What is mi measured in a water filter? Review of water hardness tester from Xiaomi - Xiaomi Mi TDS Pen

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">Instructions are available for this device. For TDS water quality tester Xiaomi Mi TDS Pen is available detailed instructions in Russian. You can read detailed information on the operation of the device by clicking on the more details button TDS water quality tester XiaomiCheck the water quality in your home

We cannot visually determine how pure the water we drink is. At first glance it looks clean clear water may contain various impurities. TDS indicates the total amount dissolved in water. solids. The degree of mineralization to one degree or another affects the quality of water. The lower the TDS, the lower the ion concentration heavy metals and soluble salts, and accordingly, those better quality drinking water.

The TDS tester from Xiaomi can accurately determine the degree of mineralization of water. According to World Health Organization (WHO) standards, water suitable for drinking should not exceed a TDS value of 600 mg/l. At a mineralization level of 1000 mg/l and above, a change in the taste of water occurs.

Timely checking of water quality in your home IN different regions and even in different houses Water quality may vary. The TDS tester from Xiaomi will help you determine the exact content of impurities dissolved in water. You can conduct tests both before and after water filtration, so you can evaluate the quality of the water purification devices. Generally, a low TDS value has low soluble content, which means the water is clean and safe to drink. High-precision technologies are the keyhighly accurate results
Monolithic waterproof housing, low power consumption chip The use of a TDS tester can significantly affect our water consumption patterns. Conscious of responsibility and striving for error-free measurements throughout the entire service life, we pay great attention to detail and use high-precision technology. The tester body is created using injection molding technology, and the measuring probe is made of stainless material (titanium). The device is also equipped with an external sensor for automatic temperature compensation (0 ~ 80°C). The design of the case is limited to the button and display and does not include any holes, which ensures water resistance and prevents the tester from being damaged by splashes or water leaking into the case. To save battery power, the TDS tester automatically turns off if not used for more than two minutes. The power source is two AG13 round batteries, which can be replaced at any time. The device weighs only 27.4 g and has a compact design in the form ballpoint pen, making it convenient to take with you.

For healthy image life great importance has the quality of the water we consume. Only laboratory analysis can give a complete picture of this. However, in Lately Easy-to-use measuring instruments and testers have appeared that allow you to easily and quickly assess the quality of drinking water at home. They are called TDS meters and measure the concentration of foreign substances dissolved in water. Our review is devoted to the description of one of these devices.

What is a TDS meter?

The English abbreviation TDS stands for Total Dissolved Salts, which can be translated into Russian as “total salt content.” Because TDS meters (testers) are primarily focused on measuring the concentration of dissolved solids in water, they are often called “salin meters.”

The presence of foreign insoluble impurities in water is quite simply determined by eye by the transparency of the water. However, it is not possible to estimate in this way how high the content of dissolved substances is in water that is clear at first glance. As a rule, these are mineral salts, salts of alkaline earth metals, as well as some organic substances.

There is a simple, accurate, but time-consuming way to determine the amount of substances dissolved in water. To do this, you need to evaporate the water and weigh the remaining dry residue. This will be an indicator of the total content of substances dissolved in water, denoted by the English term TDS. The presence of a salinity meter allows you to do without this lengthy procedure and mathematical calculations of the concentration of impurities.

The principle of operation of such a device is simple - it measures electrical resistance(conductivity) of drinking water, which depends on the concentration of substances dissolved in it.

According to World Health Organization standards, water suitable for drinking should not exceed a TDS value of 600 mg/l. According to Russian standards, drinking water should contain dissolved impurities no more than 350 PPM, and according to European standards - no more than 150 PPM. In this regard, you can find various recommendations on the suitability of water for drinking.

In practice, to assess water quality by PPM value, it is most convenient to use the diagram provided on the website FilterWater.com of a well-known American manufacturer of water purification equipment:

You can also use the following table:

0–5 PPMDistilled water, free of salts. Not recommended for drinking.
5–50 PPMCrystal pure water It is also not recommended for regular use.
50–100 PPMClean water, drinking water, water from mountain springs.
100–300 PPMRegular tap water and water from artesian wells, which can still be drunk without harm to health.
301–600 PPMWater with a high content of dissolved substances with a specific taste in old and worn-out water supply systems.
600–1000 PPMDirty water with a critical content of solids with an unpleasant taste and odor.
1000 PPM and aboveWater hazardous to health. High level mineralization may be associated not only with the content of potassium, sodium and hydrochloric acid salts, the ions of which have a small and short-term effect, but also with the presence of toxic ions of lead arsenide, cadmium, nitrates, etc., which are hazardous to health. The exception is special medicinal mineral salts.

Household TDS is a compact device in size and appearance Looks like electronic thermometer. To determine the total mineralization of water, it is enough to lower its electrodes into a vessel with water and after a few seconds the value of water mineralization in PPM units will appear on the display.

It is important to note that simplicity and ease of use come at the cost of measurement accuracy, since at the manufacturer the tester is tested using a solution of table salt. However, at home, such averaging is quite acceptable.

Scope of application of water testers (TDS meters)

The main purpose of these devices is to measure the quality of drinking water at home. The results of testing water from a tap allow us to assess how important it is to use home filters before drinking such water. In the future, testers make it possible to evaluate the efficiency of home filters and to change their filter elements in a timely manner, since manufacturers’ recommendations on the timing of their replacement are very approximate (often they have to be changed more often than recommended by the manufacturer).

Unfortunately, when describing TDS meters, dishonest marketers often mislead potential buyers by giving false information about the capabilities of this device. In advertising brochures you can read that the devices are used to measure water hardness.

The hardness of water depends on the concentration of alkaline earth metal salts in it, mainly calcium and magnesium. The higher the concentration of these salts in water, the harder it is. Water hardness is of great importance for aquarists, as well as for growing seedlings and watering house plants. However, TDS meters can only measure the total content of all substances dissolved in water, and not just calcium and magnesium salts. The hardness of water can only be accurately determined chemically. IN living conditions For this purpose, special chemical kits or test strips are used, by the color change of which you can judge the degree of water hardness.

The tester is intended primarily for use at home. IN hiking conditions the measurement results made with its help do not allow us to unambiguously determine how suitable water taken from natural sources (streams, rivers, lakes) is for drinking. Firstly, the tester measures the presence of only a limited set of substances in water, and secondly, it does not allow determining the presence of pathogenic microbes in it.

Review of the appearance of the Xiaomi Mi TDS PEN TDS meter

This device was developed by the relatively young (founded in 2010) Chinese company Xiaomi Mi, which produces various electronic devices, computers, media centers, Cell phones, audio accessories, power supplies, devices for sports (pedometers, heart rate monitors, heart rate indicators, etc.), various Appliances and much more.

The XIAOMI MI TDS PEN tester is sold in a neat cardboard box, in which, in addition to the device itself, there is some kind of cardboard with inscriptions in Chinese.

On back side The boxes contain pictures explaining the use of the tester and captions under them in Chinese.

However, on the Internet you can download the user manual in English (files.xiaomi-mi.com/files/TDS_pen/ /TDS_pen_EN.pdf) and Russian (files.miui.com.ua/files/Files/Instruction/Water softness tester/TDS pen RU.pdf).

The TDS tester itself resembles an electronic thermometer in appearance and size. Its dimensions: length - 15 cm, thickness - about 16 mm, weight - about 30 grams.

The tester body is made of plastic using injection molding technology, and the measuring probe is made of titanium, which is not subject to corrosion. The device is also equipped with a temperature sensor, which eliminates the influence of temperature on measurement accuracy in the range from 0 to 80°C.

Main parts of the structure: A - measuring compartment with two electrodes and a temperature sensor; B - display and power button; B - battery compartment (2x)

The measuring compartment with electrodes and temperature sensor is closed with a translucent protective cap (A). It can be used as a small container for testing water. On the other side of the case (B) there is a battery compartment for two LR44 coin-cell batteries (supplied with the tester). Near it there is a display of measurement readings and an ON/OFF button (B).

For salinity values ​​greater than 999 PPM, a “x10” icon will appear on the display to indicate that the displayed value must be multiplied by 10.

Measuring water quality with a Xiaomi Mi TDS PEN TDS meter

The main purpose of the TDS meter is to check the quality of drinking water from the water supply, after boiling in electric kettles, and at the outlet of household purification filters.

The XIAOMI MI TDS PEN tester allows you to check the quality of water for the content of three types of impurities:

  • soluble salts (sodium, calcium, magnesium, etc.);
  • ions of organic compounds (ammonium acetate, sulfates, etc.);
  • heavy metal ions (chrome, zinc, lead, copper, etc.).
It can also be used to assess the quality of water in aquariums and water for watering seedlings and houseplants. However, it should be borne in mind that in these cases, in addition to the total concentration of dissolved substances, the hardness and acidity of the water is of great importance, which is not possible to determine with this type of tester.

The measurement process itself is very simple:
  1. Pour the test water into some container, for which you can use a protective cap, filling it 3/4 full. The water must be shaken to remove air bubbles from it. The water temperature should be no more than 80 degrees.
  2. Turn on the device by pressing the button and immerse the electrodes in the container with the water to be tested.
  3. Within about 3 seconds, the display will show the water mineralization (salinity) value.
  4. After completing the test, dry or wipe dry the tester cap and electrode compartment. Close the tester cap and turn off the power to the device.
To interpret the measurement results, the user manual provides the following table.
Low levelRelatively low levelLower levelHigh levelRelatively high levelDirty water
0–50 50–100 101–300 301–600 600–1000 Over 1000

A more indicative interpretation of the measurements is illustrated in the image from the tester manufacturer’s website:

But it is most convenient to evaluate the measurement results using the Water Quality Diagram and table given at the beginning of the review.

Notes on maintenance and operation of the XIAOMI MI TDS PEN TDS meter

  1. Do not immerse the device completely in water.
  2. The tester is immersed in water only at the end where the measuring electrodes are located.
  3. The tester does not allow you to determine the degree of mineralization of flowing water (the water must be in some container).
  4. Maintenance of the device consists of timely replacement of batteries and periodic washing or wiping the electrodes with alcohol, distilled or deionized water.

Good day dear readers,

This review is dedicated to another water hardness tester (TDS tester) from the well-known company Xiaomi.

Anyone interested - welcome to the cat

So what is it?

This device measures water hardness. There are a few but. This is not a laboratory device, and the measurement is based on measuring water resistance, but the device measures TDS, which stands for Total Dissolved Solids - total dissolved solids. Some call it a “salt meter”, because salt perfectly fits the definition of what the device measures.
The lower the reading of the device, the better, the units vary from 0 to 1000, but if the reading is more than 1000 (units per million particles), it is not recommended to drink water.

Let's get started

The device comes in a small cardboard box. This is not a grand packaging like the caps, but it is stylish, it’s not for nothing that some call Xiaomi the Chinese Apple.

The device looks very simple, but is made with high quality. There is a company logo on the battery compartment cover, and the measuring contacts are located under another matte cap.

The device is sold with pre-installed batteries.

Contacts that perform the measurements themselves. The manufacturer claims that they are made of titanium (I remind you that it is especially good at oxidation) and there is also thermal compensation. If it exists, then it happens “behind the scenes”, since the screen only shows the data of this very TDS.

Comparison with handles will give an idea of ​​the size of the device. The screen is small, but the numbers are clearly visible even at an angle. The only button turns the device on and off - a short press turns it on, a long press turns it off.

Some measurements.

Measuring is extremely simple - we dip the contacts in water and the measurement result appears on the screen almost immediately. The results “float”, but only by plus or minus 5 units, at least that’s what happens with my device.
- Water in the tap in the office where I work - 480
Water in the filter cooler in the office (checked on several floors in different coolers) - 320-360
Water in the tap at home (I live in another city, not where the office is, according to Israeli standards it’s far away) - 180
Water at home after Brita filter - 160
Water after the filter built into the refrigerator (something with coconut fibers..) - 170
Mineral water Neviot - 220

Conclusions, results

Well, personally, I am very pleased with the device, if only because now I can know when to change filters not only by the calendar, but also by the quality of the water itself. Well, over time I will select mineral water with the lowest TDS.

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Probably many have heard the lamentations of relatives and friends about the poor environment - poor quality of water, air, food, etc. Of course, there is some truth in this, but how to check it? How do you know which water is better, from the tap or brought from a spring?

Not everyone can answer this question sensibly; we usually hear that the water from the spring is natural and does not contain any chemical impurities, unlike tap water.

Everything seems logical, but you can’t take someone’s word for it when you can easily check it with this small water tester from Xiaomi:

What is TDS?

Total dissolved solids (total number of dissolved particles) is a unit of measurement of total mineralization, measured in parts per million and designated PPM (parts per million). If we round up a little, then 1 ppm = 1 mg/l, respectively, 1 gram dissolved in a liter of water = 1000 ppm.

What level of impurities is considered normal?

It turns out that the lower the value, the fewer impurities the water contains.

Of course, there is a rumor on these Internets that distilled water (impurity value less than 5ppm) “washes salts” from the body, but scientists assure that this is not entirely true. Salts enter the body not only with water, for example, there are a lot of them in food, and in order to cause a deterioration in well-being, it is necessary long time drink distilled water and do not eat anything.

If the TDS level in water is between 50-400 ppm, then the water is excellent for drinking, and if it is more than 600, then it is better not to drink it without preliminary filtration. And the hero of this review - Xiaomi Mi TDS pen - will help us find out this level.

Xiaomi water tester review

The body is similar to other water testers and resembles a pen or marker. From the button and screen controls:

The device is powered by 2 one and a half volt batteries; to replace them you need to remove the top cover.

The device does not have full protection against water, so you should not completely immerse it in water.

It also does not have communication modules, so connect it to smart home will not work.

Characteristics of Xiaomi Mi tds pen

Manufacturer Mi
Housing material Matte white plastic
Working temperature 0℃-80℃
Measurement 0-9990PPM(±2%)
Nutrition 2 batteries 1.5V (AG13)
Communication modules No
Price 480 rubles.
Dimensions (body) 150 mm x 16 mm x 16 mm
Weight 27 gr.

To measure the content of impurities, the device has a special probe with 3 contacts:

Plump is responsible for measuring temperature; its indicators are necessary when calculating the impurity content. And 2 titanium conductive antennae electricity. The fact is that the more impurities in the water, the better it conducts current, and from this value it is calculated general meaning TDS.

This technology is capable of detecting 3 types of impurities:

1. Soluble salts: calcium, magnesium ions, etc.

2. Ionic organic compounds: ammonium acetate, sulfates, etc.

3. Heavy metal ions: chromium, zinc, lead, copper, etc.

Salts usually take over most of it, which is why the device is sometimes called a salt meter.

Xiaomi water tester instructions in Russian

You need to clearly understand what the tester can show and how to use it correctly. Many people rush to check mineral water, and then are surprised that the device rejected it high value TDS. Mineral water is water with a large amount of dissolved salts and trace elements, which is what the device shows.

The tester must measure fresh water, which flows from a water supply tap, from a well or spring. If you added something secondary to the water, for example, brewed tea, then the TDS value will go off scale; many people immediately run to the Internet to crap about the uselessness of the device, without fully understanding the principle of operation.

To take a measurement, you need to press the device button and lower its contacts into water for a few seconds. The TDS value will appear on the device screen. Actually, that's it, there are no tricks. Some testers require you to calibrate the device, but Xiaomi does not require this.

Now let's see what I managed to measure.

Xiaomi measurements

The first thing you want to measure is the water that flows from the tap.

191 ppm, not so bad (I measure tap water in the city of Vladimir). Indicators of impurities in cold and hot water approximately the same. How much can you trust these indicators? I decided to test it with distilled water, the result is a little predictable:

1 ppm means Xiaomi tester quite accurate. Let's experiment a little, I threw a piece of sugar into the same water and stirred:

Now the value is 3 ppm, almost no increase. And all because the tester measures insoluble impurities, and sugar is completely soluble in water. Refresh the glass with new distilled water and add Rolton noodle seasoning:

149 to the 10th power, or 1490 ppm. Can I drink it? Of course you can, but the water will already have a specific taste and smell. Well, in the finale, I passed this slurry through a regular charcoal filter jug:

It cleaned quite well, I expected a weaker result. Apparently the new carbon cartridge helped. You can clean it even more strongly with a filter with the reverse osmosis cleaning principle; according to rumors it cleans up to 15-30 ppm, but I don’t have one and can’t check it :)

What to do if the impurity content is too high?

If, when testing your water, you have consistently high TDS readings, then you need to think about a water filter. Best performance provides a reverse osmosis filter, or in extreme cases you can take a carbon filter. Xiaomi has such filters.

General characteristics


Check the water quality in your home

We cannot visually determine how pure the water we drink is. At first glance, clean, clear water may contain various impurities. TDS refers to the total amount of dissolved solids in water. The degree of mineralization to one degree or another affects the quality of water. The lower the TDS value, the lower the concentration of heavy metal ions and soluble salts, and, accordingly, the better the quality of drinking water.

The TDS tester from Xiaomi can accurately determine the degree of mineralization of water. According to World Health Organization (WHO) standards, water suitable for drinking should not exceed a TDS value of 600 mg/l. At a mineralization level of 1000 mg/l and above, a change in the taste of water occurs.

Timely checking of water quality in your home

Water quality can vary from region to region and even from home to home. The TDS tester from Xiaomi will help you determine the exact content of impurities dissolved in water. You can conduct tests both before and after water filtration, so you can evaluate the quality of the water purification devices. Generally, a low TDS value has low soluble content, which means the water is clean and safe to drink.

High-precision technologies are the key to high-precision results

Monolithic waterproof housing, low power consumption chip

The use of a TDS tester can significantly affect our water consumption patterns. Conscious of responsibility and striving for error-free measurements throughout the entire service life, we pay great attention to detail and use high-precision technology.

The tester body is created using injection molding technology, and the measuring probe is made of stainless material (titanium). The device is also equipped with an external sensor for automatic temperature compensation (0 ~ 80°C). The design of the case is limited to the button and display and does not include any holes, which ensures water resistance and prevents the tester from being damaged by splashes or water leaking into the case.

To save battery power, the TDS tester automatically turns off if not used for more than two minutes. The power source is two AG13 round batteries, which can be replaced at any time. The device weighs only 27.4 g and has a compact ballpoint pen design, making it easy to take with you.

Instructions: Water quality tester

TDS tester is a device used to check the composition of water, namely the content of dissolved solid elements in it. After filtering the liquid in the RO filter, the level of solids can be reduced.

Concept of TDS

TDS is an abbreviation for the content of dissolved solids in water. The indicator assumes the content of substances in milligrams in one liter of water. Unit of measurement: mg/l. TDS also indicates the amount of organic elements, large solids and mineral salts.

Tester operation

  • Remove the cap, activate the power button and fill the tester cap 2/3 with the water you want to test;
  • Insert the device into the cap filled with water, shake it gently to remove air bubbles;
  • Wait a few seconds, the screen will display indicators that show the quality of the tested water.​

Liquid Quality Values

Important! If the TDS indicators exceed 999, a multiple of x10 is applied.

    The lower the device shows, the less solids the water contains, which means the water is clean and suitable for use.

  • After testing the water, dry the cap of the device, then close the cap of the tester and turn off the power.

Power supply

If the device does not turn on, no data is displayed on the display, the batteries must be replaced. To do this, open the battery pack, remove the used batteries and install new ones.

Operating rules

  1. Do not expose the device to direct sun rays and precipitation. It is not recommended to leave the tester in areas where heat and increased humidity levels.
  2. Handle the product carefully to avoid dropping it, which could cause malfunctions.
  3. Water has a detrimental effect on the device.
  4. You should not try to fix breakdowns, change the design or disassemble the tester yourself.
  5. The device is not suitable for gaming.
  6. Do not throw used batteries into fire.
  7. Incorrectly selected batteries (with low power) can negatively affect the operation of the tester. Thus, soluble solids in water may be incorrectly identified.
  8. The tester is not suitable for measuring the quality of water with temperatures above 80°C.
  9. The device is not able to accurately determine the quality of water that is not collected in the container. That is, the quality of, for example, water flowing from a tap cannot be determined.

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If you do not have an elevator, there is a fee for going up to the floor: from 50 to 200 rubles, depending on the size and weight of the cargo. If the package does not fit into doors and staircases, the technician will suggest lifting/transferring it in parts, having first opened the package. Payment occurs BEFORE opening and before the start of lifting/transferring the package. After opening, it is necessary to check the equipment for external damage; supervision over the accuracy of lifting after opening is the responsibility of the client.

The customer can carry out lifting work independently after paying for the simulator.

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Every product purchased in our store is covered by the manufacturer-distributor's warranty. Warranty and service maintenance takes place in specialized service centers, which you can find out about in the warranty card, the basis for providing warranty service are documents that are necessarily transferred to the buyer when purchasing any equipment by a specialist, courier, or forwarder delivering the equipment.


During warranty period The manufacturer provides free repair of manufacturing defects and defects that appeared during operation, provided that the Buyer complies with all conditions and rules for transportation, storage, installation, configuration, maintenance and operation of the equipment established by the Supplier. Repair work performed by an authorized qualified representative of the Supplier.

Warranty obligations are void in the following cases:

Any damage to the equipment, its components, assemblies and mechanisms caused by non-compliance with the terms and conditions of the Supplier for transportation, storage, assembly, configuration, maintenance or operation of equipment. Self-repair, changes or modernization of equipment, replacement of original parts performed without the written permission of the Supplier. Damage to equipment due to force majeure, including natural, man-made and social emergencies, unlawful intentional and careless actions of persons aimed at causing harm to equipment.

Buyer's responsibilities:

Keep the waybill, cash receipt and a warranty card. Transport, store, assemble, configure, maintain and operate the equipment in strict accordance with the Maintenance and Warranty Repair Manual, Operating Instructions and other recommendations of the Supplier. Notify the Supplier's service department about detected defects within 3 working days after discovery of the defect


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