Installing a front on a dishwasher. DIY dishwasher installation

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Installing a facade on a dishwasher solves the problems of organizing space, interior design, and sound insulation. The fully built-in machine is not visible behind the cabinet door. The dishwasher door is completely closed with a hinge.

For partially built-in ones, the control panel remains open.

This type of installation guarantees complete control of the washing process (if there are no small children in the house who like to press buttons). How to attach decorative facades- our article will help you figure it out.

Types of facades, functions

The facade for PMM is decorative cladding that harmonizes with kitchen furniture. Attaches to the car door. MDF panels are practical and durable. They can be laminated, covered with colored film, attached with original fittings and various decorative elements. Hanging chipboard or PVC is a big risk. These materials are easily deformed by vibration, high temperature, and moisture.

Sheathing functions:

  • Simplifying the choice of technology. You don’t have to worry about the color of the case, but focus on technical specifications, since the dishwasher will still not be visible.
  • Child protection. A car hidden behind the door will not become a “victim” of children's curiosity.
  • Noise isolation. An additional panel absorbs noise. German built-in models, such as Siemens, Bosch, Miele, Hansa, are equipped with special noise-absorbing gaskets that are inserted between the door and the front panel.

Types of fastenings

The casing can be attached to the door with self-tapping screws (option for fully built-in models), or secured on hinges (for partially built-in models). Slider mounts are often used in Gorenje, Ikea, Electrolux, and Beko modifications.

Sheathing dimensions

Depends on the dimensions of the PMM. Standard width machines 60 cm (full size), 45 cm (narrow). The common height is 82 cm. Dimensions may differ greatly from standards. We recommend purchasing the set after purchasing a dishwasher. So that it can fit perfectly under the countertop and lock into place. For example, Ikea kitchens are suitable for all models of dishwashers from this manufacturer. The Leroy Merlin store sells household appliances to order. If the façade is larger than the door, it will rest against the plinth when opened.

Long front for a dishwasher: what to do?

Try adjusting the height of the dishwasher by twisting the legs. You can make the clearance in the base equal to the thickness of the facade and door plus a couple of millimeters of reserve.

How to install a dishwasher under the façade

Before starting work, read the installation instructions and make sure you can handle the job. Remember to follow safety precautions. It is useful to watch a current video, e.g.

To begin with, installation of communications is carried out: water supply, sewerage, electrical network. Only after a test check can the PMM be secured in a niche, under the tabletop, and a decorative panel hung. Fastening is done with bolts (screws, self-tapping screws) included in the kit. Along with fasteners, gaskets, instructions, you will find a stencil. Applying it to the cabinet walls, countertop (depending on the PMM model), draw the locations of the holes for fastening. They are easy to make with a hammer drill. Do not do it through holes, it will be enough to drill ¾ of the wall thickness. All that remains is to screw on the countertop protection and place the dishwasher in the cabinet. Last steps:

  1. Attach fittings, slider mechanism (if necessary).
  2. After attaching the stencil, determine the attachment points on the inner surface of the facade.
  3. Use a narrow drill to drill points, not all the way through, to avoid damaging the exterior finish.
  4. Remove the transport screws from the door (if equipped).
  5. If you are working without an assistant, try temporarily fixing the facade on the door with double-sided tape so that you can easily screw in the fastening bolts in the right places.
  6. Check the tightness of the fit, the quality of fixation, locking, and the presence of interference when opening and closing.

I continue to work on my long-term construction. I'm hanging facades. The line reached the dishwasher that I had installed earlier. The microwave was installed between adjacent boxes.

A tin strip from the kit was nailed to the bottom of the tabletop. I still don’t understand why it’s needed, but it’s necessary, it’s necessary. The photo shows a view of the table from below - it turned out not entirely clear))

Now the façade. Please note that its width is specified in the passport for the typewriter. And it must fit BETWEEN the boxes. In my case, it was overhead, that is, in order to install it, the adjacent boxes had to be moved apart, which is not correct. One consolation is that the width of the false panel in the corner made it possible to do this completely painlessly.

I marked and drilled holes in the facade for the handle.

Self-tapping screws recessed flush with the rear surface

Now let's move on to the markup. The instructions themselves act as a template - I strongly do not recommend losing them. There is a ruler on the sides (we use it to mark the gap between the facade and the countertop). I bent along this line.

Mark the center of the facade and combine it with the center of the template. We fix the paper on the facade with masking tape.

Gradually smoothing, glue with tape and further.

We drill the marked mounting holes (carefully, not through) with a thin drill. 2 mm.

Please note that the template shows the course of action in detail.
Hooks are attached to the lower part of the facade. In this case, self-tapping screws are used under an asterisk

After fixing both hooks, the façade is ready for installation. Legs on top - my daughter helps.

The machine should be set “to the horizon” and pressed against the countertop. For this wrench or a pair of legs are rotated with pliers in front, and the back leg is rotated by this screw (a screwdriver is inserted into it).

We glue strips of double-sided tape from the kit onto the dishwasher door. They are equipped with Velcro, which allows you to subsequently adjust the position of the facade.

The hooks are placed in the holes under them (there are only two of them - do not confuse them) and the facade, resting on them, is pressed against the tape. We look, we check the gaps with the neighboring facades (if they do not suit you, then the facade can be torn off and re-glued - Velcro, as I said above, allows it).

All that remains is to firmly fix the façade in this place. To do this, unscrew the short screws that were screwed in from the inside and put the long ones from the kit in their place.

As a result, the facade looks like this (I apologize for the mess - the work is being done in a developed environment)

Purchasing a built-in dishwasher involves more than just its connection to the water supply and drainage system. Another important point is the installation of a furniture front on a built-in dishwasher. Of course, you can entrust this task to specialist furniture makers, but if you want to save money, try doing the job yourself. What is needed to complete similar work- you will find out by reading this publication.


The front surface for a dishwasher is a decorative panel that hides it. As a rule, it is made from the same material as other front surfaces of kitchen furniture. The decorative panel looks like an ordinary cabinet, and it is impossible to guess that a built-in dishwasher is hidden behind it.

The advantages of fully built-in 45 and 60 cm appliances with a hanging front part include:

  • Ease of arrangement kitchen design. There is no need to match the dishwashing equipment to the color of the kitchen furniture - it won’t be visible anyway.
  • The control panel is hidden, which means the equipment is reliably protected from children's pranks.
  • The additional surface partially dampens the noise from a running machine.

Important! Most often for making decorative panel use MDF 1.6 cm thick. A special film and laminate can be used as a coating.

Before you begin installing a household appliance, you should definitely figure out exactly how.


Dimensions decorative surface depend on the size of the dishwasher:

  • The standard width of the equipment is 450 and 600 mm, the height of most models is 820 mm.
  • However, if necessary, you can find a compact model of 500 and 600 mm on sale.

First you need to decide on the actual dimensions of the dishwasher, and then order the decor.

Important! The figures given (450, 600 mm) are average. Actual dimensions of the device may differ by several centimeters. It will be impossible to correct the facade part, since its ends will already be sealed with decorative film.

The height also needs to be carefully calculated. The height of the door of the dishwashing unit is not much less height decorative wall. To ensure that the panel is flush with the countertop, you need to adjust the legs of the dishwasher so that it fits exactly under the countertop.

For a partially built-in modification, the height of the façade depends on the width of the control panel on the door. It is much easier to install compared to fully built-in models.

To ensure that your unit lasts as long as possible and washes dishes efficiently, be sure to read the instructions for it, and also find out.

Do-it-yourself installation of the facade on a Bosch dishwasher

You can equip the facade part after the machine is installed in the niche intended for it, and is also connected to the drain and water supply. To complete this task you will need:

  • Screwdriver Set.
  • Fastenings.
  • Door handle.
  • Roulette.
  • The façade itself.

Important! Many built-in models include instructions for installing the façade panel and templates for marking. Models from Siemens and Bosch are equipped with screwdrivers.

Before installing the front on the dishwashing machine, attach the unit to the countertop and side walls of the furniture. Screw the door handle to the facade using a screw. Now determine the distance at which the facade fastenings should be located. This is necessary so that the façade fabric is flush with the furniture surfaces. To calculate, take the following measurements:

  • The size of the gap between the front of the adjacent cabinet and the countertop (A).
  • Distance from tabletop to top mount facade (B).
  • The interval from the edge of the dishwasher facade to the attachment point is calculated as (B-A).

Important! Today on store shelves you can see a huge assortment of all kinds of dishes, but some types can be washed in a special way. Therefore, before loading kitchen utensils into the dishwasher, be sure to find out.

Operating procedure:

  • Take the template (it has already been mentioned, it is included in the kit), attach it with tape to the facade from the inside, in accordance with the measurements taken. Using the template, mark the holes for mounting.

Important! If possible, first practice on a piece of unnecessary plywood so as not to spoil the surface.

  • Using a drill, drill holes according to the markings, but not all the way through, but about ¾ of the thickness of the facade. You can fix the façade wall without drilling, but it is more reliable with holes.
  • Hang the front panel and secure it with screws. Check how freely the door opens. If the wall abuts the plinth, you can make a gap in the plinth (facade thickness + 3 mm). This option is quite advisable if good adjustment of the front surfaces cannot be achieved by twisting the legs of the dishwasher and furniture.

And so that your dishes always shine and are washed in the highest quality way, read our article in which we presented

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How to install a front on a dishwasher

Installing the facade, unlike connecting a dishwasher, is quite easy, you just have to follow the instructions and do everything step by step. To install the facade, you will need the following tools and items:

  • screwdriver,
  • furniture panels,
  • roulette,
  • table top,
  • appropriate fittings.

How is installation done?

The façade canopy is made only if the dishwasher needs to be installed in a ready-made kitchen. Due to the fact that many of these devices come with installation instructions, this should not be a problem.

To install the facade, a handle is first attached to it, which will open the Bosch, Electrolux, Kandy, Ariston or Indesit dishwasher. After this, it is necessary to install fasteners adapted to engage with the door of the device. On the facade element to be installed there is a special paper overlay, which indicates exactly where the holes need to be drilled in order to apply the fasteners. You can drill directly according to the drawing to eliminate the possibility of error.

After all the holes are made, you need to install special fasteners. After this, the facade is simply attached to dishwasher. This happens by inserting fasteners into special grooves on the dishwasher door.

But the installation of the facade is not yet complete, since this hanging element needs to be secured. To do this, first open the car door and then unscrew several bolts from the inside of the door. They are replaced with longer ones, which will allow the facade to be attached. At the same stage, you can adjust the tension of the machine door springs by turning the screws. By looking, you can get a more accurate idea of ​​the process.

Advantages of the façade

Installation of the facade has several advantages:

  • the device fits well into the interior,
  • the control panel becomes visible only when the device is opened,
  • façade reduces noise and vibration levels.

What is the difference between built-in dishwashers?

Built-in appliances are different in that they are designed for installation in a finished kitchen, and therefore their body is somewhat modified. The control panel on such models becomes visible only after opening the door and, as a rule, is located at its end. There are also partially hidden devices. The difference is that they do not need to be opened to operate them.

When choosing such a technique, you can ignore appearance. When purchasing such a dishwasher, it is worth remembering that the distance from the walls to other furniture should be at least 3 cm. The appearance of the built-in appliances is not aesthetically pleasing, and its price is about 20% higher.

What characteristics should you pay attention to when purchasing?

First you need to decide which model you want to purchase. There are two types:

  • fully built-in dishwashers, the control panel of which is completely hidden;
  • partially built-in.

Among the latter, there are devices that are not installed in a finished kitchen, but are intended to be placed next to other furniture. One of the most important characteristics is the width of the dishwasher. If he lives in the house a large number of people, then you should purchase a device whose capacity is equal to 12 sets of dishes. In cases where capacity is not of great importance, models designed for 9 sets are purchased. There are also machines for 6 sets of dishes.

How to choose a built-in dishwasher

In order for the purchased device to please its owners, its choice should be approached more carefully. To do this, it is enough to evaluate several parameters. One of them is the availability of programs. Mandatory modes include:

The choice of programs depends on the degree of soiling of the dishes and their type. There is also the option of choosing a delicate sink designed for fragile items.

For every housewife, the appearance of a dishwasher in the kitchen becomes an incredibly joyful event. After all, this household appliance can make cleaning dishes much easier, especially when it comes to a massive feast or dinner for numerous relatives. However, purchasing such a unit is only half the battle; the most difficult part is its installation. At the same time, the machine should fit harmoniously into the interior of the existing kitchen.

Having decided to install a door on a dishwasher, it would be a good idea to learn about all the intricacies, as well as the possibilities that this equipment provides.

Features of built-in appliances and their facades

By deciding to opt for built-in Bosch dishwashers, you can get a truly reliable assistant in solving your daily chores. Moreover, it is precisely these models that fit most harmoniously into almost any design solution kitchens without taking up free space.

To make the equipment even more attractive and practical, you can use the following facade options:

  • Installing the machine in Kitchen Cabinet. Thus, the technology will be completely hidden from prying eyes, but at the same time it will also effectively cope with its main purpose - washing dishes.
  • Partial installation of the machine. IN in this case Only the control panel remains visible, and the main part is hidden thanks to the furniture facade. For these purposes, it is best to use material identical to the furniture already in the kitchen. This way the Bosch dishwasher will not stand out, as shown in the photo.

Whatever option you choose for integrating a dishwasher, it will make your kitchen space more practical, spacious and functional.

What is required to install the facade?

If installing a dishwasher is a rather complicated procedure, then you can install a façade on it yourself.

For these purposes you will need the following equipment:

  • furniture panel (in this case, its appearance will directly depend on the design of the kitchen unit);
  • suitable tabletop;
  • yardstick;
  • screwdriver;
  • necessary accessories.

Having all these devices at your disposal, you can easily install the panel on the dishwasher using your own efforts. To perform such a procedure you will not need to have special skills or experience.

How is the facade installed?

There can be several ways to install dishwashers: this is installing the equipment into a ready-made kitchen set or separately from it. You will only need to hang the door in the first case, and performing such a manipulation is very simple, since famous manufacturers All necessary steps were described in detail in the instructions.

To hang a facade on a Bosch machine, follow the following algorithm:

  1. To begin with, the equipment is mounted in the designated place at the required height using special screws. Please note that built-in models are already equipped with ready-made templates, using which you can easily install furniture facade to the dishwasher door.
  2. Fastening elements are attached to special grooves located on the machine body. Next, you will need to replace the small “original” screws located on the inside of the door with longer fittings with nuts. Thanks to this, the furniture facade will hold more firmly. Finally, all that remains is to attach the handle and decorative elements to the door.
  3. Installation of the facade can be done with one more in a simple way. Before directly fixing it to the bolt, you need to apply double-sided adhesive tape. Experts also recommend that when connecting equipment to the electrical network, use a cable that has a cross-section of 1.5 mm. As for the outlet, it must be grounded. The required parameter is 16 Amperes.

You can see how to install the front on a dishwasher in the video. All recommendations given should be followed exactly. If followed correctly decorative door will be installed without any effort and with minimal time. If you don’t have confidence in your own abilities, then you can always entrust this procedure to experienced craftsmen who know all the intricacies and features of its implementation.

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04.06.2017 2 months and 26 days ago

I needed to install an LG washing machine, and a corresponding application was submitted. in principle, an old machine was previously installed, but they thought that the communications were outdated and would have to be replaced. however, when the master arrived, he looked at everything and said that everything was in good condition and that we could leave them, which saved the budget. The connection was standard, so there were no difficulties during installation. As a result, the client has a correctly installed machine and a warranty on the installation. Thank you for your honesty and a job well done.

29.05.2017 3 months and 2 days ago

regarding setting up the TV, there were no questions for the technician, while I was there, everything seemed to be clarified. I independently took this 22-inch TV out of the box, installed the stand, and placed it on the cabinet. They provided him with an antenna, set up all the channels that were shown on the old TV and at the request of the customer, in the same location. In addition to the channels themselves, I set up other necessary functions, went through all the settings, clearly showing and explaining everything to the customer. good service, we understood everything much faster if we started to figure it out on our own.

17.05.2017 3 months and 14 days ago

the customer saw the leads that were sticking out of the wall, but was not entirely sure whether this was what was needed. for confirmation, a photograph was sent, which confirmed that everything was ready. During installation, the master only needed an adapter and clamps that he had in stock. I checked whether the tap was turned off, removed the plug, connected the inlet hose, the drain hole was slightly lower and so that water did not pour into the tank on its own, I lifted the drain hose and bent it in a special way. The master demonstrated that the machine is level, so it doesn’t twitch during operation, at least when it was first started, everything was perfect, but they haven’t used it yet.

12.05.2017 3 months and 19 days ago

we had been wanting for a long time and finally purchased a drying machine; it had a water tank, so we didn’t need to organize anything, but it required proper installation in a column. since there was no one to help lift it, two craftsmen arrived, examined the machine, the podium, which they bought separately, measured everything, everything was the right size, despite the fact that the washing machine and dryer were from different companies. The podium was secured in a special way to the washing machine, securely so that the machine would not be accidentally stolen, then the two of them lifted it and placed it evenly in the middle of the podium, and secured it in the same way. They carried out a mandatory launch and explained how everything worked.

12.05.2017 3 months and 19 days ago

We specifically selected a front-loading washing machine and settled on the LG brand. We didn’t even try to install it ourselves, we entrusted it to a specialist. The master also turned off the old machine and took it out, since it was completely broken, they asked us to dispose of it. The technician checked on the machine whether the hatch and the powder compartment closed tightly, and in general inspected the machine. they are the same size, so I stood in the same place, everything is nearby and additional materials was not required. I connected it, checked everything, including the functionality of the machine. everything went without problems, if they pick up the old one, as promised, the next day, they will be very grateful.

08.05.2017 3 months and 23 days ago

The machine was installed in the apartment, everything was done in such a way that after the master left, there was no need to clean, correct, or finish anything. the machine was delivered packed in a box, film, polystyrene foam, the master removed it all, neatly folded it in the corridor, there was nothing unnecessary on the body, he placed the machine in the bathroom, immediately below the level, removed the bolts, disconnected the hoses from the body, stretched them each to to your conclusion. Having connected it, I examined everything again and turned it on in one of the modes. the machine worked without problems, the hoses were dry, under the machine it was also dry, there was nothing to worry about. high-quality connection.

28.05.2017 3 months and 3 days ago

We asked for help with installing a dishwasher. To connect it, the master had to prepare everything, right down to preparing the niche. pulled out all the shelves from the cabinet, completely emptied it, immediately did required holes for hoses and cables. There was a free outlet, so only communications for water were made. After preparing the cabinet, the machine stood up as it should, which made the customer very happy. When connecting the hoses, the master immediately showed which tap to turn off. I removed the hinges from the facade, installed the fastenings from the machine and hung it. I liked everything, the customer inspected everything in front of the foreman, opened it, but the first launch was carried out by the installer. There are no problems during operation of the machine and after it stops, so they have no complaints about the technician, on the contrary, they are very satisfied.

17.04.2017 4 months and 13 days ago

At the time of purchasing the refrigerator, we immediately agreed that a technician would come to install it. The responsible master arrived at the announced time. I removed all the cardboard myself, checked whether there were any defects on the body of the refrigerator, whether all the components were intact inside the refrigerator, moved it to the kitchen, carefully pushed it into place, walked with a level along the entire perimeter of the refrigerator, did not have to globally level it, just tightened the leg in one place. I waited a while until it started cooling after turning it on. it works, the motor does not make any noise, this is exactly the kind of complete installation that we were counting on when calling a technician.

03/31/2017 5 months ago

The customer needed to replace the dishwasher and installation. The master did the dismantling quite easily and quickly, and took the machine out into the hallway without any problems. I installed the new one in the cabinet without any problems, the fastenings for the facade, the new machine had its own, the master installed them and hung this door on the machine. After connecting to the tap, drain and outlet, I turned it on and selected one of their programs. While the machine was working, I filled out the document and after stopping, I gave this document to sign, leaving a duplicate. no complaints, everything is fine.

22.03.2017 5 months and 9 days ago

We ordered work to install a freestanding washing machine. as they said, by the arrival of the master old typewriter removed on their own. Before connecting, the master checked that the communications had not been damaged during dismantling, examined the new machine, put it in the place where it will permanently stand, hooked up the hoses to the tap and drain outlet, checked the tightness of the joints, also made sure that it stood level, plugged it into the network, after a little consultation , started a short wash. The machine is working, water is not oozing out from anywhere, they are already using it to their full potential, there are no complaints

19.03.2017 5 months and 13 days ago

there was a new Electrolux dishwasher, but there were no leads to connect it and they didn’t know what was needed. since this is an everyday job for craftsmen, the master knew what was needed and arrived with the material; of course, when he arrived, it turned out that not everything was needed. I installed a separate faucet and a siphon with a hose outlet, connected it to the sewer, made one hole in the cabinet, because it stood tightly against the wall and there was no other way to route the hoses. I placed the machine next to the sink, routed the hoses and connected them. showed the main programs and made the first launch myself. Everything was done efficiently, neatly, small debris was removed after itself. After the master left, the customer managed to test it himself and was very pleased.

19.03.2017 5 months and 13 days ago

dismantling and installation of a gas stove was carried out by a competent specialist. Having turned off the gas, the master removed the old stove, took it out of the kitchen, finding no defects, put the new stove in the place where it will be used, picked up a new hose of the required length and connected it to the stove and gas pipe. The joints are all threaded, the master carefully tightened it all the way, opened the tap and checked for gas leaks. then turned on the burners one by one and the oven. They lit up immediately, without delay, everything worked perfectly. All necessary documents are available.

01.03.2017 5 months and 30 days ago

We are grateful to the master for the careful installation, the TV hangs evenly, exactly in the place where it is needed, neither lower nor higher. Neat holes are made in the wall, the bracket is securely screwed. In general, it fully lived up to the name, masters. Before leaving I also cleaned everything up after myself. I really liked how the master did everything.

26.02.2017 6 months and 2 days ago

The technician quickly completed the task assigned to him, installing the washing machine. communications were prepared in advance, the master simply checked how reliably everything was done, so that nothing would fly out when the machine was working, put the machine in the place where it would always stand, set it at the level so that it would not move out of place, connected it to water and to the drain. Having driven water through it once, he showed that no leaks were found anywhere. the whole work is rated very highly.

26.02.2017 6 months and 2 days ago

We were choosing a washing machine to replace the old one, decided on a Bosch machine and decided to immediately order a specialist to connect it correctly. At the agreed time, the master arrived with the necessary set of tools to connect the machine. I carried it out to the installation site myself, inspected everything there and connected it to water and sewerage. I secured the drain hose in a special way and ran the water once during a quick wash. There was no need to configure anything additional and there were no questions left for the technician, so I wrote out the document and said goodbye. good specialist, knows what he is doing.

10.02.2017 6 months and 18 days ago

The customer was given a washing machine and a professional was hired to install it. I didn’t have to wait long for the repairman; he arrived in the morning, the next day after delivery. since the couriers left it in the corridor, the master brought it into the bathroom, examined it there and connected it. showed where and why to press, explained the operation instructions. everything is legible, understandable and accessible. The machine works, thank you very much to the master.

02.02.2017 6 months and 26 days ago

We invited a technician to connect a Bosch washing machine. The machine is in a special closet in the hallway and we first had to get the old machine out of there. Closet space is limited and we thought we would have to tinker. but the master, quite simply, emptied the cabinet, installed a new machine, connected it and checked the joints for leaks. There were no complaints, on the contrary, only gratitude.

14.01.2017 7 months and 17 days ago

Thanks to the master and the company for a well-coordinated job. The technician came to install the washing machine. did everything carefully and quickly. connected and checked it. completely satisfied with the result.

14.01.2017 7 months and 17 days ago

Thanks to the technician for installing the washing machine. I did everything as needed, and at the end of the work I checked the functionality. I really liked the responsible attitude to work. And by the way, the next application has already been submitted.

Specialty: Plumber "universal"

Worked in the company: 333 days


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Aprelevka Balashikha Bronnitsy Vidnoye Balashikha, 1st May microdistrict Balashikha, Aviatorov microdistrict Balashikha, Dzerzhinsky microdistrict Korolev, Bolshevo microdistrict Korolev, Pervomaisky microdistrict Korolev, Yubileiny microdistrict Podolsk, Kuznechiki microdistrict Khimki, Levoberezhny microdistrict Khimki, New microdistrict rsk Khimki, microdistrict Skhodnya d Borodki d Vatutinki d Kudrovo d Nikolskoye d Ostrovtsy d Putilkovo Dzergoprudny Domodedovo dp Kokoshkino dp Povarovo dp Istra Korolev Kotelniki Kraskovo Krasnogorsk Lytkarino Lyubertsy Moscow Moscow Mytishchi Naro-Fominsk Odintsovo n plant Mosrentgen n Kommunarka n Sports bases Podol sk village Ostafyevo village Rublevo Trekhgorka village Ramenskoye Reutov rp Novoivanovskoye village Romashkovo Khimki Shcherbinka


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04.06.2017 2 months and 26 days ago

The company installed a washing machine; the technician had to dismantle the old machine and install a new one. which is what the master did when he entered the apartment, first he removed the old machine, then he brought the new machine into the bathroom, put it in place, immediately checked whether it was level, unwound the hoses and connected them. I set it to the quick wash mode, making sure that everything was in order, that the water was poured in and drained as expected, that there were no leaks, and issued documents for installation. They have no complaints, everything was fine.

04.06.2017 2 months and 26 days ago

a craftsman was invited to install the hob and oven. The master arrived on time, got to work, and they saw experience in the master’s actions. However, after he left about seven minutes later, the machine burned out and the lights went out. for an incomprehensible and unknown reason. The customers independently purchased a new circuit breaker and socket, and called an electrician to repair it.

04.06.2017 2 months and 26 days ago

We finally decided to buy a dishwasher. and for installation we decided to use the services of professionals. When filling out the application, we immediately noticed that the machine had not been parked before, and the technician would need to bring all required material. The installer arrived at the agreed time. I asked where to put the new machine. First of all, I prepared all the communications, then installed and connected the machine. I checked it right away. the master showed and told everything. lucky to have encountered an adequate and competent

01.06.2017 2 months and 29 days ago

After renovating the kitchen, we decided to also update the gas stove. They decided to entrust the installation to a specialist, since gas requires respect. A very polite young man arrived and immediately got to work. I installed a new stove and connected a hose to it, turned on the gas and checked it with a soap solution, showed that there was no leak, pushed the stove all the way in and lit all the burners, demonstrating the operation of the stove. I liked the master very much, his work inspires confidence. They don’t regret at all that they chose this company, especially considering that they also provide a guarantee for their work.

01.06.2017 2 months and 29 days ago

After renovating the kitchen, all the appliances were already installed, only the oven remained. Before installation, the technician inspected the niche, the socket to see if it needed to be replaced, and the oven itself for defects. everything was fine and the technician began the installation. After connecting the oven, I checked that all the buttons worked and whether the oven was heating. while answering customer questions regarding oven operation. so the customer has no questions about the installation or the master, in general everything is fine, now the kitchen is harmonious.

29.05.2017 3 months and 2 days ago

The customer doesn’t know how, but a wonderful technician installed their washing machine. I did everything myself, didn’t ask for any help or tools, unplugged the old machine and took it outside the apartment, examined the new one inside and out, brought it into the bathtub, connected it, checked it, showed that it was level. Before leaving, I took photographs, told him for the report, and asked if there were any questions for him. There were no questions and now the same do not arise. high-quality work, correct and competent installation and generally excellent service.

29.05.2017 3 months and 2 days ago

Since the hob was delivered as promised, the agreed time for the technician’s arrival remained in effect. In order to install the panel, it was necessary to pull out the old one. The master turned it off and carefully dismantled it, removing all the old components. I installed everything new, looked for small cracks on the panel and inserted it into the hole that had already been prepared, made sure that there were no cracks, secured it, and connected it to the network. It was connected by a specialist and tested by him, so they do not experience any problems in operation. The master's work left only positive emotions.

29.05.2017 3 months and 2 days ago

We bought a washing machine, but we didn’t know if anything else was needed to install it. the master looked at the place in the kitchen and in the bathroom, both there and there, it was necessary to organize conclusions. We decided to put it in the bathroom. installed a separate tap, which could be turned off on occasion, to drain, into sewer pipe, installed a tee. He brought all the required material with him, thereby saving the client from buying it. Externally, the machine did not cause any complaints; I placed it in a corner and carefully routed the hoses to their terminals. With the technician, the machine worked once, checked everything, the customer can only use it, there are no problems with washing.

29.05.2017 3 months and 2 days ago

When filling out the application, the customer immediately said that none of the material would be needed, all communications were ready, there was a separate outlet and everything was nearby. in fact, this was the case, the master carried out all the preparatory actions, including unpacking, external inspection of the machine, removing the shipping bolts, and leveling the machine at the site of operation. connected the hoses to the water and sewerage, checked the outlet to see if there was grounding, plugged it into the network and ran it on one of the short programs to make sure that everything was working properly and the customer would not have any problems during operation. that's right, everything is fine.

29.05.2017 3 months and 2 days ago

a gas stove was installed. The place had long been free, the gas hose was provided by the customer and purchased in advance. the stove was delivered and left in the corridor, the master independently, without the help of the client, dragged the stove into the kitchen, examined it, since it is brighter in the kitchen, and checked the jets. I connected the hose, then pushed it to the wall, the hose was long enough, connected it to the pipe, the part that hung down without bending, carefully put it behind the stove. I carefully checked both the joint with the pipe and the stove for gas leaks. I arranged all the components and checked the stove itself for functionality. They are already using it easily, there is no smell of gas.

18.05.2017 3 months and 13 days ago

In order to install a dishwasher, an empty niche was left and a façade board stood nearby. communications were ready, the master was convinced of this himself, looked and checked what was brought out for connection, but he did not find an outlet nearby. The customer did not want a cable to be laid from the panel, so the master powered the cable from the nearest outlet, carefully laid it behind the cabinets to the desired location and installed a surface-mounted outlet. When everything was ready for connection, I built the machine into an empty niche, secured it and connected it to both the pipes and the outlet. I installed fasteners on the front door and carefully hung it.

18.05.2017 3 months and 13 days ago

Although the dishwasher we bought was freestanding, it had to be placed under the countertop. but before installing, the master looked at what was needed to finalize the communications and prepared everything. I placed the faucet for filling water in the only accessible place; when closed, the faucet does not leak, I organized the drain into the sewer. I measured the length of the hoses, this length was enough to reach and connect to the communications. I placed the machine itself under the tabletop, it stood up straight with the lid, raised it a little, up to the tabletop, and connected it. He said that the machine was ready to work and showed this by starting it. With the master everything worked fine.

08.05.2017 3 months and 23 days ago

The gas stove is installed and fully functional. there was a very old stove and the hose was in such a state that it could not be installed on the new stove. The foreman turned off the stove, put the hose in the oven, threw everything away, and took it out to the hallway. he freed the new one from all packaging material, the customer examined the stove together with the foreman, then he moved the stove to the kitchen, without the customer’s help, and offered several hoses to choose from, different lengths, the chosen one connected it to the stove, moved it into place, and connected it to the gas pipe. During the inspection, the customer was present, saw that everything was normal, everything was working, there were no questions for the master. with gas, the main thing is that everything is of high quality, which is what the master demonstrated.

08.05.2017 3 months and 23 days ago

We are grateful that we accepted the situation and sent the craftsmen on the day of delivery of the washing machine, then it is not known when the craftsmen could be received. He does everything himself, even to move the machine, he didn’t ask for help, but there were two of them, he turned off one and took it out, brought the second into the bathroom, unfolded it and put it in the right place. the hoses easily reached the communications so that the machine did not display a water drain error, the drain hose was secured to required height, connected the second hose. After doing some work with the machine, I started it up and saw how it worked. since before this the machine had been standing and served for a long time, the customer knew how it should work and the new machine did not cause any complaints, does not twitch during the spin cycle, works quite quietly, and so that there are no leaks, the master securely fastened it at the joints.

09.05.2017 3 months and 22 days ago

the washing machine had to be installed in the place from which the machine had recently been removed. Since the dismantling was carried out independently, the master checked the communications, whether they forgot to disconnect something, and checked how the faucet was holding. They themselves did not undertake to unpack the new car, the master did it himself, inspecting it along the way, and also independently brought it to the place of operation. I connected it, connected everything I needed, and used a level to level it. There are no problems with filling and draining. however, as soon as the master left, the client noticed that the machine was vibrating strongly during washing.

23.04.2017 4 months and 8 days ago

The machine was installed to a good standard, the technician had everything he needed with him, and there was no need to run to the store for materials. First, we consulted with him about where it would be better to install it, the master looked at how best to do everything, suggested two options for organizing the drain, eventually installed a tee in the sewer, and later connected the drain hose to it, installing a cuff required diameter. In order for water to be poured, I installed a standard faucet for this case. He showed that he installed the machine as needed, level, unscrewed the bolts, and also demonstrated how to turn it on, what to put where. So far the machine has only been turned on once, when the master tested it, and there were no problems during this startup.

23.04.2017 4 months and 8 days ago

We immediately bought a washing machine and a refrigerator. Since the washing machine needed to be connected, we decided to let the technician connect the refrigerator too. Since the refrigerator took up the most space, the master installed it first. dragged it into the kitchen, opened the box, inspected the case, pushed it all the way to the place of use, aligned it, connected it. then he made room for installing the machine, took the old one out of the bathroom, connected it to the same communications, only carefully checked everything when starting it up. I returned to the refrigerator and checked how it was working, whether there were any extraneous noises. As a result, the equipment is installed correctly and there is a document with a guarantee; they hope that it will never be needed.

20.04.2017 4 months and 10 days ago

The master was given the task of replacing a washing machine, not to say that it was difficult, but it required literacy from the master. The master turned off the installed machine, immediately took it out into the corridor so that it would not be in the way underfoot, the new one, before bringing it into the bathroom, examined it and, since everything was intact, brought it in and put it where they didn’t plan to move anything else, taking this into account, the master immediately put it out by level. Using the original hoses, without using additional ones, I connected the machine to the communications, started it up and checked everything carefully. Satisfied with the service, quality installation.

17.04.2017 4 months and 13 days ago

A machine was purchased to replace an old washing machine, and the company was contacted with a request for installation. when the master arrived, they showed the place where it would stand, the master saw the installed faucet for the fill, the customer said that before that the machine was standing, but the drain was in the sink, but they want it to be as it should be. the master organized the drainage, replacing the old siphon with a new one with an outlet, made a neat hole in the cabinet for the hoses and connected the machine. Now everything is in order, there is no need, as before, to constantly rearrange the drain here and there and now it doesn’t get in the way, it goes behind the machine. the machine itself works, the first launch was made by the master, then the customer himself studied and tested everything.

17.04.2017 4 months and 13 days ago

We ordered the service of installing a dishwasher along with dismantling the old one. the master turned off the old machine, pulled it out of the niche and carried it out of the apartment onto the site without any problems. the new one was inspected together with the client and the master independently brought it into the kitchen, placed it next to the niche, and installed and secured it after connecting it to the network and communications. The hoses were well secured at the terminals, we were convinced of this when we tested the machine, there were no leaks, the water drained without residue, the front door closed tightly. from start to finish, there were no comments to the master, he did everything well.

12.04.2017 4 months and 18 days ago

A technician was called to install an LG washing machine. The installation is simple, without additional work, but with little complexity. When I arrived, they showed me what kind of complexity it was, the master had to put a 60cm machine in a 61cm niche. Before installation, I carefully inspected the machine so that nothing protruded from the sides, and at the same time looked for any defects in the body. I brought it to the installation site, the terminals were behind the machine, so I first connected the hoses, then just carefully pushed the machine in. During installation, neither the machine nor the tiles were damaged, which was very important, the hoses were not pinched, the technician secured them securely. since it is inserted level, it does not wobble and, especially, does not jump during the spin cycle. neat installation, high-quality connection.

24.03.2017 5 months and 7 days ago

A washing machine was installed and communications were improved. Since the customer did not know what materials were needed, they asked him to bring everything to the master. already in place, decided on exact quantity material, prepared everything for revision. I installed a separate faucet for filling water, which can be easily closed, drained it properly, inspected the machine with the customer, placed it in the place chosen by the customer and connected it. He showed everything in detail, we are especially grateful for this, he launched it himself and then, under guidance, watched how the customer launched it. The machine washes, the customer is happy.

23.03.2017 5 months and 8 days ago

We decided to replace the old dishwasher, and it seemed like we could handle it ourselves, but we still wanted to entrust it to the specialists. During the application process, the operator also offered recycling and talked about the cost of the service. The technician arrived at the agreed time and was very polite. By the time of arrival, the client had independently dismantled the old machine, and the technician only had to connect the new one to the ready-made communications. which he did without much difficulty. worked carefully workplace left it clean. We were pleased with the result.

22.03.2017 5 months and 9 days ago

The technician who connected the washing machine did everything well and the main thing was that they took into account my request to come to the installation after work. the customer was already at home when the master arrived, they showed the machine and where to put it. unpacked the purchase, immediately inspecting the machine, doorway wide enough that the master did not need help to lift it. I installed it in the previously indicated place, looked to see if there were any distortions on any side, connected what was needed, plugged it into the outlet and, for demonstration, started it in rinse mode. smooth operation, no interruptions, no errors, no twitching during spinning.

20.03.2017 5 months and 11 days ago

We chose a small washing machine and decided on the Candy model. It took a long time to choose installers, since the store suggested where to go. They invited the master to a certain day and time, and the master arrived without delay. there was no machine before, but everything was prepared for connection, the master just checked and confirmed that everything was fine and there was no need to modify it. Before connecting, I inspected the machine from all sides and from top to bottom. installed, connected. He showed me where I unscrewed what, how I connected everything, and then started it up. The machine is working, we haven’t had time to check all the programs yet, but we’ve already seen that it’s installed well.

19.03.2017 5 months and 13 days ago

We bought a washing machine and it’s good that we didn’t have to look for installers ourselves, since the store offered an installation service provided by a partner company. A specialist from the company arrived and, without wasting time, got to work on the installation. They didn’t have time to remove the old machine, the master disconnected it, drained the remaining water onto a rag and took it out. I brought the new one into the bathroom, carefully installed it in its original place, connected the new hoses where required, additionally tightened them with clamps, and aligned them. I checked, it works, everything is connected correctly. The customer hopes that everything will continue to work so well. and for recycling the machine, special thanks.

19.03.2017 5 months and 13 days ago

The technician provided a service for connecting the washing machine, which was delivered the day before. Since the box was intact, we decided not to open it until the technician arrived. I arrived in the morning, as promised, unpacked it right in the hallway, carefully folded the trash, inspected it, and brought the machine into the bathroom, where everything was ready to be connected. I secured the hoses, plugged it in, selected the shortest program and put it on for washing. While the machine was working, I checked the joints, but found no leaks. The machine functions, the water drains completely, does not jump. There are no questions regarding installation, we are happy with the work.

19.03.2017 5 months and 13 days ago

There is no place to put a washing machine anywhere other than the corridor, space is limited. so when the master arrived, they showed him the installation location next to the bathroom. There was an outlet, so the master installed only a filler valve and a tee for draining. To avoid pulling the hoses through the corridor and the bathtub, the master made a neat hole in the wall and pulled the hoses through it, so much less of them were needed. Having connected everything, turned on the machine, it worked without interruptions, after stopping, the master checked the level again, the machine was level, in place. everything was done well, they will advise the neighbors, they have the same situation and are planning to take the same machine.

26.02.2017 6 months and 2 days ago

Quite quickly completed work, high-quality installation, reliable connection. the master checked everything several times, showed what could be done and what could not be done. The bolts were removed from the machine as required and leveled. even if they wanted to, there is nothing to complain about. everyone would know their job like that.

26.02.2017 6 months and 2 days ago

We contacted the company to install a BEKO washing machine. We thought that everything would be standard, but it’s good that the technician checked everything before installation and showed that the tap did not completely turn off the water and needed to be replaced. already to the new tap, connected the hose, also brought the hose to the drain, placed the machine against the wall, poured the substance into the powder compartment that came with the machine and started it up. It works fine, so far there are no visible smudges anywhere, so there are no complaints about the master, I liked how carefully he did everything.

26.02.2017 6 months and 2 days ago

We were satisfied with the quality of installation of the electric stove. The master didn’t do anything special, he just installed the stove as expected, completed the task, and nothing else was required. It’s good that I brought the cable, since it didn’t come with the stove, I connected it according to the diagram, put the stove in place, connected it to the network and checked if everything worked. showed, they accepted the work without any complaints. good master.

26.02.2017 6 months and 2 days ago

The installation of the washing machine, which was carried out by the master, was carried out in such a way that after it there were no questions, much less complaints to the master. drove up, inspected the installation site, confirmed the customer’s doubts about the working faucet, said that it needed to be changed, and showed why. installed a new faucet for filling water, left the drain hole as it was, connected the machine to communications, started it up and demonstrated everything, clearly showing some points. everything is alright

17.02.2017 6 months and 11 days ago

There was a master, Alexey Vasilyevich, who was doing the work of connecting the washing machine. they don’t know how the other works are, but there were no complaints about this one at all, the work was done, it was high quality, it didn’t take a long time, he was polite, answered all the customer’s questions, even those related to other plumbing fixtures. After installation and running, I checked everything and made sure that everything was fine. Thanks to the company for such masters.

15.02.2017 6 months and 13 days ago

I needed a scheduled replacement of my washing machine. We bought a new machine and invited a technician the next day. Before his arrival, they cleared the place, moved the old typewriter, and unpacked it. The technician inspected it to see if there were any defects, put it in place for use, did everything that was required when connecting it, the check showed that everything was fine, the machine was working normally and did not move from its place. There are no complaints or complaints about the master, everything was done well.

26.02.2017 6 months and 2 days ago

the repairman came to replace electric stove. I took the old stove out of the apartment, put the new one in the vacant space, connect the cable that I brought, since it did not come with the stove. demonstrated the operation of the stove. The master is good, he answered all technical questions competently. completely satisfied with the service provided.

10.02.2017 6 months and 18 days ago

they needed to connect the Hansa washing machine to an already prepared place, they just wanted a specialist to do everything. Just such a master, as it turned out, came. I unpacked it myself, brought it into the bathtub, removed the bolts, connected the inlet hose and drain hose, and aligned it evenly. V mandatory ran it to check. a clear and well-developed installation scheme did not take much time and allowed the customer to get to work on time. Everything is fine.

03.02.2017 6 months and 25 days ago

They delivered the washing machine and the next day the technician arrived to install it. the machine was standing in the hallway, not unpacked, the master unpacked it, checked the contents, brought it into the bathtub and connected it. After checking it, he explained and showed everything. We are satisfied with the service provided, the machine works, the technician did everything that was necessary.

02.02.2017 6 months and 26 days ago

installation of an electric stove was necessary on the day of delivery, since no one lived in the apartment, and it was not possible to come every day. The company went to a meeting and offered a master in the evening. The stove was delivered without a cable or plug, but the technician had the components with him. I connected the cable and plug to the stove and connected it to the network. The installation was completed and it’s very good that you don’t have to take an extra day off.

01.02.2017 6 months and 27 days ago

The company installed a washing machine. By the time the repairman arrived, the old car had been removed, so only a connection was required. The master himself brought the machine into the bathroom, put it in place, immediately checked whether it was level, unwound the hoses and connected them. Having made sure that everything was in order, he issued documents for installation. They have no complaints, everything was fine.

01.02.2017 6 months and 27 days ago

It was necessary to install a free-standing dishwasher on ready-made communications. The master examined the machine itself, the place where it needed to be installed, made sure that everything was fine and connected it. checked the level, adjusted it a little and, at the customer’s request, removed the hoses so that they would not get in the way underfoot, into a box and ran it with some special means. We made sure that everything is connected and working properly. The craftsman's work is rated 4+ on a five-point system; according to the customer, they had to tell him how to do this

16.03.2017 5 months and 15 days ago

Since the time had come to replace the old washing machine, a new Gorenje machine was purchased and its installation was ordered. The master removed the old car and put a new one in its place. connected it to communications, carefully checked the joint of the hoses and started it up. the machine works great. the work was done perfectly.

23.01.2017 7 months and 8 days ago

The old water heater was removed and a new one installed. the master carefully hung it up, connected it to the water supply, and gave instructions. The master was great, he arrived at the agreed time and did everything well.

17.01.2017 7 months and 14 days ago

The technician came to install the washing machine, arrived on time, installed the machine carefully, immediately checked its functionality, everything works great. We were quite satisfied with the master. Thanks a lot.

14.01.2017 7 months and 17 days ago

I needed to install a washing machine, this was a primary installation, the technician completed the task professionally and quickly. I did everything, including a separate outlet with grounding. very pleased with the quality of the installation. Thanks a lot.

Specialty: KBT installer

Works in the company: 335 days


Provides services
in areas:

Balashikha Vidnoe city Balashikha, microdistrict Dzerzhinsky city Balashikha, microdistrict Olgino city Domodedovo, microdistrict Aviation city Pushkino, microdistrict Klyazma city Khimki, microdistrict Levoberezhny city Khimki, microdistrict Skhodnya d Bobrovo d Vatutinki d Pavlovskoye d Chulkovo village Bobrovo village Glukhovo village Golovenki village Novovoskresen skoe village Piskovo Sosenki village Dzerzhinsky Dolgoprudny Domodedovo Zelenograd Klin Korolev Kraskovo Krasnogorsk Lobnya Lyubertsy microdistrict New Ostrovitsy (d Ostrovtsy) Moscow Moscow Mytishchi Odintsovo p VNIISSOK p Hydroelectric complex named after Kuibyshev p Kommunarka p Mechnikovo Podolsk urban-type settlement Kraskovo urban-type settlement Malakhovka urban-type settlement Mendeleevo urban village of Tomilino Kommunarka village Pushkino Ramenskoye Reutov district Zarechye with Nemchinovka with Romashkovo with Uspenskoye village Bulatnikovskoye, Butovo village Solnechnogorsk Staraya Kupavna Tomilino Troitsk Khimki Shcherbinka


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01.06.2017 2 months and 29 days ago

The foreman was doing work replacing a gas stove. Upon delivery, the customer did not find a gas hose in the new stove, this was stated when filling out the application. The foreman brought several hoses of different lengths. I turned off the old stove and helped carry it out onto the site, carefully pushed the new stove into its place, installed a hose of the appropriate size, tightened everything tightly and turned on the stove. I waited for a while to make sure it worked without interruption. about the master can only be left positive feedback, since there were no complaints or complaints during installation.

01.06.2017 2 months and 29 days ago

the washing machine had to be installed in the bathroom and in a certain place, since communications were specially installed. When the master arrived, he inspected the place where installation was needed, checked the length of the hoses, brought the machine into the bathroom, installed it next to the drained pipes, connected the hoses, placed a level on the washing machine, and showed that it was level. ran it to check for leaks. the service was provided in full. The craftsmen were satisfied with the work and were very grateful to him for his good work.

01.06.2017 2 months and 29 days ago

I needed to install a washing machine. A very punctual master arrived. The old typewriter had already been taken out into the corridor, and the new typewriter was still packed there. They decided that the master would unpack it himself and immediately inspect it for defects. I removed the transport bolts from the machine, put the machine in the prepared place, connected the hoses, plugged it into the outlet and pushed it in a little more. I checked by running the machine in quick wash mode, everything works. The craftsmen have no doubt about the quality of their work and hope that it will work for a long time.

29.05.2017 3 months and 2 days ago

After choosing a washing machine, we contacted the company to call a technician. They immediately agreed that we needed to install an outlet in the bathroom. Upon arrival, the master inspected the new machine for defects, and quite carefully installed it in the required place in the bathroom. some communications were already ready, but the master also said that it needed to be improved. after I did trial run and checked everything, issued a guarantee. In general, I was pleased with the work of the master. responsible and careful.

29.05.2017 3 months and 2 days ago

The company provided a service, installation of a washing machine. They didn’t open the machine before the technician arrived, they wanted him to open everything and check it himself, otherwise you never know. He arrived on time, unpacked it in the corridor, looked for dents on the body, carefully brought it into the kitchen, where a niche had already been prepared, the master connected the hoses with a special fastener, tightened them on top with clamps while the machine was working, checked all the joints, and found no leaks anywhere. In addition to the installation, the master advised on a number of issues, for which we are very grateful.

29.05.2017 3 months and 2 days ago

The technician installed a free-standing LG washing machine. since the communications were already ready, the master only had to unpack the machine and move it to the bathroom. which he did, installed and connected the master machine quite quickly, but did not forget to do anything, removed the bolts, aligned it, started it for the first run, after stopping the machine he made sure and showed that there were no leaks, everything was fine. did well. We were satisfied with the craftsman and the work, without any complaints.

29.05.2017 3 months and 2 days ago

The customer bought a new oven, and a specialist was called in to replace the old one with a new one. old oven was removed by him, he also removed one of the two drawers, the shelf on which the oven stood, lowered it a little down, installing new fasteners, there were enough fasteners for the shelf to hold securely. into the updated niche, I installed the purchased oven, it fit without problems and connected. The technician did an excellent job, and to the delight of the customer, the oven is standing and working. Great professional and great job.

29.05.2017 3 months and 2 days ago

since they bought the machine for their grandmother, the customer decided that a service such as installing a washing machine would be needed, the operator contacted the client and discussed the day and time of the technician’s departure. Both dismantling and installation were needed, the technician turned off the machine, which was in the bathroom, and put it in corridor, visually inspected the new one, brought it in and put it in place of the old car, connected everything necessary, stuck it in, a mandatory action was to check the level, I had to slightly adjust the height of one side. We launched it together with the customer and made sure that there were no problems. good master, great job.

29.05.2017 3 months and 2 days ago

Before purchasing, of course, we chose a machine and opted for Electrolux. The craftsmen ordered, as soon as they waited for delivery, they arrived the next day. They showed where the communications were located, where to put the machine itself, and after inspecting the machine for visible defects, removing unnecessary bolts, preparing the hoses, I put it in exactly that place. I checked the gasket on the inlet hose, connected it to the shut-off valve, and connected the drain hose correctly. The machine worked through the washing cycle, there were no moments to doubt the full functionality of the machine and the quality of the connection.

29.05.2017 3 months and 2 days ago

The hob needed to be replaced. There weren’t many options for purchase, since it costs not four burners, but five. the master carefully pulled the panel out of the box, examined it from all sides, and when dismantling the old panel, removed the cable and moved it to new panel, at the request of the customer. I prepared the installation site, removed the old backing, cleaned everything, laid down new material on which I placed the panel, looked all around, from below to make sure everything was fine, finally secured it and connected it. I checked the panel for functionality and, after showing that all the elements were working, I issued a warranty document for the work. good impressions from the work of the master.

29.05.2017 3 months and 2 days ago

The new refrigerator that had just been delivered had to be done by specialists for the first time. A technician from the company arrived, was not surprised that the refrigerator was in the hallway, right there, opened the box, checked everything inside, including the equipment, minor defects. He didn’t need help with the move, it was visually easy, he dragged the refrigerator into the kitchen, where again, with better light, examined it and pushed it up to the wall. I turned it on and checked to see if it was level, arranged all the drawers and shelves as needed, the refrigerator had already started to freeze, the doors showed that they were closing tightly, the rubber band fit well, the motor was running smoothly. The master did his job well.

29.05.2017 3 months and 2 days ago

it was necessary to connect a freestanding refrigerator by a specialist. the cost was announced and what was included in it, it was what was needed. as they said, if necessary, he will unpack it himself, so the customer did not touch it, the master carefully removed the cardboard, there was still something to remove besides it, he completely emptied it, checked it from all sides and even looked at the top. He moved it to the kitchen, without any unnecessary debris, put it in a designated place, checked whether the legs were screwed in the same way, whether everything was level, arranged everything inside and checked how it worked. reflected what was established by the company specialist in the document. everything is as it should be.

29.05.2017 3 months and 2 days ago

Since the terminals for connecting washing machines are standard, regardless of the model, the technician did not need to redo anything after the old machine was removed from this place. I dragged the machine into the kitchen, placed it next to the countertop, and realized that it would fit into the niche with the lid and there was no need to remove it. the hoses from the machine were the same length and both easily reached the communications so that they could be connected correctly. The machine immediately responded to being turned on, information appeared on the display, a certain mode was selected and the wizard started it. When the time was up, the machine beeped, the technician checked everything and no defects were found.

29.05.2017 3 months and 2 days ago

They called a technician to connect the washing machine, which was supposed to be done in the bathroom. when they checked whether the communications were ready, the customer said that the old machine was still standing and would need to be turned off. I arrived nice looking the young man, which is quite important, in time, before turning off the old one, examined the new one, which was standing in the corridor, so that it would not interfere when he took out the old machine, moved it, turned off the installed one and calmly took it out. I put the new one in the same place, everything for connection is nearby, I removed the bolts, turned the machine around, connected it and checked it in the rinse mode. We have not yet checked how the machine behaves when fully loaded, but in the rinsing mode it worked perfectly, it works quite quietly, and does not twitch when draining the water. So far there are no complaints, everything is fine.

29.05.2017 3 months and 2 days ago

A gas stove replacement service was provided. dismantling old stove was not entirely simple, because the master needed to disconnect the slab directly from the pipe and remove part of this pipe. he had to tinker, but everything was turned off and prepared. the hose did not come with the new stove, it’s good that the master had it, since this was not the first time he had encountered this and the hoses were of different lengths, he selected the optimal one, when he placed the stove at the place of use, connected the hose to the pipe and the stove, opened the tap and it was possible check the stove. but first I checked everything for gas leaks, showed the client that everything was fine, and then checked whether all the burners were working as they should. everything works, the wizard did everything that should be done during installation.

17.05.2017 3 months and 14 days ago

We invited a specialist to connect the electric stove. There was still an old stove in place, it was not difficult for the master to turn it off and, at the client’s request, take it to the elevator. They didn’t want to replace the cable from the old stove, so the master suggested and installed a new set of materials, including the socket. further, I put it in place as needed, connected it to the network, checked the front and back level, the stove was completely ready for use. I waited until everything warmed up, no operational problems were identified. We are satisfied with the service provided, everything was done without any comments.

17.05.2017 3 months and 14 days ago

We brought the washing machine, waited for the technician to connect it and the specialist arrived on time. asked to show the place where it would be used, inspected everything, prepared only the tool, since everything was ready and did not need any modification. I dragged the machine into the bathroom, unrolled the hoses there, figured out whether they would reach the communications, moved it closer to the wall, after connecting the hoses, checked, they were not tight, they were neatly laid, and did not interfere in any way. There are no problems when filling and draining water; when it is washing it does not make any noise, only at high speeds you can hear it. After the test run, the machine stood where it was originally placed, and did not move even a millimeter, because it was level. the master did everything carefully.

16.05.2017 3 months and 15 days ago

When filling out the application for installation, the operator clarified everything, so when the master arrived, there were no questions. Just as they said that everything was prepared during the repair, so it was. the technician confirmed that everything was done well when he connected it, and the faucet is good and does not let water into the closed position, and the drain was removed correctly. I connected it, I couldn’t forget anything, since I photographed everything for a photo report, how it was connected, the removed bolts and the level that was on the machine and showed that there were no deviations. I set one of the washing programs and turned it on, thus making sure that the machine was fully operational. We are very satisfied with the service provided.

15.05.2017 3 months and 16 days ago

There were no complaints or comments regarding the connection of the stove. When I turned off the old one, I put it where they asked. on the new one, not finding anything on the body that interfered with installation, I brought the stove to its place, carefully placed it in the allotted space, and placed all the iron elements on the burners. connecting flexible hose, checked the joint both near the pipe and near the stove, there is no gas leak, everything is securely tightened. The operation of the stove itself did not raise any questions for the master, the gas ignited immediately, the flames were even, the oven equipment corresponded to what was stated and also ignited the first time. Everything is fine.

15.05.2017 3 months and 16 days ago

The technician who was responsible for connecting the built-in dishwasher did everything that was required and did it professionally. Somehow, he took out the old machine on his own, after dismantling it, and brought the new one into the kitchen, the equipment is not light, but during the move it did not scratch or even touch anything. when I put the machine in a niche, it did not reach the tabletop a little, the master tightened the legs, rested the machine against the tabletop, otherwise the facade would have touched the base when opening, secured the machine, hung the facade, and securely fastened the hoses to the terminals. After testing the machine, I wrote out the document, everything is official.

15.05.2017 3 months and 16 days ago

We decided to replace our old dishwasher with a new one. We disconnected the old one ourselves and invited a specialist to connect the new machine. the machine was delivered a day earlier, and the operator offered installation a day earlier, which made the customers very happy. the master arrived at the appointed time. When the master arrived, they decided not to unpack the machine, so the master carefully unpacked it and brought it to the kitchen. since the machine was already at the installation site, the communications were ready, so the master quickly installed the machine in a niche, connected it, hung the facades and handed over his work to the customer. We were satisfied with the work and the craftsman.

15.05.2017 3 months and 16 days ago

We were satisfied with the service provided for replacing the washing machine, the technician did everything quite quickly, was very polite, and calmly answered all questions. When dismantling, I didn’t forget to drain the water from the hoses and took it out of the bathroom. although the communications were made a long time ago, the master said that they were in good condition and did not need to be replaced, when he unscrewed the transport bolts from the machine, connected the hoses to these communications, aligned the machine using a level and observed how it behaved during operation, everything was done correctly, so no problems were found.

12.05.2017 3 months and 19 days ago

Without specialists, the customer did not have the opportunity to connect the gas stove, one of the reasons was that the gas pipe was directly connected to the old stove. For the master, this is all standard, he turned off the tap, first disconnected the stove, and then removed part of the pipe, and took it all out into the corridor. I screwed a flexible gas hose to the pipe, installed a new stove, and screwed the hose to it. carefully checked for gas leaks, all joints were reliable. The kit included special covers for the burners, etc., the master put everything in its place and then checked each burner separately. The stove is fully functional, the installation was carried out normally.

12.05.2017 3 months and 19 days ago

We bought a Samsung LCD TV, we would have figured it out ourselves in due course, but we wanted it all to be done as quickly as possible, so we invited a specialist. The TV was delivered in the evening, and in the morning the technician was at the client’s, took it out of the box, took out all the components and documents, and put all the garbage back in the box. While the customer was studying the documents, the master screwed a stand to the TV and connected an antenna to it. When I set it up, I simultaneously showed where to press and why. configured general functions and, accordingly, the channels themselves. I explained in detail where necessary. They don’t regret at all that they invited the master.

14.05.2017 3 months and 18 days ago

They promised to deliver the machine as early as possible, and that’s what they proceeded from when they called a specialist in the evening of the same day. Before leaving, the master called to clarify whether it had been delivered or not. I turned off the old machine, as requested, took it out into the corridor, onto the landing, and checked the communications. body on new car it was intact, the master checked the same inside, carefully brought the machine through the doorway, removed everything that would interfere with the operation of the machine, set it up, connected it, showed at the level that everything was in the center, stood level, so there were no shaking during operation, the machine did not move , stands still, water, as expected, is filled and drained. the master did everything that was required of him without any comments.

28.05.2017 3 months and 3 days ago

We chose the refrigerator we liked, but there was a problem: the doors open from left to right, but the customer needed it to be the other way around, so the service of reversing the doors was ordered. the repairman arrived a few hours after the refrigerator was delivered, this was discussed in advance, so we didn’t even have time to take it out of the box. for the master this was not a problem, he calmly opened the box, immediately removed the doors, there was no need to put the refrigerator on the floor, otherwise they write different things on the Internet, he moved the hinges to the other side, this refrigerator is not needed additional kit, put plugs in the holes from the hinges and carefully hung the doors on the desired side. The rubber on the doors is not damaged, they close tightly, all the way. everything is very good

28.05.2017 3 months and 3 days ago

We purchased a Hansa washing machine and a washing machine and invited a technician to connect it and the customer would not have any problems later. The machine had not been installed before, but during the repair they took it into account and made conclusions for connection. A major installation was carried out, from unpacking to launch. the master carefully removed the cardboard, walked around the machine inspecting it, without the help of the customer, brought the machine into the bathtub, handed over the bolts removed from the machine, first pulled out the hoses completely, then laid them out, bent them as needed and connected them, and did not forget to check how level they were. the launch did not reveal any problems, the client is satisfied

02.06.2017 2 months and 29 days ago

They invited a technician to install the dishwasher. Since the machine had not been installed before, communications needed to be organized, so the technician arrived with all the materials. Having organized the drainage and filling of water, the master examined the machine, dragged it, without outside help, into the kitchen, placed it next to the sink, connected it with the original hoses to water and sewerage, asked about the product for the first start and turned on the machine with it. They don’t regret at all that they invited a specialist, it’s connected correctly and the installation documents won’t be superfluous.

02.06.2017 2 months and 29 days ago

I submitted an application for the installation of an electric stove, so that everything was done by a professional from start to finish. when it came to connecting to the outlet, it turned out that it was poorly secured. the customer asked the master to repair the socket, to which the master said that he could not do this, and suggested securing the socket with planks. in general, the client was extremely dissatisfied with the work of the master, and was very negative and upset.

28.05.2017 3 months and 3 days ago

When ordering the refrigerator, they specified which way the doors open, and since it was necessary to re-hang it, we immediately ordered this service. The refrigerator, after delivery, the customer immediately checked and, indeed, the doors opened in an inconvenient direction. By the time the master arrived, the refrigerator was moved to the kitchen, where it was already prepared necessary tool, removed the upper door, then the lower one, removed the plugs on one side, and rearranged them so that the holes were not visible. I installed the doors in a different order, first the bottom, then the top. after overweight, they close completely, ice does not form and the warranty from the refrigerator does not expire after the work of the master, since there is a document that confirms that the work was carried out by a specialist from the company

28.05.2017 3 months and 3 days ago

The niche under the hob was empty; an oven was installed under it. The technician did some minor modifications on site and removed unnecessary details, preventing you from inserting the oven. I took the device itself out of the box, it was sealed until the technician arrived, examined it from all sides for defects, prepared the cable and plug, and checked the socket. After all the preparatory work, I installed the oven, it looks very good, since everything is the right size, fully functional, the master checked everything himself. I waited until the customer inspected everything so that I could immediately answer the questions. there were no questions to the installer and no complaints either

24.04.2017 4 months and 6 days ago

The master installed a De luxe stove in the apartment. The old one was still in use before his arrival, so they needed to dismantle the old one. there is no reason to complain about the work of the master, he did everything as expected. turning off the gas tap, turned off the stove where they asked, and took it out there. After inspecting the new one, I installed it and connected it using the same gas hose that connected the old one, since it was in good condition. checking for gas leaks did not give a positive result, so I immediately checked how the stove worked. works as it should, without any deviations.

24.04.2017 4 months and 6 days ago

We installed a washing machine for a client. When the master arrived, the installation space was free. I only checked the conclusions to see if they were damaged during dismantling. in front of the client, the master unpacked and checked for defects, then put it in place, from it, along the wall, carefully routed the hoses, connected them to the tap, stuck them in the drain hole, secured them securely, put a level on the lid of the machine, on which it was clear that It stands straight and after all these steps, I turned it on in rinse mode. The machine worked in this mode, did not twitch, water was poured in and drained. everything was done well, well done.

23.04.2017 4 months and 7 days ago

We bought a regular, freestanding Samsung refrigerator and, so that there would be no problems later, we invited a specialist to install it. he did everything correctly, unpacked it himself, immediately removing the excess, brought it to the kitchen and set it up, leveled it, showing the customer that it really stood level, and arranged everything inside as needed. I waited until the refrigerator started to freeze after turning it on. for the service department, if necessary, I wrote out required document. everything is fine, there were no problems during installation.

23.04.2017 4 months and 8 days ago

The washing machine broke down, we quickly found a new one and immediately arranged for a technician to come out to install it, since we didn’t want to save up laundry. There was no delay after delivery and the repairman was there the next day. They asked him, after turning it off, to take the old machine out to the site and put the new one in the same place. I carefully brought the car into the bathroom, it fit perfectly, connected it to the drain with a corrugated hose, made sure that the water did not flow back after draining, the filling hose, and connected it to the tap. By eye, the machine was level, but this was not enough for the master, so he checked it with a level. All preparatory work completed and the machine works, no complaints.

23.04.2017 4 months and 8 days ago

The couriers with the refrigerator were a little late, but the installation technician was there exactly at the agreed time. The old refrigerator was still standing, the technician asked to remove it and take it out into the corridor, which he did without any problems. I put the components from the new refrigerator aside, placed the refrigerator itself in a niche, lifted it myself, placed it level and secured it. I modified the front doors a little for new fastenings, secured them and hung both facades. Since the refrigerator is level, the doors close all the way. The work of the refrigerator did not cause any complaints, and the customer also had no complaints about his work. It’s clear that this isn’t the master’s first time putting it on.

19.04.2017 4 months and 11 days ago

We discussed installing a gas stove for one day, but since it was delivered early, we asked the technician to arrive on the day of delivery. The company quickly found a foreman who was with the customer in the evening. it was necessary to remove the old stove, which the master did, also removing part of the pipe, since there was a hard line. He took the old stove out of the apartment and put a new stove in its place, but connected it to gas, this time with a flexible hose, a special gas one. When connecting, the joints were checked carefully, there was no gas leak. regarding installation and connection, only words of gratitude, no comments or complaints.

17.04.2017 4 months and 13 days ago

The washing machine was being installed, and at the same time they asked us to remove the old one and take it away. The master turned off the machine that was standing, took it out of the bathroom, but he didn’t pick it up himself, and they picked it up only the next day, he just prepared it for disposal and put it in the corner. I inspected the new one, put it in the same prepared place, extended the inlet hose to the tap, and the drain hose to the tee. I connected it, secured it properly, and before starting it, I unscrewed the bolts at the back that held the drum in place. I turned it on in the fastest mode, just to make sure everything was fine. Everything is fine, so far nothing is bothering me, the machine is working.

17.04.2017 4 months and 13 days ago

We bought a TV for my mother and contacted the company to set it up. the technician was on time, which was very good, he didn’t have to change his plans for the day, he took the TV out of the box, didn’t touch it before he arrived, installed the stand, which was also in the box, and put it in the indicated place. the antenna was already laid to that place, it approached the TV, the master turned it on, right away the picture was not very good, but the master went through all the settings, adjusted it and then the display became much better. configured all the television channels that the antenna receives. clarified some points and answered questions that arose. The TV is set up, which is why they called the technician, no complaints. Mom was pleased.

04.04.2017 4 months and 26 days ago

As expected, a specialist was invited to install household appliances; the customer has a washing machine. the master arrived a little earlier than the stated time, which was very good, it was not a beginner who arrived, but an experienced master. examined the machine in detail, then brought it into the bathroom on his own, but they thought that he couldn’t do it alone, put it in a place from which they were not going to move it anymore, tightened the legs, since it was a little uneven, the water drain was a little lower than required, so the master I bent the hose in a special way, everything was fine for filling, I just secured it securely. Water is poured into the machine, drained without any residue, it does not twitch during operation, everything has been checked by the technician.

04.04.2017 4 months and 26 days ago

The installation of the washing machine was ordered in advance and since the machine was delivered, nothing changed for the installation. The technician arrived without delay and completed the installation within an hour. If I hadn’t turned on the machine and waited for the cycle from filling to draining the water, even less would have been possible. It took some time to unpack and inspect the machine, as I did everything carefully, brought it to the place on my own and set it up as needed, connected it to the water and drain with my own hoses, although this was not required, but in order to be sure, I checked the level, no whether there are distortions. the customer did not have to ask the master to do something or check it, everything was done and thoroughly checked. We were satisfied.

24.03.2017 5 months and 7 days ago

The work on installing an electric stove was completed exactly at the agreed time and at a pre-announced price. The master independently brought the stove into the kitchen, there he opened the box in which it was delivered, removed excess debris so as not to get in the way, the cable, at the request of the customer, was removed from the old stove, which had been moved away before the technician arrived, both the cable and the plug were in good condition, according to I connected the circuit to the new one, moved the stove itself close to the wall, plugged it into the socket, all the burners responded to the switches, and the oven also heated up to the set temperature. on time, clearly, quickly, everything is fine.

22.03.2017 5 months and 9 days ago

my son gave me a washing machine, but there was nothing to connect it to. We invited a specialist to help with the installation. First of all, the master clarified where it should be installed, looked at the condition of the pipes and began to prepare communications for connection. I installed a separate tap that shuts off the water to the machine, and installed a tee for draining. I installed the machine, connected it to the water and drain with hoses. Before turning it on, he clearly showed everything and explained in detail about the main programs. I started the wash and checked everything at the end. We are very grateful to the master.

17.03.2017 5 months and 14 days ago

We got used to using the dryer and after it broke down, we immediately bought a new one. Of course, they invited a specialist to install it. We didn’t have time to remove the old one before the technician arrived, he turned it off himself, put it in the indicated place, inspected the new one, checked the hose, put it in place, checked it with a level just in case, it was standing straight, connected it to the drain hole, they immediately checked it by specially wetting the thing. everything worked, the water drained completely. The technician did everything necessary for the dryer to work properly.

17.03.2017 5 months and 14 days ago

needed help replacing a washing machine and disposing of the old one. We arranged for a specialist to come to certain time. Having arrived, the master first removed the old, non-working machine. I brought the new one in and put it in the same place where I removed the old one. Consumables were not needed, everything was in good condition. I connected the machine to the communications, checked everything and set it up as needed. I started the machine, waited until it stopped, and looked to see if there was water anywhere. everything was dry, installed and connected efficiently. In general, we are very pleased with the work.

17.03.2017 5 months and 14 days ago

They called a professional to install a freestanding refrigerator in the office kitchen. At first it was necessary to move it to the kitchen, since they didn’t bring it to its place a little. The master checked the outside, examined everything inside, drawers, shelves, how easily he managed to drag the refrigerator, immediately put it in the right place, removed everything unnecessary, connected it and set it to the level. gave some recommendations and after the customer had no questions left, he wrote out the document. There were no complaints about him; the technician did everything that was required to install the refrigerator.

17.03.2017 5 months and 14 days ago

the machine was installed for the first time, the technician was required to practically full installation except for the socket. First of all, I inspected the machine for defects. prepared the necessary material, selected the best place to install the tap, installed it through a tee, organized a drain by installing the tee in the sewer pipe. Afterwards, I connected hoses to all the terminals, started the machine with a quick wash, and throughout the entire operation of the machine, there was a level on it, thereby showing that the machine was standing level and not moving. The master did his job accurately, without any complaints or complaints.

22.03.2017 5 months and 9 days ago

The customer dismantled the washing machine on his own and entrusted the installation to specialists. The foreman was given a packaged machine, he unpacked it right in the hallway, checked the package, moved the machine to the kitchen, there he already removed the lid and shipping bolts, inserted it into a niche under the countertop, connected the hoses and plugged it into an outlet. Before starting, I adjusted the drain hose, secured it at the desired height and started it up. the machine went through a cycle, but that was enough to make sure everything was done correctly. have no complaints about the work

Hello, dear reader! I’ll tell you about the nuances of installing a dishwasher under the countertop. There is a lot of information on the Internet about connecting the machine to communications, but the topic of integration into the kitchen set is not covered. Although the topic deserves a separate article.

Thank God, there is enough experience in installing a dishwasher in the kitchen to eliminate unnecessary movements and thoughts on your part. You will know exactly what to do. The result is a perfectly executed installation.

  1. Dimensions of the niche in the cabinet for the dishwasher
  2. Dishwasher Mount
  3. Correct placement of the dishwasher in the kitchen
  4. What to do with the plinth under the dishwasher
  5. Video on the topic
  6. Conclusion

First, I want to warn you that you should not take my recommendations as exclusively correct. I'll tell you about the mistakes and conclusions that were given to me excellent result. I would be glad if you share your solutions in the comments.

Standard dishwasher dimensions

Built-in dishwashers come in widths of 448 mm and 598 mm. The standard height for all built-in machines is 818 mm. Depth from 550 to 570 mm, mostly 550. Standard depth of lower modules.

When installing a dishwasher under a countertop, I use supports with a height of 100-120 mm on the lower cabinets, with a cabinet height of 720 mm. I used to think that 150 mm legs were needed, but after several installations I saw that 100 mm was enough.

Dimensions of the niche for a built-in dishwasher

I would like to draw your attention to for p/m. It shouldn't be in a niche! Otherwise the car simply won’t fit. It is better to place it behind the adjacent module with drawers, by removing which we will gain access to the outlet.

The niche must be completely hollow. Those. no connecting strips between the cabinets, no sidewalls, bottom or back wall. The dishwasher completely fills the allotted space. See the photo above for the dimensions of the niche.

How to attach a dishwasher to the kitchen

Initially, it is imperative to level the device in three planes. For these purposes, there are adjustable legs. Moreover, the rear leg can be adjusted with a screwdriver from the front side. Align the headset flush with the housings.

Having opened the car door, pay attention to the side plugs. We take them out and pull the dishwasher through the holes that appear to the adjacent modules. We use self-tapping screws 35-40 mm long. We put the plugs in place and close the door.

Location of the dishwasher in the kitchen

Now all attention is paid to the placement of the device in the kitchen set. The most convenient thing, in my opinion, is in a pencil case. When the machine is raised to waist level, there is no need to bend over. Communications must be close by so that the pumps do not wear out.

Try not to park the car on the edge of the headset. Because in this case, it will be necessary to calculate additional sidewall. Moreover, the facade of the dishwasher will be internal relative to this sidewall. Otherwise it will be blocked.

To place the machine under hob, the countertop should be no thinner than the hob body. The supports on the set should be h150 mm, for a ventilation gap between the hob and the dishwasher. Reliable insulation of electrical wiring.

How to install a front on a dishwasher

To be honest, I never use printed templates for marking fasteners. After several unsuccessful attempts, I gave up on this matter. I feel bad just looking at these diagrams and tables. The developers still have work to do.

The first step is to screw the handle onto the facade. I told you how to attach handles in the kitchen. Get a sprocket bit or 35 mm self-tapping screws. Once I “beavered” the facade, without a bit and 35 screws. The façade was pierced by magpies.

After installing the machine on a level, I measure with a square from the adjacent pedestals, taking into account the gaps, the exact distances to the mounting holes. I transfer them to the facade, core and fix them with the car door open. I adjust the gaps with my feet.

IN walking distance from you, posted according to the calculation of cabinet furniture.

Base under the dishwasher

And finally we’ll figure out what to do with the base. When opening the facade, the lower edge touches the base. I tried to sink my legs by 50-60 mm, but no result. The shuffling is still there. Heating at 70 mm is unsightly and unsafe for the structure.

Therefore the only thing correct solution make a cut in the upper part of the base 20-30 mm. At the location of the dishwasher.


Now you can install a dishwasher in your kitchen unit with the ease of a professional. It is enough to study the article in detail and apply the knowledge gained. Good luck to you!

If you need detailing of cabinet or built-in furniture, . We will definitely discuss the terms of cooperation and come to a common opinion. For a moderate percentage for my work, I will prepare for you detailed project on time.

What would you like to add to this article?

Tell me about your experience in the comments.

I will be very interested to hear your stories!

With good thoughts about you, always in sawdust :)

Rekun Dmitry.

Kitchens with a built-in dishwasher are not uncommon. Most modern housewives are happy to “entrust” such tedious and labor-intensive work to trouble-free technology and free up time for something more useful and enjoyable. The question of how to integrate a dishwasher into a kitchen arises when installing the facade on a fully built-in model. At standard height a problem arises when the dishwasher door tilts down and touches the ill-fated base, or even the body itself. How to avoid this? There are several tricks.

Briefly about the types of technology

Dishwashers come in the following types:

Built-in, requiring the installation of a kitchen facade. Such dishwashers can be equipped with internal panel control and remote, external. In the latter case kitchen facade will be shortened to the height of the control panel. Dimensions of the fronts and visual instructions with a template on how to hang the front on a dishwasher can be found in the documentation included with the appliance.

Freestanding(non-built-in). A dishwasher of this type can also be integrated into a kitchen unit under a common work surface. But she will not need to install an additional façade in the overall design with the kitchen unit. There are fewer problems with this type of dishwasher. It is enough to simply slide it under the tabletop into the designated niche.

Tabletop. Mini version of a full-fledged dishwasher. Due to its compact size, it can also be installed on a work surface, which is not always acceptable for small kitchens. Therefore, most often under desktop models design niches in lower cabinets. This is also a dishwasher option that does not require any design tricks when designing a kitchen.

Width 450 mm and 600 mm, calculated to wash 9 sets of dishes and 12, respectively. The only difference is in the width of the niche; in other aspects, like how to install a dishwasher in the kitchen, how to hang a façade - all the manipulations are almost identical.

How to integrate a dishwasher into a finished kitchen

Since a separate cabinet for a built-in dishwasher is not needed, it can be installed in a ready-made kitchen set. To do this, you need to expand the lower modules to the required width (45 or 60 cm):

  • It is better to choose a place as close to the sink as possible so that the length of the water supply and drainage hoses is minimal.
  • There should be no sockets or any protruding elements in the niche prepared for installation! The depth of the equipment is such that any protrusions can prevent it from being pushed to the desired position - matching the front part with the facades of the kitchen.
  • All communications must be remote! To disconnect the dishwasher from the mains and water supply, you need a minimum number of actions - since these manipulations are most often performed in emergency mode.

How to install a dishwasher in a prepared niche is clear from the video.

How to calculate the dimensions of the fronts for a dishwasher

The dimensions of dishwasher fronts are standard, but not without nuances. For example, if you increased the height of the lower tables for a non-removable lid, when installing the facade you will encounter the following problem: the facade will rest against the dishwasher body when opening. In all other cases, the façade usually rests on the plinth. How to avoid this:

  • Increase the height of the kitchen plinth to 130-150mm. This is done at the kitchen design stage. The increased height of the plinth and, accordingly, a commensurate reduction in the height of the kitchen boxes helps to achieve the optimal size for the facade.
  • Trim the front of the dishwasher. It doesn’t always look beautiful - a shortened façade. It immediately reveals the location of the equipment, although it was assumed that it was completely integrated into the kitchen set and did not betray its presence in any way.
  • Trim the base at the installation site. It is enough to make a recess 10-20 mm deep on the kitchen plinth at the location of the dishwasher and the façade will open without problems. From the height of a person and sitting behind dining table the gap will not be visible - this is the angle of view. Unless, of course, the table is located a couple of meters from the headset.
  • Recess the legs of the kitchen so that the base also “goes” as deep as possible. Then the front of the dishwasher with standard kitchen boxes 720 mm high will not rest against the base when opening.

There is a version that recessing the legs is not always advisable from a safety point of view. Logically speaking, deepening the supports can only affect the stability of tables with drawers. For example, if you open ALL the drawers when they are loaded to capacity, the chest of drawers may tip over. But for a kitchen set, assembled from modules under a single tabletop, to overturn... Well, we can admit such a possibility, in the order of delirium. Just in case, it may be worthwhile to “dilute” the bottom of the kitchen with a built-in dishwasher with tables with shelves and hinged facades, and not just do it with drawers. In any case, it's up to you.


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