Acrylic facade plaster "lamb" Facade plaster lamb Mineral plaster lamb

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Making the wall decoration less primitive is very simple. A decorative mixture of the “lamb” type will favorably beat the surface, make it voluminous, and hide unevenness. Textured coating creates a rough layer due to the graininess of the mixture itself. Used for interior and exterior decoration.

Textured “lamb” plaster: features

“Lamb” is distinguished by good impact resistance, high frost resistance, resistance to climatic influences, and ease of application. The material is considered environmentally friendly: it contains quartz, marble, and dolomite. Mixtures for outdoor use contain special water-repellent components based on polymers. An optimal microclimate is created in the room and condensation is prevented. The finished mixture is balanced in such a way that the plaster solution with minerals, when mixed and applied, forms a single mass. Sand in normal cement-sand mortar may settle in the container. The minerals in the “lamb” retain their position until they set and harden. Dry matter consumption per 1 sq.m – 2-5 kg.

Application of decorative plaster “lamb”

Before applying plaster, clean work area from loose layers, oily stains, paints. Pre-treatment with a primer is recommended. The range of use of internal and lamb is quite wide: applied to brick, concrete, plasterboard, cement-sand base.

The principle of mixing the finished mixture must fully comply with the instructions indicated on the packaging. A paste-like consistency is obtained using the attachment of an electric drill or a construction mixer. After mixing, let the paste sit for 5 minutes, then repeat mechanical mixing. The solution is applied to the surface with a trowel, a stainless steel trowel, and leveled with a grater, spatula, or rollers. Mineral granules leave grooves that create a decorative coating.

When mixing the solution, calculate its quantity so that the area covered at a time “reaches” the openings or areas with a different finish. This way you will avoid visible joints.

Internal and external finishing premises are an entire art that requires certain skills. This does not mean that it is impossible to master it on your own. One option that is really worth trying is Lamb plaster. It is applied quite simply, and the result cannot but please. What type of finish is this and what components are included in it? This will be discussed in the article.

Finishing features

Everyone wants to make their home unique. Especially it concerns standard projects, which are practically no different in appearance. One possibility is to select original finish for walls. Textured plaster or, to put it correctly, textured putty makes it possible to implement an idea in a short time. Decorative putty is nothing new. For example, “Lamb” plaster was used back in the days of the Union. In fact, everyone knows it under the name “Fur Fur”. This is a surface finish layer that resembles a rough surface that can have different shades.

This finishing method is used for both interior and exterior work. The grain structure shades the light differently depending on the time of day, so it may differ visually. The advantage is that it can be used on surfaces various types. This type of finish can be applied to concrete wall and even on gypsum plaster. Due to the fact that the surface is non-uniform, it is easy to give it the required texture. You can make imitation wood. Due to this, this type of finishing is often used not only in residential but also in public places.

Another interesting finishing function is camouflage. Plaster makes it possible to hide various surface flaws on the walls. At correct application irregularities and cracks cease to be noticeable. “Lamb” plaster copes well with the role of additional waterproofing for walls, so it can be applied on top of insulation. The finish also protects surfaces from exposure ultraviolet rays and mechanical influences. This type of plaster has a long service life and therefore does not require periodic updating.

Finish properties

If the choice fell on “Lamb” plaster, then you don’t have to worry about choosing a color. It can have almost any shade, everything will depend on the pigment used. In this case, you can make a combination of various colors, creating patterns or applying images. The characteristics of this type of finish also include:

  • excellent adhesion;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • moisture resistance;
  • elasticity;
  • ease of use;
  • chemical resistance;
  • availability of materials.

The finish has excellent adhesion to surfaces, so there are no difficulties during application. The plaster, having gained the required strength, perfectly tolerates sudden temperature changes. It is important to understand that it is applied only at above-zero temperatures. The base has good elasticity, so it is easy to apply to the wall surface with a regular spatula. Behind finished finishing easy to care for. She washes herself with water and a washcloth. In this case, the liquid does not affect the surface layer in any way. The plaster performed well when exposed to various weather conditions. Due to its composition, the finish is resistant to chemicals. Some of them can affect the color, but not the structure of the plaster.

Advice! The pigment can be added not only to the base of the plaster, but also the finish can be painted immediately after drying.


You can find it in hardware stores ready-made composition, which does not require separate mixing of components. All you need is correct proportions water. The product contains environmentally friendly substances that are not capable of harming humans. Some types of product additionally contain components that add elasticity or water-repellent effect. The main fillers are natural materials. Among them are:

  • dolomite;
  • marble;
  • quartz.

Thanks to natural ingredients the dried layer is vapor permeable, which promotes normal gas exchange. This ensures unimpeded escape of moisture. If it accumulates in or under the insulation layer, then there is a high probability that extensive intervention and replacement will have to be carried out building materials, because mold can develop on them. At the same time, the room is not airtight, which guarantees an excellent microclimate for residents.

The plaster mixture contains components of various grain sizes. This is necessary to obtain the final drawing. There is no sand in the “Lamb” plaster. This allows, after drying, to obtain a surface that will not crumble, since classic plaster requires grouting due to grains of sand that settle on the surface. In this case, there are no problems with applying a certain pattern to the surface. In the photos provided you can see the undeniable advantage of such plaster over other types of finishing.

Unfortunately, this kind of composition cannot be prepared with your own hands. Special equipment will be required to grind the components to the required fraction. In addition, it is necessary to dose each of them in certain proportions to obtain the desired result. The ratio of elements must be such that they form a homogeneous surface without protruding components of large or small fractions.

Preparatory work

Finishing work begins with preparation. This applies to both the surface on which the finishing will be carried out, as well as the required tool. Regarding the latter, the following products should be highlighted:

  • masking tape;
  • spatulas of various sizes;
  • plastic bucket for mixture;
  • construction mixer;
  • gloves;
  • pigment or paint;
  • metal half

Masking tape will allow you to clearly mark the area where the finish will be applied. In addition, it can be used to separate fragments.

The main attention should be paid to preparing the surface that will be covered with plaster. If this is not done, then you can forget about the long service life of the finish. The first task will be to thoroughly clean the surface of the facade or wall from various contaminants. This is especially true for various solvents, oil compositions, and paint coatings. If you don't get rid of them, then over time they can come to the surface and ruin its appearance.

The wall may already be finished with plaster. In this case, it is necessary to analyze what state it is in. If there is the slightest hint of peeling, then it is better to knock it down, because later it will fall off with finishing, which will incur additional costs for the purchase of material. Application over an old finish is allowed if it was done recently and does not interfere with adhesion to the “Lamb” plaster. Large cracks and potholes are sealed so that finishing is not wasted on them. Next important step preparation is to strengthen the surface. The process is carried out using a primer composition deep penetration. It is important to allow a drying period before applying the plaster.

Note! If the primer absorbs quickly, several coats may be required. Between each of them you must wait the required time.

Preparation of the composition

Proper preparation of plaster also plays a role important role what the end result will be. Each manufacturer indicates the required proportions on the product packaging. It is important to adhere to them. It is worth knowing that water is poured first into the container where mixing will take place, and then the dry composition is added to it. This is done for greater convenience. If you start pouring water into dry plaster, it may simply scatter throughout the room. By mixing the composition with your hands, it is difficult to achieve the desired result, so it is better to use construction mixer.

Beat until you get a homogeneous mass that resembles thick sour cream. After several minutes of mixing, it is necessary to leave the composition for a short time so that the moisture is completely absorbed. Next, you will need to mix the components again before use. You can take plaster from the container in any way convenient device, which can be used to apply the composition to a spatula.

Application process

The application process for “Lamb” plaster is not as complicated as for a regular fur coat. Depending on the quality and material of the surface, consumption can range from three to five kilograms of the mixture. Apply the composition to the wall using a spatula made of of stainless steel. You should try to distribute the composition in an even layer. In this case, the granules, which subsequently form a pattern, are distributed randomly. It is important to ensure that there are no visible seams between individual lines of plaster.

Advice! To make it easier to hide the seams, they can be moved to the corners or hidden behind various decorative or other elements, for example, a drainpipe.

The applied plaster solution should not remain unused for a long time, as it may set and then it will be difficult to achieve the required result. After distribution, it is necessary to grout it. During the grouting process, granules of a large fraction form a pattern that resembles bark beetle burrows. To get a classic lamb, you need to make circular movements. Some people prefer to erase lines vertically. This finishing option looks somewhat more solid. It will be easier to do the work with an assistant who will timely prepare a new portion of plaster for finishing. This approach will allow you to achieve uniformity of the surface, as well as proper drying.

It is worth understanding that if finishing has been started, then it is important to finish it without interruption. This concerns one of the planes. Otherwise, transitions will be noticeable, which will spoil appearance finishing. Work must be carried out in dry, cool weather. On the one hand, this will prevent the plaster from being exposed to excess moisture from rainwater, and on the other hand, it will prevent cracking from rapid drying. The weather should also be calm so that various inclusions do not stick to the wet plaster. Until it dries completely, the plaster can be protected with film or construction mesh. The process of finishing with such plaster can be seen in the video below.


As you can see, finishing with “Lamb” plaster is practical and has a pleasant appearance. This finish will delight its owner for many years, without requiring special care. It is worth understanding that during the process of using the finish, the cracks will become clogged with dust, so it will need to be cleaned from time to time.

Lamb plaster has been popular since the times Soviet Union. It was then that it was applied as a coating “under a fur coat.” It has a pebble texture with different grain sizes. Is used for decorative finishing facades and processing interior walls premises. It is applied to almost all mineral substrates (gypsum, cement-lime, clay, lime plaster compositions).

It is often said that the bark beetle and the lamb are similar, so what is their difference? The fact is that both mixtures contain mineral fillers and have a pebble structure. However, the bark beetle allows you to achieve a grooved texture, and the lamb allows you to achieve a rough, evenly granular texture. Both of them have excellent consumer characteristics, but create different decorative patterns on the surface.

A mixture is produced from white cement highest quality, functional components from leading European manufacturers, mineral fillers. IN acrylic compositions an acrylic resin dispersion is also added. It is applied not only to concrete, plasterboard and gypsum bases, but also to slabs made of mineral wool. If the room is in an area with a high level of humidity, where fungus and mold often spread, then a bactericidal composition (protective layer) is applied on top.

Also eliminates oil and grease stains by special means. Any unevenness, potholes or cracks are smoothed out with plaster. Dilute the mixture according to the recipe indicated on the package. Next, the base is primed with a composition suitable for the specific base. In this case, all work must be carried out at a temperature from +5 to +30 ° C (preferably +20 ° C) and a humidity of about 75%.

Next, lamb textured plaster is applied. It is poured into a container, diluted in water and stirred until creamy. Leave the solution for 5 minutes and stir again. It is important to use it within 1.5 hours, since it is during this time that it retains its properties. Moreover, during operation it is important to periodically stir the composition.

The material is applied with a special stainless steel grater. The thickness of the entire layer is made equal to the thickness of the grains. The result is a surface with a rough structure due to the grains. The drying time of the layer directly depends on the air temperature, as well as the absorption capacity of the base.

You can see the process of applying and using the material in more detail in a special video, in which lamb plaster is shown in the process of work, and is applied by master finishers. This will greatly help you during the finishing process.

Textured plaster Lamb for finishing the facades of the house. Finishing the facades of buildings is an important matter during renovation or at the final stage of construction.

There are many options. Entire systems for constructing facades have been developed, from simple designs to complex complexes.

All activities are reduced to one goal, the materials used for finishing outside walls, must perform complex tasks.

All such tasks can be accomplished with Lamb textured plaster. It has been tested by many years of experience. Except positive feedback to your address this material has no other information.


Composition of the mixture for the production of textured plastering

  • The finished mixture is produced on the basis of M400. In modern compositions, cement is replaced with acrylic resin or on a silicone base.
  • Add crushed to the base granite chips. The size fractions range from 1 mm to 4 mm. The percentage of crumbs in the composition is increased to 85 units. This allows you to obtain an even textured layer with the required pattern.

Fact! Textured plaster Bark beetle is, in principle, identical in composition to Lamb, but the percentage of crumbs in the mixture is 40 units. This is necessary to produce furrows along the main binder layer. This surface looks like wood eaten by a bark beetle.

  • Coloring pigments are added when making the mixture. Initially, the composition has a gray or whitish color, which corresponds to the base. Alternatively, painting can be done after the material has been applied and dried to the walls.

Surfaces suitable for applying Lamb plaster

Textured plaster has no special opposition from basic materials load-bearing walls. A layer of this mixture is applied only to the base layer of ordinary plaster. As a conclusion, we can conclude that Lamb plaster is applied to a flat surface with a cement base.

The only one an important condition is the need to use plaster mesh when applying the base coat. on a surface decorative plaster Not only are they clearly visible, but they can accumulate unwanted moisture. Under the influence of frost it leads to the destruction of the material.

Surfaces to be plastered:

  • Reinforced concrete wall slabs.
  • Ceramic masonry or ceramic blocks.
  • Wall blocks made of foam concrete or
  • Wall surfaces are pre-finished with insulation made of mineral wool slabs or expanded polystyrene slabs.

Preparing the surface for applying decorative plaster;

How to prepare the Lamb mixture with your own hands:

  • The dry mixture is poured into a container.
  • Water is added gradually.
  • The composition is stirred with an electric mixer to obtain an even, homogeneous mixture. The consistency of the material should resemble thick sour cream.
  • If you decide to use color, it is necessary to add coloring during the process of mixing the main ingredients.

Important! To obtain a uniform color in batches of different times, it is necessary to divide the dye into equal parts and add an equal part of the pigment to the same amount of the mixture. The new composition is mixed in a clean container. This must be taken into account to avoid adding tone from the previous batch.

How to properly apply the finished mixture to the surface

To work, you need to prepare a rectangular steel trowel, a plasterer's trowel, a wide paint brush, a roller for applying a textured pattern, a polyurethane float for leveling the surface, and scaffolding for performing work at heights.

The process itself consists of simple steps:

  1. The finished surface plastered with a base layer is treated with a primer to remove dust.
  2. The solution is applied with a trowel to the lower third of the wide part of the trowel.
  3. The tool with the material is positioned relative to the wall surface at an angle of 45 0. By lightly pressing the trowel, it is necessary to apply the plaster to the wall in a layer equal in thickness to the size of the grains in the material. Work is carried out from bottom to top. It is immediately more convenient to apply the solution to an area of ​​no more than 2 m2. This method will allow you to work with the material to level and grout the surface until it sets within 10 minutes. To obtain a simple, flat surface with a classic lamb skin pattern, rub the surface with a polyurethane grater in a circular motion with light pressure.
  4. Then the next square is covered.

Interesting! To give a special surface pattern, you can use textured roller. The depth of the pattern is chosen relative to the thickness of the layer. The surface can also be refined with a simple shoe brush. A unique pattern is applied using circular movements. In case of an error, corrections are made with a wet paint brush.


When choosing decorative material It is better to use proven mixtures with a base of simple cement. This material is simple, reliable and not expensive. New resin-based materials do not differ in quality from the classics. But their cost is much higher.

You should not perceive the plastered surface only as a dirty gray area with traces of rubbing. Modern views finishing materials, for example, textured ones, which include “lamb” plaster, provide a completely different look for the treated surfaces. Applied even to an uneven surface, decorative “lamb” plaster can radically change its appearance, turning previously unsightly irregularities into an element of the play of chiaroscuro on the wall or an interesting flow of an endless pattern. Well prepared flat wall, covered with a layer of such plaster, only benefits from it, combining noble straightness with the volumetric texture of the top layer, devoid of monotony. This composition can be used to cover both the external surfaces of a building exposed to atmospheric and natural influences, as well as interior spaces, requiring high level environmental safety.

Composition of “Lamb” plaster

The plaster contains only safe and environmentally friendly mineral components, although the version for external use may contain water-repellent components based on certified polymer materials. But the basis of the plaster will still be natural components - marble, quartz, dolomite. In addition to being environmentally friendly, the coating is vapor permeable, which ensures a comfortable indoor microclimate and prevents the formation of condensation. Carefully selected aggregate particle size distribution, balanced with density plaster mortar, allows mineral particles with a diameter of one to several millimeters to form a single mass. Unlike sand in ordinary plaster, which settles on the surface, freed from water, the mineral granules in the “lamb” plaster remain in the volume of the mixture until the very moment the entire laid material sets and hardens. This is what allows you to always create an individual pattern for your surfaces. She can serve decorative layer, since the whiteness of the finished coating is at least eighty-five percent, and may even be the basis for painting. A photo will tell you better what “lamb” decorative plaster might look like on your wall than lengthy explanations.

Plaster application technology

Before applying plaster, the surface should be thoroughly cleaned of dirt. There should be no traces of oily liquids, oil paint, peeling finishing layers or loose inclusions. It is advisable to pre-treat the surface with a deep penetration primer recommended for it. If the bases are too smooth and do not have the necessary roughness to ensure adhesion of the plaster layer, then they are coated with an appropriate primer paint. Plaster can be applied to any base, provided these requirements are met - concrete, brick, plasterboard, cement-sand and others.

Having prepared the surface, you can begin preparing the plaster solution. To do this, mix the prepared dry mixture with water in the proportion indicated on the package. The resulting solution, which has a paste-like consistency, is thoroughly mixed using a special attachment with a construction mixer or electric drill. After the first mixing, the mixture must be given time to consolidate for five minutes, after which the operation should be repeated. Ready solution can be applied to the surface to be plastered using a trowel or stainless steel trowel and leveled with the same trowel. At the same time, mineral granules are distributed randomly during grouting, leaving a mark on the surface corresponding to the size of the granule.

It should be taken into account that in order to obtain a homogeneous surface, without visible technological joints between the grips, you need to correctly calculate the area covered at one time and combine the joints with some wall elements, for example openings, drainpipes or areas with other types of finishing.

While the plaster is wet, the grips can be combined on a flat plane, but after drying, this will lead to the appearance of visible joint. Working with plaster mixture, it is recommended to re-mix it from time to time to prevent separation in the container. To answer many questions about how to apply decorative “lamb” plaster, see the video below:

can give a comprehensive answer. After laying the plaster mortar and smoothing it with a float, a characteristic relief is formed decorative surface. To form the structural relief of the surface, not only graters are used, but also other tools, such as a spatula, sponge or special rollers. So that it remains of the same quality and separate places did not differ from each other, it is important to ensure the same drying and strength gain conditions, protecting the plastered area from direct influences sun rays, wind, precipitation and other natural influences. Naturally, façade “lamb” plaster may be mainly exposed to these risks; it is enough to maintain standard conditions indoors. Depending on the thickness of the applied layer, the consumption of dry mixture per square meter decorative plaster "lamb" is from two to five kilograms.


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