What needs to be done to make your home orchid bloom. Advice from professionals: how to get an orchid to bloom profusely What to do to make an orchid bloom profusely

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Strong healthy leaves.


The roots are normally green and clean, no dark ones. A lot of aerial roots. A clear, clean pot free of green algae.

How to make a phalaenopsis orchid bloom at home?

Let's talk about how to stimulate flowering using various methods.


Do not change location during budding period

Changes in lighting have a negative effect on the orchid. The plant has to rebuild the cellular structure of tissues, adapt previously poorly illuminated parts to intensive photosynthesis.

The resources necessary for flowering remain scarce, and flowering will be delayed until better times.

If you constantly twist and rearrange the pot, you may not wait for this joyful event. Special attention should be paid to seasonal changes in natural light.

Transparent pot

Orchids - unique plants who have aerial roots. These shoots have the ability to absorb moisture directly from the air, despite their thick, gangly appearance.

The main distinctive ability of such roots - they participate in photosynthesis just like the leaves, it’s not for nothing that they are the same color.

Of course, stores now offer such an assortment of flowers in all the colors of the rainbow that it’s a shame to plant an orchid in an unremarkable transparent container. But that’s exactly what she needs!

The best pot for phalaenopsis is transparent.

Attention! If plants of other families receive nutrients only from the leaves, then this unique plant among flowers produces chlorophyll literally with its entire body. An opaque pot will immediately deprive the orchid of half nutrients.

Additional lighting in autumn-winter period

in winter hypothermia should be avoided, so a cold window sill is not the best place For tender plant. A stand is needed so that there is an air gap between the cold surface and the roots of the plant.

For optimal lighting rational use of economical LED phytolamps, which will provide plant cells with light in the red and blue spectrum. This is the light that is best suited for photosynthesis.

Day and night temperature difference (as in nature)

In a tropical forest the difference between day and night temperatures is about 5 degrees Celsius. It is precisely this difference that can provoke the beginning of the growth of peduncles in phalaenopsis.


The use of chemicals for stimulation

succinic acid

The state of full physical flowering of a plant can be compared to the state of happiness and joy in a person.

Agree, it’s strange to ask the question: “How to make a person become happy?” Methods of influencing the plant should only gently push it to flower, There is no place for violence in this matter.

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IN last years It has become fashionable to have exotic things in your home flowering plant- an orchid that performs several functions: it successfully decorates the interior of the room and gives great aesthetic pleasure to everyone around.

The most popular genus of orchid that pleases our eyes every day is the phalaenopsis flower. There are about 40 species of this genus, whose name Phalaenopsis was given by the director of the Leiden Botanical Garden, Karl Blume, and means “moth-like”. The famous botanist found a flower in the jungle of one of the islands of the Malaysian archipelago, mistaking it for a moth from a distance.

Having changed its homeland, phalaenopsis successfully took root in room conditions and, subject to proper care, periodically pleases its owner with a luxurious variety of exquisite flowers.

Creating the right conditions for flowering

So, you bought a flowering plant in a store and brought it to your apartment. After some time, the rosettes faded and fell off, and a long series of days began - waiting for a new flowering. Days after days go by, months after months, but the flower is not going to bloom, the peduncle does not appear. What is the reason for such ungrateful behavior, because you water on time, and feed, and blow away dust particles. What needs to be done to make a phalaenopsis orchid bloom at home and get the opportunity to enjoy the splendor of its wonderful flowering again as quickly as possible?

First of all, you need to study. This may be the reason for the orchid’s reluctance to bloom.

We remember that the orchid comes from the tropical jungle, where the climate is humid and warm, and it grows in shaded places, clinging to trees with its roots. This means that it is necessary to organize approximately the same conditions for growing a flower at home.

Correct location

The best place where the phalaenopsis orchid likes to “live” is southeast or southwest windows. There, far from the straight lines sun rays, for her it will be the most favorable environment.

Tip: During flowering, it is better not to change the location of the plant, since with each transfer it is exposed to unnecessary stress.

If the only place where you can install a flower pot is the hot southern side of the house, then try to shade the plant, blocking it from sunburn using window blinds.


One of the most important factors that influences the “desire” of a plant to release a peduncle is temperature. The flower loves a place where there is a noticeable temperature difference of several degrees. Therefore, the optimal placement for it would be glass balcony or heated veranda. In general, an orchid is a heat-loving plant and +25 is quite enough for it comfortable temperature. It must be remembered that you cannot keep the flower near heating radiators - it is too hot and dry there.

Water mode

Despite the fact that phalaenopsis loves the warmth and moisture that accompany it in its natural habitat, it is necessary to follow a certain watering regime at home. If you flood a flower, its root system will begin to rot, and the plant will not only stop blooming, it may even die. Lack of moisture will cause drying.

In order to understand whether phalaenopsis needs watering, it is necessary to periodically inspect it. If the roots are pale green with a grayish coating, it's time to water the flower. If the roots of the plant are bright and green, then you need to wait with irrigation for now. Reduce water procedures It is also possible during the period when the kidneys appear.

Water for irrigation should be warm enough, about +45°C. It is necessary to water the plant directly inside the pot so that water does not fall on the basal leaves. This leads to stagnation and the development of pathogenic bacteria.

Helpful advice: watering the flower should be reduced when low temperatures air and after the plant has flowered.

Periodically it is necessary to give your pet cleansing procedures. Phaleopsis leaves are large, smooth and easily collect dust and dirt, which clog its pores. By washing the plant with water or cleaning the leaves with a damp cloth, we restore it respiratory system. Leaves are healthy and strong plant– glossy, lush green coloring.

Pot and feeding system

It's best to take a transparent one plastic pot. At any moment you will be able to see the roots of the flower and navigate the need for watering, fertilizing, monitoring the condition, etc.

The substrate from which the flower grows must be loose and consist of bark, perlite, and sphagnum moss. Under natural conditions, the plant grows on trees, and its roots are well ventilated, so under no circumstances should the substrate be compacted.

Helpful Hint: If a transparent pot spoils your general interior, you can place it inside a regular, ceramic one that matches the design. If necessary, you can easily remove the transparent inner pot from the outer one and inspect the roots.

Feeding should be done approximately once every 1-1.5 months. When purchasing special substances for feeding in the store, follow the instructions. The amount of certain minerals depends on the period of life of the plant. Feeding is carried out during active growth. By the way, with the help of appropriate “chemistry” you can even make phalaenopsis bloom.

What to do to make phalaenopsis produce a peduncle

You follow all the rules for caring for a tropical beauty, but she still doesn’t want to bloom. What needs to be done to force phalaenopsis to release a peduncle? What techniques are there that can make a flower want to bloom?

Experts believe that in order to “start” the flowering process, it is necessary to subject the plant to shock therapy.

One option could be pruning, which is done after the rosette dries out. But first you need to know exactly the age of the plant. If your pet is still young, then it does not have the strength to bloom, and the flower stalk will not appear. Phaleopsis blooms at the age of 1.5 to 3 years. This plant is considered an adult. At this time it can have up to 8 sheets.

If everything is in order with age and shoots, but the peduncle still does not appear, then you can force the phalaenopsis orchid to bloom again by exposing it to drought. The fact is that in the tropics there is a rainy season, during which time insects do not pollinate plants and there is no point in blooming. If you constantly water a flower, it will “decide” that the rainy season has come and will not release the arrow. By exposing the plant to drought for a while, you will bring it closer to its “native” environment, which will cause the long-awaited buds to appear.

How to make an orchid bloom indoors, and what mistakes do flower growers most often make when caring for the plant? Why indoor orchid doesn't want to bloom? You will find answers to these and many other questions in this article.

Orchids are very light-loving plants, and main reason The reason why they refuse to bloom is a lack of light.

  • If the flower constantly experiences a lack of sunlight, then flowering may not occur for years. The leaves will only develop. For example, the Cymbidium orchid blooms only in very bright light, since in nature these plants grow in the open sun. For this variety, when grown indoors, it is very important to provide long daylight hours and bright lighting. But the plant will grow very well with dark green foliage in the absence of lighting.
  • Also, a flower may not bloom for a long time if the soil is too moist. Excess water causes the orchid to stop flowering. It is especially important to follow watering schedules when the plant is forming flower buds. If the orchid is constantly flooded abundantly, then the buds, contrary to expectations, will simply dry out and the flower stalks will become dry. During flowering, orchids do not need much water at all.
  • The orchid definitely needs a period of rest. To do this in winter, you should lower the temperature in the room and greatly reduce watering. In order for the plant to produce new flower stalks, it needs a long rest. There are, however, also varieties of orchids that need to lower the air temperature only at night. During the dormant period, orchids are not fertilized, otherwise they will not bloom at all.

Creating ideal conditions for flowering

To stimulate flowering, first of all, the orchid needs to create ideal conditions. It is very important to choose the right place for the pot and provide optimal care.

  1. There should be a lot of light, but the orchid should not be placed in direct sun. On the south side, the windows are shaded with a matte film. This rule must be strictly observed in the spring, since the orchid in the spring begins to adapt after resting to a longer daylight hours. The soft sun in autumn will not harm the flower, and it can even be moved to direct rays. Daylight hours for lush and regular flowering of an orchid should be more than 12 hours.
  2. The place where the pot stands must be permanent. Due to frequent rearrangements, the orchid may stop blooming. Rearranging the pot is severe stress for a flower.
  3. Different varieties of this beautiful plant love different temperatures air. Thus, phalaenopsis prefer temperatures above +25 ºС in summer, and about +15 ºС in winter. It is very important that the daily temperature difference is no more than 5 degrees.
  4. The air humidity in the room should be between 40% and 70%. If the air is excessively dry, the buds will begin to fall off. Too dry air in winter can cause an orchid to fail to bloom for a long time.

Stimulating an orchid with fertilizers

If an orchid stubbornly refuses to bloom, it needs to be fed. Fertilizing helps the plant set more buds and bloom longer. In addition, the color of the petals will be more saturated. But it is important to follow the rules for applying fertilizers, otherwise you may not see flowering.

  • It is strictly forbidden to fertilize immediately after transplantation.
  • Fertilize the plant only during the growth period.
  • You cannot fertilize sick specimens, as they may even die.
  • Fertilizers are applied immediately after watering.
  • Fertilize orchids every two weeks.

To stimulate the flowering of an orchid at home, it needs to be fed with compounds containing a lot of potassium and phosphorus.

These elements contribute to the emergence large quantity flowers. It is also desirable that the supplement contains vitamins and amino acids. You can purchase special fertilizer specifically for indoor orchids.

Features of watering

The intensity and frequency of watering also depend on the orchid variety.

  • Phalaenopsis love well-moistened soil, but do not tolerate stagnant moisture.
  • But dendrobiums need less frequent watering; they are watered only after the soil has dried out.

In any case, water the orchids carefully, trying not to overwater them too much, as excess moisture can cause the roots to rot and the buds to dry out.

Two watering options are allowed: traditionally from above and from below, when the pot is placed in a container of water. When watering from above, simply moisten the soil, and the liquid flowing into the pan is immediately drained. When immersed in water, keep the pot in the container for about 10 minutes so that the moisture saturates the soil.

Water the orchids with well-settled lukewarm water.

Secrets of constant flowering of orchids

If an orchid does not bloom at home, what should you do in this case? U experienced flower growers There are secrets that will help make the plant bloom more often and longer.

  1. First of all, flowering largely depends on the age of the orchid. Young plants may not produce flower stems for a long time, even if all growing rules are followed.
  2. The plant cannot be rearranged! Orchids are very sensitive to the light source, and in a new place they may simply stop blooming. And vice versa, if you immediately choose appropriate place, on which the flower will be happy, it will bloom for a long time.
  3. Orchids really don’t like to be disturbed, so these plants need to be grown in transparent pots through which the roots are visible. Root system must be protected from touching.
  4. Orchids do not tolerate overheating, so pots should not be placed in very hot rooms or near heating devices. In spring and summer, flower growers advise taking the pots out into the air, where the orchids will bloom all the time.

Correct decline in flowering winter time possible with the help of additional lighting. Many gardeners illuminate orchids even at night. There are also special phytolamps that do not dry out the air.

Another secret that will make an orchid bloom: as soon as the flower falls off, watering should be stopped for a month. Water only after the soil has dried. This requirement must be met at any time of the year and for an orchid of any age.

Fairytale orchids are among the perennials herbaceous plants. There are more than 30,000 varieties of orchids in nature. In its natural environment, this flower does not grow in the soil, but clings to trees.

Since the mid-18th century, orchids have filled greenhouses and botanical gardens. The flowers of this plant simply enchant with their beauty and diversity. Sometimes attempts to grow orchids at home end in complete fiasco, since only the roots and leaves of the plant develop intensively. In order to find out the reason for the lack of flowers, first understand the peculiarities of its breeding.

Tropical climates are the most suitable natural habitat for orchids. Therefore, if the plant’s conditions are very different from natural conditions, do not expect abundant and frequent flowering.

Among the most important reasons for the lack of flowers are the following:

Orchids are usually planted in small pots, in which the soil is quickly depleted. The plant must be fed periodically. Mineral feeding for orchids should contain less nitrogen. Nitrogen ensures the growth of green mass, and in order for the buds of the peduncle to form, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus are needed. Before fertilizing the plant, you must first water the soil generously so as not to burn the orchid's roots. Prepare a low concentration aqueous solution of dry fertilizers. Excessive amounts of nutrients are also very detrimental to the plant.

Improper watering

The orchid has fairly wide leaves, from which all the moisture evaporates very quickly. During the period of active growth, the plant should be watered quite often, 2 – 3 times a week. In winter, the opposite is true - do not moisten the soil abundantly. The water used to water the orchid should be soft. It is advisable to use boiled or filtered water room temperature. Wet roots on which drops of condensation are visible do not need to be watered. Excessive moisture favors the formation of rot on the roots.

Violation temperature regime and lighting

Orchids are very sensitive to temperature changes. Temperature differences between day and night should not exceed 4°C. In summer optimal temperature air should fluctuate between 18 – 25°C, in winter – not lower than 15°C. Lighting is important for an orchid, but direct rays of the sun are also completely undesirable. Because they cause burns on the leaves.

Unsuitable substrate

The substrate for the orchid should provide the roots with a minimum of moisture and free air circulation. It is for this reason that orchids cannot be planted in ordinary black soil or garden soil. The pot in which the orchid is planted must be filled with a substrate that consists of moss, peat and coarse sand. Best to buy from flower shop already ready soil, especially for growing orchids.

Roots are the most important thing! Location of the root system in the pot

The orchid has very strong and strong roots, covered with spongy tissue. In the natural environment, these roots cling to tree trunks. A pot will help keep the plant upright. To ensure access to sunlight, the pot must be made of transparent material. The presence of holes at the bottom of the pot for water drainage is mandatory. It is desirable that there are such holes on the walls of the pot for air ventilation. The roots should be freely located in the pot; they can even stick out. The best pots for orchids are made from transparent plastic. This material allows you to see how the roots develop. If you want to replant the plant, then the plastic pot can be easily cut without harming the roots during removal.

How to stimulate orchid flowering - the most effective ways

In tropical environments, orchids live under the cover of dense foliage, so for orchids there is no such thing as a change of season. The most unpretentious type of orchid is phalaenopsis, which can bloom continuously for 11 months. However, achieving this result at home is not so easy.

Sudden changes in temperature

During the daytime, the orchid should be in warm room. At night, you can open a window or balcony if you want to lower the temperature to 16 – 18°C. In summer you can take the orchid into the garden. Being outside will speed up photosynthesis and promote the accumulation of carbon dioxide, which stimulates flowering.

Creating an arid desert environment

To create this dry climate, increase the time between waterings. IN summer time water the orchid once every 4 days, in winter once a week. The orchid roots must be dry. If you water the plant correctly lower leaves will be a little soft.

Hot shower

Before starting this procedure, fill the bathroom with steam by turning on hot water. Soak pots with orchids for 15 minutes warm water, temperatures around 35°C. During this time, the plant absorbs moisture through the roots and intensively releases moisture through the leaves. After a week, the orchid should release flower stalks.

Improved lighting

Different types of orchids require different light intensities. When a plant does not bloom for a long time, it may not be receiving enough light. Move the orchid pot to another more illuminated place or buy a special fluorescent lamp.

Pruning the peduncle

On each peduncle there are several buds that are in a dormant state. In order to stimulate flowering, cut the arrow to about 3 buds.


Lack of flowering can sometimes be due to soil depletion. This is always visible from the leaves of the plant. When the growing leaves are smaller in size than the old ones, or they are of a different shape, it means that the orchid needs to be transplanted into a new substrate.

There are orchids that produce a flower stalk only after reaching three years of age. The plant is mature enough and is ready to flower only when it already has 5–8 shoots. Flowering can only be stimulated in healthy orchids. To release a flower branch, wilted and diseased orchids must gain strength.

The orchid has released a peduncle: what next?

As a rule, from the moment the orchid shoots an arrow, about 2 months should pass until the first flowers open. During this period of time you must create comfortable conditions so that the buds that have not yet opened bloom.

You should place a small container of water near the orchid pot to ensure sufficient air humidification. If the house is very warm, it is advisable to spray the orchid with warm water. Watering the plant in the usual way, as the substrate dries.

In winter, the orchid needs additional lighting

To compensate for the lack of light, use a phytolamp. This lamp does not dry out the air and provides the plant with required amount bright light. Daylight hours in winter should be at least 12 hours.

The orchid does not like to be frequently moved from place to place and reacts to these movements with slow growth. If you still want to rearrange the pot, place it with the same side facing the light as it was before.

Feed the plant with fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium until the first flower appears. These components have a beneficial effect on the formation and growth of flower buds. When the orchid blooms, there is no need for additional fertilizer.

Proper care of an orchid after flowering

The flowering period lasts from 5 to 12 months. Do not rush to immediately cut off the peduncle after the flowers have dried. First, make sure that the orchid is no longer blooming. Examine the arrow carefully to understand how to proceed further. If the tip of the peduncle is green, then additional buds may appear on it.

When the peduncle turns yellow and begins to dry out, flowering is over. However, the orchid still continues to feed from the flower branch. Therefore, the arrow must be cut after complete drying.

Usually the cut is made, leaving the 3 lower buds; the stump should be at least 2 cm. Sometimes, in the summer, a young shoot appears on a flower branch. With its help, the orchid can be propagated. Leave this shoot on the stem for about 6 months until it grows roots and 2 leaves.

Caring for the plant after flowering is almost no different from other periods. During the dormant period, you can reduce the amount of feeding to once a month. When the substrate dries out quickly after watering, and roots protrude from the holes in the bottom of the pot, it’s time to replant the orchid. The most suitable period for replanting is immediately after flowering.

Before transplanting, the orchid is watered generously and carefully removed from the pot. You can't unravel the roots. Blackened and dried shoots must be removed. The substrate can be pre-heated over a fire to kill pests. For drainage, you need to place a layer on the bottom of the pot. crushed granite. The orchid is placed in the new substrate at the same level as before. There is no need to water the orchid after replanting. You can only spray the plant.

The dormant period lasts about 3 to 6 months, after which new flower stalks will appear and the orchid will bloom again.

Don't be scared! Favorable conditions for orchid flowering, it’s not at all difficult to create. The main thing is to surround the plant with care and love and then you will be able to admire beautiful exotic flowers throughout the year.

Orchid – amazing flower, symbol of femininity and beauty. It is not surprising that most women secretly or openly dream of having such a plant in their home. Often this flower is presented to the fair sex as a gift.

The appearance of a picturesque and amazing orchid in the house, pleasing the eye with its delightful flowers, is invariably perceived as a holiday. It is a pity that very soon the plant ceases to please the eye. For people inexperienced in flower science, accustomed to unpretentious flowerpots, or even not at all accustomed to them, it can be difficult to realize that some flower may need special care.

An orchid that has soon faded and does not want to bloom anymore, sometimes for several years, is simply perceived as “defective.” In reality, re-growth of a flower can only be ensured by correct growth.

Let's hope that such a terrible word as "care" did not scare you away from the idea of ​​​​buying an orchid. Yes, some varieties of it are so whimsical that they can take up a considerable amount of time, which is always in short supply. However, there are also unpretentious ones. For example, or. You can always find a reasonable compromise between your dream and harsh reality.

Stimulation of orchid flowering

You can achieve flowering of an orchid at home by following the basic rules of flower care:

Fertilizers. All flower shops sell special ones. They allow the flower to receive additional nutrition. Use them carefully and infrequently (once every two to three weeks), follow the instructions on the package.

Note: If you follow all these instructions and the orchid still does not bloom, make sure that the flower is of the right age to bloom. You can ask about this when purchasing a plant, but if the moment has already passed, count the number of leaves. Usually an orchid is ready to bloom when it has 4-5 leaves.

Care during flowering

When your orchid is blooming, remember the following measures:

take care of the fastening so that the branch does not break under the weight of the flowers. Usually in the store the orchid is sold already with a mount, but you can make it yourself using a wooden stick and ribbon;

keep your orchid static during the flowering period. They do not like to move frequently for trifles;

use fertilizers high in potassium and phosphorus;

do not water the flower too often;

place the orchid on a window facing east or south, if you have such an opportunity;

keep the flower in a cooler than normal temperature.

How to store carrots at home:

Taking these measures will help prolong the flowering of the orchid for a long time.

Long-flowering varieties of orchids

So, what varieties of orchids please with their flowers longer than others? Here are some examples:

Decorative garden plant astilbe:

  1. The most common and easy to care for orchid is Phalaenopsis. It can bloom for up to 8 months, with quality care. Its flowers are shaped like butterflies;

      • It does not bloom for so long - 2-3 months. But the beauty of the flower is so great that the memories of it will delight you for the rest of the year;

      • Bulbophyllums bloom only in autumn. With the variety of its species, this variety of orchid will amaze any imagination;

      • but the Dendrobium orchid fades quite quickly - 2-3 weeks a year maximum;

    • The exotic type of orchid “Dracula” can bloom almost constantly with constant tireless care. But, nevertheless, this type of orchid is not so common in our latitudes due to difficulties in care.

    Look video tips florist on the rules for ensuring successful orchid flowering at home:


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