Bring back your loved one forever ritual 100. How to get your ex back, conspiracy

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The article talks about how to correctly read the plot of a stolen item, you can learn about the consequences in 7 days and on the new moon, although everything is clear here, because each woman determines for herself what she needs and whether it is worth doing. You should make such a decision consciously, since all the options for solving problems proposed here are real and effective, tested in practice and give a certain effect.

There are also prayers, special rituals and everything is offered freely online and only proven methods.

A very strong conspiracy to return a loved one, read while biting your tongue, in the morning, in the photo

To carry out the conspiracy, you will need a photo of your loved one and a red apple. The ritual is performed early in the morning. Place a photo of your loved one in front of you. Eat half an apple, bite your tongue lightly and say:
“I’ll bite my tongue,
I will attach my beloved to me.
Let him miss me
knows no peace
neither at night nor during the day -
only thinks about it
to meet me!

The most powerful spell to read is to return wages and money from the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova (Natalya Stepanova)

To receive the money legally due to you, you need to stand facing the place where the debt must be repaid, clasp your little fingers and say:
"Lord Jesus and Holy Mother God's sake!
I’m not asking for someone else’s, I’m asking to give what’s mine into my hands.
Lock. Key. Language. Amen!"

The strongest conspiracy to bring your husband home read in the photo white magic, to the wind, things

Put your photo in the pocket of something you love and hang it outside. Tell:
“Like a bird without wings cannot fly,
how can leaves without wind whisper,
so you (name of your loved one) cannot live without me (your name), suffer!
After 3 hours, remove the photo and return the item to its place.

Conspiracies, rituals and prayers for debt repayment on the full moon, with matches

On a full moon, light three matches one after another, reciting the plot:
“Money that was lent!
Mine were to me and come back.
Turn away from the debtor,
don't waste, don't multiply
until you return to my hands.
Let it be as I say!”

Vanga's conspiracy to repay a debt, beloved

So that after an unexpected separation or quarrel your loved one returns to you again, discreetly put a coin in the pocket of one of his things, saying:
"I'll lend you a loan,
May he return on time!
Let it be so. Amen."

Proven spells to return stolen money, lost, lost or stolen property

What was stolen or taken from me
let him be found and return to his place.
And the one who took it (if you know the thief, say his name)
so that he knows neither peace nor respite
Until he gave it back, he took everything from me!

A simple plot to return your beloved girlfriend, wife, on a full moon in the evening

Jesus Christ!
Direct the thoughts of the Servant of God (name) to (your name),
and reunite us as one.
For just as Eve was destined for Adam,
so (name of your beloved) is intended for (your name).
Amen! Amen! Amen!

An effective conspiracy to return the love of your husband, ex

Jesus Christ!
Direct the thoughts of the Servant of God (name) to (your name),
and reunite us as one.
For just as Adam was destined for Eve,
so (the name of your loved one) is intended for (your name).
Amen! Amen! Amen!

An effective spell before bed to quickly return your loved one, to church, to the water

Before going to bed, pour water blessed in the church into a glass and place a ring in it with the words:
“It came from above, it came out from below.
It was far away, but it will become close.
I ask for one thing -
come back to our house!
This is my last word!”
Then you should drink the water, remove the ring from the glass and put it on your finger. Go to bed without saying another word.

Conspiracy to return feelings and relationships

Get up before sunrise, take your loved one’s item, turn it inside out and say:
“I’ll get up early,
I'll turn everything inside out.
I'm turning over the past
I'll warm up my feelings.
Return (name) to (your name).
Therefore, be like the sun in the window!

A conspiracy to return a man, a son, a husband to the family on the waxing moon

Place the shoes of a person who does not return home for a long time at the threshold, turning them with their toes towards the house and say:
“May your (name) feet
will overcome all roads
and they will bring you home -
they are waiting for you here!”

Proven plot to return a dog

Pray for the return of the missing dog (preferably together with your household):
“Hear, Lord, our prayers and have pity on the beast (name) that is lost!
Show him the way home!
We trust in Your mercy. Amen!"

Conspiracy to return a stolen car or car

Stand in front of the iconostasis, pray and say:
"Jesus Christ! Bless and save!
I won’t take someone else’s, so let what’s mine be mine too!

Conspiracy to return damage to the enemy for poverty

Read early in the morning, after the rooster crows twice:
“As soon as the Kochet sings, he will call devils into the darkness,
so everything is bad that they wished for me, but it will turn back to the enemies. Amen!"

Muslim conspiracies to bring back your husband

Reading Surah Nisa helps to improve relations between spouses. After performing ablution, you need to read the indicated Sura 40 times in a row.

Conspiracy to return a monetary debt from a debtor for bread

Place a crust of bread near the mouse hole with the words:
“Like a mouse chews and sharpens bread,
So your (name) conscience torments you because you don’t repay the debt!
You will suffer from teeth and illnesses for a long time,
until you repay me the debt you took!

The problem when a loved one suddenly stopped calling has tormented lovers since the advent of the telephone. “Perhaps you forgot my phone number,” ...

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Quite a lot modern girls turn to magic in an attempt to resolve love problems. Especially often magical help needed in situations when a lover unexpectedly leaves.

In such a situation, conspiracies help to quickly return your loved one, the rich variety of which is simply amazing. The main thing is to choose the most suitable one and follow all the rules.

In what situations can you use magic?

In any relationship, sooner or later there comes a moment of quarrels, problems and disagreements. And quite often it all ends with the couple breaking up. Many girls in such situations worry for a long time, trying to return dear man in a variety of ways.

And a love spell, which has come down to our times from antiquity, helps to quickly return your loved one.

But before you resort to magic, you need to decide exactly whether to use a love spell.

Several important questions need to be answered truthfully:

  1. Finally decide who the main initiator of the conflict is.
    If the girl is to blame, it is important to approach the chosen one and sincerely ask for forgiveness. Sometimes this is enough to get the relationship back on track. And even conspiracies on how to return your loved one will not be needed.
  2. Find out if your lover has a new girlfriend.
    If the answer is yes, it is important not to make stupid mistakes. You just need to hide and wait a little. Perhaps the chosen one himself will decide that he is wrong and will come to beg for forgiveness. In the absence of such actions, you should first carry out the lapel ritual, and only then use a conspiracy to return your beloved man.
  3. Answer yourself honestly whether the love was mutual.
    When there was no love or no longer exists, you should not take risks and change your destiny. By bewitching a man who has no feelings, you can not only break two destinies, but also achieve very negative consequences. In such a situation, it is better to turn your attention to other worthy men.

It is very important to understand - using strong magic In order for a beloved and dear man to return, every girl takes on serious responsibility. After all, even the simplest magical love spell involves external influence per person.

Sometimes it’s easier to arrange a meeting, calmly discuss everything and ask for forgiveness. And if given a second chance, behave differently, love more and cling less to trifles. Otherwise, the situation will repeat itself again, and there will be no other chance. And even the strongest and powerful conspiracy will not help.

A powerful spell for the marital bed

The world around us is not ideal, and not only guys, but also husbands leave women. Some find a younger girlfriend, while others are taken away from their mistress’s family. If you want to save your family and bring your husband back, you should try the ritual for the marital bed. It is necessary to make the bed with clean linen and, with the last rays of the sun, kneel at the head of the bed.

You need to try to remember the closest moments with your lover and say the following words:

“Our bed is common, our bed is one. With my dear husband there are two of us, and with you there are three. Together we are inseparable and bound together. You are our wedding bed, soft and smooth. Bring calm, peace and togetherness into our married life. Take far away betrayals, quarrels and squabbles. I have no one except my dear husband (say his name), let him have no one but me, his lawful wife (say his name)! Amen!"

This strong conspiracy will definitely help to return a loved one, but only in the case when feelings on his part have not completely cooled down. If there is no result, you should try to maintain your pride and not bother your departed spouse with calls and reminders about yourself.

Sometimes it’s worth changing outside and inside, and finding a good replacement for your lover, so that he understands his mistakes. Often after such changes, men themselves come to ask for forgiveness and return back.

Even in the most sincere and beautiful love relationships There are never any guarantees that they will last forever. Lovers separate, it happens. It also happens that one of the couple later regrets that he let his loved one go. In this situation, it is very suitable to use a spell to return a loved one.

How does the conspiracy work?

A conspiracy to return a loved one will make it so that the information field in which you are with your ex-lover. If your couple’s biofield is now charged with some information that contributed to your leaving each other, then a magical love ritual will change everything. Just don’t hope that the return plot will work in such a way that you will feel like at the beginning of the affair. This is impossible, that moment has passed irrevocably. But this is not a tragedy, because there is a great opportunity at the moment to create a completely new atmosphere for your relationship.

Strong conspiracy the return of a loved one will renew the girl and the guy, as a result they will have the opportunity to look at each other in a completely new way. This means that the girl will also need to work on getting rid of negativity towards her loved one or idealizations towards him.

When can a spell be used?

  1. A conspiracy to return a loved one can be used if you separated from your loved one and regretted it quickly enough. I must say, honestly, that the sooner after breaking up you use this love spell, the sooner after the hex you will get back together.
  2. A valid conspiracy to return your betrothed can be carried out if your loved one, very unexpectedly for you, left for another woman. The return then will consist in the fact that with the help of magic you will form in him a completely new image of yourself. By the way, it is more effective to carry out such a conspiracy on a church holiday, for example, on Annunciation. Then it works as strongly as the rituals of the famous Natalia Stepanova. IN church holidays white magic intensifies.
  3. At home, a strong conspiracy to return a loved one can be read if you yourself left your boyfriend and now want to return him, but out of pride he no longer wants to come back.
  4. There are situations when a beloved man has been somewhere at a distance for a long time. And suddenly, out of the blue, he ends his relationship with you. The girl, of course, will be stunned in this situation. But the effect of the slander will help correct the situation and at least bring your loved one to an honest conversation, where the couple will sort things out.

It is clear that in similar situations a conspiracy is carried out to return the beloved girl.

Spell for the wedding hour

you were together for a long time, loving him was a great pleasure, as well as receiving love from him. But it happens that a man sometimes leaves his wife for a random woman. But this does not mean that your beloved has left you forever. It is possible to influence this situation with the help of a ritual. This ritual is called the “wedding hour.” It must be performed at 12 noon; it is believed that those marriages that were concluded at this hour are very strong. The ritual must be performed at this hour. It doesn’t matter at all that you and your spouse were scheduled at a different time. So, if you want to take your loved one away from another, then take a red thread at twelve o’clock, stand by the window and say the following spell for his return:

“The servant of God (his name) is the one I need, the one who is my husband. He and I promised each other's destinies in the light of day. I resurrect that promise with magic. Whoever has forgotten, let him remember it again. The thread of passion does not break, it will not remain outside the marriage. Higher powers help me make sure that you are nearby. At the next dawn you will come to me, you will be next to me again. Come home, love your family. The soul of my man will not be near another, he will only be next to me. All that is holy was coming home tonight.”

While you are saying this text, you are winding a red thread around your finger. You can do this by looking at a photo of a man, but it is not necessary. Then this thread needs to be placed under your family bed. In this way, love can be returned. The ritual is effective even at home. For more quick effect there is no need to sit and shed tears for your spouse. Better get yourself in order before he returns. To restore relationships, it is very good when a woman takes care of herself. Go to a beauty salon and do new hairstyle. All this is not just needed to be distracted.

The fact is that all these women's events increase women's energy. The wife and her husband have a very strong energetic connection. This means that he will definitely feel your feminine power. So, such women’s events are very capable of strengthening this love magic spell. The consequences of this will be that the husband will return home even faster.

Plot for a new lover

A conspiracy on how to return a loved one should be sought based on current situation. It happens that a guy leaves a girl almost at the very beginning of a relationship. A month has passed that was full of passion and love. And suddenly the guy decided to break up with the girl and said that it was better for them to remain friends. And the girl has already become very involved in the relationship; this is especially typical for women. If this happened, then the girl, instead of shedding tears over the fact that she was abandoned better in the morning carry out a conspiracy to return your loved one. Such a ritual will help both of you leave the relationship with more dignity or continue it in a different context. To carry out this conspiracy to return your loved one, you need to go to the first intersection, which is located near the house, and say such a strong conspiracy to return him:

“He touched my heart, he didn’t regret his feelings for me, he bit his tongue and listened to you, whoever loved you understands. And then he broke his heart and left him. The love remains, but the heart is gone. I want to bring you back, call you for a conversation. Help me restore my heart out of love for the past. Don't kill the woman in me. Come from any side, I will accept, come and speak, return.”

Then you need to silently, without looking back, go to your home. And at home you still need to stand in the middle of your apartment and say the following words of the conspiracy in order to return your loved one:

It is important to say this very energetically so that the energetic echo reaches the man. With the help of such a conspiracy, you will be able to return the man at least for the main conversation, in which you can clarify everything. Most likely, he will come to you in a few days. This conversation may end in a very different way, but your relationship will never be the same again. In a conversation, a woman can also sincerely tell about her offense against a man, but she should not throw a tantrum. It is also important during this period to read prayers to the Mother of God for the restoration of your feminine heart.

Conspiracy with candles

To return your loved one, you can use a ritual with three church candles. Such a conspiracy acts like standard love spells. Therefore, it is imperative to carry out such a ritual during the waxing moon. In the evening, be alone with yourself. Light all the candles, but turn off all electrical appliances. Candles should be arranged in the shape of a triangle. Look at the triangle with candles and imagine the loved one you want to return. It is important here to let yourself experience the full range of feelings that you have for this person. These can be both negative and positive experiences, let them all come to life freely in your soul. Only after this, look at each of the candles and say the following spell to bring back your loved one:

“Just as a candle cannot live without a flame, it does not live its life. So I, the servant of God (my name), do not live my life fully without the servant of God (the name of the man). You are my fire, you are my life, be with me, believe me as I believe you. I want to bring you back, I always dream about you. The flame of my life does not burn without you. I ask the highest powers so that your candle burns only together with mine. When you get up in the morning, you will see my image in front of you, and you will want to see me in reality. See the woman of your life in me, come to me, love me, to return you means to return life to yourself. I’m with you, you’re with me, we’re together forever.”

After this, let the candles burn out to the end. At the same time, prepare yourself mentally for the arrival of your loved one. You should go to bed imagining that he is about to come to visit you. This feeling should be as realistic as possible. Don’t be surprised if your loved one comes to you in a dream this night, this means that very soon he will appear in your life in reality.

A conspiracy to return from a mistress

If you and a man are not married, but live together, then it is also quite painful if he suddenly finds another woman for himself, essentially a mistress. In this case, the girl does not have the power that a legal spouse has, but to restore the relationship and return her man, you can still perform the following ritual.

To return her sweetheart, the girl will need a new pack of salt, a cast iron frying pan and a linen bag. One more will be needed church candle. It is advisable to perform this ritual on a full moon; the closer to twelve at night, the better. It needs to be done in the kitchen. Stay alone in the kitchen; you need to make sure that there are no pets in this room during the magical ritual. Light a candle. You can read a prayer. Prayer will help raise the vibrations of the body to more subtle levels so that the ceremony is even more successful. Then put it on fire cast iron frying pan. Pour seven tablespoons of salt into it. Disturb wooden spoon salt and say a spell to bring back your loved one:

“My heart is as hot as this frying pan. Your heart is red-hot with love for another. But I didn’t leave your heart either, this can’t happen. I need you back. Forgive me, darling, I’m pouring salt on your heart. It’s not salt, it’s memories of me. As this salt warms up in the frying pan, so will your heart warm up towards me again. When you get up in the morning, you won’t be able to think about anyone but me. You will come back to me, this cannot be avoided. And I burn the other one from your heart with the same salt. Your passion is gone, your love is gone. There are no more of you, only separately now. Only you need me, only I am important to you. You won’t stop thinking about me until tomorrow night, you’ll come back to me, you’ll forget her.”

Actually, this ritual works to ensure that the period of passion young man ended with the girl as quickly as possible. It would have ended anyway, and at the end of it all, he would still remember you, but this way it will happen much faster. But this is not the end of the ritual. Now this fried charmed salt needs to be collected in a linen bag. Take this bag of salt out into the yard and bury it under a feminine tree. That is, it could be birch, aspen, willow. When you bury it, say the following part of the plot:

“Get him back, take him from her. You are a tree friend, help me with your feminine power to win back what is mine from someone else’s. As has been said, it will be so, but it cannot be any other way.”

After that, go home and go straight to bed. The girl’s soul will feel better after this magical ritual. As you guessed, it acts as a turn-off for another woman.

Conspiracy in the photo

To bring back your loved one, who is now at a great distance from you, it is very good to use this really working ritual in photography. A photo stores a lot of energy from a person, and it is with this energy that you will work in conspiracy. It doesn’t matter whether you do the ritual early in the morning or late in the evening, the main thing is that it is a day of the waxing moon. On such days, you need to approach the window with the photo, so that daylight or moonlight falls on it. First, look at the photograph in detail; a woman needs to completely absorb with her imagination all the facial features of her chosen one. Then close your eyes, it is important that at this moment the image of your chosen one emerges as clearly as possible in your consciousness. If this still fails, then spend a little more time working with the photograph to achieve a clear image. And when this happens, you can read the magic text:

“You are far away, but your love is near. Your love is in me, I remember it, I know it, I will never be able to live without it. Your heart is clouded, you don’t remember me, you forgot. I send you the sun, which will take away the fog and remind you of me. Let this sun illuminate your soul, let me myself become this sun for you. Be my sky, come back to your sun. Just as the sky cannot exist without the sun, so the servant of God (his name) cannot live happily without the servant of God (her name). Come for happiness, come for me. I am your love, hear it, see it, accept it and come back to me with with an open heart. I accept, I return, I love."

It is advisable to say this strong magical text without offending the man. The purer and more open your heart is at this moment, the better the conspiracy itself will work. If this is so, then you will get the result literally in a few days. Your loved one will show up. If he didn’t get in touch before, then after this conspiracy there is a high probability that he will. I wonder what this magic ritual sometimes it can even change some objective circumstances. Sometimes it happens that a man had to stay on a trip for a very long time. long time, but thanks to a conspiracy, external circumstances changed, and he arrived earlier. This is how the power of female love works. It is only important to put it into action correctly. This conspiracy to bring back a loved one is effective if you cleanse your heart of resentment.

Ring plot

Women usually want certainty in relationships, so they often force things. They are very happy to meet their betrothed, and want him to propose marriage to them as soon as possible. Men are often afraid of responsibility, so sometimes they are even ready to leave a relationship where they are pressured about serious decisions. If your separation from your loved one happened for the same reason, then you can do the following ritual. Take a ring that closely resembles an engagement ring. Light a candle on the evening of the waxing moon, sit in front of it and read this powerful plot:

“A stream of water, a stream of love fell upon you. It was I who created that water. My love has crushed you. Forgive me, dear, forgive me, beloved. Dear, I love you, that’s why I want everything at once. I see your return in a dream and in reality. I need you, not the ring. Come in the name of our love. Come, hug and kiss. Yours. I'm waiting, come back. Amen".

After this, the ring must be thrown out the window. Yes, that's exactly what needs to be done. This will indicate that the woman is ready to give up her expectations about the wedding, and accepts her loved one for who he is. By the way, this is one of the conditions unconditional love. As paradoxical as it may sound, a girl can get almost anything she wants from a man if she doesn’t demand anything. Men are very attracted to independent women. They just want to give everything, even what they don’t ask for. This is a powerful spell, but it will only be effective if the woman is truly able to give up her wedding expectations. If this is so, then even simple rituals and this one too will work instantly.

Very strong conspiracies to return your husband, beloved guy

Prayer to bring back your loved one


These are all essentially white love spells that you can quickly do on your own. Choose one spell that best suits your situation and perform it on the day of the waxing moon. Do this and happiness will return to your home. To return a loved one, rituals for the wind and rain are also popular.

Well, who doesn’t know: the greatest misfortune in the world is the loss of a loved one. Only after experiencing this can one feel like a person who has “experienced all the circles of hell.” Sometimes quarrels occur over trifles, and relationships are broken, two people suffer and do not know what to do about it. Love, after all, is never “not mutual.” The fact is that real feeling is always given to two people. Or it isn't.

So people are struggling, not understanding how to correct the situation. They suffer and suffer, causing a lot of anxiety to their family and friends. It’s like you’re in a dark abyss, and it’s trouble for others. But the matter is fixable. But neither the man himself nor his loving friends know where to start from. Direct attempts to reconcile do not lead to success. The breakup occurred for certain reasons, which must first be gotten rid of. And only then “glue together” what is left.

In this case, you need to rely on magic. A conspiracy to return a loved one and revive love will help in a completely different way, not in the way that people suggest. Its effect will spread to two loving souls, smoothing out or completely removing the causes of discord. He will not mend what is broken. He will help to a loving heart create a new one. And the name of this “brainchild” is happiness for two. What else could be more beautiful?

A strong conspiracy to bring back a loved one

There is such a very ancient and quite effective ritual. It is held exclusively on “women’s” days. It's easy to recognize them. These are the days of the week that female names. Friday, for example (also Wednesday and Saturday). But it's better on Friday. Get up early in the morning, it’s better when the sun is just about to release its first ray from behind the horizon. Do not wash, eat or drink.

Stand in front of an open window and read these lines:

“The virgin of God (her name) prayed in the morning and was baptized with the cross. She gathered behind the gate into the fields and covered herself with white fog. How to dispel the shrouds of darkness? - she asked. How can I return his love? - she asked. I will go through dark mountains, black fields, into the heart of melancholy - the country. I'll take my grief with me. Let him not remain anymore. I’m chained there, in the city - in melancholy, to a dark, rough board. That board is buried in the black earth. I can’t escape my grief, I can’t tear myself away, I can only remain in sadness for the country. I will now walk the bright path. I’ll catch a ray of sunshine from the threshold. I will send the gentle light of the Lord to the servant (name) in my heart. So that you remain in love, as if you were swimming in a bright lake. To be with me forever. Amen!"

A conspiracy to bring back a loved one from a photograph

Come to this place at midnight between Tuesday and Wednesday. Bring three new handkerchiefs with you. Two - ladies' different color. One is male. Hold their ends in your left palm. Read the spell like this:

“By heaven and moon, wind and earth, air and water, salty tears, I conjure, I curse separation. I wish my beloved back, let the vile homewrecker (name) lose him forever. Let him bypass me too. Only love under the Moon enters the world!”

Tie handkerchiefs on tree branches and say these words. The first one is male, on one of those standing next to each other. Say:

“May you (name) be next to me, your Lord’s wife!” The second - on a neighboring tree, with the words: “I (name) should be next to you (name). The Lord will judge, love will not forget! Amen!"

The third one is on the one that stands at a distance. Words read these words:

“Leave, villainess (name, if you know) the Lord’s couple. You won't make a fortune here! Amen!". Now let's go home quickly.

Look, if you have a bright and joyful dream that night, regardless of the plot, then you have done everything successfully. If you sleep poorly and are anxious, you will have to repeat it again. But be sure to go to the same place the second time. Wait for the moon to shine brightly and go. And you definitely need it the next day. You can just say “Hello!” say, or look into your eyes. This way the energy of the conspiracy will act faster. And if he doesn’t return after the ritual, then know that this is not “your” person. Soon everything will pass like smoke.


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