What is a caisson and how to choose this type of equipment. How to choose and install a plastic caisson for a well

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If you decide to install a caisson, it is important to find out what it is. Initially, this element was used for underwater work; it looked like a chamber, which had a square or round shape. The main feature was the quality of waterproofness.

Description of the caisson

In order to achieve permanent job systems, it is necessary to take into account the climate and think through everything to the smallest detail. When the external temperature drops below zero, water has the ability to freeze. Underground horizons are located below the freezing level, while pump equipment located on the surface, this indicates that the liquid will freeze at the first frost. This will cause the pump to immediately become unusable, the pipes will rupture and the system will fail. A caisson will help eliminate these problems. You can find out what it is by reading this article.

The mentioned well element is a large thermally insulated container, which is equipped with a lid. The latter is also insulated. Inside there is necessary equipment. Among other things, you can install a pump inside, as well as shut-off valves, automation, filters, and measuring instruments. It is possible to deprive a well of a caisson only if it is located close to a heated building or any similar structure. This option is more convenient, because in this case you will have access to all nodes of the system. However, this technology also has its disadvantages. They are that the equipment requires a sufficiently large free space, the second disadvantage is that the equipment operates quite noisily.

Description of the plastic caisson

If you decide to choose plastic caisson What it is can be found out below. Such designs can have a rectangular, square or round shape. They have become most widespread among consumers. This is due to the low price, low weight, long life span, excellent thermal insulation qualities, as well as waterproofing. If we compare the cost, then plastic analogues cost significantly less compared to reinforced concrete and steel. Low weight simplifies loading and unloading operations, as well as installation manipulations. Plastic does not corrode at all and does not require additional insulation. The temperature inside the tank always remains within +5 degrees, which prevents water from freezing. If you decide to choose a plastic caisson, it is important to know what it is. Some disadvantages should also be taken into account similar designs. They are expressed in insufficient rigidity, this can cause changes linear dimensions containers, this may result in equipment failure. This problem can be solved quite simply; for this it will be necessary to backfill around the perimeter using cement mortar; for this it will be enough to provide a layer whose thickness is 80 millimeters.

Metal caisson

You can make a steel caisson with your own hands. However, such options are also sold in relevant stores. The outside of the structure will need to be treated with an anti-corrosion compound, and the material can be used metal, the thickness of which is 4 millimeters. Often enough ready-made models are made from of stainless steel, this guarantees long term life activity. However, it is necessary to take into account that a caisson of this type will cost more than its analogues.

Caisson made of reinforced concrete rings

You can install a caisson made of reinforced concrete rings. Similar products in Lately are used less and less, this can be explained high cost, heavy weight and poor waterproofing. The significant weight complicates the transportation process and also requires the rental of lifting equipment, which entails additional costs. As for poor waterproofing, due to the hygroscopicity of the material, you will need to take measures to insulate the rings. At severe frosts The water in the pump and shut-off valves may freeze. Thus, the reinforced concrete caisson does not always fulfill its main function. Among other things, it exerts an impressive load on the ground; over the years, the structure sags, which contributes to the deformation of the pipeline system.

Caisson installation

If you install a caisson, you must follow some rules. As for the work, it is necessary to begin with the preparation of the pit. It is important to take into account that its diameter should be slightly larger than the caisson itself - by 30 cm. The depth should be calculated so that the neck of the tank is 15 cm above the ground surface. This will prevent it from getting inside surface waters, which are formed during snow melting and during precipitation. On next stage a hole is made for which will be located in the bottom. It can be oriented in the central part or shifted in any direction. The plastic caisson is installed according to the same principle. At the next stage, you need to weld a pipe sleeve to the hole, the diameter of which should be greater than the diameter casing pipe. The length of the sleeve can vary from 10 to 15 cm. You need to make sure that the sleeve fits easily onto the pipe.


If you install a caisson for a well yourself, then it may need to be mounted in such a way that the neck of the casing pipe moves towards the wall of the tank. This will allow you to position the container without restricting access to the well. Once you have learned what a caisson for a well is, you can purchase equipment and think about installing it. It is important to provide the caisson with all necessary qualities, including thermal insulation and protection from sewage. Only in this case you all year round you will be supplied clean water, which will not freeze even in the harshest winters.

Full housing construction is complemented by the installation of sewerage systems and water supply. If missing centralized water supply, then you will need to solve such a problem yourself. To protect the pumping equipment, you will need a plastic caisson for the well. Before you purchase a product, you should understand the advantages and installation options yourself.

Plastic construction is considered the best option, as it is resistant to negative natural influences and lightweight

In order for it to function stably throughout the year, you need to consider the correct design of the well. Before installation plumbing system it is necessary to think about how to protect it from freezing.

Freezing of pipes and pumping equipment will damage the structure and require expensive repairs. To protect against such cases, you need to buy a caisson for a well, which is a special container with a lid.

The caisson design involves the following elements:

The device is mounted at a depth of 1.5-2 meters on the casing pipe. This helps protect the installation from frostbite.

Helpful information! The presence of an additional pipe in the design allows you to connect a hose to it for watering gardening plantings.

How to choose the right caisson for a plastic well: the pros and cons of the device

Plastic devices have always been fragile. But the use of a modern plastic caisson for a well is considered reliable design. Such structures include polyethylene and polypropylene material and fiberglass.

U similar product The following advantages are worth highlighting:

Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the susceptibility to deformation.

Which caisson is better to choose: metal or reinforced concrete

In addition to the caisson made of plastic, metal or reinforced concrete models are offered. Concrete structures They are expensive, heavy and difficult to install, so they are rare. Such products create a load on the soil layer and contribute to its subsidence.

The metal version can be made with your own hands or purchased. It is important to take into account that this option is susceptible to corrosion.

Selecting caissons for wells: prices and models

It is important to find out the cost before installing a caisson on a well. The price depends on specific manufacturers and product properties.

ViewManufacturersModelsDimensions, cmWeight, kgprice, rub.
Metal rolling plantA metal caisson in the shape of a rectangle. The set includes a built-in ladder and an insulated cover.200*100*100 280 2 300
Metal rolling plantRound metal model. Features an insulated roof and ladder.200*100*100 250 19 250
Termite 2000A plastic device helps create holes for pipes.144*210 85 31 600
Alta GroupThe plastic model is equipped with special insulation and a ladder.10*100*163 144 25 200

How to install a caisson?

It is important to install the product correctly. Some companies offer free installation when you purchase a structure from them.

When ordering installation from specialists, you can get the following average prices:

  • digging a hole for equipment – ​​12,000 rubles;
  • arrangement of a pumping structure – 8,000 rubles;
  • installation of the device in a well – 9,000 rubles;
  • installation of cable lines 1,700 rubles per linear meter.

Additional irrigation structures are paid separately.

Do-it-yourself caisson made of concrete rings for a well

Many homeowners try to build the device themselves. A caisson made of concrete rings is best suited for this.

The installation process has the following features:

Installation of concrete rings is carried out using special equipment.

Installation of a plastic structure

A special approach is required to install a plastic caisson for a well. You need to dig a deep hole. The dimensions must be higher than the dimensions of the structure.

A small recess is made at the bottom to install the structure:

  • sand is poured into the pit;
  • gravel is laid on top;
  • a frame with reinforcement is being installed;
  • concrete is poured.

If the structure is equipped with a hydraulic accumulator, then a hole for pipes is made in the side. It is important to correctly attach the plastic caisson to the pipe. Some products have recesses for pouring concrete. If a hydraulic accumulator is planned, then the structure is tied to the base. After installing the equipment, the empty space is covered with earth.

If groundwater passes too close to the surface, it is recommended to fill the gaps with concrete mortar. It is worth using reinforcement elements. Similar methods will protect the well. Before pouring concrete mortar, it is necessary to remove pipes and cable structures outside.

The plastic structure is considered one of the best, as it can be installed independently. Metal devices will cost less, but in conditions of constant humidity the best solution there will be a plastic caisson.

Helpful information! The concrete solution used must be completely dry.

Plastic well equipment has many positive properties that help improve performance. This caisson is ideal for constructing wells in country houses and plots.

Connecting a caisson and a well using heat shrinkage (video)

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Which caisson is better for a well - choose from 4 options

Have you drilled a well on your property and don’t know how to equip it? So, in such cases, either an adapter or a caisson for the well is installed. The adapter is not suitable for everyone, while the caisson is considered a permanent structure and can be installed on any well. In total, there are 4 options for caissons and further, we will analyze each of them and try to find the best one.

Caisson or adapter

First, let's understand the terms.

Adapter- this is a special adapter that cuts into the well casing pipe and is removed through it water pipe from submersible deep well pump lowered into the well. The price is low and the installation instructions are quite simple.

But the adapters are placed underground below the freezing point, in Russian conditions this is from 1.5 m. Plus, every 2 years you need to dig it out to do preventive maintenance and change the gaskets. I'm not even talking about the fact that the adapter is installed on a well, which is located no further than 5 m from the house.

A completely different matter is a caisson, a tricky word used to describe a kind of tank that is installed underground, clearly above the well and is hermetically connected to the casing pipe. This tank is insulated and pumping equipment and control automation are installed in it. There are practically no restrictions on its installation.

Choosing a good caisson from 4 options

Similar structures are made of plastic, metal, concrete and brick. Conventionally, I would divide all caissons into 2 directions - these are those that you can make with your own hands and purely factory models. The latter include only plastic products, we will start with them.

Option No. 1: plastic caisson

Plastic tanks appeared on the market about 20 years ago. Now there are several varieties of these designs. More affordable models are made from PVC, polypropylene and polyethylene. The price for fiberglass products is slightly higher. The real advantages here include the following:

  • Absolutely all types of plastic are indifferent to corrosion, plus it doesn’t matter for these tanks chemical composition groundwater, because they can withstand everything, even aggressive acids and alkalis;
  • The weight of the tank is quite liftable for a couple of strong men, which means you can install it with your own hands without any problems;
  • The price of plastic is relatively not high, but there are cheaper options, I would call its cost a solid middle ground;
  • If you do not take into account the time of digging a pit, then installation can be completed in 1–2 days;
  • The tanks are monolithic and if the joint with the casing pipe is properly arranged, then even in a “swamp” nothing will happen to them;
  • The warranty for most plastic tanks starts at 50 years.

The only serious disadvantage of plastic is the likelihood of deformation. On dry soils there is nothing to be afraid of, but on wet soils, in order to protect yourself from the forces of frost heaving, you will have to pour a “shirt” of reinforced concrete thickness from 100 mm.

Manufacturers' assurances that a plastic tank does not need insulation are not entirely true. You can do without insulation only in relatively warm regions, from middle zone and further north, it is advisable to insulate all caissons.

Option No. 2: steel

The good thing about a metal tank is that you can make it yourself. Naturally, for this you must have welding machine and welding skill. For those who do not have such a set, there are factory models. Their quality and, accordingly, price mainly depend on the presence of anti-corrosion coating and the thickness of the metal.

To be honest, a thin-walled inexpensive tank can only be installed on dry soils. For heaving soils, the thickness of the metal should be at least 5–7 mm, otherwise it will simply be crushed. But, as in the case of plastic, there is always the possibility of pouring a concrete jacket.

It is advisable to insulate all steel tanks from the outside, otherwise you will get constant condensation on the inner walls of the caisson.

Also, do not forget that a steel caisson is heavy and it is almost impossible to install it manually, so you will have to pay for a crane. For those who are thinking about buying a plastic or steel caisson, below I have placed a table with reference characteristics.

The prices in the article are current in the fall of 2017.

Option #3: concrete

Here we have 2 options:

  1. Pure concrete tank- poured on site from reinforced concrete;
  2. Caisson made of concrete rings- is equipped with the help of factory reinforced concrete well rings.

The first option is considered the cheapest in terms of cost. If you have a concrete mixer, you need to buy cement, sand, crushed stone and reinforcement. Next, you dig a pit, reinforce it, build formwork and fill it with mortar. The video in this article shows the process step by step.

It is much easier to build a structure from rings. There are two ways to go here:

  1. First, dig a pit around the casing, then pour a concrete pad from below and call a crane to install the concrete tank body;

  1. 22222If there are problems with the crane, then cut the casing pipe above the soil, then slide a concrete ring onto it and remove the soil from the inside. When the ring sinks to the ground level, slide on the next one and continue digging. For a caisson, 2 - 3 rings are enough.

It is advisable to insulate the brick caisson with foam plastic 50 mm thick.

  • First, a pit is dug;
  • Next, at the bottom of the pit, a sand and gravel cushion about 100 mm thick is filled in and compacted;
  • Placed on top of the pillow reinforcement mesh and concrete with a thickness of 50 mm or more is poured;
  • After a week, the concrete will get a little stronger and you can lay out the walls;
  • For the vault you will have to make formwork, reinforce it and pour a concrete slab.


Each of the technologies described above is good in its own way; you need to choose depending on specific conditions and, of course, material capabilities. If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will try to help.

November 17, 2017

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The problem of supplying water to private houses located far from the centralized infrastructure was solved by installing wells, installing pumping equipment and connecting pipes to the house. As a result, the home owner receives full-fledged running water. A well, as a source of water, must be well protected from various negative impacts. Why is a special device installed at its mouth - a caisson.

Caisson is sealed cylindrical design, made of concrete, plastic, metal, approximately two meters deep. At the bottom of the cylinder is the base of the well. The caisson must be installed with a hatch for normal access to the well.

Main types, functions and purpose

To provide effective work water supply using a well, it is necessary to provide for every detail. For example, it is no secret that when the temperature drops to zero degrees, the water becomes covered with ice. Usually underground water horizons are below the soil freezing line, but the pump is on the surface and is highly susceptible to influences negative temperatures. Due to the low temperature, the water in the pump freezes, pipes burst, pumping equipment breaks down, and the water supply system fails.

To prevent this, a caisson is installed. This is insulated equipment big size, having a cover with thermal insulation. The following equipment is located inside the caisson:

  • Filters.
  • Pump.
  • Pressure gauge.
  • Shut-off valves.
  • Expansion tank.
  • Automation.

The only case where a caisson is not installed is when the well is located close to a heated building. In this case there is free access to any system nodes, but it appears high level noise.

When constructing a well, the water supply pipe is located in a caisson at a depth of several meters. This depth water pipe creates reliable protection when the temperature drops. Additionally, you can install a pipe that is used for watering the garden. The pipe is located on the very surface of the earth.

Main functions

The caisson has the following functions:

Differences in material and shape

The shape of the device is very different: round, square, rectangular. Caissons are made from reinforced concrete rings, metal or plastic.

Devices from concrete rings, bricks, concrete They are quite cheap and durable, but without expensive waterproofing they cannot protect the well from the action of groundwater. Another thing is steel or plastic models.

Steel caisson - advantages and disadvantages

The steel model is a round or square container welded from sheets. As a rule, devices of this type are made with a narrow neck, the so-called manhole with a lid. They put a steel caisson on the water pipe, weld it securely to it and dig it in. As a result, there is only a hatch on the surface, protruding by 10–15 cm.

Steel models are painted both outside and inside to protect against corrosion. In addition, the device is insulated with a coating or adhesive material. The steel caisson is covered with a lid or hatch. The covers are attached to hinges and also have locking eyes.

To increase the tightness of the connection between the device and the water pipe, manufacturers weld a special sleeve into the equipment - part of a pipe with a larger cross-section. Yes, during installation you can get by with just one weld seam. To provide the best protection against freezing, the steel caisson must have a height of at least 2 meters, and at the same time have insulation for the lid and working chamber. The cost of steel models depends on their height and width.

Advantages: convenient access to the pump, good protection from foreign penetration, strength, easy installation and low cost.

Flaws: the presence of welding joints, the likelihood of corrosion, the need for thermal insulation.

Plastic caissons - price, main advantages, difference from steel caisson

It is plastic models that today are considered the most popular view this equipment. They are made of plastic approximately two centimeters thick. Shape, color plastic device can be very different. Price plastic models mainly depends on the volume.


  • Good waterproofing, as the container is completely sealed.
  • Light weight - installation can be done with your own hands, without the use of special equipment.
  • Quite low cost.
  • Excellent thermal insulation: plastic caisson, unlike steel structure, does not require additional thermal insulation. The temperature inside the container is constantly approximately plus 5 degrees.
  • Durability: Unlike steel, plastic lasts much longer and does not corrode.

Experts indicate that for plastic models only one drawback is low rigidity, which sometimes leads to tank deformation. But the solution to this problem is very simple. Mounting plastic tank, instead of backfilling the soil, a layer of concrete mortar is poured around the entire perimeter.

DIY device and installation

It is quite possible to make a caisson with your own hands. It is advisable to choose metal as the material. For work you will need: a hacksaw for metal, a metal sheet 5 mm thick, welding machine.

First we make a cylinder with a diameter of a meter and a height of 2 meters. The next step is to weld the bottom to the cylinder. Do not forget that seams must be sealed. In part of the bottom you first need to make a hole for the sleeve. The diameter of the sleeve must be slightly larger than the diameter of the water pipe.

We make a hole in the container for the cable, under different kinds pipes, which include pumping equipment that will be installed.

The final stage is coloring. Paint the inside of the container, and we fix the bitumen on the outside.

Installation occurs in the following way:


Installing a caisson simultaneously solves many problems. The water supply at home immediately becomes safer; owners do not have to worry about being without water when frost sets in. At the dacha, this device can be used as a warehouse or cellar, equipping it with a reliable lock.

Now you can buy a durable, ready-made plastic or metal caisson, or make it yourself. The choice is up to you. The main thing is not to forget that without this equipment normal operation wells is simply impossible.

To service a completed well, the creation of appropriate technical infrastructure is required, without which the use of an autonomous source of water supply will be impossible or significantly difficult.

Such technical structures also include caissons designed to protect the well from external influence environment. In fact, this is a measure of protection against all kinds of pollution.


Initially, caissons were used only for underwater work. Then the equipment found application on the ground. A sealed container, partially buried in the ground, is effectively used when operating wells with drinking water. The main purpose of the design is protection from frost, melt and rain water, as well as the penetration of any pollutants. To ensure that the space inside the caisson is not empty, the owners place equipment related to the plumbing system there.

The container can be made of any waterproof materials.

At the bottom there is an entrance (hole) for the pipe lowered into the well. There is an exit on the side - pipes for supplying water to the house are brought here. The top of the caisson (made of any material) is provided with a sealed hatch having technical purpose. Through the hatch, if necessary, they are carried out renovation work.

Standard height The container is two meters long and its diameter is one meter. To avoid freezing in winter period the structure is protected heat-insulating materials- foam or polymer. If the caisson is insulated, you can safely install a pump and other equipment (for example, a hydraulic accumulator) in it.

The immersion of the structure into the ground (its lower end) largely depends on the freezing point of the soil. The more the soil freezes, the deeper the caisson is dug into it. At correct placement The pipe exit from the well and the connection point of the water supply system are located below the freezing point.

It should be taken into account that the diameter or cross-section of the caisson should not be too large. The owners do not need extra space, since the construction of such a structure will require more materials(or money if the caisson was purchased in a store), which will significantly increase the cost of work.

Materials used

The main requirement for materials for caissons is absolute waterproofness. The structure can be erected from any building material that meets the mentioned requirement.

Most Popular following materials:

  • Plastic. Perhaps this is the most practical material to use, providing maximum sealing. Working with plastic is quite simple - it is light and flexible. The latter quality is a disadvantage, since to ensure the rigidity of the structure it is necessary to erect a supporting wall of concrete. The most popular materials are polypropylene, polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride. The service life of these materials is at least fifty years. - unsuitable! They are not subject to corrosion and oxidation, which makes the caisson comfortable, durable and aesthetically pleasing. The average cost of such a camera is from 23,000 to 40,000 rubles (depending on the volume). It can be installed from above, on the ground surface (required reliable insulation).
  • Steel. This material is most often used by craftsmen to make handicraft caissons. A cylindrical or square design is made from steel sheets 4 millimeters thick. The industry also produces ready-made coffered chambers. Welding is used to install the structure (attaching it to the casing pipe). The disadvantage of steel is its susceptibility to corrosion processes. The average price of industrial designs is from 15,000 to 27,000 rubles. This design requires immersion in the ground and high-quality insulation.
  • Reinforced concrete rings. This is one of the most expensive options used for installing caisson chambers. Work with concrete rings, additionally reinforced with steel rods (reinforced), requires application physical strength- they are quite heavy. Special attention is given to waterproofing at the junction of the rings and the place of planting in the ground. Along the perimeter finished design filled with concrete or asphalt, which increases the cost autonomous water supply. Cement mortar not suitable for waterproofing. In order for the work to be carried out at the proper technical level, it is necessary to contact specialists.
  • Brick. This construction material allows you to build a structure of any shape and size. The speed of construction largely depends on the skill of the masons. Not every owner can build a brick coffered chamber with his own hands. The entire structure is installed on a solid foundation and a bed of crushed stone (or concrete screed). All seams are carefully sealed, and the inner surface of the chamber is plastered. Used as a hatch wooden boards. The main disadvantage of brick construction is the difficulty in ensuring complete waterproofing. In such a structure some humidity is always felt.

Do it yourself

The most popular options for self-installation plastic and steel.

Installation of a caisson always begins with digging a pit around the neck. Its depth must be at least two meters! A margin of ten centimeters is given around the perimeter so that the caisson tank can be installed in the pit without any problems.

Of steel

  • The dimensions of the chamber are calculated in advance. Manufacturing requires 4 mm thick steel and an anti-corrosion coating.
  • After welding work all seams are sanded, and the finished container is treated with anti-corrosion material inside and out.
  • A hole is left in the bottom, to which a sleeve 15 cm long is welded. Its diameter should be slightly larger than the casing pipe coming from the well.
  • The structure is fixed with bars. The pipe from the well passes through the sleeve and is attached to it welded seam.
  • Nipples for water pipes are welded to the wall. Water supply is connected through one pipe, the second is used for laying electric cable to the pump.
  • Upon completion of installation, the caisson is filled with soil around the perimeter.

Made of plastic

Caissons made from this material are easier to purchase in a store. The industrial design will have 100% sealing and excellent quality. Currently, plastic coffered chambers are recognized as the most practical to use and easy to install.

Installation includes several main steps:

  • preparing the pit and pouring the concrete pad (pouring is carried out strictly in a horizontal plane to avoid deformation of the chamber);
  • connecting the electrical cable and water pipe (the cable is placed in a plastic tube);
  • installation of a coffer chamber (wooden boards are used for support) - the edge should rise above the ground level by about 15 centimeters;
  • insulation of the casing pipe entering the tank rubber coupling;
  • connection through nipples of all communications;
  • pouring a pit around the perimeter of the chamber with concrete (used to give the structure the necessary rigidity);
  • installation of everything (we should not forget about the following) inside the caisson chamber;
  • filling the outside with sand or soil to the level of the hatch.

Is it possible to avoid installation?

Experts admit that there is no caisson chamber in dachas intended for summer living, where water supply is not used (water is drawn directly from a well). In houses for year-round residence this technical solution cannot be avoided. Caissons protect the water supply and its equipment from freezing in winter.

This saves space in the house, and the well remains clean.

The main danger of the absence of a caisson structure is the accidental entry of waste, melt or rain water into the well. Bacterial or any other contamination can lead to serious illnesses for home owners.

An alternative to a caisson is to install a sealed adapter, which ensures the supply of water from the well to a specially designated room (usually a boiler room or basement). In such a room, the owners place everything they need plumbing equipment. At room temperature it will be protected from low temperatures.


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