Internal and external motivation of the organization's personnel. Types of staff motivation

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Every manager must know the types of staff motivation; labor efficiency will depend on this. Any enterprise is focused on achieving certain indicators, and therefore optimism and a certain vector of development must always be maintained.

Brief introduction to the issue

We need to start with what constitutes an incentive to action. As a result, it is possible to achieve not only personal, but also general motives of the entire organization. Competent involvement of the personal and social components leads to the formation of the scientific component of management. Modern management cannot exist without choosing and justifying a specific goal to which all departments will strive.

The interaction between staff and the organization itself is based on building market relations that involve achieving similar economic goals. Each manager, at the stage of planning and implementing the work process, begins to distribute responsibilities for each specialist. A leader is considered rational only if the decisions he justified led to the achievement of a joint goal, that is, the benefits will be fully shared among specialists.

There is a situation when a manager consciously begins to influence employees, revealing their potential. Ultimately, the entire staff begins to show dynamic and growing performance. In any organization, favorable conditions must be created for the speedy achievement of the goal. On next stage You can unleash not only the intellectual, but also the creative potential of your employees.

The production model of any employee must include not only the influence of external factors, the control of which remains impossible, but also internal human motives. As practice shows, no matter what goals are achieved at the enterprise, personal needs will always remain in the foreground. In almost any organization, aspects of personality will play a large role:

  1. Assigned tasks.
  2. Achieved goals.
  3. Unfulfilled needs.

Set of factors

The degree of involvement, both physical and mental, will depend on how much benefit is received. A number of related factors influence job satisfaction, as well as the degree of influence on ongoing processes.

One of the priority tasks of the enterprise will be the possibility of combining both personal and social motives. The overall vector of further development of the organization depends on the mechanism involved.

Types of personnel motivation have a scientific basis, and therefore the practical aspect is impossible without their theoretical study. In accordance with what goals are pursued in the organization, the following can be identified: internal and external.

The incentive to action should organically become part of the functionality of each enterprise. When a company has an experienced leader, the path to proper management will be based on understanding human psychology, which involves a combination of internal and external forces.

External motivation presupposes an administrative form of influence, that is, the manager delegates part of his responsibilities, and the staff’s task is to carry it out. To increase efficiency, each manager must have a good understanding of the motives that will motivate a particular employee to act. For each option, the most acceptable solutions may be:

  1. Salary increase;
  2. Standardization of the working day;
  3. Moral encouragement in the form of public praise.

Talking about internal view, it is necessary to address more complex levers of influence that will correspond individual characteristics person. When there is a need to enhance the desirable qualities of an employee and reduce the influence of negative factors, it is necessary to look for psychological methods of influence. Of course, in the second case, the manager will have to work most diligently, using all the practical and theoretical knowledge.

Knowing which type will improve productivity, a manager can vary the degree of their involvement. The significance of the work plays a secondary role in the organization. An active labor process is possible only when hidden talents can be realized. IN in this case productivity will increase exponentially.

Definition of key indicators

An effective step in achieving goals for an enterprise is the importance of developing certain professional qualities. Knowing what kind of useful feedback will be received at the end, many workers begin to mobilize their forces.

You can support the performance of employees using various techniques, and each has certain characteristics. If used promptly, stunning results can be achieved.

There are certain techniques that can be applied at any stage of the workflow. The time of application affects the degree of impact of the “motivator”. The manager must understand that each person has his own goals, and therefore for each category it is possible to apply different types incentives. As practice shows, material incentives play an important role in an organization.

Distinctive features

Stimulation – effective remedy for all participants in the work process. When an enterprise has certain values ​​that are offered as a certain compensation for excess mental or physical effort, then productivity will increase. Each person's interest in certain incentives may vary, this should not be forgotten.

Encouraging your employees to take action leads to the development of certain characteristics:

  1. Increased performance;
  2. Increased quality of manufactured products;
  3. Perseverance in achieving goals;
  4. Diligence and diligence.

The organization begins to actively form a highly qualified team. When a company has certain management principles that have developed over a long period of time, then the search for incentive is secondary. The organization of each country is dominated by its own characteristics, which have been formed over many centuries and are determined not only by the system of division of labor, but also by individual traditions.

Foreign motivation systems are based on large quantities theories. They all seek to discover the connection between employee relationships from a work perspective and the final product. Each of them explains employee behavior from a psychological and physiological beginning.


To summarize, we can say that in order to achieve the company's desired results, the staff must be given a proportionate amount of rewards and results. Not every person will be able to enjoy work based solely on the results achieved. The main measure to be used is the overall degree of satisfaction, built on external and internal rewards.

The higher the performance, the better for each employee. We must understand that it is not limited only to cause-and-effect relationships. It represents an interconnected system that will unite various factors in a single complex.

By applying the techniques given above, you can rationalize the use of resources in the enterprise. Managers must understand that further progress will depend on the correctness of their actions. By evaluating work from the standpoint of effectiveness, one can expect an increase in the productivity of colleagues. The main truth that must be followed is this: the higher the personal contribution of each member production process, the more successful the functioning of any company.

If the manager does not understand the basic theoretical foundations, then it is almost impossible to create a truly working system that could lead to the set goal. Before understanding the general system, it is necessary to analyze each specific type, corresponding to the individual characteristics of the group.

What are the basic and non-standard types of staff motivation? How to motivate employees in an organization? Who can help you choose the most appropriate type of staff motivation in management?

Every manager - be it a large enterprise or a small one - is concerned with two questions: how to increase profits and at the same time spend less? That is, how to achieve an increase in income without extra costs, and so that employees feel comfortable and do not want to look for something better.

In a new article from the staff motivation section, we will tell you about different types of motivation. Anna Medvedeva is with you, a regular author of the online magazine HeatherBeaver.

Those who read the article to the end will receive a bonus - you will learn about completely unusual species motivations that do not exist in theory, but are applied in real-life companies. Read and adopt other people's experiences - perhaps this is exactly what is missing in your team.

1. What is staff motivation

Who has the right to name themselves good leader? Someone who knows the principles of effective personnel management and skillfully applies them in practice.

What does it mean to skillfully apply in practice? Here it is worth paying attention to the result.

Employees are satisfied with their wages, they do not seek to leave for competing companies, because your team has a wonderful microclimate, and everyone works with desire, showing creativity to your business. This is the result of quality management.

In order to lead competently, you need to use various instruments management. One of these auxiliary techniques is the introduction of a motivation system at the enterprise.

What it is?

Staff motivation- this is the creation of an internal incentive for employees to perform high-quality and productive work using various techniques.

Related to the concept of motivation is the concept of stimulation. Many people believe that these are similar terms. We would differentiate them a little.

Stimulation - this is the use of more stringent, categorical measures. Methods and forms of incentives vary, but most often they are negative in nature (that is, they represent a system of fines and restrictions).

Motivation but a more flexible and multifaceted system. It includes many techniques and is based on a variety of factors - from the specifics and goals of the entire enterprise to the needs of each individual employee.

We described in detail various types of staff motivation in the next section of our publication.

As in any other area related to the human factor, when drawing up motivational programs it is indispensable creativity And use of non-standard techniques . Only a combination of traditional and non-traditional methods makes any motivation system truly interesting and worthwhile.

4. How to motivate staff - step-by-step instructions

How to implement a motivation system so that it works from the very beginning and is protected from at least the most common errors?

Let's create an algorithm of actions.

Step 1. Inform employees about plans to increase motivation

Employees must be aware of all changes in the enterprise, and the introduction of a motivation system is no exception. Everyone should see the prospects and advantages of upcoming events, and most importantly, the benefits.

IN small organization It’s easier to make an announcement at a general meeting where all employees can gather. If the enterprise is large, then the general director sends orders to department heads, who, in turn, convey information to subordinates.

Step 2. Carefully study the staff members

Often, ordinary written surveys and questionnaires are used for this. They make it possible to determine employee satisfaction with working conditions, relationships in the team, everyone’s desire for career growth, etc.

However, we recommend conducting staff certification. This more in-depth research will help you identify the best employees, as well as categorize employees into those who are stable and those who work well. with varying success, assess the level of knowledge and skills, suitability for positions held and other very significant indicators.

Step 3. Analyze the motivation system of other companies

Studying the types of staff motivation in similar companies will be especially useful if you do not attract third party specialists, and develop the program on your own.

Of course, you should not borrow completely ready-made schemes, even if they work well, because each enterprise and team has its own characteristics. But there is undoubtedly a rational grain in such practice.

Step 4. Approve the final version of the motivation program

Taking one of the systems as a basis, using the experience of competitors and data about your personnel, you can create effective system motivation for your team.

Let us add that help or at least consultation from a competent specialist will not be superfluous. Especially if your team is small and there is no separate marketing service that would deal with such issues.

Step 5.

When the motivation program is ready, it again needs to be conveyed in detail to subordinates. Everyone should understand the system for calculating bonuses and bonuses and other nuances of the process.

Be sure to tell us about the main goal pursued by the set of upcoming events. When employees not only strive for personal rewards, but also feel like an important part big process, this takes the quality of work to a completely different level.

5. Help in increasing staff motivation - review of the TOP 3 service companies

For those who are not strong in management theories, there are companies that professionally develop motivation systems adapted to the specifics of different institutions and teams.

There are also various kinds of training organizations - business schools, where you can get initial or in-depth knowledge in this area.

Meet representatives of this direction and choose the most suitable option for yourself.

1) MAS Project

The company that develops an effective business management system offers the most reliable solution - to teach employees planning, time management and many other things that make their work as productive as possible.

From the video posted on the site, you will learn about strategic planning tools - project management, tasks and salary amounts, regulations, goal maps and much more. The program will help you constantly be aware of the performance of each employee.

The MAS Project system is an online service that can be deployed both in the Cloud and in the internal corporate system. Your employees will have access to it 24 hours a day, regardless of distance.

2) Business Relations

With this company you are guaranteed to make a breakthrough in the development of your enterprise. Business Relations offers training, after which the level of employee motivation increases to the maximum. The main goal of the training is to create a cohesive team in the team, to eliminate conflict situations and inspire employees to take a new approach to work.

Order a free test on the website to assess your team and back call for consultation.

3) Moscow Business School

The business school, located in Moscow, provides training not only in the capital. Seminars and corporate training in the business field can be attended in many cities of Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Belarus and Vietnam.

If you need practical skills in the field of business and management, feel free to contact one of the best domestic business schools that meets the international level. Diplomas and certificates issued here are valued both in the CIS and in the West.

The website conveniently provides a schedule of training events. For those who cannot attend in person, there is distance learning in the form of video seminars.

6. What non-standard ways exist to increase staff motivation - 4 main ways

Non-standard and unusual ways of rewarding employees are not needed to show the originality of management’s thinking.

A creative approach allows you to expand traditional motivation schemes and show attention to employees from different sides.

Method 1. Arrangement of a place to relax in the office

Even a small office needs additional space for changing rooms and rest areas. In this way, workers’ needs for comfort will be met.

Each employee will have the opportunity to drink tea or coffee during the working day without disturbing others and without showing their five-minute rest to visitors, if we are talking about an office where they work with clients.

In addition, during such snacks the atmosphere in the team is discharged, since employees have the opportunity to take a break from the work rhythm in an informal setting, simply chatting over a cup of tea.

Method 2. Award for good relations with colleagues

In a sincere, friendly atmosphere we work more fruitfully. In a prosperous microclimate in a team, everything becomes easier, creativity and mutual assistance flourish.

If management encourages this, the staff will be a true team of like-minded people, from which no competitor will lure away valuable personnel.


The company "JapanGeneralEstateCo" has established a rule - to pay a bonus to the salary of about $3,000 to the manager of the company, who has developed friendly relations with employees.

Agree, this is a good incentive to reach a higher level of communication.

Method 3. Bonuses for vacation used for recreation

Often, instead of taking a vacation, people prefer to spend the money and time allocated for it on something else. Some people stay at work altogether, having received compensation, while others, instead of relaxing at the seaside, start another renovation or use their vacation pay to buy something useful for their home.

But human resources are not limitless, and everyone needs rest just as much as they need good nutrition. Without have a nice rest a person's productivity and quality of work decrease.

Therefore, some companies have the practice of paying compensation to those employees who replenish their physical and moral strength with the most rest. To do this, the employee only needs to present a voucher to a sanatorium or rest home and travel tickets. Naturally, for the period when he is on vacation.

The correct choice of material and non-material types of personnel motivation in an organization guarantees stable and effective work. How to get people to work efficiently? What factors to consider? How to ensure a personal approach to motivation? Read about this in our article.

Personnel motivation: basic theories applied in practice

Motivation (from the Latin “motus” - purposeful movement, action) is a component of the overall corporate culture of an enterprise. It is a system of methods used in a company to encourage employees to work effectively with full dedication. At the same time, the development of a personnel motivation system, if carried out correctly, allows the employer to quickly achieve strategic goals and implement development plans, and employees to receive satisfaction from their work activities. There are several theories that allow us to interpret and predict the behavior of employees in different situations.

Maslow's theory of needs

The author of this psychological theory motivation is the American researcher A. Maslow. She found a visual embodiment in Maslow’s pyramid, which is a hierarchy of human needs and values.

According to Maslow, a person constantly feels some needs that can be combined into certain groups that make up the pyramid. At the base are the elementary basic needs inherent to any person: food, air, nutrition, sex, safety, etc. Once basic physiological needs are satisfied, they are no longer a motivating factor. A person uses the following higher-level needs. At the same time, the needs high levels can only be satisfied after needs are satisfied lower levels. However, they are all closely interconnected and inseparable from each other.

For most people, the most important values ​​are those that make up the basic levels of the pyramid. They are taken into account when developing almost all personnel motivation systems.

Alderfer's EGR needs theory

Clayton Alderfer's model of the hierarchy of human needs consists of three levels:

  • Existence needs;
  • Needs for interaction and connections;
  • Personal growth needs.

Despite the external similarity to Maslow's theory, this model differs in that the levels presented in it are equivalent and have the same value. In this case, the hierarchy is respected by moving from specific and basic meanings to simpler ones.

McClelland's Labor Efficiency Theory

In this model of personnel motivation by American psychologist David McClelland, all needs are divided into three groups: needs for power, needs for success and needs for belonging. At the same time, it is believed that the basic needs of a person have already been satisfied, and only the achievement of higher needs can become an effective incentive. Higher needs are equivalent and interrelated. According to McClelland's theory, people who set high standards for themselves are confident in achieving success.

Victor Vroom's Expectancy Theory

It is based on the postulate that a person chooses what to do in accordance with the predicted consequences. In this case, the expected positive result is a motivating factor, and the negative one is demotivating. According to this theory, by choosing a certain type of behavior, a person expects to achieve the desired result.

Motivation of personnel who perform assigned work efficiently is carried out taking into account the needs. For some this is praise, for others it is an opportunity for further development. career growth. The strongest motivating factor is the delegated level of authority to get the job done effectively.

Herzberg's two-factor theory

Frederick Herzberg proposed dividing human needs into two types: hygienic and motivational. Hygiene refers to basic, physiological needs. A person will not be satisfied with a job if hygiene factors are absent or insufficient. But their presence in itself is also not decisive. The insufficiency or absence of motivating factors does not cause job dissatisfaction. But if they are present, satisfaction and motivation increase.

There are many theories that suggest psychological basis to motivate staff. But neither theorists nor practitioners can offer a universal approach. In each specific case, it is necessary to act taking into account the situation and those real needs that can become an effective tool for increasing work enthusiasm.

Types of staff motivation

Motivation of personnel in an organization is a process of continuous maintenance high performance labor. The set of measures that forms this system is not a dogma - it is constantly updated and adapted to the conditions of the labor market and specific production. Developing a personnel motivation system at an enterprise and keeping it up to date is a priority task of personnel policy. Any company is directly interested in increasing profitability, in ensuring that employees work with maximum efficiency at the lowest cost.

High staff motivation allows you to:

  • satisfy the basic needs of employees;
  • increase staff loyalty, interest and involvement;
  • form a well-coordinated team, each member of which is interested in the results of their work;
  • reduce staff turnover, improve their quality through acquired experience;
  • reveal the talents and potential of each employee;
  • to provide conditions so that each employee can realize their professional knowledge and personal qualities to the fullest.

Methods of motivating staff are conventionally divided into three groups:

1. Organizational

This group includes methods of motivating staff, designed to provide a unified system of incentives that are significant for all members of the work team or group. Such motivating elements include social package, a system of benefits and compensation, providing additional social guarantees to the least protected groups of employees, using a system of grades, incentives and bonuses.

2. Diagnostic

This group of incentives includes “pilot” types of motivating activities used temporarily in control groups in order to evaluate their effectiveness. If pilot incentives achieve significant results, they are included in common system motivation of personnel at the enterprise.

3. Individual

This group combines methods that are aimed at increasing motivation individual workers. Most often, they are used to stimulate the work of managers at various levels, unique specialists and small groups united on a temporary basis to work on a project.

There are two types of motivation: internal and external. Internal – a complex of incentives and motives determined by the personal qualities and circumstances of the employee. External – incentives that influence a person from the outside, for example, the incentive system operating at an enterprise. In practice, there are such types of personnel motivation as material and intangible. Let's consider what motivation factors belong to each of these types.

Types of material motivation of personnel

Surveys conducted among working Russians confirm that for most people the main motivating factor remains wages. A person's salary reflects his value in the market. And if a person believes that he receives unfairly little for his work, his motivation will be low and there will be no desire to work, even to the point of sabotage.

In addition to wages, which is a constant component, material incentives include the bonus part of payments

It can be:

  • bonuses for specific results in certain periods - quarter, half-year, year. An employee can receive a bonus individually or as part of a team who has exceeded the plan or completed the assigned amount of work ahead of schedule;
  • allowances in excess of those guaranteed for some categories labor legislation. The employer has the right to independently establish such allowances, for example,
  • additional payments for combining several professions, mentoring activities, performing functions that go beyond the boundaries of official duties;
  • one-time bonuses by decision of management upon concluding a major contract or launching a project.

So that the system financial incentives labor has become an effective tool for increasing productivity, the principles of distribution of the variable part must be clear and precise, tied to specific evaluation parameters. Lack of transparency in the distribution of monetary remuneration reduces staff motivation and destabilizes the team. The result will be an increase in staff turnover and a decrease in labor productivity.

Types of non-material motivation of personnel

The lack of financial opportunities does not mean that management does not have mechanisms to increase staff motivation. Neither high salaries nor bonuses guarantee stable and conscientious work. Moreover, over time they begin to be taken for granted. Modern trends in motivation management are based on the widespread use of additional non-material incentives.

In addition to comfortable physiological and psychological conditions labor and a developed corporate culture, experts consider the following to be effective motivating factors:

  1. a system of gifts and congratulations to celebrate significant dates and events occurring in the families of employees;
  2. development and training when the employer pays additional education, attending trainings;
  3. equipping recreation areas where employees can comfortably drink a cup of coffee and sit in a calm environment;
  4. organizing feedback, when employees are given the opportunity to express their opinion to the manager and consult with him;
  5. personification, meaning that the employee is granted personal privileges for special merits - a separate office or a designated parking space in front of the office, a sign indicating the name and position on the desktop;
  6. benefits provided to all employees. For example: social package, payment for treatment and rest for employees and members of their families, organization of free meals, payment of transportation expenses;
  7. corporate events - joint trips to nature, visiting specialized exhibitions, holding sports competitions between departments.

You should not discount equally effective factors of negative motivation, such as:

  1. deprivation of bonus;
  2. disciplinary action;
  3. refusal to provide corporate benefits and compensation.

When applied fairly and justifiably, these methods also easily achieve compliance with industrial and corporate discipline and subordination.

Motivation of personnel in the organization

Procedures for the development, formation and implementation of a personnel motivation system are regulated personnel documents, for example, provisions on personnel policy or about the staff. It is a mistake to assume that people's behavior is predictable and malleable. general rules. There are many examples where the actions of others seem devoid of logic, but at the same time they are justified by the person’s experience and expectations. Therefore, the more detailed the issue of motivation factors is worked out, the more effectively they will work. Test initially, and then regularly, using motivational profile S. Ritchie and P. Martin.

The test will help identify those factors that have varying degrees of importance for each of their employees. The results of the study are used in the development of organizational and individual motivation programs. Analysis of all tests will help to identify which tangible and intangible types of staff motivation will be most effective for the majority of employees. When developing a set of motivational activities, use the experience of enterprises operating in your field.

Adhere to the following principles:

  1. The reward system should be transparent and understandable, based on quantitative assessments.
  2. Use clear evaluation criteria that are common to most employees.
  3. Ensure information accessibility of the reward system; information about them should be disseminated promptly at all levels.
  4. Employees should receive incentives immediately after positive results.
  5. Use as a motivational factor not an increase in salaries, but the payment of a variable part of the salary - bonuses and bonuses.
  6. Do not tie the amounts of salaries and bonuses to positions held - if the employee consistently shows good results, his reward should be great.
  7. The payment of the variable part should not be perceived as a mandatory addition to the salary; its size should directly depend on the employee’s labor contribution.
  8. Take advantage of the non-financial reward system. Her incentives often produce results no less significant than monetary rewards.
  9. Personalize incentives, taking into account the preferences, needs, general and national culture of the employee.

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What is internal and extrinsic motivation

There are several classifications of types of motivation: material-intangible, positive-negative, individual-group.

Extrinsic motivation- is not related to the content of the activity, but is caused by some external circumstances.

Example of extrinsic motivation

Intrinsic motivation-related to the content of the activity, and not caused by external circumstances.

Example of intrinsic motivation

Experts in the field of personnel management have noticed that when solving simple problems, when attentiveness and the ability to perform the same type of actions for a long time are most important, external motivation works more effectively. You pay more - better results.

When performing complex, creative tasks, external motivation stops working and can have the opposite, negative effect. If you pay more, the results are worse.

No. 4. The motive of material reward

Employees with this driving motive engage in business only to receive rewards or avoid punishment.

How to control: Understand what exactly motivates different groups of your staff - rewards or punishments. Press on this motive. Reward lovers will achieve the results you need for the sake of a bonus or promotion. And employees who avoid punishment will try not to earn a fine or receive a dismissal order.

How does intrinsic motivation work?

Internal motives are not found in external circumstances, but within the person himself. Examples of intrinsic motives are self-affirmation, conviction, personal growth, curiosity, and play.

For employees with high internal motivation, work is an extension of life, it must satisfy them morally, the employee needs to feel the necessity and benefit of their work, and see the results of their work. Let's look at the main types of internal motives and tell you how to manage employees with one or another leading motive.

No. 1. Motif of the game

People who are inspired by work are more productive than those who are tired of it. This motive is based on curiosity and a penchant for experimentation. Even adult leaders love to play. The question is what games do you offer and what is the result from them.

How to control: include an element of play in your work.


How to turn a serious task into a game and , says an expert from the HR Director magazine. The article contains many examples, cases and valuable advice from HR officers of leading Russian companies.

No. 2. Goal motive

An employee is more productive when performance results coincide with his personal beliefs. At the same time, he may not like the work process. The main thing is that the employee strives for the same result as the company.

How to control: set your goals wisely. They should be big, meaningful, emotional and logical.

Valentin Timakov, Deputy General Director for Human Resources at IBM (Russia and CIS)

. This develops better than training!

No. 3. Potential motive

For an employee with this leading motive, the main thing is self-improvement, professional growth and the realization of one’s potential.

How to control: Offer the employee a challenging task and the opportunity to take responsibility for it. Provide him with the opportunity to improve his qualifications and gain new skills. It has been noticed that such employees make good mentors. The best way improve skills - teach them to others.

Elena Belikova, HR Director at RED

We have created a program in which specialists train beginners. We select mentors from experienced salespeople who have all the necessary competencies. At the end of the course, new employees take an exam. If the mentee endures it well, we pay the mentor a bonus. If the beginner’s level increases significantly after training, we promote the mentor to shift administrator.

Extrinsic motivation is not related to the content of work, but is conditioned external factors- material reward, power, achievement, involvement. Intrinsic motivation is related to the content of the work itself and is supported by internal factors - realization of potential, self-affirmation, curiosity and play. Maintaining a balance between internal and external motivation is the key efficient work personnel.

Most important tool increasing the efficiency of the company, achieving specified goals and objectives. The coincidence of the employee’s personal goals and the tasks facing the organization provides the most significant economic effect for both parties.

Typically, the task of developing a system for motivating personnel is dealt with by the HR department, which not only selects appropriate methods of motivating personnel, but also carefully calculates the financial side of the issue: how much will it cost to motivate personnel in the organization to perform current tasks?

According to the classical definition, work motivation is an incentive to action. Those. the employing company seeks to manage a person’s behavior and set the direction of his actions to achieve its own goals. At the same time, labor motivation at the enterprise increases employee engagement and increases his interest in the success of the common cause. To increase the effectiveness of employee motivation methods, a systematic approach should be implemented, including different shapes and types of staff motivation.

Types of employee motivation

There are several ways to divide staff motivation into types, the first and most global being external and internal. External motivation of employees in an organization is an administrative influence that is exerted by a manager to encourage an employee to do quality work (order, threat of a fine, reward with a bonus).

Intrinsic motivation of employees refers to the category of a person’s psychological state when the employee himself has personal qualities allowing him to work effectively without administrative influence. The internal form of staff motivation can and should be developed. This requires significant effort, experience and deep knowledge in the field of personnel management theory from the manager.

To obtain sustainable internal motivation of enterprise employees, it is often necessary to use whole complexes various types motivation, starting with simple verbal praise, ending with an offer of career growth for the successful implementation of the project.

Typical work activity- this is a close interaction between internal and external motivation of work, allowing to obtain maximum economic effect.

What other types of staff motivation exist? Experts distinguish two main types of personnel incentives in management theory: material and intangible.

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Material types of staff motivation

In many companies and organizations, managers from the lower to the top level place the material motivation of employees as the basis for stimulating subordinate personnel. Managers with special education in the field of personnel management know that financially motivating employees to work or rewarding them with money (salary) does not bring the necessary improvement, especially in the long term. But this type of staff incentives is the most common.

At lower levels, team leaders reward good employees with higher salaries and increased bonuses. If you work harder and better, you get more. The salaries of top managers are often directly dependent on the results of their work. For example, often when hiring managers top level stipulates the direct dependence of bonuses and premiums on the level of profit received by the company or organization they manage.

Modern management has several various methods employee motivation, including:

  1. Salary. Increasing earnings perfectly motivates employees: news of a salary increase is always received with enthusiasm. But the effectiveness of this type of staff motivation is far from 100%: an employee who no longer wants to work in a given position due to monotony and lack of development is unlikely to agree to continue working if he gets a raise. wages. Salary increases work great when used across an entire enterprise, service team, or department.
  2. Awards. Rewards for achieving set goals are a strong motivator. This HR tool is most actively used in the sales area. A bonus for fulfilling a plan often makes up a significant part of earnings and morally stimulates staff to be active and take initiative.
  3. A percentage of a company's sales or performance. The most striking example is in the same field of sales, where employee earnings are often offered as a sum of the rate and a percentage of sales for the month, and sometimes even calculated as a percentage only without a base salary. So the percentage of sales becomes an effective motivation for sales personnel with minimal financial costs.

Material types of motivation include monetary fines if an employee violates pre-agreed conditions: being late for work, failure to fulfill the plan, all kinds of administrative violations. The fine system is most often used at enterprises specializing in the production of products and associated with hazardous production, where discipline and order are important factors normal operation. Penalties are applied in a single system with bonus payments, forming an effective motivation system.

This category of personnel motivation and incentive system also includes indirect material motivation, which includes incentives for employees in the form of vouchers, tickets for cultural events, tuition fees, paid time off, etc.

Types of non-material motivation of personnel

Material methods of stimulating staff work are not only quite costly for the enterprise, but also sometimes turn out to be ineffective. Monetary incentives may not be enough to motivate employees to give 100%. In this case, tangible tools should be combined with intangible types of effective motivation for staff, which include:

  • career advancement opportunities;
  • recognition of employee successes, public expression of gratitude;
  • creating a friendly, welcoming atmosphere in the team;
  • improving working conditions for employees (opening canteens, gyms, organizing corporate lunches);
  • involving employees in meetings;
  • congratulations on significant dates;
  • professional competitions;
  • corporate events;
  • the opportunity to participate in important decisions.

Modern management of innovative companies sometimes practices such methods of staff motivation and stimulation as corporate quests, various competitions, rating tables that stimulate the activity of specialists and professional growth. Employees develop a healthy passion and desire to stand out in the team. The winners of such gaming events receive valuable prizes or cash rewards.

Types of personnel motivation at the enterprise

At enterprises work motivation and labor stimulation can be implemented in the form of a well-functioning system or within the competence of immediate supervisors - middle managers. In any of these cases, the types of staff motivation described above can be applied.

  1. Direct monetary motivation, paid in the form of a bonus for exceeding the plan, a percentage of sales, a bonus for working without violations or achieving certain indicators.
  2. Indirect monetary motivation, which is often included in the social package. This includes additional medical insurance, training or internship at the expense of the company, a flexible schedule, payment for travel or provision of company transport, work clothes, payment for mobile communications, Internet, and additional leave.
  3. Moral motivation. It can be expressed in the form written gratitude, verbal praise, certificate presentation best employee, providing additional time off, organizing an honor board.

The formation of a staff motivation mechanism that will be used at the enterprise largely depends on financial capabilities. A profitable company without financial problems often relies on material incentives, corporate events, and a powerful social package.

Small companies or organizations try to rely on moral motivation and incentives for staff (non-material), and offer inexpensive options indirect monetary. Most often this is due to the inability to motivate employees with large bonuses.

All types of personnel motivation used at the enterprise must demonstrate an acceptable ratio of remuneration and results obtained. HR professionals should also constantly monitor employee satisfaction levels. This indicator is the most objective assessment of the value of the offered rewards. High performance is the reason for a high degree of satisfaction, because employees not only receive decent compensation for their work, but also feel in demand and fulfilled.

Main types of personnel motivation systems in an organization

The system of motivation and incentives for personnel in an organization is based on the types of motivation that are used to encourage employees to complete assigned tasks. The system includes material and non-material types of personnel motivation. At the same time, monetary rewards are clearly stated in the terms of the collective agreement or contract, and non-material types of motivation are used by managers based on their management style, the characteristics of the team and the current situation.

In foreign practice, specialists are faced with the use of various motivation theories based on the dominance of a certain group of factors in labor relations and on the performance of employees. The most prominent place here is occupied by the theory of needs, when their basic satisfaction entails the need to achieve a new level. Also, the choice of types of incentives for the organization’s personnel can be based on the theory of labor enrichment, fair remuneration, and expectation of results.

Such theories represent human work behavior from the point of view of various psychological or physiological concepts.

The use of an employee motivation system in an enterprise is the basis of result-oriented management. The transition to it, with a competent approach, is accompanied by a noticeable increase in labor productivity. This confirms one of the basic truths on which economics is based: the personal contribution of each employee in an organization plays a critical role in the success of the entire enterprise. In other words, proper motivation is the basis for the effectiveness of all categories of personnel.

Another system of staff motivation is based on status (it is called motivation by rank). This strategy is based on integral assessments of employee success. It includes data on the level of qualifications of personnel, the quality of their work, and their attitude towards their duties.

The indicators used make it possible to find out the main types of motivation to work, which will have the greatest effect when used in a specific team or for an individual employee. The choice of personnel incentive strategy is determined by the current management style in the company adopted corporate culture, national traditions.


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