Yuca indoor flower. Yucca garden: description, photo, reproduction, planting and flower care

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Today, the garden palm or yucca grows among many owners of garden plantings, and this phenomenon will not surprise anyone.

Many gardeners can rightfully be proud of the amazing beautiful plant, resembling a palm tree and growing in their areas. But some are afraid to grow such beauty, mistakenly believing that the plant is too demanding in terms of growing conditions and care. In fact, propagation and care for this plant do not require special effort and costs.

Description and origin of the garden palm

Description of Yucca

The homeland of evergreen yucca is America. This plant belongs to the Asparagus family; in its appearance it resembles the Mediterranean agave, but unlike the latter, its leaves form a dense spiral rosette.

Domestic representatives of this family have a well-developed stem, while specimens growing in open ground have almost none; the rosettes are located tightly pressed to the ground. The peduncle is represented by a large panicle, the flowers of which are lowered down like bells. It protrudes from the central part of the rosettes, reaching a height of 1.5 to 3 meters. The exotic palm tree reproduces by root suckers.

In America and Mexico, industrial cultivation of agave, a relative of yuca, is practiced on huge plantations. The world famous tequila is produced from its stem.

The exotic appearance of the plant would seem to imply comfortable natural growing conditions, but the tropics and subtropics of America, the natural habitat for yucca, do not have such characteristics at all. The plant is adapted to prolonged drought and sudden changes in temperature. Such amazing endurance allowed the plant to spread from the southern regions to the middle continents.

Yuca appeared in Russia over a century ago. But if this amazing plant in the last century only the parks of famous palaces could boast of them, today they are replete with squares and city parks, as well as many private plots.

What types and varieties are there?

filamentous yucca

Among the F. variegata filamentose hybrids, the following interesting varieties are distinguished:

  1. Bright Edge - bright bluish-green foliage, surrounded by a yellowish-crimson ribbon;
  2. Color Guard - wide leaf plates of yellow color, edged with a green stripe;
  3. Gold Heart – yellow foliage, green edge running along the leaf blade with blurred boundaries;
  4. Ivory Tower – green foliage, whitish border.

Garden palm care and planting in the garden

Despite its unpretentiousness and hardiness, yucca feels especially comfortable in elevated places with good lighting. Representatives growing in dark places are characterized by thin, loose rosettes and pale leaf blades.

When and how to plant a flower of happiness

Spring is the most favorable time for planting, but temperatures should not fall below +10C. The dense structure of the leaves can lead to numerous cuts and hand injuries, so gloves must be used when replanting the plant. The plant transplant itself is carried out in the spring, but preparatory work must be done in the fall: dig up the ground and form a hole for the spring transplantation of the plant.

What kind of soil is needed

Yucca can grow in almost any soil, but you need to remember that air must flow to the roots large quantities, and the soil should not be overly moist, preferably without close proximity groundwater to avoid rotting.

But most of all, garden yucca prefers calcareous, sandy, clay-stony soils and black soil.

If the soil in which the plant grows is poor in nutrients, it is saturated with humus.

Before transplanting, the hole is filled with coarse gravel or sand with the addition of two handfuls of ash. After planting, the soil should be pressed (compacted) and watered.

  • The size of the planting hole depends on the size of the plant itself.
  • Adult plants will need a recess up to 50 cm deep and an area of ​​up to 1 m in circumference.
  • Young specimens will require less space, but it is necessary to take into account the area required for the growth of young animals.

For easier adaptation purchased plant To street conditions, it is recommended to harden the plant for 11-14 days, regularly taking the plant outside, gradually increasing the time it stays outdoors. Only after such preparation can the bush be safely transplanted to a personal plot.

Watering and fertilizing

In the processes of watering and fertilizing, the main thing is to know when to stop. Excessive watering threatens rotting of the roots, and lack of moisture will certainly affect the condition of the leaves. They will begin to curl into tubes. Proper watering will help straighten the leaf blades. There is no need to water the plant often and only when upper layer the soil has dried out. Spraying the leaves is useful, which is carried out in the morning or evening hours when there are no longer scorching sun rays.

When does yucca bloom? This exotic plant blooms when it has been growing for 3-4 years. To begin this process, at the beginning of summer, the plant trunk is surrounded with superphosphate, which, dissolving in water, penetrates to the roots of the plant, starting the process of the formation of numerous buds.

Feeding the plant should be completed 30-40 days before the onset of autumn cold weather. During this period, the plants will have time to prepare for the winter season and severe frosts.

When to replant garden yucca

If the plant grows in conditions that are comfortable for it and with the same good care, then it can live perfectly in one place, without requiring replanting, for up to 20 years. And replanting a plant may only be necessary when the bush has grown excessively. This is especially painless for the plant if the age of the specimen has not yet reached three years.

Transplanting filamentous yucca video:

But even an adult, heavily grown plant needs a transplant. Plants often cannot tolerate transplantation.

Experts give some advice when replanting this plant, because you need to take into account some planting features.

  • Transplantation period is spring or late summer.
  • When replanting, remember that the roots of the plant can be located at a depth of up to 80 cm, so you need to dig it out carefully, without damaging it. root system.
  • All shoots must be separated from the adult specimen and planted separately.
  • The conditions of the place intended for transplantation should resemble the previous one, have good lighting, and no drafts.
  • It is better to carry out the first feeding after transplantation no earlier than two weeks.

Yucca propagation: how to do it right

For breeding there are the following methods.

  • Root division
  • Cuttings
  • Propagation from seeds
  • stem

Yucca propagation at home is simple - plant division. During the replanting process, the rosettes can be easily separated, not forgetting to dry them and sprinkle the cut areas with cinnamon powder or charcoal. Otherwise, infection or pests may enter them.

If the transplant is carried out in the spring, then the root of the plant can be divided into cuttings, the length of which does not exceed 10 cm. Such cuttings are placed in a greenhouse, after first cutting off the top of the stem and treating it with charcoal. With this method, sprouts emerge from dormant buds.

Garden yucca in open ground sets seeds, which are collected at the end of summer. They are sown in a mixture of soil, which is represented by turf, leaf soil and coarse sand in equal proportions. Plants grown in this way begin to bloom only three years after planting.

Yucca can also be propagated by stems. In this case, the cut section of the stem is dried and planted horizontally in river sand. The substrate around the stem must be constantly kept moist. When sprouts appear, the stem is cut into fragments, each of which should contain a sprout, and planted in the substrate.

You choose the most suitable way for yourself to plant yucca.

How to trim yucca at home

Pruning the plant rejuvenates it and helps produce strong young seedlings. This method is also used for frostbite of flowers and their rotting. In the spring, when the plant is no longer under winter cover, the stem is pruned. At the same time, further growth of the plant stops, and dormant buds begin to wake up, which will give rise to new rosettes with leaves.

  • Before pruning, the plant must be watered.
  • It is necessary to cut the stem below the growing leaves by 6-9 cm.
  • Sprinkle the cut areas after drying charcoal.

Flowering and why yucca does not bloom

Yuccas bloom with gorgeous flowers of various shades and color combinations; their appearance is similar to delicate bells placed on a giant rod.

The arrangement of numerous bright bell flowers on one leg gives the plant decorative properties. But there may be several such peduncles. And you can’t even imagine what amazing beauty it is.

The snow-white color of numerous bells is clearly visible even at dusk and from the far corners of the garden. The delicate and not cloying aroma attracts the attention of both people and many insects.

What year does yucca bloom?

  1. Sometimes it can bloom after transplantation only in the 4-5th year.
  2. The reason for this may be strong winter frosts that can damage aboveground part plants.
  3. Lack of lighting can also slow down the flowering process.

If the growing conditions and care of the plant were good, this will certainly be reflected in its appearance; flowering will be abundant and will last up to 2-3 weeks, which necessarily fall in the first two summer months. Blooming yucca is an unforgettable sight.

How to cover for the winter

Is it necessary to dig up yucca before frost?

It is enough to insulate the plant before the cold season sets in. Plants tolerate short-term cold in spring and autumn quite easily. It is important that the fallen snow melts quickly. Frost-resistant specimens perceive such temporary inconveniences especially easily. But real long-term frosts in a snowless winter are certain death for garden yucca.

The yuca foliage is wrapped with twine to gather it together and the plant is covered with a box, on top of which spruce branches or fallen leaves are laid. This composition is secured by a covering material wrapped with tape. In such a shelter, the yucca will easily overwinter without fear of any frost, especially when a large layer of fluffy snow falls on top.

In the spring, when the temperature becomes stable, it is time to free the plant from its winter shelter. Do not delay this for too long, otherwise it may lead to the appearance of mold.

Yucca flower, how to care if problems arise

Yucca, like all plants, can be attacked by pests or diseases.

The most common are slugs, whiteflies, scale insects, and aphids.

The latter easily gets on the flowers, which quickly dry out and fall off. Wood ash in combination with a soap solution will help in the fight not only against aphids, but also against other insects.

You need to take 0.250 wood ash, pour water (10 l) and bring to a boil, adding 0.50 grams of ordinary laundry soap (grated). When the resulting solution has cooled completely, immediately treat the affected leaves.

Possible problems

  1. Dry air and cold drafts contribute to the formation of untidy brown leaf tips that spoil the appearance.
  2. Brown spots throughout the leaf may indicate fungal diseases caused by possible overwatering.
  3. Bright sun rays can affect the appearance of light, dry spots.

In landscape design

If yucca grows in the garden, then the surrounding landscape immediately takes on a Mediterranean hue. It will look great even in the driest areas and territories.

It is the appearance, reminiscent of a palm tree, that gives the garden plot a special southern atmosphere, especially if there are other southern representatives in the neighborhood, for example. Even if yucca grows as a single plant, it is able to captivate with its appearance during the flowering period and at this moment become the brightest and most colorful spot on the landscape. personal plot.

Some types are used in design verandas, stairwells and other architectural structures. Such options do not require winter shelters or special rooms for the winter season.

Blooming yucca in the garden video review:

02.12.2016 34 432

Yucca garden - secrets of gardeners that you didn’t know about!

The unusually beautiful garden yucca is found quite often in summer cottages and garden plots, but many gardeners are hesitant to acquire a flower in their country house, citing a lack of growing experience. In fact, caring for the plant is not demanding, and it reproduces easily. You can’t do without nuances, but good advice, described in the article below, will allow you to find out why yucca does not bloom, how replanting and pruning occurs, as well as the basics of planting and care...


Planting yucca in open ground

Yucca is unpretentious plant, quite hardy, easily tolerates drought and heat. However, the flaw of the flower is excess moisture in the soil, which can lead to the development of rot on the roots and provoke the appearance of various diseases, in some cases the death of the entire plant.

To plant yucca, choose sunny places, away from vigorous trees and shrubs, which can not only create shade, but also take away nutrition, preventing them from fully developing and blooming. You should not plant garden yucca in lowlands or places where water accumulates. An incorrectly chosen location will also affect external condition– the leaves fade, become less dense, the trunk stretches too upward, as a result of which the yucca looks untidy.

When is it better to plant yucca, autumn or spring? The most best time– spring, when the earth warms up and the threat of frost passes. Before planting outside, the flower can be grown at home in a pot or greenhouse, but then the plant must be hardened off before planting in the ground so that it does not die. Over the course of 7-10 days, the yucca is gradually taken outside, taming it to natural conditions and increasing the time spent outdoors.

Plant yucca in the fall, especially in middle lane Russia, in Leningrad region, Moscow and the Moscow region, also in the Urals and Siberia is not recommended due to climatic conditions. Unpredictable weather may not allow plants to get stronger before winter, so it is better not to risk it and postpone replanting until spring.

flowering yucca garden - in the photo

The composition of the soil for yucca can, by and large, be anything; the flower takes root anywhere, but it will grow well in fertile soil with a large supply of nutrients. Dig a hole approximately twice the size of the yucca root system, add drainage to the bottom (if the soil is heavy and clayey). Add sand to the soil for greater looseness and breathability. Place the seedling in a vertical position, cover it with soil mixture without deepening the plant.

At the same time, make sure that the yucca does not stick out of the ground after planting; plant it flush with the ground surface. Watering yucca after planting in open ground is mandatory; pour a bucket or more water if necessary. The moisture should thoroughly saturate the soil to the very roots, so irrigate in small doses, gradually consuming the required volume of liquid.

Caring for garden yucca

To preserve the plant after planting in the ground, you need to monitor watering, do not overwater the flower, and irrigate as necessary during dry periods. After planting, the wilted leaves of the yucca should not be trimmed. This is due to the fact that two- and three-year-old yucca seedlings can produce a peduncle and begin to bloom. If you prune immediately after transplanting, you will not see any flowering. Typically, yucca begins to bloom from the third year of life, a sophisticated long stem with beautiful snow-white flowers, resembling bells.

yucca in winter - pictured Yucca overwinters without shelter - in the photo

It should be noted that if roses and other flowers susceptible to aphid invasion are grown nearby on the site, then the rose garden must also be sprayed. In summer cottages and garden plots, except folk remedies in the fight against insects on garden yucca, fungicidal and biological drugs– Biotlin, Fitoverm, Entobacterin, Intavir, Karate, etc.

It is advisable to loosen the soil under the flower, removing weeds and breaking up the earthen crust for better access of oxygen to the roots.

Transplanting young yucca at the age of two or three years to a new place is possible if the need arises. How to replant yucca? Water the plant so that when digging, the roots do not come off and, together with a lump of earth, come out under the bayonet of the shovel. Yucca can be replanted throughout the growing season, in spring, summer and even autumn (only in the southern regions and Kuban). Fertilizing the flower after transplantation is not carried out during the first 30 days, so as not to burn the roots.

Yucca is fertilized once a year in early spring; as a rule, mineral complexes are also used. It is advisable to loosen the soil under the flower, removing weeds and breaking up the earthen crust for better access of oxygen to the roots.

Yucca is relatively winter-hardy, so it sometimes winters without shelter even in the Moscow region. It is advisable to cover in winter using any available covering material (agrospan, spunbond, film, etc.) the root zone can be mulched with humus, peat, leaf litter (preferably oak, as it does not rot).

Yucca propagation

In most cases, yucca propagation is carried out by lateral shoots (layering), root division, and less often by seeds. Mature plant at good care can produce a significant number of daughter rosettes, which can be found under the bush near the base of the growth. You need to take seedlings that have already developed a root system so that rooting goes well and the plants take root in the new place.

Yucca reproduction - in the photo

To plant garden yucca by dividing the rhizomes, in the spring you need to prepare cuttings 7-10 cm long from the rhizomes. Before planting, it is better to sprinkle the petioles with crushed coal, leave for 4-5 hours to dry, then plant in nutrient soil to a depth of 10-12 cm, water. After about 18-21 days, the first shoots will begin to appear.

Yucca propagation by seeds is similar to the technology for propagating indoor flowers of this species. To grow yucca from seeds, take only fresh seed, which is soaked in water until it swells. room temperature. Sowing is carried out in March or April in a nutritious soil mixture, deepening the seeds by 1.5-2 cm.

The container with crops is covered plastic film, glass and put in a warm place. After about 28-30 days, the first shoots will begin to appear. The film is removed, the pots with yucca are placed in the light, and a week later they are planted in separate pots. Yucca grown from seeds is transplanted into open ground after 12-16 months.

Yucca pruning for beauty and rejuvenation

Yucca pruning is carried out in order to rejuvenate the plant and obtain new growth. To awaken dormant lateral buds, in early spring, after the snow has melted, the main stem is cut off, stimulating the development of lateral buds, from which new rosettes will subsequently develop. If there is no need to grow new shoots, the plant has overwintered well; only bad and dry leaves are removed.

Yucca is very decorative when it grows in one stem. With proper care, the height of the peduncle exceeds 1.5 m, the number of beautiful large flowers can reach 250 pieces on one plant. Before subjecting the crop to shearing, think about whether it is necessary to resort to this procedure.

Typically, yucca is pruned after flowering, removing faded stems and bad foliage. To make the plant decorative, the leaves are not cut off completely, leaving a distance of 3-5 cm from the trunk, so the trimmed yucca will not look naked, the trunk will look like it has scales. Even in winter, yucca in the snow decorates the garden, becoming a bright element in landscape design your site.

Yucca, yucca (Yucca) - evergreen tree plant family Agave. Many people unknowingly call the flower a palm tree, but, like dracaena, it is not a palm tree. In order for the plant to delight you with its beauty, you need to know how the yucca flower grows and how to care for the decorative “denim tree” at home.

There are two groups of indoor yucca plants, including about 30 species: tree-like (with a trunk) and stemless (rosette). The leaves are sword-shaped, reach a length of 25-60 cm, a width of 1-7 cm, and are collected in a bunch, forming rosettes. Depending on the variety, the leaf blades can be green, bluish, hard or semi-hard, and have jagged or smooth edges (see photo).

In nature, yuca blooms, forming many bell-shaped or cup-shaped flowers (more than 300 pieces), collected in paniculate inflorescences 0.5-2 m long. They have a white or greenish-cream, yellowish tint, after flowering they form dry fruit boxes or juicy fruits .

Note. Popular name flower - "denim tree". This is due to the fact that hard fiber is extracted from the leaves of some varieties, which is used for sewing jeans.

Depending on the variety, the plant may have a single trunk or form branches. There are about 30 varieties, but the most popular among flower growers and gardeners are seven types of yucca.

  • Aloe leaf(Yucca aloifolia). Slow growing spherical bush. The tree-like stem branches with age, forming at the ends rosettes of hard, dark green leaf blades with a thorn at the end.
  • Whippla(Yucca whipplei). A slow-growing, spherical species with a shortened stem and leaf blades collected in rosettes. The color of the leaves is grayish-green, at the ends there are prickly spines, and along the edges there are teeth.
  • Short-leaved, or tree-like, giant(Yucca brevifolia ) . The thick trunk is strongly branched at the end, the leaves are short, hard, triangularly expanded, brownish at the ends. The flowers are pale yellow.
  • Radiant or high(Yucca radiosa) . It has densely spaced narrow leaves about 1 cm wide and 40-55 cm long. The color of the leaf blades is green, with a white border and a large number of thin threads.
  • filamentous(Yucca filamentosa). Almost no stem. It is frost resistant. The bluish-green, white-variegated or yellowish leaves are distinguished by a pointed tip and the presence of curling thin threads.
  • Elephant(Yucca elephantipes). In adulthood, the upright growing trunk becomes like a thick elephant's leg. The ends of the branches end in rosettes of elongated lanceolate leaves of light green color.
  • Glorious(Yucca gloriosa) . The tree has a spherical shape, the rosettes are assembled from hard curved leaf plates. The color of decorative foliage is bluish-green, the leaves are smooth and leathery.

Features of growing indoor flowers

Indoor yucca can grow at home, this is enough unpretentious flower. The only important requirement is to provide good lighting.

Soil requirements

The soil can be purchased ready-made at any specialty store or prepared yourself. The optimal substrate for a flower will be a mixture of peat, coarse river sand and compost in equal proportions. It is also recommended to add some sod, perlite and humus to keep the pH level between 5.5-7. It is advisable to pour fine gravel or expanded clay onto the bottom of the container to ensure drainage.

Note. To understand whether the soil is suitable for growing, it must be poured into a pot and watered well. If the water is quickly absorbed and flows through the drainage holes, everything is fine with the composition.

Rules for choosing a pot

A container for growing yuca must meet a number of simple requirements.

  • The pot must be selected that is stable, opaque, of medium size, 4-5 cm wider and deeper than the previous one.
  • It is better if it is not plastic, but clay or ceramic.
  • There should be drainage holes at the bottom to remove excess liquid from the soil.

Landing technology

Immediately after purchase, the yucca must be removed from the plastic container and planted in a suitable sized pot with a nutrient substrate. The procedure consists of three steps.

  1. A layer of expanded clay or gravel is poured into the selected container, then a little soil.
  2. Remove the plant from the purchased container and inspect the roots.
  3. Place earthen lump into the pot, add soil to the sides and top, compact it with your fingers.

Yuca care at home

The yucca plant at home does not require special care, so it is suitable even for novice gardeners. However, a number of rules will still have to be followed in order for the plant to grow healthy and maintain decorative look.

Temperature and lighting

For indoor yucca, lighting plays an important role, so it is better to place the pot on a south-facing window. However, you will have to make sure that bright sunlight does not fall on the leaves, otherwise dark spots from burns will appear. The flower can be placed in partial shade, but this is not in the best possible way will affect the decorative color.

We should not forget that yucca is considered not only a light-loving plant, but also a heat-loving plant. The room temperature in summer should be 20-25 degrees Celsius. In winter, the indicator is reduced to 10-12 degrees Celsius, and the pot is moved to a dark place. Observing a dormant period will allow you to achieve flowering indoors.


Indoor yuca is not too demanding when it comes to watering; excessive soil moisture can even harm it. Therefore, water should not be allowed to stagnate on the soil surface; it is also necessary to ensure good drainage. However, you should not overdry the soil. Usually in summer the flower is watered once a week, in winter - much less often, as it dries out.

In summer, it is useful to spray the plant with a spray bottle, first protecting the leaves from direct sunlight. Do not pour water into leaf sockets, so as not to provoke rotting. During heating season Spraying should be done at least once a day.

Air humidification and ventilation

Some flower varieties are sensitive to dry air and require daily spraying with boiled, settled water. For others, it is enough to be at some distance from the batteries in winter, placing them on a tray with wet moss or expanded clay. It is advisable to avoid drafts and sudden temperature changes.

Note. From spring to early autumn It is recommended to wipe the sheet plates from dust with a well-wrung cloth or napkin. You can’t wash the plant in the shower, just like you can’t take it out in the rain in the summer. It is better to carry out the procedure in the evening.


The indoor flower yucca is responsive to fertilizing. Fertilizers should be applied in spring and summer (April to August) every three weeks. You can use both purchased mineral preparations and natural organic matter - mullein infusion, manure, humus. The best effect is achieved by foliar feeding.

Pruning and care after flowering

The yucca flower rarely blooms in apartments; care at this time consists of regular watering, spraying, and fertilizing. Faded inflorescences are then carefully cut off with scissors so as not to disturb the decorative appearance of the plant. At other times, maintenance pruning of foliage is performed to maintain the splendor of the crown.

  1. Remove dried or yellowed leaf blades with scissors.
  2. Trim the top to 8-10 cm.
  3. Treat the cut with garden pitch or crushed coal.

Formative pruning is carried out only if the plant height has reached 50-60 cm.


Replanting is carried out as the flower grows or if problems with the root system are detected. At the same time, replace the soil with a new one and select a larger pot. This is done in spring or early summer. Perform the following steps.

  1. Mix garden soil with sand and humus.
  2. Expanded clay 3-4 cm high is poured onto the bottom of the container.
  3. Pour soil up to half the pot.
  4. They take out the flower without disturbing the earthen lump and transfer it to a new container.
  5. Press down the lump with your palms and cover the sides and top with soil. Compacted.
  6. Water generously. Do not fertilize for 2-3 weeks.

Note. In an adult plant, replanting is carried out at least once every three years, annually replacing the top layer of soil with a new one. If rotten roots are noticed, they are cut off, the sections are greased with crushed coal, and dried.

Yucca flower propagation

There are three ways to propagate yucca:

  • apical cutting;
  • a piece of trunk;
  • offspring.

However, you can take material from the mother plant if it has reached a height of at least 30 cm. A cutting from the top or part of the trunk is cut off with a blade, sprinkled with crushed coal, and dried for a couple of hours. Then they stick it into wet sand and do not allow it to dry out. When roots appear, transplant into a pot. Instead of sand, you can use water to root part of the plant in a jar. When propagated by offspring, they are cut off and rooted in damp sand in a vertical position.

Problems of growing plants with improper care

To prevent rotting, wilting or death of the plant, it is necessary to water the yucca moderately in winter and monitor the temperature in the room. If the stem or part of the roots rots, you must immediately take action to save the flower.

  • Yellow spots on the leaves or their dropping are caused by drafts, hypothermia or natural death;
  • dried ends of brown leaves - dry soil or dry air;
  • curling leaves - low temperature in the room;
  • light spots on the foliage - sunburn;
  • stem rot and leaf spotting are a fungal infection.

Pests and diseases

Yucca is damaged by pests such as spider mite, scale insects, mealybugs and whiteflies. Basically, the cause of infection is considered to be excessive watering. To eliminate the problem, yuca is treated with insecticides, following the instructions on the package.

Of the diseases, the flower is most often affected by bacterial and fungal infections, causing the appearance of dark spots on the foliage. Then the black areas soften and rot if the plant is not treated. To save, leaf plates and parts of the stem are cut off with a sharp knife and processed systemic fungicide. Reduce the number of waterings for a while and observe other important care conditions.

More and more gardeners prefer to grow exotic plants on their plots. Among them there are real unpretentious specimens that can bloom in any conditions, for example, yucca (yucca).

Yucca is a spectacular flower that is resistant to climatic conditions and soil quality. If you follow the planting rules and proper care, garden yucca blooms profusely and for a long time, grows quickly and develops in a new place. From the article you will learn how to grow it unusual plant in open ground on a personal plot.

Yucca garden is an exotic plant of the Agave family. Represented by a perennial tree-like shrub. The leaves are sword-shaped, growing in a spiral and forming a characteristic rosette. They are painted in a rich green or bluish color and can grow up to 100 cm. During the flowering period, a white or beige peduncle is formed in the center of the rosette, slightly drooping down.

In one season, 80-170 bell-shaped flowers can bloom, reaching a length of 7 cm and a width of up to 5 cm. Flowers can be used as food; they are often used in cooking and to create animal feed. In comfortable conditions, yucca forms a seed fruit. Two varieties of this plant are used for growing in the garden:

  • Yucca gray. It can be distinguished by its long leaves and short trunk. Thin green leaves have a slightly white edge. The flowers are represented by long and finely branched inflorescences of a yellowish tint (see photo). The plant is unpretentious to soil quality and can grow quietly even in sand. Tolerates the most unfavorable climatic conditions, but can die in high humidity;

  • Yucca filamentosa. The leaf blade is sword-shaped and up to 70 cm long. The edges of the leaves are framed by beautiful protruding threads and slightly bent. (see photo) The peduncle can reach a length of up to 2.5 m and is represented by drooping light-colored flowers. This is a frost-resistant variety of the crop; the plant can tolerate cold down to -20 o C.

Even when purchasing planting material, you need to carefully read the description of the species and variety, and also look at the photo. As a rule, the packaging with seeds and seedlings contains a detailed description of the plant. This is only important for choosing the appearance; caring for yucca varieties is no different.

Selection of location and conditions of detention

Yucca is one of the most unpretentious garden plants. It is able to bloom and bear fruit in drought and frost. To achieve abundant flowering, active growth and rich color, it is extremely important to comply with planting conditions and proper care. Below we will look key points growing outdoor yucca.

Lighting and location

Yucca, like other members of the family, prefers well-lit places, but can also bloom in partial shade, especially when planted in sunny regions. Lack of light negatively affects the condition of the leaves - they stretch upward strongly, and the structure of the leaf plate changes.

In variegated yucca species, if there is insufficient lighting, the leaves may begin to turn pale and the rosettes may loosen. In addition, protection from the wind is required, since this is a tall plant that can break in strong gusts.

There are no soil requirements for planting; yucca is unpretentious to the quality and composition of the soil, but when planted in acidic substrates, the quality of flowering deteriorates. Before planting, it is advisable to add organic matter, to which the plant responds well. If there is a lack of minerals in the soil, flowering may be delayed for several years.


Like other exotic plants, yucca feels best at stable warm air temperatures (15-22 o C). However, most varieties of the plant can easily tolerate extreme heat and cold. Before planting, it is advisable to wait until the end of spring, when the air temperature is stable at 10 o C.

The quality and abundance of flowering depends more on proper care and timeliness of fertilizing. Despite the fact that yucca is frost-resistant plant, in winter it is recommended to cover the bush, especially when grown in cold regions with high air humidity (Siberia, the Urals or Karelia).

Air and humidity

Drafts and high humidity are the main problems when growing yucca. The plant does not tolerate moist soil and air well - the growth rate deteriorates, the leaves begin to change structure and color.

It is for this reason that it is advisable to plant the flower next to the fence, and also add sand to the soil when planting. The amount of watering depends on the growing season, but yucca should absolutely not be overwatered.


Yucca can bloom in any soil. Important condition– the root system has access to air, so you should not plant in a dense substrate or on clayey area. Before planting, you need to add clean river sand to the soil, and then dig it up to the depth of a spade bayonet.

Drainage (expanded clay, sand or gravel) should be added to the planting hole to avoid moisture stagnation. It is not recommended to plant the flower in lowlands and near a body of water, where there is increased soil moisture and soil density.


Yucca is considered one of the most unpretentious exotic garden plants. Even in unfavorable conditions You can achieve active growth and lush flowering. To make the flower look healthy and regularly delight you with its beautiful flowers, minimal maintenance should be observed.


When growing outdoor yucca, you should be careful about watering. The plant does not tolerate high humidity, reacting to excess water by changing the color of the leaf blades and deteriorating the structure of the rosette. Watering should be moderate as the top layer of soil dries. When there is an excess of moisture, the roots rot, and when there is a lack of moisture, the leaves curl, and in filamentous varieties the threads droop.

You can use rain, melt or remaining water at a warm temperature. To enhance growth, you can add a little biostimulant with an increased nitrogen content every 2 weeks. It is advisable to water the plant at the root so that no excess moisture remains on the surface. During flowering and in dry weather, it is recommended to additionally spray the leaves with cool water.

Top dressing

In the first two years of life, it is necessary to use complex mineral fertilizers for succulents or exotic plants. Fertilizer is applied for the first time in May before the beginning of the growing season, and then in the fall after flowering ends. This scheme must be followed for the first two years of growing a flower.

Starting from the 2nd year of life, you can add organic matter (mullein solution or bird droppings, compost). An adult yucca is fed in the second half of April, and a few weeks before the growing season (the first ten days of June), 30-40 g of superphosphate should be poured up to the roots. There is no need to water the mixture, since after rain it will naturally fall into the soil.

Pinching, pinching and pruning

The pruning procedure is necessary to rejuvenate the plant, as well as stimulate active growth. In addition, shoots and seedlings after pinching can be used for subsequent planting - yucca takes root well if the temperature conditions are met.

It is advisable to prune in the spring after removing the winter cover, or in the fall after flowering has ended. Since there is only one growth point on the plant, when the stem is trimmed, its development completely stops, but it starts again when the dormant buds awaken. Step-by-step algorithm trims:

  1. Two days before the procedure, you need to completely stop watering.
  2. The trunk is cut off with a clean and sharp knife or pruning shears so that the condition of the bark at the cut site is not disturbed. The cut should be made 7-9 cm below the level of leaf growth.
  3. After 10-15 minutes, treat the cut with a solution of potassium permanganate and sprinkle with charcoal. It is also recommended to apply a garden varnish to reduce the likelihood of infection.
  4. New shoots should normally appear after 14-20 days. In comfortable conditions, up to 5 young shoots appear on the plant.

The trimmed part can be used for subsequent planting. To do this, the shoot is transferred to a less illuminated place and deepened into sandy soil. After rooting, the seedling is transplanted to a permanent place.

Loosening, mulching

The area next to the yucca needs to be regularly loosened and weeds removed. The procedure is important for the root system, since the flower does not grow well in dense soil. Loosening is carried out at least 3 times per season, as a crust forms on the soil surface.

At the same time, mulching can be carried out to retain moisture and reduce the growth of unnecessary plants nearby. Sawdust or fallen leaves are used as mulch.


To enhance growth and abundant flowering, an adult plant that has been in one place for more than 3-4 years must be transplanted to a new place. You can understand the need for transfer by looking at the state of the outlet and the sheet plates. They become dull and the color intensity decreases. The rosette becomes loose, wrinkles and threads appear.

The procedure is best carried out in spring or autumn so as not to disturb the yucca during the growing season. You need to dig up the flower very carefully so as not to damage the powerful root system. It is best to transfer the plant along with a lump of earth into a previously prepared planting hole. After transplantation, you should fertilize the yucca with a complex composition. After this, flowering will occur only next year.


Yucca can be propagated by seeds or vegetatively. Using seeds is less effective because they do not always sprout, the plant develops slowly and does not bloom for a long time. Vegetative propagation is possible in the following ways:

  • Dividing the bush. The simplest method, often used during transplantation. The procedure is carried out only on an adult plant. Optimal time– late spring (late April – early May). During the replanting process, you need to separate the root shoots and shoots and roots, and then plant them in a new place.
  • Cuttings. As planting material, you need to use strong and healthy apical shoots of small size, since a large tip of the stem does not take root well. In spring, a healthy shoot is cut at an acute angle and the cut is treated with a fungicide. After this, it is dried for up to 30 minutes in the shade and planted in moist, prepared soil in a large container. Cover the top with glass or film. Rooting occurs within 20 days, after which the yucca can be transplanted to a permanent location.

After transplantation, the plant should not be fed for 14 days, so as not to worsen the rooting process. However, it should be observed moderate watering, and also cover the plant when frost occurs. Caring for a grown plant is standard for this flower.


Yucca is planted by cuttings or shoots in the spring, when there is no threat of night frosts, or in the fall. In this case, the flower must be prepared for winter. It is not recommended to propagate by seeds, since in the middle latitudes of Russia it is difficult to achieve harmonious growth. Landing algorithm:

  1. After purchasing planting material, the plant must first be hardened off. To do this, the seedling is taken out onto the street or balcony, first for 1-2 hours, gradually increasing the time by 1 hour every 2 days.
  2. Yucca is planted in individual holes 70x70 cm and up to 50 cm deep. Drainage (gravel or coarse sand) should be laid at the bottom and 50 g of wood ash should be added. Then the bush is carefully planted in the prepared place and covered with substrate.
  3. After landing young plant You need to water moderately and mulch.

Work should be carried out with thick gloves to avoid injuries and cuts - yucca leaves are very sharp. In a favorable climate, the plant can comfortably stay in one place for up to 15 years. Flowering begins only at 2-3 years of age.

Diseases and pests

Yucca has strong resistance to diseases and pests. In comfortable conditions and subject to proper care, problems during cultivation are extremely rare. The most dangerous insects for flowers are mealyworms, spider mites and scale insects.

The presence of pests can be determined by characteristic brown or white spots on the leaves, slower growth and lack of flowering. When the first signs of pests appear, you should thoroughly wipe the leaves and treat the plant with a complex contact insecticide.

Among the diseases, fungal infections are the most common. They lead to softening of the stem and the appearance of small spots on the leaf blades. It is advisable to remove the affected parts of the yucca, and then treat the soil and leaves with a synthetic fungicide.


Sheltering garden yucca for the winter is required only when grown in middle and latitude conditions, as well as in the north. In warm regions, the plant can easily tolerate mild frosts. Winter preparation process:

  1. At the end of October or beginning of November, you need to collect all the leaves and cover them with tape along the entire length so that you get a voluminous column.
  2. The flower is wrapped in thick fabric, agrofibre or burlap. It is recommended to wear a narrow one on top wooden box without bottom.
  3. The box should be lined with hay, spruce branches or shelves on top and on all sides.
  4. The structure needs to be covered with film, especially if you start the gardening season late.
  5. Plants up to 2 years old are very sensitive to moisture, so in early spring you need to remove excess snow, avoiding water getting into the root system.

The winter shelter from the yucca is removed starting in the second half of March, when the snow begins to melt. Dry leaves left over from winter can be used as mulch. It is recommended to leave the burlap until April, when stable warm weather has not established itself.

Yucca- beautiful evergreen with a tree-like stem from the Agave family. The family includes just over fifty species of these palm-shaped plants, but the varieties popular among our gardeners include 5-6 ornamental room options and several garden ones. Despite the fact that domestic yucca is very reminiscent of a miniature palm tree, nevertheless it is absolutely not related to palm trees (as well as dracaena marginata, which is very similar in appearance to yucca). Lovers of indoor plants value yucca for its graceful trunk, on the top of which beautiful long leaves of bluish or dark green color grow.

Depending on the type of “miniature tree,” the narrow leaves can be either drooping or erect, and the tree-like stem can have several growth points and branch beautifully. The shape of the trunk and the degree of branching can be adjusted by annual pruning of the shoots. Caring for the unpretentious yucca at home does not cause difficulties even for novice gardeners, but it is important to strictly follow the few rules for growing this indoor plant, which we will discuss below. Photos of popular home species of yucca will help you choose the appropriate option for decorating a room or office space. Interior designers often choose yucca to create a composition along with such popular flowers as phalaenopsis orchid, house violets (Saintpaulia), gloxinia with bell flowers, decorative potted rose, European or Persian cyclamen.

Blooming yucca is a rather rare occurrence among similar indoor plants. Even if you organize the cultivation of this miniature tree at home according to all the rules, you will not be able to see yucca flowers very soon - usually flowering occurs no earlier than 5-7 years from the moment the plant is planted in the summer. Experienced flower growers stimulate the formation of flower buds by organizing a cold dormant period in winter (12-14°C), when the plant reaches the required age. Yucca flowers are collected in panicle inflorescences and look like small white bells.

With unpretentious home care, elephant yucca (Yucca elephantipes) or aloe yucca (Yucca aloifolia) get along well in one container, some that are resistant to dryness houseplants(for example, flowering Kalanchoe or homemade geranium pelargonium), which can be used to form an interesting composition in the phytodesign of a living space.

- photo of species of yucca domestica -

In addition to the above-mentioned ivory and aloe-leaved domestic species of yucca, our country practices the cultivation of such varieties as Yucca whipplei with a crown of grayish-green leaves in the shape of a prickly ball, Yucca glauca with drooping long leaves on a short stem , as well as southern Yucca (Yucca australis) with densely spaced dark green leaves and a branched trunk. In open ground (in the garden or on a personal plot), you can grow filamentous yucca (Yucca filamentosa) with dark green leaves that form a rosette with lateral shoots.


Location and lighting.

It is advisable to place the pot of yucca on sunny place, well lit during the day. The most favorable location for this house plant- window sills or floor stands near the window on the east or west side of the room. If the yucca is placed next to a south-facing window, then be sure to shade the glass in the summer and on sunny spring days so that diffused light falls on the plant. In the autumn-winter period, yucca may lack natural light. Therefore, it is advisable to place fluorescent lamps next to the plant (at a distance of 50-60 cm) as additional lighting. If possible, place the pot with the plant on the balcony or near the house in the summer, slightly shading it from direct sunlight.

Temperature conditions.

The optimal temperature in autumn and winter is 10-14°C. Problems can begin with the onset of the heating season - at temperatures above 16°C (especially in low or insufficient light), the leaves stretch out, become thinner, and turgor weakens. If possible, place the plant pot on glassed balcony or install an air conditioner near the plant, and ventilate the room more often. Comfortable temperature for homemade yucca in summer - 18-25°C.

Air humidity.

The best option is a moderate level of humidity in the room (40-50%). But dry air will not harm the plant if you regularly spray the yucca with settled, boiled and warm water from a spray bottle. In summer, you can wash the leaves of the plant several times in the shower so that water does not get into the substrate. In hot weather, you can place a pot with a plant on a tray with wet river sand or expanded clay, and place a wide container of water nearby to increase the humidity level.


In summer, yucca is watered abundantly after the top layer of soil (4-5 cm) has completely dried. It is important not to allow water to stagnate at the level of the earthen clod - immediately pour all excess water out of the pan. In the autumn-winter period, water the plant very rarely (once every 10-15 days). Yucca tolerates drought quite calmly, but overwatering can cause rotting of the root system, as well as damage to the plant by diseases and pests. Some novice gardeners use a special moisture indicator to determine the degree of drying of the soil layers.

Earth mixture and fertilizing.

You can prepare the soil mixture for your yucca yourself. If the plant is young (up to 4 years), then mix turf soil, leaf soil, coarse sand and humus in a ratio of 2:2:2:1. Mixture for planting an adult plant: turf soil, leaf soil, river sand in a ratio of 3:2:2.

For feeding, you can use diluted mineral fertilizers or prepare them yourself (for example, an infusion of horse or cow manure with leaf humus). Can be additionally sprayed with diluted mineral fertilizers leaf plates from the bottom side. In spring and summer, fertilizing is applied once every few weeks. It is not recommended to fertilize the soil in winter and autumn.


Transplanted homemade yucca as needed (given that the plant grows very slowly) in the spring approximately once every two years except emergency cases if the roots begin to rot severely. It is advisable to use the transshipment method when transplanting into a ceramic pot in order to keep the earthen ball intact. Carefully inspect the yucca root system and, if necessary, remove rotten roots.


With the help of pruning, you can significantly improve the appearance of the yucca, making it a “lush palm tree”, using the rudiments of new shoots to grow additional tops. It is desirable that the height of the plant be 60-70 cm and the diameter about 6 cm. The procedure is performed in March-April, watering abundantly a few days before. Use only sterile pruning tools and thoroughly disinfect the sharp knife with alcohol. We choose the place of the cut, retreating 7-8 cm from the lower leaves. We grab the leaves with our hands and sharply cut off the trunk in one movement. Then the cut area is sprinkled with chopped activated carbon. After a few weeks or earlier, apical buds (from 2 to 5 pieces) will appear in the upper part of the cut trunk. If the trunk thickness is less than 5 cm, then leave 2 buds and cut off the rest. And if the thickness is 6-8 cm, then we leave 4 buds, from which the tops with new leaves will grow.


Yucca is propagated by seeds, stem sections and apical cuttings.

Cuttings. Usually done during pruning (to improve the decorative qualities of the plant). With a sharp knife cut off the top and sprinkle the cut area with crushed activated carbon. Within a few hours, the cut site will dry out and you can plant the cuttings in clean, damp sand. After 2-3 weeks, roots will appear and the sprout can be transplanted into the prepared substrate.

Sections of the trunk. In summer, cut (or saw off) several pieces (20-30 cm) from the trunk. Sprinkle the cut points with crushed charcoal, and cover the cut points on the parent plant with garden varnish. Pour a mixture of peat and clean river sand into a container, moisten it and plant parts of the trunk in the mixture (the cut point is in the substrate). Cover the container with film and maintain the temperature at 20-25°C. The substrate must be moistened regularly. After a month or more, roots will appear.

Sow in a mixture of leaf soil, turf soil and sand in equal parts. Cover with a glass container. The earth mixture must be moistened regularly and ventilated daily. After about a month, sprouts will appear. A few months after the sprouts appear, we plant the seedlings in pots with prepared soil mixture.


Question: What should I do if the leaves curl and become too soft and lose their tone?
Answer: Typically this problem occurs due to the temperature being too low. In this case, you can place the pot of yucca away from the cold window.

Question: Why lower leaves Do yuccas turn yellow and fall off?
Answer: This is normal during the growing season (spring-summer). In rare cases, the cause may be damage to the plant by pests (information about pests and diseases of yucca is below).

Question: Why do brown spots begin to appear on the outside of the leaves, while the leaves themselves dry out?
Answer: This often happens in the summer, if the air is too dry, the room is not often ventilated and watering is rare.

Question: What should I do if light spots appear on the outside of the yucca leaves?
Answer: Most likely, the leaf plates received sunburn. You need to shade the window glass a little and move the pot a little further from the window (especially if the windows are south).



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