Insulation and soundproofing of the floor in the apartment. Soundproofing the floor - review of the best materials and calculation of the required thickness (125 photos)

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Modern world saturated with a variety of different sounds and noises. Constant exposure to these irritants on the human body leads to stressful conditions. Only when you come home can you relax, unwind and truly enjoy the silence.

Modern soundproofing methods will help create the most comfortable living conditions without extraneous noise, both in a private house and in an apartment.

Application of soundproofing materials

Almost all materials used in construction have the ability to suppress external noise, but it is quite low. Therefore, it is recommended to use additional materials for sound insulation that can create silence and the most comfortable conditions.

Initially, you should make sure that there are no holes or cracks in the surfaces of the walls, floors and ceilings. A high level of sound insulation of the floor in an apartment can be achieved by increasing its thickness through multilayer structures.

A competent combination of several types of soundproofing materials will create maximum effect protection from extraneous sounds without damaging the structure of the room.

Main types of material and its characteristics

In the modern construction market, you can choose different types of materials that will help get rid of excess noise. They differ from each other in format, price category and content.

Let's look at some of the most well-known and proven materials for floor soundproofing shown in the photo in more detail.

Mineral glass wool

Synthetic fibers arranged in a chaotic manner give this material lightness and elasticity. Among its main positive characteristics, high thermal insulation, sound insulation, fire-resistant properties, long service life, environmental safety, light weight and ease of installation.

Due to the fact that the material does not cause corrosive processes, it can be laid between metal pipes for insulation or sound insulation. Styling of this material possible without special skills and knowledge, which makes it even more attractive.

Perhaps the only drawback of this material may be its thickness while saving every centimeter.

Foamed polyethylene

This material is usually used as a substrate for floor structures. In its own way price category he is pretty inexpensive materials. Installation is very simple.

Its disadvantages include its fragility, since over time it cakes, as a result of which its soundproofing abilities deteriorate.

It is also worth noting the lack of moisture resistance when wet - islands of mold can form on the surface, which will negatively affect the body, while being hidden from view.

Cork backing

This material is available in two versions - sheets and rolls. Pressed cork chips are especially known for their long service life.

The main differences include a high level of protection from vibration and noise, as well as resistance to rotting processes. When working with such material, you should strictly follow the attached recommendations for its installation.

Rubber-cork backing

Durable and fire-resistant combination material consisting of synthetic rubber and granulated cork. It is used as a soundproofing material for various floor coverings.

It is necessary to protect it from moisture and mold formation using vapor barrier materials.

Expanded polystyrene

Produced in sheets of varying thickness and density. Basic positive characteristics- this is strength, long term operation. The material has virtually zero moisture absorption and can be used in rooms with high humidity levels.

It has good sound-proofing and heat-insulating qualities and is distinguished by its ease of installation.

Soundproofing the floor in the apartment

There are two main options for soundproofing floors: under screed and without screed.

Soundproofing the floor under the screed

The working surface is cleaned; if there are defects, partial renovation. Afterwards, a layer of prepared soundproofing material is laid, followed by a layer of waterproofing.

The sheets of the top layer must be laid overlapping with projections on the walls of 5-10 cm. The carefully leveled top layer is poured with a concrete screed. After it has dried, you can begin laying out the main flooring.

It should be taken into account that the period for complete drying of the concrete screed will be about 25-30 days.

Soundproofing floors without concrete screed

This option is carried out only if the floor is based on a high-quality concrete covering. On the previously prepared surface it is necessary to lay several layers of waterproofing and a layer of elastic gasket. Then line the panels with cellulose.

Subtleties of high-quality sound insulation

When organizing soundproofing work, several nuances should be noted in order to avoid unpleasant surprises:

When completely or partially laying communication systems underground, it is necessary to insulate them; for this, it is recommended to use elastic materials.

Skirting boards must be attached to only one of the surfaces - the wall or the floor - otherwise they can become noise conductors.

You must purchase building materials only from a trusted seller who can provide a quality certificate for the product. Saving on such materials can negatively affect the health of household members.

There are no particular difficulties in the process of laying soundproofing materials and big secrets. Anyone who is familiar with basic skills can do this kind of floor soundproofing work with their own hands. construction work. A little patience and you can enjoy the long-awaited silence.

Photo of floor soundproofing

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In modern living conditions, it can be difficult for the majority of the population to isolate themselves from the outside world in an apartment in apartment building. This is due to the fact that during construction apartment buildings the issue of sound insulation is not in the first place, since the use of new technologies and materials that can absorb external noise leads to higher construction costs. Often you have to deal with soundproofing your home yourself. Soundproofing the floor in an apartment, features of the device for different bases and types of floor coverings, a review of prices for the most popular ones, as well as leading manufacturers of the materials used - the topic of this article in the online magazine HomeMyHome.

For high-quality sound insulation, it is necessary to think through this issue at the stage of construction work in relation to all enclosing structures (walls, interfloor ceilings, etc.)

Sound insulation (noise insulation) is measures to reduce the level of noise penetrating from outside into inner space premises, structure or vehicle, through the use of special materials - both during the manufacture of a product and the execution of construction installation work, and upon their completion during the repair period.

Currently, three types of materials are used to soundproof floors: soundproofing membranes, roll and slab products.

Important! When using any of the soundproofing materials when performing installation work, it is necessary to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations on the method of their application and installation, which will ensure the specified protection against the penetration of external noise into the interior of the insulated room.

Soundproofing membranes

The following materials are used as a soundproofing membrane mounted on the floor base:

The most widely used of the above materials as sound insulation are felt and special membranes. Their advantages are:

  • small thickness, allowing to slightly reduce the internal volume of the room where they are installed;
  • high density;
  • ease of use (cutting, laying);
  • elasticity;
  • There are modifications equipped with a self-adhesive layer, which simplifies the installation process;
  • can act as a heat-insulating material;
  • long service life.

Among the disadvantages of membranes, the following should be noted:

  • high cost;
  • the need to carefully carry out preparatory work to create a flat surface of the base on which installation is being carried out.

Rolled version of soundproofing material

In the form of rolls, manufacturing companies produce the following types of soundproofing materials:

  • "Vibrostek-V300"– made on the basis of class “C” fiberglass and can be used as a substrate when installing floor coverings;

  • "Maxforte"– can be installed under the finishing coating and under the screed, and also act as waterproofing;

  • "Zvukoizol" is a bitumen-polymer material that can also act as waterproofing.

Metallized sound insulation - roll, two-layer

Plate materials

The most popular in this group are:

  • mineral wool – characterized by versatility of use and non-flammability. Negative properties include hygroscopicity;

  • cork panels and tiles– they are environmentally friendly products, but require care when performing installation work, as they are easily destroyed when exposed to “tearing”;

  • expanded polystyrene– a fairly popular material, due to its relatively low cost;

  • fiberglass panels "SCHUMANET";

  • Isoplat– insulating panels made from wood processing waste.

Expert's point of view

Dmitry Kholodok

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“As selection criteria when choosing a soundproofing material, it is necessary to take as a basis the operating conditions for a particular room (humidity, fire hazard), as well as the service life and availability of the material itself, both in terms of ease of transportation to the construction site and its cost.”

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Leading manufacturers of soundproofing for floors

On the domestic market of building materials in the segment of soundproofing products, products of foreign and Russian companies are sold, the most popular among users are:

  • "MaxForte", "TechnoNikol", "TechnoSonus" and "AcousticGroup" (Russia);
  • "WolfBavaria (Germany);
  • "Texdecor" (France);
  • "Rockwool" (Denmark);
  • "Mappy" (Italy);
  • "IsoverEcophon" (Sweden - Finland);

Features of soundproofing the floor in an apartment from neighbors below in accordance with the flooring material

Depending on the type of floor covering, one or another soundproofing material is selected, because different types Similar products are mounted differently.

Soundproofing floors under laminate

Laminate is a floor covering made from a wood fiber base and requires a flat surface for installation.Before laying the laminate, a backing is always laid, which conceals the remaining unevenness on the surface of the base and helps distribute the loads over its surface.

The substrate can also perform the function of sound insulation, therefore, in this capacity, as a rule, cork materials and Isoplast are used, and when laying in wet rooms - “Zvukoizol”.

Soundproofing floors under linoleum

When using linoleum as a finishing floor covering, various types of soundproofing materials can be used, and the main condition for their use is their strength and ability to withstand mechanical loads.

The most popular for this type of coating is “Zvukoizol”, which is due to its physical properties (moisture resistance and strength), as well as its low thickness.

The best sound insulation for floors under ceramic tiles

Porcelain tiles are usually used as flooring in bathrooms and shower rooms, as well as in the kitchen and other rooms where there is a high level of humidity.

As a soundproofing material under ceramic tiles Usually they use Zvukoizol, Maxforte, SCHUMANET and Vibrostek-V300.

For your information! Extruded polystyrene and expanded clay can be used as sound insulation when laying porcelain stoneware. After filling them, it is necessary to fill the leveling screed.

Soundproofing a wooden floor

Choosing sound insulation for flooring wooden floor depends on its design and the height of the ceilings in the room where the work is performed.For low ceilings, the same materials can be used as for laminate insulation.The most common option, if there is sufficient headroom, is to use mineral wool laid between the joists on which the wooden floor is laid.

Expert's point of view

Dmitry Kholodok

Technical director of the repair and construction company "ILASSTROY"

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“When using mineral wool, it is necessary to follow the technology of its installation, which requires the presence of layers of vapor and waterproofing.”

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Optimal sound insulation for different types of base

The choice of material used as sound insulation is influenced by both the finishing flooring, as described above, and the type of base on which it is laid.For different types of foundations, noise insulation schemes vary, so they should be considered separately.

Soundproofing the floor in an apartment under a “floating” screed

For your information! A floating screed is a special method of laying flooring without rigidly fixing the materials used to the enclosing building structures (walls, ceilings).

The floating screed is made on top of a soundproofing layer, which can be used as the following materials: special types membranes and mineral wool, cork products and polystyrene foam.

The diagram of the “floating screed” device is shown in the following figure:

Expert's point of view

Dmitry Kholodok

Technical director of the repair and construction company "ILASSTROY"

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“When installing a “floating screed” it is necessary to take into account technical capabilities and load-bearing capacity of the floor: specific gravity similar design is quite large, which is due to the thickness of the screed with the reinforcement layer.”

Soundproofing the floor in an apartment on a dry and cement screed

In some cases, soundproofing the floor in an apartment can be done by installing a dry screed.With this option of performing work, the use of water and aqueous solutions is excluded.

Perlite, expanded clay or vermiculite are used as sound insulation, poured onto the surface interfloor covering, and plywood or other board material is laid on top of them.

For your information! When performing dry screed, other roll and sheet materials can be used as sound insulation.

The dry screed pattern is a “pie” laid in the following sequence: base → vapor barrier layer → sound insulation layer → leveling layer (plywood and the like) → waterproofing → floor covering.

When installing a screed using cement mortars, this option for performing the work is called a semi-dry or wet screed.In this case, materials that are resistant to moisture are used to construct a soundproofing layer: expanded clay, expanded polystyrene or “Zvukoizol”.

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It will help in solving the problem of crooked floors. Pros and cons, reviews, price of this type of coating, installation features and recommendations from specialists are in this material.

Soundproofing of frame floors on joists

As already written above, wooden floors are mounted on the joists. In this case, various types of slab, roll and sheet materials laid between the joists are used as sound insulation.

The design of such a cake also includes steam and waterproofing, a leveling layer (plywood) and finishing.

How to soundproof a floor in an apartment

It is better to entrust the work of installing sound insulation in an apartment to professionals, however, if desired, you can do it yourself.

When performing floor soundproofing work with your own hands, you must:

  1. Decide on the type of soundproofing material used and calculate its quantity required to complete the work.
  2. Prepare the necessary tools and equipment.
  3. Prepare the basis for the work.
Important! The base on which it is planned to install sound insulation must be cleared of construction waste and dust, and, if necessary, leveled.

To perform work with different soundproofing materials, you need various instrument, therefore, its list is determined individually in each specific case.

Expert's point of view

Dmitry Kholodok

Technical director of the repair and construction company "ILASSTROY"

Ask a Question

A common problem in an apartment building is extraneous noise. It comes from above, from below, from behind the walls, and this does not always mean that the neighbors have started renovations or are moving furniture at night. Sometimes the problem is that the house was built in violation of building codes, or that cracks have appeared inside the walls.

Whatever the reason, there is a solution - study the intricacies of soundproofing and soundproofing of the floor, and choose the optimal material and installation method for your case.


Soundproofing and soundproofing are different. Apartment owners do not want to delve into the essence of this difference - any noise is equally annoying. And this is one of the main mistakes that reduce the effectiveness of measures in the fight for silence.

Sounds and noises have different origins. In practice, this division is arbitrary, since initially there was only the term “sound insulation”, which took into account only the propagation of mechanical vibrations perceived by the ear.

  1. Soundproofing a floor means protecting against acoustic and air (structural) vibrations.
  2. Acoustic are caused by the reflection of sound from the walls and ceiling of a room (voice, dog barking, music).
  3. Air vibrations are a consequence of a person moving around the room: shuffling steps, opening and closing doors, and similar actions.
  4. Sound vibrations propagate through cracks in the floor, socket boxes, ventilation, and pipes.

Floor sound insulation is a measure to combat shock vibrations. They are caused by mechanical impact on any surface. The neighbors from below nail a curtain over the window - the sound travels both up and down through the ceilings, radiators, and walls. Children are jumping in their room, someone is indignantly knocking on the radiator - all these are shock vibrations.

To combat sounds, reflective materials are needed, and to combat noise, absorbent materials are needed. These properties may not be combined in one material, so to effectively solve the problem they need to be combined and layered on top of each other.

There are a few more important aspects, which The following must be taken into account when installing the insulating layer on the floor:

  • The choice of materials determines the type of residential building. Building materials themselves have a greater or lesser ability to transmit sounds from one room to another. This depends on their thickness, porosity, and integrity of the internal space.
  • Provides good insulation concrete floor slabs in a house that was built in compliance with all standards. Thickness concrete floor it is large enough to dampen acoustic and shock vibrations as much as possible.
  • The residents of brick houses are lucky. This material is full-bodied and dense, successfully muffles sounds and noise without additional effort.
  • Panel and monolithic frame houses are already a problem. Often they are assembled hastily, in violation of SNiP.

As a result, the thickness of the ceiling is only half the norm, so it allows any sounds to pass through, and gaps remain between the structural elements - a direct path for structural noise.

  • Monolithic frame houses In terms of insulation, they are bad because they are a solid structure. Impact noise travels well across floors. If renovations are underway on the first floor, residents will know about it at least until the third.
  • The height of the ceilings also matters. The greater the distance from the floor to the ceiling, the worse the damping of air vibrations. In an apartment with high ceilings good acoustics, so if the neighbors below are listening to music or swearing, the sounds penetrate through the floor covering to the neighbors above. In this case, impact noise has a greater effect in the opposite direction.
  • From the height of the room depends permissible thickness insulating layer. If the ceiling height in the apartment is 270 cm or more, you can safely install a layer 10–20 cm thick. No one will start resting their head on the ceiling and feel uncomfortable because the room has become cramped. But for apartments with a ceiling height of less than 270 cm, a loss of 15 cm can become critical.
  • Gender is not the only way through which extraneous sounds penetrate the apartment. If there is a pronounced problem with extraneous sounds, floor screed alone will not be able to correct the situation. Yes, it will become a little quieter, but sounds and noises will still penetrate through other paths. Additional measures are needed.


Talking about noisy neighbors, do not forget that in your own apartment there are also enough sources of sounds and noise that can irritate the residents of nearby apartments. If the problem of poor insulation in a home is relevant, then it is relevant for everyone. Therefore, the purpose of sound and noise insulation is not only to increase your own level of comfort, but also to minimize discomfort for neighbors below.

Indirectly, this is still a concern for your peace of mind - there will be no reason for conflict with neighbors, if children in the apartment like to play with the dog, someone is practicing musical instruments, and library silence is not supported at all.

Other reasons:

  • The noise level will be lower.
  • Insulating materials level the subfloor. It is more convenient to install the finishing coating on a flat base.
  • A common option for sound and noise insulation of floors is screed. Any of its types (dry, semi-dry and wet) is suitable for installing a heated floor system in it. Thus, it turns out to solve two problems at once: muffle excess noise and insulate the floor.
  • Room with good sound absorption complies with building codes.

This increases the price of the apartment when selling.

  • Freedom of action in your own apartment is expanding. Impact noise is perfectly absorbed and muffled when insulating materials are located in the same room as the noise source.

Regulatory Requirements

Construction norms and requirements (SNiP) have already been mentioned more than once. However, not everyone knows what they regulate and why they are needed. Sometimes the sound insulation in a house is so poor that it seems as if the developers residential buildings They also don’t suspect the purpose of SNiP. And they are necessary to ensure that housing is safe and comfortable. Regarding sound insulation, this is protection from noise.

The set of rules regulating the activities of developers establishes a conditional “norm” of noise and maximum permissible values.

Mandatory requirements for the design, construction and operation of residential (and not only) premises are developed on the basis of GOSTs. The regulation contains many points and sub-points, of which For an apartment owner, only three are important:

  • Permissible noise level. It is understood as a level that does not cause anxiety among apartment residents, does not have a physical effect on the state of the body and its functional systems, including hearing analyzers. It is considered acceptable throughout the day.
  • Extremely permissible level. Unfortunately, marginal is not the same as “not annoying.” This is a level that during working hours (until 22:00) does not cause diseases or health problems in others. Downstairs neighbors have the right to knock with a hammer at certain times of the day. You will have to put up with this.
  • Insulation of impact and airborne noise. SNiP divides them into two separate categories, but without a specialist it is difficult to understand the indicators and formulas. The only important thing is that according to the standards, the permissible noise level in the daytime is 39–49 dB, at night 30–35.

A high-quality floor covering can isolate 50–55 dB of sound. The screaming of an adult or the crying of a baby is 70–75 dB. Accordingly, we need additional protection. On average, soundproofing materials make it possible to dampen 20–30 dB of noise when installed correctly.

SNiP also sets out the requirements for interfloor floors:

  • Absence of rigid connections between gender and load-bearing structures building. That is, the screed should be floating, without sound bridges.
  • The base of the floor, made of concrete or wood, is separated from the walls along the contour by a width of 1–2 cm.

This gap should be filled with materials that do not conduct sound well: wood fiber, foamed polyurethane foam, mineral wool and others.

  • The baseboard should not be the connecting link between the floor and the wall. It is attached either to the base of the wall or only to the base of the floor.
  • A monolithic (wet) screed is mounted on a waterproofing layer.
  • Board materials are laid closely, without gaps at the joints.
  • If there is no reserve for soundproofing the floor (air gap between the screed and the covering), foam-based materials must be used. This concerns soft covering in the form of linoleum and carpet. Their base should not be fibrous.
  • Interfloor ceilings between residential and noisy rooms are separated by thick monolithic design with sound insulation 57–62 dB.

Modern materials

Soundproofing materials can be divided into obsolete and new. The conventionality of this classification is explained by the fact that many of the old materials are considered traditional, a kind of classic, and they continue to be used, despite the fact that alternative options have appeared.

Sawdust, foam rubber and polystyrene have finally outlived their usefulness. However, modified versions of them are viable. They cope with the task when the house already has good sound insulation, and it only needs to be strengthened. These materials are easy for non-professionals to work with, and their cost is several times (sometimes tens of times) less than the cost of innovative materials.

cotton wool

We are, of course, not talking about medical soft cotton wool, but about fibrous materials made from raw materials mineral origin. These include mineral and basalt wool, glass wool. The materials differ from each other, but these differences are not critical. The advantages and disadvantages of different types of construction wool are identical.


  • Light weight.
  • Additional insulation due to air between the wool fibers.
  • Universal material for all surfaces.
  • Does not accumulate dust.
  • Does not burn.


  • The material is primarily heat-insulating, and only secondarily sound-insulating.
  • A layer of at least 10 cm in thickness will be effective.
  • The slabs must not be deformed during installation. If you press them tightly together until creases appear, the cotton wool loses its qualities.
  • May shrink or become deformed due to mechanical stress on the floor.
  • Afraid of moisture.

Expanded polystyrene

This is what foam has “evolved” into. His performance have improved noticeably with changes in production technology, but are still not good enough.


  • Resistant to moisture, dust, and the activity of living organisms.
  • The cellular structure of the material hides noise quite well.
  • Long service life.


  • Fragility. Lightweight cellular slabs are much better suited for soundproofing the ceiling than the floor, which is regularly subjected to point force loads when walking.
  • Loss of 10–15 cm from the ceiling height. A thinner layer will not be effective.

Cork panels

This sheet material is made from cork oak wood. It is also used in the manufacture of stoppers for wine bottles. Used wood veneer or fine chips that are pressed and glued at high temperatures into solid sheets. Veneer is more expensive, chips are cheaper.

Manufacturers guarantee a noise reduction of 20–30 dB, which is not entirely true. Yes, such indicators will occur. At the neighbors' place. The cork flooring protects against impact noise, so those who live on the floor below will be content with silence. In the apartment above, where there is a cork on the floor, you will still be able to hear how happy the neighbors are if they start discussing it out loud.


  • Ease.
  • Strength.
  • Small thickness.
  • Easy to cut and install.
  • Does not absorb moisture well.
  • Crumb sheets are cheap.

Among the obvious disadvantages, only one can be highlighted - a minimum of effectiveness in the fight against extraneous sounds. This problem is called upon to be solved innovative materials for installation of a leveling screed.

Acoustic foam

It has nothing in common with the soft, loose, yellowish dust collectors that are used to stuff furniture. Acoustic foam rubber is a slab material for professional sound insulation. Its scope of application is recording studios, cinemas, public places.


  • High efficiency.
  • Little weight.
  • Elasticity.
  • Self-adhesive base.
  • Easy to cut into pieces of the desired size and shape.
  • Does not accumulate dust.
  • Biostable.


  • Relief surface.
  • High price.
  • It burns and contains toxins that are released when burned.

Soundproofing membranes

An acoustic membrane is a thin but strong and heavy substrate that consists of polymers, fibers and binders.


  • Small thickness and high density.
  • Easily cut into pieces.
  • Elastic and flexible.
  • On a self-adhesive basis.
  • Suitable for use on vertical and horizontal surfaces, as the basis of a floating screed, dry and prefabricated.
  • At the same time it is heat insulating.
  • Gives good results.
  • Durable.


  • Expensive.
  • Do not lay on uneven subfloor surfaces. It will first have to be leveled with plaster.

The disadvantages of membranes are insignificant, so they are gradually becoming leaders among soundproofing materials. You can already find products on the market from many European and domestic manufacturers: Texound, Trocellen Acoustic, Maxforte, Phonestar, Soundguard, Index and others.

To reduce the cost of construction, you can combine foam rubber and membranes with budget, but less effective materials. These are products intended primarily for heat insulation and secondarily for sound insulation: cork, plasterboard, mineral wool, OSB and chipboard, expanded polystyrene. Auxiliary products: acoustic sealant for sealing cracks and joints, damper tape.


There are several ways to soundproof your floor. Choosing the most suitable one depends on many factors. This includes the height of the ceiling, which allows or does not allow raising the floor by a dozen or so centimeters, and the condition of the ceilings (will it withstand a heavy load or not), the urgency of the issue and its financial side.

Common methods:

Floating screed

It is poured or poured over heat-insulating and sound-insulating material. The base of the floor does not touch the ceiling and walls, and ceases to be a conductor for sounds and noises from the lower floor. Consists of the following elements:

  • Soundproofing base. These can be either sound membranes or lighter weight and affordable materials: cork, plywood, mineral wool, polyurethane foam.
  • Damper tape. It is necessary so that there is a gap between the screed and the wall and no sound bridge is formed.
  • Leveling mixture. It can be dry or semi-dry.

It is made on the basis of concrete, cement, gypsum, synthetic fibers.

  • Waterproofing. This is necessary to ensure that the liquid mixture does not fall on soundproofing materials, otherwise a sound bridge will form.
  • Reinforcing mesh. Protects the screed from cracking when its thickness is more than 4 cm.
  • Foam materials for a layer between the finishing coat and the screed. Additional sound insulation.

The advantage of a floating screed is that it makes it possible to build up the most dense and thick protective layer. It absorbs about 30 dB. This is more than enough for an effective result. Such a screed will last for decades.

This method also has a lot of disadvantages: it takes a long time (the screed takes 30 days to dry), it’s expensive, it’s labor-intensive, the total weight of the structure puts a large load on the floor, and the height raises the floor by 5–15 cm. If there is an installation error, all efforts will go down the drain. Dismantling a monolithic floating screed is a long, dusty and expensive procedure. And extremely noisy.

It is important to use floating concrete screed, when the floors are in excellent condition and large additional loads can be placed on them. The method is also suitable for uneven subfloors with differences in height and apartments where, in addition to sound insulation, it is necessary to install a heated floor.

"Dry" screed

“Dry” is called a screed, the installation of which eliminates the use liquid solution. In its design, it resembles the layer-by-layer alternation of a monolithic screed, since it is a type of floating:

  • Vapor barrier. This is a thin film that is needed to protect against condensation.
  • Edge tape. It prevents the appearance of sound bridges and restrains the pressure of the screed on the walls. If it is not there, cracks may appear on the surface of the walls. This will only worsen the noise problem.
  • Dry backfill. This is a material that is poured to a height of 5–15 cm, forming a noise-absorbing cushion on which a leveling layer in the form of slabs is laid. The backfill can be based on sand, concrete, or slag. Light and porous expanded clay, perlite and vermiculite are popular.
  • Leveling layer. These are sheets or slabs of light but durable material, which are mounted in 2 layers, creating a perfectly flat surface of the subfloor.
  • Mastic or glue, screws. They are needed to fasten two leveling layers together.
  • Waterproofing. PVC film that protects the hydrophobic backfill and sheets from moisture.

Dry backfill has many advantages: cheap materials, quick and easy installation (maximum week), relatively low weight does not put a large load on the floors. The process can be interrupted because there are no fast-hardening materials.

Suitable for use on any floor condition, even if it is very uneven.

Light but porous layers in the structure due to large thickness And air gaps provide high-quality insulation. The structure is easy to dismantle. The disadvantages of dry backfill are that it shrinks over time. The floor may become uneven if the backfill layer is not dense enough. The materials themselves are afraid of water.

Dry backfill is relevant for sound insulation in a private house. For wooden floors in a country cottage, wet screed technology is not applicable. Wood actively absorbs moisture and begins to rot, and if you do not screed, over time the problem of creaking floors will appear. Dense and porous expanded clay screed solves both problems.

Prefabricated or leveling

The peculiarity of this type of design is that it does not involve liquid or bulk components. Protection from extraneous sounds is provided by layering of roll, sheet or slab materials. Vapor barrier and waterproofing are used. You need to run a damper tape along the edge of the room.

Advantages of prefabricated screed: quick installation with your own hands, the ability to combine sound-reflecting and sound-absorbing layers, minimal thickness of materials with high density (optimal for apartments with low ceilings), sound absorption plus or minus 30 dB. Dismantling and partial replacement of fragments is possible. The coating makes the base of the subfloor smooth and convenient for final finishing.

Flaws: the base of the floors must be clean, dry and level. The method is effective, but expensive. It is impossible to combine it with heated floors. The method is relevant for apartments with thin but smooth floors that will not withstand the concrete screed.

Self-leveling floor

Innovative method, the main purpose of which is to level the floor surface. It does not provide high-quality sound insulation, but enhances it. Most budget materials can be used as the first layer: cork, drywall, cotton wool, polyurethane foam and others.

The structure of a self-leveling floor with sound insulation is slightly different from a classic screed:

  • Vapor barrier layer, which also serves as waterproofing if the mixture leaks. The sheets are overlapped by 15–20 cm, and the edge is placed on the wall.
  • Glued along the edge damper tape. The purpose of use is the same as with any other screed. Plus the tape holds the vapor barrier.
  • Layer insulation in sheet or slab format.

It is mounted without gaps; voids can be filled with acoustic sealant.

  • Waterproofing. Self-leveling floor is a very liquid mixture with self-leveling technology. It can leak to the bottom layer and form a sound bridge.
  • 1–2 layers self-leveling mixture.

The advantage is that working with the solution is easy even for a non-professional. The mixture is leveled under the force of its own weight. It can also have decorative additives and be both a rough and finished floor. This is a perfectly smooth coating on which you can install soft linoleum, laminate, parquet, and tiles. The thickness of the layers is 1–5 cm. The disadvantage of the mixture is the high price. The thicker the layer, the more expensive the fill.

Installation diagrams

Practice shows that using only one material is less effective than combining them. They often combine a cement screed with light-weight and cheap bases, install membranes using a self-leveling mixture, close the screed on top, or layer prefabricated materials of different thickness, density and weight. Depending on the required thickness soundproofing layer, choose one of 5 effective schemes.

Scheme No. 1: with an acoustic membrane base

It is mounted layer by layer:

  1. Soundproofing membrane (Texound, Trocellen Acoustic or another manufacturer).
  2. Damper tape along the edge of the wall to the entire height of the screed.
  3. Cement strainer. Its height must be at least 30 mm, otherwise the solution will crack when dry. If the height of the screed is more than 4–5 cm, an additional layer appears - a reinforcing mesh.
  4. Sheets of chipboard, plywood or veneer cork.
  5. Finishing the floor.

Scheme No. 2: with an additional layer of basalt cardboard

It is actually the same soundproofing “pie”, but the very first layer is basalt cardboard, not an acoustic membrane. This is additional protection that is required in difficult cases.

It is important to mount the “pie” so that the screed does not touch the wall. The edge tape can be glued in 2 layers.

Scheme No. 3: based on cement screed

The mix of layers inside the acoustic “pie” makes it possible to dismantle and reassemble the structure in the future, and the cement screed will remain unharmed. This option is suitable for solving problems with uneven subfloors.

It can also be laid in layers:

  1. Waterproofing.
  2. Edge tape, wide and dense.
  3. Cement based screed.
  4. Reinforcing layer.
  5. Acoustic membrane.
  6. Lightweight and thick material based on wood fiber.
  7. Finishing the floor.

Scheme No. 4: on a dry screed

Suitable for cases when you need to do soundproofing, but there is no desire to mess around with the solution and wait 3 weeks for it to dry completely. The alternation of layers of the “dry acoustic cake” may vary. A dry screed with expanded clay backfill requires a vapor barrier, but a more modern vibration-damping material does not. Let's consider a more modern option:

  1. Primer. It is needed for good adhesion of granular noise-plastic to walls and floors.
  2. Shumoplast. This is a vibration-damping base (absorbs impact noise up to 32 dB), so there is no need to glue the walls with edge tape. You can do this for insurance, but it is not necessary. The noise-plaster is laid so that it extends onto the walls, above the level of the final coating. Layer height – 5–20 cm.
  3. Reinforcing mesh.
  4. GVL sheets for leveling the surface. Lay in two layers. The layers are glued together with mastic and fixed with self-tapping screws;
  5. Sealing seams with putty.
  6. Flooring.

Scheme No. 5: sound insulation on joists

Logs are wooden beams that line the width of the room from wall to wall so that they serve as a frame for filling the gaps with slab material like mineral wool.

Screed device on joists:

  1. Acoustic membrane layer. It can be laid in a double layer under the joists.
  2. Logs 50 x 50. They are attached to the wall with vibration-damping supports.
  3. The internal space is filled with mineral wool flush with the joists.
  4. The edge of the wall is glued with edge tape to a height slightly greater than the height of the finishing.
  5. First layer of plywood. The gaps are filled with acoustic sealant.
  6. The second layer of plywood is placed staggered - the seams should not match. Filling gaps with sealant.
  7. Finishing.

Required Tools

The complete list of tools for installing an acoustic pie on the floor depends on the choice of technology and materials. So, to fill the screed you will need special equipment and beacons, and to install it on the joists - just a screwdriver.

Since modern materials greatly simplify the installation process, we will consider a list of tools for working specifically with the latest generation materials for installing dry and prefabricated screeds.

First of all, you will need cleaning equipment: a vacuum cleaner, a broom, a dustpan, garbage bags, gloves.

On next stage a tape measure, drawing tools, and a building level will come in handy to evenly mark the lines for edge tape.

Then, you need tools to cut the materials into the required lengths. Sharp knife or scissors will cope with the membrane, and the edge tape, and with the hydro- and vapor barrier film.

For some types of dry screed you will need a beacon: wood profile and guides to level the backfill layer. To install the leveling layer, you need self-tapping screws, a screwdriver, mastic or glue, acoustic or silicone sealant. You may need a grinder saw to accurately cut the plywood into pieces.

How to do it yourself?

Installing an acoustic pie on the floor of an apartment or house does not require any special skills. This statement is true for many soundproofing installation schemes. The exception is pouring screed. It is better to entrust it to professionals. Working with modern materials is simple, and the installation stages can be called universal: preparation, installation of layers, final finishing.

First stage: preparatory work

It includes all calculation work and foundation preparation.

Calculations are carried out in several steps:

  1. Calculation of the level of sound and noise insulation in the room before installation. This is necessary to determine how much the floor needs to be “increased” to a comfortable level of insulation.
  2. Calculation of the required level of sound insulation in dB and the permissible load on the floors.
  3. Selection of materials and calculation of their quantity for the entire floor surface area. It is necessary to purchase them with a small margin of 5–10%.

Immediately before installation work begins, the floor surface must be cleared of construction debris and dust. If the differences in height are no more than 3–5 cm, you can lay the materials immediately, but if the differences are 5 cm or more, you need to level the floor with plaster or a thin layer of cement.

In some cases, for example, when working with shumoplast, it is necessary to prime the floor surface.

Second stage: laying materials in layers

  1. The basis. If the materials are slabs or rolls (except for membranes), a vapor barrier must be placed under them. This is a thin PVC film, which is overlapped by 15–20 cm and taped with construction tape at the joints. It protects materials from condensation due to overheating from below. If these are vibration damping materials, a primer is needed instead of a vapor barrier.
  2. Installation of edging tape along the edge of the walls.
  3. Soundproofing. Membrane, sheets or backfill.
  4. Reinforcing layer. For shumoplast and cement it is steel mesh, for sheet materials - a layer of plywood.
  5. Leveling layer. This is a durable and smooth material: plywood or gypsum fiber board.

It can be single, but it is more effective to make it double.

Third stage: laying decorative coating

Each type of finish has its own rules and installation stages. The most popular options are laminate, linoleum, tiles or self-leveling flooring.

Sound insulation is in great demand among residents of high-rise buildings and one-story buildings with several apartments. The reason for the popularity of soundproofing systems is that the partitions between apartments are small in thickness, as well as the tight articulation of all parts of the building, which contributes to excellent sound conduction throughout the building. This is why floor sound insulation is so popular today.

It should be emphasized that for reliable protection from unwanted sounds soundproofing materials for the floor (linings, dampers) must have an impressive thickness. In turn, thin elements cannot provide complete sound insulation. To increase the thickness of soundproofing materials, additional space is needed, which can be obtained by combining sound protection with insulation.

The highest quality insulating material contains several options for noise damping: using felt pads, empty sections, etc. However, when choosing a method, it should be taken into account that the surface will be under quite high pressure, and therefore the material used must have high strength, or be located in a certain way way (see photo).

Types of insulation and its organization

First you need to understand that there are two most well-known methods for making sound insulation:

  1. Throughout the entire territory, under the final covering there are special material, capable of damping sound waves;
  2. Flooring materials for sound insulation are installed in combination with a special design that allows noise to be distributed in such a way as to avoid the occurrence of resonant vibrations with other parts of the building.

Types and principles of manufacturing materials for sound insulation

When it is necessary to choose a floor covering, sound insulation and its quality play a very important role.

Soundproofing floor coverings are created taking into account the following features:

  • Professionals often do not advise using homogeneous or thin materials. The reason for this is the fact that insulating materials High Quality They are created from fairly dense components attached to a soft and porous base. The material, which has high strength, is capable of blocking most sound vibrations, acting as a so-called “shield,” while the porous surface protects against residual sound waves and other various noises.
  • Soundproofing materials for the floor must have several layers that complement the advantages and compensate for the disadvantages of each other.
  • In addition, it must be said about the existence of insulators capable of absorbing sound vibrations using their special shape (for example, similar to honeycombs or small tubercles). For these purposes, it is often customary to use forms designed for storing eggs.
  • Particular attention should be paid to various types of insulation, because their composition provides excellent sound insulation, and as a result of some modification they can become very effective. Thus, insulation is often capable of performing the functions of a gasket that neutralizes various types of noise.

It should be noted that combined options, which offer comprehensive use of diverse different materials, ensure achievement of the most reliable results. This is precisely the reason for the frequent need to combine insulation with sound insulation. In addition, special complex soundproofing materials offered by leading companies can be used.

The material from which the floor in the building is made is also of great importance when choosing insulation. For example, if the floors are wooden, then it will be sufficient to use standard insulation and insulation with minimum thickness(more details: " "). Cement floors, on the other hand, require more attention as well as some technical skill. There are also various options for creating so-called “floating” floors.

Construction ideas

  • If there is a need to provide good protection from various sounds on a concrete surface, a soundproofing floor covering can be combined with the creation of floating floors.
  • The meaning of such a construction solution is to create a coating that is not connected to the surface of the floor and walls. Thus, the resulting sound vibrations will be neutralized before they are transferred to other objects.
  • The method of producing such floors is quite simple. You just need to place a waterproofing film on the floor, overlaid with soundproofing material that has a small thickness. Read also: "".
  • Then you need to install the insulation. It is important to know here that floor sound insulation, as well as additional necessary materials, cannot be attached to the surface, while the distance from the finished layer to the walls must include free space, organized using pads.
  • Sometimes experts install a special so-called damper tape on the walls, which helps both organize excess free space and is a kind of compensator that neutralizes waves directed to the sides.
  • The upper surface of the insulation must be covered with a film that performs a waterproofing function.
  • Absolutely any material can be laid on top of this film, the cost of which allows it to be used as a final coating. Meanwhile, professionals prefer to screed the floor using cement, and contact with the plane of the walls should be completely eliminated (read also: " ").
  • The final floor covering is installed in the same way. At the same time, in places close to the baseboards you need to be very careful, because this material is installed at a distance of 2-3mm above the plane.
  • Taking these aspects into account, it is necessary to fix the skirting boards, and then place a backing under the free space that appears.

It should be noted that this method of installing floors with a high degree of waterproofing is the best due to the fact that it includes more than one method of protection from unwanted sounds.

We also note that a material such as balsa wood perfectly absorbs noise, therefore the final coating made from it can both decorate the interior of the room and provide reliable sound insulation. Quite often, soundproofing the floor in an apartment under laminate is done with a cork underlay.

  1. Each product is equipped with a special operating manual or instruction, which indicates both the properties of the material and describes the installation sequence. It is necessary to follow these instructions as different soundproofers require specific installation.
  2. During the formation of the waterproofing layer, you need to ensure that it is airtight, since this property greatly affects its effectiveness.
  3. Sometimes it's better to buy complex material for more high price than making several layers yourself using improvised materials.
  4. There are a number of ways to create so-called floating floors, therefore it is necessary to start by studying them, and then make a choice depending on the materials used and the characteristics of the operating conditions.
  5. If it seems to you that there is no noise at all, this does not mean that it is actually absent. It is possible that the hearing simply adjusted to certain sound waves.
  6. When setting the volume of certain sounds, you need to use a specially made instrument.

So, there are several methods for establishing sound insulation, which differ depending on the degree of protection, that is, you need to choose one or another option very carefully.

We can also conclude that no ideal material, providing sound insulation with a 100% guarantee, and at the same time having a small thickness. The level of noise protection will directly depend on the size of the layer of insulating material.

From this article you will learn:

  • What kind of noise does soundproofing the floor in an apartment save from?
  • How to prepare and what is needed to soundproof the floor in an apartment
  • What materials to choose for soundproofing the floor in an apartment
  • What technology can be used to soundproof the floor in an apartment?
  • How much does it cost to soundproof a floor in an apartment?

Extraneous sounds significantly reduce the level of comfort when living in an apartment multi-storey building in Moscow. Soundproofing the floor in an apartment is one of the most important measures, which allows you to reduce the level of noise penetrating into living spaces through internal ceilings. Such work should be planned at the finishing stage. Soundproofing of the floor in the apartment is carried out in accordance with technological requirements using effective sound-absorbing coatings and sound-proofing materials. This is what we will talk about in this article.

What kind of noise does soundproofing the floor in an apartment help with?

To solve the problem of extraneous sounds in the apartment, it is necessary to determine what types of noise exist.

The main varieties are as follows:

  • Shock noise occurs due to mechanical impact on building structures. It occurs during the operation of various percussion instruments, during children's games involving jumping and when people walk (especially in high-heeled shoes). In these cases, a sound wave occurs that affects the interfloor floors. You can protect yourself from such noise using soundproofing panels with a cellular structure.
  • Structural noise in the apartment appears as a result of the operation of power tools, the movement of heavy furniture, etc. The transmission of such sounds occurs if there are no gaskets made of soundproofing materials between the load-bearing building structures. To protect against structural noise in an apartment, it is necessary to soundproof the joints of building structures.
  • Air sound enters the apartment from the street or from neighboring rooms. This could be loud speech, music, TV shows or noise. road transport. In this case, sound waves travel through the air. To protect against them, fibrous or porous materials are used.

Depending on the source of origin, noise in an apartment can also be divided into several types:

  1. external (street);
  2. sounds inside the building ( landing, neighbours);
  3. noise inside the apartment (activity of residents in neighboring rooms inside the apartment);
  4. sounds inside the room (conversations, operation of audio equipment, TV and household equipment).

One hundred percent protection of an apartment from all types of noise is impossible. The task of soundproofing an apartment is to ensure that noise does not exceed a certain comfortable level. Noise is no longer annoying if only the background remains of sharp sounds. There is even an opinion that a person needs noise to a certain extent, and complete silence also creates discomfort.

Preparatory stage to soundproof the floor in the apartment

When preparing to soundproof the floor in an apartment, you should collect all the necessary tools and purchase materials. In some cases, it will be necessary to dismantle the old floor.

Basic materials for soundproofing floors in an apartment:

  1. Kaolin, mineral wool or materials based on basalt fiber.
  2. Perlite.
  3. Fireproof crushed clay (fireclay).
  4. Cellular glass.
  5. Synthetic gas-filled plastic.
  6. Foamed polyethylene.
  7. Polyester fabric.
  8. Needle-punched geotextiles.
  9. Bitumen membrane.
  10. Cork covering.

When performing floor soundproofing work, you will also need the following consumables:

  • Cement-sand mixture for arranging screeds and reinforcement.
  • Logs, boards or chipboards (for arranging frame floors).
  • Fine expanded clay, plywood or gypsum fiber boards (for arranging a dry screed).
  • Wooden beam.
  • Waterproofing materials.
  • Material for finishing floor (floor covering).
  • Hardware (nails, screws and other fasteners).
  • Wire.
  • Rubber gaskets.
  • Sealant.

Set necessary tools for sound insulation of the floor may vary, depending on the insulation used and the flooring in the apartment:

  1. Bench tools for marking and measuring angles, shovel, spatula for arranging screeds.
  2. Pliers.
  3. Saw or jigsaw.
  4. Hammer.
  5. Screwdriver set or electric screwdriver.
  6. Drill.
  7. Nail puller.
  8. Tassels.
  9. Roulette.
  10. Pencil or marker.
  11. Construction knife.
  12. Scissors.
  13. Measuring level.

Soundproofing of the floor should be done at the initial stage of renovation of the apartment. Otherwise, it will be necessary to dismantle the floor covering and its base, right down to the floor slabs. Re-installation of the floor must be carried out with particular care so that its structural elements are not damaged.

Materials for soundproofing floors in an apartment: characteristics, advantages and disadvantages


Main characteristics of the material:

  1. Produced on the basis of mineral components.
  2. Thickness 3.7 mm.
  3. Used for flooring, protecting ceiling surfaces and walls.
  4. Density 7 kg/m2;
  5. Absorbs airborne noise up to 28 dB.


  • resistance to temperature changes and organic decomposition;
  • high level of elasticity;
  • high level of sound absorption;
  • simple installation;
  • unlimited service life;
  • fire resistance and self-extinguishing ability.


  • Teksound material cannot be laid on concrete, it must be laid on a substrate.


This category presents several materials for soundproofing the floor in an apartment: slag, glass and basalt wool. They all have different characteristics density, thermal insulation and moisture resistance. For sound insulation in apartments, only basalt (stone) wool can be used.

Peculiarities stone wool:

  1. resistance to high temperatures(up to 550˚С);
  2. high density;
  3. absence of formaldehyde resins;
  4. laying stone wool does not require lathing.


  • environmental friendliness;
  • long service life;
  • minimal shrinkage;
  • high fire protection characteristics.

Disadvantages in stone wool as a material for sound insulation No.


Material Features:

  1. made from coniferous wood;
  2. commercially presented in the form of slabs;
  3. high degree of sound absorption (up to 27 dB).


  • natural ventilation is provided;
  • environmentally friendly and healthy material;
  • easy installation.


  • high price.

Noise stop


  1. absorbs impact noise well (more than 39 dB);
  2. polymerization time 24 hours.


  • thickness – 2 cm;
  • long service life;
  • easy installation.


  • insufficiently high density, which leads to subsidence after some time of operation.

Cork covering


  1. produced in the form of slabs, rolls, panels, which makes it possible to use it as a soundproofing substrate or as an independent decorative coating for the floor in the apartment;
  2. with a thickness of only 20 mm, the cork reduces by 2 times the amount of noise penetrating through the ceiling from neighbors below.


  • small thickness;
  • high thermal insulation characteristics;
  • cork is a breathable material.


  • careless installation may damage the integrity of the coating;
  • Due to the low density, subsidence of the material may occur at high pressure points (under furniture legs).

Vibration stack-V300


  1. Vibrostek-V300 is a rolled material made from type “C” fiberglass;
  2. impact noise reduction coefficient 29 dB.
  3. used as a substrate.


  • long service life;
  • thin material (width 4 mm);
  • withstands long-term loads well.


  • high price.



  1. used for underlayment of wooden floors on joists;
  2. made on the basis of fiberglass;
  3. good sound insulation (up to 38 dB).


  • good thermal insulation properties;
  • affordable price.


  • The porous structure of the material promotes increased moisture absorption.



  1. sold in rolls;
  2. can be laid under a screed or under a decorative floor covering;
  3. impact noise absorption coefficient is 27 dB, and the noise reduction index is 0.52.


  • Maxforte sound insulation in an apartment can be laid on the floor without a layer of waterproofing;
  • excellent water resistance (at a pressure of 0.2 MPa for 2 hours);
  • not subject to destruction by rodents and insects;
  • high elasticity;
  • environmentally friendly natural material;
  • resistance to temperature changes in the range from -25˚С to +85˚С;
  • can be used without limitation of service life.


  • high price.



  1. Sound insulation refers to bitumen-polymer lining materials;
  2. high elasticity;
  3. impact noise absorption coefficient 23 dB.


  • can be installed in an apartment without a layer of waterproofing;
  • environmentally friendly natural material;
  • excellent water resistance (at a pressure of 0.2 MPa for 2 hours);
  • resistance to organic decomposition;
  • long service life and affordable price.

Soundproofing has no disadvantages when used as a material for soundproofing floors in an apartment.



  1. made on the basis of multilayer fiberglass;
  2. impact noise reduction coefficient 23 dB.


  • Shumanet sound insulation can be installed without a layer of waterproofing;
  • excellent water resistance (at a pressure of 0.49 MPa for 120 minutes);
  • resistance to tensile deformation along the web exceeds 170 N (with a relatively small thickness);
  • good acoustic characteristics;
  • can be used without limitation of service life;
  • fire resistance;
  • environmentally friendly natural material.


  • Installation work may only be carried out at temperatures above 0 °C.

How to properly soundproof the floor in an apartment

The easiest way to soundproof the floor in an apartment from neighbors below is to choose the right decorative flooring. For example, materials such as carpet, felt-backed linoleum, or even a regular carpet can effectively absorb extraneous sounds.

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But, if you have the opportunity to soundproof the floor before installation finishing coating, then we can recommend the use of soundproofing pads. As a material for such installation in an apartment, you can use foamed polyethylene, cork, as well as special cellular or porous materials for soundproofing the floor. When choosing the type of soundproofing gasket, you need to pay attention to the noise absorption parameters.

Cork covering– the best soundproofing of the floor in the apartment. The density of this natural material several times higher than that of polymer film. Cork is used to make various types of floor coverings, which can reduce the level of noise penetrating through the floor by 2 times.

As protection against structural and impact noise good results demonstrate different types of screeds. They are constructed from different materials, so the technology for performing the work may change.

For additional sound insulation I place it under the screed various grounds. After this, all joints, cracks and niches for communications are sealed. Then the surface is cleaned and you can begin arranging the screed.

Types of screeds:

  • Dry (prefabricated) screed is arranged by laying gypsum fiber boards on an expanded clay cushion. The screed manufacturing process is quite simple. A layer of expanded clay with the addition of sand is distributed on the surface of the subfloor in the apartment, on top of which gypsum sheets (GVL) are laid. This technology requires a minimum of time, and cleaning after installing the screed is not particularly difficult.
  • Wet screed– a traditional poured concrete floor, the thickness of which is from 4.5 to 5 centimeters. It is installed on an empty base or a substrate made of sound insulation and a waterproofing layer. The disadvantage of this technology is the length of time it takes for the concrete layer to dry. This requires about 12 days.
  • Semi-dry screed– is installed using technology that resembles the screed manufacturing process wet method, but it requires a minimum of time. The higher speed of this process is due to the fact that instead of concrete mortar for screed, in this case, cement mixture with fiber fiber.

Soundproofing a floor screed in an apartment using floating floor technology

Floating screeds are often used for soundproofing in apartments. The design of such a floor consists of several layers, including a layer of sound insulation. The peculiarity of the floating screed is that its layers are not connected to the walls and do not touch the concrete floor. Thus, sound waves cannot be transmitted to the floating floor.

To create soundproofing for a floating screed in an apartment with your own hands, you can use various materials. The main technological requirement is to strictly adhere to the order of laying materials on the floor.

The first layer is waterproofing

After all debris has been removed from the surface of the ceiling, it is necessary to repair all cracks and irregularities. concrete slab by using cement mortar. After the solution has dried, you can begin laying roll waterproofing. In terms of price/quality ratio a good option waterproofing – polyethylene film with high density. It must be laid so that the edges overlap by 15 centimeters (these edges must be secured with construction tape).

The second layer is a soundproofing barrier

To provide sound insulation under a floating floor in an apartment, you can use following materials:

  • foamed polystyrene with a thickness of 3 cm;
  • polystyrene foam with the highest density and a thickness of 5 cm;
  • roll bitumen sound insulation for floors based on fiberglass (“Shumanet 100”);
  • boards made of moisture-resistant fiberglass (“Shumostop”);
  • Fiberboard 25 mm thick (“Softboard Izoplat”);
  • membrane sound insulation made of argonite 3.7 mm thick (“Texound”).

The laying of soundproofing materials, which are produced in the form of slabs, is carried out by tightly fitting each slab so that their joints are not on the same straight line (“staggered”). The fitted slabs must be glued to the panel ceiling covered with waterproofing.

Important! During installation work in the apartment, care must be taken to ensure that the sound insulation comes into contact with the wall structures only through the damper tape, which is pre-glued along the entire perimeter of the room. It is necessary to select a tape with a width exceeding the thickness of the floating floor (after installation, the protruding edges of the damper tape should be cut off).

Laying of roll sound insulation on the floor in the apartment is carried out with an overlap of 2 cm. The resulting joints are secured with tape. The edges of the soundproofing layer must be placed on the walls to the height of the screed to prevent it from coming into contact with the surface of the walls.

The third layer is vapor and waterproofing

This layer is necessary to separate the wet screed from the soundproofing of the floor. This problem can be solved using polyethylene film. Laying the film is carried out in the same way as when arranging the 1st layer.

The fourth layer is reinforcing

Reinforcing mesh is used for this layer. It is made from wire (3mm) with cells 5 x 5 (cm). Laying the mesh over the waterproofing is necessary to prepare for pouring cement screed. If you install a subfloor in an apartment without such a mesh, it may crack.

Fifth layer – cement-sand filling

The layer of cement screed for the floor in the apartment must be at least 40 mm. It is poured onto the reinforcing mesh according installed beacons(in order not to damage the sound insulation, experts recommend using rapper beacons or U-shaped beacons). The beacons are removed 3 days after the cement screed is installed, and the holes remaining after their removal must be sealed with cement mortar.

To get a reliable floor in an apartment, you must strictly follow the technological requirements for drying the screed. Do not walk on the subfloor until the mortar has completely dried, as this can lead to cracks in the foam boards.

All the work described here on soundproofing the floor in an apartment can be done with your own hands. But to guarantee a positive result, it is better to turn to professionals. However, in order to save money, you can also use a combined approach - do everything yourself preparatory work, and entrust the labor-intensive procedure of pouring the screed to specialists.

Soundproofing the floor in an apartment under a dry screed

The dry screed acts as a soundproofing barrier for the floor in the apartment. Its important advantage over a wet screed is that the floor in the apartment can be used immediately after the work is completed.

To create a waterproofing layer, a dry mixture is used, including:

  • expanded clay;
  • expanded perlite sand;
  • granulated slag with a fine fraction;
  • dry mix "Knauf".

Stages of arranging a dry soundproofing screed for the floor in an apartment:

  1. A waterproofing layer is laid on the interfloor ceiling.
  2. A damper tape is attached along the perimeter of the walls in the place of the proposed screed, the width of which is slightly greater than the calculated height of the floor.
  3. To indicate the level of dry material filling, it is necessary to set beacons or pull a cord.
  4. The dry mixture is evenly distributed over the waterproofing to the height indicated by the level and leveled.
  5. Sheet material is laid on the granular layer: plywood, chipboard, plasterboard, OSB, Knauf-superfloor, etc.) The sheets must be laid in one or two layers and fastened with glue and self-tapping screws.

Soundproofing the floor in an apartment without screed using floor coverings and cork underlay

To arrange soundproofing of the floor on your own with minimal costs, as noted above, in an apartment you can use flooring with high noise absorption rates:

  • carpet;
  • cork floor;
  • linoleum with foam or felt base;
  • laminate on a cork backing with a thickness of more than 2 mm.

Cork covering has a wide range of advantages. This is a natural material with high sound absorption rates, so this material can be recommended for effectively protecting an apartment from extraneous noise.

Cork can be used not only as a decorative floor covering. It can serve as a substrate for other types of floor finishing in the apartment. The natural properties of cork will provide good protection from sounds coming from the lower floors. In order to understand the effectiveness of floor soundproofing using cork, you can compare the sound absorption characteristics of cork with other types of building materials.

Laying a layer of cork on a bare concrete floor will reduce the noise entering the apartment by half. To make even better soundproofing of the floor in an apartment, cork can be used in combination with other soundproofing materials. The combination of layers with different densities will ensure effective absorption of different types of noise.

When using decorative cork covering, the quality of floor sound insulation will be quite high, but in order to achieve maximum results It is also better to use a balsa wood backing.

Let's consider the main stages of arranging such a floor:

  1. First, the base layer is prepared. After the dust has been removed and the surface of the interfloor floor has been leveled, you can begin arranging the balsa wood base. The cork is laid on a layer of foamed polyethylene, the sheets of which should extend onto the walls by about 10 cm. The polyethylene is laid overlapping and secured with tape.
  2. A cork backing is laid on the polyethylene. If roll material is used, then after laying it you need to give it some time for it to level out and straighten out.
  3. On cork backing you need to lay sheets of plywood and attach them to the floor surface. A decorative floor covering will be installed on top of the plywood.

Soundproofing the floor in an apartment under laminate and linoleum

A floor covering such as laminate does not have high noise absorption rates and, on the contrary, even serves good guide sound, especially when solid objects fall on it. Therefore, when using this material, it is necessary to take care of noise protection, which is carried out in the same way as soundproofing the floor in an apartment under linoleum.

To do this, you need to use a special substrate that will perform several functions:

  • thermal insulation;
  • increasing the service life of the laminate;
  • soundproofing of laminate floors;
  • distribution of mechanical loads on the laminate and on all layers of the base;
  • preventing the occurrence of squeaking during operation.

When laying laminate flooring, rolled materials or balsa wood slabs are usually used as a substrate, which are held together with construction tape.

Technology for laying soundproofing underlay under laminate:

  1. The base on which to be laid is being prepared. soundproofing material(rolled sound insulation is pre-cut).
  2. The sound insulation layer is laid end-to-end. The seams of the material must be taped.
  3. The substrate is fastened (the fastening method is selected depending on the type of material and type of laminate).

Linoleum is a fairly thin floor covering, especially if materials without a felt base are used. That is why, when using linoleum in an apartment, it is necessary to consider soundproofing the floor. Vibrostack panels can be used as a noise-absorbing substrate. Laying of this material is carried out on the base subfloor. The joints of the material are secured with construction tape. If you need to install sound insulation under linoleum in rooms with an average level of traffic (bedroom, children's room, etc.), then you can use a backing made of IPSOLAT material. In addition to sound absorption, this sound insulation also protects the floor covering, extending the service life of the linoleum.

Technology for soundproofing a wooden floor in an apartment using joists

Frame soundproofing of the floor in an apartment can be carried out for both concrete and wooden floors. This design, compared to a floating floor, provides worse protection from vibration noise, but absorbs audio sounds much better. This soundproofing option is most often used in one-story houses that are built on a pile-grillage foundation (in this case there is no need to equip the floor soundproofing to protect against impact noise).

Soundproofing the floor on joists in an apartment or private house can be done with your own hands.

To do this, you must follow the following sequence of actions:

  • The first step is to dismantle the old wooden floor. This procedure must be carried out carefully, since if the boards are still in good condition, then after soundproofing has been installed they can be laid back.
  • All elements future design made of wood must be treated with an antiseptic like “SENEZH OGNEBIO”.
  • The concrete base of the floor is treated with a waterproofing compound.
  • To fix the logs, you can use U-shaped brackets, which are used for drywall. The horizontal alignment of the logs is carried out using slats. After this, the logs need to be secured to the concrete base with brackets. The fixation must be rigid, so it is necessary to press the joists well against the ceiling.
  • Sound insulation is placed in the free space between the joists (it is better to use mineral fibrous materials– mineral wool, Isover type slabs, glass wool, etc.). Foam cannot be used to soundproof a frame floor, as it does not provide the necessary ventilation wooden structures, which leads to their premature rotting.
  • We are setting up wood flooring. The boards should be pressed tightly against each other and secured to the joists using self-tapping screws. Instead of flooring boards, a material such as OSB boards. In this case, the flooring is performed in 2 layers, so that the joints of the second layer are located in the middle of the slabs of the 1st layer.

How much does it cost to soundproof a floor in an apartment: prices and calculation of materials

Step one - calculating the sound insulation index

You can calculate the sound insulation index of the floor in an apartment based on the thickness of the partitions and finishing layers. It is better to entrust the calculations to professionals, since a mistake will lead to either excessive consumption of materials or poor quality noise protection. To independently determine this indicator, the following guidelines are used: during the day, the acceptable noise level should be less than 40 dB, and at night no more than 30 dB.

Interfloor ceilings in an apartment, the thickness of which is 200-220 cm plus screed, provide protection from noise up to 54 dB (if construction standards and technological requirements were met during the arrangement.

A simple way to determine the degree of sound insulation of a floor: listen to the sounds from the apartment on the floor below. If you hear the sound of footsteps, then the noise is about 30 dB, if you are talking - 45 dB, and if you are just screaming - 70 dB.

Step two - calculating the absorption coefficient

The sound absorption coefficient is calculated by specialists separately for each material. It is recommended to select materials with an absorption coefficient ranging from 0 to 1.

Step three - calculating the amount of materials

At this stage, the total amount of materials needed is determined. To calculate, you need to multiply the width of the sound insulator by its length and get total area. The result obtained must be divided by the footage (for roll materials) or the size of the slabs. The resulting figure is rounded up and you still need to add 10% of the material for the stock.

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