You and your future profession. Presentation on the topic "you and your future profession"

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Epigraphs: “The true treasure for people is the ability to work” (Aesop) “Let us work, because work is the father of pleasure” (Stendhal) “He who knows from childhood that work is the law of life, who from a young age understood that bread can only be obtained by the sweat of his brow, he is capable of a feat, because on the right day and hour he will have the will to carry it out and the strength to do it” (Jules Verne)

Classification of professions by Professor E.A. Klimova. Man is nature. This type unites professions whose representatives deal with objects, phenomena and processes of living and inanimate nature (veterinarian, agronomist, hydrologist, sheep farmer, machine operator, tractor driver). They are characterized by a common subject of labor - animals and plants, soil and air - nature. Man is technology. These could be pilots, drivers, sailors, electricians, mechanics, etc., using technical devices. A person is a person. Here, for the specialist, the subject of work is another person, and characteristic feature activity - the need to influence other people. This type of profession includes teacher, doctor, journalist and salesperson. Man is a sign system. People who chose this type professional activity, must be able to operate with abstract concepts and have a broad outlook. These are accountants, scientists, computer operators, people working in laboratories, scientific centers. Man is an artistic image. People of this type are distinguished by the presence of living imaginative thinking, artistic imagination, talent.

Test “Verification of professional compliance” Man - technology. Ermish A. Yanechko Y. Man is a man. Gunther A. Maletina L. Streltsova O. Streltsova S. Belousenko J. Man is a sign system. Shishkin M. Man is nature. ___ A person is an artistic image. Chekalina D.

Common mistakes when choosing a profession: Firstly, the choice “for company”, when a young man, doubting his future plans, decides to continue his studies “for company” with his boyfriend or girlfriend, classmates (classmates). Secondly, the choice of profession can be wrong even if a person projects his attitude towards a school subject onto his attitude towards his future profession. Thirdly, an erroneous choice occurs when a profession is chosen for reasons of prestige.

Test “Professional personality type” Prof. typesFull name Social Chekalina D., Tataeva O., Streltsova S., Shepenkova M. Conventional Belousenko Zh., Shishkin M., Menshchikova K. Enterprising Ermish A., Muzychuk K., Streltsova O., Belousenko Zh. Artistic Maletina L., Streltsova O., Yanechko Yu., Gunter A., ​​Shadrina N.

Test “Map of Interests” Gunter A. Chemistry Maletina L. Medicine, pedagogy, mathematics Muzychuk K. Medicine, geography and ecology Streltsova O. Work in the service sector Streltsova S. Pedagogy, work in the service sector, law Chekalina D. Biology and Agriculture Shishkin M. Physics Ermish A. Avtodelo Yanechko Y. Pedagogy Belousenko Zh. Labor in the service sector Menshchikova K. Medicine Tataeva O. Medicine Shadrina N. labor in the service sector Shepenkova M. Medicine, labor in the service sector

Contents of the work The main task of a judge is to pronounce a sentence. The judge must make the final decision independently, without advice or prompting, after listening to all interested parties and retiring to the deliberation room. There, alone (even telephones are prohibited) with the case under consideration, the judge reaches a final verdict or decision. Judges have a very heavy workload, and they don’t always have time to rest even on weekends. Because of this, many people do not have a good personal life. A man can devote himself entirely to work, but a woman needs to pay much more attention to home and family, so they have a double burden. Moreover, in the judicial system there are about 80% of the fair sex. Men are welcomed here with a bang.

Educational requirements Tomsk Law Institute (branch in Novosibirsk) Tomsk Law Institute (branch in Novosibirsk) SGUPS (Faculty of Law) SGUPS (Faculty of Law) SIMOR (international law) SIMOR (international law) SGA (Faculty of Law) SGA (Faculty of Law)

Requirements for personal qualities. Be prepared for non-standard situations Be prepared for non-standard situations Have an excellent understanding of people Have an excellent understanding of people You need to know the law perfectly You need to know the law perfectly Be attentive to the little things Be attentive to the little things Have intuition Have intuition Not afraid to take on great responsibility Not afraid to take on take on greater responsibility

Career. Judges receive salaries from the budget. The salary of magistrates and federal judges is low - about 12 thousand rubles. In addition to the salary, bonuses are paid for length of service, class, workload, etc. A judge with three years of experience can earn thousands of rubles, and in the future - much more. A judge does not have the right to engage in commercial activities, but can be a teacher, engage in science, literature and other types of creativity.

Contents of the work It is generally accepted that the everyday life of a sociologist consists of endless sitting at the computer. But this is not true. Before starting the research, the sociologist communicates with the customer. He needs to make sure that they have the same understanding of the tasks and goals of the study in order to insure himself against possible claims from the customer. Sometimes you have to refuse the proposed conditions. It is generally accepted that the everyday life of a sociologist consists of endless sitting at the computer. But this is not true. Before starting the research, the sociologist communicates with the customer. He needs to make sure that they have the same understanding of the tasks and goals of the study in order to insure himself against possible claims from the customer. Sometimes you have to refuse the proposed conditions.

Career growth Career growth Usually, already in their first years, sociology students begin working as interviewers. This is a very good start to a career, the position of an interviewer helps to cultivate such qualities as patience, scrupulousness, and the ability to communicate with people. Further growth depends on your chosen field of activity: if you like scientific work, it makes sense to go to graduate school, then defend a doctoral dissertation, etc. Usually, already in their first year, sociology students begin working as interviewers. This is a very good start to a career, the position of an interviewer helps to cultivate such qualities as patience, scrupulousness, and the ability to communicate with people. Further growth depends on your chosen field of activity: if you like scientific work, it makes sense to go to graduate school, then defend a doctoral dissertation, etc. The deputy director of the institute receives about 25 thousand rubles, a graduate student's scholarship is 1500 rubles. In companies specializing in sociological research, starting salaries start from $500, project managers receive $1000 and above. The deputy director of the institute receives about 25 thousand rubles, a graduate student's scholarship is 1500 rubles. In companies specializing in sociological research, starting salaries start from $500, project managers receive $1000 and above.

Contents of work The economist carries out economic analysis economic activity organization, develops measures to ensure savings, increase work efficiency, identify reserves, prevent losses and unproductive expenses, more rational use of all resources. Performs calculations on material, labor and financial costs necessary for carrying out work (services), research and development in mastering new equipment and technology.

Educational requirements Specialty “Economics and Enterprise Management”, direction “Economics” According to the recruitment agency, graduates are in greater demand on the labor market than others the following universities: 1) Business College 2) Novosibirsk Trade and Economic College 3) Novosibirsk Industrial and Economic College 4) Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU) 5) Novosibirsk State University Economics and Management (NGUEiU)

Career growth You can start from the position of an ordinary economist, in the future you can become a manager of an enterprise who is responsible for the development of the company, its competitiveness, controls and coordinates the activities of all structural divisions. On average, a novice economist can count on $. Much depends on the specifics of the industry: construction industry,food, in banks, salaries can be higher, from $1000. With experience, income will also increase. In Moscow, the average salary of a specialist who has worked in a certain field for about two years is $

The content of PR work is the developed technologies for promoting scientific ideas “to the people.” Newspapers, magazines and television contribute to this. One of directions - work in companies. Their task is to establish connections with the press. In politics, these specialists get busy with myth-making and information warfare. They wage war against competitors.

Contents of work. Every year the number of people wishing to holiday outside our country is growing. How can a tourist choose a country, organize a trip and arrange everything? Required documents? A tourism manager will help you sort out these issues. The highest professionalism of such a specialist is considered to be deciphering the client’s dream. After all, many people sometimes don’t know what they want. You can talk for a long time about the sights of Greece, but a person may want to go somewhere far away and be alone. It is important to truthfully talk about the pros and cons of the tour, country, take into account the client’s financial capabilities and provide independent choice. The job of a tourism manager in a travel agency is different from that of a tour operator. In the first case, the manager basically issues vouchers and leads tourists by the hand. The tour operator company has a large team. Some book tickets and hotel rooms, others issue visas, others prepare advertising brochures and sell ready-made routes to travel agencies.

Educational requirements. An experienced tourism manager can easily navigate huge amounts of information and combine information at lightning speed. various options recreation. For those suffering from multiple sclerosis, the path to this area is closed. To sell a foreign tour, you need to know everything about a given country. The manager keeps in mind a large number of information. High degree of personal organization, fluency, plus fluency foreign languages he needs every day. When a demand for tourism managers arose in the labor market, universities instantly responded to it. Now almost every university has a specialty that gives the opportunity to work in the field of tourism. However, education even in state non-core universities is most often paid. Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management (Faculty social communication and tourism, training period – 5 years)

Requirements to personal qualities. 70% of the working time in a travel agency is spent communicating with clients. A closed, complex, taciturn person will not be able to sell a single trip. You need to be cheerful, attentive and charming. A professional describes the beauty of an overseas resort and knows how to listen to the client. It is very important for a manager to be able to quickly resolve a negative situation without losing the working rhythm. After all, the problem of one tourist should not affect others. Often, when traveling on promotional tours, in just a week you need to inspect a lot of hotels, their rooms, infrastructure, evaluate excursion programs, and explore the sights of the country. Here you need to have not only a tenacious memory, but also write down everything and structure your observations. This will come in handy later when questions from meticulous clients start pouring in.

Career growth. A tourism manager's career begins as an assistant manager. First, work on the phone, then with clients. Next, you need to become a specialist in one of these areas. You can take the place of deputy director or director travel agency. There are several more opportunities to make a career in tour operator companies.

Specifics of the profession. Pros of the profession: The tourism industry is one of the most profitable and promising, Opportunity to visit many countries, Good earnings. Although income depends on the season, Excitement, usually real fans work in this area who would not exchange the tourist business for anything else. Disadvantages of the profession Having visited a huge number of countries, often you don’t manage to look at any of them carefully, Enormous responsibility, Very nervous work, you constantly need to be aware of the affairs of vacationers: did the host party remember to meet them, are they satisfied with the food, are there any problems with personnel or local population. Frequently, anxious tourists may call in the middle of the night and ask for their doubts to be cleared. High staff turnover.

Contents of the work A modern communications engineer is a generalist, well versed in both engineering and technical issues and software. A telecommunications engineer provides user access to the Internet, “lays” fiber optic networks, provides IP telephony services, is responsible for setting up, operating, monitoring the network, its development, ensuring high-quality and reliable operation systems Installs video surveillance systems, security and fire alarm systems, sound warning systems, etc. at enterprises. Place of work: Telecommunications companies, integrator companies, numerous government and commercial organizations.

Contents of work A construction engineer is a performer of work, i.e. foreman, he manages the civil works, installation of the structure, and carries out quality control. In addition, they are developing master plans for the designed complexes, which include roads, excavation, organization of construction. The scope of activity of builders is very wide - in addition to the construction of buildings, industrial complexes, plants, factories, they design bridges, hydraulic structures, dams, dams, etc. IN design organizations engineers carry out complex design work: architectural, structural parts (power supply, heating and ventilation, water supply and sewerage, low-current system- telephone, fire alarm, television surveillance, etc.)

Career growth Starting a career in the construction industry is not difficult: competition is low and the demand for specialists is high. After college, there are two options - go into design or construction. Experienced professionals believe that for a successful career you should try both. A career usually begins with the position of a foreman or foreman. Then you can become a foreman, a site manager, or a general manager. Construction engineer of elite cottage villages in large company can count on $ Salary of superintendents - $, depending on the complexity of the projects and work experience.

Requirements for personal qualities Healthy ambition, desire to achieve results, raise a champion; the training process requires patience for long years preparation; determination and self-control to objectively assess your successes and failures; willingness to improve skills and self-improvement; fairness (especially when working with children).

Specifics of the profession Advantages of the profession: The beauty of being a trainer is seeing the results of your work. Disadvantages of the profession: Coaches, as a rule, have their only day off - Sunday. If the championship is approaching, then weekends and holidays are cancelled. The usual thing is business trips and training camps.

Test "Professional aptitude" 1. New year's night for you - best time in order to: a) get enough sleep; b) watch TV with your family; c) be among friends. 2. Of the three gifts, would you prefer: a) a fishing rod, an embroidery kit; b) skates or skis; c) a tour package or a ticket to an interesting performance. 3. It is best to go on a trip: a) alone; b) with family or friends; c) with an unfamiliar group, so that there is an opportunity to make new friends. 4. If you were alone on an island or in a forest, then: a) you would feel complete freedom; b) would start looking for a way out or doing something; c) would feel melancholy, restlessness, fear. 5. To your own free time you like: a) reading, visiting the library, chess section, zoo, forest, fishing, dreaming; b) draw, read, play sports, play music, sew or knit, go hiking, talk on the phone, watch TV; c) play sports, dance, play in an ensemble, sing in a choir, participate in plays and concerts, travel with friends, go to the cinema with a group...

From 5 to 8 points We advise you to think about a profession where you do not have to communicate with a large number of people (salesperson, teacher, journalist and psychologist in in this case not very suitable). But research activities or work in a hunting area, forestry, animal nursery or on your own farm, the profession of a programmer, mechanic or turner, the profession of an accountant, or a computer operator will be quite acceptable for you, since your answers show that you value silence and do not like noisy, unfamiliar companies. You are a little shy and reserved; meetings with strangers are causing you concern.

From 8 to 12 points You are one of the people who are not afraid of loneliness and who feel great in any company. You are not afraid of new acquaintances and can easily do without communication long time. The choice of profession here is practically unlimited!

From 12 to 15 points Think about the choice: should you, a sociable person who easily makes contact, refuse the opportunity to have an interesting profession manager, advertising agent, commercial director, salesman, dealer, teacher, broker or trainer? You have a huge potential of energy and strength, which is enough to work with a large audience and a team of colleagues. You will be cramped in a small laboratory or at a conveyor belt, hunting farm or workshop.

measured, accurately determined by many characteristics. They also make a huge difference

in size - from a colossal steam turbine to visible only under a microscope

transistor. In professions of this type, a variety of means of labor are used - from

giant excavator to the thinnest micro-scalpel. So, professions

type "man-technology" require from a person ability to concentrate and switch

attention, good hand-eye coordination, dexterity, and in some

cases – physical strength and endurance.

3rd student: person - person:This type includes professions aimed at

education, training, information, services (household, commercial, medical)

of people. In these types of activities, people interact with each other during the labor process.

“man-to-man” see the world, first of all, as a system of human relations.

The systems of human relations with which professionals deal are very

complex. These are, for example, the relationships between schoolchildren in the classroom, the relationships of the parties in

judicial proceedings, relations in the labor collective. Representatives of such

professions, it is important to understand that each person perceives the world in his own way, and many

difficulties in relationships between people are caused by people's inability to accept a point of view

another. In order to learn how to build relationships between people, it is useful

some skills. For example, communication. They make it easy for professionals

make contact with new and very different people. Need to understand

experiences of another person, to be able to respond to his feelings. This ability

called empathy. A representative of any profession of the “person-to-person” type is very

it's important to be tactful. Not only does it depend on all these abilities, abilities and skills

success in professional work, but also the lives and fates of the people with whom he works

professional. Therefore it is necessary endurance, self-control, organizational skills.

If communication skills are manifested in the desire for communication, empathy,

interest in other people, then organizational skills - in independent acceptance

decisions, initiative, and activity planning. Organization

lies in the ability to purposefully manage one’s activity, which

manifests itself in the ability to control, calculate one’s actions, and strictly plan

time and resources, bringing the work started to completion.

Some professions are difficult to classify as one type. For example, a doctor

dentist. This specialty can be attributed to professions of the “person-to-person” type and

"man-technology". This means that in order to master this specialty, a person must

be specific professionally important qualities that are important for two types

"You and yours future profession»

(classroom - workshop)

Goal: to give students an idea of ​​professions, to help identify abilities for a certain type of activity.


“The true treasure for people is the ability to work”


“Let us work, because work is the father of pleasure”


“He who knows from childhood that work is the law of life, who from a young age understands that bread is earned only by the sweat of the brow, is capable of heroic deeds, because on the right day and hour he will have the will to carry it out and the strength to do so.”

Jules Verne

Teacher's opening remarks:

There are more than 50 thousand professions in the world. How to find yours among them? To the question: “What do you want to become after school?” - high school students cannot always answer. Meanwhile, the problem of choosing professions is very serious. Especially today, when our society has entered into market relations. High professionalism is increasingly required from a person. Willingness to adapt to new social and social phenomena economic life. What do you need to do yours correctly? professional choice? Listen to a story about the main types of human professional activity. There is a classification by Professor E.A. Klimova. His classification divides all professions into 5 main types:

1. Man is nature. This type unites professions whose representatives deal with objects, phenomena and processes of living and inanimate nature.

2. Man - technology. These could be pilots, drivers, sailors, electricians, mechanics, etc.

3. A person is a person. Teacher, doctor, journalist, salesman.

4. Man is a sign system. Accountants. Scientists, computer operators, people working in laboratories.

5. A person is an artistic image.

People of this type are distinguished by the presence of vivid imaginative thinking, artistic imagination, and talent.

Test "Professional aptitude"

Reply to next questions:

1.New Year's Eve is the best time for you to:

a) get some sleep

b) watch TV with the family

c) be among friends

2. Of the three gifts, would you prefer:

a) fishing rod, embroidery kit

b) skates or skis

c) a tour package or ticket to an interesting performance

3. The best way to go on a trip is:

a) alone

b) with family or friends

c) with an unfamiliar group, so that there is an opportunity to make new friends

4. If you found yourself alone on an island or in a forest, then:

a) would feel complete freedom

b) would start looking for a way out or doing something

c) would feel melancholy, restlessness, fear

5.In your free time you like:

c) play sports, dance, play in an ensemble, sing in a choir, participate in plays and concerts, travel with friends, go to the movies with a group of people

a) 1 point

b) 2 points

c) 3 points

From 8 to 12 points - you are one of the people who are not afraid of loneliness and who feel great in any company

From 12 to 15 points - you have a huge potential of energy and strength, which is enough to work with a large audience and a team of colleagues

Final words from the teacher:

Someone may have dreamed of a career as a journalist, but scored only 5 points, thought about beekeeping, and the test predicted a career as an artist. If you really don’t want to give up your dream, engage in self-education. It would be nice for timid and shy people to communicate more, and for ardent, impatient, sociable people, it would be nice to learn to listen carefully and be more reserved. And in general, people of any profession always need to work on themselves and then any dream will become a reality.

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Target: Give students an idea of ​​professions, help identify abilities for a certain type of activity, and develop the ability to navigate the modern world of professions.

Teacher: Today we have an unusual class hour: we will talk about the future, about professions about which you knew everything or nothing. Before we start our conversation, I ask you one question: “Where do you see yourself after graduation?”

Listen to V.V. Mayakovsky’s poem “Who to be?”

The teacher reads V. Mayakovsky’s poem “Who to Be.”

Teacher: What professions is this poem talking about? What's good about each of them? (conversation with students, analysis of answers)

There are more than 5 thousand professions in the world, and even more specialties. How can you find yours among them? How many of them do we more or less imagine? What to look for when choosing a profession? After all, the future profession is not just a job. This is fate, this is life, successes and failures, trials.

To make it easier to navigate the world of professions, experts have conditionally united them into groups according to various types. The type of profession indicates what a person has to deal with in the course of his activities. There are five types of professions.

There are 5 main types of human professional activity.

1. Man-nature. This type unites professions whose representatives deal with objects, phenomena and processes of living and inanimate nature (veterinarian, agronomist, hydrologist, sheep farmer, machine operator, tractor driver). They are characterized by a common subject of labor - animals and plants, soil and air - nature.

2. Man-technology. These could be pilots, drivers, sailors, electricians, mechanics, etc., using technical devices. In professions of this type, the following help to navigate academic subjects, such as physics, chemistry, mathematics, drawing. It should be taken into account that the field of technical objects includes not only hardware, but also all kinds of non-metallic materials - fabrics, plastics, food raw materials.

3. Human-human. Here, for a specialist, the subject of work is another person, and a characteristic feature of the activity is the need to influence other people or interact with other people. This type of profession includes teacher, doctor, journalist and salesperson.

4. Man is a sign system. There are professions in which work is aimed at processing information presented in the form of symbols, numbers, and formulas. People who choose this type of professional activity must be able to operate with abstract concepts and have a broad outlook. These are accountants, scientists, computer operators, people working in laboratories and research centers.

5. Man is an artistic image. People of this type are distinguished by the presence of vivid imaginative thinking, artistic imagination, and talent. Artist, actor, writer. One of the features of professions of this type is that a significant portion of the employee’s labor costs remains hidden from an outside observer. Moreover, special efforts are often made to create the effect of lightness and ease of the final effect of work. Thus, an artist’s performance in public can last several minutes. But to implement it, the artist works every day and for many hours to improve his skills and strictly adheres to a special regime.

To choose the right profession for yourself, you need to focus on three things:

Determine what your professional interests and inclinations are, i.e. desires and needs for certain types activity, striving not only for the result, but also for the very process of what a person does. The attractiveness of the job and interest in it depend on one’s inclinations. Tendencies are conventionally denoted by the expression "I want";

Assess your professionally important qualities that will ultimately determine your professional suitability. In addition to health, this group includes abilities, i.e. such individual qualities of a person on which the possibility of successful implementation of activities depends. Abilities are conventionally expressed in words "I can";

Find out which professions are in demand among employers on the labor market, and in which professions you can find a job. In other words, determine what today "Necessary".

If you can combine “I want”, “I can” and “I must”, your professional choice will be successful. That is, you must find a profession that...

  • will be interesting to you every day;
  • matches your abilities;
  • need for society, state. In other words, the job you have chosen is needed.

(Slide 7-10)

Now let's conduct a test where you can test yourself.

Now let's test ourselves. (Counting points and evaluating yourself based on test questions)

(Slide 12-14)

And finally, you and I will “play”, we will conclude our conversation: we will guess the riddles.

Whatever you become in the future, whatever profession you choose, remember: work should bring pleasure to both you and the people around you.

District competition

“The coolest cool.”


"Kaleidoscope of creative ideas."

Class hour in 8th grade on the topic:


Valentina Evgenievna

Teacher of the branch of the MCOU Kudrinskaya secondary school “Pelegovskaya basic secondary school”.

year 2013.

You and your future profession.

Purpose of the event:

Formation of a positive attitude towards a conscious professional choice.


Expand children's understanding of various professions;

Introduce new professions;

Encourage search for information about various professions, self-education, self-development.

Design and technical equipment:

1. On the board - the topic of the event:

"You and your future profession."

2. Stand “Many professions, good and different.”

Progress of the event

1. Class teacher: We will start today’s hour of communication in an unusual way, with a comic test with geometric shapes. Using three geometric figures– triangle, circle, square, draw a man consisting of 10 elements.All three types of figures must be used. The quality of the drawing does not matter. If unnecessary elements are drawn, they must be crossed out; if they are missing, the missing ones must be completed. Execution time – 30 seconds.

(Children draw figures)

Count the number of triangles. (Task in progress).

Now listen to the key (on the disk and interactive whiteboard - the key to the test).

The class teacher reads:

6 – 8 triangles: A strong desire for leadership, a good understanding of people, works with any information.

5 triangles: Responsible executive, good organizational skills. He thinks through his activities down to the smallest detail.

4 triangles: Diversity of interests and talents. Tendency to work individually.

3 triangles: Rational. Objective. Easily switches from one type of activity to another.

2 triangles: Interest in art and people. He has a keen sense of everything new and unusual.

1st triangle: Has a rich imagination. Loves to invent, design, draw.

Why did I give you this test at the beginning of the lesson?

What we're going to talk?

2. Word class teacher. Interactive conversation “Profession. Speciality. Job title".

Very little time will pass and you will have to choose your path in life. And this path will begin from a crossroads, from which not three, as in a fairy tale, but fifty thousand roads diverge. And maybe more. That’s exactly how many professions there are now. And it is very important not to make a mistake in choosing the path. After all, a lot depends on this choice: material wealth, social circle, interests, and happiness in life.

It is not without reason that they say that when choosing a profession, a person chooses his destiny. So what is a profession?



Job title


Classroom teacher:All these words are related to a person’s professional activity. How would you explain the difference between these words?

(Children's answers follow).

After the answers, the interpretation of these words appears on the interactive board and examples are given.

Class teacher: For now, we will only talk about the profession and how to choose it. There are many professions in the world, all of them are important and necessary. But among them there are the most necessary, the most in demand, the most fashionable.

3. Work in pairs.

Exercise. If more specialists are produced than needed, they cannot find work and unemployment occurs. From time to time, some professions and specialties become very necessary, in demand, and prestigious, others lose their positions, and still others become a thing of the past.

I suggest you make lists of such professions.

We work in pairs.

1 pair will compile a list of “The most fashionable professions”.

2 pair - “The most forgotten professions.”

3 pair . Professions that are always needed.

4 pair "The most courageous professions."

(Quiet music is turned on, children discuss, make lists).

Let's hear what you came up with.

What professions can be added to the list?

Classroom teacher:Of course, we have not listed all professions here. But when choosing a specialty, we focus not on the whole world, but on the society that surrounds us, on the country in which we live.

4. Problem situation “Whose choice is it?”

Classroom teacher.One scientist who wrote a book about choosing a profession worked at school for many years and was always interested in the future fate of his students. When they met, he asked them the same question: “Are you satisfied with your chosen profession?” And he received a depressing answer: approximately every third person made a mistake in his choice, and every second person admitted that he was not entirely satisfied, and if he had started over, he would probably have followed a different path. Why do so many young people make mistakes in their choices? How do you think?

Sample answers from children:

- Parents “pressure”.

They follow fashion.

They know nothing about the profession they have chosen.

They choose “for company.”

They don't want to know about negative aspects professions.

They have no abilities or inclinations for this profession.

They imitate the heroes of movies and television series.

You have listed the most common reasons for mistakes in choosing professions. This is parental pressure, lack of knowledge about the chosen profession, the pursuit of fashion, overestimation own strength and abilities. But how then to choose the right profession?

5 . Teacher's word.

Classroom teacher:Please tell me what happens if the length of our classroom is multiplied by the width (writes on the board: a x b=S)? (Classroom area.)

What do you get if you add these three words? (The entry changes: I want + I can + I need = right choice professions.

How to explain this formula?

I want - this is everything I like, what my soul is for;

I can - that’s all I can do, according to my abilities.

It is necessary - this is everything that is needed for society, the country.

Try to draw your own conclusion.

(A conscious choice is a choice in which a person takes into account both personal aspirations (I want), and his capabilities (I can), and the needs of society (I must).

6. Group work.

Let's see how the formula for consciously choosing a profession works.

On the disk and screen is a sample answer:

I want to be a fashion designer, hairdresser, seamstress . Nowadays they are required everywhere seamstress - I will become a seamstress.

Cards are given with similar tasks for each group. Students construct reasoning using a formula.

1 card. Stuntman, astronaut, driver, pilot, rescuer, tractor driver.

3 card: cook, pastry chef, technologist, economist.

One student speaks from each group.

Word from the class teacher.

If a person has a dream and he is determined to achieve his goal, he will definitely achieve it. But to do this, you need to understand yourself, indicate your strengths and weak sides, your abilities and shortcomings. An oral journal will help us with this.

Now let's do this work.

There are five types of professions on the interactive board:

1. Man is nature.

2. Man - technology.

3. Man is a man.

4. Man is a sign system.

5. Man is an artistic image.

And the table

to calculate test results.

The oral journal is called “You and your profession.” We see the magazine headings on the board (they are also on the disk):

1. Problem. Extra people in the job market.

2. Educational program. Five types of professions.

3. Test “You and your profession.”

4. News feed. Trade Fair.

Classroom teacher:

Open page 1. Extra people on the labor market. The section is led by a specialist in the choice of professions... (name of the student in the class).

(One of the students in the class gives a presentation on this topic.)

Every year hundreds of thousands of young people enter the labor market, but many never find use for their knowledge and remain behind. Now, for example, on Russian market there are a lot of extra lawyers and economists. But engineers and technologists have become very prestigious and in demand, especially in Food Industry, builders, workers of various specialties. They are just not enough. Getting a diploma is not a problem now - study and don’t skip classes. But after graduation, almost half of young specialists join the army of unemployed. Why did this happen: on the one hand, there is an acute shortage of specialists, and on the other, unemployment. Extra people? This is all due to mistakes when choosing a profession. Many young people, when choosing a profession, do not take into account their abilities and chase prestige, fashion, and money. The result is disappointment, lack of self-confidence, a feeling of being useless and unclaimed. To avoid this, you need to take a conscious approach to choosing a profession.

Classroom teacher:- Let’s open the “Educational Education” section. Today (name, surname) will be engaged in eliminating illiteracy in the field of professions. She'll talk about different types professions.


They say that there are about 50 thousand professions in the world. In order not to get confused in them, experts combine them into large classes and types. In Russia there are 5 large groups, types (on screen):

Group 1: Man - nature. People of these professions deal with living and inanimate nature (veterinarian, agronomist, livestock breeder, tractor driver, etc.). They are characterized by a common subject of labor - animals and plants, soil and air.

Group 2: Man of technology. These include pilots, drivers, turners, mechanics, and other professions.

Group 3: Man – man. The subject of work in this profession is another person, and a characteristic feature of the activity is the impact on other people. This type of profession includes teacher, doctor, journalist, and salesman.

Group 4: Man is a sign system. Specialists of this type use various signs in their work: numbers, chemical and physical symbols, notes, diagrams, maps, graphs, drawings. These are accountants, scientists, laboratory assistants.

Group 5: Man is an artistic image. These people are distinguished by talent and artistic imagination. These are musicians, artists, actors.

Class teacher: Now we’ll see what type of professions you have an inclination for, and what professions are not suitable for you.

(Sheets are provided to write down answer options: a, b, c.)

The test itself is on an interactive whiteboard (see appendix).

This test is a rough assessment of your professional abilities. Everything is decided by a person’s desire, his will, his character.

Student. Today at the Russian labor fair the following professions are in greatest demand: secretary-assistant, programmer, sales manager, system administrator, accountant, information technology. And in Lately New professions have also appeared:

Auditor is a specialist who checks the activities of campaigns, evaluates their success and efficiency.

Brand manager– a specialist who comes up with an image of a product, a brand – and promotes it to the masses.

Marketer - “market knowledgeable”, a specialist who studies the needs of customers, their tastes and preferences.

Merchandiser - monitors how his company’s products are presented in large stores. Walks around stores, gives advice on product placement and window display design. This specialty is not yet taught in any educational institution.

(names of professions are on the board)

Classroom teacher:And the last section is “Fun facts”.

Student: What do you think he's doing? tester?

This is a tea taster. By taste, smell, appearance, he can determine the type of tea, the place where it was grown, the harvest season, the method of storage and processing. The tester has an exceptionally subtle sense of smell. People of this profession do not eat fried or smoked foods, do not consume spices and alcohol, do not smoke, and do not use perfumes. They are afraid of a runny nose. The fate of huge batches of tea that cost millions depends on them. The tea we drink is mixed. It can contain up to 18 varieties. They select mixtures to emphasize the special aroma and improve the taste.

Second student: Another rare profession is postihist. This is a specialist in making wigs, beards, and mustaches. This profession is associated with creativity. Often in the theater, post-production artists are also make-up artists, artists who create the external image of the hero. The profession requires enviable patience and perseverance. But now it is more and more in demand due to the development of advertising and show business.

Closing remarks from the class teacher.

Today you learned about different professions and how to choose the right business in life. This task is not easy, we must prepare for it now. And for a profession to please and bring pleasure, it needs to match your character, thinking, and psyche. To do this, you need to recognize yourself, know your strengths and weaknesses. Only then will you not make mistakes and make the right choice in life.

Summing up (reflection).

Class teacher: What interesting, new things did you learn today? What remains in your memory? What can you think about?


6 -8 The desire for leadership is clearly expressed; Fine

Triangles understand people and work with information. Type

Head. Good teachers.

5 Responsible executive, good

triangles organizational skills. Down to the smallest detail

Thinks through his activities.

4 Diversity of interests and talents. Addiction

triangle to individual work.

3 Type of scientist. Rational, objective, easy

triangle switches from one type of activity to


2 Interest in art and people. Feels subtly

everything is new and unusual in the triangle.

1 Inventor, designer, artist. Possesses

imaginative triangle.

Test "You and your profession."

1.New Year's Eve is the best time for you to:

a) get enough sleep;

b) watch TV with your family;

c) be among friends.

2. Of the three gifts, would you prefer:

a) fishing rod, embroidery kit;

b) skates or skis;

c) a tour package or a ticket to an interesting performance.

3. The best way to go on a trip is:

a) alone;

b) with family or friends;

c) with an unfamiliar group, so that there is an opportunity to make new friends;

4. if you found yourself alone on an island or in the forest, then:

a) would feel complete freedom;

b) would start looking for a way out;

c) they would feel sadness and fear.

5. In your free time you like:

c) dance, sing in a choir, participate in plays and concerts, go to the movies with a group.



Job title


I want to be a fashion designer, hairdresser, seamstress. I can be a hairdresser or seamstress. Now seamstresses are needed everywhere - I’ll become a seamstress.

I want - I can - I need =

Profession formula:

I want + I can + I need = conscious choice of profession.

From 5 to 8 points - People are uncommunicative, shy, reserved.

They don't like noisy companies. This means they don't

Professions that require communication are suitable. But they will

Feel good in a science lab

In the forestry. The work of a programmer, mechanic,

Turner, accountant, computer operator.

8 – 12 points People are sociable, feel great in any situation

Companies. They are not afraid of new acquaintances and get along easily

With people. Can remain for a long time and

No communication. Any profession is suitable for this.

12 – 15 points. They cannot remain alone for long - they are too

Lots of energy and strength. A profession suitable for such people

Connected with a large number of people: agent

a x b = S


  1. L.P. Morozova " Cool watch V high school", Volgograd "Teacher - AST", 2007
  2. Magazine “Education of Schoolchildren”, M. “School Press” No. 4 2006.
  3. A. V. Davydova “Academic year. Cool watches", Moscow. Waco. 2008
  4. Teacher's newspaper No. 12 2009.


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