The mezzanine is a living space practically made of thin air. Second floor in a one-room apartment or bedroom on the mezzanine: related work on the second floor Mezzanine floor and second light

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> Mezzanine floor: approval of a mezzanine floor in a non-residential premises, building, apartment and mezzanine design

Approval of the mezzanine floor (mezzanine) and obtaining permission from Mosgosstroynadzor

Modern industrial, commercial, warehouse and sports facilities allow you to get additional square meters for organization utility rooms, storage of goods, production premises, office and retail space, entertainment complexes and other usable area, thanks to the expansion of the usable area due to the installation of a mezzanine floor.

Mezzanine floors (mezzanines) and similar designs solve this issue with relatively minimal material costs. The development and installation of interfloor slabs is a rather responsible process.

The mezzanine can be either a floor or a mezzanine, usually at least 2.10 m high for technical premises. In factory workshops and hangars, it is advisable to build mezzanine floors for management personnel.

In apartments, the permissible height of the mezzanine floor must be at least 2.5 meters according to SNiPs and SanPiNs.

Project of a mezzanine floor in an apartment and non-residential premises (building)

The addition of a mezzanine floor, within acceptable capabilities, without increasing the height of the building, allows you to increase the number of storeys and, accordingly, increase the area of ​​the premises without large capital costs.

Engineering and design solutions can be different and are based on a technical examination of the condition of the load-bearing and enclosing structures of a non-residential premises (building), private house or apartment.

The addition of a mezzanine floor (mezzanine) in an apartment, non-residential premises, building or private house requires a full range of preparation of permitting documentation and mandatory obtaining permission for reconstruction from Mosgosstroynadzor.

For the installation of an intermediate mezzanine floor there is also a sufficient amount constructive solutions. Much depends on the nature of the use of the mezzanine floor under construction and future loads on the floors.

For apartments, offices and others non-residential premises, where a small load on the interfloor floors is permissible, it is possible constructive option made of metal and floor made of wooden board.

For more significant loads during the operation of the mezzanine floor, the recommended option is a monolithic floor on corrugated sheets laid on the metal structures of the interfloor floors. Corrugated sheets in in this case performs the function of formwork for concrete screed.

For finishing the premises on the mezzanine floor:

  • with floors made of wooden boards, you can make walls and ceilings from lining or MDF panels;
  • with a concrete floor, the choice of finishing can not be limited, but can be finished like a regular office: walls - plasterboard, ceiling - suspended Armstrong.

The installation of mezzanine floors is by definition a reconstruction!

The construction of a mezzanine and mezzanine floors is a reconstruction and requires mandatory obtaining permission from Mosgosstroynadzor (Moscow State Construction Supervision Committee), since in accordance with the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (Article 51): reconstruction is a change in the parameters of objects capital construction, their parts (height, area, number of floors, indicators production capacity, volume) and quality of engineering support.

Admiring a high ceiling is irrational. It is necessary to use not only every square, but also every cubic meter dwellings.

A mezzanine floor helps to significantly expand the area and functionality of a house or apartment. Before you decide to remodel, get acquainted with SNiP standards, design nuances and projects of modern interiors. Do not forget that any changes must be agreed with the relevant authorities.

What is a mezzanine floor - definition and standards

The exact definition of a mezzanine floor can be found in the rules “Residential multi-apartment buildings” (SP 54.13330.2011). Today, a mezzanine in an apartment or house is usually called an internal area located within one floor and occupying no more than 40% of the area premises. This is the current version of the previously valid SNiP.

Please note that the main difference between a mezzanine and a full floor is that it cannot occupy more than 40% of the room in which it is designed and be higher than 1.8 m. If the superstructure takes up more than 40%, then it will be considered a floor (SP 118.13330.2012). The mezzanine is used not only in residential buildings, but also in hotels, thereby separating functional areas.

There are strict design standards for mezzanine floors. Established by standards the sufficient height of the room according to SNiP is at least 2.5 m. If the ceilings are 1.5-1.6 meters higher than required, then you can think about an add-on. When designing a mezzanine in a new house, it must be immediately included in the project.

At minimum permissible height It is better to build a room over non-functional areas. For example, above cabinets, hallway, kitchen work area, library. Often the platform is built above the bathroom or dressing room.

If the extension is small, it can be done over part of the living room, for example, over the area in which the TV is installed, furniture wall or other furniture. The floors floating in the air above the work area look good.

The only exception where it is permissible to ignore the norms is at the dacha. Country house with a mezzanine floor can be of almost any height, but still do not forget about comfort and plan a mezzanine in the house less than 3 meters high.

Work plan for the construction of an additional floor

To make a mezzanine area in an apartment according to all the rules, follow the plan:

  1. Contact specialists and order a technical condition examination load-bearing structures Houses.
  2. Get your hands on a conclusion about technical feasibility construction of a mezzanine based on an examination.
  3. Order a mezzanine floor project and submit it for approval by the relevant authorities.

If an additional floor is planned in a new house under construction, then it must be included in the project at the stage of developing the entire housing project. It's simpler, more reliable and safer. As a result, you can get a full-fledged one-and-a-half-story house.

Types and design features

The design of the mezzanine floor can be beamed or beamless. IN beam structure the beams rest on the load-bearing walls of the house or specially erected supports. Floorings are laid on beams.

The design includes:

  • load-bearing beams installed along the walls (reinforced concrete, metal I-beams, channels, wood);
  • load-bearing flooring ( wooden boards, lined hollow concrete panels);
  • floor beams forming the floor and ceiling;
  • flooring;
  • ceiling decoration;
  • protective curbs;
  • stairs.

The construction of a mezzanine floor without beams is simpler - the floor slabs rest on supports or load-bearing walls. More common combined options With metal frame, resting on load-bearing walls or supports, and monolithic concrete floor, installed on the frame.

Some companies offer custom-made welded structures that are quickly installed and are not afraid of high loads. On wooden frame The flooring is made of wood, since it is significantly lighter than concrete.

Inside the site, lighting, wiring and other communications are provided. As a rule, a suspended ceiling (slat or tiled) is chosen, since it is convenient to attach it to beams. For monolithic slabs will do suspended ceiling. To avoid the “pressure” of the ceiling, you can provide a ceiling with inserts made of durable glass.

The price of a mezzanine floor depends on its size and the materials used for construction. The cost of work in regions varies greatly, so we will not indicate specific prices. Find several companies in your city and compare prices.

What to do on the mezzanine and what style it is suitable for

Considering small height mezzanine area in the apartment, areas should be located on it in which a person spends a small part of the time. Most often, mezzanines are equipped with:

  • bedrooms – main and guest – good decision for those who want to do ;
    children's rooms;
    recreation areas;
    corners for creativity (see how to make).

Often a one-and-a-half-story layout is used in offices and shopping centers. The height of production premises can also be partially reduced to accommodate small offices and recreation areas.

Not in everyone designer style you can use this add-on. The idea of ​​a mezzanine floor fits perfectly into loft and minimalism, but it will look ridiculous in classical directions. IN country house it is quite possible to choose for design or.

Secrets of arranging a mezzanine superstructure

What exactly will be on the mezzanine needs to be decided before its design. It is important to take into account all the technical and design details in the project.

Safety requirements

The mezzanine can become the most dangerous place in the house if you do not take care of the fences. You shouldn’t rely on your adequacy; you definitely need to set at least low curbs.

If there are children in the house, fences should prevent not only accidental falls, but also the possibility of climbing over them or climbing up. For permanent high fences, you can use impact-resistant glass or plastic.

If there are no children, air-permeable borders, for example, openwork or forged, are suitable. When arranging a bedroom above or a hall, it makes sense to provide curtains to provide a privacy zone and not depend on general lighting.

Which staircase is better to choose?

The design of the mezzanine floor necessarily includes a staircase. The main requirement for it is compactness; the staircase should occupy as little usable space as possible in the main room. At the same time, the steps must be comfortable and safe, especially if the superstructure is planned to be used regularly.

Most convenient marching stairs, which are most practical to place against the side wall of the main room. The design can be played up so that the space under the stairs is not empty, but is used in the interior. Rational approach - drawers on the steps.

Takes up the least amount of space as if floating in the air cantilever stairs, fixed directly on the walls. This option is acceptable if there is a solid wall. Reliability and safety are due to the fact that each stage is attached separately. According to standards, such a stage must withstand a load of at least 150 kg.

Very effective in modern interiors look spiral staircases, but they cannot be classified as convenient. Walking in circles takes some getting used to. This design is more suitable for young and sports people. But do not forget that it is almost impossible to lift anything along it. Advantage spiral staircase the fact that it can be installed not only from the edge, but also in the middle of the site.

What is important to think about in a project

Lighting. If the apartment does not have huge windows, and the mezzanine is located along blank walls, there will not be enough light, and it is necessary to install separate lighting. From large chandeliers it’s better to refuse, giving preference to built-in ones ceiling lamps, curtain lighting, wall sconces, floor lamps with high legs, table lamps.

Ventilation. To avoid shortness of breath and headaches, you need good ventilation. The easiest way to solve this problem is to install a split system with forced ventilation. This approach will solve two problems at once: it will ensure an influx fresh air and cools the room in hot weather.

Heating. If you don't want to heat the whole house, but want to provide comfort in the mezzanine area, use heaters. The most economical is infrared. It does not heat the air, but warms objects. Point heaters at areas that need warmth and avoid wasting money heating a large home.

The second method of local heating is a heated floor system. An infrared film floor is suitable for installation on a mezzanine. It does not weigh down or thicken the structure, is easy to install, safe and suitable for many types of finishing flooring. It is convenient to place the film locally - only in in the right places.

Furniture requirements

You will have to abandon heavy and bulky furniture in an apartment or country house with a mezzanine floor. Most often, furniture has to be delivered not by stairs, but by means of lifting devices.

Instead of a bed they are often used futon bed– metal or wooden frame, on which a high orthopedic mattress is laid. In minimalism and loft this is quite acceptable. This sleeping area low and light. If you can't do without a bed, choose the lowest Japanese-style beds.

It’s better to leave all the cabinets downstairs, and limit yourself to the mezzanine floor hangers. Strong walls are the way out. The cabinets can be made hanging. The same applies hanging tables and work areas.

If there is a window, consider doing it, this will allow you to get useful furniture without taking up space or adding weight to the floor.

Design ideas and photos of residential mezzanines

Get inspired by photos of beautiful mezzanine floors, see what designs professionals come up with for them, what furniture they choose, and how they organize the space. Please note that add-ons can be either very small, designed for only one bed, or full-fledged rooms. It all depends on the initial area and height of the room.

In a new country house, you can make a mezzanine around the perimeter of the large hall. In this case, on the superstructure floor it is possible to provide several different rooms– guest bedrooms, office, library. In some cases, doors can be used.

IN small apartment It’s rational to arrange a sleeping area or office upstairs. In a teenager’s room, you can select a sleeping area, freeing up space for games and activities. If there is very little space, then you will only get a sleeping place above a closet or desk.

Choosing live plants for placement in an area without windows, follow our selection tips or choose.

Now you know what a mezzanine floor is, what it can be made of and how to arrange it. The main thing is not to forget about the approval of the project and entrust the work only to professional builders. Safety and reliability- above all!

The high ceiling is an undoubted advantage of the room; it allows you to create additional space, for example, a mezzanine floor. To implement an idea, it is necessary to create a project, which, as a rule, does not require approval from the relevant authorities. But you need to make sure that the floor will be in harmony with the overall design; the type of ventilation, materials for construction with sufficient strength and stylistic design are also preliminarily provided. Do not underestimate the role of ventilation, since the upper part of the space is often quite stuffy and hot, and cooling systems work more efficiently when installed on external walls, which is not suitable for all options.

Mezzanine floor: definition

This word has French roots and is translated as upper small floor, located in the common space of the house. The apartments are also not deprived of the opportunity to receive such additional area, of course, provided the ceiling height is at least 3.5 meters. It is worth noting that the built-on platform should be no more than 40-45% of the total area of ​​the room. Today, the mezzanine floor has become popular again, and if previously it was used only to expand the space, now it is faced with the task of strengthening the interior solutions used.

Lighting and sound insulation

Being on the mezzanine should not lead to restriction of movement and discomfort, that is, when planning, the height of the people living should be taken into account. Creating a structure is possible not only in a room with a ceiling of about 4 m. It is quite common to equip platforms in low bedrooms: in the lower part of the room there is a bed, and for a cozy working area the main part of the room's height stands out. Organizing a personal workspace always remains relevant, as it provides the opportunity to be in solitude. An office, of course, cannot be imagined without a library or at least several shelves with literature. This brings to the forefront ensuring the strength of the structure and sufficient lighting at any time of the day.

Availability dormer window is the best option, but, unfortunately, not always possible. It is desirable that there are at least small windows and a large number of additional lighting fixtures, which is especially important for those who work at night.

Since there is active brainwork and new ideas and solutions are created, special meaning has high-quality sound insulation. But screens and partitions can only be used if there is no feeling of lack of oxygen and light; otherwise, you should limit yourself to glazing.


During the construction process, it is necessary to strictly follow the project, since the mezzanine floor, erected with your own hands, must be reliable and withstand the applied loads. Glued laminated timber is often used as the basis for the frame. The structure is fixed with specialized brackets on the walls and floor surface. The same material is used to fix the boards. The resulting space is optimal for placing guest beds, a relaxation area or an office. Open places it is advisable to close it with a wall of special materials, such as glass, lightweight plastic, or limited by railings to ensure proper safety.


Access to the mezzanine floor is only possible after the creation of a staircase, which may have a spiral or marching structure. In the latter case, there are two options suitable for different conditions- this is a small staircase with a steep slope, maintaining usable space, or classic with railings. Despite the original appearance and the compactness of the screw type, it is worth remembering its risk of injury due to the presence of non-standard steps. It is also almost impossible to carry large pieces of furniture on them, for example, a non-demountable bed. Regardless of the design of the staircase, it must first of all provide easy access to the mezzanine floor in the apartment.

Mobile compact staircase- this is one of the features of the lounge area. When choosing such a design option, special attention should be paid not only to architectural, but also aesthetic aspects, since such an addition constantly attracts the eye and should be distinguished by the harmony of proportions and materials used.

What to choose

A house with a mezzanine floor in the form of a recreation area is more of a whim than an urgent need. With this arrangement option, there is no need to allocate space for a high ceiling, since it becomes relevant to install soft, light armchairs and a low sofa, on which it is comfortable to watch the landscape.

IN modern design The organization of sleeping space on mezzanines is becoming increasingly popular. This new trend gives comfort to the family bed, due to its elevation above the rest of the space, and also winter nights The fact that the higher it is, the warmer the surrounding air will be relevant.

The mezzanine floor, the photo of which is presented below, can also be in the nursery. If there are restrictions on its height, there is a sleeping place on it, and below, depending on the free space, there may be a wardrobe or desk. This option is especially useful when arranging a small


It is important to choose the right environment for the additional space. Do not clutter the mezzanine floor; modest furniture content and intense lighting using lamps or windows facing south or south are best. east side. Such rooms are especially appreciated by collectors of books and antiques because they free up space on the main floor. Interior in light colors is more preferable, without the need to get carried away with filling in the form of accessories and painting.

What you need to know

Do not forget about the high risk of staying in additional space for older people and small children. It is also important to calculate the bearing capacity of the foundation, since a foundation that is mobile or located under an old house may simply not withstand the increased load.

Do not be upset if the ceiling height is insufficient and it is impossible to implement such an idea. If the room seems uncomfortable, despite the height not reaching 3 m, you need to look for the problem in inappropriate design. Low rooms have plenty positive aspects, such as lower repair costs and energy savings.

Address: Malaya Sukharevskaya sq., 2, building 2, 1st floor. Reception of documents – 1st floor, room. No. 1. Mon - Thu: 08 00 - 17 00. Fri: 08 00 - 15 45. Break: 12 00 - 12 45. Sat - Sun: days off.

They promise:

  1. The work is performed by highly qualified certified specialists.
  2. Stable prices for all services provided.
  3. Maximum consideration of customer wishes.
  4. Responsibility and commitment.
  5. Accuracy of calculations and agreement with the customer before the start of work.

Prices for services of the State Budgetary Institution "Expert Center" - please check, there may be some nuances

The period for preparing the conclusion is 20 (Twenty calendar days from the date of inspection of the premises).

List of works that require approval from the Moscow Civil Housing Inspectorate No. 508-PP:

1.1 Installation of new and rearrangement of existing gas appliances with the laying of additional supply networks.

1.2 Installation household electric stoves in return gas stoves or kitchen hearths

1.3 Replacement, transfer and (or) installation of additional equipment (engineering, technological) with an increase in energy, water consumption and (or) with the replacement of existing or laying additional supply networks (for non-residential premises).

2. Changing the interior layout:

2.1 Arrangement (relocation, change of boundaries) of restrooms and bathrooms.

2.2 Construction of load-bearing walls.

2.3 Arrangement of openings in ceilings (when combined (separated) vertically) with the installation of internal stairs.

2.4 Construction of openings in load-bearing walls.

2.5 Construction of openings in load-bearing (non-load-bearing) inter-apartment walls (with reinforcement in load-bearing walls) for combining (separating) apartments.

2.6 Sealing of openings in load-bearing walls and ceilings.

2.7 Changes in design and (or) installation of floors in houses with wooden floors.

2.8 Dismantling (complete, partial) of non-load-bearing partitions that support additional excess load of the ceiling (unloading).

2.9 Construction of partitions that create excess loads on floors (brick, tongue-and-groove blocks, expanded clay concrete blocks, foam concrete blocks, gas silicate blocks with a thickness of more than 10 cm or other materials that create loads of more than 150 kg/sq. m) in apartment buildings, including those with reinforced concrete floors.

2.10 Installation of partitions in houses with wooden floors.

2.11 Arrangement (relocation) of kitchens, kitchen niches.

2.12 Construction of a mezzanine with an area of ​​no more than 40% of the area of ​​the room in which it is being constructed.

3. Changing the layout of the premises using common property and (or) the appearance of the house:

3.1 Creation, elimination, changing the shape of window and doorways in external enclosing structures (walls, roofs) – without weakening bearing capacity structural elements of an apartment building and a residential building.

3.2 Creation of canopies, glazed canopies (within the existing boundaries of the terrace) on exploited roofs apartment buildings, which does not provide for an increase in the height of the building, heating and equipping newly constructed premises with engineering and sanitary equipment - without adding walls, including external ones.

3.3 Creation of entrances, entrance groups (stairs, porches and other areas) to basement or basement rooms or on the first floors of buildings within the dimensions land plot relating to the common property of the owners of premises in apartment building, including the installation of canopies and awnings outside the external walls of an apartment building - with total area no more than 10 sq.m., without foundation.

3.4 Creation (not involving the organization of the premises) of canopies within the dimensions existing elements buildings of an apartment building (landing stages, stylobates, etc.), as well as porches and stairs.

3.5 Construction of balconies, loggias on the first floors without constructing foundations and premises, including underground, under loggias, balconies and organizing heating.

3.6 Installation of fireplaces and (or) chimneys.

3.7 Installation on the facade of an apartment building ventilation ducts only from the yard side.

3.8 Other reconstruction and (or) redevelopment work related to the use of common property.

Cost - Terms - Guarantees
From - 25,300 ₽/m2; We have an SRO;
Manufacturing and installation from - 15 days;
We conclude a contract with a 2-year warranty;
Project and fueling complex at the conclusion of the contract

Modern office buildings, the newest shopping malls and logistics centers are pleasing to the eye original architecture, beautiful external sparkling decoration, lighting lights and a rainbow of advertising.

Not all of these buildings were built anew. Many of them have been reconstructed, extension or superstructure attic floor, some were completed from long-term construction, which had stood unused for many years.

Carrying out technical inspection parts of the building in order to determine the possibility of installing mezzanine floors in the gym area, increasing the total volume of the attic and basement at the survey site.

Design drawing for mezzanine floor


  • Definition of additional permissible load on attic floor from the condition of the strength of the floor crossbar.
  • Determination of additional permissible load on the outer columns of the frame

Objectives of the survey:

  • technical condition assessment building structures parts of the building;
  • determining the possibility of installing two mezzanine floors on the gym site;
  • determining the possibility of increasing the height of the attic floor.

Currently, when Newest technologies allow for the expansion of areas quickly and efficiently; it is impossible to do without the help of qualified experts. When planning to carry out a comprehensive reconstruction of their fixed assets, any owner must understand that it is better to diagnose the actual condition of the object in time than to incur significant financial losses later. A timely ordered examination of the technical condition will determine whether it is possible to demolish partitions, add additional volumes to the building, or add on a couple more floors that are desired by the owner.

The construction of a residential mezzanine is an excellent opportunity to diversify the layout for rooms with high ceilings. You can place a children's corner, a small office or a relaxation room on the mezzanine. How should such a nest be arranged and installed?

Residential mezzanine or dwelling mezzanine

We owe the appearance of residential mezzanines to France in the 18th-19th centuries, when small rooms for servants or privacy and relaxation began to be placed on the upper mezzanines of furnished premises. Over time, the dwelling mezzanine or residential mezzanine successfully migrated to our country and was instantly liked, and therefore took root.

The modern mezzanine no longer represents a traditional cabinet with doors under the ceiling somewhere between the corridor and the kitchen. Take it cooler! Today, the mezzanine is an excellent sleeping place, office, library or playroom, if, of course, the height of the main room allows for its construction.

A cozy “house with a mezzanine” can be compared to luxurious and equipped beds, as well as bunk bed attic. The installation of a mezzanine allows you to diversify the living space by dividing it into functional zones and making appropriate decorations.

Design and arrangement of the mezzanine

When installing a mezzanine, owners of apartments with high ceilings are lucky, because the installation of a residential mezzanine must be done at a height of about 210 cm from the floor. Mezzanines are used as the main structural elements of the mezzanine floor. wooden beams or metal structures.

However, the mezzanine should not be confused with the habitable mezzanine - a full-fledged level that is directly connected to the supporting structures. Therefore, there are special requirements for a room to accommodate a metal or wooden mezzanine. This is the creation of the necessary strength of the floor and load-bearing structures that can withstand the optimal daily load.

In addition, in order to get to the mezzanine you need to install a ladder certain sizes. Naturally, the construction and installation of the mezzanine must begin with the choice of its location.

How to choose a place for a residential mezzanine

Spacious rooms are appropriate for constructing a mezzanine square shape or elongated in height. Optimal height mezzanine and its area is justified if it maintains a ratio of 1:3 to the main area of ​​the room.

Places above a door or window, reminiscent of the location of the top bunk in a carriage, are absolutely not suitable for placing a mezzanine. We know, we went more than once. Instead of the supposed “saved” space, you can end up with a cramped and uncomfortable niche that no one will agree to climb into. But how impressive the thoughtful design of a studio or bedroom mezzanine looks.

Hey you up there!

Unfortunately, the vast majority of apartments with ceiling heights from 250 to 270 cm are practically not suitable for constructing a full mezzanine. But there is the possibility of some clever solutions that can create a mezzanine for the nursery game room. To do this, it is necessary to displace the lower tier.

So, for example, a desktop can be placed on the first tier, and the platform of the second mezzanine tier can be placed at a height of about 170 cm from the floor. Thus, from the cut out meters you can create a platform for installing a mezzanine. And if you move the first tier lower and arrange a small dressing room with drawers there, then the second tier will rise even higher, freeing up space for the mezzanine.

By the way, the area for the mezzanine is optimal with a size of 3.5 m. This will allow you to place a sleeping place or a place for games in it, if we are talking about additional space for children. Cozy bedroom The mezzanine always enjoys increased attention and interest among children.

mezzanine studio

The design of the studio mezzanine should be openwork and spatial. Therefore, the studio mezzanine must be carefully planned, taking into account the location of particularly loaded areas. Therefore, to create this type of mezzanine without elements and stairs, they of stainless steel not enough.

For rooms with sufficient height to accommodate mezzanines, it is possible to create a gallery-type room. This means that the studio mezzanine will encircle the room on both sides. Moreover, one of the sides of the gallery can be expanded into an area where you can place a table, chair and bookshelves.

The use of effective materials - duplex glass and frameless fencing - will completely destroy stereotypical ideas about a closed space. Such “transparency” will eliminate strict confidentiality and introduce a note of openness and trust. It is preferable to use galvanized steel as a material for beams and load-bearing structures. Statically fixed glass fencing installed perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the roof and floor.

Construction of a residential mezzanine with your own hands

material selection

By its design, the mezzanine consists of support beams and a ceiling located on the beams. Depending on the chosen model, supporting elements and beams can be metal or wood. To install a mezzanine you will need: steel profile, bolts for fastening and the base of the ceiling.

As a base, you can use fiberboard boards, boards, plywood and polycarbonate boards. It is better to give preference to plasterboard as external cladding. Between external cladding It is recommended to lay soundproofing material over the ceiling.

installation of mezzanine: floor beams

The installation of a mezzanine begins with marking and installation corner profile. It is important to remember that the reliability of the entire structure will depend on the reliability of the installation of the corner profile.

Then the floor base is laid. In the case where the mezzanine is installed on supports, it is necessary to take into account the load-bearing characteristics of the floor. And again, preliminary calculations for installation will not hurt.

When building a mezzanine with your own hands, the thickness of the shelf must be at least 20 cm, including the thickness of the floor beam and boards. If the thickness of the shelf is less than this size, you will have to strengthen the structure by introducing additional stiffeners.

The main parts of the supporting platform of the mezzanine are longitudinal and cross beams. You can make beams with your own hands from timber and rolled metal - I-beams, T-beams and channels. The advantage lies with metal structures that do not vibrate or sag from the weight of the mezzanine.

But it is recommended to use a metal structure for fastening after calculating the loads on the floor. To support the mezzanine, it is preferable to install support pillars. In exceptional cases, it is possible to use a tie-down attachment point. Long anchors are used for fastening to tie rods.

Selection and installation of stairs

The tiered arrangement of the residential mezzanine will require the installation of a staircase. Such a requirement may affect your mezzanine plans, because any staircase takes up a lot of space. So, for example, to climb to a residential mezzanine, to a height of more than 2 meters, you will need a staircase with 10-14 steps.

Most comfortable stairs for lifting to the mezzanine is considered marching staircase. If the room's capabilities do not allow you to install this type stairs, you can use an ordinary attic ladder.


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