How can you poison bed bugs in your apartment1 min read.

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Everyone, even if not seen, but at least heard about bed bugs. What harm can they bring to a person? And how to poison bed bugs in an apartment on their own, not everyone knows.

Consider the most reliable ways to destroy household pests.

This should include conventional insecticides, which are available in various forms and sold at any hardware store:

  • aerosols or sprays;
  • coils for ignition;
  • with plates;
  • gels;
  • crayons.

All products in their composition have a toxic substance that is aimed at combating bedbugs.

Aerosols, sprays

It is believed that the aerosol is very easy to use. The sprayed toxic substance enters the body of the bug, into its respiratory tract, thereby paralyzing it nervous system.

It is easy for them to process any surface, get into hard-to-reach places. The only drawback is the ingress of poison into the body of other inhabitants of the apartment.

Important! It must be used according to the instructions, in order to avoid poisoning.

Basic tips for using a repellent spray:

  1. Before processing, you need to prepare the room to the maximum. Need to be removed food products, personal hygiene products, things, dishes. If possible, remove plants from the room, eliminate animals and children. Close the aquarium, vents and windows.
  2. Use personal protective equipment: goggles, respirator, latex gloves.
  3. Do not use spray cans near fire and electrical appliances. Do not direct the flow of insecticide in your direction.
  4. Carry out the treatment of all possible habitats of bedbugs.
  5. After the procedure, you must leave the room and open windows and vents for ventilation. The time of purification from a toxic substance is indicated in the instructions for use.
  6. Upon returning to the house, you need to carefully carry out wet cleaning Wash all surfaces with soapy water.

Available for sale a large assortment from bedbugs from cheap to quite costly.

Consider the list of the most common and popular:

These are perhaps the most common, besides them there are many others, such as:

  • Perfos-P;
  • Prima-U.

All listed names refer to aerosol insecticides.

What is a spray. It is a concentrated poisonous liquid that is sold in small bottles and is used for processing as a solution. May be odorless. To make the solution correctly, instructions are attached to each product. The solution is diluted depending on the size of the treated area and applied with atomizers and sprayers.

Here are the most used:

  • Microphos;

A larger assortment will be offered to you in the store. Processing the premises with such means does not require cleaning the room from plants and animals. Validity on the surface up to six months.

Advice! Before you treat the surface with a population of bedbugs, you need to shake the can well so that the settled substance is mixed. Spraying should be carried out on an outstretched arm and 30 cm from the surface. To enhance the effect, use several aerosols, alternating them.

Powders and crayons

Chalk from bedbugs "Clean House"

Crayons or have no less effect.

They work on the principle of infecting a blood-sucking individual, which in turn spreads poison among the rest. Bed bugs will not eat the powder, which is why the principle of the virus has been developed.

"Chlorophost" dust from bedbugs

In demand are:

  1. . Chalk white color, small sizes. Perhaps the cheapest drug to fight bedbugs at home. In addition, Mashenka destroys other insects, such as two-tails, wood lice, and ants. It is applied in thick lines where bed bugs move. The pencil acts for a long time and does not cause poisoning of the owner of the apartment.
  2. . The result of the application is positive, valid for 1 month. Not toxic. It should be applied in strips 2 cm wide in places where bedbugs accumulate. Do not use on soft upholstery furniture.
  3. . A powdered insecticide that kills bed bugs and their larvae. When treating the room with powder, you need to be extremely careful, since the drug is toxic and can cause poisoning if inhaled. It is used as a solution. To do this, 15 g of powder must be diluted in 10 liters of water. Apply to the habitat with a spray bottle.
  4. . The most effective, but difficult to get, since its price is quite high. Used on ships.
  5. Neopin.

Video: How to get rid of bedbugs folk remedies

All powders have both advantages and disadvantages. The good thing is that it has a duration of action, but the surfaces treated with it look dusty and dirty.

Advice! It is necessary to pour the powder on a dry surface in order to prolong the effect of the active substance.

Bed bug gels

If you came to the store to buy, then you will be offered a plastic syringe with a thin tip and a gel-like liquid inside.

This is the release form of the drug. The thin tip allows you to easily process cracks and seams, as well as cracks in furniture, walls, behind the baseboard.

A few common brands of pastes:

  1. blockbuster;
  2. Phoxide;
  3. Absolute;

Since the gel-like liquid does not evaporate, the action is prolonged for several months.

"Shock therapy"

  1. High temperatures. Here you can use boiling water, pouring cracks with them. Some furniture can be taken out into the scorching sun. But the most effective will be the use of steam generators and heat guns. Thanks to temperatures up to +50 degrees, bedbugs can be destroyed once and for all, without harming furniture and other household items.
  2. Low temperatures. Both high and low drops are afraid of bedbugs. This principle is used in the processing. This method is used.

All ways reach high results, but applying them is very problematic and costly not only in material resources, but also in time, physical strength. To freeze the whole apartment, you need to leave it for a while, turn off heating appliances. The same can be said about the heat, large furniture is very difficult to take out in the sun, and the use of boiling water can harm your home.

Folk ways

Some, proven for centuries, are no worse than chemical ones. But the effect of them is very low, so it is better to use them in combination with insecticides.

There are a lot of ways from household improvised materials, but their validity period is very short, which does not allow to destroy the bed bug, but only to drive it out of its familiar place for a while.


A bedbug is an unpleasant cohabitant that feeds on human blood. Lives mainly in bedding and furniture. That is why it is called bed.

Insects are carriers of many dangerous diseases. Such a neighborhood is undesirable for a person. At the first sign of the discovery of uninvited guests, you need to sound the alarm and start fighting.

In addition, our great-grandfathers used improvised substances and materials that repelled insects. If you use everything together, then you will be able to defeat the enemy.

There are two approaches to such an event as pest control. The first is to try to eliminate insects on your own, the second is to call specialists. By tradition, at first we try to do everything on our own, therefore, we are primarily interested in how and with what exactly to poison bedbugs in an apartment, and we will look for the addresses of companies later.

Methods of dealing with bedbugs, their larvae and eggs

Finding out that bloodsuckers have appeared in your house is very unpleasant. Especially when here and there you hear how difficult it is to fight them. Now in stores and via the Internet you can buy almost any product, so either those who are already desperate to get rid of bedbugs on their own, or those who do not want to bother themselves with unnecessary worries turn to the help of professional exterminators.

But you can’t take a bedbug with your bare hands, so for starters, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the methods applicable at home. There are several. Chemistry takes the first place in terms of efficiency and availability in application.

Chemicals are available in the following forms:

  • Powder;
  • Crayons;
  • liquids;
  • Aerosols.

The physical methods follow. Simply put, this impact on bedbugs is low and high temperatures. Insects, like all living things, require certain conditions for life.

Many try to get them out folk ways. This is another one of the methods. We can only talk about its effectiveness in the context of how badly the room is infected. The aromas of plants can scare away transit insects and are very useful for prevention purposes, but when the house has turned into a bedbug, you need to act more radically.

Overview of chemicals

The easiest to use for self-baiting are aerosols. With their help, you can quickly process all surfaces in the room and do not have to prepare a solution and buy a sprayer. The poison enters the body of bedbugs with air.

Aerosol consumption is small when compared with liquid products or powder, and this is also a plus. The disadvantage of this method is that it is likely to poison people and pets along with bedbugs. To prevent this from happening, be sure to adhere to the following rules:

  • Seal food, toys, and anything you use for personal hygiene;
  • Take cats and dogs out of the house, take out cages with birds and hamsters, it is enough to cover a large aquarium with a lid and turn off the filtration system;
  • Put on a respirator and thick rubber gloves;
  • After the treatment is completed, open the windows and leave the room.

When working with aerosols, remember that dispersed particles are flammable, and the can itself is under high pressure. This means that spraying it near open fire absolutely impossible, just like heating, leaving near hot battery heating.

You can independently try to get rid of bedbugs in the house with the help of aerosols such as:

  • dichlorvos,
  • Prima-U
  • combat,
  • Raptor,
  • Clean house,
  • raid.

Dichlorvos and Prima-U

The most affordable. The bottle should be labeled "for bedbugs", because if you buy a fly repellent, it will definitely not help in the fight against night bloodsuckers.

The downside is that these are no longer the same drugs that were produced under the same names before. The active substance in them is completely different, and the aroma is very remotely reminiscent of the lethal smell of Soviet Dichlorvos and Prima. If you choose between them, the more effective it is to poison bedbugs in an apartment, it is better to give preference to dichlorvos, it is stronger.

With all the shortcomings, they also have advantages, the main of which is that these products do not leave marks on furniture and textiles. They can be processed plastic skirting boards, and velor sofa upholstery.


It performed well on a local scale, that is, you will achieve the greatest effect if you find a nest and spray it with all the inhabitants. During the day, individuals that fall under the jet of the Raptor will die. The difficulty lies in the fact that in order to achieve a result, you need to find all the nests, and this is almost unrealistic, but there will be much fewer insects, and this is already good.


Almost the same effect on bedbugs. It affects the nervous system of insects that have come into contact with the poison.

It is not possible to completely get rid of bedbugs using only an aerosol, but it is quite suitable as an ambulance.

If you are not currently ready to tear off the wallpaper, disassemble the furniture and leave own apartment at least for a couple of days, you can try to poison the bugs with Combat aerosol. The spray can is equipped with a nozzle, which is convenient to handle narrow gaps.


Works longer than previous drugs. But he messes things up. For a new sofa, it is better not to use it, as oily stains will remain on the upholstery. Within 14 days after spraying it, the bugs will have a hard time, but only those that have fallen under the stream and live in the nest that was processed.

Aerosol Clean House

The drug of complex action helps to get rid of bedbugs, cockroaches, ants. Processing must be done several times, since at the first application only adults and larvae will die, and the eggs will not lose their viability.


We also include pencils and crayons here, since it’s easy different forms the same drugs.

Powders are convenient in that they can be used both in dry form and in solution. The dry powder is clearly visible, and there is no doubt whether you have processed this place or not.

It remains on the paws and body of the insect, and the bugs themselves bring it to the nest that you did not find. At the same time, they infect their comrades, and when the larvae hatch, they also fall under the action of the powder.

Among the powder preparations can be distinguished:

  • Neopin;
  • Phenaksin;
  • Riapan;
  • Dust.

The effect of using powders is very good. Places where powder cannot be poured can be filled with a solution. This form of poison is not suitable for those with pets and small children.

Liquid products

Liquids are the most effective, and therefore most often used where there are a lot of bedbugs. in the group of liquid insecticides includes:

  • Forssythe;
  • Get (Get);
  • Phoxide;
  • Microphos.

Chemical liquid preparations are usually available as concentrates that need to be diluted with water. They are very poisonous, so special requirements are placed on their storage.

When choosing one or another means are guided by the following:

  1. How heavily contaminated is the room;
  2. Is it critical to use highly toxic substances or is it unacceptable in your conditions;
  3. What surfaces can be treated with them.

Karbofos will leave indelible stains on textiles and wallpaper, upholstered furniture will have to be changed, and repairs will need to be made in the apartment. But the effectiveness of this drug is quite high.

But in the Get preparation there are no oily substances, so they can process not only the back sides of sofas and armchairs, but also upholstery.

Temperature effects

This method is suitable both as an independent tool and as an auxiliary. Bedbugs are afraid of high and low temperatures, to get rid of them, at home you can use boiling water and hot steam from a steam generator.

On hard surfaces, such as the back wall of a cabinet and the joints of wallpaper, even a vertical steam iron will cope with bedbugs. You cannot iron upholstered furniture with an iron, since this steam will not get into the depth of the upholstery - there will not be enough pressure. Here are used:

  • Powerful household steam cleaners;
  • Professional steam generators (the latter is preferable).

When there are few bedbugs, then measures of temperature exposure are premature, since they are often accompanied by damage to property. Few dare to pour boiling water over the baseboards or freeze the apartment in winter, leaving the windows wide open for several days with the risk of defrosting the heating system and ruining the plumbing. This radical measures when all other ways to get rid of bedbugs have already been tried on their own and have not brought results.

Some companies offer room heating with a heat gun in combination with other measures for disinsection of premises. On your own, without experience, it is better not to do this, since an apartment with bedbugs is much more pleasant than a conflagration without insects.

Folk ways from bedbugs

If neighbors have bloodsuckers, preventive measures against them can be taken just with the help of repellent aromas. The most famous means:

  • Sagebrush;
  • Tansy;
  • Chamomile.

Chamomile extract, by the way, is contained in some chemicals against bedbugs.

They are afraid of the strong smell of vinegar, so it is useful to treat the places of possible penetration into the apartment with vinegar essence. Side effect of this method - a constant vinegar aroma in the apartment.

If there are no cats in the house, then you can try to drive the bugs out of the nest with the help of valerian tincture. She processes furniture, window sills, walls under the batteries.

Against the background of strong aromas of vinegar and valerian, wormwood looks more harmless, but its smell is not liked by bedbugs in the same way, if not more. Dried wormwood grass is laid out near the sleeping places. You can put it under the mattress, stuff it with a pillow, and then the night will become much calmer.

And finally, one more folk remedy. This is mustard. Mustard powder is mixed with wallpaper glue, the bugs do not like the smell of mustard, so they prefer to settle where it is not.

Protection against bloodsuckers is, first of all, preventive measures, including a constant and regular inspection of the premises, especially if they are found among neighbors. But at the first detection of them, you can not hesitate. You need to start destroying them on the day of discovery, then the measures taken to save the home will be the most gentle, quick and more effective.

Before you poison bedbugs at home, get all the necessary protective measures: rubber gloves, respirator or gauze bandage, buy a bathrobe or pick up your own work clothes, which can be discarded or boiled, and proceed with the preparation of the room, as described earlier.

There are such methods of persecution of bedbugs:

Bedbugs are known to be resistant (addictive) to chemicals. That's why it's so important to use a different brand of insecticide every next time. Turning to professionals for help, you need to say not only that you have bed bugs, how you prefer to get rid of them at home, but also what preparations the room was previously treated with. This information will help exterminators choose another remedy that the insects will no longer survive.

Professionals, whenever possible, try to use products that are absolutely safe for the inhabitants of the apartment. And before their arrival, they will definitely tell you how best to prepare the room for processing.

The most popular are:

Is it possible and how to poison bedbugs at home without using chemicals or no call special services? In such cases, only folk methods or recipes will help, from which the bloodsuckers, if they do not die, then, for sure, will run away. Although it has long been proven that such funds help only in initial stage(at the first appearance of insects in the house). It is better to use a set of measures at once, combining insecticides and remedies from the people.
Methods from the people:

All these components were mixed and diluted to the desired consistency, and then sprayed, applied with a brush, or they simply washed the floor, walls, ceiling, furniture ...
What helped more, what less - depended on the number of insects in the room and the stage of its reproduction. At the very least, to poison bedbugs in an apartment, house or cottage, if there is neither money nor the opportunity to use more popular methods, they can try. The disadvantage is low efficiency, such “drugs”, in most cases, have a sharp bad smell or leave behind greasy stains or spots.

Summing up, we can say that knowing how to poison bed bugs at home , the prevention of this invasion should never be forgotten. After all, bugs, although they live only 12-14 months, but with a lack of food or under adverse circumstances, they can fall into long-term suspended animation. And even one female insect can restore the entire extinct population of these bloodsuckers in your apartment.

When the question is acute, how to poison bedbugs, you need to use the most effective means. When choosing, the release form, speed of action, odor intensity, hazard class for humans and animals are taken into account. Each of the drugs is characterized by a different duration of exposure, so you need to select the substance, taking into account the scale of the problem: how much.

To eradicate insects, you can use any of the options: powder preparations, aerosols, sprays, liquid or solids. The choice of the most suitable means for specific conditions should be based on comparative analysis properties.

Liquid formulations

When deciding what is better to poison bedbugs, one more remedy should be considered - Phoksid. Its features: an unpleasant smell, high level toxicity, which means that the drug is dangerous for warm-blooded creatures (humans, animals). For domestic use Foxide is not used, only for professional pest control. In apartments, another remedy of this brand is used - in the form of a paste.

Preparations of this group function on the basis of the spray method. However, the pickling of linen bugs occurs a little different scheme. In the case of aerosols, the main condition is the content of the agent under pressure and spraying through the valve. If we consider sprays, then a liquid etching insecticide is used, which is sprayed through a spray bottle. Known variants this group of funds: Reid, Raptor, Karbozol, Perfos-P.

The first two of these drugs are less effective, so they can be used to poison bedbugs in an apartment with a weak and moderate infection. Raid contains cypermethrin, imiprotrin, pralletrin. After spraying, it lasts up to 2 weeks. During this period, it is not recommended to carry out wet cleaning of surfaces.

Raptor contains cypermethrin, permethrin, piperonyl butoxide. The tool is consumed less intensively: by 60 sq. m enough 1 cylinder. Perfos-P is characterized by a similar composition and principle of operation (it paralyzes, the active substance in the composition is permethrin). The duration of action of this drug is up to 3 weeks.


Popular drugs today in this form of release: Riapan, Neopin. Bed bugs can be poisoned at home with their help only after the solution has been prepared. Some types of drugs are used in dry form. The main advantage of Neopin is the absence of smell. This drug belongs to the 4th hazard class, which means it is less toxic in comparison with Karbofos. Neopin acts for a short time - no more than 1 day. For this reason, the treatment is repeated many times (up to 6 times a week).

If you need to decide how to poison bedbugs, you can consider an analogue - Riapan. The composition includes the active substance - permethrin. This tool is offered in the form of powder, tablets, aerosol. This is a universal drug that can destroy various insects, including bedbugs. During use, it is necessary to protect the respiratory system, for which they put on a respirator.

Other funds

Actellik - valid for 30 days

There are specific drugs, including: Actellik, Feverfew, Chlorpirimark, Effective Ultra. To understand the principle of action, you need to study the composition and properties. When deciding how to properly poison bedbugs, it is necessary to consider natural formulations, for example, Feverfew, among the first preparations.

This is a powder containing a natural, but very poisonous insecticide - pyrethrin. It is obtained from plants -. The tool has a paralytic effect on insects and acts for a long time.

Actellik's analogue contains pirimifos-methyl. The substance kills bedbugs in the same way as most insecticides - it paralyzes. The drug is offered in the form of a liquid, available in ampoules, canisters. The main plus is a prolonged action, which is noted for 3 weeks after the end of the treatment process.

When deciding how to poison bed bugs, you can influence not only the well-known Karbofos, but other options should be considered, for example, Chlorpirimark.

The basis of the drug is chlorpyrifos (48%). This universal remedy, which affects bedbugs, flies, mosquitoes, ants, cockroaches.

This drug is used by professional exterminators. Its analogue Efficient Ultra is a microencapsulated agent, the composition of which contains propoxur, tetramethrin.

Folk methods of struggle

The most famous of these funds are turpentine, kerosene, denatured alcohol, cresol and vinegar.

Herbs are mainly used to repel insects, such as: wormwood, tansy, hawthorn

Video: The best methods of dealing with bedbugs

Almost invisible to the human eye. An adult individual reaches a size of 4-8 mm.

Where does attack come from

Possible reasons for the settlement of the apartment with bedbugs:

  • From unscrupulous neighbors. If in similar apartment often there are no people, then in search of food, insects begin to move using ventilation ducts.
  • From a budget hotel. With things in a suitcase from the hotel, you can bring one sexually mature individual, which will become a breeding source for the colony.
  • Items from second hand or hand. Sometimes people bring bedbugs on things that they have purchased from their hands. In this situation, it is recommended to shake them well on the street, and immediately wash them at home at the maximum hot temperature. Ironing will enhance the effect.
  • Along with used furniture. It is not recommended to purchase furniture from hands. V upholstered furniture larvae may be present. If you have purchased a table, chair or cabinet furniture, then before bringing it into the house it must be treated with insecticidal agents.

Consequences of bites

At first, a person does not feel bites or perceives them as an allergic reaction. But gradually the colony spreads, bites become more and more massive. A characteristic chain of punctures appears on the sleeping person's body. Children suffer the most. Itching appears, the skin flakes and turns red. In addition to emergency measures taken to destroy insects, it is necessary to treat the consequences of their bites.

Bites should be treated with vinegar or soda solution. Means help relieve itching and have a disinfectant effect. From folk methods ice applied to a fresh bite site and subsequent treatment with parsley juice helps well.

Control measures

If you suspect the presence of insects in the house, you need to check linens, all secluded places. If it was possible to detect an adult, larvae, their waste products or chitinous shells, then urgent action must be taken. You can poison bedbugs yourself in the following ways:

  1. With the help of industrial insecticidal preparations.
  2. Freezing or steaming.
  3. Folk methods.

It is worth noting that all the methods that came from the people are not effective. But they can be successfully used in combination with others, as a preventive measure and to maintain the desired effect.

Insecticide preparations

Thinking about how to poison bedbugs at home, you can take advantage of the developments of scientists in the field of insecticides. Many drugs are quite effective and do not harm a person if the instructions are followed.

To poison bedbugs on their own will help a liquid with the characteristic name "Executioner". The drug is supplied in small bottles, implying the dilution of the product with water. It is convenient to process upholstered furniture, textiles in the house, clothes and books with the resulting concentrate. Using a brush or sprayer, the liquid can be applied to hard-to-reach places. It is recommended to pay attention to skirting boards, wooden furniture frames and air vents. Among all insecticides, it is the safest for humans and pets. Properties are based on the paralyzing effect of fenthion and blocking the transmission of nerve impulses in blood-sucking insects.

Suspension GET

It is noteworthy that the tool sticks well to the legs of the bug. Even if only one individual passes over the treated surface, it will infect all relatives from the nest. Moreover, the duration of the drug reaches 12 months. It is also important that "Get" is completely devoid of any odor and is considered safe when precautions are taken. The main active ingredient is chronopyrifos, which can be used in child care facilities.

Aerosol "Raid"

Quite a popular remedy, which in its composition has several active ingredients at once: cypermethrin, imiprothrin and pralletrin. Therefore, the spectrum of action of the drug is very wide, but it helps in case of a small accumulation of bedbugs. "Reid" is available in the form of an aerosol, which is sprayed in places of possible accumulation of insects. It is important that the effect does not occur immediately, because the components have a prolonged effect. The final goal can be reached after two weeks of waiting.

Among the shortcomings is the inability to get rid of a large number bedbugs and a strong, unpleasant smell. The use of an aerosol involves leaving the apartment after treatment and subsequent ventilation.

Powder "Riapan"

The tool is convenient if you can temporarily move out of the room. The powder is scattered along the baseboards, on the edges of cabinet furniture and other horizontal surfaces. Particular attention should be paid to window sills, window frames, doorways and fallen off wallpaper. However, it has several disadvantages. Judging by the reviews, it often causes allergic reactions, nausea and headache. These symptoms are associated with the active ingredient - permethrin, which has volatile properties. The powder sticks well to the paws of the bug, so the infection of all individuals occurs rather quickly.

How to poison bedbugs in an apartment on your own? Effective drugs discussed above. Their use requires special training and precautions. To prevent unpleasant consequences, it is better to temporarily resettle children, the elderly and pets from home.


Before poisoning domestic bugs, it is useful to know that insects are afraid of bright light and low temperatures. However, for their complete destruction, a frost of at least 20 degrees is required. Otherwise, the bugs will simply hibernate.

To do this, it is necessary to bring all furniture and textiles to frost below 20 degrees. The room is also left open for 3 days. However, the method has disadvantages. Cannot be used in apartments with central heating and temporary need to find a place to stay.

Using a steam cleaner

Considering how to poison bedbugs in an apartment on your own, you need to adopt the method of special disinfecting services. To do this, you need to purchase a device that is capable of releasing hot steam under pressure. There are many different models on the market. If the steam temperature is at least 80 degrees, then the larvae and adults die in a few seconds.

How to poison bed bugs with a steam cleaner:

  • Processing is carried out in the most likely habitats of bedbugs - a bed, linen and upholstered furniture.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to cabinet furniture, window sills, skirting boards.
  • Carpets and textiles are further processed.
  • It is necessary to steam all the cracks in the floor.
  • Internal surfaces in cabinets are processed.

Re-treatment with steam will be required to effectively poison bed bugs. tool aimed at heat treatment, pretty efficient. And, importantly, it is safe for humans.

How to poison bedbugs in an apartment: funds from the people

Such methods are suitable in the case of a single appearance of an insect, as an addition to the main methods and for prevention. For this, the following steps are used:

To prevent the spread of bedbugs in the apartment, you can use:

  • sagebrush;
  • valerian;
  • chamomile;
  • tansy.

And fit like natural plants, and their tinctures. Especially effective oil tea tree which can be processed wooden frame beds. In such sleeper Bed bugs most likely won't get in.

Main habitats

How to poison bedbugs in an apartment depends on their main habitat. If insects settled in a mattress, upholstery of upholstered furniture, then thermal methods. The best way out, besides completely safe, is steam treatment. In case of suitable weather, you can take out some of the things in the cold.

When fighting bloodsuckers, it must be remembered that during daylight hours they hide in secluded places. Their favorite hideouts are:

  • gaps behind skirting boards;
  • inside the mattress
  • in the folds and seams of the upholstery of upholstered furniture;
  • in the building household appliances;
  • in sockets;
  • in books;
  • under fallen off pieces of wallpaper;
  • in the cracks window frames;
  • under carpets;
  • in clothes that are rarely used;
  • in the ventilation holes.

All such places must be treated with the chosen agent in order to completely get rid of the problem.

How to understand that a bug has wound up at home

Often the appearance of blood-sucking insects is noticed when their population has already grown in sufficient volume. Therefore, how to poison bedbugs is not the main issue. The time of their detection is also important, when it is much easier to get rid of them. Action must be taken immediately if:

  • bite marks of unknown origin appeared on the body;
  • the smell of sour berries, spoiled cognac or almonds is constantly felt;
  • chitinous shells and waste products of insects are found.

If, after checking the premises, a nest is found, then it should be destroyed. Wrap in plastic bag and throw it in the trash can.

Trust the professionals

If there is no strength and desire to poison bedbugs on your own, a call to the house of specialists will optimal solution. The disinfection service uses strong agents, so you may have to leave the premises for a while. However, such measures are taken in case of a large scale problem. Thermal treatments may also be offered in conjunction with insecticides. In any case, it is better to trust the professionals so as not to subsequently deal with the remnants of surviving insects.


Bed bugs pretty tenacious. They have learned to adapt to many of the drugs that they successfully used a dozen years ago. However, scientists in the field of chemistry are constantly improving the formula of insecticides, so industrial preparations are among the most effective. However, if the problem is quite serious, it has affected more than one apartment in the house, then it is necessary to call a special service.


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