Cheap slate fences. What to consider when building a slate fence with your own hands How to make a beautiful fence from flat slate

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Slate was a common building material in the 80s and 90s. Then it was produced so much that the sheets were used not only for the construction of house roofs, but also for the construction of fences. And today, despite the abundance of materials on the construction market, there are many who want to build a slate fence, because this a budget option barriers.

Slate is a generalized name for materials used for facing and roofing works . He can be:

  • asbestos-cement - consisting of asbestos (10%), cement (85%) and water (5%). The mixture of these ingredients is pressed, resulting in sheets of different sizes and shapes;
  • plastic - consists of polymer plates, painted in various colors, with full or partial light transmission;
  • metal - these are thin steel sheets, coated with a protective polymer composition (corrugated sheeting).

Note: most often the name “slate” refers to asbestos-cement products.

If plastic and metal sheets originally supplied to different colors, then asbestos-cement long time were exclusively gray. Today, this material is produced in a wide range of colors, which makes it possible to give products made from it a more aesthetic appearance.

Slate is distinguished:

  • wave - with a corrugated surface. The roofs of houses are made from corrugated slate, industrial facilities, domestic buildings;
  • flat - even sheets. Their main use is for the construction of fences, partitions, and wall cladding.

Advantages and disadvantages

A slate fence has the following advantages:

  • affordability. Depending on the type of material, its cost varies;
  • moderate durability - in the absence of severe mechanical damage, it can last for several decades;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • soundproofing properties - solid sheet fencing softens street noise;
  • resistance to corrosion, temperature changes, and chemicals.

Despite such positive qualities, slate fencing has several disadvantages. She:

  • unsafe for people. With prolonged contact, asbestos negatively affects the human body, provoking the development of certain pathologies;
  • afraid of moisture. Under its influence, a fungus forms on the sheets, which is difficult to remove;
  • fragile. A strong point blow can destroy a slate segment;
  • has a lot of weight. To install such a fence, a minimum of 2 people are required.

Manufacturing of slate fencing

Before you build a fence, you need to decide on its design, installation methods.

Design selection

Corrugated slate is mounted on a frame constructed from metal poles and horizontal jumpers. Under such a fence, a strip foundation is poured or supports in the ground are concreted.

Note: a corrugated slate fence can also consist of supports (corrugated pipes) and horizontal wooden logs to which sheet material is attached.

Installation flat slate carried out in three ways:

  1. For horizontal purlins from a corrugated pipe (similar to a wave one). In this case, the sheets are fixed point by point with special nails.
  2. Directly to the supports. The sections are fastened using pins.
  3. In frames welded from steel corners.

Please note: a fence made of flat slate, the segments of which are secured in a metal frame, is more reliable. The remaining two options point mounting increase the risk of material splitting during installation and operation.


To install a slate fence you will need:

  • asbestos cement sheets;
  • professional pipes for poles;
  • logs made of metal or wood;
  • concrete, crushed stone, sand;
  • fittings;
  • boards/flat slate for formwork;
  • fastenings, bolts, screws/slate nails;
  • welding machine;
  • grinder, drill;
  • hand drill;
  • shovel, level;
  • tape measure, pegs and thread for marking.

Carrying out marking

First, the territory is marked. Start from any corner using wooden pegs and rope. The first two elements are installed at a distance equal to the width of the foundation. They are connected by a lath. In this way, all corners of the enclosing structure are marked. A thread is pulled between them, outlining the boundaries of the future foundation.

Remember: the evenness of the slate fence depends on the quality of the markings.

Digging a trench

According to the markings, they dig a trench under the strip foundation with a depth of 30-40 cm. In the places where the supports are installed, drill holes of 10-12 cm with a drill. The maximum permissible distance between pillars is 2.5 m.

Attention: the size of the pit must exceed the cross-section of the pillars by 20-30 cm. This distance is necessary for high-quality compaction of the supports.

Laying the foundation

A 10-15 cm sand cushion is poured into the bottom of the trench and compacted well. Then there should be an 8-10 cm layer of crushed stone.

After this, the supports should be installed. They are inserted into the drilled holes, checking the verticality with a level. The free space in the pits is filled with solution. The concrete must dry for at least a day.

After this, the structure is reinforced. Steel rods are fastened together with wire. The reinforcing mesh should be 3-5 cm below the surface of the future foundation.

The next step is installing the formwork. It is made from wood or flat slate. The formwork should protrude 30-50 cm above the ground surface. The trench is filled concrete mixture, leveling its surface. The foundation is left to dry for 8-10 days.

Installation of horizontal joists

How to make a slate fence with your own hands? It is better to attach wavy material to wooden guides, and flat material to metal ones. Steel logs are welded to the posts, wooden ones are screwed to pre-welded hinges.

Important: all wooden and metal elements it is necessary to coat it with a primer composition, different for each material.

Slate fastening

The final stage of slate fence construction is the installation of purlins. The wave material is attached to wooden joists self-tapping screws or special clusters. The holes for them are pre-drilled with a drill.

Remember: before you start attaching the slate sheets, put rubber gaskets on the nails/screws. This will make the connection stronger and more elastic.

Flat slate is best installed in a frame made of metal corners. It is made to fit the size of the sheet. We place the slate section into the frame and secure it with a metal stopper. We check the evenness of installation of slate sections with a level.

Finishing the structure

In order for the fence to be not just a fence, but a decoration of the site, it needs to be given a presentable appearance. You can do this using:

  • using colored sheets (for example, to match the color of the roof of the house);
  • paint and varnish materials. You can paint the slate fence one color or paint an ornament or landscape on the sections;
  • combinations various materials. Slate goes well with stone and brick, allowing you to create original fences.

If you need to fence off a site quickly and without significant financial investments, it is recommended to install a slate fence. Using your imagination, you can create an interesting fence that will perform not only protective functions, but also decorative ones.

One of budget materials slate is used to build the fence. This name often refers not only to classic asbestos-cement structures, but also to profile structures made of rubber, bitumen, metal or cellulose. You can make a slate fence with your own hands from those types that have a rigid structure. In the process of work, a person does not need any special skills; it is enough to understand some of the subtleties.

Types of slate

Before choosing a specific material for installing fencing, you need to weigh all the pros and cons of each type of slate. In addition, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​​​the possible difficulties that may arise during the work process.

A slate fence is a budget-friendly way to create the boundaries of your territory

Asbestos concrete structures

Asbestos concrete-based slate is often used to construct fences on property or to fence off areas where pets live. The material is produced both in the form of wavy and even sheets. Often the composition of the structures is identical, the difference may be in the size and thickness of the finished products.

The slate production mixture consists of three components: water, asbestos and cement. Manufacturers may add modifying additives. The resulting solution is pressed to required forms and sizes, and then left to dry at certain temperatures. Asbestos concrete products can be divided into two types:

  1. Wave slate. The usual one is in demand in the private sector. The reinforced type is often used for roofing industrial buildings due to its difference from conventional structures in length. Products with a unified profile are used for floors of both residential and industrial premises.
  2. Flat material is much more often used for installing fences than wave material. This is due to ease of installation and greater thickness. In addition to fences, partitions in the local area are made from it, and walls are also covered.

Not so long ago, asbestos concrete structures were gray. Today modern technologies in production they allow the material to be painted. Colored sheets not only have an aesthetic appearance, but are also more resistant to exposure environment due to the protective layer paint coating. The products practically do not absorb moisture, therefore, they are more resistant to low temperatures. The service life of painted structures is significantly longer than that of conventional ones.

Advantages and disadvantages

All asbestos-cement structures have their pros and cons, which must be taken into account when choosing a material for fencing. Positive qualities include:

  1. Low cost in comparison to other materials that are used to install fences.
  2. High strength. The sheet can easily withstand heavy loads without being subject to deformation or cracking.
  3. Long service life. The material is often used for roofing work, so manufacturers claim the durability of ordinary slate is 30 years, and painted slate - 50. Practice shows that high-quality roofing products last much longer. At correct installation fencing sheets will last no less, provided there are no intentional shock loads.
  4. The material does not burn - this is an important factor when installing a fence.
  5. Slate is resistant to precipitation, moisture from the soil, and corrosion.
  6. The sheets do not heat up from sun rays, which increases service life.
  7. Able to withstand severe frosts without loss of properties.

Despite the many undeniable advantages, the material has a number of disadvantages. You should focus on those that may arise when installing a fence:

  1. Fragility. When directed impacts or during a fall, chips and cracks appear on the sheets, especially if the material was produced in violation of technology.
  2. Considerable weight. Before installing the fence, you should prepare solid foundation, because wave products weigh 22-26 kg, flat ones - 78-350 kg.
  3. The asbestos contained in it is harmful to humans. As a result, it is imperative to protect your respiratory and vision organs when drilling or cutting sheets. It is not advisable to install recreation areas or playgrounds next to such a fence.

It should be noted that in many European countries The use of asbestos in the construction of residential buildings is prohibited. The substance is carcinogenic, so this must be taken into account when choosing.


Galvanized corrugated sheeting is often referred to as slate. The surface of the products is treated with anti-corrosion mixtures, primed, and then coated with special protective compounds, preventing the occurrence of corrosion. IN Lately the material is often used in construction work:

  1. Roof covering in technical, utility, residential and industrial premises.
  2. Manufacturing of fences for private houses and temporary fencing for construction sites.
  3. Wall cladding for utility or temporary structures.

Metal slate is produced with gentle or angular waves. There are three types of corrugated sheeting based on structure and height:

  1. Wall manufacturers designate it with the letter “C”. This type is most suitable for fencing. The height of the waves varies from 8 to 45 mm.
  2. Roofing material is marked with the letter H. Wave height is 57-115 mm. There are special grooves on the surface that are necessary for water drainage.
  3. Universal HC products can be used for arranging a fence, roofing or wall cladding. The wave height ranges from 35 to 45 mm.

Pros and cons of the material

Metal products, like asbestos-cement products, have not only positive, but also negative properties. All these points need to be studied before purchasing material for installing the fence. Design advantages:

  1. Easy to install, a person can carry out the work alone.
  2. The light weight of the fence allows you to do without a foundation.
  3. Resistant to temperature changes and fire.
  4. Durability - the material does not crack or split.
  5. Thanks to various coatings, the sheets are not affected by corrosion.
  6. Various colors.
  7. The low price leads to significant cost savings.
  8. Duration of service - at least 35 years.
  9. Environmental Safety.
  10. The smooth surface prevents the accumulation of moisture and dust.

The main disadvantage of such a fence will be its fragility

If the material is planned to be used to install a fence, there are no disadvantages in this case. The use of slate as a roofing material has some disadvantages:

  1. If there is no protective coating on the sheets, the service life of the material is limited due to the inevitable occurrence of corrosion.
  2. Corrugated sheeting does not have sound insulation, so noise from rain or hail will be heard in the room.

Metal products are installed with an overlap. To create additional rigidity, the overlap is done in two waves. This must be taken into account when calculating required quantity material.

Basics for building a fence

Once the material for fencing installation has been selected, the next step is to determine the installation method. There are two types of foundation for a slate fence - columns with lathing, which are installed at a certain distance from each other without a unifying concrete belt, as well as a strip foundation with supports.

When planning supports, you should take into account the weight and structure of the products selected for building the fence. For example, to install a fence made of corrugated sheets, you can use any of the possible options. If you build from asbestos concrete structures, experts recommend making a strip foundation.

When using the heaviest flat material definitely need to be prepared concrete base. In addition, it is recommended that each sheet be framed in a separate metal frame. When installing massive and deeply installed columns, you can do without pouring a strip foundation by installing only individual supports. Some place flat products directly on the soil, fixing them on columns made of metal, concrete or asbestos cement.

Strip foundation

The structure consists of a reinforced concrete strip, which is deepened into the ground and raised above it to the required height. The parameters of the base directly depend on the material of the future fence: the greater the weight, the deeper the foundation.

When building a slate fence, a large width is not required. However, if the fence is to be made of flat material, the base or support columns should be well recessed.

TO preparatory stages includes marking the site, determining the fence line, digging a trench for concrete foundation, drilling recesses, adding a layer of waterproofing and drainage, installing columns and attaching joists.

Pillars without base

If you don’t want to equip the foundation, you can limit yourself to installing columns. First you need to mark the locations of future holes, and then deepen them.

The first step is to mark the lines of the future structure. To do this, you will need a rope; it needs to be stretched from the anchor point to the length of the future fence. This can be done in one or two directions. Then the location of the columns is marked along the line. In the center of the future recess you need to install reinforcement or a peg.

After marking, the holes should be drilled to a depth of 1 m, the diameter should be 2 times larger than the cross-section of the pipes. This is due to the lack of stable supports for structures, like racks on a strip foundation.

Therefore, the position of the columns needs to be strengthened. To do this, several pieces of reinforcement are welded at the bottom of the pipe, which are placed crosswise. It is very important to carry out such manipulations when installing round or square columns of small cross-section.

If asbestos concrete pipes are used as supports, such structures do not require the installation of additional spacers due to their own gravity and stability. Crushed stone and sand are poured into the bottom of the recess, then everything needs to be compacted well.

After this, a column is installed, stones are poured around it, the remaining depression is filled cement-sand mortar. The verticality of the structure is immediately checked. If everything is done correctly and no errors are identified, the pillars are left for 7-10 days to completely harden.

After the specified time has passed, horizontal partitions are fixed to the frozen pillars. They will serve as the basis for fixing the slate, and will also add additional rigidity to the overall structure.

Installation of sheets

After finishing work on the base, you can proceed to installing the slate. The types of fasteners directly depend on the material:

  1. For fixation metal structures use special self-tapping screws with a press washer and a rubber gasket.
  2. Asbestos-cement corrugated slate is secured to the fence with nails or self-tapping screws. Before screwing in the screws, holes are drilled in the sheets using a drill with a special drill bit. Rubber gaskets must be placed on the fasteners.
  3. The first sheet must be set strictly according to the level. From him correct location The evenness of the entire structure depends. The next sheet is fixed overlapping the previous one.
  4. Flat slate is often mounted in a metal frame - this the best option, taking into account the significant weight of the products. The only drawback is high consumption metal

Making a slate fence yourself is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. First you need to decide on the material, and then choose the base option. Making a fence does not require any special skills; even a novice craftsman can do it. The process will not take much time and effort, and the result will certainly please you.

Perhaps one of the most affordable materials for installing a fence is slate. This name, by the way, often means not only classic asbestos-cement slate, but also profile corrugated material made of metal, rubber, plastic, bitumen and cellulose. Not all types are suitable for fencing a site or some part of it, but only those that have a rigid structure.

You can install a slate fence with your own hands from a wave or flat material made of asbestos cement or metal. Sometimes, but very rarely, a bitumen-cellulose option is used for this purpose, known as ondulin or Euroslate.

Types of slate suitable for installing a fence

To make a choice, you need to know all the advantages and disadvantages of each type of material, and the possible difficulties of its installation process.

Asbestos concrete slate

Asbestos concrete slate is most often used to install fencing around areas and areas where pets are kept. It is produced in the form of smooth and wavy sheets. The composition of the material for their manufacture is approximately the same, but the sheets themselves can have different thicknesses and sizes.

The mixture for the manufacture of this material includes three components in different percentages - asbestos (10%), cement (85%) and water. 5% can be allocated to various modifying additives. After mixing, the composition is pressed into sheets of the desired size and shape, and then sent for drying in a certain mode.

Wave slate

"Classic" wavy slate

Asbestos-cement wave (in some sources - corrugated) slate is used for the following work:

  • Wave slate, which has a regular profile, is used to cover roofs.
  • Wave slate with a reinforced profile is used to cover the roofs of industrial buildings, as it differs from conventional sheets in being longer.
  • Wave slate, which has a unified profile, is used both for covering residential buildings, and for industrial buildings. It has medium sizes, that is, larger how the normal one, but less, how at the enhanced one.

The table shows standard sizes wave slate:

DimensionsValue in mm
(depending on profile type)
Limit deviations
40/150 54/200
Length (L)1750 1750 ± 15
Width (B):
6 wave sheet- 1125 ± 15
7 wave sheet980 - +10; -5
8 wave sheet1130 -
Thickness (t)5.8 6,0; 7,5 +1,0; -0,3
Wave height:
Private (h)40 54 +4,0; -3,0
Overlapping (hᶦ)32 54 +4,0; -5,0
Overlapping (h²)32 45 +4,0; -6,0
Overlapping edge width (bᶦ)43 60 ± 7
Overlapping edge width (b²)37 65 -
Wave pitch (S)150 200 -

Flat slate

Flat asbestos concrete slate is used for fencing more often than wave slate, as it is more convenient to install and has a greater thickness.

Flat slate sheet size in mmSheet weight in kg.
Flat asbestos concrete unpressed sheet (LNP)
Flat asbestos concrete pressed sheet (LPP)

This material is used not only for fencing the site, but also for installing partitions in adjacent utility rooms or for covering walls with them.

General physical and operational characteristics asbestos concrete slate - in table:

Indicator nameIndicator value
Wave slate 40/150Flat slateFlat slate for cooling towers
Bending strength, MPa (kgf/cm3), not less16(160) 18(180) 20(200)
1,5(150) - -
Impact strength kDm/m2 (kgf cm/cm2), not less1,5(1,5) 1,5(1,5) 2,0(2,0)
Density g/cm3, not less1.6 1.6 1.7
Waterproof. h. no less24 - -
Frost resistance: number of freezing and thawing cycles25 25 25
- residual strength in % not less than90 90 90.1
Weight of one sheet in kg26.1 30 27.1

Until recently, all slate had a uniform light gray color. Today you can find material painted in various shades.

Colored slate not only has an aesthetic appearance, but is also more protected from external influences thanks to the layer protective paint. The sheets almost do not absorb moisture, which means they become resistant to low temperatures. Practice shows that the service life of painted slate sheets is approximately one and a half times longer than that of ordinary ones.

Any asbestos cement sheets There are advantages and disadvantages that you also need to know about when choosing this material for installing a fence.

Positive traits

The advantages of “classic” slate include the following:

  • Affordable price compared to other materials used for fencing construction.
  • Sufficient strength. Asbestos concrete the sheet can easily withstand the weight of an adult without deforming or cracking.
  • Durability of slate. Since this material is mainly intended for roofing, manufacturers have set a minimum service life of 30 years for regular slate and 50 years for painted slate. However, more often than not, high-quality ones last much longer. At correct installation in the construction of a fence, the sheets will last no less, unless, of course, they are subjected to an accentuated shock load.
  • Asbestos concrete is not flammable, which is very important for fencing a suburban area.
  • Slate is not subject to corrosion and will not be damaged by moisture from the soil or in the form of precipitation.
  • The material does not heat up in the sun, which also increases its service life.
  • In addition, asbestos concrete can easily withstand any frost without losing its qualities. Usually the guaranteed built-in frost resistance resource is not me 25 deep freeze and thaw cycles.

Disadvantages of asbestos-cement slate

First of all, it is necessary to name those that most often appear if the slate is installed in the form of a fence:

  • Fragility of the material. When subjected to a directed impact or falling, asbestos concrete sheets easily crack and split, especially in cases where they are manufactured in violation of technology.
  • The weight of the sheets is quite large, which for wave slate is 22-26 kg, and even more for flat slate - from 78 to 350 kg. To install it as a fence, you need to prepare a reliable foundation.
  • Asbestos included in slate sheets, emits fumes harmful to humans, therefore, when cutting or drilling sheets, it is recommended to protect the respiratory tract and eyes from contact asbestos concrete dust. Near a fence made of such slate, you cannot install a children’s sandbox or swimming pool, or create a resting place, so as not to put the health of loved ones at risk.

By the way, in many countries the use of asbestos in residential construction has long been prohibited. There is debate about which material is safer - chrysotile asbestos (used in production in Russia and other countries former USSR) or amphibole (European development). Conclusion: both substances are carcinogens. This must be taken into account when choosing material for the fence.

Metal slate

Metal slate is often called corrugated sheeting, which is most often made from galvanized steel with a thickness of 0.4 ÷ 1.0 mm. The surfaces of the sheet are treated with anti-corrosion compounds, primed, and coated with polymer on top - these materials create protective layers that protect the metal from corrosion.

Typically this is a multi-layer, well-protected structure

Metal slate is used in construction for:

  • , technical, production and ancillary buildings.
  • Construction of permanent fences for private suburban areas and temporary fences - for construction sites.
  • Cladding walls of temporary or outbuildings.

Metal slate can have gentle (like regular) waves or angular ones.

Corrugated sheeting (metal slate) is divided into three types according to height and profile structure:

  • Wall - marked with the letter “C”. It is this that is most suitable for installing a fence. The wave height of this profile is from 8 to 45 mm.
  • The profile for the roof is designated by the letter “H”. Its wave height ranges from 57 to 115 mm. It also differs in that there are grooves on the surface for water drainage.
  • The universal profile “NS” is suitable for wall cladding, for installing a fence, and as a roofing material. The height of its wave can be 35 ÷ 45 mm.

This material has both positive traits, as well as disadvantages that you must be aware of if it is chosen for fencing the site.

Prices for different types of slate

Positive traits

  • Easy installation, which can be done by one person.
  • The light weight of the sheets, which is only 3.5 ÷ 5 kg per 1 sq.m., allows you to do without building a foundation.
  • Fire resistance, resistance to high and low temperatures.
  • Mechanical strength of the material - it does not give T t cracks and cannot split, unlike asbestos concrete slate.
  • Thanks to the oxide and polymer coating, metal slate sheets are resistant to corrosion.
  • Very big choice material colors
  • The low cost of metal slate allows you to significantly save on fencing the site.
  • The service life of metal slate is 35 years or more.
  • Environmental safety of the material.
  • The smooth surface does not allow moisture and dust to linger on the surface.

Disadvantages of the material

If the material is chosen for the installation of a fence, then we can say that it has no disadvantages that could prevent such use. There are not many disadvantages of metal slate and when using it for roofing, but they still exist:

  • If you purchase slate that does not have protective coating, then its service life will be limited, since corrosion is inevitable.
  • The material is very noisy heavy rain or hail.

Overlapping metal slate is installed. For rigidity, you can overlap it into two waves. Therefore, this must be taken into account in advance when calculating the installation of pillars between spans.

Fence base

Once the material for the fencing has been selected, you need to decide how best to install it.

There are two options for the base for a slate fence - these are posts with sheathing, installed at a certain distance from each other, without a unifying concrete belt, or a strip foundation with supports built into it.

When planning supports, you need to take into account the weight and structure of the material chosen for the fence. So, when installing metal slate (corrugated sheeting), any of the presented options will do.

To install a fence from asbestos concrete slate, it is still recommended to choose a base with filling.

If flat slate, the most massive of all the materials presented, is chosen for the fence, then it is better to put a concrete base for it. And additionally, enclose each sheet in a frame welded from a metal corner.

If the pillars to secure such a structure are massive and have a large depth, then sometimes they do without a strip foundation, installing only free-standing supports.

However, flat slate is also installed directly on the ground, secured to concrete, asbestos-cement or metal posts.

Strip foundation with pillars

A strip foundation is a reinforced concrete strip buried in the ground and rising above it to a certain height. Its parameters directly depend on what material the fence will be built from, since the greater the weight, the wider and deeper the foundation should be.

To construct a slate fence, a large foundation width is not needed. But if a fence made of flat, heavy slate is installed, then the base or support posts must be well buried.

The preparation process includes marking the territory, determining the fence line, digging a trench for concrete tape foundation, drilling holes, adding a waterproofing and drainage layer, and attaching logs to them.

A. Marking

  • The marking of the territory is carried out according to the plan contained in the cadastral passport of the site.
  • The process begins from the corner of the future building. Used for marking rope, pieces of reinforcement or wooden pegs.

The first step is marking
  • First, at the corner or at the beginning of the site, a reference point is determined, from which the direction of the trench for pouring the foundation will be marked.

The evenness of the foundation strip, and therefore the entire fence, will depend on how accurately the markings are made.

After marking, the area under the stretched ropes can be further marked with lime by pouring lines from it.

B. Trench

  • The trench is dug along marked lines, 300 ÷ 400 mm deep.

  • Next, at a certain distance, holes are made with a hand drill for installing support posts. The maximum distance between them can be 2500 mm, and the diameter is 100 ÷ 120 mm larger than the diameter of the posts.

  • If a regular one is used for the fence asbestos concrete slate, then the posts should be installed at a width of two to three sheets, installed overlapping, provided they are secured to two or three horizontal logs.
  • The depth of the holes for the posts should be about 1000 mm.
  • If the width between the posts is 2500 mm or more, then a hole is drilled between them to install a concrete reinforcement in it, which will give the necessary rigidity to the entire reinforced concrete strip.

B. Pouring the foundation

Upon completion preparatory work You can proceed to arranging the foundation and installing columns.

  • A 100 ÷ 150 mm layer of sand is poured into the holes for the posts, and an 80 ÷ 100 mm layer of crushed stone is placed on top of it. They need to be well compacted.
  • Next, posts are installed in the holes and leveled (plumb).
  • The next step is to pour a concrete solution made from cement and gravel into the space around the posts. Stones selected to size can be wedged in the form of spacers between the walls of the boreholes and columns.

The poured concrete must be left to set for at least one day.

  • After the concrete has set so that the columns stand rigidly, they are connected with horizontal logs, which are welded or screwed at an equal distance from each other.

For metal and flat asbestos concrete slate, logs made of rolled steel (angle or rectangular profile pipe) are well suited, but for wavy asbestos concrete It is better to use wooden blocks.

  • After this, a backfill is made into the trench under the foundation, first from sand and then from crushed stone, and it is well compacted.
  • After this, it is installed, while the reinforcing bars are not welded together, but are fastened using twisted wire. The top of the reinforcement belt is located approximately 30 mm below the future surface of the foundation.

  • Wooden formwork is knocked together along the entire trench. If desired and possible, it can be installed from pieces of flat slate of the required height. In this case, such formwork may be permanent, and the foundation itself will immediately have smooth walls that do not require additional decorative finishing. Moreover, flat slate can then be painted in any color or a pattern can be applied to it, for example, imitation stone or brick. The height of the above-ground part of the foundation can range from 200 to 500 mm.
  • After the formwork is ready, concrete solution is poured into it - it is recommended to carry out this process in one step so that no gaps form between the layers of concrete pouring. Otherwise, moisture may accumulate in the gaps, which, if frozen, can damage the solidity of the foundation strip.

The concrete is leveled from above and left to dry. The process of drying and strengthening takes place for at least 8 ÷ 10 days. After the foundation is ready, all that remains is to install the slate sheets.

Prices for cement and basic mixtures

Cement and base mixtures

Pillars without strip foundation

  • If there is no possibility or desire to build a foundation for a slate fence, you can get by with installing only posts. In this case, you will need to deepen the holes for their installation. Work begins, just as when constructing a foundation, by marking the line of the future fence.

In this option, for marking, one rope is enough, which is stretched starting from the anchor point to the length of the entire fence in one or two directions.

  • Next, the locations of the posts are measured along the rope and marked. A peg or piece of reinforcement is installed in the center of the future hole.
  • Then holes are drilled in the marked places. In this case, they must be at least 1000 mm deep and have a size greater than the diameter or cross-section of the pipes by two to two and a half times.

This must be done because the pipe will not have such supporting walls, which would ensure its rigid verticality, such as the racks in combination with a strip foundation have. This means that its position will need to be strengthened by welding several reinforcing sections to the bottom of the post, placing them crosswise.

This is especially important to do if round or square posts with a small cross-section are installed.

  • If support posts are used asbestos concrete pipes that have a fairly large diameter (150 ÷ ​​200 mm), they themselves should stand stable and do not require additional spacer elements.
  • Sand and crushed stone are poured into the bottom of the well and then compacted well.

Then a column is installed, stones are poured around it, and then the remaining space is filled concrete mortar. The verticality of the installation is immediately carefully verified, and then the whole thing is left alone for 8 - 10 days - until the concrete sets and hardens well.

The next step is to tie the columns with horizontal logs, which will give rigidity to the structure and will serve as the basis for attaching slate sheets.

The columns are connected to each other by horizontal jumpers - logs

Can be used as a lag square pipe or metal corner, into which a wooden block is inserted and secured - this will make it easier to screw the slate sheets.

To secure horizontal joists to round pipes, special metal ear pads with holes are welded onto them.

Video: one way to install fence posts

Installation of slate sheets

After the base is ready, they proceed to the actual installation of the fence from slate sheets.

  • It is not difficult to screw metal sheets - special self-tapping screws are used for them with heads that are the color of slate sheets, equipped with a press washer and a rubber gasket

Metal slate is screwed to the joists at the bottom of the wave.

  • Wave mount asbestos concrete slate is made through the top of the wave. Sheets can be secured with slate nails or self-tapping screws. But before you screw in screws or hammer in nails, you must drill holes for them using a drill and a special drill bit. When screwing or driving in fasteners, rubber or silicone gaskets are put on them.

  • It is very important to position the first sheet of the row strictly vertically. It is installed according to construction level, fasten in two or three places, in addition to the edge on which the next sheet of slate will overlap (on one or two waves). The sheet is secured to each crossbar with three to four self-tapping screws.

  • Flat slate can be mounted not on logs, but in a frame made of a metal angle, which is made to the size of the sheet. The frame is welded to the supporting pillars and then installed into it asbestos concrete flat sheet. Then, metal stoppers are welded from the back of the frame, which will hold the slate inside. This method is the most optimal when installing a fence made of flat slate, since there is no need to drill holes that weaken the material - even with a slight mechanical impact, a crack may appear in the sheet. There is only one drawback of this method - high consumption of rolled metal.

If a sheet of flat slate is installed on the foundation and screwed to joists or lugs welded to the support pipes, then the holes are carefully measured and carefully drilled. In this case, fastening is carried out with bolts on which rubber gaskets are put on both sides. In addition to them, before tightening the nut, a wide metal washer is put on.

Fittings or other decorative design

In order for a fence made of metal slate to have a finished look, it can be refined with special fittings that are produced for wall metal profiles - these are corners different sizes, U-shaped strip that will cover the upper and lower edges of the fence, a lower protective strip that, if necessary, closes the gap between the foundation and the slate, as well as the roof different types for support posts. All these details can be matched to the main shade of the slate or, conversely, purchased in a different color that matches well with most of the fence.

Flat slate can be covered with plain paint, or you can even show creativity and transfer onto it an image of a corner of nature or another interesting design (graffiti) that will complement general form the entire yard.

In addition to the aesthetic transformation, slate coated with paint will also acquire additional protective qualities, since the hygroscopicity of the material will decrease.

The challenge for creative owners is art painting(graffiti) on the fence

You can paint not only flat slate, but also wave slate, although the latter can be purchased already painted.

A fence made of any slate is easy to install and affordable, so it is installed both at the boundary between two neighboring plots and at the border with the street. This material will give the area a neat appearance both from the street and from the inside of the yard, so it will suit any design and color scheme home decoration.

Video: example of building a slate fence

Slate fences are not classified as traditional options execution of the fence, but, under certain circumstances, they can help solve the problem quickly and inexpensively.

  • Long service life of the material. Asbestos cement sheets, even without additional processing, can last for several decades. They do not change their original properties under the influence of low and high temperatures, and are not subject to rotting and oxidation;
  • The cost of new material is affordable, although most often sheets that have been used but have retained their shape are used for permanent and temporary fencing;
  • Assembling a fence from flat slate with your own hands, as well as from corrugated material, will not be difficult even for a novice builder;
  • Asbestos cement sheets allow you to make maximum use of the master’s imagination. If desired, the sheets can be cut and original design elements can be created. On flat surfaces you can apply paint to create entire paintings.

Slate fencing has negative qualities:

  • Fragility. Asbestos-cement sheets are quite easy to damage when hit by a hard object or when bent. The sheets burst, crack, and eventually, to repair, the entire element has to be replaced;
  • Slate does not burn, but when high temperature bursts, shooting out separate pieces.

What slate to use

You can make a slate fence with your own hands from wavy or flat sheets. Wave material is more often used as a roof covering, while flat slate has many more applications.

Flat slate

Abbreviations used to refer to this material LP-P and LP-NP, which means flat pressed sheet And flat unpressed sheet.

The difference between pressed and unpressed material is determined by different meaning bending strength.

Pressed sheets have greater strength due to a denser structure, which increases the service life of the material, its frost resistance and resistance shock loads. The positive aspects of non-pressed products include their low weight compared to pressed sheets, as well as their lower cost.

The industry produces flat slate in three main sizes:

  • 1x1.5 m;
  • 2x1.5 m;
  • 3x1.5 m.

Wavy slate

The following abbreviations are used to refer to corrugated sheets: VO, VU and UV, which means wave ordinary, wave amplified And unified wave. The sheets differ not only in strength characteristics, but also in size: VO - 1120x680 mm, VU - 2800x1000 mm, HC - 1750x1125 mm.

Ordinary corrugated products are used to organize roofing on small private housing construction projects (sheds, cottages, bathhouses), reinforced sheets can be used to cover roofs on industrial facilities, and universal slate is suitable for any buildings and structures.

For fencing, the most suitable option would be to use reinforced corrugated sheets.

It has the highest strength among the considered asbestos-cement wave materials, which means it will last longer as a fence material. In addition, the reinforced sheets are lightweight (27 kg), which is important when constructing a corrugated slate fence with your own hands.

There is no particular point in buying slate specifically to build a fence. If you have to spend money on fencing, especially if you have to make a fence on the facade of the site, it is better to purchase more durable and durable sheets from a metal profiled sheet, but if you have to create a fence between neighboring areas, then it is best to make a fence from old slate with your own hands.

Which base to choose

Two options can be used as a foundation for a slate fence: a strip base and individual concreting for each post.

Tape base

This type of foundation involves removing soil along the entire perimeter of the future fence. The width of the tape should be at least twice the diameter of the post, and the depth depends on the depth of soil freezing in the area, but cannot be less than 0.8 m.

Wooden formwork is prepared for pouring. The pillars are installed at the time of pouring, tracking verticality using a plumb line.

This type of foundation is quite expensive and its organization for the construction of a slate fence is not reasonable. The use of slate implies savings, and strip foundations It is best used for the construction of permanent brick or concrete fences.

Individual concreting of pillars

It is much more efficient and cheaper to concrete each support. Individual concreting is carried out as follows:

  1. Holes are dug at the designated points using a drill or manually. The diameter of the hole should be twice the diameter of the post. The depth of the hole must be at least 800 mm.
  2. Sand is poured into the bottom of the hole and compacted; fine gravel is poured on top and also compacted.
  3. Roofing felt is used for waterproofing equipment. It is laid along the length of the hole so that it fits snugly against the walls; in this case, the roofing felt also acts as formwork for concrete.
  4. Concrete for pouring the support is made from M400 cement and sand in a ratio of 1:3.
  5. The solution prepared in a concrete mixer is poured into the hole, after which the post is inserted.
  6. To install the pole strictly vertically, you need to check it using a plumb line and a vertical level.
  7. The concrete gains full strength within 28 days, but to continue installing the fence it is enough to wait 7 days. The strength gained will be enough to install guides and slates.

Required materials and tools

To make a slate fence, you will need to prepare the following materials:

  • flat slate. The height of the fence will correspond to the height of the slate - 1.5 m, the length of the slate should be chosen based on the ease of operation and the marking of the support pillars;
  • supporting For corner posts and gate supports, it is best to use stronger ones. metal pipes with a cross-section of 100 mm, metal posts with a cross-section of 80 mm will be sufficient for intermediate supports and gates;
  • used as transverse guides for asbestos-cement sheets edged board 50 mm thick;
  • To install jumpers on a pole, you will need to organize a jumper in the form of a metal corner, 250 mm in size. Each post will require at least two jumpers to attach the guides at the top and bottom;
  • Self-tapping screws will be required as fastening material for the slate; bolts and nuts will be used to fasten the guides.

To install the structure you will need to purchase the following tools:

  • level;
  • plumb line;
  • drill for preparing holes for posts;
  • shovel;
  • container for preparing concrete or concrete mixer;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • welding machine;
  • hacksaw;
  • wrenches;
  • cutting wheels for concrete and grinder;
  • safety glasses, gloves and respirator.

Asbestos dust is very harmful to health, so when working with slate with cutting wheels, you need to use a respirator and safety glasses.

Calculation of the required amount of materials with examples

In order to correctly calculate the required amount of materials for a slate fence, you should accurately measure the length of the future fence. Before starting work you need to find reference points, marking the boundary of the site, this must be done by the owner himself. To avoid claims and disputes with neighbors, you may have to call surveying specialists and update the site layout plan.

Let's assume that the boundary boundaries of the site coincide with the existing ones, and using the example of a site of 20x25 meters, we will make a step-by-step calculation of the necessary materials:

  1. The perimeter of the site is 90 m. To equip the gate you will need 4 meters, and for the gate 1 meter, respectively, for the blind fence there remains: 90-4-1 = 85 meters. If flat slate with dimensions of 1.5x3 m is used for installation, to cover 85 meters you will need: 85/3 = 28.33 sheets, rounded up and it turns out - 29 sheets.
  2. Considering the height of the fence is 1.5 m and the need to bury the support post into the ground at a distance of at least 1.5 meters, we find the height of the post to be 3 meters. For corner supports and gates you will need 6 pillars with a cross section of 100 mm.
  3. To calculate the number of intermediate supports, you should divide one side of the fence by the distance between the posts (it is recommended to install posts every 2.5 meters). 20/2.5=8 pillars in width and 25/2.5=10 pillars in length. From the length of the front side, you need to subtract the width of the wicket and gate: 20-4-1=15, and also divide by 2.5. The total will be: 20 pillars in length (two sides), 8 pillars in width on one side, and 6 pillars on the front side. A total of 34 intermediate supports with a cross-section of 80 mm and a length of 3 m are required.
  4. Boards 50 mm thick and 130 mm wide were chosen as transverse guides. If there are two rows of guides at the top and bottom, 180 meters of boards will be required.
  5. A metal corner 50x50 mm long 250 mm will be used as a support for the guides. The total number of pillars is: 6 + 34 = 40, respectively, 80 pieces of corner will be required, with a total length of 20 meters. When purchasing a corner, you should take into account the length of the standard product (6, 9 and 12 m).
  6. To attach the guides to the support, you will need 80 mm long bolts with nuts. 80 supports with two attachment points will require 160 bolts.
  7. To fasten the slate, self-tapping screws 50 mm long will be used. Each sheet will require 12 screws (fastening pitch 500 mm), respectively, for the entire fence you will need: 29x12 = 348 screws.
  8. Concreting one support will require 5 kg of cement and 15 kg of sand. In total you will need: cement - 40x5 = 200 kg (4 bags), sand - 40x15 = 600 kg.

The depth of the support pillars depends on the depth of soil freezing in the construction area, so the height of the pillars will differ depending on the climate zone.

Instructions for building a slate fence

The construction of a fence consists of several stages. Next instructions will help beginners in construction independently complete all the work step by step and without errors.

Planning. Before starting work, you should prepare a plan. On the site diagram, you should mark the points where the corner posts will be located, the distance between them is measured, and the installation locations of intermediate supports are marked.

Marking. All support placement points are transferred from the plan directly to the site. The corner points are found first and pegs are placed on them. Next, a cord is stretched around the entire perimeter, which will allow you to accurately mark the installation locations of the intermediate supports; a peg is also driven in to indicate the location of the support.

Excavation. On next stage preparing holes for support pillars. The depth of immersion of the support into the ground depends on the depth of freezing in the area, but making holes less than 0.8 m deep is not recommended.

Preparation of pillars. Before installing the poles, it is necessary to prepare them for being in an aggressive environment, for which metal surface cleaned of rust and painted special compounds or bitumen.

Concreting. As formwork for concrete, roofing material is used, which is placed along the walls of the hole. It is advisable to compact the bottom of the hole and fill it with sand and gravel. After preparing the hole, concrete is poured into it and a post is inserted.

The verticality of the installation is checked using a plumb line and level. Further work with the supports is possible only after a week has passed, after the solution has gained sufficient strength.

Installation of supports for guides. Angle sections with holes for attaching guides are welded to the installed posts. The places where the pipe sections are attached and the bases themselves should be treated with anti-corrosion compounds and painted.

Installation of guides. The guides are bolted to the prepared bases. Once installed, wood rails must be painted to strengthen the wood and protect it from rotting.

Slate installation. Fastening the slate to the guides is best done by two people so that a partner can hold the sheet in the required position. The slate is attached with self-tapping screws to wooden guides using a screwdriver. To prevent chipping and breaking through the base, a rubber washer should be placed under the head of the self-tapping screw.

The use of roofing nails for fastening slate is not recommended, as you need to have certain qualifications to work with them.

When marking the fence, you should leave small gaps between the sheets and in the places where the sheets adjoin the ground. These gaps will help reduce the windage of the entire structure, which will allow the fence to withstand hurricane winds.

Final works. At the last stage, a wicket and gate are installed. Gate leaves and gates are usually welded separately from metal profile or corner. To attach the leaves to the posts, special gate awnings are used.

The wicket and gates can also be covered with flat slate, but since these elements will be often used, it is recommended to use a lighter and more durable metal profile sheet. After hanging the gate leaves and gates, locks are installed.

On final stage start to finishing works. To extend the service life of asbestos-cement sheets, it is recommended to treat them with coloring compounds. Best suited for this purpose acrylic paints on concrete.

The use of paints will allow you to change the gray, nondescript color of slate. In addition, if you have artistic skills, you can decorate the entire surface of the fence with bright and original designs.

Video on the topic

Build a fence from inexpensive and reliable material Just. It is enough to understand the fasteners, markings and plans for the future construction. For example, a fence made of slate will last longer than one made from untreated boards. And in private households they try to use even old roofing material- you can use it to make a fence at the back of the site. It turns out that both new and previously used slate are suitable for the job.

Features of using slate for fence construction

Slate is one of the simplest and inexpensive materials for making a fence. Moreover, any side of the fence will look neat. Modern slate is suitable for both rural areas, and for houses within the city.

The slate is made of asbestos cement, so maximum strength cannot be expected. It’s easy to guess that even the thinnest iron is more stable. However, there are developments in using slate. Front part It is advisable to place the fence away from the road so that accidental debris from under the wheels does not damage the sheets. And ordinary barriers between neighboring plots are easiest to make from slate; even one person can handle such work.

This material has been known for quite a long time. It is obtained by mixing Portland cement, asbestos and water. Evenly distributed asbestos fibers form a strong mesh, increasing the impact strength and tensile strength of the material.

Advantages and disadvantages of using slate for a fence



  • asbestos in the composition is not an environmentally friendly material;
  • explodes when heated;
  • service life depends on the specific location. And the lower the temperature in winter, the faster cracks will appear. If you protect with acrylic (paint), the service life will increase;
  • When working with slate, protection is required. It is necessary to wear construction respirators to prevent dust from entering the respiratory tract.

Types of slate used for fences

Wave sheets made from asbestos cement have a curly shape. The material has the following advantages:

Flat slate sheets have the same composition, the only difference is in shape.

Both types of slate have flaws that can be ironed out. Appearance The material deteriorates somewhat over the years, becomes dull and fades. However, if you cover it with special substances, this can be prevented.

Flat or wavy slate for a fence is a weak material, or rather, brittle in bending. Don’t forget about the weight of such a building unit; it is quite large compared to the same metal sheet.

If you decide to buy slate rather than use the old one from the roof of the house or outbuilding, then you should keep in mind that it is easier to mount and load flat sheets.

DIY slate fence installation

Making a slate fence is easy. On a not very large area, such work can be completed in a few days.

Preparation for construction: marking the territory

Some kind of important feature There is no slate fence in the markings. This working moment is the same as the layout for any type of fence. To begin with, it is worth clearing the part of the territory where construction will take place. Next, you need to tighten the thread and install it so that along its entire length it follows the line of the future fence. Markings are usually secured to pegs, posts, steel reinforcement, or any other remaining building material. Accuracy in size and placement of the thread along the entire length of the future slate fence is the main requirement for marking.

When calculating the building material, the required number of posts for the entire fence is determined. During the marking process, it is necessary to accurately place a landmark in their place. A specific distance is maintained between each pillar; if this stage is neglected, further work will only become more complicated. After all, all slate sheets have same size. It is for this that they plan to mark the pillars.

Selection of material and its dimensions

A good construction market or supermarket can offer:

  • euroslate, also known as ondulin;
  • asbestos cement slate;
  • plastic slate.

All these materials are intended for roofing, but are also perfect for fences. When choosing, you need to focus on the characteristics:

  • plasticity;
  • rigidity;
  • hardness

When purchasing new fencing material, many people prefer flexible slate. It probably won't be damaged by strong winds. Such construction material has a rectangular shape, its surface is either flat or wavy. The downside is this: the stated service life is only 15 years, and the protective layer must be replaced every 5 years. The interior of flexible slate is susceptible to burning.

Video: flexible polycarbonate slate

Calculation of the required amount of material

The standard dimensions of wave slate are 1750 by 1135 millimeters.

The long side of the sheet is usually attached horizontally. The corrugated material must be mounted on the fence with an overlap, for which there is a margin of 125 mm. This makes it easier to calculate the length of the fence. It is not difficult to guess that for 1 meter of construction you will need one sheet, placed horizontally in a wave.

What’s interesting is that when working with wave slate, you shouldn’t be afraid of incorrect markings, because the sheets can hide all the errors between the pillars.

The flat material is available in four sizes:

  1. Length 3 meters, width 1.5 meters.
  2. Length 2 meters, width 1.5 meters.
  3. Length 1.75 meters, width 1.13 meters.
  4. Length 1.5 meters, width 1 meter.

Most often they try to buy the third option, paying attention to the thickness. This parameter should be equal to 10 mm, then the sheet itself will weigh 40 kg. For comparison: a thickness of 8 mm is already lighter - 30 kg.

Calculating the amount of material is very simple: you need to measure the total length of the fence and divide it into one sheet. More precisely, by the amount that remains without overlap. Having received the required number of units, you need to purchase with a reserve of 2 or 3 pieces.

An example of calculating the number of wave slate sheets

Let's assume that the total length of the perimeter is 40 meters. Wave slate 1750 by 1135 mm in the amount of 40 units is being used ( working surface one sheet is 1 m). They buy not 40 sheets with a reserve, but 42–43, because defects and errors in construction are inevitable.

Necessary tools for building a fence

When installing on your own, it’s better to work in pairs, but you won’t be able to do it without the following set of tools:

  • grinder or screwdriver with a cutting attachment;
  • drill;
  • welding machine;
  • spanners;
  • levels;
  • plumb line;
  • construction hammers;
  • mounting bolts.

Step-by-step guide to making a slate fence

The work is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Use a hand drill to create holes for the posts around the perimeter of the marking. When there is no such tool, they take an ordinary shovel and carefully dig deep, but not wide holes. They try to make sure that further filling with the solution is economical. The holes are made one third of the length of the pillars.
  2. Install pillars. The support can be corners made of metal profiles or pieces of pipes. These components, together with the pillar, must subsequently be filled with concrete or cement. The distance between the pillars is no more than two and a half meters.
  3. Install veins. Between the pillars you need to fasten horizontal strips, which are usually made of timber, and when budget construction- from poles. These elements need to be secured with screws. If the veins are made from a profile pipe, they are mounted using welding machine. In the absence of such a tool, you can drill holes in iron posts and attach any type of pole to bolts. When this part of the work is completed, it is advisable to protect the fence frame with automotive mastic. Usually they try to apply more than one layer, then the frame structure will be completely protected from corrosion.
  4. Lay the preparatory base along the entire fence line. Going to work old brick, less often a special site is filled.
  5. Install the fence cloth. Sheets of slate are alternately secured to the frame with nails or self-tapping screws.

Video: how to paint fence posts correctly

Finishing and decorating a slate fence

This type of fence is easy to protect, decorate, and maintain. It is enough to follow some established rules:

Any mechanical damage for slate, they think about it in advance, otherwise its service life is reduced several times.

Video: installing a slate fence

Slate was invented for roofing, so create from it reliable fences or there is not always a barrier. They stop at this material only if there is a large remainder after construction or there is no suitable modern material in the store. Although on the outskirts of the countryside, where there is a possibility of theft good stuff too high, nailing old slate onto the poles would be the best solution.


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