Typical series of residential buildings in Novosibirsk (redevelopment options, layouts)

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Perhaps many residents apartment buildings faced such problems as leakage, as well as the insufficiently reliable condition of the roof. This includes such disadvantages as poor-quality coating, roof collapse in an old house, etc. That is why major roof repairs apartment building- one of the most acute standing questions for many residents.

Very often, many citizens, turning for help to various authorities involved in home maintenance issues, are faced with their complete inaction, as a result of which the collection of funds for roof repairs in apartment building carried out independently.

However, before contacting such bodies and paying for the services of specialists in roofing work, it is necessary to understand the reason itself. Next we will talk about what types of roofs exist in apartment buildings, as well as the problems that arise in connection with them and ways to solve them.

Types of roofing in apartment buildings

Since the types of roofs in multi-storey buildings There are several, it is important to understand the features of each of them, since repair work can vary significantly.

According to the design and shape of the roof, they are divided into:

  • single-pitched (with different inclined angles);
  • gable;
  • multi-slope;
  • pitchless (standard flat roofs);
  • complex (more typical for modern buildings than for old houses).

The roof structure includes outer covering and a support located from the inside (this can be a rafter system or a reinforced concrete slab). Also mandatory elements are drainage system, as well as layers of insulation and waterproofing. One way or another, when carrying out a major overhaul of the roof of an apartment building, it is imperative to take into account everything design features roofs.

Roof repair methods

Work on the restoration of roofs of buildings with many apartments is usually divided into two large groups: current, or temporary, and capital, or complete.

Thus, current repairs to the roof of an apartment building are carried out if any defects in the roofing system are discovered. Very often all work comes down to replacing the old and damaged roofing, which is usually roofing felt, to a new one, eliminating cracks and crevices that have appeared. Based on the need, the new coating can be laid in either one or two layers. Upon completion of the repair work, all seams and joints of the roofing sheet are completely sealed with special substances.

Regarding finances, this type of repair is not too expensive, so it is more common. However, there is another type current repairs when laying a new roofing sheet is not necessary. At the site of the defect, after a preliminary cut, the edges are bent, and inner space carefully cleaned. Next, it is dried using and treated with a layer of construction mastic, both the coating and its base. The edges are returned to their place, after which they must be pressed tightly against each other, waiting for complete adhesion.

Places where rot has appeared are completely cut out, and the roof is cleaned. All defective areas are filled with the same mastic, and then glued to the area being treated. new piece close to the old material. Of course, this method of repair is far from the highest quality, but nowadays it is quite common, especially on the roofs of old houses.

A major renovation of the roof of an apartment building involves a complete remodeling of the roof. The old covering is removed from it, after which a fresh screed is poured in and a new roofing carpet is laid in two layers. Carrying out such repairs should only be trusted by specialists, since damage may occur during the work. interior decoration located on the upper floors of apartments.

If the roof of an apartment building is leaking, this may be a consequence of improperly performed work. The main work during a major overhaul is to fuse roofing felt with a special gas burner(read: " "). The underside of the roofing carpet is heated from below, after which the material is carefully pressed against the base of the roof. It is very important to control the temperature of the fire, since its incorrect indicator can lead to the destruction of the material. The covering must be laid according to the overlap principle, and all seams must be treated with construction sealant.

Factors causing roof leaks in apartment buildings

There is only one way to avoid leaks - by performing a major roof repair. The reasons for the occurrence of these unpleasant defects can be very different, but most often they appear after heavy rains or during a period of massive melting of snow cover.

Thus, the causes of roof leaks in apartment buildings may be the following:

Roof leak detection

Before submitting an application for major repairs, you must clearly identify the area that is damaged. Most often, this involves comparing the location of the leak and then locating the source of damage on the roof. On soft bitumen roofs This is very easy to do - air bubbles form at the defect site.

In this case, the carpet should be replaced completely, and required space dry well. You should not carry out this work yourself; it is better to entrust the work to specialists. But if there is a desire, detailed descriptions The entire progress of work with videos and photos can always be found in our articles on roofs and their repair.

Sometimes it happens that the problem of leaks on pitched roofs can also be complicated by rotting wooden rafter legs. In this case, not only the roof covering, but also individual structural elements usually need to be replaced.

Roofs based on the fusing principle

As has already become clear, the essence of a major overhaul comes down to the installation of weldable materials. According to existing standards, planned repairs with replacement (if necessary) of individual sections of the coating must be carried out special services Twice a year.

The whole process involves fusing roofing felt and other overlapping materials with a gas burner. Such repairs should be carried out for flat roofs, which are the majority today (read: ""). This material is resistant to moisture, temperature changes, and direct ultraviolet rays.

What to do if the roof is leaking, see details in the video:

The process of repairing pitched roofs

Coated for pitched roofs Usually a different material is used. Often these are sheets of metal, treated with zinc or simply painted. Repair work in this case, they consist of finding damaged covering elements, replacing them correctly and monitoring the condition of the roof base under the covering. To do this, the material must be removed and necessary work for the restoration of the rafter and sheathing system, as well as the base itself located under the covering.

Sometimes it is impossible not to complete such an important part of the work as replacing the waterproofing layer and installing additional high-quality insulation. If the damage is insignificant, you can simply apply patches and treat all joints with sealant.

Any cracks and crevices should be filled with polyurethane-based sealant and covered with special polyurethane adhesives. It is important that the area of ​​damage to be repaired is degreased and treated with a primer before all work. After the restoration is completed, it is customary to coat the roof with a paint specially designed for a specific roof, the functions of which are to give the coating greater strength and increase its service life.

In some cases (for example, if a metal tile system is being installed on top of an old soft tiles) this is possible. However, it is necessary to understand that a damaged base can begin to rot and, thereby, provoke failure of the new layer. This is why we would not recommend laying new materials on top of old ones. It is better to remove the damaged building material and completely complete the required work, as required by technology.

As practice shows, the overwhelming majority of roofs in ordinary private houses are built in such a way that there is no need to dismantle the roofing base to install an additional insulating layer. If we talk about multi-apartment buildings, then the situation is different: since fused coatings are used in multi-storey buildings, insulation becomes impossible.

If damage is present individual elements structure, then only these parts can be replaced. In this case, the area of ​​damage should not exceed 35%. For larger problems, it is worth doing complete replacement rafter system.

Urgent repairs required if there is a serious violation of the tightness of the coating: it may be required if part of the roof is torn off, water leaks during precipitation, peeling, rupture or swelling of the roofing material.

We provide the following warranty periods:

  • soft roof: 5 years
  • metal roofing: 3 years
  • roll and bitumen coatings: 3 years
  • polymer tiles and seam roofing: 6 years.
The warranty period depends on the type of work performed and is calculated when drawing up a repair plan. Data about warranty periods V mandatory are announced to the customer before the start of work and are included in the contract.

Any leak is a problem that requires careful and timely repair. Firstly, it is important to correctly determine the cause of the leak. Secondly, when self-repair there is a risk of damaging serviceable elements located nearby. If you are not a roofing specialist, we recommend calling a specialist who will not only fix the problem, but also provide a guarantee for his services.

In order to accurately determine the cause of the appearance of water, an examination will be carried out by a specialist. You can independently determine what is causing the appearance of moisture using the following signs:

  • when a leak occurs in the roof, water begins to drip in the warm season after rain, and in the cold season during sunny weather and sudden warming.
  • When condensation accumulates, moisture appears constantly and is practically independent of weather conditions.
For an accurate diagnosis, we recommend calling a specialist who will accurately determine the cause and tell you what actions need to be taken next.

Roof leaks are experienced by residents on the top floor and residents on the lower floors below them. In a 5-story panel building covered with rolled materials, water can penetrate to the 4th and even 3rd floor. In 9-story brick buildings, the 9th and 8th floors are subject to leakage. And how unsightly does a room into which water flows from the ceiling of the top floor look!

In addition, leaks are often observed in apartments and staircase landings. In this case, the water can reach the 1st floor, running down the stairs without obstacles. Such a disaster is fraught with the penetration of water into electrical panels, placed on the site, which will lead to short circuits and “burnout” of the panel boards. This is serious damage, fraught not only with water invasion and dampness, but can also lead to accidents. Therefore, repairs should be carried out immediately.

What and who can help with a roof leak?

Photo 1 - Covering a leaking roof with new roofing material
Photo 2 - Roof covering with bitumen-polymer roll

Photo 3 -Modern rolled materials
Photo 4 — Repair of the roof of an apartment building

About, what to do if the roof of an apartment building is leaking, there are many different tips:

  • seek help from public utilities, a housing cooperative, a society of co-owners;
  • write an application to the city executive committee, the State Housing Inspectorate;
  • file a lawsuit;
  • gather the neighbors of the entrance to solve the problem;
  • try to prevent the leak on your own.

As experience shows, in our time nothing helps except the initiative and funds of the owners who suffer from the development of roof leaks. However, you need to try other methods, and what if someone helps at least partially, or your house is put on scheduled repairs!

Repairs at residents' expense

To the question: “What to do if the roof of an apartment building is leaking?”, today there is one correct answer. “Needs repairs!” The residents themselves raise money for materials and work, and thus solve the problem. What else should I do? Refusals, deferments, unsubscribes come from managers. The court's decision can be expected for years. If careless people live in the entrance and are not bothered by leaks, then the residents of those apartments in which leaks are observed have to take the rap. In this case, you can try to resolve the issue of partial compensation from the company to which rent is paid monthly.

How and what to do if the roof of an apartment building leaks?

Prevention of leakage depends on the shape of the covering and the roofing materials used. Let's consider the most common case of leakage on a flat roof covered with rolled bitumen materials. In past times, most houses were covered with roofing felt. Of course, for long time After use, the roofing material had become worn out and areas peeled off from the sun and precipitation appeared.

Photo 5 - Peeling of roofing material
Photo 6 - Crack

1. First you need to inspect the coating and determine the level of damage visually.

2. Most The best way to eliminate troubles - completely cover the entire surface area with new roofing material (forms 1-2). Those owners of high-rise buildings who decide to cover the entire house act wisely. For this there are many quality materials(f.3). If there is no money to cover the entire house, at least one entrance is completely repaired. This solution may eliminate lesions, but does not guarantee complete protection. The tricky thing about flat roof leaks is that water can move across the floors in any direction. If the roof is “leaky” at the junction or near the drainage pipe, then there is a possibility that the leakage will stop if these places are sealed (f.4).

3. When problems financial plan they don’t allow you to block the entire entrance, you can try to fix the leak selective repairs. The success of such repairs will be temporary (if any). But, if a major renovation of your home with a roof replacement is planned in a couple of years, then you should try to correct the situation for at least a few seasons. At the same time, cracks, swelling, and peeling at the joints are sealed (f. 5.6)

4. Often the owner who experiences the “waterfall” the most tries to correct the situation on his own or with the help of specialists. If he has a 2-room apartment with total area 56 sq.m., he buys one or two 10-meter rolls of rubemast or other similar material. This coating can cover 20 sq.m. planes at the affected sites. New roofing material laid in the most emergency areas. In places near drainpipes and in other areas you can treat the plane with a special polymer mastic.

How to repair?

In case of swelling, the affected area is opened crosswise cutting tool and turn back the edges. Then the mastic is applied inside with a spatula, and the edges are returned to their place and nailed. The damaged area is covered with a patch that is several cm larger than the damage. Broken seams are cleaned, lubricated with mastic and nailed. If there is material, apply a patch on top along the entire seam. The cracks are sealed in a similar way with mastic, and a “patch” is applied on top. In places where damage is frequent, lay a strip or two of new material.

Many of us live in standard panel “nine-story buildings,” of which a great many have been built since the seventies. At the same time, a very small number of people are interested in what exactly the building in which they live is, limiting their interests only to their apartment. And I have always been interested in how the ecosystem called “home” works.

As a child, I climbed into basements, walked from basement to basement through the windows of the heating main, looked with a flashlight into black windows overgrown with cobwebs, opened closed doors attic hatches. I was interested in everything. The structures, smells and sounds of the roofs and basements indicated that the house was not just apartments, but a whole complex of complex systems.

And in general, this complements and changes ideas about what a city is and what a person is.

So, today’s walk is on the roof of a nine-story building; the same one that I first climbed in 1995.

02. Top floor in the entrance it looks like this. It's unusual here high ceiling and there are these metal welded stairs leading to the exit to the roof.

03. To the left of the elevator (directly above the entrance to the apartments) there is such a hatch. I believe it has something to do with the maintenance of elevator equipment.

04. We go up the metal ladder. It is very inconvenient - you can immediately see that it is not designed for everyday use.

05. The direct exit to the roof is covered with a sheet metal shield, which is screwed to the base using welded bolts and nuts screwed onto them. Carefully unscrew it (and after visiting the roof, carefully screw it back in).

06. We go up another flight of stairs. It's even more uncomfortable than the previous one.

07. And here we are at the top. The first thing that catches your eye is the ventilation “fungus” of the garbage chute shaft, as well as the concrete decorative elements that cover the entrance windows.

08. Let's look back. In 1995, this exit to the roof was closed not with a metal shield, but with such a thick wooden door on hinges (I think of blue color), covered with tin. You can even see the remains of her box there.

09. The block itself, from which we came out onto the roof, looks like this. In addition to the exit itself, it also houses an elevator room with elevator equipment machines.

10. Elevator ventilation window. The blocks here are finished with the same crushed stone as the entire house.

11. This one concrete structure in the foreground is the exit of the apartment ventilation. Have you seen such grates in your bathroom and kitchen? They lead to a ventilation shaft that ends on the roof with something like this. TV network wires are passed through the reinforcing rings of the shaft cover.

12. The inside of the mine looks like this. Pretty clean, by the way. There is also a very specific smell here. It smells like some old oil, something like cutlets, some kind of buckwheat - the smell of dozens of kitchens. I remembered this smell very well during my very first visit to the roof. At that time, by the way, the mines were dirtier and from there, along with the flows, warm air some flakes were flying.

13. The entire roof and all surfaces on it are covered with this kind of roofing material for waterproofing. It is quite modern, grayish, and feels almost indestructible from temperature changes. When I was here for the first time, there was this old black roofing material lying here, swollen in places from the heat and cracked from the frost.

By the way, I don’t know what this block is in the center of the frame.

14. Water drain. They are located throughout the roof in such peculiar lowlands. Have you ever seen how, when it rains, water flows from such a bent pipe that looks out from the block under the first floor of a nine-story building? This pipe starts high on the roof with a drain like this.

14. But this metal tube is a cable channel brought out.

15. Now there is cable television in this house, but once there were large receiving antennas here, I remember them from my first visit to the roof.

Another cable channel, with parts of some kind of fastening equipment - maybe this is what the supporting straps of the antennas were attached to.

16. Some residents install satellite dishes on the roof, using the wall of such an elevation, formed due to the difference in height various parts Houses. The elevation, by the way, is now covered with waterproofing, but I remember a time when there was just a bare wall here (it seems, even laid with brick for some reason), and a wooden ladder led from here to the higher part of the house.

17. View from the roof.

18. These wires on insulators are most likely the electrical network.

19. Some kind of metal structure at the exit from another entrance. I believe that these are the remains of a homemade antenna.

20. General form on the roof of the house. The artificial “lowland” of water drainage is clearly visible here.

21. Remains of some kind of cable. Most likely - part of the repair winch.

22. Isn’t it scary to walk on the roof? It's scary. The fence that seemed to me in childhood reliable protection, now it turned out to be very low and small.

23. And in some places these “railings” from the corner even end completely.

24. So let's look at the corner of the house and, perhaps, go down.

25. The most pleasant thing about walking on the rooftops is being back on the ground. Or even so - to end up on earth in the way that was originally planned :)

First you need to figure out what a one-and-a-half-story house is. This is a house with an attic, that is, the upper floor of such a building has a smaller area, which is reduced due to the roof slopes. Because to the height attic floor walls are not understood, the roof of a one-and-a-half-story house simultaneously serves as walls, that is, it must not only protect from precipitation and effectively drain rain and melt water, but also perform the functions of enclosing structures, reliably protecting the room from cold and noise.

First you need to understand what an attic is. Essentially, this is a living space located in the attic area and formed by the roof slopes. It is advantageous to build houses with an attic for aesthetic and economic reasons. The advantages of such buildings include the following:

  1. Without spending money on building a full second floor, the owners receive additional living space.
  2. The time to build a house with an attic is less than the time required to build a full-fledged one two-story house with the same living area.
  3. The attic floor can be equipped in an already inhabited house. At the same time, you do not need to move out of it during the installation of the attic.
  4. At proper arrangement Attics can significantly reduce the heat loss of the building as a whole.
  5. Attic buildings make it possible to increase the building density, which is important where the amount of land allocated for housing is limited.

Important! Only the room in which horizontal line the intersection of slopes and walls is located from the floor of the upper floor at a height of at least 1.5 meters. Otherwise, this space is called an attic.

Types of mansard roofs

A one-and-a-half-story house can overlap different roof. In many ways, the shape of the attic space depends on the type of roof chosen. The attic floor itself can have a triangular, asymmetrical or broken shape. Moreover, it can be located both over the entire area of ​​the house, and over its separate part.

Suitable for houses with one and a half floors the following types roofs:

  1. The simplest option is pitched roof. This is normal inclined plane, which rests on two opposite load-bearing walls the buildings.
  2. Gable or gable design is used most often. It is quite reliable, easy to install and consists of two slopes running in different directions from the ridge.
  3. Broken roofing is a type gable system. Typically this option is used in small buildings. It is ideal for arranging an attic, as it allows you to maximize the usable area of ​​the room.
  4. Half hip and hip design are a type hipped roof. If we talk about a half-hip roof, then it is more suitable for arranging an attic, since it allows you to make two vertical windows in end walls under shortened hips. Under hip roof the area of ​​the attic floor will be significantly smaller than the area of ​​the first floor.
  5. Pyramid, dome and conical roof are also suitable for these purposes, although it will be more difficult to arrange an attic under them.

Design features

Structurally, all attics can be divided into several types:

  • single-level system under a sloping or gable roof;
  • single-level attic with remote consoles;
  • two-level structure on mixed type supports.

Attention! When choosing a type of roof for arranging the attic floor, focus on the intensity of snow and wind loads on the roof surface.

When arranging an attic roof, the following requirements must be taken into account:

  • When choosing building materials And design diagram it is necessary to take into account the parameters and characteristics of the building as a whole.
  • It is important not to forget about lighting attic premises. For this you can use attic and dormer windows, as well as ordinary vertical windows in the walls under shortened hips. When choosing the location of windows, it is worth considering the architectural appearance of the building.
  • It is worth not forgetting about the stairs, with which you can get to the attic. It must be located inside the house, have a normal slope and be safe.
  • Particular care must be taken when choosing a roofing covering, thermal insulation material for the roof, waterproofing and sealing of all joints and cracks.

If the roof slopes intersect with the walls of the house very close to the floor level of the attic floor, then the rafter gap is sewn up lightweight structures to the standard height (1.5 m). The space behind the vertical cladding can be used to organize storage areas.

It is worth knowing: the width of the structure in which it is planned to equip the attic must be at least 4.5 m. The minimum area of ​​the attic floor is 7 m². Height to usable area should be 1 to 2.

A broken mansard roof is made if the dimensions of the room do not fit into the triangle that is formed by the usual gable construction. With the broken option, you can reduce the useless area that will be hidden behind the side lining to the required height.

The optimal attic height is 2.5 m. When used sloping roof it is easier to achieve the required parameter. In any case, it is important to remember that the greater the angle of inclination of the roof slopes, the higher and more spacious the attic will be. Optimal angle The slope of the rafter system in this case is approximately 45-60°.

Roofing pie for attic roof

To ensure that the living space under the roof is warm and quiet, the design should include the following layers:

  1. Must be attached to the bottom of the rafters vapor barrier film. It will not allow condensation to accumulate in the thermal insulation material due to the temperature difference in the house and outside.
  2. It is laid between the rafters thermal insulation material. To keep the attic warm, you need to lay insulation 200 mm thick. If the height of the rafters is not enough for this, a beam of the required section is nailed to them from below.
  3. To the top edge of the rafters using construction stapler Be sure to attach waterproofing. It will not allow rain and melt water to penetrate to the supporting frame and insulation.
  4. After the waterproofing carpet comes the counter batten. It is needed to form a ventilation gap, which is especially important for mansard roofs. A 30-40 mm high rake will provide ventilation of the space between the waterproofing and the roofing. It is nailed directly to the rafters on top of the waterproofing carpet.
  5. After the counterbatten, continuous or sparse lathing is performed. Its choice depends on the type of roofing used. So, under soft roofs roll materials(For example, flexible tiles) a continuous sheathing made of boards, OSB or moisture resistant plywood. The sparse lathing is made from boards 0.25 cm thick and is suitable for corrugated sheets, metal tiles, and ondulin. If the coating is heavy enough (slate, natural tiles), then continuous sheathing is done along the eaves overhangs, in the area of ​​the ridge, valleys and roof ribs.
  6. The roofing covering must be selected taking into account the climatic characteristics of the region, the slope of the roof and the requirements for the room.

Important! In an attic covered with metal tiles or profiled sheets, it can be too noisy during rain and hail. It is worth considering this fact if you plan to place a bedroom there.

It is also worth remembering that the ventilation space created by the counter batten will only be effectively ventilated if appropriate aeration openings are left under the face ridge element and at the bottom of the eaves overhang.


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