The influence of the planets on the fate of man. Section ‘Influence of planets on a person’

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In the horoscope of each person there is the Sun and the Moon, in each of us there are male and female traits, or animus anima. Each of us has a more or less self-confident style of behavior, a way of life. In addition, we also have intuitive aspects, the ability to adapt and process information coming from outside.

The vital energy of the Sun comes to us daily, ensures the very existence and gives us strength for a variety of activities. In addition, it encourages us to realize the purpose to which we can and should strive. The sun symbolizes our ego, our individuality, or, in the language modern science, all that is usually called the activity of the left hemisphere of the brain. Astrology refers to it the external manifestations of human nature, superficial physical properties, expressiveness, extraverted qualities, and how you will assert yourself or suffer defeat in collisions with life.

In addition, the Sun symbolizes the brain as a physical organ, and the interaction of the Sun with other planets indicates the health of the brain and its strength. The sun reflects not so much mental abilities as physical strength the brain as a component of the human body. It is possible to have a perfectly healthy brain and yet suffer from a lack of intelligence, imagination, adaptability, or wisdom. Likewise, it is possible to have a weak, unstable brain, polluted chemicals and unbalanced forces, and yet possess considerable intelligence and wisdom.

The location of the Sun in your horoscope will indicate how your personality will manifest itself in all areas - from career to friendships. It will give you information about whether you will be frank with people or prefer to get your way through subtle manipulation and deceit. The position of the Sun determines which approach you choose in dealing with people - sensual, emotional or mental.

The moon emits reflected light from the sun. It symbolizes the inner essence of man. If the Sun determines individuality, then the Moon is the subconscious. This is a general indicator of the inner nature, indicating how you will use the physical properties that the Sun shows. The moon allows you to understand the psychic and mental qualities, especially those that are manifested through physical features, inextricably linked to the position of the Sun. The Moon governs such abilities as intuition, sensitivity, understanding and enterprise. It depends on the Moon to what extent the information will be assimilated by the mind, how it will be processed by it and what form it will take after processing.

By studying the position of the Moon in your horoscope, you will begin to understand the subtle (as well as more visible) forces that come into play when you interact with people. You will have an idea of ​​how and why you balance the desire for lofty values ​​(love, peace, faith) with the desire to possess material goods.

Mercury and Venus

If the Sun and Moon in the horoscope symbolize the two main characteristics of a person, then Mercury and Venus are channels through which a person-personality receives and processes information. Mercury governs the perception of data received from the senses, and Venus governs the emotional life.

Mercury, the ancient messenger of the gods, always testifies to the nature of perception - the five senses: sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste. Depending on the location of Mercury, we acquire certain abilities of perception that manifest themselves in life.

From these predictions of Mercury, you can find out whether perception will be instant or methodical, as well as a tendency to idealism or practicality, whims, wit or thoughtfulness. All similar impressions, however, each person perceives them in his own way - this is confirmed every time we enter into a conversation about recent events.

Venus, the morning and evening star, was the goddess of love, and her name suits this planet. In the horoscope, Venus symbolizes the principle of sex, love, emotions, that is, it determines our emotional perception of the world - as opposed to Mercury, which controls sensory perception. The diocese of Venus is feelings, not reason.

Venus is associated with sexual desire, therefore, depending on its position in the horoscope, it can enhance or suppress sexual desire, and also indicates. the place of sex among other activities and pleasures

But, despite the fact that sex is one of the main manifestations human life, they do not exhaust the influence of Venus. In the horoscope, it represents the focal point for understanding and developing the emotional side of life. Emotional imbalance and inability to control strong emotional impulses in modern society cause no less disease than bacteria. The position of Venus in the horoscope indicates a person's reaction to life situations associated with emotional stress. But while Venus indicates the promise of love and the nature of sex, we should not forget about her role in other, more complex emotional situations in which anger, grief, contentment or ecstasy predominate.

Mars, Jupiter and Saturn

These three planets symbolize the connection between man and the outside world. The sun and moon are symbols of the human "I", Mercury and Venus are the instruments of perception with which this "I" is endowed. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn use all the possibilities of the "I" to interact with the outside world: in the areas of production and consumption, career, luck, fate and, ultimately, fate.

Mars is the source of energy in the horoscope and your life. The position of Mars indicates how energy is reproduced in a person, determines the constancy and direction of its flow, a person’s tendency to persist or give up quickly, to be true to himself or inconstant, to turn his energy for evil or good, to find certain areas of application for it. To put it simply, the location of Mars determines the excess or lack of energy, its tides, decline or constancy, as well as what activity this energy is most likely to be directed to.

Since there is no life without energy, the position of Mars and its interpretation have great value for self-knowledge. The location of Mars in your horoscope indicates such essential characteristics as the desire to do bold things and take on the role of "pioneer", excessive zeal when working with people, perseverance in the implementation of the task, the ability to make a career or the makings of a leader. The identification of Mars with energy also suggests that it is inextricably linked with sex. If we mean by sex an emotional manifestation or release of energy, Mars undoubtedly occupies a position next to Venus as a symbol of human sexuality. Venus determines the development of sexual relationships, and Mars determines the strength and direction of sexuality. The properties inherent in Mars combine sex and life. An energetic lover leads an energetic life, and similarly, a sluggish, apathetic lover will constantly face disappointments in life due to lack of perseverance and low energy costs.

Jupiter, the largest of the planets, symbolizes the ability to adapt to the environment and comprehend it. If a person patronized by Mars can be imagined as an armed warrior, a sword cutting a path through life, then a ward of Jupiter is a clever trickster who adapts to any vicissitudes of life, trying to figure them out. The position of Jupiter in your horoscope indicates your ability to perceive information, process it and apply it to your advantage.

"Luck" or "luck" are the words most commonly associated with Jupiter. We have all experienced “unexpected” failures or auspicious events, and Jupiter is most often blamed for them. But in vain! Jupiter determines only how we will act when we find ourselves in an unexpected situation: will another failure stun us, or, on the contrary, will it cause a new surge of strength? Will luck move us to new achievements or will it deprive us of any desire to achieve our goal?

Besides. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and abundance and is often associated with money. However, money is just one of the measures of life's goods or the ability to expand one's territory. To be precise. Jupiter indicates the ability to receive information from the outside in any form and transform the necessary information into useful ones. In fact, we take our very life and turn it into a great value.

Saturn, a beautiful "ringed" planet, determines two seemingly contradictory aspects of personality - the desire for self-preservation and the inevitable limitations of our frailty: outwardly they are different, but in fact they are closely interconnected. Saturn moves slowly through the horoscope, providing us with wide opportunities, but not allowing us to drop our armor when we are in mortal danger. Wandering through life, Saturn brings realism to it, constantly reminding us that life is not endless, and preventing the development of megalomania. The unfavorable position of Saturn in the horoscope can distort our perception of reality and cause low self-esteem, paranoia or feelings of helplessness.

Saturn is tricky. Sometimes it reminds us of caution, when in fact we need courage to throw off the oppression of artificial, speculative restrictions - for example, the fear of disturbing the peace in the family. Saturn often creates fear and hinders our growth and self-knowledge.

As a positive force, Saturn helps to find one's calling, symbolizes the development of the human "I" and its establishment in the world. As a protector and patron, he personifies the flight of the "I" from the stones and arrows of a harsh fate. At correct interpretation Saturn will indicate moments of heightened independence, such as the beginning of a career, the choice of a new course in life, or, in other cases, actions after the death of parents.

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto

The last three slow-moving planets define specific characteristics common to a large number people born in a particular period. Pluto, which lingers in the same sign for 12-30 years, indicates character traits generations. Thus, the position of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in your horoscope reflects the typical characteristics of many people born in the years around your birth year, and your individual character traits depend on the specific location of these planets in your horoscope.

Uranus is associated with creativity ability and desire to find new ways. In general, the movement of Uranus is associated with the alternation of periods of radical change in society and periods of predominance of conservatism and consolidation. On a personal level, the movement of Uranus determines times of stability, interspersed with short periods of unrest, change and new beginnings.

The strong position of Uranus indicates artistic inclinations, creativity, even genius. It can be a sign of wanderlust, a constant desire for change, a need to adapt innovative and vibrant abilities to a changing world. For conservative natures, Uranus threatens to shake the foundations. Constantly developing personality he beckons to the future. Uranium is a means of combating stagnation.

Neptune symbolizes the psyche, the depths of the subconscious, which the inner essence takes for granted. In some cases, it reflects the desire to enter the imaginary world, to achieve the transcendental, to feel at ease in the sphere of the invisible, intangible and intangible. It may indicate an innate tendency towards the supernatural, the mystical, and the occult. On a more practical level, Neptune indicates the ability to embrace the entire idea or plan, project it into the future, and demonstrate abstract thinking.

Pluto is still the least explored planet. Since it was opened in 1930, it has managed to visit only five of the twelve signs - Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio. The study of Pluto is just beginning, its role has yet to be determined. It is connected with our desire to eliminate and transform the old, negative, unwanted elements of life, to replace them with more mature and worthy realities. As generations change, Pluto's influence will manifest itself in "new conventions" various styles in clothes, new ideas about the relationship between people and twists of fate.

The fate of a person is influenced not only by the name or sign of the Zodiac. As you know, each sign has its own planet, which provides patronage to people born under a certain constellation. Like the sign of the Zodiac, the patron planet has a direct impact on the character and behavior of a person.

The influence of planets on the signs of the zodiac, general facts

The action of the planets corresponds to the principle of duality of the outer and inner worlds of man. In most cases, the planets are symbols of energy sources. Moreover, the energy emanating from the planets can be in three forms - harmonious, disharmonious or mixed. Planets in the signs of the Zodiac and their influence can be divided into four levels, each of which has its own sphere of action and manifestations. Let's take a closer look at each level.

Influence of the planets of the first level

The planets of the first level include the Sun and the Moon. The luminaries, as the patrons of the zodiac constellations, are the basis of all the circumstances of external life, while being the same basis for the human psyche. The influence of the planets in the signs of the Zodiac at this level is clearly distributed both in the outer and inner spheres of life. For example, the Sun, as the patron planet of the first level, is responsible for the will and intentions in inside life. Outwardly, this luminary is responsible for the dictates of circumstances of an external nature. At the same time, the dictate includes the human will in an imperative order.

The moon, in turn, is responsible for the conditions of society and the subconscious of the public, if we consider the external manifestations of its influence. Part inner life, which is under the influence of the luminary, concerns the desire and reaction of the subconscious, which is reflex in nature.

Planets in the signs of the zodiac. Second level

This level of patron planets includes Mercury, Venus and Mars. As on the previous level, each planet from this set is responsible for specific manifestations of human character and behavior. Generally speaking, we can safely say that this level is responsible for the circumstances that each person can influence, without resorting to either psychoanalysis or any magical resources of the individual.

Mars symbolizes the position of the activity of the external world in relation to each specific individual. And through the use of the subconscious, this planet can awaken the instincts of an aggressive nature and activate all the mechanisms by which physical and mental energy is released.

Venus is in close connection with the signs of the correct perception of the external world, namely love and aesthetics. If we consider the external manifestations of the influence of this planet, then they are responsible for the behavior over which a person has some control. For example, the influence of this planet is manifested in situations where rudeness takes place, and the result depends on what answer you give.

Mercury, belonging to the second level of patron planets, has long been considered a symbol of rational thinking, reason. Mercury serves as a model and a connecting element between desires and intentions, as well as active actions and perceptions. The close connection of this patron planet with the rest of the planets on the first three levels is justified by its amazing ability to model anything, even love or hatred.

The third level of patron planets and their influence on humans

Planets of the third level mainly exert their influence on programs of karmic origin. At this level, the planets in the signs of the Zodiac symbolize those circumstances on which a person can have only a slight influence that will be felt.

Jupiter expands the consciousness of a person and provides him with opportunities for further growth and development, symbolizing the influence large groups society. In terms of inner peace this planet influences the boundaries of the psyche, expanding them and allowing you to create new subconscious programs.

Saturn works diametrically opposite. Under the influence of this planet, opportunities are narrowed, and obstacles and obstacles appear on the path that cannot be overcome without making great efforts for a long time.

Chiron, as a planet of the third level, acts as a balance and provides opportunities for a person to realize that the inner and outer side Every person's life is the same. Thanks to the influence of Chiron, it is possible to deduce a connection between the events and circumstances of the inner and outer worlds, and also helps to start using karmic laws in practice.

The fourth level of the planets

In fact, the planets of the fourth level represent the highest incarnation of the patrons of the constellations that are on the second level. Pluto is the embodiment of Mars in the highest degree, Neptune is the highest Venus, and Uranus is in correspondence with Mercury. The power of a person over the fourth level is very small, so most of the events that occur under the influence of these planets are perceived as something inevitable, like fate, which can only be accepted in different ways. At the level of the inner world, the fourth level of the planets is responsible for the qualities and abilities of an innate nature, or very deep programs in the subconscious.

Interaction of planets and signs

The planets influence a person not only by themselves. Each patron passes the Zodiac for a certain period of time. During this time, the planets in the signs of the Zodiac awaken certain qualities and behaviors in a person. It is worth noting that Mars in Scorpio will have a different influence than any other planet in the same sign.

Each planet in a particular sign can awaken certain talents and abilities in a person. For example, Venus in Pisces, which is responsible for emotions and sensitivity, can help awaken an inclination towards music, in particular classical music. It is worth noting that this combination of planet and sign is the best for women.

At the same time, Mars in Scorpio can arouse interest and a craving for danger, combining it with a high level of intuition and prudence.

How to agree with the Universe, or On the influence of planets on the fate and health of a person Blekt Rami

Influence of Saturn

Influence of Saturn

Philosophical understanding of Saturn

Saturn is the main planet that brings suffering and misfortune to people's lives. Its action is karmic, that is, a person can hardly correct anything in that area of ​​\u200b\u200blife, which Saturn touches in his chart.

Saturn was recognized as the most important of the nine planets not only in India but also in other ancient cultures. Saturn is called the Arbiter of destinies. It is he who is responsible for life expectancy and its well-being. He can easily raise a person "from rags to riches" and vice versa.

Vedic astrology gives Saturn the most honorable place, because he is the main one, in whose power is the ability to change destinies. In astrology, Saturn has long been an indicator of death, disease, poverty, separation, ugliness and all sorts of perversions. From a spiritual point of view, he embodies such qualities as discipline, asceticism, seriousness, detachment, patience and loneliness.

If Jupiter symbolizes creativity and expansion, then Saturn symbolizes contraction and destruction. Jupiter is the God of joy, an optimist, and Saturn is the God of sorrow, a pessimist. Jupiter is a kind teacher, Saturn is harsh and sometimes cruel.

Saturn governs disease, old age and death - these harsh teachers of human life, before whom all things that are subject to time bow. On the other hand, destruction is the eternal companion of creation, while decay and death are the necessary conditions for new life and growth. The more attachments and dependencies we have in this world, the more we fear Saturn.

Saturn gives suffering that promotes the development and growth of our soul, and many great souls consciously choose a life full of suffering and limitations for the fastest progress.

Saturn can give rapid aging and wilting, as it is an indicator of old age. You may notice that people who lead a hectic lifestyle age quite quickly. On the other hand, people who follow the correct daily routine are prone to reasonable self-restraint, age much later, have more long life and almost to death retain vigor and great strength.

As the slowest of the planets, Saturn slows down all processes and holds back movement. The Sanskrit name for Saturn is "Shani", which translates to "slow". Saturn often brings delays in people's lives.

Saturn can draw out forces - both on a physical and intellectual level. It gives rise to depression and melancholy, awakens self-pity in a person, inspires anxiety and anxiety.

Where does all this come from? From selfishness, because at a low level Saturn is the planet of selfishness, and the more a person is selfish, the more strongly and unfavorably Saturn influences him. And his influence, as you, dear readers, have probably already guessed, does not give much pleasure.

Almost all of our materialistic aspirations, such as, for example, the desire to have own house, material stability and wealth - often represent a disguised survival instinct, because they grow out of fear of the limitations, volatility of this world and poverty, which Saturn threatens.

But the same Saturn that raised them eventually destroys them. Saturn is the planet of fear, which underlies the deep selfishness subject to the same Saturn. Saturn darkens the mind and blinds it with fear. In many insensitive criminals, Saturn is heavily afflicted and often associated with Mars, another tough planet.

However, Saturn is not only the lowest of the planets, but also the highest - in a spiritual sense. His lessons are usually the most difficult and painful, but also the most rewarding. Having passed through the difficult lessons of Saturn, we can climb to the highest level spiritual evolution.

Saturn is the highest realized knowledge, access to which is open only to those who are able to be humble, free from attachments and dependencies, work with concentration and selflessness. With these qualities, a person can become truly free.

The wisdom of Saturn is reflected in Buddhist teaching about the impermanence, temporality, futility of all things and that this world is full of suffering.

You can read more about the influence of Saturn and other planets in the book "Astrology of the Seers" by David Frawley and Robert Svoboda "The Majesty of Saturn".

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Space objects affect our luck and life in general. Each planet has its own character and features, on which its influence depends.

Despite the fact that the planets sometimes have a very strong influence on the fate of people, each of us can change it even in the most passive period of time. Don't take it astrological forecasts as absolutely accurate. Use information from astrologers wisely, because you need to understand that in almost one hundred percent of cases, the planets simply put up obstacles for us, and do not control life, prescribing your destiny.


The first, smallest and rather fast planet. Due to the relative proximity to the Earth, this planet has a fairly strong energy. During periods when Mercury has great potential, representatives of such Signs as Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius feel a special need for communication. The rest of the Signs during periods of strong Mercury are better off just staying close to other people. People become more talkative if Mercury is negative for them. For the above Signs, periods of active Mercury allow you to find new people, better remember information. Mercury improves memory and increases the desire to learn, so this planet is called the patron saint of students and people who are engaged in intellectual work. During periods of Mercury's strength, events develop very rapidly. Many become very obsessive. Mercury is also the patron of money, numbers. The planet helps to make purchases correctly, monitor spending. Mercury's mood changes very often, so you need to keep a close eye on him.


Venus is called the sister of the Earth because this planet is very similar to ours. Big size and shortest distance make Venus the most important planet for the state of the physical and emotional. Venus directly nourishes people with physical, psychological and sexual energy. No wonder this planet is considered the patroness of the love sphere. Venus energizes representatives of the Sign of Libra, Cancer, Gemini, Taurus, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. All of these Signs receive a special "margin of safety" during a strong Venus. The rest are deprived of it during such periods. Venus also rotates very slowly against the normal direction of movement along the axis. This is the main reason that she is in charge of beauty, aesthetics, people's desire to enjoy something beautiful. Because of this, Venus is also considered the patroness of artists and musicians. This planet teaches us to compromise, show mutual assistance and understand each other. She also in some cases is in charge of financial affairs, more precisely, some of their aspects.


A red warlike planet named after the god of war. Mars is also very close to Earth, but almost completely opposite throughout Venus. This planet gives strength and desire to go only forward to the following Zodiac Signs: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Pisces, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Aries. When the red planet is strong, it is felt quite noticeably, because a certain assertiveness immediately appears and the desire to become better, stronger. Mars provokes people to move, that is, to travel and travel. It helps people to increase their energy, including sexual. Astrologers advise during periods of strong Mars to do more sports. Don't be afraid to work your hardest when Mars is strong. On the other hand, this planet makes people more strict and rude. In some cases, this flows into a kind of cruelty, and unreasonable. People swear more when Mars is in a strike, become adamant, selfish and extremely irritable, nervous. No wonder this planet is called the patron of war, because most quarrels and partings occur during periods of strong Mars.


It is the largest and heaviest planet solar system. Due to its high mass and great slowness, Jupiter is considered a planet that affects the subconscious and the psyche, mood, but only in the long term. The fact is that it can be retrograde, like any other planet, but rarely does it. From one Sign to another, she also passes about once every six months. It is the chief patron of intuition, intellectual activity. Jupiter can make people more greedy, arrogant and deceitful. It changes not one person, but the whole society as a whole, as well as its ideology. Jupiter can make people more secretive. It can both inspire and make us passive. It is Jupiter that makes certain long periods positive or negative. It is because of this cosmic giant that we can become optimists or pessimists for the long term. Because of this, it seems that a white or black stripe is coming. Jupiter acts very slowly, giving people a chance to get used to a new period in their lives.


Another fairly large representative of the planets of the solar system. Saturn operates globally. A slow increase in the power of influence is always characteristic of him, but he changes the very way people think. Firstly, by changing direction or moving to another Zodiac Sign, he changes the entire value system of society. Yes, yes, it is society as a whole, and not individual people, although with individuals it can be very categorical. From the very first day of the change in the mood of this planet, people begin to experience some deep strange feelings, they change their worldview. Someone perceives it as growing up, someone - as aging, and someone - as something opposite, negative. Secondly, Saturn clouds the eyes or, conversely, opens them, allowing you to see the world as it really is. A strong Saturn can also make people more independent. The fourth direction is the formation of stable thoughts, stereotypes. Saturn plays with consciousness itself, but does it quite gently.


This planet is big, but not as big as Saturn or Jupiter. Uranus has many features. For example, he literally lies on his side, spinning like a ball that rolls on the ground. This is a unique planet that is different from all the others. It receives more heat from the Sun than it gives out, because it has a cold core inside it. Due to the fact that Uranus lies on its side, it turns our lives upside down too. This planet is a symbol of rebellion, revolutions, fleeting changes. Due to the fact that he is independent and self-sufficient, he also influences people. When this planet is strong, people become non-standard, think creatively. Many become more cunning, and at the same time nervous. Uranus increases empathy, deprives or empowers people of independence. He demands intellectual development rather than giving it away. Many people are prone to unrest and anxiety during periods of strong Uranus. This planet is a source of chaos, accidents, sudden upheavals.


Neptune is very similar to Uranus physical properties, but it moves in the same way as other planets. This planet governs people's desire for pleasure. If you feel good, then Neptune will try to make you feel even better, but, unfortunately, it has a very negative effect on performance because of this. Neptune provokes people to smoking and alcohol abuse, gluttony and laziness. All negative sides people become open and understandable. On the other hand, Neptune helps solve problems with compassion and increased empathy, just like Uranus. It changes people's lives, making it more colorful, but the price that you have to pay for positive is sometimes very high. Overcoming problems during the period of a strong Neptune should occur through the adoption of informed decisions.


The last planet in the solar system, which is not only the most distant, but also the smallest. It doesn't matter if astronomers consider Pluto a planet. For all of us, he will always be. He, like Mercury, manages relationships between people. Most of the time, Pluto is in the sign of Capricorn, in a calm state, so there are rarely any bad periods. It may be retrograde. In this case, changes in society take place on Earth. Conflicts begin, and people think only of themselves. This planet governs the collective mind of people. Sometimes when Pluto moves backward, it brings dissonance to society. People are divided into two camps - some succumb to the hypnotic influence of Pluto, while the latter do not. This is where false confidence, scandals, intrigues come from.

Each planet is unique in its properties, despite the fact that in some aspects it may be similar to one of its relatives. Space objects almost always participate in people's lives in a hidden way, but some planets are especially intrusive. This mainly applies to planets that are located close to the Earth - Venus and Mars. Depending on their position

Since ancient times people have studied heavenly bodies and were able to predict the future from them. None significant event in a person's life did not happen without consulting an astrologer or astrologer, as they were then called. Unfortunately, in our time, although the study of the stars has become a science, many people live in ignorance of which planets dominate them.
The influence of planets on character, health, in the end, the fate of a person should not be underestimated. The most important celestial bodies that seriously affect us are, of course, the Moon and the Sun. The influence of other planets is much weaker. It is the Sun and the Moon that determine the masculine and feminine in people. The sun is the source of the energy we need to live. The location of this planet forces us to choose the direction in which we will go, we will build connections, achieve something. The sun supplies us with this or that temperament, determines our behavior in the family, in public life. As for the moon, it symbolizes the subconscious. The Moon, its location and power of influence shape our ability to dispose of what the Sun has given us. Also in the sphere of influence of the Moon are our emotional side, sensitivity, intuitive qualities.
The influence of the planets on the fate of a person is very diverse. For example, Mercury governs those of our virtues that we received from birth. The position of this planet at the time of the birth of a person depends on how it is perceived the world, as well as the degree of development of the main senses - smell, hearing, sight, taste and touch.
Venus governs desires and feelings. The location of Venus is directly related to the relationship of man to family ties, the love sphere, the sphere of sex. Also, the prioritization depends on the level of influence of the planet - when, for example, sex is more important than love.
Move on. Jupiter, Mars, Saturn. The influence of the planets extends to the connection of a person with the world around him. The behavior of these planets in natal chart directly affects relationships with other people, on the level social adaptation the ability to adapt to circumstances. Jupiter is the planet of good luck and generosity. Those who are under the influence of Jupiter are arrogant, not averse to arguing and generally behave brightly, defiantly, extravagantly. At the same time, they are prone to adherence to principles, following the rules and do not tolerate other people's opinions.
Saturn governs the area of ​​responsibility, power, discipline. It is this planet that determines our working qualities, developing that same responsibility, patience, and reliability. The ability to endure the hardships of fate, not to give up is also Saturn. In ancient times, Saturn was considered the most faded planet, since it did not have the delicate brilliance of Venus, the reddish hue of Mars and the brightness of Jupiter. Later it turned out that Saturn is a multi-colored planet, which means, on the contrary, the most interesting.
Our desires, passion for action depend on the strength of Mars. Mars is a masculine planet, it rules over sexual passions and potency. However, this planet also affects women, forming determination and the ability to stand their ground. All conflicts, the degree of courage - this is also Mars.
Uranus, Pluto and Neptune are responsible for personal addictions, showing what exactly a person is inclined and disposed towards. Uranus gives us creative qualities, endows us with activity, the power to make changes and move on. The territory of Neptune is intuition and what we call supernatural abilities. Understanding reality, accepting it, a sound assessment of circumstances - this is also Neptune. The strong influence of the planet develops the talent to calculate one's steps ahead of time, the ability to subject any, even the most difficult situation and most importantly, see the big picture. Pluto determines a person's interest in change. Revolutionary transformations, breaking traditions and stereotypes - this is also the "merit" of Pluto.
The most amazing planet, Uranus, is responsible for all the surprises in general in our life. Scientists, reformers, true geniuses - they are all "clients" of Uranus.
A person in whose map Uranus is strong is distinguished by a powerful craving for freedom, he simply needs to stand out from the crowd. These people may look like eccentrics, cause polar opinions, but in the end it is they who find new paths, discover new laws of the universe and accelerate progress.
So, the influence of planets on a person is a very interesting science, if, of course, you believe in it.


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