Do-it-yourself wooden boat: manufacturing instructions. DIY plywood boat drawings

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Fishing enthusiasts or simply people living near some body of water sooner or later face the question of purchasing a boat. It can provide not only pleasant boat trips under the gentle sun, but also accessibility to the most catchable places where trophy fish are found. Buying a boat ready for launch is very expensive for many people, but a boat made of plywood, built with your own hands, will cost several times less. And this process itself, interesting and creative, will bring a lot of pleasure.

Let's dispel doubts

After hearing the phrase - a boat made of plywood - some pessimists will twist their finger at their temples and say that this is absolutely impossible. Like, making a real watercraft from thin and straight plywood, and one that can support more than one person, is a utopia. In fact, this is quite possible. Moreover, you can build not just a small punt, but even a real sailing yacht, and if a small boat motor is installed on the reinforced transom, and a cockpit is made on the bow, you will get something like a boat. So what, the boat will work out. And these are not fishing tales.

Plywood comes in different thicknesses and strengths. It is even easier to cut parts to size and in different configurations from it than from boards. In addition, it bends well enough to give the sides the desired roundness. Modern means to ensure moisture resistance plywood boat that's enough too. Therefore, for someone who decides to make a boat on their own, only three things are needed: desire, a working head and hands that are not afraid of work. Everything else can be easily found.

Well, the advantages of a plywood boat are simply undeniable:

  • Light weight. The simplest punt weighs only 15-20 kg.
  • A well-made boat can last a very long time.
  • There are boat designs that can easily support up to 5 people.
  • Cheapness.

Preparations for work

Having set out to build a plywood boat yourself, the first thing you need to do is find an appropriate room in which all the work will be carried out. It should be spacious, dry, with good lighting. Sudden changes in temperature and high humidity are categorically excluded. The entire production will take enough time, which is stupid to waste in the summer, when you can do other things. Therefore, work is usually carried out either in winter or spring, so that the atmosphere is “ production workshop"plays a very important role. Untreated plywood does not tolerate moisture well, but glue and impregnating liquids are applied better and with better quality in warm conditions. And it’s also better to paint the finished product in a warm place.

The second necessary action is drawing. There should be no problem with this - you can find it on the Internet in just a few minutes. But even purchasing material without it is not worth it.

There is no point in starting work without a quality drawing.

There are different types of homemade plywood boats, and you need to choose a project that you can carry out yourself. If this is your first experience in shipbuilding, then it is best to choose the project of the most ordinary punt. Despite the simplicity of the design, the possibilities it provides are almost unlimited. You can hang a motor on it, and even put a mast. And under the oars she walks just fine.

Having calculated from the drawing what and how much material is needed, you can begin purchasing it.


It is not worth reminding that the material from which the plywood boat will be built must be of high quality. The plywood itself is without knots, the glue is only from a trusted manufacturer, and the impregnating liquids too.

The entire list looks like this:

  • Sheet plywood 1.5-1.5 m, 5 mm thick, grade BS, BK or FSF.
  • Several boards, preferably oak.
  • Fiberglass.
  • Putty.
  • Waterproof glue.
  • Waterproof impregnation for wood or drying oil.
  • Waterproof enamel or oil paint.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • Nails.
  • Copper wire.

When choosing plywood, you need to carefully inspect the edges for chips and cracks at the ends. You shouldn’t hope that you can saw off a couple of centimeters. Everything else can be easily and at a very reasonable price purchased at any hardware or hardware store.


A good owner, who is accustomed to independently produce certain things in the house renovation work, the set of tools is already there. Even with interest. Directly building a boat will require the following arsenal:

  • Jigsaw.
  • Electric planer.
  • Screwdriver.
  • A circular saw.
  • Sander.
  • Plane.
  • Hacksaw.
  • Hammer.
  • Pliers.
  • Screwdrivers.
  • Metal ruler.
  • Chisel.
  • Spatulas.
  • Brushes.
  • Clamps.
  • Drawing set.
  • Graph paper.
  • Cardboard.

Having prepared everything according to these two lists, you can proceed directly to work.

Power tools will make the job much easier

Let's start drawing

Marking the contours of the boat directly on a plywood sheet would be rather reckless. A small mistake and the vessel will yaw to the side or tilt to one side. Therefore, it is better to first draw a diagram or sketch on graph paper in life size. Moreover, the word diagram is not very appropriate here, because it is necessary to strictly maintain the dimensions.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • A center line is drawn dividing the bottom of the boat lengthwise.
  • At one end, a transom line is drawn perpendicularly to size.
  • The installation points of the frames are marked on the center line itself.
  • At these points, perpendiculars are drawn to suit the size of the frames.
  • Using patterns, the bottom itself is drawn.
  • The resulting diagram is folded in half along the center line to check symmetry.

Patterns for the sides, frames and transom are made in the same way, taking into account their sizes and configurations. But the drawing doesn't end there. Now, after the symmetry of the bottom and the sameness of the sides have been carefully checked, the stage of transferring the drawing onto a cardboard template begins. The graph paper is too thin, but it will be much easier to transfer the drawing onto plywood from a cardboard template without errors.

First gluing

If you managed to get sheet plywood that matches the length of the future boat, that’s good. But if you have ordinary sheets of 1.5-1.5 meters, you will have to glue them together. Most The best way– gluing with a mustache.

Mustache gluing is the strongest connection between plywood sheets

A distance equal to 10-12 sheet thicknesses is retreated from the edge of the sheet, and ground off at an angle with a plane. After this, you need to go through the sander and do the same operations with the second sheet. Cleaned and degreased surfaces are smeared with glue, carefully connected and secured with clamps. Since clamps can only be placed at the edges, a weight must be placed in the center. After the glue has dried, the clamps can be removed, but let the product sit for at least another day.

Cutting out parts

After the glue has dried and all burrs and smudges at the gluing site have been removed, you can transfer the dimensions of the bottom and sides using cardboard templates. Wherein simple process You should make sure that there are no allowances even of a couple of millimeters. Especially on different sides.

Then a jigsaw with a small-toothed file tucked into it is used. Large ones can clutter the cutting edge. But even after a small one, it’s better to carefully go through it with medium-sized sandpaper. You need to cut carefully, without rushing. One wrong movement, the slightest deviation from the drawn line - and in best case scenario you will have to go back a few centimeters, in the worst case, start this part from the very beginning. That is, from drawing a new one.

You can draw and cut frames right away in full size. But you'll have to think about the transom. If intended powerboat, then it needs to be strengthened. There are two options. One is to cut several identical parts from plywood and glue them together. Or make a transom from a solid board with a thickness of at least 25 mm.

Let's start collecting

The boat is assembled using the “sew and glue” principle. It’s better to start with the transom - then it will be easier to install the sides. Holes of such a diameter are drilled in the rear of the bottom and in the lower part of the transom that the copper wire can pass through. The holes must be strictly opposite each other. Using pieces of wire, the transom is attached to the bottom. After making sure that the edges match, you need to tighten the twists of the wire with pliers.

Instead of copper wire, you can take a wire of suitable diameter

The sides are attached in a similar way, starting from the stern and ending with the last twist at the bow of the boat. At this point, the result is a collapsible model, which can still be corrected. Trim excess, smooth out uneven areas. After the next operation, you can forget about dismountable tactics.

Second gluing

Or rather, gluing the seams between the bottom, sides and transom in order not only to secure the parts, but also to ensure moisture resistance. A strip of fiberglass is carefully laid on the seam and carefully coated with moisture-resistant glue. In this case, one layer is not enough. You will need at least three. And if the first layer of fiberglass is approximately 100 mm, that is, 50 on each side, then the second and third layers should be wider. 125-135 mm. it will be just right, only each subsequent layer needs to be shifted a little - one towards the bottom, the other, on the contrary, towards the side. This is done so that the fiberglass comes into contact and sticks directly to the plywood. After the glue dries properly, this folding gasket will turn into almost real plastic, and this will guarantee that the boat is moisture resistant.

Installation of frames

The frames are installed strictly in place on the adhesive base and screwed with self-tapping screws. After the glue has dried, the screws are unscrewed, and the holes left by them are filled with the same glue. If nails are used instead of self-tapping screws, then after pulling them out, you need to hammer wooden nails and coat with glue.

Final imparting moisture resistance

This completes the construction of the boat. What remains is internal and exterior decoration, serving not only for aesthetics, but also to ensure that the boat does not leak. Ordinary wooden boats will be tarred, but what to impregnate a plywood boat with - there is a very specific answer to this question. On the outside, all seams and the entire body are treated with fiberglass and glue, in the same way as was done when gluing the parts. Before this operation, the protruding wire should be removed or cut off. The inside of the plywood boat is impregnated with hot drying oil.

When covering a boat with fiberglass, you must carefully ensure that there are no bubbles.


At this point, the construction of the plywood boat can be considered complete. It will take some time to dry, and by and large you can already swim on it. On oars, with the help of an engine, if you tried to make the transom for a motor, or even under a sail, if this is provided for by the design. It is already completely waterproof, but absolutely not aesthetically pleasing. Painting is the most final stage, and then the production of the boat will be completed completely.

There are two options here. Or oil paint - the color is chosen according to taste - for fishing, something merging with nature, for walking, it can be brighter. Or waterproof enamel, selected according to the same principle. You'll have to wait a little longer until the paint or enamel dries - and you can safely set sail.


Before you start building a plywood boat yourself, you need to understand that such homemade products do not tolerate a careless approach to the matter. This can affect not only the appearance of the product, but also your safety and reliability. The first thing you need to pay attention to Special attention, is the room in which the work will be carried out. If it was decided to build a boat in winter or in early spring, then you need to exclude drafts and high humidity.

The second thing you need to pay special attention to is the material and tools. Plywood must be selected without knots, glue, paint and drying oil only from a trusted manufacturer. The tool must be in in perfect order. The jigsaw is equipped with a file with small teeth.

If you are planning a motor boat, special attention should be paid to the transom. To make it, it is better to take a whole oak board. Plywood glued together in several layers will also work, but the board will be more reliable.

You should also strictly monitor the symmetry of the bottom and the uniformity of the sides. Incorrect bending of one side on a boat or on a dinghy, depending on what is being built, will lead to the fact that it will scour the water or pull to one side.

And lastly: there is no need to rush under any circumstances. If the instructions for the glue indicate that it should dry for three days, then further work you need to start only on the fourth. The same principles apply with paint and drying oil.

Building a plywood boat yourself is not an easy task. But there’s nothing particularly complicated about it. You just need to spend some time and apply maximum knowledge and skills, which can be easily gleaned both on the Internet and from more knowledgeable people. But after completing this interesting and creative work you will be able to safely go to the reservoir on a unique watercraft built with your own hands.

Buying a wooden boat is a rather expensive process that requires considerable investment. But its manufacture opens up to the creator a variety of options, shapes and style solutions in which the boat will be made; in addition, he will be able to save a little. A wooden boat made by yourself will be an excellent addition to fishing, hunting and just relaxing on the water. Let's look at how to build a wooden boat below.

Main types of boats

There are several types of materials suitable for building a boat. Among them:

  • rubber-based fabric;
  • plastic components;

  • steel;
  • tree;
  • plywood.

Inflatable boats are also called fabric boats. They are made from rubber or polymer compositions. They are unstable and do not float well on water. They crack easily and are not resistant to cold and frost. They require constant patching and are very dangerous because they get damaged at the most inopportune moment. The advantages of this type of boat are ease of transportation, compactness and ease of storage.

Plastic boats are primarily distinguished by their attractive appearance; they are produced in a wide variety of color scheme. In addition, if used correctly plastic boats they will serve their owner for decades.

Wooden boats made from planks are less durable than plastic ones. In addition, they require constant care in the form of applying moisture-repellent solutions. Some owners wooden boats Before using them, soak the device in water so that it keeps its shape.

Wooden boats photo:

Boats based on plywood are the most best option among wooden boats. Plywood is moisture resistant, resistant to heavy loads, strong and durable. The only drawback of plywood is the difficulty in bending it, so such boats do not have smooth lines, but are characterized by the presence of sharp corners.

For the manufacture of metal boats Duralumin is used, which has the properties of strength and resistance to wear. Possible use case of stainless steel for making a boat, but in this case, its transportation becomes impossible due to the enormous weight.

Homemade wooden boats: manufacturing features

There are special ones for drawing drawings of wooden boats. online programs, helping to calculate the dimensions of an individual part. With the help of a 3D designer, every detail of the boat is visible from all angles.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the equipment options for the boat of the following sizes:

  • the lower length of the bow and stern is 200 and 850 cm, the upper length is 500 and 1120 mm, the height is 150, 185 mm;
  • dimensions of reinforcing ribs: 1st - bottom height, top and length - 830 mm, 510 mm, 295 mm;
  • the bead must be cut at an angle; to calculate it, it is better to use a calculator.

Advice: Before you start making a boat, study additional literature related to the number of main parts of the boat and their names.

This boat is made of plywood, when purchasing which be sure to pay attention to moisture resistance. Such plywood will last several times longer and will not require additional costs for its repair and maintenance.

To make the bottom, use plywood with a thickness of 1.2 cm, and for the sides and other parts - 0.8 or 1 cm.

After purchasing plywood, start making boat parts. To do this, you need to prepare special patterns. They are made on large sheets paper, for example, on wallpaper. The shape of the pattern exactly matches the shape of the part.

To cut out parts, use electric jigsaw. Since the dimensions of the plywood do not allow constructing the entire bottom of the boat, it is necessary to resort to gluing it together from several parts. To do this, use EDP glue or any other glue solution, which is resistant to moisture. The gluing procedure is carried out using overlays in the form of plywood strips, 10 cm long.

Birch beams are used to glue the internal stiffeners together. They are located inside the boat and have a certain angle of inclination. In some versions of the construction of a wooden boat, solid saddle beams are used, for gluing which two side parts are connected to a flat bench. This design allows to significantly reduce internal filling boats, and also increases the buoyancy property, even if the boat capsizes.

For those new to boat building main problem the connection of several parts with each other appears, especially if it occurs at different angular inclinations. The most in a simple way is the so-called “stitching and gluing” method. In this case, the parts are connected to each other using wire made of steel or strong nylon thread. Before this, special holes are drilled in the edges of the parts; their diameter should not exceed four millimeters, and their location from the edge of the boat should not be more than five millimeters. When the body is connected using threads, it is the turn of conduction next process, which includes gluing all joints using fiberglass. It is fixed to the surface by impregnation with moisture-resistant glue or epoxy resin. It is recommended to carry out gluing both inside the boat and on its outer part.

Start assembling the boat hull from the side sections, which include the side, bow and stern. First, holes are drilled in proportion to specified values, make sure the drilling step is even. Tie these parts together using thread or wire. Follow relative position details and evenness of all corner connections. Self-tapping screws will help secure the stiffeners, and fiberglass provides additional fastening. Make sure that no air bubbles form under the fiberglass; if there are any, take care to remove them.

The bottom is attached to the body in the same way. It is necessary to glue mooring beams along the top of the sides. Its main function is to protect the boat from mechanical damage during its mooring at the pier or shore.

As mandatory element The boat's keel protrudes. He is responsible for the safe entry of the vessel into turns and for the stability of its side parts. Its fixation occurs along the central part of the bottom, and is installed along its central line.

To make a central keel, use not one, but a set of several slats. By additionally gluing parts into the bow or rear of the boat, its strength and stability increases.

We recommend that you take care of strengthening the transom - the rear part of the stern. After securing the main parts of the boat, it is recommended to open it with special impregnations. After they dry, proceed to testing the vessel. Transport the boat to a river or reservoir and lower it into the water; if there are no leaks, it is ready for use. It is also recommended to check the amount of cargo that it can transport. When all problems have been corrected, paint the boat using oil paints. Painting must be done in several layers.

DIY wooden boat: manufacturing instructions

Using ordinary plywood and skillful hands it will be possible to build good boat. average cost Such a boat costs about $20-30, which is significantly lower than purchasing alternative boats made of rubber or wood.

To make a boat of this type you will need:

  • several sheets of plywood;
  • polyurethane glue;
  • nails;
  • latex-based paints;
  • silicone sealant;
  • a syringe to help seal seams;
  • sandpaper;
  • jigsaw;
  • paracord;
  • clamp;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • drills;
  • brushes for applying paint.

After preparing everyone necessary tools The process of preparing individual parts follows. To do this, the plywood sheet must be divided into three sections, which will act as the bottom and main parts. The first section is 460x610 mm, the second is 310x610 mm, the third is 610x1680 mm.

Two side panels are made in the size of 310x2440 mm. Use bars as supports small size 25x50x2400 mm. Required amount supports - 3 pcs. To make the bow, it is recommended to use a block measuring 25x76x2400 mm. To build the body, the use of two bars 25x50x2400 mm is required. They are cut into several parts and fastened with paracord.

When all the parts are cut, proceed to self-assembly wooden boat. To carry out this process, the presence of nails and pins is necessary. Instructions for assembling a wooden boat with your own hands:

  • installing the bottom and attaching the left side to it;
  • fixing the stern on the left side and connecting to the bottom;
  • attaching the right side to the bottom and stern;
  • fixation of the nasal area.

Before fixing the boat with nails, first assemble it with glue. Code appearance boat to the satisfaction of its manufacturer, secure the joints with nails.

Next comes the painting and polishing stage. finished product. After assembling the boat, begin polishing it to remove small roughness and irregularities. This will require sandpaper or the presence of a grinding machine. Using silicone sealant, it is necessary to seal all the cracks formed during the assembly process. Leave the boat in an open area until it is completely dry. After a day, start painting the boat. Apply the first layer to outer surface, and the second on the inside. After the paint has dried, you need to apply another layer inside the boat.

Now you should check the device during the swim. If there are minor defects, they need to be eliminated.

Wooden punt boat: main stages of manufacturing

Before studying the instructions for making wooden punt boats, let’s get acquainted with their advantages:

  • minimal construction costs;
  • light weight, which greatly simplifies its transportation;
  • compactness - it will easily fit in the garage for the winter, and even in the trunk of a car during transportation;
  • does not require special finishing or maintenance;
  • easy to make with your own hands.

When choosing the length of the boat, you should take into account the number of people and cargo that will be placed on it; the interval between the optimal values ​​for the length of a punt is from 1.8 to 3.8 m. At the same time, the width of such a boat varies from 1 to 1.5 m. The average value the height of the sides is half a meter. The weight of the boat depends on its size and is about 70 kg. The boat comfortably accommodates from one to four people.

Possible option additional installation motor or sails that can simplify boat control. Let's look at how to make a wooden boat further.

1. The first stage of working on a boat is the selection of material for its construction.

To build a punt, you need two types of plywood:

  • plywood with increased moisture resistance characteristics, the thickness of such material reaches two centimeters, this type of plywood is based on the use of an adhesive base, please note that it contains harmful substances, therefore it is not recommended to use it in residential premises, as an alternative we recommend purchasing multi-layer plywood laminated type, it is safer for health;
  • five-layer aviation plywood - light in weight but highly durable; seats and transom are made from it.

Exists certain rules working with the material that underlies the construction of the punt, namely:

  • to cut the material into parts, use a disk plate;
  • if the thickness of the plywood does not exceed one centimeter, a stationery knife is enough to cut it;

  • with a thickness of two to six centimeters, the best option is to use a jigsaw;
  • It is not recommended to cut plywood across the grain, as there is a risk of cracks; if necessary, in this type of cutting, apply weakening strips top layer veneer;
  • when arranging popular types of wooden boats, the parts are connected to each other using wire, self-tapping screws or epoxy resin; when fixing using self-tapping screws, you cannot drive them into the surface of the plywood, as this will damage it; it is recommended to first drill a hole of the appropriate diameter, and then install a self-tapping screw;
  • if necessary, equip the boat with the presence curved shapes, you need to wet the plywood, bend it into the desired position and fix it until it dries completely, the duration of the procedure is about 15 hours;
  • In the process of gluing parts, pay attention to the glue packaging, it indicates general recommendations on its drying and working rules, which include cleaning, degreasing and treating the surface with glue;
  • pay attention to the arrangement of fibers on the surface of two plywood parts; when they are parallel, the reliability of fastening increases several times;
  • when plywood delaminates during the work, it is recommended to glue it; for this, place between the delaminated layers paper sheet, impregnated with glue, such plywood is not suitable for building a boat, since it is defective.

2. Next stage involves choosing the optimal tool for the work. It will help to cut the material electric saw or a jigsaw. With the help of an electric planer you can do it required angle hooks. Allowed to use any electrical or mechanical tools for grinding. Using a screwdriver, install self-tapping screws and make holes for them.

3. The most optimal place to work is above the boat, since large parts will not fit on the table. Place the plywood sheet on the floor surface and transfer the pieces onto the surface using a square.

Tip: To significantly save material, you should make a preliminary sketch of the boat on paper. Experts recommend, if possible, to build exact copy boats made of cardboard to have an idea of ​​its original appearance.

There will be two options for making the boat. The first involves installing vertical sides that have straight lines. Second - classic version- this is the installation of sides, a little narrowed in nature. To make them, you will need to do some embedding. To do this, it is recommended to use electric plane. Walk it over the surface of the parts once. Next, repeat the procedure using any grinding tool. If there are rods or other jumpers in the fender that increase rigidity, they are cut out at this stage.

Tip: To make assembly easier, use plastic cable ties. They become almost invisible after the boat is finished with epoxy resin.

When the frame is assembled, proceed to connecting the bottom. Its fixation is carried out with clamps or the same metal wire. Please note that the bottom must be properly sealed; for this it is filled with resin. If you use fiberglass lining, leaks cannot be avoided.

When all joints are dry, proceed to the next treatment. It includes sanding the seams. Next, the joints are covered with fiberglass coated with epoxy resin. The outer part is glued twice, and the inner part once.

4. Installation of additional components.

If it is necessary to install a sail, the vessel must be additionally strengthened, thereby increasing its stability. It is better to do this with the help of a centerboard. to make it you will need plywood 0.6 cm thick. In addition, the steering wheel is cut from this plywood. The number of centerboards depends on the size of the boat. The best option is to install two centerboards at the outermost parts of the vessel. The rudder is attached to the boat with several hinges, preferably of a non-removable nature.

Hunting and fishing are a favorite pastime of many men. Sitting with a fishing rod early in the morning in the reeds is a special romance for a fisherman.

Vehicles for fishing, and just for walking, are used in different ways - rubber, aluminum, boats made of PVC and even plywood.

You can buy absolutely any watercraft, if only you had the money, but how can you make a boat with your own hands? We'll tell you in our article.

Plywood boat

A homemade plywood boat is very light, easy to use and much cheaper than in a store.

The most important preparatory point in construction is the boat drawings. Having accurate calculations, in the future you will not have to waste time and effort on remaking and adjusting the product.


We offer you one of the payment options. By transferring the drawings to paper, we will receive life-size templates of all the necessary parts of the boat. Now we can “cut out” our product and cut out the blanks with a jigsaw. Once you have all the cut out parts, you can start gluing.

First of all, we connect the load-bearing structural elements, the transom (cut of the aft part) and the frames (transverse rib of the hull). Then the bottom and sides are attached to the transom, as in the photo of the boat.

Use epoxy resin and fiberglass tape to connect all parts. These materials will not only connect all parts of the structure, but will also create a waterproof seam.

Assembling the boat

Having secured the plywood to the side structures, you can proceed to strengthening the angles between the sides and the bottom. They do this using wooden corners, then move on to sealing the seams.

For getting suture material Mix epoxy resin and Aerosil in equal proportions. Next, the seams are not just lubricated, but filled with this composition.

Once the entire structure has dried, you can attach the seats. If the boat has a motor, we attach the transom and bow cover.

The outer part of the boat also needs processing; it is necessary to glue all the external seams, also using resin and fiberglass tape, and sand the surface after drying. Then prime and paint.

Repairing damage to a PVC inflatable boat

If you already have inflatable boat and you actively use it, then moments of leakage probably often occur due to a puncture or cut in the material of the vehicle. Restoring a PVC boat is not at all difficult; it is easy to do in spartan conditions and even on the water.

Of course, to get a better result, you need to have time and do better repairs in a workshop. When fixing a leak, the glue dries, ideally, for 3 days, although there is nothing to worry about if you use the boat within a day.

If the boat was repaired on the water, upon return it is necessary to redo everything, since a hastily glued patch and without proper technology will not last long.

If a puncture occurs while fishing or hunting, use only the repair kit included with the boat.

Boat overhaul

For overhaul boats you need:

  • Repair kit (included with the boat);
  • Scissors;
  • Roller;
  • Pencil;
  • Solvent promoting degreasing;
  • Brush for adhesive.

Cut out a rounded patch from spare fabric. It should be 4-5 cm larger than the cut.


Straighten the area to be repaired flat surface, clean from dirt and degrease with solvent. Place the patch over the hole and trace with a pencil, coat both surfaces with PVC glue and let dry.

After 15-20 minutes, repeat the procedure and again give time to dry. After 5 minutes, the restoration itself can begin. Touch the surface of the patch with your finger; it should stick slightly.

Then, to activate the adhesive surface, you need to heat the patch itself and the puncture site; a hairdryer is ideal for this, just act quickly so that the glue does not dry out.

Now you can apply the surfaces to each other with the adhesive side, and carefully expel all the air, iron the patch with a roller. Then leave it to dry for at least one day.

In conclusion of our article, we can say that it is not necessary to spend a lot on buying or repairing a boat. With some effort, you can enjoy what you love.


DIY boat photo


Many men like to go fishing or just take walks along the river. To do this, you need to have a boat, but it often happens that it is not possible to buy a boat for fishing. The solution to this problem could be homemade boats For fishing. There are a lot of ways to make them; you just need to stock up on time, patience and materials.

Homemade plywood boat

A boat made of plywood is distinguished by its lightness and significantly lower cost compared to factory ones.

How to make your own fishing boat from plywood? To work you will need exact drawing and plywood - glued natural birch veneer approximately 5 mm thick.

  1. Using paper templates, patterns of parts are applied to plywood sheets.
  2. Use a wood saw or jigsaw to cut out all the pieces.
  3. Glue the transoms to the frames.

  1. Now attach the bottom and sides to the transom, bringing them together at the front.
  2. To attach the skin parts, suture material is used (if the boat is not made of very thick plywood) or glue. In this case, it is necessary to cut the edges of the plywood at an angle.

  1. Make sure all parts match in size. Otherwise, you will have to disassemble the boat and correct the shortcomings.

  1. Take epoxy resin and aerosil and mix the components 1:1 using a special attachment on a drill.
  2. Strengthening the corners between the sides, bottom and transoms is done with wooden fillets - small corners designed to stiffen the connection.
  3. Now you should stick fiberglass or fiberglass strips on all the internal surfaces of the seams. In this case, it is necessary to carefully coat all joints with an epoxy-aerosol mixture.
  4. It is necessary to wait until the glue has completely dried, and then install the frames in the appropriate places.

  1. Now you need to lay the flooring on the bottom, attach the oarlocks and the seat.
  2. If the design of the boat involves a cockpit (closed bow), then a cover should be installed, fixing it on the sides and frames.
  3. Once the boat is completely dry, turn it over and sand its outer surface. After this, you need to glue the bottom with fiberglass and treat the seams with epoxy.

  1. Before painting, it is necessary to treat the outer surface of the structure with wood impregnation, putty all the cracks and treat it with a primer.
  2. It is best to paint a boat with a special pigment mixture intended for wooden ships, but you can use any ordinary paint.

Folding plywood boat

A homemade folding fishing boat is a rigid plywood folding structure consisting of several sections. The size of each section is equal to the distance between two frames located next to each other. The sections are connected to each other using wing bolts and sealed with rubber.

The middle section is the largest and, when the boat is folded, the other sections fit into it sequentially. The folded boat looks like a large suitcase (850x700x330 mm), which can be easily transported to its destination.

To work you will need:

  • 2.5 sheets of plywood 4 mm thick with dimensions 1.5x1.5 m.
  • 1 sheet of plywood 10 mm thick, size 1.3 x 0.9 m.
  • 1 six-meter board 20 mm thick.
  • 1 six-meter board 40 mm thick.
  • 1 board of beech or other hardwood 1m long for finishing the side.

Making a boat

The boat is assembled according to the drawing. It is desirable to reproduce on paper the natural dimensions of the stem, frame and transom.

  1. Glue the plaza to 10mm construction plywood and fold it in half.
  2. Drill holes in the frames.
  3. Use a hacksaw to cut out two frames, a transom and a stem.
  4. Process the frames with a hacksaw and cover them on the outside with thin rubber (1 mm) using glue.
  5. Divide the seal into strips 20 mm long and treat the two frames with technical glue.
  6. Machine 3mm holes for aluminum rivets. The rivets should be located in pairs at a distance of 10-15 mm. The location of the rivets from the edge of the frame is 10 mm, the distance between pairs is 800 mm.
  7. Remove the bolts and disconnect the frames. Place the rivets in the holes.

To assemble the sections, you need a jig that allows you to install frames and cover them with plywood. This mechanism is made of 40 mm thick board and consists of:

  • Frame bases (4 boards).
  • A fixed stand with a bracket, which is fixed with nails.
  • A movable stand with a movable board moving between the longitudinal sheets of the base, a bracket attached to it and a transverse board on it.
  1. The next stage is strengthening the frames. To do this, bolts are used, passed through the holes and connecting each bracket to the cross board.
  2. Align protruding brackets and hanging boards to the level of the frames.
  3. Now you should divide the 4 mm thick plywood into two parts and cover the frames in the jig with it. The sheets must be folded from the outside of the frames and secured to the conductor.
  4. Using K-88 glue, process the frames under the plywood and its edges above the frames.
  5. Use an aluminum sheet (16x0.5 mm) to strengthen the borders of the plywood.
  6. Now drill holes with a diameter of 2.5-3 mm in the frame between the rivets. In this case, you should grab the aluminum strip and plywood.
  7. Next, you need to screw the screws in both directions at once. Now attach a piece of plywood to the frames, and wrap the aluminum strip down.
  8. Now remove the section from the jig, trim its edges so that the length of the plywood between the frames is 10mm shorter. Cut off the rest.
  9. Divide the prepared planks with a cross-section of 15x25 mm into 4 equal parts, attach one of them to the plywood and glue it together. Wrap the remaining aluminum strip around the strips inside the frames and nail them. Using 40mm screws, attach the edges of the planks to the frames. The side strip and the plywood sheet must fit tightly against each other.
  10. Using a microporous sealant or other soft rubber, treat one side of the section over its entire surface.
  11. Opposite the holes in the frame, drill holes in the rubber.
  12. In the same way, make the other two sections, with the exception of the bow.
  13. The bow part is made using two sheets for each side - left and right, pre-cut according to the drawing.
  14. Remove the moving post from the jig and place the frame on the stationary one.
  15. Place the stem on the base.
  16. Cover the top with thick paper.
  17. Trim the edges that protrude according to the template.
  18. Next, you need to sheathe the “nose” compartment. To do this, cut the sheet into shape. Use aluminum strip to reinforce the edges of the plywood.

Folding fishing boats easily fit into the trunk of a car or small trailer.

Drawing of a homemade plywood boat for fishing:

Video on how to make a folding fishing boat

Boat made of plastic bottles

How to make a fishing boat from plastic bottles? It is done quite simply. One of its main advantages is the low cost and availability of materials. In addition, it is not at all necessary to have special skills to create it.

Necessary materials

  • Plastic bottles. Of course, first of all, those who want to design such a boat will need a large number of plastic bottles. For this purpose, containers with a capacity of at least 2 liters are best suited. The larger the capacity bottles you choose, the fewer you will need, and the easier it will be to assemble the boat. In addition, a boat made from large bottles will be more reliable, strong and durable.
  • Scotch. To work, you will need several rolls of wide tape.
  • Scissors or sharp knife. Scissors should be chosen so that they are easy to cut plastic bottles- large and sharp.
  • Thin strong wire.
  • Thick plywood for crossbars. Instead of plywood, wooden boards or light pipes are suitable.

Bottle preparation

To give the bottles the required density and rigidity, each of them should be inflated with air under pressure. This can be done using the simple principle of temperature difference.

  1. Place the opened bottles in the freezer to absorb cold air.
  2. Then screw the lids on very tightly right in the freezer.
  3. Now take the bottles out freezer. The air inside them, when heated, will expand, as a result of which the bottles will acquire the necessary rigidity and elasticity.

Before collecting the boat, all bottles must be freed from labels and, if necessary, washed.

As practice shows, such a boat lasts quite a long time and does not lose its buoyancy properties. However, for reliability, you can place each cork on sealed glue to be sure that the bottles will not depressurize during use.

Making “logs” from bottles

  1. The boat will be assembled from simulated logs. The middle part, cut from another bottle, is used as a coupling, which should be pulled over the connection. The bottles are connected bottom to bottom, and the protrusion of the bottom of one bottle must be inserted into the recess of the bottom of the other bottle.
  2. Then all joints should be wrapped several times with wide waterproof tape. The result will be a structure of two bottles connected at the bottoms, on both sides of which there will be necks with stoppers.
  3. Now take 2 bottles and cut off the top parts from them. Place the blanks without the upper parts on the necks of your design so that there are bottoms on both sides. Again, wrap each joint with several layers of tape.
  4. In this way the remaining logs for the boat are prepared.

Making floats for a boat

The prepared logs must be fastened into floats. One float should consist of eight logs. Take a thin, strong wire and use it to fasten the logs together.

Boat assembly

Fastening the floats is best done using metal pipes or wooden blocks. After the crossbars are ready, you can begin attaching the bottom, which can be made of thick plywood, plastic or metal sheet. Depending on the preferences of the master and the materials used, each boat made from plastic bottles will have different type. One thing you need general condition- the watercraft must be reliable, durable and waterproof.

If desired, the finished boat can be given an aesthetic appearance by covering it with waterproof material, plywood or metal sheets.

Such simple boat It will last long enough for do-it-yourself fishing. for a long time and will be a source of pride for its owner.

What materials could you use to make a fishing boat? Tell us about your choice in

All photos from the article

The modern market provides quite big choice various tourist and fishing boats. But for our man, a homemade plywood boat is much closer. And the point here is not even about saving money; a boat made by yourself is a source of pride, plus the whole process self-production, this is not so much a job as an interesting hobby. In this article we will look at the main stages of assembling such products.

A few words about preparation

Homemade boats made of plywood and fiberglass are considered, although small, but full-fledged watercraft. Therefore, the preparation and assembly process must be approached responsibly. After all, by and large, mistakes here can not only lead to damage to the vessel, but also in some cases endanger the life and health of the owner.

What materials are needed

  • As the name suggests, the main material here is, of course, plywood.. For body small boat sheets no lower than first or second grade, about 5–7 mm thick, are suitable. For the keel, frames and other auxiliary structural parts, you need to take a thicker sheet, from 12 mm and above;

  • The grade of material is not the least important.. The choice of plywood is now quite large, but in this case the material will be in prolonged direct contact with fresh or even sea ​​water, naturally, plywood must be taken with increased moisture resistance. Ideally, it is better to take the FB brand; it was originally made for ship needs. If the price for “FB” does not suit you, then you can stop at “FSF”;

Advice: the now widespread brand “FC” may be listed in some sources as waterproof.
But in our case it is not suitable; here we need a material with increased moisture resistance, plus one that can withstand prolonged exposure to an aggressive environment.

  • Clean wood will be used for struts, seats and other elements. As a rule, planed boards with a thickness of 25 mm are taken here. In this case, preference should be given to soft, porous varieties. In professional shipbuilding, larch is used, but for a small boat spruce or pine is sufficient;
  • For intermediate stitching of sheets, copper wire with a thickness of about 2 mm is well suited.;
  • Fiberglass and polymer glue are used to create sealed seams. Nowadays it is not difficult to choose the type of adhesive composition; there is quite a large selection on the market, the main thing is that the composition is waterproof.

Tool selection

Homemade plywood boats for fishing do not require an excessively large set of tools.

Here you can get by with a traditional kit, which is available in the workshop of almost any owner:

  • In addition to pliers, screwdrivers and scissors, you will naturally need a hacksaw;
  • Cut regular plywood hand saw It’s quite heavy, so it’s better to purchase it with a set of canvases. Moreover, you should select a model with as many revolutions as possible, since at low speeds the veneer along the edge will break off;

  • For such work you definitely need Sander. With ordinary sandpaper, by hand, you will not be able to achieve good quality processing;
  • To secure the sheets when gluing, clamps are used; there should be at least 3–4 of them;
  • A set of brushes is needed for applying glue and paints.

Boat construction

In this case, it is not so important which type of boat you choose. Whether punts, kayaks, sailboats or boats with a motor, the construction instructions for all of these models are approximately the same.

Let's start with drawings

Nowadays it’s not a problem to find drawings of a homemade plywood boat. There is enough information on the Internet or in specialized literature. You only need to decide on the size of the vessel, because the thickness of the sheets depends on this. If you don’t yet have the proper experience in such work, it’s better to stick to simple, non-separable models.

Experienced craftsmen do not recommend designing a boat yourself. But if you still decide to undertake such a feat of labor, you need to start with a careful calculation of the displacement and carrying capacity of the vessel. So that after you launch and try to swim, your product does not immediately go to the bottom along with the owner.

Important: drawings of homemade plywood boats with a motor are not much different from purely oared analogues.
As a rule, these vessels have a slightly modified transom (rear side).
Therefore, regardless of whether you currently have a motor, it is better to immediately give preference to just such boats.

So, when you have found a model that is suitable for you, before moving on to the actual production of parts and assemblies, you need to make paper patterns according to the drawings. And only after checking all the dimensions, transfer the pattern to plywood or wood.

Housing assembly

Maximum length standard sheet is about 3 m. Therefore, in most cases, you will need to splice two or more small sheets into a single sheet. This is a simple, but rather painstaking process that requires precision and accuracy. Such a connection among professionals is called miter gluing.

To do this, take 2 sheets and cut them along the edge at an angle; the width of such a bevel should be at least 7 times the thickness of the sheet. The larger the contact area, the stronger the connection. The main mass is removed with a file, then with a machine until it is in perfect condition. Next, the bevels are smeared with glue, connected and pressed with something heavy until completely dry.

Advice: assembling and gluing such structures on the floor is extremely inconvenient, so it is advisable to immediately build trestles from wooden block 50x50 mm.
Keep in mind that you will have to handle both sides of the boat, so the sawhorses must be adjusted to accommodate this.

Now we can move on to cutting out the components of our homemade boat for the motor from plywood and boards. The cut must perfectly correspond to the markings, because at the slightest deviation, the sides will not fit together tightly, and the cracks will need to be sealed.

It is more convenient to cut symmetrical parts, for example, sides or frames, in a single mass. To do this, the sheets are folded, fixed with clamps and cut according to the markings.

First, a transom is made; for models adapted for a motor, the transom must be reinforced. As a rule, it is made of several layers of plywood or durable wood. Plus, the transom is additionally covered with at least 3 layers of fiberglass.

Assembly starts from the transom. It is installed on trestles and from the back wall the sheets are sewn together. As assembly progresses, the edges of the sheets are ground down at the desired angle for tighter contact.

The sheets are pulled together copper wire in increments of 50 - 150 mm. Holes for the wire are drilled along the diameter of the wire at a distance of at least 15 - 20 mm from the edge. After gluing the outside, the wire is pulled out.

Taping seams

When the body is sewn, all joints must be securely taped. For this purpose, fiberglass or fiberglass will be used, which are generously lubricated with adhesive.

As we have already said, there are now quite a few specialized resins in stores, but most craftsmen prefer to use a mixture of epoxy resin and silicon dioxide, better known as aerosila. The proportion is taken 1:1. The instructions are simple, generously lubricate the joint, then apply fiberglass tape. And so on for at least 3 layers.

Advice: seasoned craftsmen They prefer to cover all surfaces of a plywood boat with fiberglass, both outside and inside.
This will certainly require additional funds, but according to experts, such a boat will sail for at least 30 years.

All internal corners It is advisable to further strengthen it with wooden fillets, these are planks that resemble a baseboard in a house. Wooden fillets, frames, benches and all other parts are also glued with epoxy mixture and fiberglass; screws and especially nails are not used here.

When the fiberglass shell hardens, all irregularities are puttied, covered again with an epoxy mixture, and you can begin finishing sanding. When the sanding is completed, the decking, oarlocks, seats are installed and the bolt is screwed in.

After which, the finished boat is painted or varnished at least 3 times. Moreover, each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has dried.


As you can see, everything is not so complicated; homemade boats made of plywood and fiberglass are quite reliable and durable structures. Proof of this can be considered thousands of homemade products plowing the rivers and lakes of our great homeland.

The video in this article shows one of the options for building such a vessel. If you have any questions, write in the comments, our specialists will answer them.


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