The device of the dividing head of a milling machine. Universal dividing head for lathe and milling machine

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A universal type dividing head (UDG) is used for processing metal workpieces on a milling machine. This element allows you to carry out several types of finishing operations on products, taking into account the features of their configuration, and is used for the production of complex parts. As a rule, the equipment is equipped with this device as standard. Otherwise, you will need to select the right model according to the characteristics of the existing turning device.


The dividing head allows you to transform the workpiece into the desired configuration by displacing the part relative to the axis of the machine equipment.

The UDG is fixed on the unit frame using various types of fastenings, depending on the type of attachment. The working position is adjusted using movable handles and a disk, which is equipped with holes for attaching the dividing unit.

Features of the tool in question:

  • Milling of surface grooves. This process does not require perfect precision, subject to proper control of the depth and width of the workpiece being processed.
  • Ability to create edges on parts. This operation is advisable when manufacturing nuts with non-standard parameters, as well as working tools and workpiece shanks. Such manipulations require high precision.
  • Carrying out milling work on processing grooves and splines. In this case, significant movement of the workpiece may be required.


The universal dividing head is used to increase the speed of work. However, it should not be subject to constant reinstallation. Changing the position in relation to the cutter is done by placing the device in the desired position. Particular attention must be paid to this process when forming grooves screw type. Their production is possible only with the use of high-precision modification of the unit.

Before purchasing a dividing head, be sure to check its compatibility with your existing machine. Any home-made interventions in the design and unprofessional alterations can negatively affect the final quality of the product.

Specific properties

Taking into account the specifics of the tool in question, you should select a dividing head for a specific milling machine. Elements are divided into several types and types, differing in installation method, size, principle of operation and technical parameters.

Particular attention is paid to the accuracy of the work carried out. In addition, the complexity and accuracy of setting equipment parameters for operation are taken into account. This approach allows you to select a modification with high accuracy and permissible errors. Having certain skills and suitable tools, UDG can be done independently.


Dividing heads for milling machines have the following classification:

  • Simple model. It is lightweight and easy to operate. The main part is the spindle, which fixes the workpiece and connects to the disk limb. This element has several holes that allow the workpiece to be shifted relative to the milling axis.
  • Combined options. The devices are adjusted using a handle. With a large number of clicks, the distance between the center axis of the workpiece and the cutter increases.
  • Universal samples are complex equipment that requires adjustment through the participation of a disk element and a handle. The process is carried out with the participation of differential gears.


Deciphering the markings of the dividing head will allow you to determine the model and the possibilities of its use. Using the UDG-40-D250 modification as an example, let’s look at the notation:

  • UDG - universal dividing head.
  • 40 is a gear ratio indicating the number of revolutions of the spindle handle when turning 360 degrees.
  • D250 - maximum permissible dimensions of the workpiece being processed.

Setting up dividing heads

Possible tool transitions depend on the type of device and its technical parameters. The processing accuracy is determined by the divisions of the existing scale, the indicators of which correspond to the 7th (GOST-1.758) or 9th (GOST-1.643) calibration level.

The main setup process is to determine the dimensions of the pitch circle sector. In addition, the diameter of the circle and the number of compartments into which it is divided are taken into account.

The element configuration process consists of the following steps:

  • Transform 360 degrees of full diameter into the required number of divisions by sector.
  • The sine of the resulting calculated angle is determined.
  • The device disk is set according to this indicator.
  • The block body is fixed using a handle or a clamping mechanism, after which the working part of the tool is mounted.

Calculation formula required angle can be found in the UDG operating manual. The workpiece being processed is fixed on the machine mandrel, the table is longitudinally shifted, and finishing is performed. The feed pitch is affected by the type of processing. To increase productivity, after completing the next working cycle, they use an accelerated return of the table to its original position. The elements are fixed in the measuring holes of the disk using springs.

DIY dividing head

The disadvantages of the tool in question include high cost. In this regard, you can make a dividing head for simple operations yourself. You will need a set of the following components:

  • A worm-type gearbox, which can be selected from the equipment of old machines or machined with your own hands.
  • with a dial (suitable size - 65 mm in diameter).
  • Limit screw.

Before production process the dividing section must be adjusted. Any standard part or a machined figure of a certain format will help with this. After a comparative test with an analogue, additional calibration of the instruments is carried out. The cost of a do-it-yourself dividing head will be an order of magnitude lower than the factory equivalent, the price of which starts from 40-50 thousand rubles.

Turning and milling equipment is intended for work related to mechanical removal metal from the workpiece to give the required shape and size. To perform some work, additional equipment is required, for example, a universal dividing head installed on milling equipment.

Today it is found quite often, as it allows the processing of complex surfaces. As a rule, the rotary head for a milling machine is manufactured and installed at the time of release of the equipment itself, since it is quite difficult to select the most suitable type of equipment. Let's take a closer look at this device.

Purpose of the equipment

Homemade dividing head for lathe or milling equipment is installed to offset the part relative to the axis of the installed cutting tool with certain indicators. In this way, it is possible to achieve precise positioning of the tool and the workpiece relative to each other in each position. The device can be used for various types of processing.

In order for work to be carried out with high precision, it is also important to eliminate the possibility of vibration of the device. The most various methods fastenings, it all depends on the design features. The position can be adjusted during operation of the machine using a movable disk or handle.

The capabilities of the equipment in question include the following points:.

For normal processing, such equipment is not required.

Device classification

The dividing head for a milling machine, the table of technical parameters determines what kind of work can be carried out on this or that equipment. Considering the classification of the dividing head, we note the following types of device.

Repairing almost every design option is complicated, since you need to know the principle of operation and carry out the manufacture of all parts.

DIY making

The cost of such equipment can be quite large. This is why many people wonder how to make a dividing disk with their own hands. A drawing of the future product is created depending on the characteristics of the equipment on which the dividing head will be installed. In addition, you will need the following components.

  1. Lathe chuck with dial.
  2. Limit screw.
  3. A worm gearbox, which can be obtained by dismantling old machines or made with your own hands.

After manufacturing the product, the dividing part is adjusted. To do this, you can use any previously manufactured part. After obtaining certain results, a final calibration is performed, which can significantly improve the processing accuracy.

When processing teeth, splines, grooves, cutting helical grooves and other operations on milling machines, dividing heads are often used. Dividing heads, as devices, are used on cantilever universal milling and wide-universal machines. There are simple and universal dividing heads.

Simple dividing heads are used to directly divide the circle of rotation of the workpiece. The dividing disk of such heads is fixed on the head spindle and has divisions in the form of slots or holes (in the number of 12, 24 and 30) for the latch latch. Discs with 12 holes allow you to divide one revolution of the workpiece into 2, 3, 4, 6, 12 parts, with 24 holes - into 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24 parts, and with 30 holes - into 2 , 3, 5, 6, 15, 30 parts. Specially made dividing disks of the head can be used for other division numbers, including division into unequal parts.

Universal dividing heads are used to set the workpiece being processed at the required angle relative to the machine table, rotate it around its axis at certain angles, and impart continuous rotation to the workpiece when milling helical grooves.

In the domestic industry, universal dividing heads of the UDG type are used on cantilever universal milling machines (Fig. 1, a). Figure 1, 6 shows auxiliary accessories for dividing heads of the UDG type.

On widely-universal tool milling machines, dividing heads are used that are structurally different from dividing heads type UDG (they are equipped with a trunk for installing the rear center and, in addition, have some differences in the kinematic diagram). The settings for both types of heads are identical.

As an example in Fig. 1, a shows a diagram of processing a workpiece by milling using a universal dividing head. The workpiece / is installed on a reference in the centers of the spindle 6 of the head 2. and the tailstock 8. Modular disk cutter 7 receives rotation from the spindle of the milling machine, and the machine table receives the working longitudinal feed. After each periodic rotation of the gear blank, the cavity between adjacent teeth is machined. After processing the cavity, the table quickly moves to its original position.

Rice. 1. Universal dividing head UDG: a - diagram of the installation of the workpiece in the dividing head (1 - workpiece; 2 - head; 3 - handle; 4 - disk; 5 - hole; 6 - spindle; 7 - cutter; 8 - headstock); b - accessories for the dividing head (1 - spindle roller; 2 - front center with a driver; 3 - jack; 4 - clamp; 5 - rigid center mandrel: 6 - cantilever mandrel; 7 - rotary plate). The cycle of movements is repeated until all the teeth of the wheel are completely processed. To install and fix the workpiece in the working position using the dividing head, rotate its spindle 6 with handle 3 along the dividing disk 4 with the dial. When the axis of the handle 3 enters the corresponding hole in the dividing disk, the spring device of the head fixes the handle 3. On the disk on both sides there are 11 circles concentrically located with the number of holes 25, 28, 30, 34, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42 , 43, 44, ^7, 49, 51, 53, 54, 57, 58, 59, 62, 66. Kinematic diagrams of universal dividing heads are shown in Fig. 2. In universal dial dividing heads, rotation of handle 1 (Fig. 2, a-c) relative to dial 2 is transmitted through gears Zs, Z6 and a worm gear Z7, Zs to the spindle. The heads are configured for direct, simple and differential division.

Rice. 2. Kinematic diagrams of universal dividing heads: a, b, c - limb; g - without limbs; 1 - handle; 2 - dividing dial; 3 - stationary disk. The direct division method is used to divide a circle into 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 18, 24, 30 and 36 parts. When dividing directly, the rotation angle is counted using a 360" graduated disk with a division value V. The vernier allows this measurement to be carried out with an accuracy of up to 5". The angle a, degrees, of rotation of the spindle when dividing into z parts is determined by the formula
where z is the specified number of divisions.

With each rotation of the head spindle, the value corresponding to the position of the spindle before rotation will be added, equal to the value angle a found using formula (5.1). The universal dividing head (its diagram is shown in Fig. 2, a) provides simple division into z equal parts, which is performed by rotating the handle relative to the stationary disk according to the following kinematic chain:
Where (z5/z6)(z7/z8) = 1/N; pr - number of handle revolutions; N - head characteristic (usually N=40).

Where pp=N/z=A/B
Here A is the number of holes through which you need to turn the handle, and B is the number of holes on one of the circles of the dividing disk. Sector 5 (see Fig. 5.12, a) is moved apart by an angle corresponding to the number A of holes, and the rulers are fastened. If the left ruler of the sliding sector 5 rests against the handle latch, then the right one is aligned with the hole into which the latch must be inserted during the next turn, after which the right ruler rests against the latch. For example, if you need to configure a dividing head for milling the teeth of a cylindrical wheel with Z = 100, with head characteristics N = 40, then we get
pr - N/z = A/B = 40/100 = 4/10 = 2/5 = 12/30, i.e. A = 12 and B = 30.

Consequently, the circumference of the dividing disk with the number of holes B = 30 is used, and the sliding sector is adjusted to the number of holes A = 12. In cases where it is impossible to select a dividing disk with the required number of holes, differential division is used. If for the number z there is no required number of holes on the disk, take the number zф (actual) close to s, for which there is a corresponding number of holes. The discrepancy (l/z- l/zф) is compensated by additional rotation of the head spindles to this equality, which can be positive (additional rotation of the spindle is directed in the same direction as the main one) or negative (additional rotation is in the opposite direction). This correction is carried out by additional rotation of the dividing disk relative to the handle, i.e. if when simple division the handle is rotated relative to the stationary disk, then during differential division the handle is rotated relative to the slowly rotating disk in the same (or opposite) direction. From the head spindle, rotation is transmitted to the disk through replaceable wheels a-b, c-d (see Fig. 2, b) a conical pair Z9 and Z10 and gears Z3 and Z4.
The amount of additional rotation of the handle is:
prl = N(1/z-1/zф)=1/z(a/b(c/d)(z9/z10)(z3/z4)
We accept (z9/z10)(z3/z6) = C (usually C = I).
Then (a/b)(c/d)=N/C((zф-z)/zф))

Let's say you want to set up a dividing head for milling the teeth of a cylindrical wheel with g = 99. It is known that N-40 and C = 1. The number of handle revolutions for simple division is PF-40/99. Considering that the dividing disk does not have a circle with the number of holes 99, we take t = 100 and the number of handle revolutions is PF-40/100 = 2/5 = 12/30, i.e. We take a disk with the number of holes on the circle B = 30 and turn the handle into 12 holes (A = 12) when dividing. The gear ratio of replacement wheels is determined by the equation
and = (a/b)(c/d) = N/C= (zф-z)/z) = (40/1)((100 - 99)/100) = 40/30 = (60/30) x (25/125).
Dividing heads without dials (see Fig. 2) do not have dividing disks. The handle is turned one turn and fixed on a fixed disk 3. When simply divided into equal parts, the kinematic chain has the form:
Considering that z3/z4=N,
We get (a2/b2)(c2/d2)=N/z

The functionality of a milling machine can be significantly increased by using special equipment called a dividing head. It is used in the production of complex parts, as it allows the workpiece to be rotated by a certain degree, which is set by the machine operator. When purchasing a lathe or milling machine, you can count on the equipment being included. In some cases, you can do it yourself.

Purpose of the equipment

In order to receive complex shape Often it is necessary to shift the workpiece relative to the machine axis by a certain angle. It is the dividing head that can be used to solve the assigned problems. It is worth noting that it can become separate part milling or lathe, and its components.

The fastening takes place on the bed of a lathe or other machine. Attachment to the frame can take place in several ways, depending on the type of attachment. The position of the movable element of the equipment for a lathe is set using several handles and a disk. The discs have specific holes that allow you to maintain the position of the tool used to set the angle.

Considered equipment for turning equipment used to solve the following problems:

  1. A milling machine is used to produce grooves on the surface of the part. To control the depth and width, parameters are set that are maintained when processing a large batch.
  2. Edges are formed on the parts. When creating nuts custom size, shanks and various instruments you need to use a dividing head, which allows you to set dimensions, angles and other parameters with high accuracy.
  3. Splines and grooves are also quite often surface milled. Often this is done by shifting the workpiece by a certain angle. It should be noted that the dividing head makes it possible to achieve highly accurate dimensions.

The above points determine that the equipment in question is often simply irreplaceable. You can make it yourself for milling and turning equipment.

Can I do it myself?

The cost of the industrial design device in question is quite high, which is associated with the use expensive materials And modern equipment in production. You can make a dividing head with your own hands, for which several points should be taken into account. To do simple work, many people decide to do swivel mechanism with your own hands.

To create the element in question, the following components are needed:

  1. required to start worm gear. Often it is taken from the old technical equipment, and also grind it yourself. The worm gearbox is important element designs. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the quality of the design. The presence of even the slightest defects is unacceptable;
  2. will also need scroll chuck and limbo. Optimal diameter lathe chuck is 65 millimeters. They can be taken from a drawing board;
  3. In order to limit the processing progress, a locking screw is installed.

The design itself has many features that should be taken into account when making it yourself.


There is a certain classification of the system for shifting the workpiece at a certain angle:

  1. Simple - This design option is quite simple to create, easy to set up and use. The main elements can be called the spindle on which the workpiece is attached, and the second is the dial, which has several holes on the surface. The design is simple and reliable, but cannot be used to obtain ultra-precise parts.
  2. Combined - control is performed using a handle. The number of presses affects how much the workpiece deviates from the central axis. Combined option execution is used in the production of complex devices.
  3. Universal - this device is a complex technological complex, which is controlled by a handle and a dividing disk. The design has several gear systems. In some cases, this DG is called differential.

The above points should be taken into account when considering which device can be used for processing workpieces.


A homemade dividing head must have certain technical characteristics, among which we note:

  1. maximum diameter or overall dimensions of the workpiece. This parameter is quite important. It should be taken into account when creating a homemade dividing head. the maximum diameter is indicated for turning equipment, for milling equipment the width, length and height are indicated, that is, linear dimensions;
  2. worm pair ratio;
  3. replacement wheel diameter;
  4. output spindle diameter;
  5. diameter of the cartridge used;
  6. the price of one division of the dial. A dial is necessary to rotate the workpiece by a certain degree. The division value indicates the accuracy of the equipment;
  7. maximum width of keys. Milling equipment is often used to create dowels on a surface. A homemade dividing head is needed to form several keys;
  8. weight of the structure. This parameter determines the difficulty of using the structure.

It is worth considering that a homemade dividing head can have varying degrees of accuracy.

Why do they do it themselves?

When considering a homemade version, the following points should be taken into account:

  1. The device has a low cost due to the use of used elements.
  2. All work can be done independently without using the services of a qualified specialist.
  3. The reliability of the device can depend on many things. When performing work, you should control the quality of assembly at every stage
  4. Use homemade version execution is possible only when producing a small number of parts, the accuracy of which is less.
  5. Maintainability can be called an advantage of the device.

The disadvantages include the fact that the design does not allow obtaining parts high quality and dimensional accuracy.

In conclusion, we note that the cost industrial version performance is quite large, but it also lasts much longer than homemade equipment. Only with certain experience can you create a homemade dividing head.

The dividing milling head is an additional equipment that expands the capabilities of the milling machine in metal work.

First of all, the milling head is used for the production of various tools - taps, countersinks, reamers, cutters, etc. It is also used when working with profile parts machines - sprockets, gears.

The use of such a device allows you to cut grooves and splines on individual surfaces, process the ends of parts, form edges on nuts and bolt heads, and many other technological operations.

When performing work on a vertical milling machine, a vertical milling head with a vertical spindle is used.

1 Types of dividing heads

How optional equipment, for metal work with profile parts, the milling head can be installed on any type of milling machine (horizontal, vertical, universal).

Such devices are divided into several types:

  • simple;
  • universal;
  • optical.

1.1 Simple dividing head

It is used when there is a need to divide the circle along which the workpiece rotates. Of such a type devices have a dividing disk(limb), which is attached to the spindle of the head itself and has holes or spline divisions, numbering 12, 24, 30, for fixing the latch.

Discs that have 12 holes (divisions) allow you to divide one revolution of the part around its axis into 2, 3, 4, 6, 12 identical parts. The presence of 24 marks allows you to make the same division in the following order - 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, 24 parts. A disk with 30 holes divides the circle of rotation of the part into 2, 3, 5, 6, 15, 30 parts.

Made with your own hands, for specific needs in metal work, discs may have different division parameters, including into unequal parts.

In a simple dividing head, the spindle is turned by a worm gear. The worm wheel, which is mounted on the spindle, acts as a dividing disk with three rows of holes. When the handle, which is located on the same shaft with the worm, rotates, the position of the spindle changes.

Using a Worm Gear allows for smooth rotation, in which the task of getting the pin into the delicate hole on the disk is greatly simplified.

Such a device allows division, without any additional mechanisms, by simply turning the disk. This division method is called direct. To perform broader functions, a simple head may not be suitable, so there is another option - a universal one.


Used when it is necessary to install the workpiece at a certain angle relative to the plane of the work table. In this case, it is possible to rotate the part at the required angle around its own axis of rotation. An example of use in working with profile parts would be cutting helical grooves on a cylindrical workpiece.

The universal head allows you to perform milling work on metal to obtain the following shapes:

  • square;
  • hexagon;
  • polyhedron;
  • teeth evenly spaced around the circumference;
  • other shapes (depending on the markings on the limb).

On a milling machine using UDG you can perform the following operations:

  • installation of the workpiece at a given angle to the work table;
  • rotation of the workpiece around its own axis at a given angle;
  • constant rotation of the part when cutting helical grooves or teeth;
  • periodic rotation of the workpiece at certain fractions of the circle of rotation.

1.3 Universal dividing head (video)

2 Advantages

Using a dividing head, when working on metal on a milling machine, the following additional functionality can be distinguished:

  • significantly expand the range of work operations;
  • process a workpiece that is located in a convenient or desired position relative to the table plane, both vertically and horizontally;
  • simplify metal work with workpieces of various sizes.

2.1 Classification

Universal dividing heads have their own designation, by which you can identify them main operating parameters:

  • UDG 100 - processed workpieces with a diameter of 100 mm, dimensions at the base - 260x180 mm, weight - 25 kg;
  • UDG 125 - it can be used to process workpieces whose maximum diameter does not exceed 125 mm. Base dimensions - 260x180 mm. Weight - 28 kg;
  • UDG 250 - the maximum permissible diameter of the workpiece being processed is 250 mm, dimensions - 260x180 mm, weight - 53.6 kg;
  • UDG 320 - the workpiece should not exceed 320 mm in diameter, base dimensions - 290x234 mm, weight - 101 kg;
  • UDG 400 is the largest dividing head, which allows you to work with workpieces with a cross-section of up to 400 mm. dimensions base - 290x234 mm, weight - 106 kg.

All of the above devices have a division value on the dial of 15º.

Many parameters are the same, since the use of these devices is designed for standard equipment. The difference is mainly in the diameter of the parts being processed - the larger it is, the larger and heavier the device.

Another type of notation is used. For example - UDG 40 D250. This means that the dividing head is universal; for a full revolution of the spindle, you need to turn the handle 40 times, the maximum diameter of the workpiece should not exceed 250 mm.

2.2 Optical dividing head

Such a device is used to perform particularly precise divisions, and in some cases, to check the correctness of the division performed on another device.

to his appearance, an optical dividing head, is practically no different from its conventional mechanical counterpart. Except for one detail - glass disk, which is mounted on the spindle.

At the top of the head there is a microscope eyepiece, in the optical system of which a fixed scale is placed. The division price in it is 1", and the total number of parts is 60. The divisions are visible so clearly that counting a fraction of ¼ minutes is not difficult.

The spindle rotation angle is calculated in the same way as for a mechanical head. But it should be noted that it is necessary to make a table of all successive angles, since they are summed up.


For small amounts of metal work done by hand, it makes no sense to buy expensive additional equipment, since the investment will never pay off.

But home craftsmen who have a milling machine at their disposal still need such a device as a dividing head. To create it, you will need a worm gear, a lathe chuck with a diameter of about 65 mm, and a disk (limb).

The layout of these elements is standard; nothing new needs to be invented. The divisions (holes) on the disk are made to suit your individual needs. Everything else is similar to the industrial options.

After assembly homemade design it needs to be adjusted. This is done after the part is made on a milling machine using a homemade dividing head, The parameters are compared with the factory sample.

2.4 Additional information

Usage various types milling heads allows you to process parts on one machine, while without their use, you need to use several. There is additional equipment for milling machines in the form of the following types of heads:

  • corner;
  • boring;
  • slotting.

In turn, they can be manufactured in several versions, for example, with replaceable knives or plates.

The angular head also has several design options:

  • 90º head:
  • modular type;
  • universal.

All these additional accessories(angular, boring, slotting heads) significantly increase the accuracy and increase the productivity of milling equipment, as they allow vertical and horizontal processing, as well as work at an angle, without reinstalling the workpiece.


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