Why mosquito bites are dangerous - how to get rid of them. A child bitten by mosquitoes - what helps with bites

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Summer holidays are eagerly awaited not only by adults, but also by kids. The long-awaited action can be overshadowed by blood-sucking insects... Children are most susceptible to their bites. It is in the crumbs that the strongest reactions to trouble are noted, due to the fragile immune system, individual characteristics organism.

Parents should know in what cases it is necessary to consult a doctor for help, what to do at home when a baby bites. Keep a box of antihistamines and healing ointments in your medicine cabinet. Required set will definitely be required in nature.

Why insect bites are dangerous for children

The mosquito is a dipteran insect. Males of this species are absolutely harmless, they feed on plant pollen. Females bite; in order to procreate, they need a protein contained in the blood of a person or animal. The mosquito consumes blood once, after which it lays eggs and dies.

The action itself is almost painless, sometimes a slight tingling sensation is felt. The insect selects delicate areas of the skin where the blood vessels are located close to the surface of the epidermis. The mosquito pierces the skin with its nose, injects saliva, which secretes special substances that prevent blood from clotting. It is impossible to get poisoned, insects have no poison.

Anticoagulants cause skin redness, itching. If you start scratching the bite site, the substances will spread to nearby tissues, and the discomfort will intensify several times. Mosquito bites do not cause much trouble, but some babies do not tolerate an unpleasant event well. The situation is aggravated by the fact that children often comb the bite site, accidentally introduce secondary infections.

In Russia, it is quite difficult to contract a serious illness through a mosquito bite, there are isolated cases. Residents of countries with hot climates (Africa, South America, Pacific Islands, India, Afghan countries).

Allergy to insect bites

The worst thing for a child after a mosquito bite is the occurrence of an allergic reaction. Trouble happens much less often than after contact with stinging insects (bees, wasps).

Symptoms of an allergic reaction to a mosquito bite in children include:

  • increased body temperature;
  • swelling, redness of the skin, severe itching at the bite sites;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • headache;
  • shortness of breath, Quincke's edema.

In rare cases, the occurrence of rhinitis, lacrimation, urticaria is noted. A healthy person can withstand up to 500 bites, but for some people, especially children, even a single case can lead to a local or general (even fatal) reaction.

With a local reaction, itching, swelling spreads in a few hours, redness can subside quickly, and discomfort only after a day. The general reaction is accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure, further loss of consciousness. If a negative reaction occurs, immediately give the baby any antihistamine (Suprastin, Fenistil), visit a doctor.

Note to parents! If your child is allergic to insect bites, always carry special medications with you, especially when traveling out of town, where it will not be possible to visit a doctor quickly.

How to keep your child safe

To prevent the occurrence of allergies, the very fact of a mosquito bite will help many means. Read the entire range, choose the right product.

Special devices:

  • repellents. Are special substances that repel insects, they irritate nerve endings smelling mosquitoes. Many types of products are produced: sprays, creams, gels, even bracelets. The solutions are used for spraying clothes, tents, baby carriages. The rest are recommended to be applied on open areas skin without rubbing. The remedy protects the child for 2–5 hours, this is enough for the walk, but the repellents are not able to provide a full sleep;
  • fumigants. They act quickly enough, but they are dangerous to the health of very young children. The devices inject chemicals into the air that immediately poison the mosquitoes. At home, electrical appliances are used, in open areas - which smoke. V Lately a lot of fakes are produced, which negatively affect the health of the crumbs. Buy devices only in pharmacies and specialized stores;
  • ultrasonic devices. Their effectiveness has not yet been proven, some hear a squeak, which causes discomfort.

Protection of babies up to a year

Finding an effective mosquito repellent for babies is quite difficult. Many drugs, agents are toxic, harm a small body, have a high probability of an allergic reaction. Read the instructions before using repellents. Recently, mosquito bracelets have been gaining immense popularity; they are allowed to be used to protect newborns.

The devices can give off an unpleasant odor and cause headaches. Experimenting with the baby is not recommended. Trust in proven mosquito repellent. To prevent an unpleasant situation in an infant, use natural drugs, first test their effect on yourself.

For babies, lavender ether is perfect. Oil effectively copes with insects, it is allowed for use from the first days of life. Don't forget about mosquito net, available for sale special devices for cots with small cells. They allow air to pass through, protect from insects.

For security, hang a similar mesh on front door, ventilation in the crumbs room. Regularly lubricate baby clothes with lavender oil, you can hang a bag filled with dry plant grass over the bed.

Treatment with medication

How to smear mosquito bites in a child? The pharmaceutical industry produces a lot of drugs in the form of ointments and sprays for children affected by mosquito bites. Use the following medications to heal wounds:

  • Fenistil Gel. Mosquito bite remedy has an antipruritic, antihistamine effect. The tool helps to reduce discomfort, rash, swelling. It is not recommended for children under one year old, the average cost of one package is 350 rubles;
  • Bepanten. Anti-inflammatory, moisturizing cream. The medication quickly relieves itching, is used from birth, and is approved for use by parents and babies. The average price of one package is 400 rubles;
  • Nizulin cream-gel. Includes natural ingredients, helps to repel insects. Herbal ingredients relieve puffiness, itching, have a calming, bactericidal effect;
  • gel-balm MOSQUITALL " Ambulance after being bitten. " The composition includes herbal ingredients, d-panthenol, antibacterial complex, silver ions, which provides antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect. The medicinal product is considered the most effective and safest for babies, a tube with a volume of 10 ml costs 110 rubles.

Additionally, use Moskitol-gel, Psilo-Balsam, Rescuer cream, Zvezdochka balm, Apis and Ledum. All medicines are designed to eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Use drugs as directed, read the instructions before applying.

On the page, read about the causes and methods of treatment for childhood epilepsy.

First aid

Providing first aid to a child with an insect bite:

  • wash the bite site under running water and soap;
  • treat with an anti-inflammatory agent such as Chlorhexidine solution;
  • it is strictly forbidden to scratch the wound;
  • apply ice to the affected skin area, this will help prevent the occurrence of edema;
  • Apply an antihistamine ointment such as Fenistil
  • inside the baby is given antihistamine pills.

In most cases, after such actions, the allergic reaction subsides, the baby forgets about the incident. If the itching increases, the swelling is accompanied by shortness of breath, loss of consciousness, you cannot do without medical help. Call the medics immediately, follow their directions.

Folk remedies and recipes

How to get rid of mosquito bites? Natural products quickly cope with discomfort, do not harm the child, and rarely cause allergic reactions. Recipes:

  • medicinal fee. Mint leaves, oak bark, St. John's wort herbs have an anti-inflammatory effect, have a slight analgesic effect. To prepare the drug, mix all the ingredients in equal parts, take a tablespoon of the resulting mixture, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Cool the resulting product, strain, moisten gauze, apply to the affected skin area;
  • soda. The substance is used not only in cooking, but also to eliminate the effects of mosquito bites. Dissolve a teaspoon of soda in a glass of water, stir thoroughly, moisten gauze in a medicinal product, apply crumbs to the damaged epidermis;
  • a weak solution of alcohol in a ratio of 1: 5 copes well with itching. The product can be replaced with vinegar. Such a drug is allowed to be used for children over three years old;
  • protect the premises from annoying insects tomato bushes or fresh tomato juice left on the windowsill will help. Mosquitoes cannot stand the smell of tomatoes;
  • it is allowed to lubricate open skin areas with fish oil. An unpleasant aroma scares away insects, moisturizes baby skin, promotes the healing of existing wounds, bite marks;
  • mosquitoes hate the smell of anise, cedar, eucalyptus, cloves. It is enough to purchase one of these essential oils, apply crumbs to the bed, open areas of the body. Most oils have a beneficial effect on baby's sleep, they are excellent mosquito repellents. These products are suitable for protecting parents, have a rather pungent odor, and remain effective for up to 12 hours;
  • similar properties are possessed by the leaves of juniper, valerian, walnut... It is enough to spread the drug on the windowsill, it is allowed to put or hang it over the child's bed. Peaceful and quiet sleep without child bites is guaranteed.

Insect bites are a common occurrence in children; they cause a lot of trouble for young parents. Getting rid of the consequences of communication with insects is quite simple if the crumbs do not have allergies. If you experience unpleasant symptoms, consult a doctor, give your baby antihistamines, use the advice on first aid.

Inflammation and irritation of the skin. That is why many are looking for the most effective means getting rid of this unpleasant symptomatology. In addition, mosquitoes are also carriers of many diseases. Therefore, it is important to select the means of protection against these insects.

Why mosquitoes bite

For female mosquitoes, human blood is food that can increase the number of eggs laid. Males simply feed on pollen. Mosquitoes feed on blood not only to lay the larvae, but thus satisfy hunger. Not only people, but also animals are exposed to bites. There are certain categories of people who are attracted to these insects, namely:

  • in good health;
  • taking medications;
  • intoxicated.

Young children are more prone to bites than adults, as they have delicate, thin skin that attracts insects. There is a great risk of being bitten in people with good health, a high degree of sweating, and an accelerated metabolism.

First aid for a mosquito bite

What happens when a mosquito bites? Insect pierces human skin with his proboscis, injects saliva containing anticoagulants that prevent blood clotting. The human body regards these substances as allergens. Therefore, the bite site itches and turns red.

It is very important to find the right first aid remedy for mosquito bites. First of all, the site of the bite must be thoroughly washed with soap, preferably antibacterial, in order to eliminate the risk of penetration of pathogens. People with allergies need to take antihistamines, such as

After using first aid products, you can use medications and folk remedies to eliminate itching and inflammation.


Among medications it is necessary to highlight "Tavegil", which helps to quickly and effectively cope with itching, to alleviate the general symptoms of allergic manifestations. This is a fairly effective remedy after a mosquito bite, as it acts comprehensively on the entire body. The effect of the drug is up to 12 hours. After its application, capillary permeability decreases, and puffiness is also eliminated.

However, it should be borne in mind that this remedy has certain contraindications. The medicine is prohibited for use during pregnancy, as well as for children under 6 years of age. For children from 6 to 12 years old, half a tablet is indicated.

How to choose the right ointment

The remedy after mosquito and midge bites is produced in the most different forms... They differ in their composition, packaging and consistency. Among the drugs used are such as:

  • gels;
  • creams;
  • balms.

Gels are products made on water based containing various additives and medicinal components. Creams are made on the basis of synthetic or and also contain some medicinal additives. The balms are based on plant extracts and natural resinous substances. Such funds contribute to the early recovery of tissues.

Medicinal ointments

It is necessary to use the drug immediately after a mosquito bite, because the wound can become inflamed very quickly. This is especially true for people with increased sensitivity of the skin. Fixed assets include such as:

  • "Vietnamese Star";
  • hydrocortisone ointment;
  • "Bamipin";
  • Soventol;
  • "Bepanten".

Such a remedy after mosquito bites as a "Vietnamese star" has long been very popular. It is characterized by good antiseptic properties. It can be used by both adults and children. This ointment is also used to prevent bites, as it repels insects.

Very good remedy after bites of mosquitoes and midges - hydrocortisone ointment, which has an antiseptic effect. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties. Due to its versatility, it is used to treat various chronic skin diseases.

Ointment "Bamipin", which belongs to antihistamines, helps to cope well with itching. However, before using this remedy, it is imperative to consult a doctor, as it has certain contraindications.

Soventol ointment helps reduce swelling and itching after a mosquito bite. Due to the fact that this product is practically not absorbed into the skin, it has a minimum of contraindications and side effects.

Ointment "Bepanten" is suitable for use for children from 2 years of age, as well as for pregnant women. This medicinal product has such qualities as:

  • moisturizing the skin;
  • fast wound healing;
  • preventing itching;
  • quick elimination of inflammation.

You need to apply this ointment directly to the affected area of ​​the skin, which promotes faster healing. Contraindications can only be for those who have an individual intolerance to the individual components of this drug.

"Fenistil gel"

"Fenistil" (gel) is considered a universal drug against insect bites, as it is able to very quickly relieve itching and burning. This remedy quickly relieves puffiness and helps to stop allergic reactions, as it belongs to antiallergenic drugs.

"Fenistil gel" helps to quickly minimize the resulting discomfort. Another feature of such a drug is that it can be used even by children almost from birth.

Traditional methods

Folk remedies help well after mosquito bites, as they help reduce itching, redness, and swelling. To quickly eliminate itching, you need to cut in half onion and press to the bite site. Alternatively, you can lubricate the affected area with aloe juice or salt water. Fish oil is also considered a good remedy. In addition to the fact that it has great benefits for the body, it is also capable of treating insect bites well. It is necessary to generously lubricate the affected area with it.

To relieve itchy skin and blisters, you can use drug fees consisting of St. John's wort, mint, oak bark. All components are mixed in equal proportions, add water and boil over low heat. Cool the finished broth, strain and make lotions. Good against mosquito bites and vinegar. It is enough just to make a compress and apply for half an hour to the affected area. Another good remedy is considered toothpaste.

Folk remedies after mosquito bites, they mean the use of a decoction of wheatgrass. To prepare it, pour boiling water over the wheatgrass, boil for several minutes, and then add a little lavender oil. Insist the broth by wrapping it in a towel. Strain, cool and wipe the affected area ready-made product... You can freeze it and wipe the affected area with ice.

Folk after a mosquito bite mean the use of a fresh banana. To prepare the drug, you need to peel the banana and apply the banana peel to the bite site, securely fixing it with a bandage or plaster. The itching will go away in a few minutes.

Simple ice cubes can be ideal. Immediately after the bite, you need to wipe the itchy area with ice cubes. You can also freeze decoctions of chamomile, viburnum or linden flowers. These products perfectly disinfect the skin, help eliminate puffiness and itching.

Mosquito bite soda

The best remedy for mosquito bites is baking soda. This is the most good way eliminate discomfort after a mosquito bite. You can use soda in the form of a cake or lotion. To make a cake, you need to add a little water to the soda to make a thick gruel. From the resulting mass, you need to make a cake and apply it to the inflamed and itchy area. Put a wet cloth on top. After 3 hours, you need to replace the cake with a fresh one.

Soda lotion helps a lot. To prepare it, you need to pour a little soda into a bowl, soak a bandage or cotton pad in it and wipe the bite site. Repeat the procedure several times.

Pharmacy products for children

It is very important to find a good mosquito bite remedy for children to eliminate severe itching, swelling and inflammation. Usually, children are lubricated with special ointments, which contain natural ingredients and help eliminate the main signs of allergies.

Hormonal ointments are used only in case of severe allergies, in the presence of edema. In this case, you need to apply hydrocortisone ointment. Unpleasant sensations will help to eliminate "Psilo-balm". This remedy helps to remove allergic reactions, as well as itching after bites. It is characterized by anti-allergic, antipruritic and analgesic effects. Literally a few minutes after the treatment of the bite site, the itching disappears.

It is very difficult for a child not to comb the bites. Therefore, funds are required to eliminate inflammation. The "Boro +" remedy helps well, which helps to eliminate puffiness, itching and redness as much as possible. You just need to lubricate the affected area with cream. All unpleasant sensations will go away literally right away.

Folk remedies against mosquito bites for children

Picking up the most best remedy after mosquito bites for children, it is worth applying medicinal herbs and plants. You can use an alcoholic tincture of white lily petals and after that the itching goes away almost immediately. Herbal compresses help well. To do this, chop the leaves of plantain, mint or bird cherry and apply to the bite.

If children are severely affected by mosquitoes, you need to fill the bath warm water and add sea salt to it. The child needs to lie down in such water for 15 minutes. There are many folk remedies and techniques that help eliminate discomfort after mosquito bites, however, not all of them are suitable for a child.

What is strictly forbidden to do

It is strictly forbidden to scratch and rub itchy skin... A wound forms at the site of the bite, into which bacteria and microbes can penetrate. Some people have rather sensitive skin. Therefore, after the wound, scars may remain, spoiling appearance skin.

It is imperative to choose the right means to eliminate itching and swelling, so as not to harm the body even more.

Such a tiny insect like a mosquito can cause a lot of trouble for a person. It is worth noting that only female mosquitoes are bloodsuckers, which need blood protein to lay eggs. Males, on the other hand, are completely harmless creatures, as they feed on the nectar of flowers.

At the time of the bite, the female mosquito pierces the skin with her proboscis and injects saliva into it, containing anticoagulants, which prevent blood from clotting. The human body regards these substances as allergens, so the bite site turns red and itches. Today we will look at how to reduce itching using folk remedies for mosquito bites, and what precautions to take if you are the victim of little bloodsuckers.

First aid for a mosquito bite

First of all, the area should be thoroughly washed with soap to eliminate the risk of germs and dirt penetrating the skin. Allergy sufferers need to take an antihistamine, such as Suprastin or Tavegil.

After that, you can apply lotions from mosquito bites according to folk recipes, which will be discussed below.

Alcohol tinctures

Alcohol-based products eliminate itching in the area of ​​a mosquito bite, namely:

  • boric alcohol;
  • triple cologne;
  • valocordin;
  • corvalol;
  • propolis tincture.

Best of all helps from mosquito bites tincture of calendula. If none of these remedies were found in the first-aid kit, the reddened area of ​​the skin can be lubricated with “Zvezdochka” balm or with your own saliva.

Medicinal plants
  1. Rue- it is used in the form of gruel or juice from crushed leaves for a compress. It also helps with wasps and bees stings.
  2. Veronica officinalis- used in the form of a strong decoction, from which a lotion is made. Effective against bites of poisonous insects and spiders.
  3. Dandelion- squeeze juice from a freshly plucked plant and lubricate the wound with it. A bandage is applied on top, which is changed every three hours.
  4. Plantain- a fresh leaf is rubbed in the palms and glued to the bite site.
Home remedies

It is effective to apply a fresh cut onion to the skin to the site of the bite - onion juice will disinfect the wound and eliminate itching. Garlic works in a similar way - a few cloves should be crushed into gruel, diluted with water (2 tsp). In the resulting product, a bandage is moistened and applied to the wound.

It helps against mosquito bites and vinegar - a clean cloth or gauze is dipped into it and a compress is applied to the reddened area for half an hour.

Another effective home remedy for itching is toothpaste (not gel!).

Mosquito bite soda

  1. Baking soda- the best helper in the fight against discomfort after a mosquito bite. It is used in several ways.
  2. Soda cake- add a little water to 1 tablespoon of the substance to form a thick gruel. A cake is formed from the resulting mass and applied to the itchy area. Apply a wet cloth on top. After three hours, the cake is changed.
  3. Soda lotion- a little soda is poured into a bowl, a wet bandage is dipped into it and the wound is wiped with it. The procedure is repeated several times a day.

Soda is completely harmless. It relieves redness and inflammation, the bite site heals quickly and there are no traces left after it. This method is especially suitable for treating mosquito bites in young children.

Other treatments for bites

Immediately after the insect bite, it is effective to put ice or something cold on the sore spot.

If there are a lot of mosquito bites, a cool bath with the addition of sea ​​salt, lavender or tea tree oil.

Attention! If the bite site swells quickly, which is accompanied by a sharp deterioration in health (dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath), you should call a doctor. These symptoms are commonly associated with malaria mosquito bites, which carry dangerous infections.

Tortured by mosquitoes? Does the body itch, itch, or edema? To get rid of these unpleasant symptoms and protect yourself from infection of the wounds, you need to use an ointment from mosquito bites.

"Fenistil gel"

This remedy is characterized by a double action - antihistamine and antipruritic. It also relieves irritation and reduces swelling. The volume of the tube is 30 grams. The average price is 350 rubles.

Fenistil gel is not suitable for children under 1 year old!


The drug is intended for the treatment of streptoderma in children, but it can also be used to lubricate mosquito bites. This ointment does not have any contraindications, but it is almost impossible to find it on sale.

The volume of the tube is 5, 10, 20 and 50 grams. The average cost is 300 rubles.

Ambulance after bites from "MOSQUITALL"

The gel-balm contains extracts of plants, menthol, d-panthenol and silver ions. These components quickly remove the effects of mosquito and other insect bites, disinfect wounds and reduce inflammation.

The volume of the tube is 10 grams. The average cost is 110 rubles.

If after applying this or that ointment appeared side effects in the form of shortness of breath and palpitations, urgently go to the hospital or call an ambulance!


How to smear mosquito bites? Try a universal remedy based only on natural medicinal ingredients:

  • Oils - olive, sea buckthorn and ghee;
  • Extraction of calendula;
  • Vitamins A and E;
  • Wax;
  • Naftalan oil (refined).

As you can see, there are no antibiotics or hormones in the "Rescuer".

The ointment promotes rapid regeneration of the affected areas of the epidermis and prevents the appearance of puffiness and blisters. Suitable for pregnant women and children.

The volume of the tube is 30 grams. The average price is 110 rubles.

Ointment "Rescuer" can not be used in case of intolerance to its components!

"Golden Star"

This is another antiseptic universal preparation that heals the skin after various injuries, including the bites of various insects. Balm "Golden Star" contains exclusively natural ingredients - menthol, camphor, peppermint, as well as oils of clove, cinnamon and eucalyptus. The drug is suitable for everyone. The only exceptions are those patients who have an individual intolerance to its components.

The volume of the tube is 5 grams. The average price is 50 rubles.

Advice! This product can be applied both to treat mosquito bites and to prevent them. The intense pungent smell of the "Golden Star" scares away bloodsuckers for a long time.


This gel is successfully used for bites of mosquitoes, mosquitoes, horseflies, midges and even ticks. It heals the affected skin and has a repellent effect. When using this product, make sure that it does not get on the mucous membranes!

The volume of the tube is 40 grams. The average cost is 70 rubles.

On a note! Be very careful when choosing baby mosquito repellents. Most of these drugs are not suitable for children with sensitive skin and can lead to severe side effects.

"Komarex" has an anti-inflammatory effect and, at the same time, drives away insects


This cream is included in the pharmacological group of corticosteroids and has a persistent antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effect. The disadvantages of the drug can be safely attributed to a fairly large number of contraindications:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Age up to 2 years;
  • Breastfeeding period;
  • Intolerance to the components;
  • Syphilis;
  • Bacterial skin infection;
  • Tuberculosis.

The volume of the tube is 15 and 45 grams. The average cost is from 300 to 400 rubles.

Advice! Do not use the drug very often. Typically, it lasts about 3 hours. You can find out the exact dates on the package.


Baneocin is a synthetic antibiotic actively used for insect bites. Available in two forms - cream or powder. The remedy has no contraindications, so it can be used from birth. According to reviews, unpleasant symptoms disappear after the 2nd application.

The volume of the tube is 10 grams. The average price is 300 rubles.


Arnika ointment is a homeopathic preparation created on a natural basis. Its main active ingredient is the arnica montana plant, and additional tool Vaseline is used.

The drug is famous for its powerful sedative, antimicrobial and antispasmodic properties. It also strengthens the body's defenses and increases its resistance to allergies and other consequences of mosquito bites.

Unfortunately, the Arnika ointment has many contraindications. These include pregnancy, intolerance to certain ingredients, age under 18 and breastfeeding.

The volume of the tube is 30 grams. Average price - 170 rubles

Tips to help with mosquito bites:


The main feature of the Nezulin cream-gel is the natural repellents included in the composition. In addition, the agent has a calming and antihistamine effect, kills bacteria, reduces itching, inflammation and swelling, improves protective functions epidermis and promotes its regeneration. There is no list of contraindications (with the exception of individual sensitivity).

The volume of the tube is 30 grams. The average cost is 900 rubles.

Advice! Thanks to its non-hormonal base, the gel is suitable for long-term use. But before that, a consultation with a dermatologist is required.


A popular cream-balm for mosquito bites, which has no contraindications and is suitable for victims of all categories. Acts gently and quickly, heals the focus of inflammation, eliminates severe itching.

The volume of the tube is 30 grams. The average price is 150 rubles.


A well-known external remedy that heals and moisturizes the skin and relieves inflammation. Release form - gel, ointment and cream for nursing and babies. The therapeutic effect is achieved thanks to the active ingredient dexpanthenol. The results are visible after the first application. Contraindications are limited only by individual intolerance to the components.

The volume of the tube is 30 and 50 grams. The average cost is 400 and 600 rubles, respectively.

"Bepanten" is indicated even for nursing mothers and babies from the first days of life

Advice! Never use expired creams, ointments or gels.


It is a hormonal agent based on the active substance of the same name. It is thanks to the presence of hydrocortisone that the ointment relieves swelling, redness and itching. It should be applied only to cleansed skin. Although the product is sold without a prescription, it still requires special care. Contraindications to its use are pregnancy, sensitivity to certain components and open wounds caused by bacteria, viruses or infections.

The volume of the tube is 10 grams. The average price is 50 rubles.

On a note! Hydrocortisone is intended not only for treating insect bite allergies, but also for treating many skin conditions.


An excellent ointment after a mosquito bite. Helps reduce itching and swelling, as well as quick healing of wounds. Due to side effects, it requires prior consultation with a dermatologist.

The volume of the tube is 30 grams. The average price is 150 rubles.


A delicate preparation for both children and adults. This medication is most often used for dermatitis and various skin injuries. It relieves itching, eliminates edema, and reduces the appearance of a rash. Ideal for treating mosquito and bug bites.

The volume of the tube is 30 grams. The average price is 450 rubles.


Many pharmaceutical companies produce medicinal creams, ointments or gels based on panthenol. It quickly relieves itching, heals wounds and regenerates the epidermis.

In order not to overpay for the brand, choose the cheapest option. In this case, you will only pay for the active component.

The volume of the tube is 50 grams. The average cost is 100 rubles. Combined products based on panthenol will cost much more - from 300 to 500 rubles for the same amount.

"Gardex" and "Taiga"

Children's creams for mosquito bites are represented by the brands "Taiga" and "Gardex". These are delicate preparations that allow you to quickly relieve itching and protect yourself from the subsequent attack of insects.

The volume of the tube is 40 and 60 grams. The average cost is 40-50 rubles.


A common antipruritic and anti-inflammatory drug for external use. It is widely used to treat various diseases of the epidermis, including mosquito bites. Available in the form of a cream and ointment. The composition of both variants is the same, and the main active ingredient is methylprednisalone acetonate.

The volume of the tube is 15 grams. The average cost of a gel is 550 rubles, an ointment is from 300 to 400 rubles.

All external agents used for mosquito bites have a local effect and can only withstand local manifestations of allergies. If the body's reaction is complex, take an antihistamine.


The active substance of this ointment is bamipin lactate, intended for the treatment of insect bites, burns of various natures (thermal, UV and from jellyfish), as well as frostbite. Bamipin does not enter the bloodstream and therefore has a small set of contraindications - pregnancy, breastfeeding and age under 12 years. But most importantly, the drug is strictly prohibited for people suffering from propylene glycol intolerance.

Apply this antihistamine antipruritic ointment thin layer on all foci of bites - the skin must be pre-cleaned. It is important not to wash it off!

The volume of the tube is 20 grams. The average price is 150 rubles.


A fairly effective ointment against mosquito bites, which contains diphenhydramine (diphenhydramine). It is this active ingredient that is responsible for eliminating edema, redness, itching and inflammation. The drug has a mild effect, but is not suitable for allergy sufferers, expectant mothers and babies under one year old.

The volume of the tube is 20 grams. The average price is 200 rubles.


Very strong cream. Quickly relieves inflammation and itching. Treatment takes place in courses. Contraindications include age up to 3 months and the presence of wounds with suspected fungus or bacterial infection.

The volume of the tube is 15 grams. The average cost is 1000 rubles.

"Elidel" can be used only in cases where a person has a serious allergic reaction - eczema and atopic dermatitis.

Any, even the most effective, means before local application must be tested for compatibility on small area skin. If discomfort appears within a quarter of an hour, stop using this drug.

An effective insect bite ointment designed to relieve attacks from biting or stinging arthropods. However, it is impossible to consider each such remedy as a panacea and a 100% guarantee of getting rid of all unpleasant symptoms: the ointment will only reduce the reaction of the skin and tissues under it to foreign biological substances that enter the body when bitten.

For example, some creams have anti-inflammatory, disinfecting and soothing effects, while some other ointments and creams are more focused on preventing the development of an allergic reaction: they do not increase swelling, and also help relieve itching from an insect bite and minimize the appearance of rashes.

Thus, when deciding how to smear insect bites, you should not rely on the fact that any one remedy will be able to completely relieve you of all the unpleasant consequences - such drugs simply do not exist.

On a note

It is especially worth choosing a remedy especially carefully if you decide to anoint an insect bite on a child, since many ointments are contraindicated for babies or children with very sensitive skin. In most cases, itching after bites is not at all dangerous, but some ointments with which they are trying to soothe it may well lead to serious side effects.

But with the bites of stinging or poisonous insects (bees, wasps, hornets, predatory and, as well as spiders, scolopendra, leeches), even a high-quality ointment, cream or balm from insect bites often has to be used in conjunction with other species medicines and drugs to combat symptoms of intoxication. Ointments here, unfortunately, are often capable of only mildly stopping the effects of bites.

As for tick bites, it makes sense to apply, first of all, those ointments that have a pronounced antiseptic effect - all other "advantages" of drugs in this case are secondary (if brilliant green or alcohol is available, it is better to use them). However, even in this case, the ointments, alas, are usually not able to protect the victim from borreliosis or encephalitis.

Anyway to achieve best result ointment, cream or gel for insect bites first you need to be able to choose the right one, which we will discuss in more detail ...

How to choose an ointment?

Preparations used after insect bites are produced in various forms of release, differing in their composition, consistency and packaging containers.

Among such funds, the following three main groups can be distinguished:

  • gels - as a rule, these are water-based products containing various pharmaceutical substances and (or) natural medicinal components;
  • creams - usually preparations based on natural or synthetic fats or oils, also containing certain medicinal additives;
  • balms - medicinal products, which are usually based on plant extracts and natural resinous substances.

On a note

A high-quality balm for insect bites primarily promotes the speedy regeneration of tissues at the site of the bite, and therefore is used mainly after attacks by stinging insects.

It should be noted that there are other types of remedies used after insect bites: aerosol preparations, pencils, plasters, etc.

Creams are considered the most effective form of ointment for insect bites, since it is they, thanks to their fatty component, that ensure the rapid transport of medicinal components through the skin.

Nevertheless, the funds released in other forms are not far behind in this regard, especially if there is a well-balanced recipe. So, for example, after insect bites, the following drugs work quite well:

  • Levomekol;
  • Advantan;
  • Akriderm;
  • Menovazine;
  • Hydrocortisone ointment.

Bites from different insects sometimes require a specific approach to treatment. In turn, each of the means also has its own specific characteristics and is most effective in a particular case.

For example, if you have been bitten by mosquitoes or bed bugs, then the primary task of the ointment is to remove the swelling of the tissues and contribute to the quickest disappearance of itching.

At the same time, after stinging insect bites, ointments of a slightly different orientation should be used - primarily those that prevent the development of an allergic reaction and help reduce pain.

On a note

Ointment with famous name The "rescuer", often used for insect bites, is the least suitable for this purpose. The purpose of this drug is to disinfect skin lesions and promote rapid healing of wounds, scratches, ulcers and bruises. With the bites of stinging insects, this ointment only allows you to quickly restore the tissues affected by the inflammation, but it is not able to minimize all other symptoms.

If the insect bite is very painful, the damaged area can be smeared with Menovazin, which will create a feeling of coolness and noticeably reduce the pain. If inflammation or edema occurs, Levomekol or Advantan should be used.

Levomekol is especially good if you need to smear insect bites on a child who has already managed to scratch them before the appearance of pustules. In the same case, Panthenol is also used.

Finally, if an insect bite has caused a severe allergic reaction with rapidly growing swelling and rash, the affected skin should be lubricated with hydrocortisone ointment. However, this remedy has a sufficient number of contraindications, so it must be used with great care, and it is best to consult a doctor first.

Perhaps the most universal remedy, used against the bites of a wide variety of insects, is Fenistil gel. You should definitely have it in your first-aid kit for going out into the countryside and be sure to take it with you on trips abroad. You can read more about this drug below.

What is important to do before using the ointment

In most cases, it appears in the following order:

  • if a bee has bitten, then first of all, its sting is removed from the wound with tweezers (after the bites of hornets or wasps, it does not remain, so you can not even look for it);
  • then, as soon as possible, poison is sucked out of the wound (if it enters the human oral cavity, it does no harm);
  • a cold compress is applied to the site of the bite (stones or damp earth cannot be used for this purpose - they can become a source of infection).

In the case of bee stings, some of the venom is neutralized with soap, in wasps and hornets - with any organic acid (for example, ordinary vinegar, a slice of lemon, apple or orange). Only then can the bite site be anointed with a specialized agent.

Gel Fenistil and its properties

The versatility of the drug Fenistil for insect bites lies primarily in its ability to perfectly soothe itching. Unfortunately, with bee or wasp stings, its use will not avoid the appearance of edema, however, with a moderately pronounced reaction of the body to the poison, this gel can quite cope with the relief of an allergic reaction, since it generally refers to antiallergic drugs.

The optimal area of ​​application of Fenistil is bites of mosquitoes, bedbugs, midges and fleas. In these cases, the gel helps relieve itching from the bites and quickly minimize other unpleasant symptoms (slight tissue swelling, redness, soreness).

Another important feature of Fenistil gel is the possibility of its use in children over 1 month old. The only thing worth remembering is that you cannot smear large areas of skin or places with scratches and bleeding abrasions with this drug.

The price of a 30-gram tube of Fenistil gel is about 350 rubles.

“Very good ointment for insect bites - Fenistil. We constantly take it with us to the dacha or barbecue, even if mosquitoes bite someone, they only need to smear the skin once, and the bites stop itching after a few minutes. Several times they had to smear bee stings, it also works well. The site of the bite swells, but passes faster, the pain is felt for a short time. "

Irina, Tver

Famous Levomekol

Levomekol cannot be called a classic remedy designed specifically for treating insect bites - it is used to disinfect wounds and ulcers, antimicrobial and antiviral therapy. The drug is also good for treating burns.

In the case of insect bites, Levomekol is used, as a rule, as an anti-inflammatory agent. Therefore, it makes sense to apply it after an unsuccessful "acquaintance" with such arthropods as wasps, hornets, bees, tropical ants, scorpions and spiders. It is their attacks that usually end with an impressive tumor, edema, hemorrhages, and sometimes even tissue necrosis.

If, in these cases, anoint the wound with Levomekol, it will provide accelerated tissue restoration at the site of the bite and relieve inflammation.

The cost of the ointment is also pleasing - only about 100 rubles per tube of 40 grams.

Advantan for insect bites

For insect bites, Advantan ointment is usually used as an antiallergic agent. If you immediately anoint the affected area with it, then sometimes it is quite possible to completely dispense with the appearance of severe edema and urticaria, and even after the bites of insects such as paper wasps and bedbugs. When attacking larger arthropods, the drug can also help - it helps to localize inflammation and prevent the development of an allergic reaction.

It is useful to pre-select one of the forms of the drug for yourself: fat-based ointment, emulsion or water-based gel. Such a variety of release forms allows you to focus on exactly the type of product that is most suitable for each specific skin type.

The effect of all three forms of this drug is about the same, but on oily skin it would be best to anoint the insect bite with an emulsion, choose an ointment for dry skin, and Advantan gel with a balanced ratio of water and fat for normal skin.

However, despite all the positive aspects of this remedy, it also has one indisputable minus - hormonal effects. That is why it is not recommended to treat large areas of the skin with Advantan - in order to avoid the appearance of more serious problems.

The price of Advantan is about 400 rubles for 20 grams of emulsion or 15 grams of cream.


Akriderm is a remedy for symptomatic treatment. It is used, as a rule, when various damages skin and severe dermatitis.

In case of insect bites, Akriderm is used as a drug to relieve itching and get rid of a rash at the site of a tumor, therefore, mosquitoes are also the best.

An important advantage of this tool is the "delicacy" of its action - Akriderm can be safely used even for children.

The price of the drug fluctuates around 450 rubles per tube of 30 grams.

Treatment of insect bites with Menovazin

The drug "Menovazin" is intended primarily to provide an analgesic effect, since the main "working" substance in it is menthol. With this tool, you can confidently smear stings of bees, wasps, large wild bugs, because even after the onset of inflammation, it will provide a feeling of coolness at the site of the bite, reduce itching and pain.

Menovazin is inexpensive - about 30 rubles for 40 ml.

Panthenol and its properties

Panthenol-based products are available from many pharmaceutical companies in several dosage forms. Moreover, the buyer often pays for the advertised name, and not for the much cheaper active ingredient.

The cream "Panthenol" itself costs from 100 rubles for 50 ml, but various combined preparations based on the same active ingredient are offered by pharmacies for completely different money - from 350-500 rubles for the same volume.

In case of insect bites, Panthenol is most efficiently used in the form of a cream or ointment: in this case, it ensures the restoration of the skin at the sites of inflammation, relieving itching and rapid healing of wounds.

Hydrocortisone ointment

Hydrocortisone ointment is a hormonal agent, therefore, when using it, you must carefully read the instructions and be sure to take into account the existing contraindications.

With insect bites, the ointment blocks the occurrence of an allergic reaction and the release of histamine in the body. This remedy can be used to prevent the development of anaphylactic shock with the bites of stinging insects, spiders and scorpions.

The price of hydrocortisone ointment is approximately 50 rubles per 5 grams.

Other ointments for treating bites

All of the above insect bite remedies are sold exclusively in pharmacies and therefore may not be available in some cases. Fortunately, they can be easily replaced with drugs similar in action, in the assortment available in supermarkets and household chemicals stores.

So, drugs are quite widespread on sale trade marks Mosquitall, Gardex, Off, Taiga, among which there are products for children. For example, Gardex baby cream for insect bites acts very delicately and quickly relieves itching in case of mosquito bites, and Taiga brand products, in addition to getting rid of bite symptoms, also help protect against insect attacks.

In the vast majority of cases, for the treatment of insect bites, you should choose fat-based products that provide an additional antiallergic effect. Relief of allergies in the "global" sense is much more important for the body than, for example, relieving itching or getting rid of painful sensations. Ointments designed to combat discomfort should be used either in cases where there is no allergy itself, or in addition to an antiallergic agent.

And finally, there are numerous products on the market that are designed to scare away insects and prevent them from biting at all. They are effective in the case of protection from attacks by mosquitoes, fleas or bedbugs, but unfortunately, they are not able to scare off an angry hornet or a bee. Choosing such a remedy, one should look for the names "DEET" or "permethrin" in its composition. If the proposed repellent ointment contains as the main active ingredient essential oils, then there will be practically no expected effect from it.


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