Wooden caisson. Do-it-yourself and custom-made coffered ceiling made of wood and plasterboard, installation prices

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Make an aristocratic castle out of your home, create an atmosphere of medieval comfort in it, or convert your home into such style direction, like the Renaissance, allow coffered ceilings made of wood.

French barons and aristocrats decorated their homes with them, but now every person has such an opportunity.

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Caisson means “box” in French, which fully reflects appearance suspended structures - transverse and longitudinal, intersecting at right angles with each other, form cells into which carved square slabs are placed.

There are also designs with not rectangular, but oval or round cells.

The main feature of such products is that they are assembled from two groups of different elements:

  • structural - guides, beams, bars and joists that create the frame of the future ceiling;
  • decorative - borders, rosettes, extensions, cornices, which add splendor and majesty to the room.

Coffered ceilings visually reduce the height of rooms, making them more compact and cozy.

The presented designs fit perfectly into any type of premises, but they are more widespread in the rooms of private houses. They also look impressive in offices. large companies, being a sign of their successful activities.

Advantages of coffered coverings

The main advantage of caisson wooden structures is their aesthetic quality. Such products have a wood texture, preserve its natural pattern, and look aristocratic in themselves.

Among other features, carpenters-installers highlight the following:

  • environmental friendliness - materials do not emit toxins when heated, saturate the premises with useful resins and fragrances;
  • versatility - products transform the appearance of a home, help hide imperfections in relation to the floor and walls;
  • durability - the service life of products is not limited by anything, only high-quality maintenance is necessary;
  • simplicity - the elements are connected to each other through grooves and protrusions, speeding up the installation process.

The slabs produced at the factory are identical in size to each other, thanks to which they look organic and filigree accurately

Another feature can be called originality.

Note: depending on the wishes of the customer, the cells of the coffered ceiling are made different forms and sizes, types of wood. Their decoration can be carried out according to sketches chosen or drawn up by the client, which provides great opportunities for bringing your own style to life.

Place of structures in the interior

Wood - unique natural material, each type of which has its own characteristics. Therefore, before decorating your home with coffered ceilings, you need to think about what effect you want to achieve.

The combination of different breeds can achieve varied results:

  • when trying to reduce the height of the vaults, it is necessary to choose darker types of wood - bog oak, Walnut;
  • The use of materials allows you to visually increase the internal space light shades- maple, birch, aspen, linden;
  • divert attention from the arch and focus on interior decoration You can use white.

Please note: achievement complete picture is possible only with a combination of the color of the ceiling, the shade of the furniture and the floor. The ideal result is achieved using either laminate.

You can effectively complement the room with leather furniture and a fireplace.

The choice of this hanging structure imposes some restrictions on the use of furniture. To achieve absolute harmony, you can use classical decorative elements together with coffered vaults. Items made of polymer materials will catch the eye.


The main step before installing the structure is drawing up a special project. When designing, it is necessary to take into account the height of the ceilings, the number of doors and window openings, room area.

When drawing up a design project, several rules are followed:

  • the lower the vault, the thinner the slabs, panels and frame beams, and their shade is lighter;
  • the larger the area of ​​the room, the greater the number of beams should be used in the structure;
  • V Not large rooms the beams should be located next to the doors - this will “spread” the room;
  • the parameters of the beams must correspond to the dimensions of the room.

In the old days, the family coat of arms was placed in the center of the coffered ceiling.

During design, you need to remember about some installation nuances. Thus, designers do not recommend installing coffered structures in rooms with poor lighting or with a large number of dark furniture- this will create a gloomy, depressing atmosphere.

Take note: The coffered ceilings are effectively complemented by stucco molding, ornaments, stencil painting, and appliqué.

Think about the composition too. Designers recommend highlighting the center of the ceiling in any way. This can be done using an oval for a third of the vault, a large aristocratic chandelier, stucco molding and carved slabs with a unique ornament, a specific plot.

Installation features

Modern technologies allow you to create elements with filigree precision. Moreover, the components include recesses, grooves and protrusions, and tenons, through which they are fastened to the arch.

But there is another option - self-assembly designs.

Despite the fact that the coffered suspended structures hide the flaws of the ceiling, it still needs treatment. Therefore, the first stage is priming the surface, and depending on the installation method - with ornaments or plain ones.

The optimal width and height of the beams is 12-15 cm.

The frame of the future decoration is assembled on the floor and then attached to the vault using nails. When the ceilings are made of concrete, you will need dowels and screws. After fixing the frame, strips are installed to cover the sides.

Expert advice: cut out the coffered ceiling strips only after securing the frame, so that you can accurately fit the elements and close the gaps.

Transverse and longitudinal beams. Sockets are glued to the places where they intersect - this allows you to hide the cracks and joints. After all the activities, the structure is coated with varnish or stain.

If you are using ready-made slabs, then gluing them to the ceiling should begin from the center to make it easier to navigate in the future. To securely fasten honeycombs together, slats are used, and they are also used to close gaps near walls.

Cost of coffered ceilings

When choosing wooden coffered ceilings to decorate your home, you need to be patient. You will be able to see a truly worthwhile result only after 3-4 years from the moment of installation - the tree will sit down, begin to play and take on a spectacular appearance. It is for this reason that owners choose wood structures, regardless of their cost.

The price of the products depends on the type of wood chosen. The most expensive structures are made of moraine oak, mahogany, acacia, and walnut. Materials made from linden, pine, and coniferous trees have a more reasonable cost.

In offices, it is more appropriate to install coffered ceilings without wood carvings.

The second factor influencing the final price is the quantity and type decorative elements, cell shape. It's simple: the more cornices, extensions, rosettes and borders, the more money you will have to spend. The complexity of the production of elements, as well as their shape, depends on the sophistication of decorative patterns.

Coffered wooden ceilings allow you to create a completely unique image for the room. But their final price, installation and maintenance features can become a serious obstacle to achieving their goal. Anyone whose income is above average can buy and decorate their home with coffered ceilings.

Watch the video in which a specialist explains how to assemble a special frame and shows the installation of a coffered ceiling.

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Our specialization is complex and exclusive projects. We make coffered wood ceilings of any size, shape and design. A variety of finishing options (tinting, brushing, painting, varnishing, gilding, aging, waxing and others) will allow you to choose and buy the most suitable option.

Do you want to receive exclusive interior? Order wood ceiling decoration from Avorio! We design, manufacture and install structures in any premises. As a direct manufacturer, we form Better conditions for cooperation and guarantee the declared quality of products.

Wooden coffered ceilings are structures consisting of individual niches, beams and cells of different configurations. Previously, they were used as a load-bearing partition between floors, while performing decorative functions. Today, such luxury is available to almost everyone - custom-made coffered solid wood ceilings will allow you to turn any design idea into reality. Structurally, such a system consists of a frame and a substrate on which platbands, cornices and rosettes are attached. Additionally, it is possible to decorate with ornaments, stained glass windows and lamps.

Timeless beauty

Finishing the ceiling with wood is one of the few solutions that will make the interior truly luxurious. Natural material will give any room an exclusive appearance and respectability. Its nobility, combined with original lighting or designer carvings, diversify the design, making it exclusive. To produce custom-made coffered solid wood ceilings, we use valuable types of wood that will significantly expand your style horizons - you can choose a majestic Empire style, an elegant Baroque style, or a strict Renaissance: the number of ideas is limited only by your imagination.

Coffered wooden ceilings are the most expensive option and not available to everyone. The environmental friendliness and unique texture of the material has no equal in aesthetic appeal. To decorate the ceiling with wood, we use only valuable species, which, if properly processed, will last for a hundred years or more.

However, aesthetic expressiveness is not their main advantage. Exclusive ceiling systems also perform a number of important practical functions:

  • help solve issues of heat and sound insulation of premises;
  • allow you to hide elements of engineering communications;
  • perfectly mask visible floor defects;
  • improve acoustics.

Coffered wooden ceilings take up a lot of space, which makes their installation relevant only in spacious rooms with a ceiling height of at least 3 meters.

Advantages of purchasing custom-made solid wood coffered ceilings from us

We offer our clients best options wood ceiling decoration. We work with exclusive materials, including especially valuable species, rare trunks and root sections. We work exclusively on our own equipment with raw materials from trusted suppliers. The team consists of only experienced specialists with high qualification level. All this allows us to guarantee exceptional product quality while maintaining the best price.

Modern and stylish coffered walls are an opportunity to make the design of your home truly unique and luxurious. Ceilings often play a huge role in the interior. The larger the room, the higher the ceiling, the more spacious the room will appear visually.

Every year more interesting and laconic ideas come into place. In a room where the ceiling height exceeds 2.70 m, ideal solution will be the production of coffered ceilings made of wood. Caissons are mounted recesses or niches that are made by joining beams. The main advantage is that the shape and ornament can be completely different:

  • square;
  • rectangular;
  • rhombus;
  • honeycomb;
  • triangles.

When creating a project for ceilings with coffers, you need to be prepared for the fact that they will steal 10-25 cm from the entire height. Coffered wooden ceilings, the price of which always depends on the chosen material and the cost of the wood, have a variety of shapes and patterns.

What types of coffered ceilings are there?

Types of ceilings can be made from the most various materials. Wood, of course, looks the most noble. Execution options:

  • Classical. The most pleasant and stylish ceiling design is made of wood. For the most harmonious combination of such a ceiling with the interior of your room, you need to think in advance about the shapes when making it. After creating the layout, the master will install the ceiling, which will be entirely made of wood.
  • A combination of wood and MDF. This technique is as similar as possible to the classic one, the only difference is that not the entire ceiling will be made of wood; it also uses MDF board. At high-quality manufacturing Even an experienced craftsman will not always be able to determine what type of work it is. Visually, this type is no different from the classic version.
  • Caissons from and. This option is certainly the most budget-friendly, but it is not suitable for self-assembly. This work is quite difficult to perform, and only a professional can handle it.

Design decision in choice

The classic production of a coffered ceiling from wood and its traditional look will give your room a unique design. But another advantage of such ceilings is the originality of their design. Here you can realize your most daring decisions, create a ceiling according to your own sketch and taste. Here are a few ways you can create a unique look for your space.

  1. Clear edges. When choosing this option, the emphasis is on highlighting one element: the end or the entire horizontal surface can be highlighted with a shade. In such coffered wooden ceilings, photos of which can be viewed on the website, the main task is to create a clear distinction.
  2. Center of composition. Based on the layout of a large room, you can create an original center for the entire ceiling composition. The starting element can be a circle or square, from which the main lines of the ceiling will diverge. The placement of an object on the floor of the same shape, like a reflection, will look especially beautiful and interesting: or.
  3. . Caisson options are not only a destiny. They look quite interesting and or chalets, then roughly processed beams are used, natural look. For maximum response to the design of the room, textile elements can be mounted in the ceiling, which are used in the design of the room.
  4. Honeycomb shapes. This option is quite complicated in the technique of execution, but the result will be wonderful and interesting. The main thing is to choose the right color and size of the honeycomb, which will help create maximum harmony.
  5. . This type is perfect when you plan to deepen up to 15 centimeters, while volume and richness can be compensated by a skillful combination of contrasting colors.
  6. A combination of wood and lining. If you plan to adhere to, when creating a coffered ceiling, you can use lining, which can be painted in a noble white color.
  7. Self-installation of a coffered ceiling

    Caissons are elements of ceiling manufacturing that are very diverse in their design. They will fit equally beautifully both in and in, where the height of the ceilings allows it. The basic rule of manufacture is the correctly selected material and shape that will fit into the interior as beautifully as possible.

    In case you do not want to provide work professional builders, you can make the ceiling yourself. To do this, you need to carefully prepare and follow the basic rules and available for common use instructions. It would also be useful to consult a specialist who can tell you what exactly is needed for your premises.

    A do-it-yourself wooden coffered ceiling contains several stages of manufacturing: preparatory, selection of materials, manufacturing of the frame and the actual installation of the finished slabs.

    Stages of preparatory work

    First, you need to evaluate the room in which you plan to install coffered ceilings. Do not forget that on a low ceiling such a design is not always appropriate. Minimum height ideally should be at least 2.5 meters. When designing, you need to adhere to the following rule: the larger and higher the room, the greater the number of beams that can be used in design. For optimal performance, universal and standard strips of 12-15 cm are used.

    In a room with relatively little high ceilings place beams stands in the openings of a window or door, pushing apart and expanding the space. You should not plan coffered ceilings in a room where furniture is located and the walls are dark in color, as they will only make the interior heavier.

    Secondly, there are several secrets in choosing colors. For example, when choosing white and shifting the flow down, you can accidentally achieve the effect of a “falling ceiling,” so you need to be careful in choosing colors and shades. If you want to create coziness in the room, then you should choose, and the wallpaper will be suitable with a delicate ornament. At the same time, in the center of the ceiling you can safely make an accent in color, appliqué or original choice figures.

    Building materials required for work

    After choosing the color and shape, you need to decide on the general composition and draw an exact sketch, which should include all calculations, take into account the height from floor to ceiling, since everything should turn out as beautiful and harmonious as possible. To calculate correctly required quantity materials, the sketch must be as accurate as possible.

    When purchasing materials, have the drawing with you. For a universal option, they are best suited with or without a pattern, which will be glued to the base of the ceiling. The simpler the wallpaper, the more interesting the tree will look against its background.

    Next, pay attention to the selection of blanks from which the entire structure will be created. The simplest option to work with with my own hands There will be a purchase of ready-made individual modules that act as caissons when directly placed on the ceiling. The pitch of the caissons themselves varies from 80-100 cm, taking into account the fact that the height of your ceiling is standard.

    If we are talking about large rooms, then the best solution will be the purchase of pine or any other light wood. Of course, processing can also be applied natural veneer from beech or spruce, oak, then additional attractiveness and style are acquired. In addition to wallpaper and wood, adhesive paint and nails are also useful.

    Creating a frame for the structure

    For maximum strength and reliability when installing the material, the surface is primed; for rapid absorption and drying, 2 layers must be applied. Then wallpaper is being glued: It’s more convenient to do this with two people for the most even tension.

    Next, markings should be applied to the wallpaper that needs to dry: marks will be applied to them. ready-made designs made of wood. It's best to start from the center, from central beam. The main part of the entire structure is the support beam, which has a complex box structure. It is attached to the ceiling in in the necessary order, thereby achieving the desired ornament. Having decided on the installation location of the main part, you need to begin creating the box beam. To do this, cut a strip along the length of the block, on the side of which small boards are neatly packed at equal distances.

    Next, the assembled frame is attached to the ceiling with nails, strictly following the prepared markings. Next, the strip covering the side of the structure is measured and cut out. Having finished working with the frame, close it at the bottom with a board as tightly as possible. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions and the intended drawing, and also choose high-quality materials.

    The next step is to create box beams and place them parallel to the installed central structure, following the sketch. After fastening all the longitudinal elements, you need to proceed to installing the transverse structures. Everything must be applied strictly according to the marks, especially paying attention to the corners, because it is accuracy that creates the final beautiful result.

    To process narrow gaps, the thinnest slats are used, which help not only to close the gap, but also to give the structure additional volume. Installed ceiling You can paint it completely with one color or try a composition of several shades, creating contrast and volume to the overall ceiling structure.

    The thickness of the slats should be such that they can cover all imperfections and possible indents. This will help, allowing you to find the necessary atmosphere. If you want to complement the composition with plaster elements, it is best to attach them using self-tapping screws, but for cardboard elements, construction adhesive is suitable.

The desire for harmony and perfection is inherent in people by nature itself. When decorating his home, a person tries to make it cozy, comfortable and aesthetically pleasing. Fashion trends are increasingly returning us to the origins of the high art of architecture: the use natural materials V classic style, Empire, Renaissance, Baroque directions are flawless. Amazing role in the creation beautiful options Interior decoration can be achieved by coffered ceilings.


Caisson - panel geometric shape(usually in the form of a rectangle, square, diamond), recessed into the ceiling. Such ceilings can often be observed in domes or vaults. A series of such panels creates a coffered ceiling. Coffered ceilings have been known since the times of Ancient Greece, Egypt, and Rome. Natural terracotta, marble, stone and wood were traditionally used in their decoration.

This design goes perfectly with elegant stucco. and sophisticated ceiling paintings. Coffered structures are decorated with various rosettes, borders, cornices and embossing. These ceilings are found in architectural masterpieces different cultures all over the world: in castles, palaces, temples, theaters, museums and art galleries. Beamed coffered ceilings were at their peak in popularity during the Renaissance, or Renaissance, which marked the intellectual and artistic flowering of ancient society. Previously, such structures had a predominantly constructive function.

Modern caissons often have an aesthetic purpose. They can be seen in fireplace rooms, offices, home libraries, living rooms, bedrooms, private kitchens and apartment buildings. This design can improve the acoustics of a room and visually expand the space. It adds architecture and airiness to the room, as well as stylistic literacy and completeness. The decorative significance of coffered ceilings is distinguished by originality and luxury.

Types and materials

Coffered ceilings can bring nobility, comfort and warmth to your home. They can be made in neoclassical or modern style. It became possible to achieve different stylistic influences due to the different materials used to create such impressive designs.

The following techniques for making coffered ceilings are distinguished:

  • classic wood design;
  • harmonization of wood and MDF boards;
  • made of plasterboard;
  • polyurethane caissons.

Coffered ceilings made of solid wood are a classic. When creating them, environmentally friendly material is used. Therefore, each individual caisson has an individual, unique and elegant texture. You can enhance the effect of elegance and aesthetics with the help of varnish or stain. Natural wood imbues a room with dignity and importance while adding beauty to it.

Combination in the process of creating coffered ceilings involves the use of MDF boards instead of some fragments of natural wood species.

Such harmonization has a number of advantages:

  • the material does not shrink or deform;
  • the installation process is less complicated;
  • the cost is lower;
  • external identity with a natural wood ceiling;
  • guaranteed great results.

Despite the advantages of the combined method, it also has disadvantages. Due to the use of plywood, the value and naturalness of the caissons are reduced. Plywood panels are not fireproof or waterproof. However, harmonized coffered ceilings are quite impressive. Their beauty and sophistication can be emphasized, for example, by a ceiling rosette with gilding and an elegant chandelier.

Making caissons from plasterboard is an amazing design solution. The technology consists of creating a frame for suspended ceiling made using gypsum plastic. Such a ceiling is decorated with various gypsum cassettes, cornices, and framed with relief and painting. Geometric patterns are especially popular.

These coffered ceilings are textured and sophisticated. However, these designs are complex to implement and require preliminary work on a sketch. Due to their heavy weight and decorative features, such ceilings are difficult to maintain (dust removal during operation). The advantages include safety for human health, long service life and efficiency.

Polyurethane has become a real godsend for caissons. This material ideally depicts the elements of stucco and the texture of natural materials (wood and stone). With its help, you can convey the structure of the applied composition in detail and accurately. Such ceilings are excellent for installation various types backlight.

One of the advantages of polyurethane coffered ceilings is their low weight, which greatly simplifies the installation process. This material is easy to care for. It does not change color over time, is moisture resistant, and is not prone to destruction. This ceiling is easy to create the required invoice and shade, if desired, adding gilding and silvering. The cost of such caissons is relatively low.


Nothing adds instant personality to an interior like a coffered ceiling. Some of them are original detailed with box beams and other interesting elements, all kinds of textures and colors. Others are constructed from flat panels and are less complex to install. However, they all carry a huge amount of possibilities and ideas for inspiration.

Here are the basic design techniques:

  • striking contrast;
  • lightness and airiness;
  • unexpected decision.

While a coffered ceiling naturally adds striking detail to any room, there is a trick you can use to add contrast. For example, painting the ceiling an icy shade of white creates the effect of dark walls. The reverse technique is also successful. If the space has white or light walls, a dark coffered ceiling will look decent.

Contrast does not necessarily have to be created from light and dark tones. The golden, woody tones of the coffered ceiling are noteworthy. They enhance the warm tones of the furniture and contrast, for example, with the leading white walls in the interior, a black accent surface, carpeted. You can choose the shade of the coffered ceiling to match the floor.

If white or light walls abound in workspace, dark colors can be harmoniously distributed on the ceiling and floor, as well as decorate built-in elements with them bookcases. Contrast can also be created on the ceiling itself by skillfully painting the insides of the panels dark color, while maintaining white trim. If you add original patterned wallpaper and bold pendant lighting, the result will be stellar example modern design.

Another professional equipment The design of coffered ceilings is to give them lightness and airiness. Cassette ceilings are an ideal choice for light and spacious rooms that are filled with freshness. A coffered ceiling detail can add personality to a space. It can reflect interesting pieces of decor in a room, providing a strong focus on a specific design element.

Kitchens are a popular room choice for coffered ceilings, especially when it comes to white kitchens, or spaces done in light, warm colors with French accents. panoramic windows And open view. Large recessed panels on the ceiling can enhance the open atmosphere of such a room. If your living room is bright and airy and has a high ceiling, coffered ceilings will help draw attention to it. It will be especially impressive if you complement the design with extravagant pendant lighting.

We should not forget about the possibilities of coffered ceilings in the dining area. An open dining space can exude a subtle undertone when strong ceiling details are the perfect accompaniment, creating a vibrant palette of its own.

This is explained by the fact that they are able to place a moderate emphasis on space, for example, emphasizing:

  • the tenderness of the painting on the wall;
  • green plants and fresh flowers on the table or windowsill;
  • beaded pendant lights;
  • elegant veiled lighting;
  • lace on chair covers.

Coffered ceilings attract attention with their complexity. Light walls enhance the open atmosphere of the room, making them perfect choice for interiors with coffered ceilings (for example, an eclectic dining room). Sometimes it's nice to add an unexpected touch and use a non-trivial design. For example, you can place an attractive hanging lamp in the art deco style with its chic. Interesting design solution there will be light from hanging lights. Coffered ceilings are a way to be bold and challenging. To go beyond the template and achieve originality, you can use interesting authentic wallpapers that attract attention with panels and sections.

Classic caissons consist of rectangles and squares. An unusual, but especially stylish solution would be to demonstrate geometry consisting of polygons with a pattern. You can paint the ceiling a special color and add a pattern self made. This coffered ceiling will look perfect.

There are examples that clearly prove that good design can be accompanied by warm, rustic motifs and modern taste. Below is a shot of a home where the owners designed a ceiling to help solve electrical problems. The result is nothing short of delight. This design looks unique.

Since the design of coffered ceilings has a number of features, it is necessary to remember some important recommendations and advice if you plan to design and install such a ceiling yourself:

  • Coffered structures are suitable for decorating rooms with high ceilings from 2.5 meters (the higher, the better).
  • Depending on the style and materials, you can expand the space or make the upper boundaries visually lower (you need to be especially careful with dark-colored caissons).
  • If the design plan does not involve focusing all the attention on the ceiling, it should be made white or light.

  • The larger the space, the smaller the caisson cassettes should be. IN small rooms It is recommended to make recessed panels larger.
  • Choosing wooden design coffers, it is necessary to observe the color matching of the ceiling, floor and furniture in order to achieve a harmonious design.
  • Enhancing the aesthetic effect can be achieved through skillfully selected lighting. Poorly thought out lighting can ruin the overall picture.

The coffered ceiling is not universal, therefore it is not organic for all interior styles. Self-installation caisson structures require high-quality preparation, the development of a preliminary professional preliminary design, taking into account all the details of the process, and the assistance of several people in installation.

Surely many who have visited castles or palaces that have become museums have noticed the luxurious and unusual ceilings. They have square recesses (caissons) and are made of expensive wood. Wooden coffered ceilings give the room a mysterious and unique look.

Hundreds of years ago, reliable and durable technology was developed for the construction of ceilings. It was thanks to this design that ancient masters created buildings that have inspired delight and awe among visitors for centuries.

The cross beam system was sheathed in red or other valuable tree. As a result, caissons appeared on the ceiling. After many years, the fashion for coffered ceilings is beginning to return.

With development construction technologies It became possible to install such a ceiling in any room. It no longer carries heavy loads and, most likely, it is a false ceiling under which you can place any communications and hide the defects of the old ceiling.

The materials used to install coffered ceilings are much cheaper than expensive types of wood. They were replaced particle boards, covered with wood veneer.

Almost any beginner can install such a ceiling. House master. To obtain the necessary knowledge, just read this article to the end. However, there are some restrictions for installing coffered ceilings.

Although, as they say, there are no comrades according to taste. So try and experiment, and this material will help you.

What is a coffered ceiling made of?

On modern market available big choice materials for the installation of coffered ceilings. Typically, a coffered ceiling kit includes the following elements:

The metal frame is made from profiles and joining elements used for plasterboard suspended ceilings:

  • Profile UD-27
  • Direct suspension
  • Straight connector for profile
  • Cross connector (crab)

Frame covering material:

  • ​ Short guide bars
  •  Ceiling cells
  • ​ Long guide bars
  •  Laminated fabric
  • ​ Fillet (rail)
  • ​ Key (rail)

Ceiling cells come in two sizes: 600 x 600 mm and 900 x 900 mm. The calculation of the suspended frame and the price of the ceiling will depend on which cells you choose. All materials can be purchased at any building materials store.

Installation technology

The process of installing coffered ceilings can be represented by the following operations:

  • ​ Installation of suspended frame
  • ​ Attaching short guide bars
  •  Installation of ceiling cells
  • ​ Installation of long guide bars
  •  Installation of laminated fabric
  • ​ Installation of fillets
  • ​ Installing the key

Before installation, the future ceiling is marked. To do this, using laser level or water, mark the horizontal plane of the ceiling on the walls. The marks are connected to each other with painting thread.

It is important to know! The ceiling level must be lowered by at least 125 mm. This distance is necessary so that a ceiling cell can be inserted into the frame.

Markings of the axes of the supporting profiles TsD-27 are also applied to the ceiling. The interval between the axles is 600 mm. Along the marked line, the UD-27 guide profile is attached to the wall along the perimeter with dowels. To do this, use a drill, hammer and screwdriver.

U-shaped suspensions are attached to the existing ceiling along the axes with a step of 1 m. The edges of the hangers are bent at an angle of 90 degrees downwards. They are attached to the hangers with galvanized self-tapping screws. load-bearing profile TsD-60 with curved edges down. This is necessary for attaching short guide strips.

The profiles are connected to each other by jumpers from the same profile using single-level cross-shaped connectors (crabs). As a result, the ceiling should have a frame with cells 600 x 600 mm or 900 x 900 mm.

The guide strips (short) are cut to size. For a cell 600 x 600 mm, the length of the strip is 516 mm, and for 900 x 900 mm, the length is 816 mm. After this, they are snapped into short jumpers of the TsD-60 profile. This is done over the entire ceiling area.

Ceiling cells are placed on the frame and placed on short coffered guide strips. After this, the long guide strips are cut to size. The length of the guides for a cell 600 x 600 is 2316 mm, for a cell 900 x 900 mm the length is 2610 mm.

The planks (long) are snapped into the long supporting profile TsD-60. The remaining windows along the perimeter of the ceiling are covered with laminated cloth cut to size. Sheets of laminated fabric are supplied complete with ceiling cells.

On final stage installation along the perimeter of the ceiling, a fillet (a strip according to the size of the guide profile) is attached to the UD-27 guide profile with self-tapping screws. To hide the screws on top of the fillet, glue a dowel around the perimeter.

The result will be a structure with coffers and cross false beams on the ceiling. At the same time, the ceiling looks almost wooden. A chandelier or spotlights can be built into coffered ceilings.

Caring for this ceiling is quite simple. You can use a soft flannel cloth and furniture polish. The service life of such a ceiling is up to 50 years. To change the situation, just replace it on the frame wooden elements(cells and strips).


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