Business in a large garage. Garage Business Ideas

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Today, many entrepreneurs produce high-quality and unique products, the competitiveness of which is quite high. Did all these people really have decent start-up capital and production premises from the beginning? Most likely not, they started their business with a mini-production in a garage. They simply chose the right direction for the development of their production and found opportunities to start their own business with minimal costs using our own garage as a production facility.

Let's take a closer look at several profitable earning ideas that can be turned into a stable source of income.

Production of country benches

Original garden accessories are popular among residents country houses. Therefore, it is excellent to establish the production of such a popular product as country benches. In addition, the production of benches does not require the entrepreneur to have any special carpentry skills or expensive tools. In the manufacturing business, it is important to be able to borrow worthwhile ideas and create unique products based on them.

The raw materials for making country benches are lumber from construction stores. Production premises- garage, the main thing is that it is dry. Of the tools and equipment for the production of country benches in the garage, you must have:

  • Chainsaw;
  • Circular saw;
  • Welding for working with the metal base of the benches;
  • Grinding machine;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Jigsaw.
To purchase the necessary tools, set up a carpentry workshop and purchase materials, you will need no more than 50,000 rubles. Thus, opening a mini-production in a garage is low-cost.

In order for manufactured products to be in demand, it is necessary, first, to produce universal models. Over time, when the quality of your products is talked about in neighboring areas, it will be possible to take on more complex - individual projects.

Sell finished products possible via the Internet, as well as on specialized trading platforms. High-quality product advertising will significantly increase the chances of success of your business.

One garden bench you can sell for 2000 rubles, a bench for 400. If you sell 5 benches and 10 benches per month, then the business will pay off in 2-3 months.

Your product range must necessarily include both expensive bench options (with armrests, pillows) and cheap basic benches. Then there will be more buyers.

Disadvantage of production garden shops, like mini production ideas in the garage, is seasonality. This must be taken into account when planning financially.

Manufacturing of animal cages, dog houses and scratching posts

The production of pet products is quite profitable. Small room ideal for such mini-production. To create animal cages you will need following materials and tools:

  • Wire with a diameter of 0.5–2.5 mm;
  • Plastic stands;
  • Special soldering iron;
  • Metal scissors;
  • Sandpaper and degreasers.

In total, to open a mini production of animal cages you will need about 50,000 rubles. The products are quite narrow-profile, so the project will pay for itself in 12 months.

A similar idea to making your own mini-production in the garage is making dog houses. To organize such a business you will need the following materials:

  • Boards;
  • Roof tiles;
  • Dye.


  • Woodworking Machine;
  • Welding machine;
  • Sander.

To purchase materials and equipment you will need about 10,000 rubles. The project will pay for itself in approximately a year.

Analyzing the demand in the pet products market, we can assume that making scratching posts is a potentially profitable business idea for small-scale production in a garage. After all, the most basic unit is sold for 500 rubles, and a system of devices for furry claws costs several thousand at a ridiculous cost of 250 and 1000 rubles. respectively.

Necessary materials:

  • Plywood;
  • Carpet;
  • Rope;
  • Glue.


  • Hammer;
  • Hacksaw;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Furniture stapler.

The amount of initial investment is 7,000 rubles. The project can pay for itself in a month if there are buyers.

Production of frame car curtains

In our country there is a law prohibiting the tinting of car windows. However, sun protection is necessary for anyone using a car. Therefore, opening a small production of frame car curtains in a garage can become good business even for a novice entrepreneur.

To make frame car curtains with your own hands, you will need special wire, fabric for lining and satin for processing the edges of the curtain. Costs for purchasing materials – 10,000 rubles. The payback period for the business is at least six months, subject to established sales of goods. Quick installation and dismantling of frame curtains – good protection from traffic police fines.

Car service

Despite the crisis in our country, the number of personal cars is growing every year. Therefore, the stations maintenance cars are in demand and make a profit. Enterprising men don't have to rack their brains. The answer is simple - a car service. However, there are a lot of types of services that repair shops provide. In order to open a universal car service, you will need to invest an impressive amount. Therefore, it is better to concentrate on some a certain form repair: tire fitting, engine or brake system repair.

Opening a tire shop will be relatively inexpensive.

Necessary equipment:

  • Jack;
  • Balancing stand;
  • Tire changer;
  • Vulcanizer.

? – purchase equipment, install it in your garage, register your business, hire workers and find clients. The amount of investment in opening a tire shop will be approximately 200,000 rubles. provided that there are two hired workers, the net monthly income will be 40,000-50,000 rubles. Tire fitting will pay for itself in six months.

Home forge

Forged canopies, awnings, grilles, gates, barbecues - this is not a complete list of what. In addition, equipment for a home forge can be made according to drawings yourself, which will cost much less (about 5 times) than purchasing ready-made machines.

In addition to the machine you will need:

From 1 ton of metal (purchase price 8,000 rubles) about 500 small products are obtained. 1 square meter forging costs about 2000 rubles. Net profit per month can be 30,000-50,000 rubles. Initial investment 70,000 rubles. Thus, a home forge pays for itself in a couple of months.

Production of cabinet furniture

Furniture that is so indispensable for the interior is now sold at an incredible price. If you analyze the offers on the Internet, it becomes clear that the cost of the offered furniture showrooms interior items are overpriced many times over. And although the competition in the market is noticeable, implementing a business idea in the field of furniture production in a garage will bring good profits. The main thing is to establish production quality furniture with non-standard practical solutions and put it up for sale at a reasonable price.

An important point In the process of implementing the idea of ​​​​small production of cabinet furniture in the garage, it is necessary to select or create sketches. Of course, you can use ready-made ones, but unique projects, created independently, have a greater chance of success. To create your own designer furniture special programs should be used. The next production stage will be sawing parts from the appropriate material (chipboard, plywood, wood-plastic, etc.), as well as drilling holes for assembly. The final stage will be assembly. Often, for convenience, this stage is implemented at the client’s premises after delivery of the furniture in disassembled form. Numerous videos of mini-productions in garages contain useful information for each stage of production.

The manufacture of cabinet furniture can be classified as . At the initial stage, you can only use hand tool and purchase inexpensive materials and accessories.

Making garden figurines

Owners of private houses are increasingly using local area not for growing potatoes, but to create space for vacationers and relaxation. Entire architectural ensembles are created on the plots using garden figurines. Making such sculptures is the idea of ​​a new mini-production in a garage for a private owner. Garden sculptures can be made from wood, plaster or stone.

This garage production business idea is suitable for creative people with a subtle artistic taste. The production of standard fairy-tale characters and gnomes with mushrooms will not bring much profit; there are enough such masterpieces in all regions of the country.

Opening a small business in the garage for the production of garden figurines should begin with the creation of molds for casting sculptures - matrices. At the stage of the birth of a business, creative people can make matrices on their own. First, a model of the future figurine is made from clay or wax, then it is covered with liquid plaster and dried. In the case of a clay model, the top of the plaster covering is cut and the model is removed. If the model was made of wax, it is simply melted. The gypsum matrix for casting is ready. It can later be used to create silicone molds.

The initial investment in the business idea of ​​small production in the garage of garden figurines will be 12,000-16,000 rubles. Payback will depend on sales volume.

Magnet production

In some homes, the collections of magnets brought from different places are simply amazing. People pay a lot of money to bring back a trinket with a photo of the city they visited. Magnets are one of the most common gifts from travelers. Although very often such souvenirs are produced in a completely different country. Based on this, we can assume that the production of photo magnets is a worthwhile new product for a garage business.

Making souvenir magnets is a good answer to the question: “?” and is quite easy to set up. The production of photomagnets involves only two stages:

  1. Selection and printing of a beautiful image (landmark, beautiful cityscape, or funny inscriptions and pictures dedicated to certain holidays);
  2. Gluing the printed image onto self-adhesive vinyl paper.

The cost of opening a mini magnet production business in a garage will be about 25,000 rubles. Payback period: 4–6 months.

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Production of countertops from liquid stone

Nowadays production kitchen furniture Increasingly, small firms are engaged in ordering individual components from other companies. And demand generates supply and new types of mini-businesses. A business idea for men in the garage, the production of countertops from liquid stone is potentially profitable.

The technology for applying “liquid stone” is not at all complicated. A mixture of starting materials is prepared and applied to chipboard surface or plywood, after the mixture has hardened, the surface is sanded and then polished until shiny.

Necessary equipment for mini production in the garage:

  • Drill;
  • Spray gun;
  • Orbital sander;
  • Manual frezer.

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A selection of the most profitable ideas with minimal investment in the garage. How to start production in your garage from scratch with your own hands? Earning options.

Garage Business Ideas

In this section you will learn not only how to open a business in a garage, but also how to make this business profitable. This area does not require large investments at the initial stage, so even a beginner can start. Profitable garage business ideas are an opportunity to start your own business with virtually no investment. At first glance, it seems that organizing your own business in a garage is an unpromising idea. But if you think about it, there are quite a few ways to make money by owning a premises. More detailed information you will find out in the articles.

Who doesn't dream of owning their own business? But sometimes all this remains at the stage of fantasies and plans, because becoming an entrepreneur is not so easy. However, if you have a garage, you are lucky because at least you have a room in which to house your production. Now all that’s left to do is decide on the type of activity. In conditions of economic instability, it would be very wise to organize production in a garage. Ideas from China will help you make your choice and understand technical issues.

The simplest solution

If you have a garage, but no car, the space should not sit idle in vain. You've probably noticed how prices for paid parking have increased. At the same time, the number of cars in cities is steadily growing. If you do not intend to open some kind of production in the garage, ideas from China do not inspire you either, just rent out your box.

On average, this type of activity can bring in about 5,000 rubles a month, which will be a good addition to the family budget. But this figure can vary significantly depending on the region, as well as the condition of your premises. In addition, the rent will differ significantly depending on the purpose for which a person rents your garage. Of course, if he plans to store his car or some equipment there, he should not count on big profits. But if a person wants to open, for example, a car service in your box, you have every right to raise prices or demand a percentage of the profit.

Production of toothpicks

If you want to open own business, a good start would be garage production. Ideas from China are captivating with their simplicity and accessibility. In this country, entrepreneurs have long mastered the intricacies of organizing small businesses and are successfully taking advantage of the opportunities provided by the compact, inexpensive equipment available on the Chinese market. So, for example, why don't you start making toothpicks? It would seem that this is such a simple object, but a person constantly needs it in the process of life. This way you won't have problems with sales. You can negotiate deliveries to local catering establishments, as well as small retail outlets.

But it requires some initial investment to open such a business in a garage. You will need special machine. It is quite possible to order it in some Chinese online store, which will ensure maximum savings. You also need to find a source of wood supply (very little of it will be needed). And, of course, take care of the packaging. Boxes can also be ordered from China at a minimal price.

On average, the initial costs for such a business are about 700,000 rubles. At competent organization production and sales, you can reach a net profit within a year.

Wooden blanks

All over the world there is a desire of people to engage in creativity. This trend can be used to organize production in the garage. Ideas from China inspire you to start making wooden blanks for subsequent decoration. If you have the skills to work with such material, use your imagination. All kinds of figures, boxes, plates, pots, boards and other items will be sold out with a bang.

Regarding initial costs: you will have to purchase a set of tools (about 15,000-20,000 rubles). At a wood processing plant, it is worth agreeing on a regular supply of raw materials. If your products are in demand, you may have to purchase milling machine. It will cost you about 200,000 rubles.

Wooden Toys

If you are planning to organize a business in a garage, production wooden toys would be a completely acceptable option. Now that even products for children are made from unsafe toxic materials, it is important to provide the market with environmentally friendly toys. Basically, this type production is very similar to the previous one. You will need about 150,000 rubles starting capital on tools and materials, as well as unlimited imagination. Safe toys will certainly be in demand.

Production of cabinet furniture

If you want to open a small business, making cabinet furniture in your garage can be a fairly profitable option. The first thing you will need is to purchase chipboard sheets. You can buy them for future use, and then personalize them yourself the required form. You can also contact production with a request to cut sheets according to the drawings and established sizes. In this case, the most necessary purchase will be a drilling machine, with which you will assemble furniture. Also, do not forget to acquire fasteners, fittings and other parts in sufficient quantities.

Packaging of goods

What kind of production to open in a garage? Think, maybe you don’t need to make anything. It makes much more sense to package what others have produced. Marketers unanimously claim that attractive packaging is half the success.

If someone is in your locality is engaged in the production of bulk products, you can work on a mutually beneficial basis. Start making packaging. To do this, you need to purchase packaging equipment and materials for packaging. Again, Chinese sites will come to your aid.

Production of wooden garden paths

If you are interested in production with minimal investment in the garage, pay attention to wooden garden paths. Considering the rapidly growing fashion for everything natural, residents of private houses will be happy to decorate their yard with such an environmentally friendly path. And your initial investment will be no more than 55,000 rubles. This amount includes the following purchases:

  • equipment for cutting trunks (chainsaws, sawmills);
  • grinding machines;
  • blowtorches;
  • forest (about 2000 rubles per cubic meter);
  • drying oil, antiseptics;
  • bitumen;
  • gravel.

Production of furniture covers

Few people think of producing furniture covers. Nevertheless, such items are in great demand. For example, to protect a piece of furniture during repair or transportation. And if you a real master business, then you can sew covers that perform decorative function and returning old furniture new life.

Mini-equipment for the production of covers in the garage includes very little. This is a cutting table and sewing machine, which can work with dense fabrics. Of course, we should not forget about consumables, accessories, scissors, needles and the material itself. The clients of such a small enterprise can be private individuals, as well as owners furniture stores. Covers can be useful in the hotel and restaurant industry.

Mirror production

If you are full of enthusiasm and determined to succeed, you can open a small production in your garage. For example, you can start making mirrors. The main thing is to master the technology. Thus, an aluminum or silver coating is applied to the glass as a reflective layer. The second method is more economical and less labor-intensive. To get started, you will need an investment of 200,000 rubles. This amount includes the purchase of such things as:

  • reagents for the production and application of a reflective layer;
  • table and industrial glass cutter;
  • Dryer; bath for silvering;
  • grinding machine;
  • electronic scales so you can measure exact amount reagents.

Having mastered the technology of producing mirror cloth, you will be able to provide a wide range of services. So, the greatest demand will be:

  • production of decorative mirrors of various shapes and modifications;
  • production of mirror tiles;
  • production of inserts for cabinet furniture or trade displays;
  • production of colored mirror mosaics;
  • production of walls for aquariums.

Production of decorative sculptures

If you're full creative ideas, you can organize a small production in the garage to produce decorative sculptures made of plaster or concrete. Such decorations are actively used in landscape design, office decoration and even apartment decoration. To get started, you will need:

  • required amount of raw materials;
  • special molds for casting products;
  • tools and containers for mixing the solution;
  • paints and brushes for decorative design products.

Of course, you can start your own business by producing primitive garden gnomes. But only exclusive author’s sculptures or those made according to individual orders will bring big income.

Foam processing

Profitable garage production is the processing of foam plastic to create decorative elements. This material has many advantages. Being cheap, it is easy to manipulate, and therefore you can give it the most intricate shapes. Such products are in great demand among decorators, because properly processed foam can imitate luxurious plaster stucco.

The initial investment is about 160,000 rubles. The main cost item is the purchase of a machine (it is also recommended that you first pay attention to inexpensive products from Chinese manufacturers). It is also necessary to purchase a sufficient amount of polystyrene foam. And then everything will depend on your imagination and skill. On average, the profit from one product is 300-500 rubles. With proper advertising, you can quickly build up a client base and make a net profit.

Production of decorative signs

Having a starting capital of about 10,000 rubles, you can organize a business in your garage - producing signs indicating house numbers and street names. This great option for a small family business, because similar products are in stable demand. Depending on the materials used, the cost of one sign can be 60-100 rubles (plastic, plywood, self-adhesive film). At the same time, such products can be sold for 200-300 rubles.


If you have an empty garage, this is a great reason to start your own business. Many large entrepreneurs started from small handicraft industries. It is quite possible that the simple ideas of the Chinese will lead you to dizzying success, and in a few years you will own your own factory or plant.

What to do in the garage to earn money. Several garage business ideas that will allow you to make money from empty garage space.

The average garage measures 4x6 meters and minimum height ceiling 2.2 meters. And, if your car is not parked in it, then this empty space can bring you a small income - from passive to active. And the larger your garage is, the more you will earn.

Doesn't have of great importance, how your garage is organized, it can be separate, or be a box in a garage complex. The main thing is that it has electricity or the ability to connect it, as well as the relative dryness of the room. This will expand the scope of business organized in the garage.

1. Responsible seasonal storage of tires and wheels

There are more and more cars in the city, and our serious climate requires that these cars run on certain types of tires in different seasons - summer and winter. Therefore, car owners have an acute question about storing these tires and wheels.

Offer him responsible seasonal storage of his tires or wheels in your garage. Of course, the driver can store them at home - on the balcony, where they take up a lot of space, or in the common corridor, disturbing neighbors not only with their size, but also with their smell. Or it can be stored in your garage for a nominal fee, for example, the cost of storing a tire per month starts from 50 rubles, complete wheels from 200 rubles and that’s for R15. The season usually lasts 6 months. From one tire per season you will receive 300 rubles, from a complete wheel - 1200 rubles.

Why do tire and wheel storage differ in price? Because the tire without rims is stored vertically, and the wheel assembly is stored horizontally, thereby taking up more space. The larger the tire or wheel, the more expensive the storage space is. At proper organization space, you can easily fit up to 600 tires or wheels (R15) in a typical garage.

All you need for such a business is to open an individual entrepreneur (to sign an agreement or receipt for the storage of tires) and install racks in your garage. Post notices in your area about tire storage. Offer an additional paid pickup and delivery service. If you fill your garage with only R15 tires per season, you will receive about 180,000 rubles or 30 thousand rubles per month.

If welding metal is not your thing, then try organizing a carpentry workshop for the production of stairs, cabinet furniture and other products. The demand for this type of product is stable, which means you can make money.

Among other things, you can make tin products - spillways, slopes, crowns, platbands - all this can be made of metal. Ready-made metal sheets in RAL painting are sold in any size and volume.

The simplest sheet bending equipment - mechanical sheet benders do not require electricity and cost from 70 thousand rubles.

Also, using similar equipment, you can make tanks, barrels, metal lining, metal picket fence and much more.

In any case, having your own garage opens up scope for business and the opportunity to earn money. They cannot be fit into one article or even a series. Therefore, we do not limit your imagination, we only indicate the directions for doing business. Because from a garage you can make a recording studio, an quest room, open a fastener production, make spray booth and much more.

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The opportunity to use the garage for work can provide an effective impetus for self-realization. It is usually believed that development will be possible exclusively in the automotive sector. But this is far from true. You can open a production within the walls of the garage building materials, engage in livestock farming or give preference Food Industry. It is important to correctly assess your capabilities and skills so that the “garage” business becomes promising. Like other types of entrepreneurship, it requires legal registration within the framework of legislation.

Business in a garage has its own specifics. There's not much room to give it a start major project. But this can be a successful endeavor, which can then expand beyond the four walls. If the garage is owned by the owner, then you don’t have to worry about additional rental costs.

Algorithm for creating a business in a garage

When you start any business from scratch, you need to develop a strategy and a business plan. It is important to correctly assess your financial capabilities, calculate expected costs and analyze possible competitors nearby. The key point is the demand for the area that will be chosen for implementation. To find out its relevance, you can use data on the Internet as a basis. If your own funds are not enough, you can apply for a loan from a bank. The main thing is that it becomes a driving force, and not a burdening yoke.

The next step is registration. It is important to choose the form of ownership. If it is difficult to do this on your own, then it is better to consult a lawyer. Then you need to figure out whether you need to hire staff. Hired labor involves additional expenses for taxes, excluding wages. But this way the business will develop faster. An important point is the interaction and consent to work from representatives of the sanitary, epidemiological and fire services. If this is necessary, then you first need to make repairs in the garage. At the next stage, the necessary raw materials and equipment are purchased. You can make a trial series of products or services to check the relevance and rationality of the idea. In this case, there is no need to purchase a lot of materials; the minimum will be enough.

Idea No. 1 - production of building materials

Construction is a promising field that is gaining momentum every year. That is why it is rational to engage in the production of building materials.

The choice of assortment depends on the preferences of the owner, his skills and competitiveness. You can start production paving slabs, cinder block, decorative cladding etc. When making a choice, you should remember that space is limited and the scale of production must correspond to it. Also, such a business can be very costly, because it will require expensive equipment.

It is difficult to cope in the production of building materials on your own, so you will have to hire a small staff. To attract attention to production, you can resort to marketing tricks and sell the product at a higher price. low prices than competitors. But when using this strategy, it is important not to forget about your own benefit.

Idea No. 2 - auto repair shop

This is the most obvious idea. The garage space is ideal for car repairs. If, moreover, repairs have been made to these walls previously and you have the necessary equipment, then you can significantly save on materials. Must be inspection hole to inspect the underside of the car. You can also consider the option of repurchasing the car, repairing it and selling it at a premium. IN Lately such a business has become very popular, but the niche has not yet been completely filled. This means that the competition is not very tough yet and you can try your hand.

It’s rational to open a car repair shop with experience repair work. If the master is a beginner, then it takes time to establish himself and win over his client. The advantage of this way to earn money is that you can get by on our own and save on the use of hired labor. In the garage you can do not only car repairs, but also related businesses - window tinting, airbrushing, tire fitting, etc.

The more services the workshop provides, the more profitable it will be. Therefore, it is worth expanding the master’s qualifications and learning new directions.

Idea No. 3 - mini-wash

Such a business of your own does not require large start-up investments. Serious working skills are also not needed. That is why most potential businessmen are inclined to open a car wash.

To properly equip your garage, you need to perform several manipulations:

  1. Equip drain hole or a well through which dirty water will merge.
  2. Purchase and install a special pump.
  3. Install the battery with the heater element.

It is also important to seal the room using metal sheets. All these actions do not require large expenses and can be covered in the near future. Car washes are very common, so it’s rational to slightly reduce the price of your services so that the client wants to come to a “garage” wash.

If the owner does not want to handle the process himself, then he can hire employees. One or two people will be enough, especially if the garage is small and many cars will not fit at the same time.

Because car washes are popular, you can take out a loan to start a new endeavor. His return will be feasible.

Idea No. 4 - growing mushrooms

Such a business is considered very profitable, but at the same time very problematic. Oyster mushrooms and champignons are in demand because of their taste and reasonable price.

Growing mushrooms requires following strict rules:

  • purchasing quality raw materials;
  • constantly needs to be supported optimal temperature(13 - 14 degrees). For this purpose, a special climatic equipment and temperature control sensors;
  • the same scrupulousness must be shown when maintaining humidity in the garage (80 - 90%);
  • installation of water supply and water drainage systems;
  • organization of ventilation.

Business must be legally registered. The mushrooms themselves must be certified so that they can be sold to supermarkets, restaurants, and simply to customers directly. This document is issued by the sanitary and epidemiological service. To do this, she takes material and analyzes it for the presence of pesticides, herbicides, radioactive components and other harmful substances.

It is advisable to take training courses before starting to grow. Otherwise, you can lose the harvest due to inexperience and the money will be wasted. Advertising plays an important role in this business. Due to the fact that there is a lot of competition with other mushroom pickers and large supermarkets, the product must be well advertised. This way you can show the benefits of the purchase and point out the environmentally friendly conditions for growing the product.

Idea No. 5 - furniture production

This is an area that requires special skills and talent. Not everyone can handle such production. There are two options to get out of this situation:

  • or the businessman himself takes training courses and does the work independently (with an assistant);
  • the owner does not participate in the production process, but hires a specialist.

Many similar companies first take an advance payment from the client and purchase materials with this money. Therefore, this option does not require large investments. It is not necessary to make furniture parts yourself. It will be enough to purchase them from intermediaries and assemble the components into a single whole. If the main function of the enterprise is to directly manufacture furniture from scratch, then special equipment will be required. Because furniture is not cheap, then the profit promises to be good, which means you can think about taking out a loan to purchase what you need.

Production requires compliance comfortable conditions inside the garage: it should not be damp so that the wood does not swell, and not too cold. Ventilation should also be good. Varnish and other materials for processing furniture have a pronounced odor, so ventilation is an important condition for compliance with production standards.

Idea No. 6 - paint production

Another way to make good money. Paint is always in demand. A special feature of this production is the fact that up to 1 ton of paint can be produced within 24 hours.

For a business to flourish, you need to purchase everything first necessary materials and equipment:

  • mixing mixer;
  • dissolver;
  • component dissipation equipment.

Sales areas can be different: the Internet space, you can offer goods to large construction supermarkets or small buyers.

Particular attention in this area is paid to security measures. The paint contains components that can be easily flammable. Ignoring these norms threatens emergency situations and conflict with regulatory authorities.

Also, before you start work, you need to think about how the neighbors in the garage will behave. If it does not stand alone, but is part of a garage cooperative, then paint production will affect neighboring residents. Unpleasant smell will definitely penetrate to them through the ventilation. Therefore, it is better to agree on this issue in advance, so as not to have to explain it later. In the same way, you can produce varnishes, various emulsions and liquids that are relevant in repair - construction industry and design.

Idea No. 7 - forged accessories

A very creative activity that can become a calling for life. Forged products are very popular and are often used in Everyday life. But desire alone is not enough here; you need to know blacksmithing and have experience so that clients like the work.

At first, this business seems expensive: you need to purchase expensive equipment and materials. In addition to the basic equipment for forging, you also need a welding machine and special paints for coating. But these investments are quickly recouped and the workshop owner can receive a stable profit.

You can make the following items:

  • forged benches;
  • arches;
  • fencing;
  • elements of furniture and decor;
  • candlesticks;
  • mirror frame and many others.

In this case, you can create your own store or website on the Internet where you can post photos finished works and take work to order. IN major cities Fairs of forged products are often held, where you can exhibit your work completely free of charge.

Forged accessories are a niche that is not completely filled. There are not many real professionals, so you can show your talents and win an impressive clientele.

Idea No. 8 - breeding chickens and other small animals

Today homemade chicken meat and fresh chicken eggs are in great demand. You can easily sell such products at a higher price than store-bought ones, and there will always be a customer. You can set up your own mini-farm in the garage, especially when the space allows you to do so.

First you need to think about the layout of the garage. It should be broken down into sections. It is imperative to insulate the room, otherwise the chickens will lay eggs poorly and gain little weight. Then attention is paid to ventilation. The specific smell of these animals and chicken droppings They will not be allowed to stay in the room for a long time if there is no working ventilation.

The costs of this option include:

  1. Purchasing the chickens themselves.
  2. Purchase of nets, drinking bowls, feed containers, etc.
  3. Food and vitamins.
  4. Trays for collecting eggs and means for cutting meat.

Over time, if the work takes off, you can buy automated devices that will collect eggs themselves, etc. It seems that there are a lot of costs, but the profits will also not be long in coming.

Do not forget that this business is also subject to registration and product certification. Due to outbreaks of chicken epidemics, inspection authorities will become frequent guests in the garage - chicken coop. The same method can be used to breed other small animals - rabbits, nutria, quails and other animals.

Profitability of a garage business

It is necessary to assess the level of profitability in the early stages. When a business plan is drawn up, a forecast is made as to whether the chosen business will be profitable. It is important not to make mistakes in the calculations, otherwise you can risk all your invested funds. To avoid mistakes, you should contact specialists. They will develop a strategy and calculate all the risks. Profitability will largely depend on the type of work, the cost of materials, the scale of the enterprise and the demand for the final product or service. It also matters whether hired labor is used.

If the garage needs to be renovated first, this will also increase costs. It is more profitable to pay attention to those areas that require small start-up capital. As the business develops, it will be possible to improve production by purchasing new equipment or expensive material. Advertising will be a separate column in the business plan. Proper press coverage of a business can be a boost to profitability. In the era of computer technology, advertising can take virtual forms. Placement on advertising websites and in social networks- a free method to find clients.

A wide variety of ways to make money in the garage makes it clear that if you want, you can get benefits with minimal funds. A correct approach and the calculation will not allow the newly-made businessman to go bankrupt.


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