What is the best way to insulate a corner wall in an apartment? Getting rid of freezing corners of the house

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High-quality thermal insulation of a room is not only comfort and a way to extend the life of household utensils and personal belongings, but also a sharp reduction in heating costs (in winter) and air conditioning (in summer). Corner apartments are by definition the coldest in the house, since they have 2 walls in direct contact with the atmosphere. With the most effective methods of wall insulation in corner apartment We will understand it from the inside in this article.

What you can do:

Increase the heating level of the radiators. In a private house, this is possible if the circuit diagram is drawn up in advance so that the corner rooms are heated each on their own “thread”. But how effective and expedient it is is another question. And for apartment building this is excluded in principle.

On a note! Installing additional batteries in corner rooms may not give the desired effect. If the walls become warmer, it won’t be by much. And the corner will continue to freeze, and in the future it will not be possible to get rid of the fungus.

Reduce heat loss. This is the most reasonable solution, and not only due to high-quality sealing window openings and blocks, but also with the help of additional finishing of the walls themselves.

Review of wall insulation

It makes no sense to consider installation technology, since the reader will be interested in the specifics of working only with the material that he chooses, and there is an article on each material on the site. But you need to understand the features of use.


Conclusion - it is not practical to use mineral wool for internal insulation in residential premises.


IN in this case You should use only its extruded variety -. Such plates are fixed to the wall by gluing. If necessary, additionally with dowels. Installation is simpler than mineral wool, but there are certain difficulties:

  • You will have to properly level the walls, since the penoplex slabs are rigid and also have strict geometry.
  • Surface vapor barrier will be minimized. For wooden buildings such material is certainly not suitable, since the condensation formed on the base will lead to its intense rotting. Such risks can only be reduced by ensuring high-quality wall ventilation, and this requires accurate calculations and additional costs.

The general drawback is that it will no longer be possible to fix anything on walls finished with these materials. For example, hang a shelf, a massive lamp, a picture, etc.

Polyurethane foam

Granular material is not used for insulating walls from the inside - only in liquid form. It has good insulating properties - hydro, noise, heat.

  • Completely seals the base, so you can forget about vapor barrier.
  • Installed by spraying. Special equipment and protective equipment will be required. You cannot do without the services of professionals. And although for such insulation you will have to pay from 65 rubles / m² (which, in principle, is inexpensive), you will not be able to repair the thermal insulation layer, if necessary, yourself.


Naturally, not just any kind, but thermal insulation. Available for sale ready-made mixtures various modifications and manufacturers. The average price for 1 kg is about 15 rubles. There are many advantages - thin layer, opportunity self-application, high vapor permeability, good maintainability.

Minus - you will need high-quality waterproofing of the wall, since any of the compositions (to varying degrees) absorbs moisture. This means that eventually the coating will begin to soften and slide off the wall. This limits the scope of application of such plasters.

Conclusion - for rooms with excess humidity it is inappropriate to use.

"Liquid" insulation

If financial capabilities allow, you should pay attention to the products American company"Mascoat". This material It’s not without reason that it’s called ultra-thin insulation, or . According to experts, its 1 mm layer is equivalent in effectiveness to 0.5 cm thick mineral wool. It is applied as regular paint, and at the same time, in addition to wall insulation, provides high-quality waterproofing basics.

Here are just a few General characteristics products, since they are available in several modifications.

  • Recommended layer (mm) – 0.5.
  • Consumption (l/m²) – 0.5 – 0.7.
  • The temperature range in which the insulation does not deteriorate its properties (ºС) is from -65 to +265.
  • Adhesion (%) – 100 in relation to any material. This composition can be used to paint the walls of a building regardless of what materials it is built from - wood, reinforced concrete, brick, cellular concrete.
  • Apply to surfaces if their temperature is at least +7. Consequently, rooms in heated buildings can be treated from the inside all year round.
  • There are no toxic components.
  • The insulation does not burn.
  • Excellent maintainability of the insulation, which does not require large-scale renovation of the premises.
  • Guaranteed service life (years) – 15.

Consequently, the use of such liquid thermal insulation is not only advisable, but also extremely convenient. The only drawback is high price. A Euro bucket (about 20 liters) costs about 14,690 rubles. But if you take into account the meager consumption of the product, then 5 - 8 liters will be enough for one room.

In addition, you will not have to install sheathing and spend money on other materials - waterproofing, adhesive (which is also expensive), and so on. If you calculate all the associated costs associated with the installation of traditional insulation, then the cost of such special paint/paint will not seem too high.

There are several ways to further increase the temperature in corner rooms. What to do?

  • Wash the batteries. The need for this is determined by the difference in heating of the outer sections. If it is significant, then most likely there is excess deposits on the inner walls.
  • Check the position of the three-way valve (in houses old building installed on the riser). Perhaps it is this that limits the coolant flow through the radiator. Rotating to the desired position is easy. If the moving part is stuck, you can restore its mobility using WD-40 (“liquid” wrench).
  • Reinstall radiators. They should be placed as close to the corner of the room as possible, since this is the most problem area premises.
  • Check that the battery matches the room parameters. Sometimes the reason for low room temperature is an insufficient number of sections. Unfortunately, not all builders are extremely experienced and conscientious people. They could supply what was at hand, without bothering too much with engineering calculations. The criterion is this: for 2 m² of room – 1 section. For corner rooms, a correction factor of 1.3 is applied.

For example, if the area of ​​the room is 10 “squares”, then there should be at least 5 sections, for a corner one 5 x 1.3 = 6.5. Therefore, at least 7 pieces.

  • Apply energy-saving film to the glass (or install). It will reduce natural light by no more than 2%, and heat loss through windows by 40%. Consequently, the temperature in the room will increase, which means the walls will become warmer.

The article considers only the most suitable options to insulate a corner room from the inside, although thermal insulation materials much bigger. But not all of them are suitable for interior wall decoration, so the choice is somewhat limited.

What to consider

The main method of wall insulation is external. If there is such a possibility, then first of all you should deal with the thermal insulation of the facade. And the arrangement of the inner layer is only additional method reduce heat loss.

If you have experienced the purchase or sale of apartments, then you have noticed that buyers do not really like corner apartments or rooms. What is this connected with? Although it is much easier to ventilate such an apartment in summer, the view from the windows opens on two or even three sides.

But there is one significant drawback. Very often, with the arrival of frost, residents of corner apartments suffer from insufficient heat. If the temperature outside is around zero, and heating season has not yet begun, uncomfortable conditions are being created inside such an apartment. It appears, the windows fog up, the floor becomes cold, and the bed becomes damp.

The main reason for this is the presence of three walls that have access to the outside and are therefore subject to the greatest influence low temperatures. In winter, even if available central heating, the situation is only getting worse.

The walls can freeze completely, especially in the corners, interior decoration will begin to fall off, mold and mildew will appear. Staying in such an apartment will not only be uncomfortable, but also unsafe, especially for children. After all, they are most susceptible to the occurrence of diseases caused by.

What to do in such a situation? Many people try to establish additional radiators heating, but this, most often, does not solve the problem or solves it, but not completely. Dampness moves to the ceiling, forming places where mold accumulates.

What is the right thing to do in such a situation? The best solution is that you need to try to insulate the walls. How can I do that? How to do it? We'll try to figure it out now. What is the best way to insulate the walls of an apartment from the inside? First, let's look at what types exist.

Today, the market for thermal insulation materials is extensive, represented by various products. All of them are divided according to the place of their installation: outside the wall or inside the room.

Each of them has both disadvantages and advantages. When installing any of them, you must strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions.

When buying a heat insulator, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • heat conductivity;
  • air permeability;
  • waterproofing properties;
  • environmental Safety;
  • fire resistance;
  • operating time.

Using quality material, you can insulate the corner without any problems. What is the best insulation for walls inside an apartment? What is the best way to insulate walls from the inside?


This heat insulator is the most popular; it is made from basalt fiber. He has wonderful thermal insulation properties, admits good ventilation air, but does not tolerate excess moisture well. This material has a high degree of fire safety and does not emit toxic substances when exposed to direct fire.

When installing mineral wool, special guides are used, and the installation process itself does not require special effort, because light material and elastic. Is it possible to insulate walls with it? But over time, these qualities can cause it to lose its shape.

The environmental component is also ambiguous - the material emits a small amount of harmful gases. Some people do not use it because of the significant weight gained during installation of the structure.

Polystyrene foam insulation

The name speaks about the process of its creation. That is, the material is created by foaming polystyrene under high pressure. The price of such material is quite affordable, it is easy to assemble and install, which makes it a popular heat insulator.

It has good thermal insulation properties, it is environmentally friendly and safe. It can be used for both interior and exterior work. It can be mounted on walls made of any material.

The process is quite simple and not labor-intensive. The advantages include its huge service life. But of course there are also disadvantages.

So, due to poor water permeability, on wooden walls Condensation can accumulate, which leads to their destruction, and it is also highly flammable. The insulation of a concrete wall from the inside can be carried out perfectly using this material.

Extruded polystyrene foam

This material is the most popular insulation. It is elastic and easy to process. The disadvantages include the difficulty in joining sheets.

There is a material on sale in which the edge is made in the form of protrusions, which makes it much easier installation work.

has good moisture resistance, it is lightweight, convenient for installation work.

Use of polystyrene foam

This is an excellent material for insulating apartment walls. It contains more than 95% gas, so it is an excellent heat insulator.

It is distinguished by its low cost, excellent waterproofing, and fire safety. Polystyrene foam is used at any temperature, being an environmentally friendly material.

Application of keramoizol

It's relative new material. It is sold in containers of various sizes, as it represents liquid material. Has excellent thermal insulation properties. Keramoizol is a durable, waterproof and vapor-tight product.

During installation, several layers are applied, and for better thermal insulation- six. The layers are laid perpendicular to each other. This material has proven itself only with the best side.Its only and main disadvantage is its high price.

Penoizol insulation

Thermal insulation material - penoizol is a type of polyurethane and is used in the form of foam. The advantage is the quick installation of the material in a brick building., forming a layer required thickness heat insulator, no seams or joints.

Excellent thermal insulation and waterproofing properties, the material is non-flammable and environmentally friendly. But perhaps its main advantage is the low cost of work, almost two times less than when using conventional materials.

Using Astratek

Asstratek is a suspension; solid particles are represented by various polymers. To apply to the wall, use a spray gun or install it manually paint brush. Excellent insulation, just one centimeter of layer is similar to fifty centimeters of a mineral wool slab.

Doesn't pick up inner space premises, forms a smooth, homogeneous surface that requires minimal processing for applying cladding. The main limiting factor for large-scale application is its high cost.

How to insulate the walls in an apartment from the inside? It's up to you to decide.

How to insulate walls in a panel and monolithic house?

How to insulate walls from the inside? How to insulate concrete wall from the inside? How to do this correctly? To insulate a wall from the inside, consider step by step instructions insulation of walls and partitions in panel house from the inside.

Algorithm of actions:

  • First you need to prepare the walls. To do this, you need to remove furniture, clean the walls of finishing material before plaster. Therefore, this procedure should be combined with repair work in your apartment;
  • next must be done. It is best to use special polymers, but you can also use regular ones. plastic film. It is applied directly to the walls, the places where the strips are fastened are glued. To do this, use construction tape;
  • Next we install the sheathing; you can use both wooden and metal guides. In the first case, the tree must be treated with antiseptics and fire-fighting solutions. When installing the sheathing, the step size must be selected depending on the insulation, so as not to form gaps and voids;
  • then we directly lay the heat insulator, that is, we insulate the walls. It should fit into the openings between the sheathing. Many materials are designed in such a way that during installation they straighten out and fill the entire form, this significantly reduces installation time;
  • installation . By installing it, we protect our insulation from wet steam, which is always present in the apartment. Under no circumstances should these measures be neglected, as moisture will begin to accumulate in the insulation. As a result of this, the product will lose its properties, and all your work will be lost.

The vapor barrier film is laid without gaps or omissions, the joints and cracks are treated with sealants;

  • installation . It is necessary to choose a material suitable for installation in residential premises. When installing sheets, it is important to follow the instructions, and then you should do the necessary procedures for installing facing materials.

How to insulate the walls of an apartment from the inside? Insulate a corner apartment in a panel or monolithic house you can by following these six steps.

Installing insulation on brick walls

How to insulate brick walls inside an apartment with your own hands? Corner walls in brick house can be insulated using the same method as in a panel one. Therefore, we will analyze the work of installing material made from polystyrene.

Insulating a wall in an apartment from the inside:

  • clean the walls down to the plaster. If it is missing, then it should be applied. After this, the walls must be leveled, cracks repaired and then treated with a primer;
  • you need to prepare the glue according to the manufacturer's recommendations and apply it to the walls that you will insulate. In the beginning, you can use a regular spatula. You need to apply glue to the walls, then take a notched trowel and go around the entire perimeter again. This is done in order to create an uneven surface of the glue. This promotes better adhesion of the insulation;
  • how to insulate a wall in a corner apartment from the inside? Next, we take sheets of thermal insulation and begin installing them on the walls. First of all, the very bottom row is laid. We apply the polystyrene sheet tightly and press it through; you do not need to use dowels or other fastening materials. When installing, use a level and carefully join the edges so that no gaps form; if necessary, cut the sheets. The next row is installed so that the junction of the two sheets is in the middle bottom sheet. This will give greater durability to the entire structure.

Watch the surface of the insulation so that unevenness does not form, because when final finishing this will bring additional difficulties.

  • After you have installed the thermal insulation, you can begin finishing works. If you plan to cover the walls with plasterboard, then no additional work on the insulation is required. If you plan to cover it with a layer of plaster, putty, wallpaper, or paint, then you need to treat it with a primer, then install a mesh of reinforcing fiber. After this, you can begin to apply layers of plaster or putty.

By following these steps, you can insulate corner room from the inside.

Insulation of walls using the “electric floor” method

How to insulate a wall in an apartment from the inside according to this method? Insulation of the apartment from the inside is carried out as follows. First of all, you need to attach the “” sheets to the wall using fastening materials.

After this, we connect the sheets to electrical network apartments. At the very severe frost turn on the system and warm up the walls until they are completely dry. After this, we lay thermal insulation to prevent heat loss. Then you can start tiling the walls.

So, if you decide to insulate the walls of a corner apartment, you need to choose a material based on the type of walls and the price range of the heat insulator. Then it is important to consider the method of installation and subsequent cladding.

You should also pay attention to the following aspects:

  • installing insulation reduces the volume of the room;
  • poorly performed work can lead to mold;
  • For comfortable life ventilation must be installed.

By strictly adhering to the rules, you can insulate your apartment and create comfort in it. Insulating the walls of an apartment from the inside is a fairly simple process.

AND inside(you can insulate the front, back, end wall) is carried out according to the instructions. An insulated corner apartment is great because you can enjoy comfort.

Uninsulated corner apartments are valued cheaper, simply because they are cold. There are two adjacent walls in contact with the street, and between them a corner that freezes from the inside.... - horror for residents. There may be two such rooms in a corner apartment.

Insulation from the inside is not the best option solving the problems of the corner apartment, but sometimes only he remains. This method can also be used to solve main problem corner apartment - cold.

First of all, it is advisable to weigh the pros and cons. External insulation of a corner apartment will not be cheap.
But even the internal ones cannot be called a pleasant waste - it is expensive, there is many times more hassle, and doubts will remain about the correctness of the actions.

Outside or inside?

But if these arguments are still not interesting, then it remains to consider how to properly insulate a corner apartment from the inside, so as not to spread dampness and mold inside the room and not cause other troubles...

First choose insulation and plan

To insulate a corner apartment from the inside, you need to choose insulation. In this case, the only acceptable option is extruded polystyrene foam. It does not allow steam to pass through and does not accumulate water. And if it is tightly glued to the wall, it will isolate the wall from steam, and condensation inside the room will not occur.

You need to be wary of recommendations to use any other insulation for insulation from the inside, protecting it simply with plastic film. The insulation will still pick up water and the wall will be wet. In any case, the risk is very high, since there is no ventilation.

The thickness of the insulation should be sufficient - from 8 cm for moderate climates.

Prepare walls, dismantle

As a rule, in a corner apartment, even on walls without windows there are heating devices, pipeline. All heating needs to be redone - moved away from the wall by the thickness of the insulation and finishing.

You will have to dismantle the sockets, seal the niches, and extend the wires to the overhead sockets above the insulation. Or dismantle all electrical wiring and re-lay it on top of the finish.

The walls are cleaned of old finishes and weak plaster. The surfaces adjacent to them are also cleared of all finishing by 10 cm - the insulation will be glued there.

On the wall with a window, the window sill is removed and the slopes are cleaned. Naturally, the windows must first be replaced with insulated modern ones for both internal and external insulation.

Next, the walls need to be leveled using cement mixture so that the insulation sheet is completely adjacent to them anywhere. And if the walls are not level, then you will have to apply a thick layer of plaster, which, perhaps, will negate all the savings from insulation from the inside in a corner apartment...

Laying insulation

Before applying insulation, the walls must be dry, smooth, primed, and the temperature must not be lower than + 5 degrees. Any primer will do deep penetration It is possible without antifungal additives.

Purchase adhesive for polystyrene foam on concrete and extruded polystyrene foam of sufficient thickness, with a tongue and groove along the edges of the sheets. For gluing joints, sealing seams, cracks, a sealant is needed, or better yet, foaming glue on polyurethane based in a can.

Concrete adhesive is prepared in accordance with the instructions, applied to a sheet of expanded polystyrene in an even layer using a notched trowel, then the sheet is glued with pressure to the wall. They start from the floor itself, while glue is also applied to the floor and other adjacent structures so that there are no gaps left with the insulation.

Sealant is applied to the seams between the insulation sheets. The ligation of seams in rows is observed. In a freezing corner, you don’t have to re-bandage the seams, but it’s better to apply the insulation of one wall to the insulation of another end-to-end with polyurethane glue - this will result in a thicker layer at the corner.

Fastening with dowels, with internal insulation- unacceptable action. The continuity of the insulation-vapor barrier cannot be violated. All cracks are sealed with particles of polystyrene foam itself and polyurethane glue. Polyurethane foam not allowed, as it is saturated with water.

Finishing for internal thermal insulation

The next stage is finishing the insulation. Available for purchase plaster mesh made of fiberglass with a density of 160 g per square meter. and higher, cell no more than 5 mm, alkali-resistant (ask for reinforcement of insulation). Then the glue is applied to insulation with a thickness of 3 mm, and the mesh is embedded into it in strips. It enhances all corners. On slopes, special corners with an attached mesh are used. The mesh is smoothed with a layer of glue.

Apply any plaster finishing. But it is better to stick plasterboard sheets with a thickness of 20 mm or more. Expanded polystyrene indoors must be hidden behind a fire barrier with a flame resistance of at least 30 minutes.

Also, the polystyrene foam should not come into contact with wiring or hot piping. These systems will have to be protected at the stage of gluing the insulation with barriers made of mineral wool with a thickness of at least 50 mm, closed on the side of the room with a vapor barrier on the sealant.

IN general work and there will be quite a lot of costs. Insulation from the inside of a corner apartment cannot be called simple. But, despite everything, the cold walls will be hidden behind a durable warm layer. In the corner apartment it will become “an order of magnitude” warmer in winter... But all that remains is to think again about the correctness of the external insulation...

When building houses made of wood, it was always necessary to take into account many technological features, but the main one is the inconstancy of the sizes of wooden building elements– creates problems not only at the stage of building a house, but also during its operation. One of the consequences of shrinkage - distortions between the logs of a log house - leads to the fact that already two to three years after the completion of construction it is necessary to think about how to insulate the corners of a house made of timber.

If earlier this problem was classified as “additional”, today its relevance has increased significantly, since the use of new types of lumber is often accompanied by errors when assembling corner joints.

This review examines several basic methods of sealing corners, knowledge of which will help protect new house from premature destruction.

What is shrinkage wooden log house, why it happens, and what its consequences are, we discussed in our other articles. Let us recall here that any wooden structure in its life cycle passes several key “time marks” after which its internal geometry changes significantly.

These marks are:

  • primary shrinkage (1-1.5 years after the frame is assembled);
  • drying out the living period (after 1-2 heating seasons);
  • wear of the seal (10-15 years after the last caulking).

After each of these periods in wooden house The sealing of the crown joints is broken and the “environmentally friendly” home turns into a drafty building.

Besides, warm air indoors has more high pressure, therefore, if the insulating seams are broken, the effect of barometric exfiltration occurs, as a result of which a stable effect of cold floors is created in the house, even in cases where heating system working at full capacity.

Besides natural causes, the integrity of the inter-crown joints is greatly influenced by the assembly scheme of the log house.

There are usually three assembly options:

  • laying in a bowl, associated with the Russian style of wooden architecture;
  • claw assembly, popular in European and American countries.

Separately, we note that the design internal corners log house is not the only difference between the technologies for building houses from logs and timber. One of the ways to increase the reliability of wooden buildings is the so-called “Scandinavian felling”, in which more efficient closure of the crowns occurs thanks to a wedge lock between the crowns.

It is noteworthy that attempts to automate construction works only aggravate this problem. The figure below clearly shows how the formed by machine the bowls were deformed to such an extent that centimeter-long cracks appeared in the frame.

Considering all of the above, we can conclude that the construction wooden house- the process is continuous and requires periodic correction of the basic load-bearing structures and updating of the insulation.

Seal problem

Let us immediately emphasize that the problem of thermal insulation of crown joints is by no means new and has been successfully solved by builders over the past millennia. All modern techniques- this is simply a replacement for archaic building materials to their modern analogues.

Despite the fact that during shrinkage the entire frame is deformed, the main channel of heat loss is still the corner joints, so finishing the corners of the frame is often considered as a separately paid operation.

Let's consider what methods exist for insulating corners, and how you can sew up roof joints.


The most ancient way to restore the heat-insulating properties of a house is to re-caulk all joints both outside and inside the building. The same material that was laid during the construction of the log house is used as insulation. Despite the enormous labor intensity, this method is the cheapest option for restoring the heat-insulating properties of a house.

More modern version caulking involves the use of jute ropes and ropes, which significantly speeds up the process, but reduces the reliability of holding the insulation in the gap.

Creating wedge joints

This method is applicable only at the construction stage. It consists in a more careful implementation of the joints between the crowns, the locks of which have a wedge-shaped configuration.

The recess inside the log is filled with a sealant with a maximum service life (for example, mineral wool), and the edges are sheathed with a closing sealant.

Polymer sealing

The most effective and in a fast way insulation of houses made of profiled timber and logs is polymer sealing.

The peculiarity of this technology is that if it is performed correctly, you can forever forget about the consequences of shrinkage, since the seam is filled elastic sealant With high coefficient adhesion.

When the logs shrink and shift, the new seal is deformed but not destroyed.

The only problem this method– high price of sealant resistant to climatic factors.

As an alternative, a combined approach is used, when the main volume of the insulated gap is filled with ordinary (i.e., inexpensive) acrylic sealant, and the outer protective layer formed from a stable special composition.

Let us emphasize once again that shrinkage deformations primarily manifest themselves in corner joints, so re-insulation is often performed only for corners. This is much cheaper, but does not fit well into the design of a log or timber house.

In such cases, the repaired log house can be covered with cladding made of boards, the fixation of which must be carried out taking into account shrinkage displacements.

Wind protection of the facade

Sometimes the deformation of a log house is at such a stage that sealing the joints alone is not enough to normalize the heat balance of the house. In such cases, external wind protection is installed in the form of additional facade cladding.

This design uses the “ventilated facade” technology, and for exterior finishing a block house or clapboard is used.

Internal thermal insulation

Any sealant that can be used to seal seams in a wooden house is very critical to large differences humidity and temperature. Therefore, in baths and saunas, in addition to all the methods listed above, internal thermal and vapor insulation is installed, which can be made either in a standard multi-layer method or using a simplified technology - from penofol.

This approach not only extends the overall period normal operation log house, but also increases the energy efficiency of the house.

The Master Srubov company will perform decorative and protective finishing of log and timber houses, including the installation of additional thermal insulation. Clarify the details of cooperation and calculate the cost necessary work You can use any method of communication published on the page.

Regardless of the material from which the house is built, be it wood or brick, you can often encounter such a problem as freezing of the corners.

The reason for this is not only the laws of nature, but also the mistakes of builders. The fact is that any corner is a kind of bridge of cold.

If during the construction of a house the builders saved on insulation or mortar in brickwork, then the cold will penetrate into the home through the voids.

IN winter time As a result of the temperature difference between indoors and outdoors, condensation may occur in the corners. This is what causes mold and cold to occur.

The first thing that comes to mind when deciding to solve the problem of freezing corners is additional insulation home from the inside. But this is far from the best option.

The internal insulation of a house shifts the “dew point” inward, resulting in winter period the walls become damp, which means their untimely destruction.

As a result of such insulation, freezing of corners can only intensify. Therefore, the only correct solution is insulation from the outside.

Thermal insulation of house corners from outside

Due to their high thermal conductivity, corners are the most vulnerable part of any home. And the reason for this may be poor sealing of seams, poor insulation, or the presence of voids in the concrete.

Reliable sealing of seams and insulation of the outside walls of the house will help improve the situation.

The modern market offers many first-class insulation materials. For example, in the so-called “warm” plaster, foam granules are used instead of sand.

It is not only many times lighter than a regular solution, but also perfectly allows steam to pass through, allowing the walls to “breathe” and prevent the formation of condensation. The insulating effect of “warm” plaster can be compared to brickwork.

But this is far from the only way to insulate a house from the outside. Recently, so-called “liquid” thermal insulation has appeared on the market, which is produced by various manufacturers under different brands.

Such insulation is especially relevant for such difficult parts of the house as freezing corners. The composition of insulating solutions includes special microspheres filled with air.

They perfectly insulate heat inside the house. Also, the composition of suspensions for facade insulation includes acrylic polymers or synthetic rubber, paint, as well as anti-corrosion and anti-fungal components.

Thanks to their composition, “liquid” solutions for home insulation are lightweight, stable, flexible and waterproof.

However, with all its technical perfection, liquid formulations cannot compare with such traditional heat-insulating materials, such as polystyrene foam, mineral wool, polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam.

Thermal insulation of the corners of the house from the inside

As mentioned above, ideal solution problems with freezing corners is to insulate the house from the outside.

This is easy for owners of a private home. But what to do if the corners freeze in the apartment? multi-storey building? In this case, you will have to turn to the help of construction climbers.

If you can’t afford it, you can find a way out and insulate the corners from the inside with your own hands, getting a pretty good result.

First of all, you should remove the wallpaper and repair the cracks. But even if they are not there, this does not mean that the wall is monolithic. Tap it with a hammer. If there are voids, the sound will come out dull.

The plaster over possible cavities is removed and the wall is thoroughly dried. To prevent mold from occurring in the future, the corner must be treated with antifungal compounds.

Sometimes you have to use acid to remove mold. blowtorch or even cutting off part of the wall.

Voids and cracks are filled with liquid polystyrene foam or construction foam. They do not absorb moisture at all and are resistant to biological factors such as mold, fungi and rot.

The foam adheres perfectly to all types of surfaces and materials and does not lose its qualities at sub-zero temperatures.

This treatment will protect the walls from further moisture ingress. After drying, the remaining foam is cut off and cleaned, and the walls are covered with plaster and wallpapered again.

To protect yourself from dampness, insulating a corner from the inside is best done in the warm and dry season.

Do not fill voids with oakum or mineral wool, since it is a very porous material that easily absorbs moisture.

Other solutions for thermal insulation of corners

The problem of freezing corners can be solved during the construction of a house or during the renovation process. According to architects, to avoid freezing, the corners should be beveled or rounded.

Beveling corners from the inside can reduce the temperature difference between the walls and the corner itself by a third.

A similar role is played by pilasters installed outside. Other interesting things can also insulate corners. design solutions. For example, you can install it on the ceiling plasterboard box with incandescent lamps.

This corner illumination will additionally warm the air, preventing the accumulation of moisture and condensation.

When buying a new home, you can resort to the services of companies that, using special equipment, will help you check the thermal insulation of your home and identify possible heat leaks, if any.

This will help determine which mistakes of builders need to be corrected, and will protect future homeowners from all sorts of problems associated with an uncomfortable microclimate in the house.

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