Pantry drawing. Interesting ideas for arranging a dressing room

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Things are lying around everywhere, but finding what you need is not possible? In this case, you need your own dressing room, which can be organized either in a separate room or in part of it. The main thing for you is to clearly think through the configuration and configuration of the storage for things, and the result will not disappoint you. Some people even store their wardrobe under the bed, but most often ordinary rooms, niches, storage rooms, and attics are used for these purposes.

A dressing room in the house is convenient; men and women like it, because it allows them to keep things in order and save a lot of time on searching for them. Your suits won’t get wrinkled, your sweaters won’t fade, and your shoes will always be in plain sight, which is especially good considering that a corner of the bedroom will be enough to arrange the room if you simply can’t allocate more space.

Premises requirements

If you don’t have a separate free room or at least a storage room, keep in mind that the space intended for the dressing room should have an area of ​​at least one meter by one and a half - in this case, you will have enough space to place drawers, shelves and hangers. The layout of a dressing room often includes space for a mirror and changing clothes, which is very convenient, but if you are tight on free space, you can do without this option. Will the room be very small? Equip it with a ventilation system so that things do not acquire a musty aroma during storage.

It is important! The area for storing dresses and outerwear is deeper than the area for storing short items.

A good dressing room requires precise calculation - if you do it “to be”, then the result will be appropriate.

Economy option: storage room, corner of the room, niche

Thanks to simple and inexpensive options By organizing your dressing room, you can finally create an appropriate space in your home. To make everything work at the level:

  • refuse bulky cabinet furniture - there is no room for it;
  • make a choice in favor of designs like “loft” or “boiserie” without extra walls and with mobile cabinets;
  • install a door with translucent or frosted glass.

Be sure to use free corners - a corner wardrobe can accommodate significantly more things than a regular wardrobe. The shape of the storage can be almost any - for example, trapezoid, triangle, five-walled, letter “G”. The “stuffing” is also quite simple to do:

  • place the bar in the center;
  • It is better to make shelves on the sides of the bar;
  • for small items and accessories, provide baskets and bedside tables;
  • for shoes, special structures are used, mounted at the bottom of a common closet or on the doors (shoe drawers can be closed or open - see what you like best).

You can buy bedside tables and drawers in a specialized store or make them yourself. By the way, you can make a stylish dressing room in the form of a rack - it is quite simple to arrange, but is completely open. What is her secret? Keep the shelves and frame clean, tidy and inconspicuous against the background of the contents.

A small space is no barrier to creating great storage for your belongings. You can also learn the secrets of arranging small spaces that can be used to create stylish dressing rooms.

Do-it-yourself standard dressing room - procedure

Wooden dressing rooms or rooms made of chipboard or plasterboard are a matter of taste and financial capabilities, since natural wood costs a lot, but the same MDF boards much more budget friendly. Any furniture can be used as materials for a dressing room, so choose them taking into account your own wishes (for example, cheaper or more luxurious, also keep in mind that drywall reduces usable area shelves, but is moisture resistant).

The process of arranging a dressing room with your own hands is as follows:

  1. The profile is marked, blanks for walls, floors and ceilings are cut.
  2. The floor profile is installed (tools required).
  3. Vertical and horizontal profiles are mounted (first the first, then the second).
  4. The transverse profiles are secured with self-tapping screws, which increases the strength and rigidity of the structure.
  5. When the frame is assembled, it can be sheathed, insulation (if necessary), and electrical wiring installed.
  6. When the sheathing is finished, prime and tape the seams.
  7. Think about the finishing - they are suitable for these purposes decorative panels, wallpaper and any other modern options.

As for the floor, you can opt for tiles, parquet, carpet or linoleum - see for yourself what characteristics you need and focus on your available budget. Make the doors either sliding or hinged, but outwards, so as not to reduce the usable space.

We have already written about filling the dressing room above; the last thing you need to do is think about the lighting. Lamps can be built above hangers and shelves, you can’t do without ceiling lamp and, of course, a separate device near the mirror, if there is one.

Design: indoors indoors

You learned how to make your own dressing room, but we didn't say a word about its design. The fact is that we are talking about a utility room, which is aesthetically subordinate to the idea of ​​the interior as a whole, which must be taken into account in order to avoid glaring dissonances. That is, the style of the dressing room should follow from the style of the room - first you need to do general repairs(if it has not yet been made), and only then create a wardrobe, and not vice versa.

Now you know how to make a dressing room on your own, and you can surprise your family without extra costs money, and at the same time to finally put things in order in the rooms. With spacious, functional storage for things, there will be nothing lying around on the chairs!

To make a woman happy, you need many different things, and a dressing room is an integral part of this list. It is worth trying and making the dream of many representatives of the fair sex come true, fulfilling one of their cherished desires.

Often, the standard layout of apartments does not provide for a separate room for storing clothes, so you will have to determine the location yourself. Here an important role is played total area housing, but even if you have a small area, a dressing room can be properly accommodated.

If your home has a utility room such as a closet, attic or storage room, then this is an excellent option for a dressing room. True, provided that this room has an area of ​​more than 2 sq.m. In this case, you only need to properly equip, hang a mirror, various shelves and arrange all kinds of interior accessories.

If one of the rooms in the apartment is large enough, you can occupy part of it by installing a special partition or modular system, which will fit into the overall stylistic solution.

If at least one of these options is possible, then the dressing room project can be considered complete. In the future, all that remains is to decide on its complement. In this case there are two options:

  • Buy now ready-made boxes, hangers and guides.
  • Invite a craftsman to your home or make various shelves and drawers yourself according to your wishes. Of the materials, preference should be given to plasterboard and wood.

Room arrangement

In order for your wardrobe not only to fit well into the interior, but also to become as functional as possible, it is worth considering some nuances:

  • The room must have an area of ​​at least 1 * 1.5 m. This is the minimum area on which you can place various shelves, hangers and drawers with things.
  • It is advisable that the dressing room have a place for changing clothes with a mirror. This is its main difference from a wardrobe.
  • Here it is necessary to provide a ventilation system, otherwise all things will become saturated with a musty smell.
  • It is necessary to store only items of clothing and shoes, as well as various accessories, without filling it with foreign objects.

These are the main rules that should be followed when planning a given room. It is worth zoning the room in advance on the drawing, taking into account all the dimensions.

Everyone determines the placement of things for themselves, based on own feelings convenience and comfort. However, even at the stage of drawing up the drawing, it is worth taking into account all the existing windows, protrusions, etc. When dividing the dressing room into zones, you can start from certain rules:

  • The place for outerwear and dresses should be planned in such a way that clothes can be placed freely. That is, the depth of the zone must be at least 0.5 m, and the height - 1.5 m. The width is determined based on the number of things.
  • The area for short clothes - shirts, skirts, jackets, sweaters - should have dimensions of 50*100 cm. That is, the height of this space should allow additional zones to be placed underneath and above it.

It is more appropriate to allocate the next part for shoes. In it you can place both a special shoe rack and shoe boxes. That is, the height of this space will be limited to the area with shirts, and the depth should be no more than 30 cm. Above the shelf with blouses there will be the last area intended for storing hats and clothing care accessories.

Thus, the entire dressing room space will be divided into three zones.

Planning future room, you must remember the need to place a mirror (or even several), proper lighting, finishing materials, as well as the color scheme of all shelves, boxes and other places in which things will be stored.

Both built-in and wall lamps can be selected as light sources for this room. However, when choosing the latter, you need to take care of additional lighting near the mirror. You can also choose LED lighting and place it along the top and bottom, which will not only make the room brighter, but also add coziness to it.

Choosing finishing material for walls and ceilings, you can give preference to paint or wallpaper. It is worth considering that painted walls will maintain their impeccable appearance longer.

As for drawers and shelves, here too it is better to opt for painting, or you can simply varnish all surfaces, leaving the structure of the wood unchanged. If everything required places storages are purchased in the store, the question disappears by itself.

Thinking about how to create a dressing room, you can not only solve the issue of optimal placement of all your things, but also show your design talents when decorating it.

Advantages and functions

Having such a room will save you from the need to purchase various chests of drawers, cabinets and hangers, which will significantly save space, despite the fact that part of the room will be occupied by a dressing room.

Due to the fact that now each item is neatly laid or hung and does not come into contact with other things, the service life of the clothing will increase significantly.

If you have a large space, bedding will ideally fit here, travel bags, handicrafts and your dressing table(or additional floor hanger).

Thus, with very little effort and using a minimum of materials, you can create a dressing room yourself. It will help solve many issues regarding the storage of clothing items. At the same time, the saved space can be taken up by other functional pieces of furniture, and the procedure for selecting the ideal image will become much more enjoyable.



Video about organizing a dressing room. There is no translation, but it is not required!

If you don’t want to do this yourself, then you should order a dressing room or buy sliding wardrobes.

At first glance, it may seem that a dressing room is an unaffordable luxury by the standards of standard Russian apartments. In fact, losing precious meters by separating a relatively large part of the living space for “household needs” is quite a bold decision. However, this “product” of Western civilization appears in an increasing number of Russian apartments (it penetrates more and more into Russian homes) - and no wonder. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, a separate dressing room, even a small one, not only does not take away, but, on the contrary, saves space, allowing you to free up more space for living in the remaining rooms.

However, simply allocating space to store clothes is not enough. In this article we will talk about how to properly plan a dressing room, what nuances and details to take into account in order not only to use the space rationally, but also to use it as comfortably as possible.

Part one. Planning

Like all great things, organizing a walk-in closet must begin with planning and analysis.

Step 1. One person or several? We decide on the users of the dressing room - one person, spouses, the whole family or children. Ideally, each family member should have their own separate room (even if small), but, unfortunately, in most Russian apartments this is unrealistic. If the dressing room is used by 2-3 people, each should have their own “zone of influence”.

Step 2. We determine what exactly will be stored in the dressing room, what kind of things.
In the dressing room you can store both basic things, shoes, and blankets, pillows, suitcases, large bags, sports equipment, as well as jewelry. It all depends on the size of the room or the amount of space allocated for the dressing room.

Step 3. We sort things for storage: we divide them into those that are stored hanging and those that require shelves for storage. As a result we get A) how many hangers do you need? b) how many shelves do you need?

Important! Leave some stock! After all, the wardrobe is replenished, and with throwing away, taking into account the traditional Russian “thrift” and ingenuity in using unnecessary things, sometimes big problems arise :))

Step 4. We measure the most Long Dresses to understand which compartments to plan for long items. Again, a nuance - if you have one super-long evening dress in your wardrobe, you shouldn’t adjust the height of the bar just to it. Such an outfit can easily be stored thrown over the bar of a hanger (in a dress case, of course).

Step 5. Having the dimensions available (both of the room and what needs to be placed there) and knowing exactly the number of shelves, you can begin to draw a sketch of the dressing room. Alternatively, you can simply draw on paper what needs to be placed, on a scale of, say, 1:10, cut it out, and visually move it back and forth, thinking through the optimal combination.

Ease of use must also be taken into account. The tables below show how much space a person occupies in what positions and what height he can reach.

When planning a dressing room, also take into account the zoning rules (posted at the end of the article).

“At the end” you will have a clear, well-thought-out diagram, on the basis of which you can order cabinets and shelving, and it will also become clear what hangers and additional accessories are needed.


Cabinet width

As for the width of the compartments for things stored on hangers: according to experts, the normal distance between hangers can be considered 5 centimeters, dense placement - 2 cm. When planning, please keep in mind that optimality is optimality, and no one has yet canceled ventilation. Even if you eat, you can be proud that you haven’t “wasted” a single centimeter; the price for such rationality will be an unpleasant musty smell in the dressing room (do you still remember the smells in grandma’s closets and chests?). In addition, clothes that are poorly ventilated are less durable.

The width of hangers is 34-51 centimeters. They are selected based on the size of your clothes. Considering wide choose This accessory (at least even in our online store) is quite easy to provide (we have already told you)

The depth of the cabinet is from 50 to 60 centimeters. European standard– 56 centimeters.

There are two types of items stored on hangers: long And short. For the former, a compartment of 1.5 meters is provided, for the latter – about 1 meter.

Trouser compartment – ​​120-130 cm

Some tips:

✔ The distance between the clothes rail and the top shelf should be at least 4-5 centimeters to make it convenient to remove clothes.

✔ It is better to store short items on two rods, one above the other, optimal distance there are 80-100 cm between them (the height of one short rod is approximately 100 cm)

✔ Shelves. The height of the shelves is 35-40 cm. According to furniture experts, it should be at least 32 cm.

✔ “Time-tested” shelf depth - 40 cm+

✔ If you make shelves 50-60 cm wide, 2 stacks of things will fit neatly and neatly on them. In our opinion, this is very convenient size. Long shelves (80 cm) must be “supported” from below with something so that they do not sag under the weight of the contents (provide a partition at the bottom).

✔ Storage boxes. Optimal width storage drawers - 40-70 cm, height - about 40. These dimensions provide optimal load on the retractable mechanism.

✔ Drawers and baskets should be placed at a distance no higher than 110 cm, otherwise it will be inconvenient to use them. As a last resort - no higher than 140 cm (take into account height! The average height of a Russian is 160-180 cm.)

As for the length of stored clothing, it is individual in each specific case. Before planning a dressing room, of course, it is better to measure the jackets, skirts, trousers, blouses available...

Table of approximate clothing sizes by height


1. Bars and pantographs

The fundamental, so to speak, element of the dressing room. As mentioned above, planning this useful space always begins with choosing a place for long things, and for these purposes a high rod (165+) is used. For shirts, jackets, and blouses, shorter rods are needed, about 100 cm, and there are usually several of them.

- This is a bar with a special mechanism that allows it to be lowered to a convenient height. The pantograph is very convenient if you decide to use the entire wall for storing short items.

2. Pull-out trouser hangers

They should be approximately 60 cm high

3. Drawers

Used for storing underwear and bed linen, accessories and decorations.
By stocking them and organizing the small things inside, you can avoid chaos and buy some of the time usually spent searching and cleaning. In addition, contemplating neat rows of laundry every morning will give you a sense of order for the whole day.

4. Shelves

They can be either stationary or retractable.

5. Boxes and baskets

In such an irreplaceable thing as, you can store anything you want. Magazines, albums, photographs, various small items, art and sewing supplies... Previously, the entire range of such packaging was limited to used shoe boxes made of bad cardboard. Now boxes are produced in a variety of sizes, colors and excellent quality; Thanks to the correct shape, you can fill any space with them so that not a single centimeter is lost.

Baskets, especially retractable cellular ones, are very convenient for storing bed linen and small items.

6. Shoe storage devices

Shoes, as you know, come with and without heels, open and closed, soft and molded, summer and winter (shoes and boots), as well as less common “special cases” in the form ski boots etc. And if there are no questions with the placement of rarely used or seasonal shoes (they will go to the mezzanine, soft ones - in, the rest - in boxes), then with everything else there are options.

To place shoes that you decide to store without boxes in the dressing room, you can do the following:

  • open shelves, both regular and inclined (suitable for shoes with flat soles),
  • special stands(keep high-heeled shoes),
  • special hooks for storing boots in a suspended state (to avoid creases in the top).

Before design begins, each pair is measured. The approximate dimensions of a pair of boots are 25cm wide and 30-40cm long, but everything, of course, is individual and depends on the size of the shoe.

7. Hangers for ties, scarves, belts and umbrellas

There are retractable, circular (installed in the corner), hanging (in this case, accessories are stored on a bar, like regular clothes; there are the most different forms, sometimes quite interesting). Belts, scarves and umbrellas can also be placed on regular wall hooks.

8. Compartments for ironing board and dryer

9. Mirrors

If the dressing room is spacious and allows you to dress there, then a mirror in which you can see yourself full height, Necessarily. It’s good to have an additional, small one, so that you can evaluate your rear view.

This leads to an important sub-point: LIGHTING. Good lighting where you dress is just as necessary as a large mirror. If the lighting is only artificial, install several spotlights.

10. If possible, the dressing room is well equipped ottoman, a cabinet or at least a console.

Part four. Zoning

When planning a dressing room there are rules. Some are recommended by experts, while others (such as, for example, the width of the aisle between cabinets) are dictated by reality and it is simply impossible not to comply with them.

Zoning rules

1. First we distribute long clothes. And then everything else. It is much easier to vary the combinations of small components than large ones.

2. The principle of distributing things: “as we carry, so we store”, i.e. We place shoes at the bottom and hats at the top.

3. What you wear should be visible: on rods or in the most accessible drawers (+/- 40 cm)

4. In the upper part (40-50 cm to the ceiling) mezzanines are usually arranged (where suitcases, seasonal items, blankets, etc. “will go to live”)

5. For pull-out elements (shelves, drawers, baskets) it is necessary to provide additional space (so that they have somewhere to pull out). As a rule, it is about 50 cm.

6. To make it convenient to move between cabinets and racks, the minimum recommended passage width is 60 centimeters. When planning, this “aspect” must be taken into account.

7. If the dressing room will be used by more than one person, then for each it is necessary to foresee and plan in advance their own “zone of influence” where they can place their things.

The text provides examples of storage system planning diagrams so that you can draw up general idea about the sizes of the various sections. Each case is individual and you may end up with something completely different from the samples, but exactly suitable for you - and therefore the ideal dressing room.

Materials used in the article:

"Useful tips" from the furniture brand Komandor

"Wardrobe room: content, location, organization of space", website "Your Designer"

How to make a dressing room so that things are stored in one place and you don’t have to look for them different rooms and cabinets. It is not required for installation large area, even in small apartments ah, if you want, there will be a suitable place.

The advantage of a dressing room made by yourself is that it will be made in a way that is convenient for you to use, it will cost much less, because the work will be done using the material found in the house. Another one positive side- its presence will eliminate unnecessary furniture in the apartment.

Where to start making

There are many ideas for equipping a dressing room. There are all kinds of systems and devices for storing things. When getting started, you should think about and plan the progress of the work in advance.

Layout and drawing

You should start by determining the location, dimensions of the dressing room and a drawing of the plan, indicating the dimensions. A drawing is drawn on a reduced scale, the planned systems, fixtures, and drawers are inserted. Systems should be distributed ergonomically without overloading the space.

When planning, it is necessary to take into account the distance between the shelves:

  • for storing things - at least 30 cm;
  • for shoes (without heels) - 20 cm;
  • for shirts, jackets, jackets - 120 cm;
  • trousers - from 100 – 140 cm;
  • dresses - 150 – 180 cm;
  • coat - 180 cm.

On top, it is more practical to make shelves for things that are not used often. And below, a place for a vacuum cleaner is recommended.

The dressing room is not located in a walk-through room; it is better to place it between the bedroom and the bathroom.


With limited space, it is not recommended to make furniture from wood, MDF, or chipboard in the dressing room. This material will reduce small area. Today, storage systems made of metal are popular; they are lightweight and modular. They are installed on special racks that are mounted on the wall, floor, or ceiling. The racks are equipped with many notches, with the help of which the height of the shelves can be quickly adjusted. Material for making shelves - wood, metal, plastic. The shelves are of the pull-out type.

These storage systems are sold, but are expensive. It’s more economical to make it yourself, from chrome-plated furniture pipe.

There are many options for arranging dressing rooms: rods for trousers, skirts, all kinds of shoe stands, drawers for small items. They are retractable - convenient and functional

Material selection

Suitable for production:

  • Wood (chipboard) is a common material, able to withstand the load of things, absorbs moisture, and is economical.
  • Plastic - used plastic panels different sizes.
  • Metal - aluminum is most often used, it is light and durable. The structure is well ventilated. The cost is more expensive than chipboard.
  • Glass - promotes visual expansion space. Suitable for high-tech, modern style.

The finishing is made from any material: wallpaper, glass wallpaper, ceramic tiles.

When finishing, you should take into account the location of additional lamps for the shelves, making holes in advance. The built-in mirror in the door looks original

How to make a dressing room: open and closed type

When choosing a type, you should take into account all the nuances: location and rational use of space.

Open view

An open dressing room is a structure for storing things, not separated from the living space by a partition. It must correspond to the general style of the room. Recommended for use in case of deficiency free space in small apartments.

The advantage of the open design is that everything is at hand. Minus - clothes gather dust, they should be placed carefully so as not to spoil them appearance rooms

Closed view

A closed dressing room is separated from the room by a wall and has doors. It ensures order in the room, since the contents of the cabinet are hidden.
The closed dressing room has a large area and has a well-thought-out organization of the storage system.

A closed wardrobe is convenient and allows you to try on and care for clothes right in the dressing room. The arrangement requires a large space, which ordinary apartments impossible

DIY dressing room example

The first step is to note the height and width of the shelves and sliding doors in the niche of the future wardrobe. In our case, the depth of the niche is 1.4 m, taking into account the protruding box

The box is necessary to hide the pipes and install the water meter. Let's not forget to leave space between the shelves, because... titanium will be present in the dressing room. We also provided space for an outlet between the shelves.

  • We purchased a 5x5 block to solve the problem of placing the rolling door. Reason: The ceiling height is 275 cm, but suspended ceiling takes another 10 cm;
  • We will install aluminum rails at the top and bottom for door mobility;

  • In a hypermarket Leroy Merlin, where we shopped, there is a service for cutting shelves using large machine. Having previously measured the length and width, and estimated everything on paper, we ordered shelves with a width of 30 cm and 60 cm. The service is very convenient, because shelves ready for installation will be delivered to your home. You will only have to use a hacksaw if the corners are uneven;

  • Don’t forget about the addition for finishing the cabinet on top, which we buy in wenge color. The width of the extension is 10 cm. To attach the hangers, we purchase two round metal holders. We check again: the distance between the shelves is 40 cm, we fix the small corners 5 cm from the edge of the board. We place large corners immediately below them, so that later we can attach the end guide to the floor and wall (it will have to withstand a large load);
  • We fix two large corners in width, and 4 in height. For this stage of work, we will take care of purchasing a level;
  • We recommend using a long level. To install the end guide without any problems, you need to tighten the corners on the floor in advance. Don’t forget to measure the distance on the wall with a level. Then we proceed to installation;
  • We initially planned to create a dressing room, although the box is made of plasterboard. Previously, aluminum guides were passed inside, which are attached using corners;
  • We adjust the length of the aluminum guide using a hacksaw. On the right side of the wardrobe there is a rolling door that can slide to the side, and on the left there is a large shelf 60-2.70. Internal shelves are attached to the latter;
  • Let us repeat that the top is trimmed with an additional 10 cm of wenge color;

  • Inside the wardrobe, but on the left side, there is space at the bottom for boots and other shoes. There are also a lot of shelves installed here and a power outlet. We left room for titanium. Even further to the left is a niche with a depth of 25.5 cm. During installation, we used shelves 30 cm long so that more boxes could fit here;

Wardrobe type

Arranging a dressing room - important point, it is worth considering the installation location, and based on this, choose the type of model.


An excellent option if you have a free corner in the room. A corner cabinet is more practical than a straight one. It can accommodate: shelves, drawers, rods.

Zoning corner cabinet carried out different ways. Finish the corner with plasterboard and make doors, hinged or sliding. It is possible to fence off a corner with doors, like a coupe


Linear - similar to a large wardrobe. Mounted along a wall where there are no window or door openings. It is fenced off from the room in several ways:

  • plasterboard wall with sliding doors;
  • sliding doors on the entire wall;
  • cornice on the ceiling with a curtain.

A linear model with open shelving, looks great in a loft style room. The main thing is to choose the right one for general interior material and color scheme cabinet


U-shaped - ideal for a long room. On one side there is a bed, on the other there is a dressing room. It can be in the form of closets or as a full room.

Having fenced off the space, you should think about the lighting, divide it into 4 zones: for outerwear, shoes, short items and for trying on


Designers advise using this type in wide, long corridors. Consists of two cabinets facing each other.

A parallel dressing room can be closed, in the form of cabinets, or open, with racks and shelves

Wardrobe dimensions

The dimensions of the dressing room are determined taking into account its location and use. Ideally, it should have space for storing clothes and an area for changing clothes.
Optimal size calculated individually, it is necessary to take into account:

  • size, location, shape of the room;
  • presence of a niche;
  • location of windows and doors.

Measurements must be taken accurately so that no difficulties arise during the installation process.
The width varies and is calculated as follows:

  • if the cabinet is on one wall, the width is its depth, plus the width of the doors;
  • if there are no doors, but there are drawers, the width is two depths;
  • when two cabinets are located opposite each other, the width is two cabinet depths, plus two door widths and a passage.

A prerequisite for size is that the doors must open freely and not interfere with unhindered entry into the room. If the dressing room is narrow, you should not make large cabinets

Ventilation and lighting for the dressing room

In the dressing room, ventilation is required, as odors will appear in a closed space. It should be planned in advance. There are two types:

  • Natural - air comes in from below and comes out from above. To arrange ventilation, it is necessary to make holes in the closet, at the bottom and at the top, for air movement. This method does not always give full results.
  • Forced - means installing a fan in the hole. It's better to put forced exhaust- will provide a suitable atmosphere for storing things.

The exhaust hole is made on the opposite side from the inlet. It’s great if the exhaust vent goes into the ventilation

The dimensions of the holes must be determined in accordance with the area of ​​the dressing room.
A wardrobe is not a closet, but a room with shelves and drawers. To quickly find the right thing, good lighting is necessary. Better, multi-zone:

  • on the ceiling - general lighting;
  • for illumination of shelves - additional rotating lamps.

The ideal solution is to install a motion detector to turn on the lighting. It's economical and convenient. And the lighting of the shelves looks beautiful and stylish

Doors for dressing room

When making a wardrobe with your own hands, it is important to choose the right doors. The comfort and ease of use of the room depends on a well-chosen model. Common types are:

  1. Swing doors are practical, but require space. Protect from getting in sun rays, dust, with a high degree of sound insulation. They are the most affordable in terms of cost.
  2. Accordion doors are compact and fold like a screen. The structure is fragile and consists of many slats.
  3. Compartments are popular, the movement of the doors is carried out along the cabinet, no additional space is required.
  4. Roto door - non-standard solution. Suitable for loft and hi-tech style. The door is installed on special mechanism, it allows it to rotate around its axis and open in any direction. Free space is required for installation.
  5. Pencil case - the doors are hidden in the wall, no extra space is required. Convenient for small apartments. But the installation of such a structure is complex; without experience, it is difficult to do it yourself.

Accordion doors look beautiful. They transform the room, adding some zest to the interior

The material for making doors is different:

  • Wood - looks aesthetically pleasing and is environmentally friendly pure material. But wooden door heavy and expensive.
  • Glass or mirror are popular today. Doors decorated with stained glass will decorate the room and make it larger.
  • Plastic is light and cheap. Plastic doors less durable and not as beautiful.

To make the door to the dressing room look stylish, it should be decorated with inserts of mirrors with a sandblasted pattern or elements of relief glass.

The door looks original and unusual, giving the apartment a modern, fashionable look. But for classic style doesn't fit

Arrangement: filling and storage systems

For the practical use of a dressing room, you should properly arrange it and select acceptable options for storage systems. You should not come up with complex, intricate designs.

Clothes placement system

Exist different designs for storing things, the main ones include.

Storage systemsHullModular design, consists of sections with walls: side, bottom, top. It is located close to the wall and fixed into a single complex. Made from chipboard.
FrameModel from metal racks, attached to walls, floors and ceilings. The following are installed on it: rods, hooks, holders. Installation is simple, elements can be moved and things can be well ventilated.
Panel complexThese are decorative panels that are fixed to the wall; modular storage elements are attached to them. The system has no divisions on the sides; there is no floor or ceiling. The cost of the complex is not cheap.
MeshThe model is universal. A horizontal rail screwed to the wall onto which the slats are mounted. Brackets, shelves, and hangers are installed on them.

There are attachments for skirts, trousers and tie hangers, and clips on them allow you to secure the item. Very convenient if the hanger extends

Shoe storage system

There is always a lot of shoes in the house, it is important to organize a system for storing them, compact and convenient. The ideal solution is to place shoes on shelves or in special cabinets. It’s good if there is a compartment of the appropriate size for each type of shoe. And when using pull-out shelves, space is saved.

If space allows, it is worth equipping a full-fledged built-in shoe storage system. It has special shoe sections - convenient to use, shoes do not gather dust. Shoe racks are produced different sizes and have various ways installation, so it’s easy to match any dressing room.

An original design for shoes - it looks like pins with modules on a retractable frame. Compact and convenient system


Rack - a structure consisting of racks and attached open shelves. Usually it is metal. Access to things stored on racks is free. Their main advantage is modularity. They vary in size and number of shelves.

Where to make a dressing room

Not every apartment has room for a full-fledged dressing room; you have to arrange it in the most suitable premises.

Dressing room in the hallway

It’s convenient to make a dressing room in the hallway; you don’t have to clutter the room with large wardrobes. A dressing room in the hallway involves storing outerwear, but if the space allows, you can arrange storage for all things. A good option is a built-in wardrobe, finished to match the walls of the hallway itself. A mirror is a must-have detail; you can’t do without it in the hallway.
You can do:

  • Closed - cabinet big size, often with coupe-type doors.
  • Open - racks, shelves, hooks for clothes. The option requires maintaining order, since all things are in sight, but takes up less space.
  • Combined - consists of closed cabinets and open shelves. Convenient, things that are not used often are put away in a closed part.

The dressing room in the hallway should be installed along big wall. If the area is small, ideally - corner, from floor to ceiling

Arrangement of a dressing room in the bedroom

The bedroom is the room most suitable for a wardrobe. The models are different - with a large area, it is possible to make an entire dressing room. If the bedroom does not allow it, then it is better to use:

  • open shelves and mobile hangers, decorated with decorative drawers;
  • small built-in wardrobe made of plasterboard;
  • partitions made of mirror or glass, which will visually enlarge the room.

A dressing room in the bedroom separated by a screen or curtain on a curtain looks good. This storage system is convenient in a small room

Design of a dressing room from a pantry

Making a dressing room in a pantry - good decision, especially for small apartments. It’s simple to do - you need to remove everything unnecessary, decorate it in a light color scheme (this will increase the space), replace the doors (preferably a compartment type) and fill it with: racks, racks, shelves.
Since the closets are small, you should equip them with mirrors, thereby making more space.

Dressing room in Khrushchev instead of a storage room

Khrushchevka small apartment with a standard layout. The only advantage is the presence of a storage room; it can be easily converted into a dressing room yourself. Depending on the size, you can make it into:

  • built-in wardrobe - the niche already exists, all that remains is to install doors and install shelves and hangers;
  • equip it with a full-fledged system for storing things - dividing it into zones and filling it with functional systems.

It is important to think about the arrangement of furniture and shelving. For rational use, space should be used from ceiling to floor

In the attic

The advantage of an attic dressing room is saving living space, the ability to collect things in one room, making them easy to find. In such a room there is room for all types of clothes and a fitting room.

The layout should be done based on the shape of the attic. If the attic is on a slope, then the dressing room should be located along the lowest or high wall. Rational use of the attic is achieved with a corner dressing room.

Attic dressing room - perfect solution, trying on in front of a mirror, choosing the right set of clothes in comfortable conditions

It is possible to organize convenient storage for things almost anywhere. It’s not difficult to make your own dressing room by separating part of the room with doors, chipboard leaves, and drywall. But this method, not acceptable in standard apartments, but in them there are often niches - an almost ready-made dressing room, the main thing is to arrange it correctly.

It’s easier for the owner of private houses, if space allows, you can give a whole room for a dressing room, especially suitable attic room. Experts recommend zoning the space.

The advantage of a do-it-yourself dressing room is the opportunity to design it for yourself, providing for the zones and elements that will be needed. In addition, the opportunity to show your design skills and create a one-of-a-kind dressing room.

The appearance of the dressing room located in the room must correspond to the general style, otherwise the interior of the entire room will suffer

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The issue of storing numerous things is usually one of the most important for many families. Modern look for life involves a fairly extensive set of clothes for each family member. In addition to clothing, there are also household items that also require storage space. It’s already difficult to get by with ordinary cabinets in this situation. The solution to the problem is to create a separate room in the apartment - a storage room, or, as it is now fashionable to call it, a dressing room, which can accommodate sets of seasonal clothes for all family members.

Ample storage in a small space

The convenience of a dressing room is undeniable. But the solution to the issue of building a dressing room is complicated by the fact that the lifestyle has changed, in the wardrobe modern man More items of clothing appeared, but the area of ​​the home did not increase.

In new buildings, the layout of the apartment may already initially have space suitable for arranging a spacious storage area, or even a separate room may be provided. Old small apartments most often have a small storage room and mezzanine. How to allocate space for a dressing room - consider layout options in standard apartments.

  • apartment with storage room;

Small apartments in many cases have built-in storage rooms. Sometimes this is a small niche-cupboard located in the corridor between two rooms, or quite spacious storage rooms across the entire width of the room. All you have to do is dismantle the outdated structures and replace them with modern sliding doors. This will allow you to increase storage space by moving the partition separating the pantry to the side of the room - sliding doors do not require “dead” space to open the door.

  • room with alcove;

Some apartments have an alcove - a niche that is quite large in size. This option is ideal for organizing a dressing room.

  • separate part of the room;

If your bedroom looks like an elongated rectangle, you can separate part of the room with a partition, bringing the shape of the bedroom closer to a square. In order not to take up space, it is better to make the partition mobile, using sliding doors or curtains. Another option would be to install a triangular or trapezoidal shape, separating sliding structures corner in the room.

  • complete redevelopment of the apartment;

This option will allow you to create a completely new apartment space, highlighting the most suitable locations for location when planning living rooms and devices utility rooms. But this approach requires significant financial investments, and change planning solution requires approval and permission.

Options for planning apartments with a dressing room can be different; they depend on the individual needs of the family and the available space of the apartment.

We take into account needs, use opportunities

Even if you have a spacious apartment at your disposal, you shouldn’t waste centimeters: a well-thought-out storage layout and modern systems storage not only saves space, but also offers functional solutions, convenient to use.

Advice. When arranging a dressing room, use modern ready-made storage systems: they allow you to use the space most efficiently.

The layout of storage system elements depends on:

  1. Opportunities. From how much square meters You managed to allocate a dressing room for storage systems in the room and what shape the room turned out to be depends on the choice of storage equipment.
  2. Needs. People's household habits and sets of clothes are different: some need to store evening dresses with a train, some have a wardrobe consisting of suits and a collection of ties, while others don’t have a single tie, but need to store sportswear and travel equipment.

When choosing a layout for a dressing room and a complete set of storage systems, conduct an audit of your closets: evaluate how many and what type of hangers, shelves, and drawers you will need. At the same time, you may find things in the depths of your closet that could easily be donated to the Salvation Army.

Options for wardrobe room layouts

The internal structure of the dressing room, as mentioned above, depends on how much space there is for shelves and hangers, on the shape of the room and on what and in what quantities you are going to store. Let's consider several common options for planning solutions.

  • arrangement of shelves and hangers along one long wall. From a usage point of view, this best option: when opening sliding doors All inner space the dressing room is in front of you and all shelves and hangers are easily accessible. If there are a lot of things, then you can use storage in two rows: shelves are mounted on the wall, and in front of them there is a bar for hangers with clothes and small retractable racks.

Diagram: arrangement of shelves in the dressing room along one wall

  • shelves on two long sides. This option is used for walk-through dressing rooms, where you can enter from one side and exit from the opposite. It is also convenient, but only if there is enough space to pass through - otherwise you may feel like a moth flying into a wardrobe.
  • arrangement of shelves "at rest".“Rest” means in the shape of the letter “P”. This layout is used for fairly spacious rooms for a dressing room, but without a through passage. The most spacious and comfortable option, however, is not always feasible.
  • arrangement with the letter "G". If the room is not wide enough to accommodate shelves on two long sides and a passage between them, you can place shelves and hangers on the short and long sides, making the entrance with end wall. The minimum width of the room is 1200 mm: 600 mm for the aisle, 600 mm for the shelves.

  • dressing room with retractable structures . If you have a pantry - narrow and long, less than 1200 mm wide, then the only way to arrange storage space is to use retractable hangers or racks.In fact, this is not a full-fledged dressing room - you cannot enter it. This is a cabinet shaped like a pencil case or tube. In order to place storage containers and use them conveniently, you should pay attention to mobile storage systems. When installing this type of storage room, it is necessary to provide space for pulling out the rack.

Advice. When choosing storage systems, pay attention to modern designs: pantographs, mesh pull-out baskets, hanging containers, hooks, special multi-layer hangers, trouser holders and other devices. They significantly increase the storage capacity in a limited area and structure the storage.

The arrangement of the dressing room allows you to compactly place a large number of things in a limited area, the main thing is to think through the layout options and select necessary elements storage systems. And also do not forget about comfortable lighting of this room and the possibility of ventilation. In the photo and video you can see examples of dressing rooms and their design.

Dressing room: video

Dressing room design: photo


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