The meaning of the female name Polina. The secret and meaning of the name Polina

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Polina is briefly and affectionately called: Lina, Polinka, Polyakha, Polya, Polyusha, Polyasha, Polyukha, Pasha, Pusya, Polyusya. Synonyms of this name are different nations are: Peilan, Pavlina, Pauline, Pauline.

Origin of the name Polina

Polina is a Russian (Orthodox or Catholic) name. There are several options for the origin of the name Polina. The first one - the more common one - states that given name descended from Apollo (sun god from Ancient Greece) and means “dedicated to Apollo” or “solar”.

Depending on the translation, the name can be interpreted as “liberating” or “liberated”, but in this case Porlyushka may be one of the variations of the name Apollinaria, which Slavic peoples more common, due to a more euphonious and harmonious sound and easier pronunciation in the Russian manner.

The second version of the origin story of the name Polina is French. According to this version, Polina is the feminine form of the name Paul, translated from Latin as “baby” or “small”. Among the Slavs, the analogue of the French name Paul sounds like Pavel.

In addition, the French have another option for forming the name Polina. In accordance with this version, this name is derived from the French Paulina (Paula, Peacock, Polen, Polin) - the female version of the name Pauline (Peacock).

So what does the name Polina mean?

Polina (Peacock) is derived from the generic or personal nickname of the Romans (the so-called cognomen) Paulinus (Paul). The origin of the name Polina for a girl, in accordance with this statement, will be interpreted as “small” or “modest”.

As mentioned above, the name Polina is short form names Paulina, Apollinaria and Pelageya. However, in our time, Polina has become an independent name and is used independently. Short name Lina can also be regarded as an independent name, and the diminutives Pasha and Polya often refer to other names.

In the (Orthodox) calendar the name Polina, as well as Paulina (Pavlina), is not present. When Polina is baptized, she is given the name Apollinaria or Pelageya.

Polina in childhood

Porlyushka stands out among other children like an expensive bead: friendly, responsive, flexible. She always sympathizes, calms and consoles, sincerely rejoices at the successes of other children, there is no envy in her at all. She seems to be filled with love for animals, people and all living things.

Schoolgirl Polina is always in the forefront of helping teachers, and with classmates she is extremely tactful and helpful. Thanks to her analytical mindset, exact sciences are easy for her, and due to her emotional maturity, she can easily learn the humanities, and in general Polya studies well. In her studies, for little Polina, the first place is understanding the subject, and not assessing knowledge. However, praise is very important for Polina; she considers it vital and mandatory.

The fields are unusually clean. He often takes part in active games, although he also likes other types of leisure. But Polina’s health, unfortunately, is far from ideal. The main problems are related to the respiratory system. She gets colds more often.

Adult Polina

As an adult, Polina really loves to look good and dress beautifully, having excellent taste. At the same time, Polina is very economical and will give preference to a hand-sewn item rather than something bought in a store. In any matter, Polina is reliable and thorough, thanks to which those around her take advantage of this and dump their worries on the woman. She is selfless and, like a child, can enjoy every little thing.

Among her qualities, selflessness is also manifested, and even if her husband flirts with best friend, Polina will try to justify him. However, one should not endlessly take advantage of her forgiving nature.

Polina in the family

Family comes first for Polina and is much more important than her own interests. Therefore, business ambition, professional success and career practically do not interest her. As a rule, she is looking for a job that will give her the opportunity to be at home more often.

Polina does not have extramarital affairs; infidelity and lovers are absolutely alien to her. These are very good mothers, they enjoy attending parent meetings and actively participate in the work of the parent committee. Unfortunately, marriages (especially the first) often fall apart.

Compatibility with male names

According to Khigir, the name Polina is compatible with Yuri, Alexander, Konstantin, Vitaly, Efim and Denis. The name Polina is incompatible (according to Khigir) with Igor, Vadim and Anatoly.

Polina's strengths and positive sides

Sociability, spirituality, cooperation, tendency to think alone, consistency and extrasensory perception. The personality is developed harmoniously, with a subtle sense of beauty and all-consuming love.

Polina is tactful and intelligent; nature itself gave them inner nobility. These women are always attractive, even with disproportionate facial features. They are characterized by delicate taste and a sense of proportion, which is reflected in everything (including everyday life). There is nothing disharmonious or ugly in their home.

Negative aspects of the name

Other sources claim that Polina is characterized by deceit, indifference, increased emotionality, indifference, immorality and unsociability. She easily follows her passions, can be a lazy person, a sybarite and a glutton.

Polina's talismans

In accordance with the origin and meaning of the name Polina, the following protective talismans have been determined for girls and women:

  • Stone: selenite.
  • Planet: Saturn.
  • Plant: lotus.
  • Zodiac sign: Capricorn.
  • Wood: poplar.
  • Color: light blue.
  • Totem bird: swan.

How does the name Polina influence fate?

Feelings of duty and responsibility, tolerance, thirst for justice, and kindness awaken energy in Polina, which she happily shares with others.

Despite this, in Polya’s soul there may be resentment at the injustice of life, in which, in her opinion, her parents and loved ones are too simple, which means that she is not chosen and second-class. If such thoughts become stronger in her head, then an explosion of negativity towards loved ones and acquaintances is inevitable.

Selfishness and weak character, a sense of the importance of her own opinion, the absence of authorities, superficial interests and the feeling that everything is easy for her, convince Polina of her own uniqueness, specialness and irresistibility.

Moreover, Polina’s spirituality depends on stability, which means it increases with prosperity. That is, later they will become truly important for her. social status, social status and material well-being.

Is it possible to avoid such a personality transformation? Of course, if, from childhood, spiritual principles are embedded in the girl’s consciousness, which will subsequently restrain blackmail and greed.

With proper upbringing, Polya is harmonious and balanced, combining cheerfulness and seriousness in her character. Girls and women named Polina are good-natured and very sociable. Polina is not arrogant or arrogant, although she is not without a certain amount of pride and self-esteem.

Thanks to patience, hard work and mentality, Polina has many opportunities and chances to achieve high success in her profession, but her career (as mentioned above) does not interest her. The main qualities of these women are absolute selflessness and the ability to forgive. Polina will not be offended and for a long time remember the insult.

The most main value in her life (much more important than material or professional success) are loved ones and family. Polina is a wonderful housewife, a caring mother and a loving wife.

Full name:

Similar names: Pavlina, Polin, Pauline, Peilan

Church name: -

Meaning: sunny, modest, small

The meaning of the name Polina - interpretation

The meaning of the name is what will accompany a person through life. Polina, like many female names, is shrouded in a flair of tenderness and sublimity, associations associated with something light and weightless. But when making a choice, the girl’s parents want to know with certainty what is hidden behind the euphony of the syllable.

The name Polina has two theories of origin:

  1. Greek. The Greeks were and remain fans of beautiful and meaningful names. According to this version, the name Polina is a shortened form of male name Apollinaris, meaning "solar". Based on this, one of the common meanings can be judged – “solar”.
  2. French. This option takes us back to the origins - Latin, which endowed the name Paul with the meaning “small”. From it, according to some linguists, the name Polina was formed, which can be interpreted as “baby”, “small”.

Despite the difference of opinions on this matter, linguists have come to a simple conclusion - the name has two different meanings among different nations, and the choice of possible decoding depends only on the child’s parents.

Name Polina in other languages

Astrology named after Polina

Favorable day: Saturday

Years later

As a child, Polina is a wonderful child. She is calm and obedient, easy to get along with and loves communication. The girl prefers all types of recreation - she can easily spend the day reading an interesting book or playing active games with her peers.

Thanks to his innate modesty and charm, Polya will become the life of the party from childhood, gathering children around her, with whom she will feel free. It is worth noting that only a respectable and open person can attract her attention.

Polina does not like mean and deceitful people, which explains her selectivity in communication. She is characterized by sociability and kindness, charm and humor.

IN adolescence Polina has a love of learning and a penchant for the humanities. She assimilates knowledge easily; there is a desire for it, and not for good grades. Her innate sociability allows her to make friends and learn new things from communicating with them.

Polya excels in her studies. Thanks to this, she has no problems at school. Choice future profession will depend mainly on the environment, and not on the girl’s personal preferences, since Polina is capable of becoming an equally good doctor and artist.

Polina is extremely calm emotionally. She is unfamiliar with quarrels and squabbles, and deceitful and unscrupulous people are unpleasant, which is why she selects her circle of close friends very carefully. The young lady is endowed with a good sense of humor and loves to laugh.

Kindness makes Polina an excellent mother and caring wife. Polinka is attentive to her loved ones and never forgets about their comfort. Thanks to her early emotional maturity, she easily resolves conflicts and does not allow quarrels over trifles, being the keeper of the family hearth.

In adulthood, Polya will become a completely self-sufficient woman, prone to self-criticism a little more than required, but confident and calm. This is reflected in her communication with loved ones, her ability to support in difficult times and take care of the family hearth, without forgetting about her needs.

Thanks to her qualities, Polina is an excellent listener, knows how to support with advice and sincerely rejoice at the achievements of others. There is no envy or malice in her, which makes her truly kind and sympathetic, which some people can use for their own selfish purposes.

Polina's character

Polinka is not prone to stormy showdowns, but you shouldn’t irritate her - this is the main secret of the name, because this woman can behave contradictory. The lady is sociable, she has a great sense of humor, which is noticed by everyone around her.

In adulthood, Polya will become a person who does not like the pressure of authority. Therefore, she relies more on her own experience than on outside advice. Thus, we can talk about the integrity and independence of nature.

Polina is prone to excessive self-criticism, which at times leads to real self-flagellation, which hinders her development as a person. She also has an excessive desire to patronize, becoming an obsession.

We are talking about an ambiguous woman who can be cold and thoughtful. Polya, unfortunately, is prone to frequent melancholy and unreasonable fears. The person who pisses her off will face a real hurricane of anger and negative emotions.

Polina's fate

A name has a significant impact on a person's life. Much depends on it, but not everything. You can predict what awaits the girl Polina by looking at her character. Polina's defining feature is independence, so she will leave native home early enough, but will not break off relations with parents, but will support them throughout life. Polina does not skimp on helping her father and mother financially, even being financially limited to one degree or another.

She will get married early and give birth to her first child, but such a marriage, alas, will most likely be unsuccessful. The second husband will adore her for her ability to avoid conflicts and her responsible attitude towards everyday issues. Polina spends a lot of time with children and is prone to overprotectiveness over them.

She is inherently nepotistic, so we can say that in her old age, Polya will organize all kinds of family gatherings, trying to unite her family and friends and becoming the center of communication and love for them.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Polina is not a careerist. For this purpose, she has no vanity, no desire to assert herself at the expense of professional sphere. Work will become for her only a means to achieve comfortable life, but if the husband copes with this on his own, she will prefer life and children.

In this regard, Polya is likely to choose a creative profession that will be similar to her hobby. Despite her inclination towards both the exact sciences and the humanities, she feels more comfortable in the role of a journalist, designer, artist, artist, stylist, etc.

But thanks to her natural thirst for knowledge and love for children, Polina will become an excellent doctor. She does not like intrigue, she does not make enemies in the work sphere, for which her colleagues and acquaintances highly value her. Polinka is an excellent specialist, as she devotes herself entirely to her profession, without chasing a career or position.

Developed intuition helps Polina in career advancement and making the right decisions. But the very first difficulties that will interfere with quiet and calm family life, will force her to leave her place of work in order to devote herself to her children and husband.

Marriage and family

Because of her character, Polina is unlikely to be happy in her first marriage, but her second will bring her many warm emotions and pleasant moments. Since she has devotion to her husband, she is meticulous and without haste in finding the man of her heart. Polya is a wonderful mother and grandmother.

She values ​​family unity and promotes it in every possible way. She likes to spend a lot of time with children, take care of them, sometimes excessively, and monitor family life, which, however, is not easy for her. She conscientiously fulfills her maternal responsibilities, not sparing herself.

Sex and love

Polina is capable of both passion and indifference. A woman is not indifferent to sex, but is emotionally and physically faithful to her partner, in whom she dotes. Polina will be capricious and demanding, reciprocating reciprocity. She is not easy to win and satisfy, because she is very selective and loves to test the patience of the partner she chooses. But at the same time, she is characterized by gratitude and the ability to meet the needs of the person whom she allows to her heart.

In love, Polya reveals herself gradually. Emotional openness for her equals trust, so it will take some time to get closer. This woman values ​​fidelity, respect and honesty in relationships, but there is also a tendency to idealize her lover, which can subsequently bring her a lot of grief.

Polina is ready to wait for the prince on a white horse, which is where her selectivity manifests itself. Can think for a long time, choose, discard options and look for new ones. This trait may seem arrogant to some, but Polya just wants to find a person who fits her ideal idea of ​​a sincere, honest, kind and responsive partner.


Polya is a sickly child who gets sick more often than other children. Her most vulnerable respiratory system. Therefore, colds are not uncommon, and are quite difficult for girls to tolerate.

In adulthood, Polina will need more rest, so she should pay attention to leisure, team events sports and don’t abandon them. There are often problems with nervous system, so Polya needs to switch to something, she should not give up a peaceful rest alone with herself and those loved ones who have a positive effect on her emotional state.

Interests and hobbies

Polina is characterized by the fact that she does not see a gender difference in hobbies - she will be equally willing to go shopping and actively support her favorite football team. She is not characterized by perseverance, but collecting stamps will be a real find for our heroine and will occupy her attention for a long time.

She has a need for an active lifestyle. That is why a sports team game will be chosen, which will appeal to all family and friends.

By giving a child a name, parents actually program his destiny. And the name Polina in this regard is an excellent choice, since its best qualities can make its owner happy.

Meaning and origin of the name

The origin of the name Polina is quite ambiguous. It is believed that Polina is a short form of a number of names that were once popular, but have almost gone out of fashion today. Among such names are Apollinaria, Paulina and Pelageya. And although today Polina is an independent name, with its own abbreviated forms, the connection with old names still going strong.

The meaning of the name Polina, therefore, directly depends on its origin. The name Apollinaria takes us to Greece, to the name of the solar god Apollo. The name Pelageya is the same Greek origin and it means “sea”. Paulina is believed to come from the male name Paul - “little”.

This is the official Catholic name, but in Orthodoxy girls named Polina are not baptized. They are given for the sacrament of baptism Orthodox names, such as Pelagia or Apollinaria.

Fate and character

Polina's character is not the easiest. She can be very impulsive even when communicating with strangers. Many men have the impression that the Polinas are like impregnable fortresses that cannot be approached even by a cannon shot, but in reality they are very modest and even complex. Polina is afraid of new acquaintances, and no one knows the reasons for this fear except themselves. At the same time, she can charm a man almost immediately. She only needs a couple of minutes of conversation for this.

On life path Polina often rushes from one extreme to another - she is either too serious and gloomy, or cheerful and cheerful. Polina is characterized by firmness in her convictions: she has her own personal opinion on everything, which she prefers to defend in disputes or even impose on everyone around her. Because of this, by adulthood, Polina sometimes has few friends. But they are the most faithful and closest, because she will always come to their aid even in the most difficult situations.

In love, Polina is very demanding. They are stubbornly looking for their soul mate or waiting fateful meeting, that’s why they don’t get married for a very long time. When this happens, the marriage is usually very strong. Polina is a great mother, wife, sister, because she will always come to the rescue. From the outside it seems that Polina dreams of building a career and earning a lot of money, but in fact, her main value is the comfort of her home.

In terms of money, Polina is ready to give a lot for the security of her children and for confidence in the future. She can invest significant amounts of money in a house or apartment, so that the result is a cozy family nest.

The universal shortened form of the name is Polya. Usually Pauline is always called full name, and their parents and other close people call them Polya or Polyusha.

The shortened form helps Polina adjust her character and be a less aggressive and impulsive person. Polya is that sweet and pleasant girl who is a little shy and smiles sweetly. She is modest and calm. Various are alien to her negative emotions. And when she leaves the house and becomes Polina again, she may be a completely different person.

The meaning of the name Polina for a child: choosing a name for children

It’s not always easy for a girl named Polina, as she is quite secretive and reserved. It is simply incomprehensible to many children, so early childhood may become a gray mouse. But if someone is friends with her, she will maintain a long-term relationship with this person. Parental support also plays an important role.

Pauline's performance at school is average or high. Their hobbies are not always clear to the people around them, but this does not prevent Polina from becoming self-sufficient. Most often they love foreign languages, mathematics, physics or chemistry. When giving your child the name Polina, develop both language and mathematical abilities so that the girl can choose who she will become in the future.

Energy name

If we draw a parallel with some physical object, then Polina’s energy is similar to an impenetrable safe weighing several tons. She doesn't need compliments - she knows she looks good. She doesn't need praise because she always knows she deserves to win. And if there were no people left in the world, then a girl or woman named Polina would cope with the end of the world better than others. Its energy is very stable and cannot be penetrated even by armor-piercing shells.

Polina's birthday

This is a Catholic name, so women with the name Polina who profess Orthodoxy in Russia always have a second name, Orthodox. Among Catholics, Polina's name day is celebrated on the following dates: December 2 and November 9.

What middle name is suitable for the name Polina?

Dmitrievna, Vladimirovna, Petrovna, Fedorovna, Ivanovna, Leonidovna, Gennadievna, Andreevna, Alekseevna.

Characteristics of the name Polina

IN higher power Polina rarely believes, which is why talismans are used infrequently. They trust only themselves and believe only in what they see, but nature has created for them a good supply of auxiliary amulets.

Lucky number: the imprudent but energetically strong nine that completes the digital series.

Zodiac signs: The name Polina best suits two Zodiac Signs - Capricorn and Virgo. Polina knows how to count money, wants to be a free and respected person, and is also wise beyond her years.

Plant: poppy and poplar. Poplar is a big tree, which absorbs any negative energy without harm to itself, and the poppy is a symbol of beauty and wisdom.

Patron planet: heavy, strong and judicious Saturn, which forces people to rely primarily on logic rather than intuition.

Metal: platinum, free, independent and self-sufficient.

Element: water. Polina always wants to be where she feels good, so she does everything to achieve personal comfort.

Patron animal: Pisces are usually good for the water element, but Polina’s calmness is something more. The whale is both wisdom and freedom.

Stone-amulet: ruby and topaz. Topaz is a source of health for Polina, and ruby ​​regulates emotions, helping Polina to be more open and reasonable.

Favorable days weeks: Saturday and Thursday.

Name color: blue, turquoise.

Famous Polinas: singer Polina Gagarina, writer Polina Dashkova, pilot Polina Osipenko.

An ideal mother, a self-sufficient lady, an interesting conversationalist and simply nice man- all this is Polina. And the characteristics of this name, dedicated to Apollo, only make her stronger.

Numerology of the female name Polina

The number of the name Polina is nine, almost infinity, which at the same time carries thoroughness. She stands firmly on her feet, relying on her own strength. Her judgments are somewhat categorical, but always sincere. In general, honesty for her is not an empty phrase, it is a life principle, a vector that guides. Polina expects sincerity from those around her, but she doesn’t always receive it... A more detailed numerological analysis of the name is available.

All names in alphabetical order:

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A girl named Polina is always affectionate, kind and sympathetic. She will always come to the aid of the weak. Often, Polina is very attractive, primarily due to her spiritual qualities.

Translated from ancient Greek, the name Polina means “sunny”, and translated from Latin it means “small”.

Origin of the name Polina:

There are two versions of the origin of the name Polina.

The first version of the origin of the name Polina claims that it comes from the French male name - Paul, which, in turn, comes from the Latin word “Paulus”, meaning baby, small.

The second version says that the name Polina is derived from the name Appolinaria, which has Greek roots and comes from the name ancient god sun of Apollo.

Character and interpretation of the name Polina:

Polina is always very friendly and kind to everyone. Her main features are openness and responsiveness. She is ready to selflessly take care of defenseless animals, babies, and old neighbors. She is not familiar with the feeling of envy - she will sincerely rejoice in the successes of her comrades along with them. This girl has a love for all living things.

Polina is not a very good student at school, although she tries. More inclined towards natural sciences. She always fulfills all the instructions of the teachers and is always ready to help them. Classmates respect and love Polina for her responsiveness and willingness to help at any time. She will always stand up for her younger comrades and will not offend a stray kitten or puppy.

Having matured, Polina continues to protect the weak, seek justice and help loved ones. She can handle any job. Management has no doubt trusts her complex tasks, because Polina will always finish what she starts and produce high-quality results. Colleagues appreciate her for her thoroughness and reliability in all situations. She doesn't really strive to climb high career ladder, it doesn’t matter to her how prestigious the specialty she received. He usually chooses professions that require great care and thoughtfulness. She will be an excellent accountant, economist, document specialist, librarian, translator, turner or seamstress.

Polina loves to take care of herself, knows how to sew and knit, dresses beautifully and with charm, and knows how to choose jewelry and accessories well for her outfits. He always communicates openly and does not know how to flatter or deceive.

Family for Polina is the most important thing in life. She will never limit her husband’s desires; she will always let him go out with friends. She herself is a homebody, and if she works, she will try to find a job that will be as close as possible to her home. She often does not believe in her husband’s infidelity and tries in every possible way to justify her husband. She herself is not attracted to romances, infidelities and lovers on the side. For her, peace and tranquility in her family is above all. Coming home from work, he immediately begins to do household chores. Order and comfort always reign in her house. She cooks wonderfully and loves to receive guests.

Having become a mother, Polina tries to devote most of her time to children, she is always interested in their lives and successes, and will always suggest the right way out. difficult situation. In her family, it is customary to go to parent-teacher meetings, consult and communicate closely with the children’s teachers, and keep abreast of all the events happening with relatives. When Polina's children grow up, she continues to help them and take care of them.

Several centuries ago, this name received a large number of both peasant and noble children. IN Lately the name Polina has lost its former popularity and is becoming less common.

Polina - Russian Polina - French version of the canonical 11ol - small.

Polina's name day according to the church calendar:

  • January 18:Apollinaria, St.. [venerable woman who labored in male form]
  • April, 4:Apollinaria, MC.

Characteristics of the name Polina

Little Polina is an active, cheerful and friendly girl. She listens to her parents, always helps them in everything, loves their company and attention. However, she can be quite stubborn if she wants something, and knows how to insist on her own. Polina is rarely capricious, but if she loses her temper, she is uncontrollable: she screams and stomps her feet.

Polina learns easily without any effort special effort. She is capable, diligent, and carries out tasks carefully. Polina is especially good at humanitarian subjects; she loves to read and write poetry. Polina has an ear for music. She sings beautifully and draws well. Polina is diligent and tries to be one of the first in everything. She is active, readily takes on any assignment, and participates in school events. Polina tries not to stand out and be polite, but sometimes she gets into an argument with the teacher. This is where Polina flares up, can be rude, goes “on principle”; At the same time, she does not know how to argue: she hears only herself. She has friendly relations with her classmates, Polina finds everyone mutual language.

Adult Polina is extremely reasonable and prudent. She carries herself proudly, defiantly; looks down on others. In fact, this is her protective mask - Polina constantly doubts herself. She is sociable, conscientious, and approaches her work creatively. Despite her uncertainty, Polina is not afraid of difficulties, preferring to face them openly rather than hide behind her own timidity. If desired, Polina is able to work hard, with complete dedication, and achieve excellent results. She communicates little with her colleagues, as a rule, considering them not smart and capable enough. Polina can be too straightforward, openly express her negative opinion about someone, while not caring at all about the person’s feelings. She is able to make a career in the trade sector, become an excellent teacher, educator, medical worker. Polina is a person of art: she can be a brilliant actress, poetess, artist. But career usually interests Polina little. She is convinced that her calling is to be a wife and mother.

Polina has a large number of friends. She gets along with people easily and knows how to behave in any company. Polina is a reliable friend, she will not refuse help and will not demand anything in return. You can trust her: Polina is not talkative and treats other people's secrets tactfully.

Polina is a charming, charming, spectacular woman. She is surrounded by fans, flirtatious, but attentive and reasonable. Polina cannot be confused by passionate confessions or subtle, refined courtship. She is looking for a wealthy, serious man, standing firmly on his feet and looking at life soberly. In marriage, she needs stability, material well-being and reliability. With a successful combination of circumstances, Polina becomes an excellent, skillful housewife. She doesn’t sit idle for a minute; everything is burning in her hands. Polina is an amazing, sensitive mother who easily finds an approach to children. She is strict, demands respect and decent behavior, and cares about their education. Polina respects her husband's relatives and demands a reciprocal feeling towards her own. Polina is a faithful and caring wife. Usually her husband remains faithful to her.


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