Production, indicators of production at the enterprise. Key indicators and formula for calculating labor productivity

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Labor productivity for a year or month for an enterprise is calculated using the formula: PT=V/P, where

  • PT – average annual or average monthly output;
  • B – revenue;
  • R – average payroll employees per year or month.

For example: in a year the entire enterprise earns 10,670,000 rubles. As already indicated, 60 people work. Thus: PT=10,670,000/60=177,833.3 rubles. It turns out that in one year of work, each employee brings in an average of 177,833.3 rubles in profit. Average daily calculation You can calculate the average daily or average hourly output using the following formula: PFC=V/T, where

  • T – total working time spent on production in hours or days;
  • B – revenue.

For example, the company produced 10,657 machines in 30 days. Thus, the average daily output is equal to: PCH=10657/30=255. 2 machines per day.

Production formula


Example The following initial parameters are given: In total, one cook spends 25,220 s. to make a cottage cheese cake. Preparatory time takes 1260 s, preparation of the workplace and necessary materials costs 1008 s.

During breaks for rest and personal needs, 1260 s are spent. According to the timing specified in regulatory documents, it should take 32.39 s to make one unit of cottage cheesecake.


Find the production rate. We substitute the data into our formula and get the result: Hb = (25220 - (1260+1008+1260)) / 32.39 = 671 pcs. Thus, one cook can produce 671 units of cottage cheese cake in one work shift.

The results obtained serve as an assessment of labor productivity and are the main data for calculating wages. Performance standards for cleaners are not production premises Let's look at another example.

Methods for calculating labor productivity

The amount of bonuses and incentives will be calculated correctly if it ensures a corresponding increase in revenue and profit of the enterprise.

  • The analysis also reveals specific factors that positively and negatively affect labor intensity. For example, interruptions in the supply of spare parts, raw materials and materials, frequent breakdowns of equipment, insufficient organization of labor in the workshop or enterprise.
    If necessary, the timing of working hours is added to this analysis and appropriate adjustments are made to the standardization of labor of individual departments and the work of middle and senior managers.

You can watch detailed information about calculating this indicator in the following video: Read this article about how to correctly calculate the profitability of an enterprise. If you are wondering how to register your trademark, view this material.

How to calculate labor productivity at an enterprise?

Relativity of labor productivity Labor productivity as an economic indicator carries direct information about the degree of efficiency of workers' labor invested in the products produced. When working, a person spends time and energy, time is measured in hours, and energy is measured in calories.


In any case, such work can be both mental and physical. If the result of labor is a thing, product or service created by a person, then the labor invested in it takes on a different form - “frozen”, that is, materialized, it can no longer be measured by the usual indicators, because it reflects past labor investments and costs.

Assessing labor productivity means determining how effectively a worker (or group of workers) invested their labor in creating a unit of output in a specified time period.

Labor productivity indicators and calculation methods

In order to calculate the total production productivity, we need to use the conversion factor of metal products. It takes 1000 grams of iron to make 120 nails, 500 grams to make 30 bolts, and 1500 grams to make 40 screws. As a result, adding up all the manufactured products in their general initial form (iron) 1000 grams + 500 grams + 1500 grams = 3000 grams/metal products. Formula for calculating labor productivity The labor method is based on measuring the volume of manufactured goods, to calculate which you need to use conditional production labor intensity.

Labor productivity formula

Formulas and examples of calculations Generalized formula for labor productivity: P = O/H, where

  • P - average labor productivity of one employee;
  • O - completed amount of work;
  • H - number of employees.

This indicator, which characterizes how much work one person performs during a selected period (hour, shift, week, month), is also called output. Example 1. In January 2016, a fashion studio completed 120 orders for sewing outerwear (jackets).

The work was carried out by 4 seamstresses. The labor productivity of one seamstress was 120/4 = 30 jackets per month. The inverse indicator - labor intensity - determines how much labor (man-hours, man-days) is needed to produce a unit of product.

Example 2. In December 2015, the workshop of a furniture factory produced 2,500 chairs. According to the time sheet, the staff worked 8,000 man-hours.

How to correctly calculate labor productivity

Cleaning of industrial premises is carried out approximately according to the same plan, so data from a real existing enterprise, for example, the beer and soft drinks industry, is taken as a basis. Calculation of the production rate is carried out taking into account the following points:

  • basic operations: washing and sweeping floors, washing and wiping walls, windows, doors;
  • cleaning premises: technological workshops and auxiliary areas;
  • characteristics of cleaning objects: material of manufacture, labor intensity during work;
  • for optimal work time an 8-hour shift is taken.

Calculation formula for cleaning industrial premises Directly at the enterprise, they carry out their own time measurements when calculating production standards.

This is done in order to most accurately understand how many minutes or hours it takes to wipe windows, say, measuring 1 by 1 m or 2 by 3 m.

Developing a calculation formula example

Average output can be calculated by taking the ratio of output produced to total number workers. Output is calculated using the following formula: B = V / T where:

  • B – output;
  • V – volume of production (in money, standard hours or in kind);
  • T is the time taken to produce a given volume of products.
  • Labor intensity is the costs and associated efforts that accompany the production of goods. They can be of various types:
  • technological – labor costs for the production process itself;
  • servicing – expenses for equipment repairs and production services;
  • managerial – labor costs for managing the production process and its protection.

NOTE! The totality of technological and maintenance labor costs constitutes production labor intensity.

Production rate: formula. how to calculate the production rate?

In regulatory documents for the food industry, special labor intensity coefficients have been developed, without which it is impossible to calculate the production rate. Labor intensity coefficient of the food industry The labor intensity coefficient shows how much time is needed to prepare one dish in relation to the dish taken as a unit of labor intensity. In other words, there is a single parameter taken as one, and all others are equal to it. For example, the simplest chicken soup One serving prepares 100 s. This is a unit. Milk soup will take 90 s, in which case the labor intensity coefficient will already be 0.9. Timing helps set such boundaries.
In any case, such labor can be both mental and physical. If the result of labor is a thing, product or service created by man, then the labor invested in it takes on a different form - “frozen”, that is, materialized, it can no longer be measured by the usual indicators, because it reflects past labor investments and costs. Assessing labor productivity means determining how effectively a worker (or group of workers) invested their labor in creating a unit of output in a specified time period.

Formula for output to content Labor intensity The indicator is an accurate reflection of the level of labor expended per employee to create one product. Represents the inverse coefficient in relation to output.

  • Task 1. Increase in labor productivity based on percentage indicators

Task 1. Increase in labor productivity based on percentage indicators

The number of workers at the enterprise is 3,650 people. In one of the workshops, measures were taken and labor productivity was increased by a group of workers of 100 people by 2.5%. Determine the increase in labor productivity in general.

A comment.
One of the "economics problems" that I call "pseudo-economic". You really just need to find the weighted average. Sixth grade level high school. The student will not be able to take away anything interesting or useful for himself.

The number of workers whose labor productivity has not changed.
3650 - 100 = 3550

PTnew = (3550 * 100% + 100 * 102.5%) / 3650 = 100.07% (more precisely, 100.0684932%)

But, since we are interested in the increase, and not the growth of labor productivity, then
ΔPT = 100.07% - 100% = 0.07%

Answer: The increase in labor productivity was 0.07%

Task 2. Change in percentage labor productivity

Determine how labor productivity will change. If it is known that the enterprise introduced three groups of measures, each of which entailed a change in labor productivity.

Change in labor productivity:

1 group of events - +2%

2nd group of events - -4%

3rd group of events - -12.5%


Let's find labor productivity indices after entering activities.

I of the first group of events = (100+2)/100=1.02

I of the second group of events = (100-4)/100 = 0.96

I third group of events = (100-12.5)/100 = 0.875

Answer: I-1=1.02; I-2=0.96; I-3=0.875.

Task 3. Increase in labor productivity based on changes in labor intensity

Calculate the increase in labor productivity in conditionally natural terms at a soap factory, if data on soap production and man-days worked are known.
Conversion coefficients into conditional soap: household soap - 1.0, toilet soap - 1.8, soap shavings - 2.2.

A comment.
The essence of this task is to assess labor productivity in the conditions of a changing range of production and working hours. First, we must bring the entire production program to a certain conventional product. After which, find out how many of these same conventional products were produced per unit of time, which will express labor productivity in conventional physical measurement. The ratio of these figures will give us an increase in labor productivity.

Let's bring the production program to a single meter - conditional products.
Manufacturing program in conditional products for the base period is equal to:
100 + 1,8 * 75 + 90 * 2,2 = 433

The production program in conventional products in the reporting period is equal to:
200 + 1,8 * 65 + 2,2 * 95 = 526

Since the working time fund varied, we determine the output per man-day
in the base period:
433 / 160 = 2,70625

During the reporting period:

526 / 170 = 3,09412

The growth in labor productivity of the reporting period compared to the base period, accordingly, will be equal to:
3.09412 / 2.70625 = 1.14332 or 14.3%

Answer: labor productivity growth amounted to 14.3%

P.S.. Guess how I know that 8 people were employed in production?

Problem 4. Change in productivity with changes in production volume

Determine how labor productivity will change if the change in production volume is +11% and the change in the number of personnel is +5.


To find the production volume, you need to calculate the indices of production volume and number of personnel and substitute the resulting values ​​into the formula:

I fri = I v / I h

I pt - labor productivity index.

I v- index of production volume.

I h is the index of the number of employees.

Let's solve the problem.

Iv= (100+11)/100=1.11



Answer: labor productivity increased by 5.7%

Task 5. Change in productivity while reducing labor intensity and number of personnel

Determine how labor productivity will change in the planning year if it is assumed that the number of main workers will decrease from 450 to 430 people. At the same time, a number of measures are planned that will reduce labor intensity by 9%, and it is also possible to increase productivity due to organizational measures by 7%.


Let's find the index of the number of workers.


The number of personnel decreased by 4.5%.

By reducing labor intensity.


Labor productivity increased by 9.8% due to a decrease in labor intensity.

Let's find the production volume index


Let's find the labor productivity index by reducing labor intensity


Now let's find the final performance index using the formula:


Answer: labor productivity increased by 22.976%

Task 6. Change in the number and volume of production

In the base year the number of workers was 330 workers. In the planning year it is planned to increase the number of workers by 10%.

The volume of commercial products produced is UAH 4,550; in the planning year, production volume is expected to increase by 6%.

Determine labor productivity in the base and plan year, determine the change in labor productivity in absolute and relative terms.


Let's find labor productivity in the base year using the formula:

Fri = V / H

V - production volume

H – number of workers

Fri – labor productivity

Fri=4550/330=13,788 UAH/person.

Let us find the change in the number of workers and the volume of production in the planning year. Multiply the number of workers in the base year by the index. Same with production volume.

H pl=330*1.1=363 workers

V pl=4550*1.06=4823 UAH.

Now we can find labor productivity in the plan year.

Fri pl=4823/363=13.286

Let's find the change in pt in relative terms


Labor productivity decreased by 3.6%

Let's find the decrease in labor productivity in absolute terms

∆Fr=13.788-13.286=0.502 UAH.

Answer: Fri b=13.788 UAH/person; Fri pl=13,286 UAH/person; ∆pt=0.964; ∆pt=0.502 UAH.

Task 7. Determine labor productivity for marketable products

Determine the labor productivity of workers working at the enterprise, if it is known that the volume of marketable products is 2950 thousand UAH, and the number of workers is 58 people.


Labor productivity is an indicator of staff performance. Labor productivity is the amount of output produced by a worker per unit of time.

V – Volume of marketable products.

H – number of employees.

Let's find labor productivity.

Fri = 2,950,000 / 58 = 50,860 UAH.

Answer: labor productivity amounted to UAH 50,860. commercial products per person

Task 8. Change in labor productivity as a result of changes in numbers and output

In the planning year, the production of products B increased by 30%. The number of workers increased by 2 people. In the base year, the number of workers was 274 people. The number of other categories of workers does not change.

Determine how the labor productivity of the main workers involved in the production of product B will change.


The change in worker productivity is calculated using the formula:

ΔPT = Iv / Ich

Iv – index of marketable products

Ich – worker index

The numerator takes into account the change in production volume, and the denominator takes into account the change in the number of workers. These values ​​are used as an index.

Let's find the change in the number of employees at the enterprise

Ich = (274+2)/ 274 = 1.0072

Index V(commodity output) is 1.30

Let's find the change in labor productivity


Labor productivity increased by 29.1%

Answer: labor productivity increased by 29.1%

Task 9. Change in labor productivity as a result of changes in meeting production standards

At the site in the base period, workers on average fulfilled time standards by 115%. After the implementation of organizational and technical measures, time standards began to be met by 125%. How did labor productivity change?


Along with the indicator of labor productivity, there are indicators of meeting time standards and meeting production standards.

Compliance with time standards is the time required to produce one product.

Production rate is the amount of product that must be produced per unit of time.

The percentage of compliance with standards is determined as the ratio of actual indicators to planned indicators.

∆Pt = 125/115*100-100=8.7%

Answer: labor productivity increased by 8.7%

Task 10. Change in labor productivity while reducing the labor intensity of the product

The labor intensity of the product decreased by 15%. Determine how labor productivity will change.


The labor intensity indicator is the inverse of the indicator labor productivity. Exist back proportional dependencies between labor productivity and product labor intensity

∆Te – percentage reduction in product labor intensity

∆Pt – percentage increase in product productivity

Let's find the change in labor productivity

∆PT = 15% / (100% - 15%) x 100% = 17.65%

Answer: by reducing labor intensity by 15 percent, labor productivity increased by 17.65%

Problem 11. Change in labor intensity with changes in labor productivity

Determine how the labor intensity of a manufactured product will change if it is known that the change in labor productivity is 20%


Let's calculate the change in labor intensity using the formula:

∆Te = 20% / (100% - 20%) x 100% = 25%

Answer: labor intensity decreased by 25 percent due to an increase in labor productivity by 20%

Problem 12. Calculations when productivity growth and labor intensity change simultaneously

As a result of organizational measures, labor productivity in the team increased by 14.5%. Partial modernization of equipment made it possible to reduce labor intensity by 7%. Determine growth for each event separately.


Let's find the change in labor intensity for the first activity using the formula

∆Te = 14.5% / (100% - 14.5%) x 100% = 16.96%

The labor intensity of the product decreased by 16.96% due to an increase in labor productivity by 14.5%

Let's find the increase in labor productivity for the second measure using the formula

∆Pt = ∆Te / (100% - ∆Te) x 100%

∆Pt = 7% / (100% - 7%) x 100% = 7.53%

Labor productivity increased by 7.53% due to a decrease in the labor intensity of the product by 7%.

Answer: the first event led to a decrease in the labor intensity of the product by 16.96%, the second event led to an increase in labor productivity by 7.53%.

Task 13. Determine the reduction in labor intensity by increasing labor productivity

Labor productivity at the site increased by 16%, while the number of personnel remained unchanged. Determine the reduction in labor intensity of products on the site and the change in production volume.


Since the number of workers remained unchanged, production increased by 16%.

Let's find a reduction in labor intensity

∆Te = ∆Pt / (100% - ∆Pt) x 100%

∆Te = 16 / (100 - 16) x 100% = 19.05%

Labor intensity decreased by 19.05%

Answer: the reduction in labor intensity was 19.05%, production volume increased by 16%.

Objective 14. Increase in labor productivity through several activities

The increase in labor productivity with the help of the first group of measures was 17%, and with the help of the second by 7%. Determine the overall change in labor productivity.


Labor productivity changes due to the introduction of various activities at the enterprise. In order to find out the total increase in labor productivity due to several measures, you need to multiply the indices of growth (or decline) in labor productivity among themselves.

Let's find the change in labor productivity


Answer: Labor productivity increased by 25.19% overall with the help of all activities.

Task 15. Determine the level of labor productivity based on production indicators

Based on the initial data given in the table below, determine the level of labor productivity in the accounting and reporting years, as well as the number of personnel in accounting year.


Let's find the level of labor productivity in the accounting and reporting years. This can be done using the formula:

PP = TP / CR

PP – level of labor productivity.

TP – annual volume of commercial products.

CR – average annual number of employees.

Let's find the level of labor productivity in the reporting year

Let's substitute the values ​​into the formula.

PP report =16.5/300=0.055=55 thousand UAH/person.

Let's find the level of labor productivity in the accounting year.

Since the planned increase in labor productivity in the accounting year is 7%, we need to multiply the level of labor productivity in the reporting year by a factor of 1.07.

PP calc. =55,000*1.07=58,850 UAH/person.

Now we can find the average daily number of industrial production personnel in the accounting year using the formula:

CR = PP / TP

Let's substitute the values ​​into the formula.

HR calc. =17,000,000/58,850=289 people

What questions will you find answers to in this article:

The only objective criterion by which one can evaluate labor productivity at an enterprise is the competitiveness of the product on the market. Therefore, comparing productivity indicators (such as production volume divided by the number of employees) in different companies, in my opinion, is incorrect. The comparison results will vary greatly depending on what is in the numerator of the fraction: price, weight, standard hour, added value or some other parameter.

I worked for almost 20 years in senior positions in various companies in Belarus and Russia, took part in consulting projects at dozens of different industries - and here are the conclusions regarding increasing labor productivity that I have formulated.

Conclusion 1. In order for an enterprise to constantly develop, labor productivity must grow at a higher rate than wages. There are two ways to achieve this.

  • To complicate the manufactured product, abandoning relatively simple technologically products that have a low cost per unit weight, in favor of more complex ones, the cost per unit weight of which is higher. Different variants This approach is applicable to any enterprise.
  • Use more productive equipment. This method is economically feasible only subject to serial production and only when certain production volumes are achieved.

Conclusion 2. Each company must develop measures to increase labor productivity independently; Moreover, different workshops of the same plant will require various methods. For example, at the BelAZ production association, the development of such approaches was carried out by a special laboratory for the scientific organization of labor. To increase efficiency and productivity, they first centrally improved standardization and control of deviations from the norm. Any newly introduced incentives for more intensive work were based on calculated standards, and the share of the variable part in wages did not exceed 30%. In the smaller plant that I now manage, we achieve the same goals by stimulating the search for productivity improvements in each workplace; At the same time, the variable part of the salary is more than 60%. It cannot be said that one of these options is better than the other, but I would not recommend swapping them, introducing the first in an enterprise like mine, and the second in a company like BelAZ.

What affects labor productivity

1. Mass and serial orders. Large production volumes justify the use of expensive, but highly productive equipment and allow detailed rationing of production.

2. Innovative nature of the product.

3. Production planning horizon. The longer the period for which plans are drawn up, the more precise and rhythmic the production process can be made.

4. Availability of long-term and cheap loans or long-term investments.

5. The degree of automation of the collection of accounting information in production.

6. Increasing production volumes while maintaining the number of personnel due to diversification of production and production of technologically more complex products.

7. Carrying out measures to stimulate the intensification of the work of each employee (primarily the preparation and adoption of appropriate bonus provisions).

Obviously, the manager of a particular enterprise is beyond the power to influence the first four factors, which are especially important for increasing labor productivity: essential conditions determined by the quality of the government policy pursued. So, when our directors are criticized for the low efficiency of the companies entrusted to them, this is not always the right criticism.

However, in a free market, CEOs can drive productivity growth through the last three factors. This may be enough to achieve a beneficial effect - even in seemingly hopeless situations. A good example is the positive dynamics of the development of our enterprise. Just 10 years ago it had negative net assets and was under external management. And today, with practically the same number of personnel, the volume of production in value terms has increased more than 11 times, and the average salary has increased slightly more than five times. Wherein value output per worker increased almost 11 times, while natural output (measured in tons per person), on the contrary, fell almost by half due to the increasing complexity of the product (see figure). The fastest way to influence the situation is by introducing new remuneration schemes. I will dwell on this method in a little more detail.

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Increase productivity through premium payment schemes

Each compensation scheme is effective only as long as productivity indicators continue to increase. This is why it is so important not to miss the moment when growth ends: this will be a signal for you that the existing reserves for increasing efficiency have been exhausted and you need to look for new ones. I have developed motivation systems for hundreds of work teams, and my experience allows me to say: if you find correct solution, in just two months you will achieve a tangible positive result. I’ll tell you what system has been used at our enterprise for the last two years to calculate bonuses for workers in the mechanical assembly shop.

So, when calculating, we use the following indicators.

1. Implementation of the workshop plan. The basic (normal) value of the reward for achieving this indicator is 60% (there is no upper limit on the amount of the bonus - we use a flexible approach). The final value depends, firstly, on the percentage of fulfillment of the production plan (see Table 1), and secondly, on two coefficients.

  • K1 – the ratio of the output of commercial products (in rubles) to the base indicator equal to 80 million rubles. per month. The introduction of K1 encourages shop workers to find reserves when making difficult plans and insures against paying too high salaries in case of low workload.
  • K2 – the ratio of the base number of employees (35 people) to the actual number. The presence of K2 in the calculation scheme keeps the workshop management from attracting an excessive number of workers to fulfill the plan - after all, if the number exceeds the base one, the coefficient will be less than one and overall size premiums will decrease. I assure you: now, without an objective need for additional personnel, applications for hiring new employees from the workshop are never received.

As can be seen from Table 1, the first part of the bonus for production volume when the plan is fulfilled by 70–100% ranges from 0 to 40%. A flexible scale allows you to maintain a focus on results, even if the planned indicators seem unattainable. The second term of this premium is calculated using the formula 20% × K1 × K2. Examples of calculating premiums for production volume for various input data are given in Table. 2.

2. Product quality. The basic reward for providing this parameter is 30%. The specific amount of payment is influenced, firstly, by indicators of compliance with the technological process, ascertained during internal control, and secondly, by the number of registered claims received from customers. Thus, this component of the bonus is not related to labor productivity - and therefore I will not dwell on it in detail here.

To characterize the labor potential of an enterprise, a whole system of indicators is used. The quantitative characteristics of personnel are measured primarily by such indicators as payroll, attendance and average number of employees.

Headcount this is the number of employees on the payroll as of a certain date, taking into account the employees hired and retired for that day. It takes into account the number of all employees of the enterprise hired for permanent, seasonal and temporary work.

Turnout number characterizes the number of payroll employees who reported to work on a given day, including those on business trips.

Average headcount – this is the number of employees on average for a certain period (month, quarter, year). The average number of employees per month is determined as the quotient of dividing the sum of all list data for each day by the calendar number of days in the month. At the same time, on weekends and holidays, the list number of employees for the previous date is shown.

The average number of employees for a quarter (year) is determined by summing the average monthly number of employees for all months of operation of the enterprise in the quarter (year) and dividing the resulting amount by 3 (12).

The movement of workers at the enterprise (turnover) is characterized by the following indicators:
1) hiring turnover ratio is the ratio of the number of all hired workers for a given period to average number employees for the same period;

2) the turnover ratio for retirement is the ratio of all retired employees to the average number of employees;

3) staff turnover rate is the ratio of those who left the enterprise for unjustified reasons (at the initiative of the employee, due to absenteeism, etc.) to the average number of employees (determined for a certain period).

When compiling working time balance determine the number of days or hours that each worker should work during the planned period, the number of days of absence from work, the average working day of one average worker.

In the working time balance, there are three categories of time fund: calendar, nominal and effective.

Calendar fund is equal to the number of calendar days of the planning period, and nominal (subject to continuous production) - calendar, taking into account the deduction of weekends and holidays.

The nominal fund minus absences due to illness, vacations and performance of public and state duties is effective (useful) fund working hours.

The qualitative characteristics of the personnel are represented by the labor productivity indicator. Labor productivity this is its efficiency, effectiveness. To measure labor productivity, two indicators are used: output and labor intensity.

Output – this is the amount of products produced per unit of working time or per one medium-term employee per year (quarter, month). This is the most common and universal indicator of labor. To measure it, natural, conditionally natural and cost (monetary) units of measurement are used.

Depending on the unit of measurement of working time, output indicators are distinguished:

For one man-hour worked (hourly output);

One man-day worked (daily output);

Per one average worker per year, quarter or month (annual, quarterly or monthly output) or per employee for the same periods of time.

Output (B) is calculated using the formulas:

where Q is the volume of production over a period of time (month, quarter, year);

H av.sp – average number of employees (or workers).

where T is the cost of working time for production.

The hourly (H) and daily (V d) output per worker is determined similarly:

where Q m is the volume of production per month;

T hour, T day - the number of man-hours, man-days (working time) worked by all workers per month.

When calculating hourly output, man-hours worked do not include intra-shift downtime, so it most accurately characterizes the level of productivity of human labor. When calculating daily output, all-day downtime and absenteeism are not included in man-days worked.

Depending on the method of expressing the volume of production, there are three main production measurement method:

1. Natural. The level of labor productivity is calculated as the ratio of the volume of production in physical units of measurement to the average number of industrial workers. When determining production, natural indicators are used at enterprises in such industries as gas, coal, oil, forestry, and electric power, and conditionally natural indicators are used in the textile, cement, metallurgical industries, and in the production of mineral fertilizers.

2. Labor. With this method, the volume of production is calculated in standard hours.

3. Cost. The level of labor productivity is determined by dividing the volume of production in monetary terms by the average number of employees. In this case, indicators of gross, marketable, marketable and net production are used.

Labor intensity characterizes the cost of working time to produce a unit of product or work. Labor intensity units are standard hours. The labor intensity indicator has a number of advantages over the output indicator. It establishes a direct relationship between production volume and labor costs. Labor intensity (T p) is determined by the formula:

where T is the cost of working time for production, in standard hours or man-hours;

Q – volume of products produced in physical terms.

The labor expended on the production of products can be expressed in man-hours, man-days or the average number of employees.

Depending on the composition of costs included in the labor intensity of products, the following types are distinguished:

a) technological labor intensity (labor costs of main workers);

b) labor intensity of production maintenance (labor costs of auxiliary workers);

c) production labor intensity (labor costs of main and auxiliary workers);

d) labor intensity of production management (labor costs of managers, specialists and employees);

e) total labor intensity (labor costs of all industrial production personnel).

  • How to calculate the value of labor productivity in a company.
  • What factors influence labor productivity.
  • What methods are used to assess labor productivity in a company?

The incentive for any entrepreneur is the prospect of growing his business and making a profit. The main trump card in the hands of businessmen is the available reserves and assets. A company's employees are one of the organization's most important resources, and any manager wants his subordinates to do the maximum amount of work in the minimum time.

To calculate the efficiency of employees, companies use such an indicator as labor productivity (LP) at the enterprise.

What is the importance of labor productivity in an enterprise?

Labor productivity is an indicator that allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of personnel. When labor productivity at an enterprise is high, production costs are reduced. If everything is exactly like this in your company, we can talk about high production profitability.

Labor efficiency is the achievement of the company's personnel good performance in operation at low cost. Labor productivity at an enterprise is characterized by the efficiency of labor in material production, the volume of goods produced over a certain period of time and the labor costs that are necessary to produce a unit of output.

What are the benefits of calculating labor productivity?

  1. Thanks to comparison with indicators for a given quarter, it is possible to trace the dynamics of increase or decrease and identify possible problems with productivity in individual production sectors of the enterprise.
  2. It is possible to assess the potential workload on employees and the company’s ability to fulfill orders in a certain volume within the planned period.
  3. With room for improvement Maintenance enterprises have the opportunity to compare characteristics before and after the introduction of innovations.
  4. A staff incentive system is established, thanks to which the work of all employees improves.
  5. By analyzing the data, it is possible to determine the nature of the factors that negatively affect the quality of work. This is, for example, a working day in which there is no break, system breakdown, or insufficient supplies. To improve the analysis, corrections are made to regulate the working day.

3 ways to increase productivity without buying new equipment

A three-stage organizational development project helped improve the qualifications of managers and the motivation of the company's workers. This strategy gave a double increase in revenue for the year.

How exactly we managed to increase labor productivity without investing in new equipment, you will learn from the article electronic journal"CEO".

Factors that influence the level of labor productivity

  1. Natural and weather conditions. The productivity of an agricultural enterprise is determined weather conditions- rain, cold, fog or very hot weather contribute to a decrease in labor productivity.
  2. Political situation. When the situation in the country is unstable, labor productivity at an enterprise of one type or another also decreases.
  3. General economic situation. The economic situation in the country affects labor productivity at the enterprise. Loans and debts can reduce it.
  4. Making changes to the production structure. For example, previously a certain number of people were allocated to perform a specific task. After hiring new employees, responsibilities were distributed, as a result of which the solution to this issue was transferred to the shoulders of one person.
  5. Application various technologies. An increase in the productivity of enterprise employees also occurs due to the introduction of new technologies.
  6. Change of management team. A change of manager can both worsen the quality of employee work and improve it. This occurs through the introduction of additions to the production process.
  7. Availability of additional incentives. Issuing bonuses and additional payments helps to increase the productivity of enterprise employees.

As labor productivity at an enterprise increases, labor costs per unit of output should decrease. Another option is that the company’s employees must produce an additional amount of products per unit of time. Here we can talk about an increase in labor productivity at an enterprise, when the required share of living labor decreases, and the proportion of materialized labor increases.

You will learn how to overcome staff resistance when implementing a labor productivity system by attending the General Manager School.

In what forms is labor productivity manifested in an enterprise?

Reducing labor costs per unit of use value

To determine labor productivity at an enterprise, they take into account what labor costs per unit of use value and whether there is a saving in working time. It is important to reduce the labor costs required to meet certain social needs. Most managers aim to save on labor and material resources. This is possible by reducing the number of employees, as well as saving raw materials and fuel at enterprises.

Increase in use value

The manifestation of labor productivity is the same as the growth of the mass of consumer values ​​that are created over a certain period of time. It is important not only to increase the volume of the product produced, but also to improve the quality of the product. Thus, entrepreneurs use this manifestation of labor productivity in drawing up business plans and financial incentives for approaches that reflect indicators of power, efficiency, and reliability.

Changes in labor input ratio

Labor productivity at an enterprise can also be judged by the ratio of the costs of materialized and living labor. If a company uses the first one to a greater extent, it has the opportunity to improve labor productivity and make more profits.

There are other options. Sometimes, while reducing the costs of living labor, enterprises are faced with a relative and absolute increase in the costs of materialized labor per unit of production. It happens that there is a relative increase in the costs of past labor with a fall in their absolute expression. Similar processes occur, for example, when mechanization replaces manual labor, or equipment in enterprises is modernized, or production is reconstructed in accordance with more progressive and efficient solutions.

When labor productivity at an enterprise increases, the mass and norms of surplus products increase. The basis of social, mental and political progress is the excess of the product of labor over the costs of its maintenance, as well as education and accumulation in social, production and reserve funds.

Reduced turnaround time

Reducing the time spent on the production process allows you to save calendar time in general. To achieve savings, enterprises should shorten the production and circulation cycle, thereby compressing construction time, mastering advanced technologies, and introducing new methods in the production of goods.

Therefore, a company that uses both living and material labor increases the level of labor productivity in the enterprise several times. It follows from this that the time factor is very important in the management and organization of labor, given the instability of the Russian market economy.

Output and labor intensity as the main indicators of labor productivity in an enterprise

Output and labor intensity are indicators of the level of labor productivity at enterprises. A direct indicator of labor is production. Labor intensity is the opposite indicator.

Output is an indicator of the quantity of goods, services, volume of work performed per unit of working time by one or more employees. The formula for calculating production indicators is as follows: in = V/T, where in - production output per unit of time; B - cost volume of manufactured products (rub.); T is the time it took to produce goods in a given volume.

Labor intensity is an indicator of living labor costs, expressed in working time per unit of labor product (turnover, services). Determined by the formula t = T/V, where t is the complexity of creating products.

The concepts actual and standard hours refer to an indicator of labor intensity, which has a number of advantages. It's about:

  • on establishing a direct relationship between production volumes and labor costs;
  • to exclude influence on various indicators of labor productivity;
  • about the possibility of closely linking changes in work efficiency with factors influencing the growth of labor productivity at the enterprise;
  • on comparison of labor costs for similar goods.

Depending on the nature and purpose of labor costs, standard, planned and actual labor intensity are distinguished.

Planned labor intensity. Helps to study labor at the norm of the amount of work performed, which are established taking into account changes in the production plan.

Standard labor intensity is the labor costs of an enterprise to perform compulsory work with existing standards.

Actual labor intensity is the actual labor costs to perform certain tasks.

The composition of labor costs per unit of product varies. Depending on this, five types of labor intensity are distinguished.

  1. Technological complexity. These are the labor costs of the main workers (piece workers and temporary workers) who carry out technological influence on the objects of labor.
  2. Labor-intensive maintenance. Includes the costs of additionally hired workers who serve the enterprise in all production processes. Their labor is calculated after each completed type of work.
  3. Production labor intensity. Combines the labor costs of additionally hired workers and employees performing basic functions in production.
  4. Labor intensity of management. Includes the labor costs of all employees (managers, security, specialists in various areas of production, etc.), except for workers who directly perform the work of producing goods at the enterprise.
  5. Total labor intensity is the labor costs of all categories of workers.
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Methods for measuring labor productivity at an enterprise

There are methods by which labor productivity in an enterprise is measured. Let us present you with three main ones.

Method 1. Cost. The cost method measures labor productivity at an enterprise and is characterized by calculating the volume of work in monetary terms. The method makes it possible to compare people's labor productivity different directions, for example, a fitter and mechanic, a general worker and a shop worker. This method has a number of advantages: simplicity in calculation, ease of analysis, and also allows you to determine the dynamics of production in different time. The method also has a significant drawback - the influence of non-price factors: inflation, market conditions, material intensity of work.

Method 2. Natural. The method allows you to measure labor productivity at an enterprise when producing goods of one direction using natural meters (liter, ton, piece, meter, etc.).

It has simplicity and clarity of calculations when determining labor productivity and drawing up work plans. But it must be said that the use of the natural method is limited. For example, in those areas of production of the enterprise where products are produced different types(machines and machines), use this method impossible, as well as when taking into account changes in work-in-process inventories.

There is a type of natural method for measuring labor productivity - conditionally natural, measuring labor using conventional units of homogeneous products. To convert into conditional meters, coefficients (conversion units) are usually used. It is worth noting the convenience of using the conditionally natural method, since thanks to the conversion units, the production (sale) of various products can be compared and brought to a common form.

Method 3. Labor. Its use allows you to correlate the actual costs of labor productivity with the expected volume of work, which is determined by current standards. If labor productivity at an enterprise is measured using this method, time standards for producing or selling a unit of product are used.

The advantage of the labor method is its versatility, which is determined by the possibility of its use in measuring any type of work and services. But there is special conditions its use: it is necessary to establish time standards for all production processes. As practice shows, the establishment of such standards is not possible at all enterprises. The scale of labor productivity in a country is determined by GDP, which accounts for the annual calculation of the number of employees.

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Why is labor productivity analyzed at an enterprise?

  1. Determine how stressful the work productivity plan is.
  2. Identify the real level of labor productivity at the enterprise and its changes compared to the base period.
  3. Determine the main factors influencing the growth of labor productivity at the enterprise or contributing to its decline over a specific period of time.
  4. Develop measures that would help identify internal reserves of labor productivity at the enterprise and production growth through a more rational use of labor.

When analyzing labor productivity, the following indicators are used:

  1. General indicators: production of goods per year, per day and per hour (per employee). To calculate these indicators, the volume of goods (in rubles or standard hours) must be divided by the number of employees in the industrial production category.
  2. Particular indicators show how long it takes to produce a unit of goods, how many goods of a certain type in physical terms are produced in a certain period of time.
  3. Auxiliary indicators allow you to find out the amount of time to complete a unit certain type work, and to what extent they are performed in a specific time period.

How is a comprehensive assessment of labor productivity at an enterprise carried out?

A comprehensive analysis of enterprise personnel is carried out to solve the following tasks:

  1. Study the staffing levels of the company (structural divisions) using quantitative and qualitative parameters.
  2. Evaluate extensive, intensive and efficient use company employees.
  3. Determine the reserves for the most efficient and full use of the company's employees.

To analyze labor resources, information is used from:

  1. Data in timesheets and HR department.
  2. Labor plan as an integral part of the business plan.
  3. Report on labor and wages.
  4. Explanatory note (section “Labor and wages”).
  5. Staffing table, statistical reporting form No. 1 - labor “Report on labor and movement of workers.”
  6. Form No. 4 – work “Report on the use of the calendar fund of working time”.

A comprehensive assessment of labor productivity at an enterprise includes:

Analysis of labor supply. Proceed as follows:

  1. Assess the dynamics of the composition and structure of employees by category and quality indicators (age data, information about education, type of motivation).
  2. Analyze the movement of employees (calculate the turnover ratio for hiring and dismissing employees, evaluate staff turnover and the constancy of the company’s employees, calculating the coefficients).

Analysis of intensive and extensive indicators of labor resource use. Using the analysis of extensive use of personnel, the use of working time and the factors contributing to its change are studied. During the analysis, preference is given to factor model, which allows you to determine how changes in the number of company employees, the number of days worked and the length of the working day affect the working time fund. To find out why all-day and intra-shift losses of working time occur, a comparison of data from the planned and actual balance of working time is carried out.

When analyzing the intensive use of personnel, indicators characterizing the labor intensity and productivity of labor at the enterprise are assessed. You can use output indicators for the hour, day, month, quarter and year - it all depends on which unit of measurement of working time is selected. Using these indicators, it is possible to assess labor productivity, taking into account the nature of the distribution and use of working time.

For factor analysis labor productivity, it is necessary to find out about the influence of one or another technical and economic factor on the change in this indicator. During the analysis, the relative savings in the number of employees in the enterprise are calculated.

Analysis of the use of the wage fund. When analyzing the use of the wage fund, first of all, the absolute and relative deviation of its actual size from the planned one is calculated. To assess the effectiveness of the use of funds allocated for payment labor activity employees use a number of indicators. We are talking about revenue, the amount of net, gross, capitalized profit per ruble of wages, the volume of production of goods at current value, etc. During the analysis, the dynamics of all these indicators are subject to study, and a plan for their level is also carried out. Often preference is given to interplant comparative analysis, allowing you to find out which company operates more efficiently.

Analysis of the efficiency of use of labor resources. You can evaluate how efficiently labor resources are used using the indicator “employee profitability”, that is, how much profit from sales (the company’s net profit) falls on one employee of the company (average value).

How to calculate labor productivity at an enterprise

Here is the formula for labor productivity in a generalized form: P= O/H, where P is labor productivity at the enterprise per employee on average; О – amount of work performed (volume); H – number of company employees. The indicator is also called “production”. It shows the extent to which an employee performs his work per hour, week, month.

Example 1. The confectionery company completed 120 orders for the production of cakes (indicator in January 2017). There were 4 pastry chefs responsible for the process. To find out the labor productivity of one pastry chef, you need 120: 4 = 30 cakes per month.

Based on the same data, it is possible to determine how much labor (man-days or man-hours) is required to produce a unit of product. This indicator is called labor intensity.

Example 2. Manufacturing company household appliances released 2,500 in December 2016 electric kettles. According to the time sheet, employees worked 8,000 man-hours. To make one teapot it took 8,000: 2,500 = 3.2 man-hours.

To determine labor productivity at an enterprise, by workshop, company structure, plant for a certain period of time (year, quarter, month), use the formula PT=оС/срР, where PT is labor productivity at the enterprise of one employee for a certain period (average); оС – the total total cost of goods produced for a specific period of time; срР – average number of employees of the company.

Example 3.

The furniture workshop produced products with a total value of 38 million rubles (indicator for November 2016). The average number of employees was 400 people. 63,600 man-hours were worked. In December 2016, products were produced with a total value of 42 million rubles with an average headcount of 402 employees and 73,560 man-hours worked.

To calculate output per factory employee, labor costs per 1 million products and compare indicators for two months of work, the following calculations are carried out:

1. Output per employee.

For November - 38 million rubles: 400 = 95 thousand rubles;

For December - 42 million rubles: 402 = 104.5 thousand rubles.

The labor productivity growth rate at the enterprise was 104.5: 95 * 100% = 110%.

2. Labor intensity for production finished goods worth 1 million rubles:

For November: 63,600 man-hours: 38 million rubles = 1673.7 man-hours;

For December: 73,560 man-hours: 42 million rubles = 1,751.4 man-hours.

When analyzing labor indicators, it is possible to obtain data for further optimization of the number of employees, their placement, identification of shortcomings and reserves in the organization of labor activities, and improvement of work processes.

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How is labor productivity managed in an enterprise?

A labor productivity management system is a set of measures for measuring and assessing productivity, analyzing factors for increasing the productivity of employees of an enterprise for planning work for the short and long term, taking into account the tasks set when doing business. IN in this case measures are taken to continuously monitor the implementation of planned activities, develop motivation and incentive programs for certain results in improving the productivity of the enterprise’s employees.

There are five blocks in the labor productivity management system.

1. First function block in the labor productivity management mechanism includes assessment and measurement of existing indicators of the financial and economic activity of the enterprise. Here they analyze market conditions, evaluate the position of market products, determine what quality goods and services should be to improve their competitive properties, and plan the desired results of work. Specialists compare current (or projected) prices for similar products, planned profits and determine the required amount and directions for reducing the cost of goods. It is worth noting that the most effective way to reduce the cost of goods is to increase the productivity of enterprise employees.

2. The second block includes determining the necessary increase in labor productivity to reduce costs to a competitive level, identifying areas for its improvement, and planning measures to achieve the desired productivity.

3. The third block is the organization of work to increase labor productivity, during which planned activities are implemented and distributed among responsibility centers (places of implementation).

4. The fourth block involves the development of a system for motivating employees to improve labor productivity.

5. The fifth block consists of assessing and monitoring the results of activities carried out to improve labor productivity at the enterprise. Monitoring of work performance must be regular. Final control is expressed in assessing performance results and identifying the degree of participation of certain employees in achieving the overall result with further encouragement.

Managers must take into account certain points so that company employees do not waste time on unnecessary actions and objectively evaluate the goals set by the company.

  1. Work efficiency and effectiveness must be monitored regularly. Only in this case will management learn about weak points employees' work and successfully eliminate them.
  2. Just studying the results of assessing the quality of staff work is not enough. The level of literacy and qualifications of workers must be constantly improved, as well as favorable conditions for the work of personnel must be created.
  3. Rewarding the best is the basis for improving the quality of work.

How to plan labor productivity in an enterprise

Labor productivity planning is one part of the productivity management process in an enterprise. It is carried out based on the data of the analysis. At the same time, they evaluate how the company’s activities should be organized, what actions should be carried out at the moment and in the future, carry out certain activities aimed at increasing the productivity of the company’s employees, and monitor their implementation and the results obtained.

There are a number of methods for planning labor productivity in an enterprise.

  1. The direct counting method allows you to calculate the reduction in the number of company employees under the influence of certain events organizational nature and monitor the increase in labor productivity of enterprise employees. In accordance with individual categories, the planned number of employees is determined, taking into account its possible reduction after certain measures. Based on the calculated number of employees and production output in accordance with the plan, data is obtained on the level of labor productivity at the enterprise, as well as on the speed at which it is growing in comparison with the base period.
  2. Factorial method. In this case, factors influencing the quality and growth of labor productivity at the enterprise are identified and their impact is assessed. First, the base number of employees for the planned period is determined with the condition that the basic labor productivity at the enterprise is maintained. Next, the expected change in the number of employees in the company is calculated under the influence of all factors separately. To do this, labor costs are compared with the planned volume of output under existing and planned conditions. We are talking about the total change in the base number and improvement in labor productivity at the enterprise during the planned period.

What makes it possible to increase labor productivity in an enterprise?

To increase the efficiency of a company, it is necessary to reduce labor costs per unit of production. This can be achieved different ways. The main condition is the reduction of labor costs. It is necessary that the work of the company be organized uninterruptedly, without downtime. Such ways of increasing labor productivity in an enterprise will lead to improved operational efficiency.

Another option is to reduce product turnaround time. It's quite difficult, but real. At the same time, not only new lines and machines are introduced (thanks to which the production process becomes automated, and therefore faster), but also accounts receivable are reduced, and products can be sold faster.

Often they use methods such as:

1.Labor automation. Aimed at increasing the productivity of enterprise employees and overall productivity, as well as reducing costs. Important here competent organization process and no downtime.

2.Using knowledge management and accumulation mechanism to make engineers, managers and craftsmen work more efficiently.

3. Reduction of various non-production costs. It is required to conduct an audit of existing expenses and highlight items that can be waived.

4. The team’s precise understanding of their tasks and job responsibilities, as well as their optimization. In other words, if a worker creates four parts in an hour on a machine and the entire production process depends on this, the foreman should not take the material to the warehouse, spending additional time on this.

5.Improving working conditions, creating comfortable conditions and stability for workers. When there is a friendly atmosphere at work, craftsmen will work for you even for a lower salary compared to what competitors offer. If the microclimate in the team is favorable, your company will not have rush jobs or hold unnecessary meetings and meetings. In addition, specialists will feel confident and stable. The presence of recreation areas, canteens, gyms, as well as the possibility of medical care contribute to the prestige of your enterprise and improve labor productivity.

6.Motivation. Without motivation, there will be no increase in the productivity of the company's employees. That's how it works modern world. For example, a specialist should know that if he performs an unscheduled load or works on a day off, he will receive double pay.

7.Increasing employee loyalty. It is very important for management to establish communication with employees, show readiness to help and solve problems that arise. Employees should be united and discuss issues related to the development of the company together, of course, without coercion. Often, it is from workers and managers that one can learn what ways to increase labor productivity at an enterprise in a particular department, since it is the local personnel who are better aware of these issues than enterprise managers.

8.Control. It is necessary to develop a system for monitoring the final result. This is what you should rely on when assessing labor productivity at an enterprise.

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What are reserves for increasing labor productivity at an enterprise?

Before you start working on improving labor productivity, you should determine the reserves of labor productivity in the enterprise. We are talking about untapped opportunities to save labor costs.

Measures to improve PT in a particular organization can be carried out thanks to:

  • reserves for reducing labor intensity (it is necessary to automate and modernize production, introduce new technologies in work, etc.);
  • reserves for optimizing the use of working time (managing the production process and labor organization, improving the company structure);
  • improving the structure of personnel and the personnel themselves (change the ratio of management employees and workers involved in production, improve the qualifications of personnel, etc.).

You can identify existing reserves by analyzing the dynamics and level of labor productivity at the enterprise in certain areas of production or types of work for the current and past periods. The analysis methodology is based on a comparison of existing indicators with planned ones. It is important that the planned targets are verified and justified and that both features, conditions and reserves are taken into account production process in the planned period. It is also necessary to take into account a number of changes and clarifications in the plan that were made during the year, the number of employees, material resources and other indicators that affect labor productivity at the enterprise.

Increasing labor productivity at an enterprise using the example of non-standard methods

  1. Money. Scientists from the USA conducted an experiment in which 500 people took part. The results of the study showed how to increase labor productivity in an enterprise. It turned out that PT improves several times when people think about money and look at banknotes. In addition, it helps improve relationships with the team and other people around you.
  2. Use of Internet pagers (ICQ, QIP, etc.). Scientists from the USA have found that the use of Internet pagers does not “steal” working time, as was previously thought. Vice versa, similar devices save it and are aimed at increasing the productivity of workers in the enterprise. Solving problems via ICQ is much faster compared to mail, telephone or personal communication (if an employee needs to leave the workplace, go somewhere or even travel).
  3. Wall color. There are various ways to increase labor productivity in an enterprise. For example, scientists from Japan believe that in offices with yellow walls, people do their work more efficiently and quickly. Black color also has a positive effect on employees - they work harder. In companies with red walls, people feel a surge of strength, but at the same time they become more aggressive. As for the decline in labor productivity at enterprises, then negative impact It has a blue color that contributes to depression, as well as a gray color that makes people sleepy.
  4. Office romances. Scientists from Italy believe that novels at work serve as a kind of shake-up for the body and improve the productivity of company employees.
  5. Humor. Scientists from the USA have found that humor has a beneficial effect on emotional state, as a result of which a person becomes more communicative and works more efficiently.
  6. Using 30-inch monitors instead of 17- or 19-inch monitors increases PT by 50-65%. Researchers from France think so. Experts explain this by the fact that thanks to the large monitor screen, you can work with several windows at once without closing or opening others (this takes a lot of time). At the same time, other researchers believe that using large screens improves PT by only 5%, but working with two monitors, in their opinion, increases work efficiency by 30%.
  7. Profanity. A professor at one of the universities (New England) is sure that the ban on swearing causes a loss of communication between colleagues, which contributes to a decrease in their motivation and productivity. Conversely, does using profanity help you cope better with stressful situations?


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