Cozy interior. What should it be like? The most comfortable home interiors: transformation ideas

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A home in which comfort reigns is a special place. It is filled with warmth and sincerity, attracts you, sets you up for positivity and pacifies.

The owners who managed to create the most comfortable interiors of their houses should be applauded. They implemented it with simple details indescribable situation.

The design of the space can be modern, loft, ethnic, Provence, country, but it is created for people.

In such a home you want to create, relax, love and build a family nest. A cozy home can evoke all these emotions.

The photos of the interiors presented below can be used to transform your own apartments.

Top 10 incredibly cozy designs

Apartment or Vacation home must acquire a “lived-in” appearance. They need not only to be filled with things dear to the heart, but also to carefully consider the decoration, furniture and color scheme.

Take note of the interiors of houses and apartments from different countries peace.

House near the ocean in Oregon, USA

The room offers what many dream of: an ocean view. There are practically no walls in it - they are replaced by huge window structures, through which you can look at the endless water surface.

The creators of this modern, but incredibly harmonious space were guided by simple truths:

  • filled the house with light due to large quantity windows;
  • preferred smooth, streamlined shapes;
  • carpets, plants and metal parts were used as accents;
  • organized lighting;
  • placed a lot of armchairs and sofas throughout the house;
  • We settled on a wooden texture – furniture finishing, bar counter, flooring.

The result was impressive: you simply cannot find a more comfortable place to contemplate sunsets and sunrises.

Country treehouses in Berlin, Germany

What will happen if a leading German architectural company takes on the implementation of a project in the green zone of the prestigious Zehlendorf district? You will get an “oasis on a tree”!

Buildings made in the shape of the letter “T” are:

  • wooden panels with natural texture;
  • a real country residence for mental relaxation;
  • complete harmony with the natural landscape - the rooms are decorated in eco-style;
  • a laconic staircase that divides the terrace into two halves.

The ergonomics of the tree house are thought out to the smallest detail: there is small kitchen, bedroom and functional bathroom.

Sugar Bowl building in Norden, California

The creator of this design in the ski resort is architect John Maniscalo. The project is unique, if only because it is located on the surface of a three-meter snow cover.

The interior of the space is modern, but has its own unique features:

  • made in light color scheme, and the walls, floor and ceiling imitate wood finishes;
  • roof - curved shape, thanks to which snow does not stick to it;
  • Geometric but non-standard windows fill the room with light;
  • bedroom – without unnecessary details, the color scheme of the decoration is warm and relaxing.

The Sugar Bowl is amazing and fits perfectly into the snowy valley setting.

Loft loft by Stephen Volpe in San Francisco, USA

Who, if not a designer who settled in a loft home back in the 90s, would know how to decorate his own attic?

The interior has never left the pages of fashion magazines because it is incredibly cozy:

  • the main materials used by Stephen Volpe were brick, concrete, mahogany and iron;
  • the room is spacious, bordering on minimalism, but the furniture and lamps are of the highest quality;
  • added eccentric details: rough wooden beams, down chairs, ottomans made of aluminum wire.

The main thing in the attic is lighting, and huge windows overlooking local factories make it possible to achieve it.

Museum comfort in Rotterdam, the Netherlands

The Craggins Museum was once located on the site of this apartment. Or rather, there are three apartments, with a common entrance.

The living space has been elevated to the rank of elite, as it has incredibly cozy design interiors:

  • open plan – big windows, high ceilings, spacious rooms;
  • light palette of finishes, wooden floors;
  • playing with contrasts through stylish furniture, paintings, and accessories;
  • clear zoning of space into bedroom, kitchen and guest area;
  • The premises are designed according to the studio principle.

If anything personifies the Dutch airiness, it is definitely modern apartments in a historical building.

Light shades of a city apartment in Gothenburg, Sweden

It is serene here in a Scandinavian way, so the home can rightfully be included in the most peaceful interiors of houses and apartments.

The main differences between the Nordic space are as follows:

  • three bedrooms minimum sizes with comfortable beds;
  • corner pre-revolutionary fireplace with a sofa in soft gray colors;
  • high-tech kitchen;
  • two balconies facing north and south;
  • The flooring is dark but incredibly warm parquet.

Everything here is subordinated to one thing: relaxation after hard working days.

Studio apartment in a new building in Moscow, Russia

You can adapt Scandinavian design to Russian realities even in a small space.

A studio apartment in a new building is transformed and becomes homely:

  • combining the living room and kitchen into one room creates a relaxed atmosphere;
  • the Nordic flavor is emphasized by unique details: a table made of solid wood, bright pillows, zebra carpet;
  • corridor - independent room, it is separated from the living room by a wall;
  • Framed photos add family comfort, and yellow chairs near the bar encourage intimate conversations.

The owners of the studio managed, with the help modern trends and little things that are dear to them to make the interior warm and homely.

Cave house in Coahuila, Mexico

Primitive style is just something. Especially if the Pilares nature reserve is chosen as the place for the dwelling, and natural materials were used for construction.

The room with a slight pagan touch looks comfortable thanks to:

  • natural materials that imitate a desert landscape;
  • natural animal horns, antique stove, stone decoration;
  • functional simple furniture, a circular sofa;
  • a huge dining room with stone walls;
  • warm finishing tones.

The idea is great if you don't mind the horns. However, they can be replaced with dream catchers or paintings in wooden frames.

Luxury plantation villa in Knysna, South Africa

The building is located on a vast area and is a combination of glass and wood. The roof is sloping and protects from the sun.

Plantation house idea in modern interpretation implies:

  • environmentally friendly natural materials;
  • zoning of the home by floor, a spectacular twisted staircase;
  • modern home theater for relaxation in cloudy weather;
  • spacious bedroom with a huge bed and stunning views.

This idea is good for country house, but requires modern communication systems.

Secluded bungalow on Michoacan island, Mexico

An ideal place where a person’s dream of the most comfortable home interiors comes true. Stone, cedar wood, and marble were used for construction.

Adding to the relaxing charm of the bungalow are:

  • living plants, a terrace decorated with them with comfortable chairs and a table;
  • romantic four-poster bed in the bedroom;
  • a game of contrasts: dark wood and white textiles;
  • comfortable sofas with pillows;
  • functional kitchen.

Comfort in the home on your own

Cozy interior design is not just copied from a picture in a fashion magazine. They are created with their own hands.

To do this, you need love for your home, the ability to create and knowledge of the basic design tricks:

But the most important feature cozy home– this is individuality. The interior of such a space does not obey any canons, but is created bit by bit. Don't copy magazine pictures, just use them as a new idea.

Here are proven methods and modern ideas interior design, which will tell you how to make the room cozy and comfortable. We present to your attention a collection of photos of functional, family-friendly, beautiful and fashionable design projects and decorating tips that will help you add comfort and charm to your room with your own hands and without renovation.

How to make a room cozy with your own hands - photo

Elements that embody coziness and comfort help make the “right” interior warm and homely. You are familiar with them, but in order for these details to “work” for comfort and not create chaos in the house, they need to be used correctly.

Chaotically scattered anywhere, not coordinated in color with other interior elements, pillows will not decorate, but rather clutter your home. Beautiful, but too hard pillows will make you and your guests want only to remove them when you sit down to rest, so:

  • Choose soft, voluminous pillows: down, synthetic padding, or holofiber. The most environmentally friendly options for fillers are bamboo fiber and buckwheat husks.
  • Pillows can be laid out not only on the sofa, but also on armchairs and on the floor.
  • The color of the pillows should be repeated in other things that are in the room (curtains, carpet, wallpaper, lamps, flower pots etc.).

Depending on the season, pillows (or their covers) can be changed in autumn and winter, using knitted and woolen ones in warm, soothing shades, and in spring and summer – silk and cotton ones in rich, rich colors.

How to make a small room cozy and beautiful

Functional layout and comfortable placement of furniture are necessary to create comfort, especially in small rooms. Modern modular shelving, horizontal and vertical shelves, sofas, chairs and coffee tables can visually enlarge small spaces.

Soft fabrics, soothing and elegant patterns, stylish fabrics and decoration accessories self made With embroidery or appliqués, crochets and knits bring a cozy feel to the design. Not large room and create a stylish yet relaxing and tranquil atmosphere.

A blanket as a decorative element is very “movable”: it can travel from room to room on your shoulders, “move” from a sofa to an armchair, from an armchair to a bed, and from there to the floor. But, no matter where the blanket is, it will add coziness to the room.

The most comfortable blankets are cashmere, wool with the addition of artificial fibers(in this case, the product does not itch), cotton, knitted (especially large knit), and also in “tartan” colors.

If you are not using the blanket at the moment, do not put it away, but carefully fold it and throw it over the armrest of the sofa or the back of the chair: the mere presence of this element will warm the room.

Checkered and colorful blankets look good against the backdrop of furniture and other interior items of calm, solid colors.

How to make your dorm room more comfortable

If you want the comfort of a dorm room, choose upholstered furniture with textile upholstery, and decorate the windows with fabric curtains.

Excellent creators of comfort - tablecloths, bedspreads, handmade textile elements. They will soften and “domesticate” even the most austere interior.

Curtains and other textile elements can either transform a room or ruin its appearance, so take the choice of colors and textures seriously.

Avoid excessive variegation: the checkered upholstery of the chair, the variegated bedspread on the sofa and the flowered curtains will “quarrel” with each other.

Bright and colorful elements look good against the background of plain wallpaper and furniture (especially pastel shades).

Cover the table with two or three tablecloths different lengths, peeking out from under one another and the room in the “dorm” will become more comfortable.

How to make a children's room cozy

To make a child's room cozy, pay attention to white, air decoration with vibrant details to add warmth and color.

Children's toys and accessories for interior decoration create a beautiful and cozy interior for a child's room.

Creamy white and light yellow shades natural wood and dark gray or brown colors very attractive and beautiful.

Decorative fabrics, wallpaper or vinyl wall decals, wall art ideas and furniture enhance the interior style and make the kids room design look pleasant, cozy and relaxing.

Convenient storage containers, baskets and shelves made from natural materials can help organize decor and keep your child's bedroom clean and tidy.

How to create a cozy interior of a large room

A wicker basket is a rather rough element, but it creates a beautiful look in any room, be it a kitchen, hallway, nursery, bedroom, living room or bathroom. special atmosphere. With the help of baskets, it is easy to give a city apartment the charm of a country house. Besides this extra bed for storing all kinds of things.

Baskets can be either free-standing, independent interior items, or located on shelves, in niches of shelving, performing the function of drawers.

It’s good if “in support” of the baskets in the interior of a large room there are other wicker objects (vases, an armchair, etc.).

Place colorful balls of yarn in a wicker basket and you will get a beautiful and cozy decorative element for your living room or bedroom.

Baskets are made from both natural materials - rattan, wicker, bamboo, sea grass, and artificial ones, which naturally affects the cost.

In our age information technologies, the Internet and gadgets (including for reading), paper books still remain in demand. Reading people carefully wipe off the dust from the tattered spines of old copies bought by their grandmother; books are happy to replenish their home library. After all, books are not only a source of interesting and useful information, but also a wonderful piece of cozy interior!

Compare two shelves, one of which contains vases and figurines, and the other - books. Which one “breathes” life? Of course, the second one! You just want to come up, run your hands along the spines, choosing the reading you like, and then settle into your favorite chair with a book and a cup of aromatic tea... A classic picture of a cozy evening!

Do not try to place books strictly vertically, “by height”. It’s just a little clutter that creates coziness, so some books can be placed, some can be placed nearby.

An effective technique is to distribute books in groups by color: green covers on one shelf, red covers on another, etc.

Of course, books should not be just decorative elements - they should “live”, that is, be read. They will create a warm atmosphere in the house if the owners use them for their pleasure!

Arranging new house or when starting renovations in an already lived-in apartment, owners often make one mistake: they try to create the “right” perfect interior, similar to an exhibition design sample. But, striving for perfection, we lose the main thing - warmth and comfort, the feeling of “at home”. An interior with too much gloss is like a set for a photo shoot, but not a place for comfortable life and rest. Use these tips on how to make your room feel cozier and create a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere in your home.

Woman has always remained a keeper home comfort and hearth. This was also facilitated by the fact that the fair half of humanity, as a rule, possesses all necessary qualities, allowing you to combine furniture and lighting with various types in maximum harmony.

Of course, creating proper comfort in a new apartment, house, or just a room is not easy and in many ways creative task. Interior design work requires maximum patience and a lot of imagination from the home owner. In addition, it is important to be able to implement own ideas and ideas.

So what do you need to consider to create a favorable atmosphere and comfort in your home with your own hands? In any home, a pleasant and comfortable design is the main feature and even a guarantee not only family well-being, but also happiness and a harmonious home environment.

Remembering history, you can also be sure that a woman at all times tried to give even the most unsightly house the most comfortable and cozy look. Today, every housewife in most cases uses her own feminine tricks and tricks in order to give the apartment a sunny, warm and pleasant look.

It is important to realize that even the most luxurious and stylish design is not always able to highlight the warmth and comfort in a home environment due to the absence of any element in the interior.

Expert advice! Give the room a comfortable and warm look, without having to carry out full renovation, is possible by adding small elements.

Before creating coziness in your home, it is recommended to first decide on possible directions in design. As already noted, not always expensive Decoration Materials, furniture fittings and accessories can highlight the very individuality and expressiveness of the interior. Luxurious finishing materials may not be able to do this either.

Sometimes you can emphasize the “life and soul” in a house with the help of unique charm and zest through the use of, at first glance, some small trifle. These usually include:

  • Pillows and towels;
  • Photos decorated with beautiful frames;
  • DIY decorative elements and toys, be it oven mitts, rugs, blankets, etc.;

Ways to create comfort in an apartment

Speaking about a pleasant and comfortable home atmosphere, many people usually mean the relaxing positive impressions that they get from staying in such a room, and it makes no difference whether you are furnishing just a room or a country house! However, when registering internal space of any home it is equally important to consider characteristics and features of the furnished interior. For example, for some it is preferable to observe order and cleanliness, while others choose creative chaos. Here the choice is yours!

But despite individual approach to each specific case, coziness in the general understanding is always associated with livability and comfort of living. Each new premises should ideally offer residents and guests new design interior, its smells, furniture, style and color scheme.

If you want to arrange a clean and bright room, you should consider that the main criterion in in this case perform absolutely clean surfaces . Moreover, this rule affects both floors and walls, as well as pieces of furniture, be it facades, shelves, tables and even corner floor lamps. There is no question of any dust or dirt!

Some minor items in the interior of a house can significantly transform the appearance of a home, emphasizing a favorable atmosphere and comfort. If desired, give modern apartment warmth, comfort and convenience can be achieved quickly and inexpensively so that your future home will only delight you with a good mood and joy during your stay. There would be a desire...

Designers highlight a lot of options for arranging your home in a pleasant and cozy nest with your own hands, where in the future you will begin to enjoy the blissful and warm atmosphere in the evenings. Transforming a home does not always require large expenses; you can also use more budget-friendly, but not ineffective, solutions:

  • Bring the element that you like best into your room design. This way you will not only endow the room with unique warmth, but also create a cozy and harmonious atmosphere. An ordinary blanket or carpet can serve as such an addition.
  • Keep your home clean and tidy, as an unkempt appearance indicates an unsightly design that will not contribute to much comfort.

  • Great importance in the design of a home is given to the cladding of the walls, as well as their color finishing.

You can create an unusual design inside the house with your own hands using soft bedspreads that will cover and decorate armchairs and a sofa. Best choice in this case they will become velor and velvety fabrics, which will not only endow the room with peace and tranquility, but will also set the owners of the house in a romantic mood.

When arranging the interior, it is important to focus on calm pastel colors- only they are able to highlight the peaceful and relaxing home atmosphere in a favorable light. Diversify the “boring” color palette will be achieved through pillows with bright and rich colors. They will act as a unique highlight, at the same time decorating the sofa and giving greater comfort due to their softness.

Important point! All soft elements, be it a small teddy bear or a fluffy carpet, will add a certain note of comfort and tranquility to the atmosphere of the house. Remember this.

Significantly increase your rating various items, emphasizing the comfort in the house, is possible not only through one beautiful floor carpet, but a pair of small rugs placed near the threshold of the room can cope with the same task no less successfully. With their help you can bring appearance premises to greater uniformity, making the room more pleasant and attractive. In addition, it will always be pleasant to walk on such a surface barefoot.

Most often, residents decide to transform home interior by updating the upholstery of armchairs and chairs with new textured covers. In this case, well-chosen color and texture of surfaces can highlight the harmonious combination of existing items with the interior of the home.

Having arranged a house or apartment in rustic style, you can get a truly “homely” comfort. For this purpose, various accessories are used, most often made by hand.

In this case, preference should be given to the following items:

  • Decorative candles, boxes, vases;
  • Wicker baskets;
  • Earthenware dishes;
  • Tablecloths and napkins embroidered with your own hands;
  • Knitted blankets.

This kind of decorative components must be used in the interior of the room as wisely and carefully as possible! Otherwise, you can end up with clutter and bad taste in your home. It is important to feel in moderation!

Do not forget! Big number small bright elements and accessories will not be able to combine well with each other, giving the room an unattractive and sometimes even vulgar look.

Small photos and paintings, decorated with attractive frames, will significantly enliven the design of the room, not only embellishing it, but also highlighting the coziness and comfort of your home. They look no less attractive in the house and decorative vases with flowers. To make them more comfortable, you should choose warm colors and shades for them.

Flowers indoors

Sometimes, when decorating a cozy living room, you can’t do without using flowers, and it doesn’t matter whether they are decorative or real. Having created with their help beautiful bouquet or simply placing them inside an attractive vase will already add a lot of warmth to the room.

Vegetation in the house can not only highlight the beauty of the room in a favorable light, but also bring maximum bliss into it. In addition, it will become much easier to breathe and live inside.

The design of any home can change significantly after placing flowers inside. For this, as a rule, they use hanging shelves, window sills, coffee tables or even the floor. Good mood, tranquility, comfort and joy - all this is achieved through indoor plants.

Lighting in the house

Well lit and bright rooms will provide not only lightness and simplicity, but also due to this will be achieved visual increase internal space, thanks to which even small room will begin to seem more attractive and cozy. Based on this, to choose lighting fixtures should be approached with due care!

Lamps and floor lamps on the walls and table will provide both additional high-quality lighting and comfort and elegance to the room.

In order to create maximum comfort and atmosphere in the house, it is recommended to choose stylish lamps High Quality.

One more little secret mirrors located opposite the windows protrude. In this case, they will reflect light well, bringing a certain charm to the home.

Naturally, the kitchen after the repair work it will look clean and fresh for a long time. However, even after careful renovation and decoration, there may be a feeling that something is missing in the interior. As you know, design magazines usually do not include budget solutions finishing, although advice that will help you save a lot on repairs is present there in abundance.

Housewives who prefer to craft and do everything with their own hands will find these recommendations most useful! Do you like to knit, then great solution You will be able to decorate the kitchen with various exclusive and unique items, for example, home curtains, embroidered towels, stylish and bright potholders made from leftover fabric, knitted napkins, etc.

Such elements will bring appropriate energy and comfort to the kitchen interior, making the room more organic and homely.

Do not hide supplies in cabinets or behind. Alternatively, you can place jars filled with pasta, beans or other grains in a visible place. If possible, include some foods as part of the room's design, such as placing colorful beans and pasta inside the same jar. various shapes layers.

The kitchen will be transformed if you leave jars of pickles, compotes or jam in a visible place. To do this, it is better to use small jars of various shapes. Place colorful fabric over the lids and tie it with ribbon. This way you can also bring a touch of coziness and coziness to your home. homely atmosphere. Experiment with design options, colors and contents of the jars.

They will look no less attractive in the interior of the kitchen and dried flowers in the form of bouquets. Make a panel on the surface of the wall or place flowers inside ceramic vase. You can do the same with cones, which are found in huge abundance in any forest.

Ceramic pots are best placed in kitchen cabinets or on shelves.

Use the tips presented and you will see how your kitchen will be transformed from a boring and boring space into something new and unique right before your eyes.

This way you will bring comfort into your home with your own hands, without anyone’s help and high costs. Make your home more beautiful, clean and comfortable without the need to purchase expensive pieces of furniture, remodeling and large financial investments. Achieve this through love for your family, good mood, homeliness and caring for others.

Photo gallery

Even the most stylish design can become boring. But don’t make repairs every time this happens! Most often, a small update is quite enough - the whole interior will feel different.

Do you want to know how to make your home more comfortable with your own hands? Here are some ideas for inspiration.

How to make your home more comfortable: 10 golden rules

Change textiles

Changing textiles with the changing seasons is always a winning idea. For example, you want to change heavy knitted blankets to spring period for something light and bright. And this seemingly small change will transform the entire room.

What is pleasant in winter, you want to remove with the onset of the warm season

Photo: decorating a bathroom with textiles

Refresh a simple interior with bright accents

Hang other curtains

The curtains also play very well important role in what mood the interior of the room creates. Choose a different fabric, different patterns, or go bold and change your curtains to Roman shades.

Curtains play a big role in how a room looks

Transform your room with art

Another effective method do cozy apartment without renovation is to transform it with paintings, posters, figurines and other art objects that suit your mood and season.

The reader may object: “But wait, making a hole in the wall is the opposite of what we call ‘transform without repair,’” and he will be right. However, the picture does not have to be hung! You can simply lean it against the wall, placing a massive canvas on the floor, and a smaller-scale work - on a chest of drawers or console table. It looks very modern and a little rebellious. By the way, an unusual frame for a mirror, as in the photo above, can also do an excellent job.

Art in all its manifestations

Make your home cozy without spending money? Easily!

The idea of ​​filling a room with art can also seem quite wasteful. But don't rush to look at the schedule of upcoming auctions! You can get by minimal costs, but having designed the space for yourself. For example, you can put in beautiful frame handwritten quote about love. Dried flowers that remind you of pleasant moments in life, handprints of the whole family and other simple but dear little things will be the perfect addition to your mini-gallery.

How to make an apartment cozy and beautiful: flowers in a vase

Perhaps this is the simplest and most pleasant way to refresh the interior - put a vase with a beautiful bouquet. Seasonal flowers always look romantic and eye-catching.

Nobody says that now you will need to buy a new bouquet of flowers every week. The composition can be made from branches, herbs, as well as artificial flowers that you can make from paper. A round vase filled with pebbles will also be a nice decoration.

Room design option: new old furniture

When you want to change something in life, you don’t have to buy new furniture, if you are tired of the old one or a little shabby. Much more convenient option will use various materials to “refresh” old furniture. Facades kitchen cabinets can be covered with film, old chest of drawers- paint in two colors, and wooden chair- drag.

Uplifting colors and restored furniture

How to make your home cozy and beautiful: wall design

You can decorate your walls beautifully without plaster, paint or wallpaper. Interior stickers create great effects, and no skill is required to transfer them to the wall.

Buy furniture from old collections

If you still think that you can’t do without new furniture, consider pieces of furniture from old collections. You may find items that look cutting-edge even though they were created years ago. A great idea for decorating a room without breaking the bank.

How to make an apartment cozy: update the furniture upholstery

If your favorite chair is worn out, this is not a reason to throw it away. Just take it to a workshop where the casing will be re-upholstered.

Furniture restoration idea: upholstery

Choosing fabric for upholstery upholstered furniture- This important decision, because different types fabrics will completely transform the entire interior. In particular, velvet and plush are now very fashionable solutions exuding style and elegance.

A noble velvet chair will become the central element of the interior

How to make your home cozy and beautiful: vintage furniture

Vintage today is a highly relevant trend and is inexpensive if you know how to choose. Perfect option in order to update the interior at almost no cost.

Create a cozy reading nook

Sometimes there can be nothing better than relaxing in a soft chair with an exciting book in your hands. And even if you can hardly call yourself a bookworm, everyone needs such a vacation spot. After all, in such a convenient corner you can watch videos on your tablet, right?

Decorating a wall in a room: install a shelving unit

The function of the rack is not limited to storing things on it. Here you can place paintings, figurines, photographs... And the most important advantage is that the composition of this “exhibition” can be easily changed to suit your mood.

DIY room decor idea: books

How to make a small apartment cozy: plants

Bring floral motifs into the interior by decorating the room with live plants. If you have no experience in this area, it’s okay, choose to start unpretentious plants: Money Tree, cacti and other succulents. Some types of palm trees also require little care.

How to diversify the interior: brickwork

Okay, this will require some effort, but we simply could not help but include this method in our list. Because brick always looks very stylish! Of course, this does not mean that you will need to lay out an entire wall with bricks, no. Brickwork can be imitated, for example, using thin tiles. And if the natural brick color seems too rough for you, then the laid tiles can be completely painted white, it looks very elegant!

Brickwork and high ceilings add an industrial touch

Why not make your home cozy with your own hands?

Do you know how to sew or knit? Do you enjoy making homemade decor? Decorative pillows, blankets, baskets for storing small items - with your own hands you can completely transform the space.

Take care of lighting

Small changes regarding lighting are one of the most simple ways make the house more comfortable. Place the floor lamp in a dark corner, change the intensity or color of the existing lamps. Place a mirror opposite the lamp: by reflecting light, it will make the room more spacious and beautiful.


Recipes for a cozy home from our regular author Anna Mulan

Just recently I moved to new apartment. But I didn’t experience the expected joy from the move. I could sit in my favorite Starbucks until the night: work, relax and be inspired. It was more comfortable there than at home. When I felt that I was already 80% coffee, I realized that it was time to return home.

I wondered why I don’t feel drawn to it? Why is it more comfortable in a noisy coffee shop? And in general, what little things make a house a home?And here are the recipes for a cozy home that cannot be exchanged for a cafe. Tested by personal experience.

Well, I decided to make changes in the house. But where to start? Read a smart book, magazine, watch design tutorials on the Internet, or maybe hire a designer? But this would not make the apartment any more comfortable, because the concept “ cosiness “Everyone has their own. It's something personal.

I started simple - with questions: “What kind of atmosphere in the house do I generally need? How would I like to feel in each room?”

Don't rush to throw out old furniture and buy new furniture. The apartment will not become more comfortable. Ask the question: what do YOU ​​want? And for each room, choose at least three symbol words that describe the atmosphere you want to create.

A very cool book on this topic “”. Makes it clear that before starting global changes in the house, you should first understand yourself.

My comfort was hampered by things that I haven’t used for a long time, but it’s a pity to throw them away (“it’s a memory”). I'm sure everyone has encountered this problem (our balconies are a temple of memory for unnecessary items).Junk accumulates and collects dust over the years. And old, no longer needed, memories prevent you from enjoying the present. By the way, we have a separate section on the topic of unnecessary things and order in the house.

Don’t be afraid to throw away jars, bottles, teabags, boxes - anything you haven’t used for a long time. Yes, these things were once needed, but the time has come for something really important and new.

I recently traveled around Sweden and noticed one detail: in each apartment there was a paper star-lamp on the windowsill. And the rooms and balconies were decorated with lights. The atmosphere of home comfort and warmth reached me even on the street.I then thought: “This is cool! But just little lights.” MWe treat light in the house superficially: we hung a chandelier and best case scenario The floor lamp was installed. And light is a powerful comforter that creates an atmosphere.

Highlight each area in the room with light, avoid dark corners. Place a floor lamp near the chair in which you like to read, hang a sconce over your favorite painting or photo, don’t forget about table lamp and a chandelier with soft light.And, of course, candles - warm and lively light.

Coziness's best friend is a dimmer: install it on all lighting sources for the desired atmosphere.

Sofa – interesting thing. It’s like an eminence grise: it doesn’t seem to be the basis of the interior, but it influences everything in the room.The sofa carries a great emotional load - this is a place where you can relax and unwind, chat with family and friends, wrap yourself in a blanket and watch TV with your significant other. Take his choice seriously.

“Well, I’ll buy something cheap for the first time,” I mistakenly thought. Mine was uncomfortable and hard, and it broke quickly. I had to go in search of something new and high quality to make the apartment comfortable.

Quality is expressed in beauty and convenience. When choosing, look at the neatness of the seams, the coating, and most importantly, the filler. The ideal filling is down with a thin layer of foam.

A minute of theory: LPPU or latex polyurethane foam – perfect solution. Unlike simple foam rubber, the bubbles in which burst under the load (this causes the coating to sag and lose its shape), the latex does not suffer from use, but returns to its original position each time. You can check this by sitting on the couch. See how quickly it gets back into shape. Another the right way– ask a consultant or ask to look and touch the layer.

Don't skimp on a decent sofa - this is your comfort. We even have a whole article about this: “How to choose a good sofa?” And how to make it more comfortable - see below.

The blanket often travels from room to room on my shoulders. When I want warmth, I take it out from the depths of the closet. But it can warm not only people, but also give warmth to an entire room.

Blankets thrown over the back of a chair or the armrest of a sofa seem to hint that they live in the room and use it. Cashmere, wool, cotton, checkered or striped. With them, any interior will be more homely and lively.

And the Pillows! To be honest, I only had one. She lay on the bed, covered with a blanket, and performed one function - she transported her to the world of dreams.Pillows can update and even change the interior. Place one on the armchair and several on the sofa, and the room will look new!

But it's not that simple. In addition to beauty, convenience is also important here. If family members, friends, guests, when sitting down, move or remove the pillows, then there is no question of any comfort here. No matter how luxurious the pillow is, first of all it should invite you to sit down.

Here are a couple of lifehacks:

    pay attention to down pillows - they are the softest;

    if you doubt the size of the pillow, make a larger error;

    large square ones for sofas ( 35-50 cm) , rectangular for chairs (30x40 or 40x65);

    the color of the pillow must match at least three things in the interior (curtains, carpet, wallpaper, etc.)

Here is the formula for cozying a sofa = a blanket on the back or armrest + 2 identical pillows in the corners + a rectangular pillow in the center. (More details about the number, location and size of pillows in ours)

A lot of useful tips on soft comforts is in the book “Home, Sweet Home”. I read it in one evening and was inspired to buy new pillows!

The first thing people notice when entering a house is its aroma. It remains in the memory and creates the first impression. It is unlikely that you will be comfortable in an apartment with the smell of dampness or mold.

This does not mean that you need to buy a bunch of fragrances and spray them where it smells unpleasant. The point is that you should create a basic aroma that is always in the apartment - you feel it as soon as you walk home from the street.

You can use the following:

    aromatic mixture

Easy to use sachet. Sachets are small pillows or bags filled with natural materials: petals, twigs, herbs, spices.

Such bags are placed throughout the apartment, and always in the hallway, so that a pleasant aroma greets you after a hard day at work.

    aroma candles

Depending on the season or our mood, we can change the smells of our home using aromatherapy candles. They enliven any room and are appropriate almost everywhere, except dining table- there is a place for the smell of delicious food.

Be careful. Candles made from cheap and low-quality materials will not give you relaxation, but a headache. Choose from soy or coconut waxes with natural ingredients.

Have you noticed how a room transforms when there is a beautiful bouquet in it? It’s somehow immediately fresh, joyful, cozy. But for most, such transformations in the interior happen on holidays, when flowers migrate into the house as a gift.

I love fresh flowers. They invigorate the room and create a fresh aroma. That's why I made it a rule to keep them at home all year round(you can read about how to choose flowers). Nobody says that you need to buy huge gift bouquets. A couple of tulips, peonies or ordinary daisies - and the room becomes more comfortable.

Another option - houseplants. They make the rooms look so homely and well-groomed. Choose pretty and fragrant plants: jasmine, narcissus, amaryllis, geranium, citrus fruits.

Just imagine, after a long renovation, you enter an apartment. The house is unrecognizable, everything is stylish and new. Walk around the apartment as if through a museum, looking at every detail. Sit down on the chic and soft sofa and look around. Everything seems beautiful, but you uncomfortable. And all because it remains to add myself .

Photographs, paintings, books, memorabilia tell our story. With proper arrangement of these items, it turns out living house, telling about the owner.

We make the home ours through:


This is what we love and admire. Through books we are able to talk about our hobbies without even naming them. Therefore, there is no need to put them in boxes and store them in a closet.

You can make stacks of books on the floor. You can place them on shelves, diluting them with candles, figurines, photographs.


I love lively, random shots. They accurately convey our emotions and state at the moment of the past. These are the kind of photos that should be stored not on your smartphone, but on the walls of your apartment. How to do this, read

Print, hang or place anywhere in the room. Fill it with emotions.

Paintings and drawings

You surround yourself with creativity that inspires.

Hang pictures on the wall or simply place them on a table, mantel, or lean against the wall to create a carefree atmosphere. (For information on how to do this, see the article “How to hang pictures without headaches?”)

Recently I discovered the magic of decorative mirrors. Walking between showrooms at IKEA, I noticed one living room. It was airy, fresh and bright. And all because of decorative mirrors in unusual frames.They multiplied the light reflected in them from the chandeliers so much that the room became very lively. The diffused light illuminated the dark corners of the space and it turned out very cozy.

Do you understand what I mean? Mirrors won't hurt. Hang them on the wall instead of a picture, place them above the fireplace or next to some piece of furniture, place them between a couple of windows, above a sofa, above any shelf or dressing table.

If there is a fireplace in the house, then 50% of the cozy plan has been completed! Because fire is warmth, calm, peace, comfort.An alternative is an electric fireplace: there is no need to add firewood, it is impossible to get burned, there is heat.In general, if you have the opportunity to purchase this magical thing, don’t hesitate!

These points helped me bring the apartment closer to the cozy ideal. But there is more important detail- the comfort in the house is created by its people.

Your comfort is you and the emotions you bring. Positive or negative, they charge every corner.

And here is the ideal formula for comfort: spiritual gatherings with family and friends + love + 10 tips listed above, and you will never trade your home for a noisy cafe.


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