Felt cherry - care tips. Felt cherry blossoms, but does not bear fruit. What is the felt cherry variety?

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Gardeners choose fruit trees, unpretentious in care and resistant to many diseases. Diseases and treatment of felt cherry have their own characteristics.

Main dangers

The felt cherry bush is grown in different climatic conditions. The felt cherry variety has a non-capricious disposition and big harvest. Cherry is distinguished by its peculiarities in care, as well as the specificity of diseases. For a long time felt cherry did not suffer from standard fungal diseases (coccomycosis, moniliosis, etc.). Many insect pests did not touch this variety. After some time, the ranks of felt cherry diseases replenished. What diseases do cherries suffer from:

Felted or Chinese mountain cherry is susceptible not only various diseases, but also to pests. Insects, birds, mice, moles spoil appearance and plant health.

Pocket disease

Fungal disease of the Tapharina family. It manifests itself as strange and incomprehensible formations at the site of berry ovary. The tree blooms and sets fruit, but instead of the usual berries, long pear-shaped formations appear.

In these “bags” it matures and multiplies fungal disease. It dries up and turns white, opens up and infects all nearby plants, turning the disease into an epidemic. Timely prevention and treatment will save 1/5 of the harvest.

If you do not fight the infection, the disease will overwinter and begin a new infection. in early spring. It is also necessary to check other crops and varieties.

Pocket disease affects not only cherries. Infected plum and apricot have similar manifestations, but instead of a “bag”, new red or purple formations grow on the leaf of the crop.

Treatment and prevention

Prevention and control of cherry pocket disease:

  • plant cherries in a well-lit place where the sun will warm the tree branches from all sides, this will prevent the fungus from developing;
  • do not forget about cutting branches, removing the density of the crown;
  • cut off branches with 1 sign of disease.

Every spring he recommends treating the entire tree with a 1% solution of copper sulfate or 5% Bordeaux mixture. The disease is difficult to treat. It is necessary to completely cut off all infected branches, burn outside garden plot. Modern fungicides will help cure and neutralize the plant.


Monial burn or moniliosis is the 2nd common disease of felt cherry. This is a fungal infection. It affects ripe berries, they dry out, and the fungus spreads with the wind to other plants. What you need to pay attention to are signs of moniliosis:

  • the flowering has dried up, the berries are not set;
  • there was flowering unusual color, brown tint;
  • leaves and whole branches dry out, as if after a fire.

The crown of the tree is the first to be affected. Infection begins during flowering. Fungal spores penetrate the pistil and peduncle, affecting them. An experienced gardener will notice the first signs in late spring or early summer.

Felt cherry moniliosis is easily confused with spring frosts. Externally, the flowers look stricken, as if they have stopped developing.

Treatment and prevention

If the development of the disease is not prevented in time, re-infection cannot be avoided. Then the fungal spores penetrate the berry and dry it out. Moniliosis, along with other fungal diseases, is difficult to treat. Fight with felt disease cherries;

  • spray cherries in early spring iron sulfate and Bordeaux mixture;
  • after flowering has finished, treat the tree with Bordeaux mixture;
  • harvest annually.

Treatment is carried out by spraying before and after flowering. The tree is treated with oleocuprite and fungicides. Cut the infected branch to 12 cm larger than the source of infection. Burn outside the garden area. Collect affected berries from the tree and under it, burn.

Root cancer and regrowth

The cause of horse cancer and its growth is bacteria in the soil. Dry and hot weather contributes to the active development of the disease. Growths appear on the root of the felt cherry, they take away the main strength and moisture, the plant slows down, dries out and dies.

Overgrowth or excess germination is classified as a fungal disease. There are no spots, bulges or other signs of disease, they appear a large number of small colorless shoots.

Treatment and prevention

Conventional prevention involves organic and mineral fertilizers. Shoots and growths must be removed. Treat the roots of felt cherries and garden tools with a 1% solution of copper sulfate. Use chlorominine or formaldehyde.

Clusterosporiasis (hole spotting)

High humidity and warm weather contribute to the appearance of clasterosporiosis on felt cherries. Manifests brown spots on leaves with dark edges. Further, through holes form in place of the spots. Brown-red spots also form on the fruits, the berries become deformed and dry out. The tree bark cracks and gum begins to flow. The fungus overwinters on growths and cracks in the bark.

Treatment and prevention

Trim off the affected leaves and branches and burn them. Check and monitor neighboring plants to prevent the spread of the epidemic. Cut out the growths, treat the roots with garden varnish. The gum from the cracks is removed, cleaned and also treated with garden varnish. Collect fallen leaves and burn them outside the site.

Spray the tree 2 times a year, before and after flowering. The tree is treated with nitrophenol, oleocuprite, and fungicides. For prevention, chemical and organic fertilizers. Spray frequently copper sulfate.


An old Scandinavian fungal disease. Previously, felt cherry was resistant to coccomycosis, but in last years The disease is also noticed on felt cherries. Signs of coccomycosis:

  1. The leaves are the first to be affected. Red dots appear, which eventually become spots.
  2. Spores form on the bottom of the leaf. After infection, the leaves begin to fall off.
  3. The tree turns out to be unprepared for frosts and freezes. After a few seasons, the felt cherry tree dies completely.

The fungus overwinters on fallen leaves and is not affected by frost and humidity.

Treatment and prevention

Carefully collect the leaves, take them outside the garden area, and burn them. In the spring, spray the first leaves with 3% Bordeaux mixture. Spray the tree 2nd time after the flowering has fallen off with 0.4% copper oxychloride, Topsin-N or Skor. 3rd time spray the tree after harvesting with 1% Bordeaux mixture or 0.4% copper oxychloride. You can also spray the tree before flowering with a solution of Speed.


All fungal diseases lead to gommosis or gum formation. An additional reason for the development is low and prolonged winter frosts. Also overwatering and fertilizer. Signs of the disease: a sticky and viscous liquid - gum - is released from the trunk and branches. Ignoring the disease can lead to the death of the felt cherry.

Treatment and prevention

Felt cherry requires good care. Treat cherries with a solution of copper sulfate. To prevent severe frosts and sunburn, you need to whitewash the tree trunk with lime. Any changes, injuries or cracks must be cleaned and covered with garden varnish and petroleum. Remove severely damaged branches and destroy them outside the garden area.

Traditional methods of treatment

You can additionally protect felt cherries from diseases. What to do:

  • cut dry branches in winter;
  • remove all shoots before buds appear;
  • before flowering begins: treat, spray, kill all insects;
  • if there are no obvious signs of disease on the tree, but the berries are cracking, you need to reduce watering;
  • after harvesting, collect the leaves and burn them;
  • in the fall, dig up the ground around the tree.

Traditional methods are not able to cure or completely protect against fungal diseases, but they will prevent and create “immunity” for the plant.

Prevention and protection

The crown of the tree is cut, excess branches are trimmed, and the sections are treated with copper sulfate. The lower branches and trunk are whitened. The tree and the area around it are treated with a urea solution; this will repel small pests. In the fall, prepare the soil: remove, dig, feed. Douse the entire tree with organic or chemical fertilizer.

Bird protection

Birds can be major pests and carriers of various diseases. To protect the felt cherry from winged ones, it is necessary to place a stuffed animal. It will frighten the birds and they will not dare to sit on the tree. If you cannot place a stuffed animal, you can hang rustling bags or something like baby rattles on the branches. ringing sound will scare the birds.

Top dressing

During flowering, the tree can be fertilized chicken droppings. After flowering has passed, add manure to the soil and be sure to dig it up. Store-bought dry nutrients will do. They can be added to water and watered on the tree. In mid-summer, treat cherries twice with nitrogen. After the harvest is harvested, feed the root system with compost or manure. In the fall, carefully monitor the composition of purchased fertilizers. Must be present: potassium, calcium, phosphorus. If necessary, lime the soil.


Diseases of felt cherries are very similar to other varieties. The tree is not immune to many diseases. Pest control and treatment are similar to other varieties. Felt cherry is less demanding to care for, so the risk of disease is low. Preventive measures can save the harvest.

Garden cherries have become widespread in our area. In the spring, after awakening, the tree gives people its beauty - its color was praised by writers and poets different eras. Every self-respecting gardener must have this tree in his garden. But it happens that some owners of these plants have problems - the cherries stop producing crops. In our article we will look at all aspects of why cherries do not bear fruit.

Features of cherry

Most often, common cherries grow in our gardens. A wide variety of varieties allows the gardener to choose the tree that suits him best. However, when choosing, you must take into account one very characteristic feature of this tree.

A large number are self-sterile. If there are only one variety in the garden, you won’t get a harvest from them. Such trees must be planted in a group of different varieties. In this case, the trees should be in close proximity to each other.

Such as “Molodezhnaya”, “Bulatnikovskaya”, “Rusinka”, it is also recommended to plant in groups. It is considered optimal to purchase several zoned seedlings with different degrees of maturation. There are early, middle and late cherries. The acquisition of non-registered varieties poses a threat full existence tree in unsuitable climatic conditions, which is why cherries bloom but do not bear fruit. We will talk about this in more detail below.

Poor pollination

Insufficient pollination is a significant reason why cherries do not bear fruit. The absence of a tree of another variety next to a non-self-fertile cherry leads to the fact that no more than 5-7% of potential fruits are set on the cherry.

But even self-fertile cherries without a pollinator are capable of forming only 40% of the berries. Many gardeners, confident that they have planted correct tree, they don’t even realize that this is the main reason why cherries don’t bear fruit well. If it is not possible to plant an additional pollinating variety in the garden, you can go another way: to do this, its shoots must be grafted into the crown of the tree. But while this happens, you can quickly solve the problem in the following way - flowering branches cut from a tree of a different variety are placed in close proximity to the problem tree. At least this season we can already count on a harvest.


A fungal tree disease such as coccomycosis may be the reason why cherries do not bear fruit or there are very few fruits. The peculiarity of the fungus is that it damages the foliage of the tree.

Immediately after the color has flown around, the foliage is covered with a pink-red coating. Some leaves become covered with brown spots. As a result, the leaves wither and fall off, and the tree becomes noticeably depleted. Frosts that earlier variety tolerated steadfastly, this disease can become destructive for the tree.

Already next spring the tree will bloom sparsely, and there is no need to talk about setting fruit.

Molinal blight is also a very common disease of cherries. During spring bloom The pathogen penetrates the peduncle into the buds and fruit shoots, which leads to their premature wilting. Characteristic feature The disease is that the affected leaves and flowers do not fall from the tree even in the winter cold, remaining on the branches of the tree until next spring. The fruits of the affected tree rot long before ripening.

In this case, the tree will be saved only by complete and timely removal of the affected areas.

Climatic conditions

In recent years, many gardeners in the suburbs of the capital have been preoccupied with finding the reason why cherries do not bear fruit. In the Moscow region, which is located in middle lane countries, the last years of winter are rich in their unexpected surprises. This once again confirms that when purchasing seedlings, it is necessary to take into account the winter hardiness of varieties.

The varieties of steppe cherries and their breeding hybrids with common cherries are the most adapted to winter stress. In addition to high resistance low temperatures, these varieties are famous for their productivity. However, all these varieties are slightly inferior in taste to common cherry fruits.

When hardened (a gradual decrease in temperature), varieties of this variety can withstand 35-degree cold. Daily temperature fluctuations pose a great danger to tree health. Big changes carry the risk of damage to flower buds, as well as a high probability of getting sunburn trunk and skeletal branches. It is necessary to radically combat the problem of why cherries do not bear fruit. What should a gardener do? All that remains is to update the trees in your garden with more winter-hardy varieties.

Lack of nutrients in the soil

With increased temperatures, you can’t count on a large harvest. Close to the surface (1.7 - 2 meters) location groundwater This may also be one of the reasons why cherries do not bear fruit well. In such a situation, there is only one way to solve the problem - creating an embankment with a diameter of at least three meters. This will allow you to plant a tree seedling on optimal distance from groundwater.

The tree will produce the maximum possible yield only on sandy loam soil with neutral acidity. But if acidity is increased, then what to do? If cherries do not bear fruit for this reason, then the situation can be corrected by liming the soil. The main thing here is not to overdo it - the lack of boron that accompanies calcareous soils can cause a decrease in the formation of ovaries.

In any case, when digging the tree trunk area, it is necessary to regularly and timely add mineral fertilizers.

Complex state of the tree

One of the cherries is a thickening or bush. Regular removal of dead wood and thinning will save the tree from weakening and possible diseases, will have a beneficial effect on the growth of new shoots.

Optimal light and shadow conditions, ensured by timely correction of the inner part of the crown, will allow the tree to reward the gardener as much as possible with a bountiful harvest.

Why does the felt cherry not bear fruit?

This variety has high tolerance to low temperatures and phenomenal resistance to coccomycosis. This bushy tree came with Far East. The dense covering of foliage and shoots with villi, reminiscent of felt, gave this cherry its name.

The varieties of this tree give bountiful harvest delicious berries. The type of this tree is self-sterile. Therefore, you cannot do without one more tree in the garden if you want to count on a rich harvest.

Proper fertilization can help with this problem. When digging in spring, it is recommended to add up to 80 grams of potassium and 220 grams phosphate fertilizers. During the growing season, it is necessary to carry out several additional feedings of the tree.

The first must be done after flowering. They do it this way: dissolve up to 16 grams of urea, potassium chloride and up to 28 grams of superphosphate in 10 liters of water. It is recommended to repeat the procedure after two weeks.

Every two to three years, but by no means more often, add ash infusion and rotted manure to the soil around the tree. The procedure is carried out in autumn period and will significantly affect the well-being of the plant and the abundance of the harvest.

Preventive actions

Regular cleaning of last year's leaves will eliminate one of the factors why cherries do not bear fruit. Old foliage contains primary foci of fungal diseases. Thin out the crown in a timely manner.

Wood processing carried out chemicals will prevent disease various diseases. The first spraying is carried out at the end of flowering; in no case is it recommended to do this earlier. Two weeks after harvesting, the procedure must be repeated. If you have missed the time, then the tree can be processed no later than 20 - 25 days before harvesting the fruits.

If the gardener follows all these recommendations and surrounds his tree with timely care and attention, the result will not be long in coming. The very next year, questions about why cherries do not bear fruit will disappear by themselves. And a bountiful harvest will be a good reward for your efforts.

Felt cherry is the most unique variety, which belongs to the plum variety. This crop not only has excellent taste, cherry of this variety is used for crossing with apricot, peach and even cherry plum. This crop is valued by many gardeners for its early ripening, high yield and resistance to frost. Moreover, even a novice gardener with no experience can grow felt cherries, provided that a few simple rules are followed.

Exactly how to care for a felt cherry so that it pleases for many years good harvest. How to pollinate correctly to remove large fruits, and useful tips from experienced gardeners will be described below.

    What is the felt cherry variety?

    What conditions are necessary for growing felt cherries?

    How to plant felt cherry correctly

    What should care be like?

What is the felt cherry variety?

Felt cherry received this name due to the presence of small fibers on its foliage and fruits. Cherry trees This variety grows up to three meters in height. And such a culture is valued thanks to the very healthy berries, which contain the following elements:

  • acids of organic origin;
  • a large amount of healthy carbohydrates;
  • groups of vitamins such as B, PP, C.

One of the undeniable advantages of this variety is that this berry blooms and ripens almost two weeks earlier than similar crops. At the same time, its berries do not fall to the ground, unlike ordinary cherries.

As for breeding this crop, in most cases they resort to two methods, namely:

  • rooting sprouts using cuttings;
  • breeding by air layering.

Such breeding methods are used when it is necessary to graft peach, apricot or cherry plum seeds onto cherries. We graft these fruits with an eye or using a cutting. Moreover, in such a question as what to graft onto a felt cherry, according to experienced gardeners, it is good to perform manipulation on cherries and plums.

It is worth noting that there is another method of breeding felt cherries - this is obtaining seedlings from seeds. This method is used when it is necessary to obtain new felt cherry bushes.

It is worth highlighting that this cherry variety is also used to strengthen slopes, as well as to create beautiful hedges.

The only drawback of this variety is that this bush is not durable. But if you properly care for the felt cherry, it will delight you with its beauty and generous fruiting for about 12 years.

In general, we can conclude that this cherry variety is very similar to ordinary cherries. And the only difference is that you can graft other fruits onto this crop. Because felt cherry is ideal for these purposes.

What conditions are necessary for growing felt cherries?

In order for the cultivation of felt cherries to bear fruit in the form of a generous harvest, it is necessary to correctly select the zone in the front garden for planting and the neighbors who will have full compatibility with this culture.

So, if you want to reap a rich harvest large berries, give preference only to well-lit places. Otherwise, the berries will gradually begin to become smaller, deformed and ripen much later. When choosing a place for a felt cherry, try to have neighboring trees such as plum, cherry plum or felt cherry. It is with these fruit trees best compatibility.

As for shrubs such as gooseberries, currants, raspberries and joshta, their proximity should be avoided.

Since it is with these crops that compatibility is the least. And if they grow in close proximity, you can forget about the harvest.

In general, in order for the bushes to be well pollinated, the best option will plant several felt cherry bushes at once. In this case, full compatibility and a generous harvest will be ensured.

One more important point for felt cherry is right choice the soil in which this crop will grow, and what type of minerals will nourish it. It is worth noting that this cherry variety is not particularly demanding to care for. But in order for it to please you with a good harvest, you need to choose the right area for planting it.

The most suitable soil is fertile soil with good drainage. If you choose a lowland for planting cherries, then root system It will begin to rot quite quickly, and as a result the plant will die. In the case when the soil is increased acidity, it can be easily neutralized with slaked lime, which is applied once every two months.

As for pollination, in this case it is necessary to plant felt cherries with several varieties or sprouts in one area nearby. The fact is that such a crop is pollinated only when it grows with other plants of its own variety, which act as pollinators among themselves.

How to plant felt cherry correctly

If you purchase felt cherries in the spring from nurseries, then planting is carried out until the buds begin to bloom. It is worth noting that this crop can be planted in the fall no later than September. In the case where the cherry bushes were acquired later, the most correct thing would be to dig them in until spring.

This crop is planted as follows:

  1. A landing zone is determined and holes 40 cm deep and 50 cm wide are dug in it.
  2. Then potassium and phosphorus fertilizers, as well as a little slaked lime, are added to each dug hole. All fertilizer components are thoroughly mixed.
  3. Next, the sprout is processed. It must be cut to 20 cm, and then all sections should be thoroughly lubricated with crushed activated carbon.
  4. The next stage: a detailed examination of the root system and if dry roots are identified, they are carefully excised, then the roots are evenly spread throughout the hole and buried so that the neck is not lower than 3 cm from the ground level.

After this agricultural planting technique has been completed, it is necessary to water the cherries thoroughly and then mulch them with peat or rotted manure.

If you are planting several seedlings of felt cherry, then you must maintain a distance of one meter between each bush. Thus, absolutely all felt cherry trees will be comfortable in the garden bed, while they will be able to pollinate, as a result high yield will be provided.

What should care be like?

How to care for this crop so that it produces a good harvest. First of all, it is very important to monitor the soil in which cherries grow; for this you need to follow a few simple rules, namely:

  • getting rid of weeds that strongly pull all useful elements from the soil;
  • regular loosening of the soil after watering to ensure normal air circulation;
  • regular soil moisture;
  • regular feeding;
  • pruning cherry bush.

The soil around the cherry tree is weeded regularly as soon as weeds are noticed. Loosening is carried out immediately after weeding throughout summer period. To do this, you must first remove the mulch, water it abundantly, loosen the soil, and then mulch each tree again.

At the same time, make sure that there is no swamp under the cherry tree. The most favorable option would be to moisturize it no more than once a month. Otherwise, you may find that the crop is lost due to root rot.

Spraying with fertilizers is carried out several times a season, according to the following schedule:

  • the first fertilizing is carried out before flowering;
  • the second spraying with fertilizers is carried out during the fruiting period;
  • the next treatment is carried out after the crop is harvested;
  • The last application of fertilizers is carried out by the end of October: the last fertilizing will increase next year quantity flowering branches, as a result the harvest will be richer.

To fertilize cherry bushes, choose organic matter. At the same time, every year the bush must be limed.

For novice gardeners, it would be useful to know about pruning this plant. This procedure is great way protect the bush not only from such a negative factor as drying out, but also reap a good harvest next year. Pruning is carried out before buds open in the spring.

This manipulation includes the removal of all old branches that have stopped blooming and bearing fruit. As well as all other frozen and defective branches. It is worth noting that the older the tree gets, the more it is pruned every year. This procedure is necessary in order to get rid of old branches, replacing them with new branches that delight with lush flowers.

A procedure such as pruning is performed not only in spring, but also in autumn according to a similar pattern. The only difference autumn pruning– this also means removing all fallen leaves from the front garden, which are taken out of the territory and burned.

It is worth emphasizing that most gardeners still recommend giving preference to pruning spring period and definitely every year.

So, it is necessary to ensure that the cherry front garden blooms well, while the diseased branches do not pull useful elements from the bushes, which, after pruning, are redirected to healthy branches.

Growing and caring for felt cherries is quite simple if you follow a few of the rules described above. And most importantly, such a crop is capable of producing good harvests every year.

  1. Moniliosis is able to penetrate deep into the sprouts and infect them. It appears during the period when flowering begins. If this defect affects the felt cherry, then by the beginning of June the branches and foliage begin to dry out. In the case when the moment of damage to the bush was missed, the novice gardener will later have the question of how the felt cherry tree does not bear fruit and what to do. This disease can be overcome with timely treatment with fungicides.
  2. The second defect, which is also common, is Coccomycosis. When affected by this disease, felt cherry leaves begin to fall off early, the tree's immunity decreases, and the affected bushes no longer pollinate. In order to defeat this disease, it is necessary to spray with Bordeaux solution.

Of the pests that attack felt cherries, the most dangerous are aphids, leaf rollers and plum moths.

In order to protect the cherry front garden, the following rules must be observed:

Above we looked at everything about such a culture as felt cherry care. It is worth noting that sometimes a novice gardener has a question: why does a cherry tree, which appears to be absolutely healthy, not bear fruit? In this situation, experienced gardeners notice that such a problem can arise if the shrub was planted incorrectly.

The fact is that compatibility plays a big role when planting this crop. Therefore, if the cherry tree does not bear fruit, then it is urgently necessary to plant a new seedling opposite such a shrub, which will further ensure compatibility of the crop and a generous harvest.

Against the backdrop of a huge number of varieties of garden strawberries, the ampelous variety stands out. This strawberry with pink, uncharacteristic for the plant, is very decorative flowers easy to recognize by the simultaneously fruiting mother plants and rosettes extending from them. After familiarizing yourself with its care, studying the growing rules and looking at the photos, you can safely begin planting this unusual berry crop.

Features of ampelous strawberries

If an ordinary strawberry bears fruit once a season, and a remontant one twice, then we can say about an ampelous strawberry that it is capable of bearing fruit throughout the year.

Thanks to the work of breeders, ampelous strawberries grow earlier than flower stalks are formed, flower buds are laid on them and, accordingly, an additional harvest ripens. Then the mustache itself continues to form the next ones. As a result, you can continuously harvest from one bush.

In addition, this variety has excellent decorative qualities and can serve as a wonderful decoration for a balcony, veranda, etc.

Advice. For growing indoors, it is better to select day-neutral varieties that have very long term fruiting.

In some sources you can find it under the name “curly”, but this is not entirely correct. Strawberries cannot by their nature wrap around anything. Some gardeners decorative purposes simply tie the mustache with rosettes to the support. At the same time, it seems that the strawberries themselves “climb” up.

If you plant several bushes in a flowerpot or hanging pot, the rosettes will flow very beautifully from the mother plant, creating cascades of leaves, flowers and berries.

When considering fruiting hanging varieties We can definitely say that this is a remontant variety. On the bush you can see buds, flowers and berries at the same time. Thanks to this, in appropriate conditions, you can observe flowering and pick berries almost all year round. Popular varieties:

  • Homemade delicacy;
  • Temptation;
  • Tarpan;
  • Elan;
  • Novel;
  • Balcony stream;
  • Balcony charm.

Almost all of them are hybrids that are adapted to growing in any conditions, are resistant to some diseases and produce a decent harvest. I would especially like to mention the Tuscany variety. Despite its recent appearance, it has already gained worldwide recognition. Richly different pink flowers and quite large aromatic berries.

Growing options

If you show your imagination and put in just a little effort, the bushes of ampelous strawberries can become a wonderful decoration for your plot.

  • Growing in pots and flowerpots. In this case, you can use any containers for planting. For normal plant development, their depth must be at least 30 cm. A mandatory requirement is holes for water drainage and a drainage layer. Seedlings intended for planting should be sprinkled with soil and kept in a dark, cool place for two weeks. Plants should not be planted too tightly or too deep in the pot.

Advice. Self-grown in hanging planter A lush strawberry bush can be a wonderful gift for a beginning gardener.

  • Growing on a trellis. Can be used as a grid metal mesh, wicker fence, etc. Bushes are planted in the soil 30 cm apart. The growing mustache is tied up along the bars.

Advice. The height of the trellis should be selected no more than 1 m. This way the plants will be able to completely cover it with fruiting and flowering bushes at the same time.

  • Planting in the form of a pyramid. For such a planting you will need 3-4 boxes 30 cm high, without a bottom, different sizes. The largest one is placed on the ground in the garden and filled up fertile soil. A second, smaller one is placed on top and also filled with earth. The smallest one is placed at the top. Soil is also poured into it. It turns out to be a cascade of boxes into which seedlings are planted. After growth, this structure looks like a green pyramid covered with flowers and berries.
  • Vertical beds. This method is used for growing hanging strawberries in greenhouses. They are made from wide plastic pipes(diameter about 110 cm). Holes are cut into them at a certain interval, into which, after filling the pipe with nutrient soil, seedlings are planted.

How to plant seedlings

Planting hanging varieties is not particularly different from planting other types of strawberries.

  1. The bottom of the pot or groove in the garden bed is lined with drainage material.
  2. The top is covered with nutritious soil consisting of turf soil, humus, manure and peat.
  3. Waters well. After the soil settles, soil is added.
  4. Planting holes are made.
  5. One plant is distributed into each hole.
  6. The roots are pressed with wet soil so that the core remains at the top.

Advice. In order for the seedlings to take root faster, it is advisable to dip each rhizome in a clay mash.

How to care

Planted seedlings need frequent moistening. It should be watered a little at a time 2 times a day. After 2 weeks, watering is reduced - once every 3 days will be enough. The first flower stalks are removed. This way the plant will devote all its strength to the development of the root system, which will make the plant strong.

There should be no more than 5 mustaches on each bush. All excess is pinched off. Fertilizing is carried out regularly with mineral fertilizers.

Transplantation of ampelous strawberries must be carried out every 3-4 years. In the spring, the tendrils are plucked off from the strongest bushes and transplanted to a new bed or container. In the case of a flower bed, you can completely replace the soil and plants.

You cannot leave containers with strawberries outside during the winter. All of them need to be brought into a warm room. If this is not possible, the container is buried in the ground and covered with covering material.

For beds protruding above ground level, special frames are built, the surface of which is covered with roofing felt, lutrasil, etc., and then sprinkled with something insulating, for example, sawdust, straw or hay.

Ampel strawberry - amazing plant, which can become a real decoration for the balcony, personal plot or rooms. And all this in combination with long period enjoyment of fragrant and delicious berries.

Features of planting ampelous strawberries: video

Felt cherry grows as a small shrub or graceful tree up to two meters high. This light-loving branched plant is completely strewn with small chased leaves, creating a beautiful dense crown.

The soft pubescence of the leaves creates the impression of felt, for which felt cherry(Prunus tomentosa) and got its name. In gardens it is grown as a highly ornamental and fruit plant with juicy, tasty, acid-free berries that children really like.

Juicy fruits of felt cherry round or oval shape. The fruits sit on short stalks, tightly adjacent to each other, like berries.
Felt cherry blossoms in late April-early May. Depending on the weather, its fruits begin to ripen in late June or early July. Ripe berries They hang on the branches for a long time and firmly without falling off.

The flowering of the felt cherry is extended over 1.5-2 weeks, which allows it to avoid returning frosts.
Other advantages of this plant are that felt cherry adapts well to different garden soils (although it grows better in fertile, light, well-drained soil with a neutral reaction) and is quite drought-resistant. I water my young felt cherries only in the first year of life, and then the plants do without watering.

Grow felt cherry in your garden, and this wonderful plant is sure to become one of your favorites!


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