Switch level from the floor. At what height is it best to install a switch in the house?

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The height at which switches are installed must be such that there is no risk of mechanical damage, water ingress and other negative factors.

Installation height of switches from the floor

The issue of designing switches and sockets is an important stage of repair.

The type of room, furniture arrangement, number of switches, and height above floor level must be taken into account. Recommendations on the number and location of switches in an apartment are given by the PUE; there are no strict requirements.

How was it installed before?

In the Soviet Union there was a standard for installing sockets and switches. According to it, switches had to be placed at shoulder level (160 cm from the floor), and sockets - at a height of 90 cm. This standard is still used in some rooms because of its convenience - it is in plain sight, and you can’t plug a plug into a socket. bending down. Convenience also included the possibility of placing furniture anywhere, which is important for small residential conditions.

Existing European standards: is there such a concept?

The terminology “Eurostandard” began to be used together with the concept of “European-quality renovation”. In fact, there is no such term, because in every European country They use their own standards for the location of food outlets. The European standard means the following values: the installation height of switches from the floor should be 90 cm, sockets - 30 cm. This arrangement can be comfortable for children who can independently reach the switch and turn off the light.

Currently, Russia has its own standards that recommend where to place food outlets. Such documents are PUE, GOST Z 50571.11.96, SP 31-110-2003.

At what distance from the floor are switches and sockets hung?

The installation height is not strictly regulated in the documents; the rules for electrical installations provide only recommendations for location. The owner of the apartment decides whether to adhere to them or not.

PUE standards recommend installing switches at a distance of no more than 1.7 m from the floor. This coincides with Soviet standards. Currently, the location of food outlets is determined by the convenience and design of the premises. It is assumed that the height of sockets can be at a distance of 30-40 cm from the floor, and switches - from 80 to 100 cm.

In the kitchen and bathroom

The peculiarity is high humidity. The height of power points should be selected based on the requirements of GOST PUE. The switch must be located outside the bathroom. Electrical sockets should be located no closer than 60 cm from the water source. Recommended height for household appliances:

  • for a boiler 1.5 m;
  • for hair dryer, razor – 1 m;
  • for a washing machine not less than a meter.

It is not advisable to place products below 15 cm. A bathroom is a room where water may periodically appear on the floor. It can get into an electrical outlet and become life threatening.

In the kitchen, electrical products should be located at a distance of 60 cm from gas pipelines and water sources. Taking into account furniture height standards, electrical sockets can be installed at three levels:

  • 10-15 cm from the floor – power points for the stove, refrigerator, dishwasher and washing machine;
  • 110-130 cm – for a teapot, microwave oven, multicookers and other household appliances that are placed on the work surface;
  • 200-250 cm – for hood and lighting.

The sizes are chosen taking into account ease of access to sockets.

In the children's room and bedroom

Fewer power points are traditionally installed in the bedroom. The switch from the main chandelier is installed near the door on the handle side at a height of 90 cm. Approx. bedside tables Traditionally, one electrical socket is made on each side at a height of about 70 cm. An additional socket with 2-3 connectors is placed near the desktop at a level of 30 cm from the floor. If there is a TV in the bedroom, it is better to hide it behind its cabinet.

In a children's room, the switch should be installed at such a height that the child can reach it; 70-90 cm will be optimal. The socket, preferably equipped with protective curtains, should be placed near the crib and next to the desk at the same height as in the bedroom.

In the hallway and living room

In the living room, several electrical outlets are installed behind the TV at a level of 1 m from the floor. Additionally, they make power points for lamps and music systems at a comfortable height. There is one switch installed, near the front door on the handle side. For rooms with multi-level complex lighting, you can install switches with several keys.

The corridor is equipped with one switch next to front door. The socket is also made one next to the sconce at a comfortable height.

Before you begin installing electrical wiring in your home, it is recommended to do the following:

  • draw up a diagram showing the location of all the furniture in the room;
  • On the diagram, mark the location of household appliances, write down their power;
  • mark the places where there is a gas pipeline and water supply;
  • mark windows, doors.

Following, it is worth choosing the most comfortable height products. If you do not create an accurate diagram and place electrical outlets at random, some of them may be hidden by massive objects and become unusable.

If, when installing electrical outlets, a part still turns out to be uncomfortable to use, you can use an extension cord.

After completing the installation of power points, it is recommended to carry out voltage measurement work. This will protect the operation of the devices and help extend their service life if a problem is found.

Installing power points and switches in the apartment is the most important moment laying electrical wiring. Fixing at an inconvenient height will not allow maximum use of electrical mechanisms. To select the optimal distance, there are PUE standards; it is also recommended to rely on the size and location of furniture and electrical appliances.

Useful video

They strive to organize electrical wiring so that it is safe and easy to use.

To do this, you need to decide what kind of optimal height from the floor as well.

Regulatory documents covering issues of organizing power supply, such as PUE-7 (“Rules for Electrical Installations”) and others, do not contain general requirements regarding heights and switches.

Therefore, in most cases, the assignment of these parameters is left to the discretion of the object owner. IN special cases The following rules apply.

Clause 7.1.50 PUE-7:

  • sockets, switches and electrical installations are located no closer than 0.5 m from the gas pipeline;
  • allowed under the ceiling if there is a dedicated switch to the comfort control level;
  • in the bathroom and switches are installed at a distance of at least 60 cm from the floor, plumbing fixtures and water supply.

Code of rules for the design of residential and public buildings SP 31-110-2003, section “Design and installation of electrical installations of residential and public buildings, clause 14.33”:

  • in apartments and dormitories it is recommended to install switches on the side door handles at a height of 1 m;
  • It is recommended to install switches in public buildings general lighting at a height of up to 1.5 m;
  • It is recommended to install sockets at a height of 1 m;
  • in premises for children: schools and kindergartens, sockets and switches are installed at a height of 1.8 m (clause 14.35);
  • in retail and catering establishments, sockets are installed at a height of 1.3 m.

GOST R 50571.11-96 (IEC 364-7-701-84) “Electrical installations of buildings”, part 7 “Requirements for special electrical installations”, section 701 “Bathrooms and shower rooms”. The document considers the installation of electrical sockets and switches in the specified premises. These requirements are taken into account when laying electrical wiring in any premises with high humidity.

Installation height of sockets and switches according to GOST and PUE

SP 76.13330.2016 (SNiP 3.05.06-85) “Electrical devices”:

  • V public buildings and indoors, sockets are installed for ease of connection, preferably at a height of no more than 1 m;
  • in rooms for children, this document also requires that sockets and switches be installed at a height of 1.8 m (clause 6.9.16);
  • minimally permissible distance between the socket/switch and heating cables- 200 mm (clause 6.13.21).

IN general case, when the electrification object is not mentioned in the above documents, the practice of installing electrical installation equipment at height has developed in the USSR:

  • switches: shoulder or head level, that is, 1.6 - 1.7 m from the floor;
  • sockets: 0.9 – 1 m.

In common parlance, this installation method is called the “Soviet standard.”

The word “standard” does not imply a normative document, but an established tradition.

Since the 90s when performing major repairs in existing houses and during the construction of new ones, sockets and switches began to be installed en masse, following the example of Western European countries:

  • switches: 0.9 m from the floor;
  • sockets: 0.3 m from the floor.

This installation method is called “European standard”. Like “European-quality renovation”, it is conditional. Contrary to popular belief, it is impossible to talk about the absolute superiority of the European standard over the Soviet one. Everyone has their own strengths. According to the European standard, switches are installed at a height of 0.9 m.

The location at a height of 0.9 m is convenient for the following reasons:

  • no need to raise your hand to turn on the light;
  • The switch is easy for children to reach.

Sockets are placed at a distance of 0.3 m from the floor. The wire of the connected device does not block the space near the wall, but lies almost entirely on the floor. The Soviet standard provides for installation of switches at a height of 1.6-1.7 m.

Advantages of installing switches at a height of 1.6-1.7 m:

  • it is possible to install a piece of furniture under the switch;
  • the device is in the field of view, which is especially important if there is a backlight;
  • accidental pressing is excluded.

Differences between Soviet and European standards for installing switches

Sockets are mounted 0.9-1 meters from the floor. Advantages:

  1. convenient if the device does not work constantly and often has to be connected and disconnected. In the case of a socket installed according to the European standard, this would require bending over each time;
  2. this arrangement is less dangerous for small children.

The given rules are general. But some areas of houses and apartments have their own laws.

In the kitchen

There are requirements of PUE-7 that are relevant for this premises.

When installing electrical points minimum distance should be:

  • from switches and sockets to the gas pipeline: 0.5 m;
  • to the sink and water supply: 0.6 m.

Thus, the requirements regulatory documents in relation to the kitchen are exhausted. But there are other rules dictated by life experience and common sense.

The kitchen is divided vertically into three zones, this is due to two factors:

  1. there is a lot of furniture blocking access to the lower part of the walls;
  2. There are many electrical appliances installed: for ease of use they need to be separated.

These vertical zones are:

  • lower: 10-15 cm above the floor. Sockets are installed here for constantly running appliances - refrigerator, electric stove, dishwasher. With this connection, the risk of getting caught on the wire is minimal, since almost all of it lies on the floor;
  • average: 1-1.3 m above the floor. Install light switches and sockets for appliances standing on the tables - blender, coffee maker, toaster, electric meat grinder, etc. The specified height is conditional. It depends on the height of tables and work surfaces: sockets and switches should be slightly higher;
  • top: 2.0-2.5 m above the floor. Sockets for lighting are installed here working area, air conditioner, hood, etc. This placement is convenient for two reasons: you can use models with a short wire, and the sockets are hidden by furniture and therefore do not spoil the interior.

Built-in socket blocks mounted in a countertop or cabinet are very convenient. The unit connects to an outlet on the wall (in the lower zone) and works similar to an extension cord with several outlet sockets. When not needed, it slides under the countertop or into a cabinet, so that only the elegant lid remains on the surface.


When designing electrical wiring in a bathroom, due to high humidity, safety should always be a priority:

  1. switches are located outside - in the hallway or corridor;
  2. due to the risk of water supply failure and flooding, sockets are placed at a distance of at least 60 cm from the floor, water pipes and plumbing fixtures.

For a washing machine, you can make an exception - install the socket slightly lower. The rest is guided by personal preferences and ease of use.

  1. to connect a washing machine and a water heater, especially instantaneous, it is better to specially install sockets next to these devices, powered by separate lines directly from switchboard. main reason- significant power of such consumers: when plugged into a regular outlet that is part of a group, they can affect the operation of other devices. At the same time, the connection becomes as convenient as possible: without the need to attach to an existing outlet, the device can be placed in any suitable place;
  2. for connecting various devices, it is considered optimal to install sockets for the hood and boiler - 1.5 m, for a hair dryer, electric razor - 1 m.

Installation height of sockets and switches in the bathroom

For safety reasons, when installing wiring in the bathroom, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • low-voltage lighting is used, for example, operating on 12 or 24 V;
  • sockets and devices are powered through a separator with a transformation ratio, equal to one: when contacting live parts, the electric shock will be much weaker than as a result of touching a normal phase;
  • sockets with dust and moisture protection class IP44 and higher are installed (equipped with covers).

In the bedroom

In the bedroom, it is customary to install combined appliances (switch plus socket) on both sides of the bed, at such a height that they can be conveniently operated by the resting user. Usually it is 60–70 cm.

Location of sockets and switches in the bedroom

If there are nightstands next to the bed, the electrical installation points are mounted just above them. It is also desirable to have a low socket for a vacuum cleaner (up to 30 cm) in a place from which the wire can easily reach anywhere in the room.

Other premises

In other rooms there are general rules except for a few special cases:

  1. TV socket: at a height of 140 cm;
  2. above the desk: 90 cm (with standard height table tops 75 cm);
  3. For computer desk: at a height of up to 30 cm, a socket block of several sockets;
  4. V large premises And long corridors install two changeover switches - at one end and the other. Such switches, on the one hand, have two contacts - they connect the devices with each other, and on the other - one at a time. The first switch is connected with a single pole to the phase, the other - to the lamp. The user can, entering the corridor, turn on the light with the first rocker switch and then turn it off with the second at the end of the room.

In rooms where small children live, it is recommended to install sockets with plugs in the lower zone (up to 30 cm).

Video on the topic

About the installation height of sockets and switches from the floor in the video:

The issue of choosing the height and installation location of sockets and switches should be approached with all due care, because in case of an error, relocation will be very expensive. It is useful to first draw a plan in order to reliably assess the convenience of the adopted placement. In the kitchen and bathroom, it is important not to forget about other communications, so that between them and the sockets the ones mentioned in this material minimum distances.

It is clear that the installation of sockets and switches in a room in most cases determines the degree of comfort. It is equally important that they optimal distance height from the point of view of convenience assumed normal accessible operation. At the same time, it would not violate them functional purpose, features of the existing interior in the arrangement of household electrical appliances. The standard installation of sockets and switches includes a 100 centimeter or 50 centimeter distance of the device from the floor. At the same time, it cannot be called an example of convenient use of sockets and switches. It is for this reason that most owners own apartments They are trying to replace the old electrical wiring with a new one with a different installation of sockets and switches. Changing the distance allows you to increase the degree of convenience in using sockets and switches.

Installation according to European standards, GOST or convenience

Installing sockets and switches according to European standards is a good idea. But at the same time it is limited general requirements, which so successfully replaced the Soviet standard for installing sockets and switches with a new, so to speak, European standard.

According to the European standard, sockets are installed at a height of 0.3 meters, and the installation of a switch must be at a height of no less than 0.9 meters from the base of the floor. In addition, in different parts of our country the height of the established standard may differ slightly, but still differ. At the same time, the installation height of sockets and switches here can be either less than the total distance according to the European standard or more.

But, seriously. So far, there is no established European standard regarding the installation of the height of sockets and switches.

Rules for the Installation of Electrical Installations, requirements drawn up in accordance with IEC standards only mention the possibility of installation plug sockets at a more convenient distance from the floor, which can be read in Chapter 6.6.30 of the Electrical Installation Rules.

It is for this reason that during installation work When installing devices, you have to be guided by ease of use. But at the same time, do not violate the developed and approved restrictions on height compliance with generally accepted regulatory documents. That is, standards that are associated not only with the location of sockets and switches, but also with safety equipment and in relation to the installation of electrical wiring and electrical installation devices. (PUE-7 Internal electrical equipment, chapter 7.1.48-7.1.54).

Recommendations regarding the installation of electrical installation devices

But with regard to the Soviet standard, the ease of installation of sockets and switches is quite doubtful. As practice has shown, the previously used standard does not meet the conditions of convenient operation, which cannot be said about the notorious European standard, which has become more suitable for us than the old Soviet GOST.

And the convenience of installed sockets and switches at the entrance to the room should be no higher than at the level of the lowered hand of an adult user of average height. And this is a directly established standard for the distance of sockets and switches at the very entrance to the room. This is necessary so that you can quickly find the device, even in the dark.

Of course, it should be noted that the installed points of electrical installations are built in according to standards in accordance with the convenience of their use. Only, it is completely accepted to adhere to a distance and height of 0.3 meters for sockets and about.9 meters for switches, as a necessary and correct height standard does not follow.

In addition, a room with large area To control its lighting, it is better to install sockets and switches at different points in the room. For these purposes, pass-through switches are used. It is clear that it is very problematic to get deep into the room in the dark in order, for example, to find a switch and turn on the light.

Ideal option, installation of plug sockets

Therefore, the most suitable options is the installation of plug sockets with no disconnection, which is directly connected in rooms with bathrooms. Moreover, all electrical devices, this applies to both sockets and switches for household appliances such as washing machines, where there is a need to take them outside, for example, to the wall in the hallway.

In addition, you should Special attention pay attention to those places in the kitchen where it is located greatest number electrical appliances. This means installing sockets at the table in the kitchen, where you can and should install a couple of spare sockets. In this case, the most common option is a distance of about 10-15 centimeters from the tabletop kitchen table. At the same time, the number of installed sockets should ensure maximum convenient use. This means that when designing repairs, it is necessary to take into account ease of use, common sense and requirements in accordance with regulatory documents.

What to look for when choosing sockets

The safety and ease of use of household appliances and lighting depends on the correct installation height of switches and sockets, as well as the accurate calculation of the number and location of such points. If you calculate everything correctly right away, you will be able to avoid overloads in the future and will not have to use extension cords. An accurate calculation will also allow you to avoid cutting walls for additional sockets or wiring.

Installation standards

The optimal location of sockets and switches on the walls of the rooms was determined taking into account the requirements of the “Rules for Electrical Installations” (PUE), GOST R 50571.11−96, SP 31−110−2003 and other regulatory documents. Compliance with the recommended parameters is checked by the relevant authorities when renting out residential, commercial or production premises into operation. In most cases, the location of electrical devices is chosen taking into account the following standards:

To connect electrical devices in rooms with high humidity It is mandatory to include in the diagram the appropriate devices that ensure safe operation (RCD, gas station, etc.).

Preparation for installation

IN ordinary life people use many electrical appliances that are connected to the household electrical network, so great importance It has optimal location connection points. When choosing a sufficient number of sockets, the convenience of working with irons, washing machines, printing and other equipment is guaranteed without connecting extension cords. In this case, you won’t have to think about how to hide the wires that will stretch along the floor and interfere with the passage, and access to power sources will not be limited.

To pick up best option for an apartment, house or office, you need a responsible approach. Planning and preparation of installation diagrams for switches and sockets according to European standards:

Planning the location of electrical devices is carried out as part of the preparation project documentation before repairs or redevelopment of premises. You can entrust this work to specialists or choose a convenient location of sockets yourself, based on the provisions of the rules and standards.

In addition to the requirements of the standards, there are also recommendations for the installation of electrical devices based on experience in operating such equipment. These are the average values ​​of the number of points, the height of the switch from the floor according to the European standard, the distance of sockets from doorways and sources of moisture or gas, which guarantees maximum convenience in turning on and off electrical appliances. In most cases, the following recommendations are followed:

The choice of locations for electrical devices is carried out taking into account the existing or planned design of the walls, installation decorative designs and location of doorways.

Advantages of accommodation according to current standards

Installing sockets or switches in accordance with current standards is not only a document requirement, but also an opportunity to ensure optimal distribution of connection points in the room. This approach allows you to take advantage of a number of advantages of such solutions:

Application standard norms placing sockets and switches at a distance of up to 300 - 600 and 900 - 1600 mm, respectively, makes it possible to choose the option that will be most convenient for the selected room.

Installation of sockets in rooms

The installation of sockets and switches has features that are determined depending on the purpose of the selected room. For safe operation such connection points need to follow some rules and take into account specifications rooms (humidity, temperature) . The following should be taken into account:

Separately provided sockets for turning on air conditioners in living rooms, if this equipment is not directly connected via circuit breakers. The connection point is installed at a distance of up to 300 mm from the ceiling.

Light switches in rooms

In housing, office and other premises, switches with one, two or three keys are installed according to the number of groups lighting fixtures. In addition, to turn on the lighting fixtures, electrical devices are installed with remote control. You can also equip the premises with devices that are already built into household appliances. The simplest, most reliable and economical option- installation of key switches.

With abundance household appliances and the variety of lighting fixtures, the need to increase the number of sockets and switches in a house or apartment has increased dramatically. In the current apartment of 100 sq. m there are on average a hundred electrical points. Question them rational arrangement and installation is far from idle and requires knowledge of regulatory documentation. When starting transformations in a house or apartment, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the provisions of the laws and technical regulations installation of electrical appliances.

Technical requirements for installing sockets and switches

Placements inside and outside residential premises are selected based on 3 main criteria:

  • safety;
  • functional convenience;
  • aesthetic appeal.

Security includes 3 points:

  1. Natural gas. Poorly tightened contacts lead to burnout of the terminals. The principle of operation of the switch is such that when the lamp (or other consumer) is turned on, the power circuit is closed. This happens due to the movement of the contact pair. At this moment, a micro spark jumps between the contacts, capable of igniting the gas. If there is a leak in the gas supply, the switch may cause a fire or explosion. The same thing happens if the switch or socket is faulty. Poor connection of wires supplying voltage to the device, loose contacts, etc., lead to sparking at the terminals. It is for this reason that in apartments with gas stoves and water heaters, the light switch is placed outside the kitchen. Usually it is installed in a corridor separated from the kitchen by doors. With regard to sockets, a different logic applies. The gas is lighter than air and therefore primarily accumulates in the upper part of the room. Therefore, it is better to place the outlet in the kitchen closer to the floor, in which case the likelihood of a gas ignition from a spark is lower.
  2. Water.
    Water and electricity are not compatible. Any liquid is an excellent conductor of current. If water gets between opposite contacts, a short circuit occurs between them. But that's not the worst thing. At short circuit circuit breakers will trip and the electricity will be cut off. It is much worse if one of the contacts is wet - voltage is transmitted through the water in all “wet” directions. If a person (or animal) touches the moisture, he will receive an electric shock. In the event of a leak from water supply (or water heating) systems, puddles formed on the floor become a potential risk area. Defeat electric shock is fraught with human health - there are known cases of cardiac arrest and the occurrence of a number of other neurological diseases. Therefore, the location of sockets is planned taking into account the possibility of flooding. Placing them at a safe distance from the floor, as well as other sources of water in the house, has a reasonable argument.
  3. Mechanical damage.
    Switch falling out due to mechanical damage The vast majority of sockets and switches are made of plastic. Plastic is an excellent dielectric and reliably protects a person from contact with current. Its only weak point is fragility. A strong blow can damage the body of the device with all the ensuing troubles - failure, exposure of contacts, etc. Therefore, their placement is planned in such a way as to minimize the threat of mechanical damage. You need to be especially careful about this when wiring externally, when the housing of the socket and switch are completely outside the wall.

The ease of use factor cannot be overestimated. A person uses both switches and sockets many times a day. If discomfort is experienced, the device must be reinstalled without shelving it. It is also important to remember that switches and sockets must be easily accessible in extreme situations. They should not be cluttered with furniture or installed in hard-to-reach places.

Video: inconvenient location of sockets and switches

Any interior is arranged according to the taste and aesthetic preferences of the inhabitants of the home. Sockets and switches are also part of the interior. Therefore, their “artistic” design has the right to exist. You can always choose the color, size and shape. Modern industry offers a wide and varied range of power supply and lighting control devices. With the help of imagination and imagination you can create unusual design solutions. But not at the expense of safety and ease of use!

Decorative design switch

It has been noticed that dogs avoid outlets and try to stay away from them. At the same time, cats, on the contrary, are supportive of electric fields, are often located on refrigerators, televisions and computers.

Safety precautions for DIY installation

During installation work, safety precautions must be observed.

On a home renovation scale, it consists of three basic rules:

Preparation for installation, proper design

Installation and reinstallation begins with compiling detailed plan. It reflects the exact location of each device, dimensions and quantity. When developing a project, the location of power supply lines and distribution boxes. Choose correct height from the floor level. The more detailed the plan and the better it is tied to the “terrain”, the less costs will be needed for its implementation. Practice has shown that a well-thought-out project saves up to 20% of money and up to 30% of time.

Video: sockets in the kitchen

In order for the project to fully correspond to the real picture, it must reflect:

  1. Door and window openings.
  2. Location of furniture, household appliances and computer network.
  3. High-risk areas: water supply and gas pipelines.

It is very important to choose the correct cross-section of current-carrying cables. The total power of consumers should not exceed throughput conductor. Sockets and switches are selected to be factory-made and with nominal characteristics corresponding to the network parameters. (230 V and 6 A).

In children's rooms, it is advisable to install sockets with automatic closing curtains. In the bathrooms there are devices with an IP 66 index (an indicator of maximum moisture resistance). Outside the house, it is recommended to use sockets equipped with a cover.

Equipped sockets are installed additional funds protection

You should also follow simple rules:

  1. Distance between switches and systems engineering communications- not less than 0.5 m.
  2. Distance from kitchen sink- not less than 0.8 m.
  3. The gap between the switch and the door (window) frame is from 0.1 m.
  4. For stationary electrical appliances (TV, washing and Dishwasher, computer) separate sockets are installed, located in close proximity to them.

For outdoor location

External wiring has a number undeniable advantages. First of all, this is the accessibility of the entire power line and the relative ease of installation. For this type of wiring, there is no need to ditch the walls and install socket boxes at each point. In case of reformatting of the wiring, all lines can be quickly and easily dismantled without disturbing the appearance. Also easy to reassemble. The use of cable channels allows you to mobilely add new lines if necessary.

Installation of external wiring using cable channels

Cable routing in the form of twisted pairs on insulators gives the interior an originality in a “retro” style.

Laying cables in the form of twisted pairs

However, some characteristics unfavorably distinguish external wiring from hidden wiring. This is a greater risk of mechanical damage and contact with conductive (or flammable) wall surfaces. Therefore, additional protective measures are provided during installation. For example, each point must be equipped with a substrate made of dielectric material. And the distance of the wire from the wall should not be less than 10 mm. When choosing switches and sockets, you should give preference to those devices that are made of high-quality plastic and have a thick-walled body.

For hidden location

When settling in hidden wiring risks mechanical damage much lower. The mechanisms are installed inside the wall, the cables are “hidden” in specially prepared channels - grooves. Such work, of course, is more expensive and time-consuming, but it more than pays off in reliability and compact size. appearance. Required condition installations modern switch or sockets - a socket box, which is plastic box round or rectangular shape.

Fixing the socket box with gypsum mortar

The socket box is fixed into the thickness of the wall using cement or gypsum mortar. When installing, pay attention to correct landing boxes, the edges of the socket box should not rise above the plane of the wall. To prevent the solution from getting into the inner space socket box, it is recommended to seal the holes with tape.

Established standards for location

At what level from the floor should sockets and switches be installed? There are significant disagreements among non-professionals on this matter, but the dispute is easily resolved by referring to regulatory documents.

Installation height according to PUE

Rules for installing electrical appliances are the main document for guidance when installing a home network.

Excerpt from the Rules for Installing Electrical Appliances

Requirements for placement according to GOST and SP

GOST R50571.11–96 focuses on installing switches and sockets in the bathroom at a distance of at least 60 cm from the shower door.

Location of sockets in bathrooms

In the Code of Rules (SP) 31–110–2003. The following information is provided.

Quote from Code of Practice 31–110–2003

Thus, it becomes clear that the installation height of sockets and switches in a residential area is not limited by strict rules.

Height according to “European standard”

Strictly speaking, the term "Eurostandard" is not a real standard. Rather, it means certain type design in which electrical equipment is placed in a certain way. Moreover, in fact this type The installation is of North American origin. But since today the lion’s share of household appliances in our homes is imported, convenience for the sake of electrical outlets is placed precisely according to the rules of the “European standard”.

Placement options electrical devices according to the "European standard"

This is also due to the fact that Western manufacturers produce their products with short power cords. For example, most refrigerators cannot be connected to an outlet located at a height of 1 m from the floor. And using an extension cord is additional expenses and security risks. By American standards, it is more convenient to place switches at a level of 90 cm from the floor. This allows you to control the lighting without raising your hands. Sockets are installed at a height of 30–40 cm from the floor. In addition, a horizontal distance between sockets of 180 cm is provided.

Nuances of requirements in various institutions.

Some organizations engaged in specific activities are required to individual rules placement of switches and sockets.

  1. In nurseries, kindergartens, schools and summer camps, the height of switches is determined at 1.8 m. The same level is determined for sockets.
  2. In public catering and retail establishments, sockets are installed at a height of 1.3 m. Automatic switches are installed at a height of 1.3 - 1.6 m.
  3. It is prohibited to install light switches in potentially explosive buildings (including kitchens with gas stoves or columns).

DIY installation height of switches and sockets in an apartment

Wiring in the kitchen

Sockets and switches in the living room and bedroom

  • In the living room there is an outlet for powering the TV at a height of 1.3 m from the floor. At the same level it is customary to install an outlet for connecting a router. This is where they lead low current cables computer network and TV antenna.
    Location of the socket block at a height of 1.3 m from the floor level
  • Near desk place several sockets. One block, consisting of 2 or 3 sockets, is located at a level of 30 cm from the floor. And the second block - at a height of 15 cm from the tabletop level, for connection table lamp or charging a laptop (phone, tablet).
    The socket block is installed on an open wall space
  • Main chandelier control or spotlights on the ceiling is carried out by a switch located at the entrance to the living room. As a rule, a switch with several keys is installed here - this allows you to vary the lighting intensity.
  • The bedroom is equipped with one general switch at the entrance and two switches on both sides of the double bed. They also install an outlet there so that you can charge your phone, connect an electronic alarm clock, etc. without getting out of bed. Convenient height - 0.7 m from the floor.
    Sockets are installed at a height of 0.7 m from the floor

Electrical power points in the bathroom

Due to high humidity and possible occurrence splashes, it is recommended to connect all sockets in the bathroom through an RCD. The distance from the washbasin and bathtub (shower stall) to the socket of less than 60 cm is prohibited.

  • washing machine - 1 m.;
  • water heating boiler - 1.8 m;
  • additional power point for a razor or hair dryer - 1.1 m.

In the bathroom it is recommended to install sockets with index IP 66

Light switches are installed outside, at the entrance to the bathroom.

Video: sockets in the kitchen

Carrying out work on replacing and moving electrical points independently involves direct contact with currents high voltage. Even weak electric shocks sometimes lead to cardiac arrest or cause nervous disorders. Before starting work, you need to turn off the power supply to the apartment.


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