renovation, but the repair technology may differ depending on the amount and severity of damage.

Advice! Bring the roof to a state of complete destruction outer covering It’s not worth it, you’ll have to change materials instead of repairing it. Therefore, it is recommended to inspect the roof for damage once every 2-3 years so that repairs do not cost a pretty penny.

How to determine when it's time to repair your roof:

  1. Peeling of panels in places of overlap/joints;
  2. The appearance of depressions on the panels (water accumulates);
  3. Moss germination at points of stagnation of water;
  4. Blisters on the surface of the sheets, indicating moisture getting inside (under the roof covering);
  5. Scratches, broken sheets, cracks are visible defects in the coating that need to be repaired.

The types of work to renew the soft roof covering depend on the degree of wear of the material and can be:

  1. Restorative/preventive. It is carried out in case of minor damage to the covering sheets in the absence of a violation of the general tightness of the roof. Feature repair – local/spot renovations of the coating, eliminated without the need for complete dismantling.

Important! Cosmetic renovations are carried out when total area defects do not occupy more than 35% of the total area of ​​the roofing material.

  1. Major renovation- a process that includes complete dismantling of the material,, if necessary, renewal of the roof structure and laying new sheets. Essentially, a major overhaul is new styling roofing covering in compliance with all technological details.

Important! Major repairs are carried out if there are visible and hidden defects, the total area of ​​which is more than 35-40% of the roofing.

What you need

Before you start repair work You should buy building materials and stock up on tools. Calculating materials for the roof is not difficult: the roofing sheets have a certain area, you need to calculate the roof area, divide by the area of ​​the sheets, taking into account the overlap, and in the end you will get the amount required material. In addition you will need:

  1. Burner, gas cylinder, reducer;
  2. Cutter, vacuum cleaner (for cleaning debris), pipe, spatula, tape measure, rolling stick;
  3. Bitumen-based mastic;
  4. For major repairs, sand, water, plasticizer and cement are often needed to renew the screed.

As for the material, the market offers a lot of options:

  • the bottom layer can be made of Uniflex, Isoplast;
  • top final coating - Uniflex, Isoelast, Linocrom.

The main difference between the sheets used to cover the top layer and the bottom layer is the presence of a fine-grained protective coating that protects the soft roof from sun rays and precipitation. The thickness of the materials for the top layer should be up to 5 mm, the bottom - 3-3.5 mm.

Current roof repairs

The absence of critical damage allows for small-format (spot) renovation of the soft roof. It is enough to restore the defective areas of the roof to make the coating airtight and durable. The need to replace areas near water intakes and eaves will help extend the life of the roof. So, current repair of soft roof work technology:

  • clean the surface from debris, moss and other foreign fragments;
  • check the sheets for rotten areas - they should be removed by cutting them out along with small pieces of durable sheet;
  • cut off swollen areas of the roof, also grabbing a little durable sheet;
  • clean the areas freed from coating, prime and fill with cement mortar;
  • after the cement has dried, apply patches, pouring generously with bitumen mastic, covering the undamaged edges of nearby sheets;
  • fuse new roofing material.

Advice! Technologically, such work is low-cost, but increases the total weight of the roof. Work should be carried out after a preliminary calculation bearing capacity structures, otherwise the roof will simply collapse.

Major renovation

IN in this case The soft roof is completely replaced with new sheets. The costly procedure is justified by the absence of additional load on the roof elements, the extension of the life of the building and the identification of even hidden flaws. Major repairs of soft roofs include the following work algorithm:

  1. Complete dismantling of the old coating. The procedure is carried out with care, and to reduce complexity, you can use either a machine that cuts the canvas and rolls it into rolls, or an ax with a long handle.
  2. Cleaning the surface from dust, dirt, cutting out and demolishing worn-out pieces of the screed, cleaning out bumps, dents - you may need to update the screed completely or selectively.
  3. Inspection of the hydro- and thermal insulation layer, replacement of sheet pieces. To extend the service life of the insulation, it is better to cover the sheets with thick polyethylene film or a vapor barrier membrane.
  4. Prime the surface with bitumen-based mastic.
  5. Starting from the bottom edge, lay the rough (bottom) roofing sheets, taking into account an overlap of 15-18 cm.

Advice! The greater the roof slope, the smaller the overlap may be. With an even shape of the structure, the overlap of one sheet over another can reach 20 cm, so that the water retained on the roof does not leak into the lower layers.

  1. Coat all seams with bitumen mastic, generously, not sparing the composition.
  2. Lay the top sheets, making the installation in such a way that the joints of the final coating do not fall on the point of the rough seam.
  3. Roofing felt and roofing felt are also covered with protective bitumen mastic to avoid damaging the waterproofing, and it’s a good idea to pour fine-grained granite on top of the mastic and compact it properly.

Important! If new generation soft roofing materials are used, granite topping is not needed. Another advantage of this coverage– adhesive layer at joints/overlaps. This eliminates the need to use bitumen mastic - adhesive composition adheres well and holds sheets well, preventing moisture from entering.

And to make sure that the coating is durable, take the trouble to make visual inspection roofs: identifying the most vulnerable places where water accumulates, there is moisture seepage, will require abundant watering with mastic, which will extend the life of the roof and the entire structure as a whole.

Note! At one time, the method of additional fusing of roofing material over the old coating was popular. For this purpose, the old layer was removed from the roof only in places of defects, the area was cleaned and heated with a burner, followed by coating with bitumen. After this, a new layer of material was fused, sprinkled with crumbs and compacted. The method is very good and inexpensive, but the load on the floors should be calculated to ensure the endurance of the entire structure.

Features of repairing flat and pitched roofs made of different materials

In private houses and buildings where soft roofing is used, two types of roof construction are most often used: flat and pitched. Despite all the similarities, the technology for repairing soft roofs has some differences. As for similar works, they are as follows:

  1. Clearing the area of ​​debris;
  2. Cutting out the defective coating;
  3. Renewing the screed.

Flat roofs are easy to repair; the process is described above; pitched roofs will require a little more attention. If the roof is soft ( flexible tiles) has become thin and cracks and swellings have appeared, they are eliminated as follows:

  1. The top tile is raised or removed ( soft tiles) or a piece of roofing material is cut out;
  2. Apply to new tiles adhesive composition, coat the overlap area with mastic;
  3. Place the piece of material in place, press it down and secure it with a lath if necessary.

Advice! When complete replacement roofing covering pitched roof The overlaps are made small, since the water, thanks to the steep angle of the slope, drains away quite well on its own.

The membrane roof is also being repaired. This is done like this:

  • For roofs with a slope of at least 10 degrees, installation of new sheets is carried out using fastening equipment;
  • For roofs with an inclination angle of less than 10°, a ballast option is used, in which membrane roofing sprinkled with any ballast material;
  • The adhesive option is used for buildings located in windy areas.

Repair of seams is carried out either by welding or by chemical means. The first method requires special equipment, while the second allows you to repair the roof at any time of the year.

To renew a bicrost roof, you need:

  1. Carefully remove the old covering, being careful not to damage the base of the roof;
  2. Carefully process protruding structures and auditory/ventilation openings with rolled pieces;
  3. Place new sheets of rolled material on a pre-treated area, thoroughly coated with mastic and covered with a rough bottom layer of soft roofing material.

Repair of soft roofing – work, the advantage of which is the possibility independent conduct. Preparatory stage includes a visual inspection to determine the extent of the defects, calculation of the material used and cleaning of the roof area. It is better to carry out repairs in warm, windy weather, but in order for the coating to last as long as possible, experts advise not to remove the layer of snow to the base, leaving about 5-7 cm of the coating. This will protect the roofing materials from accidental mechanical impact.


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