Green in the bathroom: ideal conditions for realizing design ideas and fantasies. Green color in the bathroom interior: successful combinations and practical tips Bathroom design yellow green white tiles

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Warm, golden tones flow throughout the rooms of this Moscow apartment designed by architect Dmitry Uchitel. The interior owes its nobility to natural stone and wood with rich texture and pattern. The simplicity of the forms and the complexity of the execution of many elements gives the space a special individuality. Dmitry Uchitel, the author of the project for this apartment on Ostozhenka, says that he was faced with the task of making it “warm”, cozy interior for the family, taking into account modern fashion trends. “The client trusted my taste,” he says, “and gave me freedom to express my ideas, so I went with my own personal experience and the reasonableness of architectural solutions."

Work began literally from scratch - on an area of ​​330 square meters there was not a single partition. True, there was only one load-bearing column. But exactly where Dmitry planned to leave a large free space that combines the living room, dining room and kitchen. Instead of hiding and veiling the inevitable design element, the author of the project decided to turn it into a bright accent in the center of the room. So, from the very beginning, a luminous column lined with honey onyx appeared in the sketches. It attracts attention even from the bright hall and is the dominant element connecting the interiors of all rooms. For the hall, Dmitry Uchitel also found a special decoration - the bronze mirror ceiling is illuminated by many glass balls hanging from crystal pendants.

In the living room decor there is another author's idea - a wall made of three-dimensional varnished wooden panels. Create a whimsical pattern from the natural pattern of wood - not an easy task, so the panels were ordered in Italy. Dark brown console cabinets against the background of this golden wall are closer to the Art Deco style. And, on the contrary, in that part of the room where behind the glossy facades all the kitchen appliances, the spirit of minimalism reigns. Brutal stone table with a worktop that “hangs” in the air, made of porfido, a special type of granite characteristic of the minimalist kitchens of MINOTTI. The uneven surface of the stone enhances its harsh appearance. And right there, next to it, is the eclectic dominant, a giant floor lamp, the origin of which Dmitry tells with a smile: “We chose a table lamp from a catalog, and the customers and I liked this lamp, although the price seemed too high. When it was delivered, an elegant desk lamp turned out to be a floor lamp! But the customer is a very positive person, so he reacted normally to this curiosity." The floor lamp fit perfectly into the seating area in the semicircular part of the living room, becoming a spectacular accessory.

When asked how the architect managed to organically combine so many self-sufficient elements of furnishings and decor in the interiors, Dmitry replies that he was guided precisely by the idea of ​​unity. “To achieve unity,” he believes, “one must correctly combine elements. For example, they should all be equally active, as in this apartment. There are many bright components that balance each other.”

Author of the project Dmitry Uchitel:
"The windows of the apartment overlook the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. The idea was born when I saw golden domes flooded with sunlight. I wanted to make the interior in the same warm, golden tones. As for the style, elements are combined here different directions- from art deco to minimalism. The abundance of textures (varnished wooden panels and onyx column in the living room, decorative bas-relief on the wall in the bedroom, “crystal” ceiling) does not overload the interior. First of all, it is a harmonious, comfortable, beautifully designed space"

Customer's opinion:
“I like literally everything about the apartment! This is exactly what I wanted to see. At the moment when the interior was being conceived, I was captivated by minimalism, I saw something in the spirit of the Bvlgari hotel in Milan. Work on the apartment went very quickly, although in the process technical difficulties arose, because the architect sought to achieve high level execution of what was in the sketches. Therefore, for me, the main advantage of the interior is its details. There is a lot to look at here for a long time and with pleasure. I chose soft ones pastel shades to always feel comfortable. In the living room, where I most enjoy spending time, the onyx column is a real decoration of the space. When it's dark and she's the only one lighting up the living room, it looks amazing!"

Accessories for shooting were provided by the Andrew Martin showroom
and Decorating Studio of Mark Patlis

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Yellow bathroom: 5 “burns” that you can get when implementing such a “hot” project

The yellow bathroom is gaining high popularity, pushing aside the classic “cold” design options. But this color must be handled very carefully, as it can not only “warm”, but also “burn”. I will share with you my own observations and expert advice on what to follow when decorating a bathroom in a sunny style in order to achieve the desired effect.

The magic of yellow

Why is it even worth breaking tradition and abandoning the usual white and blue tones in favor of yellow shades? First of all, at least because basking in the water is more pleasant in a warm environment than in a cold one. Resort areas are not located at the poles in the ice, but mainly in the equatorial belt, where seas or oceans wash sandy shores. So why not create a little “beach” at home?

But besides this, the color scheme in question has many more characteristic positive features:

General effects on humans

  • Causes joy and a surge of optimism, which is sometimes sorely lacking in our hectic lives;
  • Promotes intellectual work and creative endeavors, and also helps to reveal hidden talents;
  • May have an invigorating effect, in the case of using lemon tones, and vice versa, soothing, if honey shades predominate.

If you want to make the design as warm as possible, then stop at the canary color scheme. This tonality has the highest “warming” effect.


And here's what medicinal properties The color in question has:

  • Improves liver functioning processes, pancreas and gastrointestinal tract;
  • Stimulates the flow of bile, due to which stagnation is eliminated;
  • Helps cleanse skin and intestines;
  • Reduces acidity levels;
  • Activates the autonomic nervous system;
  • Has an antispasmodic effect on the human body;
  • Used in the treatment of diabetes;
  • Restores vision.

Of course, this does not mean that by surrounding yourself with sandy wallpaper, you will immediately get rid of all your ailments, but in combination with other medicines and as a preventive measure, the golden interior “works” quite effectively.

Physical properties

Here I want to note two main points:

  • Items yellow color visually appear lighter and taller, and due to the irradiation effect they expand the space of the entire room in which they are located, which is especially valuable for small bathrooms;

  • All objects of the considered shades seem warm and dry. Thanks to this, a special comfort is created in a wet bathroom.

Design rules

So what do we get? A yellow bathroom looks warmer and larger, helps treat many diseases and even helps you think. What could go wrong? Yes, a lot of things, it is a very strong color that at misuse will do more harm than good. So, I think, the small instructions I have compiled will help you not to “get burned” by the sunny color scheme:

Burn Possibility #1: Fatiguing Oversaturation

Excessive abundance of “sun” in bathroom design is tiring, and then completely causes a desire to hide from him, destroying the entire process of receiving pleasure from water procedures. Therefore, yellow should be diluted with other colors, especially since the resulting combinations sometimes create their own positive effect.

Here are examples of successful combinations that you can implement even with your own hands:

  1. With white. A very successful combination especially for small rooms without windows. Sand or lemon furniture pieces on a white background will give the bathroom a feeling of spaciousness and fill it with light;

  1. With beige. This color does not reflect, but absorbs sunny colors, creating smooth transitions between them for the eye. That is, we can say that he is a kind of tamer of the power of the yellow color;

  1. With blue or light blue. A very interesting effect of a combination of cold and heat is created here, which we all observe every year in the first half of autumn. It is precisely the lovers of this time that will appreciate the blue-yellow walls in the process of taking water procedures;

  1. With green. Greenery and “sunshine” allow you to plunge, unlike the previous version, not into autumn, but into late spring, when all living things are gaining strength, showing themselves in all their glory. Alternation will help achieve the best result;

  1. With purple. It goes well with yellow, enhancing it. But you should only use light shades, since in case of high saturation these colors create a sharp, poisonous mixture;

  1. With red. This combination is the hottest of all possible. It carries a colossal charge of energy, and if you are not ready to accept it, then it is better to “put out” such a strong “flame” a little with neutral inserts;

  1. With brown. Suitable for large bathrooms as it adds coziness to the environment. A small room can be too narrow visually. This combination looks especially good when decorating in an oriental style;

  1. With black. A very careful approach is needed here, since blackness, emphasized by warm tones, can begin to cause anxiety, which does not promise anything pleasant for the person lying in the bath. Therefore, it is better to “dilute” this combination generously with white in the following proportions:

Possibility of getting a “burn” No. 2: heavier interior

Yellow itself is a textured color, so immediately discard patterns and an abundance of small fragments, otherwise such a finish will only cause a feeling of heaviness. In this regard, I recommend Finishing work perform as follows:

An object Recommendations
Walls It is better to use wallpaper or, since even a homogeneous tile without a pattern will still create a geometric pattern, which, as I already noted, will look “heavy” in yellow.
Floor Perfect option– liquid, but plank will also fit well, although here we must not forget also practical point view, namely: the hydrophobicity of wood. White color flooring will emphasize the freshness and airiness of the interior.
Ceiling White or light shades of gray and beige are perfect for a yellow bathroom. But a special “highlight” will be a suspended ceiling with an image of the sky, the sun of nature or other appropriate thematic design.

Burn Possibility #3: Harsh Lighting

Yellow color enhances any light. Hence when using its saturated shades, do not install bright lighting, since as a result the effect will be too strong, and instead of pleasant relaxation in the bath you will get headache and pain in the eyes.

Possibility of getting a “burn” No. 5: lack of contrasts

Carrying out plumbing and finishing in the same tone will turn the bathroom into one large yellow spot which is unacceptable from an aesthetic point of view. Therefore, if you, for example, have plumbing fixtures and other bathroom interior items that are sandy or lemon color, then the walls should already be in contrast with them, which will look beautiful and organic. Or, conversely, soften the canary or mustard background with light equipment.

Economical option

If the price full repair for your budget at the moment is prohibitively high, but you still really want to let the sun into the bathroom, then at first It’s quite possible to limit yourself to using yellow accessories, which definitely won’t oversaturate the interior, but will already make it warmer:

  • A lemon terry cotton towel will cost you no more than 700 rubles, but it will already bring a boost of vivacity and energy, which is so needed in the morning;

  • A matching rug will give you a little piece of the beach, warming your soul in anticipation of a long-awaited vacation;

  • A set of sand-colored bath accessories will also perfectly help create the desired atmosphere;

  • Wonderful toys in the form of ducks or other animals will brighten up children’s stay in the water;

  • And even small yellow coat hooks, the cost of which ranges only from 90-120 rubles, will make a noticeable contribution of warmth to the overall atmosphere;

  • Sand corner shelf It will also be no less appropriate when creating a sunny bathroom.


A yellow bath will give you a feeling of warmth and joy, provide you with additional energy and have a positive effect on your health. Your home will finally have its own sunny corner, reminiscent of seaside resorts. The most important thing when decorating is not to overdo it with such a strong color, correctly dosing its amount and diluting it with other harmonizing colors.

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August 21, 2016

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Green color creates a feeling of freshness in any room. In the bathroom, it helps you completely relax and get the maximum benefit and pleasure from water treatments. It has long been proven that this color helps overcome irritability and overcome stress. It encourages a positive perception of reality. Since every day begins in the bathroom and ends there, it is green that should be chosen as the basis for interior design. Moreover, such paints can become the basis for almost any style in the interior.

Bathroom design in green colors: how to decorate the room correctly.

When decorating a bathroom in this direction, you need to remember the following:

  • you should not use one shade of this color;
  • It’s better to make it white;
  • the floor should be light or lined with contrasting tiles;
  • The ideal would be a combination of light shades with darker ones;
  • dark colors and shades should occupy less space than light ones;
  • in large bathrooms, it is worth using at least two different materials to decorate the walls - thermally treated wood, and so on;
  • the furniture should be light;
  • Here the most successful accessories will be indoor plants.

What shades to choose for a green bathroom.

Green color has many tones and shades. But not everyone is suitable for bathroom design.

If you decorate the walls of a room in dark green or poisonous green, then no matter how modern the panels and tiles are, you still cannot get rid of the feeling that you have just moved into an apartment in a house built in the 60-80s.

Each shade of green brings its own characteristics to the interior:

  • For modern styles the main one will be light, perhaps with a shade of marsh, in some cases a brighter, rich light green;
  • Mint, turquoise, olive are more suitable for;
  • For rustic styles more often they choose emerald, the color of forest vegetation, jade;
  • Muted light shades that visually expand the space would be appropriate.

We must remember that green tends to visually mix with other colors and shades located nearby.

Combination of green with other colors in bathroom design.

In the bathroom there may be a large number of the most different combinations shades of this color both with each other and with other paints. When compiling different combinations It is necessary to take into account the size of the room and the intended one.

To make the room bright, you can decorate three walls in different shades of green, moving in a circle, each next wall they are made lighter than the previous one, and the fourth is decorated in white.

Light green goes well with bright yellow or orange. But this combination is more suitable for a fairly large room, decorated in one of the Mediterranean styles.

The color of swamp duckweed with light brown creates a feeling of warmth and comfort. You can add black to any combination of green and white, using it to create the necessary accents.

Unexpected combinations are in fashion now. Muted green goes well with purple and brick. Usually one wall or decorative partition in combined bathrooms.

For lovers of the East, the main addition to green will be gold. And the basis is malachite, emerald, jade paints.

Bathroom with green tiles.

Tile is a traditional material for decorating walls and floors in the bathroom. You can lay out the wall above the bathroom with green tiles, and decorate the rest with other materials.

The entire bathroom, including the floor, can be decorated with tiles. It is worth remembering that it is better to lay it out with light large tiles or (in large rooms) alternate dark and light in a checkerboard pattern. In this case, dark may not necessarily be green, but, for example, black. And as a light to dark green you can use gray, muted yellow tiles.

The walls can be tiled with mosaic tiles, which are successful in a combination of different shades of green and light brown or yellow. Mosaic soft waves in different shades can be laid out on one or all walls of the bathroom.

Large tiles are more suitable for one wall in the bathroom area. It is placed in rows, using different shades and combining with tiles of a different color: yellow, lilac, gray. In this case, the rows can be either horizontal or vertical.

You can lay out a panel above the bathtub by purchasing for this purpose special kit. Now they are producing tiles with a pattern. It will help avoid the feeling of sterility when all the walls are decorated with it.

Green bathroom in Khrushchev.

In small bathrooms it is worth choosing light colors. They have the ability to visually expand the space of small rooms.

A combination of light green with soft yellow, bright yellow paints will make the room warmer, but will make it visually smaller.

If you really want to use a darker shade, for example, a bottle shade, then you should generously dilute it with matte white or milky white. It is these soft warm colors that will smooth out the cold bottle look and make the room lighter, and therefore more spacious.

It is not at all necessary to decorate all the walls with any version of green. The interior looks good where only one wall is green and the rest are decorated in white. An interesting option is when the four walls have different shades of light green.

If you can use it in a large room different materials, then in a small room you shouldn’t resort to this decor option. It is better to limit yourself to one type of material, or at most two. For example, ceramic tiles on one wall and painting the rest.

Plumbing and furniture in green bathroom design.

Here it is important to correctly play with colors and details, taking into account the size of the room.

In a small room, decorated with green of any shade, the best option There will be white plumbing and furniture. It is clear that a minimum amount of furniture can be placed here. These can be towel rails, shelves or shelves for cosmetics, in a large room they are often installed small closet for towels and other bath accessories. You can't do without a basket for dirty laundry and clothes hangers.

If the walls are dark, then the furniture and fixtures can be light green. Dark green plumbing looks gloomy, so it is better if this color is used here only as edging or individual small details. Furniture and plumbing fixtures can be light brown.

How to properly arrange lighting in the bathroom.

The lighting in such a bathroom should be arranged in such a way as to resemble natural lighting as much as possible. The traditional option would be installation on the ceiling. In this case, lighting is needed at and near the sink. Usually this Wall lights And . Light can be white in a bright interior, especially in combination with lush green and yellow or when creating a feeling of transparency of colors, bottle shades with grays and pale blues. In other cases, warm yellow light will be preferable.

What accessories are best suited for this design.

You should not load this room with numerous accessories. If there is a window in the bathroom, then you should put a pot with one large indoor plant or several pots with small flowers there. If the bathroom is decorated in a minimalist style, then instead of traditional indoor plants You can put a container with bamboo shoots.

Small vases from clear glass with small branches, also made of glass. Mirrors are a must-have accessory for any bathroom. There may be not one mirror, but two or even three.

In a small bathroom, the mirror can be replaced with mirrored cabinet doors.

Small photographs of landscapes and bouquets on the walls look interesting. If only one wall is decorated with green, then it is better to place such photographs on opposite wall. Directly above the bathtub you can hang a large photograph, almost the size of the bathtub, depicting wet foliage or grass, a garden in the rain, and so on.

If the floor is tiled, then you just need to put a small oval or round carpet on it, depending on the size of the room. It should be darker than the floor.

Green color gives a lot of scope for imagination. Everyone can create their own special interior in which they will feel comfortable.

Photo of a green bathroom.

Green is considered one of the most suitable colors for the bathroom. It promotes relaxation, lifts your spirits and creates the perfect backdrop for water treatments, giving you the feeling that we are in nature. Note also that green bathroomfashion trend this season.

So, we decided to choose a variety of shades of grass and foliage for the bathroom. What should you take into account?

Green can be either “warm” or “cold”. The first variety includes the following shades:

  • salad
  • pistachio
  • olive
  • swamp
  • bottle

Cool tones are:

  • mint
  • emerald
  • turquoise
  • aquamarine (sea green)

It largely depends on its size. For small room“cold” shades are more suitable - they contribute visual expansion spaces, while “warm” ones, on the contrary, make it intimate but cozy.

  • Green is rarely used as a monocolor. “Too much” will have the opposite effect and, while in such a bathroom, we will feel psychological discomfort. You can either combine several different greenery options, or dilute it with other shades, preferably neutral ones.
  • It is undesirable to use so-called “neon” colors over a large area: lime, poisonous grass, apple, and so on. It is better to choose complex colors for them - the interior will look stylish and noble. Differs in sophistication dark green color: shades of moss, bottle, myrtle. But it is only suitable for spacious rooms.

On photo– shades of green in the bathroom interior:

Bathroom design in green tones. Options

In rooms with large area and good natural light, it is quite acceptable to use rich green colors in the decoration of walls and floors.

For a small bathroom, even combined with a bathroom this method is not suitable. Here it is better to choose pastel shades of mint or turquoise for the walls, or even better to make them white by adding bright green accents. This is quite enough to create a feeling of freshness and closeness to nature, especially if living plants are used as decorative elements.

Wall decoration

Most often they choose for the bathroom:

  • Ceramic tiles
  • Colorful compositions on water based or plasterer
  • Vinyl wallpapers

For English or Provence style, painted wood panels are sometimes used.

Green bathroom tiles

In order not to overload the interior, colored tiles are laid in fragments, alternating them with finishing in neutral tones: beige, white or gray. You can emphasize the shower area, or highlight the lower part of the walls - both solutions look very impressive.

Advice: Instead of ordinary tiles, it is better to use mosaic panels. They are made up of elements of different shades, as a result of which the surface of the wall seems to shimmer and shimmer.

Waterborne paints or plaster

The second most popular material for finishing walls in the bathroom. It can be combined with ceramic tiles or wood panels, creating an eye-pleasing play of textures.

It is better to choose colors not rich, saturated, but muted shades. Against this background, classic white plumbing will seem even more elegant.

Bathroom design in green color with painted walls photo below:

WallpaperFor bathroom

Their main advantage is a complex, multi-colored design that relieves the interior of monotony.

As a rule, floral prints are selected for green wallpaper, which immediately creates an atmosphere in the bathroom spring garden or tropical jungle. Swimming among greenery, even if painted, is double pleasure. And for greater realism, you can use a photo panel.

Advice: For small bathrooms, wallpaper with a light background and a small floral pattern is more suitable - it will not “eat up” the space.

Bathroom interior with green floor

This option is also possible. The most interesting design solution– when tiles of the same color and configuration are used for walls and floors. However, it is undesirable to decorate the entire bathroom in this way, so as not to cause psychological discomfort. Some of the walls are finished with another type of tile or, for example, plastered (see. photo):

Emphasis on furnishings

If green walls and the floor for some reason do not seem attractive, we suggest Alternative optionbathroom furniture the same color. It will remind you of summer days and please the eye no less.

In this case, the walls can be made light, giving the room as a whole lightness and airiness, as in the following photo:

Green plumbing

A colored sink can be incredibly beautiful if it is made of glass or painted ceramics.

Sometimes in the interior of a bathroom you can find a cast iron bathtub painted in various shades of green.

The only plumbing fixture that should be left white is the toilet.

Attention : any colored plumbing fixtures should not be installed in rooms with a rich color scheme, otherwise they will be “lost” against the general background.

Examples green shells and bathrooms on photo:


IN design of a green bathroom with a small area decorative elements play a special role. They become the main color accents against a generally neutral background.

Literally two or three bright spots are enough: a frame for a mirror, a shelf for cosmetics or a set of towels to make a monochrome bathroom sparkle with all the colors of a summer meadow and forest.

Bathroom in green tones. Style selection

Due to the variety of shades, green is considered a universal color. It is equally suitable for classic and modern interiors.

The following will only benefit from its use:

  • empire style
  • baroque
  • English
  • retro
  • eclecticism
  • modern
  • eco-style

In Provence they use only a shade of mint, less often, whitened pistachio.

The only style where green looks alien is minimalism, which is characterized by an achromatic palette.

Classic style

Deep tones are preferred for this direction:

  • olive gray
  • emerald
  • jade
  • Irish greens
  • mustard
  • veridan
  • pastel mint
  • light turquoise

In combination with white stucco, marble sanitary ware and gold-look accessories, they look elegant and aristocratic.

Green bathroom interior classic style, photo:


Bright colors are acceptable here:

  • chartreuse
  • spring bud
  • lime
  • Granny apple
  • salad
  • sea ​​green

However, they should be used in small doses and balanced with calmer shades.

Photo modern interiors:


This is where green really has a place! Moreover, in its pristine, natural form. Living plants will not only decorate the bathroom, but also improve its microclimate, and at the same time our well-being.

Of course, the “indoor flora” will need to be looked after very carefully. But the therapeutic effect of her presence in the room will be worth the effort.

Combination with other colors

The use of two or three colors in the interior makes it more “alive” and comfortable to perceive.

If the main color is green, perfect couple he will have:

  • gray cool shades
  • brown
  • white
  • beige

Combinations of green and black in pure form they try to avoid, diluting the duet with various shades of white and gold.

The white and green bathroom looks fresh and elegant:

Combinations of green and brown shades often found in nature. That is why such a range has a calming effect on us.

Another similar tandem is beige and green:

In a black and green bathroom, the third color is not at all superfluous. It helps soften this dramatic combination:

As we see, green bathroom design amazingly varied. The main thing is that such a room also has therapeutic effect. Even if someone likes other shades, it is necessary to introduce at least a few elements of green into the interior of the bathroom.


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