Output is measured by the amount of products produced per unit of working time or per one average employee or worker per year. There are three methods for determining output: natural, cost and labor

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Any work must be effective: produce material or other goods in sufficient quantities and with a reasonable ratio of income and expenses. Labor is embodied in human-produced products. That is why it is so important to evaluate the indicator labor productivity as a factor in production efficiency. Thus, we can draw a conclusion about the optimal labor costs of both an individual worker and a group or large team.

In the article we will talk about the nuances of assessing labor productivity, provide the formula and specific examples calculations, as well as factors that can be shown by analysis of the results obtained.

Relativity of labor productivity

Labor productivity as an economic indicator carries direct information about the degree of efficiency of workers' labor invested in the products produced.

When working, a person spends time and energy, time is measured in hours, and energy is measured in calories. In any case, such work can be both mental and physical. If the result of labor is a thing, product or service created by a person, then the labor invested in it takes on a different form - “frozen”, that is, materialized, it can no longer be measured by the usual indicators, because it reflects past labor investments and costs.

Assess labor productivity- means to determine how effectively a worker (or group of workers) invested their labor in creating a unit of production in a specified time period.

Performance Learning Coverage

Depending on how broad an audience needs to be surveyed for productivity, this indicator could be:

  • individual- show the efficiency of labor costs of one employee (its increase reflects the efficiency of production of 1 unit of product);
  • local- average for an enterprise or industry;
  • public- show productivity on the scale of the entire employed population (the ratio of gross product or national income to the number of people engaged in production).

Production and labor intensity

Labor productivity is characterized by two important indicators.

  1. Output- the amount of labor performed by one person - this way you can measure not only the number of things produced, but also the provision of services, sales of goods and other types of work. Average output can be calculated by taking the ratio of output produced to total number workers.
    Output is calculated using the following formula:
    • B - production;
    • V - volume of production (in money, standard hours or in kind);
    • T is the time taken to produce a given volume of products.
  2. Labor intensity- costs and related efforts that accompany the production of goods. They can be of various types:
    • technological- labor costs for the production process itself;
    • serving- expenses for equipment repairs and production services;
    • managerial- labor costs for managing the production process and its protection.

    NOTE! The totality of technological and maintenance labor costs is production labor intensity. And if we add management to production, then we can talk about full labor intensity.

    To calculate labor intensity, you need to apply the following formula:

Methods for assessing labor productivity

The use of one or another formula for calculating this economic indicator is determined by the intended result, that is, the answer to the question of what units we want to receive as indicators of labor efficiency. It can be:

  • monetary value;
  • the product itself, that is, its quantity, weight, length, etc. (the method is applicable if the product being manufactured is the same);
  • conventional units of goods (when the products produced are heterogeneous);
  • volume per accounting time (suitable for any type of product).

To use any of these methods, you must know the following indicators:

  • N is the number of workers for whom the calculation is applied;
  • V is the amount of work in one expression or another.

Calculation of labor productivity using the cost method

PRst = Vst / N

  • PR st - cost labor productivity;
  • V st - volume of products produced in financial (value) terms.
  • N - number of units producing products

Example No. 1

Owner confectionery shop wants to know the productivity of the cake department. This department employs 10 confectioners, who make cakes valued at 300 thousand rubles during an 8-hour shift. Let's find the labor productivity of one pastry chef.

To do this, first divide 300,000 (volume of daily production) by 10 (number of employees): 300,000 / 10 = 30,000 rubles. This is the daily productivity of one employee. If we need to find this indicator per hour, then we divide the daily productivity by the duration of the shift: 30,000 / 8 = 3,750 rubles. at one o'clock.

Calculation of labor productivity using the natural method

It is more convenient to use if the manufactured products can be easily measured in generally accepted units - pieces, grams or kilograms, meters, liters, etc., and the goods (services) produced are homogeneous.

PRnat = Vnat / N

  • PR nat - natural labor productivity;
  • V nat - the number of units of production in a convenient form of calculation.

Example No. 2

We study the labor productivity of the calico fabric manufacturing department at the factory. Let's assume that 20 workshop employees produce 150,000 m of calico in 8 hours a day. Thus, 150,000 / 20 = 7500 m of calico is produced (conditionally) per day by 1 employee, and if we look for this indicator in metro hours, then we divide the individual output by 8 hours: 7500 / 8 = 937.5 meters per hour.

Calculation of labor productivity using the conditionally natural method

This method is convenient in that it is suitable for calculations in cases where the products produced are similar in characteristics, but still not the same, when it can be taken as a conventional unit.

PRusl = Vusl / N

  • PR conv - labor productivity in standard units of production;
  • V conditional - conditional volume of products, for example, in the form of raw materials or others.

Example No. 3

The mini-bakery produces 120 bagels, 50 pies and 70 buns in an 8-hour working day, and employs 15 employees. Let's introduce a conditional coefficient in the form of the amount of dough (assume that all products use the same dough and they differ only in molding). The daily allowance for bagels requires 8 kg of dough, for pies – 6 kg, and for buns – 10 kg. Thus, the daily dough consumption indicator (Vusl) will be 8 + 6 + 10 = 24 kg of raw materials. Let's calculate the labor productivity of 1 baker: 24 / 15 = 1.6 kg per day. The hourly rate will be 1.6 / 8 = 0.2 kg per hour.

Calculation of labor productivity using the labor method

This method is effective if you need to calculate temporary labor costs, using a volume indicator in standard hours. It is applicable only for types of production where the time intensity is approximately the same.

PRtr = Vper unit T / N

  • PR tr - labor productivity;
  • V per unit T - the number of products manufactured per selected unit of time.

Example No. 4

It takes a worker 2 hours to make a stool, and high chair- 1 hour. Two carpenters made 10 stools and 5 chairs in an 8-hour shift. Let's find their labor productivity. We multiply the volume of manufactured products by the time it takes to produce one unit: 10 x 2 + 5 x 1 = 20 + 5 = 25. Now we divide this figure by the time period we need, for example, if we want to find the productivity of one worker per hour, then we divide by (2 workers x 8 hours). That is, it turns out 25 / 16 = 1.56 units of production per hour.

The efficiency of any enterprise is determined based on an assessment of the labor productivity of personnel involved in the production process. This universal criterion allows employers to control basic indicators that reflect the real situation at the enterprise.

There is an opportunity to compare various groups workers employed in the production sector and plan their performance indicators labor activity for the near future. The success of companies or enterprises largely depends on the correctness of productivity calculations.

And the versatility of this parameter allows you to work both with statistics in a narrow area (for example, in assessing the work of a separate workshop), and with data received from the entire region, country, or even a group of countries.

Definition of the concept

Labor productivity should be understood as the effectiveness of labor costs for a certain period (day, month, year).

For example, using a special formula you can find out how many units of production one worker produces per hour of working time.

But for the accuracy of calculations, enterprises usually take into account two factors:

  • labor intensity indicators (number of personnel involved and labor expended);
  • and output indicators (the number of manufactured items or products during the accounting period).

It is these indicators that make it possible to determine the economic one. It has been proven that increased productivity indicators are guaranteed to reduce payment costs and increase production volumes.

Basic indicators

Productivity is a combination of three important parameters:

  1. Output or volume (quantity) finished products issued per unit of paid time (for example, per hour) by one employee. To determine this indicator, the amount of production is divided by the time spent. Or the number of products is divided by the average number of personnel (according to the lists).
  2. Labor intensity or indicator (volume) of labor expended per unit of production. To determine the indicator, the time spent is divided by the volume of products produced (calculated in units or pieces). Or the average number of employees is divided by the volume of production expressed in natural units.
  3. Performance index, which is determined through a more detailed calculation.

Calculation methods and examples for them

First of all, it is worth noting that there are several ways and methods for calculating labor productivity. Below we will look at the following:

  • calculation of cost labor productivity;
  • natural calculation method;
  • conditional-natural calculation method;
  • calculation of labor productivity;
  • calculation of labor intensity.

Let's look at each of them in detail.

The calculation algorithm is as follows:

  • To find out the labor productivity of one worker per shift, you need to divide the total volume of production in monetary terms (rubles) by the number of workers per shift.
  • To find out the labor productivity of one worker per hour, you need to divide the volume of products produced by one worker in monetary equivalent (rubles) per shift by the number of hours in the shift.

Let's look at an example:

The company, which produces birthday cakes, employs 35 confectioners. During a 10-hour shift, they produce products worth 350,000 rubles.

To find out the labor productivity of one worker, we need to do the following:

  1. 350,000 rubles divided by 35 confectioners = 10,000 rubles (one confectioner produces products per shift);
  2. 10,000 rubles divided by 10 hours = 1,000 rubles (one confectioner produces products per hour).

In total, each confectioner produces products worth 1,000 rubles per hour, and 10,000 rubles per shift.

The calculation algorithm will be like this:

  1. Divide the quantity of products produced per shift by the number of workers - the productivity of one worker per shift;
  2. The amount of output produced by one worker divided by the number of hours in a shift - the productivity of one worker per hour.

Let's look at an example:

If we return to our previous example with cakes and pastry chefs. Then the productivity can be calculated in cake/hour.

Let 35 confectioners make 105 cakes per shift.

You need to do the following:

  • 105 cakes divided by 35 confectioners = 3 cakes (one confectioner produces per shift);
  • 3 cakes divided by 10 hours = 0.3 cakes (one pastry chef produces per hour).

In total, the productivity of one pastry chef is 3 cakes per shift, and 0.3 per hour.

This method of calculation can be used if the company produces homogeneous goods that have minor differences, i.e. products are made from the same material.

To find the labor productivity of workers per shift and per hour, you need to do the following:

  1. Find the total volume of material used per shift by adding up the used volume of material for each product;
  2. Divide the resulting volume of material by the number of workers - the worker’s labor productivity per shift will be found;
  3. Divide the resulting volume of material per shift per worker by the number of hours in the shift - the labor productivity of one worker per hour will be found.

Let's look at an example:

The company produces tableware from of stainless steel. During a shift, 20 workers produce: 160 forks, 100 spoons, 120 knives. The working shift is 10 hours.

It takes 2000 g of stainless steel to make 160 forks, 100 spoons - 1700 g, 120 knives - 1500 g.

Let's find the worker's labor productivity per shift and per hour:

  • 5200 g divided by 20 workers = 260 g (worker productivity per shift);
  • 260 g divided by 10 hours = 26 g (worker productivity per hour).

In total, the productivity of one worker per shift is 260 g of stainless steel, and per hour - 26 g of stainless steel.

Output in value terms depends on the structure of the work and its material consumption.

For example: The labor costs for making 1 m 3 of prefabricated reinforced concrete floor panels are almost the same, but the estimated cost of 1 m 3 of assembled precast reinforced concrete floor panels is 20 times more than the cost of 1 m 3 earthworks. Hence, the output in value (monetary) terms for the installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete will be the same number of times greater than for excavation work.

Task 1.5.1.

m 2

(production of 1 plasterer per month);

m 2

(daily output of 1 worker).

Labor productivity growth Pt is determined by the formula:

, (1.5.3)

where Vo is production (in physical terms) in the reporting year;

Vb - production in the base (previous) year.

Task 1.5.2.

A team of structure installers, which in the previous (base) year achieved natural production per 1 worker of 3.4 m 3 of assembled reinforced concrete per shift, next year it is planned to increase production to 3.8 m 3. Determine the increase in labor productivity.

Output in value terms- a universal indicator that allows you to compare the work of organizations performing a wide variety of types of work.

Production in physical terms is the most visual and reliable indicator of the level of labor productivity. However, it is not suitable for assessing the level of labor productivity in the entire organization if it performs several types of work.

As an additional indicator of labor productivity, the indicator of worker compliance with production standards Vn,%, is used, according to the formula

, (1.5.4)

where Tn is the standard time to complete the task, man-days;

Tf - actual time spent, person-days.

Due to increased labor productivity, labor costs are reduced:

. (1.5.5)

From formula (1.1.5) we derive the formula for reducing labor costs:


where B is the growth of labor productivity, %;

T - reduction of labor costs, %.

The increase in the volume of work, in%, as a result of increased labor productivity is determined by the formula


where Ср is the volume of construction and installation work in the settlement (planned) period, rub.;

Sat - the same, in the base period, rub.;

Нр - number of workers in the calculation (planned) period, people;

Nb - the same, in the base period, people.

Along with the cost and natural methods of determining the level of labor productivity in construction, a method of calculation based on standard time is also used - the so-called labor (standard) method. In this case, the volume of construction and installation work performed is measured in standard hours, standard labor intensity is determined on the basis of current standards (ENiR, etc.).

The level of labor productivity is calculated as the ratio of standard labor costs (i.e., the number of standard man-hours) to actual costs for the same amount of work.

Changes in labor productivity indicators using this method are determined by comparing them for the analyzed (reporting) and base periods.

Problem 1.5.3.

Problem 1.5.4.

IN construction organization In the planned year, labor productivity growth is determined by 10% compared to what was achieved in the base year. Labor costs for the completed volume of construction and installation work in the base year amounted to 93,000 man-days. Determine the planned reduction in labor costs in percentage and man-days.

Problem 1.5.5.

A specialized team of 27 plasterers completed work in the amount of 11,246 m2 of plastered surfaces within a month (22 working days). Determine production in physical terms (per shift, per month).

Problem 1.5.6.

A team of structure installers, which in the previous (base) year achieved a natural output of 3.4 m 3 of assembled reinforced concrete per shift per worker, plans to increase output to 3.8 m 3 for the next year.

Determine the increase in labor productivity.

Problem 1.5.7.

In the base year 2000, the level of labor productivity in the installation team was 114%, and in the reporting year 2001 - 119%. Determine the increase in labor productivity.

Problem 1.5.8.

In the construction organization, in the planned year, labor productivity growth has been determined by 8% compared to what was achieved in the base year. Labor costs for the completed volume of construction and installation work in the base year amounted to 78,000 man-days. Determine the planned reduction in labor costs in percentage and man-days.

Problem 1.5.9.

Determine the percentage increase in construction and installation work for two general construction trusts as a result of an increase in labor productivity in the reporting year compared to the base year.

The initial data is given in Table 1.5.

Table 1.5.

Tests for topic 1.5.:

1. Labor productivity is:

a) a set of professions and positions;

b) correspondence of characteristics of workers and workplaces;

c) an indicator of the efficiency of the use of workers’ labor, which is determined by the amount of products or work produced per unit of working time;

d) placement of workers and assigning each of them certain job functions.

2. Labor intensity is:

a) labor cooperation, selection of optimal forms of labor activity;

b) bringing together people within a production organization based on their interests;

c) an indicator of the efficiency of the use of workers' labor, which is determined by the amount of products or work produced per unit of working time.

d) is the labor cost to produce a unit of output.

3. Production is:

a) the standard number of workers to complete a shift task;

b) the amount of products produced per unit of time by 1 worker or worker;

c) maintaining friendly contacts between team members;

d) an indicator of the efficiency of the use of workers' labor, which is determined by the amount of products or work produced per unit of working time.

4. Output is measured:

a) in natural units of measurement: m 2, m 3, kg, t, pcs. etc.;

b) in cost units: rubles, thousand rubles, million rubles;

c) in km and m;

d) in person-hours, person-days.

5. Labor intensity is measured:

a) in cost units: rubles, thousand rubles, million rubles;

b) in km and m;

c) in person-hours, person-days;

d) in natural units of measurement: m 2, m 3, kg, t, pcs. etc.

2. Production rate
3. Development of a solution
4. Product development
5. Formula development
6. Average annual output
7. Labor production
8. Average output
9. Setting goals
10. Calculation of output
11. Production of hours
12. Production methods
13. Strategy development
14. Output volume
15. Production analysis
16. Development of state policy
17. Production characteristics
18. Determination of output
19. Production accounting
20. Types of development
21. Output level
22. Production growth
23. Actual output

Output is measured by the amount of products produced per unit of working time or per 1 average employee or worker per year (quarter, month). This is a more common and universal indicator of labor productivity.

There are three ways to determine output: natural, cost (currency) and labor.

Output in physical or value terms is determined by the formula:

Output = Volume of marketable (gross or sold) products: Average number of employees (or workers)

Labor productivity is more clearly and impartially characterized by the output indicator in physical terms - in tons, meters, pieces and other natural indicators. The advantage of this method is that it gives a clearer and more impartial summary of labor productivity. The disadvantage of this method is that it can only be used in those enterprises that produce homogeneous products. In addition, the output calculated using this method does not allow us to compare the labor productivity of companies in different industries.

The most widely used method is the cost method for determining output. In currency terms, output can be calculated both on the basis of marketable and gross production, and on the standard net product.

Output in value terms, calculated on the basis of commercial or gross output, depends not only on the results of the work of a given team, but also on the price of the raw materials and materials used, the volume of cooperation in supplies, etc. This shortcoming is eliminated when calculating output on the basis of standard pure products.

In a number of industries (clothing, canning, etc.), labor productivity is determined by standard processing prices. It contains cost standards for the basic salary with accruals, general business and general production expenses (according to standards).

The characteristics of output depend not only on the method of measuring production volume, but also on the unit of measurement of working time. Output can be determined per one worked man-hour (hourly output), per one worked man-day (daily output) or per 1 average employee per year, quarter or month (annual, quarterly or monthly output). At Russian enterprises, the main indicator is annual output, in a number of foreign countries - hourly output.

The labor method of determining output is also called the method of standardized working hours. In all this, production is determined in standard hours. This method It is used to a greater extent in individual workplaces, in teams, in sections, and also in workshops when producing heterogeneous and unfinished products.

The advantage of the labor cost indicator is that it allows one to judge the effectiveness of living labor costs at various stages of production certain type production not only for the enterprise as a whole, but also in the workshop, on the site, in the workplace, i.e., to penetrate into the depth of performance of one or another type of work, which cannot be done using an output indicator calculated in monetary terms.

The labor method allows you to plan and take into account labor productivity at all stages production process, link and compare the labor costs of individual sections (shops) and workplaces with indicators of labor productivity for the enterprise as a whole, as well as the levels of labor costs at various enterprises when producing similar products.

Production rate

Production rate, the number of units of product (or work) that must be done (performed) per unit of time (hour, work shift, month) in certain organizational and technical criteria by one or a group of workers of appropriate qualifications. N.v. Depending on the type of work, it can be expressed in pieces, units of length, area, volume or weight.

Determined by the formula:

Nv = Tr x h: Tn,
where Nb is the production rate; Tr - the duration of the period for which the production rate is established (in hours, minutes); h - the number of workers taking a role in performing the work; Tn - standard time for this work or one product (in man-hours, man-minutes).

In the USSR N. century. They are usually installed in mass and large-scale production, when during the entire shift one job is performed with a constant number of performers. The greatest use of N. century. received in the coal, metallurgical, chemical, food industries, in areas of mass production in mechanical engineering.

N.v. must be justified at a technical level. When they are established, it is planned to implement the latest achievements engineering, technology and advanced manufacturing experience. This makes it possible to ensure a progressive level of N. century. Establishment at the technical level of justified N. century. guides socialist enterprises and individual workers to achieve higher than average actual labor productivity.

The production rate is a fundamental indicator, the basis for planned enterprise management. It determines the number of units of production (or the number of operations performed) that must be done (or completed) per unit of time. The calculation of the production rate is done for 1 or a group of workers with appropriate qualifications, with rational or more optimal use equipment, taking into account the progressive methods of work used in all this.

For mass and large-scale production, characterized by accounting for the labor of special workers engaged in preliminary and final work, the standard time for producing a unit of product is equal to the standard piece-calculation time. For piece, serial and small-scale production, when the same worker does the main, preliminary and final work, these time standards will be different.

When calculating the production rate, which expresses the desired result of workers’ activities, natural characteristics are used: pieces, meters, kilograms. The production rate (Nvyr) is the personal division of the duration of one work shift (Wcm) by the time spent on producing a unit of product (Wsht).

For mass production, the production rate will be equal to:

Nvyr = Vcm / Vsht.

If the production is serial or single, then the value Vshtk is used as a divisor in the above formula - the time standard determined by the calculation method when calculating the cost of a unit of production.

IN in this case the production rate is calculated using the formula:

Nvyr = Vcm / Vshtk.

In those industries where the preliminary step is calculated and standardized separately for each work shift, the production rate should be calculated using the formula:

Nvyr = (Vcm – Vpz)/ Tcm, where Vpz is the time spent on preparatory and final work.

The formula for calculating the production rate in cases of using automatic and instrumental equipment will be slightly different:

Nvyr = No*Nvm, where No is the maintenance rate, Nvm is the equipment production rate, which is equal to:

Nvm = Nvm theory * Kpv. Here Nvm theor is the theoretical production rate of the equipment used, Kpv is the coefficient of useful labor time per shift.

In the case of using repetitive hardware processes, the production rate is equal to:

Nvyr = (Vsm – Vob – V ex) * VP * No/Vop, where Vob is the time spent on servicing the equipment, Votl is the standard time for personal needs of personnel, VP is the products produced in one period, Vot is the duration of this period .

P = S / Nvyr, or
P = Vsht * C, where C is the rate for this category of work.

Developing a solution

In modern terms management It is becoming more and more natural that the existing management system does not meet the needs of the enterprise as operating system. The existing vertical connections have not yet been completely replaced by horizontal ones, on which, in fact, the Western system of adoption is based management decisions. Currently Russian enterprises the management system does not use the principles of organizing effective management, so increasing the efficiency of management decision-making in modern economic conditions is a burning and timely topic.

In order to increase the efficiency of the management system at an enterprise, two tasks need to be considered:

1. Justification of the need to create within the enterprise as an operating system a criterion for increasing the “creativity” of not only low and middle level managers, but also ordinary employees by providing them with some capabilities in the decision-making process. Their proposals for improving the system as a whole and other decisions on individual production, monetary and management issues can become the basis for the operating strategy developed by the enterprise.
2. Efficiency decisions taken it is unrealistic to evaluate without introducing mathematical tools and software.

One of the ways of decision making is the development of decisions in the “man-machine” dialogue, which is a repeated alternation of heuristic (performed by a person) and formalized (performed by a computer) steps.

In the process of the “man-machine” dialogue, solutions are jointly constructed during the configuration of the production situation (a method of sequential optimization) with the gradual introduction of essential facts, i.e., the solution method is not established in advance, but in the process of calculation on a computer.

IN modern systems Decision support (DSS) provides an effective connection (symbiosis) between a person and a computer, which involves the introduction of stronger properties of each participant in this process.

Expert systems are the software basis of DSS.

An expert system is a program aimed at solving poorly formalized problems in certain subject areas at the level of expert specialists.

When operating expert systems:

Guesses are put forward and tested;
- new data and knowledge are generated;
- requests for entering new data are generated;
- conclusions and advice are formed.

Poorly formalized problems have the following features:

Cannot be specified solely in numerical form;
- goals cannot be represented in the definitions of a precisely defined motivated function;
- there is no exact method for solving the problem;
- the initial data is incomplete and diverse.

The knowledge base stores so-called rules, which are understood as logical and algorithmic expressions (operations).

An inference engine is a program that forms a sequence of logical and computational operations into a method on the basis of which the result is obtained.

The clarification subsystem forms a route, i.e. a method in the form of a set of rules that allows the decision maker to understand how the result was obtained.

The knowledge acquisition subsystem provides dialogue with professionals, selection and formalization of knowledge.

The subsystem for interaction with the object may be missing, as well as the object itself.

Eat various shapes communication between the decision maker and the ES:

Introduction of tabular language.
- Dialogue in the form of a menu.
- Dialogue in natural language.

The last form of communication involves highest level ES is still rare.

To use natural language, you need a rather complicated analyzer program that does the following functions:

Lexical analysis;
- parsing;
- semantic analysis.

In modern ES, communication with the decision maker is carried out using tabular language (statement of the problem) and menus (clarification of the problem during its implementation).

The effective implementation of the “man-machine” dialogue implies the fulfillment of the following criteria:

Ease of communication (person access to the machine);
- a person’s mental readiness to communicate with a computer;
- sufficient level of machine intelligence.

It is also impossible to evaluate the effectiveness of decisions made without introducing mathematical tools and software.

For example, decision tree analysis. Currently, there are several programs that make it possible not only to construct a decision tree, but also to analyze it.

Decision trees are a graphical tool for analyzing decisions in risk criteria. The hierarchical structure of the “classification tree” is one of its more fundamental parameters. The “tree trunk” is a problem or situation that requires a solution. The “top of the tree” are the goals or values ​​that govern the decision maker.

Decision trees are created for use in models in which a sequence of decisions are made, each of which leads to a certain result. From the decision tree it is determined best strategy- a sequence of decisions that must be made when one or another appears random events. In the process of constructing and analyzing production, financial and management situations, the stages of specifically creating the structure of the model, determining the probability values ​​of probable output results, determining the utility values ​​of probable output results and evaluating alternatives, as well as choosing a strategy, are distinguished. At the same time, it must be emphasized that the more fundamental step in the implementation process is decision tree analysis, specifically the final step of evaluating alternatives. It is important to realize that decision analysis does not imply a 100% impartial analysis of decision-making models. Many nuances of decision analysis require personal judgment - this relates to the structure of the model, the determination of probability values ​​and utilities. Almost all complex models that reflect real-world situations simply do not have enough empirical data to fully analyze them. But practice indicates that even in such cases, analysis using decision trees brings undeniable benefits.

Product development

An indicator that determines the amount of products produced per unit of time is called output. Output characterizes the effectiveness of labor. Natural (t, m, m3, pcs., etc.) and cost characteristics are used as measures of the quantity of products produced.

Varieties of product production characteristics:

I. Depends on the level economic system, by which the indicator is calculated, production is distinguished:
- personal (personal output of individual workers);
- local (production at the level of a workshop, enterprise, industry);
- public (at the level of the national economy as a whole); it is determined by dividing the state income produced for any period by the number of people employed in material production.

II. Depending on the unit of measurement of working time, the characteristics of hourly, daily and monthly (quarterly, annual) output are used. These characteristics make it possible to assess labor productivity, taking into account the nature of the use of working time.

Output is the main indicator of labor productivity, characterizing the quantity or cost of products produced per unit of time or one average employee, i.e., an inverse indicator of labor productivity.

It is calculated as the ratio of the volume of produced products (OP) to the working time spent on the production of these products (T) or to average number workers or workers (H):

V = OP / T or V = OP / H

Product output is the most common and universal indicator of labor productivity.

Product development can be:

1. Depending on the level of the economic system for which the indicator is calculated, output can be:

· individual (personal production of the employee);

· local (production at the level of a workshop, industry, enterprise);

social (at the level of the national economy as a whole) - it

is determined by dividing the national income produced (for any period) by the number of people employed in material production.

2. Depending on the unit of measurement of working time, indicators of hourly, daily and monthly, quarterly, and annual output are distinguished. These indicators make it possible to assess labor productivity taking into account the nature of the use of working time.

· per person worked - hour, i.e. average hourly output;

This is the ratio of the volume of products produced to the number of man-hours worked during that period of time.

where HH = number of man-hours worked during a given period of time.

· one person-day worked, i.e. daily output;

Calculates how much output is produced each day in a certain period. To calculate the average daily output, you need to divide the volume of products produced by the number of man-days spent on the production of a given volume, i.e., the production time of this volume of products.

where ND = number of man-days worked during a given period of time.

· per average worker per year, quarter or month, i.e. average annual, quarterly or monthly output;

This is the ratio of the volume of products produced per month to the average number of workers. The output for the year or quarter is calculated in the same way.

where MV = average number of workers.

3. Depending on the methods of measuring production volumes, there are natural (calculated based on production volume), labor (labor intensity is measured in standard hours) and cost (expressed in monetary terms) production indicators.

Factors influencing average output:

The average number of days worked by a worker per year is affected by daily idle time, absence from work with the permission of the administration, absence due to illness, as well as absenteeism;

The average working day is affected by intra-shift downtime, shortened working days for teenagers and nursing mothers, as well as overtime.

The average hourly output of one worker is influenced by: compliance with production standards by piece workers, changes in the structure of production, i.e. specific gravity products with different labor intensity and price, implementation of organizational and technical measures aimed at reducing the labor intensity of manufacturing products.

Production rate

The production rate is the volume (quantity) of products (or work) that must be produced (performed) over a period of time, in certain conditions one or more workers of appropriate qualifications.

Determined by the formula:

Nv = Tr * h / Tn,

where Nb is the production rate;

Tr - duration of the period;

h - the number of workers taking part in the work;

Tn - time standard for the entire work or one product.

The production rate is one of the most important foundations of planned enterprise management. It determines the number of units of product that must be produced per unit of time. Calculation of the production rate is carried out for one or several employees, with the rational use of equipment taking into account the progressive working methods used.

Calculation of production rates.

Production rate (Nvir)

Work shift (Vcm)

Unit of production (Wpcs).

For mass production:

Nvyr = Vcm / Vsht.

For serial or single production:

Nvyr = Vcm / Vshtk.

Production methods

Quite a lot of production methods are known; they are classified as follows:

Natural method - allows you to determine production in natural terms by type of work, or in units of measurement of the final product. Natural output is the most objective and reliable indicator of labor productivity. It allows:

· determine and compare the labor productivity of individual teams and workers

· plan the number, professional and qualification composition

Disadvantages of this method: it is not possible to determine a general indicator of an organization’s labor productivity in the presence of several types of heterogeneous work; it does not take into account changes in work in progress balances.

Standard method - shows the ratio of actual costs for a certain amount of work. Standard indicator represents the ratio of the actual labor intensity of the work to the labor intensity according to the man-day norm, multiplied by 100%. The method determines the degree of reduction in standard time or the level of fulfillment of production standards.

Cost indicator - summarizes the level of labor productivity for the enterprise as a whole. It is the most common, here the quantity of products is taken into account at the estimated cost or at a negotiated price. The level of labor productivity at the estimated cost is calculated per employee in the main and auxiliary production. The advantages of this indicator are simplicity of calculation, the possibility of comparison with indicators at other objects, the ability to track dynamics over a period, and the disadvantages of the indicator are the influence of material intensity of work, price dynamics for tools and objects of labor that are not related to the real efficiency of living labor.

So, to determine output, the corresponding indicators of the volume of production and labor costs are selected and the former are divided into the latter.


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